E-lsiP :5 W- V"- PP.' THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, TUESDAT, DECEMBER 6, 1892. 11 OLD-TIME ACTIVITY. Some Bemark&MeMoTements in the New York Stock Market. FLUCTUATIONS AEE WIDE In Sugar BeHning, Heading and Illi nois Central. GOULDS AND GRANGERS STRONG, With jYestern Union and Rock Island Host Conspicuous. ATCHISON .AND NIPPER BAEELT STEADI rEFZCULL TILEGEXM TO THI DISPATCH.! IEW XoEKDec. & To-day's Btocfc mar ket contained a suggestion of old-time ac tivity. Some of its movements were re markable, for it has rarely been the case that tiro stocks hare been as active as Soear Befinrog and Beading were to-day, and at the same time have fluctuated so materially in opposite directions. Abnormally heavy trading in Illinois Cen tral was another noteworthy feature. That stock enjoyed a sharp advanje early in the day on reports that the famous "Lake front" case, involving certain riparian rights assumed by the State of Illinois and enjoyed by the railroad company bad been decided in favor of the latter by the Supreme Court of the United States. At the advance the stock was -supplied freely by a banking house heretofore interested in the securities of the company, and when it was learned that the decision was averse to the corporation the stock declined 4 per cent. Prom the synopsis of the decision that baa come to band it appears that while it is technically against the company, it virtually confirms its title to the im provements it has made upon the property -which has been in dispute, unless those im provements interfere with navigation. TJn UBually large trading in Sugar Refining re flected further liquidation, tlie reason for which has not yet been made public. Beading was comparatively qnlet until the last hour. Within that woriod over 60,000 full shares of the stock changed hands at a maximum advance of 2 per cent The buy lnjr was described as chiefly to cover shorts, and the motive was said to be a decision favorable to the company in the mt brought by a stockholder of the Lehigh Valley Company to restrain it from leasing Its propertv to the Reading Company. The third stock in nolnt of activity was Distilling and Cattle Feeding, which, alter selling at 60JJ, the highest price yet re corded for it, closed per cent lower than on Saturday at 6SJ The Grangers were in the main strong, -with the heaviest trading in St. Panl and Rock Island, both or which closed half a point higher than on Saturday, though at recessions from best prices. Other noteworthv move ments were in Western Union, Missouri raclflc, Northern Pacific and Atcnlson All ot the Gould stocks were strong and higher, but Atchison w a barely bteady and North ern Pacific heavy, Renewed selling of Northern Faciflc consolidated 5s carried the price below 70 and caused a good deal of un favorable comment. Concerning the deliberations of the mone tary conference at Brussels to-day's cable advices indicate that England is not averse to entertaining a proposition to me silver in amounts less than 4, pro Tided the Bothschild proposition is favor ably entertained by the conference. It is also learned that the nltitnde of the press of tills country toward the Rothschild proposi tion is regarded abroad as extremely diplo ..jnattp and likely to imperil whatever chance of success our representatives had when they elicited a" suggestion" from Great Brit-1 atn. The closing ot tno market was active and irregular. . BY ASSOCIATED PRESS.! New Tore, Dec S The movements in the stock market to-day were more than usually Important, the fluctuations In prices having been wide and frequent and the volume of business above the average. In the early trading the speculative temper was de cidedly bullish, owing to liberal purchases Jor foreign as well ns local account, and tp the reduction in sterling exchange which renders gold exports less probable. The interest centered chiefly in the Gould and Granger stocks, which ad vanced 11 per cent, with Wostern Union and Rock Island in the lead. Railway bond s were generally Ann. Governments closed as follows: U. S. 4 reg 113 do4t coup 114 do Is 100 Pacific 6s Of '95 105 l.oulslaua stamped 4s 76 Mutnsl Union 6s HUf .. ii. j. mi ia:ri....iiiH Northern I'sc. lsts. .11831 do do 2ds 1123$ Northwestern Con. .137 do debentures 5s. ..105 St I..S. 1. M. cpn. 5s. Ml 05 Tenn. new set. 6s. do do A........... do do 3s Canada So. 2ds. . . . Ten. Puclnc lsts.. Den.iR.U.tsts... do do4s.......... Erie 21s M.K.T. Ken. 6s, do do 5s. ......... 100 11)0 8K bt.L.ASs F.Ren.M..1094 ?u t am consols... ..131 M.P..C.1P. 1SU....117 T. P. L.G. Tr.Uct... 7T3 T. P. R.G. Tr.Rcts.. 27 Union l'ac. lsts 108 West Shore I04 R. o. w n'X 1MM IDS ,116 S3 ,102 . T9 Kii Close in mining shares: Crown Point Con. Cal. and Va., Deadwood.. ........ Gould and Carry... SO 250 100 TO Plrmontli 2lurra evada., standard Union Con YellowJackn... . 50 . 110 , 150 . 115 Hale & Norcrosc 17) 50 40 Homes take lsxi Mexican 1C iron Silver , JHCJliniiii. ... iLymvoiicr,..,..,(t uu North Star 650 Quick Mlver, prcr....2000 Ontario 170J Uulwcr 25 Vnlcksllver 400 Oplilr Jiw "Asked. The following table shows Hie prices of active stocks on the New York StocK Exchange. corrected dallr for Tire PITTSBUHQ DisrATCil In Whitney & bteplienson, oldest Pittsburg members of iew Tork Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth a euue: ClOBe Ivec 3. Open lug. nigli Low Clos est, est. ing. 43S 41 4214 Sl SI 81 110', 107, 107H 10 h 101 rom, 31 !5H 33", SS'i 95 SU, 93 90 90S 91 56, 561, MM 127 S8! as 22 sb 61 M 93), !!3V 100H 99S 99V 79.H 7S 79 121 82S 82)j s: 49 49 4S- 117 I12H UZH 112, K0H 140 140 61S 61 61 85 95 91 41X 41 H 41!4j 3!4 28 27SK 1531 151H 152S 1S 131S 133 IS14 16', 16U 52!. 5:j 52 H C9 69 63V 4 ior.j 101s ioix 23S 23 23S 75, 75 74 110'j 130 130 7IH 7H 71S 133 I31,S 131H 105 34 57J 56S 5V 139 1381 ISSU HI 113V 1131, 47H 46' 47 Ki't, 93 9. 110 110 109K 1SK WS "S . 7" '.'.'..'. '.'.'.'.'.'. 33 25 24. ZtH 5fl'4 5014 53S 423. 41 42X 19M 1844 18 WX S9S, X)4 39 12K 12H 1714 17. 17 17H 49X 48 43H 21)4 28M 28 2314 17 17 16,S M4 51 65! Al4 .:.... 591 1S7H 1S7H 197 8H bh &H - 4IH 100 tii 914 9 SS 37Js 37X 10 VH 24 241. 80S MS S8 SOV 21 20S a t nit Am. Cotton Oil - Am. Cotton fill, prd, a Sum. R.fi Cn 4.1 , 101 102K 425( 80S li 8M 102S 35 94V S SjU 50s 125k 28" 22X .Alii, umg"' ." p.. - Am.Su.Kefg. 1.0. prd AXCIl. ivp. a. o. c Baltimore Jt Onto.. B. O. Trost Canadian Pacific .. ...- kiuith.m VJ EOS W) Central of A. Jersey (jeninu racinc..!.. Chesapeake Ohio. C O.. 1st p Chicago Gas Trust. i. Bur. & Qolncy . n M 4t lul... 93 V9K 78' 1211, 82S 43S 117 no fcOXj 93 41 27 15114 132S 16S "rasi 41, IMS 22H 74 li! 70H 131! "iiii sgs WH "47, 931, lOOji 15 72 23 24k S5S 45S 18 10i 30 IF 27J 17J4 53 19 S8S' 196S 8H 4IS 105 9 S7f "24 87 20 62 juu TSSi V.', !nASt.Paul.prd U., IUKK 1. 4K I .. iu tt'St,,l,.M.&0..pref J. & Jurn4wcw".. 1I2S 140 - C.Hor.n..D-ei C, C. C. A I C. C C.-I.. pref. Col. Oal Jt Iron. ... !.& Hocking Val.. Del.. Lack. 4 West. Pel. t Hadson Den. & Rio Grartdc. 1). Alt. G., pref..... J). A C F. Trnst.... E.T.'V.h Ga...... Illinois Central Lake Erie A TV est... L. E. i W-. pref.... Lake hhnre & M. S.. Louisville A Nasli... Manhattan MlLhlgan Central ... Mobile A Ohio....,;. Missouri Paclflc so 41H 153 a;i on ioi'i 3 75 uo'i 71 Ss 132 5S( 1 w 114 Nat. Cord. Co.. oref National 1.00 w.. Nat. Lead Co.. pref. New York. Central.. v v f f- T. 47H 110 15H N.r.S&St.L.Sprcf tc vi. r. v... 24 H N.Y.L.E.AW.pref N4 Y. A N. E..I 56 i 42fc .N.TT.. O. . UH Norfolk A West, pref '3914 IOrtn JUDCrjtmu sv North'n Paeillc pref 4S' 17 54), (iniojc A11BMSJ1JPU. PadSc Mall P.. D. AE. Phlla. A Reading... i f? n Rr T... P.;a.'c.ASt.L.pref1 'iSt J unman imtn v Richmond A W.P.T. Ht. Panl Jt. nnlnltl... bt. Paul A D. pre!.. Texas Pacific ........ Union Pacific.. ...... Waoash Wabash pref. Western Union .... 9H B3H 20S Wheel's A I..E. pref I EVERYTHING HIGHER. The Cereals Surprisingly Strong and Pro visions Excited and Buoyant. Chicago, Deo. &, Everything in the prin cipal speculative markets was higher to day, provisions excitedly so, and wheat, considering the bearish news from Europe and the Northwest, surprisingly so. Re garding the latter, It Is said that Cudahy and Wright have started a -deal in it, under almost precisely similar conditions to tho one they have in :provlsions. They are not afraid of present enormous stocks. It is de clared, on the theory of a probability of their rapid dlsacpearance, and a conviction that there is nothing back in farmers' hands from which to replenish. Tho following are the additions to Saturday's closing prices! Wheat, e; corn, K5c: oats, Ho; pork, 52Wo and ribs, 12Kc At ouo tme during, tho day January poik almost showed again or77c The advance in wbett was practically con tinuous. With easy cables and very heavy deliveries in the Northwest, the market had a momentary spasm of weakness at the start but it was soon found that there were good buying orders on tho market and that there was little for sale and prices had a quick rally. Brokers supposed to be acting for Cudahy were found to be taking all the wheat thnt was offered. Pardrldge-Logan met the demand for a time the former sup- Sosed to be selling for St Louis account ut the readiness with which it was ab sorbed alarmed the sellers. There was also free offerings on Northwest account, the feeling In that quarter evidently being bear ish on the enormous receipts, which aggre gated 1,331 cars to-day, against 1,212 cats a year ago, and 914 cars two years ago. The anti-option bill talk did not have much effect, nor did the increase in the visible supply wbichtwas considerably larger than expected. Corn was a shade easier early, but Anally improved a trifle in sympathy with the bet ter lecling in wheat and the sharp advance in provisions. The large decrease in the visible supply. 1,301,000 bushels, imparted Borne strength to the market late in the day. Hog products are; excited on the smaller receipts of hogs, higher prices at the yards ana active buying by the clique and frantlo covering by shorts. Packers seemed to be the leading buyers, but there was also heavy covering by speculative shorts. Cash quotations: Kionreaav, unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 77575SC: So. 3 do, 0567c; No. 3 red, 71JUJc: No. 3 corn. 41?ic; No. 3. SSiic; No. 2 oats, 303GJc; No. 2 w liite, 3135Kc "n track: No. 3 lilie, 3i4c; No. 2 ry e, 46jc; No. 2 b rl ey, 67c: No. 3 f. o. o. , 41 70c; No. 1 f. a b., 3546c: No. 1 flaxseed. $1 08; prime timothy, $1 93; mess pork, $14 25 14 37K: lard,. $10: short rlb, $8 3083J; bhoulden. $7 507 62 short clear, S3 G08 65; whisky, $1 IS: sugars, 55c; granulated, Sc; standard A, 4c. Receipts Flour, 21000 barrels; wheat, 116. 000 bushels; corn, 124,000 bnshels: oats, 231,000: rye, 6,000 bushels: barley. 69,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 71.000 barrels; wheat, 28,000 bnihels; corn. 35,000 bushels; oats, 123, 000 bushels; rye, 4,000 bushels; barley, 35,000 bnshels. Batter market quiet. Creamery, 2029c; dairy. ll27c Eggs firm. Strictly fresh, 2324c Range or tlie leading features, furnished br John M. Oakley A Co., bankers and brokers. No. 45 Sixth street: Open- HIgn- low- Clos- t lose. Annci.ES. In. est est. Ing. Dec. 3 Wheat. ' December 71X 71 7IHS 71- 71' Jauuary 72H n'i 72 73 72 May 78 7854 78 78H 781 JulT 77 78, 77M 78 77 CO EN. December. 4IH 4!5 41 415! 41 January 4i 41 41fc 43 45 May 47 47M 40 47X 47 July 47K 47 47M 47H C Oats. December SO so Japuary 31 S1H 31 SIM 3I May 35 35 14, 35J .5 TOBK. December 13 80 January. . 15 70 16 25 15 70 IS 00 15 47 May 15 65 15 90 15 65 15 75 15 50 Laud. December. 9 90 10 00 9 90 10 00 9 55 January 9 62 10 07 9 60 10 07 9 55 May 9 12 922 907 920 907 Short Ribs. December. 7 87 January 8 25 8 45 8 25 S 32 8 10 May 815 835 8 15 822 807 Car receipts for to-day: Wheat. 172: corn, 2j0: oats, 310. Estimates for to-morrow: Wheat, 3o0: corn, 430; oats, 400. GENERAL MARKETS. New Tork "i.oun Receipts, 37,600 pack ages; exports, 3,200 barrels, 61,000 sacks; mar ket dull and easy; sales, 7,000 barrels. ConxiiEAi. dull and steady. Wheat Receipts, 2t7,C00bnsheIs; exports, 36,000 bushels; sales, 1.S10.O0O bushels futuies, 16,000 bushels spot; spot firm and dull; No. t red, 77c storo and elevator, "SJc afloat, 78K79Ko f. o. b.: No. 3 red, 7474c; un graded red, 7477c; No. 1 Northern. 84c: No. 2 Northern, SOc; No. 2 Milwaukee, 76c; No. 3 spring, 73c. Options wero moderatelyctive and irregular, but closing steady at un changed prices tojc advance. The opeu Ins was weak and declined Kc on easier cables, foretzn aelllnr, large India ship ments, small clearances and increase in stm e. Advanced J3e on firmer West, lo cal buying and covering, declined KK on tho increase in the visible, large receipts now, selling and full estimated receipts lor to-morrow. Sales Included: No. 2 fed, De cember, 7&77e, closing, 77c: January, "1 7Sc. closing, 78c; May, 82K82Jgcj closing, 8234c. Uyk dull and weak. Baiiley dull. Barlet Malt quiet. Cons Receipts, 2ai.0M bushei9; exnorts, 700 bushels; sales, 760,000 bushels; futures, 160,000 bushels pot; spot iairly active and weak; No.2,S0Mc in elevator: Sic afloat; ungraded mixed, 50c; No. 3, 49c: options were dull and MQ'c lower on easier cables, fieer offerings, lrciease in stocks and heavy re ceipts expected tc-morrow, closing weak; December, 5050Jc, closing at 50c; Jan-uri-v. 50J(50 15.I60, closing at 60Jic; May, 5252 15-16C, closing at 62Ja Oats Receipts, C8,Ooii bushels; exports. 5.000 bushels: sales. 240,000 bushels futures, 90,000 bushels spot: spot dull: white slower: options dull and irreinlar; December. 36V 3GJ4c, closed at 36c; Jimnarv, 373i37)5i;, closing at 37Kc; May, 39Ji39c. closing at 39Jc: Nn. ? pot, while, 42fill2c: mixed Western, 3638c; white do, S04sc; No. S Chl caso, 37c. riAT in fair demand and Arm. Ilovs dull and easy. GnocEBtzs Coffee options opened steady ana uncnanzea i' iv points on. ciosea oare- ly steady at 1015 down: sales. 4L7W has, inclndtns: December. iaiO016.2Oc; Janunrv. 15 POaitOOc: Mnich. 15 7015.75c; April, 15 53 15.60c: Mav. 15.45l5.55c: July. 15 4j15.50c: September, 15 45c; Ocft-er. 15.30c: spot Rio dull and steady; No. 7. 17c. Sugar, raw quiet and firm: sales, 250 tons Muscovado. 89 test, at 2 15-lSc, and molasses sugar, 89 test, at 2 ll-16c: refined. Arm and fairly ac tive. Molasse' New Orleans easy and dull. Rice steady and in good demand. Cottoh Seed Oil firmer; crude, 35c; yellow, 3S3ac 'J allow dull and easy. Rosin dull and easy. Tubpestise quiet and weak. Eoos quiet; fresh steady; receipts, 4,142 pnekaje". Hides firm and quiet. IIoo Pboducts Pork quiet and Arm. Cnt meats dull: nlckled shoulder. 8c; middles dull. Lard quiet and firmer; Western steam closed at $10 20 bid: option sales, 750 tierces; January, $10 00; March, $9 65, closing at $9 80 asked. Dairy Pboducts Butter qniet nnd steady; Western dairy, 1721c Cheese firm and in fair demand. Philadelphia -Flour quiet but steady; Western winter, clear. $3 253 65; Westorn winter straights, $3 7t 00; win'er patent, $4 0Ct 35; Minnesota cle.-. $3 253 65; Min nesota stral'hts, $3 751 15; Minnesota patent, $4 254 50; Minnesota favorable brands higher. Wheat a shade firmer but quiet: No. 2 red, in export elevator, 74Jc; No. 2 red, December. 74Ji74c: Jannarv. 7576Uc: February, 7778c: March, 79j 79J4C. Corn Options market quiet; prices fliruly maintained; local carlots In lair de mand and advanced Jc under scarcity: No. 2 3-ellow in ernin depot, 00c: No. 2 mixed, December, 4949c: Jiinnary, 49Ji49Xc; February and Match, 4919JCc. Outs weak under froe offering lioin the WestfNo. 3 mixed. S8c: No. 3 white, 40c; No. 3 white, 42 4lc: No. 2 white, Decemhpr.40Vf41c: Jan uary. 4010.Kc; Febrnary. 40loJc Butter Arm wlih light oflerliijrs; Pennsylvania cieamerr. extra, 31c: Pennsylvania prime extra, 3t37c .Eggs; Pennsylvania firsts, 19c. Cheese firm nnd in fair demand: New York factory, 10Jillc; part skims, 6X8c Milwaukee Flour qulfet. Wheat steady; May, 72Kc; No. 2 spring, 66Xc: Ka 1 Northern, 73c Corn quiet: No. 3, 41c Oats quiet; Na 2 white, 35c; No. 3 do, 32X33c Barlev quiet; No. 2,66c: sample onttack, 3i 37c "Rve quiet; Na 1, 52jc. Provisions firm. Pork. $16 CO, Jannarv. Laid. January, $10 05. Receipts Flour, 3.303 barrels: wheat, 46.675 bushels: barley, 5,500 bnshels. Shipments Flour, 1975 Dnrrels; wheat, 12,000 bushels; barley, 31,700 Dushels. Kansas City Wheat acttvo. In good de mand nnd higher; Na 2 hard, 6465c; No. 2 red. 68K69o. Corn Irregular; No. 2 mixed, 33034c; ho. 2 white; 3132c Receipts Wheat, 74,000 bushels; corn, 4,000 bnsliels; oats, none. Shipments Wheat, 99,000 bush els; corn, 6,000 bushels; oats, none. Buffalo Wheat No. 1 hard, firmer at S2fc; Na 1 Northern, 78:c: Na 2 red, 76o. Corn No. 2, 47c. Receipts Wheat, 850,000 bushels: corn, 120 000 busliels. Shipments Whcaf, 310,000 bnshels; corn, 250,000 bushels. GAS SHARES HIGHER And Some of the Street Railway Shares Are Lower. DUQUESNEAKDP.JfeR WEAKEST. Philadelphia Company Closes Strong on a Fractional Gain. ALL THE LATEST FINANCIAL NEWS Monday, Dc 5. Gas shares were stronger to-dav and the Street railway -shares weaker; otherwise, the market was little changed from last week's close Philadelphia Company ruled dull but steady to firm until the second call, when sale of a small lot oc curred at 20X. with the final quotations of that call indicating a continued upward drift At the third board sales occurred at 21 and the close was strong at 2021, with 21 bid for 500 shares bo.yer-30. P. & B. traction and Duquesne traction led the street railways in weakness, and'they were really the only ones to show any appreciable decline P. & B. sold at 2i, closing at 2ii bid, and Duquesne sold down to 2GXi closing at 26 bid. Airbrake Bold at 1S013I, the outside vrice being paid tor odd lots, and the stock closed firm at 12K131?. One share or Pleasant Valley Railway sold at 25, and the stock closed offered nt 25. Central traction closed offered at 29J4. Citi zens traction was quoted at 6i8Jj5 and Pittsburc traction, while closlnu at 58S bid, was wanted at 59 immediately alter tlie close. The decline in Duquesne caused a good deal of surprise, inasmuch as it had been expected that any change would bo in the other direction, but its friends com forted themselves by expiesslne the conviction that it must bo pretty near a point from which it must react. Aside lrom its low price, it would seem as if the approaching annual meoting ought to stimulate a de mand lor It from some source, under the influence of which it would recover some of Its lost ground. The w eaknes lnl'.iu. uiu not create any special comment, though dis gust was plainly depicted upon a number of countenances. The strength of Philadel phia Company was a gratify ing feature, ana there was nothing to indicate that a belief in a farther recovery was not general. Electric was firmer, but no business was transacted in it until after the close, wlien 35 shai es of the second preferred sold at 3t. Alter the transaction the Droker who flo ured on the selling side offered to trade either way at the iauie pi Ice. Tho rumors that the Wcstlntrhouse Electric Com pany will soon be taken into the General Electric combination are again current in Boston. Much or the recent buying is said to have been based on the Tact that impor tant progress is making toward the con summation of the negotiations that have been In progress for some time past; and besides this It is known that the earnings of the company of late have been Very large. The insiders ate now picking up all the stock that they o in get, says tlie Boston ireivellcr, ana tne more entuasmsvio 01 biiviu are quoted as predicting 50 for it at an early date. In nothing else on the list was there any movement or interest. Unlisted street rail way securities closed as follows: P. & B. traction, 24V24;- Duquesne traction, 26 bid; do 5s, 100 uiki interest asked; P., A. & si. traction, 43K044; Central traction 5s, 104 bid. Citizens' traction 5s wero quoted at 1C6 bid, and Pittsbure traction 5s at 104 bid. Westlnghouse Electric scrip closed at 92 69. Financial Notes. Sproul & Co. sold Airbrake to Lawrence & Co. and Carothers. Euhn Bros., H. M. Long and S. Fritz sold Duquesne to Hill & Co. and J. B. Barbour. Amonz recent office sales not reported was 150 shares P., A. & M. traction "at the mar ket f' McKelvy, Sproul & Co., R. J. Stoney. Jr., and J. J. Campbell were the sellers ot Phila delphia Company and Hill & Co. were the b try era. The demand for Pittsburg traetlon is said to be based on dividend prospects. A dlrectorof the Western Union Telegraph says that the application to list Western Union stock on the London Stock Exchange will probably be renewed shortly. The one objection which" has so far prevented its -being listed cannot be urged now.' The WestinKhouse Electric Company will shortlv establish a transfer agency with the New England Trust Company of Boston. The Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Com pany will act as registrars of the stock. The Wall Street JVeuu ays there is money quick money in purchases of Sugar below 109. Hambleton & Co., of Baltimore, say: Wo have mote gold over $650,000,000 than any other country in tlie world and can com mand any additional amount we may need. If European nations can stind the effect of an entire failure of the Monetary Confer ence wo certainlv can. We are not doing business on a sliver basis, and barring the mine owners no one here cares whether silver bullion sells at 50 cents or $1 per ounce. Gold is our measure of value and will so remain. From Sproul 4 Co.'s market letter: By noon a stimulant was needed to keep up tho excitement, the fact that exchange showed a weaker tendency nnd a decline of rates that checks gold expoits, being inadequate for that purpose. At this juncture Reading came to the front In a way that maintained the bullish tone of the general list. The re port in this connection wns that the litiga tion In Pennsylvania to set aside the Lehigh Valley and Jersey Central leases, was to be decided forthwith in favor of tho "combine." J. S. Bacho & Co. to Oakley & Co.: There aro so many things lu progress which may affect tho market the meeting of Congress, tho conference at Brussels, the takinir up of anti-option bill, all of which will affect spec ulationthat we advise our friends to buy on weak spots and sell on rallies. Sales and Closing Quotations. Transactions recorded on the Exchange sales board to-day wero as follows: FIRST CALL. 20 shares Westlnghouse Airbrake 130 SECOXD CALL. 1 share Pleasant Valley Railway 23 25 shares Philadelphia Company 20X 10 shares Westlngliouse Airbrake 130 TIIIRD CALL. 60 shares P. & B. traction 24 40 shares P. & U. traction 249f 2 shares Westinghonse Airbrake 131 I share Westlngbonse Airbrake. ...T 131 ' 25 shares Duquesne traction 27 10 shares Dun uesne traction 27 15 shares Duquesne traction 261 10 shares Duquesne traction 28 10 snares Duquesne traction iBH 10 shares Duquesne traction 28 35 shares Philadelphia Company 21 30 shares Philadelphia Company 21 10 shares Philadelphia Company 21 AFTER TALL. 10 shares Westlnghouse ElcctrlcJd preferred, asji" Total sales, 321 shares. Closing bids and offers: UtcaU. id call. Sctcaa. STOCKS. . . . Bid Ask Bid Ask Bid Ask FidelltyT. & T. Co 119 .... Liberty Nat. Bank 110 M. A. M. Nat.Hank 744 75J4 7l5j 73)4 74), 75W Monon. Nat. Bank 144 Alleinanma Ins 50 .... 50 .... .... Armenia Ins 75 City 35 .... 35 .... Citizens Ins Co 22 35 Monongaheialns 4(1. Peoples Ins 25 Union 47 Western Insurance 40 32 40 .... 40 Chanters Val. Gas.. 9H 11 9 UH 9.J4 21.K P. K. G.JtP. Co 1514 .... V) Philadelphia Co.... 20X 21 20( 20 207, 21) Wheeling O as Co 18 17 18 .... 18 Central Traction 29S .... 29X Citizens Traction... 02 621 62 62H Pittsburg Traction. 58 58)4 .... Pleasant Valley.... 21), 23 21M 23 .... 25 Second Avenue 50 Chartlers Railway.. .... 63 .... 65 ... 5 Pitts. Y. A Ash.... 45 48 43 48 45 48 Pitts. A Castle S 10 .... 10 .... 10 Pitts. June. It. It... 20 N. Y. AC. O. C.Co 50 51 50 51 50 51 Hand Street Brltge 44 .... 44 LaNorla MInlngCo .. .... 18c .... 13c 200 Lnster Mining Co.. x9)a 9H 9 9)i S7i 9 Westlnghouse 23 22 25 Mouongahela Wat. .... 31 .... SI .... 31 U.S. AS. Co 18 .... 18 20 18 West. Airbrake Co. 128 .... i:94 13l! Standard U. C. Co 78 74K 76 74X 78 U. S. O. Co.. pfd 100 ; , Closing Philadelphia Quotations. Bid Asked. Pennsylvania MK 634 Heading 27H 2711-18 Buffalo, New York A Philadelphia. 67i 1U Lehigh Valley 57K 33 Lehigh Navigation 53 l'hlladelplilaand Erie ,.31H 32 Northern l'aclflc common 17H 18 Northern Pacific preferred 43,f 48K Electric Stocks. BosToy, Dec 6. fitoecferf.1 Closing quota tions of electric stocks to-day were: Bid. Asked. Boston Electric Light Co 115 118 Edison Electric (111)...., 135 General Electric ..'.. 1I3K Ulft ' Westlnghouse first pfd 1 .... 49), 60 Detroit Electrlo Works, ,.., 13 IK 1SH 715-lS Boston Stocks-Closing Prices. Atch. Topcka 35 Boston i, Albany.. ..203)4 Boston A Maine 174 Chi.. Bur. & Qulncy. 993 Fltchburg K. K. 65 Flint & Pere M.,Dfd. S9X Mass. Central ,16H Mex. Cen.. com UK N. V. &N. England. N. Y. AN. K. 7s ....119 Old Colony ...1S0 Wis. Cen., common. 15H Allouez M. Co. (new J 90 Atlantic 10M Boston & Mont. 34H Calumet A Hecla. Franklin Kearsarsre .290 .. KH ,.12H ,. 36i ..115 . 5 .162 . 23 . 5 . 18 .207 . 15 . 2 . ih Osceola hanta Fo Copper.... Tamarack Anniston Land uo. Boston Land Co . ... West End Land Co. Bell Telephone bimsoD aiore b.... Water Power Centennial MONETARY. The local money market; continues steady to Arm at 5S per cent, with the demand active and idle funds fairly plentiful. East ern exchange and currency are trading even. Nitw York. Dec. 5. Monev on call easy, ranging from 3 to 5 per cent; last loan at 3 per cent and closing offered nt 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 5(. Sterling ex change is easier, with nctuiilbuslness Id bankers' bills at- $1 851 85 for 60 days and $1 87KS4 8S for demand. Bostoh, Dec 5. Clearing house balance. $1,709,916: rate, 6 per cent: cs.ll loans, 67 per cent; time loaiis,'S6 per cent. Clearing House Figures. Pittsburg Exchanges to-day $3,162,777 41 Balances to-day 613,279 47 Same day last week: Exchanges $2,833,437 72 Balances 340,044 43 New YoRBvDee. 6. Clearings, $93,896,872; balances, $4,262,161. Boston. Dec. 5. Clearings, $16,834,617; bal ances, $1,709,116. Money 6 percent. Excuange on New York 3 to 12a discount. Philadelphia. Dec. 5. The bank olearlntrs to-day wete $11,672,936; balances, $1,875,817. Money 5f)er cent. Baltimore, Dec. 5. Clearings, $2,544,722; Dal ances, $3S6,5b6. Rate 6 per cent. Chicago, Dec 5. Bank clearings to-day, $23,543,324. New York exchange, 60opremlnm. Sterling exchange quiet; 60-dny bills, $4 85: demand, $4 88. Money steady at 6 percent. CiscrSifATi, O., Dec. 5 Mnnev 36 per cent. New York exchange, 2530c premium. Clearings, $3,193,650 St. Louib. Mo.. Dec. 5. Bank clearings. $3.238821: balances, $595,676. Money quiet at 67 per cent. Exchange on New York 50c aiscounr. New Orleans, La., Dec 5. Clearings, $1,701,639 New York exchange Commercial, $1.50 per $1,000 discount: bank at par. Mzhphis, Tehr. Doc. 5. Clearings, $673,0S7; balances, $115,302. New York exchange at par. Foreign Financial. LOKDON, Dec. 5. Amount of bullion gone into the Bank of England on balance to-day, 37,000. Paris, Dec. 5. Three per cent rentes; 99f 65c lor the account. Bar SHvor. New York, Dec. 5. Special 'Bar silver In London d lower at 33u per ounce. Now York dealers' price for assay bars, S5o per ounce. TWO MORE OIL WELLS. One Is a Third, and the Other a Fourth Sander 1 he Gordon Well Is South or Laurel Hill on the Sillier .Farm Devel opments Expected at UndercllfT To-Day. Two oil wells were developed yesterday, one Is half a mile south of Laurel Hill, on the Panhandle, and east of McDonald. It is flowing 20 barrels an hour from the Gordon, sand. Tho well is located on the Dr. Miller farm, and was drilled by McConnell & Co. some time auo. It proved to be a strong uasser in the 60-foot, and was stopped in that formation for nearly a year, but was recently drilled to the Gordon. There Is n dispute in regard to the owner ship of the lease, as it is claimed by the Wheeling Gas Company, and the case is now In the courts. The other well belongs to Greenlee & Forst. It Is their No. 1 on the Rough farm, In the Chartlers district, and is flowing ten barrels an hour from the fourth sand. This well is located 200 feet from the Forest Oil Company's No. 1 Devlue, which started off at nearly 300 barrels a day from the. fourth sand. The Wheeling Gas Company's Na 2Soott, In si uthwest McDonald.- was drilling in the 50-loot sand yesterday and was showing considerable gas. This farm joins the Kelly, on which the Grovcr Cleveland Oil Com pany put down a well nearly a yenr ngo. The Wheeling's No. 4 on the Richard Glad den farm, was diilliiig in tne Gordon sand yesterday, but up toalato hour last evening no report of its liavltit; struck a pay streak was received. Their No. 2 Grlflln, near Venice, struck a good gas vein iu the Dunk art sand at 600 leot yesterday. The Devonian Oil Company's No. 2 on the Cabbage farm, just north of Venice, Is due In the flrth sand to-morrow. Their No. 5 on the K. McDonald farm Is due this woek. Na 10 Elliott is being cased, and No. 1 on the McDonald Bros, farm Is drilling in the salt sand. Showing for, a Producer. Greenlee & Forst's Na 2, on the Oak Ridge Coal Company's property cast of Oakdale, was drilling In tho fifth sand yesterday, nnd the Indications wore favorable for a pro ducer. They expected to reach- the fllth sand last night in their Woods farm well near Gregtr station. Cutler & Stewart are down 1,000 feet on the Dnrautler property south of Noblestown. The Devonian Oil Company has a well al most completed on the R. Fieshwater farm in the Turkeyloot district. J. A. Gallagher is spudding in No. 3 on the linlston farm at Turkej foot, and the Lick Run Oil Company lias a rig up on the B. Freshwater larm. Lnughner Bros, are on top of the sand at Shonsetown. They are drilling for gas. Hummel Bros, are drilling a well at Smith's Ferry. UKDEncLiFP Mercer & McClnrg are 30 feet in the 30-foot on the Miller farm, and Fisher .Bros, are In the same sand about the same distance on tho K rouse property. They both expect tho oil to-day. Tnvlor & Ca are on top of the 30-foot on the Hunter farm. Bctler Gnckert & Stoele are starting a well on the J. C. Wright farm, ono mile north of their well on Camp run. THey are also starting a w ell 011 the Bigley farm, near Mlddlo Lancaster. Apollo The Jackson Farm Gas Company, which is controlled by Andrew Bott 4 Sons, has struck a biz gas well on the Jackson farm, two miles due east of this place. Thev struck the gas in the Mnrrarsvllle or 30-foot sand, at a depth of 1,244 feet. A light pay was tapped at 1,220 feet. The companv has 3,000 aores leased In that locality, and it is maklntr preparations to pipe the gas to Apollo. The Gauges Yesterday. The estimated production orthe McDonald field yesterday was 20,500 barrels, the same as the day before. Tne Woodland Oil Com pany's No. 2 Scott was making 60 barrels an hour; Knox 4 Co.'s No. 3 Scott, 25 barrels nn noun oennings & Co.'s Na I Sproul, 25 nn hour. The stock In the field was 47,000 barrels. The runs from the Sistersville field wero 11,272 barrels. Buns and Shipments Saturday. The National Transit runs were 27,317; shipments, 19,376. Runs of Southwest Penn sylvania from McDonald, 14,561; outside of McDonald, 5,974; total rims, 20.5.15. Buckeyo runs of Macksbnrg, oil, 12,275: shipments, not in. Buckeyo runs of Lima oil, 35,792; ship ments, 22,223. Eureka runs, 33,690; shipments, 2,616. New York Transit shipments, 27,261. Southern Pipe Line shipmonts, 45,544. Tlie runs of the Tldewnter Pipe Line Com pany on Frldav were 4,287: on Saturday, 4.480; nn bundny, 6J8; total 16,554; aveiagn, 9.I3S. Shipments Fildav. 29,491; Saturday and Sun day, none; total, 29,190; average, 7,373. Buns and Shipments Sunday. National Transit runs, 1,720; Southwest runs from McDonald. 7,591; outside ot Mc Donald, 1,507; total, 8,089. Buckeyes runs of Macksburg oil, 4,027 and Buckeye runs of Lima oil, 9,039: shipments, 29,250. Eureka Pipe Line runs, 9,430; shipments, 3,505. New York Transit shipments, 18 300. Westmoreland Atlantic runs on Friday were, 2,910, on Saturdav, 2,159. and on Sun- dav none. The shipments on Friday were 2,157; 011 Saturday, 3,462, anddn Sunday, 2,891. The Oil Dlarket. Rango of the January option: Opening, 63Vic; highest, 53c; lowest, 53Kc: closing, 53c. Refined oil-New York, $5 50; London, 4 4d: Antwerp, 12r. Oil CiTT. Dee. 5. Opened at 530: lowest, 63K: highest, 53e; closed at53c: sales, 37, OUTbarrels: clearances, 19-3,000 nnrrels: ship ments, 159,502 barrels; runs, 158,143 barrels. New York,, Dec. 5. Petroleum market opened dul) nnd lemalned so thiougbout. Tee market; opened and closod steadv In tone. Opening bid, 63c; highest, 53o; lowest, 53o. and closing nt 53c. Pennsyl vania oils pot sales,none. January options, sales, 5,000 barrels at 53c: Lima oil, sales none; 17c bid) total sales, 5,000 barrels. Fort Wayne Flecrrle, Fort Wayne EUxtric (A) 'lhomson-Houston Trust (D). A NEW OFFICE BUILDING. An Eight-Story Stone Front Structure to Be Erected on Diamond Street Other Improvements Contemplated Bnlldlng Permits and Late Sales. Monday, Dec 5. A large stone front office building is to be erected on the properties Nos. 81 and 83 Diamond street after April 1 next. The "property, which has a frontage of 40 feet by 95 feet in depth, is at present occupied by two two-story brick office buildings. These will be razed, and the premises improved as noted. Mr. L J. "Wilson, the owner ot the property, said to-day that although the final papers of the deal had not j et been signed, it was merely a ques tion of a few days until they would be. The Arm of Snow, Church 4 Co. will erect the building, which will undoubtedly be one of the finest in the city. This firm has been negotiating with Mr. Wilson for some time tor the purchase of the ground and build ings, but as the latter gentleman refused to sell a 99-year lease has been agreed upon by all parties interested. Mr. Courter, manager of the above mentioned Arm, Is In the East at the present time, but is expected in the city to-morrow or-Wednesday, when, it is said, final airangements for this im portant improvement will be completed. Notes of Gossip. It is reported that a very line church will be erected by the Unitarian congregation, whloli at present meets in Mellon's Ball on Smtthfleld street, on the property recently purchased by Samuel W. Black, situated on tne westerly Bide of Craig street, in the Lloyd Circle plan, having a frontage of 100 feet by 180 In depth. A well-known real estate broker of the Ease End said to-day: "This has been the busiest year I ever experienced in the realty business. I have so far this year sold, fiurohased and traded property amounting 11 all to over $1,000,000 and there is no tell ing what will occur during the remainder of the present month. There was quite a stir In Squirrel Hill realty again to-day, and a few very gooa deals were consummated. One of the sales closed involved about $100,000, bolng the sec ond transaction of this size that hag oc curred in that vicinity within a week. Building Permits. The following permits were issued to-day: Mr. MUUgan, a two-story frame dwelling, Joels lane, between Omaha street and Vir ginia avenue: C03t, $1,450. John P. Vierhel Ier, two two-story brick dwellings. Mill street, corner Violet alley; cost, $3,600 for both. Mrs. Margaiet A. McNulty, two two story frame store rooms. Center avenue, near Highland avenue; cost, $1,100. Mrs. Catharine Cooney, a frame addition, Kirk Patrick street, between Ridge and Arch streets; cost, $1,000. William Coltingham, a one-story frame wash-house, Jane street, be tween Nineteenth and Twentieth streets; cost, $100. Latest Sales Reported. C & Cbamberltn sold through C T. Beet man, 12 lots In tho NImmIck Terrace plan, Wllklnsburg, to A. McCoy, of Baltimore for $8,400: also sold lots Nos. 57 and 90 in the same plan to Messrs. Clark Laiiey and L.K. Allen, tor $75 each. Mr. McCoy will erect 12 houses on his property at once. Black 4 Baird sold to Elizabeth Caldwell for C F. Dean, a nice two-story Irame dwell ing on Cohasset street, Duquesne Heights, corner of Ponka alley, a lot about 47 feet front by 111 in depth, lor $2,500. McCune 4 Coulter report sale of lots No. 31 and No. 32 in, their Dean Park plan. Twenty first ward, to Scott Bros., of Sen York city, lor $1,300. A. Z. Byers 4 Co. sold for John A. Roth to Frederika Hahn a three-room frame house with a lot 25x100 feet on Mclntyre avenue, Tenth ward, Allegheny, $1,400. John K. Ewlng 4 Co. sold for F. G. Rohr kaste to Mrs. C. Uaggarty a lot 20x100 on Grant avenue. Tenth ward, Allegheny, lor $275 on monthly payments. W. A. Herron 4 Sons sold a lot 40 by about 160 feet on the westerly side of Sonth Negley avenue, near IMlkins avenue, for $1,800. The purchaser will improve the same soon. THE USUAL MONDAY TRADE Noted In Wholesale Mercantile Circles The Markets All Open About as They Closed Last "Week A Few Country Froduce Features. Monday, Dec 5. About the usual Monday movement was noted along the wholesale line to-day, with significant features lacking. The markets were reported about as they closed last week. The continued active demand is the main feature of the butter trade. Beceipts are still far short of requirements, particularly of the liner qualities, which is the descrip tion most sought after iu this market. Some dealers are ot the opinion that the situation shows signs of weakening, but the way prices are being main tained does not support this belief. Holders experience no difficulty in realiz ing lull prices for strictly fresh eggs when guaranteed as such. Receipts continue very light, and all arrivals And prompt buyers ns soon ns iccelved. Cold storage still ottering fieuly, with a large proportion composed of musty stock which is hard to sell. Poultry has been in excessive supply for somo time ever since Thanksgiving, and offerings to day were more than sufficient to meet requirements. Commission men are advising light shipments. Re ceipts of cabbaces have been pretty fair for the last two or thro weeks, but with a good demand prevailing for choice, solid, nlcely-tilmmed stock all such Is kept on the movo about ns soon as received: demand to day was excellent, and with light supplies offeiing higher prices are not unlikely. Celery in sufficient supply to meet require ments; demand pretty fair for attractive stock, but poor quality slow. Onions not so plentiful, receipts for the last week having perceptlblv decreased, which has caused a firmer feeling to pervado the market; all other seasonable vegetables also in good re quest. There was a slight decrease in re ceipts of potatoes during the past week, which has imparted a stronger tono to the market and elevated prices somewhat on favorable varieties. Good, sound, straight white stock will command fnll figures, but other descriptions and mixed will not bring quotations. Nearlv all kinds of game wero lu good supply to-day, receipts being liberal the Inst few days. Demand Is good for all varieties and prices aro well anstalned. Florida oranges have been arriving quite freely lately and stock on hand now is lib eral; demand is fair for fancy stock, but prices have declined; Jamalcas of good quality selling as noted. Lemons in good demand for this season of the year and prices rule steady. A fair trade is being done in bananas of first quality at prices given. Other items have a quiet but steady demand as quoted. Grain, Flour and Feed. Sales on call at the Grain and Flour Ex change to-day: One car new Na 2 yellow sbellod corn, five days, 48c; one car Na 2 whito oats, five days, 40c; one car Na 1 feed ing prairie hay, five days, $10 00: one car packing hay, Ave days, $7 50: one car new No. 2 yellow ear corn, ten days, 69c. Bids and offers: BPOT. Bid. Asked. No. 2 white oats $ 40M 41 FIVE DATS. No. 2redwheit New No. 2y:llow shelled corn.. Old high mixed shelled corn New No. 2 yellow ear corn No. 1 white oats No. 2 white oats Winter wheat bran Choice timothy- hay o. 1 timothy nay Clover and timothy bay No. 2 timothy hay No. 1 prairie hay Packing hay TEX VXB. No. 2red wheat New 2lcllow slicllwl corn hew No. 2 yellow ear corn No. 2nhltr oats Choice white middlings Keceints bulletined: Via ....$ 75 78 46 H 48 .... 48H 49 50 51 .... 40S 43 40 40S' .... 14 00 IS 10 . .. 13 73 15 tO .... 11 SO 14 01 .... 12 SO 13 00 ....12 50 13 03 .... 10 CO 10 50 .... 7 50 7 75 ... 9 .... 77 .... 46tf 48Jt 50 51 .... UH 40 .... 18 00 20 00 the P. 4 W. 2 cars liny, 1 car Oats, 1 car middlings; via theB. 4 O. Scars hay: via the P., C, C 4 St. L. Ictir wheat, 2 cars. corn; via the P., Ft. W. 4 C 2 cars corn, 2 cars -middling. Hears hay. Scars malt, 1 car chop, 3 cars oats. Total, 31 cars. BAXGK OF THE MARKET, rllie following quotations for grain, feed, hay and straw are,forcs riots on track. Dealers charge a Email advance rqom store, j Wheat No. 2 red Corn No. 2 yellow ear, MlglMnlxcd tar .'. Mixed ear New No. 2 yellow ear No.. 2 yellow shelled High u lied shelled , Mlxrri ahelled. New No. 1 yellow ahfllfd New high mixed shelled torn, Oats No. I white No. 2 white. t KxtntNo. Swhtte No. 8 Mixed, RTE-Nn. 1 Western .No. 2 Western u (J M 1 Lou.t (Jobbers prtces)-Faney brands, $4 439 S3; standard winter patents, ft 3034 73; spring 78 77 et a b:'i SOl 50 4 49 49Ji )Ht$ 50 4J i94; 4s a tw 43 h 47 H(g 4S J,Ha 47 41S 42 40Ha 41 39H 40 38Va 39 9 & 37 Et A II patent. $4 SCf34 65: slralghtwinter. $4 0934 3: clea winter. Jj 73(34 00; XXX. bakers. $3 7383 83: rye. $3 SCa 73. The Exchange Price Current quotes llonr In ear lots on trAekfta follows! Patent winter. $3 I'ateni spring.., Straight winter. Clear winter... Low grades..... Hr, flnnir . Spring baker 3 333 60 JliLLFKicn-No. I whim middlings. $18 0CI9 CO: No. 2 white middlings. $18 B(17 60: winter wheat bran, $14 23014 50; brown middlings. 110 C0I8 50; chop. $13 00(33 CO. TlAT-riioTce timothy. $14 25011 50: Nol tim othy, $13 73I4,O0: No. 2 tlmothr. f 12 50n 00: mixed clorer and timothy. !$ OOflS 60: packing. 17 00SOO: No. 1 feeding prairie. $10 OJ10 SO: iO. 2 do, Jjooraaso: wagon h-y. $isooisoo. STKAW-ZWheat, 0 0C3a 30; oats, (6 507 00; rye, $7 007 50. f " r Groceries. Sco AnPatent ent-loar. 5Xc: cubes, 5c: pow dered, 5c; grannlated (slsndanl), 4;c: confection ers A. 4 8-IOc: soft A. 4H4c; isney yellow. 4Hc: fair yellow. 4X414c: common yellow. 3s4c Cofpke Roateil. in packages-Standard brands. 23 13-3lc: second grartes. 22a23)4c: fanergrades. 2;)432'c;. Loose-Jara, 373Sc: Mocha, 33)s;a3Sc: Maracafbn, 2S);e: Peaberry. iSK3c; Santos. 2$i 29c: Caracas, 3l)32c: Rio. 2HJSc. Molasses Choice. Witx: fancy. S5)436e: centrifugals, 2029c: new cropNew Orleans, 43 44c. ATRm? Corn svrnp, 24asc; sugar irrnp. 2631c: fancy flavors, 32&33c; black strip, lS17e. FBDITS-Londun laver raisins. $2 SO; California London layers. Z I02 16; California mnscatels, bags. Ugiete; boxed.li 15(31 25: K4lencla.75474e: Onuars Valencia, 8UHc: California sultanas. 11 like; currants, 41(3c; California prunes. im lac: French prunes, 8H(3l:ct. California seedless raisins,- Ulb cartons, 13 Ml; citron, 18l9c; lemon peel. tut0Hc. HICK-Fancy head Carolina. 6K8Hc: prime to choice. BVSc: Louisiana, 5So; Java, 5,S5Hc; Japan. 5V6e Canned UoODS-Standard peaches. 12 1032 35: extra peaches. 2 412 50; seconds. 1 831 93: pie peaches. II 2031 25; illicit, corn, $1 401 50: Har ford county corn. $l 051 10: lima beans, tl 20(3 1 23: soated. 80S3c: ear.y June peas. $1 13! 15; marrow fat peas.1l 051 10;soal.ed.7'8i.c: French peis. $11 503)00Hli cans, or II 4il 5u ft dozen: pineapples. II 251 30: extra do, 12 40: Bahama do. $3 00: Damson plums. Eastern, tl 25: California pears. $2 25: 33; do green gages, tl 73: do egg plums, $1 7o: do nprlrots. $1 S02 23: do extra white cherries, $2 75 83: dn white cherries, 2-lb-cans. SI 5 rasnberrle. tl 2531 50: strawber ries. l 5l 25;gooseDerrIes. 31 I01 .25: tomatoes, 95a3Jl 00: salmon. 1-lb. $1 -TOt 33; blackberries, 7580c: succotash, 2-lb cans. siMked. 95c: do stand ard, z-lb cans, $1 2&31 CO: corned beef. 2-Ih cans. $1 631 73; do H-lb. $13 00; roast beer, 2-lb. $1 75; chipped beef, 1-lb cans. 81 83(32 10: baked beans, $1 25I S3; lobsters. 1-lb. $2 23: mackerel, fresh. i-id, ft so: Drolled. 81 50; sardines, domestic. Ms, ft 83: Hs. 16 25; s. mustard, (3 00: Imported. Msl0 6uai2 50: Importca.Jis. f 18 oo2S to; canned apples, 3-lb, SCS5c; gallons, $2 sE(o3 w. Putter and Cheese. "Butter Elgin creamery. 32"3IJer other brands. 293lc: choice to fancy dairy and country roll. 2828e: ralr to medium grades. 1824c; low grades. I2l6c: cooking, sraile: greise. cgwe. CHEF.KE-Ohlo, ll)4ll5(c: New Tort UK3H2c; fancy Wisconsin bwUs blocks. 1415c; do bricks. lLHiaUc: Wisconsin sweltzer. In tubs. J33ft3Mc; llmberger, 11I14C: Ohio Swiss, 12K13c. The Rlgln Butter Market. Eloiw, III, Dec. 5. Butter market steady; sales, 13,200 pounds at 30c. Eggs and Poultry. EGGS Strictly fresh Pennsylvania and Ohio. 28 27c: spcclsl marks, 28c; storage stock. 2225c louLTRT-Llve-Sprtng chickens. MtSOc 'per fislr: old chickens. S56cc: ducks, 6065c: geese. L251S3; turkeys, 910c per Is. Dressed -Chickens. 831ic per ft); turkeys, llL3c; ducas, lea 12c; geese, 80c. ,- Provisions- Large hams. $ Medium Small..... .. .... ...................... Trimmed ............................ California Shoulders, sngar-cured , Bacon shoulders Dry salt shoulders '. Bleakfast bacon Extra do Clear bellies, smoked Clear bellies, dry salt Dried beef, knuckles It Bunds Fiav.v.v..""."".'.";.'"";.'!r:".".'.x.""i Lard (refined, tierces. 12 12J4 121 Ji eu SH 8 sa 12 13 10 9 13 13 10 9 11W "H 1144 3. ? 5 7 7H 50 30 1U0S.. TjroSO-lb cases Lard (compound), tierces , Hall barrels Tubs FaT Twb50-lb cases Three-lo cases... Flve-lb cases Ten-lb cases Mess pork, heivy 18 Mess pork, light, 17 . Berries, Fruit and Vegetables. Cranberries were firmer to day, quotations ranging from 12 50 to $3 00 per box. , Apnles, $2 233 50 per bbl for fair to choice; Concord and Catawba grapes. $2S30 per 100 8-lb baskets; Florida oranges, $3 75 8'25 per box; Jamaica do, $S 00S 50 per bbl: hananas, $1 252 00 per bunch; lemons. $360 4'.50 pes box: Malaga grapes, $6 O0fl 25 per keg of 55 lb; pineapples slow at 10 15c each by the bbl. Cabbage, $1 2501 75 per bbl ana $5 507 00 p,er 100; onions, $2 602 60 per bbl for native and $1 25I 35 per box tor Spanish; turnips, $1 25l 75 per bbl: bents and parsnips, $2 00 2 25: carrots, $1 501 75; rutabagas, $1 00; celery, 2050c per dozen. Potatoes Arm at 7580c per bu from store. Sweet potatoes, $3 50Q3 75 per bbl for Jersey and $2 502 li for Baltimore. Game. Quail, $1 7502 00 per dozen: pheasants, $7 00 7i50 per dozen; prairie chickens $8 00S 50; ducks. $2 603 50; squirrels, $1 2501 75: rab bit. 23930c per pain venison, whole carcass, 1314c per It); do, saddles, 1820c. ' New Tork Metal Market. NewTobk. Dec. 5. PIz iron moderntelv active: American, $13 0015 50. Copper firm: lake. $12 00 bid. Lead 'Inll; domestic, $3 63 bid. Tin dull; straits, $19 90. Drygoods. New Tobk, Dec 5. Demand for drygoods to-day was moderate- in (III cottons of recent activities, but there wan much doing as could be expected. Prints were in more interest, with somo new prices made on that olass of goods. Thero was an improving tendency also in woolen cloths. Staple cottons were In less regular .demand, bnt important nd ranced pricos were made in accordance with earlier expectations. Prices of Fruit of the Loom-were made ns follow: Seven eighth bleached, 8c: 4-4. 9c: 42-Inch, 12c: 5-'4, Jic; 50-Inch, ICi; 64, 17c: 7-4 21c; 8-4. 23Kc: 94, 26c; 10 4, 28c; do bi own, 84, 21c: 9-4. 23c; 104, 26c: Lodi prints Sc; Berwick prints, 4J c: Gloucester indigo prints, 6c; cambrics, &- General Markets. UNew Orleans Rice Bteady; ordinary to good, 23c. Sugar nctive and Arm; open kettle, cuxice, 3c; strictly prime, 2 13-1627c; good fair to prime, 2-c; common to lair, 2 7-16fi!2 9-16ct centriluual plantation granu lated, 4t 7-16c; choice white, 44e: off white, 3J(f4c; gray white, S3 11-lGc: choice yellow clarified, 3 11-1C3 15-lGc: prime dn. 3 9-163c:off do. 3 5-lC3Kc; seconds -l4& Stc. Molasses active and Arm: open kettle, choice, 3fl31c; strictly nrime, 229c; good prime, 2627e: prime, 2423c: good common to fair, 2026c: centri.ujftl, choice, 18c: strictly prime. 16c; prime to good prime, l 13c; fair to pood fair. 9llc: common to good common. 67c: Inferior, 5c Syrup, 2327c The movement of sugar and molaes to-dy was thn heaviest on record. Receipt' Sugar, 4S.035 barrels; molasses, 9,161 barrels. Sales sugar, 38,935 bairels; molasses, 7,112 barrels. Minneapolis All markets showed unex pected strength to-day. The interest cen tored in Mnv in this market. The option opened at 73c nnd closed at 73c, an advance- for tho day of c, ns against an ad vance In Chicago to-dny. There was a very good business in cali wheat, at about the prices of Saturday. The report of sales is not qnlte full to-day, bnt we have 120 cars of Na 1 .Nortnern soia at 674, and lis cars at 672c. Most or the No. 2 Northern was sold nt 6262c. Rocelpts of wheit here were 1.191 tars the largest of tho crop year, and nt Dclutli anil Superior 631 cats. Close: De cember, 675c: Satnrday, 67c: May. 73Xc; Saturday, 73kc: on track. No. 1 hard. 63c; lia 1 Northern, 67Mc: No. 2 Northern, 62663c Baltimore WheBt No. 2 red January, 71 75J4c; May, 81Slic: steamer Na 2 red, K9c: receipts, S8.753 bushels; shipments, 24. 000 bushels Corn steady: mixed spot. 49 49lc; year and Jannarv, 4Sipc; February, 4tlkc bid: May, 51c bid: steamer mixed, 47c bid: receipts. 73,700 bushels; shipments, 17, 113 busliels. 'Oats steady; No 2 white West ern, 43c asked:- Na 2 mixed Western, 38J 39c: receipts, 6,000 bushels. Rye dull: N. 2. 53o. liar steady. Grain freights dnll. Cotton Arm: middling, 9Jfc Provisions steady. Butter steady and Arm. Eggs vctive: choice, 28c Coffoe firm; Rio car goes, fnir. 18Jc Cincinnati Flour steadv; fanov. $3 10 3 50; family, $2 401 63. Wheat firm; No. 2 red, 70c: receipts 1 000 bnshels: shipments, 5,000) busliels. Corn in mnderato uemand and easier; No. 2 mixed, 42o. Oats strong; No. 2 mixed, 35c Rye dull ami nominal; No. 2, 51c Pork firm at $14 75. Lard irreg ular at $9 75. I'nlkmnts stronger nt $8 73. Bacon firm ut $9 509C2K. Whisky in tood demand and Arm; -uU-s 1,575 barrels at $1 15. Butter in nnxlernto demand nnd heavy: Elgin creamery, 32c. Eggs firm at 23c. Cheese easy: prime Ohio flat, 9Q10Kc St. Louis Flour unchanged. Wheat opened io iff. but soon reacted and ad vanced JiSJf ' Inter declined again, but the close was K above Saturday; cash, 68Vc: Deccmbor, 6sc; January, 69-JJc; May, 16c; Idly, 75JJC Corn Cnsh. lower at 37c; op tions ope 11 edlower, but recnvoreiland closed about as Saturday; December, I8c: Jannarv, 3SJJC: May, tlUc Onta b'gher: cash, 31$c; Mar, 34u. ite dull; 48c asked. Barl.-y quiet: Minnesota sold at5557c Bran dull; 6163c Flaxseed steady at $1 00. Hay un changed. Cornmeal quiet at $1 85. 7S4 00 S2J33 50 3 003 2S z emtio 3 25S335 LITE STOCK. Cattle Somewhat Lower, Hogs Higher snd Sheep Unchanged. Mokdat, Dec. 5. The only features of the markets at the local yards to-day were a sharp advance In hogs and a decline in most arades of cattle, the latter being noticeable, however, only at the Central drove yards. Good sheep and lambs sold fairly well at unchanged prices. East Liberty. Receipts: Cattle, 130 loads; hogs, 45 double deck loads; sheep, 27 double-deck loads. Last week: Cattle, 105 loads; hogs, 48 double deck loads; sheep, 23 double-deck loads. CATTLE. The market opened slow and 10Q15c per cwt lower on nearly all grades. Following were some of tho early sales: William Holmes 4 Co.. sold20hend, weigh ing 23,410 lb, nt $3 75: 20 head, 23,280 lb, $3 73$ 19 head, 20 460 lb, $3 50; 18 bead, 13,470 lb. $3 23. Drum, Dyer 4 -o. sold It head, weighing 17.100 lb, at $4 00: 6 head. 6 3C0 lb, $3 35: 7 head, 7,360 lb. $3 80; 1 cow. 1,180 lb, $ 40: 1 heifer, 810 lb, $2 70: 1 bull. 9:0 lb, $2 25; 3 fresh cows and calves, $110. John Hesket 4 Ca sold 38 head, weighing 48,840 lb, M 65; 22 head, 20,180 lb, $.1 10; 111 head. 11,810 lb. $3 60: 10 head, 13,330 lb, $J 65: 19 head, 26,100 lb, $3 90; 21 head, 25.920 ll. $3 45; i heifers, 3.090 lb, 52 f 0: C heifers, 5 180 lb, $2 80; 9 heifers, 10,1301b, $3 75; 3 cows and calves, Ueneker. LInkkorn 4 Co. sold 16 head, weighing 14 460 lb, at $3 25: 25 head, 26.680 lb, $3 80; 19 bead, 25,420 lb, $4 63; 21 bead, 23,530 lb, $4 00. McCall, Rowlen 4 Newborn sold 10 head, weighing 15 360 lb. at $3 SO; 17 head, 17,7.50 lb, $3 63; 2 cows 2,320 lb, $2 65. Huff, Uazelwood 4 lmhoQ sold 17 head, weighing 20,750 lb, $4 30; 13 head, 13,210 lb, $4 00: 2 hellers, 1,670 lb, $2 60: 6 hellers, 5,210 lb, $2 50. HOGS. The opening demand was active, and the market was higher as follows: Frimq Phlla delnhias. $6 206 23; heavv do, 250 to 260.1b, $6 206 25: mixed do. $6 IStfiG 20: best York- ers $6 036 10: lair do. $3 956 CO; pigs, $5 50 5 80: roughs, $1 755 75. SHEEP. Demand was fair, but price3 were un changed from last week'x close as follows: Kxtra slienp, 95 to ICO lb,$l 75Q3 15: gooil 85 to 90 lb. $4 504 75: mir. 70 to 80 lb, $3 253 75; common. $1 002 23; 3 earllngs, $3 005 00; best lambs, $5 235 55; common to fair do, $3 00i 50. Heir's Island. CATTLE-Beceipts, 517 head: last week, 329; previous week, 402; market slow and about unchanged, as follows: ltest heavy Chicago, $5 5C5 75: medium weights, $4 755 25; light weight-, $3 501 50; common trrnues includ ing bulls, dry cons, etc., $2 003 25. Fresh cows, $25045; calves, 45c. Hoos Receipts, 2.:0i lieud: last week. L532; previous week, 2,513; market active, strong and higher on tho basis 01 $G 256 35 for best cornfed. Sheet Receipts, 1,307 head: last week.1,023 bead; previous week, 1,301: market uteaiiy at $4 655 00 for best i-heep and 45 per lb tor good to choice lamhs. Of the receipts 900 head of hogs and 130 cattle were for the island-abattoir. New Tork Beeves Receipts, 6,240 head, including 60 cars lor sale: market firm and 103 per 100 pounds higher: native steers, i 5Cg5 25 per 100 pounds: Texans, $2 83: bulls and cows, $1 (003 60; dressed beef firm at 89c per pound; shinments to-morrow, 1,190 beeves. Calves-Raceipts, 093 head: market Arm: veals, $5 00S 25 perlOO pounds: grnssers, $2 O04J2 60. Sheep Receipts, 13,201 head; sheep steady: Inmbs Ho per pound higher; sheep, $3 004 60 per 100 pounds; lambs, $5 C06 40; dressed mutton steady at 7bc per pound: dressed lambs Arm at 6 9Kc. Hogs Receipts. 950 head, including (two cars for sale; market higher at $5 600 6 20 per 100 pounds. Buffalo Cattle Recelpts,56 IoaJs through 25 sale; opened active mid stronger; extra steers, $5 003 25: choice, $4 75t 90. Hogs Receipts, SC Hiads Jhroiigh, 150 sale: opened steady and firm: heavy cornfed.sS 236 35: packers and medium, $6 I56 CO; Yorkers and good cotnfed. $6 056 10. sheep and lambs Receipts, ii loads through, 90 sale; opened active and fully 10c stronger for good to choice lots; common, steadv and slow; choice to fnncv wethers.'$3 u05 23; lair to good sheep, $4 404 85: Canada sueep, $4 6005 25; lamb-, native, choice to fancy, $5 755 95; fair to good, $5 255 65; Canada, common to fancy, $5 856 00. Chicago Cattle Receipts, 23.C00 head; shipments, 3,800 head; market lower: extra beeves, $5 5C5 62; good to clioice.tt 255 40; other-, $2 80424 10; mockers, $1 552 85; cows, $1 052 85. Hogs Receipts. 38,000 head; ship ments, 10.000 head: market, 510c higher; rough and common, $5 705 80: packing and mixed, $5 90t 25; prime lieavj, $3 3U6 40; butchers'. $6 ll6 25. Sheep Receipts, 8.00J head; s hipmeiits, 1,050 he.id; best grade strong, others weak; natives. $3 05 25; Westerns, $4 404 75; Texans, $2 254 70; lambs, $3 75U 00. Cincinnati Hots In active demand and higher at $5 236 35; receipts, 5,100 head; shipments, 2,400 head. Cattle in good de mand nnd firm at $1 251 65: receipts, 1,800 head; shipments 300 head. Sheep In good demand and strong at $2 5003 00; receipts, 285 head: shipments, 173 head. Lambs strong er at $4 005 25. Cotton. Galvestos, Dec. 5. Cotton nominal; mid dling, Jrjfjc: low middling. 9c; good ordinary, 8c;net nnd gross receipts, 17,708 bales; ex ports to Great Britain, 5,943 bales; to France, 14,007 bales; coastwise, 218 bales; stock, 143, 372 hales. New Orleans, Dec. 5. Cotton buyers ana sellers apart; middling, 9 5-16c; low middling, 8 15-16c; uood ordinarv, 8 7-I6c: net recolpts, 18,566 bales; gross, 19,236 bales; exports to Great Britain, 425 bales; sales I.150 bales; stock, 243,620 bales. The Visible Supply. Netv Tobk, Dec. 6. Tho visible supply of grain on Satnrday. December 3, as compiled by the New York Produce hxchange, was as follow: Wheat, 72,851,000 bushels increase 1,816,000 bnshels: corn. 10,691,000 bushels, de crease, 1,341,000 bushels: oats, 7,571,000 bush els, decrease 456,000 bushels; rye, 1310,000 bushels, Increase, 22,C00 bnshels; barley, 2,775,000 bushels, increase, 32,000 bushels Wool. Lotpox, Dec 6. At the wool sales to-day 14,663 bales .f good were offered. There was a large attendance and the competition was aotlve for the better grown merinos and cross breeds. The lower grades were In less demand. Thus far 1.500 bales have been taken for the United States 3 TO EXPEL SCROFULA from the system, take AVER'S Sarsaparilla the standard blood-purifier and tonic. It Cures Others will cure you. DANIEL M'CAFFREY. CHOICE TIMOTHY HAY. Car Lots a Specialty. 233 AND 240 FIFTH AVENUE, e9-o TJTTSTmP.n.. AJKOKERS FINANCIAL. ESTABLISHED 1884. John M. Oakley & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS. c 45 SIXTH ST. Direct private wire to New Tork and Cm eitga Member New York, Chicago and Pitt burg Exchanges Local securities bought and sold for casjx or carried on liberal margins Investments made at our discretion and dividends paid quarterly. ' Interest paid on balance (since 1885.) Money to lean on calL Information books on all markets mallei on application. ie7 Whitney & Stephenson; 57 Fourth Avenue. s I J