Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 10, 1844, Image 3

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    Married, • • , • •
~i tb alt„ by elder Thomab
te •
Toy" EhLt. td
Me* Miss Euziecas 'Rua-
of RO I
will b e # meeting of the Washingto•
o f t ie Borough of Towanda, at the Fire
no • )
• 11. C. KELLY
1 7 , 0311732" X ,LU UaEWT9
on the north side of the Public Square,
- tbe recently occupied by D.M.8u11.)
-Ty ne t Dean,
r t friend, f No. 505, MaYTerm, 843.
Arder, Libel-for Divorce.
lln Bradford Gem. Pleas.
„, n t Dean. • •
RICHARD DEAN, the' defendant in
the above libel You are hereby notified'
Emily S, lean, your wife, by her next
Artier," has filed her Petition tor
oree .f ro al you, from the berms of niatrimo
rA thiCalias subpoena has beep • returned,
roll made that you were nth to be found.
a county. You are therefore hereby re-
I , a ppear at the Court Pause, -in the
' h o rc o wanda, at the May Term of Said
Ea „, p l e as, on the first Monday of May
t osser said complaint, and show cause,
r yes have, why the !said Emily should
he diliorail from you.
1 JOHN N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
Va'ada, April- 5, 1844. S•
jWarailL(g& IMMEII2 2
IHE friends and patrons of this institutiOn
are Informed that the Simmer Term wit
nen& on Monday, the 29th inst.
no of tuitihikper,Quarter of 12 weeks.
ient & Foreign Languages & Drawing, .$5
Mora) and Mental Science, 4
Imcin English branches, '3
Contiogencesj&'' dents per quarter.
is expected that asompetent- Instructress
oke charge of the Female Departinent, at
ammeneement of the term.
CHARLES NASH, Principal.
>epode, April 4, 1844.
will be held in . Towandri in and for tb
r of Bradford; on Thursday, the 13th da
'n hest, at_lo o'clock in theforenom
vial of the following causes, to wit:
/eCbastelleui vs,A. Fairchild. Trespas
Holden vs. Moses Warfare), do.
a grader vs, J. Decker gt aL, eseetmen
Benight vs. L. M. Palmer, et al. do.
. igtary's Office, May - 6', 1844
LS OF JURORS drawn for; Ma
Turn and . Sessions 1844. i -
Arnold, John Corbin, Geo. Lyoi
:-Wm. Angle, Jeremiah Barnes;
,id-Ira C. Bullock; •
,s,-Arrine Clarkl2d, Thomas Rodger
Flo;,-wm.Camp jr.; • ' -
ivi".-Wopdford Clark;
-e.-Franklin Fowler, E.Young;
t!.:gStone-James Gordon; • .
Creek-Levi Godard; •
y=-Sacob Beverley ;
Ara-Charles Johnson„
-V.NI.Long; .
;tan-H.B. ;-
-had Wilson.
- f.eld,-Charles Burgess, W.Ccioper,
-1. E. Bullock, A . Marsh, Gould S i f
4ton—lotin Bailey;
''.onklin Baker, Adolplius SEraldh
Bull, Joseph Ingham, 4.
r—indrew - Burnside Wm. Gibson ;
'Ad—Christopher C hild, Hiram Dorf (
W.Miller, Elijah . B.'rracy, C 4 .PI
Abel. Darling ; '
llatidson; J. Rogers ;
.cl—Eamrial Fairchild ; • •
ilin—&.(lay,}l: Willey;
un—Y.lsiar Hoop ;s '
born—W m .eda Keeler •
Stockwell ; •
r 7 — Wro.R.Buck. John Mivadirille;
enii—Reuben Mascu-
I—Chester Pierce, G. Scott;
lam--Aaron Post;
- RussellPalmer; ' , •
' C reek—Benjamin Quick;
`lP—Orson Rickey, Simon Spalding, I
' lO l Henry S. W ells ; ,
t— A.Redgera, genry Whitaker ;
Charles Russell, Platt Rodgers,
/- I ;—J. Ackley, .I.Buller, Wm. C
L .Belding jr., Bailey;
barn.: -Daniel Bartlett;
''' - e.R.Bassett,A..o ;
' D .V.Baznes, John Porter, G. F
4 . 11 .8i51v, Ulysses Moody;
—W. Berry, C,. G. Leonard, T. W
-IFlac Camp;4AV.Eligman; ."
'Zebra French, A. Minier; T. Smith
' l a—Luther Godard ;
L•fladdock ; . •
' I -
— Pilonsoa Lovelace, 1 - t
K.Porter ; I i.
