Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 30, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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Of the Democrats "Who loaf
, l Ahout the Capital Dnr
' '' ing the Holidays.
At the Hands of Cleveland, as Long
as He Can't Hear Them.
They Say If He Interferes In the Elec
tion of One Senator Ee May Want to
Name Others Bourke Cockran as a
Compromise Between Cleveland and
Tammany How the President-Elect
Came to Quit Poking: His Ncso Into
the Speakership Contest A Congress
man Wrote to Him to Stop and He at
Once Let Up Senator Quay's Soft
Snap Only One Chance in a Thousand
to Defeat Him He 'May Soon After
ward Retire, Though.
iniOM a STArr cokresposdktt.i
Washington, Dec 29. As two days
have passed since the publication oi Mr.
Cleveland's analysis of the conspicuous un
fitness of Edward Murphy, Jr., to repre
sent iicff York in the United States Senate
und no denial of the authentic
ity of the interview has yet appeared.
Democrats here who were doubters
yesterday are believers to-day that the
President-elect said in substance what was
If Mr. Cleveland expected to make him
self popular with his party by his utter
ance he certainly missed his mark wofully.
Kow that there se ems to be no donbt that
the interview is correct Democrats are in
clined to speak very freely, though they
will not be quoted. They quite logically
assume that if Cleveland assumes the right
to dictate the personality of the New York
Senator there is no telling what he might
assume with regard to other men and other
States, and no Democratio Congressman
desires to provoke antagonism toward rec
ommendations of applicants for office at
the outset.
More Rebellion Than Commotion.
To say that Cleveland has raised a great
commotion by his declared attitude is stat
ing the conditions much too mildly. It Is
more like a rebellion. Not a Democrat can
be found, but will denounce the interfer
ence of the President-elect, if he feels that
he can do so and not be caught at it. He is
glad to relieve himself of abuse of Cleve
land, but doesn't want Cleveland to know
One of these irate gentleman, a member
of the House of Bepresentatives, who was
an ardent supporter of Cleveland before
and alter the Chicago Convention, declared
to-day, in profane terms, to the correspond
ent of Tub Dispatch that the dictatorial
interference of Cleveland in the Senatorial
r election in New York is an act whose im
pudence is unparalleled in the history of
the country.
"It is simply insufferable," said this
much-offended Democratio leader, "and
Democrats who have been in the harness
shaping the policy of the country since
long before Cleveland was ever heard of,
should unite and formally tell him so.
How Cleveland lYas Called Down.
"A few weeks ago, when it was evident
that he was itching to dictate the Speaker
of the next House, I wrote personally to
him and told him plainly that the Demo
crats of the House would almost to a man
resent any show of interference from him,
and that he would lose friends and support
by such a course. I have an answer from
him, the character of which I cannot di
vulge, but I can say that he has been mum
on the subject of the Speakership since
that time.
"It may be said that we have no right to
censure him in regard to the Senatorship
.because it is a New York allair, and he is a
citizen of New York. As a citizen he, of
course, has a rignt to express and work
' for his preference; but the language at
tributed 10 him clearly indicates that he as
sumes dictatorial nuthontv on account of
his position of President-elect. It is not only
insufferably impudent, but it is evidence of
a feeling of petty revenge against Senator
Hill which I would not have suspected
Cleveland of harboring. Because Hill took
snap judgment, won the New York delega
tion, did all he could to deleat Cleveland
and sulked when defeated himself, does not
excuse Cleveland for attempting to punish
Hill in return. The mere fact that he is
elected should make him too big for that.
He should have resented every attempt to
make him commit himself on the Senatorial
question as a personal affront."
Beally Savage In Their Outbursts.
This and much more to the same effect is
heard at every turn, from the real friends
of Cleveland. As for those who hate him
for his supposed mugw ump tendencies, the
Tammany people, for instance, they say
this and sometning more. They are per
fectly savage in their outbursts. "I told
you so, is their common phrase, fiercely
hurled at the heads of other Democrats who
' advocated Cleveland's nomination, and
meaning that if nominated and elected he
would proceed at once to insult and turn
down the real democrats of the party.
