Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 31, 1892, Page 13, Image 13

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an oil iroll in the Gorf on, fourth or fifth
sand. -
Much or the territory has never been thor
oughly tested.
The only excitement north of the Ohio
Tiver was near Undercllu". on the Pittsburg
and Wetern R"tllrrd,when John M. Patter
ton & Sohu brought in a good 30-foot well on
tne Kcssler farm. Iherowero at least a
dozen wells drilled around the Kessler, hut
only two of tsetn are making enongh oil to
call them producers. The field as a whole
has proven a failure.
Except in the vicinity of Brownsdale,
operation in Sutler county are practically
at a standstill. Zelienople and Harmony are
dead to the world so tar as new work is con
cerned, and the Garvin pool south of Evans
Citr" has assumed a graveyard appearance.
Jforthwest of Allegheny City several gas
companies have kept a few strings of tools
unning. and have been bringing in passers
whose pressure ranged from 100 to 200
pounds. Nothing hie in that line, however,
or any oil wells has been developed.
In what is known as the Plnhookgas
field, around Milltown, three miles east of
Verona, oil has been found in the 100-root
tand, Imt as the parties drilling the wells
were titter cas thoy cased off the oil and
went on down. In only one or two wells,
Iiowever. was the showing sufficient to sup
pose ti.ut it might be developed into a lay
ing producer.
Developments at Sistersvllle.
The greatest activity during the entire
f year, and the most important developments
bavebesu iu what Is now the Sistersvllle
field, located on the Ohio river, 40 miles be
low Wheeling, W. Va. Oil is found on both
, the Ohio and West Virginia sides or the
river. The field takes its name from what
was the village of Sistersvllle, in Tyler
county, W. Va., and it in turn was.natnea,
iue three score years ago, after two sis
ters by the name of Wells.
It is more tlun a year ago since some ven
turesome ti ildcatters got a showing or oil In
w hat is the present sistersvllle Held. Lnd-w-g&
M -oney struck the old Polecat well,
which was probably the first in the region
to show any encouraging amount of oil.
Then William Johnson, and Cnarles Dnel
Aand J. C Tennant went to work and after a
T(tiT-rvat de.il of labor demonstrated to the oil
liioducingpublle that the field was worth?
fomethtmr. Thii was all that was needed,
and lHtelaot swing a rush was mude for the
tiew L'ldurudo. The natives of the slumber
ing old village wero amazed when
one morning they j.wok to eo der
licks atfd tanks being built on
e erj- lot and farm: and pipe lines being laid
across "'Mr fertile meadows. Prom a popu
lation 300 or ton it jumped to over 1,500 iif
u cour -- ot weeks: and iroin a production of
390 r 49u barrels a day It went to over 15,000
barrels a. day.
Nearly 200 wells have been drilled in the
field, but at the piesent time it ih generally
liilleved that the producing sind has been
pretty well defined, with the exception of a
narrow streaK towarc me suuinwest, on
the West Virginia siae or the river. Some
pood wells were recently broucht in in that
direction, especially on the Keener prop
eitv. Thev showed little nr no salt water,
I'nd flowed naturally. The oil lound at
Sistersvllle, by the way. is struck in the Big
Injun sana, at a depth ot from 1,400 to 1,600
J ecu
Always Plenty of Salt Water.
With the exceptions Just noted, every well
In the field produces Irom 5 to 0 times as
much salt water as it does oil. Frequently,
a tcr h well has been pumping saltwater
for weeks, it will commence to show con
siderable oil and eventually turn into a fair
The present field is about four miles wide
from east to west, and five miles from north
east to southwest on a 22 degree line. The
capacity of the wells ranses from 39 to 400
b-irreU a day, and in the last eight months
tlie field has produced almost 2,000,000 barrels
or petioleum. There is yet within the
limits or the defined territory plenty of
Muff which lias not been drilled, and with a
uetter price lor oil tue production would
prooubly be increased quickly by the drill
ing ot new uolls.
There U still more being dono around
fisterville than in any other part of the
Pennsylvania, New York or West Virginia
fields, but it is very probable that as soon as
ISistoisvllle goe down another field will be
speedily btought to the notice or the oper
ators. This at least has been the history of the
oil country, and it is not improbable that
the -ieit field will be in Doddridge county,
W. Va., almost due east or Sistersvllle. There
liuve been several good ells drilled iu that
locality already and others aro now golmr
down. They are, however, from 10 to 15
miies from the Baltimore and Ohio Kail
load, and little definite imormation has been
heard from them, except that they were producer-.
It is claimed that there are a couple of
"wells some eight miles apart on a northeast
and southwest line which are showing oil,
nml if this is the case it promises to be a
field of the first magnitude when fully de
veloped. , 01iiofc Xndlnna and. Kentucky.
The Ohio and Indiana fields, particularly
the lntter. have at various times during the
year been boomed energetically, bnt the re
sults do not show that they have come np to
the expectations of the boomers.
No new pools ot any importance have
been developed In the Ohio fields. Spurs
ana extensions ot the old pools have been
loilowed n l) and occasionally a well was
found which spurted oil, water and mud for
a few hours at an enormous rate, but none of
them hold out.
Tne Indiana field seems to have been
greatly overestimated according to the re
ports which are brought back by Pennsyl
vaiiia operators who have visited it. The
Bind, tuey claim, is extremely spotted and
Trf-achei us and tho size ot the wells de
veloped does not pay In the long run. Host
o. the .-operating has been done around
Portland, the county seat of Jay county, in
the northeastern part of the State. Outside
ot J.ty county very little is being done.
KentucKy has once every few months
made a claim tor recosnition from her oil
trade. Out as votnotbing has been developed
nich warrants the placing of any reliance
on tlie State as a gieat producing lezion.
1 here have been a number of wells drilled
mid numerous efforts made to open the tern
tor), but without results.
The oil is found in the Trenton limestone
mul is of about the same quality as the Ohio
oil. The regions in which it has been found
are loniote from the railroads or rivers, and
lis there are yet no pipe lines through the
c uutiy there Is no market for the product.
It ma m time become a factor In the oil
"business, nut at present it is too far removed
mid too difhcult to reach while better fields
mc neater.
At crago Trice for 1892.
The average market price tor crude oil
fur the ear 1S92 has been more than 10 cents
a barrel bolow that of any previous j ear. It
v ill .11 crago about 5G cents. The following
on- the averages for the months or the yean
January, t2$& February, G0J; March, 57K:
April, 57J: May. 6; June. 54; July, 52$;
Au.Ust, 5: September, 515; October, 5
2m ember 52, i.nd December uhoutSi cents.
In Ui I be average pi Ice was 71Vf, in 1SS7 it
-nas in lftS It went up tn8in8S9
I, ere was nnnther jump to 91, in 1830 it
ti lopped to & and in 1891 it was down to 67
The pro luctinn of the Pennsylvania, New
"York and Uest Vir-inia fields during the
j ear has at eraged 87,845 barrels a day. This
average Is greater tnun forany other year in
the oil business, with the exception of 1S91,
-when the daily average output was 94,930
lxirrels In 1SS0, when Bradford was Hear
ing the zenith of its glory, the production
was only 7L1C7: in 1SS1 It was 74,954, and in
ltS2, when tlie Cherry Grove gushers wero
lrvelopcd, lliotiverage went to 81,303 barrels.
The next j ear it declined to 63,336. In 1S83,
Jollomiig the shutdown movement, it was
onb 40,700. and in 1E90, when Wlldwood was
a: lis nest, the uernge was up to 73.5S3
lwrrels. In Janu 1 1 y, 1891, the dally average
.jKodnctioji was 94,419. and ror the month of
December U was 78,000, a decline of over
12.003 barrels a day.
Decline in Completed "Wells.
There has been a remarkablo falling off in
tho number of wells completed daring the
year. Tho number Is less than it has ever
been, with the exceptions of the years 1SS7
and 1883. The total for the year Is 1,899, only
iibnut one-half the number finished in 189L
End only one-third or the number completed
in 18P0. The only reason that can be given
ji.r this cessation ot wotk Is the extremely
low pi ice of crude.
xnere ate now zuu wens uniting In the
various fields, and the average at the close
of each mouth during the year Just closed
was 213. This is only one-half tne number
aveiugel in 1891.
There was an Increase In stocks during
the past year tram 16,500,000 barrels in Janu
ary to 1D,1C0,C09 barrels in August, when
ttfv began to decline, and are now don u to
juoO.WW barrels.
eveal New Pipe lane.
The j ear 1892 will be remembered as the
, j ear in which several new and independent
'pipe lines wero completed. It will also be
remembered as the year in which tho first
individual line was completed to the sea
hoard. Tlrst tho W. L. Jlcllon line was laid from
tne McDonald field to Coraopolls, where
tank cats were loaded with oil and shipped
tu tuo Independent refineries. Then the
Producers OH Company ent Into tho busi
ness and put down aline to Coraopolls, and
cn'HHi'Zircd feeding the lank cars.
mi hi ufterWHi'U W. L. Mellon organized the
C. -e,.fit Pipe Lino Company and con-
cue a pipe line irora tne McDonald Hold J
to Xlarcus -Hook, a shipping point on the
Delaware rlvrr below Philadelphia. This
line was completed last Ootober.
