Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 31, 1892, Page 9, Image 9

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The year 1892 his contributed its full
share to future history; yet it has in the
main betn a period of peace. The ever
present European war cloud seems to have
dwindled away to the size of a man's hand,
while the only haze that threatened to em
broil the United States with a foreign
power was dissipated almost at the thresh
old of the year.
The political campaign recently closed
was remarkable, both for its lack of ex
citement and lor its remarkable result.
Huge combines of capital, of which the
Beading is the most conspicuous, are put
ting a new face upon the commercial sys
tem. Social and religious movements have
marked the year, while outbursts of law
lessness, both, at home and abroad, have set
people to thinking. Science has won many
a victory, especially in the fields of astron
omy and geography. Even in the matter
of sports the year has been most note
worthy, more than one champion having
yielded his laurels, while almost every old"
record has given way to a new one.
More history has been made in Pittsburg
and its environs this year than in any other
American city. There has been no other
calamity so dramatic as the wave of flame
nd flood which overwhelmed Oil City and
Htusville. The social crusade has been a
heme for press and pulpit all over the land.
But the one great, far-reaching event of the
year is, unquestionably, the Battle of
Homestead. Its long train of consequences,
direct and indirect, is seemingly endless.
That struggle figured in the bloodshed of
Coeur d' Alene, the car burning at Buffalo
and the civil war in Tennessee. It gave
labor a tattle cry, and it also 'furnished
anarchy its opportunity. It marked the
beginning of the most bitter struggle of the
year between labor and capital; gave birth
to a long series of trials for murder and riot;
involved charges of treason in arms and
massacre by poison, More important still,
the Battle of Homestead will have its effect
on the legislation of the future.
Yes, 1892 has been a memorable year. Its
detailed history will appear in the chronol
ogy which follows:
two crrns and suburbs.
The Homestead Eight and Its Long Train
of Consequences Doings of Municipal
Governments The Crimes and the
Downfall of the. Cooley Gang.
The leading events in the local history of
1892 are almost as interesting to the whole
country as to Alleghany county. The labor
struggles occupy the first place in impor
tance, while the cleansing of a neighbor
ing county of an organized band of outlaws
follows. There have, too, been many hap
penings in municipal affairs which will
claim the local attention of all Pittsburg
nd Allegheny readers.
1 An Italian Republican Club organized;
the first In America. The Second Avenue
Traction line Dovcotted by the K. of I
The Pittsburg Electric Club opened.
Twelve buildings burned at Jeannette.
2 Two men down up by nltro-glycerlne at
Willow Grove. Each or the Democratic
factions win a victory at the Democratic
committee meeting.
S Providence Presbyterian Church, Alle
gheny, dedicated.
4 Three of the East End gang of burglars
caught. George T. HcCoimeU, a Law
rencevllle real estate dealer, arrested for
embezzlement. The Supreme Court sus
tains the Penn Bank directors.
6 Loose management wrecks the Washing
ton (Pa.) LlveStocklnsnrance Company.
The last of the selr-confessed recipients
of bribes, of Beaver county, released
from the New Castle Jail. The old di
rectors elected tor the Pittsburg Exposi
tion Society.
6 William J. Groft and Benry Hnser con
victed of voluntary manslaughter of
Charles Bowmaster. Airs. Annie E
Knoedler, Allegheny, commits suicide
The P. & L. E. R. R. paint shop at Char
tiers burns; loss, $13,u00.
,7 The clans for the Carnegie Library
building adopted. Landlord John Weld
enhofel, in collecting rent, finds a tenant
named Mrs. August Zulse dead from
starvation. Fire damages Haugh Jfc Kee
nan's furniture store $10,000. A boiler
explosion wrecks the rod department of
the Braddock wire mill; one life lost.
8 Mrs. Mary W. D. Watson brings a $1,000,
000 ejectment suit against Samnel Wat
son. The Cook block and Dr. Henry's
residence in Jeannette burned. Two
stores and five dwellings in Newtown
burned. Local union 230, Carpenters'
Brotherhood, suspended.
9 Calvary Church school room burned;
four firemen Injured; loss, $5,000. John
rite's Dutter and egg commission house
damaged $15,000 by fire. Gilt Edge
Lodge, switchmen, forlelts Its charter;
Financial Secretary Jansen and $800
lodge funds missing. The Penn Cotton
Mill, Allegbeny, sold to Alabama
parties. Mercury falls below zero.
J0 Fathers Miskiewicz and KolaslnskI,
Polish Catholio priests, get police pro
tection from a pursuing mob of their
own congregation.
11 Mayor Gourley's annual message deliv
ered. Father Miskiewicz besieged by a
mob of his parishioners. Councils accept
leases lor a station house and a water
tower and engine house. A strike begins
at the Braddock Glass Works.
12 TbeMcKee block burns; loss, $35,000. The
Uniontown Electric Street Railway
power house consumed; loss, $55,000.
13 The "Law and Order" Society secures
two arrests of newsdealers lor selling
Sunday papers. The Donnolly family of
Lawrenceville poisoned. Fonr person in
the Lezrand convicted of voluntary man
slaughter. ltjarver's Jewelry sto re, Allegheny,r,obbed.
IS The Allegheny and Manchester street
"car strike begins. The Leader newspaper
- - -.fnnA'liifrrfod! InsR. X5Q.0QJ- 1 '
lS-iRiotlng on the Pittsburg, Allegheny and
Manchester street car line. Law and
Order men win in the preliminary hear
ing. 17 Rev. Ivan Pannin retires from the pas
torato of'Bethany Home.
19 Quay wins his libel suit against tho
Beaver Star. Allegheny street car
strikers arrested for rioting. Thirteen
Reserve township gamblers indicted.
Part of a "Pemlckey" train falls through
a bridge near Rankin station; two brake
men killed.
20 The Quay-Pas libel suit begins. Thirty
fire grocers sued for illegally selling
oleomargaiine. The Deposit Bnk at
Dawson closed.
21 Allegheny Select Council drops the in
vestigation of Chief Murphy.
22 O. A. Williams. & mnnkR nft nirmnnt
strangles to death John J. McKee. a fel- j
low Inmate. Quay wins the .Port libel '
uiu j nomas i. x razer. Treasurer or
jiocai union jso. 10. Painters' Brother
hood, sued for embezzlement.
23 The Charlerol lockup burns with one in
mate.. Patrolman Crehan goes Insane
and cnts his own throat. James Kinney
shot dead in a shooting gallery.
21 Miss Maria James falls lrom an ley em
bankment to escape a train.and Is killed;
her lover, Michael Pryle, arrested. R. &
W. Jcnkinson's tobacco warehouse dam
aged $30,000 by fire.
25 Sheriff McCleary Issues a proclamation
against the Allegheny street car strik
ers. 26 Major Mobley under arrest at Akron
lor participating in a fight which ended
In murder. Six barges of tho Smoky
City sink 150,000 bushels or coal at Cairo.
George Shlras II. announced us candi
date for the late Justice Bradley's plane.
