Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 16, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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He Will Bo Given His Hear
ing Before Alderman Mo
nasters on Monday. .
Are Promised by the Carnegio Com
pany's Lawyers at That Time.
Ee ThinVs That the Case igainst leatty
Is Very Toor.
Jtobert Beatty, the alleped Homestead
poisoner, will be Riven a hearing before
Alderman McMasters Monday afternoon.
The whole story will then come out, as
both Gallagher and Davidson arc expected
to be present and testify against Beatty.
Beatty was brought to Pittsburg yester
day morning from Louisville bv Detectives
Patrick Farrell, Seville and Estie. They
left tne Baltimore and Ohio Uailroad at
Glenwood and came into the city over the
Second avenue street car line. This was
done to avoid a crowd of spectators at the
Pittsburg station, and it worked nicely.
They quietly slipped their prisoner to
Alderman McSlasters' office. Beatty -was
taken into the Justice's private office. The
proper papers were filled out, and the
alleged poisoner was taken out the back way
to the jail "Warden McAleese received
the prisoner in his usnal pleasant manner.
He searched him thoroughly and then
locked him up. The ran did not seem to
be in the least worried over his arrest, and
appeared like a very quiet fellow.
Poor in Worldly Goods.
He had nothing to say, only answerinc
the necessary questions asked him by
"Warden McAleese In reply to the ques
tion, "How much money have yon?" Beatty
said: "Only 53 23, sir; and it's all I have in
the world."
Xone of Beatty's friends were at the jail
to see him, and after he ttas put behind the
bars no one called on him but Attorney "W.
J. Brennen. The prisoner's lawyer arrived
about 15 minutes after lie was committed
tnd stayed with him for over an hour.
The trip to Pittsburg was made without
anything out of the ordinary occurring.
Detective Farrell when seen had little to
say. He remarked that the next three or
four days would see some big developments
in the case. He would not say what the
nature of the coming sensation was to be.
Attorney Brennen will dclend Beatty
and he does not think he is going to have a
very hard case to win. He said yesterday
that he did not believe in trying a case in
tne newspapers, and for that reason cared
to say little about the poison charges. "I
will try very hard to get Beatty out on
bail," said he. "The offense is a bailable
one. Alderman 3IcJIasters only asks
"Will Make TUem Show Their Hand.
"The commitment charges Beatty with
felonious assault and battery I suppose
that is meant to cover the poison charges.
"When the hearing comes off on Monday I
intend to make the steel firm show that
they have a case. This has not been done
jetT Their strong point so far seems to be
that man Gallagher's affidavits. Certain
kinds of people can be made say anything,
and we will look after his testimony with a
good deal of care. We can show that evi
dence from him should not have much
"There are many peculiar things about
the case the company has endeavored to
make out. It is rather queer that a man
'would go into a wholesale poisoning scheme
and only charge a tew dollars for his
cervices. It is also remarkable about the
cumber of deaths that the prosecution say
Jiave occurred at Homestead from poison
ing, while on the other hand a doctor can
not be lound who takes much stock in the
idea. Take the Glosser case. The Carnegie
Company claim that he died from poison,
while Dr. Pettitt, the physician who at
tended him, declares that the young man
died from tvphoid fever.
Peculiar Statements Bein 3Iade.
"If these statements are untrue, the
physicians are showing themselves up in a
peculiar lisht. It seems to me that a
doctor could tell whether a man died of
typhoid fevor . or was poisoned. I do not
know auvtbing abont medicine, but I
think a physician has ways ot determining
typhoid fever very easily. It may be that
come drug was used at Homestead to
weaken the men so that they would be in
capacitated for work. Tins could be done
even without usius a drug. I am told that
ball-cooked fond will cause a diarrhoea. It
is very probable that thincs were not pre
pared very well oing to the class of peo
ple they had employed as cooks.
"I bad along interview with Beatty. He
firmlv denies that he was in any plot to
poison the non-union men. I know very
little about my client. For the past sev
eral weeks you might say he has been in
jny employ. He was working under my
instruction, but I cannot remember that I
paid him anything tor it. His duty was to
gather some evidence from rivermen, and
as he was well acquainted in those circles
be was just the man for the position. I
have always found him a verv gentlemanly
fellow and unusually bright."
Ereck Rather Uncommunicative.
Captain E. Y. Breck, the Carnegie Com
pany's assistant attorney, was seen yester
'day aiternoon after his return from Louis
Tille. He was not very communicative.
"Have informations" been made ajainst
any of the other men implicated in Gallagh
er's affidavit?" was asked.
"Go and see Brennen," was the genial
Captain's reply. "I have been interviewed
"Could you tell, Mr. Breck, where Gal
lagher and Davidson are now?"
"Of course I could, but I won't. I know
the state of their health at present, and will
jfroduce them at the proper time."
"Will anvmore informations be made
against Beattv?"
"I don't know."
'When will Beatty have a hearing?"
"I don't know; you will have to see
Alderman McMasters said last night that
there had been no more informations made
against any of the men charged with being
parties to the poisoning.
Dr. Barnes, or Mercy Hospital, Thinks
Foisoa "Was Used.
Dr. Albert C. Barnes, resident physician
lit Mercy Hospital, takes some stock in the
poison story. He attended a number of
cases, and each person showed symptoms of
having been poisoned.
