.(- . THE PITTSBURG' DISPATCH, TUESDAY,- DECEMBER 6, 1892. 3. A SURE INVESTMENT IS THE USE OF A DISPATCH ADLE1 . MEETINGS AND NOTICES. Notices. NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF BOXD3 OF THE county of AUcgnny. Pennsylvania. Tlje Sinking Fund Commissioners of the county or Allcglienv. htatp of Pennsylvania, by virtue or authority vested in them by act of Assembly ap proved. April 12. A D., 1S6J, do hereby polity the holders of Allegheny comity compromise bonds that bonds numbered and dated a( lollows, to wit: Coupon compromise lionds Nos. S5S.SA3S0. 381. 5(3. SM, 384, 365, 3W. 387, also registered compro mise bonds Nos. S53, 659. 500. 581. 870. all bearing date cfJanuari 1.1863, and maturing January 1. IMS, x-Ill bo paid together -with Interest to January 1. 1833. upon presentation at the office of the Conntr Controller, at Pltts bare. Pa., at which time alt interest on said budswlU cease. REUBEN MILLER. J AS. J. DON NELL, JAMESA. GRIKR. Sinking Fund Commissioners. Dividends. orriCE or in Wertinohocsi Elictbic ) a-sd jiaj-ctactukikq courAXT, ia BoDiT, M:w YOEK. Not. 30. l&K. ) DIVIDEVD-A SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND el THREE AND ONE-HALF per cent S percent), on the preferred stock of the westing house Electric and Manufacturing Company, baa been declared. psTable on and after January J, ITO, to the stockholders of record at the close of the transfer books on the Mth ray of December, leaz. The transrer books w 111 be closed at 3 o'clock r. v., December SO. 1892, and reopened at 2 o'clock A. M.. January 4, 1393. PH. FRED KOBBE. ' Treasurer. lgal Notices. GEORGE D. RIDDLE. Attorney. UOGrantt. INSTATE OF THOMAS XEELY, DECEASED It Letters testamentary on the above estate haT lng been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate ire requested to make pay ment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to CHARLES F. IN GUAM, txec utor. 417 Rebecca St.. Alleghen. ROBERT IL DOUGLAS. Attorney at Law, 405 Grant street. 37STATE OF JANE McKEE. DECEASED J Notice Is hcrebv fl en that letters testamentary on the estate of Jane McKee. deceased, late of city of Pittfburg county oi Allegheny, State or Penn sylvania, have been granted to the undersigned, to w hom all perso s Indebted to said estatj are re quested to make Immediate pavment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. .. HENRY J. MCCRACKEN. JOHN CRAIG. Executors, Or ROBERT H. DOUGLAB. 4MGra.it et TO LET. City Residences. TO LET Penn av.. Pgh.. large S-story brick dwelling. rooms. For particulars see A. D. Wilson. & Federal St.. Allegheny. East End Residences To Let. TO LET-TJntll April L completely furnished house or seven rooms on prominent East End av.. convenient to rapid transit lines: Immediate possession and rent low to good tenant. Address H P. W Dispatch office. TO LET VS per mo., modern brick house of 8 rooms; One appearance: desi 'able residence location on Center av.: easily reached: send lor list. W. A- Herron & Sons, 80 4tli ay. Alleslienv Residences To Let. TO LET BldwclU cor. Franklin St.. Allegheny, neat brick house. S rooms; In good order: only 10 per month, bee W. A- Herron i Sons, 80 Fourth av. TO LET No 156 Grant av.. brick house 6 rooms: hall, bath and attic; rent M. John K. Ewlng A Co., 107 Federal St. 0 LET John K. Ewing CO.. 107 Federal St., u headquarters for Allegheny houses; free list. Hazel wood Residences To Let, TO LET New brick honses of 6 rooms, hau. bath, range, hot and cold water, large unfinished attic: : minutes from 6treet car and R. R.: rent 13 mo. P. J. Edwards & Co.. 1864 Second ay Hazelwood. Suburban Residences To Let. TO LET At WIlklnsburg-Laree 7-room frame dwelling: large rccep. hall, finished attic, b room complete, etc.: price 430 per month. W. . Hamnett i. Co.. T llklnsburg. Pa. Rooms To Let. ATWOOD ST.. 361 Oakland-Pleasant furnished room with board, gases, bath ; lady or gentle man; private family. T7EDERAL ST.. ZH, Allegheny Pleasant room. JC also board. HIGHLAND A.V.S.. 113-Front furnished room; private family. H IGHLAND AV.S. 315, East End-Well fur- nlsned rooms. MOJ.TGOJIERY A 47. Allegheny-Pleasant front room: hall rooms. $7. PARK WAY. 109. Allegheny-Boarders, fi 80; table boarders. S3 SO. T OOM Furnished room Tor 3 or 4 hours each XL evening, within 3) minutes of postofiSce. Alexander. Dispatch office. I)OOMs Three or six rooms. 122 Federal St., t Allegheny. CANDUSKY ST.. No. 94. Allegheny-Weil- fur O Dished second story front room. CIXTn AV.. No. B3-Nlcely rurnlshedroom; both 0 gae bath TO LET 3 nice new flats, six rooms each, next door to JlcClur.- Avenue Presbyterian Church. Woods' Run. Allegheny : rent very low to good tenant, only f 13 a month. A. Leggate & Son, 62 1 ourth av. T'O LET Rooms In both cities. RentlngAgency, i sixth st. Z set additional aaieu-unaer- n anted Boarders and Lodgers. Rusiness Stands To Eet. TO LET Room, with or withont power; also, storage room, drv kiln, capacity 30, 000 ft : will )eae kiln or dry lumber bv contract. Head Bolt 'Works, Grant and Roquet sts., Allegheny. Apply on premises or to H. A. Spanglcr, Third National Ban W. Alltgheny. TO LET Space with power (almost any size or quantltr of space can be had) In the Lyle & McCance bulhilng on Virgin alley, near Wood St.; location one of the most central aud accessible in the city. See W. A. Herron & bons, N a. 80 Fourth avenue. TO LET Spaco with power: every convenience; corner Penn ay. and Third St. Nicola Bros., 3) Fifth av. 0 LET Storeroom, fronting Liberty street and Third av. Inquire 320 Libert st. Offices Desk Room, Etc To Let. TO LET In the Ferguon Work. Third and Fourth ays., a few choice offices; day and night elevator, Uectrlc clocks and Janitor services tree: rent low. Ulacx A, Balrd. No. SS Fourth ay rpo LET in the Hamilton building. 81-S3 tilth JL av., choice offices, with all conveniences; rent o w. Black A Balrd. -N o. 5 I ourtli ar. TO LKT Third floor. Vasonic naulc building: rooms suitable for artist, draughtsman, archi tect or Ughtmanufacturlng. Farms To Let. TO LET A good farm seven milts from city on llDeorP- 4L. E. IL n. Inquire of . A. Sine, S3 Diamond St., Pittsburg. Miscellaneous To Lets. TO LFT You all in this snap Ladles solid gold rings, pi Kin, engraved or set. lrom fl up; suit able for hullday gifts. At bmit's, corner Liberty and Smlthfleld and 311 Sinlthfield st. TO LET Yon can buv a good second-hand sew ing machine cheaper than you can rent. Try Eewlng Machine Exchange, 17 Diamond St., Pltts nnrg. rj"0 LET Stable and wagon room and use of wash L stand. Union Cab Co.. 412 and 414 Duouesne way. Thoa. Hammllk Manager. FOUND. ?OUN' D Chemical diamond at Smlt's. FOUND-Prof. Markley. the Pnrenologlst. will remove on or about December 12 to 46) Forbes avenue. "TTOUND A. Carlson. 109 Carson St., Soutbslde, Is X carrying the finest stock or American and bwlss watches at lowest prices. IJOUND The only competitor or genuine dla . monds cau be found at our stores, chemical diamonds mounted In solid gold rings, eardrops, studs, pins, etc.; suitable for holiday gifts Smlt's, corner Liberty and bmlth&eld and 311 smlthfleld. IJ-OUND The only reliable tree nana portrait artists in craion and water colors: finest grades only: all work done In windows in presence of the public; order now and pay for Christmas: stores open until (F. M.: satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Jos. P. Cowan. Prop. Union Ar tists' Portrait Co.. first floors 70S Liberty St.. 607 Wood St.- Branch 21 Ohio st.: we employ no agents. Telephone 2172. LOST. LOST All regard for values, and we'll sell you lady's solid gold watches from (3 up at Smlt's. corner Liberty and smlthfleld and 311 Smlthfleld street. LOST On Sunday afternoon, between Penna.ar. and Espleu sta.. by wav of boat, a lady's sil ver watch (open face) and gold chain: reward if returned to IB) Pennsylvania av., Allegheny. TV ANTED. Wanted Partner. PARTNER with 15,000 to 110, OX In a first-class manufacturing nuslness; will bear strict in vestigation! correspondence confldentlaL Address Z , Dispatch office. PARTNER for -a wtll-establisbed reiUuranl: good location and large business: will bear In vestigation. Percival & Gaston, 4W Grant SU IT OOO-Partncr A good man to take Interest CDQt in a machine shop doing a general machine aud repair business; an elegant chance to the right mas. JLF. Hippie Jfc Co.. 88 Fourth avt j- Clamfled repl estate aaverlttemenls on tMt page ten cent per line for each insertion, and none takenor less thantwenty cents. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following headings will be ac cepted at the rate of ONE CENT PER WORD, FOE EACH INSERTION when paid for In ad vance either at main or branch offices. . VTanled AdvertUemtnti of All Kinds, SUCH AS srrtxjLTioNs, rooms, HALE HELP, BOARDINB, FEMALE HELP, BOARDERS, AGENTS, MISCELLANEOUS, PERSONALS. TO LET BOOMS, MISCRLLAAEOrS FOK MALES, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE Cor. Sinlthfield and Diamond Street. AL1VATS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERE WATS. FOR SALE. TO LET AND OTHER TRANSIENT AD ERTISEMENTS WILL BE. RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. SI. FOB INSERTION. Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver tisers already have accounts with The Dispatch. FOR ALLEGHENY, NO. 107 FEDERAL ST., TELEPHONE CC21. FOR THE SOUTHSIDfi. '412 CARSON ST., TELEPHON E NO. 6022. FOR THE EAST END, J.W.WAlifiAOji, 6121 PENN AV. rrrrsBunG-ADDrnoNAL. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3509 Butler st. EM1L G. fcTUCKEY. 24th street and Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY ADDITIONAL. F. H. EGGERSJLSON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. THOMAS JIcHENRY, Western and Irwin art. WANTED. Stale Ilelp. BAKER-A flrst-class caVo baker at Harris' bakery. Wliklnsburg, Pa.; day work. BARBEIt-A first-class barber. Apply at 2510 Carson su, couthslde. BARBER-Flrst-class barber at J. A. Roth's, 51 Sixth av. BLACKSMITH A good man at Wernke Bros'. Carrlaee and Wagon AX orks, McKeesport. Pa. BOYS-3 strong boys; wiges. 4 a week. Apply. 9 o'clocc to-day, Russell Men. Co., Ltd., 112 Wood st. BOY of one or two years' experience at the bar ber trade; German preferred, 365 Ohio St., Al legheny. CANVAbSERS Latest novelties: big commis sion. 102 Fourth av.. room G. COMPOSITOR On country weekly. Address George J. Campbell, v est Elizabeth. Pa. RUG CLERK Registered with 10 years' ex perience; must be a sober man and speaE En glish and German, and give good reference; none other need apply. Address Somnal, Dispatch office. ORGANIZERS for first-class fraternaj order, life and endowment classes; exclusive territory and blgpav: a rare chance: apply it once. Fra ternity, 303Exchauge building. Boston. Mass. ORGANIZING SOLICITOR-Good pay. Address Organlrer, Dispatch office. IjBINTER-First-class. all-round, competent 1 foreman'lor country newspaper and Job office with cylinder press; must be good con posltor, willing aad no bad habits: wages reasonable to be gin, about f 12. George J. Campbell, West Eliza beth, Pa. SALESMEN and Streetmen-Our new game, the Prize Ring Contest, illustrating a Id-round boxing match, is the latest fad; played with tops, and interesting to old and young: Is selling fast everywhere: 110 to 15 a day while the craze lasts; catch on quick; sample 25c The Clipper ilfg. Co., Clnclnuati, O. SALESMEN To sell Wlegand's frame hangerfor pictures, crayons, mirrors, signs, etc : no pic ture hangs perfectly without It. wlegand Frame Hanger Co., 1232 Penn av SALESMEN -To sell the new White sewing ma chine; salary or commission paid. No. 12 Sixth st. E. Lord, manager. SALESMAN A flrst-class reliable salesman for city trade: salary or commission. Taylor & Dean, Market street. SOLICITORS WANTED 160 to 5150 pernio, paid. Address at once J. M. Kennedy, gen. agt.. New Brighton. Pa. STENOGRAPHERS Two bright young men stenographers; fair salary and permanent posi tions; we always have vacancies for competent male stenographers. Call at Private Shorthand Institute, 31a Smlthfleld St.. Pittsburg. TINNER At once. Apply John T. Bcalor & Co , Erie and est Diamond sts., Allegheny. T'OUNG MAN A good energetic young man. to solicit and collect; reference and small bond required. Apply, before x. M. Tuesday. Room 2, 123 Sandusky at.. Allegheny. YOUNG MAN of Intelligence for traveling posi tion; give ajte. experience, references and Biliary c&ircucu. auuich jx. a., A.t1.. u wu..i XTOUNGMANof intelligence Tor office work; A salary ea a montn. Anaress, giving aisr, ex perience and references, B. R., Dispatch office. Agents. AGENTS Salarv or commission to agents to han dle the l'atent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil! the most userul and novel Invention of the age; erases Ink thoroughly in two seconds; works like magic: 200 to 500 per cent profit: agents making foO per week: we also want a general agent to take charge of territory and appoint sub agents; a rare chance to make money. rite for terms and sam- Ele or erasing. Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., X10, La rossc, AVls. AGENTS and everyone to Investigate our car riage. lelgh and wagon stoves; nice for offices; agents have no trouble In making from f3 to $10 per day: no one who drives In cold weather can afford to be without one if they value their health, specialty Company. 420 Smlthfleld st. AGENTS We want men who arc already travel ing salesmen to carry our lubricants as a side line; name references and territory. Manufact urers' Oil Co., Clciclmd, O. AGENTS Tor new sanitary article used In every nome and office; exclusive territory; big profits. Columbia Chem. Co., 337 Sedgwick St., Chicago, III. AGENTS for the best combination books and en gravings ever offered; a bonanza for the holl days. J. W . Garfield, Cleveland, o. AGENTS wanted In every town: either sex: $5 per dav: send ior circulars. Chicago Ticket Mfg. Co.. 88 State st , Chicago, 111. A GENTS Every county: great snap: inclose xL stamp. Dr. Jenkins Griffith, '.third aud Grant, Pittsburg. AGFNTS-f3 to p dally: experience unnecessary. Putnam & Co.. Perfumers West Wlnsted.Ct. Female Help Vf anted. "TOOK First-class colored cook; small family; j good wages; reference required. Apply 4609 Center av.. near Craig St., Shadysldc. (OOKS, housework girls; places free. Exchange, J 910 Penn ay. C1IRL for general howsework; German preferred; T must bare reference. No. 7 Webster St., Alle gheny. LADIKs or young men to take light, pleasant work at their own homes Jl to (3 per day can be quietly made; work sent by mall; no canvass ing. For particulars address Globe Mfg. Co., llox 5331. Boston, Mass. Established 18S0. SALESLADIES Experienced salesladies to sell toys, books, holiday goods, etc.; positively none need applv unless expirlemed: references re quired; apply before 11 A. M. Fleishman i Co., 504, 503 and 509 Market st. STENOGRAPHER-Lady stenographer at once; one understanding double-entry bookkeeping; 5ood salary and permaueut position to right party, .pply to Private shorthand Institute, No. 315 Smlthfleld st. "VT7 AN TED Housekeeper: widow In need of a V home: no objection to one child; German J referred, between 30 and 35 years: do not call but eare address. No. IS Third and Penn ar. TT7 OMEN Two women to scrub. V V Dispatch office. Inquire at 50 Housrglrls: situations free; good places. Central Agency. 2 sixth st. Male and Female Help Wanted. HELP Man cook, farm hands, colored boy. three laundresses, dishwashers, dining room girls, chambermaids. lamlly cook, house girls, girl for chamoarwork and nursing, colored cook, man aging housekeeper; all first-class: report here; large numliers are employed dally. Median's Agency, &45Grantst, WANTED Governess. Udy's maid, French and German nurses, cooks, chambermaids, dining room girls, laundresses, house gins, Ger man and colored girls, hotel and restaurant help, porters, drivers, lann bauds, white and colored waiters. 2 colored boys. Miss Dolan, successor to Mrs. Thompson, COS Grant St. Hotels, Dining and Lnnch Booms, HOTEL NORWOOD-Most popular.resort In tho East End: Duqpesno electric, cars pass tho door: finest accommodation for driving parties; restaurant and bar attached: celcDrated Moerleln's Cincinnati leer on draught: reasonable rates. Frank Y. Over, proprietor, 262 to 270 Franks town av. H OTEL FEDERAL. 171 Fedsral, Allegheny; 9 1 ou, $z uay; special rates wnen permanent. HOTEL ROLL, 4 Eleventh si., near Union de pot: clean, quiet dining room; meals. 25c; beds, 23, 50; and 75c: the bar contains the best. rupiis. PUPILS Private shorthand pupils, day and eyenlng: circulars free. Private Shorthana AUBUIULU, 10 BUllbUUClUBL.,jrlUUHn. t STUDENTS at Institute. 1M Fifth a v., Pittsburg: day and eyenlng sessions. WANTED. Situations "Wanted. I EXPERT ACCOUNTANT seeks evening employ U menl: books posted, audited, balanced. L., 4 Carlisle Place, Fifth ay. POSITION A young man. aged 19. desires posi tion as traveling salesman: has no experience, but Milling to take small salary to learn; sober and reliable: nine months' experience In retail drug store: prefer drug business. Address Phenacetlne. Dispatch office. POSITION-Drugglst-A competent druggist with 10 years' practical experience In the retail drug business desires S position as manager of re tail drug store: satisfactory reasons given for leav ing present position. Address P. J., Dispatch office. POSH ION as waiter or grocery clerk by young man speaking English, German. French and Dutch; also by strong joung man as kitchen help or work of any kind. Address C. L. X., Dispatch office. TlOSITlON-As night watchman: any place of J truat: not afraid of work: riferences. Will iam Wallace. 10 Western av Allegheny. P OS1TION by an experienced shoe salesman, either retail or wholesale. O. W., Dispatch office. IiOSiTIONfora good mala stenographer. Ad . dress K. 21. Dispatch office. SITUATION - As foreman carpenter: good draughtsman, understands buildings andpians; can handle men: long experience. Address Lock Box 1412. P. O.. PitUourg. SITUATION As collector for wholesale house; reference and bond ir required. Address Col lector. Dispatch office. CITUATION-Steady work by an experienced O seamstress. Address B. E., Dispatch office. SITUATION As barber; 12 years' experience. Address Barber, 3341 Penn av.. city. WORK Bookkeeper wants work evenings; steady worker. Address L., P.O. Box 499, city. Business Opportunities TVante-L WANTED-Bv Pltlsburg representative of Urge manufacturer of silica brick and No. 1 clay brick, an agenc) for sand brirk and cheaper grade clay brick, of good brands. Address Agency, Dispatch office. Financial "Wanted. BENSWANGER& ZAHN-Flre Insurance. 60 Fourth av. JOHN K. EWING CO., 107 Federal St., make quick loans: money ready. MONEY to loan on well Improved city and suburban properties in sums from 8500 to $100, (XX); rates 5 to 6 per cent; mortgages wanted, Isaac M. Pennock, 147 Fourth ay. MONEY to loan on flrst-class city property, Pittsburg and Allegheny; 8500 aud upward. E. B. VaiH. 101 Fourth av., Ferguson block. M ON EY to loan at lowest market rates on bond and mortgage: no delav. Reed B. Coyle A Co., Cor. 1 ourtli ay. and Grant st. MONEY to loan on mortgages; can match any sum desired; no delay. Piper & Clark, 131 Fourth ar. M ONE to loan on .mortgage: no delay; lowest Interest. Howard Brown, 151 rounn av. M ONLY to loan on mortgages; lowest Interest; no delay. Jilack. & liaira. ssmrnrm av. MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county property at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver, A. v;o., vi x ourui av. rpo L.OAN I20J.O0U on mortgages: 8100 and up X ward at 6 per cent; 5OO,C0o at 4H per cent on residence or business property, vacant lots or lAliUSi 4J Jls A' ItUil, 11 uu. .. WANTED-Mortgsges: money ready amounts to suit; no delay. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 161 Fourth av. WAN'i ED -Mortgages on Improved clly or Alle gheny city property. McUune i. Coulter, 83 Fonrth av. Wf ANTED-830.0X: absolute security: E. E. real V estate. Address First Mortgage, Dispatch of fice. WANTED-ToniakeyouaqulcK loan on mort gage. Snyocr i White, 162 Fourth ay. Miscellaneous "Wanted. ALL the grocers and poultry dressers to know that we have live and dressed poultry on hand at all times: also fresh eggs and creamery butter. uonrner a uo., 954 i-eun av. AMcCABK crayon portrait for Christmas pres ents. 297 Fifth ay. CLUB men to know that for champagne taps, ginger ale holders, corkscrews and all the paraphernalia of the sideboard the place to buy Is at my lamp store, 615 smlthfleld st. F. G. Cralg heai. ELECTItlt'Mfp. and SnpplvCo.,310 Blssellblock, Pgh.. 64 Kederal.Allegli'y: Incandescent and bell wiring: electrical repairing a specialty; phone 1375. I WILL give 200 for a young, sound, very dark brown, dapple grey or black barouche horse, weighing about 1,150 and 16 hands; must be spirited and with good action. Address Dennis Sweeny. Cor. Fourteenth and Etna sts.. Schoenberger Furnaces, city. LADIES' Dining and Lunch Boom Holiday buyers when out shopping lunch at Eerau's ladles' lavorlte lunching resprt, 903 Penn ar. 15AINTI.su and plttc glass glazing. R. O. Miller, . 526 Grant st., Pittsburg. PUBCII SER for new high-arm Singer, Tor sale at half price: sewing machines from 85 up. at sewing Machine Exchange, 17 Diamond St., Pitts burg. , SEWING machines repaired, sold, exchanged, and satisfaction guaranteed lor little money, at Sewing Machine Exchange, 17 Diamond St., Pltta bnrg. ri'RUNKS hauled to and rrom tne East End for JL fifty cents, Campbell & Davis, No. 12 Seventh av. '1 elcpl one 276 WAN I ED All business men to know that the Office Specialty Co., 105 Third av.. keep In stock the latest and best office furniture, filing cabinets and labor-saving office spiiJaltles; work to order and metallic vault fixtures are among their specialties. TIXANTED Everybody toexamme chemical flla- lnonds; the best imitation stone ever discov ered; equaled by none; mounted In rings, ear drops, studs, stick pins. etc. Smlt's, corner Liber ty aud Smlthfleld and 311 Smlthfleld it. WANTED-Everybody to know this Is positively the last month Auirecht,the popular photog rapher, will take his tine cabinets for8l a dozen; come soon; bring the little ones. 77 Fifth nv. WAN TED -Wood lathe. Friezerand Dowel pin machine, second-hand: give description and Drice. Address Cook Bros. &. Co., Southern ar., lttsburg. TTXANTED A fllfteen tn twenty-flve-ton fly- V wheel, second hand. In sood order. Address with dimensions and price. Lock Box 629Pltts- burg. ' WANTED-To buy aset of scales about 1.000 lbs.' capacity; state how long they have been used and where they can be seen. Scales, Dispatch office. WANTED All kinds and classes or stores and other business opportunities to sell. Write lor terms. i . u. mamoers s. uo., itu ourin av. "ITT AN TED Marry me. Rube, aud buy fine fnr- lY uitnrc below cost at sioyle's, 165 Lacock St. Allegheny, quick. WANTED Contracts of hauling for all kinds of wholesale houses at lowest rates. M. 1!., Dispatch office WkAREIia of spectacles to ouy the best 81 steel and a 00 gold spectacles and eye glasses yet offered ofW. l. Trieber. practical optician, at behacfer's Jewelry store. 150 Fifth av. w OOD and photo engraving; half tones; electro- ryping. urag'ion. a rounn htf FOK SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. BInslcal Instruments. FOR SALE-Plano Upright piano. Just like new; cheap: must sell: 105 Pennsylvania ay Allegheny, PIANOS Two good upright sample pianos, cheap. 40 Montgomery ar Allegheny. Bubber Stamps ana Stencils For Sale. CiETyonrrubberstamps.' steel stamps, stencils. X seal presses, brass checks, etc, from Sbeaffer Co., 49 Filth av,. DutTs College building. R1 UBBER stamp and seal factory, the largest In I'lltsuurg, ai oz X ourin av. jucjuauou jros. STENCILS, steel stamps. Seal presses, rubber stamps, etc w. A. Bunting. 20 Fifth av.. cor. Market. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock For Sale. HORSES Fine pair carriage horses (geldings), bright black, 5 years. 15.3 hands high, 1.190; weigh within three pounds of each other; long tails: fast movers, kind in all harness, afnld of nothing and guaraulecd sound; will give trial to suit Intending purchaser; were sent In by the breeder: will be sold cheap to close up estate. In quire of Mr. Smith at Schenley Riding Academy, Neville and Bayard sts. HORSE The finest doctor's or family horse In the city, 6 years old, weighing 1,180 pounds, will scare at nothing and a very handsome animal: perfect In every respect or no sale; must sell at once. Address 11. II.. Dispatch office. PONIES Twenty (20) head of fine Shetland ponies for children; 10 bead of pony colts; also a few very neat pony outfits; thesehake very sult ble Christmas presents; bargains dnrlng next 30 day.. AY. J. Sampson. Yeungstown. O. Miscellaneous For Sale. EOR SALE-2.000 cots, 2.000 blankets, 2,000 pil lows, lot of large tents, ranges, stoves and general restaurant equipment. Apply to Home stead Steel Works, Munhall, Pa., P., V. 4 C. B. K. FOR SALE Chemical diamond eardrops. 8 (0 and np: they are the oest Imitation stone on earth. For sale only at Smlt's, corner Liberty and Smlthfleld and 311 smlthfleld su TJiOR SALE Chemical diamonds at 8mlt'i. SIDEBOARD, r efrlgerator and extension table, almost new. Call at No. 2 Ophella.it., near Forbes. '. TWO extra pool and one billiard tables cheap. Inquire or address UlSPennav.Vv , FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals For Sale. BOlLtiRS and engines, second hand; nil sizes from 4 to 130 h. p.: cheapest in the market: 61 boilers and engines Iii stock, stationary and porta ble, upright boilers, mounted rarm engines, steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shifting, feu 8401. 23-25 Park way. J. a. "i ounjkABtghcny. Pa. BOILERSFourteen(14) two (2) flue steam boil ers; second hand. Apply to Boom 48, 43 Fifth av. I ENGINE One i6x30-lnch slide valve engine in li flrst-class condition: complete with governor; South Bend wood pulleys with Irou huo and Iron bushing; steam vacuum pumps, syphons, Injectorst new and second-hand engines, boilers pumps and machinery. J. B. Sherrln MfgCo.. 83. Water at. N- ACIONAI. TYPEWRlTER-Flrst-class order. with case. Lock Box 4M, Apoilo, ra. s EWING MACHlNES-Omsult your pocketbook anauuyancw srwing machine as ihk "" ihloe Exchange. 17 Diamond st . Pittsburg. Machln FOK SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities For Sale. FOR SALE-Barhcr shop of three chairs doing a good business and in good location: reasons for selling on account of sickness. 1713 Carson St., Southslde. B ILLIARD HALL-7 tables; ono of the finest in city. M. t mople & Co.. 98 onrtn av. BUTCHERS' aud pickers' supply business Doing a nice trsde and can be Increased. M. F. Hippie Co.. 96 Fonrth av. ClATEKING-Ice cream and conrcctlonery store: doing food business ; price 81. 800, or will sell at invoice, snyaer.s unite, aa tourm ji, nUTinsTdRr. for sala In ranldlvrrovfluzR. R. 1 town: no opposition; great chance. SaloL Dispatch office FOR SALE Business Chance-A general store In one of the best manufacturing towns In west ern Pennsylvania: done over 820,000 worth of business last year, and can be Increased; feebleness and old age compel owner to sell. 31. zt. Hippie & Co., 86 Fourth av. FOR SALE or exchange-General hardware store (with storeroom and dwelling) In a good live Western Penna. town: doing a good business: will exchange for city or sububan property. M. F. Hippie Co., i6 Fourth av. PR SALE Interestlu a tool works manufactur ing miners' and masons' tools, wood wedges, axes. etc. : as a good Investment this is worth In vestigation to a nun that means business. M. F. Hippie i. Co., 96 4th ay. FOR SALE J. H. Chambers & Co., 108 Fourth av., have all classes of stores and other busi ness opportunities fur sale. Call or send for de scriptions. FOR SALE 33,000: butchers' and packers' sup ply business established two years and has a good trade. M. F. Hippie & Co., 96 4th av. ?OR SALE-,Bakery and restaurant. 64 East 1 Main St.. Salem, O. GALLERY-Chean for cash: a fino photograph In best location In Allegheny. Address Photo graphs. Dispatch office. HOTEL of 20TOoms. centrally located in Pitts burg; all conveniences: full house: rent mod erate; owner going In other business. Snap, Dis patch office. OTEL-Contalnlng 36 rooms; one of the finest small hotels In the city: leaBeand furniture, everything complete. M. F. Hippie & Co., 90 Fourth ar. HOTEL Flrst-class, Canonsburg, Pa.: 25 rooms: good location, trade, etc: cheap: closing up an estate. Address Box 577. Pittsburg. Pa. HOTEL One of the best licensed houses; 50 rooms; clears l2.000peryear. J. C. Alles & Co.. 164 Fonrth av. Tel. 167. INTEREST in a wholesale and retail furniture business; well established. M. F. Hippie & Co., 96 Fourth av. LABORATORY All complete: manufacturing cough syrup, flavoring extracts, root beer, etc., with an established trade. M. F. Hippie ft Co., 96 i ourth av. - I ICENSED HOTEL for sale, doing good busi ness, located in Kinzua, Pa. All, particulars from E. A. Coleman. Youngsvllle, Pa. EAT MARKET-AU new furniture: will sell for what It cost to start; good reason for wanting to sell. Address M. M.. Dispatch offlee. ILLINEKY business on Ml. Oliver: business 8 years old. and the only one or Its kind on the street: good reasons for selling. Call on or address John b. Ferguson & Co.. 1412 Carson st. US. PATENT for pantaloon and vest bnckle, . new and pretty. Address C. A. MInehart, California. Pa. Business Properties For Sale. I1ELLEFONTE ROLLING MILL, with cut nail department: cheip coal and Iron of a superior quality at Us door give it great advantage over other plants east of the Allegheny mountains: for sale or rent on reasonable terms. For full particu lars address the Commonwealth Guarantee! Trust and Sate Deposit Company, Trustee, Harrlsburg, Pa. C CENTER AV. Business property neir Miller J st.. 5 rooms, store and small brick on rear of lot 20x70: low prl:e. J. C. Alles A Co., 164 Fourth avenue CHOICE business lot. corner two streets: a bar gain if sold In ten days Dennlston, Eldcrkln Co., Ltd.. 6232 Penn av.. E E. Tel. 5327. Ii IRE BRICK WORKS An old-estibllshcd busl . ncss, now In full running condition and paying handsomely: capacity 6.000 to 12, 000 brick per day; to anyone who understands the business this Is a rare openlug: sitlslactory reasons for selling. Full Ssrtlculars confidentially from Jas. W. Drape & o., 313 w ood St., Pittsburg. I?OR SALE-Investment or speculation 3 3-story . brick buildings, in good order: 1st floor rented for business purposes t(. good tenants: rents can be Increased without trouble, as a new tenant wants to negotiate for two storerooms at an adranred rent; property located corner Penn av. and Main St.; $3 OuO cash, balance to suit putchaser. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fonrth av. WOOD ST. Five-story brick warehouse in good condition; a 6 per cent Investment; enhance ment certain: price, (25.000. 85,coo cash. Samuel AV. Blaet: A Co.. 99 Fourth av. ffl"l f OOO IN VESTMENT Storeroom and three BJlUj dwellings: pays good revenue: buildings nearly new; this Is worth Investigating. M. 1 . Hippie & Co., 96 Fourth ar, cnA soo-In vestment: lu per cent net; coldstor Otfc) age warehouse: eight stores and all modern appliances; wi(l rented. M. F. Hippie & Co., 96 Fourth ar. fflOA OOO Flour mill One of tho finest and tip. iU most complete In AVestern Penna., and doing a large business. M. F. Hippie & Co., 96 Fourth av. Manufacturing Sitea For Sale. MANUFACTURING SITE3 in both cities and lu suburbs, with and without buildings and macblner, with he-t of railroad aud water facil ities. Call or address T. H. Dickson, 111 Fourth av.. room 45. Coal Lands For Sale. COAL LAND I have for sale desirable coal lands In the Connellsvllle region on the Bellevemnn Railroad and Monongahela river. Pittsburg dis trict; the Panhandle region. West Virginia and Ohio, h or maps and particulars call .at my office. No. 8 Wood St., J. H. Ulllman. (10 AL lands for sale 2.000 acres of coal near rall j road at a bargain. J. H. Chambers Co., U8 Fourth av. TJ OR SALE 125 acres of coal underlying a farm X In Collier township, fronting on Tom's Run branch or P.. C. &. Y. R. It. ; only 12 miles from heart or the city: no pumping required In mining. For price and further particulars address JohnL. Prestley, No. 408 Grant su, Pittsburg. 1300 Acres Ihlrd pool coal, ulth large river frontage and best of shipping facilities. T.H. Dickson, 111 Fonrth av.. room 4S . FOK SALE LOTS. East End Lots For Sale. A BARGAIN, Bouletard place. East End: 12 room house on lot 37xH8: cav terms, or will accept local traction stocks at market prices in part payment. Address, two day. Owner, Dispatch flice: I70U SALE Schenley Park lots 50x150. greater ; frontage If desired, AVoodland avenue, be tween Forbes avenue and Schenley Park: asphal, turn pavement: street railroad; cheap- easy terms Frank F. Nlcoli. 6100 Forbes or 20 Fifth avenue. HIGHLAND PARK-32O0 cash: no payments for three (3) years; lots 50x140: Stanton av. (ex tension). W lnterton and Jonette streets, which are now being graded at present owner's expense. Samuel AV. Black. Co . 99 4th av. LOTS Level lots, 25 to 30 feet front, and 9J to 170 feet deep: prices rrom 8400 'o (SOOeacb: over looking Schenley Park; terms, 5 per cent cash, bal ance 85 per month : take Second av. electric cars to Greenfield av. Peter Shields, 533 Grant st. Branch office on property; agent alwajs there. OR TRADE-10 acres In East End, near proposed electric line, perfectly level; a grand oppor tunity to secure n fine piece of acreage at a low Bgure. C. R. Fnndenberg & Co., 77 4th av. ROPERTY-Fronting on Shady Lane, his been sold recently at 85,00) per acre; wo have a fine plot, fronting on same street, aud lying nicely for subdivision, which we can sell at a much lower price: here Is a chance for moneymakers. Logue & bchroedcr, Germanla Bank building. $50 PER FOOT-Paved street, with assess ments rt&ld. nne snnare from nark: lot 116x100. boundeaby three good streets; tlilsls nne of the finest lying pieces of ground lu all Pitts burg. 15 minutes from postofflce; strictly good neighborhood; great place for a home. John F. Sweeny & Co., 63 Fourth av. Suburban Lots for Sale. -lHABTIERS LOTS-FIne building lots at Char L Hers (McKee's Rocks borough): 250 and up ward, according to size and location: the most accessible of any suburb or Pittsburg: 10 minutes by the P. L. E. R. R. ; a minutes by Chartlcrs packets: 20 minutes by new electric line (now almost completed) from foot or Fifth arc. t these lots front on line of electrlo road: are centrally located In tbenldst of a population or about 3,000; Cfaartlers now has one large steel works, one roll ing milk one bridge works, one coke works, the P. & L. E. B. R. shops, besides several smaller manufactories, and other large concerns have pur chased land for factory sites. For plans and partic ulars, call or address T. H. Dlcxson, ill Fourth ave.. Boom 48. Farms For Sale. Qfifi Farms, two fruit farms; vou can pay for is UUU easy as j Unsburr, W. V. easy as pay rent. J. H. Brtstow, Mar FOB SALE-LOTS. City Lots. FOR SALE or exchange for Allegheny property 110 nice level building lots situate In the city of Pittsburg: within easy access of electric and steam cars, at the low price of 1175 per lot; these same lots will sell at retail from 3250 to 8350 per lot: tills offer good for a short time only, Samuel W. Black CO., 99 4thav, ONLY a few lots left, on which I will build a bouse to sqlt and take payments In amounts to suit purchasers: location in good neighborhood, on high, dry ground, only 10 minutes from Court House, on line of cable cars. A. Bauck, 441 Grant street. Allegheny Lots For Sale. I70TI SALE A lot 20x110 on Buena Vista St., near ' parks, below actual cost; owner must have cash at once: no reasonable offer refused. John K. Ewlng & Co , 107 Federal st. FOK SALE IMPROVED BEAL ESTATE City Residences, I?OUKTH AV., near Liberty Two 3-story brick dwellings: 12'ooms each: a growing business locality; lot 40x85; will sell separately. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fonrth av. WHY pay1 rent when jou can bny a modem home, and have 10 years to par for It? These houses adjoin the Greenflild av.entrance to Schen ley Park, hare all modern Improvements and con veniences, bath rooms, mslde w. c.'s, pantries, slate mantels, tile hearths, etc., papered and made attractive Inside and out. The streets are all sew ered; both gases upon property: city water: elec tric cars run through It. Greenfield av. Is paved with asphallum. The liouses are built by day work, all separate; no two alike in interior or exterior. In design or finish. This gives the property a charm not to be found elsewhere. They have 4. 3. 6. 7 and 8 rooms each. Prices range from 11,90? to It 600. Terms One-fifth cash, balance in 10 years, same as rent. Take Second av. electric ears to Greenfield av.; they run all ulght. Peter Shields. 533 Grant Bt. Branch office on property; agent always there. ffl f cr cash, balance 813 per month. A home In tJt)LlOJ the heart of the city for 32, 300. Beauti ful location, five rooms and finished attic: a solid, we 1-bullt house. e have applicants wanting to rent these honses at 118. All ready for Immediate possession. Neat front and back yard, with fence; 15 minutes' ride from P. O.. two squares rrom cable, clean walk to door; slatd roor. slite mantel, city water (a bath will be arranged If de sired), N. B. Do not delay because you have leased until April 1, 1833. AV e will take your house off your hands. A verv small amount down till you get your cash, Do not delay buying till tho hlgn spring market. John F. Sweeny, 6s Fourth avenue. Q2KAfiCash-Price2.300; new frame dwelling, &DJVJ 5 rooms, hall, good cellar, good im provements, lot fflxlco. Herron Hill Park. J. C. Alles & Co.. 101 Fourth av. O OOO Vine st. : 6-room brick. J. C. Alles & gZi Co.. 164 fourth av. Eust End Residences For Sale. AN Investment that will pay 10 per cent on money Invested and Increase In value at the same time: a rare bargain. Dennlston. Eldcrkln Jt Co., Ltd.. 623i Penn av.. E. E. Tel. 5327. EAST END residences 20 to 25 choicest East End residences In best localities, mostly new.stone and brick. 9 to 14 rooms: strictly modern In all respects; fine lots; prices and terms moderate. Isaac M. Pennock. 147 Fourth av. IMMEDIATE sale Is wanted for the property on Gross st. near AAlneblddle av.. Twentieth ward: a two-story and finished attic frame dwell ing of 5 rooms, hall, vestibule. Inside shutters, both gases, front and back porch, good lot, etc. : owner non-resident of Pittsburg: must sell: would like to have an offer tor this property. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth av. NEGLEY AV. Must be sold, handsome 10-room pressed brick residence, porches, laundry, bith. electric lights and bells, cabinet mantels, tile hearths and all modern Improvements: lot 29x105 ft.: worth 111,500; will be sold for $9, 500. Isaac M. Pennock. 147 Fourth av. Allegheny Rcslaoncos For bale. ARCH ST.. Allegheny C-roomed house on Arch St.; 4-roomed house In rear: annual rents 8384; price during December. 83.150: act quick. Baxter, Thompson A Co., 161 Fourth av. I?OR SALE The valuable brick dwelling, with 1 good lot. No. 79 Page St.. Allegheny: property of the Pennsylvania Insurance Company, and to be sold at public sale, in settlement of the business of the company bv order or the directors In the salesroom of Jas. W. Drape Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg, on Vedne5day.Deccmber7.at2o'clock: peremptory sale. Terms, et;., from Jas.Av. Drape A Co., Agents and Auctioneers. NO. 72 KIRKPATRICK AV.. Allegheny, one square from California electrlo line Brick dwelling, 2 stories and finished attic: re-enlly built, good condition; easy termsjif not soldby Jan. 1 will be ror rent. Apply to Samuel J. Moffat, No. 520 Penn av , city. PERRYSVILLE AV.. Ailegheny-A new Qneen Anne frame dwelling with large lot: a gennlne bargain to a quick buyer: elegant location. W. M. Pollock, No. 150 Fonrth ar. Suburban Residences For Sale. T?oR SALE The large dwelling and fine lot, 129X L 133 feet, near Briuton station, P. R. It., to be sold at public sale by order of the directors of the Pennsylvania lnurance Company In the settle ment or the business In the office or Jas. W. Drape & Co.. 313 AVood St.. Pittsburg, on AVednesday. December 7. at 2 o'clock. Mr. Lukens. station agent at Brlnton station, will show the property. Positive sale. Terms, etc.. from Jas. W. Drape A Co , Agents and Auctioneers, 313 Wood St., Pitts burg. FORSALE-25 acres, new rrame dwelling, all necessary out buildings, and never tailing spring or water; 4 mluutes from Etna. 1 mile rrom lie Haven. 'A mile from Butler plank road: P. 4 W. R. R. Mrs. J. C. Lee, Elliott, Allegheny county, Penna. Real Estate. P'OR SALE-Real estate bargains; send for new catalogues. Just out. mailed rree; 3,000 proper ties. Black ft Balrd, 95 Fourth av. PERSONAL. ER50N AL BaDgTcut,10 cents. Madam Rohan, Ui iiuciato, AuiA"tu' PEIISONAL-bnperfluoiis hair removed tne elec tric needle; consultations free. Mrs. Elliott, 612 Penn av. PiJfcVNAL-crcnit, yes, creait, on tine dress goods, silks, satlns.wraps.etc.. at J. Dwyer'S' Room 4. McCancc block. 701 Mnithfleld. PERSONAL-For Christmas presents go to Stew art's, 60 Federal st.. Allegheny, where you get fine cabinet photo and crayon portraits. PERSONAL-Deale-s wanted to rail on Alle gheny Procuce Co. for poultry, game and pro duce of all kinds. 53 S. Diamond. Allegheny. PERSONAL Did you get your housework girl yetr Exchange 910 Penn av., possibly has her. PERSONAL iree-a Urge music book worth 50 cents toeverv purchaser or need es, oil, etc.. for any machine. 'White Sewing Machine Co., 12 Sixth st. PERSONAL -Prof. George Markley. practlial phrenologist, graduate or the American Insti tute or Phrenology. Office hours, 3 to 9 F. II. ; ex amination, 81. 8 Seneca St., city. PERSONAL Hair, inoies, etc. on lames" races permanently destroyed bvthe electric needle without pain or scar; consultation rree. Miss Strcng. office 90.1 Penn av.. Dickson building. IJERSON AL-Ladlci wishing to take 'inrkn Face Baths or race massage for removing blemishes and Improving the complexion will pleae visit my prriors at 903 Penn av.. Pittsburg, ailss Sherwood. PERSONAL Prof. 8. G. Mosher. practical phrenologist, graduate ot the American In stitute. N ew V ork City: parlor talks: lectures to clubs orsoclctles a specialty. For terms and dates address 83 Mlltenberger. city. PERSONAL-Plctures. mirrors and crayon por traits You can save from fl to 15 on nch pur chase: a fine Hue of artist proof etchings at a sac rifice; cash or credit: framing done to order. T. C. McElroy, No. 1 Sixth t upstairs. PERGONAL Chemical diamond eardrops, 82 50 aud up: chemical diamond rinjt.-. 12 mid up: chemical diamond scarfplns and studs, 81 50 and np: all mounted In solid gold. Smlt's, corner Lib erty and smlthfleld and 311 Smiihfleld. TJERSON AL Young married lady would like any X number of young wives to know that she has a most excellent recipe for the promotion of peace and happiness In the home circle: send your hus band's clothes to Dickson, the tailor, who will clean, press and repair thera at ainost moderate cost. Fornroof see Dickson, the Tailor. 63 Fifth av., second floor Telephone ll-VS. BANK STATEMENTS. U EPORT OF THK CONDITION ur thk JLki KEYSTONE BANK, of Pittsburg, of Alli gheny county, Pennsylvania, at Hie close of busi ness, November 30, 1892: RESOURCES. Cash on hand 21941 Checksandotnercasliltem 10.564 90 Due from other banks and banktrs ..... 141,647 54 Loans and discounts ,770.625 48. Real estate, furniture and fixtures 69,533 23 Overdrafts . 760 45 Current expenses and taxes paid 5.92.J 11 (1,019,001 48 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid lu I 3no,pt 00 Surplus fond ". ' "S-S?0 Undivided proflls .J"'S ? Deposits subject to check 5o(,327 14 Deposit, special 20 OT' J Demand certificates of deposit 3,379 10 Certified clacks "-IS- Cashier's checks outstanding 2.337 8 Due tb banks and bankers 24.541 33 Dividends unpaid v MlO (1.029,001 43 Report of above has been made to C. H. Kruinb haar. Superintendent of Banking. State of Pennsylvania, County of Allegheny. $M- T t Tr Tr... r.ihlw nf thf. AhnvA n&med bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge anrbeller. J. H. HAYES. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 3rd day of December, 1892. ..., . Signed JOHN C. MCCORMICK. Jr., Notary Public Correct-Atvest: yANDEBQil i tSlgned JCHARLES W. BATCHELOB, J. I. BUCHANAN. J y- . Directors, BANK STATEMENTS. EPORT OF THE CONDITIOnT)FTHE FBFE HOLD BANK, of Pittsburg. Pa., or Alle gheny county. Pa., ai the close of business No vember 33. 1832: RESOURCES. Cash on hand.. .' Checks and other cash Items.,.., 4 i9 27 Dne rrom banks and bankers .2S,?5?i3 Loans and discounts SS'SSfi Investment securities........... 3M.927 78 Real estate, furniture and fixtures fS!5 Current expenses and taxes paid . o 11,729,234 87 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in '-tS'S'S m Snrplus fund 100.0.0 oo Undivided proflts iU'?!?i? Deposits subject to check 963.S.12 21 Deposits, special 18.149 60 Demand certificates of deposit 5-X5 S Duo to the Commonwealth 2S4 Dividends unpaid g5 (1,729,231 87 Report of above has been mado to C. H. Krumb haar. Superintendent of Banking. State of Pennsylvania, county of Allegheny, ss: I. J. F. Steel. Cashier or the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. F. STEEL. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day o December, 1832. jNotarlalSeal.J GEO. D. TISDLE, Notary Public Correct Attest: EDWARD nOUSE. JAMES McDEVITT. C. L. MAGEF. Directors. EDUCATIONAL. PARK INSTITUTE, 204 NORTH AV.. ALLEGHENY. New rapid phonography. Surest and quickest method or learning shorthand. Complete commer cial courses. .Day and evening sessions. L. LUDDEN. A. M., Principal. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE. HOLIDAY GOODS. FURNITURE, CARPETS. PIANOS, PICTURES, Etc. Presents that are useful. TUESDAY. December 6. at 10 o'clock at the rooms of the Henry Auction Company, Si and 28 Ninth street. Fancy rockers, tables, couolic, lounges, clocks, etc, fine parlor suites upholstered In urocatello tapestry, English ru.js and hair olotli;plctures,mlrrors, upright piano, dek8, cabinets and ornaments; lmndaome chamber Inrnitnro in oak and walnut, Tvardr.ilies to match; sUeboards, china clootx, bookcases, hallracks, extension tables, dishes and toilet ware: larg line ot Brussels carDt, rugs and matting; kitchen and laundry furniture, stoves, etc.; mattresses, springs, blankets and beddlnjr. Sale positive. HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. PUBLIC SALE Or houses and lots on Page St., Allegheny, and on P. K, K. In settlement of tho affairs or tho Pennsyl vania Insurance Company, to be sold by order 01 the Hoard or Directors, In the sales room of Jas W. Drape & Co., 313 AVood st, Pittsburg, on WEDNESDAY, December 7, at 2 o'clock. First That excellent brick dwelling, with lot 20x160 feet. Known as No. 79 1'a.je streot, Allegheny; 10 rooms, including spacious double parlor, with bath, hot and cold wa ter, natural gas and other modem conven iences, all in good oraer. ' Second That lnrgo brick dwelling with lot about 120x139 feet, close to Brlnton station, P. K, R., formerly owned by John R. Thomp son: 8 rooms In dwelling, with the usuil de sirable conveniences. Mr. Lukens Ticket Agent at Brlnton station, will show the property to anyone who presents a card from the agents. Peremptory and positive sale in ordor to close np the Dusiness of tho company. Terms made known at sale. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO , Agonts and Auction eers, 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. MMITIISO; fc VINCENT, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. Sales oi real estate, merchandise at stores, household goods at residences (Jewelry sales for tho trade only) promptly attended to. Offlce.BS Eisner buflding.cor. 5th and Wood st. CHOICE PEOPEBTIES. SQUIRREL HILL. $1,500 PER ACRE FOR 33 ACRES. Co rrr per acre tpej.wv $3,500 FOB 11 ACRES. PER ACRE FOR 33 ACRES. TERMS can be arranged. ALE lay well and suitable for sub-division. SOME face on lines of proposed elccl.-ic roads, and this frontage nlone will more than pay for entire property. THE ROADS are no myths, either. Thoy are coming. Call and wo will give yon particulars. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 161 FOURTH AV. A DWELLING- THAT ISeOETH AN INVESTIGATION ox SOUTH HIGHLAND WE. First floor has parlor, library, dining room 13x20 feet; also kitchen. Second floor, five bedrooms, bath, etc.: with throe large rooms"on third. Every improvement, such as stationary washsratid in hall, beautiful mantels, chandeliers, paper, laundry, etc, ALL FOR $ i.ooo. Come soon if you want this, for we do not expect to have this in market long. See Tel. 6425. J. H. COLEMAN & CO., 0212 Penn Ave., E. E. , FOR SALE. ' First-Class Business or)fflso Locations, on Diamond strce t and Third avenue. Good sizes and moderate prices. For particulars see LOGUE & SCHROEDER, Germanla Bank Building. FOR SALE. AT WILKINSBURG, Three-room frame dwellinr. Xot 68xlS2 on line of electric cars and three minutes lrom station. Abaniain lorQUlck buyer. W. E. HAMNETT & CO., WILKINSBURG. PA. FOR SALD. Lot 50 Fast Front, Center Avenue, Twentieth Ward, by2l3Feot Ileepv Lot 23 Feat Front, Fulton Street, By 131 on Webster Avenue. HOUSE 1312 HURIEL STREET And Lot nearly '5S Front by. 11 KeetDeerj, Inquire of JOHN A, WILSON, 140 Fourth Avenue. i . "i - CHOICE PROPERTIES. FOR SALE AT WILKINSBURG. LOT80xl8O. 3 MINUTES FROM ELECTRICCARS. Here IsaBargain at$1,500. . EL HAMNETT & CO., WILKINSBURG, PA. LOTS. MURRAY HILL AVENUE Now open and paved from Fifth to Wilkini avenue. City sewerage, both gases, electrlo Hght. NO BETTER LOTS FOR SALE In the East End and none more reasonable in tjrice. Title guaranteed by the Fidelity Title t Trust Company. (257.) See W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 FOURTH AVENUE. AMUSEMENTS. THE ALVIN THEATER. Monday, Decembers, 1891 LAST NIGHT3 of Chas. Frohman's Company in T14Lw liiiecSreatesl LOST IDraraatlo Triumph! PARADISE. lEverln Pitt.bnrJ Goodby Mats. Wednesday and'Satnrday. Next week The Lilliputians In the Ballet Spectacle "Candy." de3-29 GRAND OPERA HOUSE. TO-NIGHT, ANDREW MACK, The Sweet Singer, in ' IRISH LOYALTY. Prices 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. 23c, 50c, Reserved. Next week Barry and Fay, McIConna'i Flirtation. det-13 DUOUESNE, Si,, u TO-NIGHT. LILLIAN RUSSELL OPERA COMIQUE CO. In Xi.A- OIO--LIEL Saturday Almlnem ami hvenlng, THE MOUNTEBANKS. Next week The Baroness Blanc in "De ception." de5-33 HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMT To-night Matineos, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. EEILLT & WOODS' BIG SHOW. BROS. BORANI VITA. HADES AND THE 400. de3 HARRIS' THEATER-Mrs. P. Harris, R.L. Britton. T. K. Dean, Proprietors and .Managers. Every afternoon and evening. Sadie Hasoii in the comedv-drama, A KENTUCKY GIEL. Week Dec 12 "Lost in Now York." deG- 85-TTS EUROPEAN STEMSUIPS. HOLIDAY REMITTANCES TO THE OLD country Drafts, money orders and for. elgn bank notes at New Yorlc rates. .Money remitted to all parts of Europe. MAX SCHAMBERG & CO , Foreian Hankers and Steamship Agents,. 627 Smlthfleld street, Pittsburg, Pa. Established 18CS. tts WHITE STAR LINE. a For Oueenstown and Liverpool. Royal and United stte Mall ateamerj. BrlUnnlc; Dee. 7. SamiBritannic. Jan. ilm MaJesticDecl4.1:30pm 'Adriatic. Jan. 11. Ipra Germanic Dec. 21. 7 a m Gerin'c. Jan. 18. Sam Teutonic, Dec.23.1:apinlMaJeilc. Jan. 25, 11am From White Star dock, foot of West Tenth street. New York. Saloon rates. 150 and onward, according to steamer and locttlon nf berth. 'Second cabin on these steamers. 140 and S43: limited excursion tick ets, 175 and tS5; steerage from or to the old conn trv. ta). White Star drafts payable on demand in all the principal banks throngnont Qreit Britain. Applr to JOHN J. MCtUKMICK. C33 bmltimeld street, Pittsburg. orH. MAITLAND K MtSEY, General Agent, a Broadway. S.. nolO-D ALIiAlT XiIISTE ROYAL MAIL STE OlSHlr-S. GLASGOW to PHIX4DEIiPHIA. VIA DERBY and GALWAY. The most dU rectronte from Scotland and North and Middle of Ireland. ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. Intermediate, SJO. Steeruse. sllfc STATE1 SERVICE OF I lI r? Y AJVI-AK IwXTE LINh. J STEAMSHIPS. MEW YORK and GLASGOW via Londonderry every Fortnight. ' Dec 15 State of Nebraska itooi. Dec. 29 State of CallloruU soox. Jan. 19. Statoof XebrRka.H30 A. JC Cabin, $40. Second Cabin, $30. Steerage, 119. Apply to J.J.MCCORMICK, C39 Smlthfleld St. JolS-n . 1NMAN LINE. New TTork, Queens town and Elverpool From Hew "York Every TTednesday. City of Parts nnd City of New Torts,' 10,500 ton each. City of Berlin. City of Ch Biter. FROM NEW YORK: City of TfcwYork. Wednesday. Dec 7, 8 A. K. City of Chester. Wednesday. Dec. H. 2 P. M. City of Paris. Wednesdar. Dec. EL 7 X. X. City of Berlin. Wednesday. Dec. M. 1 r. M. For rates of passage and other information ap- rly to STERN ATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY. Gen'l Agents. S Bowling Green. New York, or to J. J. MCCORMICK. C39 Smlthfleld st. Pitts burg. nolO-TT-' WARKLETDN SANITARIUM. A new health and rest resort in the moun. tains of Southwestern Pennsvlvanla. Open ail the year. Elegantly furnished. Special. ly equipped with all kinds of baths, elec triclty and other remedial appliances for thecareand heallncof the sick. For par ticulars address DR. M. B. GAULT, Medical Diroctor, Markleton, Somerset County, Fa. Now Is the best season for piantlns and pruning trees, laying out of lawns and tak ing charge of work generally; also draining HERMAN HELM, LAHDSCAPE GAEDENEB, ELLSWORTH AY Shodyslde, Pittsburg, TU3 ROAD HORSE. Five yenrs old; sound; very kind and gn tie; also buggy and harness; will be sold Cheap. 37Pennav. T FIDELITY TITLE&TRUSTCO. 181 and 123 TOUBTH AVENUE. MONEY RECEIVED ON DE POSIT SUBJECT TO CHECK. INTEREST ALLOWED. LOANS MADE ON AP PROVED COLLATERAL. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS WITH EVERY SAFEGUARD AND CONVENIENCE. STOR- " ' AGE FOS SILVERWARE. noiUM ". 1 1 ' t&' T C l A uJ Vi J jsy ,'ittJj. .!tL