Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 23, 1892, Image 1

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Tlie Great Duelist and Maker
. of Cabinets Spares the
Life of His Accuser.
Three Shots Fired by Each of the
Combatants at a Distance of
Twenty-Five Paces.
Though Clemenceau Could Easily HaTe
Made Way With His "Man at iny
Time He Wished to Do Eo.
The Meeting in a Private Park at St.
Quen The Number of Spectators
Kept Down by an Old Ruse Doctors
Enough op Hand to Save a Dying Array
Both Combatants Cool and Collected
Deroulede Says Hie Lire Was Saved
by Providence Clemenceau's Friends
Declare That Pressure Was Brought
to Bear on Him to Make Him Spare
His Opponent's Life Sensational Dis
closures by a Former Prefect of Po
lice M. Andrleus Has a Chance to
Avenge All His Wrongs.
PAKIS, Dec. 22. ICopyrighL The Clem-nceau-Deroulede
duel was fought this after
noon in a private park in St. Quen, in the
presence of six members of the Chamber of
Deputies and three other gentlemen includ
ing the Paris correspondent of The Dis
patch. The seconds had a meeting early
this morning to complete arrangements for
the encounter.
When the deadly conditions of the meet
ing became known yesterday, strong pres
sure was brought to bear on both principals
by representatives of the Government and
others toavert an almost inevitable tragedy.
It wa urged that in the inflamed state of
the public mind such an incident would add
to the perils of the situation. The seconds
insisted on an important modification of the
rules of combat, and instead of meeting at
20 paces, advancing to 10 paces and firing
Premier Loubet,
I Whose downfall caused the Panama scandal.
at will, it was arranged that the antagonists
should stand at 25 paces and fire three shots
each at the word of command.
An'Expert's Skills Necessity.
It requires expert skill to stand in the
French dueling position, pistol at side, and
place a bullet in its mark GO feet away by
raising ihe weapon and filing on the instant
tlie word is given., Very different were the
first conditions, which allowed deliberate
aim and at less than half that distance.
In order to'throw ofl the scent the scores
who sought to witness the contest it was
quietly given out that the men would fight
at the Plateau tie Cbatilon, and many went
there on the false scent. The principals
left their respective hotels quietly in closed
carriages soon afternoon and drove at high
speed to the rendezvous. A doctor's coupe
iolloTed DeronleJe's coach.
The time of meeting was 2 o'clock.
Deroulede arrived at the iron gates of the
park 15 minutes before the hour. The pur
pose of the meeting was instantly divined
by the people in the neighborhood and a
crowd speedily gathered, but the gates were
closed against them.. The police in the
station directly opposite discreetly kept out
ot sight.
An Excellent Place for a Meeting.
Clemenceau's carriage did not arrive till
three minutes before the hour. The car
riages drove down a shaded path 300 yards
from the entrance, and entirely ont of sight
of the ontside observers. The park is a
broad, undulating expanse, several acres in
extent. It sinks to a somewhat lower level,
and is free from trees and other obstructions.
At about 150 yards to the left of a little
grove where the carnages stopped the sec
onds selected a spot in a slight depression
of rolling, prairie-like ground. Nearly an
-hour wa occupied in making the selection,
marking ofi the distance and testing the
weapons. There was little to choose be
tween the respective positions as finally
selected. The sun was partly obsenred, so
that there was no glare. The advantage, if
anv, was with M. Clemenceau, who had (he
sun over his left shoulder.
Wliile the details were being arranged
the principals waited in their respective
carriages. Just before 3 o'clock they walked
to the ground.
Itotb Contestant Cool and ' ollectcd.
Each, expressed satisfattion at the ar
rangements, and while the seconds were ex
changing the final formalities Clemenceau
trolled about with a cigar'in his mouth, his
coat collar turned np and both hands in his
pockets. He was perfectly cool, and only
annoyed, apparently, at being jobliged to
wait so long in the chilly winter air.
Deroulede, equally collected, was seem
ingly less interested in the proceedings than
any of the spectators.
There was more than ten 'minutes' delay
before the men were called to meir places,
and it seemed a relief to each that no more
time was to be wasted. Deroulede instantly
removed his coat and hat and took his posi
tion. He was a little pale, but without a
sign of nervousness. The long dueling pis
tol was handed him bv the second. He
M J 7 r
21. Hoquet, President of the Chamber.
took it calmly, and stood some moments
waiting for his adversary to make ready.
His magnificent physique, of almost giant
proportions, made him a most striking.fig
nre as he stood silhouetted against the sky.
A slight breeze tossed his long hair about
his forehead. He was already in dueling
position, half facing his antagonist, who
was still talking with his seconds.
Clemenceau Master of the Situation.
Clemenceau did not throw off his coat till
the last moment Then he handed his hat
to a friend, took his pistol, and was in
stantly ready for the word. The great
maker of Cabinets and hero of a score of
duels was undoubtedly the calmest man
upon the field. His rather slight figure ap
peared almost puny in contrast to that of
his antagonist, but his cold, Bismarckian
face and keen gray eyes marked him master
of the situation. No one doubted that he
held the life of his opponent in his hands.
In less than GO seconds after Clemenceau's
seconds left his side the word was given.