Then the Producers and Ktfiners Pipe Line
Compan v whb organized and a line was laid
from McDonald, north through the Butler
county region to Oil City and Tltusville,
where mot of the independent refineries
aro located. This linn has been completed
and oil Is now being pumped through it.
Some one next proposed n pipe line
through tlie northorn tier onuntries of the
State which would connect the northern end
or the Producers and Uefiners line with the
seaboard. This scheme was immediately
adopted and rconey was subscribed to build
such a line. Contractors are working on it
now, and the projectors claim that they will
he able to pump oil by the 1st of April.
Big Sales D urine the Tear.
It would scarcely do to pass over some of
tho larger cales of oil property which oc
curred in 1832. Tho Millers Run Oil Com
pany started the selling by disposing of a
big block of territory, on tlie Ohio side of
the river in the Sistersvllle field, to the
Ilenry Oil Company, of Chicago, for some
thing like $115,000. It was considered at the
time a good price for the property. Not
long ago, after months of negotiating,
Messrs. B. Forst and C. D. Greenlee sold to
the Tidal Oil Company, of Kbit York, which
was organized by a W. Scofleld, lortrerly
an tipper oil country operator, a large block
or developed territory in the McDonald field
for about 33J3,00a It had produced over
1.000,000 ban els of oil and had seen its best
days when the transfer wns made
Only recently the Victor Oil Comptny
paid the Independence oil Company $26,000
JorbtJ acres or land soutn west ot tne iun u
o Sistersvllle, on which there was one well,
making 35 barrels a day.
Early in December Bitts & Walker, of
Butler, sold to the McCnlmont OH Company
a block ol 100-foot property that lias a
monthly production or 13.C00 bariels. The
consideration was $75,000.
Tlie Situation Warrants Better Prices,
The situation at present is bullish. With
the exception of 'Doddridge county, W,
Va., no new fields are in sight. McDonald Is
on the decline and Sistersvllle has reached
almost the keystone. The upper county and
Butler fields are practicallv dead. Very
little new work is beinu started in the lower
districts, except what'is absolutely neces
sary to protect tho leases, lhere is a de
cline or nearly one-half in completed
wells. The shipments are increas
ing, while tho stocks are declining.
Ohio and ltnssla are no longer the hug-a-boo
they were a year ago. With steadily In
creasing shipments, the stocks of legitimate
Pennsylvania Qil will rapldlv fall off, and It
is this fact which leads the Pennsylvania
producers to believe that better prices ate
in store for them, and that they will soon
reap the benefits. Another bullish factor is
the new pipe lines. They should create
competition and thus bung to the producer
better remuneration for his work.
Jons G. Wallace.
Fine Fresh Candy for New Year's.
A big supply just leceived from our New
York manufacturer. -So finer, better, purer
candies made or sold in Pittsburg, and more
different kinds than shown in any other
Etoro. Try a pound box to-day.
New Candy Department
Dewttt'b Little Early Risers. No g,riplng
no pain, no nausea: easy pill to take.
Lodge No. 34 will meet In lodge room, 175
1 ederat street, on SUNDAY. January 1, 1833. at
1 o'clock, to attend the funeral or tlie late Past
Matter Workman. Jacob O. Cox. or General Custer
Lodge N o. lis. S. L. W ALKiNsHaW. M. W.
JAft. R. KIBLER. Recorder.
l.N of the stockholders of the Mnnongaheia
Navigation Comoanvnlll beheld at the office of
the company. No. g Wood street. Pittsburg. Pa.,
on THURSDAY. January 12. 1893. at 2 o'clock r.
11.. for the election or officers for tbt ensuing year
and the transaction of other business.
W. BAKEWELu Secretary.
ING of the Commercial Travelers' Protective
Association or Pittsburg. Pa . will be held at Asso
ciation Rooms (McCanee block), corner Seventh av.
and bmlthfield St., Pittsburg, on SATURDAY,
December 31. 1892, at7 o'clock p. jr., rorlhe elec
tion of officers for the ensuing year and considera
tion of amendments.
CHAS. II. KELLY. Secretary.
Exposition society.
PlTToBUKG. Dec 21, 1S92,
X AUERS or this soclctv.for the election of thir
teen directors to serve for the ensuing year, and
for the transaction of such other busluess as may
be brought np. will be held In the United States
District Court room (new), postoffice building,
third floor, take elevator. Third avenue and Smith
Held street. TUESDAY. January 3. 1893, at 1
o'clock, P. 11.
A. 1 BURCHFIELD. Secretary.
Li the business of the firm of Booth lllunwlll
be continued by ISootli i, Fllnu, Limited.
XN the day: a corps orexpert bookkeepers. Wool
sey's Accounting Bureau, No. 98 Fourth av.
Business Clianges.
December p. 1892.
notice to the publio-the firm of
li ltonlstalll & Bist. heretofore doing a whole
sale liquor busimss at No. 10 Diamond square, city
or Pittsburg. Pa., was dissolved on August 3. 1892.
Frank Bonlstalll withdrawing from said Arm, and
that the use of hs name In connection with said
firm thereafter was unauthorized and without
authority. FRANK BON1STALLL,
December 10, J892. J
1 nine directors of this bank, to serve for the
ensuing year, will be held at the banking house. 526
and 52a Wood st,. on TUESDAV. January 10,1893,
between the hours ofll a. m. and 1 p. si.
W. STEIN MEYEK, Cashier.
Fikst Natioxai. Baxk, PirrsBoao. Pa.
UECTOU'5 lor this bank to sorre for the ensu
ing year will be held at the banking house, corner
ood st. and Firth av.. TUESDAY. January 10.
ItS3, between the hours or 12 noon and 1I. .
J. D. SCULLY, Cashier.
December 10. 1802.
Dcquiavk .national IUkk, 1
PITTSBCRC. P.. Dee. 10. 1832. f
(10) ten directors to serve this bank for the en
suing 3 ear will be held at the banking house. No.
409 smlthfield street, on TUESDAY. January 10,
1133, between the hours of 12 i. and 1 P. M.
A, II. PA1T RnON. Cashier.
The Bes- Fbanklin Insukasce Co. )
or tub City or Allegheny. Pa..
ALLEOI1KSV. Dec 29. 1832. )
directors of thl company to serve for the en
suing j ear wilt held at the office or the company
on MONDAY. Januarys, 1893. between the hours
of 10 o'clock a. xi. and 2 o'clock r. ji.
WM. A. FOltD. Secretary.
Legal Notices.
hereby given that letters of administration
on the estate of Charles Lang, deceased, late of the
Third ward, Allegheny. Hare been Issued to me.
All perons Indebted to said estate will make pay
ment to me, and all persons having claim will pre
sent same to inc. MARTIN MIUM, Administra
tor. 101 Liberty street, Allegheny.
December 2, 1S92
JUUN A. 1 1LSON. Attorney at Law,
149 Fourth avenue.
hereby given that letters qf
admlntstratloa on the estate of James A. Carson
hve been granted to the undersigned, to whom all
persons Indebted to said estate are req nested to
make immediate payment, ana those having claims
against the same should make them knowu with
out delay. MARrilAM. CAUSON. Hannerrllle,
Attorney at Law, 149 Fourth avenue.
CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters
ol administration cum tcstamcuto annexo ou the
estate of Catherine Normecutt, deceased, haie
bicn granted to the undersigned, to-whom all per
sons Indebted to said estate are requested to make
Immediate payment, aud those hating claims
against the same should make them known with
out delay. EMMA C NORMECUTT, 528 Lincoln
av., E. E.. city.
133 Fifth acnue.
1 application will be made to the Governor of
Pennst Irauia on the Sun DAY OF APRIL next by
Henry A. Davis. Christopher Magee, Jr., Wllklns
Lluhart, Charles E. Cornelius and others under an
act orAsscuibly.cutllied "An uct lor the Incorpor
ation and regulation of Banks of Discount and De
iposit." approved tlie 13th day of Slay. 1876, aud its
supplements Tor tlie charter of an Intended corpor
ation to be railed "The Baukpf Secured Sayings."
Pittsburg. Pa.
The said bauk Is to be located in the city of Pitts
burg. The specific object for which the same is lobe
created Is the car. ylng on of the business of bank
ing In all lis branches as authorized by the same
act of Assembly and Its supp ements.
The amount orthe capital stock is (100.00a divided
into two thousand shares or (40 each: and for these
purpo.es to have, possess and enjoy all the rights,
benefits aud privileges of said act of Assembly ana
the supplements thereto.
CHAS. K. CORNELIOS. Solicitor.
