n m iii 'WflUpg? TFVF V V , FORTY SEVENTH TEAR MR, BLAINE . IS HEdf NIGH UHTO DEATH A a, For Half an Hour Yesterday Morning It Seemed Ho Conld Rot BecoTer. BBIGHT'S DISEASE . CABRYItf G HIM AWAY. AH Simulation Is at Last Thrown ; Aside by His Eelatives in i . the Tresence of Death. 'INTERVALS OP DELIRIUM, KO SPEECH OR MOTION, And Other Fad Features of the Great Man's f Illness Kott Admitted by Those Who Know of Them. A Sorry Sunday for the Weeping Mem bers of the Family of One of America's Greatest Statesmen Mrs. Blaine the Only One Composed Enough to Look After Her Husband's Comfort Two Physicians Almost Constantly With Him He Had a Premonition of Death and Wanted to Breathe His Last in Washington Singular Coincidence of His Life and That of Secretary Sew ard The Old Mansion Marked by Fate Soon to Ee the Scene of a Most Dramatic Ending to a Series of Life "Pictures Excitement at the Capital President Harrison's Solicitude for the Welfare of His Ex-Secretary of State. At 1:30 o'clock thi morning the Blaine mansion In Washington is shrouded In darkness -with the exception ot the sick chamber, where a dim light is bnrninc Drs. Johnston and Hyatt called at the Maine mansion at 11 o'clock and found Sir. Blaine doing so -well that they told the fam- llytuat they had no apprehension of dis solution taking placo -within the next 24 "hours. After they left the mansion the family retired for lie night. I7T0M A STAFF COBEEKI'OXnKST.l Wasiii-gtok, Dec. la Although the most alarming reports have been sent abroad in regard to the imminent death oft 'ex-Secretary Blaine, although knots of citizens gather constantly on the paTement in front of the antiqne mansion, and al though the Evening Star issued an extra edition at 8 o'clock announcing that the great statesman was at the point of death Tand might die at any moment, the patient Tstill lives, and the doctors say that there is no sign of immediate danger. It is a peculiarity of the fiendish disease ot the kidneys, which is the chief trouble with Mr. Blaine, that after it has laid waste the system and reduced its victim to the last extremity, it toys with him as a cat does with a mouse, now crushing him to the lpoint ot killing and then permitting him to 'rally and grow cheerful, giving him -no Jtwinge of pain, only to strike him down a little nearer death after hope has revived in him and his friends. Bound to Die Where He Koir Lies. Mr. Blaine lies in the historic room where that other immortal Secretary of 1 State made a narrow escape from a fearful 'death. It is fitting that two men who played so important a part in the history of the nation should die in the bame corner of r the same fateful chamber. That Mr. Blaine will die there, not the most sanguine of his family or friends now doubt. He has rallied remarkably since his alaiming re lapse of this moraine, when it was thought ' death was at hand, but, as has been said, that is one of the phenomena of the dis ease. His wonderful vitality may carry him through several of these periodic sink ings, or the next one may be his last. No one can telL It is hardly possible, considering the na ture ot the disease, that there can be even a temporary condition that will give hope of recovery, or even of sufficient strength to accomplish that removal to a warmer cli mate that has been mentioned so fre quently. ?6- The End Not Very Far Offi T& this late writing the correspondent of The Dispatch has just had a word with the physicians, and they say that they do not apprehend a latal termination to-night They admit that if not to-night the end cannot possibly be far away. One of the strange features of the declin ing health of Mr. Blaine is that he would never take himself thoroughly in hand to effect a cure. As stated in The Dispatch several weeks ago, at a time when every body was mystified in regard to the charac ter of the disease on account of the reticence of the doctors, Mr. Blaine has been suffer ing for years from kidney trouble, which '?Ss'one of the phaesof thatlread affliction ' called "Bright's disease." This was given out on tne authority of a gentleman who is 'so intimate with the family that the doctors 'talked freely with him. Bright's disease 2 covers a tremendous amount of ignorance of the doctors. It has a thousand phases, and lno two ot them are alike. . Too Good a Start Was Gained. The most expert physicians have pro "nounced a patient's kidneyi to be perfectly sound, when at the same time the waste rthat should have passed through these in " dispensable organs has been percolating 'throughout the entire system. It seems that in the case of the distinguished patient who is upon his last couch in the old Seward mansion, neither the doctors nor he knew for a long time after disease was apparent that the kidneys were the instruments chosen by death with which to destroy this particular victim. When that became ajp carent Mr. Blaine seemed not to possess ihe will power which would enable bimfto . I put himself under a rigid discipline, which might have prolonged his life for years. General Schenck was at one time almost as near death as Mr. Blaine was a few weeks ago, but by a diet ot skimmed milk and occasionally a little dry toast, he effected almost a cure, and prolonged his life for years. Mr. TValno Always a Hon Ylvant. Mr. Blaine was fond of good