There is really no word in the vocabulary
of epithets that will exactly express the
feelings of the Tammany men who are fight
ing at this end of the line. Yet amid all
this wreck of gpod gray matter of torn-up
Democratic intellects there is a ray of com
fort for the machine Democrats. It is un
derstood tbat Cleveland wojld be willing
to accept a Senator from the ranks of the
faction opposed to him, evei from Tam
many, if he be a man of substantial parts,
above reproach as to his political methods,
a commanding orator, etc. Therefore the
New York Democrats in 'Washington hope
that Bourke Cockran, who represents the
Eleventh, Sixteenth and Eighteenth As
sembly districts of the city of Ndw York in
the House ot Bepresentatives, may be ac
cepted as a compromise candidate.
Hill Will Stand by Murphy.
Many doubt, however, if Senator Hill
will accept a compromise. It is agreed
that if Murphy insist upon his election
Hill will stand by him to the last; and it is
said that if Hill stands by Murphy, Cock
ran will not permit the use of his name.
Cockran was outspoken against the nom
ination of Cleveland at Chicago, as is well
remembered, bnt his fellow members say
hels above .petty and factional wrangling,
and.thaVlf fleeted to the , Senate he would
pursue a dignified course which would
place him above both the Cleveland and
the anti-Cleveland factions. By the mem
bers of the House and Senate, and by the
Capitol-frequenting public generally, the
hope is expressed that Cockran may be
elected. Though somewhat too rhetorical,
and too ornate, and too vociferous in his
oratory, he is always interesting; and a
rare thing in a ready Congressional sneaker
he has the good judgment to speak only
when the occasion seems to require it He
is not, as some members are, burdened with
a conviction that the country is yearning
for a long speech fromhimupon every ques
tion which har pens to come to the front
But while Cockran is hoped for as an
amicable settlement of the factional duel
without bloodshed, it is admitted that the
outluok is favorable for a very ugly condi
tion of affairs in the Democratic party, as
Cleveland seems to be bent upon arousing
the antagonism of the entire "practical'
element in all the States, even before his
administration is begun. Certainly the in
ternal party dissensions promise at this time
a very lively, if not unique, four years for
Mr. Cleveland.
Senator Quay and Hit Walkover.
Friends of all of the candidates for elec
tion to tbe United States Senate in Penn
sylvania, who have dropped into the Cap
ital and out of it qnietly during the week,on
account of the organization of the Legisla
ture next week, concede the re-election of
Senator Quay. In view of this outcome,
now admitted to be inevitable, it is thought
by some to be probable that the opposition
to the Senator as his own successor will not
be as numerous as it would be if there were
a hope of accomplishing his defeat
A Pennsylranian in the city to-day, who
professes to be in favor of a new deal, said
to the correspondent of The Dispatch
that he believed Senator Quay could yet be
defeated if the opposition could be organ
ized and kept out of the caucus. ""Of
course," said he, "everyone knows that
Quay will have a large majority of the
caucus. Therefore the only hope of the
opposition would be to remain out of the
caucus and force the selection of a com
promise candidate by preventing Quay
from getting a majority. I believe that if
the candidates opposed to Quay would lead
off boldly they could keep 40 Republican
members out ot the caucus, and these would
hold the balance of power.
Dalzell Wouldn't Bolt a Caucus.
"I am informed, however, that none of
these candidates will entertain the idea of
of bolting the caucus. I am assured that
Bepresentative Dalzell is decidedly opposed
to such a course, at least at this time when
it should be the policy of all Republicans to
bend every effort toward harmony and unity
instead of aggravating factional quarrels.
Had the Republican party been triumph
antly sustained Republicans 'could have
well afforded to fight out theirlocal and State
battles, but the general disaster to the party
iias maue gooa xtepuDiicans everywnere
feel like pulling the organization together
in every way possible, and it is evident
there will be far less factional quarreling
and caucus-bolting than there would be,
had the result in November been different
1 am told that Dalzell will make no effort
to hold his 55 or 60 friends in the Legisla
ture to his support, but will permit his
name to be presented in the caucus, that
those who desire to vote for him may to do
so. Mr. Dalzell will not go to Harrisburg,
nor take a personal hand in the caucus con
test" Quay Slight Soon Step Aside.
