Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 04, 1892, Page 14, Image 14

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Interesting Features of the
Island Where Mr. Cleve
land Is So Busily
Queer Incidents Attending the Pres-,
idenl-Elecl's Sojourn.
lie Little Tacht Gronnds on the Way to
the frhooting Grounds.
rcopRzsrosDtxcE or the oisrATCH.j
Exmoee, Va., Dec. 2. While President
elect Cleveland and his Iriends, Mr. Daris
ana Mr. Jefierson, came to Broadnater
IMand w ith the avowed intention or "rough
in;; it," the most formal amenities of social
life have been entirely Jorgottcu. Although
politicians have been tabooed there have
bcea many pleasant lfttle gatherings at the
Forrell cottage which 1 ave had uo connec
tion with duck sliootiat;. During his star
Mr. Cleveland has always been arcesible to
those who make their heme on the Ishfod
and also rative who come on pilgrimages
Irom the mainland. There hae been al
most daily informal receptions accorded
these people.
Albert Duncan, an unusually intelligent
gentleman, who has achieved quite a rcputa
tation for biavery tn connection with occa
sional service at the United States Life Sav
ing nation, headed quite a little party of
Eastern horsemen who called on Mr. Cleve
land one afternoon. They were received
with courtesy, and local topics formed the
btsis of quite an animated conversation.
The President-elect took particular pains
to see that each member of the party was
provided with a fragrant perfecto, and the
little reception was practically turned into
genuine ''smo'ecr."
A Tecullar Pastorate.
Eev. John K. Sturgis, pastor of the little
Methodist Eniscopal Church located on
Broadwater Island, also brought a party to
pay their respects to the distinguished visi
tor. Mr. Sturgis has for years conducted
what might be called a missionary work
airocg the islands, which form & sort of
Archipelago along the coast of Virginia
and deaden the force of the ocean waves
x-hich would otherwise beat upon a more
inhospitable and desolate shore. On
alternate Sundays he visits Broadwater and
Cobbler Islandi, where the simple natives
are instructed in the word of God. The
little ones are not neglected and Sunday
Ecliool services are held every two weeks
ior their benefit.
Mr. Sturgis lives at Bird's Nest on the
mainland, a email village situated 1G
miles south of Extnore. In winter and
summer, through rain and shine he makes
the 5 miles sail in his small batteau, re
turning to bis home on Monday. He often
takes his little son with him on these trips.
Many times when Mrs. Sturgis has been
visiting on the island she has gone up into
the lighthouse tower, and, with the aid of a
powerful glass she has watched the progress
of her husband's trail cralt through a fierce
The violent gale would lay the boat upon
its side and the maddened, white-capped
waves would dash over it causing it to dis
appear entirelr from sight. The faithful
wife often gave up in despair, believing
that her husband and son had certainly
been overwhelmeJ and lost, but they al
ways succeeded in outriding the storm and
landed in safety. Mr. Cleveland talked
with the minister for some time and mani
fested much interest in the work which has
already been done and that which is bought
to be accomplished on the island.
The Only Formal Keceptlon.
Aside from these irregular little gather
ings there has been but one real event on
Broalwater which mizht be considered as
approac'iing the dignity of a formal recep
tion. This was the occasion when President-elect
Cleveland paid his respects to
Mrs. Ferrell at the ciub house. The large,
comfortable sitting room was brightened
up for the occasion. A sparkling fire of
resinous pine knots was kindled in the
grate. The vases upon the mantel over
the hearth were filled with house flowers.
The lace curtains were pulled back from
the windows and admitted more than the
usual abundance of licht.
Mrs. Ferrell, who is a handsome, cul
tured and refine 1 lair, was dressed in an
elegant black Hennette costume, made
with a plain skirt and having one plaited
ruffle around the bottom. The bodice was
cut plain and elaborately trimmed. She
stood in the center of the large room and
received her distinguished caller. Tne
President was attired :n a regulation lull
dress suit. After a pleasant interchange
of courtesies he returned to the cottage
which has been set apart lor his use.
The usual train of incidents which do not
obtain general publicity have not been
wanting during Mr. Cleveland's visit to
Broadwater Island. While trivial in them
selves, and of no consequence on matters of
interest, they have nevertheless been an un
failing source of amnsjement ,and gossip
among those who know no world beyond'
the environments of the narrow peninsula.
These occurrences have been endlessly re
vamped and passed lrom mouth to month
with a succession of additions and variations
that would be simply astounding were it
not perfectly harmless.
A Caso or Stage Fright.
On one occasion when two ladies, who are
Sermanent residents of the islaud, called on
r. Cleveland at the cottage they suffered
ladly from stage fright, and for a time lost
their presence of mind. While in a condi
tion which could not be better described
than bv the word "rattled," the President4
elect addressed a query to one of the ladies
which required ao afSrmative answer. The
lady, houever, in her hopeless confusion,
made a miscalculation in the mitter of gen
der, and replied, "Yes, ma'am." This little
error etill- continues to be the source of
much merriment in this vicinity, and is
gradually traveling overland in the same
way in uluch prehistoric happenings are
said to have been transmitted to posterity
Irom father to son, and Irom neighbor to
Another stock Item of gossip ii the
grounding of the little steamer Sunshine.
While conveying Mr. Cleveland to the
blinds for a day's sport shootin.' waterfowl
the yacht entered shallow water too near
the shore and stuck last in the mud. There
was not the slightest possibility of personal
danger, and Mr. Cleveland forsook the
steam launch and entered a small boat
which was rowed to the blind. He suffered
not the slightet inconvenience, and re
garded the mishap in the nature of a little
Tne Captain of the Sunshine, Fred Marsh,
a big, bronzed, good-natured roaiiner who
belongs to a class of people knoun through
out the country as "PennsUvania Dutch
men," is said to hae literally torn his
auburn hair and distractedly pulled his -red
mustache and appealed, in choice broken
German, to all the cods which are supposed
to have composed the autonomy of tne Gre
cian mythology. The vessel was soon re
lested from her ridiculous rather than dan
gerous position, and proceeded on her cir-J
cuiar jauracv aiuuuu . ...-, cuuciui
lne to frichteu tinwarybir that had set
tled on the water andS(H . them to flr
within carrying distance I ..- ' lereiaud'a
fowling piece. This incident i a very good
second to the "Yes, ma'am," story'which
still continues to be a prime favorite! on the
round! of local gossip..
Everybody Is Enjoy Inc life.
But apy impression prevailing to the
efiect that all those who inhabit the eastern
shore are illiterate, ignorant and clownish
is entirely erroneous. The surrounding
country is now well supplied with schools
and churches and the people generally are
above the average in brightness aud intelli
gence. They are without exception peace
able is their disposition, domestic in their
habits and consider good health and con
tentment as more to be desired than fine..
clothes or expensive modem residences.
Everybody seems to enjoy life, Isven if it
appears more simple here than those in
the larger cities are accustomed to view it.
While no full-fledged theatrical com
panies ever make barn-stormine iuvasions
into these parts, vet there is an abundance
of amateur entertainments, charades, oyster
bakes, and voting contests in .which the
rivalry of local beauties play an important
part. These voting contests" are rather
unique in their way and differ from the bej
ter known varietv in that an open ballot
decides the result instead of the old-fashioned
system of secret count and the an
nouncement of a returning board.
These contests are held in the diitrict
schoolhouse, and the mode of operations is
simple, although regarded here as a trifle
exciting. Some young gentleman, who is
either suffering from financial depression,
or whose aflections have not become con
centrated on some lady for whom he hopes
to secure special distinction takes charge of
the blackboard and acts as master of cere
monies. The proceedings are then ready to
begin, and the lists arc opened to all con
testants, none being barred because of age
or deficiency in personal charms. When
the first gentleman steps forward, produces
a 50 cent piece and asks that ten votes be
recorded to Miss Jones, that lady's name is
immediately placed on the board with the
number of votes opposite.'
All the Votes Ara Purchased.