living, and he had it. Stimulants of an alcoholic character are well known to be poison to diseased kidneys, but at the social assem blies, where he was always a welcome and most brilliant gnest, he conld not resist the rich delicacies of the kitchen nor the fine wines from the vaults. Not that he ever took what Is called "too much," but a very little, a mere glassful, was too much for the wasted and worn machinery of his system, which demanded a .return to primitive nourishment instead Of the toothsome but death-dealing food of the modern fashion able table. With this overwhelming desire to live as he had been acenstomed to live, Mr. Blaine coupled a determination to remain in pub lic life as long as he could. He dreaded that retirement which meant that he would be more surely forgotten than if he were dead. He wauted to die in the harness, and, as everyone knows, he expected to die in the harnesss of the President of the United States. A Certain Evidence of Decay. When he resigned his portfolio as Secre 'tary of State, with an austerity which is yet a subject for wonder and gossip, he would not have traded his chances for the Presidency for all the wealth of the Rockies. His very ambition for the Presi dency, after having refnsed a nomination that was in his hands, and when he could have been elected, was evidence of decay. He burned again with (his ambition when his health was such that his life almost de pended on his being relieved of all labor and all anxiety, which meant an abandon ment of all ambition. Everybody here whose occupation led him to watch closely the personality of persons in public life, recognized that the great man of Maine and Pennsylvania was not himself, and that he has not had the keen, quick, sagacious judgment ot his young manhood and middle age at any time since his defeat in 1884. Had he possessed that judgment he would not have permitted himself to be drawn again into the position of Secretary of State, to say nothing of his taking his wild flight of resignation in his dying ambition to accomplish the Presi dency. Where Mr. Blaine Was to Blame. These are facts that may he a well touched upon now as at any time. His na tion of admirers has almost a right to blame him for launching himself into a maelstrom of work and worry which shortened his days by many a year for nature is stingy in her gifts of such men, and thev cannot live long enough. A Iriend of Mr. Blaine, one who has been associated with him in business and one of his most intimate friends socially, tells me that the great ex-Secretary returned to Washington to die. He has always been timid in regard to his health. He had a pre monition that tie could not lire through the winter. He wanted to be at the national capital, where he had suffered his keenest disappointments and won his most brilliant victories and greenest laurels. If that be true, his approaching-death is surrounded by an added pathos. TREMBLING IN THE BALANCE. IXITtE HOPE FOP. THE STRICKEN STATESMAN TESTEKDAT. A Day of Torture for Family and Friends They Throw Aside All Simulation and Admit They Have Feared Death for Some Time Heal Condition of the Dyin; Man Bright' Discaso Surely Carrying nim OS. tBT ASSOCIATED MESS. Washington, Dec 18. All day long the lite of James G. Blaine has hung trembling in the balance. For more than an honr in the forenoon hope was aban doned, and the end was momentarily ex pected by physicians, family and friends. All simulation was thrown aside in the ap parent imminent presence of death, and the suppressed facts of his illness the long denied but now admitted Bright's disease, the occasional intervals of delirium, the long hours when he has lain incapable of speech or motion (as it is now said was the case when Cardinal Gibbons paid him his recent friendly call) these and other distressing features of his illnes? all incidental to the one overpow ering organic trouble, Bright's disease, aggravated as this has been of late by a cold contracted while imprudently venturing out driving two weeks ago, and by malarial fever, and confronted by a constitution im paired by nearly two years of continual sickness all these things are now tacitly admitted. The physicians assert that there have not been any bemorrhages.a has been asserted, but this is almost the only alarming symp tom which is now denied. The first crisis was reached between 10 and 11 o'clock this morning, when a sinking spell set in in which the worst was feared. His family were called round the bedside, and his physicians sent messenger after messenger to the nearest drug store with prescriptions requiring hasty attention. A Slight Bally in the Afternoon. The distinguished patient lay unconecions and to all appearances dying until shortly before 1 o'clock, when a slight rally set in. His pulse, which had almost ceased to beat, became again perceptible, and partial consciousness was restored. At 2 o'clock his physicians, Drs. Johnston and Hyatt, considered him so much Improved as to render their constant presence at the bed side unnecessary. While there had been no change in his condition upon which hopes of ultimate recovery conld be based, the immediate crisis had passed. At 2:30 o'clcck this afternoon a' reporter saw James G. Blaine, Jr., at the family residence. He said that his father's attack this morning was very bad and created the gravest apprehension. His condition be came so weak that it was feared that in view of his enfeebled condition a recur rence must Involve the gravest conse quences. Mrs. Hale, wife of Senator Hale, of Maine, one of Mr. Blaine's closest triends, was at the house for several honrs,,during the day and made a second call late in the afternoon. Senator Hale Talks'of the Crisis, About 5 o'clock she left, and soon after Senator Hale called. Mr. Hale's statement as he left the house, as to Mr. Blaine's con dition, was that Mr. Blaine seemed a little more comfortable than he had been earlier in the day, but that his condition appeared to be critical, "It may be," he said, "that he will re cover, but those who have an interest in him have reason to be alarmed. In fact, his condition is alarming. It is difficult to name the trouble. It is general physical breaking up. When he takes a cold it brings on a consuming fever, and he is not in a condition to withstand it Besides, there are the ordinary complications. His mind is perfectly clear." ' The house was lighted up early,' and all fjjr $itttatts PITTSBURG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1892-TWELYE PAGES. the lower shutters closed. Drs. Jlyatt and Johnston, who were to meet at the house for a consultation between 7 and 8 o'clock, were sent for just before 5 o'clock. Dr. Hyatt was the first to arrive. He reached the house about 5:05 o'clock and was fol lowed soon by Dr. Johnston. The fact that both doctors were summoned gave rise to a rumor that' the patient was suffering from another attack of exhaustion. This, how ever, proved to be an error, and the state ment was authoritatively made at 7 P. M. that nothing in the nature of a relapse had occurred. The Meaetloti Modifies Apprehension. While the improvement In Mr. Blaine's condition is hut slight, and not sufficient to afford any great amount of encouragement to his family and friends, the reaction has seemed to modify the feeling of apprehen sion for the immediate future. James G. Blaine, Jr., and Walter E. Damrosch, the ex-Secretary's son-in-law, walked down the avenue this evening. All day representatives of the press have patrolled Madison Place and carefully watched the old red mansion which has b come celebrated for its . historical associa tions and the fatality with which mis fortune has followed its occupants. From the Sickles-Keys traced v which occurred more than a third of a century ago, followed by the attempted assassination of Secretary Seward during the last Tear of the Civil War, down to the present time, the pall of in late nas hung over tne mansion, uunng the less than four years' occupancy or this house by the Blaine family, the wife of Colonel Coppinger, Walker Blaine and Em mons Blaine, the Secretary's promising sons, have died. A little after 6:30 o'clock J. G. Blaine, Jr., came out and said to the reporters: "We think that father is considerably better than he was this morning. He was dangerously ill during the forenoon. During the afternoon, however, he seems to have rallied somewhat. The physicians hare been here this evening, and we now think that he will live during the night, and we hope for the best. Still, it must be said that he is very dangerously ill." From an intimate friend of the family it was learned that it was only when Mr. Blaine was suddenly seized with the sinking spell this morning, which threatened for some minutes to terminate in heart failure, that his family fully realized how near he was to death. The last Moment Was Looked For. For a few seconds he seemed to be in ex tremis, and the watchers bent anxiously over him. The emaciated face of the dying man was white as marble, and his features sadly drawn. At times he scarcely seemed to breathe, and at others gasped for breath. The physicians who had -been hasti ly summoned wer in the meantime not idle. They plied him with stimulative cor dials, the trained nurses chafed his ex tremities,, and it was only alter working over the patient for upward of 30 minutes, and the application ot every art known to the medical profession, that Mr. Blaine slowly revived. But the battle with death found him extremely weak, weaker than at any time when suffering a relapse. He was too weak even to whisper and made no sign of recognition. The family gathered around the bedside were all in tears except Mrs. Blaine. She still maintained outward composure throughout the trying scene, and calmly gave such directions to tne attendants as were necessary. Her will powor, when in fact her heart was breaking, is described as something pathetic andmarvelous. What ever niav neve been Mrs. Blaine's suspi cions or knowledge of her husband's condi tion through all the intervening months of his illness, she Has given no outwara sign that would indicate that she did not believe in his future recovery. It has been her cheerfulness In distressing circumstances that has soothed her husband's despondency. A Prey of Late to Despondency. Of late Jtfr. 31aine'sphyslcal condition has been such thaVlK has given-way to despondencv. While manifesting no fear of death, Mr. Blaine has often said he did not want to die. "In fact," says an inti mate friend of the familv, "Mr. Blaine'has fought death with sublfme heroism. The world knows how ambitious he was, and also knows how much he accomplished in the pursuit of his ambition. And yet he dies a disappointed, and, I was about to say, a heart-broken man. But that would perhaps be putting it too strong. I once heard him say that after all ambition was an ignus latuus, and that all the world was hollow outside of one's family. Then he would quote these lines by N. .P. Willis: 'What is ambition? 