P y t&sf?? ";. 7T3r' - -y; rj-fwv "-rrf "Tfc""".JS 7 ? ts? 3J -s THE PITTSBUKQ' DISPATCH, SUNDAY NOVEMBER 27. 1892. WALL STREET BETS, A HIT, A VERY PALPABLE HIT! J Figures Show That There Were More Wagers on the Election THAN AT THE SPORTING CENTERS. .Broken Now Dandle This Feature of Specu lation Regularly. NOTORIETY CAX THDS BE AYOIDED. meenum- --j a.i" i mk MgjapMsaBSfM8iasMSssss8ag3SBBMi-fcjaiasaslsiBiBi tr --f r?Ji i' -j 'B gt-WsMMaw fe. v New York, Nor. 24 Betting on elec tions has become a recognized branch of the business ol many "Wall street brokers. Toward tbe end of the recent campaign the betting on the national election became of such magnitude that the names of Cleve land and Harrison might appropriately liaTe been placed among the stoccs and printed with the regular quotations. It is likely that in future campaigns much more betting than ever will be done by recog nized brokers, and that the election betting, like other big financial interests, will cen tre in Wall street As the majority of the "Wall street bets were not made with the publicity which at tended betting in the Hoffman House, it as only when settling time came after the election that their gross magnitude became somewhat known. The bettors on the elec tion in Wall street were greater speculators than those who made wagers at the Hoffman House or put up their money at some up town pool room. Hundreds of men keep balances with their Wall 6treet brokers to be available at any time in stock specula tion. These accounts differ from the ordi nary bank account in that the Wall street account is kept lor purely speculative pur poses, while the bank account is lor busi ness purposes. They Take a IJtUe Flyer. After a prosperous business season, when the merchant nas taken care of all of his own paper and obligations and has a com fortable surplus left, he is apt to goto Wall street to invest and usually to speculate, for he regards the Wall street fund as some what of the nature of gambling money. With such men speculation this autumn took for the first time a turn toward elec tions, whereas before it had been confined to stock, wheat, corn, oil, and other prod uct with recognized quotations. None of tliem appeals to the business man as does politics. Almost all business men person allv have strong political prejudices. Even many of those who will not take the trouble end time to register and vote have a strong reeling for one party or the other. Wall urect brokers have not as yet charged com missions on election bets, and this gave the speculative businees man still more a turn toward election bets, lor he did not have to pay a quarter commission. It also attracted dim from the up-town betting resorts, for any man going to the bookmaker to place his money would do a little worse than if he could meet at once some man who was as eager to bet on the other side. Tne brokers began by placing election bets to oblige their customers who had bal ances with them, and they soon found that lie business nas profitable. The money fas always put up by the customer, and as the brokers making the bets Were well Acquainted with each other there was no &ecessuv lor puuing xne money in me hands of a stakeholder, and the respective brokers could retain the money without pay ing interest. If tne election bets were made n long time before election tbe profits were greater than if he had made a turn in stocks for his customer, and the bother was much less. Tlie Aggregate Very Large. It is likely that in the aggregate these Wall street election bets amounted to more than the Hoftman House bets. A man could offer through his broker to place 550,000 or 5100,000 ou Cleveland or on Har rison and the broker would parcel it out in lots in the same way as if he had an order to buy or sell 5,000 shares. New possibilities have been opened to the Wall street brokeranow that they liaves-en how easily they can do the business of elec tion betting, w"hich might be extended to cover anv other event of uncertainty or great public interest. There is now no bet ling place in New York corresponding to certain well-known betting establishments in London and Paris. There are any num ber of pool rooms, but it requires a man of t-orae experience to deal with them; be ndes,the associations are not always pleasant ami the security for payment, if one wins, is not o good as it might be. Oculist IPresorlptions Made at Shortest Notice. Eves Examined Free ofCharpe. J. DIAMOND, EH Artificial eyes inserted. no6-TT3u c :NMH3 .w J5HM AIN'T IT LAUGHABLE To ee a lot of t(ntisfied Imitators kickine mid qnlnnlnst Tlicy remind one of the i"nl(ey Rucking Aiininst the Locomotive. Jeiiuus 1 ccaino woatu liavinj such an lin lnnse Mile of VOLTAIC DIAMONDS We soil them direct to the people, and they give satisfaction. They are covered by letters patent. Everv