Z&Z 12 THE FITTSBTJBG piBPATOH TUESDAY, DEOEMBEK 6, 1892. lyK cPtttti rrMlGOflOA CT"H' Mllf w'' are mado very plainly, but are richly trim' meil with far. AsEweray material for winter waiting cowns It Russian army clotb. It Is intended to be trimmed with fur. Write prevails for evening dresses. Many of the materials are extremely elegant. While brocades in scroll and other designs, with a silver tinsel effect, Tight nu bril liantly, others m llsht bine and pale pink, with the same silvery sheen, are very at tractive. Russian blouses are Improved and made more realistio by some brisht-oolored cross stitch worked down the front and cuffs and collars, also along the waist-hand, A dark green, embroidered in shades of terra cotta witn a Greek sort of pattern upon it in scar let, blue and sold thread, looks stylish. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. The illustration presents a charming loose jjown, made np in garnet velvet with coral dots. The fronts are double, the outer ones in velvet hanclng loose and having no gores, while the sides and back are fitted to the figure so as to make the train hang welL The Wattesu fold starts from the neck. It is made of a breadth of the stuff taken straight and let into the center seam at the back, which, ior this purpose, must be opened for an inch or so below the waist fcvc Vj3 X t7.M$vW L it IH'tU n tf . W r nl Jt$ frr j.v. ' I In l a J-- j. " H A Yellow fever still exists at La Guayro. Typhus exists in several Mexican States. .-The bulk of Crrspo's army lias been dls banded. Idaho claims a sea serpent In ako Cbelon. Heavy snows arts falling in Scotland and North England. Arthur Wlnllmoau began a 60-day fast at Cleveland yesterday. All seacrast towns in Abomey have fallen into French hands. Kansas City is terribly excited by a gold dlscot ery in the Snl hills. Sailors quelled a Chinese riot at Xchang Friday. So Kuropeans hurt. The new Canadian Department or Trade and Commerce is about to be proclaimed. An embezzlement or $100,000 at the State School 01 rueoln, Mexico, has been reported. The import duty on firearms and ammu- per cent. ETJSGLAES BAD IN PENNSYLVANIA. Many Localities In the Eastern and Cen tral Farts of tho State Visited. Carlisle, Dec. B. Four burglaries were committed in Kewville about 3 o'clock this morning. . The poitoffice was broken into for the third time in a year, but only a lew dollars was secured. The Cumberland Valley depot was entered, but Ticket Agent Miller heard the intruders sledging at the safe and frightened them away, although they took 510 with them. At 8. L. dagg er's spake works the roHers blew open a safe 'and seenred some money. -At W. B. Oyler's-vrarebouse they sledged a safe, but secured- nothing. On Saturday night the Western Maryland Railroad ticket office at Bbippensburg was robbed of ?85. A dispatch from West Chester, Fa., says: Great ipdignation is felt over the numerous robberies that have recently occurred in this vicinity, and lynching is freely dis cussed should the perpetrators be captured. Kichard Fiersol, a respectable iarmer of Honeybrook, was held up by three masked robbers last night at the foot of the Welch Mountains and compelled to surrender $50 wnicli he just collected. am NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, VVWVIVW',VM( DECIDED AOAIKSX TILLIA. nltlon in Venezuela has boon increased SO Ytlvd Wrapper. line. The side breadths must be cut bias. The two beck pieces she Id be cut bias, and be left as long as desired. The upper fronts have a flaring collar, which is also lined .with velvet The small front is sewed on one side to the lining, buttoned in the middle and hooked on the other side. The passementerie girdle, coral and gar net, is also sewed on one side and hooked on the other. The straight collar has a chemisette sewed to the lining of the gar ment and closing at the back. The sleeves are double, those of el vet being cut straight, split