'Tis a glorious cheat The angels of light walk not so dazzlingly the sapphire walls of heaven.' "Mr. Blaine has lived about 62 years, but when you appreciate what he has passed through he has lived far beyond three score and ten. He has been compared in his pub lic lite with Henry Clay. There is a close resemblance between Mr. Blaine and that great tribune of the people. Clay was mag netic, so is Blaine; each was powerful before the people and possessed a genial fellow ship that bound men to them with hooks of steeL Both had an ambition to be Presi dent and failed. 1 am inclined to believe, however, that Mr. Blaine's public career will stand higher in the esteem of future generations than that of Mr. Clay. Both were remarkable men and have left their lasting impress upon the times in which they lived." The Physicians Hope for the Best. At 9:30 o'clock to-night a reporter had an interview with Mr. Blaine's attending physicians, Drs. W. W. Johnston and Frank Hvatt Speaking for them both, Dr. Johnston said: "Blaine is distinctly better to-night than he was last night, and much better than he was this morning." "What was the nature of the attack to day, doctor?" "It was a failure of his heart to perform its functions satisfactorily." "His trouble is. not in his heart?" was asked. "No, it is not But in the general weak ness from which Mr. Blaine is suffering all the organs are affected and the heart makes manliest the weakness of the whole system. Mr. .Blaine's condition has been such that when he takes cold, as he did ten days or two weeks ago, fever followed, causing a deterioration of the .system. For some day s Erior to and including yesterday, however, e was recovering from the effects ot the cold and fever and last night he was entirely free from fever, his pulse beating strongly and his condition quite gratifying. This morning, however, he had an ill turn. His heart-beats became more indistinct and irregular, and he was more languid and less observant However, he. rallied from this condition, those symp toms disappeared, he has taken nourish ment during the afternoon and to-night, as Ijsaid, he is better and brighter. His pulse is Btronger and the reaction quite marked." Immediate Death Not Anticipated. "You apprehend no danger ot immediate dissolution, then?" "Ho. On the other hand, if he maintains his present ability to take nourishment and and regains sufficient strength to overcome or obviate future attacks like that of to-day, there is nothing in his disease that should carry him off"" Shortly after 11 o'clock P.n a closed carriage was driven rapidly to the front of the Blaine mansion, from which alighted Miss Hattie Blaine, Mrs. Damrosch, Miss Abigail Dodge ("Gail Hamilton") and Mr. Damrosch. The ladies were closely veiled, and ran through the crowd of correspond ents and others gathered in front of the house into the ' mansion, followed by James G. Blaine, Jr., who had jnit returned from a few minutes' walk. Mr. Blaine, in re sponse to an inqniry, said his father was about the same. Illinois Coal Miners Will Strike. PzobtA, Dec. 18. The coal miners of this district will strike Monday for in creased wages. Several hundred men are rtnvolTed, I KW EPOCH BEGUN In the Ilistory of the'Catholic Clrarcli, According' to Ber. Dr. McGlynn, AN INTERESTING LECTURE Delivered Last Evening by the Apos tle of Anti-Poverty. HE 18 GLAD MGR. SATOLLI IS HERB, For His Coming Casts Light on Pereral Disputed i objects. PUBLIC SCHOOLS MOST BS SUPPORTED rgrrCIAL TELEGRAM TO Till DISPATCH.! New Yoke, Dec. ia "Archbishop Satolli and the School" Question" was the subject of Dr. McGlynn's address to the Anti-Poverty people in Cooper Union Hall, to-night. In view of the new phase which Dr. McGlynn's relation to the Church has assumed, it had been expected that there would be a larger attendance than usual at this lecture, but the hall was hardly more than half filled, and there were but few new faces in the audience. Dr. McGlynn arrived 15 minutes late. He began reading what he called a synop sis of his lecture for the evening. This synopsis contained in a brief form the sub stance of his lecture, and when he had fin ished it he went over the statements and enlarged upon them. "I am glad to-night," he said, "to speak wonls of praise and congratulation for the address made by Archbishop Satolli, in the name of the Pope to the Arch bishops of the United States, which has been published and of the original Latin, of which I now hold in my hand a copy. This address and the pres ence of Archbishop Satolli here as a dele gate of the Pope markrthe beginning of a new and important epoch for the Catholic Church in the United States. I sincerely rejoice over what has happened and still more over what is portending: The Doctor's Reasons for Rejoicing. "I rejoice because of my love for the Cathoho religion, my svmpathy for the best interest, spiritual and temporal, of my fellow Catholics, and, by no means least of all, because of my lore for the best inter ests of my country. The utterances and the action of the Pope through Archbishop Satolli have already given great comfort to the hearts of not a few Catholics. How re freshing it is to hear from Archbishop Satolli, in the name of the Pope, the forci ble reminder that it is 'strictly forbidden to any bishop or priest either actuallv to re pel or to threaten to repel irom the sacra ments, as if they were unworthy, parents who mar ohoose to send their children to the public schools.' "Again, how many false notions are swept away by the authoritative statement that the Catholic Church, and the Holy See in particular, do not condemn or neglect, but positively desire to have pub lie schools "in -evjerr country suit able ..to- - the. sIvil5l;cTOditwin, of the people -for the Cultivation of letters, arts and natural sciences, and desire to contribute there to his. benevolent co operation while safe-guarding the one and essential point that there shall be nothing In the system contrary to the truth of the Christain religion and morality. Another Reason to Be Glad. "Last ot all, while not strictly and im mediately pertinent to the school question, we Catholics may surely be permitted to congratulate ourselves upon ths desire manifested by the Pope to have in this country an apostolic delegate to settle promptly and effectually cases that are not infrequently arising and in which an appeal or a journey to Rome is so slow, so difficult, so costly, and frequently, frcm the necessity of the case, unsatisfactory, that if the case could be settled by the Pope's authoritr, but near to the place where it has arisen, it would be desirable beyond all measure. "Ii never could forget that Iwas a priest." Dr. McGlynn said; "I never had any desire to divest myself of that sacred char acter. It is as much a part of my nature as my love for my country. It never was any part of my religion or of the theology I learned in Borne that I need sacrifice the truest and purest patriotism to religion, for the reason that true religion can never require any such sacrifice. Patriotism is a Christian virtue. So you can imagine with what feel ings I became aware that men, even in the name of sweet religion, antagonized insti tutions so dear to their fellow men. We Americans thought we knew it all, and now Archbishop Satolli, that good man, comes from Borne to teach us something. Learned in the Confessional. "Time and time again priests have driven men and women out of the confessional be cause they insisted on sending their children to the public schools. No one will dare to tell me that that is not true. I know whereof I speak. I heard it in the confessional my self, Horn people who had been driven away from other confessionals. They knew where to come for sympathy. I have tried to be a peacemaker rather than an exciter of strife; I have tried to find good in secu lar institutions rather than evil. The peo ple of this country believe in liberty. They have no desire to oppress Catholics, either through their schools or any other public function. Br attempting to embrace too much, a man ornn organization may ac complish too little. "I was confronted by the school question at the outset of my ministry. I was told that I must build a parochial school.. The clergy at that time seemed to feel that America had no religion except such as waB brought over by foreigners. They looked upon it as a misfortune that a man should be born an American. One of the State's Functions. "Education is properly a function of the State. It must be so for the State's own preservation. The State must fit its citizens tor civic, municipal, business and political life. The Church must teach spiritual dogma and look after the erring. Did Christ command us to observe arithmetic, geography and botany? "Archbishop Satolli says it Is no part of true religion to deny the right of the State to establish its system of education. The church really desires State public schools. The former denunciation of publio schools by Catholic prelates was indecent. Some of them went so far as to sav that children would be better off as savages than pupils in the schools. What, then, was the effi ciency of their church? How much reli gion would the children get in the streets? If Archbishop Satolli's views were to be ut into effect to-day they would sweep away all tne parocmai scuoois in tne coun try' father and Son Killed, Asheville, N. C, Dec 18. Yesterday afternoon O. B. Jones was shot and instantly killed, and his son, Jesse Jones, was shot, perhaps fatally, in the abdomen, near Licester, 12 miles west of this place, while resisting a constable and posse. Jesse Jones bad refnsed to work the roads, as 'ordered by the authorities. miwm r IP YOU GO TO WORK I'LL HELP YOU. BLOODTHIRSTY BANDITS.' Cruelties Inflicted Along the Mexican Bor derUnited States Troops Preparing to Fight Two Mexicans Killed by Texas Bangers. Laredo, Tex, Dec. 18. Two troops of United States cavalry, under Captains Chase and Hunter, have arrived here to take part in the campaign against the revo lutionists. A dlpatch received here last night states that General Zestenz Bocha, military in structor at Chapultepec, Mexico, is missing and has not been heard of in five days. His absence may be significant during the pres ent