41 P—Eiii Rutty
A--A Taylor ;
-- V.Vincant ;
t•lt. Warner. •
4 ZZIZ O /Z L.U 1 /U,
c7ell edo - f6co in Th. y Ett4. Co P 1
, 43 4 to busittess.of said 01504 i
eir professiork...ali coPluto?"-'
" 1 sill attend punctually at said offic
E. W. Buil), consults
TA relation btbe business of th
"°scalin Towanda. 43-6 z
inb.Y; virtue of sundry writis sof Yerid :Expa,
joip issued from the court of]
_common pleas
of Br adford 06itty; tahall expoie at public sale
at the house of 8.-Airisford; in the boiough
-Towanda,—nn ,Ifonday the 6th day of
MAY next, at 1 o'clock P. + AL, the follow-
Mg piece or parcel of land situate , in Burling
ton township and bounded on the north by
lands of Marcus Loomis ; maths east by /times
Veridyie; on the south by N. Bailey ;, on the
west, y Nathaniel Bennett. Containing Seven
acres more or less,' half an acre improved, with
a saw mill thereon erected; the one half of the
above described property is seized at and turn
out by Nehemiah Bailey.
,Seiied and taken in • executiontat the suit of
John F. Means vs. Isiehemiah Bailey. •
ALSO4-The 'Allowing piece or -parcel of
land situate in Franklin township and bounded
on the north bylands of Oliver W. Dodge; on
the east by William Lyons and others ; on the
south by Daniel L. Dodge; on the West by Oli
ver W. Dodge. Containing sixty five acres
thirty acres or more improved, with a logilouse
and log barn thereon erected. ' , •
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
0. R. Tyler to the use, of J.ll l W. W. B. Hart
vs. Daniel Cokely. •
- ALSO—The following , piece or parcel of
land, situate in Burlington; Bradford 'County
and bounded as follows :{beginning at a beach
the Na E, corner of: the Lyman Dodge lot (so
called) on warrant lot no. 1485; thence.east
on the , north line of said warrant lot 108 and
8-10 perches to a. post for a corner; thence
south one hundred and fifty two and 8-10 per
ches to a beech; thence !north 152 and 8-10
perches to a beechtree, thence north. 152 8-10
perches to the beginning. Containing one
hundred and fifty tivo' acres and ninety five
perches strict measure,- with twelve or fifteen'
acres improved with a framed house, framed ,
barn and saw mill thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the Suit of
Joseph ICingsbery Jr.:vs. Joseph Riley. ' •
ALSO-The following lot of land situate in
Ridglinry township and bounded •on the north
by lands 'of E. Brown; east , by lands of 0. P.
Coleman ; oa the oath by lands of Wm. Hen
; on the west by Pertheson.
seventy six acres, thirty acres improved, three ,
log houses and a small orchard there On.
Seized' and taken in execution at the suit of
Mink A. Burt vs. Giles J. Mandeville find John
ALSO—The following piece or parcel; of
land Situated in Wyalusingtownship, bounded
on the north by Joseph Ingham deceased, on
the easeby John Ingham • on the south liy.
John Ingham and Ingham S tone; on the west
by William Camp. Containing thirty eight
acres about twenty one acres improved, no brill•
ding thereon.
Seized and taken in' execution at the suit of
E. W. Baird vs. DanielM. Beardsley and Jonas
Ingham. • •
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate in_Springfield township
and bounded on the north by George Chase;
west by . Austin Smithi . sputh by William
Brace and E. Rich; and east by William Brace.
Containing eighty seven acres -more or less,
about thirty acres thereof improved, with a log
•house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
J. W. Fassett and Huldah Wakefield, adminis
trators &c., of Chester Wakefield deceased, vs
Jacob Nowell.
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate in Ridgbury township,
and bpunded on the north by Harry Baldwin;
on the east by John Brown and others; on
the ,south: by Ebenezer Dewy's estate; on the
west. by Ralph _Crum. Containing about sev.
enty acres, with about fifteen acres improved,
with a framed house and framed horse shed
and small orchard thereon.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of
Jehial Gregory vs. Silas Baldwin.
ALSO—The following piece, or parcel of
land situate in _Litchfield township and boun
ded as follows: beginning at pine knot and
stones, a rock oak witness N. 67° W. 15 links;
thence N. 34° W. 100 perches to a white oak
sapling fora corner; thence E. 120 perches to
a chestnut sapling for a comer; thence N. 24
perches to the south west conier of a reserved
lot for Solomon Merrill, a post; thence E: 131
2-10 perches to a posf,-ti corner for Chauncey
Parks; thenceS:l - Win - te - a - post - o - n - t .e s.
line of Davie McKinney's lot; thence W. 231
2-10 p. to a post,. a white oak, N. 8° W. mark
ed as a witness; thence, N. 16 p. to a post S.
E. comer of. a lot bought by the parties of the
first part from. Robert Spalding;. thence W 450
p. or to a post on the town line between Athens
and Litchfield,townships;' thence N. on said
town line 60 p. to a post; thence E. 55 p. or
to a corner 8.6 8-10 p. 'of a lot formerly deed
ed to Daniel Park ; thence N. 6 8-10 p. to said
Parks' corner; thence E. 19 p. or to another
of said Park's lot or place of beginning; thtee
hundred and twenty ' seven acres and twenty
. perches.nfore or less.
