r- IS ACQUITTED On All the Charges of Heresy -Brought Against Him hy the Committee. THE EESHLT'A SUBPEISE ETen to the Most Sanguine of the Doctor's Many Friends. The Closest Vote 67 to 61, and the Eest In Dr. Erig-ffS Favor 73 to 49 Each Charge Subdivided and Voted on Separately Delight of the Friends of the Accused Preacher When the Ver dict Was Known An Average Major ity of 16 for Prof. Brlg-gs on All ther Charges How the Votes Were Scat tered and Divided on the 'Various Counts An Appeal to the General Assembly to Bo Made. I'PrriAt. TFLFOUAMTO THE DISPATCH. 1 New-Yoke:, Dec. 50. After atrial last ing 20 days Prof. Charles A. Briggs was acquitted this afternoon upon every one of the charges of heresy brought against him by the Committee of Prosecution. "When the members of the Ecclesiastical Court filed out of the Old Scotch Presbyterian Church in Fourteenth utreet a few minutes before 6 o'clock to-night, the jubilant and radiant faces of Prof. Briggs' partisans told the whole story. "Prof. Briggs has been acquitted," saia one of them to the reporters who bad been waiting outside the closed doors, "and he isn't a heretic, after all." President Hastings and the faculty of the Union Theological Seminary were es pecially pleased with the verdict, which was of such importance to their institution. It seems that in the last few days there have been several unexpected additions to the ranks of the Briggs forces, but "bis friends made no boasts and the vote was a great surprise to the opposition. How the Several Votes Varied. There were 128 ministers and elders who voted on every charge. The strongest vote for Prof. BrigeB was 73 in his favor and 49 against him, and his weakest showing was on charge HI, where the vote stood 67 in his favor and 61 against him on the principal items. "Upon his doctrine of sanctificatiou, charge VI, the vote stood 69 to 57, and on charge 111, accusing the professor of teach ing the errancy of the Scriptures, the vote was 67 to 61, the closest vote on any of the charges. " The voting began a little before 4 o'clock, and was finished in less than two hours. The first two hours of the session were de voted to the three-minute speeches of those ministers and elders who had not been reached yesterday. Not more than half availed themselves of the privilege. There were six roll calls on the voting, one for each of the six charges, and on each roll call members of the court v.oted first on the specifications and then on the items under each charge. Recapitulation of the Charges. By the vote of the Presbytery it was decided to split up the charges and have a separate vote on each ofiense. Charges 1, 2, 4 and 5 were each split into two items, charge 3 into three, while charge 6 did not require any division. In the charges which follow, the letters A, B and C indicate the divliions of each of the charges upon which separate votes were taken: Charge 1 The Presbyterian Cliurch In the United States of America charges Ber. Charles A. Brisrgs, D. D., being a minister of the said Church and a member of the Pres bytery of 2few York, with teaching that the reason is a fountain of divine au thority, which may and does sav ingly enlighten men, even such men as i eject the Scriptures as the authoritative proclamation of tbe will of God and reject also tbe way ot salvation through the mediation and sacrifice of tbe Son or God, as revealed therein: which is contrary to the essential doctrine of the Holy Scripture and of the standards of the said church, that (A) the Holy Scripture is most necessary, and (B) the rule ot faith and practice. Charse 2 The Presbyterian Church charges Iter. C. A. Brijrss with teaching that tbe church is a fountain or divine authority, which, apart from the Holy Scripture, may and does savingly enlighten men; which is contrary to the essential doc trine or the HolvScripturesandof the stand ards or the said church, that (A) the Holy Scripture is most necessary and (B) the rule or faith and practice. Irrancy or the Holy Scriptures. Charge 3 The rresbyterian Church charges Eev. C. A. llrhrzs with teaching that errors may have existed in the original text ofthe Holy Scriotures as it came from its authors, which is contrary to the essen tial doctrine taught in the Holy Scripture and in the standards of the said church, that the Holy Scripture Is (A) the Word of God written (B), Immediately inspired, and (C) the rule o laith and practice. Charge 4 The Presbyterian Church charges Kov. C. A. Briggs with teaching that Moses is not the author of the Pentateuch, which is contrary to direct statements of Holy Scripture and to the essential doctrines ofthe standards or the sata church, that (A) the Holy Scripture evidences itself to be the Word or God by the consent of all the parts and that (B) the Infallible rule or interpre tation of Scripture is the Scripture itself. cnatxe o Xho Presbyterian Church charges Bev. C. A Briggs with teaching that Isaiah is not the author of half of tbe Book: that bears his name.wblch is contra 17 to direct statements or Holy Scripture and to the essential doctrines of the standards of tbe said church that (A) tbe Holy Scrip ture evidences itself to be the Word or God by the consent of all tbe parts and that (B) the Infallible rule of interpretation of Scrip ture Is the Scripture itselr. Charge 8-TbePresbyterianChurcb charges Bev. C. A. Briggs with teaching that sanctl flcation is not complete at death; whloh Is contrary to the essential doctrine of Holy Scripture and of the standards of the said Church that the souls of believers are at once made perfect in holiness. The Vote in Tabulated Form. This is the tabulated vole on the charges, showing the number voting to sustain each item of. the charges. Sevsral members of the court were not clear on some of the afikrgev-.ftnd oa these iter voted "con j Not Sua- Non taln. liquet. 69 1 59 1 51! 1 55 1 fil 61 58 51 B M S 49 6 49 6 57 2 sustain. Charze 1 A fi9 B 0 Charge: a 72 B ,...72 Charges A 7 B 67 C 69 Charge 4 A 72 B 72 Charges A 73 B 7S Charge 6 69 Of the 139 members of the court who voted to-day 45 voted on every one of the six charges with the prosecution and 66 voted for Briggs from beginning to end. One of the ministers, Bev. Livingston Willard, voted to sustain Charge 1 and then left without having his vote registered on the other charges. Seventeen members of the court split their votes on the different charges, sustaining some and not sustaining others. A few voted "Non liquet," that is, they were not clear how to vote. How the Votes AVere Distributed. Bev. A. B. King voted non liqnet on charges 1 and 2, and to sustain 3, 4, 6 and 6. Kev. A. D. King voted to sustain charge 1, 2, 3 and 6, and non liquet on 4 and 5. Eev. Hugh Pntchard voted to sustain charges 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, and not to sustain charge 6. Bev. J. S. Batnsay voted not to sustain 1, 2 and 5 :ind item u of 3, and to sustain A and B of 3 and oharges 4 and C Bev. Charles S. Robinson voted to sustain charges 1, 2, 3 and 4, and nonliquet upon 4 and 5. Ber. A. G. BulifTson voted to sustain all the charges bat 5. Bev. Charles A. Stoddard voted to sustain charges 1, 2 and 3, and not to snstain 4 and 5. Eev. J. J. Tompson voted to snstain charges 1, 2, 3 and 4, not to sustain 6 and non liquet on 5. Kev. A. L. B. Waite voted to sustain all but charge 5, and on that he voted non liquet. Be ev. W Scott Watson voted not to sus tain charges land 2. and to sustain 3. 4. 5 and 6. Bev. David G. Wolie voted to sustain 1, 2, 3 und 6, and not to sustain 4 and 6. Elder A. P. Ketohum voted to snstain charges 1, 3 and G. and not to sustain 2. 4 and 5 Elder John W. Mc William voted to snstain 1, 2, 3 and I, and nonliquet upon 5 and 6. Elder Eobert Johnson voted not to sn taln alt but charge 6, and on that he voted uon-liquet. Elder C E. Garey voted to sustain 1, 2, 3 and 6. not to sustain 4 and non-liquet upon 5. Friends of the Professor Throughout- The members of the court who voted for Prof. Briggs- throughout that is, not to sustain on every item of each, charge were: Ministers George Alexander, Antonio Arreghi, A. P. Atterbury, W. V. Atterburv, P. G. Beebe, Francis Brown. E. L. Clark. "I. S. Dodd. D Stuart, Dod 'b, William Durant, J H. Edwards, W. T. Elsing, a P. Fasrnan, H. M. Field, J. F Forbes. Herbert Ford, C. B. Gillctr, II. L. Grandlienard, A. W. Halsey. W. K. narshaw, T. S. Hast inss. E W. Ijitchcoct, J II. Hoadlev, James Hunter. S. M. Jackson. J. B. Kerr, Theodore Eeonhard, M. S. Ltttleficld, D. E. Lorenz, William Martin, F. H. Marling, H. T. McEwen, J. U. Mcllvaino, A. H. Mo Kinney, D. J. McMillan, G. J. Mingons, D. H. Overton, G. S. Pavson, Vincent PIek, Daniel Kcpraon, S. E. Bosi ter, W. A Bice, J. A Saxton. Philip Schnfr, J. Balcom Shaw, Walton M. Smith, G. L. Seining, C. L. Thomson, Hpnrv Vandyke. M. B. Vincent, G. S. Webster, E. X. White 52. Elders A B. Lcdoux. Brick: William Mlckens, Central; Samuel Eeeve, Four teenth Street- u H. Woodbury, MadiBon Square; G. C King. North; H. S. HaiWey, Park; J. E. Ware, Phillips: G. a Lay, Puritan; C H. Dodge, Blverdale: Thomas Bond, University Place: Bobert Gentle, Union Tabernacle: W. A. Wheelock, Washington HeightsUtouert Jaflray, West; C. P. liegget, West Era. 11. ,n The Uncompromising Heresy Hunters. The members of the court who voted to sustain every item under each charge were: Ministers S. D. Alexander, Samuel Bow den. T. S. Bradner, W. D.Buchanan, Conrad Doench, Thomas Donglas, Howard Duffield, H. B. Elliott, W. B. Floyd, James Hall.A. D. L. Jewett, J. C. Xowrie, C P. Mallery, Alex. McLean, H. G. Miller. W. L. Moore, J. C. Nightingale Geo. Nixon, J. H. Northrup, I H. Parsons, J. G. Patterson, E. P. Pavson, Jos Sanderson, G. L. Shearer, Andrew Milland, W. C. Stitt. J. F. Sutton, A W. Sproell, H. M. Tyndall, F. E. Voegelin, T. G. Wall SL Elders James TompkinR, Bethany; An- drew Bobinson. Christ! tlan; James McDowell, East Harlem: H. E. Bowlands, Fifth avenue: E. McJimeey. First: G. E. Sterry, Fourth avenue: H.S. Willard, Harlem; Joseph Moor head, Knox; Thomns Anderson, New York; W. M. Onderdonk, Rutgers; Bobert Houston, Scotch; Joseph Anderson. Seventh; W. E. Worrall, Thirteenth street; Blchard Drum mond, Westminster 14. The Presbytery adjourned to meet a week from next Monday, in secret session, to bear from the clerk the formal statement of this vote. Technically the result of the vote is not supposed to be known until the formal announcement. As a matter of .fact, only a few members kept accurate count of the votes. These tables will enable the members of court to see just how they voted to-day on every item. The Case Sure to Be Appealed. The case of Prof. Briggs will not be al lowed to rest with this acquittal. The Prosecuting Committee, which represents the entirePresbyterianChurch, will certainly appeal to the higher ecclesiastical oourt's for a reversal of the Presbytery's verdict. In the regular course the Synod of New York, which meets every October, would be the body to which" the Prose cuting Committee would first appeal. But this would throw the final appeal to the highest court of the ehurch, the General Assembly, oer to May. 1891, as this body meets yearly in May. To the General Assembly reports are sent from every presbytery in the church. The Gen eral Assembly of 1893 meets next May in "Washington, and those close to the prosecuting committee, say that the case will be undoubtedly taken direct to "Wash ington. This was the courss followed last year. When the committee appealed from the' decision of the P-esbvtery in November, 1891, when the charges were dismissed, they went direct to the Gen eral Assembly oi 1892, which recognized the appeal and sent the case back to the Pres bytery ot New York for the trial which has just finished. Colonel J. J. McCook, of the Prosecuting Committee, upon whom the brunt of the work has fallen, said after the verdict that it would be impossible to say what action the Prose cuting Committee would take until it held a meeting. If it decides to appeal it will serve a notice of the appeal upon the clerk of the Presbytery as soon as it has been formulated. A Victory for Liberal Ideas. Prof. Briggs refused to-night to make any comment on the result of the trial. One of his most intimate friends said: "Of course, i'rot. Briggs looks upon this as a victory, but tbe fight is by no means over. Since he does not recognize the right of the Presbytery to try him, he cannot recognize an appeal from the decision to the General Assembly, but an appeal will probably be made, and he will bave to fight it out. "Of course this decision is a victory for liberal ideas in New York, but there are other cases of a similar nature that have yet to be settled. This trial has. shown that both parties are strong, numbering thousands, and will fight it out If they cannot live together there will be two denominations instead, ot one." Bandits Can't Be Tried ir Treason. Citt of Mexico Dec. 30. The attorney who is defending Colonel Hernandez, who is accused of being concerned in the Garza insurrection, claims that Garza was a ban dit and not a revolutionist, .and, therefore. treason. his adhireau cannot be convicted nf In His Opposition to Mnrphy as United States Senator From New York. (JOCKEANNOT A CANDIDATE Kings Connly Democrats Don't Be lieve Murpliy Can Win Without THE VOTES OF THEIR DELEGATION. A "jariff Commission Idea ott Interestiuj: Jlr. Cleveland. CARLISLE IS CONFERRING WITH HIM rsricuLTELEOnoi to the dispatch.! New YOKE, Dec. 30. Hon. Bourke Cockran was at the Hoffman House to-day for a moment. He started for "Washing ton at noon. Before leaving the hotel 1 he made the authoritative statement. "I have no aspirations lor the Senator ship of New York State. I am positively not a candidate. The use of my name was unauthorized. My visit to New York was on personal business. I was not sum moned by Mr. Cleveland, nor did I see him at his office, as has been stated." Mr. Cleveland had one of the busiest days in weeks. Senator George "Vest, Sen ator Gorman, Bepresentative Compton, ot Maryland, Bepresentative Anthony, hi Texas, and Bepresentative Gear, of Califor nia, were amoni; his visitors. Sen ator Vest tells an interesting story about his visit to Mr. Cleveland. He says that Mr. Cleveland will not discuss in any form or fashion the makeup of his Cabinet our the appointment to Federal place. All efiorts to draw him out on this question are futile. Still Opposed to SInrphy. Notwithstanding the strong pressure brought to bear on Mr. Cleveland in the hope of getting him to withdraw his oppo sition to Mr. Murphy, he was as oppose d to him as ever to-day. Mr. Cleveland was seen at his house. "While opposed to Mr. Murphy," he said, "I am not in favor of any one. It is too early, yet As Democrats and good citi zens, we should be very careful at this junc ture whom we select as the Senator from New York." A prominent Kings county Democrat, speaking of the Senatorial fight to-night, said: "The Kings county legisla tive delegation Senators and Assembly men will go into tbe Democratic caucus and will abide by the result of the caucus. They have not made any pledges to Edward Murphy, and are free to vote for some other candidate. The delegation lrom Kings may pre sent the name of a Brooklyn man for the Senatorship. There will not be any boltmg of the caucus, so far as tbe Kings county men are concerned. I will say this much, however our people think that Murphy has not the strength to win independent of the vote of Kings county." Cleveland's Chief Care the Tariff Mr. Cleveland is more interested in the tariff question than all other subjects. He is interested more or less in the Senatorial contests in the vari ous States outside of New York. The fight in New Jersey is the latest that has been brought to his at tention. Governor Abbett, of that State, worked hard for Mr. Cleveland at the Chicago Convention. There is a fight in that State over the Senatorship, and Hon. James Smith, of Newark, is opposing Gov ernor Abbett. Mr. Cleveland favors Mr. Smith. The fight in Texas was brought to the attention of Mr. Cleveland, and Mr. An thony iavors the return of Senator Roger Q. Mills. Governor Hogg is a candidate, however, and interesting developments are expected. , It must not be forgotten that John L. Mitchell, of Wisconsin, was another of Mr. Cleveland's visitors to-day. Senator Vilas,- in tbe Chicago convention, nominated Mr. Mitchell lor Vice Presi dent. Mr. Mitchell is connected with the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Bailroad. He received several votes for Vice Presi-' dent in the convention. General Bragg, of the Badger State, opposes him. He is the author of the famous remark concerning Mr. Cleveland: "We love him for the ene mies he has made." Mr. Cleveland is very friendly to General Bragg. An Idea for a Tariff Solution. The most important subject which Mr. Cleveland discussed was that submitted to him by Congressman Gear. The California Congressman believes that the Demo crats of the House should "appoint a tariQ commission to be selected by Speaker Crisp and the Democrats in caucus. This commission, according to Mr. Gear, should consist of 15 members of the House, and should sit during the summer months. Mr. Cleveland was very friendly to the idea. He believes the -people ex pect a change in the tariff laws. He was opposed to an extra session immediately after his inauguration, but he thought that the Tariff Commission, as suggested by Mr. -Gear, would be able to bring in a bill subject to theadvice of the Secretary of the Treasury in his Cabinet, and this bill would be brought in certainly by August or Sep tember next. Senator Carlisle is at this moment the closest adviser ot Mr. Cleveland. He is In the neighborhood now. Mr. Cleveland would like him to become Secretary of the Treasury. The Kentucky Senator may ac cept the portfolio. There was a report to-night that Senator Carlisle and Colonel Lamontand Mr. Cleve land were in conference after the theater. Another interesting feature was brought out to-day. It was to the effect that just at the moment Mr. Cleveland wonld not inter est himself in opposing the re-election of' unaries a. urisp as speaker ot nie House nf Bepresentatives in the Kiltv-third Goneness. "While Mr. Cleveland is not interesfed at this'moment in the make-up of his Cabinet, there was gossip to-night to tbe effect that possibly Col. Lamont would be asked to accept the portfolio of Postmaster General instead of Secretary of the Navy. Senator Carlisle will be here for a num ber of days consulting with the President elect. CARTELS ROPE OF STRAW. He Admits That Things In Montana Are looking Bight Gloomy. Chicago, Dec. 3tt Special Thomas H. Carter, Chairman nf the National Re publican Committee, arrived in town short ly before noon to-day. He did not register, and left at 2 o'clock for New York. Mr. Carter said he bad just returnedfrom Mon tana and was on his way to see the 'Vise men of the east" about the Senatorial con test in Montana. He said: Things look rather gloomy there, I most admit The Legislature-convenes bn Mon davi and it the Bepublicana do -not tret tha .three Populist- votes, Montana will have jjemocratio1 representation la-tbe Senate. " I have. nothing fo v houVpjlHJ.oal aJii UNITED ON MORRISON. Illinois Democrats Urging Horizontal Will lam for the Cabinet. "Washington, Dec. 30. The Star says: The IriendsofMr. Morrison are satisfied that he is going into lir. Cleveland's Cabi net. The obstacle in bis way has been thought to bo the fact that tbe Democrats of Illinois are divided into two factions, each of which could be counted on to oppose whatever the other favored. For some time Mr. Morrison's friends have been work ing for haimony, with a view to getting the united support of the Democrats or tbe State for him for the Cabinet. Their efforts have been successful, and the visit of Kep reentativo Onnn Scott to Mr.Clevelandthis week was to convey to him the assurance of Senator Palmer, who leads the anti-Morrison faction, that the selection of Morrison for the Cabinet wonld be received with favor by tbe "United Illinois Democrats." TYPHUS IN NEW YORK. Another Outbreak of the Dread Disease The Health Board Takes Prompt Steps to Stamp It Out Hundreds of Lodjlns House Beds Burned Up in a Hurry. New York, Dec. 30. Special There was an ominous increase in the number of typhus cases reported to-day, and it begins to look as if the disease had gained a foot hold again, this time among the lodging houses around Chatham Square. The health officials do not regard the outbreak with ap prehension, and say they will stamp the disease out as before. The first ofthe new cases appeared nearly a month ago, in a lodging house containing ISO beds. Since that time a dozen or more of the lodging-house population have de veloped the disease and two have died. Dr. Boberts, Chief of the Bureau, decided to-day to destroy all the beds in the lodging house at 191 Park Bow. Tha department wagons were filled with the material, and it was taken to the crematory at the foot of East Sixteenth street All the cases so far presented have had their origin in the neighborhood of Chatham Square, except perhaps one. No less than four cases were found among the patients who applied at the dispensary attached to Chambers Street Hospital. The doctors there receive a great many lodging house patients, and are on the lookout for typhus patients just now. They say the men who were taken from the hospital to day did not get farther than the reception office, and that there is no fear that the dis ease has got into the hospital. There was also a case at Bellevue Hospital, who ap plied there for treatment, and was set in the snn until he was removed to the recep tion hospital. The lodging-house keepers who asked the Health Boaid to modify its requirements for sanitary beds are likely to bave their protest ignored, in view of the present out break. F0ERSTEL CAN'T BE FOUND. St. Louis Councllmen Getting Anxious About Their Late Treasurer. St. Louis, Dec. 30. Special. The trial of Michael Foerstel, the St Louis City Treasurer, who is short in his accounts and stands suspended from office because of his suicide son's embezzlement to the amount of 63,000, comes up to-morrow, but the case mav not go on. Foerstel cannot be found. Ofiicers have been searching for him for two days to serve papers on him. They report that members ot Poer stel's family and his most intimate friends refer them.to his attorney, Jndse Jjubke. HeTleclihe's to give the officers. an .infnrmation. Up to yesterday jLhf " JujP cilmen were not dixposed to insist oh .treas urer Foerstel's appearance, particularly as bis resignation was before the Mayor. Now that it has been decided that the whole re sponsibility of the proceedings in the case rests with the Council, the members are be ginning to grow restive under the inquiries as to their placet, and are looking with dis pleasure and resentment at tbe attitude assumed by the Treasurer and his lawyers. One member of the Council said to-day: "If Mr. Foerstel does not send a good ex cuse tor dodging the service of oursergeant-at-arms, we will take action of a kind that will surprise him. "We have been told that he is a sick man, but we know he is attend ing to his business by correspondence, in a way that indicates that he is pretty well." The statement given out Monday that Foerstel had been removed to a local insane asylum is now believed to have been a ruse to get Foerstel out ot reach of the officers. A CLUB TO FIGHT CHOLERA. Prof. Ttensky, of Bussla, Propounds a Kew Theory of the Plaugue's Origin. STiPETEKSBUEa, Dec.30. Prof. Ncnsky has expounded a new theory of the origin of cholera before the fiussiau Medical So ciety. Prof. Blostein, finding that he could not produce cholera by the injection of Koch's coma bacilli, sought for and found two new organisms peculiar to Asiatic cholera. The disease Invariably follows an injection of the three varieties of organisms, and it is regarded as possible that innocula tion with the three organisms will give immunity from the disease. A dispatch from Paris says: Cholera continues to spread in the North of France. In the town of Gravelines, near Calais three deaths and oue new case were reported Wednesday and three deaths Thursday. Several streets in which the disease is especially prevalent have been closed by the town authorities. AKRON FEARS AN EPIDEMIC. Smallpox Introduced by a Tramp Prom Western Pennsylvania. Akbcw, Dec. 30. Special The fears ofthe local health authorities, that the re cently developed cases of smallpox would result in the spread of the disease, appear to be well founded. Joseph Knapp, one of the workmen in the mill which produced the two previous cases, was sent to the pesthouse with a well developed case of the disease to-day, and other cases are known to be ripening. A Hungarian tramp, who visited the shop some ten days ago, is said to have intro duced the disease. He came from Western Pennsylvania. THE BIG KRUPP CAR, largest In the "World, at last Completed at the Altoona Shops. Altoona, Dec, 30. The largest freight car ever built in, this country was turned out of tbe Pennsylvania Bailroad Com pany's shops here to-day. It will be used to transport from Sparrow Point, near Bal timore, to Chicago the 124-ton cannon being manufactured at the works of the Krupp Gnn Company in Prrsi for exhibition at the "World's Fair. V The ear practically 'consists of two cars, with eight pair of wheels each, joined by an iron bridge, thus; presenting the appear ance of one long car with 16 pair of wheels. OHIO FEARS CHOLERA. The State Board of Health Submits a Very Gloomy Annual Report. rCOLTTMBTrs, O., DecJlO. The JBtate Board of -Health, in its annual report, says if im migration is not resi-rieted.it is doubtful whether the present quarantine defenses win ne aoie to protect- tne (state against an iuTMioncf cholmbTlSMi ' - ' Whose Nerve and Daring Casts in the Shade Their "Western Brothers TTNEABTHED AT EEIE. They looted Swift Moving Trains of Valuables and . BOLDLY-HA WIED THEIR BOOTY. Hundreds of Warrants Ont and Big People Implicated. BALL PLITER BIEEBATJER AERESTED C6PECIAL TELKOBA1X TO TBS DISPATCH. Eele, Pa., Dec. 30. The operations of the local police working with the Chicago and Lake Shore agencies have the crooks in this city in a state of terror. Informations have been made against over 100 persons, and the officers are making arrests every hour. By the close of the afternoon 20 al leged car robbers had been "pinched," and many who were wanted have fled the city. These arrests are following the discovery of one of the most gigantic schemes of rail road robbery in the history of the State. The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Company has not been the only suflerer. The Kickel Plate and the Philadelphia and Lake Erie Companies have been robbed to an extent that is only just beginning to be known. On the two lines first named the tbieves operated in this way. , Their base of operations was in this city. Here the plunder was "ae- Soted," and in this neighborhood it was istribnted and secreted until such times as the "fences" could safely handle it for the active operators. Begular details of the thieves would go East from this city to Dunkirk or Westfield, K. Y. The only outfit they needed was a few tools of the best desicn and material for forcing the car locks and a rope ladder made to fasten to tbe running board on top of the car and swing over the side so that an operator could go down and manipulate the car fastenings. A Darinc and Nervy Band. It is manifest that the operation required not only some skill and dexterity, but a deal of nerve, to swing on the side of a swaying car is the night and work a lock while the train was running at a high speed, as many of the through freights da But the thing was done over and over again, and always without detec tion. The most remarkable feature, per haps, is the seeming fact that the trainmen were ignorant of what was going on, even after watches were set to find out where and how the cars were being plundered. Alter the seals were broken and the entrance effected the car-robbers would stay in the cars long enough to assort sueh goods as they wanted, and these were never thrown oil until some one of several points just east of Erie had been reached. As the train slowed down in the city limits the thieves had no trouble in leaving the train. Their confederates, in the interval, would take cars of tbe swag thrown off tbe passing i rain. This sort of systematic and persistent robbery has been going on for weeks. The railroad companies sent some of their best detectives from Philadelphia and Chicago to work on the case with the local officers, andwhen they finally canght on to the method ot operations of the robbers their first search, which .was necessarily a blind one, uncovered a lot of goods. Before the search has fairly begun the officers have found $5,000 worth of stolen goods. On the Lake Shore line alone, between Dunkirk and Erie, the losses were more than $10,000 oue month of December. Erie Said to Be an Immense Fence. The city is literally amazed at the mag nitude of the system, but the whole story cannot be told for long. Stolen goods are being found in every quarter ot the town and its suburbs. Search warrants have let the officers into households whose heads have been and are still above suspicion, but wild sons and in some cases giddy daugh ters are wanted for guilty knowledge of tuese transactions. Dell Darling, the famous baseball player, who has made such a record as a catcher, aud Charles Bierbauer, an equally well known ball player, are on the black list. It is alleged by the officers that both have been caught in possession of spoils from the looted freight cars. Several merchants of the city who have hitherto been above re proach are charged with complicity in handling goods known to have been stolen, but no arrests in this quarter have yet been made. The gang doing tbe work on the roads grew so bold that the stolen goods were sold here and peddled from house to house, with no attempt at concealment. As fast as the officers have been able to spot the parties against whom warrants have been issued they are gathering them in. Of course, there have been many escapes from the city, but the fueitives are obliged to get out in disguise and by "covered ways," as the trains are all watched closely and the roads out of town ore carefully guarded. Bierbauer Among the Arrested. The work of searching houses in the city and suburbs was continued into the night, and sleighload after sleighload of costly rugs, silverware, blankets, bolts of English suitings, costly dress patterns, laces, shoes and jewelry have been brought to police headquarters. The car robbers thus far secured on the great num ber ot warrants issued are: Michael Giles, George Kunz, Jack Donahue, H. Lanben steain, Charles Bierbauer, Louis Speckmau, John Williams, William Tweed, Louis Kaufiman, Barnev Conway, William Gar rity, James Smith. Michael Kelly, J. E. Miller. Thayer Boyer, .Mrs. Jane Allen, AdolphJPhister, Henry Burger, Catherine Moloney, Ptank Scheal and Mrs. Mary Gaekek Many for whom warrants were issued and. efforts made to capture them succeeded in escaping from the city, A number of others who vfere unsuspected have alse decamped from town. The searches will be continued without intermission, and arrests will be made as fast as the parties wanted can be located. 'The gang thus far arrested number among them some of the most desperate crooks in this part of the State. There is' no telling where the thing will eqd, .as the officers refuse to divnlge information gained to-night from, some ofthe prisoners who have "squealed," their statements implicating men and women who have hitherto been above sus picion. BLAINELITTLE BETTER. His Family Encouraged at His Continued Improvement. WASHtNaxoir, Dec. 3a Mr. Blaine is a little better this evening. The fact thai he ;hs, tided over, a, full ten days without a relnpie'is a source o&great encouragement to his family. At 9 o'clock this evening Mr. Blaine was pronqnnce"d"arb"elng'5boiit the same. At midnight the llebls lhIr-'Blalne's apart- ujcuba.ncic cAMuKaivura .iur limi Km eiib UaaM.mi more reseat maw- .- vn - r? ifliilirmmhr Ay' vZT' 2E mxwtrM rjjnmi v . "uwAm7m K m "WATCH HE DO HTM." DEACON WHITE ALL RIGHT. HE FATS THE L-YST DOLLAR Or BIS INDEBTEDNESS. Wall Street Pleased as Well as the Old Man His Word Was Taken Tor Over a Million and He Kept It A Great Send Off for Commercial Frohity and Honor in the Street. New York, Dec 30. Specia'. Hon. Stephen Van Cullen White went to Wash ington to-day. He will not return for sev eral days. Before leaving town Mr. White drew checks to the amount of ?233.000, representing the final payment, in principal and interest, of the indebtedness remaining after his suspension on September 22, last year. Mr. White, immediately after his suspension, conferred with his creditors and said that if proper time was given him he would liquidate all liabilities. It was a very famous dav in Wall street when the bankers and brokers learned that Mr. White's creditors had accepted his word for 51,000,000. It was the first inci dent of the kind in the history of tbe street. Mr. White said in so many words to these gentlemen: "Give me the time and an op portunity and everything will be all right" Mr. White's creditors in Wall street and in other States were glad to extend this ac commodation to him. On February 6 last Mr. White was rein stated as a member of tbe New York Stock Exchange. Since that day Mr. White has devoted his energy to settling all claims against him. He has paid over 51,000,000, and to-day's settlement was the final one. Indeed, when Mr. White gave his word for a million that was enough. Here is a letter which was sent to Presi dent Dickeman, of the Stock Exchange, to day: As an outside operator who, after 25 years' experience, admires the honest, integrity and generosity of the members of tbe New York Stock Excbaiure, I beg permission to subscribe $100 toward a testimonial to one of tbe most worthymembersofyour board Hon. S. V. White. Tbe records of such men like James E. Keene and S. Y. White reflect the highest credit on Wall street and tbe New York Stock Exchange, inspire public confidence in their leadership, and compel cosmopolitan recognition of American finan cial ana commercial honor. The Dispatch is not permitted to give the name of the gentleman who wrote this. It merely indicates the sentiment or" finan cial men'at the bappytime when Mr. White has made 'his creditors happy on New Year's Eve "NO TIME TO PRAY GIVEN By aij Alabama Mob to Two Alleged Mur derers of a Tax Collector. Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 30. When the citizens of Greenville arose this morn ing they .saw two dead bodies dangling from above the Court House steps. Late last night two strangers went to Jailor Hill Bergaluer's house and, arousing him, told him they had a prisoner. He went with them to the jail where he was met by a mob of 100 arnJecTand masked men hidden behind a fence with drawn pistols. They demanded the kevs which Bergainer surrendered. The cells of John Hipp and Charles Kelly, the alleged murderers of Tax Collector C. J. Armstrong, of Butler county, were opened and both men were taken out in their clothes and hurried to the Court House yard with ropes around their necks. With out being allowed time to pray they were banged above the Court House steps. -The mob then quietly dispersed. The verdict of the Coroner's jury is that tbe men were hanged by unknown persons. PLATE GLASS MEN NERVOUS. They Fear the Democratic Congress Will Tamper With the Tariff. Cleveland, Dec. 30. The Western Plate Glass Company, which has been in session at the Hollenden Hotel for three days, has adjourned. Their sessions were secret, and very little could be learned of the proceedings. Among other things dis cussed was the probable abolishment ofthe tariff on glass. Enough has been revealed to indicate that the association will make a vigorous effort to prevent the Democratic Congress from reducing tbe tariff any more than can be avoided. The plate glass industry has now become one ofthe greatest in the country, aud the feeling is a general one among manufactur ers that ItSrill be destroyed if the tariff is lowered. It was stated, however, that there will be no advance in prices on account of the apprehension and that none of the fur naces will be closed at present. A WHISKY TRUST FOE Again Arises, This Time With Headquar ters In St. Louis. , St. IiOUlSj-Dec 3a Another powerful company is being formed here to establish and operate a distillery in opposition to the Whisky Trust. The premises to be occu pied are the partly-built plant at Twenty second and Madison streets. The incorporation papers were made out to-day, and will be -filed to-morrow. This time a new-set of men are interested in the scheme. The names given are Cliff BicbardsonK or the Chemical National Bank; Prank Lawrence, of the Bio Chemi cal Company; Harquard Forster, Edward Mallink Boat, oftthe Mallink-Bodt Chemi cal Works Company; and the Anthony & Kuhn Brewing Company. The capital will be ?l,000,00a DANGER AT LEWES. Big Ocean Steamers- Imprisoned in Ice at the Delaware Port. Lewes, Del., Dec 3a The ice in tbe harbor here beyoad the breakwater is very, heavy. Several'large. vessels are frozen in the mass, and as Jt drifts about they are carried with it. The marine cable has been broken by drifting vessels 'and telegraphic communication with. "tbe shore is cut off. The pilot boat Bayard was rescued from tbe ice this raofnibVaad towed to sea, and 1 tbe pllot'pb,Wtrt-4dwd' and Cope were KW MUW..W tm l fetj by the tugl- c JLill Z rof nwrnoKuu 7 um tftisw t -j. I -J r - Tifc'ta f ETenlng World. North America. Should a strong wind arise much damage to tbe shipping would ensue. SHOT DEAD IN A DUEL Another Affjir of Honor "Widen. Was Not French, Ton Know The Antagonists Belgians, Who Fought for a Notorious Woman The Law's Turn Now. Beussels, Dec. 30. Major Gillain, of the Gbards, and Eugene Vanderbergen, Krupps' resident agent, fought a duel in the private garden, on the Bois de la Cam- bre, last night. Vanderbergen was shot through the heart and died instantly. The two men had been on bad terms for several months in consequence of their rivalry for the favors of a notorious woman. On Mon day night, despite repeated warnings to cease his attentions to her, Vanderbergen aDpeared with her in a box at the Theater Boyal de Pare. A brother officer saw the pair and sum moned Gillain by messenger to theater. Gillain waited at the exit, and after abus ing Vanderbergen, told the woman she must choose between them. The woman ran, but Gillain overtook her and stopped her. She then told him that she had tired of his im portunities and would not see him again. Gillain then left Wednesday evening he and a friend from Berlin entered a beer garden where Gillain and several other officers sat at a table. As Vanderbergen walked by tbe table, Gillain arose and jostled him almost from his feet, Vanderbergen struck him with his open hand on tbe cheek. On the same evening Gillain's second communicated a challenge to Vanderbergen. Vanderbergen accepted it, and chose pistols. On tbe first exchange of shots Gillain's cheek was grazed. On tbe second exchange Vanderbergen fell dead without word or sign. The dead man was very popular, and his slayer will be prosecuted. THE UMBRIA SAFE. She Casts Anchor Off Fire Island, New York Harbor, at Midnight. New York, Dec 3L 1 A. m. Spe cial The Cunard steamer, TJmbria, which is overdue five days, has at last been sighted at Eire Island. It was 12 o'clock when she cast anchor, at that point. As reported-byhe-steamalishMhhis' JcnowL-dceflmMSalrafflT, which had sighted ber at sea, her delay was t can Tia Tala- m caused by a broken shaft, which damage was repaired sufficiently to enable the big Atlantic liner to proceed on her way un aided. The big ship came to quarantine at 3 o'clock this morning, and is expected to reach her dock at 8 A sr. TO BURN BUENOS AYRES Was the Aim of Conspirators, Who In- tended to Gather In Plunder. Buenos Atees, Dec 3a A plot to burn np this, city was discovered a few days ago and to-day a number of policemen and fire men were arrested on the charge of being connected with the conspiracy. The plan of the conspirators was to set fire to the city in several different places at once. They hod selected as places at which to apply the torch some of the principal build ings of the city, including the Custom House, the police office and the Arch bishop's palace. The object of the con spirators was plunder. LYNCHERS FORESTALLED. Train Bobbers ITorgey and Collins Hushed Through to the Pen. Charleston-, W. "Va., Deo. 3a After the Forgey verdict of thin morning, recom mending a life sentence, fears were enter tained that the people who were not con tent with the verdict would lynch 'the men. Sheriff Kyle selected four guards, and at 4 o'clock this evening slipped Collins and Forgey to the Ohio Biver Bailroad depot, and left by the first train for the peni tentiary at-Monndsville. It is thought by "many that his timely action prevented a 'lynching. FLORENCE GETS MILLIONS. A final Decision In tbe Celebrated BIythe Case In San ITrancisco. SakEeancisco, Dec. 3a The Supreme Court to-day denied a rehearing of the BIythe 'case, which was taken upon appeal by the Williams heirs from Judge Coffee's decision. This virtually ends the celebrated case and the millions of the late Thomas BIythe go to his daughter, Florence, now Mrs. Hinckley. The estate is now valued at about 84,000,000. ANNEXATION SENTIMENT. A'Straw Which Shows How Canadian Com mercial Travelers reel. MosteeAL, Dec 30. At the dinner of the Dominion Commercial Travelers Asso ciation last night at the Windsor", the toast to tbe President of the United States' was received with far heartier applause than that of the Governor General of Canada. United States Consul Knapp responded to the.toastrandin advocating friendly rela tions between the two countries was cheered to the echo. COLQUITT MAY DIE. Both He and His Wife Dangerously in From, Advance Paralysis. AxLAXTA, Dec. 3a Senator Colquitl'i condition is now considered critical by1 his physicians. He was able ten days ago to walk'with some aid about the bouse, but he is now confined to his bed and unable to rise? One side is paralyzed. "tHliVife lies in arf adjoining room, parai lyzed,fher brain being. affected. Sheimoi expMWl to live sany dajsj . MJm MR.- CARLISLE CULLED FIRST, The President-Elect Insist3 Upon tne Kentuckian's - Acceptance of A CABINET P0BTF0LI0. Washington Gossips Wonder Why Financier Wasn't Chosen Some Even Go So Far as to Declare Ed Murphy Would Be a Better Secretary of the Treasury A Predlption That' There Would Be a Change Before the Administration Is Over Carlisle's Se lection Believed to Be Due to the In fluence of the Free Silver Element Cleveland and the New York Senator ship Morrison Urged b7 Illinois Dem ocrats, Friends and Fees, for a Plao? in the Cabinet. tTBOM A STAFF COEBESPOSDCT. 1 Washington, Dec. 30. The report that Senator Carlisle has gone to New York at the request of President-elect Cleveland seems to bave convinced the last doubter that the distinguished Kentuckian is very much desired for Secretary of the Treasury in the administration which will come into power on the 4th of March. It is assumed that this particular joumey of tho Senator is to afford Mr. Cleveland another oppor tunity to remove the obstacles which lead him to hesitate at accepting the position There appears to be no doubt that Mr. Carlisle has been offered the Treasury port folio. An eminent public man, a friend of the Senator, has asserted to other friends, confidentially, that Cleveland himself told him so, confidentially, and each one who knows the fact through confidence tells it constantly in a confidential way. There fore it must be true. Carlisle Compared "With 3!nrphy. It maybe, but the Washington political world continues to wonder what new vagary will possess Cleveland to-morrow, as each day seems to have its particular eccentric ity. The President-elect is violently op posed to Mr. Murphy for Senator because of his inexperience and lack of genius as a debater, and to be consistent he chooses a great debater, who is a debater only, a coiner of specious argument, false or true, in logic or fact, with which to defeat oppo sition, to fill a Cabinet position which de mands an official who is possessed of sound financial views and broad knowledge of the practical movement of money at the money center. Whatever may be said of Mr. Murphy'3 Trnes for. tl fcenatebeis ir.- more fit. I J .....J f. -. "UlTtlS!. IztT H&Lr. I to occupv-thehairoftbe" SecretaryTottha1 Treasury in the Cabinet than Mr. Carlisle is. Of course, Senator Carlisle would not insist upon any pet financial policy of his own, imagining if he were to enter the Cabinet, be would be subject at all times to the dictum of the President. A Sop to the Freo Sliver Element. But by what reasoning could Mr. Cleve land make logical the appointment of a free silver advocate, when he himself is really in favor of the gold standard and is pro nounced against free coinage or even liberal coinage of silver? That is what the poli ticians here cannot understand; and it must be remembered that all of these politicians are friends of Carlisle. In truth, he bos no enemies. The only explanation of the President's ', selection if Mr. Carlisle really be selected is that the appointment would be a com pliment to the great dominant element of tne party, which demands a liberal treat ment of the silver question. Of courses every member of the element who can read would know that Mr. Carlisle, as Secretary of the Treasury, could only execute Con gressional enactment or the wishes of the President in matters left to the latter's dis cretion by the law; but sentiment gae3 a, great wav with a ereat many people. and5 with tbe ilea silver element this appoint-!. ment or Carlisle would oe very popular, while it would not in the least alarm thai anti-free silver element. Another May Tet Be Demanded. It is generally admitted, however, that there is a possibility of a demand, before the close of Mr. Cleveland's term, foputhe profoundest financial shrewdness of a prac-i tical aud not a theoretical character,-and that is a profundity ot shrewdnessjr.'et possessed by either Mr. Cleveldnl orjpilr.' Carlisle. It is granted that they otfuldjcall upon Wall street hankers lor advice mVau' emergency, but why not call the "Wall street banker at oncer to take charge of rth Treasury Department is the all-round query. btrange to say, tne prooaoiiity 01 Car lisle's appointment and acceptance seems to be of less importance to most of the poli ticians than the "situation" in rcgardto the New York Senatorship, which continuer to be the all-absorbing topic This prove the domination of mere politics in the nai row and superficial meaning -of tt word, over politics in the f of statesmanship. The questinr what party shall control the off' ot what faction or clique within t is paramount to all else, with statesman, judging fr " always se """" What are ments wb measure t country whether Cleveland ideut Clet the Senat York Leg! the New Apparently and the wb or Clevelan Tamnu If the Tat tbe city are a is "noflnjit' ture is. .Am. jonrnalistHni one otrthefe dav, and heVdt of'thei'sltuati. elected In. spite Kings county 'shv Mel aughllnjlo tt. view. It is reai Xaughlin to crack Mr. Hammings, make his bed wi rp6weris!"witr iWonmiiiKt trie .-.,..,..... . 1 f. . : --.,-.