Ffl I I 18 THE PITTSBTJRG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1892. ACROSS CONTINENT The Bemarkable Journey Ao f, complisned by Major Ker bey, of Pittsburg. BOATING ON THE AMAZON. Brazilian Officers Are the Greatest Tyrants on Earth. A CUSTOM HOUSE AT EACH STOP. Monotony of the Fcenerj on tha Eiver of the Tropics. Great HOW THE CURIOUS TOWNS ARE I0OATED Major Kerbey has done it ! Hi many Pittsburg friends will be glad to know that The Dispatch has received & letter from him dated Fascasmayo, Pern, sarin; that he is safe and sound. He has completed a journey across "Equatorial America," starting from Para, Brazil, on the Atlantic side. The Major cars it was a most eventful trip on steamer, in canoe, on muleback and on foot up the Amazon and over the Cordilleros and the Andes. No American veteran has accomplished Each a trip and no American journalist, or Continental either, has done this most in teresting country. He says his note book is full of data and interesting incidents and adventures. Far from being disheartened by the hard ships of this journey of discovery, the Major says that instead of returning North he will go on South to Lima, from which point he may return over the Southern Andes trail on the Ucayoli route, or perhaps go through the Straits of Magellan to Bio de Janeiro, Buenos Ayres, etc., to the starting point at Para, Brazil. Out on the flighty Amazon. The following letter was written on board the Joan Alfredo which carried Major .Kerbey out of Para up the mighty Amazon. He says: As far as topographical appearances go, the thousand mile3 of Alto, or Upper, do not differ materially from the thousand miles of Baja, or Lower Amazon. The American traveler to Brazil who has ascended the 100 miles of the delta to Para, has seen trora the deck ot the moving ship precisely the Eame panorama ot low lying, dense tropical forest iringing a broad, yel lowish band of water, that extends like a ribbon under a bright, hot sky in its tire tome way over 2,000 miles due westward. It is something like going "West in the earlier davs ot the Pacific railways, where you are whirled thousands ot miles through cage bush and sand; each day upon looking out ot the car windows, one'iniagines from the same extensive views tbat the car had not been moving since your last observa tion. You are out ot the woods there and can whistle. You see farther if j ou do not discover as much of interest as on the Amazon, where nothing is risible but sky find lorest. The one feature which however strikes me as remarkable is that the further toward the source we get, the river seems to grow bigger. It at least impresses the traveler as widening. "Ve know that our neamer draws over ten leet of water and the Indian pilots say there is sufficient epth lor au ocean steamer of 18 leet draught, even in this the dry season. Hot a Very Rapid Journey. There is a very considerable difference however in the speed ot ascending vessels. Those on the lower river do the thousand miles to Manaos in four and five days, while the same boat consumes 11 days in making the same distance from Manaos to Iquitos in Peru. This is partly due to lesser currents below, as tae ocean tide affects the flow for half the distance to Manaos. Perhaps, too, the boats on the upper river make more frequent landings, and a stopof an Amazon steamboat at even the most insignificant hamlet or hacienda means a delay of at least half a day, per haps i nours, according to tee social in clinations of the officers, the business being generally of a character that an hour's work would finish. There are but few towns on the upper Amazon river, such as they are, being gen erally composed ot a store and a row of bar rack looking huts, which are almost always located on some of the little affluents or tributaries, so that the boat must leave the main river and thread its war up a narrow, but alwaj s deep river. It appears to have been the practice of the Indians to avoid settlements on the main stream, preferring for reasons proper enough in their days to conceal their villages, and the custom is adhered to by their descendants, who are now the principal inhabitants. Perhaps another reason is that they were unable to find any sufficiently high" ground on the banks of the main stream. The Capital City or Amazonas. The capital city of Manaos is located some six miles oil the Amazon proper, on the Bio Negro. As indicating the absence of proper information in regard to the in terior country, a recent Government pub lication issued by the "Bureau ot Informa tion ot soutn American ltepnblics at Washington contains an illustrated article which pictures Manaos as an Indian village, showing only a lew thatched huts and canoes altogether a most absurd caricature on the capital city of Amazonas, containing an intelligent population of some 30,000 to 40,000 doing an extensive business with America and the interior, and from whose port steamships sail directly to New York, Liverpool and other points weekly. Ihere is not a thatched cottage in' the place, but quite a number of three and foar story business blucks, numerous storerooms, a theater, cathedral, palacios. the hillside and suburbs being dotted with tasty cottage lesidences of cultivated people. There is also a hotel in which French cooks are cm ployed, the proprietor of which will charge the traveler as much as the Fifth Avenue in New York City. There are other hotels, not so high in price, but where the tourist may have all his wants gratified at a figure nations, and can only be navigated by shirjj carrying the Brazilian flag, unless negotia tions have been made by treaty, granting certain privileges in tbat direction. A Great Country to Open Up. When one remembers that there are up ward of 50,000 miles ot steam river naviga tion in the