up and lined with (he coral surah. The under sleeves are pufied and have a frille tailing over the hand. Both sleeves are sewed nt the same time in the armhole seam. The entire robe is lined with white satinette or thin silk, which must have two flounces with machine scal loped edges. Of empire gowns we still hear a great deal said, and beyond a doubt the modified empire gown is to b: tbe wear. But it will not do for everyone. If you happen to be tall and slim.it will accentuate your length; if you are unfortunate enough to be dumpv. It will telescope you still more, and if you have great breadth of hips it will emphasize that defect Modish Gowns for Young Ladles. A very rich shade of tomato-red camel's hair serge is nsed in gay gowns for very young women. The newest fancy is to make a ronnd waist, with yoke and enorm ous sleeves of black or very dark bottle green velvet The yoke and sleeves appear to be all in one piece, as the seams on the shoulders which join them are covered with a sort of epaulet finish of very elegant cut jet A single row of black moss trimming is at the foot of the red bell-skirt, with five rows of cut-jet gimp above. Other dresses in similar fashion are made of violet cloth, hunter's-green vigogne, or Napoleon-blue camel's-hair, brightened by a Breton vest ot brilliant taureau-red cloth or Bengaline. Around the bottom of the skirts are set two very narrow bias bands of red fabric, with an edging each side of purled black gimp ot a glittering line of Jet These dresses in every case are lined throughout with black taffeta silk, with a balayeuse flounce "of the same silk cut bias and scantily gathered and about fire Inches deep. The Latest in Millinery. Millinery is excessively smart just now. Lace and fur add their richness to many elegant hats and bonnets. French bonnets of tbe most diminutive size are made of rich toned velvets, trimmed with silt guipure lace atrd jewelled clasps and pins. Glace and pale tinted velvet capotes to wear far back upon the head are edged with a roll of fur and trimmed with iridescent passemen terie, gem set arrows, and feather aigrettes. Some of the crowns of stylish velvet round hats are studded with mock jewels. A flat Directoire bonnet from Virot has the slashed crown of black velvet, lifted here and there to show a vivid green lining. It is caught up with bunches of magenta colored roses, surrounded by velvet leaves. The brim is edged with sprays of shaded velvet maiden hair fern, sparkling with bits ofgreeu glass, resembling drops of dew. Blue and green are constantly combined in millinery,,as in dress, special shades being selected. It they do not so to speak as similate, the-result is disastrous. Thq bullfight season opened Sunday with great eclat at Juarez. Alex., opposite El Vaso, Tex. The City National Bank and the Fiist Xational Hunk of Cuvmuton, Ky., will be consolidated. A strange disease, covering their hands w 1th ulcei s. is sDldeuiic uinoni? nork nuckera ill Cincinnati. Mrs. Diaz, wife of the Mexican Presi dent, will cenua woman's band of muslo to the World'.. Fair. The Dritlsh are taking no half, way meas ures in their preparations to send an expe dition to Uganda. A bank cavinn in at Woodvilla. Wis.. crushed two children of Dr. Cacfoll to death and injured two others. Ellsworth Wyatt, tho captnred membflr of the Dalion enng, will be extradited irom Indiana to Kansas at once. Another Arm lias been dragged down by the b.tnk failure at Ithaca, Mich. The Nelson-Barber Company has assigned. There is a severe Limine in parts of British Burmali. whore American mission aries are trying to leed the people. During a Chicago saloon row Snnday night Matthew Illldebrand mortally wound ed Gus Wuuderlich and crippled two other men. Commercial negotiations between Ger many and Spain stnited an absurd rumor that those two Dowels had concluded an alliance. The sale of the Aragon iron mine in Wis consin to the Schloinger svndlcate, is con nrmed by August Smith. The price paid is $1,000,000. After a hard year's work, Albert Furlong, of Rockford, 111., fonnd himself only $3 ahead. This so discouraged him that he shot himselr dead. The renewal of frlendlv tntarennran hn- 1 tween Knssla nnd the Dreibund is said to be aue 10 cue czars annoyance at the Panama ana Carmaux scandals. Ilpn. J. G. rtlntne Is pronounced by his family and physician as being ci entry im Droved in health. His appetite is excellent, they say, and be sleeps well. Expi est com-any officers at New Orleans aie trjing to fathom the mystery of tho recent rouneries where brown paper pack. ul-cs w ere substituted lor casb. Kerr, the Kansas City defaulter, was on board the steamship Auranla, which arrived at New Yprk, yesterday, Irom Liverpool. He is in charge of a Chicago detective. One of the Ccaur d' Alene insurgents captured by Federal troops Inst summer was Alexander unisiiolm, a British subject He threatens to place the case In the hands of his Government The safe in which George H.Kohn, the fugitive embezzler of Denver, kept his papai b and supposed valuables, bus been opened, and nothing of alno whatever was lound. His shortages amount to $100,000. The citizens of Miller, Neb., are hot on the trail ot two bnrclarb. The latteriohhed one (Iwellliiir, uheie they dangerously wounded the lady or the house, and also the village postoffico, where they shot the post master. Henrr M. Boley, Jr., member or the firm of M. Br ley & Son, or Savannah, whioh failed Friday, has been ariested for forging in. doiHHtncnts on notes. The forueries amount to $18,000, nnd involve nearly every Savan nah bank, none or which, however, will lose anything. , It is supposed that Key. Samuel F. Mc Cleary, the missing assistant pastor of the Chnroh or the Savior. In Brooklvn, ended his life last Friday night by Jumping into Long Inland Sound from one or the Fall Biver Line steamers on whioh he had started to go from New York to Boston. Lizzie Harrlgan, 25 years old or Will iamsbtirg, I.. Y., was lound unconscious and bleeding in herapartments, yesterdhv morn ing, and died eignthourslatcrat the Homeo pathio Hospital, Brooklvn. The police be lieve she was assaulted and lelt for dead by Antonio Cuinablgio, an Italian with whom she lived. A. bloody battle was fonzht near Scntts boro, Ala., Saturday, between John and Jnines Skelton on one side and James Faundrow and a man named Preesby on tho other. The Skeltons had been out hunting, nnd were returning homo when they were met in the road by Faundrow and Pressby who are supposed to be "wildcatters," and who thought the Skeltons were revenue agents, iaundrow was killed. .The Coro ner's Jury decided that tbe killing was justifiable. The Wampum Iron Company Case In Which Andrew Carnegie Was Arrested. Kew Castle, Dec. 5. pMdL-In the matter of thr claim of Feter Tillla to the money arising from the Shirift's sale of the Wampum Irou Company (limited), the court this alternoon dismissed the excep tions, and directed that the costs of the pro ceedings be paid out of the proceeds of the sale ot tbe property. This is the famous case in which Andrew Caruegle was arrested at tho instigation of B. A. Winternitz and brought to New Castle to testify. It was alleged by Tillia, who' had a large1 judgment against the Wampum Company, that the mortgage held br Ann Lauder, wife of George Ladder, of Pittsburg, had been purchased by Andrew Carnegie to secure a loan to Lauder, aud that, therefore, the lien (Tillia's judgment) should be paid belore the mortgage. This deoision determines that the mortgage Is eutitled to prior payment, and the case will go to the Supreme Court III i 4 K PI h fek - BEEI0US B100DJ? OIS0N CASE3. Corns, One Man Dies From Cutting Bis Another Bitten by a Bat John Bower, a well-known Braddock township farmer died on Sunday from blood poisoning, produced by cutting into a corn on his foot a few days previously, H& had lived on the same farm for 62 years and was one of tbe oldest residents of the county. George Williams, a driver for the Pearl Laundry Company, two weeks ago caught a rat in his hands and was bitten on the wrist On Saturday blood poison devel oped. The wrist swelled up and became so painful he was sent to the Homeopathic Hospital. It is now feared amputation of the arm will be necessary. KILLED BY EXP0SUEE. William 'Willi, a Victim of Mississippi In justice, Dead. William Wills died between 13 and 1 o'clock yesterday morning from consump tion said to have "been contracted while he was unjustly imprisoned, abused and worked with a chain gang at Meridian, Miss., a few months ago. When he came home after that trip which had been taken for pleas ure, the boy was suffering from pulmonary trouble and was a complete wreck. He died at his mother's home, 1S2 Forty-third street An Unlucky Thirteen Balded. Edward Breen's poker room at 99 Federal street, Allegheny, was raided early yester day morning. Thirteen men were cap tured, including the proprietor. At the hearing Breen was fined $50 and costs, James Atterbury ?5 and costs, Edward Bussell, John Ganen, John Fleming, J. B. Farmer, H. Cook, James Smith, James Bigiow, William Keese, Thomas Tate and John Williams S3 and costs each. Not excelled by any liieh priced liniment, Salvation Oil, i5 cents a bottle. SOUMEE-PIANOS - SOHMEIt Colby, Bash Si Gert's, Schubert Hallet St Cnmston Pianos, Erie Pianos. The standard pianos of America, match less in tone and nncqualed in valuable im provements. Elegant assortment and rea sonable prices at tbe muslo store of J. M. Hoffmann & Co., S37 bmlthdeid street Small In size, great in results; Do Witt's Little Early Bisers. Best pill for constipation best for sick headache and sour stomion. S9 A' SQUARE MAN ' Merits universal admiration. It pays to be square in everything, and especially in dealing with your fel low maiu To sell a suit of clothes or an overcoat with a prize package attached to it is not a square business transaction and ought to be shunned by square people. We are here with materials Proper for this season. Our stock of suits and overcoats is correct and the best dressers pro nounce it Al. It's only the shoddy kind that. needs presents to push it on an unsuspecting public. Our $io Cheviot Suit needs no toy to make it sell. Our Black Melton Overcoat at $10 sells itself, ft doesn't have to have a cheap, trashy umbrella thrown in. Yon do much better ta buy yourjoys at a toy store for $oc than pay two dollars for them when buying an overcoat A square man wants a square deal and that you get at 954 AND 956LIBERTy ST. - STAR CORNER. do4-30-TT8SU For breaking up a cold use Dr. D. Jayne's Expectoianr, which subdues tbe Inflamma tion and heals the soreness, relieving throat and lungs. Mnsical Christmas Girts. Washburn mandolins nnd guitars. Klelieis' specialty banjos, lllshum's celebrated cornets Fine old violins. Musical wrappers and cabinets. 100 styles of mandolins and guitars from $5 up. 21 styles of banjos from $3 up. Meraiod's muslo boxes. Vocal nnd instrumental rolios. At H. Kleber & Bra's, 508 Wood street IT pays to advertise for a situation in THE DISPATCH. One cent a word is the cost What to Wear In Wraps. A wrap especially suitable for a middle aged lady, yet so stylish as to be adapted to any age or wearer, is of black velour in the Henri Deux shape, the back being laid in loose plaits from the high collar. Falling over the velvet back and front are deep Vandykes in the finest cut jet, edged by rain fringe. The collar is formed ot tiny Vandykes and edged ith black fox. The entire garment is lined in delicate lavender satin, with tiny rosebuds in pink strewn over tbe dainty background. A very swell long coat which will be worn on top of a coach is of claret red broadcloth with lapped seams. Four very loose capes edged by Persian lamb give a very stylish garment which for warmth de pends on its lining of fur. A muff of Per sian lamb, held in place by a black satin ribbon around the neck, will be worn with it Comme 11 Xnat A New button Is made of bark and sewed in faucy colors to recall the Indian ware. Sorx nillows are luxurious, especially those oriental stuffs covered with no mean quality or lace. Ornu wraps of white brccade of maltese. Second-Hand "Grand" Pianos. SleUorJt Hoene, 77 Firth Avenue One Weber Grand, one Dcoker Bros.' Grand and one Una be Grand were takin in exchange rorsupeib Chtckerlng nnd Hardman Grands. That Grands have been placed In first-class shape, have had thorough overhauling In our repair shops and will be sold at very low prices. A chance tor someone who wants a Grand at a moderate price. MiLLon & Hoese. Founded 183L W arerooms, 77 Fifth avenue. Great Holiday Silk Sale. A. big purchase and to be sold quick. Bar pains for everyone who comes early enough and wants a real bargain. -." Jos. Hoehe & Co , Penn avenue. JfW ELITE PHOTO GALLERY, 516 Market St. Come now and get your PHOTOS before the holidays. Cabinets re duced, Use the ELEVATOR. no22-TT3 OIL WELL SUPPLIES. See that hump? Trtde-Mirk re;. Apr. 19, '9s. I will use the De Long Patent' Hook and Eye ex- r. clusively." Worth. (The Great Parisian Costumer.) The De Long Patent Hook and Eye. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is a Harmless, Positive euro for the worst form of Female Complaints, all Ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera tion, Falling and Displacements, also Spinal Weakness and Leucorrhcea. It will dissolve and expel tumors from ths uterus in an early stage of development, and checks the tendency to cancerous humors. It removes faintness, flatulency, weakness of the stomach, cures Bloating, Headache, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleep lessness, Depression and Indigestion, also that feeling of IJearing down, causing pain( weight, and backache. It acts in harmony with the laws that govern the female system under all circumstances. For Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound to unsurpassed. Correspondence freely answered. Address in confidence, LYDIA E. PI.NKHAM MED. CO., LvKN, Uut, OIL WELL SUPPLY CO,, 91 and 92 Water Street, P1TTSBTJKG. PA noS-SS-TTBrosn After 19 Years of Trial, ELAINE, THE ESTABLISHED 187U. w BLACK GIN TOR THE KIDNEYS, Is a rellof and suro euro to tho Urinary Organs, Gravel nu v-uronio vatarru or tus Bladder. a he SwIib Stomach Bittern TBADB make, are a sure cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and every species or in- uigesuon Wild CI aratlon for cure of Coughs, and lunz troubles. Either of the above tl per bottle, or 6 for $i If ,your druggist doe not hnndlo these goods write to WlL 7. ZOELLEK, sole M'tr Pittsburg, Pa. Ja2-57-n lid Cherry Tonic, tbe most popular prep. s, uoias, .Bronchitis THE ONLY REASON For the continued increase of THE DISPATCH adlets is that they give satisfactory "returns. - FAMM SAFEGUARD OIL. IsCohoeded to Be the Best and Barest Oil Known. ELAINE SEVEB VARIES IN QUALITY. Cannot Be Exploded. It is the very highest grade or reflned pe troleum, fiom which in the process or manu facture, every impurity has been eliminated. Elaiue Is free from benzine and pamfllne; It will never chill in the col dest temperature Known on this continent In color. .Elaine is inrlmr.wn.ter white, and its "fire test" is so blgll as to make ltas abso lutely safe as any Ulumlnant known. Having no dlsagreeablo odor, Elaine is a pleasant oil for family use. Can Be Burnedin Any Petroleum L-mp. A POSITIVE PROTECTION tlXOH. LAMP - EXPLOSIONS. MAKES THE SAFEST AND BEST LIGHT KNOWN, ELAINE! 'StfSffl' OIL 100 Million Gallons ELAINE Sold in 18 Tears From 1873 to 1892. Elaine Cannot Be Improved Upon. WARDEN & OXNARD, MANUFACTUEEBS. fcl -j - PITTS BUBG, PA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW PHOTO STUDIO, ioi FtfTH AVE., t : : : : : PITTSBURG. NEW ADVERTISEStENTS. I FEW REMARKS 01. PHOTOGRAPHER . : OF NEW YORK. IVORYETTE IMPERIALS, io PER DOZEN. : de3 1G-TU3 IT 18 A DUTTyon owe youraelfand fam. iiy in net hid uoii vuiue ior your money. Economize in yonrfoolircar by purchasing W.JL. Douglas feuoes, which represent the best valao tar prices nsked, as thousands will testify. RrTAttE NP SUBSTITUTE..! W. L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cenHImen, THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY, A genuine sewed shoe, that tctll not rip, nn call, seamless, smooth inside, flexible, more com. fortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe eTer sold at the price. Equals custom made shoes vuBuiis iruui iu ca. at tho price, they equal fine Imported shoes costing See otir many valuable, sensible holiday gilts. Kill two birds with one stone and buy mi actual necessity for a holiday gift. A handsome Sideboard u an elegant gift. Wiat could be prettier than the gift or a nice Parlor Snlt? A Parlor Tublo would be very aoceptable. A set of Folding Euchre Tables would not be reiused. rteedBoclcers and Chairs, ZVL Century finish, ot wlituh we have a Urge new assort, ment, are about as neat a holiday girt as ono could bestow. Odd pleoes in Prfrlnr Furniture, such as Divans, Backers. Arm and Keoeptlon Chairs, are frequently given as holiday gilts. Par lor and Mantel Cnblnets tire as pretty as anything for gifts. We have an elegant line or Pictures, of which any one, or pair, would bo very acceptable. Ladles' Desks are one of our specialties for the holiday season. We have a very large assortment of Bookcases that are frequently purchased fur the same occasion, and many,ju.:rr, MAN f other goods too numerous to mention in this short space. Bear in mind that a World's Fair Sonvnnlr, at which we have a lnrge number ordered through tho People's National Hank, will be trlvcn ton their Tecelntl to everv purchaser or Slu worth or upward or goods. It will require n good deal of money to buy one or these Souvenirs a year from now. It will be then that you will wish yoa had taken onr advice aud taken advantage of this liberal offer. This offer Is liable to be withdrawn any moment, coqtingunc on tho number of coins allowed us. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ..HOLIDAY.. ..SUITS.. .and. ..OVERCOATS.. None finer made than our fine Merchant Tailor-Made Garments at ONE-HALF the original made-to-order prices. HA RK m liWUlUVUUll 307 WOOD STREET. deBrr RA and 83 Hand-sewed, fine calf shoes. The -r mon styuin, easy ana auranie snoes ever soia from tS to 112. C7Ali other grades of the same high standard of excellence. CAUTION. Beware of dealers substituting shoes without W. L. Douglas name and tbe price stamped on bottom. Such substitutions are fraudu lent and subject to prosecution by law for obtaining muurv uuuensuse Dreifocei. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by . Carter. 71 Firth avenue J. S. Frohrinr. 33 Fifth avenue; II, J. ft U. II. Lang, 4S01 nutler U-tet, t'ltlsburg: Henry Kouer, losiederal street; X. U. Hollinan, Mo. 7IKebecca street, Allegheny! Hutchlnivii llros., No.au liiarrr avenue. Alio, (heny; Jame alillilday.No.SOS .Filth avenue: "11 Drub, ho. Jo& l'arou ktriet, I'lltslurn XTi JAS. M'NEIL & BR0., B0ILEE3, PLATE AND BUEETHtON WOUK. PATENT EJIEKT-IKfiX ANNEALING BOXES. With an Increased capacity and hydraulta machinery, we are prepared to furnish all work in our Hue cheaper and better than by the old methods. Uepairing and general machine work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Valley Kailroad felB-Ukrw hftfifog Equal FRAGRANT TRI-PHGSiL For Cleaning .SILVERWARE, CHINA, GLASS,, L PUTSPANS. Grocers and iTugglsts Sell It. THE ONLY REASON For the continued increase of THE DISPATCH adlets is that they gi5 satisfactory returnsi k. Br8ltBHwiSajr j j Opposite City Hall. deS LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, PURE OLD RYE WHIgKIES Trora $1 to 1 :o per quart. CALIFORNIA PORTS, SHERRIES, Etc At S0c a quart. The Only Licensed Drugstore in the City. G. EISENBEJS, Successor to n. P. Schwartz A Co., WnOtTBAUE AXD IlSTAIL DltCOQIST. 113 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. PA. Tel. 3U1S, Established 1S33. OCl3-31-TTSa M.MAY, SONS & CO. FINE DYEING AND CLEANIN& K Sixth ave, Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone JJi. ttj THE PEOPLE'S STORE, FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG. CHRISTMA NOW IS THE TIME, HERE IS THE PLACE, GFTS. TO GET THEM. Now is the time, because you get unbroken assortment to choose from, and avoid the holiday crush later on Here is the place, because here you jet largest assortment honest goods and lowest prices. HERE ARE A' FEW HINTS OF WHAT TO GET: ORNAMENTAL M SECOND FLOOR. TOYS. Every conceivable kind of toy or game from 5 c to $ 10. Me chanical and musical toys, Dolls, Iron and Wood Toys, etc., etc. in fact, all manner of toys to suit all rrunner of children. Chinaware. The prettiest kind of China in small items, such as individual cup and saucer, plates, placques, fancy dishes, jardi nieres, vases, etc Find it di rectly to right on leaving ele vator. Brfc-a-Brac. What constitutes bric-a-brac? Hard to tell. Here are some of ours: Vases, Statues, Fig ures, Tables, Brackets, Book Shelves, Prjoto Frames, Pict ures, Engravings, Placques, Clocksj Mirrors and a thou sand and "one "little things, pretty, but inexpensive. Fancy Boxes. All kinds of Plush, Wood or Fancy Boxes, 'either empty or filled'Toilet Boxes, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes. Work ' Boxes, Writing Desks, Papet ries, etc. All neat, cheap gifts. Silverware. Our Silverware runs in price from a Najikin Ring at 25c to a fine Tea Service at 50. Cups, Mugs, Trays, Fruit Dishes, etc. J5ec our Silverware. INSTRUCTIVE BOOKS. 100,000 OF THEM. Picture Books for Children. Interesting Books for Youth. Standard Books for Adults. Here are a few hints picked at random from the 100,000. STANDARD AUTHORS. Complete Sets. Cloth Bound. Bickens Eliot Edna Lyall Fenimore Cooper.. Dumas, etc 25c A Vol. ' Red and Gold Series, Leather Backs, Cloth Sides, 100 different titles. 35c a Volume. ALL THE POETS, LEATHER AND CLOTH, 50c a Volume. ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, Suitable for all ages, 50c, 75c and $1.00. SHAKESPEARE, Complete in one volume. 69c Each. Whatever your taste for read ing, you can be suited here. Whatever the state of your pocketbook, you can oe suited. Come and try. I USEFUL FIRST FL000 AND BASEMENT. FURS. What makes a more seasonable Xmas eift than a fur set? We have Fur Sets, Capes, Muffs, Boas, etc., at lowest prices. Handkerchiefs. j a dozen Handkerchiefs make a nice gift So does one Handkerchief, if it is one of our lace ones at tio. That's our range in Handkerchiefs, 5c to $10. Gloves. We have a special line in for Christmas. AIT kinds of col ors for 1 1. She'll never know vou didn't give $1.50 for them. That's Tvhat they're worth. Umbrellas. Give something that can be put by for a rainy day. We have asplcndld lotof Silk Umbrellas from $3 to 15. See them. Blankets and Comforts. You can't get a more useful present than a fine pair of Blankets or a real Eiderdown Comfort. We have them put up in boxes. Linen Sets. All housewives would appre ciate the gift of a nice Linen Table Set plain, fancy or hemstitched border; cloth and one dozen napkins. We can give you a big choice from $350 up. Fancy Slippers. An franienia ttock of Fancy Slip peri for the holidays slippers for alt a;es and both exei loir prices on all of them. We begin them at 50c. ASSST (MAKE-NICE XMAS GIFTS. Christmas Gifts From 5c to $50 Suitable for all ages and all classes; in fact, suitable for everybody. CAMPBELL & DIGK, 81, 83, 85, 87 AND 89 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG.