ytfMMMMMMMMMMMnjMMMnT i j . irMiMnirnringDmiMMr MMt WIIPIIPSI THE mTSBURG PISPApOg, gTKDAX DECEMBER It 189a EUROPE WAKING DP. 1 HOLIDAY SHOPPERS Save Time and Money at IThilo Few Dope the Monetary Conference Will Do Anything IT SETS THE WOULD TO THINKING. Financiers of All Shades Admit the Fixa tion !s Very Grave. GOLD PRODUCTION li INCREASING -. 'IW'Vw - t " wffiy5 i r , sf?? , ffl9f!fr'ViPfiipu'jw- !P.,4-'5WpFTv'tpv,r aj""lKTr '-r?!v'RpWB,R' ir---; ?"- IW V-Jp 5 jtF .. Wj i f v. IZ CABLE TO THE EIBrATCH.T Loxrxer. Dec. 10. I Copyngld. The Urutsels Monetary Ccnlerence is prolong ing its existence simply in the hope that eomething will develop which will pre vent the complete failure of its purpose, but it has succeeded in makinjj the perils f the existing situation plain to some who had failed to see theJL The American delegates have made the crisis a pressing one by intimatine the intention of the "United States to abardon its silver purchas ing policy, and, world-wide consequences have been prophecied. Having thus sounded the alarm, the bi tneUllifts among the delegates are waiting lor the effect on governments which have been indifferent. They hope that, in con sequence of representations made during the past few days, Austria, Germany and two or three other countries will authorize their representatives to take a more con ciliatory position in the matter, but no plan commanding the general support, even ot the bi-U)etallistn amoug the delegates, ha3 yet been brought torward. Meanwhile the delegates are being most royally entertained, the social Junctions in their honor being among the most brilliant Brussels has ever seen. There arc indications that some relief of the abnormal condition which the Brussels Monetary Comerence was designed to remedy is soon to be afforded by a consid erable increase in the earth's yield ol gold The annual supply is now calculated to be 5120,000,000, of which United States mines contributed about ?34,O00,OO0. Re ports Irom South Atrica show a remarkable development ol auriierous resources during the last few months, until now shipments are on the basis ot $,000,000 per year. There has been a steady rise in South African mining securities in the Iiondon market in the last few weeks. Reports of increased production come Uoin various port of Australasia, while the Governor ot British Guian sends quite an el dorado-liEe story. That colony began producing gold in 1886, and last year mined Dearly 52,000,000. This year the output will be much larger. JL Tirard, ot the French delegation at the conference, explained the position of Prance in regard to bi-metallisni. He said that under present circumstances there is no chance to substitute bi-mctallism for monometallism. There is nothing disquiet ing in the position of Prance, which, with other Latin countries, could open mints for the coinage of silver so long as Great Britain, Germany and Ausiria hold aloof. Each country had a remedy in its own bands by increasing the coinage of silver. Follce on Guard. This Simdav, the lltli, at De Roy Bros., 307 Jmillifleld street, opposite the new pot, tneie will be a special display ot $100, C00 genuine dia-uonds. Trice of every article marked in plain figure; aUo. an immense watch and jewelry display Don't miss this. Before burins your Cliristnns presents, viit the creat Holiday sale at KingsbacUer JSio.', 516 Wood street. HOLIDAY PRESENTS: XgjLrjSQu OJEMSXeA GLASSES. The Largest and Finest Assortment Ever Seen In Thi3 City. Scld at Extremely Low Prices. J. DIAMOND, im A I andsoine souvenir given to everr pur chaser. del-51-TTSSu X.ast year, did von? May bo you'll see him gain this year, the nleht beiore Chiistmas in the meantime step Into our optical es tablishment. There you will see classes of nil sorts eye-clas9es, opera-glasses, field El8e, spectacles, etc. Ii not in need yourself, remember that a mst suitable Christmas piesent can be selected Irum this arrar ot glittering goods. A pair of gold-rlmmed spectacles or eye glasses A pair ot opera classes. What's better for a Christmas present? And how little thev will cost you. CHESSMAN OP TICAL CO., 12 Federal street, Allegheny. TPSU DR. J. A. BURGOON, The Specialist, Defies the world to show more Found, well cuies of catarrh, cancer, scrorula and pri vate diseases of men and women tnan lie can. 257 tape worms removed in 42 months. Cuncer removed from all parts of the body without the knife. BTJRGOOVS System Eenovator will cure headache, biliousness and all stomach troubles. As a blood puri fier It is the wonder of the world. Around every bottle ot this remedy Is wrapped a prescription; a sure ccro of la gripoo In its worst stasres. At all druscists at $1 per bot tle or 6 bottles for $5. Office hours Irom 8 a. x. to9r. x. Send stamp lor Information. rK. J. A.. 33XJ OOIV. He 17 Ohio street, ALj Y C1TT. - I THE old style of Holiday shopping is a thing of tne past No more worry and fretting about what to buy! No more running around from store to store and then going home in the evening without having found anything,, excepting disappointment and fatigue! Thanks .to Kaufmann s enterprise, Pitts burgers and Alleghenians will find Christmas shopping not only a matter of profit, but pleasure as well. Here, under one roof, can be found everything you can think of, and everything you cannot think of. It's a store that's a whole city in itself. Nothing is forgotten or overlookedfrom a 5c toy to a $300 Seal Skin Cloak, or a $1,000 Diamond Necklace, In short, all kinds of goods made; and each particular kind not only in a larger variety, but also at lower prices than you can find elsewhere. And, no matter how crowded the store may be, you need not wait for salesmen, but salesmen will wait on you wait on you at once. FUR GARMENTS. d1 yri jr any Our fl flrBflKEPv x ffy H $fl9flflflflflflflK AuL CHILDREN'S WALKING COATS. jHjtfjj.i A v ik vi3i&&cviL ill vW (It iV: I H K It id w 1 m fill I'ltt lit- f M m$ 1 ME H -rta- (I M FUR SETS 63c 500 pairs all wool Red and Plaid Blankets, shrunken wool, never sold be low $5, will go for Per Pair. IT. liu.u OB Mm M to The accompanying cut illustrates our 30-inch Genuine Alaska Seal Jacket, London dye; very finest quality; extra large rolling collar; best finish: guaranteed to excel $225 Jacket offered elsewhere. Price, $190. SO ALASKA SEAL CAPES Quality guaranteed to ba the same as regular $65 About 100 finest .Canadian Seal Military Capes, 32 inches long; latest fashion; worth $30; at $20. About 150 Genuine Monkey Fur Capes, 20 inches long; Elec tric Seal Collar; worth $28, at $20. A grand variety of Coney, Cana dian Seal, Marten, Astrakhan and Mink Capes at 3.25,' $8.98, $12, Si 8, $25, $35. $40 and $50. Pully 3,000 of them, any one ofr which would make a most pleasing Christ mas gift. IT $1 iifl Children's Eiderdown fil 1 4n Walkins cats in te' fl I iJJii TU gray or blue, handsomely trimmed with Angora Fur; 'full sleeve; sizes 2 to 6; value $4. ' Children's beautiful Per sian Walking Coats, made of exquisite Broad cloths, Scotch Mixtures or Silk Goods; c-rimmed with velvet, braid or fur; sizes 2 to 6; value $7 and $8. AND MUFFS. Several thousand of cutest, smart est, loveliest Fur Sets for Children. For Children's Plain White or White and Black Spotted Fur Sets; regu lar price $1.50. About' 800 Children's Chinchilla Sets (consisting of muff and collar) at $1. 19; regular price $2. About 700 Angora, Natural Opos sum, Raccoon and Chinchilla Fur Sets at $1.98; worth $3. 1 Beats the world for Christmas Gift. "Why not surprise your wife, mother or sister with one? $ Forafnll Silk Dress Pattern, fine 24-inch wide all silk; guar anteed in every particular." PER The Celebrated Gulnet viDn Gros Groin Silks and Silks- Tegular 2 goods. 3,000 yards Japanese Silks, 32 inches wide, all colors; really worth 75c a yard, at only 40s. Be sure and visit Kaufmanns' young but famous Silk Department. Serfs tie Mlic! . FANS!" PANS! Band Painted and Spangled Gauge Fans, 9Sc eaeh. Hand Painted Lace fans, $1.25. Ostrich Feather Fans to match any evenlne shade, $2.25. Silk Crepe Fans, beautifully decorated, pearl sticks, $9 each. Xtnohess Lace Fans, ivory sticks, $9 e&oh. SL M w $1.25 For handsome oxldlted 50c For ortls tlcally han d SmoMng painted whisk hold ers, with ribbon trimming, and first class broom. Worth with copper trlmmlnas; very neatly finished; worth $3 23. . LADIES' A counter 100 feet Ion?, and 35 busy salesladies behind it, aives you an idea of our Handkerchief Department. 210 forall-Mlk Initial Hand kerchlnfs. SOo for fine band emDroldered Handkercbiefs, wortb $L BOo for eletrantly embroid ered Chiffon Handkerchiefs; worth $1.00. 23o for Colored Silk Hand kercbiefs for the neck, in orange, pink, blue, nlle, black; etc Beal Duohen iacb Hand kerchiefs, 75c, $1, $1.23, $1.50 and up. $16, en Fof fine' Carlsbad China Dinner .UUgetof 101 pieces, handsomely decorated In newest designs. Begular price, $35.00. '4 c QC For fine English Porcelain Din 3D.9J net Set of 112 pieces, beautifully decorated in all colors. Begular price, $12.50. . XQnFor fine Translucent China Cup, Ol saucer and Plate, in all tints and gold decorations. Begular price, $1. OKn For elegant After Dinner Cups and Jl saucers, with exquisite Dresden decorations. Begular price, $1 ylOnFor elegant China Salad Bowls, 'i-Oli Urge size and new decorations. Begular price, $1.25. 33c 750. For very fine China CusDldors, hand somely decorated. Begular price, CO QK For beautiful U-pleoe Porcelain 93'ww Toilet Set, with neat decorations. Begular price, $7.50. 'is -fix UtSJS2' i Score of Wap to Dfc tto Ms at Tour "JCn For this handsome Comb and Brush Oli Set, in a beautiful plush box. The same In a hardwood box, only $L Of every kind and description. Thousands choose from. Come and see. silver Sets S5.0O For Boys' or Misses' solid sil For this ver watcues, stem windlnc; open face; fine movement: each watch guaranteed: same as old by exclusive jewelers for $10. finished; SILVERWARE R0GEH5. MERIDEN AND DERBY BHANDS. All the latest Novelties in Hair Brushes, Comb, Clothes Brushes, Hat Brushes, Shaving Huts, Clzar Moistonins Cases. Ink Stands, Jewel Boxes, Flasks, Smoking Sets, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Per lumerv Bottles, Pnoto Frames, Folding Mirrors, PufT Boxes, Calen dars, Card Holders, Paper Wetirhts, Pen Holders, Pen Wipers, Pin Cushions, Stationery Backs, Candelabra, etc., etc All At About 25 Per Cent Below Other Dealers' Prices. IS. QQnYor large size Battnn Doll Carriage, OOb with parasol and lined throughout. Begular price, $2. 35c For large, strong Saratoga Trunks. Begular price, 60c I8c For large, strong iron Combination Savings Bank. Begular price, 50c OK n For a large, c'omplete IronBailroad tUO Train, -nicely painted. Begular price, 60c 98c i For 22-inch fine Kid Bodr Doll, with 1 blsaue head, class eyes and natural hair. Begularprloe, $1.75. yl On For large, handsomely dressed H-OU Ddlls, with bisque head, glass eyes and natural hair. Begular price, f 1. 48c For fine nickel plate Musie Boxes, with latest airs. Begular prloc, $1. $ & FIFTH AVE.ANDSMITHFIELD ST. Fur Cans Hake most welcome Christmas itlfta for men. We sell the Oregon and Frenoa Seal Cap from 69o up. Genuine Alaska Seal Caps (pieced) . from $2 60 up. Finest Alaska Seal Caps (all one piece) from $S up. to 50c 19c fine Plush Combi- For Girls' Chatelaine Baes, made of imitation seal leather, with oxi dized silver frame. natlonUollar andCufr Box, 10 ain'erent snaaes; nicely worth $L XMAS STERLING -AKD- PLATED. The Greatest Holiday Sale Of lien's Fanoy and Plain Slippers ever known is now in progress in our greatly en larged Shoe Department first floor Diamond street an nex. Thousands of pairs in all styles, made of plush, velvet.' chenille, fine calf, Busslan leather, alligator, etc, in all colors and shades. Mm 50b to $2.50. A POSITIVE SAVING ON EVEBT PAIE. D s, QQnFortbe celebrated, "Toung Ameri SOIf ca" Parlor Lamp, with central draft burner and vase ana shade beautifully decorated to match. Begular price, $2.50. CI "7K. For fine Central Draft Metal Base 9I.U Lamp, with fine decorated shade Begular price, $4.00. CO nc For extra large and beautifully 3.9J shaped Parlor Lamp, with ex quisite hand painted decorations. Begu lar price, $5. CQ-jr For Solid Brass Hanging Lamp. $0. O with finely decorated shade, full cut glass prisms and patent spring exten sions. Begular price, $8150. &1 QRFor fine Gold Plated Banquet JpH-.OJxamps, with onyx column and central draft burner. Begular price, $10. &A QK For Beautifully Fignred Banquet t.3I Lamps, silver plated and with central draft burner. Begular price, $7.50: A Q. For those beautiful Fairy Lamps. Hub with bisque roses for globes, in all colors. Begular price, $1. 1 Men's Clothing. Our' $7.50 Overcoat Sale yesterday was a rat tler. Over 700 were sold in one day! The balance will be disposed of to-morrow and Tuesday. The styles are double- breasted (like cut) and made black and brown Beavers. And our $7.50 Men's Suit Sale was another in stance of our method of reducing big stocks by re ducing the prices. These $7. 50 Suits consist of Cas simeres and Cheviots, all colors, single and double-breasted Sack styles. Only about 400 more left. Boys' Clothing, The clothing departments suggest the most useful Christmas gifts of all for the little ones. And how inexpensive! ONLY $3 For from Boys' Suits and as many Overcoats, made of thoroughly reliable and heavy-weight materials, in latest colors and patterns goods worth $5 to $6. ( C Buys choice from thousands of pur vPvJ Boys' finest Suits, Overcoats, Ul sters and. Reefers, made of extra fine im ported materials; latest styles, best makes (including the celebrated Best & Co.'s goods), really worth $8 and $9. Smoking Now, father or husband! How he would be delighted to get a fine, luxurious Smok ing Jacket or Dressing Gown for his Christmas gift! And how easily we can help you to so delight him! A few dollars will do it C 0 00 Buys your choice from 4)Z.uO a lot of fine All-Wool Cheviot Smoking Jackets; fancy fin ish and trimming. Qii' QQ uys yur choice from t)$aQfJ a lot of fine Imported Tricot and French Flannel Smoking Jackets; worth $7.50. CJ 00 or yur c'ce froni ImQfJ a lt f magnificent French Dressing Gowns and Robes de Chambre. UMBRELLAS. $T r( For fine Glo 4)I.UU na Silk Urn. brellas, plain, natural, silver or gold trimmed handles. SI CO For finest Z.DU Union Silk Umbrellas, with elegant Imported sticks; . silver or gold mountings. For from ety of regular $& and 9 Umbrellas. t Homes! (1710 Em r 9i of fine blue, your choice over 5,000 I -3 Jackets $1 PER PAIR t For -Button Kid Gloves, in all even ing and street shades; regular price $1.50 per,pair. Only 300 dozen of these. your choice a grand vari m - vir ""S-rt- 'itoyisSL H LADIES MS ! ' ' ' mm -ajftifllBKMr