Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 23, 1892, Page 12, Image 12

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I saw a lovely evening costume in damask,
a straw-colored ground with old rose and
blue Cowers, richly garniturcd with lace
and ribbons. It will be surmised from the
engraving that the low bertha was very rich,
and it will be seen that it has high epaulets
of lace and bows. There is also a lace
front over a colored transparency,, caught up
with bows, while below straight ribbons con
tinue to the edge of this lace lront In some
of these elegant evening costumes the
deep lace bertha ends each aide of the "VYat
teau pleat and cascades beneath it to a
point below the waist.
The Watteau pleat grows more and more
popular. It is seen everywhere, from ele
gant deshabille to ball dress. In the latter
case it often consists of a light gauze
draperv, either embroidered or spangled,
and falling from the shoulders with lovely
eflect. The delightful little sleeveless
ft Iclm
Wl-P "J ' W' . u
!' ?- 1 1 ii- v w" M in
it you must wear a Byzantine cirdle, pas
inp it under the Watteau fold. If you don't
care for the Wattean fold, then there is still
leit lor your choice the Pompadour drapery
or the embroidered Russian skirt.
Japanese effects are much used for 'tea
gowns and interior dresses. Still another
charming effect may be attained by the use
of the satin bow, with ends reaching almost
to your feet, the boy. being artistically set
upon the lelt shoulder exactly in the spot
where your left wing will spring forth
when your sweetness and eoodness become
sufficiently developed to transform you into
an angeL " Flokette.
Tonne Girls and Jewelry.
It is in America alone that the matter of
jewels would be likely to come up for con
sideration in a young girl's toilet Ex
cepting a string of small pearls, or some
dainty brooch miniature affixed to a band
of velvet around the throat, ornament
of the kind is almost unseen in full dress
among the really well-bred people hereto
fore alluded to.
Indeed, it has been recently a fashion
amounting to a fad among girls fortunate
in round, white, well-covered necks and
throats, to omit every vestige of jewelry on
the person (and to have no ornament in the
hair, if a tiny band or bow of ribbon be
not suffered to nestle in those silken soli
tudes). Cheap jewelry, masquerading in
the guise of real; the thousand and one
bow-knots and rhinestone pins, and false
enamel trinkets that now critter in the shop
windows and their adoption among maid
servants and shop girls are no doubt re
sponsible for the forsaking of much that is
fascinating and appropriate for wear in the
goldsmith's art
French Knacks or Dress.
The French woman excels all other wo
men in her attention to the details of dress.
She will live on one meal a day, if neces
sary, to save -the money to always have
neat shoes and gloves. Her dress may be of
cheap material, but no dirt spots are
allowed to stay on it, no buttons are left to
dangle for want of a timely thread, and she
never wears shabby shoes or gloves.
A Neir Yorker, just home from abroad,
attended a ieadressed in a Parsian gown
and bonnet. She destroyed the whole effect
of her costume by wearing a pair of shoes
that looUed as weatherworn as a cobbler's
sign. She was not brilliant enough to de
tract attention from her clothes. .Any wo
man can ill afford to wear shabby shoes and
gloves. Even the interesting woman with
thoughts more attractive than dress will
not be less charming if perfectly booted and
back loosely, unless the face is very full, tn
wuich case these locts should be tightly
drawn back to produce a narrow effect. The
bang;, according to the latest fancy, tn only
allowed to fall on the forehead at the cen
ter, the stdes being very short and curled
loosely. A ooil or twisted braids may be
arranged at the bacic
nonsFORirs acid phosphate
For Abuse of Alcohol.
It relieves the depression therefrom.
Etelnway, Conover, Opera.
The three best and most popular pianos In
America, All others must take a back seat
In their presence. H. Kleber & Bro., 608
Wood street, are selling nearly half a dozen
or them every day for Christmas presents.
Warranted perfect or money refunded.
Terms low and ensy payments. Call at II.
Eleber & Bra's, 606 Wood street.
Store open every night.
Aix other bargains offered you through
the medium of the cress will sink Into In
significance when you read this ad thor
oughly. We have discovered to our Intense
dismay that our tables are weighted down
with too many extremely fine merchant
tailor-made snlts and overcoats considering;
that this is the tall end of tbo season, and
as we are'well aware of the fact that neces
sity brooks no favors and we are compelled
to realize i eady cash, therefore, we are de
termined to grasp tlmo by the forelock In
tendering you the monarch of all bargain
sales in merchant tailor-made clothing and
here It is in a nutshell: Your choice of any
snlt or overcoat in the houno for W3 50; not
one of the carments wo offer were made np
to order for less than $35. .Remember the
location, 516 Smlthfleld street, Misfit Cloth
ing Farlors. Opposite City Hall.
Second-Hand Uprights for S135 and Up.
Mellor & Hoene, 77 Firth Avenue.
Several excellent "Uprights" for sale, only
slightly used; will be sold for from $135 and
upward. See them.
Mellor & Hoexb, Founded 1831,
. Warcrooms, 77 Fifth avenue.
Here Is a Big Bargain for Our Friday Sale.
To-day they go. Men's genuine Imported
Irish frieze overcoats, smooth Melton over
coats and soft-antshed Kersey overcoats, at
$12 each; wortn$22.
They are elegantly linod; Ave 'hades to
select from. Price $12 to-day. P. C. C. C,
corner Grant and Diamond streets. Open
evenings this week.
Pure Food Products.
Miller Bros., 132 Federal street, Alleghony,
sell only the finest and purest of groceries
and food Droduots. Their prices am always
reasonable. Goods delivered everywhere.
Send for price list.
Schoeneck St Son, 711 Liberty, Opp. Wood,
Makers and displaycrs of furniture most
suitable for holiday gifts. Open evenings,
19th to 24th, inclusive.
A Drat of Damask.
fkraros are much worn, and they fit almost
any house dress, bnt it is quite essential
tha. thev should be richly embroidered.
Yo i may choose either a velvet, an old
broca le, or old Venetian guipure. The long
B sian blouse is also much in vogue. With
Fair Fads of Fashion,
Sliitf.us laced with ribbon to Imitate a
sandal effect are worn with Empire gowns.
While rousli surfaced cloth Is In high
farnr. rpn hflnrisnmn pnttnmp, im hAlm
., j .-. H.H VW.U(3
made or fine glossy cloth in llgut and me-
uium snaaes, comuined with contrasting
velvet or silk or wool.
The various browns in corduroy cloth are
liked lor medium length winter coats; tbey
aie usually trimmed with brown fur, and, if
the -clesign permits it, rosettes or ribbon
ends, not too long, of brown velvet ribbon,
are arranged upon tbcsi.
Aho.no the handsomest evening wraps arc
ermine capes in the flowing military shapes
with a, high turned over collar and tinted
witu mauve and pink moire. In some models
the ermine is gathered full about the
shoulders to a yoke and in others a waist
coat front is added-. .
Colobed velvet or satin sleeves with sash
to match are very pretty with white ball
dresses, and are very useful In freshening
up last season's toilets. A band of fur at
the bottom of a white Bilk or satin alo cov
ers the marks of wear on the edges of the
The coiffure is arranged eltber half-high
or at the center of the head, as deemed most
becoming. The hair at the side is crimped
i in large, natural-looking waves, and drawn
Oiuectal and Turkish Rug Bazaar.
Lautexslaoer, Pium & Yotrea,
68 and 60 Sixth street, second floor. En
trance on, Liberty street.
Mandolins for'the Million,
world-renowned "Bowman," the
famous "Bruno" and the lovely "Imperial"
mandolins. (Justomers are pleased, com
petitors dismayed at our low prices.
Alex Ross' Music House,
143 Federal street,' Allegheny, Fa.
Are TouSupplied With All Furnishings?
