Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 10, 1844, Image 2

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Weibmilay, ISO*
Far Pirsident, , in 1844,; ,
IiIARTIN VAR suakrc,
For Tite President,
[Subject to decision of a National Convention.]
Bleetois fir bidden
Wilson *Casio
Asa Mitotic,
1. George F. Lehman.
2. Christian Kneass.
3. • Williant H : S mith.
4. John Hill, (Phi ll o
5. Samuel B. Leech,
O. Samuel Camp.
7. Jesse Sharpe.. _
8. N. W. pain*. I •
9. Wm. Heidenrich.
10. Conrad Shinier.,
11. Stephen Biddy.
12. Jonah Brewster.
u ss q. Senatorial.
13. George Schnabel.
14 Nath'! B. - Eldred. -
15. M. N. Irvine.
18. James Woodburn.
18; Isaac Anlutey.
i 9 John Matthew&
20. William Patterson:
21. Andrew Burke.
22. John ' •
23. thristien.Moere.
24. Robert Orr.
For, Governor,
tiON. ItMint :A.,...4i11114EN8UR,,G3
ba nEituis.
I For Canal COrnlolloner,
JininuA s wittsitol34E,
C:/ As ttlel4-Dior Editor mast necessarily
I* absent for ;several .weeks, the entire Charge
and control of the office will devolve upon his
son, E. b. Goonnrca, who io equally interested
in the publication, and to whom all payments,
communications, &c., can be made:,
OUR Nsun.--Our'reeere will per
ceive that we have made an -addition to
the head of onr paper. If any: should
ask the reason, we, answer that we like'
the name I?eporter better than Porter.
Ba t ,* or no Batik:
The people will not be easily misled
by the numerous false - issues, raiieil by
the whigs, to divert their attention from
the only material question involvqg in
the election of Henry Clay. The wtiigs
clamor about a tariff, .and affect great
horror about many things which exist
only in their imaginations, but their
. lips are sealed as to the subject of a
4 -National Bank. If they, can by any
conjuration hoodwink and deceive the
people, as to their true object in elect
ing Henry Clay, they will do it.
flattered with the admirable success
of their deceptions in 1840, they hope
again by dealing with the people in a
similarlway, to realize the same result.
If the Argus assumes to be the organ of
the party in Bradford .County, and is
disposed to scout the skulking, sneak
ing policy so long tolerated by the Whigs
elseWhete, it will come out and stare
the true issue A Nenoxar. Ihruc,'on
I NO . lisszorisr. Basx,",and let the gees
tion be fairly submitted to the people of
this :County. Upon , this subject the
Ainerican people hav,e been once gross-
ly insulted and deceived, and that two,
by the same federal party, that is again
practicing tricks with them, upon. the
Idgitimate basis of its creed, that, the
people are neither virtuous or intelligent
enough to govern themselves, - This
was done in the attempt of Henry Clay,
almost on the threshold of the Copgress of
1840, to re-establish the United Satets
Bank, which nothing but the vet4re
vented. And this too,: eller the whole
federal party in the campaingn of 1840
disclaimed any such intention, Henry
Clay is . now before ,the people the
Champion of that Bank, his elevation
restores it s his'defeat mill be their , ver
dict against the allied - Bank aristocracy
of this country and England.
Will the people again set up the inn-
age and fa down and worship it fi—
Will they consent agaihto pay tribute
to the taggrentry ? Will they with their
eyes open throw themselves beneath - the
cai, that hag once early crushed in
its progress thelop s of the cpuntry,
and brought it to th, verge of bankrup•
cy. Before you decide for Henry Clay
decide this questiien. _ '
RtIRRIBLE Casum..ry.—We learn
that an accident of a most melancholy
nature occuned in Warren township,
one day last week. k, young daugh
ter;ittf Pquire Burbank ; -aged 'about
'.thirteen wasinstantly killed, and an
der,sister::.darigerously wounded while
eating, by the accidental tieibarge eta
• gun, in the handi of a boy outside thg
b l ouse.