Amazon Taller, less than 5,000 of which are included in the main stream, the importance of the restriction will be come apparent. All of the tributariei are navigable for the largest boats. Among these may be named the Tocatins, nearest to Para, which extends southwardly to an undeveloped region for nearly 1,000 miles. Above this the clear waters of the Topajoi from the mountains of the far southwesterly interior enter the Amazon at the American colony of Santarem. The Madeira is navi gable for 500 miles to the great falls, where canoes take cargoes to the interior of Bolivia. The Negro, on which Manaos is situated, extends in a northerly direction, its nnmerous tributaries reaching into British Guiana, Venezuela and Colombia. The Purns Li said to be wonderfully rich in undeveloped rubber, and is navigable into Bolivian territory. The Javary is the dividing line between. Brazil and Peru, and is becoming one of the most proline sources ot good rubber, of a fine quality, as also the Jurua, into all of which it will be neoessary to navigate to collect rubber and distribute supplies. As a matter of fact, but little crude material is handled on the main river. Independence or Brazilian States. It is one of the curious features to an American traveler on the Amazon to find that each State government is a sovereignty, so that vessels going from one State to an other are subjected to all the restrictions as if coming from a foreign port. Another of the difficulties attending this navigation is tbat the Brazilian laws require all vessels carrving their flag to be officered and manned exclusively by citizens of Brazil. We are ail children ot a larger growth, sometimes, but a native Braziliero, how ever old or experienced he may become, al ways remains a boy in his way of conduct ing business, and when Tested with a little brief authority as a commandante of a ves sel, fie makes a veritable Pinafore on his ship. Generally, the average citizen has but a faint conception of the rights of others; with him a public office is not a publio trusty but solely a private opportunity lor personal gains. There are well authenticated illustrations to prove that captains ot Amazon steamers have thrown overboard or landed in the woods a cargo that was either shipped by an enemr or consigned to some one who had probably oflended his mother-in-law. Tber exercise absolute tyranny in ali things, and will take only such passengers as are personally agreeame to tncmsetves or tneir mends. How Love DIakej Passengers Swear. "When once beyond the reach of the En glish managers at Para the commandante of a boat goes through the country like a con queror on board a man-of-war, treating his passengers as so many slaves or captives. Probably they come by this, because in the years past their principal passenger traffic was confined to half savage Indians, the officer: failing to advance with the civiliza tion that has crowded around them. It never occurs to tbe commandante of an Amazon boat that a passenger who has paid his fare and received a contract ticket could possibly have any rights which he is bonnd to respect No matter how urgent may be the busi ness if the captain should, ai frequently occurs, be in love with a pretty halt-breed girl living in a hut on the banks of the river, he will anchor the boat outside for 12 to 23 houra while he goes asiforc and makes love to his inamorata, and the passengers fight mosquitoes on board and swear because they are not allowed to go ashore too. This is not so much the practice as formerlr. There are always exceptions, and I am glad to be able-Jto record these illustrations from the words ftf our own commandante, who is indeed a notable and honorable exception to the rule. I am particularly fortunate in having sailed under Commandante Carlos Ferreira, a Portuguese naaigator, who is universally known the length of 2.000 miles of the Amazon as not only the most com petent, but the most courteous officer in the Amazon Company's service. J. Oetos' Kerbey. A CHRISTMAS STORY Words by BELLE CLAYTON. (CopyrtgTU, 1S9S, By BacheZer t Johnson.) Allegro Moderate. Music by C. J. WILSON THE BEER OF BERLffi.l&T"treitfffi Brewery Stock rays Very TVeJL 1. Lit tie Nell Is In dream - - land This beau - tt - ful 2. Now she ts near - ly twen - - - ty, .Tne world la so j r;rTT g - :. ' ' l " a & P ' ' ' '! Iff gj. .j, , P g T ,3: """ So Exaggeration About the Stories of Prodigious Drinking. SOME DRINK. 18 QUARTS A DAT. The Glasses Are Viz and the J. aw Prevents the 'ale-of Foam. P3ETTI GIRLS JLCT AS BAE-U1IDS Christ- mas Joy - fu) " Eve, still. u And a sweet dream of But San - ta Clau3 dear now old San - ta Clans, Brings vis - Ions of what he will leave, has been replaced By a sweetheart whose name Is Will, a s She wants a pret ty This mer - ry Christ - mas tt Cfr si- el - -J-"1 , -STt -aS -at : a4 it Sr nt"- dot - - ly That will talk and stand a lone And then she would like a nice carriage and crib, And a sleigh she could can all her own; mom - - lng She will be a fair young bride I hope that he always will prove to be A San - ta Claus close by her side. jj,, J J . . . , i . ' , , g g , , g stM"'. II ?" ? I I "r'T'i J i I fr 11-3 cnoiivs. fAUeoro. " g ' , - w -x g P "T -G Mer ry Christmas one and all, Iter ry Christmas great and small, Ring out mcr-ry chimes From the bel-fry tall, Ringing merry, merry Christmas one and all. I 5 m m -- CZZ; - B.C. MAKING FOLKS HAPPY. Howard Fielding's Unique Plan for Warming the Cold World. GIVE BORES A CHANCE TO BORE, Thiem a Chance to Steal and Gamblers a 'Tire Ihing to 11 in. JOTS FOR THE MAN WHO BORROWS THE DIALECT IN LIXSBiirjEE. Many Authors JJaUe a Great Mistake in Not Studyinff Its Use. So we find dialect, as a branch of litera ture, worthy of the high attention and em ployment of the greatest master in