THE PmSSBUKG " DIBPAl,,.IHj " onrflTTDrtAv -wnnvvM-rrRVR or icaa - ; " - T' THEY WANT TO HOW. Pointed Queries to Be Sent to Local freight Agents on the SUBJECT OF DISCRIMINATION. The Chamber of Commerce Committee Studies a Table of Gates. PITTSBURG'S BIG SHIPPING BUSINESS The Chamber of Commerce Committee on Transportation and Railroad beld a long session yesterday. The members discussed the charges of discrimination against local shippers made in communications to the Chamber, and studied a table of freight rates prepared for the use of the committee. The table gives the rates in cents per hun dred pounds between diSerent cities as follows: Mi j 1 s s 4 5 6 HsIrittsbiirK to TltnsTllle'sT 25 3 IS 10H 91 1I9i lei eUnd to Tims vllle 3 19 14 10H VX 8 113 Ycnngslowil to 'lllus- Tllle II 18H 1S! 10 81 "H llSlnuffHotoTIHuTUle.. II 18S 13S, 10 $'i 'hi H2 Cleveland to Oil City, x lax U 10X 4 8 IK PlttaburctuOlICItT.. 30 25 W IS 8S 7 S3 Cleveland to balx- manca S 19X 11 104 Vi 8 SO rittsburR to Sala manca 30 H 20 IS 10i V-i S8 Cleveland to Bradford 27 :i VIM 18 11. 10 30 PltUburg to Bradford SO 2 20 U K)i 3H 8-"0 (PltUbunt and Buf- 403' halo toKu Wayne.. S7 31 25 17 15 12 SZllinffalo to Akron 21 101 11 Ut W JS5 Fittslrare to Akron... 25 22 20 IS 9 8 156 Cleveland to Butler.. 25 22 JO IS 9 8 10 ritUburjr to Duller.. 20 15 IS 81 71 7 11? Cleveland to Mercer . IS IS II 8 7 6 0 Pittsburg to Mercer. 18 15 15 10 i 8 7 Flttsl)urs "Enormous Tonnage. A communication from a prominent local steel firm was read. It is as follows: As a distributing point Pitt3burg occupies a position second to no city in the United States. Tho total tonnage from and to It amount to 29,113,201 tons in 1890. Of this amount the railroads carried 31,633.316 tons andl,S04,SS5 tons was moved by rirer. In addition to these figures the local tonnage nns 19,121,350 tons, making in round numbers 1000.000 carloads cf freight during the year, or an average or 3,000 cars daily. In other nords 2,000 loaded Height cars enter and 1,000 loaded cars depart daily, equal to 10,000 tons received and 20,000 tons distributed daily to all points from the Atlantic to the raciflc Of the pig iron, rolled Iron, crude stoel and steel rails, manufactured In the United States, Pennsylvania contributed 10.950.103 out or a total or 20,013,720 tons. Out or tbis total Pittsburg produced over one-third of tne output ot Pennsylvania, or one-flftn of the entire production or the United States. The capital Invested in inn and steel was $56,545,000. or over one-fourth ot the entire capital represented In the two cities. The number of persons empliived was 38,935, pay ing yearly In wages $20,265.26. W itli this vastarraj ot figures beiore us, tho question naturally occurs: Are onr interests In the wav or the proper adjustment of freights, as compaied to otherlocallties, propet ly looked arter by the shippers and secondarily by those of the railway men who bave these matters to attend to 7 Sorarastho shippers aie concerned, our experience shows a woeful lack of self interest on their part. Other cities, such as we come into competition with almost dally In the markets, are able to obtain advant ages such aB are not even hoped tor hitherto by us. Orders which we bid upon leave us, and new fields tor others are opened, in which our best efforts fail to obtain a mai ket. An Argument for a Freight Bureau. A careful investigation ot tne matter short s a disposition on the pat t of the manu facturer and shipper at competing points to look after their interests by harmony or ac tion, and by paying a. competent man to look alter their interests. Some such ac tion is imperative, and we cannot too stiongly recommend the advisability of the Pittsburg shipper doing likewise, aud at once. A comparison of the tariffs prepared by the railway men show s concerted action on their part, and we now come to some few of the ' acts aud flumes" patheied from tbis source. The map of the Pennsylvania sys tem of railroads shows Pittsburg to be half way betnoen Xew York and Chicago. Of the total distance (155 miles to New York and 168 to Chicago) ol 923 miles, the rates are: 1 2 3 1 5 16 Xew York to Chicago... 75 65 50 35 30 25 PitUburg to Chicago 121371271 20 171 J5 .New York to PllUburg. 13 39 30 21 18 15 Why Pittsburg should bo charged lor more than one-half the rate, we leave our railroad agents to answer. This, too, in view of the fact that the rates from I 2 3 4 5 I 6 New York to Buffalo 39 23 2S '.3 16 13 Buffalo to Chicago 121 371 27.1 20 17,1l 15 The lact that the distance from Pittsbnrg to Chicago is 1C8 uules against 510 miles Buffalo to should in our opinion give Pittsburg some advantage. Figures on Freight Discrimination. "We notice also that the rates from New York, Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland and Youngs town to Mllnaukeo are made on the same basis as the rates from Buffalo to Chicago, while from Pittsburg to Milwaukee the rates are higher, as follows: 1112 3 1 5 6 Pittsburg to Chicago 1421 371 271 2C 171 15 PlUsburgtoMUaukce..llS1 12,1 311 23 19,1 17 lucreabcase. ... ( b 5 4 2 2 2 We will, however, close by giving one other illustration, as tlmo forbids our giving all or a email part of such as come to our notice. That is: -1 2 3 lit e Buffalo to Grand Kaplils. 11 X Cfi.1 19)17 111 Pittsburg to GrMKaplda. KM &h s 20171 15 The distance being 515 from Buffalo and 162 from Pittsburg to Grand Itapids. The committee discussed its report to the Chamber of Commerce on Monday next. The members declined to give any definite information, but it was understood that the committee will suggest that pointed queries be sent to the freight agents of the railroads in this city, asking tor information on the subject of discrimination. Just Now 'of the Utmost Importance, And It Is Something That All Will Appreciate. Because It Is aa Honest and Outspoken Opinion. "Rheumatism and neuralgia are perfeetly curable," remarked one ot our most emi nent physicians, in conversation -with the writer. "The only thing necessary is to use the right romedy and use it persistently." "But what is the right remedy, doctor?" "Well, although a physician in practloe. I must say that the best all round medicine for rheumatism and neuralgia that is the remedy which will effect the most cures is the discovery of Dr. Greene, known and sold in every drugstore as Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. "I have cured many cases with It," con tinued the doctor, "and call to mind several re mat table restorations which have come under my direct observation, notably tbat of Mr. William Guckemus, of 62 Starkstreet, Utica. XI. His was a terrible case. Why, he could hardly move in his bed, had ter rible pains In bis hip and back. His food would not digest, but would bloat him up very much. lie used Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve romedy and is now a per lectly well man. Air. Guckemus is a very well known man in utica, in fact, has been 'foreman in the turning shop for 21 years, and consequently everybody knows him and his wonderful cure. "And there was that remarkable enre of Mr. Michael Ciowloy," added tho dootor, "who lesldes in Xew York City, at 7 Lalght street, lie had rheumatism so bad that he could not walk, indeed, could not cat nr sleet). Nothing seemed to relieve him until ho procured Dr, Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, and now he is a perfectly well man. He declares that this remedy saved his life and that it is the most wonder, ful medicine in the world. "A talented lady of my acquaintance, also, Mrs. J. T. Cummings, of 130J Lorain street, Cleveland, Ohio, told mo that she suffered fearfully with pain in her right side for four months. She was extremely nervous in ad dition and could not sleep nights. She le celved no reliet whatever until she used Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, and now through the curativo effects of this medicine, the pain has left her entirely and she is well again. "It certainly does cure rheumatism and neuralgia," wound up the doctor, "and I could go on Indefinitely describing case after case among my patients where it has given almost instant relief and soon effected nerlect cures. I pronounce It the great remedy for piins and aches, and I pre scribe and use it freely because I know it to be a purely vegetable and harmless med icine. "No, we physicians do not class It among patent medicines, because, as you must re member, it is the prescription of one of our best known and most successful doctors, the specialist in nervous and chronic dis eases, Dr. Gieene, of 35 West ll'.li St. New York. Tho doctor, in lact, endorses and recommends his valuable remedy in Just such cases as those above stated and he can be consulted by anyone free of charge by calling at his office or writing.'" s Said One black crow unto, his mate, "These Hooks with Humps are simply great." And they all flapped their wings and cried : "See that hump?" Trtde-M.-k reg. Apr. 19, '$. The De Long Patent Hook and Eye Vk gL TSTIEREN jgijM imtHFitu sil i s & tr STATISTICS SHOW That over three-qnartor. of the children attending school sutler li om various natural and acquired de lects of eeslght whioh should demand intelli gent and speedy atten tion. Scholars having eye strain are extended an invitation to have their sight examined compet ently, free of expense, on Saturday mornings at our establishment. oc29-m NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENT! r kAAAAMUk tJV'ttiitii 1 ri "i - "i -ij-ij-i r-ii- - I "i L. - - - iiULiiii. I. -- - J .11. innrin-i i I i-i.n.i i . j - L ni u'l. I I l l Lll . II NEW ADVEBlIdESIENTS. ZOELLBB'S BLACK GIN, A POSITIVE CURE FOR ALL KIDNEY TROUBLES. All prominent druggists are selling Black Gin, and guarantee the same to help in all cases, as no bottle yet sold has failed to do just what has been claimed for it. Vfo ask you to give it a trial for all cases of Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Chronic Rheumatism, Dropsy. Backache, Bright' Disease, Diabetes, and Female Complaints. Every Bottle Guaranteed. Price, $ LOO per bottle or six bottles for $5.00. Be sure and get the genu ine, for sale by all Druggists. WM. F. ZOELLER, Sole Prop'r. -PITTSBURGH. PA. OC30-TT8 PURITYOFWH SKIES Nerve Tonic Blood Builder, MMTm, Mmw .Bk rm iac&- ersir SllSsiv SOe. per box. 0 far S3.50. F Bend fin (descriptive pamphlet. Br. WILLIAHS MEDICINE CO., Schenectady, N.Y. lluJ-7f-4 When whiskies are prescribed or used they should be strictly pure in every particular. They should be aged naturally, not by artificial pro cess. Their bouquet should be the result ot natural influences, and not of- flavoring essences; their action should be exact, gently stimulating and tonic, and not variable and ex citing. All whiskies offered by us are the purest that can be obtained. Our own brand, Old Export, is now a pronounced favorite where ever known. Put up in Quarts. Price $z, or Six for $$. Orders by mail solicited. Goods shipped C. O. D. to all points. KggEMANNS Jos. Fleming & Son, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 413 Market Street Cor. Diamond, PITTSBIJEG, VA. nOl3-TTSSU MANHOOD I will send (seated) FREE the recipe that made a man of ciire Varicocele. Lost Vicor and all results of Indis cretions or excesses. Address with stamp, WM. BCTLES, Sox i. in, Marshall, Mich. JAS. M'NEIL & BR0., BOILEES, ria.TE AND SHEETIRON WORK. PATENT EHEET-IUON AMIEALINQ BOXES. With an lncreasetl capacity and hydraulle machinery, we are prepared to fnrnish all work in our line cheaper and better than oy the old methods. Repairing and general machine work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Valley Railioad lelG-bd-ixa CASH WINS AT LAIRD'S ONLY 99 CENTS. $2.18 AND $2.90. BALS, LACE OR CONGRESS. Tips or Plain Toes, All Solid Leather, Seamless Vamps, Soles Sewed, Splendid Style, All Sizes. Every pair warranted. - 1,200 pairs at 99a THIS WEEK ONLY. $3 AND $4. W. ffl. LAIRD, 433-435 !-46-4o8-4io Wood Street 'Market Street noSOrrssu BLUOHER, SALS OR CONGRESS. The Finest Shoes Ever Produced at the Price. $2.18 and $2.90. They compare with regular $3 3-5 and $4 goods being sold all round. THIS WEEK ONLY. j0r IHa W. M. LAIRD, JOBBER AND RETAILER. Mall Order Solicited. QLUCRER, BALS OR CONGRESS. Finest French Calf, Genuine Kangaroo, Best Patent Leather. Genuine Cork Soles, English Grain Shoes. Double Soles. Waterproof! Our $3 and $4 goods com pare with $5 shoes generally. W. IYI. LAIRD, 433-435 I 406-408-410 Wood Stre et Market Street The Finest OT- ...taCfi... T SUITS The Finest -or- uauHnn OVERCOATS "CC- Fine Beavers, worth $12 to $25 OUR PRICE $9 TO $20 j Nobby Meltons, worth $13 to $45 OUR PRICE $10 TO $35 Chinchillas, blue ani black, worth $8 to $30. OUR PRICE $6 TO $25 Mr. A. B. West wisnes to inform his friends that he is with Messis. George W. Jliggs & Co., corner Sixth avenue and Smith Held street, where he will be pleased to see them, having at his disposal a very elegant line ofjewchy and art goods. Cold Weather Goods. Ear muffs from... 5c to 38c a pair Fascinators trom 25c to $171 Children's worsted hoods 50c Ladles' worsted hoods 75c, $1 00 and tl -5 Ciishmero mufflers From35e to$l 50 Mlk mufflers From 50c to $5 50 Lined Mil cloves From 1 oo to $2 00 Knr top kid giovra Froinfl 00 to$J 00 Heavy baiege veiling From 250 to 80s Worsted wilstlets..., ..20c bilk wristlets 50o Cnlldren's cashmere mitts. .From 12WotoS5e Ladies' cashineie mitts From 12c to 50c Ladles' silk mitts From $1 00 to $1 00 Ladies' Inter underwear from.. .25c to $2 00 Children's winter underwear From 25c to $1 50 Gentlemen's winter underwear From 50c to $5 00 Fleisumax & Co , DOi, 506 and 508 Market street. D Witt's Little Early Risers. Best pill for biliousness, sick headache, malaria. Fob Tor, Ladies! 10 cases ladies' rubber booti of the verr finest quality; usually sold for $2 25. Only $1 25 per pair. KACrsiAxxs' Shoe DErAnTMEST. rittsburg & Lake Lrie R. R. Throe hours and thirty-five minutes to Cleveland. Eight houis and twenty minutes to Buffalo. A BrctXAR! 10a cases or men's Imitation sandal rubber overshoes, regular 75c goods, at sue per pair. Katpkaxss' Shoe DurABTMEST. Fok Tor, Ladies! 10 cases ladies' rubber boots or tbe very 3ncst quality; usually sold for 2 25. Only $1 25 per pair. KAurVAXxs' Shoe DEPAmxEHT. Pianos, Pianos, Organs, Organs. aicllor Hocne,77 Fifth Avenue. The most durable and reliable. Tbe best for the money. Largest lino of instruments in the city. Easy pay ments. Send for circulars.. OVERCOATS Handsome Kerseys, worth $15 to $40 OUR PRICE $12 TO $33 Casslmeres and Cheviots, worth $10 to $30 ...OUR PRICE $7.50 TO $22 CHOICEST FOREIGN ..and.. DOMESTIC FABRICS. Ma' Jn H v? ( H K V 7 i J V iIb? Lr w w ly ' THE PEOPLE ARE WITH -US BECAUSE WE ARE WITH THE PEOPLE : : : i : ! ' a! If I -I MEN'S FINE SUITS. STYLISHLY MADE, ELEGANTLY TRIMMED. n You don't have to en case yourself in armor if you wish to retire without buying : : : Fancy Cassimeres, worth S7.50 to $25 OTTR PRICE $5 to $18. Fancy Cheviots, worth 15 to S30 ....OUR PRICE $10 to $22. Black Worsteds, worth $15 to 30 OUR PRICE 10 to $22. Black Cheviots, worth 8 to 30 OUR PRICE $6 to $24. Imported Scotches and Worsteds, ) Worth 18 to S30 j OUR PRICE $14 to $22. We guarantee these garments to be perfect in fit, reliable in make, trim and finish. Our competitors (?) may com- pete wim us on paper,' put tney are lar oenina wnen it comes to a matter ot comparison-ot the goods onered. if teJ i b ffi a r w- I w v cm v K-df j 0 V f'fl ..- (? ,IjS atal6v I WM WjT yn ATST-Ip. && Iff- jjtjL gx i afV it il t&& Lrtt 120$ KzJr k IS Ja S &g 1 If j- --!-- - -mmmmmmmm-m-mmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmm,mmmmmimmmBm "w" II ' SALE AsALE TO-Dir ;Wy TO-DAY MEN'S SH MEN'S OVERCOATS Iff news 1 I j- W0RTH JP $11 sw iions WORTH ! SH ID SIS THIS BEATS ALL RECORDS. 2,300 Men's first-class Chinchilla Overcoats and full-length Storm Ulsters, also heavy Chev iot and Melton Overcoats, in different colors,. worth from $13' to 15, will be. offered to-day at only The man. in need of an Overcoat who misses this chance cannot be cognizant of his own interests. nKoSk Vfeljft "hT A "cp. e WalwBrB gB M3 I I EmMi V IS TO-DAY A larger stock than the com bined showings of all other Pittsburg houses. This may sound strong, but it's as true as truth itself. We've even surpassed our own best records of the past and will name lower prices than ever J before, lhe man or boy in need of a Winter fe- on hand to-day. sTf K raSBSHft -. "SfefcT- SJMJIMW -w-JVIftk I ej WKlxALitm TafKMSfaME Jr 3 OPENING SALE WINTER CAPS. Alaska Seal Caps, Oregon Seal Caps, Plush Caps, Astrakhan Caps, Eiderdown Caps, Velour Caps, ChinchillaCaps Scotch Caps, Velvet Caps, Corduroy Caps at 24c, 39c, 49c, 75c, 89c, 98c and up to $10. A3ii9 XL. Boys' Caps, I9c to $4. TIE TI GREAT FAVORITES. THE MODJESKA. Another shipment of this nobby and popular Derby will be ready for sale to-day. Over 7,000 of this style have already been sold this season, and still the demand continues unabated. Wees, $2, $3 ml $4 The PRNCEO F WALES This, the latest idea of a soft hat, introduced to the world of fashion by His Royal Highness, is now on sale at our store. It can be had in golden brown, pearl, mauve, seal and black; quality superfine. Prices, $2, $3 nil $4. UHMANtf ''&"" I "I'UilllWI"" IIIIIIBIBI HIM " -.