Ante-caucus gossip here has again brought
to the front the story that while Senator Quay
desires ms re-eieotion, lor vindication if for
no other reason, he will not retain his seat
beyond the session of the Legislature, un
less his health shows substantial improve
ment Those who circulate and accept this
bit of gossip as true say that if the Senator
does not resign before the adjournment of
the Legislature he will do so when a Re
publican Governor is inaugurated, that in
either cose he may be sure to be succeeded
by a Republican, by election or appoint
ment The Senator's most intimate friends
say he has not contemplated resigning at
any time.
She Was Sighted at Sea on
Christmas Day hy the
Steamship Galileo.
that there were steerage passengers for
Pittsbnrg, but did not know whether they
were immigrants or Americans.
Andtho Missing Vessel's Crew' Was
Making Repairs at the Time.
And She Is Expected to Come Into Tort in
a Short lime, Jfow.
No Republican Senate Steering Committee
to Be Appointed.
"Washington, Dec. 2a The Republi
can Senate caucus will not appoint a new
"steering committee." The present com
mittee, composed of Senators Hoar, Mc
Millan, Chandler, Teller and Mitchell, will
be continued in force, and will conduct all
the business that would come within the
province of a steering committee. The com
mittee has not been overburdened with
work during the holiday recess. But two
members have been at the Capitol, Senators
Chandler and Mitchell. The former is now
in New York, and while in Washington is
devoting his best efforts to the subject of
immigration and quarantine matters, so that
what is done falls to the lot of Mr. Mitchell.
"The committee is not assuming any
dictatorial powers," said Mr. Mitchell this
morning. "On the contrary, we are acting
simply as an advisory board and holding
ourselves ready to give advice when called
upon. The committee has had no meeting re
cently, but we are gathering all the informa
tion we can and watching both sides of the
cases, so that when the contests reach the
Senate, as they will, perhaps we will be in
possession of the facts and understand vheir
merits Detter man we would otherwise.
There is really nothing new save the fact
that In two ot the States at least the courts
have acted, and in Wyoming the Demo
crats have gained a point in the matter ot
organization of the Lower House of the
Legislature. So far as the Republican
members of the Senate are concerned it is
their intention to see, so far as may be in
their power, that the legal choice of the
States is the man elected to the Senate, re
gardless of what his politics may be."
Might hy Law Be Maintained by the Sale of
Washington; Dec. 29. In -view of the
talk about the maintenance of the gold re
serve fund in the Federal Treasury it is of
interest to know that the Judiciary Com
mittee of the House, In the last Congress,
through its Chairman, Mr. Culberson, of
Texas, who is generally regarded as one of
the best lawyers in the House, made a re
port to the House in which was affirmed the
right of the Secretary of the Treasury to
sell bonds at any time with which to secure
gold for redemption purposes. The report-)
was made upon a resolution offered by Mr.
Duckery directing the Committee on
Judiciary to report on the power conferred
on the Secretary of the Treasury bv tbe
special redemption act of January 14." 1875.
The report says that section 3 "of the act
"contemplated and anthorized a fnnd for
redemption purposes, to consist of, first, the
surplus revenues from time to time in the
Treasury, and, second, the proceeds of the
sale of bonds to the extent necessary to
carry tbe act into full cflect" The report
added: "There is no limitation upon tbe
authority of the Secretary of "the Treasury
to sell bonds for thepurposes of redemption
under this act, but the proceeds derived
from such sales cannot be used for other
than redemption purposes."
New York, Dec. 29. Much later and
more definite news of the overdue Cunarder
Umbria relieved to-day mnch of the anx
iety felt on her account On the afternoon
of Christmas Day she was sighted about
705 miles from New York. She displayed
three red lights as a signal that she was
unmanageable, but she did not ask for as
sistance. She was lying to, and apparently
lying very easy, in a fresh northwest gale.
This grateful news was breught to port
early this morning by the Wilson Line
steamship Galileo, from Hull December 11.
Captain Coleman, of this ship, died of
valvular disease of the heart December 19,
and was buried at sea in a northwest gale.
Chief Officer O. H. Jones, who took com
mand, told the story of the sighting of the
Umbria in these words:
"We had strong west-northwest gales
and high seas almost from the moment of
clearing land. We had several snow squalls
and unpleasant weather of every kind all
the way across. About 6 o'clock on Christ
mas afternoon we were in latitude 42 52,
longitude 58 05'. The wind was blowing
a fresh northwest gale and a heavy; sea was
running. It was just a trifle misty, and
fast growing dark. The lookout sighted a
big steamship bearing northwesterly. She
was lying to in the heavy wind.but was riding
the waves as comfortably as if she were at
her dock.
Out of Order, bnt Not In Distress.
"We signaled that we were of the Wil
son line. In response she displayed a blue
light and two Roman candles, each firing
six balls. This meant that she was of the
Cunard line. She then showed three red
lights, which meant that she was not under
command. Ws judged from this that her
machinery was out of order and that she
was lying to for repairs. We circled her,
but as she did not signal for assistance we
went on our course. She was in sight for
two hours. I guess she'll be in here in a
day or two. She looked pretty big out
there and it was not blowing enough to
hurt her. We could see some of the pas
sengers on deck. The next morning, De
cember 26, we passed two steamships bound
east They were almost sure to pass the
Umbria and it she needed any assistance
they would have helped her."
The place where the Umbria lay when
the Galileo passed her, five days ago this
morning, is about 705 miles from New
York, east by north, 550 miles due east
from Boston, and 251 miles southeast of
Halifax. The damage to her machinery
was probably not very serious.
Expected to Land Before This.
When a steamship breaks her shaft or
meets with any serious mishap she usually
seizes tbe first opportunity to signal the
iact to passing steamers, for even if she
does not want assistance, it would take a
long time to repair any great damage to
machinery, and every steamship captain
knows what a world of anxiety an overdue
vessel causes.
The probability is that on Christmas
afternoon the Umbria was either so slightly
aisamea or naa recovered irom a serious ac
cident to such an extent that she expected
in a -short time to steam ahead for port and
get there before the Galileo.
Steamship men say that the signal of
three red lights at sea is usually displayed:
when a vessel's steering gear is out of order
or her rudder Is disabled. In cases of more
serious accident it is customary to signal
some of the particulars. Here is an in
stance: On January 27. 1885. the steam
ship Alaska signaled to the freighter Lake
Winnipeg: "Damage to the rudder; cannot
steer.' After further signaling, the Alaska
took the Winnipeg in tow, to serve the pur
pose of a rudder, and in this tandem fashion
the vessels arrived in port February 8.
None of the Inquirers Uneasy.
The White Star steamship Runic which
left Liverpool one day before the Umbria,
and which was supposed to come by the
same course as the Umbria, arrived off Fire
Island at 10.30 o'clock this morning. She
had not sighted tbe disabled vessel. The
daily stream of people who come to inquire
after news of the ship continued to call at
the Cunard Line's office all day to-day.
None of the inquirers, however, displayed
any uneasiness.
A telegram from Halifax to-night, says:
A rumor was in circulation here to-night
that the disabled steamer Umbria had
reached Harrington in a sinking condition,
but inquiry of the New York agent there
shows that the story was false. Nothing
has been seen of the steamer there. The
ship has not been sighted anywhere off the
Nova Scotia coast, every.part of which has
been communicated with, from Yarmouth
to Canso.
The value of the Umbria and her cargo is
roughly estimated at 1,500,000, two-thirds
of which is insured in London and the re
mainder in Liverpool.
Is the Widow Alexander, Who Wedded an
Oregon Itanchman on the Strength of an
Advertisement Good Words From New
Tork State Neighbors.
Chicago, Dec. 29. Winfield a Jeffer
son, whose bride of a day jumped from a
window of the Atlantio Hotel to escape
him, pleaded with her to-day at police
headquarters that he did not care for her
money but loved her for herself alone, and
tried to induce her to accompany him to his
ranch in Oregon. This the woman de
clined to do, and informed Jefferson in very
plain terms that she never wished to see
him. Jefferson left, saying he did not know
what he would da
Mrs. Jefferson had partly recovered from
the injuries received by her leap for liberty.
She says she acted very foolishly, but now
that it is all over she is glad of it, and upon
the arrival of her friends will return to her
home in Kinderhook, N. Y., a much wiser
woman than when she left
A. dispatch from Hudson, N. Y., says:
In reference to the report t hich comes from
Chicago in relation to the young widow of
Bichard Alexander, late of Kinderhook,
the Regitter this evening says: "Those in
this city and county and there are hosts ot
them who have known Mrs. Alexander
from childhood and followed her through
her womanhood as wife and helpmate of the
late Bichard Alexander will not believe
that she has been , guilty of wrong-doing.
We all know that she assisted her husband
in accumulating their moderate fortune and
their pretty home in Kinderhook. After
her husband's death she heroically took
charge of his extensive business and by her
energy increased it until the burden of care
became too exacting for a weak woman,
even with the vigor and ambition of Mrs.
"She sought retirement and needed rest
and, as tbe sequel proves, married a man
unworthy of her. From published accounts
he proved to be a scoundrel, and the clerk
at the hotel where they stopped worse than
a brute. Both deserve severe punishment
The widow of Bichard Alexander will find
in Columbia county sympathizing friends
who are ready to avenge any wrong or
treachery to which she may have been sub
Ills Change nf Plans for the Canal About
Cooked His Goose.
Washington, Dec. 29. Following the
allegations ot wrongdoing on the part of
Count de Lesseps, growing out of the
Panama canal scandal, comes the assertion
that suspicion of his entire honesty was ex
cited as far back as 1879 in the minds of
members of Congress, and while the fact
that suspicion did exist cannot be, verified,
some interesting information that until now
did not have its significance may be ob
tained from a review of the history of the
canal project in the Congress of the United
States. On December 19, 1879, the House
of Bepresentatives adopted a resolution
empowering a select committee "to exam
ine into the subject of tbe selection of a
suitable route for the construction of an
inter-oceanic ship canal across the Ameri
can Isthmus."
Ot the 11 men who served on the com
mittee, some are dead, while others have
retired into obscurity, leaving only one re
maining in Congress Senator Frye. of
Maine. When asked to-day concerning
his impression of the trustworthiness of
Count de Lesseps and his associates in the
matter, as gained from tbe testimony of de
Lesseps and others before the select com
mittee, Senator Frye said his impressions
of the inquiry were" very indistinct, but he
was certain he had no suspicion at the time
that De Lesseps was not the honorable man
he had always been represented to be.
"I had no suspicion that he was not en
tirely what he was represented to be," said
the Senator, "until he changed the plan ot
the canal to one requiring the use ot locks,
after he had secured his subscriptions on
the representation that it would be con
structed on the simple plan of a sea-level
Engulf a Yery Old and Hon
ored Firm on New York's
Stock Exchange.
Who Speculated tbe Money of the
House Awaj Causes the Crash.
The Senior Member Jets Honorably When
He Saw Kuin. Inevitable.
Pounding Prices
Winter Garments
Because They'll Organize the House for
the first Time In Many Tears.
Washington, Dec, 29. Bepresentative
Cable has just returned from Illinois. He
says the Democrats there feel very happy
over the fact that they are abont to organ
ire the House of the State Legislature for
the first tjme in many years.
Speaking of the possibility of a Cabinet
officer being appointed from Illinois, Mr.
Cable said that if anvone was annotated it
would be Mr. Morrison, and that there was
a very strong sentiment mrougnout
State in favor of his appointment.
What There Aro Lie Now Between tho
Azores and Bermuda.
London, Dec, 2a In addition to the
passengers who sailed on the TJmbria from
Liverpool whose names have been already
cabled, 14 saloon, 7 second cabin and 19
steerage passengers embarked on the
steamer at Queenstown. The TJmbria has
on board 1,049 sacks of mall. The lost pilot
chart of the North Atlantic issued by the
Hydrographic Office shows ftw derelicts in
the regular route of the Umbria. West
ward of the point at which the steamer was
spoKen by the Moravia three such obstacles
are plotted on the chart. With the pre
vailing winds and currents these derelicts
wonld drift to the southward. By far the
greater number of derelicts are known to
be between Bermuda and the Azores.
The White Star Line steamship Germanic,
Captain Nicol, which left New York De
cember zi lor Liverpool, which was sighted
off Brow Head this afternoon, was unable
on account of a heavy gale to land passen
gers or mails at Queenstown, and proceeded
directly for Liverpool. The steamer Beech
dene (British), Hampton, trom New Orleans
for Rotterdam, put into Plymouth to-day in
distress. She reports having encountered
terrifie weather on the passage. A huge sea
broke over the vessel December 23 and
caused considerable damage, carrying away
two boats, smashing another boat and a
portion of the bridge, bulwarks and wheel
box and gutting the chart house.
New Tork's Underground Commissioners
Iteject Two Remarkable Bids.
New York, Dec. 2a Unusual interest
centered about the auction sale of the Un
derground Bapid Transit franchise, which
took place in the City Hall to-day. The
sale was not successful, from the Bapid
Transit Commissioners' point of view, and
the two bids made by Lawyer W. Nowland
Amory were taken under consideration by
the committee through the auctioneer,
Eugene L. Bushe.
Mr. Amory bid $500 cash, and in addition
agreed for the corporation to be organized
to construct, maintain and operate tbe
Banid Transit Bailway; that said corpora
tion shall give the City of New York one
half of 1 per cent per annum of its gross
receipts from operation during the whole 1
term ot lease.
"Can I make an alternate bid?" queried
Mr. Amory, acting on the suggestion of a
friend. There was no immediate reply and
he then offered to strike out everything'but
the figures in his first bid.
"The commissioners will consider anv bid
made," Mr. Busbe said, after conferring
with his fellow commissioners. Later in
the day the bids were rejected. The Bapid
Transit Commissioners late this afternoon
decided to give up for the present the plan
of selling the franchise.
National and Railroad System Schemes
Discussed hy Brotherhood Chiefs.
Cedab Rapids, Ia., Dec 29. The chief
officers of the conductors, switchmen, train
men, firemen and telegraphers have been
holding a secret conference in this city to
day with federation for the chief topic of
discussion. The session occupied the entire
day, and when completed but little had
really been accomplished except that most
of the representatives had shown they are
in favor of some sort of union.
Two plans were produoed at th conier
ence "National Federation," binding on
all members wherever located, and "Sys
tem Federation," which would leave tne
members employed on any system of rail
road to decide whether they would unite.
and such union would be binding on them
alone. No decision could be reached. A
committee of one from eaeh delegation was
appointed to draft a plan and submit it to
morrow morning. Nothing is known as to
which plan would be reported. Unless
unimous consent can be gained no federa
tion will be formed.
New York, Dee. 29. The failure of
Wayland Trask & Co. was announced to
day on the Stock Exchange. The firm was
composed ot Wayland Trask, Theodore
Baldwin and A. N. Bankin, and had offices
on Wall street. The failure had been ex
pected since yesterday, when the firm
notified its customers that they must take
up their own contracts. Mr. Trask has
been a member of the Exchange since 1869.
The cause of the failure at first was
thought to be too much confidence in North
ern Pacific securities. A later explanation,
given below,puts an entirely different light
on the matter. What gave rise to the
Northern Pacific theory was that the house
was carrying large loads of these securities,
which have for the past year been declining
steadily in value. During the past few
days they have been particularly weak.
This heavy selling was due to liquidation
of loans by Wayland Trask & Co., the de
clining price of the stook having made it
impossible for them to keep margins good.
Got Rid or All Their Contracts.
The failure caused no excitement in the
street, as the trouble has been known for
several days, although it was generally be
lieved a failure would be averted. The
firm gave sufficient notice to those with
whom they had contracts. Hence, when
the failure was announced this afternoon,
it was, also, announced that the firm had no
outstanding contracts.
Mr. Trask this afternoon declined to say
anything about the failure, and referred
everyone to his lawyer, B. H. Stern. Mr.
Stern gave out the following statement con
cerning the firm:
"The suspension of the firm of Wayland
Trask & Co. is due to the fact that one ot
the partners, Theodore Baldwin, has been
speculating on his account and with the
firm's money. He has lost in this way
about $150,000. Nothing was known of his
operations until Monday or Tuesday, when
some of the banks sent in to Trask & Co. for
additional margin on their loans. This led
to an investigation, and it was discovered
that the books were all wrong and that
many fictitious entries had been made upon
them. Mr. Trask saw that he could not
honorably continue in business and resolved
to saspeud. Baldwin has confessed every
thing, and is now at work helping the ex
pert with his work in straightening out the
The Methods of the Culprit.
Baldwin's method of operating was to
enter a number of fictitious names upon the
firm's books and conduct his specnlations
under those names. The money to margin
these accounts he took from the firm and
covered up his tracks by making false
entries in the books. He also conducted
operations with other firms in Wall street,
also using his firm's money, and this, ot
course, must be made good. Mr. Stern
would not say who the houses were, nor could
he give even an approximate estimate of the
amount of assets and liabilities of the sus
pended firm until tbe expert examination
was concluded.
He said that the $150,000 lost by Baldwin
Is also an estimated amount. It might turn
out to be much more. Baldwin's specnla
tions have been going on for about three
years and were, of course, entirely unknown
to his firm. He has been speculating in
almost every stock on the lists, it is said.
and while it was supposed ho had been
especially hard hit on Northern Pacific,
Chicago Gas and Omaha, Lawyer Stern said
it looked as if he had lost in everything he
The Records of the Partners.
Baldwin become a member of the present
firm in 1881, coming to them from E. C
Benedict & Co. He was a resident of
Brooklyn, and has always had an excellent
reputation. It could not be learned whether
or not any proceedings of any kind would
be taken against him. He is said to be
completely broken down by his misdoings,
and has expressed his willingness to do
anything asked of him.
Wayland Trask has been a member of the
Stock Exchange for 21 years, and is verv
popular. Over $300,000 was offered to him
to-duy by various firms to help him out,
but he declined ail assistance until he conld
discover the real amount of his partner's
defalcation. The firm sent around this
morning and paid off all their loan at the
Don't leave out of sight the
fact that whilst we are sell
ing' an enormous number of
Ulsters (thanks to our low
prices) we have also made
like reductions in our com
plete line of Overcoats and
Men's Heavy Winter Suits.
We propose to make our
stock revisions early each sea
son. If loss there is to be,
we'll meet it boldly. Lose to
make a bold loss at the first
saves a cowardly but greater
loss at last And there is
where your chance comes in
to purchase new, fresh and
seasonable goods at from 25
to 33 per cent lowef than
they were quoted a week
They come in All-Wool Heavy Weight Black Cheviots,
well made, lined and finished.
are made of extra fine Meltons. and
Kerseys- in medium and heavy weights.
These comprise a splendid line of English Top Coats of
the following materials: Imported Meltons and Kerseys,
fine Elysians and Chinchillas.
Special reductions in Boys' Overcoats.
-d V M II 1 y
y V- l
1 s I
I hese garments
No nttsborgers on the Umbria,
There is no definite information at any of
the steamship offices relative to Pittsburg-
ers on the TJmbria. None of the Pittsburg
steamship offices booked Pittsburgers for
return on that boat, but thev all admitted
the that there is a possibility ot Pittsburgers
Dtingon Doara-ner.' jusx scnamberg said
It Falls to Comply With Conditions, and
Can't Becover From the Estate.
Omaha, Dec 29. The case of tbe trus
tees of theWesleyan TJniversity.of Lincoln,
against the estate ot the late William H.
Craig, of Kansas City, has .now worked its
way int o the District Court of this county.
Some time before Craig died he made a
conditional gift of $25,000 to the school.
The conditions were never carried out, and
after Craig's death a claim for that amount
was filed against'the estate, and upon the
trial in tbe Probate Court Judge Ellis held
that there was nothing due the University.
National Quarantine Wanted.
Norfolk, Va., Dec. 2a Spied. The
Chamber of Commerce of this city and the
Business Men's Association to-day adopted
resolutions favoring a national quarantine
law, and indorsing the action of the New
York Chamber of Commerce in the matter.
Committees were appointed to urge Upon
the Bepresentatives in Congress from this
State the passage of such a law.-
A Bessemer Hungarian Fatally Stabs a
Companion at the Table.
BrADDOCK, Dec 29. Special. Mich
ael Seurctski lies dying on a cot in a poor
cottage up "Dooper's Hollow," near Bes
semer, a mile above here. He was stabbed
last night by Steve Metorf, who has been
arrested. A gang of Huns were gambling
in one of their resorts last night until, at
an early hour this morning, Metorf got up
from the table, flat broke. Suddenly the
sense of losing all the little money he had
seemed to craze him. He drew a clasp
knife and drove it into Seurctski's breast.
Then the assassin brandlsbed his knife and
shouted in exultation, while the gang stood
helpless, even to lift the dying man from
the floor where he had fallen.