nprising. He is a very prominent gen tleman in the Mexican army and could, if saw proper, lead a larger faction against the present administration than any other man in the Republic. A dispatch received here to-day states that a detachment of Captain Brooks' Com pany of State Eangers, while scouting Star county, captured two Mexicans well armed and equipped. Thev were arrested on sus picion of being bandits, but were released, as they told an apparently straight; story. Immediately on the release they opened fire on the Bangers. The latter re turned the fire with a volley from their Winchesters, which completely riddled both Mexicans with bullets, killing them instantly. It has since been ascertained that the Mexicans were members of the band of revolutionists which recently in vaded Mexico. During the fight opposite San Ignacio Captain Segnr, ot the Mexican troops, see ing he was being particularly hard pushed to better protect himself, as it was a hand to hand fight, went into a "jackal" and fought from there with guns and pistols There was in the "jackal" a woman and three children. The Captain called to the revolutionists asking that woman and chil dren might go out unharmed, but the. reply was "No." The woman thought she would Lstei'JtflHt .with. th UM'-e'n' bt e ap- pearea ac tne aoor soc was snot uuna and the children ran back. The revolu tionists were unable to dislodge the Captain from his quickly chosen fortress, and they set fire to the "jackal," which drove the Captain out As he made his appearance he was shot dead, his body thrown back into the burning building. The three children were penned in the house by the fire and burned to death. The bodies of dead soldiers were thrown into the flames and when the troops from Guerrero went to bury the dead they found some of the bodies burned to a crisp. Another woman, the wife of a non-commissioned officer, undertook to escape by crossing the Bio Grande to Texas, but she was seen about the middle of the stream and shot She sank beneath the waters and her body bad not been found at last ac counts. There are a number of wounded men at San Ignacio all Mexican troops. Only two of the revolutionists were killed and one wounded so far as can be learned. COLORED CATHOLICS. Ireland Dedicates a Church and Condemns Negroes' Social Ostracism. St. Paul, Minn., Dee. 1& Archbishop Ireland dedicated this morning with great pomp and ceremony the new church of St Peter Claver, for the Bpecial use of colored Catholics. The church is a very pretty ed ifice, quite large in proportions and costing $8,000. The congregation of colored Catho lics was organized five years ago with a membership of seven. It now counts sev eral hundred, all converts to the Catholic faith and bids fair to increase very rapidly in the future. Bev. E. Casey is the pastor. The Arehbishop, in his discourse, de nounced in strong words the social ostra cism from which the colored people suffer, declaring it contrary to humanity, to the Christian religion and to the spirit of the American Bepublic. The Catholic Church, he said, is opposed by her principles and her historv to ail discrimination because of race or color. An immense crowd, lots ot colored people and whites, witnessed the ceremonies of dedication. NEW OPPOSITION TO QUAY. Philadelphia Politicians Want District At torney Graham for U. S. Senator. Philadelphia, Dec. 18. In an open letter addressed to the Eepublican mem bers of the State Legislature, State Senator Frank M. Eiter earnestly advocates the election to the United States Senate of George S. Graham, District Attorney for Philadelphia, and asks his fel low members of the Legislature to give Mr. Graham their support In his letter Senator Eiter savs that Mr. Graham has all the qualifications to give him a commanding position in the United States Senate, and that ne would do honor to Pennsylvania in that body. The Philadelphia Picss will support Mr. Eiter in his advocacy of Mt. Graham's can didacy, and to-morrow open the fight with a vigorous editorial in support of the Dis trict Attorney. CHOLERA COMING SURE. Doctor Will Urge the suspension of Im migration. Chicago, Dec 18. Dr. J. H. Eauch, a leading member of the American Public Health Association and ex-Secretary of the Illinois State Board of Health, arrived in Chicago to-day-from Mexico, where he at tended a convention of the association. He said there was a consensus of opinion that, without the utmost vigilance, cholera would secure an entrance to this country next cummer, aud that a depntation had Ibeen,appolnted to urge Congress it suspend Immigration. - "lfflBaBHSta. .-imjmidtjw' .a PMdS57l -ilOHl I -,"--Si J . THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS IN BED. The Peculiar Physical Deformities of a Rhode Island Woman. Pawttjcket, E. L, Dec 18. Eose Don ohue died here Friday aged 47. She was stricken with paralysis at the age of 9, and for 38 years had not left the little crib in which her three feet of body reposed, nor during that time had there been an appar ent growth in the Hmb9, shoulders or trunk. After a time her feet became locked, one on top of the other, and knit together so that the right foot, which was beneath the left, could hardly be seen. Nevertheless her head grew as rapidly to its proper pro portions as that of a person who enjoyed perfect physical health. He hands were palmless, and the four fingers on her right hand and the three on her left were bone less bits of flesh, six inches long. Her memory was remarkably clear and her eyes beamed with brightness and intelligence. She was a constant reader of religious works, and remembered everthing which she read and would repeat it from memory. She devoted all of her time to reading works of eminent Catholics and in prayer. Although she never expressed it when peo ple called on her, it could be plainly seen from ber manner that she was ill at ease when gazed at too long. In regard to her condition she wonld never say a word, and was always as happy and contented as pos sible. THE PISTOL WAS LOADED. A Girl Accidentally Shoots and Kills Her Aunt InKIttanning. KlTTANNING, PA., Dec. ia Special. At 9 o'clock this morning a Miss Celia Boyd, 19 years old, who was visiting at the house of her aunt, Mrs. Philip Boyd, re peated the 'didn't know it was loaded" tragedy- The story of the shooting as told "by file' girl Is as yet uncontradicted, as the only other witness of the occurrence made no statement Miss Boyd said they were talking about carrying pistols and she had said she in tended to bny one. A son of Mrs. Boyd, who was present, had a revolver and al lowed the girl to take it She says she held it toward the floor and snapped it, and find ing the chamber was empty she snapped it twice in succession, not talcing care to keep it turned away from the others, as she sup posed, the pistol was empty after finding there was no load in the first three cham bers. When she pulled the trigger the fourth time the weapon banpenert to be pointed at Mrs. Phillips. There was a re port and her sunt tell with a bullet in her orain. The shot struck her fairly between the eyes. The girl ran for a doctor, but he could do nothing, and the woman died in 20 minutes. Although there is no evidence that the shooting was other than purely unin tentional, the frightened girl was arrested and taken before 'Squire Simpson, who committed her to jail tor a hearing to-morrow afternoon. AND SO THEY ELOPED. A Pretty Beaver County Girl Outwits Tier Angry Father. East Liverpool, Dec 18. Special A pretty Beaver county girl has outwitted her lynx-eyed father and married the man of her choice Friday night, about 10 o'clock, Elsie Dunn, yiughter of a farmer named Dunn, living about 18 miles from this place, eloped with Francis M. Eeed, a young farmer, and drove to the West Virginia side of the river opposite here. E. D. Marshall, an attorney, living near here, had secured a license for the couple nearly a month ago. The trio were rowed across the river in a skiff, about 4 o'clock in the morning, and were married in Marshall's office bv the Eev. Mr. Marshall, a Presby terian minister. After a wedding break fast, the couple returned to Eeed's home. Monday night Miss Dunn went to visit a friend in" Phillipsbnrg, expecting to elope from there. But her father was suspicious and compelled her to return home. The old gentleman had threatened to shoot Eeed if he persisted in his attentions to his daughter. MR. MAXWELL CATCHES ON. He Is to Be Made an A sslstant Postmaster General. Albany, N. Y., Dec 18. Special Eobert A. Maxwrll, of Batavia. is to be made Assistant Postmaster General under the new national administration. This in formation was given out from sources this evening. Mr. served as State Treasurer terms, having been elected authentic Maxwell for two in 1881 and 1883. He wanted a third term, but on the promise of being taken care of in 1885, gave way to Lawrence J. Fitzgerald, who was nominated and elected State Treasurer. In January, 1880, when John A. McCall retired as "Superintendent ot Instruction, Mr. Maxwell was nominated by Governor Hill and confirmed by the Senate. He served his full term and. a year over it In January, 1891, Governor Hill sent the name ot James Pierce into the Senate to succeed Mr. Maxwell, and Mr. Pierce was immediately confirmed. Since then Mr. Maxwell has been floating about trying to catch on. Stevenson Starts South. Bloominoton, III., Dec 18. Vice President-elect Stevenson and partylett to night on his Southern trip. He is accom panied by Mrs. Stevenson, his three daughters and brother John C. Stevenson, Hon. Jas. & Ewing. John T. Lltiard and wife, of this city; (Judge W. G, Ewing, of Chicago. , THREE CENTS, ITY'S HOLD ON THIS STATE Worrying the Newly-Elected Congressmen "Who Are Kot of His Clipe A POOS SHOW FOR SPOILS And Those Who Can't Get Them Are Inclined to Protest. More Candidates to the Square Foot Than for Many States Where Demo cratic Majorities Were Boiled Up Slpe, Krlbbs and Sibley Want to Divide Up the Patronage of the Western End. of the State The Democratic Con gressmen Well .Scattered Harrity's Chance for Bevenge on McAleer Failure of the Chairman In His Inter ference In District of Columbia Affairs, trsoji A staft cop.nEsrovoEVT.l Washington; Dec. 18. Though Penn sylvania refused to join in the universal gravitation of things in the direction of free silver and free trade, it is probable that no State of the Union will give Presi dent Cleveland more trouble in regard to its appointments. Why there should be a Democratic party in Pennsylvania at all, when its interest in protection is consid ered, may not appear at a glance, but now that the administration has fallen into the hands of that party the old Keystone State comes up with as broad and hopeful a grin as Texas or Missouri, and with more candi dates to the sqnare foot for the little and big offices within the gift of Cleveland than any other State, so far as heard from. Democrats so rarely get anything ia Pennsylvania that when the chance comes they tumble over each other through haita and number. The pressure is so great npon the Democratic members from that State that these gentlemen are already tak ing counsel as to what part they shall in sist upon playing in the distribution of pat ronage. Harrltv Will Hold All the Reins. It is already patent that Mr. Harrity, Chairman of the National Democratio Com mittee, will use his position and the prestige of party success under his direc tion, to add to the streneth of his State ma chine by controlling the appointment of bis own men to the offices which must be filled by Presidental bestowal. This is agreeable to some of the members, pro vided the Chairman does not interfere in their particular districts, bnt to others who have not been, and are not, of the Harrity machine, the prospect is decidedly irri tating. There is Mr. Sipe, for instance, who has not been of tbft Jiarrity faction, but who, with Mr. Krlbbs, of Clarion, and Mr. Sib ley, of Crawford if the latter be admitted to" the charmed circle of the DemocraU after running on four tickets should logic sllv control the Government appointments for all Western Pennsylvania. There is a District Attorney, a Marshal, a Surveyor of Customs, a Pension Agent and a Col lector of Internal Eevenue, as well as a lot of minor appointments or a special charac ter, to say nothing of the countless post masters. Some of the Chairman's Theories. Mr. Harrity holds, it is said, that mem bers of the popular D ranch of Congress can assert the right to control the patronage of nothing else than their own districts. They cannot fairly claim it to be their right to dictate the appointment of officials whose jurisdiction extends over a large section of the State, its limits being far outside of their districts No one of the members will claim such a privlleee, but if the con sultations that are now going on among the Democratic members in regard to this ques tion do not utterly fall of the pnmose, jt will be asserted that the several Democratio members residing in a judicial, a revenne, a customs or a pension district, shall have the power to say who shall be appointed to the offices of those districts. Were there a Democratic Senator he would assert his right to distribute this important patronage, but in default of such representative the members of the House will not admit that the Chairman of anr committee, or any mere State official, shall act the part of a Senator, and build up a machine br dictating all of the important government appointments in the State. Democrats Distributed Over the State. Although two-thirds of the districts of the State are Eepublican, the Democrats who were elected to the next House are well distributed over the State, and those living in each of what may be termed the governmental districts of the State may in combination not only fairly claim the pat ronage of those districts, but also a hear ing in regard to the postoffices in counties which will be represented by Eepublican Congressmen. For example, nothing would be more natural than that Mr. Sipa should assert that his is the dower of pat ronage in the matter ot the postoffices of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, since he is of Allegheny county, though neither of the offices is within the limits of his Congres sional district. If there were no factions in the Demo cratic partv in the State, or if the factional quarrels had been less bitter in the recent past, the solemn duty of turning out the Eepublican rascals and putting in the Dem ocratic saints might be performed with, such love between all parties aa would be affecting to witness. But it is a fact that less than one-half of the Democrats elected to the next House are in touch with Har rity, who has in view the Napoleonic ambi tion of conquering the whole of Pennsyl vania by means of the whole of the patron age. Harrity's Revenge on SIcAIeer. In Harritv's own city of Philadelphia "Bold Billy McAleer" was elected in spite of the fact that Harrity defeated his re nomination. Mr. McAleer is therefore in harmonious touch with Harnty, aud will doubtless claim to represent the whole of Philadelphia and something more. Mc Aleer might fairly claim to hold the office of Senator for the eastern part of the State, so 'many millions does he represent In his solitary glory as the one Democratic mem ber from the great Quaker City. The game of Mr. Harrity, however, is not to appear to personally dictate the ap pointment', but to call to his aid the lead ing Democrats of the Eepublican Congres sional districts who are his reliable friends and assert their right, in the absence of Democratic members, to control the patron age. Of course his hand will be recognized in anv move that he makes, and Democratio leaden of the opposite taction in the Ee publican districts will claim equal rights with the friends of Mr. Harrity. Thn the contests over the offices In the I Congressional districts which will be repre. HAKK