Twelve houses at Oakdale burned. The
city sued by the Philadelphia Gas Com
pany. Mrs. William Bashore falls Into a
trance at a Freedom revival.
27 Two thousand glassworkers locked out.
Rev. John B. Koehno sues his congrega
tion for back salary.
28 The Pittsburg Press Club holds its ban
quet; Congressman Dalzell the principal
speaker. The Mayflower prize-fighters
9 Roger O'Mara appointed Chief of Police.
One square of Jeannette buildings
burned; loss $65,000. Two moonshiners
captured In Fayette cuuntv, and their
stills destroved.
SO The removal ofXostmaster Gllleland, of.
Allegheny, recommended. Hamilton's
bottle lactory damaged by fire $5,000.
Two men fatally wounded in a riot
between Italians and negroes at Smith
tor;. SI Murderer Fitzslmmons recaptured at
New Orleans.
1 A battle fought between a constable's
posse and farmers In Fayette county. A
body found In the ruins of an old Lib
erty street fire. The Beaver Ubelurs of
Senator Quay arrested. A meeting of
downtown property owners demand a
reduction ot taxation.
2 Pittsburg Presbytery refuses to pass a
resolution against Sunday newspapers.
Two underground gas explosions in Al
legbeny. The Duquesne Company's
tracks on Bayard street declared illegal.
3 The embezzlement trial of Hastings,
City Clerk or Allegheny, begins. A mid
night passenger holds up a West End
street car condnctor. A Manchester
street car filled with employes wrecked
by dynamite; no one hurt.
4 Fitzslmmons commits suicide In the
New Orleans Jail. A strike begins at the
Moorhead-McCleane Iron Works.
5 Market Clerk Hastings convicted or em
bezzlement. Two hundred employes of
the Continental Tube Works, Franks
town, strike. The first local branch of
the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters'
organized in Pittsburg.
6 St. Anne's Church, MUlvale. damaged
by fire. The Manchester street car strike
7 Pittsburg Socialists organize.
8 Mayor Wyman, or Allegheny, arraigned
in court lor extortion in office.
9 J. C. Ackorman, an Allegheny con
tractor, commits suicide.
10 H. K. Porter & Co. share profits with em
ployes. R. W. D. Hermen arrested for
rorgery in Greene couuty. Freshmen
win a cane rush at Washington, Pa.
11 Mayor Wyman, or Allegheny, convicted
or extortion in office. Caroline J. Gard
ner I lightened to death near Federal
Street station, by Thomas and James
Skidmore, who were arrested tor man
slaughter. The American Institute of
Civics organized.
13 License Court passes upon 153 fewer ap
plicants than last year. Eight Immi
grants from a typhus iniected steamship
arrive in Pittsburg.
14 A Baptist Cliurchuedicated at Duquesne.
A Methodist Church dedicated at Allen
town. Pittsburg Socialists permanently
15 Mayor Gourley Issues a proclamation
asking reiiei comnoutions lor Russia.
Miss Fay, the spiritualist, trapped at a
seance. The Coroner's Jury silting over
the remains or the victim of the Liberty
street fire hold Saitta and Mazza for
manslaughter County Commissioners
reduce mileage.
16 Municipal elections held; Citizens' tick
ets win in a majority of cases. John D.
Boyd, grocer, of Allegheny, assigns. An
ton Klatzback commits suicide.
17 Roger O'Mara appointed Chief of Police.
Five men burned by an explosion in
Conway & McFalley's mill. George
Grumbling commits suicide at Nineveh.
18 Mayor Wyman, of Allegbeny, resigns.
C H. Andrews assigns the "Boston Nov
elty Store." A rock falls upon the Pan
handle track, killing and wounding fiva
19 Sarah Joyce found dead from wounds:
Christian Klenk commits suicide. Davis'
old crunk lactory burned; loss, $5,000.
20 A B. & O. passenger train wrecked near
Whitehall; 1C0 passengers narrowly es
cape death. Allegheny Councllmen, in
caucus, nominate Voegtly for Mayor; six
members bolt. Burgettstown tramp bur
glars surrender after 50 shots are fired.
22 Washington's birthday celebrated in
Pittsburg and McKeesport by tue Jr. O.
U. A. M. Ex-President Hayes speaks at
the Loyal Legion banquet. An attempt
made to rescue the Burgettstown bur
glars. 23 Voegtly chosen Mayor of Allegheny.
Miss Alice Gaskell, John M. Zelgler and
William Dewer rundown by a train In
Wilklnsburg and all killed or mortally
wounded. Mary G. Travel's and G. J.
Rosenbeisen attempt suicide. A desper
ate shooting affray between police and
toughs at Beaver Falls; one officer
wounded, two crooks latally Injured and
another badly hnrc but escapes.
24 Annual encampment of the Pennsylva
nia G. A R. Tin plate manufacturers
establish a scale oi wages. Sixty-five
oleomargarine cases dismissed at Wil
klnsburg. 25 Sentence imposed in the Quay-Rut libel
caso. The sentence of the Braddock
rioters commuted.
27 Ex-Market Clerk Hastings sentenced to
eight months' imprisonment and 6 cents
fine. Jones & Laushlln. close down 37
-furnaces; 200 men discharged. Judge
- Josepn Bufflngton,-or the United. States
District Court, installed. Four persons
poisoned at Rochester. Pa., by eating
roots; two die.
29 Both or Mayor Gourley's traction vetoes
overcome in Councils; an ordinance reg
ulating sidewalks passed. The Second
Avenue Street Car Assembly declares its
strike off and disbands. Samuel Blair,
an old resident of Westmoreland county,
arrested for bigamy alleged to have been
committed 26 years ago.
1 The heaviest snow storm of the winter.
Rev. J. W. Bristol, ot Beaver Falls, ex
pelled from the Baptist Church and min
istry. 2 The Board or Assessors decides that all
lots in vacant acreage property which
"wu on Btrcotn Having city improve
ments must bear full city taxation.
3 Assistant Postmaster Myler, of Alle
gheny, arrested for embezzlement.
Judge Porter sustains the Sunday blue
5 Allegheny Republicans nominate Ken
nedy for Mayor; delegate primaries In
the two cities. Ex-Mayor Wyman, of
Allegheny, sentenced to three months'
imprisonment and to pay costs. The
PIttsbni-g and Kirtland district of the
Churoh of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day
Saints holds its semi-annual meeting.
Anti-Quay Republicans of Pittsburg or
ganize. 7 Law and Order Agent McClure arrested
on a charge of perjury. Harrv W. Oliver
"withdrawn" from the race for election
as national Republican delegate. An
$S00 shortage In the Allegheny Water
Department reported to the Auditing
Committee. Greene county Republicans
decide not to send delegates to the Con
gressional Convention at Pittsburg.
8 Republican State delegation conventions
held. Robson & Son's chain works
burned; loss, $20,000. Westlngnouse wins
the management of the Union Switch
and Signal Company. Puddlers at the
Vesuvius mill accept a reduction.
Geneva' College, Beaver Falls, closed by
scarlet fever.