LOST-On Christmas Eve. at Union depot, horse
shoe scarf pin set with diamonds. Reward
paid n return to Chas. W. Franzhelm, Wheeling,
V. Va.
LOST-st. Bernard dog: five months old: color,
light orange and white, full white collar and
perfect blaze, except small spot of orange between
ears. 1 en dollars reward If returned tu 4926 Wal
llngford st.. Shadrsldc.
t OsTThursdav evenlnsr. Deremlier 31
JU go'd chain bracelet, on cither Penn av..
lion, Frankstown. Lowell or Mayflower sts. Suit
able reward to party returning to A, C Ulco, 42
Frankstown av.. East End,
JO- Classified real estate advertisement! on this
rage ten cenu per line for each insertion, and
none takenor lest than twenty cents.
distilled under the following headings wilt be ac
cepted at the rate of
FOB EACH INSERTION when paid for la ad
vance either at m&ln orhnnch ofacet.
Warned Advertisements of Ml Hinds,
Cor. Smlthfleld and Diamond Streets.
Auverllem-nts should he prepaid unless adver
tisers alrcadr hsve accounts with TUB Disiwrcn.
for thi: sotrrnsiLF-. 2 cabson st
FOR THE EAST END. J.W.WAlii.vr, 6121
TnottAS MCCAFFREY. S5M Dntler st.
EMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Penn avenue.
F. H. EGGE1M&SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts.
THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin avs.
31ale Help.
ARBMt-Start Satnnlav morning; steady Job.
lico r. agner. unartiera.
BARl.EB Good steady man.
220 Arch St.. Alio-
JJ AEBER-For Saturday.
13S Filth av.
T) ARUER-AtSM Forbes St.
(1ANYA5-SERS Salary or commission.
J 102 Fourth av.. room 6.
CLERK Good clerk for general office work: state
ag. married or tingle and salary expected.
O. N. C, Dispatch office.
pOOK-Head cook.
Helilegcr. 70 1 ederat st.
DRUG CLERK From S to 4 years' experience;
must be sober and reliable. Address E. G. b.,
1401 Penn av.
DRUG CLERK Q. A.: a German preferred.
Address AH J toe. Dispatch office.
good mechanics; steadv irorlc guaranteed:
piece work. Uc a side. The National Oak Leather
Company, Louisville, Ky
"TAN For outdoor employment. Industrious In
i'l tclllgrnt man: must be a fair haudwrlter,
able to speak German ana Eugllsh. aud also furnish
a satisfactory bond: to a suitable narty a good
opening. Apply to C. Kcrstlug, Room 6, 123 San
dusky St., Allegheny.
MAN A competent man to take entire charge of
an Illuminating coal gas works: must be
familiar with all details; only strictly sober and
steady man need apnly: must give good references.
Apply to W. J. f. Saiut. 'third aud Main sts.,
MAN An elderly man to run elevator; must be
steady and of tidy appearance Apply at
Kautmanns' first floor office.
MAN To work at the installment business; sal
ary and commission. William F. Cornman,
AIcKtesporl, Pa.
SALESMAN One acquainted with the retail
hardware business of the two cities, and ex
perienced behind the counter: an Allegheny man
preferred. Address E. B., Dispatch office.
SALFSMAN By a large wholesale liquor house,
a first-class liquor salesman : one w (10 can com
mand trade: liberal s.ilary paid to right party.
Address Liquor, Dispatch office.
SALESMAN A good salesman to sell nnrsery
stock: siliry. 7j per month. Address for
fnll particulars the Assurlty Nursery Company.
Geneva, N. Y.
QALKSMEN to handle our famous patent Foun
O tain Ink Eraser, the latest ana most complete
eraser ever invented, overcoming tvery objection
to tlie old erasers: used like a fountain pen; will
erase Ink and other stains instantly: leaves no
mark and has no equal: will sell itself when Its
perfect work Is showrt. We give exclusive terri
tory, and allow from 150 to 300 per cent profit: on
receiptor 50 cents will mall sample with price list
and terms; also a sample or our celebrated Plnlcss
Clothes Line for 50 cents, or sample of both for (1.
Pinless Clothes Line Co., No. 97 Hermon St.,
Worcester. Mass.
TPEA SALESMEN Live men to sell teas, coffees
J. ana baking powder to consumers. Call or ad
dress Grand Union Tea Co., 207 Market st.
AGENTS Salary or commission to agents to han
dle the Patent Chemical ink Erasing Pencil!
the most uselul and novel Invention of the age;
erases Ink thoroughly in two seconds: works like
magic: 200 to 500 per cent profit: agents making
$50 per week: we also want a general agent to take
charge of territory and appolutsub agents: a rare
chance to make money. rite for terms and sain-
ele of erasing, Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., X 10, La
rossc. Wis.
AGENTS and everyone to examine our car
riage, wagon and sleigh stoves; agents mak
ing money fast: the greatest and most useful in
vention on the market to save our health.
Specialty Company. 420smlthfleld st.
A GENTS-A few evperlcncea agents: experlcnc-.
ix ca in soliciting aureriismg preierrea; salary or
commission. 103 Fourth av., room 23
AGENTS To sell a full line of household goods
on installments; salary aud commission.
John alcEeown. McEecsport, Pa.
1 Der week at home: no canvassing:
either sex. Address, with slamn. Aetna A rt
Box 64. Fremont. O.
AGENTS $3 to 17 dally: experience unneces
sary. Putnam & Co., Perfumers, West Wln
sted, Ct.
AGENTS to sell Wlegand's picture hanger.
Wiegand Hanger Co.. 1232 Penn.
Fcmalo Help Wanted.
COOK Honseglrls Places waiting and free Ex
chance, 910 Penn av.
CIOOK-Female cook aud dining room girl at res-
tauraut 60 First st.
GIRL For general housework,
st., Allegheny.
Ho. 181 Arch
Male and Female Help Wanted.
HELP Laundress for two days every week;
cooks, chambermaids, dining room girls,
house girls, German and colored girls: colored
cook aud chambermaid for small family; hotel
help, drivers, porters, white and colored wal'crc;
2 colored boys. Miss Dolan. successor to Mrs,
Thompson, 60S Grant St.
hands, n
once 2 teamstera. male coot, farm
hands, man to attend to horse and cow. hotel
cooks, uisu washers, chambermaids, dining room
girls, laundress, family help; highest wages paid
here. Mechan's Agency, 545 Grant st.
LADIES or young men to take light, pleasant
work at their own homes: SI to (3 per day can
be quietly made; worksent by mall; uocanvass
lng. For particulars address Globe Mfg. Co., Box
ISil. Boston. Mass. Established lfcSO.
Situations Wantod.
POSITION as bookkeeper by a steady and reliable
man: good references from present aud past
emp'oyers: moderate salary for start. Address SW
Franklin St., Allegheny.
POSITION Thoroughly competent bookkeeper
and correspondent will be open for engage
ment early In January. Address Correspoudeut,
Dispatch office.
POSITION As clerk or manager or hotel, cltv or
country, by a man of experience. Address S,
C. Faddis. Jefferson, Pa.
POSITION -By practical engineer and machinist;
sober and Industrious; references. Address
R. A., Dispatch office.
POSITION As night clerk In hotel; references
furnished. Address 2021 Larklns alley, s. &..
S1TUA1ION As housekeeper for an elderly gen
tleman with smalt family: best recommenda
tions given and required. Address F. R., Dispatch
SITUATION By a practical gardener. J. T.
Rodgers, Lincoln av,. Mt. Lemlngton, E. E.
PUPILS At once, ladlesand gentlemen to learn
shorthand and typewriting; this school con
tinues the careful training aud thorough instruc
tion Iu these branches lor which It has hitherto
been so favorably known: seventh vear; special
opening January 10: circulars free, Private Short
hand Institute, 315 Smlthfield St.. Pittsburg. Pa.
Financial ATun ted.
BENSWANGER& ZAUN-Flre insurance
Fourth av.
JOHN K. EWING & CO.. 107 Federal St., make
quick loans: money ready.
MON EY to loan at lowest market rates on bond
and mortgage: uo delay. Reed II. Coyle A
Co.. Cor. lourth av. and Grant st.
MONEY to loan ou mortgages; can furnish any
sum desired; no delay. Piper A Clark, 131
Fourth ar.
MON EY to loan on mortgage: no delay; lowest
Interest. Howard Brown, 151 Founh av.
MONEY to loan on mortgages; lowst interest:
uo delay. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth av.
MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county
property at lowest rates. H eury A. Weaver,
A Co.. 92 Fourth sv.
rpo L.OA.N (20H,wxi on mortgages: (100 and up
JL ward at 6 per rent; (500, coo at 4)4 per cent on
residence or business property, vacant lots or
arms. . II. French, la rourthav.
WAN1 ED-Mori gages on improrea city or Alle
gheny dry property. Mcluue A Coulter, W
Fourth av.
WANTEU-To make you a quick loan cm mort
gage. Snyaer & White, 102 Fourth ar.
Hotels, Dining and Lunch Booms.