Other gentlemen then step up and an
nounce the names ot their favored lady
friends, producing at the same time vary
ing amounts of subsidary coin with which
to emphasize their judgment by the pur
chase of votes. The gentlemen friends of
each lady whose name appears on the black
board then rally to her support, and tho
voting at once becomes lively, expensive
and uncertain. This battle ot ballots, each
one of which has a specified value in the
much despised nickel, continues for 30
minutes, when the polls arc declared closed.
As this exciting moment approaches the
excitement often becomes intense, and this
innocent amusement becomes deadly tragedy
to the enamored youth who at one and the
Same time stares defeat and bankruptcy in
the face.
When traveling men from the north visit
the eastern shore they apparently labor
under the impression that the native popu
lation is still comparatively uncivilized.
As a matter of fact the outlying country
around Exmore was reasonably primitive
bofore the construction of the railroad. As
the proprietor of a hotel at Belle Haven
expressed it, he was but 8 years old, as he
onlv dated his existence since the'3ay that
a locomotive first passed down the penin
sula. Many amusing stories are told of the
cnormons crowds that congregated at this
point to see for the first time the prodnct of
Stevenson's inventive genius.
It 13 said that when the first bar-room
was opened in Exmore a benighted country
man from some moss hidden inlet dropped
in during the month ot August and asked
tor a glass of water. The dispenser of
liquids who it is supposed, did not have
the modernized white tie, apron and eight
inched diamond stnd, complied with the re
quest and placed upon the pine slab that
served as a bar a glass of original, unadul
terated water in which floated an octagonal
chuck of ice, which had previously done
duty in preserving the low temperature of
some beer imported from Norfolk,
Never Heard of Ice In August.
The native inquired with some solicitude
as to the character of the foreign snbstancs
in his glass. When informed that it was
ice, he denied the statement with indigna
tion. Upon being assured-'tfiat it. was the
actual product of nature he scornfully
"Ice, nothine. Who ever heard tell Of
ice in August?"
A careful canvass has been made among
the oldest inhabitants to ascertain, if possi
ble, the why and wherefore by which this
station became known to an admiring world
as Exmore, bat with extremely limited sue
less. When the railroad compa'nv first?
opened an office here for the transaction of
business the station was known as Belle
Haven, out of respect to the little town of
that name located one mile and a quarter
from the line. Some lime afterward, ac
cording to a carefully guarded leiend, the
owner of a plantation in this vicinity im
ported some horses from Scotland, the ani
mals II question belonging to the widely
knoirn "Exmoor breed." An official of
the mad was struck with the name and de
termined to bestow the same upon this
little bamlet Through a series of blunders,
aided and abetted by a sign painter, who
had ideas ot his own concerning orthog.
ranhy, the station house eventually became
labeled with a large pine board bearing the
simple legend "Exmore." The time cards,
tickets aud stationary were eventually
changed to meet the views of the artist
whoe skill will long b: perpetuated on the
pine board sign. ' -.
Solomon & Ruben's.
Intending Rivers of holiday presents will
do well to look over our extensive assort
ment or novelties In manlcnre nets. A boun
tiful qnrl vfknr irr-Air,itilj, nrfllnnL Wa
'have them at S2, Si S9. $3 23 and np.
Kew Tore, March 10, J89i
Seven Sutherland SUters:
Rabies I desire tn express my uratltada,
having used the 7 Sutherland Sitters'
Hair Grower and Scalp Cleaner, i'onr years
lUo fnj- lialr.bizun to fall oat, and of all tho
preparations I ued (and had access to' all
un the market, belnn employed in a atnir
store) none proved aremed unttM tfled
the 7 Sutherland SUters' Hair Grower and
Scalp Cleaner. In less than a weeK-my llalr
hud ceased to fall, and In two months hadti.
pood head of hair. I think I would have
hern hald had I not u;ed your valuable
.prepaiatlons. I use your scalp cleaner, and
shall continue to do an. '
Your respectfully, '
119 West Sixteenth street,
New York-City.
Present address 135 Liberty ave., city. '
This gentleman can be seen at'the parlors
of the fceven Sutherland Sisters, 1? Slitti
street, Plttshure.
Ho chat-go. Consultation free regarding
treatment or the hair.
Seven Sutherland Sisters' Soalp Cleaneris
the only dandruff cure. For shampooing It
ha no equal.
Prices-Hair Grower, $1; six bfitHei for
Renin ClMner. 60c. ;
roauufaemrers and proprietors. Main OBoe
18 West Fourteenth street. Sew Torsvit .
t Open Satwuar ereatag. - deM
"As friends and companions, as teachers and scholars, as recreators and amusers, books are always with us, and always ready
'to respond to our wants. We' can take them with us in our wanderings, or gather them around us at our firesides. In the lovely
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Thomas Nelson Page's Two Boy's Books
Mr. Paae bet 112 from the South,
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VnlilUhnr.' nricp. $1 53 each
1 18
Charles Carloton Coffin's War btorloj.
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.:.. sc
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atnti .... .........
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The Lord Is My Shepherd. By W. C Rich
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'ostage, 24 cents.
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504, 506, 508
iimiinki yi, i
Who will be ni our Toy Department from 10 A. m. to 6 p. m.
every day from now until Christmas. Bring all the children to
shake hands 'with him and to whisper in his ear just what they
want forvCHRISTMAS.
' During the next fortnight every child that visits Santa Clau3
will be' presented with a pretty little booklet, beautifully illus
trated. We show the largest, finest and cheapest stock of
Doils, Toys, Games, Books, etc., ever shown in Western
Bicycles at 516 5b, S18, ?30. 518, 530.
Tricycles with plain tire at 55.83, 56 50, 57 33, 58 23, $10, ?12 60 and uptfkrd.
Tricycles with rubber tire at 51 83, 53 43, 513, 516 50, 518 and upward.
Velocipedes with plain tire at 52 23, 53 23, 53 63 and upward.
Velocipedes with rubber tire at $18S, SG, 57, 58 and upward.
Wheelbarrows (iron) at 50c, 75c, 51 sad upward.
Whlhrrniri fwoodent at 30c. 40c 50 c 73c,
'Express Wa;ons (wooden) at 25c, 30c, 45o,
Express Wsgons (iron) at 51 23, U o,' v-i , - o aua upwaru.
Goat Carts at 54 88, 55 CO and upward.
Blackboards (wall) at 23o, COc, 81, 51 25 and upward.
Blackboards on standi at 75c and $L
Writing lesks at 51, 81 23, 52 23, 52 75, 53 88, 88 88 and up to 814. '
Nursery Chairs at 83e, 51, 51 23. 81 38, 52 25, 82 75, 83 65 and upward.
High Chairs at 63c, 51 6051 75, 2 25, 53 and upward.
Patent High Chairs at S3 75 and 56.
Hocking Chairs at 50c, 75c, 9oc, 51 23, 51 60, 81 78, 83 and upward.
Folding.Chairs at 50c, 75o and upward.
Plain Chairs At 25c, 60c-and upward.
Booking Hones at 51 38," 51 88, 52 45 and upward
Swinging Horses at 52 75, 54 68, 54 83, 56, 59, 512 and upward.
Shoo-Pliei at 51 25, 51 60, $1 75, 82, 52 25, 52 60 and upward.
' Violins, 25c, 60o, 51, 81 25 and upward. , '
'Zithers, 50c and 5L
Banjos, 8L - T
Harps, best quality, 81' ' , " )
Pianos,.50c, 81 and upward.
Metalaphones, 15c, 25e and upward.
Harmonicas at 10c,. 15c, 20c, 25c, 50c 'and 75e. ' ,r "
Horns at 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c and 65& ,
JJruras at 26c, 30c, 60o, 65c, 75c, 81 and upward. .
Music Boxes, 25c and upward. .
Caliopes at 23c and upward.
'Boiler Chimes, 10c, 33c, 50c, 60c and upward. ; " . "
Bellow Heads, 6c, 25c and upward.' - ,, .,.-.. i. . ..',
Iron Passenger Trains, 23c, 50c,'75c, 81 25, 81 76", f2 60 and upward.
Iron Freight Trains, 25c, 60c, 81 25, 81 60, 53 60 and upward.
One-Horie Street Cars, 75c and upward.
Two-Hone Street Can, 51 25, 81 60 and upward.
Brewery Wagons, 52 5a
Loaded Truck Wagons, 81 25 and upward.
Horse and Cart, 75c, 81 25 and upward.
London Cab, 52 and upward.
Patrol Wagons, 52 5a.. (
Fire Engine, Hook and Ladder, Hojs Cart," 51 25 eaeh and upward.
Iron Steamboats, 51 75.
Fire Engine House, .with Engine. 56 60.
Engines at 51, 81 75, 52 50 and upward.
Mechanical Cats, Dogs, Docks, Boosters, Horse and Blder, eta, at 25a and upward.
Steam Engines, 51 and upward.
Dredge Engines, 51 25,and upward.
Fountains. 51 35 and upward. y
Lamp Posts, 31c and upward.
Cannon, 51, 5?.and upward.
Iron Stores, 81 25 and upward.
Eeglsterlng Banks in the shape of kettle, pump, barrel, house, etc, at 60c, 93c, -81 and
Combination Banks, 30c and upward.
Pocket Banks, lOo and upward.
Tea Sels,;i0c 35c, 60c, 76c, 81 and upward.
Tea Sets in Baskets. 63c, 8181 25 and 81 6a
Caston, 50c and upward.
Knives, and Forks, 8c, 38c, 60c, 65s a set and upward,
Brittania Sets, 25c, 60c, 81, 81 25 and upward. .
Tin Kitchens, 45c, 60c, 81 and upward.
Tin StoTes, 45e, 75c, 98c and 81 6a
Toy Irons, 10c, 25c, 60c and upward, -.'.
Wash Sets, 15c, 25c, 60c. .- -
Kitchen- Sets, 35o and upward. '
Tables, 25c, 60c. 81 25, 52 38 and upward. "".-
Folding Tables, 75c, 51 and upward. ""- -
Folding Leaf Tables, 63c, 81, 81 50.
Skin Horses, 88e, 60c, 75o and 95a
Horse and Cart, 81 25, 82 50 and upward.
Goat and Cart, 81 25.
Cows, 41, 83 75 and upward.
White Wool Animals, 90c, 81, 81 25, 81 65(and upward.
Black Fur Dogs, 50c, 63c and upward. - .
PAPER MA.CHE ANIMALS Zebras, Giraffes, Donkeys, Boosters, Cats, Dos,
Bean and others, too numesons to mention, at 25c, 50c, 75c, 81 and upward.
Tin Battler, 5e, 10c, 15c and upward.
Celluloid Battles, 15c, 20c aud upward.
Boys Drlying Beins, 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 60o and upward.
Boys' Whips. 10c, 12c, 23c and upward. '
Soldier Sets, 51, 51 75, 52 and upward.
Guns, 23c, 95e, 51 25 and upward. ' .
Tool Chests, 19c, 50c, 51, 51 25, 51 60, 83 and upward. -
Jack in the Eox, 10c, 20c, 25c, 50c and upward. "-'
Boys' Agate Spinners, 5a ", " .
Bubble-Blowers, 23a (
Sand Mills, 35a '- -
Noah's Arks, 25c, 50c, 75c, 51 and upward. -
Boats, 25c, 33c, 50c, 60c, 51 and upward. f ,
Santa Glaus Sleigh. 25c, 81 andupward. ' - t
Farm Yards, 35c, 40c, COc, 60c, 80c, 51 and upwasj.
Cathedrals, 51
Fence for Christmas Tree, 10c and upward.
Christmas Tree Ornaments.'!
. 804,- 50S AJSTD
-s V r
65c. 80s. 51 23 and upward.
1 . "t '
''" ""a iii nt in iiiffiiifclilfw