letters not of the merest mountebank. Let no im pious faddist, then, assume its just interpre tation. He may know everything else in the world, but not djalect, nor dialectic peo ple, for both of which he has supreme con tempt, which same, be snre, is heartily re turned. Such a "superior" personage may even go among these simple country people and abide indefinitely in the midst of them, yet their more righteous contempt never for one instant permits them to be their real selves in his presence. In consequence, his most conscicntions report of them, their ways, lives and interests, is absolutely of no importance or value in the world. He never knew them, nor will he ever know them. They are not his kind of people any more than he is their kind of a man; and their disappointment grieves ns more than his, says James Whitcomb Eiley in the forum. Many of the truly heroic ancestry of "our best people" grew unquestionably dialect of cast not alone in speech, but in every mental trait and personal address. It is a grievous lact for us to confront, but many ot them wore apparel of the common est, talked loudly and doubtless said "this away" and "thataway," and "Whatchy" doin of?" and "Whur y goin' at?" using dialect even in their prayers to Him who, in His gentle mercy, listened and was pleased; and uho listens verily unto this hour to all like prayers, yet pleaded; yea, haply listens even to the refined rhetorical petitions of those who are not pleased. fWHITTIUr FOB THE DrSPATCH.1 In this charitable season, when the rich, who need nothing, get so many presents, while the poor, who need everything, get an advance of 2 on their rent, I often take an hour to think of the great gifts I would make if I had wealth. I generally wrap a piece of cloth around the clapper of ourbell so that people with bills can amuse them selves without annoying others, and then I sit with half-shut eyes and make every body happy in my mind. Afterward I go out and buy a present for Maude some thing useful, something we can both use, as an umbrella, or an easy chair suited to a Sf 1 1 ''i TEE DISEASES OF ANIMALS, More to suit ms taste. There is some azitation about removing this capital city lowerdown on the main river to Parantins, yet it will hardly be accomplished, as the harbor is superior to any that could be found in the Amazon. Tbe Map-Makers Do If ot Agree. The Brazilians have a capricious way of changing the name of the rivers as thev do their governors and the streets ot their cities. Some ot the recent geographies and maps from Bio indicate the Amazon as only that part of the river between Manaos and tbe sea that nows north of tbe Island of Marajo; all that portion west of the junc tion with the Xegro is marked as the Soli moes, yet despite these makers of rivers on paper, the mighty Amazon will retain its claim to original distinction from the very head waters at the base of tbe Andes to the sea, and at the Bocca, its old gold colored waters force a path for a hundred miles over the bosom of the blue ocean, depositing its tands where will some day perhaps arise another continent, or extend the Amazon valley other leagues to the east. Though the Amazon was ostentatiously declared free to all nations in 181)6, yet but few seem to know that tbe decree of Dom Pedro II literally applies only to what is known as the Amazon proper, and the nu merous and important tributaries with their separate affluents are in themselres equalin size to the upner Amazon, eaeh separately, being far more valuable in natural resources than the main ttreacvarenot yet free to all Reptiles and Birds are Generally Afflicted Than Any Other. London Lancet A contemporary states that cancer is re ported to have made its appearance in one of the ponds of the Dnndin Acclimatization Society of Kew Zealand. American brook trout only have been attacked, and none of the fish suffering from cancer have recov ered. The statement that tbe disease has hitherto been unknown among fish is open to serious doubt. T&zt growths are often found in animals, especially when they have been, kept long in confinement. The animals which die in the gardens of the Zoo logical Society are rarely of much use for dissection, as tbey so 'commonly suffer from tumors of the bones and viscera. Such diseases, probably, also occur in a state of nature, but would most likelv lead to early death, the animal succumbing in the struggle for existence. In fish myxo matous and sarcomatous tnmors have been seen. The fish Platax arthriticus has been known from the time of Hunter as possess ing very commonly, if not always, in the adult dense bony tumors symmetrically dis posed on many of its bones. Beptilcs and birds appear to be the lower animals that are most subject to malignant sarcomatous growths. A Handy Music Fen. A new pea for copying music consists of a pen and penholder with two tubes which project from either end of the pen. very much after the style of the "swizzle stick" which plays an important part in the evolution ot tbe sundry refreshing beverages affected by "West Indians. These tubes are studded at tbe end with pieces of rubber in the shape, respectively, of open and closed music notes, and an ink -pad is also supplied. In writing minims or semibreves the "open" tip is pressed lightly on the pad, and then the characters are quickly dabbed on tbe music lines, and the' "closed" tip serves for crotchets, etc, the upright stroke being made by the pen, Joy for the BUI Collector. person six feet two inches in height and so thin that he must depend for his comfort entirely npon the upholsterer. I am liberal, you see, in real life; but when I fall to dreaming there is really no limit to my generosity. I give to all the people who do not deserve it, and this re quires a great wad of money. I bestow gold pieces upon our janitor, and the sur prise kills him, and he dies very, very hard. This is one of my pleasantest fan cies. The last time I gave him anything in reality it was a half dollar, and I remember chasing him down three flights of stairs in order to borrow-30 cents of it back to pay the iceman. But in the Christmas season of my dreams there is no currency except red gold, and tho beggar on Park Eow by night no longer blesses me for a plugged Canadian dime. A I'erpetnal Two Dollar Loan. The object of such an institution as Christmas is to make people happj and somehow the undeserving have a capacity for enjoyment which is rarely found among tbe good. Take mv friend Jimmie, for instance: Iknow what Jimmie would like for a Christmas present, and he shall have it when my dream comes true. What Jimmie wants is a perpetual two-dollar loan. A lump of monev would afford him no per manent satisfaction, be would probably lend it to some other poor sinner, and never get it back. He conldn't understand "cases," and to get them and spend them, and then want them twice as hard the next day. I will have a machine built for Jim mie, and at any hour of the day or night he shall be able to drop a tale of woe into the slot and get two sinkers. I have comparatively little knowledge of machines, but I think tbat a machine can be built strong enough to take in one of Jimmie's stories without getting seriously out of order. Perhaps it can al'o receive his promise to pay without fail on the following Saturdar and never start a rivet; but I shall not ask the mechanic whoJ mases n to' guarantee tne -macnine in case Jimmie should bring back the money. He always means to do it, bless him, and it does bis heart good to feel the honest, manly determination to prove his gratitude by prompt payment. But the first time he does it the sun and moon will fall out of the sky. If the machine worked without the sto'ry and the promise it would be of no nte to him; so they shall be essential, because I wish to make him bappy, as he hasn't been heretofore, I'm afraid; for, after all, you know, it isn't real" good fun to be a bor rower when people are so stingy with tneir moner. There is a man who tliraji makst as paj his fare when we ride together on the ele vated road. I am going to give him a bushel of tickets. Of course I do not ex pect him to deposit any of tbem in the box, but I think it will give him pleasure to have his pockets full of them when I step up to tbe window to buy for him and for myself. He gets a great deal of fun as it is, by following me up the stairs crying, "Let me eet 'em; I've got a dime right handy!" He couldn't be forced up ahead of me by an hydraulic press. He likes to see me change a bill at the window and receive the handful of strange bogus which the ticket seller always gives, especially if he has previously had the pleasure of rejecting my last dime on the ground that it has been bitten by a mosquito. Then I hold out my hand tnd take Mulberry Bend nickels and flattened bullets and Chinese farthings at a pint and a half to the cent, and fan tan chips and wampum till my pockets bulge out with the worthless stuff. All this the fellow who never pays his fare enjoys to a certain extent, but I want him to get even more fnn out ot it, so I shall give him the tickets. I would like also to do something for the ticket-sellers. and I am thinking of giving each of them a quart of brass suspender buttons, which can be readily passed "as $3 gold pieces by men who have hadr as much practice as they have. The Man TVIio Keeps You From 'Work. I shall remember the man who drops in to tell me stories while I am at work. There will be a new chair in my office for him after Christmas day. It will be stuffed with eider down and upholstered with sticky fly paper, so that he cannot be led away by generous impulse. I am a very hard worker; it is not so hard, I think, for anybody else in this world to work. When I am engaged in finishing something which really must be done two or three days be forebut, of course, I can't, and the old boy will be to pay about it then mv legs Coil sinuously around those of tbe chair: mv tongue hangs out, and buttons fall oil my vest. I used to think tbat nothing could stop me at Mich times no; even the'principles of English grammar. But I had never known McGarragan and his stories in those davs. He is due here now in five minutes, and at least I must finish what I, have to say about him before he arrives, otherwise I might be led to speak of him unkindly. He doesn't like my office chairs, poor fel low. He shall certainly have a new one at Christmas. Making the Typewriter Happy. I shall buy 313 umbrellas for mv type writerfeirl. Probably it will not rain on more davs thtn that during tho coming year. So she will have an umbrella to take out to lunch whenever she leaves hers at home, with the wind east, the sky overcast and the weather bulletins explicit for a clear day. I -shall not tellher that the umbrellas are hers; she will enjoy them more deeply if she thinks they are mine. I will have one readv every day, and I will request her to bring it back within 15 minutes, one win, ot course, leave it in MAS GOOD CHEER Some of the Greatest Cooks of Land Suggest New Dishes. I. the THE TOfiKEY AHD UINCE PIE. Palatable Delicacy for Breakfast and Other iuggestiona. GOOD THINGS FOE THE DBSSERT Next to buying and making articles for Christmas gifts there is no subject of so much interest to lady readers just at this time as that of how to prepare choice dishes for the Christmas dinner. Becog nizing this fact The Dispatch has re quested six of the greatest masters of the art of cooking to favor it with their views on Christmas cookery and their favorite recipes for preparing some choice Christmas dishes. Their replies, printed below, com. prise a most interesting symposium: A Voice From Delmonlco's. The chef- of Delmonico's, New York, writes as follows: Ever since the days- when a huge boar's head, holding a lemon in its mouth, was carried in great state along the whole length of tbe immense banqueting hall to grace the head of the table at the, Christmas din ners of the old feudal barons of Britain, Christmas cookery has occupied a large share of the attention of mankind. There would, seem to be some strongly kindred sympathy between man's heart and his stomach, for whenever the former is filled with iov one of the first thintrs he does is to fill tbe litter with choice edibles, and thus among all people in all countries and all ages of the world it has been the invariable custom td celebrate with a feast every joy ous occasion from a holiday to a wedding. What shall we have for Christmas? Of course we mnst have tnrkey and mince pie, oranges, nuts and raisins, but what can we have that will be newl ' Let me suggest a poor man's temperance plum pudding: Take one cup of' .finely chopped suet, one of milk one of currants, three and a half cups of flour. Mix and add one teaspoontul of soda and spices of all kinds to taste. Beat up to a dough. Put in a pndding dish, place the latter in a steamer and steam tor three hours. This is one of tho most inexpensive of all plum puumns auu a surprisingly good one. xne substitution of currants for raisins is an economy which by no means detracts from the merit of the pudding, For a "Christmas cottage padding" take 14 ounces of suet, four ot currants, five of sugar; a pound and a quarter of flour, the same quantity ot stoned raisins, a quarter butter and flour. Season to taste, add a little port wine and catsup and stew the whole until the turkey is thoroughly done. This will be found a delicious Christmas dish. "For "tnrkey poulec" cut two pounds of lean veal and two of fat bacon, two larze carrots and two onions into a large dish, add one-halt pound fresh butter. Stew till veal is very white and bacon partially melted. Pour over them three pints of boiling broth or water, add four cloves, a small bnnch of thyme and parsley, a bay.leaf and a few grains of white pepper. Boil for an hour and a half, then strain and in the resultant liquor boil a turkey, to which it will impart an indescribably rich and delicious favor. For roast goose sauce put into a saucepan a Ublespoonful ot made mustard, half a tea spoonful of cayenne pepper, a glass ot port wine and a pill of craw. Mix and warm and pour it through a slit in the apron into the goose's body just before serving. AUGUST CHANSOUNSLT, Chef of Welcker's, Washington. --- same quantity oi stonea raisins, a quarter who waits tor her in the shelter of bur doorway on rainy days, bhe shall not know how many uiore umbrellas I have, for that would put a damper on her innocent mirth. No, she shall have just as much fun as in the past, when I had only my wife's umbrella (and forgiving spirit) to depend upon. There is a man who lunches with me al most everv day, upon whom I would like to bestow some token of my regard. His front name is Billy and, judging by the way lie eats, I should say his last name ought to be lioat, out ne travels under an alias, un al ternate days I pay for tbe lunch. ,That seems no more than fair. On the other day he matches quarters with me to see who shsll pay, and lie "sticks" me with a regu larity which I hesitate to ascribe to chance. A Gift for the Matchlnjj Fiend. - I hardly know what to give this friend. It would seem as if so thrifty a man could require nothing. If there is anything he wants, whv doesn't he go and match quar ters for it?. I might givo him an invitation to lunch with somebody else, but that would not express my real feelings toward him. He is an entertaining fellow, and he abstains from paying lor things on principle ana not irom meanness, wnv snouid nnv. body pay for anything when tuere are "solt marks" like me born every minute? I will give him a bottle of old Dr. Manhattan's Perpetual Appetizer. I will get him a quarter with two heads on it, and dated odd on one side and even on the other. He fills his place in the economy of nature. Yes, it is oertainlyin tbe economy department that his place is found. I would remember all such fellows as Billy. They are the men who can be made happy by a present They can appreciate the advantages of acquiring property in that way. Natnre furnished them with this ap preciation, and if we have anything left after they get through, we should give, tuem a part of. it. Why Should we give to )tha generourman 16 the giver? Xo we aend our watches to the blacksmith ? Certainly not; we send them to the pawnbroker. I He knows what to do with them; he has proba bly had them before. Xet us, in like man ner, bestow onr Christmas gifts nporj tho person who knows how to take, who is an expert at it. who takes everything is slcht. This will be a good exercise, in generosity, ana alter you nave uone it once or twice, a nutmeg, a quarter teaspoonful of ginger, tne same or sail ana or cloves in powder; mix these ingredients thoroughly, add four well-beaten eggs 'with a quarter pint of milk, tie the pudding in a well-floured cloth and boil it for four hours. Here is a nice tauce I call "Boasted duck ling sauce"Ar "Chantilly Sanford:" Peel six sour apples, cook them and then pass them through a sieve. Add two ounces of scraped horseradish. Let it get cold. When ready to serve mix with double its volume of whipped cream with a little sugar in it. Serve cold in a sance tureen. The above is a most excellent sauce to serve with ducks and geese. C Rauhofper, Chef of Delmonico's. He Dotes on Plum Padding. The chef of Willard's, Washington, D. C, writes: To my way of thinking there is no better Christmas dish than plum pudding, and there