ALSO—One other lot beginning at a crook.
ed chestnut the south west corner of a lot Sur
veil to Daniel Done; thence N. 100 rods to a
hemlock sapling ; thence E. 80 to a post ;
thence S. 100 p. to a post and thence W. 80 p.
to the beginning. Containitig fifty acres more
or less j and both pieces. inclusive containing
three hundred, and seventy seven acres and
twenty eight perches with' about ninety acres
improved and a framed house and one framed
and one log ban and.two apple orchards there
Seized s and taken in execution at the suiirof
Benjannin Larabcrup the use of L.H. Sher
man vs: . Charles Chandler.
, ALSO—the following described 2 lots - of
land.situated in the village of Troy,
follows;•wit: On the North by N. Newbury,
on, the leastAby the • highway, on the west by
A Herrick.i Containing one half acre, with, a
framed waggon shop and blacksmith shop them-
ALSO—Another lot deseribed asfollows :
On. the lwest by the highway,•aeuth by A. Her
rick, east 'by Sugar Creek, north by
lard - . containing of an acre with two framed
housea and one fruited barn thereon. -
Seized and taken in execution at the,suit of.
Taylor,' Long, and Thomism the use of, White
and4Barms vs R.H. Hickocki, -
ALSO—The following piece or fated- of
land situate in Athens township, bounded and
described as,follows. to wit:' On the north by,
lands cif-Manias D. Richman, east by Albert
Campbell, on the south by lands of Richard and
Mary Oirton, i imtl on, the ,West by Honice
Williston. Containing fifty acres one acre im
proved and a log - house thereon erected. •
Seized and taken 'in execution at the suit of
Georgefritcher and Martin S. Rogers vs. Jacob,,
ALSO—A lot of land in -the horough of To.:
wandi Bradford county, bounded on thee:let by.
Main street, on the south by MM. Elizabeth
Means' land, and, lend heretofore sold hy her
to John-E. criegeri on thiliest by alert in the
permutation of ICC. - Arnout, and. on the. north
by land heretofore gala by_ Z. Zr.:-B. Theresa .to
Page ,Sr. Ellsworth, and kumd not or forinerly
of Edirird White. Containing half an acre
mom atlas with a tut story . framed building .
I -- thereon erected,-lii Iltddirig use& heretofore as a
ten=pin alley, m1)11:file shanty.
st,lBeized and•takan* in axecution• at the suit of,
I D. F. Baiatow was` Thomas and Benja-
ALB.O-4he following, pieta or parcel of
land situated-th Bidgbury township and bound
ed as follows, to-wit: On the north west by
land of William B. Johnson, on the north east
by Arvid Burt and the Cavell tract, on tho
soar .by lands. of John Curie:pinto and James
Containthg-one hundred and sixty
posiessioa 'right, be the same more or less, ten .
acres improved with a 14 house *mon.
Seized and, taken la execution at the suit of
Edward Covell and Robert Covell, IX: vs. Jacob
ALSO--A lot oiparcettof land. situatelw
Tuscarora torethp and bounded asfplloWs, to
wit:.On the south by lead of M: C. Mercur,
on the east by land in the warrantee name of
Peter Lowry, on the north by land of M. C.
Mercur, on the ,west by lend in that nano of
Peter Ouinip: r Containtngfifty acreszoore or
, Seized and taken in execution' at tho suit.of
14t. C. Mercur is. William Dickinson. •
ALSO—The followingdeaeribed land situate
in Burlington and bounded as follows, to wit:
On the north by land of J. Hoover, east by
lands William linapp, Polly Rundell, Z. Lane
and John Gustin, and on the south by lands
of Zephaniah Lane, and on the west by Sugar
Creek, and lands of Soper and , Wilcox and A.
Lane. Containing one hundred and twenty
two acres more . or less, with about 75 acres int
proved with two dwelling , houses, •one douhle
saw mill and 'one single saw mill, one Grist ntol
and one framed barn and shed therean erected.
ALSO—Another . piece' or parcel of land
situate in Burlington and bounded as follows,
to wit : Beginning at a beech tree marked for
the south west corner of lot No. 66, and south
west corner of lot No. 65,'0f the , lands of .the
Bank of Northumberland so called, thence 105
perches and 5-10 to a post, thence west 205
perches aid 7,10 to a , post, thence east 100
perches to the place of beginning._ Containing
four hundred and thirty. one acres more or less
it being lots Neu77-78L--75-.-70 warrantee
lots 147 and 149, • • • . ~•
ALSO—One undivided half part of a piice or
Pare'el of tend in Burlington township on the
south aide of the Sugar creek, bounded on the
north—on the west by lands of J. Wilcox,
on the south by lands of Z.-Lane, on the east
by John Gustin, and fully described•in a deed
to Smith and Bacon: Containing —acres
more or lulu- ,
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Gordon Burnham vs. Asahel Smith.
ALSO—A lot of land situate in Leniy town.
ship, bounded on -the north by lands of John
Vaughn, on the west by lands of Sterling Hol
comb, on -the south by Towanda' creek, east
by lands of Hugh Holconib. Containing two
hundred acres, be same more or less, with a
framed house, wood shq, corn house and three
framed barns and a large apple orchard thereon
with about one hundred acres iMproved. -
Seized and taken in eieention at the suit of
0. P. Ballard vs; Sterling Holcomb and Seely
Holcomb, and Orison ROyse. •
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Athens
tp., bounded north by hinds of Doctor Wood
ruff, west by the heirs of Swain, south by the
heirs of John Shepard, east by the Susquehan
na river. Containing fifty acres, with a framed
house and-barn, together with a young orchard
of apple trees. „
. Seized and taken in execution, at the suit of
Nathaniel C. Harris vs. William Robb.
, ALSO—A piece or Parcel of land situate in
Smithfield township, bounded north by lands '
of Edwin Eames • and Salon Weed; east by
lands of John Bird; south by lands of David
Farnsworth, Sally Wood and John Bird ; wed
by land of Barnard Farnsworth and Isaac Bul
lock. Containing about one hundred-and two
acres, with about twenty-eight acres improved,
one log house, a new framed barn thereon erected.
Seized and takenin execution at thb suit of
TaylOr and Prince, to the use of P.ll &
Titus vs. Warren Eames. '
-ALSO—A lot of land situate in Columbia,
and bounded south by lands of Hiram Mason;
west by R. S. Wells; north by Simon Johnson
and east by Levi Woodard. Containing nine
ty acres, with thirty acres improved, and a log
house dud framed-bani-thereon
• • ized and taken in-execution at the suit of
~O.P.Ballard ire. Charles Mason.
_ .
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Monroe
and Franklin townships, bounded as follows—
Beginning at an ash on Towanda creek ; thence
by lands of . W._l3.Spilding 190 p. to a white
pine; thence by land of Samuel Wallis south.
50° east 254 p. to spruce;- thence by land of
Samuel Clark north 19° east 344„p. tb a wal
nut on the bank of said creek; thence up said
creek the several courses and distance! to the
place of beginning. Containing 372 acres,
with a trained dwelling house, barn - and saw
mill thereon, and about 40 sires improved.
Seized and 'taken in execution_ at the suit of
Mason and Smith to the Asp of J. T. Kirkpiit-.
rick & co., Ts. Henry B. Myer.
ALSO—The following piece or i pareel of land
in Athens tp., bounded on the_north by the
state line; on the east by,the Owego road; on
the south by S. Spalding; on the west by 3.
Shepard and others. Containing eighty 'acres
more or less, all improved, one large stone grist
mill, a frame tannery, two barns and a framed
shed, and fear framed bowies thereon erected,
together with an orchard thereon.`. .
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
:Wm. P. Miller and Frederick Fawult,, partners
&e., vs. Wm. H. Overton, J. C. Jenkins and
Charles Jenkins, dOing business as Overton,
Jenkins dt,Co.- ' - '
ALSO—The , following piece or parcel of
land in Durel tp., bounded on the north by Da
vid_Benjamin ; on the south bY . ..lotin - Benjti. -
min and Samuel Gillson 2d. and C. Butler; on
the east by land in the possession of S.S.Bmd-,
ley, and on the west .by the heirs of Matthias
llollenback, dec'd. Containing 340 acres more
or less, with about 100 acres improved, with
- two framed housei, one log barn and a small
orchard of young apple trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution ,at the suit of
V E.liollet vs: Amos Ada. '
• ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Ridg
-bury tp.. bounded on the north by the highway,
east by lands of Samuel Wrightmyer. south by
lands of John Leach and west by Williams
Containing abjut forty acres more or less, wait
twenty acres or thereabouts improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
• Joseph 0. Gordon now to the use of o.o.Ship;
man as. Simon. Dickinson. - . 1 • . t
ALSG—A piece or parcel of land in Durel
tp:, bounded west by E. Mason. east by lands
formerly owned by John' WoOd and Oliver Gil
bert; south by lands of -- Weld, and west
by lands formerly owned by'E. Meson." Con
'raining 114 acres more or less, with a dwelling
house and barn thereon erected, 15 „or 20 acres
improved:• ' _ •
Seized.andiaken in execution, at the suit of
.1.4`. Means and T. D . Overton vs, Danl Kietre.
. LL O. A piece "or parcel •ofland in Pike
tp.. bounded north by lands - of Ilajor Darling
and Samuel Chaffee,' east by lands of Almon
Beecher, smith laudsitir .of. Wm. Huipplaer,
and west by lands of Albert Conklin, Alarm)
Patton. Containing !bunt' 200 acres of land,
be the rianie more er less:With about" 100 acres
ittiptoved, - tind two log houses, ,a fnunedhan3;
and a small orchard thereon. : - L --.' •
Seized and taken iii execntion s at the suit of
Comfort B. Cbeff and • Amisti-Diramick, to
the use ofOrwelftintinahip; vs. Peter Hegeman.
• ALSO-4 piecei`O parcel'of land in Grin
vile tii..• - bounded las ,follows:Begihning :at
Southwest corner of Warrant lot n 0.1742; thence
north 280 p'. to the:northsvvest corner of
warrant loti thence east 120 p. to a post north
east corner of lot no. 167. and,Plot tta surveyed
into lots; thence south 280 p. to a ,hemlock
-sapling, south west corner of la t,169 on' said
plot, thence west 120 p. to the beginning. Con
taining 210 acres,lstrict measure, it being in
tended for wholenf lots no. 167 and46B on
said warrant lot n 0.1472, with, 7q,acro im
preyed, a log house and frame barn, thereon,'
Seized' and taken in execution at the scat b(
Timothy Parton and Wm. Davidson,' trustees
of Bank of North America vs. Simon P Chesley.
ALSO—A piece,or parcel oflanii bounded
on the north , by the public highwaya
Athens to Owego,Cast by lands onging
ibe kead
the heirs of John ShepaA de_ c' e .
west by
land of Overton, Jenkins at Co., south by the i
Capita creek. Contairiing ti.iree-fourths of an
acre, more or less; all I impriiied, two framed
houses and barn thereon erected, with otheiout
gazed and taken in execution at suit of
W. R. Overton, to the use of Eder`ard Overton
vs. John Jenkins and Charles Jenkins: .- -
ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land in
Franklin township, described in a certain article
of agreement between E. Overton and Jedethan
Cross, dated 7th May, iB4O, bounded on the
north by the' Canon lanis, east by Jands late of
John Hanson, south by lands late of William
Deemer and 0. W. Dodge, and west by lands
in possession of Daniel Cokely. Containing
100 hundred acres with allowance, with a saw
mill and log house thereon. ..
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Edward Overton vs. Je l dutlian Cross.
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate in Herrick township and
bounded on the east by; lands of Charles Dick
son; on the. south by'lands of&mid Over
;on the westby lands of . Wheeler;
A _
on the north by warrant line of s id hit. Con
taining one hundred acres more or less about
thirty acres improved, vvith a log house, a frame
house and stable thereon erected.- • I
Seized and taken in execution at the 'snit of
Welch dameron & CO. y r s. Harry. N. !Spalding
who 'survived Wip. Myer late of the firm of
Myer 4 Spalding. 7 ,
. .
ALSG—The following piece or - parcel of hind
in Athens tp., boinded on .the north by the
state line, on the eeat by the Owego road, on
the south by S. Spalding, on the west by .1..
Shepard and others. Containing eighty acres,
more or less, all improied i one large stone grist
mill, a frame tannery,' two barns and a framed
shed, and four framed houses thereon erected,
together with an Orcha l rd thereon:
Seized and taken ini execution at the suit-of
John Arnot vs. -Overton, J. C. Jen
kins and Charles Jenkins.
ilias:o—rA piece ell parcel of land in. Ulster
township, bounded north by lands of Cash and
Vanvleck, westl by lands of J. Vanv_leck, smith
by lloldornb, oast by the Susquehanna
river. Containing abOut three hundred acres,
more or less, about twe hundred thereof impiov
ed, with two framed houses, a framed barn and
Orchard therema.
Seized and taken execution at the suit of
Joseph G. Wilkinson now to the use of Natha
niel Clapp vs. Edmuiad Lockwood and-Mary
A. Lockwood.
ALSO—By, virtue of a Levari,Factas, a cer
tain lot piece or parcel, of land sit uate in Orwell
tp., and bounded as follows: beginning-at the
south east corner of Si tract or farm deeded by
Thomas Eddy to Eliphalet Clarke a post; thence
West on the south lihe of said Clarke 197 rods
and 4.10 to a post; thence south. 12°, east 49
340 rods to a post; thence east 184 rods to a
post ; • thence north 64 , 4 ' east 51 3-10 iods to the
beginning. Containing fifty seven acres, and
severity-six perches, and allowance. &C.