ANCHOR HOTEL, Liberty, comes Fourth i
lodging per night, xsc, Uc, Uot week, fl S3,
HOTEl. NORWOOD-Mot popular resort In the
East End; Puqnesne electric cars pass the
door: finest accommodation for driving parties;
rettnnrsat and bar attached; celeorated Moerleln's
Cincinnati beer on draught; reasonable rates.
Franc Y. over, proprietor, 262 to 270 Franlts
town av.
HOTEL FEDERAL. 171 Federal. Allegheny
$1 50, : day: special rates when permanent.
Boarders and Lodgers Wanted.
OCCUPANTS Gentlemen to occupy furnished
room. 18 Arch st,. Allegheny.
Miscellaneous Wanted.
ALL lead glaziers ieep away from New York
and Brooklyn; men on strike. By order of
ELKtTait'Mftt. ntl SnpplTCo.,!!10BlsseUblock,
Pgh., M Federal. Allegn'y r incandescent ana
bell wiring; ilectrical repairing a specialty;
phone IJ7&.
ELECTBICAL repair work of all kinds at short
notice. J. L. Hays & Co., 830 Liberty av.
1ADIES' Dlnlrg and Lunch Boom Holiday
i buvers when out shopping lnncli at Eevan's
ladles' 'favorite lunching resort. BOS Penn av.
MARRY me, Tom. and buy my New Year's girt
atMoyle's, 16SLcock St., Allegheny.
PAINTING and plttc glass glazing. B. C. Miller,
SMGranUt., Pittsburg.
1 'BONKS iiamea to ana from tne fcast End for
nrtv cents. Campbell Davis, No. 12 Seventh
av. Telephone 276.
WANTED-Pnplls; bookkeeping thoroughly
taught at liume by studying my mall lessons
with explanatory notes; satisfaction guaranteed;
highest rercrences: 2 years' practical experience
as expert bookkeeper: send for circular. Walton
Woolscy, W Fourth av.
WANTED-To rent on line of FL Wayne Ball-'
road, not beyond Fair Oaks house with one
or more acres of ground: not less that eight rooms,
wltn modern conveniences: state rent to a tlrst
class tenant. Address '1 enaat. Dispatch office.
WANTED Two pool tables, second hand: must
lie In good condition and cheap; willbuvor
rcnu Address Michael
Jlicuauiey, Jicuouauguy
block. Johnstown, Pa.
TJANTE1 TO HENT-Honses. Iron mill: work
11 lurnUhed for our tenants. Adams, 737 Firth
YIT'ANTEll-To buv second-hand counters and
1 shelving. Apply 201 Franklin St., Allegheny,
WOOD and photo engraving: Halftones; electro
. typing. Rragdon. 78 Fourth aye
Musical Instruments.
PINO-Elegnntnpright piano, warranted, great
bargain. 40 Montgomery av., Allegheny,
Horses. Vehicles, Live Mock Por Sale.
DELIVERY wagons Delivery wagons all styles:
our own make. Wm. Beckcrt, 340 to 811 Ohio
t.r Allegheny. "Telephone 34J.
HORSE A fine driving horsejvearsold; chest
nut with white face: worth fj30o: will sell him
at hair price. Address Samuel Klusey. Glenshaw.
Pa. r
Rubber Stamps and Stencils For Sale.
- Trryonr mhher itsmiu
steel sumps, stencils.
IT seal presses, brass checks, etc. from Sheaffer
t Co.. it ruth av,. DuiTs College building.
TDBBER stamp ana seal factory, the largest in
XV Pittsburg, at ol Fourth ay. McMahouBros.
STENCILS, steel stampa,
teal presses, rubber stamp', etc
W. A. Buntlnc. SO Fifth av.. cor.
Machinery nnd Metals For Sale.
BOH. CHS and engines, second hand: all sizes
from 4 to 130 h. p.: cheapest In the market: 64
boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta
ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engines, steam
pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting. 'feU 34U1.
23-25 Park way. J. S. Young, Allegheny, Pa
Miscellaneous For Sale.
BRICK 5,C00,OCO new building brick in quanti
ties to suit buyer at Bedford av.. near Penn
Incline. John Lanz & Co., Llm. City tele
phoue 220.
("tASH registers, finest li: the world, roll top
J desk, letter press, billiard and pool tables,
sire. Barnes' mike; these goods must be sold at
half price. 84 Diamond st.
T701J SALE Cheap; thoroughbred St. Bernard
J- iog; eligible to registry; nouse broken:
splendid watch dog.
patch office.
Address St. Bernard. Dls-
POWERFOL Frenrh field glas. cost 130. for JI0.
Address PostoBIce Box SI2. Cincinnati. O.
SAFE Medium size: Barnes patent: first-class
condition; used but a 6hort time. Can be seen
at 310 Ohio st.. Allegheny.
SAFE Apply to J. P. SUud, Fnlton and Locust
sts.. Allegnenv.
Business Opportunities For Sale.
BEST paying saloon and wins parlor In Cleve
land, o. ; long lease. Address E. E. P., 266 bt.
Clair st, Cleyelaud. O. -
B"UTCHERSIIOP-Gond locality: doing nice
business, or will trade for lot. Address F. C,
Dispatch office.
GROCERY and butcher shop, doing a strictly cash
business of about tyio per week: tills is the
greatest bargain on earth; you will not miss It
when you call on mo and barn particulars; no
bluff, I must sellt all stock and nxturcs combined.
(1C0: low rent. Frank. 49 Eleventh St.
GROCEUY doing a nice business for sale: Invoice
about (1,800: send stamp for particulars quick.
N. F. Hurst, Rochester, Pa.
GROCERY In Butler: doing a nice buslness;well
established, and Increasing business. oolsey
A Hamilton, 93 Fourth ay.
BOTKL, furniture and lease with extenshe
transient trade: the leading house In onu of
tlie best towns lu Western Ohio: elegant Drlck
hotel opposite court house: 60 rooms furnished In
new and modern style: fine bar fixtures and large
trade: tile floor, natural gas, hot and cold water,
good stock liquors, long lease and cheap rent;
price (7.809, ou reasonable payments. Address C.
II. Folsom, Lima, O.
LIVERY STAHLE-At a great bargain, livery,
boarding and sales stable doing a large and
profitable business; complete In every partlculai,
with ail modem Improvements; in one of the best
locations In Pittsburg; or. If desirable, will sell
halflnterest In same to acceptable party. Address
Llyery, Dispatch office.
T 1QUOR STORE-In Steubenville. O.: on ac
ij count of sickness of the proprietor: best loca
tion In town: capital le(julred(i000 or more. Ad
dress R. Schuorrenberg, Steubenville, O.
MEAT MARKET-Must be a cash sale; a bar
gain ; good reason for wanting to sell. Ad
dress II. S., Dispatch office.
IjKODUCE and fruit business: one of best stands
1 on liberty st. For Information address Lib
erty, Dispatch office.
Business Properties For Sale.
I?OR SALE-4 acres ground, 1 new brick house,
. cost (5.500. 1 old brick. 1 large ice house:
would make a goon stable for contractor, llreryraan
or any person keeping a large number of horses.
On a main avenue, near Penn av East End.
Lookattlie price, only (17,0(0. Property has sold
within 2 months within 509 feet of this at (5. 0C0 per
acre. I 4I1 make any purchaser (AOuu In 4 montns.
Rcs:on for selling, owner In 111 health. Apnly
quit k to James M. Wilkinson. 421 Wood st.
TX)R SALE-lluslnrss comer You will wait: yes,
J? ou will wait before you get another chance to
bur one of the very best business corners In the
East End and the price It can now be had at to a
quick buyer. James M. Wilkinson, 421 Wood St.
FOR SALE lean offer one of the best business
corners In the East End for sale and a sure
bargain; merchants and Investors m HI wait a long
time before tlfry gel another chance like this.
Call soou on James M. Wilkinson, 421 Wood st.
FOR SALE A splendid site for school, hotel,
public bul.dlng orcn.irl table institution In the
East End; enough ground can be sold off to give
site free. James M. Wilkinson, 421 Wood U,
Chamber of Commerce floor.
FOR SALE or lease-60 acres suitable for fire or
red brick works: 8-foot vein Are clay: other
clay suitable for red brick; railroad through the
grounds. Address Clay, Dispatch office.
FOR SALE Have a splendid location for a first
class grocery In the East End. James M. Wil
kinson, 421 Wood St.
170R SALE Have a fine down-towu business site
. for sale James M. Wilkinson, 481 Wood st.
LARGE MALT HOUSE, suitable for distillery;
150x45. N. F. Hurst. Rochester. Pa.
Wi OD ST. Five-story brick warehouse In good
condition; a 6 per cent Investment: enhance
ment certain: price (25,1X10, (5,000 cash.
w . x?iack. a iso., rc x oarui av.
WYLIE AV.. near Washington St. Excellent
business location; three-story brick dwelling
aud storeroom ; lot 23x90; a special bargain to a
quick buyer: sma.l cash pxyment. Samuel W.
Black & Co.. 99 Fourth av.
