Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 16, 1892, Image 1

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Causing the Senator to Do All
He Can to Annoy the
For the SuccessorsMp to Hiscock in
the Upper House.
The Great Trouble Is to Find the Pro
per Man to Down Ed Murphy With
Representative Stewart Getting
Pointers From DalzeU and Quay He
Wants to Be Speaker, but Is Not
Anxious to Tilt Against a Slate
Another Bill for a Bridge Over the
Monongahela Steel Men Swarm to
Washington in Search of Contracts
Collector Miller's Bond Forwarded to
the Capital.
"Washington, Dec. 15. "Bender' unto
Cleveland the things that are Cleveland's
and unto Hill the things that are
Hill's" was the paraphrase of a Democratic
Senator this morning, while engaged with
several fellow Senators discussing the
Senatorial situation in New York, which
is growing hotter and hotter every moment.
Senator Hill was not in the company.
The election of November 8 and the
Senatorial elections of the five donbtful
States, which will decide the complexion of
the Senate for several years to come, are
hardly of more interest to the politicians
congregated in this city than is the fierce
contest that is now beginning in New York.
The question is not whether "Ed" Murphy
shall be Senator irom New York to succeed
Hiscock, or whetner it shall be some other
man, but it is whether both of the Senators
irom New York, after March 3, shall be
antagonistic to the then President of the
United States, or whether that President
shall have a mouthpiece on the floor of the
11111 Can't Help Hating Cleveland.
To say that Hill is the bitter enemy of
Cleveland is not properly stating the fact
He detests him, has "no use for him," and
will do all he can to annoy him during his
administration unless some unexpected
composition ot their difierences bs made.
The difference between them is simply that
Hill ieels that Cleveland cheated him out
of the Presidency, and Cleveland knows
that Hill tried his level best to "do him"
out ot thejyameJiiKU offi-ee. . ,
To his dving day Hill will hold to the
conviction that after he had secured the en
tire delegation from his own State to the
National Convention, Cleveland, in all
fairness and in all decency, should have
stepped aside. Had Cleveland stepped
aside, Hill is convinced that he, himself,
would now be the President-elect of the
United States.
Senator Hill says to the public that he
does not believe Cleveland is interfering in
the election of the coming Sew York Sena
tor. To his friends in private he says it is
a fight to the death between him and the
President-elect; that if the latter does not
keep his hands off there will be more trouble
than anybody dreams of; and he has been
known to add that France must have had
Cleveland in her eye when she raised the
embargo against the great American hog, as
otherwise Cleveland could never have vis
itcd Paris.
Cleveland's View Is the Favorite.
The Cleveland view of the matter seems
to be the favorite one here, however. Hill
has not made himself at all popular with
his tellow Senators. Whatever may be said
of the "American House of Lords" or the
"House of Millionaires," or of Us being
under the thumb of the corporation hand,
there is a vast deal of profundity and states
manship of a certain sort lying around loose
in the body and a vast deal ol a very pleas
ing sort ot dignity.
The mas3 of the Senators, especially
those of the old school, have a hearty con
tempt for a man who does not rise above
the level ol a petty manipulator for selfish
purposes of the political machine in his
own State. They know that Hill is that
kind of a man; that his soul never soars
beyond the political fieshpots, and there
fore they are for Cleveland now, just as
they were at the time when Hill was
scheming with his snap convention -to se
cure the delegation from New York to the
National Convention.
The older Senators were for Cleveland to
a man. They say, and they have aaid to
Cleveland himself, more than one of them,
that the President should have upon the
floor of the Senate the strongest man in his
party in the State of New York a man
who can talk, and who will have a bearing
when he does talk. That man is not Fair
child, and it is not Whitney. Neither of
these gentlemen would cut any figure in
the chamber of tlie Senate.
Hard to Find the Proper Man.
Can Cleveland win against the machine?
was the question heard on evry hand to
day, when the New York Senatorship
seemed to become, for the time, the over
topping bit of gossip. A friend of Cleve
land in the House tells me that if to win
means to capture the majority of the Dem
ocrats of the Legislature in the caucus, be
did not think the President-elect would
have the least show of success. But as the
Lecislature would count up only 18 or 20
Democratic majority on joint ballot, he felt
certain that enough auti-Hill-Murphy men
would stay out of the caucus, or retuse to
vote for the Hill man, to force the election
of at least a compromise candidate, who
might be some orator of a fine type who has
not been identified with any action, and
who would, without being antagonistic to
Hill, be the recognized and respected repre
sentativc of the President on :he floor of
the Senate.
The difficulty is to find that man. As yet
none of the friends of Cleveland have been
able to suggest anyone who will fill the bill.
The representative from New York referred
""Jgsays that though the balloting will begin
inJa5rSary it-w511 ,ti11 bc KoinK on "g"1'
.r .i'
Le 4th of March,
One of tho taoat
M W 'MVM w w --- a vvv wv , -
remarkable contests in the history cf the
country is looked for.
Getting rolntcrs at the Capital.
Representative-elect Stewart, of Pitts
burg, wno is a candidate for the Speaker
ship of the House of Representatives at
Harrisburg, was in the city to-day, and
aroused a good deal of interest, as it was
generally believed that he is in the race to
smash any slate where his own name does
not appear, which, of course, all Pennsyl
vanians know is not the fact. Mr. Stewart
merely wished to have a chat all around
with Pennsylvania, members of Congress
who are known to be leaders in their party,
and so he made numerous friendly calls and
had many a friendly chat Naturally he
spent much of his time with Consressman
Dalzell, as the latter represents Mr. Stew
art's district After a protracted visit with
that gentleman he made his way over to the
Senate wing of the Capitol and held a pro
longed conversation with Senator Quay,
toward whom he is understood to be very
friendly. Subsequently he held another
conversation with Mr. Dalzell.
It is said that Mr. Stewart's real mission
was to find out whether the leaders of the
party in the State that Is, those who have
been accustomed to shape party affairs to a
great extent had decided upon a "slate."
Not a Candidate Against a Slate.
When asked if he was a candidate Mr.
Stewart is reported to have replied that if
it Lad been decided that the name of ex
Speaker Thompson, of Warren county, was
to head the list of names slated he was not
a candidate, but if there was no arrange
ment and it was still a "free pitch-in," if
Walto of Philadelphia, was going into
the caucus as a candidate, then he (Stew
art) was also in.
Senator Quay is reported to have said
that so far as he was informed on the ques
tion SValton was a candidate, but he could
not tell what might happen between this
time and the meeting of the Legislature.
It is probable, therefore, that if any name
but that of Thompson be presented to the
caucus lor the Speakership Mr. Stewart's
name will also be bunched with the rest
Senator' Quay expects to leave for his
Beaver home to-morrow evening, and he
will probably stop tor a short time in
Pittsburg, to talk over Pennsylvania affairs
with his lriends.
The contest of Greevy against Scnll for
the seat in the House of Bepresentatives
from the Bedford-Blair-Cambria-Somerset
district, in Pennsylvania, will come up lor
a final vote to-morrow in the Committee on
Elections. The contest has been hard
fought and expensive tor both sides, though
Mr. Greevy stumbled sadly in the begin
ning in the preparation and presentation of
his case. He presented a mass of irrele
vant matter that can't he admitted as evi
dence. Sympathy on the Eido of Scull.
On the.other hand, Scull, with his years
of experience in Congress, was thoroughly
familiar with the requirements of commit
tees on elections, and presented his case in
admirable shape. While no one can tell
what the vote will show, it is believed from
expressions that have been heard from
members of the committee, that Mr. Scull,
who will pass out of Congress at any rate
at the close of his term, will not be dis
turbed in bis seat In his six years of Con
gress Mr. Scull hal made a hort of friends
on both sides of the House, none of whom
wish to see him close his career in their
midst by being thrust out of his seat by the
mere brute power of a majority, when all
feel that so far as they are inlormed in re
gard to the case he is honestly elected.
The contract for the new battleship Iowa
and thcnevr.armored cruiser Brooklyn will
probably be awarded to the Cramps, of
Philadelphia, as ther were the lowest bid
ders, ,10-day, upon bnth vessels. -At the
opening ot the bids toi morning a number
ot ateef manufacturers were present, among
them a representative of the I3etnlenem
works, Cephas Taylor, of the Xinden Steel
Works; Messrs. " Bobinson, LInsley and
Church, of the Carbon Steel Works, and
Mr. 'Davenport, of tho Carnegie works.
These gentlemen had in view the securing
ot contracts for steel work upon ther vessels
from the lucky bidder.
Still Another Bridge Wanted.
Bepresentative Sipe to-day introduced a
bill tor the construction of abridge by the
Belle Vernon Bridge Company at the
borough ol Belle "Vernon, across the Monon
gahela at the foot of Main street, in Fayette
county, to a point opposite in Washington
county, the plans to be submitted to and
approved by the Secretary of War.
Commissioner Mason, of the Bureau of In
ternal Bevenne, received a telegram late
this afternoon Irom George F. Miller, re
cently appointed Collector for the Pittsburg
district, saying that he had mailed his bond.
The document will reach the department
to-morrow, and will doubtless be promptly
judge Ewing was one of the distinguished
visitors at the Capitol to-day, and received
much attention from statesmen to whom he
was introduced. H e was escorted about the
Capitol by the Bepresentatives from Alle
gheny county, and was deeply interested in
the machinery of legislation. He is here
in connection with matters pertaining to
the Presbyterian Church.
AKumor by Way of Albany Slakes Dill
Secretary of State.
Albany, N. Y., Dec. 15. The Times
Union to-night, under a Washington date,
United States Senator Hill has been
tendered the portfolio of State by President,
elect Cleveland. This is following tlio cus
tom to give to their leading opponent the
portfolio. United States Senator Hill was
approached while In New York Dy a close
friend of Mr. Cleveland. As a result Mr.
Cleveland and Mr. Hill met in Baltimore
later on, where all differences whcie healed
and Mr. Cleveland in person tendered Mr.
Hill tlie portiolio of State. This would ro
sult in the following" changes in New York
State: Governor Flower and lion. Edward
Murphy, Jr., will hbth he sent to the United
States Senate, placing Lieutenant-Governor
Sbeehan In the Governor's chair.
The rresldent-Klect Writes Ont His Opin
ion Very Emphatically.
New Yoke, Dec IS. President-elect
Grover Cleveland was apparently up to his
eyes in business this evening when a re
porter called to ascertain the truth of the
announcement in the Albany Times-Union
that Senator David B. Hill had been ten
dered the portfolio of Secretary of State.
He sent down word that he was too
busy to be seen, and refusing to grant the
reporter a personal interview. In answer,
however, to the paragraph announcing the
selection of Mr. Hill as Premier of Mr.
Cleveland's Cabinet, the President-elect
sent the following note:
"So lar as I know, not a single word of
trnth is in the stuff Mr. Cleveland had
written the word "above," but scratched it
out and'substitoted "stuff," as more proba
bly emphasizing his denial.
He Has Been Tendered No Portfolio and
Expects None.
Washington, Dec 15. Senator Hill's
attention being called to a Washington dis
patch to the Albany Timct-Union, he at
first declined to dlscnss the matter, but
finally -consented to state that he had not
been tendered a Cabinet position by Mr.
Cleveland, and did not expect to k', ten
dered one., . jn"
Ilis Declarations on the
Question of Inerrancy
of tlie Bible,
He Talks Another Whole Day to the
New York Presbytery,
His Friends Crowd Around Ilim to Shake
Ills Hand Heartily
New York, Dec. 15. Most of the argu
ment which Prof. Briggs presented to-day
to the New York Presbytery, in his defense
against the charges of heresy, was deToted
to the question of inerrancy of the Scriptures
which is the sharpest issue on which the
conservatives and radicals of the Presby
terian Church are divided. For three days
Prof. Brtggs has been talking to his jurors,
and the Btrain is beginning to tell upon
him. In the ten-minute recess, which was
the only opportunity he had for rest to-day,
his lriends insisted upon crowding about
him to shake his hand and offer him en
couragement The accused professor resumed his argu
ment on the divine authority of the Church.
"The Church," he said, "is a great fount
ain of divine authority, according to the
standards of the Presbyterian Church.
There is no inconsistency between the first
chapter of our confession, which teaches
that the Holy Scriptures are tho only infal
lible rule of faith and practice, and the
seven chapters of the Confession, which set
forth the divine authority which there is in
the Church. Holy church, like Holy
Scripture, is an ordinance of God, a means
of grace, a channel of divine influence, an
instrument of salvation, a fountain of holy
Ordinary Channels ot Dlvlno Grace.
"The church has no divine authority in
itself apart from God. Its divine author
ity is in that its chief institutions were
divinely appointed, and that these divinely
appointed institutions are the ordinary
channels of divine grace. If this court
could go so far astray from the Bible and
the Confession as to convict me of heresy
for asserting that the church is a great
fountain of divine authority, you would do
me a very great honor. But that honor
would be embittered by the disgrace of a
church which I love."
Prof. Briggs insisted that a verdict against
him would amount to a declaration that
CarJinal Newman did not find God in the
the church, and that such men as he were
mistaken in their religious experience.
"You cannot evade the issue," said Profi
Brigcs. ,Yonr verdict will be interpreted
by the Christian world as a yes or no to the
question. I rejoice in this issue. Again,
sar ves: and I would deliberately choose
the company for time aad.for -eternityof
j.uaruiieuu uu igwuuiu robutu- wjku wi uuu
loveless persons as would cast them- out of
the congregation of the faithfal."
Anotlier Argument Wound Up.
In concluding his argument in answer to
the first two charges Prof. Briggs said: "I
have now gone over the four specifications
of the two charges which represent that
the doctrine that there are three great
fountains of divine authority, the Bible,
the Church and the Season, is irreconcila
ble with essential and necessary doctrices
of the confession and of Holy Scripture.
If they are inconsistent doctrines then I am
indeed excluded from orthodoxy in the
Presbyterian Church. If they are
not inconsistent lam not heterodox in this
particular. I have given you my explana
tions and idt evidence. It Is lor you to
give the verdict, In the fear of God and sub
ject to the review of the superior courts ot
the church. Above them all stands the su
preme court of heaven, the tribunal ot
Jesus Christ, the only king and head of His
church. In the divine presence I challenge
you to make a righteous verdict."
Tho Third Cliargo Taken Up.
Prof. Briggs then took up charge III,
which accuses him of teaching that errors
mav have existed in the origiual text of the
Holy Scriptures as it came Irom its authors.
He said that this statement to his doctrine
was fairly accurate, but it was necessary to
prove that this was contrary to the essen
tial doctrines that Holy Scripture is the
word of God, is immediately inspired, and
is the rule of faith and practice.
"Doubtless the prosecution thinks," said
he, "that there is contradiction here. It
mar he that a majority of this Presbytery
thinks so. You may agree with a recent,
opinion that a proved error in Scripture
contradicts not only our doctrine, but the
Scripture's claims, and therefore its in
spiration in making those claims."
Those who uttered these words, Prof.
Briggs said, bad no right to make dogma
for the Presbyterian Church and he also
took strong excentaon to the deliverance of
the last General Assembly, which stated
that' "our church holds that ihe inspired
word as it came from God is without error."
Rights of tlio General Axsembly.
"The General Assembly," said Prof.
Briges, "when it makes a deliverance gives
the opinion of all those who may be present
and who may consent to it Such deliver
ance has no more weight than the names of
such persons can give it It doesnqt bind
the minority, still less those who were absent
when the vote was taken. The General
Assembly has no authority under the con
stitution to make dogma by deliverance.
It is my firm conviction that I can show
yon that the General Assembly at Port
land by this deliverance violated the con
stitution of our church and promulgated
doctrine which is not authorized by Script
ture or our standards.
'Che prosecution charges further," con
tinued Prof. Briggs, "that errors in Holy
Scripture conflict with the essential doc
trine that 'Holy Scripture is the word of
God written.' The prosecution may think
that there is conflict here, but they are
mistaken. I hold to the 'true inspiration of
tho word of God written,' but I also hold that
thejc are errors in Holy Scripture, and that
there is no inconsistency between these
statements. The inconsistency is in the
mind of the prosecutors, because they al
ready included the terms 'full inspiration,'
verfial inspiration' and 'inerrancy,' whereas
I use 'Plenary' or 'fnll' in the grammatical
and historical sense, as referring to the con
tents of the words.
Drawing a Homely Parallel.
"When we say that a lamp is full of oil
we do not mean that the lamp is oil, but
that it contains oil in the receptacle which
it incloses. "When I say the Scriptures are
full of divine inspiration I mean that
the Scriptures as writings are filled
with an Inspired rule of faith
nd practice which rule fills and pervades
all Its parts."
Prof. Briggs next brought up a number of
instances froqt Scripture topjove that the
Bible was not inerrant, and in concluding
this subject said that upholders of iner
rancy must insensibly become mtre biblio
laters. ..
Prof, Briggs jrill conclude Ms argument
mytom W0M-
prrrsBuitG, Friday; December i6t. 1892-twelye,
Monday. He distributed among the mem
bers of the Presbytery a printed pamphlet
entitled. "Who "Wrote the Pentatuch?
which the Presbytery had allowed him to
present in that form as part of his argu
ment It is a statement of the methods of
the higher criticism, and gives exhaustively
the reasons for believing that the first five
books of the Bible were the work of a num
ber of different writers instead of the work
of Moses alone.
None of Them Are Immigrants Nowadays
Prettv Sample Names of a Few of the
2,203 Brought Over Yesterday on One'
Steamer How the Quarantine X.air is
New York, Dec. 15. Special In these
days of restricted emigration it seldom hap
pens that the entire incoming fleet of
steamships on any single day has more than
1,000 immigrants, so there was much sur
prise to-day when the report came up from
Quarantine that the big immigrant carrier,
Stuttgart, of the North German Lloyd, had
arrived with 5,263 steerage passengers.
They are not called "Immigrants" now, as
the penaltr for bringing immigrants is 20
days' detection. The steerage passengers
are now known as "alien totfrists," and the
near relatives of American citizens or resi
dents of the United States.
All of the Stuttgart's passengers are well,
as their quarters aboard ship are roomy and
clean. The ship will be held at quarantine
for fumigation. After she is released by
the health officer she will be permitted to
come up, unless Uncle Sam objects.
Gustav N. Schwab, agent of the line,
said that the Stuttgart had been reported to
the collector and probably would be al
lowed to proceed. She will land 1,341 pas
sengers here and 922 at Baltimore. Mr.
Schwab said .they were admissable, accord
ing to their declarations. Some of them
were "alien tourists." As far as he knew
there were no immigrants on the ship.
Here are some of the names from the
passenger list: Katarzina Deptovic,
Walenty Pulinski, Marianna Petkaniemi,
Leander Yhkaugas, Eliel Korhiakowski,
Magdalina Pankaviczowa, Fotija Szwajka,
Stanislawa Pytynska, Josefa Barankiewicz,
Marianua Owczarzak, Andrzy Jzydorek
and Wladislaw Marczinkowski.
The Decision In Which Is Being "Watched
"With Much Interest
Bradford, Dec. 15. SjeriaZ. Insur
ance Commissioner George B. Luper, of
Harrisburg, appeared in court atSmeth
port to-day as the prosecutor in a case at
tracting much attention among insurance
men in this end of the State. Yesterday
the grand jury returned four indict
ments against W. "W. Ansell, an insur
ance agent of this city. Two of these in
dictments charge him with acting as an in
surance agent without authority in writing
two policies for A. B. Peake in the Com
mercial Fire Insurance Company of Mont
gomery, W. "Va., and one in the Farmers
and Mechanics' Company of Alexandria,
W. Va. -The other indictments charge him
with unlawfully negotiating insurance in
writing up these policies.
The "case is on trial, the defense being
that Ansell was deceived in the transac
tion. It is alleged that Peake obtained
policies upon which the State Commissioner
of Pennsylvania expects to prove his case,
through a Chicago firm of Insurance bro
kers, and remitted the money through
Lxhey Cart Away a TVairon Load or Bicycles-
Chicago, Dee. 15. Burglars broke into
the store of the Stokes Manufacturing Com
pany, early yesterday morning, and carried
away 12 bicycles valued at $150 each, and a
large number of tools, lamps and bicycle
repairs. Part of the store is but two stories
high. The burglars elimbed np a long
scantling placed against the building, pulled
up the scantling, pried off the cover of the
scuttle hole, then slid down the scantling
into the store.
A wazon was in waiting in the alley, and
into this they loaded the bicycles. They
looked over the stock and selected none but
high-grade machines. From the number of
wheels they handled, it is estimated that
they must have been in the store over three
hours, yet neither the Pinkerton watchman
nor the police saw or heard them. The
value of the property taken is about 52,200.
A Farmer's Son Hangs Himself in the Barn
With a llow Line.
Columbia, S. C, Dec. 15. Soeciai
Lome Armstrong, son of a prominent
farmer in Greenville county, committed
suicide to-day, by hanging himself in his
father's barn with a plow line. His neck
was broken.
A few days ago his father sold a mule of
which the boy was very fond. He grieved
over the loss of his favorite animal to such
an extent that his mind became unbalanced
and he finally killed himself.
A Bangor Girl Astonishes Doctors by Taking;
No Nourishment
Bangor, Me., Dec. 15. Special The
people of Burlington, near Bangor, are
greatly puzzled over the strange
case ot Miss Susie Porter, who
has gone without nourishment
for 46 days, and still lives. She is conscious
ot her approaching end, and longs for death
to relieve her ot her suffering, but it is im
possible to say how long she will linger in
The case is a decidedly peculiar one, and
has excited much interest among physicians.
The Culprits Had Keys Made In Chicago to
Elt the Company Safes.
Meridian, Miss., Dec. 15. At last the
veil of mystery surrounding the Southern
Express robberies has been lifted. To-day
Charles O. Sonimers, a detective, pleaded
guilty to abstracting the $5,000 packages
irom the Southern Express here Decem
ber 6.
Sommers had a key made in Chicago
which fitted the lock of the safe, and, after
breaking into the office.bad no trouble in ab
stracting the money. Sommers' pal was ar
rested to-day with $4,000 on' his person.
Annie Myers, the "Woman Burglar of New
Jersey, gets Fire to Her Bed.
Woodbuby, Ni J., Dec 15. Annie
Myers, the notorious woman burglar, who
was yesterday sentenced to five years' im
prisonment in the county jail, made a sen
sational attempt to end her life to-day by
setting fire to the mattress in her cell.
The flames were disoovered in time to
prevent, the destruction of the building.
The woman is so horribly burned that her
recovery is doubtful,
A McKeesporter Uets a Colossal Fortune.
McKeesp03T, Dee. 15. Special R.
Moyle, grocer of this city, has received
notice that his unole, John E. Simms, for
merly a wealthy manufacturer in Cali
fornia, has died and left a fortune of 51,500,
000'lor division smotig five niirs, of which
Mr, Moyle la oftf, -...
But His Physician Declares
There Is No Immediate
Danger N of Beath.
And Cares No More to Sit Up in Ued
and Converse With Friends.
Ent the Familj Insists TLat Bis Condition
Isn't Critical,
"Washington, Dec. 15. Mr. Blaine is
not as well to-night as he was yesterday.
This statement is made on the authority of
his physician, who also says that reports to
t be effect that Mr. Blaine is lying at the
point of death are not warranted by the
The Dispatch correspondent has en
deavored to-day to learn the true condition
of Mr. Blaine. After conversing with Dr.
W. W. Johnson, the attending physician,
and James O. Blaine, Jr., on the subject, it
is his belief that, while Mr. Blaine is a sick
man, there is no immediate danger of his
Dr. Johnson aud Mr. Blaine, Jr., are
averse to being quoted in deference to the
wishes of Mrs. Blaine, who objects to hav
ing the details of her husband's Illness and
the description of the disease by which he
is suffering set forth in the newspapers.
Was by No Means Alarming.
Mr. Blaine's condition to-night is by no
means alarming. Yesterday he was
brighter and more cheerful than he has
been for several days past. He sat up in
bed and joined in the conversation with the
doctor and his wife. He discussed general
topics and appeared to take aninterest in
evervthiug going on around him. To-day
he was less cheerful, and was disposed to
remain In a reclining position in bed.
There is nothing to indicate that his lungs
are affected, and there would be nocause'for
denving it if they were. The Blaine family
do not leel alarmed at these fluctuations in
Mr. Blaine's condition. While he may be
very poorly to-night by to-morrow an im
provement may occur.
In short, if Mr. Blaine is a dying man his
family and his physicians are being de
ceived. They refuse to discuss his ailments
further than to say that he has a bronchial
affection, but they insist that his condition
is not critical.
A "Wiao Field for Conjecture.
The fact that the physicians decline to
enter into an explanation of the disease
leaves a wide, field for conjecture among
those "who refuse to be satisfied with the
vague statements given out officially. For
instance, an eminent physician who is not
connested with the case, "but who takes a
professional interest in it, said to-night that
it was cenerallv snpposeti br the medical
t-'raternlty thai .MfrBJaintis sufferer from,
'Kloney irouDies. wnen ias auccuon uc
comes chronic complications are apt to
arise which affect the stomach and lunes.
The family have determined to remote
Mr. Blaine to a warmer and less changeable
climate as soon as he is strong enough to
endur3"Ifc"5Aurney. The recent sudden
changes in temperature in "Washington and
the prevailing' damp and unseasonable
weather are said to have greatly interfered
with the successful treatment of Mr.
Blaine's case and to have hastened the ar
rangements for his departure. It is said
that he will be taken either to Aiken,. S. O.,
or to some place in Florida.
The Sands of Life Banning; Oat.
The Associated Press sends ont the fol
lowing this evening: Inquiry at Mr.
Blaine's residence this evening elicits
simply the response, through an attendant,
that "Mr. Blaine's condition is about the
same." From another source it is learned
that his condition is less favorable than it
was this morning. Although there is no
danger, apparently, of an immediate fatal
termination of his illness, there is no doubt
that Mr. Blaine is a very sick man, and bis
present condition excites the gravest fears.
It is, in fact, so serious that there is said to
be only a possibilitr of his recovering suffi
ciently to admit of his removal to a milder
A person qualified to speak by reason of
relationship with the family says: "It is
only within the past four dars that Mr.
Blaine's family have fully realized that the
sands of his lite are rapidly running out.
At no period of his declining health, for
some time past, has Mr. Blaine failed to
appreciate that he was stricken with dis
ease that must sooner or later terminate
fatally, but with a splendid courage char
acteristic of the man, he has carefully
guarded the secret from his family and per
formed his duties, public and private. Mr.
Blaine's disease is of the kidneys. Those
organs being the weakest, become con
gested whenever he takes cold.
Cause of the Present Attack.
"Mr. Blaine is at present suffering from a
cold contracted while out driving a few
days ago. His throat and lungs are inces
santly affected. That which alarms his fam
ily and friends most is that upon the recur
rence ot every relapse, such as the one from
which he is now suffering, his vital powers
show less and less recuperative energy. As
a matter of fact Mr. Blaine is growing
weaker and weaker as the days go by. He
is much emaciated as compared with his
condition six days ago.
"Until quite recently Mr. Blaine has not
felt inclined to discuss the subject of death.
Now he speaks upon that subject freely, is
preparing for the end, and is becoming rec
onciled to the common lot of man. A lov
ing father, the death of three children with
in a comparatively brief period has sorely
stricken him, and his grief has hastened the
progress of the malady with which he is
Some Sensational Developments Looked
for in Beaver County.
BeAvek, Dec. 15. Special A. L.
Davidson, accused of waylaying his father-in-law,
Milo Bradshaw, of South Beaver
township, last Saturday night and shooting
him in the back, was in court to-day and
was released under $1,000 bonds to answer
at the next term of Quarter Sessions for
shooting with intent to kill There is a
sensation behind this occurrence which will
be developed in court The women of the
Bradshaw family all side with Davidson,
and the sympathies of the neighbors and
outsiders generally are with the old man
The State will undertake to show at the
coming trial that after tha shooting of
Bradshaw last Saturday night, and before
Davidson was captured, he was at the Brad
snaw house, where he gave one of the girls
a pistol with one chamber -empty and the
women gave him somrfood, Subsequently
the pursuing party -went to the house,
wtiere any Jcsqwjeago TJ v,tusvu w "
v .ivk,,. f -v V
Republican Senators Don't Expect to Ap
point a Steering Committee, as the
Democrats Have Doao They Say It
Conld Have a "Wrong Effect on tho
Washington, Dec. 15. The Republican
Senatorial caucus met again at 10 o'clock
this morning, and further discussed the
programme to be followed by the party in
regard to the prospective Senatorial con
tests in several" of the "Western States. A
resolution offered by Senator Hawley, of
Connecticut, was adopted, authorizing the
Chairman, Senator Sherman, to appoint a
committee of five Senators to take into con
sideration the wisdom and propriety of
Senatorial interference in these contests.
The obvious purpose of the resolution is to
reflect unpleasantly on the "pernicious
activity" of the Democratic caucus com
mittee in this matter. Further than that
nothing was done except to discuss the gem
eral outlook in the "West, and the result of
this was to greatly encourage the Western
Senators, inasmuch as it demonstrated that
their Eastern colleagues are by no means
lukewarm in the matter. The caucus ad
journed subject to call.
The concensus of opinion expressed was
that, while the Senators did not desire or
intend to interfere with the States in carry
ing out the will of the people, it was the
duty of the Republican Senators to resent
strenuously the assertions of the Demo
crats, who are now, as they charge, trying
to pervert public sentiment. It was shown
to the satisfaction of the caucus that the
Democratic "steering committee" had no
ground upon which to stand when it jjave
out the authorized interview in New Yore,
and in corroboration of this some figures
were produced. In Nebraska, it was said
by the speakers, the Democrats had but
four members in the entire Legislature, and
in Kansas but 17. In North Dakota the
Republicans had a clear majority of nine in
both branches, and in Wyoming five. In
California and Montana the vote is close,
with the.Popnlists holding the balance ot
power. ,
Senator Morrill made a strong speech, in
which he deprecated the assertions made by
the Democrats, and urced that the Repub
licans do.wlrt.to?er mightJic necessaryto
Tnaia'ltWrrtHyiitfiatteh dssirtioBs1:
were basea upon assumptions ui mo ujuii..
violent character and insulting to the in
tegrity and honesty of the Republican
One of the active members of the caucus
said it was not the intention of the Repub
licans to appoint any so-called "steering
committee," for the reason that the only
purpose of such committee could be to ex
ercise an improper influence upon the Leg
islatures in the States in question.
He Tells a Cleveland Reporter His Side of
the Quarrel TVlth Byrnes.
Cleveland, Dec. 15. Rev. Dr. Park
hurst, of New York, lectured hereto-night.
In conversation about his fight with the
Police Department of New York the doctor
was asked how he accounted for the attack
of Superintendent Byrnes upon him. He
replied he conld hardly answerthat, as the
attack was a surprise. He continued:
I never like to fly Into tho papers, but I
was obliged to answer Byrnes' cliarges. if
you want to state the wholo animus of the
matter I will uive it to you. Tlio evils not
only existed very abundantly, hut with that
openness that makes It evident that Miey
are protected. Air. Byrnes seems to think he
can destroy tho object or the society by Im
pugning my motives, supposing my motives
were bad, and my purpose to get even with
him. That does not undo all he has done.
In his last letter ho said there la a Well
ueaten path leading from my church door
to a disorderly house in tho neighborhood.
I demanded that under section 283 of the
laws he pull that house, but he has not done
so as yet.
In an Important Canadian Snlt Against
Three Dig Corporations.
Cleveland, Dec. 1G. Several prom
inent Canadian attorneys are in the city on
an important mission. It is an examination
ordered by the High Conrt of Justice of
Canada in the suit brought by the Central
Ontario Railway agaihst Senator H. B.
Pavne. Judee Stevenson Burke and H. P.
Mcintosh, of this city, and S. J. Ritchie, of
The claim set np is that funds of the rail
way were illegally diverted from the rail
way to the Canada Copper Company and
the Anglo-American Irou Company of
Canada, and several millions of dollars are
involved. Judge Burke is President of
the railway and botii the other companies,
and the other defendants are stockholders
in all three of the corporations.
The Misses Snyder, of Ebensunrjr, Convicted
of Btirnlnc Their Store.
Ehensbuko, Dec. 15. SpeeiaLI The
jury in the Snyder arson cise, in which
Misses Edith and Vance Snyder were ac
cused of burning their millinery store Iait
July to recover the insurance money, re
turned at 7:30 to-night a verdict of guilty,
recommending them to the mercy ut the
A petition for a new trial was immedi
atelr made and will be arcuvi) January 10.
Sentence will be deferred until ihat time.
The girls have until this time enjoyed gooJ
They Lose Their Fight at Bearer Falls,
and Some Are Blacklisted.
Beaver Falls, Dec. 15. Spnial
This morning quite a larce proportion of
the young lady strikers at the Art Tile
Works applied for reinstatement. They
were set to work at the old'rate, under-the
old regulations, against which they struck,
and to-day all the departments are running
Beveotr girls were ont, and "a nnmber of
them, being on the blade list, will not be
a taken back.
U AT -."
A Dozen of Them Quit Because the Conn
try ICoads Are So Bad.
WELLSVILLE, O., Dec 15. SpedaL
Steubenvllle Presbytery, of the United
Presbyterian Church, has just closed a very
interesting meeting in this city. Rev. J.
B. Achessn, of Scio, was Moderator. Y.
L. Jamieson and E. Thompson were licensed
to preach. Bad roads brought on an epi
demic of resignations of pastoral charges
in 'the country, there being now a dozen
vacant charges in the Presbytery. Rev.
Harsbaw was dismissed from West Beaver
and Lebanon, J. S. McMunn from
Mechanicstown and T. W. Beit irom Car
rolton. For half the day the Presbytery discussed
a petition from the choir ot Rev. Mr. Tag
gart's churoh in East Liverpool. At a
church service the choir sang as a voluntary
a psalm anthem. Several ot the congrega
tion wanted to take part in the singing, but
couldn't, as the anthem had not been an
nounced. The would-be singers in the con
gregation had asked to have the anthem
announced, which the choir refused to do.
The petition was from the choir, asking
the Presbytery to sustain them in their
traditional rig'hts, ns recognized in all
churches where the indispensability of the
choir is properly recognized. After long
and grave consideration of the question the
Presbytery, in the interest of peace,
ordered the choir to announce the anthem.
They also held that there is music for wor
ship as well as for edification, and that vol
untaries were of the edifying sort and not
for worship. The Presbytery adjourned to
meet in Knoxville in April.
They Treat a Glrl-Bcater to a Dose of Ilis
Own Medicine.
Ntack, N. Y., Dec: 15. Special. The
upper part of Rockland county is consider
ably excited over the facts, just made
known, of the punishment administered by
half a dozen Whitecans to a man named
Wheel, who has been in the habit of
severely beating his daughter -without
cause. The other night Wheel was sur
prised while on IiSb way home,, six White
caps, all armed with whips, stopping him.
They gagged and thrashed him .and gave
hip io understand if lis. whipped hts daugh
ter again they would thrash him the next
time within an inch ot his life. The gang
escaped and the whipped father -went home,
but has not been seen ont of the house after
dark since.
It is stated this gang of Whitecaps has
other grievances which it must catisly be
fore H retires from active dutr, and it in
tends to visit the village of Haverstraw and
lie in wait for several men who have been
seen prowling about the streets at night.
Chicago Fnrchasers of Louisiana Tickets
Baying the Boiras Article.
Chicago, Dec. 13. Detectives to-d3y
unearthed a gigantic lottery fraud. A con
cern that for a long time has been turning out
thousands of bogus tickets to the Lonisiana
Lottery and others for lotteries which do
not exist was raided and J. B. Stanger, the
manager, was held to the grand jury. The
detectives of the Louisiana Lottery have
been after Stanger for almost a year, but
could not locate him until to-day.
A plant of lithographers' tools and stones
worth $3,000 was found, and immense piles
of bogus tickets were gathered up and
carted away. Stanger was only a "work
man in charge of the plant, and his
counterfeits are perfect. The agents
ot the Louisiana lottery claim he
.is the only man in the country who could
do the work. Who was behind him Is not
known. It is estimated by the Louisiana
people that over 500,000 bogns tickets have
been turned out by Stanger, and all of
them have been sold at full price.
"Wanted by the Prohibltlonljts, Who Say
They Lose Thousands of Votes.
Harbisbubg, Dec. 15. At a meeting of
the Sfate Executive Committee of the Pro
hibition party this evening it was decided
to hold the next State Convention in Har
risburg, June 7, 1893. Resolutions were
adopted urging organization in every coun
ty, Demorest medal contests, the formation
of local clubs and the holding of county
conferences. The ballot law was discussed,
and some steps will be taken to have it
amended. It was the opinion of the com
mittee that the filing of nomination papers
of the State nominees should be sufficient.
Btate Chairman Patton reported that he
made 148 speeches and attended 55 county
conferences during the las: campaign. He
thought from 3,000 to 5,000 votci were lost
to the partv by mistakes in marking ballots.
The expenses of the campaign were
?8 471 30, leaving a balance in the treasury
ot'$218 12. There is ?2,200 due in subscrip
tions. OUT OF FUNDS.-
A National Bank In Kansas In the Hands
of Uncle Sam.
Newton, Kan., Dec. 15. The Newton
National Bank closed its doors at 11:30
o'clock this morning, posting upon them a
notice: "Bank closed In the hands of tho
The officers are in the city but see no one,
and the only information secured concern
ing the matter is that the funds gave ont
and the officers voluntarily closed the bank.
The bank was closed November 21, 1800, In
It failure involving Banks at Guthrie,
f White Water and other places. In July,
1891, it was reopened under an agreement
with the old depositors.
"White Mates Black.
Sfkinofield, O,, Dec 13. Bessie
Hinkle, a pretty whita waitress at thcNew
Grand Hotel, and John Jacksou, a mulatto
from West Liberty, eloped last evening
tsking a westbound train. The girl halls
from Delaware and was well thought of,
belnsr modest and retirlnr. Jackson was a
enest of the hotel and has known the girl
tor some timet
JTffs .. ' -O
4it, n j r w i r.sstiT.
Chinese wont go;
Bit They TO1 Legally Testf
tlie Constitutionality of
the Exclusion Act.
Choate and .Seward to Appeal to thff
Highest American Conrt.
Will File a Protest and Abrogate
Treaties if It Avails Not
The Chinese won't go if they can avoiif,
it. A s(rong concerted move has beenvj
started by the Chinese of the United States;
to resist the Chinese exclusion act, asj
amended by Congress May C, 1892. Thitj
movement is under the direction of thaj
leading Chinamen of the country, who arw
in touch with the representatives of thai
Chinese Government.
Rev. E. R. Donehoo, of the West Encl
Presbyterian Church, has just received
letter from Hon. Yung Wing, who formerly
iCbtCl UUUI UUU. AU(, " .&, w .- -,
was Commissioner of Education for the
Chinese Government, now living in Hart- '
ford, Conn. It details the plans of resist ,
ance, which embrace three distinct more
ments operating among different elements
of the Chinese population and nnder dif- t
ferent leaders.
"Will Test Its Constitutionality.
Hon. Tung Wing is a Christian, and rep- j
resents this class in the general movement. -''
They have arranged to secure the services
of two great constitutional lawyen, Joseph
H. Choate and Chas. H. Seward. When 'J
the first Chinaman is thrown into jail, theyi
will fight his case through to the Supremo
Court and test the constitutionality of tho
law. If it is declared unconstitutional,
then it will be inoperative. Under Yung ''
Wing's instructions all Christian Chinamen
will refrain from registering nntil the casa
is decided. Each Chinaman is asked to
contribute to help fight the case.
Another movement, 33 detailed by Yunff ' '
Wing in his letter, is that or the Oriental J
Club, of New York, acting under the nsme j
of the Chinese Equal Rights League. Sara, f
Ping Lee is President, and Wang Chin Foo '
Secretary. Wang Chin Foo is one of tha f
most noted Chinamen in the United States. .
He is a contributor to newspapers and maz- 4
azines, and Is the author of a recent articlo
in the North American Iiesiea, "Why I Am s
Heathen." Wang Chin Foo was converted
to Christianity and then became one of its
most bitter assailants. These men head
movement of the heathen element in New
Trying to'Aronse Pnbllc Sympathy.
They are trying to arouse pnblic sympa
thy and indignation, by holding mass meet
ings, addreed by noted Americans and
Chinese. Thev pfopoe to flood Congress
with petitions,'' demanding repeal of tho
A third movement' is that of tno
"Heathen Chinee" ot San Francisco. They
are levying a poll fax of 51 a head on every
Chinaman in the United States. As ther
are 107,000 Chinese in the country, thia
means a sum amounting; to at least 5100,000
They have employed Thomas JL RIordan,'.
an eminent lawyer, of San Francisco, to
fight the constitutionality of the law, even
to the highest court of the land.
A final movement is that of the Chlnesa
Government, as disclosed by Hong Chin
Chee, an attache of tho legation in Wash
ington. When the first Chinaman is throwa
in jail, the Government will protest to the
Secretarv of State and demand his release,
as he will have committed no crime.
Retaliation Will Follow.
If this fails, then retaliation will follow.
There will be no recourse to arms. Tha
Chinese Government doesn't intend to be
participant in an imbroglio. Bnt there will
be an abrogation of treaty rishts. All com
mercial communication will be shut oil. Tha
Government will cease protection to tha
1,500 American merchants and the several
hundred missionaries. This will likely
turn the rabble loose on thcSe unprotected
people, and they are already anxious to
TniuKacre foreigners.
Rev. Mr. Donehoo mentioned last night
what ho characterized an evidence of tha
injustice of the law. The Presbyterian
Church sent to China and secured a nativa
convert to work among the Chinese in San
Barring Ont a Christian.
He was refused a ticket at Yokohama, aJ
representatives of the Pacific Steamship
Company stated that nnder the provisions
of the law he conld not gain entrance into
the United States.
Another feature of the law, he stated,
was that only J5.000 is appropriated to pay
the expense of Chinamen back to their own
country. Ont of the 107,000 in the country.
at least 75,000 cannot complv with the ree-
motions OI ine law. Xl is esuuiaieu ma. it
will cost $100 for each Chinaman, which
would aggresate 7,500,000.
Acting Collector of Internal Revenua
Mitchell stated yesterday that out of 500
Chinamen in this district only one had ap
plied for papers to register, and he hao not
filled them out. This man is Lee Yung.
And Lives to Take a Ster l'art "With a The
atrical Company.
Niagara Falls, Dec. 15. Special
While the members of DeLission Brothers'
"The Western" company were stopping at
the Hotel Atlantique here they went out on
an observation tour, and while enjoying thy
view of the Falls from Luna Island a larga
black Newfoundland dog jumped out of the)
bushes and began lapping the water. Ho
pushed his nose out into the swift current
and slipped off the rocks into the whirling
rapids. In a twinkling he was swept over
the American falls. Out of curiosity tho
theatrical people went to the edge to look
over the precipice. To the wonder of all
the dog was seen to drag himself upon soma
rocks beside the Cave ot the Winds.
Miss Willard, the leading lady of tha
company, started a rescuing party, and
three of the men volunteered. The four
descended the spiral staircase and fonnd
the dog bleeding from severe cuts in hi
flanks. The men carried the dog npstalrsl
and secured a doctor, who sewed up tha'
gashes. In a few hours the dog was limp
ing around and wagging his tail. Miss,
Willard intends to have him as a companion'
in her character of Marie Laaton in "Tho
Western." The dog was owned by Joha
Flemmer, one of the police force of Niagara
Palls. Ont.
Philadelphia Claims 1.425.G23 People.
Philadelphia, Dee. 15. Mayor Stn
art to-day forwarded to Councils a message
in which the results of the police censtw'of .
the inhabitants of the city was given as
1,423.623, an increase of 93,689 otk tfe
Government enumeration of 1890.
7 ' . -.,
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