Metorf made no effort to escape, and
finally one of the Huns sprang out and ran
for a doctor. With the physician came an
officer, who arrested Metorf. The Injured
man will probably not live through the
night, as the blade of the knife penetrated
the chest cavity close to the heart, and the
hemorrhages have been frightlul. George
Antole is also under arrest for stabbing
Michael Koceserba in several places at a
dance attended largely by Hungana ns last
night. His injuries are dangerous, but not
necessarily fatal.
1,592 YARDS CLOTH 25c
Per yard, 50 inches wide, in a great variety of mixtures.
Our most desirable bargain among the entire fall line.
This Dress Goods stock in Fine Cashmeres or Serges, 38
inches wide, for 50c, shows up well in any shade.
In all the choicest shades, if you want the best value we ever
offered in fine Dress Goods
87e and $100.
Wollsvlllo and East Liverpool Want a Divi
sion ot Columbiana County.
SALEM, O., Dec .29. Special The
division of Columbiana county, at least for
court purposes, is a matter that furnishes
fighting ground for two factions in this part
of Ohio with each assembly of the Legisla
ture. The present county seat, New Lis
bon, is in an obscure location, inconvenient
for the mass oi people in the county. In
the last Legislature the project of a division
was beaten.
The next Legislature will convene Tues
day, and the "Separate Court" bill will cut
a figure in the proceedings of tbe session.
The chief obstacle in the way of division is
its alleged unconstitutionality, and if the
bill to come up when the Legislature as
sembles again Is beaten, the two big towns
at the southern end of the county will seek
special legislation to give them relief in
tome other way.
An Iowan Henpecked Until IIo Commits
an Awlul Murder.
Des Mohes, IA., Dec 29. Special
Peter Sutter, aged 6", foully murdered his
wife, Theresa, this morning, in their sleep
ing room in a house m Kingman Place, a
Des Moines suburb. The dead woman was
found shortly after the crime was com
mitted by her two sisters, who had come to
call, one of whom had not seen her for 12
years and had expected to surprise her.
The body lay upon the floor in a pool of
blood. Around the neck was a towel
twisted and tied in a hard knot on the back
of the head, and a little to the right was a
frightful wound from which the brains pro
truded. Blood also bespattered the ceiling
of the room.
Sutter went immediately to police head
quarters and gave himself up. He would
sav verv little about the affair, except that
his life with Mrs. Sutter, who was bis sec
ond wife, had be:n "one continual fuss to
tne end." Others in the house said that
the deceased was possessed of a very sharp
tongue, and that she never spared her husband.
A California Lodge of UulUd Workmen
lircaks the American Ilecord.
Seattle, Wasil, Dec 2a Five hun
dred and lour newly elected members were
installed in the lodge of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen last night.
It is said this Is the largest number of
members ever initiated at one time by any
secret order in the United States.
A Lady Railroad Agent Killed and the Re
mains Cremated.
Sacramento, Cal., Dec 29. Special
At Brighton, six miles irom here. Miss
Ayers, the Southern Pacific agent, was
murdered early this morning and the depot
burned to the ground. The building was
discovered in flames, but could not be
saved. In the glowing ruins Miss Ayers
body was found, with arms and legs burned
off. It was plainly a murder, as the sknU
was in pieces near the body and a pistol
only sfew feet away.
The long, heavy iron poker used in the
waiting room was close to the remains.
The detectives think she was murdered with
(he poker by some one who pretended he
wanted to send a dispatch. She lived alone
and was known to have considerable money,
bat she always declared she was not afraid
to live alone, as she was armed. It Is
thought she fired one shot at her assailant
and was then killed. She had been disap
pointed in love, but was bright and ener
getic and 30 years old.
An Akron Telephone Embezzler.
Akeok, Dec 29 Soecial Charles A.
Pardee, collector for the local branch of
tbe Central Union Telephone Company,
was arrested here to-night on a charge of
embezzlement. His shortages thus far dis
covered aggregate $1,200.
More Police for McKeesport.
McKeespobt, Dec 29. Special The
police force of this city will be increased
January 1 by the addition of four new men
and two lieutenants for night duty. The
present epidemio of crimes has made this
step necessary. '
f X