The menlifted their weapons quite deliber
ately, and fired the moment they reached
the level of the eye. Clemenceau's pistol
spoke a fraction of a second before that of
Both men were untouched. As soon as
this was perceived the seconds hastened to
each with a fresh pistol. In scarcely more
than a minnte the word was given agaiD.
This time Deroulede fired first, but by an
instant only.
Conditions of the Contest Fulfilled.
Again the duelists stood unharmed. Pis
tols were again handed tbem, and when the
word was given again ior the third time
the reports were as one. Deroulede made
a movement, which for the moment gave
the impression that Clemenceau's bullet
had entered bis right arm, but such was not
the case. Both were unscathed.
The conditions of the contest were ful
filled, and the two principals met and. ex-J '
changed the usual lormatities in tne curtest i
ana Drieiest manner, j-neiwo parties at once
separated and repaired .to their respective
carriages, in which they drove rapidly
In the opinion of all present Deroulede
owes his life to Clemenceau's magnanimity.
There is proof of this in the great Radical's
dueling record. In his first encounter he told
the seconds he should put a bullet in the
forehead of his antagonist, just above the
right eye. Clemenceau had detected his
opponent in improper relations with his
wife, and he killed him precisely as he said
he would. On another occasion Clemen
ceau declared he would take off the lett-ear
of his antagonist It happened as he said
it would, and the man still goes about with
but one ear. In a third encounter Clemen
ceau faced a Colonel of the French army. ',
"He is a soldier, and I don t want to kill
him," said the already famous duelist "I
will break his rigt leg." He "kept his
Clemenceau Spares Deroulede's Life.
It is absurd to say that such a man, es
pecially after his display of skill yesterday
pub lished in last night's dispatch to The
Dispatch, could have missed his mark in
three successive shots at 25 y&ces. He
umply yielded to the solicitations of the
Ministers and Deputies and spared Derou
lede's life.
After leaving the field both men drove to
the Chamber of Deputies and entered al
most simultaneously. For 30 minutes, in
spite of the great excitement over to-day's
developments m the Panama scandal, their
appearance made a sensation and both were
surrounded by their friends.
After adjournment TnE Dispatch, re
porter asked Deronlede to describe his sen
sations in facing the most famous duelist of
France. He said: "I feel that I owe my
life to the interposition of the Supreme
Power. I know M. Clemenceau meant to
kill me, and only Providential protection
Prince Tidor "Napo'eon IV."
saved me. So I thank God I can now'go on
in the pathway marked out for myself
toward tbe re-establishment of a republic
ruled by God. Honestly, while I was not
frightened, I confess that I had some dis
agreeable sensations when I faced the pistol
or such a deadly shot as M. Clemenceau."
Tlie Elaborate Arrangements Made.
A Press dispatch says: Although not
made an open stipulation in the pro
gramme, it is understood that M. Clemen
ceau was not to get out an extra of La
Justice announcing the result until the other
newspapers were notified. M. Deroulede
was to have the privilege of having a
camera and a reporter on the spot to take
snap shots, provided 31, Clemenceau chose
to do so. In the event of a fatal result,
dvine words were to be faithfullv reported.
Tbe parting between Deroulede and hit J
li A a dr S
friends on his start from Paris for the duel
ing ground was very affecting. He em
.braced'and kissed them repeatedly, and as
sured them' that he would die,m a manner
worthy of the Legion of Honor. When one
of his friends expressed a hope that the en
counter would not have a fatal result, De
roulede shook his head mournfully. He
fully expected, he declared, to lose his life,
but hadno regrets to express for what he
had uttered. He allowed his friends to di
vide locks of his hair between them, and
then stepped into a cab, with his
seconds, and was driven rapidly toward the
new race course at St. Qnen.
Meanwhile, M. Clemenceau, who is said
to have spent the morning with Mme."
Beichemberg, likewise prepared to go, to
the scene ot mortal combat He gave di
rections, as usual, about the issue of La
Justice, and left orders as to the management
of the paper in the event of any fatality oc
curring to him. The staff crowded aronnd
their cblef, and he kissed and embraced
each in turn, while some of them shed tears
and begged him not to expose himself to
more danger than necessary. M. Clemenceau'
gently rebuked these advisers.
"I have stood on the field ot honor too
often," he remarked, "to have any appre
hension now."
He said he preferred death to dishonor,
and spoke in a tone of resolution that
evoked the admiration of his assistants.
He Flashes an 80,000-Franc Check of the
Duelist's Hit Lips Sealed No Longer,
and Ho TY111 Now Proceed A Tear
Tilings Loose Advance Information
Given a'DUpatch Representative.
Paeis, Dec 22. Copyright. To-day's
revelations in the great panorama of shame
which is being rapidly unrolled before the
eyes of the people of France are appalling
in scope and character. At last, however,
there is a clue to tbe source of the incrim
inating1 evidence which is being systemati
cally put forward day by day, and to the
ulterior motives -which are prompting its
President Carnot thonght be possessed all
the facts about the Panama briberies when
he directed Bicard to begin prosecutions
against half a dozen men with a purpose of
involving his rival, Freyclnet, and other
political enemies. The real story of the Pan
ama corruption, with overwhelming evi
dence, was then in the hands of an am
bitious, revengeful, brainy man, who did
not purpose making use of his terrific
weapon for the destruction of reputations
Count Fcrctinarui de Leveps.
till the national campaign next-yean .This
man is M. Louis Andrie"uxjT6Ymer Prefect
of Police of Paris, and member ot the
Chamber. x He has been rather a- peculiar
figure in French public affairs.
Didn't Move Till He Had To.
Though keen and able, heSs not popular.
Three years ago he was 'defeated in seeking
re-election to the Chamber, and has since
been preparing to" revenge himself against
his enemies and to gratify his greater ambi
tion. He did not move until the uncover
ing of the first feature of the Panama
scandal showed him a complete exposure
could not be averted.
He cave a general indication ofh(s pur
pose iu the interview cabled to The Dis
patch yesterday. To-day he executed the
first part of his threat He offered the
Panama Committee checks,, letters, stub
and photographs implicating 101 members
of Parliament as receivers, of Panama
bribes, ranging from 1,000 to 300,000 francs,
and amounting to 6,500,000 francs.
His declaration was received with amaze
ment, not only by the committee, but
throughout Paris. The stock market be
came demoralized when the newt reached
the Bourse. Names as great as any yet
involved are bandied about as those in
cluded in the sweeping charge.
Some of his evidence Andrieux was will
ing to submit to the committee, some he
reserved for the magistrates and the procurer-general.
, ,
Andrie.ux's Statement of the A flair.
Naturally the question on everybody's
lips is what is Andrieux's object in prepar
ing' his terrific indictment against the
rulers of France. He told The Dispatch
reporter on Monday that he was working
to accomplish certain political ends. I
pressed him to-night to be more specific
He refused at first Finally, nnder a pledge
that what he said should not be sent to any
French or European journal, he made this
statement: ' '
"My aim is to secure the revision, of the
Constitution of France, and to stamp out
opportunism in French politics. I well
know what will happen to me now that I
have openly begun my campaing. I shall be
vilified and abused. Attempts will proba-,
bly be made on my life. I have been false
ly accused before, now I shall have my re
venge, and it will be terrific"
The conversation had been in French,
but M. Andrieux added, with a smile and
in pretty good English: "Now that I have
uncovered my batteries, don't shoot me
Andneux's language is capable of various
interpretations, but it is quite plain that he
is destined to be perhaps tbe most promi
nent actor from now on in the stirring na
tional drama now being presented.
Clemenceau's Check Turns tip.
The most interesting rujior regarding
Andrieux's evidence is that he will turn
over to tlie magistrate a punched eheck
with its stub, the payee of which is M.
Clemenceau, and the amount is 80,000 franc.
Reports were again persistently circu
lated to-day, especially in financial circles,
that GftrnO twill resign. There is nothing
authoritative on the subject later than that
which was cabled last ,
r It is now said that the banker beneficiary
under Panama Donnty.aireaayreierred tola
The Dispatch, will be sned for tbe benefit
of the Panama creditors and stockholders.
His solvency Is no longer questioned.
The situation as a whole, -while darker
than ever as regards the public scandal, is
certainly -not so alarming as it appeared a
few days ago in peril to the Republic it
self. Fears 'of a great conspiracy against
the Government are beginning to subside,
now that the crisis is so close at hand, with
out a sign of the execution ot such design
save Andrieux's dramatic move to-day.
The army Is without sign of trouble
throughout all the disclosures thus Jar,
which removes the possibility of a military
revolution. No Individual has yeU ap
peared who could hope to lead a popular
revolt of any description. Cabinets and
Presidents may fall, but the vague Jears
lor the Eepubllo itself are passing away.
Floqnet Makes a Damaging Admission as to
Bribing Newspapers Andrieux's Testi
mony Also Blackening the Characters of
Many Men The Baron De lielnaoh
Catches the Worst or It
far associated rnrss.l
Paeis, Dec 22. Floquet, President of
the Chamber of Deputies, appeared for ex
amination before the Panama Investigation
Committee to-day. He" declared emphati
cally that he bad never received from'' the
Panama company money for the secret ser
vice or for any other object It will be re
called that M. Bouvler, ex-Minister of
Finance, stated in his speech in the Cham
ber of 'Deputies on Tuesday that when he
assumed office he found the secret service
fund depleted, and had received personal
loans from friends to enable him to carry on
the business of tbe Secret Service Bureau.
M. Floqet further told the committee
that when ne was a member of the Ministry
f he had ordered that certain advertisements
be printed In Parisian newspapers. These
advertisements, he admitted, had been in
serted, not from a business, bat irom a po
litical point of view.
This admission is much cpmmented upon
as being tantamount to an acknowledgment
tbat'the advertisements were but a cover
under which the newspapers were bribed to
support the Ministerial schemes.
Taken From Jail to Testify. .
M, Arias Fontaine and Charles De Les
seps, directors of the defunct Panama
Canal Company, were taken from Mazas
prison, this morning' to the office of M.
Franquevllle, the examining magistrate, by
whom they were questioned for two hours.
They rode' both ways in a prison van, as
explicit instructions have been given that
no favors shall be shown them. M. Sans
Leroy, accused of selling his vote when he
was a member of the Lottery Bond Commis
sion, was examined this afternoon.
M. Bourgeois, Minister of Justice, ap
peared before the Parliamentary Commis
sion of Inquiry after M. Floquet had testi
fied, to explain the seizure of the counter
feits of the Thierree checks. On Monday,
he said, M Thierree admitted to the exam
ining magistrate that these were at his
bank. The magistrate then accompanied
M. Thierree to h'is office and secured them.
M. Bourgeois promised that the papers of
the dynamite society and the other import
ant documents recently seized should be
communicated to the commission. These
documents, however, must be handled with
great caution, lest their contents should be
used for purposos prejudicial to the pros
ecution or defense.
Brisson Inclined to Be Cautious.
M. Brisson, Chairman of the commission,
'pressed M. Bourgeois for a more precise
pledge as to the delivery of the documents
into the hands of the commissioners, but M.
Bourgeois reiterated rather vague promise
that he would help the commission by all
possible means, although bis power to do so
was curtailed considerably by the examin
ing magistrate.
M. Andrieux. ex-Prefect of Police, was
the next witness. He said that ho had a
photograph of a statement and account
written by Baron De Beinach. This showed
the names of the payees ot checks drawn by
the Baron. M. Andrieux wrote a list of
names on a piece of paper and handed it to
M. Brisson, saying at the same time that four
other names, one of a very high personage,
he-na presented from mentioning by the
dictates of discretion. Dr. CorneliuaHen
has shown him a document bearirictb
names ot li aeputies wno naa Deen oougai
by the lobbyist Arton for a total sum of
4.350.000 francs. M. Andnenx could name
."most, if not all, of those mentioned in this
document Proof bad been .promised him.
He would try to obtain the document from
Dr. Herz. He wished it to be understood,
however, that he could not guarantee abso
lutely the accuracy of tbe document or
Baron De Beinach's statement In his
opinion Baron De Beinach's word was far
from unimpeachable -To his knowledge
Beinach had begun to pay personal debts
with the money ot the Panama Canal Com
pany. The Secret Service Fund In Need.
When asked to explain a passing menr
tion of the payment of cbecks to M. Flo
qnet, M. An' rieux explained that Felix
Cottu, a directosjol the canal company, had
told him Baron De Beinach once spoke of
Flouquet's needing 750,000 francs lor the
secret service fund. Cottu bad requested a
conference with Floqnet and Beinach had
agreed to arrange for one. Eventually,
however, Beinach took Cottu to see Cle
menceau, as Floquet was too busy to spate
time for a meeting. .Baron De Beinach had
said that Albert Christophle, Governor
of the Credit Fonder, who was concerned
In several projects in connection with the
Panama Canal, might be thrown over, al
though, through the Government it might
be possible to secure the influence of the
Credit Fonder for the canal.
When Cottu met Clemenceau the latter
confirmed the statement as regards Chris
tophele, but did not mention the money
question. Cottu had been rendered so ap
prehensive by what he heard that he had
consented to give the Government the
750,000 required for the secret service
fui.d. Cottu had told Beinach, however,
that the whole affair was a blackmailing
swindle and might cause trouble. Beinach
had responded: "No, no; none at all. I
can sav that I received the money to -pay
advertising expenses of tlie company, and
nobody will know the difference."
Cottu's Attack on Reinach.
Subsequently 'Eelnach had said that Cottu
was too thin-skinned. Cottu seized Beinach
by the beard, dragged him from the front
room of the bank into the private office, and,
after calling him an embezzler ,and coward,
had demanded back tbe eheck for the 760,000
francs. Beinach declared that it was at bis
house and succeeded in holding Cottu until
the final crash came, overwhelming everybody,-
But part of the amount had then
been paid over to the Government
Depnty Barhou, of the commission, asked
M. Andrieux why, if be knew Beinach to
be'so dishonest, he placed any reliance upon
Beinach's charges that deputies had sold
their votes. M. Andrieux replied: "Al
though dishonest with others, Baron De
Beinach had no reason for making ont pri
vate memoranda and counterfeits falsely. "
M. Barru, adyertislng-agent for the Pan
ama Canal Company, testified that the sums
paid to newspapers by the company ranged
from 400,000 francs to 1,500,000 for each
issue ot shares.
Count Caffarill, Monarchist deputy for
Aishe, told the commission he could con
firm the report that President Carnot had a
list of deputies corruptly implicated iu the
Panama Canal lobbying. This list, be said,
comprised many deputies whose names had
not been mentioned in connection with the
scandal. '
The duel arranged between Depnty Mil
levoye 'and Deputy Clemenceau, in conse
quence of the insults exchanged during the
debate of Tuesday, is net likely to be
fought By mutual consent the affair has
been referred to a court of arbitration,
The Only Form o! Temperance Legislation
South Carolina Can Have.
Columbia, S. C, Dec 22. After an
all-night session, the State Senate passed to
its third reading .the bill providing for dis
pensing all liquors by regularly appointed
State officers.
It is asserted that this is the only form
of prohibition that can pass before the ad
journment of the Legislature nextSatur.
dt (
Mr, Cleveland "Would Like to
Know if the Kentucky
' Senator Intends to
Position of Secretary of the
Treasury Awaits- Him.
Former Chief Is Anxious to Have Ilim
for His Tremier.
New York, Dec. 22. Hon. Dpn M.
Dickinson and Colonel Lamont were among
Mr. Cleveland's visitors to-day. Mr.-OIeve-land
spent most of the day at his law offices
in the Mills building. Mr. Dickinson has
been in Washington.
It was stated on very high authority that
on the last visit ot Senator Carlisle to New
York, Mr. Cleveland asked him to enter
the Cabinet as Secretary of the Treasury.
The Senator replied that he could not see
his way to undertaking the task. He has
been a member of the Senate Finance Com
mittee for several years, and during his life
in Washington he has given most of his at
tention to finance and tariff.
Mr. Cleveland has always had a high ad
miration for Senator Carlisle's keenness in
these matters, and he declined to accept
the Senator's declination of the Treasury
portfolio. He asked the Senator to con
sider the matter, to talk it over with his
friends and associates in Washington, and
in other ways endeavor to arrange matters
so that he could become Secretary of the
SUIl Waiting for Carlisle's Reply.
Mr. Cleveland is still waiting for Senator
Carlisle's reply. Mr. Carlisle's term in the
Senate expires March 4, 1895, but his Ken
tucky constituents would return him as a
Senator as long as he lives.
One of the inducements held out to Sena
tor Carlisle for the purpose of Influencing
him to tafee the Treasuiy portfolio isthe
career of John Sherican, the Eepublican
Senator from Ohio, who resigned his seat in
the Senate to become Secretary of the Treas
ury in Hayes' Cabinet Witb the advent
of President Garfield's administration the
Ohio Republicans returned Mr. Sherman to
his seat in tbe Senate. Should Senaton
Carlisle accept the invitation to be Secre
tary ot the Treasury, Bepresentative W. C.
P. Breckinridge would like to occupy Mr.
Carlisle's seat in the Senate. The other
Democratic Senator from Kentucky is Hon.
Joseph C. S. Blackburn, of Versailles,
whose term expires March 3, 1897.
Whitney Slated for Next Premier.
The report, stronger than ever, was to
day revived that Hon. William C. Whitney
is slated for Secretary of State. .Close
friends ot Mr. yfhttney say It would be a
very difficult matter for him to decline.Mr.
Cleveland's Invitation to enter the Cabinet,
especiallv as its premier. The argument
advanced is that Mr. Cleveland is deter
mined to have one of the strongest' Cabinets
possible to obtain. He bas the greatest ad
miration for Mr. Whitney's qualifications,
and he relies absolutely on his friendship.
So that ,from the best information obtain
able the'Cablnet up to date, in perspective,
is as follows:
Secretary of State William C. Whitney
of Now Yoi k.
Secretary of the Treasury-John G. Car
lisle, of Covinzton, Ky.
Postmaster General Isaac Pcsoy Gray, of
Attornev-General George Gray of Wil
mington, Del.
Dickinson Might Go In Again.
Many friends of Mr. Dickinson wonld
like to see him in the Cabinet Mr. Cleve
land thinks very highly ot bim, and regards
him as one of his most loyal friends. But
it is believed that Mr. Dickinson's profes
sional arrangement would debar bim irom
accepting place m the Cabinet -
It may turn out, though, that Mr. Dick
inson, as well as Mr. Whitney, may be in
duced to arrange matters so that they may
be able to sit again with their former chief
around the Cabinet table. In that event
Mr. Dickinson would undoubtedly occupy
his old seat as Postmaster General. He
made a mpst excellent official, and there
was no "bargain counter" business abont
his administration of the Postoffice Depart
ment. Ex-Governor Gray, of Indiana,
could easily be shlited to some other port
The Union Leajrue Slay Indorse His Opposi
tion to Quay.
Philadelphia, Dec. 22. The Board of
Directors of the Union League Club held a
meeting this afternoon for the purpose of
discussing tbe proposed candidacy for the
United States Senatorsbip of District At
torney George S. Graham, and whether the
matter should be brought before tbe club.
As no expression of intention has come
from Mr. Graham about bis proposed oppo
sition to Senator Quay, a committee was
appointed to call upon the , District Attor
ney to-morrow morning andlearn from him
whether he inteuSs to enter the field for the
A meeting of the directors will be held
to-morrow afternoon at which the commit
tee will acquaint them with the result of its
call upoiuMr. Graham. Saturday evening
a meeting of the club.will oe held at which
the question of the indorsement by the
leagne of Mr. Graham In the event of bis
decision to be a candidate will be submitted
for action.
Bocaleti, the Italian In Salvador, Makes a
Remarkable Confession.
Salvadoe, Dec 21 BocaletL the Ital
ian who was arrested for an attempt to as
sassinate President Ezeta, has confessed
that he was hired to make the attempt by
General Iiisandro Letona and .Luciano Her
nandez, fugitives from justice, now living
in Guatemala.
Bocaleti is the same man who was hired,
It is alleged, by ex-President Barrillas. pf
Guatemala, to kidnap ' General Barrnnda at
forefathers' Dav.
New York, Dec. 22. "New England
Day" was celebrated in several of the
principal cities of the Union to-day. In
this city the New England Society held its
eighty-seventh annual dinner at Sherry's.
Dr. Edward Everett Hale delivered the
principal address. Natives of the old Bar
State held a banquet in Chicago.
Foster May and He Mayn't
Washington, Dec. 22. Secretary of
the Treasury Poster was to-day shown a
copy of the published statement that within
the next ten days he would go to New York
for a conference with bankers and others on
the financial situation. He said: "I don't
know anything about It, but I suspect it Is
true," ,
71 TifWt ,
And Now Ablo to Sit Up in Bed a
Little, Propped With Pillows.
lie nopes to Ce Able Soon to Eead His Own
Ibitnary Notices.
tritOM K ETArr conREaroxDicxT.l
Washington, Dec. 22. All of the
legion of friends of James G. Blaine in this
city who keep informed hourly ol his con
dition were Tejoiced to-day to hear that he
"had passed a really encouraging day. This
was asserted by members and servants of
the family, and by the doctors, and the con
clusion of jhe answer to inquiries usually
was: "You can depend absolutely on this
being the true statement ot the case."
The distinguished patient sat up more
frequently in his bed, propped up by pil
lows, then- at any time during the past
week, and sat up for a longer time at each
effort He even expressed a hope himself
that he might be able once more to bear his
weight on hii feet, and to read his own obit
uaries, which he shrewdly supposed had al
ready appeared In the newspapers. He ate
stronger food to-day than at any previous
time for a week, and it seemed to assimilate
thoroughly and to glvo him new life.
Previous to last night, though the patient
slept well, his sleep was not healthlul, tut
rather the stupor of complete exhaustion.
There was Jmnrpvement in this respect last
night The sleepvas not onlv sound and
long, but It seemed to be refreshing.
The Improvement a Great Surprise.
Altogether, the improvement is such as
to surprise the doctors themselves, who last
Sunday morning did not have the faintest
hope that their patient would be alive
to-day. No matter what they may say now
about the exaggerated reports of the news
papers, that was their opinion. They ad
mitted it frankly. Now that the improve
ment is so marked, they find it necessary to
"hedge" against their position of that day
by declaring that Mr. Blaine has at no time
been so near death as has been reported in
the newspapers. If the reports were ex
aggerated they had only themselves to
blame for not giving out the exact truth;
but the fact is, nothing has been put into
print which was not justified by the infor
mation received by morsels, and olten in a
roundabout way, Irom the physicians. If
there were anything sensational in the
printed stories, however, the closest friends
of the sick man have forgiven it'now that
their ideal statesman is growing more
cheerful and strong. .
Yet with all this improvement the patient
is so weak that he can endure to be propped
un with pillows only for a few minutes con
secutively, and he Is hardly able to raise
his hands from the bed to change their
position. Not even his most intimate
friends are permitted to get nearer to him
than the parlors.
That Trip Still Tar In the'Fntnre.
As to the long-contemplated trip for a
change of climate, the doctors told tbe cor
resDondent of The DlSPAcn to-day that
the' possibility was yet so far in the future,
even if the present rate of improvement
continued, that it was useless to canvass the
subject at all.
The sum of ihe wbole matter is that
there isnot even now a hope in the minds
ot the physicians that the favorable reaction
is more than temporary, welcome as it is.
The principal difficulty now is with the
heart, and the treatment is directed toward
keeping its action regular and natural
Only partial success' has so far been
Dr. Johnston says his table is flooded each
day with letters from people in different
sections of the country advising him bow to
treat Mr. Blaine's disease. Some of tbem
intimate that the doctor has not diagnosed
the case properly, while the patent medi
cine people are filling up a good-sized store
room with their goods, which they are send
ing daily to the doctor by exprsss and urg
ing him to test them on his distinguished
Mrs. Emmons Blaine, daughter-in-law of
the ex-Secretary of State, is at the Fif thA ve
nue Hotel, New York. Her arrival there
is taken as an-indicatlon that Mr. Blaine's
family have strong hopes that he will con
tinue to improve. She declined to talk.
Valuable Mineral Ground in Dlspnle
Awarded the Rlco-Aspon.
Desvek, Col., Dec. 22. Special. In
the United States Court to-day, Judge Hal
lett rendered decision iu the famous min
ing suit of the Bioo-Aspen versus the En
terprise, giving the most valuable ground
in dispute to the Kico-Aspen. The decision
allows the Bico- Aspn to recover 1mm the
Enterprise the value of the ore mined by
the latter. The minor features of the case
are to be tried by a jury. George Craw
ford, formerly ot Pittsburg, i nt the iiead
of the Enterprise, and much of its stock is
held in that citv. It is capitalized for ?2,
500,000. The "Bico-Aspen is a $3,000,000
The Enclneer Not at Dig I'ost.
Muncie, Ind., Dec. 22. At 5 o'clock
this morning the fly wheel at the White
Biver Steel Works burst, tearing the build
ing to pieces. Head Boiler Ed Perkins, of
Joliet, III., was instantly killed; Engineer
Daye Collier was fatally injured. Heater
Ligo Ward w.as badJy.hurt The engineer
not helne at his cost caused the accident
I Lo estimated at $10,000,
In Its Electoral Ticket for narrUon, Despite
the Miner Law, If an Ingenious Scheme
rrevails The Republican Legislature
May Choose All Electors.
Detroit, Dee. 22. The Tribune to-morrow
will print the following: It would ap
pear that Cleveland is not to receive those
five electoral votes from Michigan, and that
Chairman Campau is to lose the only re
maining scrap of evidence that the Demo
cratic State Central Committee attempted
to conduct a campaign in Michigan last fall.
Senator-elect Weiss some weeks ago an
nounced he would mtroducca bill to repeal
the Miner election law, which provides for
the election of Presidental electors by dis
tricts. Fred. A. Baker, the attorney who
with Colonel H. M. DnffieM argued before
the Supreme Court of the State, and also be
fore the Supreme Court of tbe United States
against the validity of the law, pro
poses to go further. Mr. Baker
has carefully analyzed the opinion
of the United Stale? Supreme Court
sustaining the law, and the result is he has
prepared a bill, lo be introduced by Senator
Weiss as soon as the Legislature meets, the
object of which is to unseat the five Demo
cratic Presidentil electors, who have been
officially declared chosen.
The districts of the Eastern districts are
large. They are the First, Second, Seventh
and Tenth Congressional districts. The
plan Is to have the Legislature name all
electors. They wonld, ot course,
be Bepublicans. It will not make any dif
ference in the general result, but, if the
legal point detected by Mr. Baker irsns
tainea, it will have a far-reaching effect,
and may necessitate some national legisla
tion on the subject
A lover Torswears One Sweetheart at the
Toint of Another's Pistol.
SIiLA, Teks--, Dec 22. FpcdaLI The
community of Laugdon has been furnished
with a sensation.- Arthur Bason and Miss
Beauty Mayo were to have been married,
bumhe ceremony didn't occur. An elabo
rate wedding had been prepared, friends
and relatives invited, and a large number
had assembled at the home of the bride.
Everything was in readiness, but the groom
came'not Various excuses were offered by
the prospective groom's friends, they aver
lng that he had met with an accident The
bride, after waiting several hoars, was car
ried to her room in a hysterical condition.
The tacts are quite sensational. Wbile
driving to the wedding Mr. Bason was
halted by two masked men, and carried sev
eral miles to a deserted bouse and con
fronted by Miss Inez Langston, a former
love who had been cruelly thrown over by
him for a fairer face. The determined
girl had him bound, ana at the point of a
revolver compelled him to write a letter to
Miss Mayo, informing her that he was mis
taken in bis love antf could not marry her.
The girl then made him swear to marry her.
Bason states that he will keep his oath, and
the ceremony will occur in the near future.
Chief Carter Predicts the Souvenir Coins
Will Re Counterfeited.
IifDlAHAPOUS, Dec. 22. Thomas B.
Carter,' Chief of the Secret Service Bureau,
is in towp preparing his semi-annual ship
ment of counterfeit money, which he has
collected during the past year, to Washing
ton. On January 1 he will send to Wash
ington fl5,000 of the "queer."
Chief Carter predicts one of the most
gigantie counterfeiting schemes in the coun
try's history at Chicago next year. He be
lieves the souvenir coins will be counter
feited and find ready sale, and he will not
be surprised it as many bogus as genuine
coins would be in circulation. Chief Carter
said the metal from which the genuine are
made can be easily secured and molded at
a cost of 40 cents each, Tcey will bo sold
Warm Weather In the Sprlnj Expected to
Bring Cholera Again.
' Hambubo, Dee. 22. It was thought
that the extraordinary measures taken by
the authorities would prevent another
outbreak of cholera in the spring, iut the
indications now point to the recurrence of
the disease in an epidemic form when warm
weather sets in. Several cases of the Asi
atic type have occurred rebently, and the
outlook is serious. To-day four new cases
are officially reported.
The authorities are doing everything'
possible to prevent the disease spreading.
Particular attention has been paid to the
water supply, and the inhabitants now find
it possible to avoid the use of the filthy
water of the Elbe.
Rloodhonnds and a Posse After the Mur
derer of a Prominent Man.
Birmingham, Ala.. Dec. 22. News
reached here this morning ot the assassina
tion of B. P. Harrison, a wealthy merchant
and planter, ' near Eutaw, Greene
countv, last night While eoing home
from "his store about midnight, he
was shot to death from ambush
by unknown assassins. His body was found
this morning. The killing is supposed to
have been for robbery, as Harrison is re
ported to have much money. Officers with
bloodhounds have gone from here to trail
the murderers. Harrison wa highly con
nected and a prominent political leader.
A Franco-American Convention Ratified
Paris, Dec. 22. The commercial con
vention between France and the United
States was ratified by the Chamber ot
Bounties to-day.
"Wlio Failed to Pass Himself
Off as His Brother Who
lad Been Dead for
He Thonght He Could Wort His Littla
Game Very Easily, bat He
One Man TCho Kneir His Brother WelE
Wliile Ho Was in tbe irmj
Boston, Dec. 22. Eecent vigorous atf
tacks on pension sharks have led to suebjf
careful investigation of claims in Massac
chusetts that at least one fraudulent claimu
has been headed off and the claimant placed
in jail awaiting trial for perjury. It was aj
barefaced fraud and as there may be others
similar cases the story may be of benefit.
The fraud would probably have succeeded,
too, but for the fact that tbe claimant
applied to the one man in the Adjutant
General's Department who was in position
to know the real character of tha claim.
The fraudulent claimant is Mike Kelly
not the famous baseball expert Michael
Kelly and bis brother Daniel each served
in the Union army. Daniel rose to the
rank of sergeant of Company K, First Mas
sachusetts Begiment He was terribly
wounded in the head in battle, and re
ceived an honorable discharge May 23,1864,
being incapacitated for doty. He died
September 10, 1866. Subsequently hi
mother filed an application for a "depend
ent" pension. The claim was numbered
137,284, but was never allowed.
Applied as IIU Dead Brother.
On the 8th of June in the present year an
application for a pension was made by a
man who made oath that his name was
Daniel Kelly. Ihe claim was pushed br
Freeman Emmons. It was numbered 1,124,
163. The affidavit was filed October 24. It
was not reJiched until the present month,,
and then the agitation over the pension
grab caused the officials to investigate thsH
case even more closely than usual. It was
apparently an. honest case, and there wa
no evidence at hand to disprove the claim.
Tfte alleged Daniel Kelly was sent to the
Adjutant's office to get his service papers.
The record showed an honorable discharge)
May 23, 1864, and tbe man had nohesita-
ticn in asking for a copy thereof. But it
was his fate to apply to Captain Thomas, ,
one ot the Adjutant General's assistants,
who had been Firs. Sergeant and afterward.
Lieutenant in this same CompaSy K, of the-,
First Massachusetts. Captain Thomas be-j
gun to fill out the blank in the perfunctory '
manner acquired through long practice.
'What is your name, please?" asked the)
"Daniel Kelly," was the reply.
"What cempany?"
"Company K, .First Massachusetts la
Enough to Interest the Captain.
"What?" yelled the Captain, getting in
terested, for he had seen Daniel Kelly
buried more than 23 years ago.
"That's my name, that's all," was the re
joinder. "I want to get a copy of my serv
ice record as it epnears on your books."
"Why, I knew Sergeant Daniel Kelly,"
exclaimed Captain Thoma. "I served ia
tne same company with him. He's beea
dead 23 years or more."
"No, he hasn't," doggedly replied the ap
plicant. "I'm just as much alive now as I
ever was."
"Yes, but yon are not Daniel Kelly. Ha
was only 5 feet C inches tall, while you are
6 feet it you are an inch."
"I suppose I could have grown, couldn't
"That's all nonsense," was Captain
Thomas' reply. "I attended Daniel Kelly's
funeral, with'other members of the corn
pan v, and saw him placed in the grave."
Then Captain Thomas subjected theaiv
plicant to a vigorous cross-examination, '
and got bim so confused that he could not
tell the same story twice in succession. Tha
unshot of this conversation was that
Michael Kelly was arrested and is in jail
for fraudulently representing himself to bo
his brother Daniel.
From Her Bnmlns Home In tbe Arms of si
Gallant Fireman.
New Yoek, Dec. 22. The spectacle of m
handsome woman, hastily arrayed in morn
ing robes, a leader ot society, sitting en
throned upon the roof of her own bay win
dow, with a fortune of glittering gems ia
her lap, against a background of black
smoke, waiting to be taken down, attracted,
a big crowd in Gramercy Park this morn-J
ing. Tbe spectators cheered to the echo
when the rescuer appeared, and Mrs. Lloyd
Asplnwall was carried down in the arms of
a gallant fireman, leaving behind $30,000
worth oJk jewels to which she hod clung
tightly through tne danger. Then the hoso
was turned on and the fire put out
Mrs. Aspluwall reached the street lying;
on the fireman's shoulder, a limp and ap
parently lifeless burden. She had fainted.
The firemen put out the fire without mucn
trouble and recovered the forgotten jewel
box, which was handed to the owner. The,
house was damaged $20,000 or more.
Throws Up His HamU and Makes an As
signment of His Property.
St. Louis, Dec. 22 Michael J.Foersfel
the lately deposed City Treasurer, made a
general assignment this morning. The
property'assigned amounts to $227,000, and
includes a general store in Foerstelvllle, a
suburb of this city, and a large amount of
real estate. Liabilities are much less than
one-half the assets. The assignment was
made because small creditors were running
attachments on the property and Mr. Foers
tel wished to place all creditors on the
same footing.
W. F. Yow said the shortage began two
years ago. and that the Treasurer himself
was aware ot it Yow is the man who ne
gotiated notes for Treasurer Foerstel, the
proceeds of which, ne alleged, were used to
make good shortages. He was also the go- ,
between who negotiated the notes now de
clared by Mr. Foerstel to be forgeries.
A ledger Who Got Into the Wrong Build
ing Killed by the Reception Given Him.
Wilmington, Del., Dec 22. A mis
take which Daniel Beardou made on the)
evening of November 30 in entering the -residence
of Peter Moran, in Dobbinsville. '
thinking- it was his boarding bouse, cost t -him
his life this morning. -
Beardon was seen by Mrs. Moran, .who
mistook him for a burglar. She called herj
husband, who attacked and beat Beardoa .,
and threw him into the street, .;