Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 18, 1892, Image 1

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    24 PAGES;
He Practically Eepeats the
Confession as Made by
Patrick Gallagher.
The Witness Swears That Master
Workman Peinpsey, of the K. of
L, Furnished the Powder.
Allegation That the fame Drag- Had Broken
a Strike in CKicajo S'ome
Tears Before.
Beatty Held for Court In $5,000 At
torney Brennen "Insists That His Cli
ent Should Be Released Alderman
McHasters Doesn't Think So The
Prisoner Looks Nervous Story of a
Homestead Reception Where Host
and Guests Were Poisoned Getting
Close to Gallagher's Location A De
tective's Vigil Anxiouj to Give
Truthlul Testimony Davidson Taken
Off a River Beat at Night Kept Con
cealed in Pittsburg.
Robert Beatty, charged with complicity
in the alleged poisonius of non-union work
men and others at Homestead last summer
as, at a hearing helore Alderman Mc
Masters yesterday afternoon, held in 55,000
hail for triai at court. Jn'deiault of bail
the prisoner as sent to jail. His friends
are confident that the required bond will "be
supplied on Monday.
The preliminary hearing of the charges
acainst Beatty attracted a crowd to Alder
man McM asters' oflice. Both rooms it the
place were crowded, and in the gathering
were lawyers, business men and workmen.
3Iost of those present had been attracted by
curiosity, but there were a few friends and
iormer associates of the accused, who were
there to satisfy their personal interest in
the trial. None of the local labor leaders
The hearing, which had been fixed for 2
o'clock, did not begin nu til 2:39. The pros
ecution was anxious to have the District
Attorney present at least to hear the evi
dence offered. Mr. Burleigh did not. put j
an appearance, however. He was detained
in the Court House until late in the Even
ing. Hearty Appeared to Be Anxious.
Captain E. Y. Brcck represented the
prosecution, while "W. J. Brennen looked
after the interests of the accused. "When
Beatty, the prisoner, was biought into the
Alderman's office Pat Farrcll, who had
charge ot him, had to use his huge shoul
ders in lorcing a way through the crowd.
Beatty looked haggard. His lips were
white and nervous He had a fright pned
look in his eyes. He was dressed in dark
norking clothes. His face was unshaven,
and he appeared by no means at his best.
His hair is liberally sprinkled with gray,
and his mustache, of the sarin hue, is tinged
the same. He wore a reddish hat that
matched his complexion.
"When Beatty was first brought in he
looked anxiously over the crowd, but could
gee no one with whom he was acquainted
save his attorney. Later on several ot his
friends dropped in, shook hands with him
and spoke encouragingly to him.
"It's all risht," said Beatty to one of his
friends. "They can't prove anything
on me."
"When the hearing opened Beatty was as
signed to a scat near his attorney and dur
ing the inquiry the two consulted fre
quently. The testimony developed prac
tically sustained the confession of
Gallagher, printed exclusively in The
Dispatch on Wednesday morning.
Datidgon Couldn't lie bhaken.
J. lit Davidson was the first witness
called. He is 50 years old. His hair is
white as snow. He was born and has spent
all his life in Pittsburg. He is a pro
fessional river cook and steward. He had
been a party to the alleged attempt at
poisoning and he made a good witness. He
knew his story well and after he had told it
no amount of cross-questioning could shake
Mr. Davidson told of Ins acquaintance
with Robert Beatty, the accused. He had
known him lor three years. He then iden
tified the prisoner, and told of their meet
ings at which arrangements were made to
poison the coflee and tea given to the non
union workmen at Homestead. The wit
ness told of his first meeting with Pat Gal
lagher, who had suggested the poisoning
and who had taken the witness Irom where
they met on Wood street to IC ot L. hall,
where they met Mr. Beatty and Mr. Demp
tey, who, the witness said, was introduced
is the Master Workman of the dis
trict While at the K. ot L.
hall, the witness said, they talked
of the scheme to poison the men. Beatty
suggested that crotoa oil be used in the
poisoning, but the irltness said he recog
nized the oil as a deadly poison and had
positively refused to aid in its use. Beatty,
the witness said, told him that he was to
put the stufi in the iood to break the strike.
Had Urokcn a Strike Before.
Dempsey then suggested the use of a
certain powder, which he said had been
successfully used in breaking a strike in
Chicago, but the witness said Beatty in
sisted on the use of crotonoil.and explained
that the cooks could carry it iii a small
bottle in their pockets aud with the tips of
their fingers rub it on the dishes used by the
workmen. Dempsey, however, insisted on
the use of the powders and explained that
their use in Chicago had broken the strike
in four days.
"Did Dempsey or Beatty agree to pay
i , . . w '.... I
: . t?.HiXn?szz: '
you for going to Homestead and adminis
tering the poison?" Captain Breck asked.
"Yes." the witness replied. "Mr. Demp
sey agreed to pay us 50 eRch and all our
expenses. Afterward Beatty told us that
besides the ?50 which Dempsey agreed to
pay us he would buy us a gold watch and
chain for our work."
"Did you and Gallagher accept the propo
sition?" was asked.
"Yes. Three days later Gallagher went
to Homestead and got a job in the cooking
department inside the works. About two
weeks later I went to Homestead and also
got a job in the cook house. I did not meet
Gallagher when I first went up. He had
gone away the dav before I arrived, but he
returned and continued his work two days
Took the Ponders Into the Mill.
"Did you take any of the poison with
"Yes. Beatty gave me a package at IC
of L. Hall which he said contained the
poison. I took the package to Gallagher
and saw him open it In the package were
cine powders."
"Were the powders used?"
"I could Dot sav. I gave them to Gal
lagher for that purpose. I did not use any
of them."
"Did you get any other powders?"
"I did not, but I was with Gallagher when
lie got a bottle of the powders Irom Dempsey
in the K. of L. Hall. The bottls was about
the size of a horse radish bottle, but it was
not entirely full. Demsey explained that
thtre was enough for three powders."
"Did Dempsey explain how the powders
were to be used?"
"Yes. He said that one powder would
be enough lor every 30 gallons of tea or
coffee. There were about 3)4 teaspooululs
in each powder. "
"Was anything said about how often the
powders were to be used?"
Alleged Conspirators Beport ''regress.
"No, nothing was said about that Gal
lagher and myself met Beatty on Water
street and rent "with hitfl to IC of L. Hall,
wherj Gallagher told Dempsey that the
nowders were working successfully. Demp
sey then promised to get more powders.
Gallagher said he had used the powders at
No. 1 cook house. I quit work up there on
October 15 because No. 1 cook house was
closed up."
The witness then detailed another meet
ing he and Gallagher had with Beatty.
The three met at Cavanaugh's saloon, where
they had taken a drink. They walked up
town and had finally stooped at Gallagher's
room, No. 151 Second avenue, where they
stayed for an hour and a half. They talked
freely of the attempt to poison the non
union men. They talked of the powders,
and Beatty explained that the ponders were
made ot turkey rhubarb, catarrhal snuff and
some other stufi which Beatty said he could
not give away.
"Did you receive the pay promised vou?"
"No Gallagher presented a bill of ?25 for
expenses. My expenses were S14. They
paid the expense account but did not have
the money to pay the 550. They said their
fund was exhausted. Beatty then said the
powders were not successful, meaning that
thev had not succeeded in breaking the
Tirst Experience as a rolsoner.
The witness was then cross-examined by
Mr. Brennen. A strong eflort was made to
confuse the witness and nave him contra
dict himself but to no efiect The cross
questiou, however, brought out that of the
514 paid the witness Beatty had
paid $2 and Dempsey 12. He said
he had never been employed at
administering poison before. Gallagher
had suggested the work at Homestead to
him. Mr. Brennen plied the witness fast
and furious with questions. He developed
nothing, but succeeded in having the direct
testimony repeated. The witness said he
had been arrested in Gallagher's room and
had been taken to a room in the St. Nicho
las building, where he was sworn and
where he had told about the same story
that had been offered in evidence.
"At first," the witness said, "I hesitated
to make a confession, but I found that thev
had all my movements down in black and
white, and when they flashed the paper on
me I had to 'fess up."
J. H. Ford, a Pinkerton detective, was
the next witness. He had practiced his
profession in securing the confession from
Davidson and Gallagher, and he was the
target for some hot qnestions at the hands
of Attorney Brennen. Ford, however,
could not be confused, and nil the pointed
questions met with pointed answers.
How the ! lnkerton Worked.
The witness told of his having a room
adjoining that occupied by Gallagher.
The room was used as a sleeping room for
a detective employed by the witness. He
had followed Gallagher, Davidson and
Beatty and in the adjoining room he over
hcard'the conversation of the three regard
ing the poisoning at Homestead and the
powder used for the purpose. He heard
Gallagher say that if Dempsey was at
home to buy more of the powder the
strike could be won. He heard Beatty say
he didn't think so He subsequently heard
another conversation between the same
parties at the same place. He heard Gal
lagher ask what was in the powders and
Beatty answer that he would go to Home
stead the next dar and get the recipe for
making the powders. He also hea'-d Gal
lagher agree to pay 55 for the recipe, as
Gallagher said he could go out West where
a miners' strike was in progress aud make
money out ot the recipe.
"Where were you when you heard this?"
Captain Brcck asked.
"I was in the next room with the door
partially open."
Denied Coaching Patrick Gallagher.
The cross-examination of the witness
brought out but little. The witness ad
mitted that he was a Pinkerton man, and
said he was now living at the Hotel
Schlosser. He said he knew exactly where
wMS TM8. 1 L-gf'
vy 7 W imm n rsisa diP
Gallagher was. He had talked with him
during the day. He denied .having coached
Gallagher when Gallagher, Davidson and
Beatty were in the room within his hear
ing. The witneis explained that bis busi
ness took him all over the country, but that
his wife was living at 42 EasMwenty-third
street. New York City. He said Davidson
had not been drinking the night ne made
the statement- Gallagher was not em
ployed by the Pinkertons.
"When did you see Gallagher?" Mr.
Brennen asked.
"This alternoon."
"At Fourth avenue and Grant street"
"On the stree't or in a building?"
"In a building."
"What building?" '
"The St. Nicholas building."
"What part of it?"
"Room 39."
"Who occupies that room?"
"I don't know."
"Yes you da"
Wanted to Be Certain.
"No I,don't I must know who pays the
rent before I can swear who owns the
"Then yon swear you don't know who oc
cupied that room?"
"I will answer that question," Captain
Breck broke in.
"It's not necessary," Mr. Brennen said.
"The witness knows and lie must tell. He
is willing to swear to anything."
The witness refused to answer the ques
tion and he was dismissed. While the lit
tle tilt was in progress Mr. Brennen and
the witness had their faces close together,
and each was shaking his fingerat the other.
Louis Wolfes was steward ot restaurants
No. 1 and 5 at the Homestead works. He
testified that the men got suddenly sick,
and he suspected that something was
wrong. Gallagher was working in the
night turn in No. 1 restaurant. On Thurs
day, September 8, the witness' wile arrived
at the works and he gave a little party to
30 or 40 of his friends in honor of her ar
rival. Sickened Many of His Guest.
Alter this supper a number of those who
attended were taken sick, including him
self and his wife, who was reduced from
140 to CS pounds And she is still "sick aud
liable to die at any moment The witness
himself was reduced over 30 pounds. The
sickhess consisted-of cramp and vomiting.
On cross-examination Mr. Wolies said
that food furnished was good and whole
some. J. O. Nesbett and W, H. Bullock both
testified to attending the supper given by
Mr. Wolfes and being taken violently sick
after it with cramps, etc. Mr. Bullock was
still in the hands of a physician. Mr. Bren
nen could get nothing new out of these wit
nesses. At'the conclusion of their testimony Mr.
Brennen asked for the discharge of his cli
ent on the ground that nothing bad been
proven against him. The Alderman thought
differently, and Beatty was committed to
jail in default of 55,000 bail for trial at
Davidson Removed From a Biver Steamer
at Cincinnati A Detective Went After
Hun In a Skiff Brought Eack to Fltts
hnrs. Ever since the poison story cropped out
the greatest curiosity has been exercised by
people to cet a glimpse of Pat Gallagher
and Davidson, the principal witnesses relied
on by the Carnegie Company to prove their
case. These men were carefully kept in the
back-ground, aud it was impos
sible to reach either of them.
They suddenly 'disappeared 'from
their daily haunts, and were shipped on the
raging bosom of the Ohio to lower ports.
Davidson left the city last Sunday as a
cook on one of the river boats. His destina
tion was Louisville where it was intended
to have him in time to testify against
Beatty. The name of the boat is withheld,
but it is supposed to be the Onward.
At any rate the vessel reached Cincin
nati about G o'clock Thursday evening.
The boat did not run into the landing,and a
Pinkerton detective yent out into mid
stream in a skill and took Davidson off. The
witness was rather timid, aud not inclined
to go. He was taken to the Gibson House,
and in company with his man the detective
started for Pittsburg, reaching here Friday
morning. To avoid being seen they got off
the train at Fourth avenue. It was quite
dark and few people were moving on the
streets. The detective put Dvvidson under
cover until he was produced at the hearing
yesterday afternoon.
A DiSPATcn man met Davidson and the
detective in Cincinnati The detective
spoke, and when they,had passed Davidson
was anxious to know who was the stranger.
Meeting the correspondent again at the
Panhandle depot the river cook was pretty
badly frightened, and hesitated about go
ing on the train. The detective assured
him that everything was all right and he
need have no fear. Davidson was fearful
he would be the victim of a job, and was
constantly on his guard. The man did not
feel satisfied until he arrived in Pittsburg,
and disappeared with the detective in
the darkness on Fourth avenue. David
sou had been posted and could not be in
duced to talk about the case.
Fresh Territory Developed In Ohio Which
May Yield Oil, Also.
CA3IBIUBGE, O., Dec. J.7. Special.
An entirely new area of gas territory, and
perhaps a new oil field, has been opened by
a strike made to-day on lands leased by the
Pebble Oil and Gas Company in the Cam
bridge district.
The old wells in this region lie north and
east of Cambridge, and this well is five
miles south of "this place iu a new field,
where there has been little or no prospect
ing, although the pool has been practically
drilled out to the north. The gas pressure
in the new well js tremendous, arid oper
ators are, eagerly canvassing the reported
oil shoningsin connection with it.
MR.BLAINEJNCURABLE. . . Jf 0S.W 11111 ff QnnU 1
Feels MuCll Aggrieved , Be- the ekticence op his physicians yCX? &$k"tl-"Tl In-MM' I H ILL DUUIVI 1
cause ne is ireatea as a . AUk WP'-"" IPS Wi nnn ni.Iflf
flnmnini. Mnol WhftelavvKeld His Only Visitor Testerday K.HBA .SsSjSSlsWKIhV'- 'H- Bli W 1 1 1 I Ul I M N ft I
A DUEL IS UJNE KtiBUL-T Washington. Dec. iwwl:hms Y ,ypIW VV C5 OT1'"' & Ml
Of the lively Debate in the French
Chamber on the Scandal
Faron Cottn I eaves Vienna, and Herz Is
Comfortsole in London.