Is practically no limit to the great variety ot ways in which it may be pre pared. It may justly claim one of the old est places in Christmas cookery. It was originally known centuries ago as plum broth or plum pottage oriporridge. Each of the ancient authorities directs tbat a broth of beef or mutton be first made and thickened with brown bread. It is then to be thoroughly boiled, during which process certain prescribed quantities of raisins, cur rants, prunes, cloves, mace and ginger are to be added. Though once so highly popu lar as Christmas good cheer this plum-broth is now wholly obsolete. For the plum pud ding which has succeeded it I think the fol lowing recipe, recently designed by me. will be found one of the very best extant. I may add that it was a great lavorlte with the distinguished lady in whose honor I have named it I call "it Christmas plum pud ding a la Mrs. Harrison. Take of stoned Malaga raisins six ounces; of snet, chopped, six ounces; currants, eight onncei; bread crumbs, three ounces: flour, three ounces; three eggs; a smali blade of mace; one-sixth of a "nutmeg, and same quantity of cinnamon, all pulverized finely; half a teaspoonful of salt: half nint of milk; sugar, lour ounces, and a glass of sherry wine. Add one ounce of citron, chopped fine; one orange cut into small pieces, and candied lemon one ounce. Beat eggs and spices well together; -mix the milk with them by degrees, then tho other in gredient!. Dip a fine closely spun linen cloth into boiling water, and put it in a hair sieve. Flour it a little, pour in the mixture and tie it up close. Put it into a saucepan containing six quarts of.boiling water, and keep filling it up with boiling water as it boils away.' Must boil six hours at least Yosep Butleube, Chef ofWillard'i, Washington. tCOBBESFOKCXXCX OT TOT DISPATCT1.1 Berlin, Dec. It OME of the finest buildings of Berlin belong to -the brew eries, and the beer business here is fast going into big stock companies. The Nurenbnrger Drew ery has lately com pleted, at a cost of several hundred thousand dollars, a palatial beer hall and restaurant on Friederichs strasie, and there are a num ber of other equally expensive establish ments here. In the Nurenbnrg Hof every thing is fitted out after the style of a hun dred years aga The paintings on the walls are by the best artists of Germany. The iron work is wrought in old patterns, and the immense five-story building is a verita ble museum. I got my dinner in it the other night and I found it crowded with all classes of Ger mans, who, singly and in families, sat around the tables of its various rooms and drank beer. It is the same almost any honr of the afternoon or evening, and the beer saloon is to a large extent tbe parlor of the Beriihese. You find beer balls in every block, and every night 500,000 beer glasses are emptied again and again by the people of this city, and 1,000,000 lips smack them selves together as the amber-colored liquor flows down their 500,000 gullets. An Average or Forty Gallons Each. The beer drnnken by tb.e Germans almost surpasses conception. This nation swallows enough every year to make a lake more than a mile square and more than six feet deep, and the amount is so great that it averages more than 40 gallons annually to every man, woman and child in the coun try. There are ten glasses of beer swal lowed in Berlin to every glass of water, and the average beer glass here is about six inches high and it holds nearly a quirt Some Germans thinK nothing of drinking several of these glasses in an evening and there are thousands of men in this city who drink two gallons of beer every day of their lives and I hear of men who drintc from a dozen to 18 quarts every day, year in and year out A student who does not drink 10 or 12 qnarts at a sitting is looked upon asa baby and I see young men here every night who get away with enough beer to fill 40 or 50 glasses of the American size. The women drink with the men, though they do not consume the beer in such great quantities, and babies are given ueer to urinK nere as soon as tney are weaned, and they drink it to the day of their deaths. It is interestine to note the manner of drinking. The beer is served either in large glasses or in stone mugs with covers upon them, and it is not uncommon for a man to pass his mng to his friend and for a man and his wife to drink out of the same mug. Drinking is always done slowly, and xtie stocc companies who own the brew enes are making money, and the English capitalists have been investing to a large extent in German brewing stock even as they have done in American stock. By the way, i understand that the American brew eries bought by the English are paying satisfactory dividends and that their stock is considered valuable in London. I visited some of the breweries in Ger many and I find that beer is made here much,the same way -it is' in the United States. It is against the law to use any thing else than hops, barley and water in making it, -and the breweries are run mucn less expensively here than in America. Even in the largest establishments the mas ter brewers do not get more than 55,000 a year and in the small breweries thev re ceive from 51,000 to $1,500 a year. First class helpers get 530 a month and second class not more than 520. The most of these men lodge In the brewery and they have the right to drink from six to eight quarts of A. Glass of Weiss Beer. A Picture One Sets Every Day. the really deserving msy'stand a ohan getting lometbtng out oi you. h.q'wasd Fold; ot New Christmas Dishes Not Eay. .The chef of Welcher's, of Washington writes: To give new recipes for Christmas dishes is not so easy a task as thenninitiated might imagine. There are certain dishes that have long been considered sacred to Christmas, and no new ones, however excellent, that the most transcendant cnlinary cenius conld devise can ever hope to displace them. Mince pie, for instance. Even its very name has been a subject of fierce con tention. Tbe Kuglish Puritans, of Oliver Cromwell's time, insisted that it should be called mince and not Christmas pie, and at length positively prohibited its concoction and consumption, devoting a great deal of superfluous energy to "putting it down" in a prohibitory not a gastronomic sense, and being bitterly lampooned for their pains by the satirical poets of the time, one of whom thus delivers himself: AU plrrms the prophets' sons deny. And tpice broths are 400 hot; Treason's in a Decoinoer pie, And death within tbe pot. Co-equal with mince pie in popular favor as a Christmas dish is turkey, which we are always accustomed to see upon the Christ mas dinner table n tbe form of a roast, but this is by no means the only wav in which it may be suitably prepared for "Christmas cheer. Forthe approaching holidays I have designed a new dish which, I call "Turkev Harrico. " Cut all the dark meat from a large, fat tnrkey. Stew for a few minutes in a little brown gravy sonp; have ready some carrots, turnips, celery and onions. Fry them in butter for Some 'time, then add them to tho turkey stew and thicken it wit From Boston's Most Famous Chet The chef of Young's, Boston, replies thus: X do not think tbat dinner and supper should be slighted on Christmas any more than on any othar day. I will give for my first recipe directions for making a deli cious dish for the Christmas breakfast ta ble. Turkey and Potato Croquettes Cut the meat of one tnrkey, mash about eight po tatoes, chop finely six hard boiled eggs, mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper to taste and add a gill white wine, shake into oroqiiittes and brown nicely in butter. Terrapin a la Maryland Cook terrapin well before taking meat from the shell, then cut the meat into one inch pieces, place in a saucepan on a hot range with an ounce of fresh butter, season with a pinch' of red pepper and salt.cook for five minutes, then add a glass of sherry wine, add yolks ot three egzs well beaten 'with a half pint sweet cream, shuffle all together till it thickens a little and serve quickly. HEP.MAJT J. Beeghaus, Chef of Young's Hotel, Boston. Notes on Christmas Cakes. Ebbitt House, Washington, chef The says: It is a poor Christmas without good Christmas cakes, and I present herewith some new recipes for tbe same, which will be fouud excellent Christmas Cakes a la Betorm take half pound raisins, one egg, half pound warm butter, a teaspoonful pounded cinnamon, i pounds flour, thrjie-quarters pound sugar, and make into J stiff paste with a Iittlu milk. Koll thin, cut in round cakes and bake in slack oven. Christmas cjUes a la Blaine Butter one pound, flour two poun is, raisins half pound, currants half pound, moist sugar one pound, two beaten eggs,quarter pound figs chopped fine. Make the whole into a paste, roll thin, cut in round cake3 and bake five minutes in a moderate oven. JOUGE LYSLE3, Chef of Ebbitt House, Washington. The weight required to crush a square inch ot brick varies from 1.200 to 1,500 yvuuua. the beer is taken in sip by sip, some per sons pftcn taking three-quarters of an hour for a glass of beer. "Why They Do Not Get Drnnk. In this way the blood is heated np slowly by the drinking, and there is no drunken ness. The beer glasses are of uniform size, regulated by law, and there are halt classes. as well as the ordinary schooner. The law provides 'that the cus'tomera shall get full glasses of beer and not foam, and as an in stance of the economy of the Germans there is, near the top of each glass, within abont one-eighth of an inch of its rim, a kittle cut made with affile, and the law provides that the beer without foam must rise to this point I have seen ladies and gentlemen grow very angry and send back their glasses when the foam reached below this, and there is no chance of making a fortune here out ot beer gas lor beer. Beer is universally used in Berlin at meals and it is not an uncommon thing to find it at the breakfast table. It is drunken at all the restaurants and a German concert wonid be incomplete without a glass or so to wash the musio into your soul. We sit. up late at night here and tbe average time ot going to bed is long after 10 o'clock. It is safe to say that three-fourths of the peo ple spend their evenings in the beer gar dens and all sorts of societies meet in gar- dens and in saloons and drink beer while they hold their discussions. The drinking is by no nrans confined to the lowest classes aud the Kaiser himself is said to be fond of bock beer and to be able to get away with his full share ot the liquid. A Flttsbnrg Girl in JTnedrlchsrnhe. Bismarck is fond of beer, and he has a restaurant connected with his estate at Friedrichsruhe, wbich is run by a German girl who has lived some time in America, and who was a resident ot Pittsburg. I got ssveral glasses of beer here during my visit to Bismarck, and the German maiden told me that Bismarck often came in dur ing his walks and took a glass of beer flesh from the wood. He would takiit out into the little garden and sit down at a table and sip it, and he would then come back and take two of these immense glasses and carry them off to his house. The moment I alighted Irom the train I saw a servant carrying a glass of beer up to the old Prince, and just as I was about to leave I san Bismarck's cook and one of his serv ants clinking their glasses at the gate lead in'irom the grounds to the saloon. I took a kodak picture ot them, and the German girl insisted that I should take anotber'and put her into it, which I did. Ak7reat deal of liavanan beer is druncen heretin Berlin and Bavaria makes, perhaps, the best beer in the worl.i. The Hof Brau Haus at Munich ships its beer everywhere aud Bavaria makes about one-eighth of all the beer that is used in Europe. It turns out nearly 9,000,000 barrels of beer every year mid it drinks $G,OUO,OU0 worth of beer annually. The Bavarians drink more beer than any other people in the world, and the average Munich man drinks from one to two quarts dailv and ali the Bavarian men over 16 average thrge quarts a day. There was a festival not long ago at one ot the Munich breweries which was attended by 800 persons, and these guejts during that evening drank 600 gallons of beer, or about three quarts and a half apiece. The Nuren bnrg beer is largely used here and the Pils ner beer is also drunken to a large extent Berlin itself makes excellent beer, and the breweries both here and oyer the rest of beer a day, while master brewers can drink as mnch as 20 quarts or can give or sell this amount to.their friends. The taxation on beer is one of the great resources of Ger man revenue and everything connected with beer pays a tax. Tbe queerest beer 1 have ever seen is the famons Berlin product, known as Weiss bier or white beer, and I shall not forget my first experience with it A man con nected with our consulate asked me if I would not have a glass and he took me to a "white beer" faloon and ordered a conpla of glasses of white beer. A moment later the waiter brought them. Each glass was big enough for a baby's bath tub and there seemed to be fully two quarts of beer in ic It was the color of golden syrup and the foam which ran over the top' was as whits as snow. Each glass was abont e'ght inches in diameter, and I am snra that the con tents of mine would have filled tbe crown ofmypluehat I had to take m tn-n hands to lift the glass to my mouth and I can't say tbat I liked the beer as well as ourlage'ror the Bavarian product Tho white beer is largely foam, and it is not un common for the Germans to drink four qnarts of it at a sitting. It is not so heavy as the Bavarian beer and a great deal of it can be drunken without intoxication. It is shipped from here all over Germany and quite a good deal of it is exported to tha United States. The Walter Girls or Germany. A large number of the beer restaurants here have girls.for waiters, and, as with tha barmaids of Jjondon, the prettier the girl the easier she gets an engagement There is one noted beer cellar known as the Elyssenm ""'"i ima nuuui. -o gins in its empiov,rang ing in ace from 16 to 2i These girls are very pretty, and you go in and order a glass of beer orsoraething to eat, and the maiden who brings it expects to sit down and chat with you, and she will not at all object if you ask her to drink or eat with you. I have taken several meals at the Elyssenm, and I ated one of the girls the other night as to howshe liked her position! She told me sha did not like it very well, but she could not help herself. Said she: "I have to drink with any man who asks me beciuse itmeans an extra sale for tha house, and this drinking and eating at all hours of the day so disarranges my digestive apparatus that it takes away mv appetite. It used to be they kept us" here till long after 12 o'clock, but the laws now provide that we shall close at 11, and it is not so bad. Our wages are about a mark a day, and they are not enough to sup port us." There are numbers of other places of this kind in Berlin, of different stages of re spectability, and they are largely frequented by the students and other young men abont the town. In some of the better class restaurants girls are employed as waiters, though the average waiter here is a man in a swallow-tail coat There ara more swallow-tail coats in Europe to the square inch than there are to the squara The Student Takes H Regularly. acre over the rest of the world, and tha majority of these belonc to the waiters. Even tbe smallest hotels bere keep their waiters in full dress, and, in fact, the best dressed and almost the best looking men yon see in Europe are the waiters. Feaxk G. Cabpexteb. THE DK4WBACK3 TO FOOTBALL. One 30 Philadelphia Doctor Alone Bas Cases Under fits Treatment. Philadelphia Tlmei.l Because the men on the opposite sides in the field are not seen squaring off and strik ing at each other in regular Sullivaa-Cor-bett style, it does not follow that there are not scientific ways in which in the tussles a team can bo materially weakened or some particular aggressive member of it disabled. Let any man in fair condition be suddenly thrown to tbe ground and then have one or two heavy men, or it may be seven or eight, or even more, fall aud throw their weight on him. Possibly bis hand may be under one of their feet, or in the fall one of their forearms may have choked him across the neck. How much wind and energy will an average man have atter one such experience as that? And yet it is a common football experi ence. Many a man is hurt more in a foot ball fight than he cares to admit, and so he makes light of it and plays on tor the sake ot tbe college or team and from self-pride. But games appear to be growing rougher, and there are a great many "accidents" and injnries, and, taking all the teams in and around Philadelphia, it would lie astonish ing if the extent of the injuries received in football were known. There is one doctor in Philadelphia who bas on hUlist 30 cases ofinjurvat football, and they are nearly all cases requiting surgical treatment How to Restore Frozen Potatoes. Frozen potatoes can be restored to pala tableness by peeling them and letting them lie in a cool place with plenty of cold water poured over them. In 24 hours all the sugar which has been formed during the freezing process will have been removed, andihs potatoes can how be boiled in fresh rwater and will be found to be perfectly palataUtf " rf