Seited and taken in execution 'at the suit of
T, Eddy vs. Hiram Washburn. • •
certain Messuage or tread land
in Athens, bounded ail follows — C—lleginning at
a point on the state line in the mill-race former
ly of J. Sheptud's saw-mill, and now occupied
-by A. Brooks as a factory, thence 'down said
trace 19° ,2 1 40 perches to a post and smiles
for a-eorner on-said nice ;- thence 85° west 20}
perches to a pits!: and stones for the corner of
said lot; thence ; mirth 20 1 45' east 12 perches
to a post and stones for a corner, standing in
said state line; smith *3° east 21 240; perches
to the place of beginnmg. Containing one law.
and fifty -rods.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of :
A. Benton and Arthdr Yates, survivors of Jon-;
athan Stewart us, ',Other Stone: -
ALSO—A certain'inessuage andtract of land
beginning at the south-east corner of a tract or
land granted to Thomas Thomas, Esq. at a point)
on the state line in the mill race formerly of Li
Shepard. and; owned by A. Brooks, and occu
pied by bim , sta a factory;, thencedown said race)
south 19° east .9 2-1 3 0 perches to a post , and :
stones for a corner o said race;. thence south
85° west 20 perches to a post and stenos for
_a corner of said. lot; hence north 20° 45!, east
12 . perches to a post and stones for a Comer on
tlie.staie line,; thence On - said line south 88°
- east 21 2-10 perches to the place of beginning
Containing one scre;and fay-one perches,
Seized and_ taken in execution at the suit of
J. W. Morria to the rise of Arthur Yates, Albert
Benton and Christopher C. Fellows, aurvivoni,
of Jonathan B. 'Stewart vs. Jonathan Rounds
and Luther Stone,' l terre tenants., -
JOHN N. WESON, Sherift
Sheriff's °Mee,
Towanda, April I.t, 1844 J
,IVOTICE is bere!by given to all Persona in 4
1.11 terested, that 'lames D. Newell and Minor
Taylor, administraters of the estate of Jositz/t-
W. Grant, dec'd., and E. Reed Myer and Har
ry_Morgan, adrainisOators of the estate..of Won
Myer, dec'd., have filed an account of their said
administrations in the Register's office at Tot.
viands. and that thelsarne will be ptesented
the Orphan's cdnrt of Bradford co:, on Monday,
"the 6th day of May pest, for .confirmation pnd
allovVance. lULIUS RUSSELL, Register.
Per C. B. RUSSELL, Deptity.„
Regi/ter's Office, Towanda, April 6,1844.
Imam o 8= Ymum.
, , .
Ark the ,
BART has e , agency f
UV. the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurwa;e
Company of Phild*lpka, and is, pmpared
take risks vri :very favorable :terms. Policies
are issued 17 said ' compani . in - the usual man
lier of Other stock Mimparnes.
Towanda, Dec: • ,
OtES,- a lame. assartinevit; t
di 9R
SHERIFF'.B , SALE' - - '
J... ~
Y virtue of .'a Writ of'Fiera Pacing issued
JIM!) Court of coinmow pleas of 13rsd.
ford ',county, io me ;direited.l Shall erpoie to
public sale at the-house of E.RAYNSFORD
in the Borough of Towanda, on. Saturday the
4th, day .of MAY next; at one:chirock P.M.,
the.following,described'pieie or parcel
shims' in Athens triwnsitip; bounded on the
north hy "the - Etats lids and-Luther Stone;' on
'die east by lands in possession of Overiarr and
Jenkins; on the aouth by land o b SheisurL
o.B:Spring and the Sunken tile lot; and
on the west by; !ands of - Thom Ham.-
1, 9 ,
Containing fifty nine acres more '' r less, all
improved, with a small house the' ' n erected,
'with a small shed thermin: •
Kelm& anti taken in eiecntion it the snit of .
Benjunin,G.Rice vs. John C.Jenkins and C.
iiir.N.WE§TON„ Sheriff.-
' Sherin Office.
Towanda, Apiil leg 1844.)
In the Court of
Williams & Bogart • . -
' • Corm ' Pleas of
To the use of J.'P. Adams; ncodfoa co . ;
- • va ,
No., 143,. May
;Ebenezer Lamb. - 1 340
THE Undersigned bavink been appo.mted
Auditor- by said Court, for the bearin,7 di:
adjusting of the , several. claims, upon - the p
ceeds of the Sheriff's sale, of real estate, by v i t.
tue of process issued upon the above judgement,.
will attend for the hearing of the claimants, at
the Prothonotary's office in the Borough of To.
wanes, on Wednesday the 24th day of April
next, at 2 o'clock.-P. M.. at which time and
place all persons interested will please attend.
March '2O, 1644: I
TSubseriber having been appointed by
the Orphan's Court of Bradford county
an auditor to settle the' exceptions filed to the
account and final- settlement of E. S. GOOD
RICH, 'administratOr of the'estate of Benjamiit
Hunt, deceased,l willattend. for- that purpose at
hid office in the borough of Towanda, on Satur
day, the 4ih day of May next, atone o'clock in
the afternoon, of which all persons interested
will take notice. ! E. W. BAIRD, Auditor.
Towanda, March 30, 1844.
THE subscriber having been appointed by
the O'rphan's Court of Bradford county,
an auditor to • settle the exceptions filed 4 the
account ofJARED WOODRUFF and SYL
VESTER-WI ALDEN, executors of the last
will and testament of Philinda Ladd, deceased,
will attend for that purpose at hie office, in the
borough of ToWanda, on Saturday, the 4th day
of May next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, of
which all persons interested will take notice.
E.W. - BAIRD, Auditor.
Towanda, bf r arh 30, 1844.
T•i4.OTICE is_hereby given to,all persons in.
terested that Thomas T Smiley, guardian
o Nancy, Joseph and David Smiley has filed
an account of his said guardianship in the Re.
gister's Office at Towanda, and that the'same
will be presented to the Orphan's Court of
Bradford county on. Monday the 6th day of
May for confirmation and allowance.
:JUI f IUS RUSSELL, Register, '
Per'OeS. RussELL, Deputy.
Register's Office, -- Z •
Towanda, March 18th, 1844. S
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in
terested 1 that E. R. Myer administrator.
of „the estate of Wm. Myer, late guardian of
Elsey Maria Moger has filed an account of his
said guardianship in the Registers Office at To
wanda, and that the seine. will be presented to
the Orphan's Court of Bradford county on Mon
day the - 6th da.! of May next for confirmation
and allowance.
Per. C. S. RussELL, Deputy.t'
Registei's Office,
Towanda, March 18th, 1844. S
To all claimants and persons interested in the
property described below or in the heirs thereon:
Take Notice, that a - writ of Siere Priebe of
-which the following ,is a copy is now in my
hands, and his been dialy served- on Amos
Pennypacker, the owner and contractor therein
named. •
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
• ~
Bradford { County ss.
To the Sheriff of Bradford County, Greeting
--Whereas Nelson P. Brim' rind'Henry. A.
Carey have filed a claim in our County Court
of Common Pleas for the county of Bradford
against AmoslPennypacker for the sum of two
hfindred l and twenty five dollars for work done
to and materials furnished for a certain building
one and a half Story -framed, situated on the
west side of River Street between a lot owned
by Jesse Woodruff and a lot owned by the
heirs of James P. Bull deceased in the borough
of Towanda in said County of Bradforkeon
taining in front on said street twenty two feet
and in depth thirty feet and the lot or piece of
ground and cartilage appurtenant to said build
ing. , And whereas it is alleged that the, said
sum remains doe and unpaid to;the said Nelson
P. Brown and Henry A. Carey ; now we com-•
mend you, that you make known to the said
Amos Pennypacker and to - all, as
may, hold or o ccupy, the said building, that
they bq and a pp e ar before the Judges of our
said court at a Court of. Common Pleas to be
held atTowanda, on the first Monday of May
next, toshovll if , any thing they knovior have
to say why the said sum of twd' hundred and
'twenty five
,tollars should not be levied of the
said building land , piece - Ofground and curtilage
apprirtenantfto said building t o use of the,
said Nelson P. - Brown and Henry S. Carey
accordini to the form and.effect of the act•of
asSemLly, to Bach case made
,and provided, if
to them it shall seem expedient and have you
then and the e this writ. Witness the Hon.
John N, Conyrigham Preiddent- of one. said
COurt; at To6anda the 15thiday of March A.
D. 1844. -• • •
By ALTON C. ALLEN. • Deputy.' •
N. WESTON, Sheriff?
Sheriff's Office, • _ -
Towanda! March . 20, 1844.
Wrstrwroad & Eswsr.r., Atty's for Plaintiff's.
k LI, those indebted to the sibscribers who
oxpett to Tiny in Grain, must deliver it by
the first of *ARCM next, otherwise, vere shrill
expect the 'asrll by the first of April. Those
neglectxhis firicrtheir- tiotar 7111flmoft
counts iri . M. hands ,of . attorgey,. who win
collectthem in the ahoriestrrialVrossibk • •
. J.F:II:IE4INS rli; CO,
Towanda - Feb. 10,1814: • -' .
giyen, that the 'Board of, Reyisioit
j for Briulford county; will meet at the Com.
niiiisioners..o4fice, , :the' biro. of To to
heaesuch as think'thetaselves aggrieved in, the
Assesinnent fin% the pear 1844;on the fidlowing
- • ' . • 2 .
Athens boro.. Athens tp, Asylnin. Albany,
Armenia n Burlington, Canton — on IVionday,thp
./sth of April, • . . ,
Colurnbia, Dnrell, Franklin, Granville, tier
rick. Litchfield, Leroy on Tuesday the 16th of-
Monroe, Orwell, Pike, Rome, Ridgbury. She.
glottis), and Springfield on VflednesilaY the
17th of April./ ---" . .
Sniithfield,,cSouth . Creek, Standing Stone, .
Towanda horh.;Tolanda tp , Troy, Tuts:nom
on Thursdai. the 18th of April.
Ulster, Wysox, Wells, Wyalusing, Warre'n
and-Windham on Triday,the lOth of April.
, By order of the Board,
4. S. Cazeznixa,.Clerk.
' Commissioners Office,
Towanda March 15th, 1844.5
Adinbillrator's - Notice.,
PERSO S indebted to the estate or
Jon. ALBERT A. BECR:WITII latß' Of Elmira in
the county of Chomting and stare of New Yin*
deiceased, are notified to make paymesitnd all
persons having demands against said estate are
notified to present them duly attestel for settle
' • '
went. '
' This police is intended for all personi in this
Commonwealth hEiving unsettled liusiness With
said-deceased at the tithe of his death eitherin
Anti individual capacity its connected in part
nership with any other person or persons inclu
diiig the ,unsetiled mercantile -and other busi
ness dbne in Ridgburyt township by Beckwith,
...'at tease & Strong, an -by Beckwith & Satter
lal. and business done y W. Hector W Strong in
which he had an inter t. : ' -
JOHN . EBB Administrator:
1 1 3
• S.mftbfieW, Bradfor Co., Pa., Feb. 6, 1844.
G TICE . is heieby given, that the firm of
111, LIA.THAWAY & WILCOX, is. this
day dissolved by mutual consent. An monies
due thefirin must be paid to S. HATuawAT,
by wheel's!! demands against the firm will be
settled. g. HATHAWAY;-
Towanda, February 22d, 1844. • "
NOTICE is hereby given that the firm of
ARNOUT & CULP is this day dissolved
by - mutual consent. The business wilt be car
ried on in all• its' various branches, at the old
sand; byLCcra. M. C. NOUT,
Towanda, March 28, 1844. •
0 Heavy Meseorli, C.joo Bushels Grain,
1000 Lights Wiuddw Sash for sale at -
February 26,1844. MONTANYE'S. .
Y virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo.
issued oui of the court of common pleas
of Bradford county. I shill expose to publid
sale at The houSs of E. Raynsford in Towanda
boro. on Saturday, the 13th day ,of, APRIL
next, at one o'clock P. M., the following piece,
or parcel of land situate in Smitlifteld.towtiship
and hounded as follows: on the north by laid
Of Stephen Gladding; 'on the east by land of
Billings Walden; on the south by land of J.
0. Tracy; • and on the west by laud of Nelson.
Rice. Containing eighty thre)s acres more or less,
with abot.t forty acres thereof improved, MO
frabed house and framed barn and saw mill
theieon. I .
Seized and taken in execution at the snit•of.
Elijah S. Tracey va. ton M. Bacon. •
Sheriff's Office,
Towanda ; March Bth, 1844.5 •
office, Wheat or Oats,, or any kind of
grain ; also, Butter,„Maple Sugar, &c.&c. &c.
• Three -Dollars Reward.
rwi AKEN from my little girl on the Touren- •
da bridge, clie afternoon of Monday . the
26th inst.. a Copper Colored Whiffet dog about
eight months old, rather long hair, and answers
to the the name of " Penny,'! very lively and:
phiyinl; by a man that met the little gill, of a
rather rough appearance, with two horsei be--
fore a wagon, one white, the lxix partly filled'
with straw, and went towards Monroe. The
above reward will be. given for the dog, and
man, or sufficient information where they are..
Towanda, 'February , 28th, 1844.
1 , - It virtue of a writ'of Vend.. Expo. issued
Ar• from the court of conunon pleas'of Brad
ford county, to me` directed, I shall expose td
public sale at the house of E. Raynsford in the
Borough. of Towanda;
on . Monday, the, 25th .
day of MARCH next, at one o'clock, P. M:
'The following descril3ed piece or parcel
land situate in Buren township and bounded as
followsi'beginning eta atone heap on tho bank
of the! Susquenanna'rivef; ' thence west 600 -
perches to a-yellow pine; thence north lts
Perches to a pine ; thence east .490 perches to
a - black oak; thence down, the Susquehanna
the several courses of the same 175 perches to '
the place of beginliing... COntaining four hun-2
(bed acres more ()Oise, with fottifromed hen=
see, three framed barns and a saw mill thereon '
.erected with about one. hundred and sixty
acres improved and a emalkorchard: - '
..; Seized and taken in exception at the suit of
Simon Stevens vs. Seta - Payne.
Sheriff's' Offtee. ' •'- • '
Ttiwanda, February 17, 1844. ill:c ."
aboy - e silo stands - postpong
.Moaday the 6th day. of May same
and time of 'day. • • •
'.lolll§l WESTOlC,§hetifr.
TotraSherkff's' °nice;
~nda. March 29, 1644.
ILIOTTON ,TAgN f. Vilieking Batting on
) hand by - MEAINM}.
1 -