Manufacturing Sites For Sale.
FOR SALE Have a grand manufacturing afid
town site on the Monungahela river, near
Pittsburg: coal and natural gas, railroad: never
overflows: remember, desirable sites are getting
scarce. James M. Wilkinson. 421 Wood St.
MANUFACTURING SITES In both cities and
In suburbs, with and without buildings and
machinery, with Dc.-t of railroad and water facu
lties. Call or address T. H. Dickson, 111 Fourth
av.. room 45.
Coal Lands For 'Sale.
COAL LAND I have for sale desirable coal lands
In the ( onnellsvtlle region on the Bellevernon
Railroad and Monongahela river, Pittsburg dis
trict; the Panhandle region. West Virginia and
Ohio, b or maps and particulars call at my office.
No. 8 Wood St., J. II. lilllman.
1300 Acres Third pool coal, lth large river
; frontage and best of shipping facilities. T.H.
Dickson. Ill Fourth av.. room 4s.
East End Lot Fur Sain.
EOR SALE Schcnley Park tots 50x15a greater
frontage ir desired. Woodland avenue, be
tween Forbes avenue and Schenley Park: asphal.
turn pavement: street railroad; cheap: easy terms
Frank F. Mcoli. 6100 Forbes or 20 Fifth avenue.
FOR SALE I have a bargain In Squirrel Hill
property. Jsmes M. wLkisson, w Wood is.
Suburban Lots for Sale.
-CHARTIERSLOTS-Flne building lots atChar
J Hers (MoKee's Bocks borongh); f250 and op
ward, according to size and location t the most
accessible of any suburb of Pittsburg; 10 minutes
by the P. & L. E. B. R. ; a minutes by Chartler
packets: 20 minutes by new electric line (now
almost completed) from foot or Fifth arc.: these
Jots fronton line of electric road: are centrally
located In the mldstof a population or about3,0O0i
Chartlers now has ono largo steel works, one roll
ing mllL one bridge works, one coke works, the
P. & L. E. R. it. shops, besides several smaller
mannfactories- and other large concerns have nnr-
chascd land for factory sltes.Tor plans andpartlc-
ulars, call or address T
H. DIcksou, IU Fourth
avc Boom 43.
TX1R8ALE The 6 acres of ground advertised hy
J? us about which we hare had so many Inquiries
has been sold; will the numerous correspondents
please accept of this Information? We have a 5-acre
piece adjoining tne city and on line of Improve
ments that we caused cheap. James W. Drape &
Co., MS Wood St.. Pittsburg.
I OTS Cheapest, most deslraDIc lots near electric
J line; easy terms. George Brooks, Brusbton.
QWIS3VALE, P. B. B.-Lots that are the equal
O of any In the market and near the station at
prices thstare reasonable: only tlOdown andsi
per month -without Interest till nair Is paid. Hoff
man & Baldrldge, Wllklnsburg, opp. depot.
Farms For Sale.
FABM A nice farm of about 83 acres, near the
city; good land, excellent dwelling, and out
buildings, large orchard, plentyofwater, etctqulte
near the city, only K minutes' walk from railroad:
one of the best and most convenient farms In the
county. Fine river view, etc. Jas.'W. Drape &
Co., ilZ Wood St., Pittsburg.
PORSALEor Exchange A farm of I2J acres,
more or less, near line of railroad, convenient
to the city: good dwelling and ontbulldlngs, two
orchards, water, etc. : prlce-150 an acre. Will take
a small city property In nart payment. Jas. W.
Drape A Co.. 313 Wood at.. Pittsburg.
City Residences.
FOURTn AV.. neir Liberty Two 3-story brick
dwellings: 12 rooms each: a growing business
locality: lot40xS.: will sell separately. Samuel W.
Black & Co., 1)9 Fourth av.
East End Residences .For Sale.
EAST EXD-A neat brlrk residence In the East
End; 8 pleasant rooms, bav window, mansard
roof, porch, vestibule, hall and dry cellar, natural
gas. furnace, bath, livatorv, etc:, etc., all In good
condition: price only $5,530. James W Drape &
Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg.
FOR SALE Near the-hcart of East End. 4 acres
ground, new brick house, 1 small brick house.
Immense stable, etc. : valuable properly lor a con
tractor or person having large number of horses;
also Ice tiond on property, orchard, etc. : you can
double your money. James .51. Wllkluson, 421
Wood St.. Chamber of Commerce floor.
FOR SALE-New andlieautlfiil are tlie houses I
have for sale In the Fast End; terms liberal.
James 11. Wilkinson. 421 Wood st. .
Allegheny Residences lfor Sale.
ALLEGHENY A fine residence close to the
parks: 8 rooms, bath and lavatory, furnace,
registers, natural gas, hall, dry cellar with con
crete floor, laundry, etc.. etc.; everything lp prime
order. James W. Drape Co., 313 Wood St..
FOR SALE Two small bouses in Allegheny, pay
ing 10 per cent; good location in German set
tlement, and rent paid promptly crcrv month.
James W. Drape A Co., 313 Wood St.. Plttsbnrg.
City Residences.
TO LET A brick house or 8 rooms: hall, bath
room, good cellar: both gases;4-4 Webster ar. ;
3 minutes' walk from Wiley avenue cable line. W,
J. Prentice. 1000 Liberty St., Pittsburg.
Allegheny Residences To Let.
TO LET Fine brick house, 8 rooms, modern fix
tures, large porches and yard, on Fayette
St.. Allegheny: possession can be had at once: send
for list. W. A. Herron & Sons. 80 Fourth aye.
'TO LET Furnished houso facing park, 10 rooms
J. and all conveniences: wiU rent from now un
til April 1 at a low rent. Black & Balrd, 85
Fonrth av.
I PO LET John K. Ewlng A CO.. 107 Federal St.,
X headquarters for Allegheny houses: free list.
10 LET Send a list of your tenants to John K.
. Ewlng A Co.. 107 Federal street, and have your
January quit notices served promptly.
Rooms To Let,
U gentleman.
AY, TC6 Single front room for
FOURTH AV.. 13.1 Large rront room, furnished;
opposite postoffice.
1JENN AV., 404 Third story front room sultablo
for two gentlemen.
ROOM Furnished, 6ecom1 floor, front room, on
Wyllc av.. near Klrkpatrlck st. ; rent reason
able. Address B, 5, Dispatch office.
both gases; bath.
S3 Nicely furnished room;
Z bee audi clonal auiets uuacr n anted Boarder
and Lodgers.
BnslnesS Stands To Let. '
TO LET Space with power (almost any size or
quantity of space can be had) hi the Lyle A
McCanee building on Virgin alley, near Wood St.;
location one of the most central and accessible in
tlie cltv. See W. A. Ilcrron & tons, No. 80 Fourth
ri 'O LET One of the best located storerooms, with
X warehouse and stable, at Lonaconlng, Bid,,
the principal mining and best business town In the
Georges Creek coal region; possession given at
once. Address G. Elsenbcrg, Lonaconlng, Md.
rpo LET Very nice storeroom, over 100 feet deep:
X suitable for confectionery, drvgoods or flrst-
class grocery: good location lor 5 or 10c store: ou
one of thi best streets In East Liberty. Inquire of
L. Fundls A Son, 41 Fraukston'u av., E. E.
'PO LET Space with power: every convenience;
X corner Penn av. aud Third st. Nicola Bros.,
to Filth av.
Offices. Desk Room, Etc, To Let
TO LET In the Ferguson block. Third and
Fourth a vs.. a few choice offices; day and
night eleyator. electric clocks and Janitor services
frie: rent low. BlacK A Balrd. No. !)5 Fourth av
'PO 1,171 -In tlie Hamilton building, vl-83 Fifth
JL av choice offices, with ail conveniences; rent
cw. Black A Balrd. o. 95 Fonrth av.
'PO LET Third floor. Vasonic tfaiik building:
JL rooms suitable lor artist, draughtsman, archi
tect or light manufacturing.
TO LET Half of office In one of the finest build
ings near postoffice; all conveniences. Thomas,
Dispatch office.
"PERSONAL Superfluous hair removed byelee-
jl trie needle; consultations iree. Mrs. Elliott,
642 Penn av.
PERsuNAL-Creait, yes, credit, on fine dress
goods, silks, satlns,wraps,etc, at J. Dwyer's.
Room 4. McCanee block, 70) rmlthflelcl.
PERSONAL i'ror. Markley, practical phrenolo
gist, graduate of the American Institute of
Phrenology: examinations (I. Office hours 9 to 12
A. XI,, 460 Forbes av.
IjERsOMALj Jlair. moies. etc.. ou ladies" races
permanently destroyed by the electric needle
without pain or scar: cousnltatlon free. Miss
Mreng. office 903 Penn av.. Dickson building.
PEItsONAL Ladles wishlngto tase lurko rare
Baths or face massage for removing ble-nlsbes
and Improving the complexion will please visit my
parlors at 903 Penn av.. Pittsburg. Miss Sherwood.