stone warranted. ot in the hands of other dealers. Ml set In solid cold. Muds 82.50 up. Rings S4.00 tip. Tins S2.75 up. Eardrops S4.50 up. The Finest Itrilliants in the World. RS'-SEJ.D roil OUE iLIXSTBATED CATALOGUE Free. B. E. ARONS, Jeweler, Wholesale unit Retail, bSriFlUAVE. no27-Hwrsu v Li V T J xc tVMJrTr li IT MAKES YOU LAUGH .All over when you see through our classes when vou soe as you have not seen for ears. Vou laugh 'with satisfaction, for you '-t Koods vou can depend upon. If your ft litis nfloctcd, you know that onr glasses wlllliolp and not Injure your eyes. Why Fhouldu't you lauahi Come and inspectour luree stock or optical goods. Buy, tf you v ish to. Look in and look through some of them at all events. CHESSMAN OPTICAL CO., U Federal street "esheny,i,a. WWwA VssaSffrSMk iAJSBVIBklmKb WmMWMBmMLm SBIStkm -wmflB MwwmS Our New Drygoods Department is a Phenomenon. With one leap it bounded into popular favor. It opened on Monday, won its first laurels on Tuesday, commanded general admiration and applause on Wednesday, gained a victory on Thursday, was given an ovation on Friday and scored a triumph on Saturday. What was a mere experiment a week ago is to-day the greatest' and most wonderful success in our most successful establishment What are the causes which brought about this most glorious and gratifying result? First of all the knowledge and confidence on the part of the Ladies that whatever. we do, we do right and on a big scale, and their quick appreciation of our unquestionably unexampled offerings. Thus, thousands who came "just to see" the New Department, turned into purchasers on seeing the goods and prices. The temptation to buy was too great to be re sisted even by the closest and most experienced shoppers. The surprise was general and complete. Even ourown salesladies and salesmen were astonished. Nearly all of them have been in the employ of the large Pittsburg and Allegheny Drygoods stores for years, and consequently know what they are talking about when they say that a larger and finer stock than ours was never shown in this section of the country. And as to prices our salespeople tell us that ours are away below those of other concerns. Of course, news like this travels fast. One tells the other, and thus our customers become our best adver tisers. Considering these circumstances the wonderful success of our new Drygoods Department is not so much of a wonder after all. It's but the natural con sequence of the new men, new merchandise, new methods and maxims brought into Drygoods by our advent into the business. Instead of limited assort ments we give you all the market affords; instead of exorbitant prices we give you the very lowest figures consistent with our "large sales and small profits" system; instead of .small, dark and dingy quarters we give you the most cheerful, lightest, brightest and largest salesroom in the, city. If these facts, together with the most polite attention, en title our New Drygoods Department to your consideration, call and see us. i SOM E OF THE MAGNETS WHICH ATTRACT THE CROWD i SILKS AND VELVETS. A new, clean and complete stock, com prising all the standard grades and cele brated makes of Novelty Silks, High Art Silks, Japanned Silks, Bengalines, Plaids and all sorts ot novel effects. CO riieces of Novelty Silks in new effects; sold elsewhere at 51 25 per yard; OTJB PEICE 7Cc 10 pieces Black Feau de Soie, 10 pieces Black Faille, 10 pieces Black Gros Grain Silk, Mnt nrin Sold elsewhere from 75 pieces Brochi India Silk, in a most exquisite assortment of patterns; regular $1 25 goods" AT ONLY 85c PEK YAED. Pine quality Satin, in all different shades, AT 49c PER YARD. 20 pieces Satin Rhadame, warranted goods, all silk, good value at $1 25, will go for ONLY 69e PER YARD. B Grand Display of Nov elty Velvets In new de signs, imported and shown exclusively by us. Had the contractor of our building kept his agreement ire would have been able to o0er you our grand line of Dress Goods 6 weeks ago. Now it takes re duced prices to make up for lost time. Imported Broadcloths, twilled back, in black and all different colors, original price 52; present price 51 25 PER YARD. Finest quality Sponged Broadcloth; original price 54 60; present price?3 00 PER YARD. , 46-inch silk finished Henrietta' Cloths; 31 different shades to choose from; orig inal price 51 CO; present price 51 00 PER YARD. 44-inch Camel's Hair Plaids, original price 51 00; present price 90o PER YARD. 46-inch French Cashmere, m a full as sortment of colors; original price 51 00; present, price 75e PER YARD. 38-inch Storm Serges in Navy Blue and Black; original price 75c; present price 48o PER YARD. 48-inch Epengelines, Talne 51 75, AT ONLY 51 25. Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettas, value 51 35, AT ONLY 5L 42-inoh Black Wool Chevrons; worth 51 60, AT ONLY 51 25. , 44-inch Black Venetian Crepes, worth 51 60, AT ONLY 51 25. DRESS trimmings: A magnificent and sparkling collection of imported novelties ot Cut Jet Garni tures for "Waist Trimmings, Jet Zouaves, Bodices, Girdles, also Colored Bead Gar- nitures and Gimps at unequaled low prices. Fine cut Passementerie Jet Beads and v Jet Edges from lOo per yard up. High class novelties in Russian Bands and Tinsel Effects. A superb assortment of Fur Trimmings at all prices. Seal and Fur Frogs from 20c to 65c. Colored, and Black Silk Cord Loops from 15c to 50a Fine Colored Silk Cord Galogn, value 10c, at 3e per yard. Colored Bead Bodices, value 53, at only 51 75. Choice from 50 pieces Jet Edges, value 18c, at 10c per yard. Colored Bead Passementerie, value 51 25, at only 79c per yard. ' 60 pieces Black Silk Gimp, value 25c. 'at only 15c. 35 pieces Russian Band Trimmings, value 75c, at only 39c. LACES. VOWS i WU Fine Oriental Laces, nice quality, the proper thing for fancy work; value 25c; at only 15c per yard. Extra fine quality Oriental Laces, 20c, 25c and 35c per yard. Valenciennes Laces, in pretty patterns, 10c and 15c per yard. ' Torchon Laces, in various widths, at 5c. 8c and 10c per yard, Antique Lace Tidies at 10c, 12o and 15o each. Black Chantilly Lace, from 3 to 6 inches wide, at 15c, 20c and 25c per yard. Columbia Veiling, all colors, at 27o per yard. Pretty Veilings, in all colors, at 10a pertyari . Choice collection of Veilings at 15c, 20c and 25c Handsome assortment of Silk Neck wear, in Plaids and Changeable Silks, at 25c each. Hemstitched Reefers, all colors, at 51 19 each. Embroidered Chiffons, all colors, at 25o per yard. Embroidered Chiffon -Ties, all colors,., at 60o each. Full line of Lace, Silk and Chiffon Jabots. . IE Having made our purchase on an immense scale, and direct from the mills (not from the jobber) we are in a position to undersell every other local concern. Here are proofs: For heavy "White Shaker Flan nets, worth 40c per yard. c For heavy Red Shaker Flan neb) worth 40o per yard. 60 pieces heavy, Plaid Skirting Flan nels, in 31 different patterns, AT 25o PER YARD. 40 pieces Wool Flannels, fine quality; cream or bine white; AT 25c PER YARD; well worth 40c. . LINENS AND QUILTS. Kl fr llli'rl I V UUxllf iVJJl Ji t 100 pairs heavy Gray Blankets AT ONLY 69c. 200 pairs fine California White Blank ets, regular 57 goods, AT 53 PER PATE. 75 pairs White Blankets, lowest price heretofore 54.50, will be sold AT 53.75 PER PAIR. 1.000 eleeant Wrapper Blanketa- good value at 56, will be sold AT ONLY 5160. j Are you a judge ot Linens? Few peo ple are. Our linen buyer is one of the best 'judges in the country. Probably this accounts for our matchless stock and matchless prices. 200 dozen, ail linen, 22x45, Towels, for bath or toilet use, good and durable, AT 19c EACH. 1 case Cardinal -Damask, fast colored, value 49c, AT ONLY 25c PER YARD. 30 pieces 72-inch soft finish and strictly durable Damask Table Linen, actual value 5L35, will go AT ONLY 51 PER YARD. 100 dozen full H German Linen Nap kins, choicer designs, AT 51.08 PER DOZEN; value 53. 1 case heavv Crochet Qailts, large size, AT 89e EACH. 1 case handsome Center Quilts, large size, worth 51.35, AT ONLY 51 EACH. 50 British Marseilles Quilts, regular 56 goods, GO AT 53.98 EACH. We could go on mention hundreds more but it isn,'t necessary. Come and see. That's better. "LITTLE AND OFTEN FILLS THE PURSE I" Many small savings on your notion purchases amount to quite a sum at the end of the year. German Worsted, 25c a double skein. Fine Saxony Yarn, 7c a skein. Stocking Yarn, 9o a skein. American Pins, 3c tor 5 papers. Large Clinton Safety Pins, 7c per doz. Hedium Clinton Safety Pins,5cperdoz. Mourning-Pins, 6c per box. Best Book Pins, 10c per box. Mixed Pins, 5e per box. Rubber Hair Pins, 5c per doi. Wire Hair Pins, assorted sizes, 5o for 6 packages. Best Kid Crimpers, 25c per doz. C-hook Corset Clasps, 8o each. Shoe Hooks, 5c each. Tracing Wheels, So each. Tape Measures, 3c each. , Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding, 7o apiece. , Selvage Bias Velveteen, 15c apiece. Initials for marking linen, 3c per des. Cotton Elastic, So per yard. Silk pleated Garter Elastic, 35c per yard. Fancy Garter Elastic, 8c per yard. Elegant Garter Buckles, loo a pair. Bone or 8teel Crochet Hooks, 2c each. Fine quality Belting, 5c per yard. Bone Casing, 15c apiece. Covered Stays, 15o a dozen. SPECIAL FDR HOUSEKEEPERS. i pair Sheets, size 90x9a 1 pair Pillow Cases, 42x36. 1 Bolster Case, 45x63. Made of Lockwood Muslin, all hemmed and ready for use. Price for the outfit ONLY 90a FOR ALL: KSSfmanns HUES, LOOK IT THIS. A LOT OF CHIFFON JABOTS, LN ALL fQ( DIFFERENT COLORS -. - U J A LOT OF HEMSTITCHED WINDSOR Q( SILK TIES, ALL COLORS ItJ A LOT OF BEAUTIFUL" CHINA SILK l)rC LACE BOWS '...., ZO U'Jii-TUTSU