Now Is the time to select from the greatest
assortment. The prices, too, are less than
other season. In preference to carrying
over we sacrifice to close every noveltv. ,
F. C. Schoinece & Soir,
711 Liberty street, opp. Wood.
Caudklabra in great variety and at mod
erate prices.
L.1XFS from $7 0 to $28.
Bronzes A large assortment.
Bisque clocks and figures.
Vabe, beautiful designs.
You should by all means visit Henry Ter
heyden's Jewelry store before making your
holiday purchases, 530 Smlthfleld street. ,
Open every evening.
Be on liana at the great bargain sale at
the Misfit Clothing Parlors, 510 Smlthfleld
street. Your choice of any suit or overcoat
for $13 50.
My Langtry is still critically ill.
The cholera acare in Hamburg is grow
ing. An Atlanta coin counterfeiting gang has
been broken up.
The Bio Grande do Sal reVoiutioa is
lmmering down.
Starred-out Oklahoma negroes are flock
ing back to Texas.
American naval officers are. being lion
ized now in Valparaiso.
The Prussian Cabinet has unanimously
approved a bill to reform the system of
The diffeiences between the Big Four
telegraphers and the company are as gool
as settled. -
Makln and wife, at Sidney, Australia,
who killed 13 babies with needles, have been
committed for trial.
Venezuela is offended at Senator Mor
gan's speech in Congress In connection with
the Mljares incident.
Experts say the newly-discovered dia
mond fields in Idaho will be greater than
those of Africa or Brazil.
Herz, of Panama Canal notoriety, is an
American elect! iclan. He left criminal
records in -Chicago and San Franclsoo.
E. N. Mellor, of the late lumber firm of
Hoxie & Mellor, Antlgo, Wis., which failed
two years ago, committed suicide yesterday.
Hallinger, of Jersev City, who was suc
cessively Baptist preacher, libertine, prize
lighter and murderer, was banged yester-,
-The entire street railway service of Syra
ense, X Y., has passed Into. the bands of a
syndicate, in which Cleveland capitalists
are largely interested.
Ex-Premier Mercier will deliver an ad
dress at Montreal January 2 on "The Future
of Canada." It Is understood be will de
clare for Independence.
The farmers' convention which-has been
In session at Springfield, 111., with a view to
amalgamating the four organizations in
Illinois, accomplished nothing.
Three children of Marcus White were
locked up in their house by their parents
Wednesday night. Xi usual In snen cases,
the honss caught fire and the children were
The Baltimore officials of the Iron Hall,
for whom warrants were Issued at Indian
apolis, will vigorously light any attempt to
get them out-of Maryland.
The famous Boss arson case resulted in
acquittal. The defendant was oharged with
burning down his drugstore, in Chase, Mich.,
last April, resulting In the destruction of
almost every building In the town.
, George Babcook Hazen.who is generally
credited with much wealth, has been in jail
at Newport, R. L, one week, because he neg
lected to p&y damages recently assessed
upon him by the court In a case of trespass.
Kelson J. Alender, postmaster at New
London, Conn., has not been seen in that
city since Saturday, the day that Inspector
Brush, of the Fostofflce Department, arrived
there. An investigation snowed a deficit In
bis accounts of $1,000. . '
Governor Brown, of Maryland, has par
doned Henry Spencer, a life prisoner in the
penitentiary ot that State for murder. Tho
caso has attracted wide attention because
of the extenuating circumstances and the
great efforts made to seenre a pardon.
Theodore Folsom, while orossing the Le
high Valley Railroad three miles west of
Bahway, N. J., was struck .tad instantly
killed uy tho east-bound train. Mr. Folsom
was a cousin oi Mrs. Grover Cleveland. He
leaves an aged mother and six daughters.
Unless Health Officer Jenkins, of New
Ytnk, is more thorough In. carrying out the
order or the Treasury Department relative
to Importation of rags from cholera-lmected
districts In Europe some of the merobants
threaten that vlgoious measures will be
taken to have the law enforced.