• „
Gov.. ttrovvn...of bliae,. offers ` a rewar d
82f100 for the apprehension of Rich.
and 8. Graves, late fitate,Treasurer, and
a fugitive from justice. • •
Effects are ;gain being mede to idea
tft Mr. Van Buren.with the peace par
ty of 1812, by that portion of the Whig
UTho are ,unserupulous in their
'fforte to i undermine Mr. Van Burea's
Popularity and 'defeat his' election.--
This slander was put at rest in 1840 ;
end diseoentenanced by the honest part
fof the Whig party. Col. W. L. Slone,
to the N. !. Commercial Advertiiero
March sth, again puts a quietus lb this
story. •
The article is an answer to' •a letter
O f
to him, requesting his opinion
Of the conduct of, Mr: Van Buren du
ring the late "war.
,' We give the eonclud
ng paragraphs.
and- Tice President.
is As to the opinions and Condnet of
Mr. Van Buren in the early -stages of
the.war, we have reason to'know that
,they were not exactly in harmony with
the majority of the people , of this, state,
even of his own party, at the time';
must for',
it ust here be borne in mind, that -a!
very decided majority of the represen-!
tatives in congress for the state of New
York with Obadiah Germartin the sen
ate at their headooteti against 'the de ,
claratinn, of war. Not, however, that
they.held the contest to be unjust, but
they believed the country wholly un
prepared for war at the time, and con
sequently that the declaration was in
expedient. Such, probably, were the
original views'of Mr. Van Buren--such
certainly were the views of Mr. Quin
But, the war liaxing been declared,
it is due to Mr. Van Buren to say that
no public manin the state supported it
more thoroughly, heartily and zealous
ly, througbora, than he did. Such, we
know, is not the received opinion in
many parts of the country--especially
in the distant states ; and we frequently
see attempts making, in the press opr
posed to him, to render him unpopular
by charging , him with opposition to the
war itself, as well as,to Mr. Madison.
Bill the charge is untrue.
Many of our, politic'al friends will
scowl upon us, we know, for our frank
ness on this occasion. But'we care not
for that. \Justice to all men is our max
im, and we wish not to beat even Mr.
Van Buren by , falsehood. We have
indeed truth etioughnt our command,
to do that with.",:
in the Clay Club a fetvvenings since,
labored very hard to Oonvincerlik audi
tors that the present tariff' s calcula
lated to make the fiat bear Most of the
burden of its taxation. Let us examine
the tariff act.for ourselves.
The duty on calicoes usedlby the'rkch
is 30 per cent. ; on calkoes used,by the
poor is'lBo per cent, -
The duty on flannels for' the rich is
but 40 per cent. ; on flannels for the poor
100 per cent.
The diity on " gold end cambrics" is
36 per cent. ;on " stripe shirting" 65
per - cent. '
The duty on jewelry is but 7 per cent. ;
On implements of husbandry 75 io 150
per cent. ; and on iron chains 30 per
The, duty on window glass ranges
*Om 9 . 0 to liEt per cent.
The duty on Irons for Tailors and
Hatters is 140 per cent. ; Op iron in
small fears2,4o per cent!
The duty on silk of
,prunella shoes
or slippers, 25 cents per pair.
On leather Slioes or slippers 20 cents
per pair,
FATAL ACCIDENT-A young man in
the employ of Mr. Peter Printz, brick
maker named Nary Brouse, was almost
instantaneously killed nt Lewistown, by
the falling - in of a bank : of clay at which
be had been work mg, and which
crushed him, literally covering his
whole body. Mr. Printz, who was near
at the time, who procured assistance im
mediately, and - excavated the body biit
the Vital spark had lied.
Armour) &mu:oz.—Michael Mar
tel., a resident of Burlington,' New Jer
sey, attempted suicide on Sunday last,
by taking laudanum ; this failing, on ac
count of the quantity being inisuflicient,
he cut his throat with a knife ; but the
wound not being very deep, the probe that he-trill aecover. The act
was-..the result: of mental depression'
caused by pectuiiarfdificulties. •
learn from theMavinah Georgian that
on `the 224 of *arch, Mr. Clay Made a
speech is that city, of an hour and a half
duration, - advocatiug a. National. Bank,,
- urging percisely the same reasons which
were used in favor or such in institu
tion in 1811.: _..