Paris, Dec 17. M. Charles de Lesseps
and his fellow prisoners, arrested for con
nection with the Panama Canal frauds, pro
tested to-day against the rigid seclusion to
which they are subjected in the Mazas
prison. They said they were confined like
common criminals, and subjected to the
same treatment as robbers, and they de
manded the privilege of being allowed to
see visitors. The examining magistrate
promised tcrfcnsider the request after he
bad examined documents relating tp their
It is rumored that several of the Parlia
mentary reporters will be arrested as agents
in the corruption of legislators, and several
of these reporters are already under sur
veillance. An entry in one of the books of ThierreeS:
Co., the Coullisee firm, shows that Joseph
Reinach, son-in-law of Baron Reinach, re
ceived 40,000 fraucs from the firm. Joseph
Reinach says he received the money as a
dowry, and that he is willing to return the
amount to the liquidator ot the Panama
Canal Company, if it can be shown that the
money came irom the company's funds.
The offices of the newspapers which re
ceived money from the Panama Canal Com
pany will be searched at once, and unless
it is found that the money was entirely ex
pended in advertising, trie proprietors or
others who accepted the money will be prose
cute;'. A duel,growing out of Thursday's heated
debate in the Chamber of Deputies, was
fought to-day. Deputy Arene, Republican,
haying challenged Deputy Gabriel, Bou
langist Tno shots were exchanged, but
nobody was hurt
Baron Cottu, one of the accused directors
of the Panama Capal Company, who fled
from Paris to Vienna to escape "arrest, left
the latter city to-night.
Cornelius Herz, who is wanted in con
nection with the Panama frauds, is iu
London. He writes to his colleagues in
Paris and to the committee that he will re
turn presently, but not just now; he is too
ill. He is at the Burlington Hotel
and the doors to his rooms are
guarded by his personal servants. His
family is with him. They take their meals
at their room and go out very Httle. Herz
made his first money in California, where
he practiced as a doctor. He saved 520,000
and then came to Europe, where he made a
fortune, through his connection with lobbj-
isu iu promoting electrical, enterprises.
The Delegates' at Brussels Agree to Adjourn
Till May, Next Year.
Lonbon, Dec. 17. The Brussels corre
spondent of The Dispatch telegraphs to
night that the delegates to the Monetary
Conference are almost unanimously of the
opinion that some practical plan ot dealing
with the monetary problem can be agreed
upon when the conference reassembles in
It is significant that the delegates almost
unanimously to-day voted against the disso
lution of the conference. It is said this is
the result of the instructions from govern
ments which have retused to consider any
of the plans thus far advanced. The
American delegates agree that the real re
sults of the conference will come from
their missionary work.
Tne conference to-day adopted a motion
made by M. de Renzi, declaring.that while
reserving final adjustment of the questions
submitted, the conference expresses grati
tude to the United States for affording an
opportunity to study anew the present posi
tion of silver. The motion declares that
the conference agrees to suspend its labors,
and, subject to the approval of the Govern
ments represented, resume its sittings on
May 13.
At LeastTn-o Lives Lost and a If umber of
Fe'ople Injured.
Cincinnati,. Dec. 18 2 a. m. Special'
One of the most serious wrecks in the
history of the Cincinnati Southern Railway
if present reports are reliable, and the
fact that two men from this city are known
to be dead indicate they are occurred yes
terday at noon, 120 miles south of this city.
Express No. 1 left Cincinnati in the morn
ing on a new schedule, three hours earlier
than heretofore. By some blunder freight
19 left Somerset, Ky., on the old schedule,
and without any orders for No. 1. At
noon both trains were approaching Kinney,
a hamiet on a curve around a high hill that
prevented the trainmen seeing each other
until the trains almost met.
The track is down grade from both direc
tions to Kinney, and both trains were going
full speed when they crushed into each
other. The engines were mashed into
shapeless masses and every car of the ex
press derailed. Just how many are
Killed and wounded will not be
known until a train bearing General
Superintendent Carroll can arrive from the
scene. Specials irom Lexington say it is
reported there that there are ten dea'i. A
rumor here says nine. Express Messenger
Facin and his assistant, Gilligan, are dead.
One mail agent, both engineers and firemen
and several passengers are reported seri
ously injured.
His Lecturo Tonr Failing, Ho Comes Back
at His Party.
Philabelphia, Dec. 17. Ex-Senator
John J. Ingalls, of Kansas, was in the city
to-night He had engaged to speak at
West Chester this evening, but received a
telegram from his manager stating that
only 50 tickets had been sold, and the
lecture was consequently declared off. Con
versing upon the result ot the recent elec
tion Mr. Ingalls said there were 23 distinct
"isms" in the late campaign, either one of
which wps sufficient to change the existing
state of aff.iirs.
"The Republican party," he continued,
"is now at that stage of its history where,
it is without leaders and without hope, and
must s'tart anew and build itself up. It
gave no evidence in the past campaign, that
there was a' single politician in its ranks
who undergto'od tliep'u'rebasiness of modern
"WhitelawKeld His Only Visitor Yesterday
The Doctors Beport No Change in
Their Distinguished Patient's Condition'
During the Tast 48 Hours.
'Washington; Dec. 17. Special Mr.
Blaine, while still a very sick man, was
able to-day to receive a call from Whitelaw
Eeid. Mr. Reid was here to-day princi
pally to close hg affairs with the State De
partment growing out of his connection
with the diplomatic service as United
States Minister to France. After trans
acting hi business with J. W. Foster, Mr.
Eeid proceeded to the White House, where
he had a short but pleasant conversation
with the President The interview did not
last more than five or ten minutes.
From the White House Mr. Reid went to
the residence of ex-Secretary Blaine, which
is, bat a lew steps away. Mr. Blaine re
ceived the ex-Minister to France very
cordially, and subsequently invited him to
visit Mr. Blaine in the sick room. Mr.
Reid declined to speak of Mr. Blaine's
condition, further than to say that he be
lieves him to be very sick.
Dr. Johnson, when seen to-night, said
there had beeu no change in Mr. Blaine's
condition during the past 48 hours. Two
days ago the doctor stated that his patient
was not as well as he was on the previous
day. The point has been reached where
the doctors are cautious in their prognosti
cations. Dr. Johnson does not care to mis
lead anyone with regard to the actual con
dition of Mr. Blaine, yet he has promised
the members of the family that he will not
make any statement of the case except
with their approval.
Tlieie is less animation visible within the
Blaine house to-night than usual. At an
early hour the ' downstairs blinds were
closed, and only a dim light glimmered
from two of the many windows on the sec
ond floor. On the third floor there was a
light in one of the back windows. Other
wise the usually brilliantly illuminated
residence was in darkness as early as 10
It seems almost impossible to get any
definite information concerning the recent
consultation between Drs. Janeway, of
New York, and Taylor, of Philadelphia.
Tne latter attended Mr. Blaine at Bar Har
bor with the family physician, Dr. John
son. Tne latter positively refuse to admit
or deny that such a consultation took place,
although it Is said upon excellent authority
mat tnree physicians made a careful ex
amination of Mr. Blaine and pronounced
his case incurable.
The following statement is given to the
pres-s by Dr. "W. W. Johnson, with the
approval of Mr. Blaine's family:
Sir. lilaino has been suffering for some
timn past with symptoms of impaired un
cial Health which Uiu not clearly indicate
disease of any particular organ. Evidences
of local omanic disease liuvo been mani
fested ecentlv, and it is lielieved his liios
ent condition 13 due to this cause. While
there 13 nothing iu the uature of this dis
ease to wairant the fear of any rapid prog
loss, he has shown within a montupast moie
sixim of serious illness than helore. It is
hoped that this aggravation may pass off,
but no positive statement can now be made
as to the changes which may take place
tiom day to day. At the piesont moment he
is better than lor weeks past
A Proposition to Court Martial Those Who
Bolt Their Own Ticket
Topeka, Dec. 17. John F. Willetts,
Western organizer ot the Industrial Legion
J of jlhe .West, ibrroed a local company of the
j- wwuiiaif iuimoi j vigauiMVJUii ucrc iu-uav,
TBeftdttslnal Legion of the United States
was authorized by the annual convene
tion of the Farmers' Alliance at Mem
phis, and is an intensely partisan
affair. The first State to be organized is
Kansas. On his return from Metnphis.Mr.
Willetts organized a company at McLouth,
aim yesterday a company at Valley Falls.
An attempt will be made to get all who
voted the People's party ticket Into the
now organization. One section in the con
stitution provides that any member who
fails to vote for the Pepulist nominees run
ning on the Omaha platform can be court
niartialed after regular military form.
About 25 prominent colored men of the
State were here to-dav to organize what
they call the Colored Men's Brotherhood of
the People's party. They propose to have
in every county an organized working force.
A. B. Cabbell, the colored Populist elector,
received his certificate this morning and
remained over in Topeka to take an active
part in the formation of this new league.
This organization of the negroes is part of
of the general plan of the Populist party
Overtake a Masslllon I armer and Compel
Him to Fork Over SG5.
Massillon, Dec 17. S.ecial. Frank
Poorman, a farmer, yesterday sold some
stock here. Late last night while driving
home he met i carriage injthich were three
men. They halted Poorman, riding close
up alongside his wagon. One punched him
in the face with the muzzle of a pistol.
"Fork over your stuff," said the man
the man with the gun.
"Gentlemen, I haven't any money to
fork," replied Poorman.
"You lie," shouted the artillerist; "we
saw you draw money from the bank, and we
will have it If you prefer being killed as
a preliminary, you can have it that way."
Poorman liandsd him 5C5, all he hail.
"Now," said the spokesman, "if you try
to follow us a step, we'll leave you a penni
less corpse iu the highway," and tboy drove
But the Legislature Can Go Bight to lYork
and Make Another.
Indianapolis, Dec. 17. The Indiana
Supreme Court to-dav decided unconstitu
tional the apportionment act passed by the
Democratic Legislature tu o .years ago,
under the provisions of which the Legisla
ture which meets next month was chosen.
The finding is that the apportionment
laws of 1891, 1835 and 1879 are all uncon
stitutional by reason ot the matters alleged
in the complaint, but the court also finds
that there is a de facto Legislature elected?
qualified to enact a law which may take the
place of the law set aside.
Discovery of Good Lubricatin;
Starts a Craze at Carrolton, O.
Cakrolton, O., Dec. 17. Special-
year ago Moses Lehman & Co.,
of Pitts
burg, drilled a test well for oil near this
place. The venture was reported a failure,
the rig was removed and the hole plugged.
To-day the announcement was made that
an operator had visited the well Thursday
and found the well flowing a little, the
ground in the vicinity having been satur
ated with a heavy lubricating oil of su
perior quality. The report started a regu
lation craze. To-night money is being
raised to make several thorough tests.
An Akron Shoe Dealer Assigns.
Akbon, Dec. 17. Special Charles A.
Wightman, shoe dealer, assigned to-night,
with liabilities of Jlff.OOO; asset's1 unknown.
i :; i .. m a. .a&i -.Ksmxr.i. inrMKVJM-n mil jiiiii i.uiiui .
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Andrew Carnegie Appeals to Worl
ingmen in This Country to
A letter From Ancient Rome to the Pitts
buig Art Society.
Charles W. Scovel, Secretary of the Pitts
burg Art Society, yesterday received a let
W from Andrew Carnegie, thanking the
society for resolutions passed several weeks
since. In the resolutions the society de
plored the stand taken by several labor or
ganizations against accepting Mr. Carnegie's
gift to Pittsburg. The society assured Mr.
Carnegie that his offer was appreciated by a
large portion of the community, and ex
pressed the belief that all opposition
would cease after the then existing excite
ment passed away This is Mr. Carnegie's
Eome, November 30, 1S02.
Charles W. Scovel. Esq.. Secretary Art society:
Dear Sin Hera iu ancient Komo the reso
lutions of the Art Society icacli me. I beg
you to assure the society that its kindly
action is most highly appreciated and to
convey my grateful thinks.
W'cieaman to lose the confidence ot the
community in which he lias lived and
labored most of his days, tfti applause of all
the rest of the world, if given, must still
sound mockingly in his ears.
The Caprice of Public Favor.
Men before the public are sometimes un
duly pralsd, and now and then unjustly
censured public favor is evor capricious.
I was" naturally much grieved at the
action of some or the industrial organiza
tions to which tua resolutions refor. What
ever was of a personal cnaracter I readily
understood and passed over, perhaps the
more cosily because I could no; quite see
Iiow I deserved it. But the opposition ex
pressed totbe libraries, musle'nali and art
eailery was a Wholly different matter, anil I
rejoice to lie iryour. wiolety's opinion that
this came fiom tlio lnfluencu of strong, teni
poiary oxcitement.
It were indeed pitiable if the wage-earners
for whom these were chiefly intended
Should bejiermanently prejudiced against
thorn by any short-cominsrs of tli donor,
however grievous; for, sadly as he may tall
in his efforts to live worthily and do his
duty and no one, alas, knows as woli as
himseiriiow inr he tails short of his own
ideal yet his gifts to Pittsburg must over
remain stainless, and work good continually
and never evil.
An Appeal for Fair Play.
I hope, therefore, that your action may
bring my fellow workmen (tor I have a
right to uso this title) to see that fair play
requires them to separate the donor and his
many faults Irom libraries aud music hall
and art gallery, which have none. If they
will only do this I will gladly risk their
some day expunging tne votes of censure
passed upon me personally.
The importance or the comine art gallery
grows In my estimation every day I spend
in Italy and I must express my gratification
that we havo the Art Society to spread its
benign influence among the people.
Assuring its members not only of my on
thusiastio co-opertion in all its work, but
that the subject in which I tako the greatest
interest to-day is the completion and suc
cessful inauguration of the structures at
Pittsburg in which your society is to And a
home, and with renewed thanks, lam yours
slnceiely. Andrew Carnegie.
She Doesn't Know Whether She Is In Sus
quehanna County or Not
HONESDALE, PA., Dec. 17. Special
Ten years ago anthracite coal was discov
ered in Lackawanna. A town soon grew
up in the wilderness and was called Forest
City. The place has become one of the
largest and most important places in the
valley. The new coal field is on the borders
of Wayne, Lackawanna and Susquehanna
counties, and Forest City was supposed to
be in the latter county. Taxes have been
levied and paid by the city to Susvuehauna
county ever since it came into existence,
and the county has been represented in the
Legislature by a citizen of Forest City.
The growing importance of the town has
increased the wealth and importance of
Susquehanna county correspondingly, but
now the claim is made by Lackawanna
county that the city is not in Susquehanna
at all, but in Lackawanna, and preliminary
surveys indicate that the claim is correct.
It is not admitted bv Susquehan u, how
ever, and the case will have to go into the
courts before Forest City may kuow which
county she is in.
Soinmers, the southern Express Bobber,
Was a Pinkerton Detective.
YOUNGSTOWN, Dec 17. Special
Detective Charles Sommers, arrested at
Meridia, Miss., for robbiug the Southern
Express Company, was one of the detectives
who wasted their eliorts in this field, trying
to run down Burgess McLuckie, while the
latter was here under cover.
At that time Sonimers presented evidence
to an attorney to show that he was the
slayer of the notorious "Rube" Burrows
and a trusted detective of tne Pinkerton
A dispatch from Meridian says: Tliomai
Murray, pal of Sommers in the express rob- t
berv.was brought to Meridian this morning I
by Pinkerton detectives. Murray made a
lull confession on his arrival. He was ar
raigned to-day before a magistrate and
pleaded guilty. He was remanded to jail
in default ot $3,000 to await the action of
the grand jury.
Colambu Takes a Moral Spasm.
Columbus, o., Dec. 17. The Police
Commissioners to-day unanimously in
structed the Chief of folic? to close the
saloons at midnight, to keep gamblers
under cover at all times and to require both
observe respectability on Sunday.
Concessions Made on Both Sides Copies of
the Letters That Settled the Difficulty
Good W ishes Expressed by Bishop and
Trlest for Each Other.
Netvakk, N. J., Dec. 17. Special.
The trial of Father Corrigan was to-night
discontinued by drder of Bishop Wigeer,
and all proceedings against the accused
Hoboken priest are now1 quashed. Conces
sions have been made bv both sides, thanks
to the industrious work of a committee
which has been quietly working for the
past ten days to effect a settlement between
Father Corrigan and his Bishop.
These two letters, which were given to a
DlSAATCH reporter late to-night by
Father Cody, rector of St James' Chnrch,
Newark, one of the committee of settle
ment, explain themselves:
CHtrncn or Otm Ladt of Grace,
IIobokex, .N. j Dec.
n. 5
Kt Itcv. Dear UIshoD:
Having received kindly suggestions from
mutual friends who havo consulted you and
extended to ine advice that I highly appre
ciate, I am glad to yield wliatevcrmayjust
ly be expected of mo to put an end to this
controversy. Nothing would give mo more
annoyance than to have been guilty of vio
lating the respect due to you and nl'O to the
most Rev. Metropolitan Archbishop
C'orrisan. ana wherever I have
unintentionally pone beyond the
proper bounds I hroby express
my regret for It to yon. and pray both of
you to overlook it. a oeueve tnat you nave
tried to be Just in the administration of
your diocese, and I am satisfied that what
ever mistakes you may have made did not
proceed from malice. As regards the lu
tui e, you need have no apprehension that I
have any intention of attacking yourelf or
vour government In tho papers. Youraer
vant in Christ, Fatrice Cor.niaA,
Kt Kev. William Wigser, Uishop or -Newark,
To this note of apology Bishop Wigger
replied as follows:
Setox Hall College. )
, South Orasoe, N. J., Dec. 17, 1692. J
I hereby 'accept cheerfully the apology,
that you havo wiitf-n, and which very Iter.'
Dean Flynn and Father C"dy have Jtist
bronght to me. Xhnreby discontinue, the
trial, and wish you every blessin-. Tours
very sincerely, William Wigoeb.
Bishop of Newark.
A Conductor Knocked Off the Platform by
a Bridge Pier.
John T. Rodgers, a conductor on the Bir
mingham line, was killed last night on the
Smithfield street bridge. He was riding to
the South-iide on the all-night car. He
dropped some change on the front platform.
As he stooped to pick up the money he was
struck by one of the bridge piers. Rodgers
was dropped off the car and thrown on the
track, tlie wheels passing over his neck,
killing him instantly.
Rodgers was a single man, and boarded at
2209 Sarah street
An Armstrong County 3Ian Has His 'Wife
Indicted as a Common Scold.
KlTTANNIN'O, Dec. 17. Sneclal The
only case of its kind in the judicial history
of this county has been closed here by the
conrt granting a motion to quash the in
dictment, on the gronnd that the husband
of the woman who was the defendant had
testified before the grand jury.
The case was a revival of the blue laws.
Mrs. C N. Jackson.ot Manor township, was
indicted as a common scold.
The issue of The Dispatch tc-day consists
of It pases made npin three parts. Tho con
tents of the second and third parts are tlins
Page 9.
SHERMAN o v MLVER Townseud
Page 10.
Small advertisements. Classitied.
I ago 11.
Tnn aicsic World... C. W S.
News of the Courts. Sciextipic G ossir.
General Mivs.
Page 12.
A Cirr.isTiiAS Dixxee Ellicc Serena
Pago 14.
A Day Wixn K. E. morse, the g axd aemv
Pago 15.
APEViEworSrORTS. John D. l'ringle
Page 1G.
Page If.
Nassen's Polar Plans C. C. Adams
fcMOKE covsujimox.
Pago 18.
MAKING FOLKS llAPrr. Howard Fielding
THE 13EER OP BERLIN Frank G. Carpenter
Page 10.
A Dinner in Paris Sterling Ilelllg
Manx acPERSTiTioxs E. L. WaStrman
The comic artists Notes and Queries.
Page 20.
Uncle Tom's Cabin .....Eben Clayton
No Social Carriers Kev. George Hodges
General GE' uge Jones J.D. Cremer
America's Greatest Church.
Page 2L,
News op the Stage Hepburn Johns
LadWerner-s Flight TheDnchcjj
Tories op THE TIME , W. O. Kaufmann
Pago 23.
Tne markets. pin Field Netts.
Late News nr Brief.
Page 24.
Where Christmas Trees Come From.
Its Clfamuer of Commerce
Deeply Interested in the
Erie Waterway.'
To Urge the Project Before the Na
tional Board of Trade at Wash
ington Next Month.
The Ohio Metropolis" Can Ee; Eepended OS'
for Money if. Frivafe Capital Is
eededto Euildlt.
Avidity With Which the Buslne33 Man
Grasp at Information Regarding-tha
Pittsburg and Lake "Erla Canal
Crowdd'Around a Map Showing tha
Plans, Which Was Recently Posted
on a 'Change Bulletin Board Caaaons
PittsDur? Mighi Learn Prom Her
Southern. Neighbor How Business
Enterprises Are Formed Railroad
Discrimination a Stronj? Argument in
Cincinnati ca Weil as in tho Iron City
The Western Ohio Canal Plan
Our Champions Who Go to Wash
ington. ;from a staff correspondent.
Cincinnati, Dec 17. Of the many in
teresting subjects to be discussed at the an
nual meeting of the National Board of
Trade in Washington next January, one is
ot the greatest importance to Western
Pennsylvania and Pittsburg in particular.
It is the Lake Erie ship canal.
The projectors are anxious to secure the
indorsement of the enterprise by the Na
tional Board for its effect on Congress, but
strange to say, the Pittsburg Chamber ot
Commerce is not a member of the associa
tion. Herein is another example of Pitts
burg's lameness and lack of public spirit
However, the thriving city of Cincinnati
has taken np the cudgel, and its delegation
will champion the canal for Colonel T. P.
Roberts. What a pity Pittsburg must de
pend on another city to push this project;
'when her citizens should be the leaders!
Cincinnati In It Heart and Soul.
But Cincinnati gladly accepts the task:
imposed aud promises the hearty co-operation
of its well-organized Chamber of Com
merce, which has already indorsed the
canal. I was sent to Cincinnati by The
Dispatch to gather the views of repre
sentative men on this subject TnE Dis
PATCn wanted to know whether the enter
prising people here regarded the project
with favor or not It did not take long to
discover that they were enthusiastio
for its construction. I found that
so far as navigation is concerned, any ex
tension or connection of the Ohio river with
Lake Erie is approved. The people argue
that any water improvement that will bene
fit Pittsburg will help Cincinnati, and they
want it With them this is axiomatic and
requires no proof!
Naturally, in a city where the Eric canal
idea is so well received the problem was not
toget people to talk, bntto select the strong
est men in the various lines of trade.
Everybody seemed willing to speak a good
word for the undertaking, and Captain Wise
suggested that a petition, to be presented to
Congress as a memorial, would be widely
signed in the city. If this is deemed neces
sary the Captain will see that the paper i
Cincinnati Keady With Cash.
I am also led to believe that if private
capital shonld undertake to build the ca
nal, considerable money can be had in Cin
cinnati, though the people feel that if the
river States take hold of the matter as they
should the Government will pay a good
share of the expense. The estimated cost
of the canal, in round numbers, is 525,000,
000. The interest on the money at 4t per
cent would be 1,000,000 per year, and this
is all that would have to be provided for.
The annual expense of Pittsburg is ?j,000,
000, which is raised by taxation, and it
would require one-fifth as much money to
float the canal as to run the city for 13
months. People throw up their hand
when a sum as large as 52J,0OO,OCs
is mentioned, but when they stop to figure
in the above way the problem of raising
the money is not so difficult. If the river
cities should band together and guarantee
half the interest on the money, or 5500,000
annually, it is safeo say Uncle Sam would
appropriate the balance, or 512,500,000 on
which the interest is based. The import
ance of the canal to the Ohio Valley and it
connecting interests is realized by the peo
ple living in this industrial section.
In Cincinnati the people are as enthusi
astic over the canal as their brethren in
Fittsburg. As Captain F. A. La'dley,
manager of the Big Sandy Packet Company
and a prominent member of the Chamber 01
Commerce, put it:
How the Business Hen Talk.
"Wearercdhotfor the canal enterprise.
Every shipper in the city i3 interested, and
would like to see the waterway to the lakes
built as soon as possible. We feel it is
only a question of time until !t is accom
plished." Other business men stated tnat juage i .i
Caldwell and Emory Storrs, the local Con-f ,
greesmen, favored the plan, and would j
WOTK lor lis success in tne .unuiuu xxuuse.
I was assnred that all the river Represen
tatives in Congress from Ohio were in line;
and would vote this winter for the Bill
urging the Government to examine and,
take hold of this gigantic, far reaching and
worthy project. There is no reason ti
the Erie Canal would not receive the will-'
mg indorsement of every Board of Trad
4 .