i ) - cuce storms result In tho Crowning 105 fishermen. MARCH. 1 A Cabinet crisis In Athens; the Delyan nis Ministry leruses dismissal by the King and secures a vote of confluence from the Chamber. Chancellor Capnvl defeated in tie German Reichstag in an amendment to the naval estimates. 8 Lonbet, the new French Premier, sus tained bjr the Chamber. 4 Bread riots at Dantzig. 6 Barries declared elected President of Guatemala. London Progressives sweep thecounty elections three to one. 6 A.would-be assassin in St. Petersburg Mrows a bomb at the Czarina and the zarevitcb. gConservatlves victorious in the Quebec f Parliamentary elections. Vienna police forma tuoiurtuer uistriDution oi tree bread. 9 Mrs. Osbomo sentenced in London for larceny of Mrs. Hat-greaves' Jewelry and lorpeilurv. 10 The American reciprocity treaty ratified uy tue bpani.su senate. r rencn-.a.tner-ican commercial treaiv concluded. 11 Mine explosion near Charleroi, Belgium; about ISO killed. 12 English miners quit work for two weeks. Almagro, Spain, uttacced by a hand of Anarchists. IS Ernest Ludwig Buccceds to the Grand Dukedom of Iiesse. Typhoid fever car ' lies off 230 people in ten days at Villa Lorado, Mexico. 15 President Carnot siins the American reciprocity treaty. Paris Anarchists attempt to blow up the Republican Guard. ,' 16 Deouiinc's wholesale murders discovered by the finding of odics under a health- stone in a Liverpool villa, Schismauhoff, the suppo-ed assassin or Dr. Vulicovitcu, the Bulgarian ugent i:i Constantinople, released. Tho steamer Indiana, laden with reliet provisions, lands at Libau, Russia. Marquis do Mores aud M. Isaac fight u duel in France. 17 Schneider, the murderer of servant gills, executed in Vienna. The Russian Minis ter of Ecclesiastical Affairs resigns. A revolution breaks out in Venezuela. 19 The Scotch home rule bill introduced. The Banqe Generale in Paris suspends. Thirteen Killed and 31 wounded in a Salvador railroad wreck. 23 Cnancellor Caprivi relieved as President of tho Prussian Council by Count von Eulenberg; the Chancellor retains his rank as a Prusian Minister. 25 The German Government decrees that Hebrews emigrating Irom Russia must not enter Germany. A Dill planting pay to members of Parliament voted down,iu the British House of Commons. S5 Muruerer Deeming, in Australia, con- Jesses to belni "Jack the Kipper." Mem bers or the Venezuela Supreme Court im prisoned by order of the President for deciding against his tenure of office. The presence ot German war balloons detected hoverinir over Warsaw. 7 Anarchists in Paris blow up the house of M. Bulloz. 18 Two Polish brothers namod Kaulikvoky lound to be systematic murderers of em igrants. 29 Tho German Government defeated in the Reichstag by the rejection of tne es timate lor a new corvette. Venezuela rebels lose the battle of Trnjillo. The Caspian steamer Alexander H'olcow wrecked: 250 lives lose. CO i.avachol, the aich-Anarchist of Paris, captured. Ulster Unionists talk civil war and adopt resolutions protesting against the granting of an Irish Parlia ment. APRIL. 2 A state of siege proclaimed in Buenos Ayres. Forty women in Vilna, liussia, charged with Infanticide. 4 An Anarchist plot to blow up the Span ish Chamuer of Deputies discovered. The Walsall Anarchists convicted in London. 7 The Coroner's Jury at Melbourne finds Deeming guilty of murder. Venezuela rebels defeated at Ortez. Germany adopts the Maxim gun. 8 Venezuela rebels retake Araure, which Government troops had captured the previous day. 9 Lieutenant Hetherington acquitted by the Yokohama consular report. A great lire in Tukiu; 100 lives lost and 0,000 J houses destroyed. 10 Prcsidental electors chosen by popular vote in the Argentine Republic; the con ciliation party wins. 11 The British bnduet shows a surplus of 1,067,000. Ten Austrian villages burned. 12 The Brazilian State or Matto Grosso de clares independence. 11 Venezuela rebels win a bloody victory near Puerto Cabello. The Khedive of Egypt Invested. Dr. Canon, of Berlin, announces the discovery ot tho measles bacillus. The state or siege at Buenos Aires raised. The Italian Cabinet re signs. Cashier Jaeger, or the Roths child's Franklort house disappears,nnd Isa defaulter to the extent of 1,700,030 . marks. 16 Italian Minister Fava ordered, back to his post at Washington. 19 Muuoz, the Spanish Anarchist, confesses a plot to assassinate the child king. Italy's new Cabinet completed. SI Twenty-lour lives lost in a tenement house lire In St. Petersburg. Tne French Government declares war on Dahomey. 22 Wholesale arrests of Anarchists in many French cities by preconcerted arrange ment. 23 The committee of the Liberal party In Mexico reports the most advanced plat form ever promulgated lu that Republic FoxandBorrowe fight a harmless duel in Belgium. 25 Venezuela rebels win tliebattlo of Valen cia. 21 Ravachol and Simon, the Paris Anarch ists, convicted. The woman suffrage bill beaten in the British House of Com mons by the small majority or23. Harrv Vane Millbank flgnts a duel with a Frenchman in Belgium, wouuding his adversary. 29 -A hurricane visits the island of Mauritus; over 1,200 lives lest. MAY. 1 Tho largest labor demonstration ever held in London: May Day peacefully ob served all over Europe. 2 Deeming convicted of murder. S Liege lound to bo the center of a wide spread Anarchist conspiracy. 5 Premier Rudini and his Italian Cabinet defeated on a vote of confidence t The Italian Ministry resigns. Premier Salisbury addresses the Primrose League denouncing home rule aud ex tenuating the threats or rebellion in Ul ster. Bloody riots between strikers and Hebrews at Lodz, Poland. 11 The British Government accepts the in vitation of the United States to attend silver conference. Glolltti, the new Ital ian Premier, forms a Cabinet. IS A waterspout floods a colliery at Ferenf- jvircuun, Aimigury, urownmg ahout 40 men. Brazilian troops defeated at Cuyaba, Matto Grosso. 14 Tho Newfoundland Legislature refuses to pass the bill to enforce the French treaty. The Japanese Government de icated by a vote of want of confidence. 15 A hurricane in New Zealand causes many wrecks and great loss ot life. Veneznela rebels capture Bolivar. French forces capturo a pirate strong hold and kill IU pirates. The Mayo In dians in Mexico rebel. 18 Salisbury makes a protection speoch to wcrklngmen at Hastings, England. An earthquake in Transcaucasia destroys three villages and about 30 lives. A revolution in Honduras nipped in the bud. 20 Edward P. Deacon, the slayer of Abeille, convicted or "willrul wounding" anu sentenced to one year's imprisonment. A dynamite factory ne3r Bilooa, Spain, blown up, it is alleged by discharged fe male employes; eight killet'i Many Liberal leaders in Hawaii arrested for high treason. 21 The Brazilian warship Sollrooes wrecked; 120 lives lost. A revolution breaks out " iiYif ondurag; rebels take and lose Puerto Cortcz. 23 Deeming executed. 24 The bill for a new constitution signed by the King of Belgium. 2C Giolltti's Cabinet, Rome, wins a vote of confidence. 27 King Humbert, or Ital v, refuses to accept tho resignation of Giolitti anti his Minis try. The Portuguese Cabinet resigns. The Central American Diot completes the act of union. Germany removes the prohibition of the immigration or Rus sian Hebrews. SO-Jackson Knocks out Slavin. 31 The Btrkenberg silver mine in Bohemia on fire; 400 lives lost. JUNE. 1 President Palacio's troops beaten on the prairie near Valencia, Venezuela. 8 The Chilean Cabinet resigns. Baron Bu low's German forces defeated by natives in the Moshi territory, Africa. 4 The Italian Chamber or Deputies refuse to grant the Giolitti Government a six months' credit Santa del Carbon, the Mexican female Messiah" who incited tho Mayo Indians to revolt; banished from Mexico. 6 President Carnot, of France, makes his long-heralded visit to Nancy. 7 Emperor William and Czar Alexander meet at Kiel. 8 The Oriental Bank In London suspends. Labor riots in Barcelona. Spain. 10-VenczueIa rebels win a great victory near Caracas. An Afghan army defeated 'bytrlbesmen. U Premier Glolittl's Italian Ministry granted a six months' vote of credit Buda-Pesth made a capital and royal residence. . of 12 Lightning strikes several Spanish iiiuiwuc9 nnu Buia uihi lssfimo. 14 The oil-laden ship Perolia burns at B.aye, France, and 20 of the crew perish. Tho election of members or the Belgian Constitutional Convention begins: Clerl cals elected a majority. The British Parliament increases its World's Fair appropriation. 15 President Palacio leaves Voneznela. 16 Palacio resigns. The Mntto Grosso revo lution cfficially announced as ended. 17 A volcanic eruption on Sangir Island de stroys about 2,000 lives. Liberal Unionists of Ulster hold a convention and resolve to resist home rule. France and Switzer land form an alliance- against Italy. South African Boers invade St. Paul de Loandu and proclaim a republic. 23 The Greek Cahlnctresigns. The King of Italy and the German Emperor meet at Berlin. A ooiler bursts on the French cruiser Do Lome, scalding 15 men to death. 21 Count BUmarck weds the Countess Mar gaiotho Hayos. 22 McCarthyites issue an address to Irish Americans. 23 Gladstr.no issues his electoral address. Marquis de Mores kills Captatn Mayer, the Hebrew champion. In a duel. 24 Uallonr issues bis electoral address. 26 Diaz re-elected President of Mexico. 27 Venezuelan rebels defeated at Acarlgua. Borup, the American Military Attache at the legation in Paris, recalled for pur chasing military secrets. Salisbury issues his electoral address. Ballour mobbea at Sheffield, England. A i evolu tion bleaks out in Honduras; repels cap ture the United States steamer Otera. 2S Tho second Congress of British Boards of Trade meets. Tho British Parliament dissolves. Venezuela rebels win the battle of Arause. 29 Tho Norwegian Ministry resigns. SO The Congress of British Empire Boards of Trade declares for free trade. Cholera invades Europe at Astrakhan. JULY. 1 The Inman 1 iner City of Chicago stranded on Klnsaale. Ireland. The Peruvian Ministry resigns. English Parliamentary elections bcsriiu 2 France decides to hold an international Exposition in 1900. S The ship Peter Stuart wrecked, in the harbor of Yarmouth, X. S.: 13 lives lost. 4 Germany's Sunday law goes into effect. The first of tho British elections in which there aro contests shows Gladstoniau gains. 5 It transpires that Great Britain, Spain and Italy have concluded .i secret treaty for tho partition ot Morocco. 6 Sixty killed and hundreds wounded in a cholera riot between Sarts and Russian troops; a Governor killed. Great Are tn St Johns. . F.: loss. $20,000.- 100. A steamer boiler explosion on Lake Geneva kills 22 people. Great eruution of Mount Etna. 10 Loubet's French Govemmont defeated on an interpellation; only one change made in the ministry. 11 Ravachol, the anarchist, guillotined.; A storm and landslide at St. Gervals, in Savoy, destrovs 150 lives. 13 Gladstone elected to the British Parlia ment by a majority largely reduced. Three Brazilian warships lost in a storm. 14 Tho Christian Herald relie: steamer Leo arrives at St. Peteisburg. 16 Tho Pope Issues an encyclical on Colum bus. IS Conway's inonntaineering party in the Himalayas climb the highest peak ever ti odden by man; 23 000 feet 19 Several Italian towns devastated by a cyclone. Thiiteen persons killed In a fight between gendarmes and striking reapers at Bobar.Uungary. Great Britain annexes Johnson island. 20 Mr. Stang summoned to form a Norwe gian Parliament 21 Cholera lound to exist in Scrvi.o. Tho ninth Wagner festival at Bayreuth be gins. 22 Triconpis forms a Greek Ministry. The international inmnu .navigation con gress opens in Paris. 23 Germany and Austria support Bulgaria in a protest to Russia airalnst plots airainst Prince Ferdinand's lire. Prof. Pickering, of Harvard, observes from l-eru vase rczions ot meitea snow on Mars, with other phenomena. 24 Spain calls a European Congress to deal with the Morocco question. 27 The Norwegian Storthing postpones Its contention with the King for separate Norwegian consulates, nud requests the Cabinet to remain in office. 29 Honduras Government lorces take Ceiba; end of the revolution. SO Cholera found to exist in Galicia, Pres burgand Brpslau. 31 Bismarck delivers a speech at Jena against the German Ministry. The Span ish Columbus Quadrocentenmal celobra tion begins at Cadiz; the caraval Santa . MariadeparlsforHuclva. Cholera breaks out in Burmah. AUGUST. 1 Crespo wins a battle near Victoria. Tho return of Balfour to Parliament nro- tested on the ' charge ot bribery. West ern States of Venezuela secede. French Republicans gain 150 seats. 2 Japanese Premior Matsnket resigns. Marquis de Mores held for manslaughter. A typhoon, landslide and earthquake in Japan, destroy hundreds of lives and thousands of houses. S Tho new British Parliament meets. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge decides that English noblemen uo longer havo the riitht to block highways with their sports, or trample upon the rizhts of humbler people. Incendiaries destroy the Polish town of Rzecze: 14 lives lost and 2,000 people rendered homeless. - i 5 A revolt breaks out iu Bolivia; martial law proclaimed. 6 The Canadian Cabinet abolishes canal rebates. Arab slave traders rebel against the Kongo State. 7 Tue first death from cholera in St Peters burg occurs. 8 The Queen's speech read in the British House of Commons. A pleasure steamer wrecked near Helsiuglors, 'Finland, 9J drowned. 9 French lorces bein the war against Dahomey. 10 Earthquake shocks in Southern Ger many. Crepo's army takes Barrancas. 11 The British Commons vote "no confi dence" in Salisbury's Government 12 Crespo wins the battle of Bolivar. Queen Victoria summons Gladstone to lorm a Ministry. Hawaii adopt anew protec tive tariff. 13 Liberty or tho press restored in Bulgaria. 14 Cholera appears at Hamburg. 16 Gladstone's Cabinet announced. Crespo captures Valencia. 17 Cholera appears at Altona. IS Earthquake In Wales. 20 Iron workers at Ekaterinlav, Russia, plunder factories and destroy works. An international, railway Congress meets iu St Petersburg. 22 The International Peace Congress opens in Berne. Crespo wins the battle of Victoria. 23 The Russian edict against the exporta tion of rye. rye meal and bran revoked. 24 Cholera announced to exist in Antwerp, Urdaneta. Soix proclaims himself Dic tator of Venezuela. 26 Cholera invades Berlin and England. One hundred and seven miners killed by an explosion and fire tit Parkslio. Wales. 27 Maracaibo taken by tho Venezuela rebels. CO-Cholera appears In London. Marquis de Mores and seconds on both sides of the duel acquitted of the death or Captain Mavcr. SfcPT EMBER. 6 Tho.Arab rebellion crushed. 7 M. Grenier sentenced in Paris to 20 years' imprisonment and 20 years' banishment for selling military secrets to Borup, the American military attache. 8 Tho Cunard steamsulp Campania, the largest iu the world, launched at Glas gow. 9 Columbus fetes belgn at Genoa. 14 President Rodriquer, of Costa Rica, de- 15 The policy of coercion discarded by the Privy Council at Dublin. Peace con- ciuaca in Jiorocco. Dahomoyaus badly whipped at Dogba by the French. 16 President Diaz opens the Mexican Con gress. 17 Baron Fnva, Italian Minister to Wash ington, recalled. 21 Captain .Andrews lands in Lisbon, hav ing crossed the ocean in his dory, the smallest craft ever used for that purpose. Edward Pnrker Deacon pardoned. 22 France celerates tho centenary of the lounding of the flrst Republic. 