Tits Goarmits. 7 —The three Gordons,
_charged with the Murder of Mr, , Sprigue
in R. 1., - are on •trial in ►he: Supreme
Itistice.,from an ppponent.
Salt is taxed` 143 percent.
"Seep It- ;Wore the ::People."
If a Whig tells you'llertry Claris a
high tariff math, show 'hint 'the follow
ing extract from his leading paper, and
fromlis various letters.:
Fran elm RiehmorylV,ibig•=4lto leading Obor
• paper in Firgirlia4
.." The faet that Mt. Clay is MORE .
gate as he is of a=wise and reasonable
tariff, - than Air. Fan; Buren, IS BE
SOUTH. -His letter to Dr. Bronima,
in consequence of the tiniest criticism
of,the locofor,rand their vile attempts
to short*that n is inconsistent with his
'fermer 'opinions, has had the effect of
bringing this ,FACT to the inOwledge&
of thansatids who lormerly were not
aware of it."
" Fair protection to American Indus
try."—Sitary, Clay.
4. I have af \ ways been opposed to
what 1, regard 11,11igh Tatiff."—Henry
"Certain -Protection should be ea : :
tended to our &autisticinterests."-4.--
Henry' Clay.
"1 should have preferred that the .
Compromise act, in all its parts, Could
have been, adhered to."—Herir Clay.
"Agriculture needs no protection,"
—Henry Clay.
" Since 1832, my efforts' have been
directed to the reduction antfniodifica
don of Tariffs."--Henry Clay.
4. I Supported the Tariff of 1832,
which greatly reduced and modified . the
Tariff of 1828."—=Henry Clay. •
No more revenue should be levied
than is necessary to an economical ad
ministration of the government."----Hen
ry Clay.
"Such a Tariffas the Whigs support
will possess permanency and stability,
quality far- more essential and im
portant than a high Tariff, producing
dissatisfaction, .fluctuation and uncer
tainty."—Henry Clay.
On Monday afternoon, about three
o'clock, one of the agents of Leech &
, Co's•line, named James Wilson, while
passing with a train of burden cars a
short distance_ above Parkersburg, on
the Columbia Railroad, was knocked'
from the top of one of the cars by coin
ing in contact with a bridge and falling
upon the railroad, the train pawing over
him, nearly severing his legs!:and one
of his arms from his body, and causing
his " sdeath in two minutes afterwards.
He ie‘said to' have been about 30 years
of age, and has a mother living in Wood
street near §chuylkill second, Philadel-
Cox's-gamut Emarrow.—The re
, \
from tnewhole State,_ except
Windham county, 'give
,Baldwin, the
Whig candidate for Grernor.„ 25,328 ;
Cleaveland„ 23;653 ; Abotion, 1,245.
Whether Baldwin has enough votes to
elect him or not there wonlo k be suffi
cient in the Legislature to choo'ee him.
There have been elected to the Senate,
as / far as heard from; 13 Whigs anll \ s
Democrats ; to the House, 89 Whigs
and 67 Democrats. •
ELOPEMENT.—Considerablepf a stir
was occasioned in Harrisburg , on ths
28th ult., by the ;eloperueet of Thee.
Fenn, editor of the Pennsylvania Tele
graph, with a young Jady`narnedtliss
Verbecke, a daughter )of a highly re-_
spectable merchant of that place. She
is said to be young, acceMpliehed, and
somewhat rich. The Couple eluded all
search, and were married at Lebanon
on the 29t6.
Coumnserrnas ARRESTED:-A. gang
of coiners were lately discovered in
woods near. Warren, Warren Co., and
one of their number, tngether with their
press, dies, and other implements of
covering, and a quantity of finished and
unfinished coins was secired.
STEammto Banuan.--.-The steam-_
boat Rawena, loaded-with 500, bales of
cotton, and having sixty-seven cabin
passengers., on the night of the 20th alt.,
while lying at" the wharf, and was' total
ly consumed, :Cotton, baggage, and all.
Bzcu emmcm.-;—Trinity uhurch, N.
Y., isimmenseli rich. Its real, estate
is valued at thirty-five millione of dol
lars; and its l annualfincome expected
to reach half:a - Million per annum ! •
COLLECTon eT BEasrtctolutMc.,
Rey old ltes been appointed:Col
lector of Mollies Berivick; b)ithe Canal
Conarnisioneril • -
In one
of the party are lond - . their &Chia
00118 that he is the "father of the,' Pro=
tective system ;", while itianother'qr
, , - , -I
ter it is as emphatically - declared
. that
he is as much of a "free trade m antas
Mr. Van:Buren." Here Ili an extract
(roma speech of Mr. ;Clay's _ ' made in
Mirch 1842:-- 1 '
"Let me not. be misundeistood, and
let me entreat that !may not be ,
resented: - lam not advocating the re
newal of a high protective policy. ; 'I
sin for abiding hy the principles of the
compiomise.ace; Team for doing what
no southern man of a fair kr, candid
mind hail ever yet 'denied giving, to the
country a revenue which may provide
for\the economical wants of the govern-
Meet, and, at the same iime. give an
incidental protection ,to our home in
The nly exposition of his views.
pen the Thrill' question in which we
place any ei:o•dence is related in an nn
ecdote told of Wm while traveling in a
steamboat on th Western waters!.-=-
"'Mr.'Clay,Mr. C . ;' . ' sa id loothiho
. ,
earnestly seized hol \ of his coat tail to
detain' him,.. , What do- on think of ithe
Tariff?" " 1 think my oat will tear
-if you don't let go," was he a nswer.
to which any person who Idles to
obtain the same knowledge sh old , re
fer, if he does , ot wish to late m sled by
declarations made for particular inar
on Sunday evening last, containing four
men, while going to an ark loAged-on
the head of the island opposite this
place, was capsized, and two of the
persons drowned. Their names were i
Oliver 4. Evitik of Pike, and James
Burns, who has been for some tithe.'
past in 'the employ of C. L. WARD,.
Esq., Mi. Evitts was 'an excellent
swimmer, but it is supposed was bu",
dened With the weight of Mr. Patine,
and endeavoring to save him, both met
a watery death. The other' two men
escaped* swimming to the shore.
BARN BURNED.-4 barn on the farm i
of JJIJ. Adami Esqr. about a mile and I
a half north of ,the borough was de
stroyed by-fire on the evening of Thurs.
day last. [A carriage of Mr. Adam's
was horned togethe j r with a, large quan
tity of bay belonging to Edward Qver
ton &qr. The fire) is supposed to have
been ,occasioned by a spark .droppiug
`Crum a pipe.
authenticated 'returns, from the election
for mombe.r of Congress, held to sup
ply, the place of Henry Frick, decd., on
the sth inst., but understand from pas
sengers in the,stage,that Pollock, Whig
has beaten Snyder, (dem.) some 800
TENNESSE.—We learn from the Nash
ville Union,that General William Car
roll, Ex-Governor of, Tennessee, died
at his residence in Nashville, on the
evening of the 224 ult. lie was a gen.;
leman of distingu i shed ability, and was
and esteemed.
few days afterwards,
convulsion and lOckjaw, terminating in
death. - \
good, who is represented as . being a
remarkably quiet; and peaceatle citizen;
was lately knockesil down and Ikatoped
todeath in the preisence of ladies, aka
Whig meeting at;qew Orleans ,by \ all.
Hornsby, who heti been found guilty of
manslaughter, for the'effe ,
regular meeting of.this•society will be
held ' - at the Conti- House in the first
McindaY evening of next MaY-COurt.
Addresses maybe expected. jThe la
dies 'are invited to attend.
Eizarocavric MEETmo.—A, meeting
of the Democraic Citizens of this l3or
ough 'will be held at the Court Nouse on
Saturday' evening next, prelintinaiy, to
a Tore thorough organization:
Would;it not be advisable fOr die Stand
ing committce i too - eall a county tied
of :the ,dernocracy on the Slit-Tuesday,
evening of Mai Court 3 -;
is ivoitz
keeping tracit, Hof
;cid tariff question:'
toantrsr tita orgatil
'H.—While Mr, Jon
f Jamaiea, Long • Is
; a spot in.hts family
or the grave of a
e 'pail in a picket pal
trod,.pierced his foot,
News from ail Nations, --
The Raleigh Star says , that '
,:; i the
gold mine near L incointon, ce " at lafge
Imps have, recently; ipenfound,Vne
weighingas fCll6Vie t 19C 154;'..10 ; 7; 87,
In t he c ity of Faris there are two
mate lodges, known as the den
dor and Fulelity lodges.
SOme Ceoundiels entered the:office
of Stanford ( . Conn.) Advocate, one night
last week, and threw',the type, cases,
,other materials , for printing into
the canal.
The sergeant-at-arms.from one of the
Houses, of Congress , about to, start
for Rhode • Island with a hOst ofimbpie
nes, in relation to the "law and order"
difficulty. Mr. Dorr is doubtless one
of che called;on." • "
Nathaniel Hart. Sr., the father of
Mrs. Henry Clay, died recently .. athis
residence in Kentucky.'"
At Manchester; Mass., Henry Som
erville, a mulatto WI, aged seven years
committed suicide, by. placing his head
upon and - thrusting-part of his clothes
into the fire, whilst in a paro%ysm of
A late English paper compliments
this country as follows :—"Forgery is,
now extinct in some of the States of
North America, it.being that there is
no differencein the value of notes,
whether genuine or counterfeit."
Henry Duncan, of .Byron, N. Y., , a
hand engaged on the Tonawanda road
was crushed to death between the ten
der and freight car, a few days since.
4kie left a wife add two children. ~- -
n England, Ireland, and. Scotland,
the rge sum .R 20,000,000 is annually
expen ell in the e consitroption of gas,
'and, in ondon alone; the snm paid has
exceeded ' ,00,0,p00 annually...
A petitio from the wine-growers of
Narbonne, st es that the cultivation of
the vine in Fra Ce gives employment
t 0,6,000,000 pers ns, and that the an
nual produce is wo 4 a 20,000,000. ,"
Ninety-six Yankee clocks haie been
seized at St. David, N. They had
been-smuggled into the Province.
A boy by the name OfJohn'Hopkins,
about sixteen tears of age, was acciden 7
tally caught in belt', in Mr. J. Night
ingale's cotton factory, at Patterson, N.
J., on Thursday last, and being carried
up against The beams, had. his brains
dashed oat in an inetant. •He did not
survive a moment.
The venerable l Miss Edgeworth is
now in London, and although 70 years
of age, looks as yoUng as, shedid-twen
years ago. Shells about publishing a
new novel.
It has been reckoned that, since 1830
the French . have captured, in the• North
of Africa, 3, • 1841 Arabs, 86,759,400
sheep, 3,064,00910xp, and 917,722
An attempt has heen made to daguer
rotype the moon, at Boston, which fail
, •
ed, of course.,'
The trial 'on. C. tfornshy, for the
murder of Col: Twogodd, it a political
Meeting in Neu , Orleans, commenced
in that city on the 10th inst. .The trial
bad not concluded at the latest dates.
The sattittet: factory of Mr. Stevens,
in Uxbridge,. MM., was burned on. the
23d; insured for $4.000. •
A joint resolution has passed the Sen
ate for an adjournment of both:Housee
Congress on the 1.73, orMay.
,The dye-hi,use and roof of the,boiler
shed of Dr. Petrikitesollen Factory
at Danville, was consumed -by fire, on
Monday night the 18tb inst\The prop
erty was insured •
It is proposed itt Tetinessee \ to erect
a monument te.the memory of the late
Hugh L. White, of
.that State.
A citizen' of Obit:l6v', fot a wager
of $5, with a common buck-saw,-
ed one core! of wood in 13 minutes
and - 58 seconds, the time being counted
'only while the saw wee-running.
alf hour was the time given him to
saw it. •
, M•r Calhoun arrived at Washington
city onSaturday,3tlth ult., - and :entered
upon the discharge of the duties of his
new Office.
. commodo Edward Pendleten Ken,
nedy, oldie Un'ted States Navy died
suddenly. at Nor olk of apoplexy, on
Thursday 28th •
The_body 'of Mobiwk, the Indian
who was; .executedat Butler Pa.. was
refused; ‘ ,.intermoitt in, all the church
yards in:that place. Sharne 1.
Ford; thi' kited in
a 4 . i,set•toi, at New Orleans as eta •
The total cost of the City of Lori
police, is .£4l - ,351 per annuli);
correspondence from ll
fit/at-annum., itelit
Thit'bi/1 for`thetals Of th e D e i -
Ision.PaSsed the Senate' finally on 'r
byt _'vote of j f 20 to 10, Th e
gels the work are .Teritea
Ge4illol ilem 3Torti,of t .
N. Lane, of Lancaster, Satinet,
schuyikill, 47ranklin Valmont and
Vvhite e of Bucks, Minion Ellie!!
1 / a vid D: Wagner, of Nenh umt
_Gibons, 0(1.4104-William
Wm.*: Mdaison,
,of Montgereety,
phen Balliet, of Carbon, • In the*
Dickey matlean-Able, report sgaimt
oyster celbua in Philadelphia ta le !'
'companied'svith ze remleti enl
,such a)aWfwasineetpedidniatt4tot
the wants of the'peiple and m l
the part of therilinority of the car
made a report in favorof licenMi g t
- On SaturdaY, the appeopim mbin
ed by the
_House and sent to th e
concurrence, where it wm re fi ned
nonce comMittee. This molti ng , I !
Tier moved that the committee
from the further consideration of thr
that the Senate proceed immediately
sideration. Mr. C. said he mad e
from a high sense of duty. 1•1 0 ,'
now far adVanced, and the Seam
to adjourn sine die on the 18th his,
all important that the billshould
ately. The Governor had the light
the bill in possession ten days after
it from the Sedate, and if the_
adjourn with the Milo, the hands
tive, the objects of the bill might
Messrs. Penniman, Darsie, and of
of the finance committee, wannlj
Chanipney's - motion, end sear
words passed between . ' Messrs,
Charnpneys. Mr. Penniman, as is,,
is extremely violent in debate, sa t
things that in his cooler moments he
say. Mr. Chtunpreys is also et
and when ht considers himself
he ifePels the, assault in no very mt
the present instance, however, a
tisfactory explanation ensue , '
the melee; and good feeling was
After'an hour's discussion, Mr.
motion was negatived—yeas 10, naafi.
On Satublay, in the Douse, ldr.
from the Committee on Account
subject had been referred, made
0,980 22 item found on the jounuli
House of Representatives, under
"!' Accounts dint for Receipts!' Th
;accompanied by the testimony takes
committee, by which it appears that
head of perfumery, medicine, cues,
siderable sum of Money was expemit
The bill for the _sale of the mi..
en up on Monday, in the Senate,
reading, and the first section haring ,
cvasdefeated—Yeas 14,ilays 15. S
fell, of course: , It is contemplated
ginate the same or a similar bill
so that another ttial may be et,
Mr, Champney's bill to enferrel
liability of stockholders in banks, pa
nate finally on yesterday, by a detish
the democrats and a number Other
for it.
The Senate passed a resolution
sine die on the 18th inst. The:
a resolutiori 'to day that it wbald
untl the important bublic bills
posed of.
Your! &e.
PEOPLE---Henry Clay in a
Congress once used the follow
If gentleman will not
have black slaves,thv must
white ones for. SVB CANNOT CUT
have our wives and daughters ,
the kitchen."
of the revolution who assist
capture of Major Andre, and et
battle. of ,Ticonderoga, was ki
Ohio by the upsetting of his
which threw hire into a dial
there was two feet water.
the wagon . inverted directly 01
His name was Fireace, arid 111
ears of age
by the name of Hughes, lisi r
nango county, in 'this State, al
On the 16th instant, in a singe]
ner, He and his father were
cutting down a tree, alia3b of
it descended, qtrueNthe young'
threw him across-,theAree ,causl
immediate death.
1 •-4.
eGA : BllN i e :::erofagamlini! 4 us a e
of $4,325, with interest ,/hr
bumght against:him by pew &O r
14 .6 -firm whose clef% r obbed It
$6,000, and spent,il at,Coiton's•
uhtosrms.—Or: Sunday
there artive4/M. New York, fit
pool, :a : giant 7100
and • gintess.6 feet 4 inch es,
of P7ionshire, Englaini also
§cettfo c -4 :dwarf, 23 meliesia 111
native of Lapland: