FfCTftTM V' I"!K'My jnf&gg&w "gSBtiy ..Vf- flje :PMs "S FORTY SEVENTH YEAR PITTSBURG, .FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, Tj"BS Yf 1892-TWELVE PAGES THREE CENTSL EXTRA SESSIONS FROWNED DOWN By Cleveland, and Mills and Gorman Are Now Quoted as Saying That THEEE -WILL NOT BE ANY. The Keit Congress Hay Beam a Little Earlier Than Usual, Though. Tint Definite Statement on the Much Vexed Subject A Joint Committee of Benate and House to Frame a Tariff Bill During the Summer The Political "Season for Such a Reference Re publicans Could Block Tariff Legisla Uon, Any Way, if They Wanted To Seed's Rules May Have to Be Adopted to Allow the House to Have Its Way, trcOlf X STATT COBBESrOXDKKT.l "Washetoton, Dec. 8. The fint definite authority for the statement that no extra session of the next Congress trill be called before next September or October was ob tained to-day by The Dispatch corre spondent from a leading Democratic mem ber of tbe Home. This statement was con firmed by Senators Hills and Gorman. The Democratic leaders in both branches of Congress hare been in a great deal of doubt as to their policy because of tbe si lence of their Delphio oracle, Mr. Cleve land. The oracle bat at last spoken. After reading the reoorts as to tbe condition of the Treasury the President-elect has de elded that the question of the constrnction of the sew tarifl bill can be best referred to a committee jointly composed of mem bers of tbe Senate and the Honse who will be members of tbe next Congress. This Joint committee will be appointed under authority of a special resolution and will begin its work of framing new tariff sched ules soon after tbe end of the Congress'on March 4. The members of the joint com mittee from the House have not yet been selected. The Senatorial members hare al resdy been decided npon with the approval of Mr. Cleveland. The rive Senatorial Tariff Tinkers. The five Senators who will help to frame the next tariff bill are Messrs. Carlisle, of Kentucky; Mills, of Texas; Vest, of Mis souri; Gorman, of Maryland, and McPher-. son, of New Jersey. These names are in teresting, became they fail to disclose any definite policy's to tbe tariff by the Demo cratic managers. The names of Mr. Car lisle and of Mr. Mills will be recognized as those of extreme free traders. Mr. Gorman -and Mr. McPherson will be recognized as protectionist Democrats, while Mr. Vest hangs like 2ahomet's coffin, suspended be tween tbe two theories. The positive announcement that there will be no immediate extra session of Con gress, while made upon' the highest authority, is of course subject to conditions which may or may not develop during the next three months. For instance, some of the more radical Democrats are scheming, with the assistance of the Third party men, to force an extra session by killing one of the great appropriation bills, as has already been explained iu these dispatches, by means of an obnoxious legislative rider. Free Trade Howls to Be lessened. But the true political reason lor referring the tariff question to a joint committee, with authority to sit during the coming summer, is to allow time to lessen the howl of the tree traders for an immediate and radical revision of the tariff; and to thwart the ambition of Speaker Crisp and of the men behind blm, such as Senators Hill, Brice and Gorman, again to organize the House in their own interest Curiously enough, ex-Secretary "Whitney is regarded as involved in this anti-Cleveland cabal. This may be In error, but it is a fact that many Democratic members of Congress are just now angrily asking whether Mr. Cleveland or Mr. Whitney has been elected to the Presidency. In fact the leading Democrats in Washington are quarreling between themselves, in part, because of Mr. Cleveland's obstinate si lence. Republicans Slay Be Blockaders. One feature of the possibilities of future tariff legislation does not seem to have oc curred to the public mincl generally; or, if it has, it has had little discussion. It is a substantial fact that no tariff legislation can be enacted by the Democratic Fifty third Congress without the assistance of the Republicans. This may seem to be a statement some what strained, but it is literally true. If the next House of Representatives be gov erned by the rules of this, or by any other rules which will allow of obstruction, a handful of Republicans can prevent the passage of a tariff bill in that body, or they can prevent the passage of any clause or section of sneh bill Kothing short of the rules by which the Fifty-first, or fReed Congress," was governed will enable the Democrats to have a sure thing of con trolling tbe Honse at all times, and of en acting the legislation which they have been burning with a feverish anxiety to thrust upon the country for long years. Tbe Senate Not Given to Stoltlncatlon. Granting that the'Democrats will stultify 'themselvef by adopting the rules of the famous "Reed Congress" for the govern ment of the Fifty-third Congress, and that under these rules tbey will put through at any speed they may desire tbe reforms which they have been perfecting, there still remains tbe Senate, bnried under a mount ain of fungus-covered precedent, to stand in the way. So long as the present usages of the Senate endure no bill can pass with out the consent of tbe minority. Any bill can be talked to death in that body. There Is in all the paraphernalia of that august convention ot statesmen no such simple article as a bridle for the tongue. When the McKinley tariff bill and he force bill were on the carpet simultaneously the debate dragged along toward tbe end of the session, and no one could foresee other result than the failure of both measures. Tbe Committee on Boles met day after day and wrestled mightily with the precedent of that Senatorial courtesy whioh permitted any and all Senators to talk as long" as they I pleased on any and all subjects, aw, whisk J effectually prevented a vote on any bill or resolution except by general consent, and they failed to find an avenue ot relief. It was only by friendly arrangement between Democrats and Republicans, by which the lores bill was postponed to its funeral In tbe following juecemper, mat me auwu ley bill was saved. No Change of Customs Anticipated. It may therefore be a matter of reasona ble doubt whether the Senate will change its customs that this prohibitive oratorical obstruction may be ruled out cf order, no matter what action the House mav take in legard to its own case. The question tnen arises whether the Republicans will have anv disposition to obstruct. Just wherein their duty lies in this novel condition of things Is a problem they have not yet solved, tnongh it is being seriously labored with. In case some provision of the Demo cratic bill should seem to them absolutely certain to rnin and lay waste any industry of the country, they may find It impossible to resist the conviction that it is impera tive with them to come to the rescue. The Democrats will be dominated from the Southern section, which does not com prehend the conditions nor the necessities of the North. A great majority of the members from the South are bucolic law yers who know nothing from contact or ex perience of the great indnstrial develop ment or tbe North. Tbe whole idea of the economy ot Government is a theory, and a theory moreover that has been warped by sectional prejudice. Extent of Fower to Be Learned. Too what length theories will carry them, now that they have the upper band in the legislative and executive departments of the Government, no one can tell, and the course of the Republicans upon tne ques tion of obstruction will be guided by events as they take place. They know well the power in their hands, bnt they are not dis posed to use it except in cases of extreme necessity. Should, disaster come of the rule of the Democrats, they desire above all things to avoid the accusation that they obstructed the Democratic will in some im portant passage of its progress. Their oourse, so far as they are able to mark it out at this time, is to permit the Demo crats to have the utmost freedom of action, aod to oppose only by argument that will jnstify the policv of the Republicans if the dar of evil should come. K Of course, as has been said, the Demo crats have the power to enact rules that will prevent any and fll obstruction, but it is doubtful if even the Committee on Rules of the House can be brought to adopt rules similar to those of tbe Fifty-first Congress, for the enforcement of which they insulted and almost assaulted Speaker Reed, but which have been justified a thousand times since the beginning of this Congress. No Democrat can be found at this time who denounces the "Reed rules." But even if the House take this stultifying and humili ating step, it is very doubt'ful if the Senate will consent to rub the least fiber of its col lossal growth of moss from its back. Another Deep-Water Convention. A deep water convention such as that which was held at Detroit, something more than a year ago, will assemble in this city soon, though the date has not been fixed. The meeting will certainly be held before the close of Congress. It is said'tbat Con- fress will take more interest in this matter encefortb, than it ever has before, on ac count of the encroachments of Canada ou tbe commerce of tbe United States by rail. on account of the better understanding. of the necessities of the enormous commerce of the Great Lakes, and of the immense ad vantages of an outlet to the ocean on Yankee soil, both in tbe interest of com merce and in case of war with Great Britain. This convention will impress Con gress as it has never been impressed before with the value of this great project. TRIPARTITE CAUCUS To Shapo the Policy of the Honse at the Present Session.- Washington, Deo. a Speaker Crisp, Representative McMillin and Representa tive Catchings, who, as members of the Rules Committee, are rather looked to to shape the policy of the House, held a con ference of some length to-day, for the pur pose of considering the plan and scope of an inquiry into the condition of the Treas ury. This inquiry is really designed for the f impose ot furnishlnginformation necessary n the revision of the tariff on a revenue basis to which the Democratic- party is pledged, and to some extent, also, fof the purpose of gaining information as to where reforms can be made In the interest of eoonomy in the administration of the gov ernment AN OLD RULE ENFORCED. Congress Taught a Peculiar Lesson by the Tall Texas Kicker. Washington, Dec. 8. Mr. Kilgore, of Texas, to-day brought to the attention of the House a rule which few of the members knew to be in existence. It provides that unfinished business coming over from the first session of the House-cannot be con sidered at the second session until after the expiration of six days. Mr. Kilgore's in vocation ot the rule postponed action on a bill extending the provisions of an act for the muster and pay of officers and men in the volunteer forces. Representative Catchings introduced a resolution provid ing for an amendment to extricate the House from such a dilemma as it found itself in to-day. 8H0VIHB THEBAHKRuTTCY BILL. Its Chances for Consideration by This Con gress Are Brighter. "Washington, Dec a The Torray bankruptcy bill came up to-day in the House Judiciary Committee, on a motion of Its friends to ask the Honse to make it a continuing order from Tuesday, the 13th instant, until it is disposed of. "Chairman Culberson, who is opposed to tbe bill, and others ot its opponents favored the motion, which was carried with only one or two dissenting votes. , Subsequently Mr. Oates introduced in the House a- resolution in accordance with the action of the committee. The chances for the consideration of this voluminous bill during this session are now bright. Skinner for Pension Commissioner. "WASHlNOTODea a Special Penn sylvania will probablv bare a candidate for the Commissionership of Pensions in Cap tain George W. Skinner, of Fulton county. He has been a firm State administration man, and will have the support of Mr. Har rity. He is also a friend of Mr. Cleveland. Those backing Captain Skinner say that either the Commissionership xf Pensions or an assistant secretaryship will be given him. A Hove for Cheaper Postage. Washington, Dec a Representative Caldwell, of Ohio, is the author of a bill introduced In the House to-day, to reduce postage on first-class mail matter, except postal cards, to 1 cent per half ounce. Bennett Out fos. Dana. NzTT YOBK, Dec a The -Herald Is out in a long editorial supporting Charles A. Dana for United States Senator in preference to Edward Murphy, whom it bitterly opposes. BOOK and boarding-house keepers, why have vacancies? A lew small ads In the cent-a-wora columns at TUX DISPATCH wit! send yea tenants. , , CLEVELAND PUNS, A Personal Friend Who Was Dnck Shooting With the President-Elect INDICATES HIS POLICY. Philadelphia Republican Paper Voices It Editorially, and CAUSES A RIPPLE IN WASHINGTON That Becomes Larger as It Is Talked Oyer by loliticians. CLETELAKD YET BELIEVES IN DESTINY rVKOU A BTATT CORRrSPOJTDINT.l Washington, Dec a Evidences are coming to tbe surface here every day that Mr. Cleveland will not be fully established in the White House before he will find him self in a war of extermination with not only his party principles, but individual mem bers of his party who have contributed tiost to Democratic success. Mr. Cleveland has unquestionably ar rived at the firm belief that his recent nom ination, made against the protests of the leaders of his party, and his election, which was the result of machinations Involving all the side parties and Issues in existence, were inevitable results, and he'does not in tend to be under the least obligation to either individual members of his party or the party as an organization. Iu fact, he is just now breaking the intelligence to the body of the Democratic party that he, like Louis XIV., who said he was the state, is the Democratic party and greater than the voters who compose it. . Cleveland's Views in an Editorial. The latest evidences of Mr. Cleveland's conclusion to recognize no party promise, and to consult only his own ideas in running tbe Federal Government during the next four years, attracted the attention of public men in both political parties at the Capitol to-day, in the form of an editorial in yester day's Philadelphia Ledger upon the subject of President Harrison's message to Con gress. The article was written by L. Clark Davis, the editor of the Ledger, who re cently spent some days with the President elect, gunning lor duck on the lower Chesa peake Bay. The editorial Is beyond the ieast doubt an inspiration from Mr. Cleve land, and is said to express his own views of President Harrison's message and his own intentions regarding tbe policy which will begin at the executive mansion on the 4th of next March. The inspired editorial In the Ledger, in a word, repudiates the platform adopted by the Democratic party at Chicago last June, and announces a determination upon the part of Mr. Cleveland not to "reform the tariff" upon the lines promised by the party during the recent campaign. It also, in a word, announces that Mr. Cleveland, and not the party to which he is supposed to belong, is to be President Washington Torn Wide Open. The statements promulgated by Mr. Cleveland through his personal, friend caused great surprise in some quarters to day and were the topio of much comment. In referring to President Harrison's statement 'that we must assume, as a consequence of the recent election, that "no duty is to be higher, because the increase will keep open an American mill or keep up the wages of an American workmen," the mouthpiece of Mr. Cleve land says that "this assumption is not in harmony with the most solemnly reoorded declarations of the successful candidate for President, who has, upon every occasion which be has spoken of tariff revision, stated, in the most emphatic language, that such revision must be made only in such manner as to not interfere with the pros-, perity ot any domestic industry, that any change made in the present tariff must be made at every step regardful of the labor and capital involved." Democratio Senators, litre Mr. Carlisle, and members of the House like Chairman Springer, of the Committee on Ways and Means, were simply amazed at this state ment, and other Democrats could not see where a "tariff-for-revenue-only" policy could be begun or how it was possible in the light of this announcement from the President-elect, Another of the Paralysers. Tbe sentence which followed the above, as a part of Mr. Cleveland's policy, was a paralyzer, almost, to Democratio leaders in the two Houses of Congress: "This, it is true, is not the doctrine of the platform con structed by the national convention." This was, by every one whose attention was called to it, interpreted to be a direct repudiation of the Chicago platform from beginning to end. Then follows this further announcement from the mouth piece of the President-elect, and it is of equal importance: "A careful reading ot Mr. Cleveland's letter of acceptance will show the extraordinary fact that neither the word 'platform' nor 'in dorse' is found in it That these omissions were accidental will not be believed by those Who know Mr. Cleveland's chancer. The Chicago tariff plank was made by his enemies for tbe purpose of defeating him, and Mr. Cleveland courageously substituted for It one which a vast majority of his countrymen approved at the polls." This is interpreted by Senators Gorman. Hill, Yoorhees, Vest and other prominent Demo crats to be a direct stab at tbem, and an in sult to the representatives of tbe party who constructed the Chicago platform. The Policy of the President-Elect. . The inspired editorial goes on to ridicule the anticipation bv President Harrison that Mr. Cleveland will attempt to make good the promises of his party, and to prediot "great tariff changes," which it says are impossible. It assures the public that the Executive-elect "has made no such threats," and that It will be bis policy to maintain present conditions, so far as possible, when they conserve commercial interests. These statements, it appears, were not news to some of the leading Democratio Senators. THE DISPATCH correspondent was told to-day, under an Injunction that the name ol the informant should not be disclosed, and by one of the widest-known "and molt popular Democratio Senators in the West a gentleman whose name would have been presented for the Presidental nomination had he not in advance of the convention declined the nomination that a line of polioy, in view of the announced intentions of Mr. Cleveland, bad "been agreed upon, and some ol the strongest men ot his party in the Senate from this time forward would be found opposing every po litical step the new President would take, as his supremaoy was now regarded as in imical to the interests of the Democratio party. The bill introduced by Senator Hill yes terday to repeal the Sherman act, requiring tbe monthly purchase of 4,500,000 ounces ol silver bullion, was, he stated, the first move to be taken bv vnumber of such Senators as Morgan, Vest, Hill, Gorman and Brice, to checkmate Mr, Cleveland; that he would be opposed from the outset of his adminis tration in all of bis political poliolesty The new development of Cleveland af fairs promises sensations uatold. RIVERMEN CONFER. Major Stlckney Holds an Animated Con ference With Blve,r Operators The ' Logstown Causing the Trouble A Be port on the Ohio Dams. Major Stickney held -fl conference with a committee of river operators yesterday. The burden of tbe discussion was the Logs town dike about which there has been so much controversy "between Major Stickney nd the Coal Exchange. The conference was animated, but both sides were disposed to maintain their respective positions to tbe end. The Associated Press sent the following from Washington last night: The Secretary of War to-day sent to Congress the report of Major Stickney, of the engineer corps, upon his preliminary examination for the location of the necessarv movable locks and dams in the Ohio river, between Davis Island dam and tbe dam near the mouth of the Beaver river, in Pennsylvania. The report says that before tbe construction of these costly dams is begun a careful survey should be made to determine the best loca-' tions for them. It is pretty definitely settled, the report says, that four additional locks and dams will be required to complete the system of improvement from Pittsburg to the lock below Beaver river, a distance of 30 miles. The dams are movable, in order that thev may be thrown down jind leave an unim peded channel for the quick passage of the large fleets of coalboats. That this part of the river is worthy of improvement, the report says, does not admit' ot doubt, in view of the large coal and manufacturing interests involved. Two thousand eight hundred dollars is asked for tbe necessary survey. BRIGGS HAS THE FLOOR. The Prosecntlon In the Heresy Trial Fin ishes Its Argument An Adjournment Is Taken Till Tuesday Colonel McCook's Statement of the Question. New Yobk, Dec. a Owing to the fact that the regular monthly meeting ot the New York Presbytery is to be held Mon day, it was decided to begin next week's session of the ecclesiastical court on Tues day. Colonel McCook. resumed his argu ment for the prosecution. Said he: "The question to be decided in tbiscourtisavery simple onev You have simply to decide whether the doctrines of Dr. Briggs and tbe doctrines of the Presbyterian Church are in harmonv." Colonel McCook said the necessity of a trial for heresy was greatly to be deplored, but tbe responsibility lies not upon those wuo are loyai is tne iresDjienan aocirine, but upon those who are its assailants. "Have the prosecution finished their case?" asked Dr. Brigzs when Colonel Mc Cook resumed his seat An affirmative, though somewhat guarded, reply was given. "I ask the question with a reason," con tinued the defendant. "Dr. Lampe, the Biblical scholar of the committee, has not spoken, I want him to present now any argument he has prepared against me. I suspect some such policy may be followed by the committee as was pursued at my former trial. On that occasion many of the committee's arguments were withheld until after I had pleaded in my defense. I, therefore, say it they have any more argu ments, let tbem now speak, or forever bold their peace." The adjournment was then taken till Tuesday. CONVERSING AT SEA. Successful Test of the Telephotos, a IJttle Help That Does Its Wrk Boti'AI.o, xecftfvJfiJwfa&3-- The .first' publio exhibition of the telephotos was given last night by the'inventor to a few gentlemen, including Ths!disfatch cor respondent. The telephotos is an instru ment by whioh a ship can converse at sea Officers direct their troop, or anyone can hold communication at long distances over unimpeded territory, as a plain, valley or water surface. The inventor is C V. Boughton, inventor of the car seals in use in this country and on the Continent. The instrument consists of a series of wires and electrical apparatus operated by a keyboard similar to one on a typewriter, except that the letters are arranged alpha betically. One hundred and six electric lights are operated by tbe kevboard and are contained in a shaft 27 feet long, which may be taken apart and reduced to compact form. ' v A large number of lamps is required to regulate the spaces between the letters in relative proportions. The lights flash the characters of the Morse alphabet, tbe dots are presented by two lamps, and the dashes by 12 lamps. The experiments were suc cessful The lights oould be seen ten miles out on the lake. A complete machine will be built and placed at the disposal of the United States Government, to be exhibited on the model of the warship Chicago at the World's Fair. It has not been determined whether to form a stock company for the J uiaumauiuf c ui lue ujbuuiucb ur jiui. 1 CHABED THK0UGH EUROPE. Emben'er Kerr at Last landed In Kansas City, the Seat of His Crime. BUxsas Crrr, Dec. a A remarkable chase for a criminal and a subsequent fight to get him to the scene of the crime ended here last night. Augnst Kerr, embezzling bookkeeper of the Jarvis-Conkling Mort gage Company, was brought here from England, bound in irons, an abjeot, broken hearted criminal. Kerr stole $15,000 from his employer lost April and went to Europe. The American Surety Company was on his bond and got after him at once. He was followed through most of Europe, from Sweden to Italy, but finally, when he had spent all of his money, he'was caught in Liverpool. His wife was in London, but, she came to bis aid and made a strong fight in the English courts for his release. Kerr had to be shackled, so unruly was he. A BIG BRIDGE. It Will Have a Slain Span 1,000 Feet Long and Help New Orleans. Washington Dec & A bill passed the Senate to-day authorizing the construc tion of a bridge over the Mississippi river above New Orleans, proposing a structure of three unbrokenupans, the main span to be at least 1,000 feet long and the height of the superstructure above high water to be fixed by the Secretary of War. All rail road companies desiring to use the bridge to have equal rights relative to tbe passage of railway trains upon the payment of a reasonable compensation for such use. ' Willy IMPE0VK THE EQUIPMENT. The Braddock Wire Mill Shuts Down So as to Make Some Bepalrs. The Braddock Wire Mill yesterday closed down for repairs. The capacity ot the plant will be greatly increased and the equipment improved. The plant is one of the five wire mills that went into the Con solidated Steel and Wire Compauy. Blast furnaces and steel mills will be built so as to increase the production of wire. New rolls and furnaces will be put in before the mill is again put in operation. For the Blacklisted Men. Harry Goldsmith, a clothing dealer at Besver Falls, donated a valuable gold watch for the benefit of the six men who are blacklisted by the Carnegie Company at that place. The wateh will be riffled oft It is .proposed to sell 4,000 tickets at 25 eata each. , i , ( feiff "tv' MmiSiii1 k His & 10 Dr- Park- Rw-T mjW. r I lmrst's Latest Strictures xBNl&i 1? V " s $" on Him and His Men. V Jtlk V ' SARCASM AND CYNICISM )v""L A a vT,,,,Nr.Zin L"? uSL Vv - HE IS GLAD IV77 1 1 mrr mf Stiuhoe Bubolar Have you been Pittsburg) Buroxab Oh, no; Xvt DOCTORS AND ETHICS. M. D.'s Have a Red-Hot Time Before the Ueaver County Society. CEOHBIE WANTS SDTT0N OUSTED For Causing the Former's Pismissal From a Hospital Staff, and USING PEWTER'S ISZ TOO FRBELT iSriCLlt, TILED RAM TO THE DISrATCTI.l Bochester, Pa., Dec. 8. There was a red-hot time at tbe regular monthly meet ing of the Beaver County Medical Society in this city this afternoon. -The occasion was an investigation of tbe charges of un professional conduct made by Dr. Cromble, late Professor of Pathology in the Alle gheny General Hospital, against Dr. 12. Stansbury Sutton, Professor of Gynaecology in the same institution. Drs. Sutton and Crombie were present and took the atten tion of the entire session. Dr. Crombie made two formal charges. The first was that Dr. Sutton had been in strumental in having him removed from the Chair of Pathology by representing to the Board of Directors of the hospital that he (Crombie) had held a post mortem, and had soon after treated a woman without having taken proper precautions, as is demanded in such cases, against septic poisoning. It was alleged that the 'death of the woman was a consequence of this action. Dr. Crombie claimed that he had, at the con clusion of the post mortem, used anti septics as directed in a paper read by Dr. Sutton upon one particular occasion, and that the body operated upon bad been dead only three hours. Accused of Advertising His Hospital. Dr. Crombie further alleged that Dr. Sutton bad rehearsed the foregoing story to a Mr. Cohen, a member of the Board of .Directors of the hospital, in the Hotel Duquesne in the presence of many other persons. This was the first count in Croni ble's indictment of Sutton. The second charee was that Dr. Sutton -.wsi-i guilty oi a" tlolbn oCtbe code or etmes oi tne American jueaicat jmiocia tion by advertising his (Dr. Sutton's private hospital. Dr. Crombie alleged Dr. Sutton was guilty of the violation specified in claiming to have 'not lost a case oper ated upon during tbe past six years. In support of his assertion Dr. Crombie ? noted from the Medical Review and also rom a paper of Dr. Sntton'a read before the Obstetrical Society abont a year ago, in which Sntton gave directions for avoiding septic poisoning. These directions Dr. Crombie claimed to have followed. In rejoinder Dr. Sutton admitted he had told Cohen the story as alleged, but he in sisted that it was in an ordinary tone and was not heard by many listeners. He averred that he told Cohen as he did at that time and place, because he thought the in terests of the hospital required it Or. Sutton Asserts His Bights. He boldly claimed tbe right to advertise his hospital, just as anyone would advertise any private business. Beferrlng to Crom bie's charge that he (Sutton) had advertised that no deaths from operations had occurred in bis hospital in six years, he explained that this bad been inserted by an advertis ing agent to whom he had mode casual mention of the fact, with no thought that it would be used as a public statement. As soon as possible, he said, he had it corrected in all the magazines in which it appeared, save in the Medical Review, which publica tion refused to make the correction. The body upon which Crombie made the post mortem had been dead, Dr. Sutton insisted, for not less than 21 hours, instead of three hours, as Crombie asserted. During the discussion the bitter feeling between the two men could not be con cealed under the thin veneer of professional courtesy, and tbey frequently interrupted each other. At one stage ot the hearing Dr. Crombie called Dr. Sutton "an infernal liar," and when the latter had bis inning, he returned tbe oompliment with a much more able-bodied adjective. A Committee to Investigate. After the two combatants bad finished the societv took up the case. A motion made to dismiss the matter in toto was lost, and was followed by one calling for the ap pointment of a committee to sift the busi ness to the bottom. This motion was car ried and the committee was appointed as follows: Drs. W. C Simpson, of New Brighton; J. H. Wilson, ot Beaver, and H. M. Shallenberger, of Boohester. This committee will go to Pittsburg, make a thorough investigation, and report to the next regular meeting ot the society, to be held on the second Thursday in January. Dr. Sutton is a regular member of the society, having joined it while living at Beminrton about two years ago. As such he is a member also ot the State and Na tional Medical Associations, and if de barred from the Beaver county society, he will lose bis membership also in the other societies named. He was very much wrought up over the encounter with Crom-, bie here to-day, and after the meeting de clared his purpose of taking the matter into the courts. WANTED IK CHICAGO. A Pittsburg Italian Is Arrested as a Sup posed Murderer. Last evening a telegram was received at police headquarters from A. S. Boss, Chief Inspector ot Police in Chicago, asking for tbe arrest ot Antonio Messino, 21 years old, of 62 Diamond street, who is wanted in that city lor murder. The telegram was handed over to Detec tives Shore and Coulson, who went to Dia mond street and found a man who answered tbe telegraphic description exactly, and who' was a brother of the owner of the house. The prisoner could not talk any English, but through an interpreter stated that bis name was Gnisippe Lasquola and that he came to this country about a year and a half ago, coming direct to this city, and has never betn away since. The man was astonished at his arrest' and protested In Italian against being locked up. He was placed in tne Central station and a telecram announcing the arrest sent ItoCaleago, . . - . , working it Ttxat or Chicu ,u t loo toft a map here in the Batt End. BABY BOBBY AND HIS SISTER. Driven From Home by a Drunken Father and Deserted by the Mother, Tbey Seek the Shelter of a Police Station A Very Sad Story. A little girl carrying her baby brother entered the Southaide police statiou last evening. She was wan-looking and hun gry, and her bare head was bedecked with snow flakes. She staggered forward, and placed the baby which was asleep in a chair. Then she told the Sergeant her story. She and her little brother had been deserted by their mother and then put out of the house by their drunken father. She was very frail, not yet 9 years old. She was poorly dressed, with hardly enough clothing to keep her warm in tbe early days of September. She had no covering forher bead and no shoes on her feet. She had taken a thin shawl, the only wrap she had, and placed it about the baby to Keep it from freezing. She said her name was Marie Ellen Mascue, and the baby's name was Bobby. Her home was at the head of the Twenty second street incline, in the Twenty-seventh ward. Early this morning the mother left the house, saying she would not be back again, and soon after the children were turned out in the streets by the father while iu a drunken rage, and told that they would be killed if they came back. At this point in tbe narrative the girl fainted from hunger and exhaustion. When revived Sergeant Mctjuade got her a warm supper and some milk for the baby. She said it was the first she had eaten since the day before. All day long she had wandered about the streets, carrying the baby in her arms, and she was almost dead from exhaustion. When the Sergeant told her she could stay in the station house she was silent tor a moment, and then burst out crying, and between her sobs said: "OliI please, mister, don't put me in a cell. I saw you put my mother there once, and I don't want to sleep in a cell. I'll take baby and go out on the streets again it you put me in a cell." The Sergeant put them in a warm, clean bed and tbey were soon fast asleep with the kind-hearted matron watching over them. Their parents have frequently been ar rested lor drunkenness, and it is stated the childred are treated badly. A WILD-EYED ANARCHIST. He Is Arrested While Talking on (he Boptnslde-ne Said He Had Dynamite lnHIs Satchel buVlt Was Filled With Bricks. Joseph ITrulszikskl,a wild-eyed Anarchist, was arrested by the Southside police last night. He carried a satchel in his hand, which he raid was full of dynamite, with whioh be Intended to blow up Andrew Carnegie when he landed in America He was making a speech on Carson street and had quite a crowd gathered abouf him. After denouncing Carnegie and Prick he said be bad something in his satchel for capitalists. He lifted it up and as he began opening it be casually remarked that it contaiuedynamite. There was a rush and a scramble and in a moment no one was to be seen except tbe Anarchist and Officer Mace Cochran, who advanced and placed the man with the al leged dynamite under arrest. The satchel was very carefully handled at the station house and everybody let it se verely alone. Finally Sergeant McQuade got a" bucket ot water and threw It on the satchel, and after waiting a few minutes tor the water to soak in he opened it and found it contained three bricks. The prisoner said he was a Socialist, and was the stepson ot Henry George and tbe father ot Hugh Boss and Burgess McLuckie. MISS DALZELL FREE, But She Still Breathes Threats, and Prefers Some Very Ugly Charges. YoTOGSTOWir, O., Dec. 8lSpeciaL' Miss Luoy Dalzell, who was locked up last night for her expressed intention ot shoot ing Attorney Charles Maurer to prevent his marriage to Miss Young, was released from the city prison last night after Maurer was safely married, and sent home in charge of an officer. Maurer and his young wife left for New York at midnight on a wedding trip. To-day Miss Dalzell was arraigned, and as no one appeared against her she was dis charged. She is very bitter in her de nunciation of the young lawyer, declaring that he has been keeping her on promises ot marriage for a year past, and tbe general feeling here is that when the man returns home she will find some means to give him a warm reception. She has still further stirred up the town by the declaration that her step-sister has made a confession placing Maurer in a bad plight, and that Justice Allen, whom she had arrested on the cbarge, was not guilty. Allen's case is set tor trial next week. Shocking revelations are expected. DESTITUTION AX HOMESTEAD. Needy Receiving Help From Both Citizens and the Amalgamated Association. The work of rendering aid to the Home stead men who cannot get work is going slowly forward. About 75 cases have been already reported to tbe relief committee. The merchants of the town continue to give these goods, but they say it is only a mat ter of time until this must stop. Contribu tions continue to come in slowly, but the relief committee still think no call will be made for sometime at least. Secretary Kil gallon, of the Amalgamated Association, said last night: "The association has a f regularly appointed committee whose busi ness it is to iook alter all cases that may want help. We furnish it fnnds and through it the needy receive aid. I am not at liberty to say wbat has been contributed, but we are doing our full, share in the work." t Killed Within Sight of Home. Elmer Beichwein, 8 years of age, a son of Jacob Beichwein, of 65 Preble avenue, Allegheny, was instantly killed at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon by being struck by a shifter in the Cleveland yards, not SO yards from his father's door. The little fellow's body, which was mangled almost beyond recognition, was taken to Lowne's under taking'rooms on Beaver avenue. Between Every Line of the Snperin tendent's Long Statement PABKHDBST SPOKE, For Now the People Tan cee He Never Trie! to Aid the Police IN STAMPING OUT T1CE OF ANT KIND SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE niSFATCB. New Yoek, Dec. 8. Superintendent Byrnes spent a good part of to-day in pre paring a statement in reply to Dr. Park hurst. It was late in the afternoon when he g'ave it out. Following is his statement in part: I have read over very carefully the state ments made by Dr. Parkburst, and as far aa I could perhaps expect tbey corroborate wbatlhave said about blm and bis meth ods. 1 have to tbank Dr. Parkhurst for mak ing tbe isue be has raised at last sharp and clear. I bad given him credit before as It now appears wrongly rom bi3 public ut terances on platform and in tbe pul pit, for being in the field to suppress vice and crime. That was what his society was organized for and wbat hie predecessor la bored for. Dr. Parkburst says flatly that Is not his aim. He is not trying to suppress gambling or to repress tbe social evil- lie is In the field to attack tbe police. As I say, that Is a new departure. It Is easy for me now to understand why he has never asked my help or offered to belp me, a thing which has never been clear to me be fore, lie Is not an illy; he is an enemy. Parkhurst' S.lght of the Police. He assumes thii attitude without having ever put the sincerity of the police, their willingness to do the thing which he says he Is not dolmr, viz., the suppression of crime, to the teat, and upon tbe bare evi dence that crime exists, thatit has not bees suppressed. That la true. Tbe evidence is there, Dr. Parkhurst has found it, and any one who will seek It long enough and per sistently enough in the midnight hours when Rood citizens should be in bed will be sure to find it. Dr. Parkburst went abroad this summer and saw dome thing of lite in tbe great cities of Europe, I am told. Is be prenared to say that lie sought It there and did not find It; that it Is harder to find It there than in Mew TorkT If so. his observations are sadlv at variance with those of most travelers, whose testimony Is to tbe effect that Mew Tork is a cleaner, purer city than even thoss foreign communities where vice In tbe spe cial form toward whicn his attacks are directed is deliberately licensed for the pur pose of keeping it within restraint. Safety on the Streets of Xew'York. There is no doubt about this. Ho woman , need fear Insults in New zork's streets; no man need fear danget for bis morals here . unles be Is out.Iooking for it. But, says Dr. Parkhurst, the law specifically charges the police wlttrTbe'-duty.cf suppressing gambling and other forms of disorder. That is also true and tbe police are doing what they can. Perhaps we could have done bet ter with tbe assistance of Dr. Parkburst's society and bis special knowledge of these dens. Very likely. We have not had that assistance. The evidence f crime which bis agency co lected tbey used for their own pu-poses. What these purposes sometimes were was shown in the arrest of his chief ' detective the other day for blackmail and -extortion. Dr. Parkburst may still believe in bis Innocence. I do not. . I will not enter into a discussion of the wearisome problem. It is as old as original" sin. But since Dr. Parkhurst has made his position clear it is lair that I should do tbe same lor tne ponce. noil Theoretically, there are two radical way IS to deal with this evil. One Is to suppress the other is to license It. Practically there is only one way. Suppressed it can never be. ven Dr. x'arsunrst win not cimm mat, though he insists that the police shall do It. License it we will not. Only a Middle Coarse to Pursue. Ihere remains only a middle course a compromise course, if Dr. Parkhurst chooses. It Is Just that, and nothing else a compromise with the public conscience that knows Its own guilt, as did the crowd that Drought the woman to the Savior, and sneaked away, everyone, when He bade blm who was sinless cast tbe first stone. Tlat course is to thrust the evil as far as possible out or sight, hide It from publio view, where It cannot corrupt the morals of our growing youth. That is alithe police can do, and that they are doing, to the hest of their ability. It la the only ay that is open toni. 1 1 Dr. Park hurst knows a better, if any citizen or set of. citizens can show me a better, or can or will aid me In makin that one more thorough by any evidence in their posses sion, I shall gladly do all that lies in my power to belD him or them. When teaching and preaching succeed in making men good then sin will stop; before that It will not. a maimaiu mat nemi m the history of our city was there so little of It in publio and probably so much of it in private as to-dav. such shadowing as the misconduct ol Dr. Parkhurst'sajents and Informers has compelled me to do tn the In terests of public molality has thoroughly convinced me that he has in his pay as agents and spio as great a set of scoundrels as ever misled a reputable man Into slander ing the fair name of the city which he makes his home. What the Doctor Has to Say. m Dr. Parkhurst was seen regarding this statement, and the gist of il" was told to him. "I shall be happv to reply to it if sneces sary," he saicL. '"It may not be necessary, bnt I cannot reply to-night" Dr. Parkhurst was told that Superintend ent Byrnes had said he had done what be considered best in the interest of publio morality. This betrayed the Doctor into a little acrimony. "Well, he has got to do better," he said. The grand jury th)j afternoon found two indictments against Charles M. Gardner, chief detective ot Eev. Dr. Parkhurst's so ciety. One indictment charges him with extortion and the other with attempted ex tortion. THIETEb AT WOBK AGAIH. They Attempt to Enter Two East End Residences. ' Two unsuccessful attempts were made by thieves at an early hour yesterday morning to enter houses on Leamington avenue. The residences are occupied by Charles Kitner and Daniel Thomas. In the first house tbe thieves were frightened away after two shots had been fired at them. At the house of Mr. Thomas the robbers, efiected an entrance through the dining room window. The barking of a dog in the cellar alarmed the household and put the burglars to flight Some time later the chicken coop iu Alderman Means' yard was broken into and robbed of a number of Brahma, Plymouth Bock and Leghorn, chickens. The Output to Be Increased. Yesterday the Carnegie Company gave official notice that tbe nail mill at Beaver Falls will be put on double turn next Mon day night Everything is running smooth ly at the rod and wire mill, and more men are being given work daily is the wire drawing department-
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