The Inquest into the cause of the death
of Ella Xewton, the 18-year-old girl whose
body waB found in the bathing pool at In
vermord, N. Y., was concluded by the Coro
ner's Jury bringing In a verdict that she
came to her death bv drowning by some per
son'or persons unknown to tho Jury.
Dr. J. -J. Worsham, a leading physloutn1
of Amerlcns, Ga.t was shot and killed by
Dr. J. B. Einkel and Dr. A. B Einkel, who
are rather and son. Dr. Worsnam was a
witness in a caBe against the KJnkels, and
tho murder resulted: from that' case. The
Kinkels -were arrested and, narrowly es
caped lynching.
'Mrs. William E. McCreedy, of New York,
has decided to withdraw hersnit fordivorce
against her husband, the wealthy coffee
merchant. The cause assigned is that Mrs.
McCreedy's health is broken down by the
worry and disgrace due to litigation. Mr.
McCreedy is a brother-in-law of Frederick
B. Coudert.
.Julia and Flossie Hayes, aged 8 andt
years respectively, were found drowned in
Walker's pond, Burnslde, Conn. The chil
dren lived near the mill pond, and bad left
their home half an hour before with their
sleds. Their father missing them went to
the pond, saw the sleds and hats anti broken
ice, and under thesefonnd the children's
dead bodies.
The Detroit Bridge and Iron Works se
cured the contract from Chicago and Pitts
burg capitalists for $300,000, to construct the
Ferris wheel. It Is to be constructed of
iron and is 250 feot In diameter. It is to re
volve on a shaft resting on two towers, eaoh
of -which is to be 125 feet high. The circum
ference of the wheel is to be a series of
cages arranged for the accommodation of
A few weeks ngo Miss Edith Bailey,
daughter of a rich London merchant, went
on a visit to Hawick, Scotland, and fiom
there suddenly disappeared. They searched
everywhere for her, but in vain, and she
was finally given up for dead. The other
day she reappeared. Ber lover had ab
duoted her to a cave, where she was held; a
prisoner. The latter was shadowed :by the
girl's friends and arrested, while Miss
Bailey was released. The disappointed
lover committed suicide.
The thief who several weeks ago substl,
tuted brown paper for $65,000 In bills sent by
the United States Express Company from
New York to 'a Galveston hank, Is Charles
A Hardin, messenger or the Adams Express
Company. Hardin's run was from Cincin
nati to Nashville, Tenn. The monev was
transferred to the Adams Express Company
at Cincinnati, and Hardin at once appropri
ated it. Detectives have been shadowing
Hardin for sejpral days, bnt last night tbey
lost eight of him and he fled.
A Child Enjoys
The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothl
ine effect of Syrup or Figs, when In need of
a laxative, and if the father or mother bo
costive or bilious, tho most gratifying re
sults lollow Its use; so that It is the best
family remedy known and every lamllv
should have a bottle. ""
Lechner Schocnberger, CO Fifth Avenuo.
Splendid holiday stock of these mae
niflcent pianos to all styles of finish,
walnut, oak, rosewood or ebonlzed.
See them before purcbaslng elsewhere.
Store open every night until Christ
mas. Easy payments U desired.
C9 Fifth avenue.
Violin for Everyone.
A beautiful line at wonderfully low prices
at Alex Boss' Music House, 1(3 Federal
street, Allegheny, Pa.
Special, display of Christmas novelties in
silk umbrellas and canes at James H. Atkdti
& Co.s, 100 Fifth avenue.
A Compulsory Order Issued by Cleveland
City Officials.
Cleveland, Dec. 22. Special The
Cleveland city officials began a war to-day
against smoky chimneys that have been
such a nuisance. All the big manufactur
ing and mercantile establishments, as well
as the hotels, were notified by the Director
of the Police to put in smoke consumers
within IS days.
The business men are indignant at the
shortness of the time allowed and many an
nounce that they will stand arrest rather
than accede to the city's demands The cir
cular of the Director of the Police leaves it
to be inferred that only two kinds oi con
sumers will be satisfactory
The best goods and lowest prices.