PERSONAL You are ruptured: we can cure
you: no cure, no pay; when cured It costs you
(3, or you can work a lew hours and It will cost you
nothing. Send 2c stamp Harden Co., Box D No.,
Windham, Me.
PERSONA1-Our prices from this on
1 lower than heretofore: call and c
will ne
stock: excellent machines (5 and up; sold on time
If desired. Sewing Machine Exchange, 17 Dia
mond St., Pittsburg.
PERSONAL Ka-ton-ka. at 189 Second av., Pitts
burg, will cure the following, free of all
charge: Dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney dis
ease, scrofula. Indigestion, constipation, and all
blood taints; consultation free, medicine free,
cures guaranteed; office hours from 9 A. M to 4 P.
M.; 6:30 to 8:30 evenings; Sundays from 1211. to 4
F. 31.
PERSONAL Young marnea lady would Ukeany
number of young wives to know that she has
a most excellent recipe for the promotion of peace
and happiness In theliome circle: sena your hus
band's clothes to Dickson, the tailor, who will
Clean, press and repair them at a most moderate
cost. For proof see Dickson, the Tailor. 65 Fifth
av.. second floor. Telephone 155S.
T?OUND-All first-class machines at (5 and np;
1 satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
Sewing Machine Exchange, 17 Diamond St., Pitts-
I?OUND-Best Christmas gift. Ta-va-zon Cough
- Syrup; cures la grippe, coughs, colds, con
sumption: unequaled. Dr. Jenkins Griffith Phar
macy, Third aud Grant, Pittsburg. Ta-va-zon
pills, -liver, kidney complaints.
FOUND-St. David's Univer al Embrocation,
the famous English rheumatic cure. The un
failing SDeclnc for the cure of rheumatism, gout,
lumbago, sciatica and all other aches and pains.
Kept bv all druggists. Price, 5.c and (1 a bottle.
Prepared only by St. David A Co.. Room 804 Penn
building, Plttsbnrg, Pa. Goods sent all over tue
country. Express paid on receipt of price.
Deposits or $1 and upward received, and
Interest paid thereon, commencing from tne
1st and loth of each month.
JoseprLAbel, Ptesident; A. E. SuccopVice
President: A. E. Niemann, Secretary: W. H,
Wilker, Treasurer; George W. Guthrie,
Directors Joseph Abel. A. -Grootzlngor,
J. F. Havekotte. Charles P. Schwarz. Cluls
tlan Mebert, William Neeb, Peter Kell, IL
II. Niemann, A. E. Succop. '
Open dally from 9 a. M. to 1 p. v., and on
Saturday from 9 a. ir. to 6 p. ir. its
S500 TO $500,000 oS 3&
gages, city or country property,at lbwest
rates. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 313 Wood it.,
Pittsburg. k
Telephone No. 973. -v .
mean F T -W ' Lvf"SM;f
When I say: That the man who buys
tho choice business corner in the East
End will get the best bargain offered
for many a day.
It will cost you nothing to call at
my office to-day and get price and lo
cation. JAMES M. "WILKIN80H, ,
421 Wood street.
P. S. Also do not forget to read my
And, furthermore, A SOLID ANNI
VERSARY to celebrate NEXT YEAR
would be the house and lot yon
bought for your family LAST YEAR.
Three days yet to buy from
' Chamber of Commerce Floor,
German la Building, 421 Wood street.
Desirable residence sites in the Prospect
Place Plan, fronting Shady, Denniston, Ir
win, Ilomewood aves , Beechwood Ronle
vard SO ft. wide, and balzell Place 60 rt. wide;
size ol lots 60x160. 60x180 and 100x200, with
building restrictions; all streets graded.
Prices and terms reasonable. Don't delay
in purchasing one of these desirable lots, as
the Squirrel Hill district, convenient to
Schenley Park, is bound to be one of tho
finest residence locations in the East End,
and enhancement of values are sure. For
plans and further particulars see
Corner Fourth ave. nnd Grant st.
Sales ot real estate, merchandise at stores,
household goods at residences (Jewelry sates
for the trade only) promptly attended to.
Offlce.SS Elsiierbuildlng.cor. Stu and Woodst.
This afternoon,
PBICES-loe. 25e, Mc, 75o.
Next week Effle Ellsler, in Repertoire.
Chug. L. Davis, Ownor and Manager.
To-night, Wednesday
and Saturday Matinees.
Preceded by tho exquisite one-act play
NEST WEEK-Mr. Wilkinson's Widows.
To-night at 8.
Matinee at 2 r. x. To-morrow.
Next week Evans and Uoey in "A Parlor
Match-." deSO
To-night. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday.
One of THE Best. de25-17
HARRIS' THEATER. Mrs. P. Harris, R.
1 Brltton, T. F. Dean. Proprietors and
Mmiavers. WILBUR OPERA CO. and
SUSIE KIRWIN. To-day's matinee "Fra
Diavolo." Night, "Ernilnie." Week Jan
ary2 Tboe. E. Shea. dSI
Of Sachorowskv's SaDerb
I'alniliiu. Tue artistic success of the period.
On exhibition dally at Edmnndson & Per
rlne's, 635 Smlthfield street, from 9 a. it. till
10 p. Jr. Admission 25 ct. de27
Second term will bezln for ladies and gen
tlemen Thursday, January 6, at 8 o'clock,
p. v.
For misses and masters Saturday, Jann
ary 7. at 3 o'clock r. M. de25-12
A perfect Winter Kesort Hotel. Opens January
4. Send for circular. Famous for climate, bealth
fulncs, balmy sea air. nnedrlrek, pine forests and
aquatic and field sports.
Col ege. No. 5 Sixth avenue, will give full
graduating rourses In bookkeeping or shorthand
and typewriting at 25, oiie-liatr the catalogue
rat's, until February 1. Young and middle-aged
men and women desiring to acquire apractlcal ed
ucation should call at once to secure this generous
(ff.'r. Graduates placed In positions constantly..
Diy ana evening sessions. Bookkeeping taught by
actual business practice. Write Tor catalogue. M.
J. Conner, President; J. M. Phillips, Dean of Fac
Corner Morewood and Ellsworth Aves.
Winter term begins January i. Examina
tions for admission at 9 a. m.
Six departments, with Specialist at head
of each, prepares forany college or scientific
school. Address
de31-34-5tTU8 Shadyslde.
New rapid phonography. Surest and quickest
method of learning shorthand. Complete commer
cial courses. Day and evening sessions.
L. LUDDEN. A. M.. Principal.
131 Fifth ave., next Leader, Pittsbarj
Now is tho best season for planting and
pruning trees, laying out of lawns and talc
ins charge of work generally;, also draining
ELLSWORTH AV., Shadyside. Pittsburg;
Engage your room in advance and avoid be
ing imposed on daring the rush. The
elegant, large, new 200 room
atone and brick
Hotel Bunton,
(BTJNTON BEOa, of Pittsburg, Props.)
Will open about April 20, 1893.
The most centrallv located hotel in the
World's Fair district Within i blocks
there are three entrances to center of Pair
"grounds. Two stations on L C E. It., two
electric roads and station on elevated road.
TEEMS FOR BOOMS: per day and
upward. Special inducements to 'Urge
numbers. Send for prospectus.
6433 Myrtle are., Chicago,
n 023-55-wtssu
steamers to Mediterranean noris: direct
and most pleasant route to the South of
France and Italv. For list or unlllnusand
rates apply to MAX SCUAMBURG CO.,
General Steamship Aeeuts, S27 Smlthfield
street, Pittsburg, Pa. Established I860.
For Qucenstown and Liverpool..
Koval ind United Stale "alt stetmers.
Britannic. Jan. 4. 7 a m Britannic Feb. I. Sam
AdrlaUc Jan. U. lpm 1'i.utuiilcFeh.S.llOam
Germ'c Jan. II a ra, Germanic Feb. 13. 4 p m
'.Majestic Jan3.il:3Aa in I'Jlajesilc. Kb. -i 10:30 am
From White Star dock, root of West Tenth street.
New York.
Saloon rates. f50 and upward, according to
steamer and Iocation'or herth. "Second cabin on
these steamers. 35 and $40: prepaid, s0 ana 45;
steerage fToin or to the old country. f.
White Star drafts payable on demand In all the
nrlndnal banka thronffhnul flrpnt llrltafn. Annlr
to JOHN J. MCCORMICK. CI Smlthdeld street.
fuuunoj, orji. jiai I.L, a.31 j j arasi, uenerai
Agent, i Broadway. N. Y. nulo-D
City or Paris anil City of New York,
10,500 tons each.
City or Berlin. City or Chester.
City of Rerun. Saturday. Dee. 31, 3 p. Ji
City of New York. Saturday. Feb. 25. l:icp. v.
City ot Chester. Saturday, Ma ch 4. 7: 0 A. 31.
City of Paris, Saturday. March n. a Noon.
City of Berlin, Saturday. March IS. 8:00 A. If.
For rates of passage aud other Information
apply to
Gen'l Agents, C Bowling Green, New York, or
to J. J. MCCORMICK, est Smlthfield sL. Pltts
bnrg. de2B-TTS
15 OT U. MAIL Ml K ."USUI ..
via DERRY and GAL WAY. Tlie most di
rect ronte from Scotland and North and
Middle of Ireland.
Intermediate, ju. Stoantire, IJ.
via Londonderry every Fortnight.
Dec. 29 State of California soon,
Jan. 19. State ofNebraskn......ll:30 x, x.
Feb. 9. State of California. .. itooir.
Cabin, $40. Second Cabin, $30. Steerage, 113.
Apply to J.J.MCCORMICK. C39 Smlthfleld St.
91 and 92 Water Street,
After 19 Yeare of Trial,
Is Conceded to Be the Best and Sa'est OU
Cannot Be Exploded.
It is the very highest grade of refined pe
trolenm, from whloh in the process of mana
lactnre, every Impurity has been eliminated.
Elaine is free from benzine and parafflne;
It win never ohlll in the coldest temperature
Known on this continent.
in color, Elaine is spring-water white, and
Its "flro test" is so high as to make It as abso
lutely safe as any lllnmlnant known.
Huyinc no disazreeablo odor. Elaine Is a
pleasant oil for family use.
Can Be Burned in Any Petroleum L:mp.
100 Million Gallons ELAINE Sold in 13 Years
From 1873 to 18M.
Elaine Cannot Be Improved Upon.
With an increased capacity and bydraulls
maohlnery, we are prepared to fnrnlsn. all
work in our line cheaper and better than by
the old methods. Repairing and general
machine work; Twenty-ninth street and
Allegheny VaUoy Railroad felS-60-TTS
Five years old; sonnd; very kind and gen
le; also buggy and harness; will be sold
heap. 437 Penn av. its
66 Sixth are, Pittsburg Pa.
TelephonoalJt v
effect December 18, 1897. Trains leave Union
station (Eastern standard llmelt Corry Ac, S a.
m Braeburn Ac. 7 a. m.; Niagara Ex.. dally,
8:40 a. m.. arriving at Buffalo, t p. ra. : DuBols
and WlUlamsport. dally except Sunday. 8:40 a. m..
arriving at WlUlamsport, 6:45 p. m. : Klttannlng
Ac, 8:50 a. m: Braeburn Ac. 12:05 p. m. : Tltus
ville and WlUlamsport Ex.. 1:30 n m.: Braeburn
Ac, 2:38 p.m; Emlenton Ac. S;4p. m.: Klttan
nlng Ac. 5 p. m.r Braeburn Ac. 5:30 p. in.: Br-ie-bnrn
Ac, 6:15 p. m, : Valley Camp Ac, 7:Yp. m.:
Jtuffalo night Kx . lallv. 0:10 p. ni arriving at
Bufftlo 7:15 a. m.t Valley Camp Ac, 11:40 p. m.
Sunday church trains-Emlentou. 9:05 a.m.; Klt
tannlng. 12:40 p. m.; Braeburn. 9:50 p. rn. Pull,
man buffet parlor cars on day trains and steeping
cars on night trains between Plttsburgand Baffalo.
Gen'l Suet. Uen'l Pass. Agent.
In effect KiOI p m.. December JA 1882.
Trains will leave Union Statlonlttabarfj,
as follows (Eastern Standard Time):
Pennsylvania Limited or Pullman Vestibule Cars
dally at 7:15 a. ra.. arriving at Harrisburg at 1:
p.m.: Philadelphia, 4:4S p.m.; NswYorit.Tp.
m.; Baltimore, 4:43 p. ra.: Washington. 5:55 pu
Atlantic Express and Kevstone Evpress dally at
S.JOa. m., arriving at Harrisburg; 100 a. m.
Baltimore. 1: p. m.; Washington. IOJ p. m.;
Philadelphia. It3 p. m.: New York. 4 p. m.
Harrisburg Accommodation dally, except Sunday,
635 a. m.. arrlvlngatHarrtibnrg3:l0pm.
Day Express dally at S a.m.. arriving at Harris
burg 1:20 p. m.. Philadelphia 8i50 p. m.. New
York 9: Ji p. in.. Baltimore 0:45 p. m., Washing
ton 8:15 p. m. ,
Mall train Sunday only. 8:40 a. m.. arrives Harrls
bnrg7p. m.. PnlladelphlalOiSSp m.
Mall Express dally at 1 p. m.. arriving at narrls
burg 10:3) p.m., connecting at Harrisburg for
Philadelphia. , ,,
Philadelphia Express dally at 40 p.m.. arriving; .
at Harrisburg 1:00 a. m., Philadelphia 4:2 a. m.,
and New Yorfc7:I0a. m. .'
Eastern Express at Tiro p.m.. dally, arriving Har--rlsburg
2:10a. iu., Baltimore fl0 a.m.. Wash
Ington 7:30 s. m.. Philadelphia 5:05 a. m. and' T
New York 7:40 a. m. .
Fast Line dally. atSiIO p. m.. arriving at Harris
burg 3:20 a. ra.. Philadelphia S:J0 a. ra.. New, .
York S:W a. m.. Baltimore : a. jo.. Washing-,
ton 7:30 a. m. t
All through trains connect at Jersey City with
boats of "Brooklyn Annex," for Brooklyn. N. Y..
avoiding double ferriage and journey through .
New York City.
Johnstown Aeeotn.. except Sunday. 3:0 p. ra. "
Greensburg Arcum.. ll:ii p. m. week days; 10 JO '
Sundays. Greenstiurg Express 5:15 p. m., ex
cept Sunday. Derry .Express 10:15 a, m., except
Wall Accora.. S.-3. 8:00. 7:40. 8:35. 8:3ft. 8:40. lOrM,.
10-45 a. m.. i::15. 1:00. 1:31. 2:10. 3:40. 4:00. 4ia.
4:50. 5:15. 0:00, 6:4n. 7:25, 9)03. 10:01. ll:1i n. m.
12:10 night, weekdays. Sunday. 8:40, 10:30 a. m.,
12:25. 1:00, 230, 4:30, 5:30. 7:20. 9:40. 10:31p.m.
U Ukinsbarg Accom. 5:23. C-.uo. e:is. 6:15. 7 .-00. 7:25,
7:40. 8:1(1, a&i. 8:50. 9:40. lOr.0, 10:45. 11:10a. m..
12:01.12:15.12:50. 1:0). 10. 1:30. IrCO, 7S0. J:U,
3:40. 4. TO. 4:10. 4:25. 4:JV 4:50. 5:00. 5:15. 5:10. 5:15.
(1:00. S:20, 6:40. 7tt 8:20. 9:05. 9i45, 10:20. 11:10.
11:33. p, in., and 12:10 ulght. week days except
Mondav. Suuday. 3:3ft. 8:40, 10:30, a. m.. 12:1,
1:00. 1:30. 2:30. 4:30. S:30, 7:3). 9:00. 9:40. 10:30 p.m.
Braddock Accom.. 5:25. 6:ro. 6115. 6:45. 7.10, 7:23.
7:40. 8;0A 8:10. 8:35. t-JO, 9:40. 10r20. 10:45. 1I:W -a
m.. 12:01. 12:15. 12:30. 1.00. 1:3). 1:30. :M0, 2:3.1. r
3:15. 3:40. 4:00. 4:10. 4:S. 4:t 4:. 4:30. 5:0 J. 5:15 !
5.30. 5:45. 6:90. 6:20. GM0. 7:25. 8:20, 9:059:41. 10:20.
11:10. 11:3". p. m 12:10 night, week days, Snn-
day, 5:10, 8:00. 8:40. 10:13 a. m., I2:K. 1:10, 1:33.
2S0. 4:30. i-JO. 7:29. 9:10. 9:10. 10:S) p. m.
For Unjlontown 5:3 and 8:35 a. In., 1:33 and 4:C3
p. m. ircek days.
ON and AFTEn 12:0t p. M.. Decejiber 18. 1892.
For West Brownsville ana Unlontown lu:40 a.
m. For West Brownsville 735 and 10:40 a.m.
aud 5:00 p.m. Ou Sunday. 3:53 a. m. and 1:01
r. m.
For jronongahela Cltv, Dravosburg and West
Fllzsbeth. 6:00. 7:13. 8:3 10:40 a. m.. 1:01. 5:00,
55 and II z3T p.m. weekday. Sunday,8t35 a. m..
1:01. 4:TOaud 9:40 p. m. Dravosburg only.f2:0S
noon and 3:20 p. m. week days. West Elizabeth
only. 4:15, 6:30 and 9:00 p. m.
On XXD AFTER 12:11 A. .. Decemder 19. 1392.
From. Federal street station. Allexh-ny City:
Frr Sprlngdale. week days-6:20. 8:45. 9:23. 10:40,
11:30a m.:l:30, 2;2. 4:00. 5:01. 5:43. 6:10. 6:i0.
8:10. 100 and 11:40 p. m. Sundays 12:35 and 9:30
p. m.
For Butler, week days-C:35. 8:45. 10:40 a. m.; 3:15
and 6:10 p. m.
For Freeport. week dar-6S. 8:45, 10:40 a. ra.t
1:15. 4:00. 5:00. 8:10. Kaa and 11:40 p. m. Sundays
12:35 and 9:J0 p. m.
For Apollo, week days. 10:45 a. m. and 5:00 p. m.
FnrPaulton and Blalrsrllic, week days, B:55a. m..
3:15 and 10:30 p. m.
The Excelsior Baggage Express Company will
call for and check baggage from hotels and real- -deuces.
Time cards and full Information can be
obtained al the ticket offices. No. 110 Firth avenue,
corner-Fourth avenue and Try street and Union
General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agent.
Company. Schedule in effectNov. 2P. 1892, Cen
tral time. P. A L. E. 1:. It. DarAKT. For Cleve
land. ;:00, 8:0j a. rn.. 2:lu, 4:20. 'I0r p. in. For
Chicago, "7:00 a. m.. M:10. 4:J0 p. m. -r Cincinnati
andst. Louis. V:I0, '10:15 p. m. For Buffalo. HI5 a,
m., 4:3X "l'):2ip. in. or Salamanca. s-00a. m,
2110, '10:3 p. in. For Youugtown and New
Castle. "7:00. 8.00. '11:15 a. m.. '2:10. -J0. 4:20.
10:25 p.m. For Beaver Falls. 5:35: "7:00 8:00.
11:13 a. in.. '1:00. 2:in. 3:30, 4:i9 5:2(1, 10:3p. m. :
For Chartlers, 13:30. 55. 6:00. 18:43, 7:10. V-iO
8:00, "OHO. :30, 10.30. 11W. 111:4. a.m.. 'lrtO, 1:10.
3:30. 3:43. "4:.3:10, 5:20. '3:00, 10:30 p. ra.
ASBirs-rruia cieveiann. -ui a. m.. -jz:u,
5:15. 7:13 n. rr.. From Cincinnati. Chicago and
St. Louis. oao a. m.. '12:10. 7:4S p. m. From
Baffalo. r3:W a. m.. 12d0. 'Ss. s:30p. m. Frum
Salamanca. "53U, 10:0oa. m.. "7:45 p. m. From
Yonngstown and New an tie. "6:30, 57.25. 10:00
a. re.. "12:3a '5:15, "7:43. 9:30 p. m. From Beaver
FaUs,5r20. 8:30. 7:25. 'lOaTOa. m.. 1230. 25, 3.-03,
5:15, 7:45. 9dip. m.
P.. C- A Y. trains for Mansfield and Beechmont;
7:10a. m.. 10:30 a. m.. 3:45 p. ru.
P.,C. A Y.tralna from Mansfield and Beechmont,
6:57. 9:50, 9:5.3 a. m. 1 :05 p. m.
I,. McK. A Y. K. R. Depakt For New Havea
and West Newton. 8:a)a. m.. J:00p. m.
ARBivg-From New Haven and West Newton.
SalOa. m.. "4:07 p. m.
For McKeesport, Elizabeth. Monongahela City
and Belle Vernon, 0:40,1905. 11:05 a.m..'4:00.tS:2S
p. m.
From Belle Vernon. Mononrobela Clty.Ellzabetlj
and McKees3ort,t5:50."7:40. 111:05 a.m.. 12:55. 'o:
p. m. .
Dally. T Sundays only. To and from New
Castle only. fTo and from McKeesport only.
City Ticket Office, G30 Sinltlifleld Street.
Schedule In effect May IS. 1882 (Central time).
Depot cor. Anderson st, and Hirer av., Allegheny.
Depart for Chicago. 2:00 p. in. Solid train with
Pnllman sleeping car. For Sane. Bradford, tT:19
a.m. For Clarion. -17:10 a. m., 12:00 p. m. For
Foxburg. 7:loa. m.. t2:00. t45p. m. For Buffalo.
Erie. MradvlUe, f7:10 a. m. For Greenville.
Mercer, Grove city. t7:I0 a. m.. r2:00 p. ra. For
Akron. Cleveland, t7:10 a. m.. nM p. m. For New
Castle, ill a. m.. '2:01 M.05 p. m. For Butler.
ti3a. "yno. oa. m.. i.-oa, t4as. t5:isp. ra.
Trains arrives From Kane, t:45 p. m. : Clarion,
ill:30 a.'m.. t8:4S p. in.: Foxburg. t9:05. fa:J3 a.
m t6:45p. m.: Erie. t3J0p. m.: Greenville, Mer
cer. 111:30 a. m.w t3:50 p. m.: Akron. lias5 a. ra..
t0i4S p,m.t New Castle. 19:03, 11a- m.. "Sitt
p. m.nintler, 17:00. 19:05. 111:50a. m., 13:50. '4.43
p. m. : from Chicago, "11:55 a. m.
Dallyi. tExcept Sunday.
Worth west Syatem Fort Wayne Koate
Defast tor Chicago, points intermediate and beyond;
7J6 aS."liOOnn:.120p '8.15 p. mn 10.40
p. m.. Ill JO PJU. Axarva from same points : 1.08
ajn..i2(a.a-.6-H'ajn., 6.) ajn.. 5.45 p.m.,
DBrARTforToledo, points Intermediate and beyond:
t7.15a.m.,12.00n'n., lZ80pmpAJUT
from same points: 11X0 ajn., 0.4O ajn., 1.p.m.
DzrAKT for Cleveland, points intermediate and
beyond: fSJO a.m., 7J5 a.m., Hte pja,
11.25p.m. Aaanra from same pomts: ia).a.,
HJ5 p.m., 5.45 p.m.,J6 0 p.m. . ,
DiTAKT for Martins Ferry, Bridgeport and Beluure t
MIO ajn., tU5 pja, .10 pjn. Aiouvs from sam
points: J9MM.so.,Jlopjn.,e;S0vJn.
DsraitT for New Castle, Erie, Younzstown, Ashta
bula, points intermediate and beyond: T7.20 sun,
tllOO n'n. Abkivb from same points: tl-40 pjs
18M p.m.
DsrAKT. for New Castle, Jamestown, Youngstow ,
and Niles, tS.15 pju. , Amivk from same pomtt:
bxTAJcrfor YotmgstowB.'liOOn'u. Aawvafrom
Youngstown, 6.45 p.m.
rSonth west System-ran If nndle Rente '
Dkfat lor Columbus. Ondnnad, Indianapolis, St.
Louis, pomu iniermediau and beyond: SU0 a.nu,
8.S0 p.m., 1060 p.m., 110 pja. Aaxivarom.
same points: 'Z2)a.m.,fUI0a.m.,,o.40pjn.
Detakt for Columbus, Chicago, porno mtermeorate
and beyond: 11.4i a.m., 'lO-wl p.m. Aiuuvsrfrom
same points: "2M a.m., 2.45 pjn.
Dstart for Washmgton, 18.15 a. m., 1&XO a.ra,
flop. mtS5p.m.,t4.15pjn.,t40p.nu Aar
from Wasliingtop.1li55ajn.,t7i0a.m.,-t8i0.BJ
V02S a.m.,fJ.85p.m.,to.25p.n.
Dmtat for Wheehng. 8.10 a. m., tU.lO aja
t2.45 p. m., to.10 p. m. Asxrva front wneelint,
t8.45a.m,t2-5p.n-. t5J5p.ni., 5.40p.a. .
Special Kotlces.
V, .. -.. ..... 9TTT ...... TIHIHII
Caxs run through. East and West, on principal trams T .
of both Systems. . .
Locax. SLxxraco Caxs nnmmjr to Columbus, Ch
cinnati, Indianapolia, Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago
are ready for occupancy at Pittsburgh. Union Station
at 9 o'clock p. m. -, -
Tihb Taslis of Through and Local Accommoda
tion Trains of either system, not mentioned above, er
be obtained at 110 Filth Avenue and Union Star
Pittsburgh, and at principal ticket offices of Of
sylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh.
Daily. 1Ex.8undar. tKx. Saturday
Ssctnl Kaurse c
schedule In effect Nov. 13,
CSOandtSOOam. 11 W, tl.
For Washington. Pa "7
t4 4J.7JOpm.
For Wheeling. "7 20 and?
For Cincinnati and St.
For Columbus. 7 20 am.
For Newark, 7 20 a m, "
For Chicago, i 20 am aa
Trains arrive from Ne
Baltimore and Washlngto
From Columbus, Clncinn;
a m, "3 5 n m. From I
am. i Hand 45 pm.
Parlor and sleeping cars to
ton, Cincinnati and Chicago.
Dally. iDallv except bund
The Pittsburg Transfer Com'
check baggage from hotels
orders lea at B. A O. tic
avenusand Woedslreet.r
General Man agsr.
rrom Plttsbnrga Pnlon Sutjoa.
J Ifennsulvania ynes.
"-. ?