Peter Flibel, who died at the hospital, is
mentioned in particular by the doctor.
"Flibel was sick for five weeks, and a med-
icinc could not be found that would give
him relie I believe he was poisoned."
Patrick Gallagher In JalL
Patrick Gallagher is in jaiL He was
committed yesterday by a Sharpsbnrg Jus
tice lor drunkenness. It was generally
thought he was the cook who made the
charge against Beattv in the poisoning
case. This is a mistake, as this Patrick
Gallagher has nothing to do with the sensa
tional story.
An Eminent Fhysiclan Thinks It Most Have
Been Used at Homestead.
The fact brought out in the confession of
l Patrick Gallagher in reference to the desire
of the alleged conspirators to obtain a drujr
to disable the non-union men at Homestead
that wonld be harmless was called to the
attention of several of the most prominent
physicians. It was the universal opinion
that no drug so potent as to produce the ef
fects that were noticed could possibly be
anything less than a poison.
Dr. J. H. McClelland said: "There is no
harmless drug that could produce such
violent effects. Take jalop or elaterium
any one of these if taken in excess would be
dangerous. From the size of the powders
as described in The Dispatch, I would
think that the proportion of one powder to
SO gallons would make quite a strong dose."
There Was Very Little Sickness In the
Sixteenth Beglmont.
Surgeon J. D. Arters, of the Sixteenth
Regiment, was in the city yesterday. He
does not believe that there were any of the
members of his regiment poisoned at Home
stead. Company K, of Corry, was the only
one in which there was any sickness. A.
change of diet soon put an end to the ill
ness. He thinks there are some grounds for the
poisoning of the non-nnion men.
John Green, a Colored Besidcnt of the Bast
End, Fonnd In Front of a Saloon ."With
Ills Neck Broken and a Barge Sum of
Money Missing.
John Green, colored, 45 years old, died at
his boarding house, at Eainbow and Putnam
streets, East End, shortly after 6 o'clock
yesterday morning. His death seems to
point to another case of murder. It was
reported to the morgue and Clerk Brush
was detailed to work out the particulars.
Mr. Brush spent some hours investigat
ing the matter when it was found that on
December 5 Green had drunk considerable
and the same evening was in the saloon of
Beech's hotel, opposite the stockyards.
While in this saloon Green is said to have
displayed a large roll of money, about 5300
in all. "With Green at the time was an
other colored man who is known as "Balti
more." These two men went out on the
porch in front of 'the hotel and that was the
last seen of them until about an hour later
Green was found lying on the ground just
beyond the porch minus his money. An
examination showed that Green had suf
fered some serious injuries He was re
moved to his home and medical aid sum
moned. The man lingered until yesterday morn
ing when he died. "Baltimore" has been
missing since the night of the assault, and
there is an impression that he first robbed
Green and then knocked him off the porch.
On the order of the Coroner Drs. McCand
less and McNeil held a post mortem exam
ination of the body, and found that his neck
had been broken, causing his death.
Inspector McLaughlin, of the East End
district, made an investigation ot the case
last night, and said that Green had fallen
from the porch. An inquest will be held
to-day and a further examination into the
matter made.
A Big Meeting of the Pittsburg Historical
Society LastJClcht.
President A. A. Lambing's letter pub
lished yesterday regarding the little inter
est taken in the Historical Society of West
ern Pennsylvania by its members brought
out an increased attendance at the meeting
in the Allegheny Library building last
night. New life was infnsed into the so
ciety both by the election of four new life
members and two annual members and the
starting of a subscription fund to place the
society on a solid financial basis.
David Bobinson, although not a member
of the society, was present and aakfd the
privilege of making a few remarks to the
society. He said he had long been anxious
to join the societv, and asked if he could do
so. Certainly," "Ot course," "You are
just the kind ot a man we want among our
membership," greeted his question, and he
then went on to say that the Historical So
ciety ot AVestern "Pennsylvania could be
made, a stable institution, and said he
would put his name down to a subscription
list for 5100 to start a fund ot say 55,000 or
510,000, and that his brother. Dr." Bobinson,
would do the same. This declaration was
greeted with prolonged applause.
A. T. Douthitt. T. Walter Day, "W. B.
Wilbeight and Father Sheedy all offered
liberal support.
Tom Whltaker, of Gatling Gtm Fame,
Again Arrested for Libel.
Tom "Whitaker, of Gatling gun fame, is
again behind the bars. He was arrested
yesterday afternoon by Detective McDon
otigh, of Allegheny, on a charge of criminal,
libel preferred by Mrs. Alice Bell, of Six
teenth street, Pittsburg, and in default of
5500 bail was committed for a bearing before
Police Magistrate Brinker at 9 o'clock this
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Bell, who savs
she has always borne a good reputation,
called upon Superintendent of Police Mutb,
of Allegheny, and recited her grievances
against Mr. Whitaker. She alleges that
about two weeks ago Mr. Whitaker pub
lished an article in his paper, Tim Oatling
Gun, to the effect that Mrs. Alice Bell had
atone time kept a low dive on Penn av
enue, near Sixteenth sttcet, and asked in
the article what had become of her. Mrs.
Bell claims that she is the only woman
named Alice Bell who has lived in that
neighborhood for the past 20 years, and al
leles that Whitaker knew this and will
fully printed the libel to damage her repu
tation. The case is exciting considerable interest
in both cities, owing to the notoriety Mr.
Whitaker has already received from the
libel suits he has been engaged in.
Harry Cunningham Steals Money and Jew
elry and His Grandmother's Will.
Harry Cunningham, aged 14 years,. is in
the Thirty-sixth ward station houe on a
charge of -theft, preferred by bis mother.
It is claimed that the boy broke open a
drawer and stole two rings, two chains, a
bank book containing 535 and a will made
by his grandmother, Mrs. Blatchford.
When young Cunningham was arrested
he had the rings and chains, bnt the money
and will conld not be found. He told the
officers' that the other missing articles were
in a satchel which he had packed ready for
a trip. He threw the satchel away, but it
was recovered later and the paper's found,
but there was no money in it. He will
have a hearing this morning.
, Successful Church Entertainment.
About 5200 were realized for a new pipe
church' organ at an entertainment at the
Forty-third Street Presbyterian Church last
evening. The various trades were repre
sented by young men and women in cos
tume. A company of 13 young men gave a
splendid lantern drill, and exemplified the
railroad signal code in an acceptable man
ner. TOTJK rooms will not long be empty If
you advertise them in THUS DISPATCH
cent-a-word ads.
Novel and Pretty Performances of a
Young Dramatist's Work.
Graceful Little Actresses Walk the Eoards
for Charity.
"You must have plenty oflove in a play,"
was the wise remark of Miss Lorle Burns,
the young dramatist of the Southside, while
her play, "Love Triumphs," was being re
hearsed in New Turner Hall yesterday after
noon. Miss Burns is only 14, bnt she has already
written six plays. She has a pleasant face,
in which large dark eyes speak seriously,
and deep musical voice. The merit of her
work was recognized by the large and en
thusiastic audience which assembled to see
"Love Triumphs" in the Kew Turner Hall,
Southside, last night. The performance
was a great success, and must have netted
a neat sum for the Southside Hospital, for
whose benefit it was given.
It was a big night for the fair sex. The
play was the work of a girl, it was acted
entirely by girls, and two ladies, Mrs.
Neely and Mrs. Miller, conducted the re
hearsals and trained the children. Some of
the heavy hauling, as it were, had been left
to the men, bnt "Love Triumphs" owed its
success, following the divine passion's
usual course in life, to the softer sex.
How the Characters Were Cast.
The cast was as follows: Prince Perlino,
Miss Lida Young; Cunt JJippahoy, Miss
Lillie Semmelrock; King Ferdinand, Miss
Stella Jay; Edtcin, King's valet, Miss Hilda
ax They Appeared in "Love Triumphs."
Kau field; Queen Isab-lla, Miss Lulu Meyers;
Princess Louisa, Miss Bella Brown; Kitty
and Basic, flower girls, Miss Minnie White
and Miss Lillie Bodenhagen; .First rage,
Miss Gertrude Arthur; Second Page, Miss
Alicia Willett; Third Page, Miss Lillia
Kauffeld; Cupid, Miss Bessie .Forsythe;
Mabel, .Violet's mother, Miss LiltU Shaffer;
Violet, the Creole, Miss Lorle Burns.
Miss Lorle Burns created the chief char
acter ot her own play, namely, Violet, tne
gipsy-girl of royal descent who wins the
Prince and her rightful rank all in due
time. The scene of the play is first in
Egvpt, then at the court of Ferdinand and
Isabella in Spain. With remarkable self
denial Miss Burns does not corral Colum
bus, but simply sticks to the love story of
her heroine. Violet is the child of a gipsy
mother, and in reality a grandchild ot King
Ferdinand, who does not want to recognize
her in auy way. But Violet is a girl of
pluck and she remains true to her princely
lover, Prince Perlino, a handsome young
cavalier with a blonde wig and lovely
clothes, impersonated by Miss Lida Young.
Ferdinand and Isabella.
Bo vers Tested by Severe Trials.
The young people have their trials, for
the course of true love certainly never ran
smooth in Spain 400 years ago, but in the
last act the sun beams out on the lovers and
Violet, the gipsy girl, gets the right to
answer only w'hen called "Yanr Eoyal
Highness" as the wife of Prince Perlino.
The story is wonderfully well told when
the age and experience of the author
are considered, and the young actors
made a very pretty picture always
and interpreted their parts well.
The costumes were very handsome.
King Ferdinand rejoiced in truly royal
robes and ermine, and Miss Stella Jay was
nearly hidden under the crown and big
black beard, without which no Spanish
monarch would be complete. His spouse,
the saintly Quern Isabella, wore a dream of a
dress, such as night have dazzled poor
Columbus, and Miss Lulu Meyers lent dig-
A Saucy Little Count
nity to the character. The author as
Violet made a charming little gipsy cirl in
her scarlet dress.with ooal black hair, casta
nets and other indispensables of a Bomany
maid, including dark lustrous eyes.
A Gay Castlllan Cavalier.
Count Eippahoy, a regular Castilian blood
with a ferocious black wig and a plumed
hat that shaded a sauey face, was capitally
played bv Miss Lillie Semmelrock. A lot
.L of pretty girl in gay dresses filled up the
rz j i
- illpi'l'fillfiilk
stage, and danced very prettily from time
to time. All in all a prettier performance
has not been given hereabout in a ereat
while. It must be remembered that all the
actor, like the author, are scholars in the
Southside public schools, and most of them
under 12 years of age and none over 14.
There were a number of special features
in Act IL Miss Bertha -Burns, who pre
sided at the piano, also sauc with much
sweetness and nolittle artisticskill "Across
the Siream,"and for an encore "Thinking."
Miss Alice Arbogast gave a recitation
nicelv. Miss Lillie Shaffer, Miss Minnie
White, MUs Clara Succop, Miss Florence
Nusser and Miss Hattie Dug danced all
sorts of dainty measures, such as the Cas
tanet dance, tambourine dance and the more
energetic Highland fling.
Sweet-Voiced Little Singers.
Miss Millie Semmelrock sang very pret
tily alone and in a duet with another sweet
voiced girl, Miss B. Brown. Miss Lillie
Bodenhagen also sang very effectively. To
fill in the intervals Guenther & Eoth
leder's Orchestra was at hand, and so for a
long two hours the big audience had its fill
of mirth, music and pretty sights. They
paid their little creditors with loud ap
plause and lots ot it; encores were freely
demanded from everr soloist, and the
Southside Hospital, when it gets a tidy
check as the net result, will be leady
enough to call for an encore also.
John H. Powers Arrested While Securing a
Canine Sent From His Old Home He
Will Not Bctnrn Without Kequlsitlon
John H. Powers, of Waterbury, Conn.,
was arrested on Smithficld street yesterday
by Officer Sol Coulson. The arrest Tjas
made on a telegram from the police authori
ties ot Waterbury, where Powers is wanted
to answer a charge of larceny and embezzle
ment. Powers was betrayed by a dog. The
Pittsburg police had been looking for him
for several days. They had about con
cluded that he had escaped them, when
they learned from the Waterbury officials
that a dog had been shipped from that city
to a man in this city. The arrival ot the
dog was watched. Yesterday Powers called
at the express office for the animal. He had
been living in the city under an assumed
name. Ills appearance so closely answered
the description sent.to the police that the
arrest was made.
After being arrested the man admitted
that his name was Powers and that he had
lived at Waterbury. He denied the charges
made against him, and gave notice that he
would not return to his old home without
requisition papers being procured.
Superintendent O'Mara notified the
Waterbury authorities of the arrest of Pow
ers and his refusal to go back without the
necessary papers. The prisoner last night
requested that an attorney be sent for. He
is determined to fight against going, back to
Allegheny Heads or Departments Will Bo
Elected for Two Tear's Only.
In Common Council the most important
matter brought up was the ordinance for
the extension of the term of the chiefs of
departments which after considerable dis
cussion was referred back to the committee
for amendment.
Mr. Drum presented a petition fully 50
feet long signed by citizens, protesting
against the lengthening ot the term of the
Mr. Knox offered an amendment, making
the first term three years and four years
thereafter, which was defeated, as was also
an amendment of Mr. Koehler, making the
term one year from January and two years
The ordinance was finally referred to the
committee without amendments. This will
end the controversy, as the chiefs will be
elected at the next meeting of Councils, and
nothing can be done unless a special meet
ing is held ;o consider the ordinance.
Drove His Family From Home.
John Gallagher, of Mcrrimac alley, South
side, yesterday went home drunk and drove
his family out of the house. He was ar
rested by" the Anti-Cruelty Society.
Lack of cars on the Duquono and Fifth
avenue lines is causing much complaint.
nAMPTOX Battibt B, National Guard of
Penusylvania.wlll havea military reception
in the Grand Central rink on January IS.
Jacob Misel, nsed 45 years, employed at
the Koystono Bridgo Works, had his leg
crushed under a pile of iron yesterday foie
noon. Hiss Cahiue M. Akjell has boon engaged
to take the placo of Mrs. Warren Mechlin at
the Christ Church concert, Libeity and Cen
ter avenues.
John Griker was caught in a fly-wheel in
Oliver's South Tenth street mill yesterday
afternoon, and was Dadly Injured. He had
one or two ribs broken and was Umt In
ternally. YAxektine Makes was probably fatally
injured yesterday at Singer & Nimlck's
Southside mills, by being thrown against a
bur of sharp pointed steel, which almost
disemboweled him.
iHEnr will be a Joint meeting of commit
tees from all the local councils of the Daugh
ters of Liberty at Unity Council to-nijjht to
consider the matter of extending the or
ganization in Ohio.
The report that the Dixey Opera Com
pany was in trouble in Cincinnati has been
niostemphatically denied by Manager Harry
Alkln in a teleginm to his iiirent liore. Tho
reason will not close until May, and all the
bookings will be fulfilled.
A mcsioale under the direction of Miss
Mary B. Kier Tor the benefit of the Woman's
Industrial will bo given in Christ Church
Chapel, Liberty and Center avenues, this
evening. Mis. Mechllne, Mrs. Bearl and
Theodore Salmon will assist.
The Southside Conkling Club, composed
of irom 250 to SCO members of the old Conk
iins Club old Conkling Marching Club, was
addressed last nicht by C E. Snccoin In
spector Kelly and D. L.G. McDonald, 7eek.
ly meetings will be held during the cam
paign. Fine Fruits.
Wo have now in store a large stock of all
the finest evaporated and dried frnlts, both
domestic and foreign. We can do you good
on these goods. Send for price list. Goods
delivei ed evervwhere. Miller Bbos.,
Fine Groceries and Table Delicacies, 182
Federal street, Allegheny.
Christmas Cards, Etc, at Fifty Cents on
the S.
Being crowded for room we have decided
to close our Christmas cards and booklets,
novelties, sachets, etc, at one-hair what
they were bought to sell at. Open every
JossicnBAuat & Co., 48 Fifth avenue.
"Good Moraine"
daring Christmas week at all the stores of
The Great Atlantio and Paciflo Tea Com
pany. Dewitt's Little Early Eisers. So griping,
no pain, no nausea: easy pill to take.
Otra men's tan waterproof shoes keep the
feet dry. Try them. Calm's,
603 Market street.
Don't be in a hurry Tuving your holiday
presents till after you see Htnry Terheyden's
inasniflcent display superb, rich, grand
must be seen to be appreciated.
Lamps, Bronzes, Bric-a-brac
Diamonds sec and Jewelry made to order.
030 Smithneld street.
See onr men's shoes before buying else
where. Save your money, time and trouble.
CAiate, 503 Market street.
"Good M jrnlng"
during Christmas weel . at (all the atores of
The Great Atlantio i ua sracuio xoa vom-
Dr. Gilliford and Solicitor Elphin
stone in a War of Words.
A Fesslon of Allegheny Select Council De
roted to the Fight.
Last night's meeting of Allegheny Select
Council was the liveliest in the history of
that organization. The meeting gave itself
up entirely to a controversy between Dr.
Gilliford, the member from the Sixth ward,
and George Elphinstone, the City Solici
tor. Every member of the Council was in
his seat, and the extraordinary perform
ance of the session was witnessed by a
crowded lobby. In the controversy be
tween the two gentlemen the lie was
passed, and at times during the discussion
a fisticuff was imminent.
Tho trouble grew out of the resolution
compromising the city's claims against the
Pleasant Valley and Federal Street Kail
way Company and the Pittsburg, Manches
ter and Allegheny Railway Company. This
matter has been before the Auditing
Committee, the Finance Committee
and Councils for a year. The
City Solicitor has written numerous
opinions on it and several sub-committees
have investigated it. Finally the sub
Finance Committee prepared a report in
favor of a compromise, and at the last meet
ing this report wis ordered printed and
sent to all Councilmen, which was done.
The Pleasant Valley compromise was 14,
500 and the Manchester ?G,8G8 8J, in full
of all claims to July 1, 1892.
Gilliford Opposed tho Compromise.
Dr. Gilliford vigorously opposed the com
promise. He read a carefully prepared ar
gument against the resolution, in which he
claimed that the compromise would prac
tically rob the city of over 5100,000. He
charged that City Solicitor Elphinstone had
not rendered a fair or legal opinion on the
question at issue, and he insinuated that the
City Solicitor was owned by the street car
Arthur Kennedv had been called to the
chair while Dr. Gilliford was reading his
paper, at the conclusion of which Mr.
Elphinstone was called in. and in a rather
pointed way defended himself against all
the charges made. In his argument Dr.
Gilliford said:
I protest against the adoption of these
resolutions of compromise nitli the street
car companies. The loss to the city is too
great, tit is not ns the committee reports a
compromise bv the Pleasant Valley of$28,
874 50 for $14,500 and on the nart or tho Man
chester Company of $15,643 73for$G.SG3 83.
It is a compromise on the part of the
Pleasant Valley Company of a'dobt of $77,
325 24 by the payment of $11 500 and on the
pai tot the Manchester Company of a debt
off 161,053 73 by the payment of $8,863 83.
The committee have not tauen intoac
count tho claim of tho city of $141,000 against
the Manchester Conipnny,and$45;000asainst
the Pleasant Valley road on account of the
tax on stock dividends. et, this com
piomiso would bar tho City of Allegheny
irom any action for this claim. These two
companies have in their capitnl stock abont
$3,700,000, which is represented eiitiiolyby
tl.e valuo of street rights which have been
piosented to them by the city, and tbev
refuse to pay the city oven the small
dividend tax, when stock representing the
value of these street rights is issued as a
dividend to the stockholders.
Tho Value of the Franchise.
If this new issno of stock did not repre
sent something of value which had accrued
as a profit to these companies by securing
valuable franchises from the city, then the
companies have violated the provisions of
tho constitution of the Stato and have for
feited their charters by issuing It. Only self
Interest, in my judgment, can lead nnvono
to interpret the plain provisions of the con
stitution and Ian s dltfeiently. Outside of
tho claim for stock dividend tax. the other
taxes assessed against these companies
and unpaid is $53,273 97, and the
total including the tux on stock
dividends is $233.278 97, and yet It is pi o
posod to compromise lor the paltry sum of
$23,263 83, u Mini very paltry and insignifi
cant in compaiisou with tho value of tho
franchise ginnted by the city. Eithorthe
city should test the case in court
or receive about seven or efsrht
times as much In compromise. The
question of the rights of the city In such
cases should he raised and settled lor tho
present and tuturc by tho Couit. Such a de
cision would be worth more than any possi
ble cost that mlzht accrue, and besides it
would vindicate Councils of subserviency If
not venlality in dealing with the street car
The amounts admitted by tho Manchester
Company through all of their officials as
correct, and the payment of which was not
disputed, amount up to July, 1S92, to $11,
458 83, vet this resolution would compromise
ut$6,6G3t3 Tho dividend tux reported by
the nuditois December 23, 1E91, on stock
representing surplus earnings uivided as
stock prior to the Ieaso to tho traction
company, was $5,433 S3. It was admitted
as correct by officials of the company,
and it was staled by the officials of
tho company thnt they would pay it. The
amount of $1,100 car tax on Union line and
$1,000 car tax of Nortbslde lino nnd $1,000 for
street cleaning was admitted to be correct
and payment not disputed. Since then to
July 1, 1S92, there has acciued on the Union
line not less than $200 and Korthslde line
$200 and street cleaning tax $500 and a car tax
on the 1., A. & M. of $2,030.
Dissecting the Proposed Compromise.
This $11,403 83 does not include any part of
the car tax of $9,534 93, which was reported
buy Auditors' report of December 23,1391, and
which the Manchester Company disputed,
nor any part of the claim of $UO,CO0 dividend
tax on Issue of stock thiough the Traction.
The $11,463 83 less the propoitlon that has
accrued irom the same sources Irom July 1,
1891, to July 1. 1892. leprosented what tho
Manchester company admitted and was
willing to pay in January. 1392. Truly, the
stieet car companies have kind, if not disin
terested, fi lends in Allegheny Councils. The
charge that the auditors had charged
double car tax on the Paik Passenger
and People's Passenger lines Is not correct.
These two companies operate under two
distinct oidlnances, but only one company,
tho Park Passenger, was charged with car
tax, as the report will show. It is also
charged that the Porry street and Troy Hill
company were charged street cleaning
tax and had been only in oporation
one month. It may bo true that
their cars had only been running
one month prior to only 1 of that year, but
how long had the street been occupied by
their tracks, and besides the ordinance re
quires the renort to be mado under oath tho
first day of July or each year, and makes no
allowance for past years. It eomes with
bad grace for a rich corporation to
claim that thoy are entitled to greater con
sideration nnd leniency than a poor express
driver or carter, who is lequired an
nually to take out a vehicle license during
the month of May nnd in dofault thereof
have an officer arrest and drag him beforo
a magistrate and compel him to pay a fine
In addition to his regular license fee, even
though he had ownod his horse and wagon
but one day borore the time required for
him to report and pay his license. The law
should apply to the rloh corporation the
same a3 the poor Individual.
Delaying the Snb-Committee'aHeport.
Tho report of this sub-committee, with tho
oninions of tho City Solioitor, and' these
-resolutions were ordered printed and sent
to the members of Councils one month ago,
yet it wns only roceived by the Councilmen
the day "before the meeting at which
they are supposed to be acted upon.
This has gfvon practically no time
for the study of nnd intelligent
action upon these reportBut there aro two
matters on which I wish to say a word. One
is the communication from tho Auditor
General of Pennsylvania. It is not claimed
that Allegheny City has any general right
to tax corporations., Allegheny City can
claim, and properly and lejally claim tho
collection of a tax against a corporation
that has been levied with the consent ot the
corporation, and in conformity with a con
tract which that corporation has entered
into voluntarily with the city.
In regard to the claim that the statute of
limitation can be raised a3 a bar against the
collection or .these claims, I reply tbat such
a pleading ot the statute of limitation to
escape the payment of debts wonld be vir
tually an acknowledgment of the moral ob
ligation and an acknowledgment of the vio
lation or the contract between the city and
The, ordinances which wero signed by 1
these companies and becamo tho contracts
ueiween tne companies anu tne city j .
"And covenanting that any failure to com
ply with tho terras hereof shall at the option
of the city work a revocation In tho prlv
IIotos herein granted."
The terms of these ordinances have not
been compiled with in many particulars,
and Councils can nt anytime declare the
privileges forfeited and proceed to sell
thee prlvileics forn term ot years-atan
iiunnnfrentnl proportionate to thoir value.
Under present circumstances Councils can
comncl these comDanles to oa v im or vacate.
.lint If these resolutions are passed all the
violations ana villainies or tno pass arts
compounded, and tho city is barred from
getting nnv compensation for these im
mensely valuablo franchises.
Criticising the City Solicitor's Opinions.
It is true that the City Solicitor has given
an opinion unfavorable to somo of tho
claims of the city, but when wns the City
Solicitor's opinion ever favorable to the city
when the contest was with parties or cor
porations having political influence? Has
not the opinion of tho City Solicitor, when
coupled with his associations nlth repre
sentatives of the street lailway companies
and the support he received from tho
friends of tho street railways when a candi
date tor office, raised a doubt in yonr minds
that the opinions have not been civen with
a sole regard for tho Interests of the city?
Is it not true that on a Sunday, the day be
fore tho meeting of tno caucus which named
the solicitor, thnt our solicitor went to the
house of one or tho street railway directors,
and that after that interview received the
support of friends of tho street railway
This and other matters of common rumor
should be considered in weighing those
I do not believe that any member of this
body can afford to voteforthese resolutions,
or that our Mayor can afford to sign them
without risking the loss of the confidence
and respect of the people of this city. I wish
to object to the accusation in the report of
gross negligence and dereliction
of duty as applied to Councilmen
in general. Tho Councilmen had no
reason to believe until tho investigations of
the Auditing Committee that the City Con
troller had been guilty or gross negligence
and dereliction ofdutv and this accusation
should not stand against the Councilmen
except those who voted to indorse nnd re
ward by re election to responsible office the
official guilty of the gross negligence and
dereliction or duty.
The Company's Former Offer.
"Does the gentleman wish to file his phil
ippic, or does he make it part of his re
marks?" the Chairman asked.
"It's mv remarks," replied Dr. Gilliford.
Dr. Gilliford then called attention to the
assertion that the Manchester Company
had once offered to pay 511,600 for what the
city now proposed to accept $6,000. This
was a new feature to many of the members,
and there was a demand to know when this
offer had been made.
The Citv Solicitor was then called in, but
Dr. Gilliford objected to any speeches.
Mr. Elphinstone was admitted, however.
He was pale with feeling, but was deliberate
and careful.
"Solicitor," said Mr. Kennedy, "I do not
know whether yon heard the charges."
"I heard part," Mr. Elphinstone broke
in, "ot the most villainous libel ever made
in a public organization. Such statements
could only come from a heart that is cor
rupt and rotten." f
Dr. Gilliiord was on his feet in an instant.
"Mr." Chairman, I object. I will not sit
here and listen to that," he shouted.
Mr. Elphinstone stonped when Dr. Gilli
ford began, and. leaning over the clerk's
desk, waited until the objection was made.
Then in an easy tone he answered: "Ob,
I'll say more than tbat before I am through
with you."
"The Solicitor don't understand what I
said," the doctor answered. "I siad," pick
ing up his paper as though to read from it.
Mr. Kennedy rapped him down. "I
asked you to file your paper and you
wouldn't do it. Ton can't read it again."
Denounced as an Infamous Lie.
Mr. Elphinstone continued: "I'll Keep
within parliamentary lines, Mr. Chairman,"
he said. "I will not insult this council.
I don't propose to descend to Billingsgate
and libel. The best thing for me to do is
to consider the source of this most infamous
lie. The statements of fact are true, the in
ferences drawn are false and could be drawn
only by a conscience corrupt. I have never
had anything to do with libel suits unlike
the gentleman from the Sixth ward, but I
may have to figure in one now. The state
ments made have come with bad grace from
a man whose seat should be declared vacant
and who only prevented it from being de
clared vacant by the meanest act man ever
made to keep a'seat in a public assembly."
Dr. Gilliford was on his feet angry and
determined. He broke in again:
"That is a lie, that is a lie," he cried.
Mr. Kennedy with his gavel rapped the
member from the Sixth ward to order and
quelled the noise that began to buzz about
the room. "The City Solicitor has not
crossed the parliamentary line. You will
have a chance to answer tim,"4e said.
Mr. Elphinstone continued: "I am sorry
I touched the gentleman where he is raw.
But we all know about these things.and it is
not necessary to refer to tbem. In a city
where I have lived and practiced law for
years, where I am known, in a, county
where I took my professional oath as an
attorney, I can not be expected to say
much to such charges. With the gentle
man from the Sixth ward it is a case of
a little learnins being a dangerous thing.
He decided the question of the stock
dividend promptly and has not changed his
Fell Back Upon the Law.
"At first blush I thought the point good.
But I hunted up authorities, I souzht
books, I consulted better, older attorneys,
and I came to the opinion that there was no
case in it. In three other cases the city is
concerned in about street railways I differ
with some who holdthe city has no case,
and I gave my opinions in these cases to
your committees."
Mr. Fielding Mr. Elphinstone, was this
your honest opinion? Personally I believe
it was, but I ask the question to give you a
chance of answering.
Mr. Elphinstone smiled as he replied:
"Yes, it was my honest opinion. There are
questions ot fact and questions of law. I
Leading and Largest
Jewelry and Art Stores.
They are the fashion nowadays in
Jewelry. They are a greater "fad"
than the Fleur dc Lis or Bow Knot
were. The many varied styles make
the display more interesting. We
anticipated the demand, and while
they are being taken by hundreds our
stock -doesn't yet show the effect.
The best movements in the world time
keepers, every.one cf them, from the low
est priced to the finest.
"Watches for ladies and gentlemen; silver
and gold case, plain polished, engine
turned, engraved and jeweled. Not a col
lection equal to ours in these cities. Prices
now lower than at ordinary times.
Fifth Ave. and Market St .
have given you the law and the questions
of fact remain for Councils to decide. In
this matter of compromise the amount to
be accepted lies entirely with Councils. As
for the attack on mv personal honor, It was
unwarranted, and if Dr. Gilliford does what
is right he will withdraw it."
r- ntiliVni-ri i-onliril? "T have stated the
facts. The City Solicitor draws certain in
ferences and seems nun Dy lnierencea m
himself has drawn. I have sid nothing
that is not true and have nothing to take
back." . .
Dr. Gilliford's refusal to apologize cre
ated some confusion; daring which the
(jouncu aqjouraea.
He Will Bo a Good Boy.
Charles Dickhauser, who, although only
13 years old, weighs 1G0 pounds, was dis
charged by Alderman Succop on promising
to go to his home in Brownsville and stay
there. He had run away to keep from go
ing to school.
Special Hosiery Bargain.
250 dozen ladles' Imported black fleeced
hose, 12Kc, worth 22c; black wool hose, 18e,
worth 25c. at liosenbauna & Co.'s.
SLIPPER made of beautiful Plush!
Made of handsome Velvet!
SLIPPERS made of finest Leather!
SLIPPERS at Simen's of an almost
endless variety at PRICES that
are one-third less than you can
buy elsewhere.
.Youths' fancy Velvet Slippers at 50c
Boys' fancy Velvet Slippers at 50c.
Men's fancy Velvet Slippers at 50c.
Youths' Imitation Alligator SHppers,
65c 4
Boys' Imitation Alligator Slippers,
Men's Imitation Alligator Slippers,
85c; worth $1.10.
Men's Chenille and Embroidered
Velvet at 75c
See these fancy Chenille Velvet 85c
Slippers; sold at other stores for
Men's finest Dongola Slippers at $1,
$1.2$, $1.50 and $1.75.
Men's Genuine Plush Slippers at
;$ 1. 50; sold elsewhere at $2.-
A lot of materials
for Curtain and Fur
niture Coverings at
about half price.
Nottingham Lace
Curtains. Our lines
from Si to 8. 50 per
pair are exceptional
value. Over 100 styles
to select from.
Real Irish Point
Lace Curtains, won
derful values from 4
to 3 1 5 per pair.
Chenille Portieres,
the best assortment at
the very lowest prices
every offered; all the
newest designs and
leading colors.
Lace Bed Sets
Very choice selections
of Lace Bedspreads
and Pillow Shams in
new patterns.
Blankets Our own
make, made of the best
selected wool. The
nicest looking and best
wearing blankets in
the market; a full line-
of sizes and colors.
Special low prices
during this sale.
The Leading Pittsbitbo, Px,
Dry Goods Honsa. Friday, Deo. 1 159!.
An extraordinary sale of
Black and Colored
Silk Stockings
At prices especially made for this sala
lower than bare eyer been named before.
And the are the fine goods stockings
that yon can buy for giits and feel confident
yon are giving the best.
75 dozen pairs
Ladies' Black Silk Stockings
At 75c, 5L00 and f 1.25 per pair jnst
25c below the lowest prices eyer pat
on stockings as good.
50 dozen pairs
Ladies' Black Spnn Silk Stockings at
51.50 that haTe never been oSered
over a retail counter below $2.25.
50 dozen pairs
Extra Quality Fine French Pure Black
Silk Stockings at $2.00, $2.50 and
$3.00 per pair, and each grade is
worth a dollar more than these prices.
50 dozen pairs
Ladies' White and Colored, Plain and
Bibbed Silk Stockings, regular $1.00
quality, now 75c a pair.
S dozen pairs
Ladies' "White and Colored Fine French
Pare Silk Stockings, the kind -we
have sold as our very best value at
$3, are made $2.75 per pair for this
Ladies Fancy French BIack Silk Stock
ings, embroidered in the dainty
Dresden designs, at $5 per pair;
actual value $8 and $10.
Equal values in Ladies' Fancy Embroid
ered Silk Stockings, colored and
black, embroidered, lace and fancy
boot styles; prices from $5 to $10.
Children's "White, Black, Pink, Bine and
Cardinal Silk Stockings at 50c per
pair for size 6 to 85c per pair for size
8. Extra values.
That we warrant yon are at lower prices
than you bave ever bought them for before.
Laiies' Black Cotton Stockings at 25c,
worth 35c; at 35c, worth 50c; at 40c,
worth 60c; at 50c, worth 75c
Ladies' fleece-lined Cotton Stockings, un
bleached, at 25c, 35c, 40c and 50c per
pair; Black (Stag's Head) at 35c, 40c
and 50c per pair.
A lot of Ladies' Opera Length Lisle
Thread Stockings in Pinks, Blues and
Yellows, that formerly sold for $1.50,
are 50c a pair.
A saying sale to gift buyers the cheicest
styles of fancy English Cloth Smok
ing Jackets at greatly reduced prices.
Now $5, $6. $8, $10 and $12 each
from $2 to $5 below former prices. 1
The handsomest of plain cloth quilted
satin trimmed Jackets are now?8
to $30.
And the finest brocaded 'English Cloth
Jackets are now $12 to $35.
These prices will make quick clearance
of this big stock of fine garments. If you
want yonr pice don't put off coming to
make yonr selections.
Bath. Robes.
Special prices In fancy English Terry
Cloth, $5 to $12 each; in fancy striped
Eider Down at $C, and in fancy
striped Flannels from $12 to $20.
All other departments of the stores are
offering like special inducements to holi
day shoppers. The grandest stocks you
ever had opportunity to select from are
here, and right in this big store you can
select gifts for every friend for whom you
wish tobny.
609-621 Perm Avenuaf
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