Hewbt Terhetde. .
No. 530 Smlthfleld street.
Open every evening.
De Witt's Little Early 'Risers. Best pill
for biliousness, sick headache, malaria.
Mr. William Dean Howells
Will, in 1893, contribute to
The Ladies' Home Journal
a striking series of literary
articles of an autobiographical
character, "wherein he will give
some of the most interesting
. leaves from his own life, his
'reading in the literature of the
world, and the influences
which have shaped his literary work and career.
The articles will practically be, in a sense,
His Literary Autobiography
The series will immediately follow Mr. Howells'
new novel of American girl-life, "The Coast of
Bohemia," commenced in the current Christmas
Friday, Dec. 23, 1892.
Holiday Safes
Men's Goods
, Department
Traveling and Carriage
In fancy Wool Plaids and
double-faced heavy Cloth's
(plaid on one side and
plain on the other),
$5 T0'S20.
Fur Rugs in Goat; Fox
and Bear, all fine quality,
but low in price:
S8 TO S80.
Tea Cents on News-stands
One Year for One Dollar ; send to
The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia
Men's SATCHELS, in
Grain or Alligator, best
makes, plain or fitted out
with full set of toilet re
quirements; also, separate
fully equipped, and heavy,
stiff Leather DRESS
Sharp' reductions in our
Men's Smoking
In Fancy English Cloths,
all new, good styles.
AT $5 were $6.50 to $8.
AT S8 were $9 to $12.
A T S9 were $ 1 1 and $ 1 2.
A TSJ0 were $ 1 2 and $ 1 5.
Men's fine English plain
Cloth, silk-trimmed Smok
ing Jackets, that were $25,
Open To-Night and To-MorrowNignt
Jos. Home &Co.,
6op-62'i Penn Ave.
Fine embroidered Pillow shams, 49c
to 84.50. These prices are 33 per cent
off former ones.
Ladies' Jersey Bibbed Vest and Pants
17c to S1.50.
Ladies' Union Suits 49c to 84.
Ladles' Muslin and Cambric Gowns
39c to $6.
Ladies embroidered Lawn Aprons
10c to 63.
Ladles' Hosiery, Casbmere, Silt and
Lisle 15c to 65.
Children's Caps, Cashmere, Silk and
Plush 15c to 83.
Girl's Wool Hoods, worth 50c, Christ
mas price 25c
Children's Wool MIttenB, all sizes, 10c.
Infant Caslimere Cloaks, embroidered,
i 9Tc to 515.
I Inlants' Slips and Hobes 12c to SIC
Infants' Flannel Skirts 25c to $3.
Inlants' Flannel Shawls, embroidered,
59c to S3.
Infants Bootees and Mitts 9c to 75c.
An immense line of every
; '
You may be able to afford to waste time,
but you can't afford to waste your money
on Christmas Presents. Save Time, Tern-
per and Money by coming to
Serviceable Gifts.
UMRREIXVS For Gentlemen:
Plain, natural or silver trimmed; also
novelties in fancy handles, 09c to 83. ,
Buy a tight-roll umbrella of a 85
grade reduced to S3. Just the thing
to give a gentleman.
JCHRISTMAS MORNING Santa Claus will make his eleventh annual tour of the two cities, and visit the various Homes, Orphanages,
and Institutions and present the inmates of the same with suitable presents,
which each institution will be reached is appended below: V
St. Michael's Orphan Asylum, Southside, 11:30 a. m."
Southside Hospital, 12:30 p. m.
Homeopathic Hospital, Second avenue, 1 p. m.
Children's Temporary Home, Washington street, 1:45 p m.
St. Paul's Orphan Asylum, Tannehill street, 3 p. 'm.
West Penn Hospital 4 p. M.
Episcopal Church Home, Fortieth street, 5 p. M.
Little Sisters of the Poor, Bloomfield,' 6 p. m.
German Protestant Orphans' Asylum, West Liberty borough presents
taken to Sixth avenue and Smithfield street.
Children's Aid Society Presents taken to Dispensary building, Sixth ave.
Concordia Orphan Home, De Lano, Pa. Presents sent
Roselia Foundling Asylum, Cliff and Gum Streets Presents sent.
Odd Fellows' Orphan Home, Ben Avon Presents sent.
The procession will be divided into two large divisions, and the time at
G. A. R: Home, Hawkins station, P. R. R. Presents sent.
Oakland Day Nursery, DcSoto Street Presents sent.
Ridge Avenue Orphan Asvlum, 9:30 A. M. ,
Colored Orphans' Home, Greenwood avenue, n a. m.
Woman's Christian Home; Locust street, 11:45 a. M.
United Presbyterian Orphans' Home, Monterey street, 12:30 p. m.
Allegheny Day Nursery, North avenue, 1 p. iu
Allegheny General Hospital, vStockton avenue, 2 p. m.
Protestant Boys' Home, Anderson street, 2:30 p. m.
Home of the Friendless, Washington street, 3 p. m.
Lfttle Sisters of the Poor, Washington street. 3:30 p. m.
Home of the Good Sfiepherd, Troy Hill, 5 PM.
St Joseph's Orphan Asylum, Troy Hili 6p. M.
Silk Mufflers at 11, worth ?2.
3 Finest Brocaded Silk Mufflers -now $1.49.
i Good serriceable Casnniere Mufflers 25c
to 74c. These are worth double.
and varied line in which you are
bound to find a pair to suit. Men's
velvet embroidered slippers, ' 48c.
Men's velvet embroidered slippers,
,B8c. Men's Velvet embroidered slip
pers, 75c.
Thousands to select from in silk or
linen, plain or fancy bordered; grand
values from 13c to 49c.-
Hundreds of Suits and Overcoats suitable for Christmas Presents will be offered during the NEXT TWO DAYS at prices
far below actual value. SHORT-PANT SUIT S, $1.50 up. ELEGANT CAPE OVERCOATS, worth $5, '$3. Our
$6, $7 and $8 line of CHEVIOT OVERCOATS' NO W GO FOR $5.
With every sale of $5 and over in Boys'& Children's' Clothing we give you choice of any of the following presents and others:
A FINE LARGE EXPRESS WAGON. A MAGIC LANTERN, with views, and all complete, ready to entertain your,
young friends. A LARGE TOOL CHEST. A' NEW BANK.
S m "" " I
WORK BOXES Our prices on
these are away down. You consult
your own interest by seeing our line
of really fine goods.
ALBUMS Superb qualities and
prices that are marvelously low on
these staple goods. Every new style
and shape is here; the sensible and
serviceable. '
MANICURE SETS -Our line of
the39 is still quite large, embracing
all the novelties. Ab the time Is now
short we have made Immense price
reductions on all goods of this class,
and It wUl save you money to buy
of ua.
show a full line of these for presenta
tions and gifts. Solid 14-k gold top
cane.with ebony stick, 37.50 to $13.60
Finest Japanese embroidered hand
kerchiefs reduced from $1.25 to 74c.
Our 75c line now 34c Silk initial hand
kerchiefs 10c. Finest Swiss Embroidered
Handkerchiefs 13c and 24c. These are
worth double.
Mm Jackets.
Nowhere else will you find as fine a
line, and our prices are not approecbed.
Choice foreign Cheviots in plaids
and checks, new-and handsome styles.
Tricots, Bedford Cords, Velvets and
Velveteens in new and beautiful
shades. Plain or handsomely trimmed-
A royal line ... 83.50 UP.
We are making an immense drive in the finest Neckwear
made. All our $1.50 and $1.75 Puffs, imported goods,
go at Si. AH our $1 Puff Scarfs eo at ;oc. All .our
Windsors, Four-in-Harids, the very latest $1.50 and $1.75
goods, go at gi.
1 '