9 George W. Miller appointed Col
lector of Internal Revenue. Glass
lactory "D," Southside, burned; loss
about $150,000. The MUlvale, Etna and
Sliarpsburg Street Railway Company
chartered. J. W. Harmony, of Union
..town, commits suicide after attempting
to burn his wife to death.
10 A cold wave and heavy snow storm. The
appropriation ordinance passed by both
Councils. L. & O. Agent McClure held
lor perjury.
11 Three hundred workmen discharged
from the Homestead Steel Works.
Frank Neishar, "The Mad Frenchman"
or St. Clair township, beaten by "White
12 A wolf hunt near Greensburg partici
pated In by 2.500 people. Mrs. Mary P.
Semple's mansion at Sewickley burned;
It Chlet Murphy, of Allegheny, arrested on
charges of embezzlement and bribery.
The coko oven ordinance passed by
Councils. The Southside Turner Hall
15 The dog show begins. Several Eittan
nlng business houses burned; loss about
$30,000. The land claim against the Har
mony Society revived before the Or
phans' Court at Beaver. California
"Forty-niners" hold a feast. Juror John
McGrogan tails dead In court. Madam
Yale and Mrs. Charlotte Smith renew on
the stago of tue Opera House their con
test on the subject of cosmetlos. Meth
odise Church unions hold a convention
in Pittsburir.
17 Law and Order Agent McClure indicted
lor bribery. Dennis Cloonen, the "Pan
handle strong man," pounds his wife to
death with a chair. Murpiiy, Glenn and
Donaldson, the Allegheny officials, re
leased on a techicallty, bnt suits are
again entered against them. Lady Som
erset begins her work In Pittsburg, bt.
Patrick's Dav celebrated.
18 Frederick W. Milley murders his wire.
and commits suicide. Schafer Brothers7
wagon lactory burns; loss, $30,000; insur
ance, $17,000.
19 Minnie Bell fatally stabs Jacob Harris.
The new directsteel process successfully
tested at Homestead. One of the heaviest
short snow flurries ever known. Demo
crat primaries held; Cleveland men
chosen. Judge McClung, interpreting
the new street law, decides that citizens
who protest must make out a good prima
facie case before going Into court.
20 Totten & Hogg's foundry damaged $7,500
by fire. A $100,000 freight wreck near
21 The License Court disposes of 107 cases.
Chief Murphy, of Allegheny, and four
subordinates held on the cliarge or em
bezzlement. A warrant sworn out tor
the arrest or District Attorney McCurdy,
of Westmoreland county, on charges or
perjuryand orlbery. Inspector Watchorn
finishes his visits to the Pittsburg fac
tories. Railroad coal operators fall to
agree on prices. The State Christian
Association, opposed to secret societies,
meets in Pittsburg.
22 Railroad officials abolish the 5-cent dif
ferential between Pittsburg and Hocking
Valley coal.
23 The Allegbenv Auditing Committee finds
$330, li7 20 due the city from recreant
officers. Explorers of the Hill Farm
mine una -i corpses.
24 Murphy again held for court on the
charge of embezzlement. A "cake walk"
at the Auditorium.
25 The 23 Dunbar victims buried; the Cor
oner's jury verdict holds the Furnace
Company blameless. The Braddock
Glass Works at Rankin station burned;
loss about $65,000. T
27 The existence or a gang of thieves dis
covered in Allegheny; Mary Reiswlck ar
rested. A row oi tnree-story dwellings
floated across the Allegheny river from
Allegheny to Pittsburg. Sharpsburg
celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. Nine
workmen burned at the Homestead
mills by the spilling of molten metal;
lour fatally injured. Pittsburg beats
New Castle at football and wins the
championship of Western Pennsylvania.
28 Ex-Senator Rutan's case against the
Primary Election Board, alleging fraud,
is dismissed. John McGtffln snot dead
while fleeing from justloe by a constable
at Braddook. The sidewalk ordinance
.passed over the Mayor's veto.
'29 In an affidavit in Allegheny, Miohael
Hanks charges John Sullivan with an at
tempt at bribery. The Coursln Street M.
- E. Church, McKeesport, burned; loss,
SO The Allegheny Heating Company adopts
the deposit forfeit system. Central
police station removed toOakallev.
1 Bole's foundry on Duquesne Way burned;
loss $20,000. The Center avenue car line
2 John Timothy held for wife murder. D.
Herbert Hostetter, of Pittsburg, sued In
Washington for $500,000 by George M.
Jewott, of New York, on a railroad deal.
4 Nomination of Allegheny City officers
by Councils attended by riots.
5 Damage suits aggregating $1,500,000
entered 'at- Baltimore against D. H.
Hostetter, of Pittsburg. Tne Cumber
land Presbytery or Pittsburg met at
McKeesport. Tho' Pittsburg Presbytery
at Sharpsburg condemns the Chinese
exclusion bill. The first test of the
Baker ballot law In Pennsylvania made
at the borough election of McEee's
Rocks'. Cunninghams " & Co.'b glass
works, Southside, damaged $16,000 by
6 Jacob EUk shoots his sweetheart, Miss
Ada Engle, dead, probably by accident.
Jacob Lortz, the aged schoolmaster at
Duquesne, commits suicide.
7 Allegheny Councils eleot city offlolals;
The Prohibition County Convention
elects delegates.
8 A Dispatch reporter Informs ex-Senator
Blair at the Monongabela House that
the diplomatic correspondence In refer
ence to his mission to China had been
laid betore Congress. Jacob Ellk held
for the murder of his sweetheart. Sec
retary Cake, of the Window Glass Mak
ers, held for bigamy. Two killed In a
railroad wreck near Connellsvllle.
9 The Pittsburg Glass Factory at Beaver
Falls burned; loss about $65,000. Another
body found in the Hill Farm mine.
11 The tact leaks out that Gamble Weir's
death was due to poisoning. Constable
Robert Hughey dies from opium poison
ing. 12 Tho headless body of Mary Cherllnski
found on the Junction Railroad near
Schenley Park; probably suicide; her
lover, Ludwig Lucowski. arrested on
suspicion. The last of the Hill Farm
mine. The Allegheny Presbytery dis
solves the pastoral relations between
tho Beaver Church and the Rev. J. H.
14 Secretary Cake, of the Window Glass
Workers, resigns. John Verblosky, a
Hungarian at Duquesne, shoots and
mortally wounds his wife; he claims by
accident. Harrity hanged in effigy by
Democrats in lower Allegheny.
15 Two Monongahela terryboats collide;
one life lose Attorney u. j. trsKine
robbed of $1,000 and valuables by high
waymen. 16 The will or David Gregg, the millionaire,
cuts off his son, Rev. David Gregg, of
Brooklyn, with $10.
17 Rev. J. H. Bausman and the majority of
his flock begin the organization at Ro
chester of the First Congregational
Society in the Beaver Valley. The
corner-stone of the Temple Bnat Israel
laid. The united uruturen uuurcu at
Wilklnsburg dedicated.
18 Librarian Stevenson, of the Allegheny
Carnegie Library, re-elected.
19 Viewers asked lor to open eleven new
streets; the first move under the act of
1S9L Republicans nominate E. F. Ache
son for Congress. P. W. Painter fatally
shot by James Evans at Monogahela
20 John Hoffman, the iron worker, commits
21 An Immigrant B. & O. train wrecked at
Salisbury Junction; six persons injured.
22 The League baseball season opens in
Pittsburg. The new repair shops of the
P., A & M Traction Company completed;
it contains the first electric signal and
emergency wagon service ever used on.
a street railway. The new Pennsyl
vania Railroad yards at Walls opened.
Harry Shellhorne and Charles Botklns,
"law and order" detectives, 'arrested on
serious charges.
23 Charles Carlson, of McKeesport, com
pletes the invention of a process for,
making lro"ntUbes direct froni"bars: "
24 Double-decked cars make their, first tiip
over the Pittsburg traction lines. The
corner stones of four churches laid the
Italian Catholio Church, the Homewood
Avenue Methodist Church, the Shadracli
Memorial Church and the Incarnation
Chapel at Hnoxville.
25 David SUverloot, of Economy, expounds
the new religion oi me jraituists or of
Oahspe. Henry Scholle, the contractor,
commits suicide.
26 L. & O. Detective Thomas Flinn arrested
for performing a criminal operation.
William M. Kennedy regularly elected
Mayor of Allegheny. James Gilkey com
mits suicide at Boston, Pa. Tho Dlth
ridge Flint Glass Works atNew Brighton
closed by the Sheriff. Lucy Dugan, of
Allegheny, commits suicide.
27 McKlnley, Alger, Dalzell, Stone and
others speak at the Amerlous Club Grant
Birthday banquet. Costello re-elected
President of the Pittsburg District.
United Mine Workers. Peter Anderson
commits suicide.
28 The assessment for the Thirty-third
street sewer, the largest in the city, com
pleted. The Alkaloid Institute at Belle
vue opened.
30 The Household Credit Company build
ing, the Lindsay hardware bunding and
the Roberts estate building, on LiDorty
avenue, burned; loss about $200,000. W.
A Stately, the fourth L. & O. detective
arrestee" for neglect of his family. Tha
railroad miners' scale for tho Pittsburg
district agreed to.
1 The Fourth Presbyterian Church, East
End. dedicated. The City or Plttsbunf
makes its Initial excursion. Pauliu
Mazanlier shot dead by Ernest Redares
at Calamity Village.
2 Joseph Speilmeyer, the "Dutch Anarch
ist," commits suicide in jail. United
States District Judge Bufllngton begins'
his first term. Kennedy Installed Mayor
of Allegheny.
3 Dennis Cloonan convicted of murder In
the first degree.
4 Tho General Conference of the A. M. E.
Church meets in Pittsburg. The United
States Senate passes the McKeesport
rmlilic building bill.
5 The United States Senate passed the
Washington (Pa.) public building bill.
Rev. J. H. Bausman, of Rochester, Pa.,
formally recognized as a Congregational
7 A change of policy in tho Schenley es
tato announced, by which tho land is
to be divided into city lots and leased on
long terms. L., & O. Agent McClnre ar
rests all engaged In the steamer City of
Pittsburg Sunday excursion. Work be
gun on the Crescent independent oil
pipe line.
8 The Thirty-third Street U. P. Church
9 The Denny estate plices over 1,000 acres
of city property on the market.
10 Inim McClaren. a patient at Dlxmont.
dies from injuries received from an of
fleer. Three men run down by a looomo
tlve near Braddock; one killed and two
mortally wounded. Tne State Court ot
the Foresters order begins.
11 Chief or Police Brown submits his an.
nual report.
12 Dissatisfied property-owners appeal to
the Court of Common Pleas to annul the
triennial assesment. L. and O. Agent
MoClure acquitted of perjury, but as
sessed the costs. Dr. Pnrves resigns the
pastorate or tne first jrresoytenan
Church to accept a Professorship in tbe
Princeton Theological Seminary. Delia
Cain acquitted or iufantlcide.
13 Edward Zehner shoots his wife and
sister-in-law and commits suicide on the
Perrysvilleroad. Washington-Jefferson
students nominate Blaine for the Presi
dency in a mock convention.
14 Prof. Arbuokle, of tbe Ninth ward, Alle
gheny, schools,- disappears. The K. of
L. boycott Pabst beer.
15 Last services held in the old First M. E.
i Church on Filth avenue.
16 Councils grant franchises to the Bloom
field Street Railway, and tbe Exohange
Railway. The Braddock Turner Hall
17 A publlo meeting in Allegheny decided,
that work shall begin on a tunnel under
Mt. Troy. Prof. Arbuokle, ot the Ninth
ward Allegheny schools, dishonorably
. discharged.
18 The Red Lion stables burned and-fhe
Alvin Theater damaged; total loss about
$18,000. The Whitehead diyqrce case de
cided for the defendant.
19 Mayor Kennedy, of Allegheny, delivers
his first message; Councils refer to a com
mittee a resolution to quash all indict
ments against ex-Mayor Wyman. Joseph
KUmehaple dies of artificial heat in Mar
vin's bakery. Murderer Reed and two'
other prisoners Dreafc jail at Washing
ton, Pa.
20 Charles Maglnn begins a suit In equity
against the defnnct Allegheny Trust
Company; over 200 defendants. Hugh
Curry convicted in Washington, Paol
the arson of his brother's property. The
office building of the Electric Company
and the residences of Drs. Stevens and
Allison, at Wilklnsburg, burned; loss
about $8,000.
21 The petition of Law and Order Agent Mc
Clure to have his costs remitted refused;
many decisions of Alderman Rohe
against newsdealers reversed. The body
or Grace G. Stoup, tho suicide, recovered
from the Ohio river. Edward Owens, a
Soutbsider, commits suicide. Hospital
Saturday observed. The roof of the old
First Methodist Protestant Church falls
in. burying six men; all severely Injured.
Three prisoners break lail at Eittanning.
Hie Pittsburg Baseball Club engages a
new manager.
22 Francis Tucker burns to death with his
23 "Old Jack," supposed to have been cre
mated in Saitta & Mazza's fruit store,
appears in court to testify in behalf of
hit employers. Cora Nichols found mur
dered at her home near McKee's Rocks.
The Westlngbouse Company awarded
the contract for lighting the World's
24 Patrick Fltzpatrlck executed. KInzer &
Jones' pattern lactory damaged $10,000
by fire. The contract for the Fhipps
conservatory In Schenley Park let.
25 Skelton's livery stable and several ad
joining tenements on Liberty avenue
burn; loss, $15,000.
26 Treasurer McCormick, of the Journey
men Horseshoers, disappears. Chief
Brown, of the Fire Bureau, submits his
report. The Philadelphia Company pre-
uicts in court tnat natural gas win db ex
hausted in three years.
27 The Chamber or Commerceholdsits first
annual banquet. Four children drowned
In Chartiers creek at Woodville.
23 Quay carries tho Allegheny county Re
publican primaries. Two Poles killed by
an electric wire at Braddock. Arnold's
boat supply store damaged $12,000 by
29 Memorial Day service held In the
churches. William T. Espy.the druggist,
defies the Sunday blue law by selling soda
water and cigars to 10,000 people. Last
services held in the old,Sandusky Street
Baptist Church, Allegbeny.
30 Memorial Day observed. The Twin
Cities matched against Pennsylvania in a
checker tournament; the.Twin Cities win;
56 players take part. In a Hungarian
brawl at Calumet, John Lijous murders
Shuslck; the victim buried in a secret
grave. Jones & Laughllns' pattern shop,
Southside, damaged $4,000 by fire.
31 Mayor Gourley vetoes the Exchange and
Manchester street railway ordinances,
and the electric ligbting ordinance; the
two first passed over his head by Select
Council; veto or the lighting ordinance
sustained by Common Council. William,
brother of Coroner McDowell, fatally
bnrned. Chief Bigelow of the Depart
ment of Publlo Works,submlts his report.
Colored people meet, fast and pray over
the subject of Southern iynohlngs. The
monument to unknown Johnstown flood
victims unveiled. Republicans nominate
candidates' for oounty offices.
1 Electric light turned off from the City
Hall because of Mayor Gourley's veto of
the lighting ordinanc.
2 A combination of citizens alleged to ex
ist to enforce the Sunday law against
work of every description, with the viow
of making the law obnoxious. Lena
Henshelcommltssuioide. William Blanke
commits suicide In Hazelwood. Jennie
Powers commits suicide in Monongahela
City. Charlie Buck struck dead by a ne
gro on East street. Mrs. Thomas Mal-
ciszky killed, it is supposed, by her hus
band at Natrona. Tne Pittsburg Glass
Works at Creighton damaged by fire $18
000. 3 Allesheny property owners on the orig
inal plat of Federal street extension noti
fied to vacate. Matthew Watkins falls
from an incline car and crushed to
death. Tbe Carnegie Stoel Company at
Homestead preseuts its ultimatum to
employes. Part of Beaver Falls inun
dated. 4 The new ohapel of St. Anthony, built by
Father Mollinger, opened. Dennis Cloo
nen sentenced to death. Judge McClung
refuses to grant a preliminary Injunction
agalust the Builders' Exchange. A nitro
glycerine explosion at Kensington kills
two men. ix-aiayor wyman reieaseu.
James M. Sharp, newsdealer, prosecutes
Harry Horn, a L. & O. detective, lor vio
lating the Sunday law. A gang of Cam
bria county counterfeiters broken up.
5 Harinonltes celebrate Whitsuntide. The
Amalgamated Association in Homestead
discuss the new Carnegie steel scale, and
decide to rely on the wisdom of the Na
tional Convention. Fire in a Braddock
tenement house destroys two lives and
injures two men.
6 Constable Kyle, of McKee's Rocks, dis
appears. 7 The Amalgamated Association meets. A
cloudburst partly inundates Mononga
hela City.
8 The Pittsburg Baptist Association de
cides to reunite with the State body. Tho
annual conference ot the Pittsburg Dio
cese of tue Protestant Episcopal Church
meets. .
10 Tho Amalgamated Association proposes
an iron and tlnplate scale. Sparrow
Hughes drowned during a drunken riot
on the steamer City of Pittsburg.
11 The first Harrison and Reld club formed
in Pittsburg. Mrs. Schenley presents tue
Olu Block House to the Daughters of the
American Revolution. Priddy defeats
Kennedy in a foot race.
13 Thousands flock to Father Mollinger to
be cured 'on St Anthony's Day. The
city's answer to suits filed by taxpayers
against the assessment fileu. Tho Or
angemen's convention begins.
14 Tue Board of Education decides not to
change the method or promoting High
School students. Pittsburg cricketers
beat the Detroit team.
15 A riot on a Ligonler Valley train, near
Latrobe, between trainmeu and rowdies
results in a double murder. J. T, Kerna
han buys the St. James Hotel of J. K.
Lanahan. The employment of a watch
uian on railroad tracks precipitates a
riot at Homestead. John Hamilton's tin
lactory damaged by fire $2,000. Depos
itors of the defunct Farmers' and Me
chanics' Bank promised 75 per cent.
16 Chief Murphy and other Allegheny offl
olals indicted.
17 Five children drowned at Neville Island,
ontmeai millers meet to form a com
bine. John Miller commits suicide. The
case against E. E. Hazen, for cruelty in
dehorning cattle, nolle prossed at Bea
18 The existenco or the Plnhook gas field
revealed. Lantern bicycle parade, in the
East End.
19 William F. Bchade, real estate agent,
commits snieide.
20 Kmll Welxt murders Miss Hattie But
tress and commits suicide in Allegheny.
The first batch of children sent into the
country by the Pittsburg Fresh Air
Fund. The Carnegie Steel Company at
Homestead settles a scale with their
skilled steel workers.
21 Mrs. William Thaw gives a spectroscope
to the Allegheny Observatory. Annie
McEaohran, or Penn avenue, commits
suicide. The Second Avenne Railway
Company purchases the Turtlo Creek
Railroad to Braddock.
23 The Tyler Pipe Tube Company, of Wash
ington, Pa., the first to sign the Amalga
mated scale. Classes of '9i graduate lrom
the High School and the Western Uni
versity. 24 A coal oil can explodes, burning to death
Mrs. Cuarles Pnvot in Allegheny and
la tally Injuring her husband. Joseph
Grotskl's two children, on the Southside
fatally burned. .Six 'nurses suspended
from the West Penn Hospital. The
Charities Committee of Councils agree
to favorably report the N,eeid larin for a
FoorFarm . ....
25 Physicians and dentists accept plans for
their new office building.' sThe .Republi
can County Committee reorganizes for
tho campaign. J udge McClung' sustains
the office of Delinquent Tax Collector
Grler, of Allegheny. Garlaud elected
President of the Amalgamated Asso
ciation. 27 Seventy-two stones removed by Dr. Sut
ton at the Allegbeny General Hospial
from the gall of Mme. Marie Bess. Oliver
Brothers the first Pittsburg firm to sign
the Amalgamated scale. Suspected
Plnkerton detectives driven out of
Homestead. The Central Board or Edu
cation returns to the old plan of designa
tion by numbers or pupils who are pro
moted to the High School. The South
side Turnfest opens. Common Council
postpones all street improvements.
Councils vote to purchase additional
ground for annexation to Highland
Park. Cyprien Vomer murdered Dy his
brother near Midway.
28 Seventy-three students graduate from
the Allogheny High School.
29 Robert McCormick commits suicide at
West Middletown.
30 The lock-out at the Carnegie Mills at
Homestead begins. Jubilee Day oo
served by the school children of Allegheny.
2 The field day of the Alleglrtray Athletic
S The Franz Hotel at Braddock blown up
by gas. The Methodist Church at Wil
klnsburg dedicated. The corner stone
of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
laid. James Riley bangs himself in Jail.
Independence Day celebrated in Sonen
leyPark. Frank Helms tetter stabbed to
death by two Italian neighbors.
5 A Sheriff's posse turned back by the
. Homestead steel workers. John McGuire
murdered by Charles Sbanalian.
6 Pinkertons in barges captured by Home
stead iron workers.
7 Two Anarchists mobbed by Homestead
8 The corner stone of the Seventh V. P.
Church, of Allegheny, laid. The Car
negie firm at Beaver Falls signs the
Amalgamated scale.
9 The Coroner begins his inquest upon the
victims of the Homstead battle. The
Pennsylvania Federal street depot, Al
legheny, damaged by fire $5,000.
10 The corner stones of St. Andrew's En
glish Lutheran Churoh and tho Mt. Troy
German Catholic Church laid. The Du
quesne Heights M. E. Church and the
Greek United Catholic Church dedi
cated. 12 Troops enter Homestead. Workmen In
three more Carnegie mills decide to
strike. The Congressional Investigating
Committee begins its inquiry at Home
stead. David Hughes murders Thomas
Conners at Chartiers. Orangemen's day
celebrated. The annual tennis tourna
ment begins.
13 Judge Ewing decides that pigeon shoot
ing is not cruel.
It The strike at the Union Iron Mills be
gins. The Congressional Committee
finishes its work at Homestead. Fred
W. Mussler. of Manchester, commits
15 The Union Bricklayers' strike ended.
Sixty mill men of Singer, Nlmick & Co.
and Jones & Laughlin strike. Tbe upper
building of the Penn Incline burned;
loss, $35,000. John Hamilton's tin goods
warehouse gutted by fire; loss, $50,000.
16 The Carnegie Company summons strik
ers to return to work as Individuals. T.
Klrschner commits suicide.
17 St. Mary's parochial school In Sharps
burg dedicated.
IS Warrants issued for the arrest of tho
Homestead riot leaders; Burgess Mc
Luckle imprisoned.
19 Governor Paulson visits Homestead.
Duquesne iron workers organize a lodgo
of tue Amalgamated Association.
20 Homewood races begin.
21 Hugh O'Donnell and Hugh Ross sur
render to officers at Homestead. Alle
gheny Councils refuse to pass the uoz
licensing ordinance over the Mayor's
veto. Rev. Father Leander Scherr made
Arch-Abbot. The Ursullne Convent dis-
Soses of part of its grounds,
uquesne steel workers strike. Allen
and Foy arrested lor murder at Home
stead. 23 H. C. Frick shot and stabbed by Berk
man, tbe Anarchist. Tho preliminary
hearing of O'Donnell held. Democratic
primaries for choosing Legislative can
didates held. Jack Cooley killed near
Fairchance by a trap gun. Mrs. Mart
C'ulklsky and Franciska Bruskinski com
mit suicide.
24 Private lams tortured and drummed out
of Camp Sam Black.
25 Evidence of an Anarchistic plot fonnd;
Carl Knold, of Allegheny, arrested.
O'Donnell, Ross, Allen and Foy released
on balk James W. Minton, the young
dentist, drowns himself.
26 Bauer, the Anarchist, arrested. Troops
begin to withdraw from Homestead. The
Grand Lodge of Good Templars meets in
Pittsburg. 'The hottest day since 1877. A
gas explosion in a conduit on Liberty
avenue injures five men. Eight build
ings burned on Fifth avenue near High
street. The Democratic County Conven
tion passes resolutions on tbe Homestead
trouble and Private lams' case.
27 Thirty-six more warrants Issued for the
arrest of Homestead rioters, and six ar
rests made. Max Cutkisky arrested for
the murder of his wire. Officers find a
"fence" of stolen goods ont Penn avenue.
Lightning strikes and consumes two
large oil tanks near Washington, Pa.
iron manufacturers refuse to accept the
new Amalgamated scale.
28 Molllck, tho Long Branch Anarchist,
landed In the Pittsburg Central station.
Sylvester Critchlow the first or the
Homestead rioters to be held for murder
without ball. T. J. Evans & Co.'s china
store damaged by fire; loss, $50,000. Wire
manufacturers and employes meet to
settle a scale of wages; they adjourn to
meet in August.
29 Greensburg mills sign the Amalgamated
scale. Lightning kills William Cassell
and Solomon Richardson in Highland
Park; a complete picture of tbe tree un
der which he sought shelter photo
graphed on Cassell's breast.
80 Bauer and Knold, the Anarchists, held for
the grand Jury. The People's party
nominates a county ticket. Tbe salary
suit ol District Attorney Burleigh against
Controller Grlerdecided In the plaintiff's
favor. Tho Cooley gang offer to sur
render on promise of light sentences.
Football players organize a club.
SI The Pittsburg Skene Works burned! loss,
$4,000. Francis Fnnner commits snieide
while insane. The new St. Stanislaus
Church dedicated.
1 Marcus Albrecht, tho Anarchist cobbler
of Allegheny, arrested. Work in the Car
negie Union mills partly resumed;
machinists and others strike in sympa
thy with their fellow workmen. Park
Brothers' rake tooth workers strike.
Private lams enters suit against Colonel
Streator. ,
2 Spang, Chalfant 4 Ca's Iron mill at Etna
starts up with non-union workmen. A
loarlng gas well struck near Uizubetb.
Molllck, the Long Brauch Anarchist,
discharged- ,
3 Hugh Boss swears out warrants against
the Carnegie and Plnkerton officials.
Messrs. Frick, Lovejoy and Leisuinau
give ball. Messrs. Dovey and U'Conuell
arrested at Homestead and taken to jail.
Glass manufacturers and workers Hgreu
upon a scale. Robert Watkins commits
suicide. A podcr explosion near Ver
ona kills Aluert Moss and injures several
others. Joseph Brandl latally stubbed
by George Strasser. James French, a
Beaver Falls restaurant keeper, fatally
injures John L. Wolf.
4 Troops dispatched to Duquesne to quell
a riot. P. C. Knox, attorney for the Car
negie Compauy.doclinestoarbltrate with
5 Eleven alleged rioters at Duquesne ar
rested. , .
6 Oliver Bros warehouse burned; loss,
$5 COO.- Murderer Martin Reed, near No
blestown, kills Deputy Sheriff Coyle,
wounds Chief of Police Harry W. Orr,
commits sutolde, and burns to death In
the house in which be was brought to.
bay. The first payment made for tbe
Neeld City Farm. John S.Alles suffers
his annual attack of hydrophobia. Ed
ward Burke, the first Homestead rioter
arrested, released on ball.
8 Duquesne strikers return to work.
Streatorunanlmously re-elected Lieuten
ant Colonel or the Tenth Regiment. Nina
Duquesne rioters held for trial.
9 George Stickler mortally wounded by
ThomasSteffyina fight In Armstrong
county. Flags hoisted over Homestead
mills as a symbol of victory.
10 Iron manufacturers sign the Amalga
mated scale. Glass manufacturers and
men renew last year's scale. Gabriel
Moseby murdered by Ed McAllen.
11 Jack Clifford, tbe eighth Homestead
worker, to be arrested for riot. Edwin
McAllen, the Pittsburg murderer, ar
rested in Wbeeling. Glass workers re
solve to work against the proposed ac
ceptance by City Councils ot the $1,000,CM)
Subllo library gift from Carnegie,
'homas Morgan shoots his father and
12 Painter's mill employes refnso to woTk
under tbe new scale. The Federation
or Labor refuses to boycott Carnegie ma
terial. Samuel Clarkaud Blanche Bards
ley fall from Monument Hill; the latter
fatally Injured.
13 The People's electric line In the Beaver
Valley opened. Green glass scale set
tled. 34 The corner stone laid of St. Joseph's
Catholio Church at Braddock.
15 Mayor Gourley determines to prosecute
violators of the sidewalk ordinance. The
Bessemer mill at Homestead resumes.
The new steel tube for the telescope at
the observatory first used. Mrs. John
Cuckon at Lyclppus murdered byRu-
ooipn uoya.
16 Pennsylvania Knights of Pythias meet.
.non-union witnesses moDbea in Home
stead. 17 Conrad Dietrich's pork packing house in
Allegheny burned; loss, $25,000. J. B.
Haines', residence at Osborn bnrned.
Soldiers on the Little Bill at Homestead
fired npon by persons on a freight train;
tbe train riddled with bullets. A num
ber of boys Jump from a trestle to escape
a train; all hurt and George Simmons
killed. George Lehberger, supposed to
, be a Russian Nihilist, arrested. Knights
of Pythias parade. The One Hundred
and Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol
unteers, holds a reunion ht Cyclorama
IS Charles Heber mortally wounds Watch
man Eberhardt and escapes from tho
Allegheny workhouse. Ground broken
lor tbe Phlpps Conservatory.
19 Prohibitionists open the campaign. A
cloudburst at Freedom. Democrats of
the Twenty-fourth district nominate W.
A Slpe for Congress. ,
20 Tho Eait Liberty stockyard barnburned;
loss $13,000. Couuty Republican Com
mittee organized. Mrs. Gougar delivers
a People's party speech at Homestead.
22 County Teachers' Institute begin. Re
publicans of theBeaver-Lawrence district
nominate Congressman Stone for Judge.
Fourteen rollers in the Pittsburg and
Braddock wire mill strike. Butcher
Doerr, of Homestead, boycotted out of
23 Threatened sidewalk prosecutions
averted by a compromise. Michael Fet
tertnan fatally stoned by three boys near
Verona. Charles Havers, the escaped
workhouse convict, recaptured. Demo
crats of the First Legislative district
nominate Edward G. Lang.
24 A freight car' loaded with ingots at
Thirty-fourth street blown up with dyn
amite. Public corporations exempted
from local taxation by opinion of county
25 Forge and bumper mechanics at the
Union mill strike.
26 A site purchased for anew Southside
hospital. Mrs. Martha Allen commits
suicide. Frey and Yeager, members of
tne cooley gang, captured; 'rev escapes.
27 Pinkertons with search warrants fail to
find their guns at Homestead.
29 The police begin tbe cleaning of the city
against cholera. Five members of the
Homestead Advisory Committee arrested.
Seventy-two Allegheny pupils vacci
nated. The remodeling of the fire alarm
system begins..
30 Employes or the Shoenberger mill strike.
Democrats of the Fifth Legislative dis
trict nominate four candidates. The
Sewickley tennis tournament begins.
31 Three Duquesne strikers held for court.
Farmer Adams confesses to placing ob
structions upon tho railroad track at
1 Mark Baldwin, the baseball pitcher,
Hugh Boss and others arrested for ag
gravated riot. Five members of the Ad
visory Board held for trial.
2 A remarkable trephining operation per
formed on tbe skull of John McDowell
at tbe Homeopathic Hospital. The legal
contest for the Father Mollinger estate
8 John Clifford, a Homestead rioter, held
for trial without bail. Soldiers board,
the steamer City of Pittsburg and arrest
five passengers. The East End Gyms
hold their annual field meet. Miss Ella
McCague, or Beaver Falls, fonnd In her
bed strangled to death. Mrs. Henry
Hawkins, of Washington, Pa., commits
5 J. W. Breen nominated by the Demo
crats to opposo Dalzell for Congress.
Tbe Union planing mill at Braddock
burns; loss about $23,000. Duquesne and
Alvin stage bands strike, and those
theaters made non-union.
7 The Exposition season opens. Havers,
the recaptured workhouse convict, sen
tenced to 21 years in the penitentiary.
8 Twenty-fourth district Republicans
nominate Andrew Stewart for Congress.
George Raub, of the Southside, commits
suicide. Ex-Auditpr McKlrdy, of Alle
gheny, acquitted of misdemeanor in
office. The Cooley gang bind, torture
and rob three old people near Mason
town. 9 Frank Garvin mnrders his hrido. Re
form Republicans of the Twenty-fourth
Congressional District organize to de
feat Candidate Acheson. Republicans
of the Twenty-first district nominate at
Saltsburg H. B. Heiner for Congress.
Isaac Omslaer, fearing hydrophobia,
committs suicide. Willie and James
Peer drowned at the xentn street Driage.
10 Forty suits begun Dy the Board of Health
against property holders. Father Duff-
ner SUCCCBU9 tUB lUbO fawoi juuuujm,
Democrats of the Twenty-first Congress
ional district nominate Captain John B.
Keenan. River coal operators demand a
reduction or wages. The steamer Tide
fired npon through a gas-plpo cannon
near Homestead.
11 James McCann fatally stabbed Dy Ed
Donnelly. The project for the opening
of O'Hara avenne and Block House Park
takes definite form on the return from
Europe of Chief Bigelow. Representa
tives of Pennsylvania, Ohio and West
Virginia at the Hotel Anderson conclude
an alliance to fight cholera,
12 Eignt thousand Monongahela river min
ers locked out. Natural gas first turned
on in Waynesburg. Adjutant General
Greenland declares that tne Sheriff must
act and relieve the military at Home
stead. 13 Tbe McCrory heresy caso comes up be
fore the Pittsburg Presbytery at Roch
ester, Pa. Filty-flve locked-out Home
stead men neiu lor uuurb. .c ouuayivttuuh
County Commissioners hold their annual
15 Mrs. Schenley gives ground for the
widening of Forbes street at Schenley
park into a "plaza." Allegheny Coun
cils resolve to extend the ctty water
pipes above the Pittsburg sewers. Home
wood races begin. John M. Cooley, of
Allegbeny, found drowned near Brad
dock; probably murdered.
16 Hugh O'Donnell gives mmself up.
Twenty-nine Duquesne rioters arrested.
John Bloche commits suicide.
17 Joseph Gentt murders his brother.
18 Six tenement houses on St. Paul .and
Huron streets burned; loss, $6,000.
19 Berkman, the Anaxchlst,.sentenced to 22
years In the penitentiary. The first steel
river barge ever built launched by W. H.
Brown's Sons
& .
Oft 111.-1.M JlManf1n flA-flA TTTrtTl TCHffll-
ttnnMiTaTnanfa 1 l.
21 True bills found against 167 Homestead , s
rioters. . - 1
-Lovejoy, Frick and other Carnegie) t .-.
nfflniaU wnrf fnnr VfnVprtnn fllTflfltftl! O '
give themselves up on oomplaiat of ;. v s
Burge3 McLuckie. Residents of tho- .;
toward securing a sewerage system.
Chief Bigelow begins to draw up plans.
P. H. Saitta acquitted of arson. Tho
military punishers of Private lams in
dicted. 23 As a result of tne Coroner's verdict on
tho murder of John W. Cooley on tha
barge City of Pittsburg, warrants are)
issued for the arrest or several persons
on charges of perjury and dog fighting.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Davis capture In.
their residence George Groan, the "S
Durgiar and oiamona tniei. Aignty-
seven lnionnations loageu against speas. .,..
24 Hugh O'Donnell refused bail. Congrcss-t
man Dalzell opens the campaign in tha
West End. The Department of Publlo ,f
Safety receives a cholera germ incn-
bator. The cornerstone laid of the San
dusky Street Baptist Church, Allegheny. .-,
Nelson wins the Keystone bicycle race.
Two members or tho Cooley gang;
wounded in a raid on Jacob Prinkey's) ,
house, near Uniontown. -;
25 A storm wrecks Penn Incline Hall and .
the Southside German National Bank
building. i
26 Mrs. Henry Marsh and James Mcintosh -.-
arrested at Stapleton, S. L, for the lar
ceny or the late Gamble Weir's jewels.
27 John Robinson & Sons' coal washer and
elevator burned; loss, $20,000.
2S Governor McKlnley speaks at Washing-,
ton. Pa. The Pittsburg M.E. Conference) .'
meets at Blairsville. The Elba Iroa
Works refuses to treat with strikers.
29 Joseph and Angelo Zappa convicted of
murder. Embezzler Flann pardoned by
tne President. The Allegheny Athletic J
Association holds its championship bicy
cle races. i
30 State Chief Justice Faxson issues "war
rants for tho arrest or tbe Homestead
Advisory Committee on the charge of
treason. Maple Shades Home at -Wilklnsburg
opens. Boilers at the Carbon works
burst; loss, $1,000. Grace Brown, of Bos
ton, Pa., arrested for infanticide.
1 Congressman Stons speaks at Woods
2 Frank Cooley shot dead by a sheriffs
posse. The first frost of tbe season.
3 General Snowden assumes the responsi
bility for the treason prosecutions. Jack
Ramsey, of the Cooley gang, captured.
John Gordenmnrders Warren Cook;bot!i
colored. Allegheny Select Council votes .
to increase city Indebtedness. The Penn'
sylvania Supreme Court meets.
5 Father Scbneurr Installed as Abbott at
St. Vincent's, near Latrobe. McAlIeu
convlcted or murder in the second degree.
Tha first snow fall3.
6 The Cooley sisters arrested. Mrs. 3IarsU J
and James Mcintosh brought to Pitts -f-burg.
The Mansion House at Homestead. '-?
7 David Rosenthal, Wylto avenuo dry- '
goods merchant, fails. An engineer anil
a fireman killed in the Sandy Creek tun
nel. Oak Grove Church, at Rochester,
Pa., withdraws from the Presbytery.
8 Democrat? hold their first big demon- ,
titration. The Girls' Industrial School
opens. The steamboat Robert Jenkins " J
burns at Port Perry; loss, ,000.
9 The First Presbyterian Church of Alio- J
gheny dedicated. j
10 Chief Justice Paxson charges the Grand ,
Jury on the law of treason. The OHara, &
avenue ordinance passed. '3
U True bills found against the Carnegla .a
officials and tbe Pinkertons for murder-' s
and riot, and against Homestead men for .j
treason. , .
12 Louis Marx commits suicide. General .
Hastings speaks at McKeesport. ,
13 The last of the troops leave Homestead.
David Hughes acquitted of murder, fe
Three regiments of veterans hold ft re- '?
union at Wilklnsburg. ,-
14 The Arbuthnot building condemned. i
15 Two Wylie avenue cable cars run into a "
Republican procession; two killed ' and"';;'
seven badly wounded. Great Repub-
lican parade on the Southside. Tha ''
County Commissioners award tho con- '-&
tract for printing tho blanket ballots. .
The Philadelphia Company advances tha J
price of gas 2 cents. Tbe Pittsburg- W
ball club organizes for next season.
16 Francis Murphy speaks at tha Grand;.
Opera House. Nuttall's machine shop in
Allegbeny burns; loss, $7,000.
17 The Jury finds against the Builders' Ex- -"
change in the conspiracy suit.
18 James Sttvanson stabbed to' death by
Stewart Rodders in Lawrenceville: both
small bovs. The Allegheny U. P. Pres
bytery refuses to organize the Jack's)-
Run school. Schwab succeeds Potter a3 ' i
Superintendent of the Homestead mills, jg
19 Tha Snnroma Court petitioned by Pitts- is
burg citizens for an injunction against jf
tne printing 01 tne uaKer uauots. xiougE
ors. tne dot muruarar. utu tor uuurw a
20 The Columbus celebration begins; schools
children nlnnt a Columbus grove inf
Schenley Park. The Pittsburg. All&i
gheny and Manchester Street Railway ;
Company decides to consolidate with.,...
tne Pleasant Valley line. Cook Hall -3
turns State evidence and pleads gnllty "
to robbing many country postofflce9.
The Pennsylvania Presbyterian Synod
meets at Washington, Pa. John-Brad-
"a" ford convicted of manslaughter.
21 Tbe great Columbus Day pageant takes
22 The Coroner's Jury exonerates the Wy
lie avenue eripmen. New glaS3 works
start up at Kensington.
23 Tho Hungarian Reformed Protestant
Church and St. Andrew's English Evan
gelical Lutheran Church dedicated.
Mrs. Maria Dell found murdered near
24 Tho Presbyterian Synod sentence Prof.
Cooper to admonishment. The United
States Grand Jury flnd3 over thirty in
dictments against persons encroaching
upon navigable rivers'. Frank Gerarde,
the murderer of a child, granted a new
26 Twenty firemen partly suffocated at a
fire in Chestnut & Son's leather store
Hughes and Coleman, the postoffice rot
hers, convicted. Ex-Market Clerk Has
lnss released from the county Jail. T"
first snow of the season falls. Mrs.P
Stauffer and her two children at
burg burned to death or fatally
Beaver Falls citizens assero''
tbe Carnegie Company " t
tions. Ex-Speaker P
dress at Old City H-
Wood killed by a
operators organiz
27 Homestead citl
against lawlessn
tary torturers of
28 Salvatore Caten
a stiletto on Dc
Minshall, the cc
for manslaught-
elevator accld
workers resolvf
Frank Carman
body on tha Ca
dan station a.
Pittsburg Unit
break out in se
29 Courteny defer
Mayor Kenned
lng the voting -
Improvement b
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31 Mayor Gourley
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