23 Tho Mexican Chamber of Denuties de Clares Diaz re-elected President 26 European Socialists hold u congress at Marseilles. 23 Jesuits meet In Spain to elect a General. 29 The Irish Federation issues a manifesto to their countrymen in America and Australia. Mr. Knill, tl Catholic, elected Lord Mavorof London. Great Britain annexes Gilbert Islands and the, Union group. OCTOBER. 2 Padro Martino elected Jesuit General, Buda-Pesth officially declared infected with cholera. 4 German and Austrian military officers engage in a riding contest Klug Ben hnuzm, of Dahomey, defeated by the French. 5 Mrs. Andrew Carnegie lays the corner stone or tho Carnegie Library at Ayr, Scotland. Tho battleof Los Toques ends the Venezuelan war; revolutionists vic torious. 7 Crespo enters Caracas. 10 The steamer Bokhard wrecked In the China Sea; many lives lost 11 Ex-Premier Mercier,. of Quebec, indicted. I 18 President Bona, of Argentinia. inougur- i nivU 14 Severe earthquake In' the Balkans. An nexation Club lonnod in Toronto. 17 The Hawaiian Government ousted "on a "no confidence" vote. IS A band of kidnapers in Austrian Gal llcia, who had been procuring girls for Turkish harems, arrested. Tue French Chamber appoints arbitrators to settle tho Carmaux strike. A revo lution breaks out in the Argentine Province ot Santiago del Estero. The International Geographical Congress meets in Madrid. The reminiscences of Dr. Le Caron, the British sny, published. Great floods in Sardinia, with large loss of life. 21 Thomas Neill Cream, tho Londoner poisoner, sentenced tn death. 22 Five villages in Transcaucasia destroyed by an earthquake. The Temoohie vil lage or 33 religious lanntics in Mexico wiped out by troops: 363 soldiers killed. 23 Monarchists win the Portuguese elec tions. 24 Barcelona, the last stronghold or the fallen Government of Venezuela, sur renders. 25 Preraior Lonbet, as arbitrator, decides in lavor of tho Carmaux strikers. 23 The British steamship Roumanla wrecked off the Portuguese coast; HSllves lost 29 The new Independent Socialist party of Germany announces Its programme. 30 Great floods in Paxaco, Mexico.; 50 drowned. 31 Tho Wittenberg Church, or Luther fame, rededicated bo the Emperor of Ger many. NOVEMBER.-" 1 Hnrvev (American) armor plate tested in England and found to be the best. 2 The Belgian Constitutional Revision Committee votes down tho univorsal suffrage proposition. A railroad colli sion near Thirsk, England, destroys 13 lives. 3 The Belgian Constitutional Committee decides in favor of household suffrage. 4 Ex-Premier Mercier, of Quebec, acquit ted of embezzlement 5 Tho. English pinners' strike begins. 6 The Italian Government wins tne gen eral elections. 7 Brazil passos an act encouraging Chi nese immigration. 8 The Belgian King opens Parliament timid a popular demonstration in favor of universal suffrage. An infernal ma chine intended lor the Parmaux Com mny offices explodes in a Paris police station, killing five mon. 10 Tho United States steamer Philadelphia sails-from La Guayra without permission ot tho Venezuela port authorities, but under Consular protection. Tho Prus sian Landtag opens. 11 Dr. A. Wekerle made Premier of Hun gary. 13 "Bloody Sunday" neacefully celebrated on Traialzar Sa uarb. London. 15 Thon.as Nclll-Cieam executed. Tho Congress of tho German Socialist party meets. 16 A secret conference between Canadian and Newlonndland envoys ends. 19 Tho French Chamber of Deputies passes the prcs bill A crucial victory for Pze mierLoubet. 20 French troops enter Abomcy, 21 The Fiench Chamber decides to Investi gate tho Panama Canal Company. Lon don Socialists begin nntl-reut campaign. 22 The International Monetary Conterenco meets. The Kaiser opens the German Reichstag with a speech in favor or the army bill. 23 The German army bill introduced. The Italian Parliament opens. The Czari witcli made President of the Russian Ministry. 25 Premeir Abbott, of Canada, resigns; Sir John Thompson chosen as.his successor. La Union, Salvador, destroyed by an eartnquaKO. American proposals suo mitteu to the Monetary Conference. 28 Loubet's French Ministry resign. De Rocuschid submits the English proposals to the Monetary Conference. A great debate on Canada's political future held iu Montreal. DECEMUER. The Governor of Rio Grande do Sul again deposed. 2 An apochryphal epistle of St Peter said to be lound in Ecypt. 3 Rector Ahlwaidt produces alleged proof iu a German court that Lowe guns lur nished the army are worthless. 5 Ribot forms a French Cabinet. 6 Sir John Thompson's Canadian Cabinet announced. The Rothschild plan with drawn from tho monetary conference. 7 Cauova's Spanish Cabinet; resigns. Tho English Agricultural Congress resolves in favor oi protection and freo coinage ot cold and silver. 9 Ahlwardt, the anti-Semitic member of tho German Reichstag, sentenced to five months' Imprisonment for slandering Loewo. 10 A dynamite plot to revengo the extra dition of Francois, tho Anarcnist, dis covered in London. Sagasta forms a Spanish Ministry.-" 13 Mexican tioops massacred at San Igna cio by revolutionists. 14 A collierv explosion at Wigan, England, destroys 50 lives. Tho German Reichstag exempts Ahlwardt from ariest. ABal mace Jist plot to murder Chilean officials discovered. 15 Dr. Charles Swenk elected President of Switzeiland. The Pope issues a circular aeainst Free Masonry. Brazil and Chile conclude an alliance. 16 Charles do Lcsseps and other Panama canal directors arrested. 17 The Monetary Conference adjourns until May 13. Mexican troops Ueteated by rebels near G lerrera. 19 Ten thousand Nova Scotian miners strice. Irish tactions slim an agreement. releasing the Paris fund. Revolutionists deleat Mexlcau troops at Coralvo. 20 The French Parliament authorizes pros ecutions of ilvo Senators and five Dopu ties In connection with the Panama scandal. General Booth's Salvation Army scheme vindicated by the Earl of Onslow's investigation. 22 Clemenceau and Derouledo fight a French duel. The Franco-Amoricnn Commercial Convention ratified by the Fiench Chamber of Deputies. 24 A dynamite explosion kills a detective under the shadow of Dublin Castle. 27 Mexican troops routed by revolutionists at Las Animas, Mexico. Count Peter Romanoff killed in a duel at Monte Carlo with Brockton, an American. 29 A dynamite explosion occurs in the Pre- lecture ot Police in Paris. 30 A National Congress in India demands home rule for that country. TRADE AND INDUSTRY. TEAR OF VIOLENT DISPUTES BE TWEEN LABOR AND CAPITAL. The Rise of the Reading- Coal and Railway Combine A Long List of New Trusts Organized Events Ont of the Ordinary on 'Change. The number of labor conflicts this year haB not been comparatively large, but the violeuce which attended a lew ot them has attracted universal attention. The number of new "trusts" organized during the year has been very large. The "Heading com bine," of course, was the greatest Some important judicial decisions affecting com merce are herein noted. JANUARY. 2 A partial strike In the Elgin watch fac tory. The Witherow works at New Cas tle, Pa., close down. CTw o' hundred coal miners at Cable, 111., strike sSouthern cotton plantors meet at 3Iem pliis to devise relief from over-production. A local brewery trust formed at Cincinnati. 10 Indianapolis street car striko begins. 11 The First National Bank of Muncy. Pa- closes, and Cashier Dela Green arrested. 12 Street car strike riots in Indianapolis. 13 The Sucar Trust Increases its capital $23,000,000. The Indianapolis street car strike declared off pendiug a -compromise. 18 The Pittsburg delegation to the National Association of Builders bolt the conven tion at Cleveland. 19 The Aransas Pass Railroad striko In xexas settieu; EtriEers deleated. 20 Tho Whisky Trust cuts the price of whisky lrom $1 IS to $1 16. 26 Tne Metal Polishers' National Union or ganized. 27 The Butler County Bank at Chicora, Pa . Jails. 30 A company organized at Wheeling to manufacture nails by a new process. 31 Union laborers capture 100 non-union men at St Paul, and. compel them to Join the union., .FEBRUARX. , 2 Tho Grand Central Hotel at New York ciosoo. 1 8 The Rice Trust formed. The Iron Beam Trust collapses. 4 The National Association of Crookery and Glassware Jobbers disbands at Pitts burg. W. H. Dill acquitted or embezzle ment in the CI earfleldandHoutzdalc(Pa.) bank case. The Blair and Cambria Lum ber Company fails. 10 The Philadelphia and Reading Ball road secures coutrol of its competitors for $800,000,000. 15 The Pottsville Iron and Steel Company reduces wages. 16 Canadian cut-nail makers organise and raise prices. 17 The .National Real Estate Association or ganized. 19 Tennessee mlno troubles sottled by a co ooerattve agreement. 20 A. J. Cassatt, a Pennsylvania Company director, and T. V. Powderly, General Master Workman K. of L., protest to Governor Pattlson against the Reading deal. 23 Attorney General Henrel snmmons Cnssatt, Powderly and President Mc Leod, of the Reading Company, to a hear ing March 3. 25 Eight hundred timbertnen at the Iron wood (Mich.) Mines strike for higher wago3. 27 Holders locked out at the Eclipse Stove Works, Mansfield, O. The Panhandle consolidation completed. 29 Officers and directors of the Whl3ky Trust arrested on Indictments found in Boston. The United States Supreme Court decides the barbed wire patont cult in favor or tho Woshbum-Moen Company, Indianapolis street carstrike settled. MARCH. 1 Powderly replies to the citation of At torney General Henel to appear against the Reading. The Ohio Supreme Court decides that the Standard Oil Company cannot make or fulfill Trust agreements. 2 The National Lumbermen's Convention protests against the placing of lumber on the free list. 3 Attorney General ilensel hears argu ments on the Rending deal. 5 Independent oil refiners appeal to Gov ernor Pattlson for protection against the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Na tional Transit Company. 7 Banker Arnot, of Elmlra, N. Y., files at WiIliamsport,Pa.,a bill in equity against the Reading Railroad Company. 8 The Whisky Trust reduces the price or its product 1 cent a gallon. The Erie and Pennsylvania Railroad systems con clude an alliance. 10 The Bardeleben and Tennessee Coal and . Iron Companies consolidate. 11 The bill to legalize tho Heading deal passes the New Jersey Senate. 12 Tho Franklin Sugar Refinery, Philadel phia, absorbed bvthe Suirar Trust 15 The Ribbon Trust formed at New York. Attorney Goneral Henscl files a bill in equity against tho Reading Railroad Companv. 16 The manufacture ofopticalglnss demon strated a success at Ellwood, Ind., by George A. Macbeth & Co., of Pittsburg. The Richmond Terminal and Richmond mid-West Point systems consolidate. 21 The Standard Oil Trust decides to dis-, solve and reorganize in a new form. The trainmen's strike on the Canadian Pacific Railroad begins. The Savings and Loan Association Jiankat Palnesville.O., closes its doors. 25 Mahoning and Shenango Valley iron manufacturers reduce wagos iu percent. 26 Sprocket's refinery formally turned over to the Sugar Trust 2S Note renewals of the PainesviUe Bank, O., declared lo be forgeries. The Um brella Trust formed. SO Several silver mines in Colorado close down. 31 Mayor Stuart, of.Phlladelphla, vetoes the trolley ordinance, which is then passed over his veto. APRIL, 2 The Mutual Banking, Surety, Trust and Safo Deposit Company, Philadelphia, condemned by the Bank Examiner. 4 Seven New York City horse car lines consolidate. 5 Governor Abbett, of New Jersey, vetoes the bill legalizing the Reading Railroad combine Window class manufacturers decide to shut down May 31. 6 St. Louis rtvermen win their strike. The building trades strike in New York City succeeds. 8 Pardrldge, tho Chicago grain operator, checked by a coalition. 9-Pnrdridge defeats the combination against him. IS The Sprockets Sugar Refinery in Phila- delphia shuts down. 17 Tho potters' striko at Steubenville, O., over three years old, declared off. IS The Iron workers' strike at Lebanon, Pa., declared off. 19 The Pennsylvania Company cuts the Eastern freisht rates on anthracite coal. 21 The Trunk Trust organized. 22 IC G. Gttptill, a manufacturer at An derson, III., claims to have discovered the lost Egyptian art of casting glass tuoos. 26 The Thomson-Houston and the Edison Electrical companies consolidate. 27 The Gould party wins the Union Pacific election. MAY. 1 Now England granite workers strike. 9 Tho Pennsylvania Supi eme Court decides that dealing in- margins is not neces sarily gambling. Kentucky distilleries purchased by an English syndicate. Chicago packers sell out to an English syndicate. -.Tha Wall Paper '.Lrust lonned. 11 The Cambria Iron Company at Johns town discharges 30 trainmen for belong ing to brotherhoods. 14 The richest iron ore deposit in the United States opened in New Mexico. 16 Fifteen thousand granite workers In "New York anil New Eugland locked out. The United States Supreme Court-decides that railroads may sell tickets by wholesale at reduced rates. 20 Trainmen's Brotherhoods and the Amal gamated Association order a strike against the Cambria Iron Works at Johnstown. 24 Arthur re-eleoted Grand Chief of tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. 31 A huge deal in May corn collapses at Chicago; Coster Martin, the manipu lators, fail. JUNE. 11 In a Whisky Trust" case at Cincinnati, the United States Circuit Court decldos that Congress has no power to put re straints upon the right of an individnal or a corporation to the acquisition. of property. Small packers in Chicago con solidate. The Hnusatonlc -yst-m ab sorbed by the N. Y., N. H. & H. Railroad Company. Manufacturers of pocket cat lory form a trust. 25 Wholesale grocers conclude an arrange ment with the Sugar Trust. The Iron League discharges, 1,500 Knights of Labor. 27 The Leather Trust (Rice 4 Hutchinson, incorporated) formed at Trenton. 28 Droxel, Morgan & Co. refuse to under take the reorganization of the Richmond Terminal system. 29 Mine owners in the Schuylkill region raise wages. JULY. 1 Philadelphia iron workers strike. 9 A reaper Trust organized. 11 Non-union miners and guards nt Gem, Idaho, surrender to strikers after a Dat tle; six lives lost. 12 Iron workers at Wyandotte, near De troit, strike. 13 Martial law declared at Ccenrd'Aleno mines. 14 United States and Idaho troops occupy the C'ceur d'Alene mines after tho last non-union miner had been either killed or driven out. 20 Upper Mononznbela coal miners at Opekiska, W. Va., striko. A last frnit transportation service betweon Califor nia and London begun. 21 The American Window Glass Associa tion decides to curtail tho right ot em ployers to make apprentices of adopted sons. 25 The granite quarrymen's strike at Quincy, Mass., practically at an end: still in force at other points. 26 The Dnebcr Company sues the Wateh .Trust ror conspiracy ami for violating the anti-trust law. 23 A fur combine organized at Newark. N.J. 29 A receiver asked for the Order of the Iron Hall. SI Delegates of railway employe organiza tions meet at Wilkesbarre to discuss con solidation. AUGUST. 1 The Northampton County Court refnses to appoint a receiver lor the Lehigh Val ley Railroad. J2 New York messenger boys strike. 4 Fort Wayne carpenters -and employes of the Studebaker Wacou Works bovcott -material from the Carnegie mills. Papers signed in New York ror the construction ot the independent oil nine Hue. 5 The Itasca Iron Company organized in in Chicago. 6 A tobacco combination formed. 8 The striko among the New York build ing trades ends. 10 A Jelly and preserve combino formed in . New York. Six hundred Upper Monon gahela miners strike. 13 The Southern Passenger Association goes to pieces. Bafialo switchmen strike. W An iron strike of over two years' stand ing at Elmlra, N. Y., declared off. 16 The Mutual Banking, Surety, Trust and Bare Deposit Company at Philadelphia, the depository the Order of the Iron Hall, assign s. 24 The Buffalo switchmen's strike declared off. Agent Ira Ayer reports to the United States Treasury Department that the tin plate Industry is successfully established in America. Georgia militia called out to protect Dade county mines. SB-Chancellor McQill, of Now Jersey, en joins the Reading combine. 27 The New York Bnk'Examiner finds two New York savings banks insolvent. A Tissue Paper Trust formed. to A new Rubber Trust'fornieO, SEPTEMBER, 1-r-The Pennsylvania Railroad Company discharges nearly 3,000 employes tore tronch expenses. 5 The Iron Workers' strike at tho Hughes & Patterson mill, Philadelphia, declared oir. 10 The Pennville natural gas field in Indi ana opened. 19 Cincinnati furniture workers locked out 20 A second sale combine formed. 23 -The granite strike in New England ended. 30 Receiver asked for in the Gas Trust OCTOBER, 1 Iowa railroad telegraphers win their i strike. Iron and steel wages advanced at Pottstown, Pa. Criminal proceedings begun in Chicago against Wrignt and Cudaby for manipulating the short ribs corner. 6 Wheeling district miners lose their strike. The Typo Founders' Trust or ganized. , 8 A steel brake combination formed. l "Big Fonr" switchmen at Columbus strike. 13 Chicago electricians strike. Aluminum tempered at Jeyis, Quebec, by Black smith Allard. Nickel ore discovered la the Lake Superior reslon. The B. & O. secures a line from Jersey City to St j ouis by the annual election of Ohio and Mississippi directors. 14 A mountain of zlno discovered near Hlllsboro, Tex. 15 Tho case against the "short ribs corner" in Chicago collapses. 16 Telograpbers on tne Gulf, Colorado and aanta in uanroau striKe. 17 A hoax order causes a. strike of tele graphers on the Santa Fo Railroad sys tem, which tied up those lines lor 12 Hours. The U. S. Circuit Court at St Paul decidesthat the "long and short huul" clansa does not apply to joint rail road tarilts. The Mechanical Rubber Company incorporated iu New Jersey; capital, $13,000,000. 19 Opening of Solomon & Ruben's mam moth mercantile emporium, construc tion of which beiran April 1. 24 Tho Reading Railroad Company secures control of tue Bo3ton and Maine aud the New England railroads. 25 New Orleans warehousemen strike. iai Train dispatchers organize a protectlvo brotherhood. Warrants issued lor the arrest of SS Kansas undertakers for vio lating the anti-trust law. The Pabst and Jung breweries ac Milwaukee consoli date. NOVEMBER. 2 The New Orleans warehousemen's strike settled. S Fall River manufactnrers raise the wages ofweaveis. 4 A general strike of all trades unions orderotl in Now Orleans. 5 The first oil through tho Crescent Pipe Lines leacnes tidewater. Striking elec tricians of New York organize a co-operative company. 8 Columbus street car men strike. 10 Ground broken at Atlanta, Ind., for the largest tlnplate, works in the United States. The New Orleans strike settled in lavor or the merchants. 11 Tho Columbus strike compromised. The International and the Chicago Packing Companies consolidate. 14 Tin mining begun at Hill City, Neb. 15 Cotton operatives' wages generally ad vanced In New England. The New York City Rapid Transit Commission pub lishes the terms or sale o( liauchlse lor an underground railroad. 16 Plate glass manufacturers meet In Pitts burg and decide to restrict production, 18 A cotton combine organized by the Farmers' Allianco. 21 Opening of Kaufmanns' new mercantile annex lor business. 23 A Boston company formed to control Van Choat's electric iuvontions. 26 Glassworkors dctaiuod at Ellis Island are released. y 28 Wages of Pottsville puddlors reduced. DECEMBER. 2 A barbed wire combine formed. 3 Wire and cut nails submitted to a com petitive test at Watervliet Arsenal. Pianoforte makers take steps to organize a national union. 4 Rival orders of commercial telegraphers consolidate. 5 The United States Supreme Court de cides the Chicago lake front cases in favor of tho city. Master and Examiner Hart reports to Court at Williamsport, Pa., in favor of the coal combine ou all points. Mnncie, Ind., glassworkers be gin a successful strike. 6-Sllvcismiths combine to preserve the grade of silver. Wilezlnski's banking and merchandising house at Greenville, Miss., falls, dragging live other Arms down to ruin. 7 Rock Island telegraphers strike. 8 Nickol discovered in Nebraska. .Dia mond fields fouud in Idaho. . 9 A syndicate negotiates lor the purchase of all Eastern Ohio rolling mills. 12 Green glassblowers at Bridgeton, N. J., strike to enforce unionism. 13 A Spring Trust lormed. Iron workers' wages at .riicenixvme, ra., reuucei'. Hocking vaiiycoal operatois combine. President Grecnhtit, of the Whisky Trust, in a written statopient, explains tho purchase of three' large dlstillories, and the consequent reduction of tho company's dividend. 14 A movotnent to federate all Baltimore and Ohio employes Is divulged. The Whisky Trust makes a third advance in Tirices. 15 Edison wins his Incandescent patent suits. 17 Receiver Oakman, of the Richmond Ter minal system, sues various parties for $S,O00,C00. 20 A decline in Whisky Trust shares causes a flurry in Wall stieet. 21 Wholesale liquor dealers take steps to establish independent distilleries. 22 A gold fever in tho West caused by dis coveries in southern Utah. 23 The International Navigation Company applies lor a Canadian charter. The Corporation Trust Company of New Jer sey organized, to represent non-resident corporations. 24 American flint glass factories close for two weeks, uoleuo electric linemen strike. 27 The Financo Company organized to re lievo tho Reading combine of its com mercial business. 28 California raisin growers form a trust. 29 WaylandTiH3k& Co., the Wall street firm, fail. The New York Underground Rapid Transit Commission fail to got satisiactoiy bids lor the franchise. 30 The Bell wood. Pa., ManufaciuringWorks assign. Rolling mill owners at Zaucs ville refuse lo treat with the Amalga mated Association. Ohio river naviga tion closed by ice. 31 "Deacon" White pays the last dollar due his creditors. CRIME'S CALENDAR. CELEBRATED CASES, EMBEZZLE MENTS AND DEEDS OF BLOOD. Acts and Fall of tho Dalton Gang Many Train Robberies Curious and Strange Cases Like the Alice Mitchell Murder aud the Borden Mystery. The leading event iu the criminal annals of 1892, except the acts of armed mobs, has been the destruction of the Dalton gang alter a long series of baufc and train rob beries. Many of the deeds of mob vio lence are so closely interwoven with indus trial events that it is hard to 'sever them. A curiosity in crime is the case of Alice Mitchell, the Memphis homicide. As mysteries, the Borden murder and the ex press theft, in which packages of brown paper were substituted for currency shipped to New Orleans, were the most remarkable. The violatiou ot American neutrality laws by Mexican bandits operating under the guise of revolutionists are among the nota- le events ot tne year, a melancholy ieature is the growth of lynch law in the South. JANUARY. 1 A carload of non-union men ejected from a train in Arkansas and driven into u swamp bv strikers. 2 Dr. Graves, the Denver poisoner, found guilty. In a civil suit at Lima, O., ex City Marshal Colvln and his sou are charged with au express robbery ten years old. Eight men killed in a general fight in Cinch county, Ga. 5 In tho Seward county (Kan.) war, a Sheriff and three deputies shot down; militia sent to tho scene. 7 Harry, son of Joaquin Miller, sentenced to two years' imprisonment lor robbing a stage. A running flu he between Ste vens county (Kan.) desperadoes and a pursuing posse; Ave desperadoes shot II Dr. Graves sentenced to be hanged. 15 A deserted Tiouse found in the Indian Territory, which had been bdilt as a trap and was the sceno of many murders. 18-Rooert Uepler, of Kenoma, Mo., murdors three members of the Goodly family, leaves another lor dead and robs tho house. , 22 Missouri Paclflo train robberv near Nevada, Mo. Montana outlaws kill four officers. 23 One Missouri Paclflo train robber killed and the other wounded and captured at Pleasanton, Kan. 24 Miss Alice Mitchell murders Miss Freda "Ward at Memphis. 29 A supersedeas granted in the Graves murder case. 30-AHce Mitchell indicted. Talton Hall, tho Virginia desperado, convicted. 31 Embezzler Hycr, of New Tork, escapes at Pittsburg. TEBRUARr. 1 uarza's band kill two scouts. 2 Henry H. Yard hold for court In connec tion with the Keystone Bank embezzle ment. William H. Dill, the Clearfield (Pa.) banker, indicted for embezzle ment. 8 A revolt of 250 inmates of the Deer Island prison, near Boston. The trial of Man rice B. Curtis, tho actor, lor murder, begins. 4 Texas rangers defeat a Garza baud near Rcalitas. Talton Hall sentenced to hang. 8 Murderer McElvalne electrocuted at Sing Sing, N. T. 10 Marlon Hedspath, the Glendale train lobber, captured. 15 Henry II. Yard indicted for abetting the embezzlement by President Marsh, of the Keystone Bank. 17 Hyer, the Now York embezzler and fugi tive, surrenders. 20 Ed Coy, a mulatto fugitive, burned at the stako at Texarkana, Ark., by a mob. 21 Daring attempt of William Ctosstorob a Central Hudson Railwny train. 24 Banker Dill, orChicora, Pa., arrosted for embezzlement. 3j The Jury in the Delamater embezzle ment caso disagree. The Jury iu the Curtis murder trial disagree. MARCH. 3 Dr. Scudder, of Chicago, arrested for tho murder of his mother-in-l&w. 4 Six prisoners, including Murderer Frank Mill, break jail at Butler, Pa. Tho first of the trials at Springfield, Kan., of the murderers of Sheriff Dunn ends in ac quittal. 5 Three of the escaped Butler prisoners recaptured; Murdordr Mills holds un one of lii"s pursuers. A riot between officers and negroes at Memphis; several wound ed and 20 arrests. 6 Fayette Welsh, tho actor, shot dead bv William F. Fiannery (William J. Gould) nt Boiton. 7 Cliicazo police raid a poolroom and ar rest 230 men. Director Nelson E. Evans arrested for looting the Spring Garden Bank, Philadelphia. 9 Tin ee negro desporadoe9 of "The Curve" lynched at Memphis. 11 Mills, the escaped Butler murderer, re- capturett. 14 A mobatForsythe, Mo., shoots Deputy Sheriff Chaiies Williams in open court and hangs Murderer JohnBriehtin sight of the Conrt House. 15 At Tiffin, O., Walter A. Snyder, in a flt of temporary insanity, shoots three men and commits suicide. 16 Alleged wholesale bribery of the Chicago City Council exposed. The family of Mrs. Melrose, at Nashviile.polsoncd; two die. 21 Berry Turner, leader of an outlaw fac tion In Kentncky, captured. Six indict ments returned against Chicago Alder men for boodllng. 21 Tangier Islanders fight a battle with oyster dredgers and a Virginia polico ,bnat; the islanders routed. 20 Mills convicted at Butler of murder in the second decree. 23 Murderer Cat to electrocuted at Sins -lug. A peddler's skeleton and his pack found In two locked rooms at Bticy- TU9, KJ. 30 Joseph Lytle, an old soldier at FIndlay, Q., mortally wounds his two daugbtois and bis former wife. Jonathan Hock stetlor inuidered by his fellow-moonshiners in Somerset countv. SI Joseph Lytlo lynched. The Philadcl- &hla Councils Committee reports on the ardsley defalcations. A Georgia Pa cific mail train robbed. APRIL. 6 Two accessories to tho nochstetler mur der arrested in Somerset county. 7 William C Miller, reputed leader of moonshiners and the slayer of Hocks tel ler, surrenders at Somerset. 8 John McCurrty, of Canton, murders L. T. Waltenbaughdangeiously wounds Mrs. McCurdy and commits suicide. 9 Three Indictments for forgery found against Ralph K. Paige. 10 Invading cattlemen in Wyoming be sieged altera desperate fight by rustlers and n Sheriff's posse. 12 A gang of Anarchists who had been firing tenement houses discovered in Brooklyn. 13 The besieged cattlomen In Wyoming sur render to United States troops. 14 An Illinois Central express train in Lou isiana held np and lobbed by three bandits. 15 Convicts at Coal Creek (Tenn.) mines mutiny. 19 Four nesroes lynched at Inverness, Fla. 22 A mutiny in tne Huntingdon (Pa.) re formatory suppressd. 28 K. A. Linderfeld, Milwaukee, President of the American Library Association, ar rested on a charge of embezzlement. 30 A mob at Nashville fights all night and nearly all day to break Into Jail and lynch Eph Grizzard, the negro: they Buccced in the second attempt; two of the attacking party mortally wounded. MAY'. 5 Murderer Almy confesses he is George Abbott, tho outlaw. 12 M. B. Herloy, the flrst of tho alleged Chi cago "boodlers" to bo tried, is acquit ted. 14 Two highwaymen rob a stage coach near Redding, CaL, of $-10,000: the driver shot dead. Five persons killed In an ambus-, caue at Round uap, a., by unknown foes. 17 Two Indictments found against Director Evans, of the wrecked Spring Garden Bank at Philadelphia. Officers and horse thieves fi.;lit a battle in tho Sac and Fox country: three killed. An un known assassin murders four women in Dennison, Tex. 18 Tne flrst undoubtedlysnccessful electro cution takes place at Auburn Prison, New York. 19 Car striko riots at New Orleans. Perry, tue now iorK train roDuer, convicteu. 20 Mrs. Pardridgo, at Chicago, foils a mad man in his attempt to assassinate her husband, the grain speculator. 21 Four desperadoesattackan express train near S tnford, Fla., and kill the messen ger, but are driven off. 25 Two of the Florida train robbers shot dead by a pursuing posse; a third es capes. 28 Seven men escnpo from the Jackson (Miss.) Penitentiary: ail either killed, wounded or recaptured within two hours. JUNE. 1 A Santa Fe express train robbsd by masked men supposed to bo of tho Dal ton gang, in the IndiAn Territory. 8 Bob Ford, the slayer of Jesse James, shot dead by Deputy Sheriff Kelly at f!iprln fnl. 11 Two men leap upon a train In Oakland,' cai., nnu roo two passengers oi siv.twu. A fight between strikins lumber shovers and officeis at Tonawandn, N. l. 12 Hundreds of negroes gatuerat Guthrie, Okla., to avenge a lynching, but are dis armed.. 17 "Pince Michael" Mills sentenced to fivo years in'the Michigan State prison. Four Italians lyncned on the Monte Cristo Railroad, Washington. IS Ex-Congressman Morgan, of SlississlppI, murdered on a train at Athens, Miss, by Henry Foster. 21 Dr. Scudder, the Chicago murderer, com mits suicide. 24 Pinkortons defeated by street car strik ers in Cleveland. 28 Three negroes on their way to Jail at Woodvlllc, Tex., shot down by a mob. JULY. 8 Nine lengterm convicts escape from the Massachusetts State prison. 12 A battle between militia and citizens guarding the jail at Paditcalr, Ky., on one sldo, and a mob of nezroes on the other. 14 Seven Toledo City Councilmen indicted for soliciting brlbos. The Daltongang rob nn express train at Adair. I. T., of between $50,000 and $75,000. 22 The cases or the Tanev countv fMo.i lyucheis nolle prosequied. 24 The two Redding, (Cul.,) stage robbers, John and Charles Ruggles, lynched. 26 Frank Mbllick, Anarchist, arrested nt Lung Erancr, N. J., in connection with tho conspiracy azaiust Frick. 27 Two men (.opposed to be or tho Dalton nan?, rub the Bank or Eioiio, O. T., of $10,50J, holding up the lady cashkr. Charles H. Pago, a Philadelphia broker, shot dead by Reuald Kennedy, a de mented stock gambler, who then com mits suicide. 30 Alice Mitchell, found by a ury to be in sane: tile Indictment lor murder still uendlmr. 31 Supposed members of the Mafia demand of the Chief of Police or Now Orleans ransom lor the missing Jttdgo Marr, whom they claim to hold prisoner. AUGUST. 1 New York Anarchists glorify Berkmann lor shooting Mr. Prick. 2 Tho electrocution of Murderer Cal Wood nt Donnemor.i, N. Y. 4 Evans and Sontag rob an express train at Collis. Cal., or about $15,000; the car door smashed in with dynamite bombs. Millionaire' Borden and his wife, at Fall River, ihurdorod. 9 The death S3ntonce of H. Clay King, the Tennessee murderer, commuted to im prisonment for life. 11 Lizzie Bordon arrested for murder. Im- prisoned cattlemen in Wyoming released on bail. 12 Eight cattle thieves killed by a posse near Deer Flat, Idaho. 13 Free miners at Tracy City, Tenn., send convicts out of the placo on freight cars and burn tho stockade. H-Strlkers and roughs destroy railroad property at Buffalo. 5 Free miners at Inman, Tnnn., capture a train loaded with armed guards, send convicts out of the place on coke cars and demolish the stockade. 16 Strikers stone troops at Buffalo. Free miners attack the Oliver Springs, Tenn., mines but aro repulsed; railroads blown up with dynamite. Maverick bank offi cials Potter, French and Dana indicted nt Boston. 17 Tennessee militia'and guards at Oliver Springs surrender to freo miners; con victs shipped to Nashville. 18 Slinors mako three desperate attacks upon troops at Coal Creek. Tenn.; Gen eral Anderson captured by treachery. 19 General Carr.es soldiers march to the relief of Camp Anderson, Tenn., and rescue General Anderson; a sheriff's posso repulses the miners but falls to reach Camp Anderson. 21 Fonr masked farmers hold up and rob a train near Augusta, Kan.; they are all captured. 23 A gang supposed to be the Daltons at the Missouri, Kansas and Texas station of Nowata, Ark..holds np the station agent, traveling passonger agent and traveling anditor, and rob the station of$I,cco. 25 Tho preliminary trial or Lizzie Borden begins. 31 N,ear Steubenville, John Shlnner mnr ders his employer, George Fertncn mor tally wounds Mrs. Fertner and her mother, and commits suicide. SEPTEMBER. 1 Lizzie Borden held for trial. 2 Talton Hall, tho repnteti murderor of 93 men, hanged at Wise C. II.. Virginia. 0 Chicago police raid tho Garfield Park race course and arrest 160 people. Sam Small shot at Uazolwood, Ind. 6 Chicago police make another raid on Gar field Park: James A. Brown.aTexas mill ionaire turfman, kills two officers and is himself shot dead. 7 Eighteen prisoners break Jail at Chatta nooga. Two' men rob a Missouri Pacific train nearKansas City of about $5,000. 15 Evans- and Sontai. the Col lis train rob bers, kill four officers or a pursuing posse. 16 Govornor Flower receives an infernal machine. 19 Negroes of Calhoun county, Ark., rise in arms against the new election law; lour or them killed. 20 The Delamater embezzlemont trial begins. 21 UnKnown persons wreck a train near Osage City, Kan., in the vain hope of cap taring $1,000,000; lour lives lost. A warrant issued uc Chicago for the arrest of Michahl McDonald on the charge of attemptiug to bribe Mayor Washbnrne. 27 Ex-Sergeant-at-Arms Canaday commits suicide at Washington. 23 Criminal proceedings begun against Count Mitkiewicz for frauds in which it is alleged the Chinese Minister is also implicated. Mike McDonald arrested in Chicago for bribery. OCTOBER. 3 Four men attempt to rob the Keystone National Bank at Erie, shoot the assist ant cashier and are captured. 5 The Dalton gang destroyed in an at tempt to rob two banks at Coffeyvllle, ivan.: lour canuits anu lour citizens killed. 6 Ex-Senator Delamater convicted of statutory embezzlement. 7 Revenue officers ambushed near Fllnt- villc, Tenn.; Deputy Collectors Mather, Cardwell and Spurrier killed: one moon shiner killed. 12 Bandits rob a Missouri Pacific train near Caney, Kan. Huntingdon Reformatory inmates mutiny. 13 Iron Hall Supreme officers indicted for embezzlement 14 Four negroes banged, drawn, quartered andburned by 'a mob at MouroeyiHe, Ala. 15 Ecuador's Consul General Rulse arrested on a charge of lorgery at Now York. Daly, the boodle Councilman of Toledo, convicted. 17 Six men killed In a riot between Italians and Hungarians at Milnersville, Pa. 25 General Veal assassinated at Dallas, Tex., by Dr. Jones. 26 A Kansas plot alleged to be discovered to assassinate Jerry Simpson. 29 Five men killed In a political riot at BurnSrille, N. C. NOVEMBER, 4 Ed Christie, the bandit, killed by United States Marshals in the Indian Territory. 2 Councilman Gill, of Toledo, convicted or soliciting bribes. 9 A Santa Fe train robbed near Guthrie, Ofcla. 15 Colonel Chlnn, the race starter, shot by an officer on the East St. Louis track. 17 Delamater granted an arrest of Judg ment Count Mitkiewicz acquitted. 26 The Marrow train robbing gang in Georgia broken up. DECEMBER. 2 Lizzie Borden Indicted. 9 A triple murder in New Orleans attrib uted to the Mufla. 10 An armed party from Liberal, Kan., led bya woman superintendent oi schools, seizes the Seward county schools. 13 Train robbers Forgey and Collins re pulsed near Huntington, W. Va.; one passenger killed; both bandits soon cap tured. 16 Seven men shot dead In a fisht in Wyo ming betweon Federal officers and horse thieves. 19 Eighteen convicts on Iron Mountain Railroad noisoned. First Assistant Treas urer Foerstel, of St. Louis, commits sui cide alter trying to burn city records to conceal a shortage. Thirteen Arkansas convicts fatally poisoned. 23 United States Marshals defeated by Mex ican revolutionists in rcpata county, Tex. 27 Clonston, the West Virginia embezzler, sentenced to two years imprisonment. Eleven prospectors killed In a general fight In the new Utah gold diggings. 28 A bomb explosion destroys the plant of the Milwaukee Street Railway Company. 29 Tames Dunlap, Massachusetts' bank rob ber, pardoned. 30 Mrs. William Wilson, of Fourth avenne, Pittsburg, commits suicide. Seventeen arrests at Ericr for robbery or freight cars. Train robber Forzey sentenced at Huntington, W. Va., to life imprison ment for murder. A RECORD OF DISASTERS. CALAMITIES AND MISIIAP3 ON LAND AND tVATER, BOTH The Awrnl Spectacle In Oil Creel: Valley Hoods Jn the West A Few Destructive Fires Dangers of the Rail and on the Lakes. One strange feature of the past year is the very unequal distribution of its disasters. Nearly all, especially ot tho worst, have happened in the first sixmonths in tbeyear, though the later period has witnessed the great Milwaukee fire and the threatened in vasion of cholera, which, however, stopped at the threshold of its unwilling host The most fatal single calamity, as well as the most dramatic spectacle, was the wave of flame and flocd which desolated Oil Creek and Titusville. A series of tornadoes re sulted in appalling aggregate loss ot life, and the floods in the West made a record only second in horror. There have been two great mining disasters, both in the West, and" a number of railroad wrecks where a number ot people breathed their last The greatest fire, that of St. Johns, N. P., is recorded under the head of for eign affairs, which department mentions, also, the two most terrible calamities of the year the cholera scare and the volcanic eruption which overwhelmed the Island of Mauritius. JANUARY. 2 Great Are at Nashville; loss $175,000; tbreo firemen killed and several others In jured. 5 Railroad collision at Aladdin, Mo.; 17 killed. 6 Fayettevillc, Ga., tho center of a de structive tornado; several lives lost 7 Mine explosion at Krebs, LT.; 58 killed; many injured. 8 Three hundred houses bnrned at La Chute. Quebec. Two fatal boiler explo- i sions: one at Chicago, four killed; the other at Bollintr, Ala., seven killed. 7 The main building or the Missouri Uni versity bnrned, with 40,000 books; loss, H'.O.WW. 11 A Monon theatrical train wrecked near Crawfortlsville, Ind., and all on board In jured; two killed outright 15 The Andrews Opera Company in a rail road wreck near J ones ville, Minn., two killed, many injured. 16 The Nova Scotia, steamer Loodlana burns in mid-ocean. 18 A powder mill explosion at Central City, W. Va., kills live men and Injures one other. 19 A train runs into a St Louis sleighing partyrelght killed. 22 The Indianapolis Surgical Institute burned; 20 killed, many injured. 23 A locomotive explodes near Ashland, Pa,; Ave men killed: a collision result ing, kills two. A dynamite explosion at Honeybrook, Pa.; six killed. 29 A blast explosion In Fayette county, w, Va., kills five men. JO The British ship Ferndale wrecked Off the Oregon coast; 20 drowned. FEBRUARY. 2 The Tamerlane wrecked off Pinna Eocki; 18 drowned. 7 Hotel Royal in New York burns; abonlj 20 lives lost 8 A $1,000,000 fire in Memphis. 16 The Jackson, Miss., Insane Asylum part ly burnod. 17 Great fire in Now Orleans; losa abon Sl,200,COO. 27 Twenty-five Newfoundland fisherman drlit ont to sea and are lost MARCH. 1 A passenger train runs into a working men's in Milwaukee; seven killed. 21 Six men killed or fatally Injured by a boiler explosion In St. Louis. Six of the Leabny family near Springfield, Jfinm, burned to death in their dwelling. Eight men killed or latully injured by the) explosion of a boiler at East Jordan Mich. 31 A tornado in Kansas destroys fltty lives. A new seven-story building in Chicago demolished, killing three persons out right and fatally injuring several others. The steamer Golden Rale burned at Cin cinnati; about ten lives lost APRIL. 3 Two gTeat fires in New Orleans: com blned loss from $2,500,000 to $3,000,000. 5 Nine persons buried alive at Fort Madi son, la.; caused by a gunpowder explo sion In a burning buildln?. 8 About 150 persons drowned in floods in Colnmbus, Miss., and vicinity. 11 Great flood on the Tomblgbee river. 13 The Moosic powder mill near Wilkes barre blows up; nine lives lost 18 The Forcite powder mills near Mt Al 1 Ington. li. J., blow up: seven killed. 19 The wnrt eartbqnake in California since 1S63; several towns badly wrecked. 20 Elzht miners drowned by the flooding of a colliery near Minersville, Pa, 27 The Grand Central Theater, the Timet building and 11 other Philadelphia build ings burned; 41 persons Injured; 12 lives lost; loss nearly 31,000,000. MAY. 5 An Atchison train falls through a bridge near Revere, Mo.; seven persons killed and 27 badly inj ured. 7 Great floods on the Fox, Des Moines and Illinois Rivers. 10 A mine gas explosion near Roslyn, Wash., kills 42 men. 14 The Anaconda miuo in Montana caves in; nine killed. 15 Two trains collldo at Cleves, O.; six killed and many injured. 15 A tornado in Greer county, Tex., de stroys several live. 17 Ringling Brothers' circus train wrecked near Concordia, Kan.; four men and. many animals killed. 18 The Floyd River suddenly floods Sioux City: about 20 lives lost. Ten persons drowned by the capsizing of a boat as Merrlllton, Ark. 21 About 25 lives lost by the Arkansas river hanks caving in during the floods. The JEtna Pyrotechnics factory at Hart ford blows np: six lives lost 27 A tornado plows a lurrow through Wel lington, Kas.; 35 killed and many wounded. JUNE. 5 Waves of flood flaminz oil sweep down Oil creek through Oil City and " itus.ilio; 150 lives lost: $J,O0O,O0O worth of property destroyed. Fire in tho Colorado mining camp of Jimtown destroys $1,000,000. 13 An explosion at the Mare Island Navy Yard kills 15 men. Galva, IU., wrecked by a tornado. Twenty-two persona poisoned as a wedding near Youngs town. A windstorm partly wrecks the "Wig wam" at Chicago; P. D. Armour narrowly escapes death in the lttius of his office; eight person killed. 14 Fire at the Old Bay Line wharf In Balti more caused a loss of nearly $1,000,000. Seven persons killed or mortallv wounded bya railroad wreck near Mla dlesboro. Ky. Smallpox quarantine causes a famino at Mason City. W. Va. 15 The falsework of a bridge at Covington, falls, killing 25 inch. A tornado in Que bec Province strikes several schools and kills a number of children. 16 A tornado in Southern Minnesota kills several people. 24 The Commercial Hotel at Saegor, CaL, burns; six lives lo-t. 25 A railroad collision in Ilarrisburg kills 12 persons. JULY. 3 Five men riding on a locomotive near Keller's station, Ind., are killed in a1 wreck. 9 San Francisco shaken by the Giant pow der mill explosion: Ave men killed. 12 The tuzboat Fraukio Folsom sinks in Lake Peoria; 12 lives lost , 13 A tornado destroys or damages 200 houses In Springfield, O. 20 Lizhtning strikes a colored school at Brickhead village, Ua.: five lives lost. A dinnerparty at Salisbury Beach, Mass.. results in the death of eight persons by cholera morbus. 23 Gas explosion in the York Farm colliery near Pottsville; 15 men killed. 24 W. K. Vanderbiit's SLCOO.OOO yacht Alva sinks alter a collision near Nantucket A Are at Iron River. Wis., renders 1.500 people homeless. A flood as Long Run, W. Va., destroys the Van Doty family of nine person-. 25 Three hnndrcd houses burned in Bay City, Mich.; Io3s, about $1,000,000. AUGUsT. 11 The collapse of a wall at Hartford City, Ind., kills five men. II A falling building at Ojden, N. J., buries 20 men; six lives lost 15 A train on tho T., W. V. & O. R. B, at Coshocton, O.. kills seven person. 20 Several skiffs and yachts wrecked at At lantic City: a nnmber of lives lost 25 Merto Cnrmo, the tcronaut, killed at De troit Exposition. 30 The steamer Western Rcsorve founders near tho Upper Michigan straits; only one survivor of 27 on board. 31 The steamship Moravia brings Asiatic cholera into the harbor of New York. Tho schooner City of Toledo capsizes in Laku Hichigan; olgbt lives lost SEPTEMBER. 3 The steamers Rngia and Normannla ar rive at New York with cholera on board. 4 Six deaths lrom cholera occur 'at New York Quarantine in two days. 6 The flrst death from Asiatic cholera in New York Citr. S Fourteen lives lost in a railroad wreck; near Ehensburg, Fa. The whaloback Wetmoro wrecked off tho Oregon coast ' 9 Tho steamship Scandia arrives in New York-with seven cholera patients, and reports 32 deaths iruin cholera during; her voyage. 10 Two Fitchbnrg Railroad trains collldo at West Cambridge, Mass.; ten lives lost 14 Five deaths from Asiatic cholera offi cially reported in New York City. 15 The steamer Bohemia arrives at New Y'ork Quarantine, 11 deaths lrom cholera havintr occurred during her voyage. 17 A Are In the Brooklyn Navy Yard de stroys the machinery of the cruiser Cin cinnati. 19 Cholera breaks out at Sandy Hook quar antine. 20 Over half a mile or summer hotels burned at Rockaway Beaoh; loss, $500,000. 21 A railroaa collision near Shreve, O., de stroys 13 lives. 23 A panic in a New York tenement syna gogue kills four r.omcn and seriously injures several others. 24 A railroad collision at New Hampton, la.; nine lives lost Ten minors killed by a cave-In at Iron wood, Mich. OCTOBER. 4 The steam barge Nashua four Lake Huron; 12 lives lust 8 Tno steamships collide r Washington; six lives !c 13 An explosion at Ster Snasnokin, Pa., kills to 14 Five men and fevers by railroad wroclc a lng. Conn. 15-Eight men killed by at Portsmouth, O. 21 A gas-pipe gnn Angeles celcbratloi sons. 24 Two Rending trai. Mauyunk, Pa., killi 25 Twclvo uien killed by a. train falling Spokane, Wash. 28 A large section of waukce bnrned; lo lost. NOVEJ 2 The hike steamer Maultou Island; 13 : 14 Six men killed by t Schuylkill Uavon, IS Great snow storms nanlcd by numeron 22 Trains collide nea six men killoO. DECEMl 13-EIght killed in a r Nelson, Minn. 23 The steamship Umr York. S3 A dynamite exr'