f 24 THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1892. , lninMaM PuReM MnWAPPUC fit', fl flTHIFPC SoloMoN uBeN SMiTHFIELD V S jab DIAlM - T . i J. 1 J1 .! J 4 i rti p -r- . J1 "fl . .u3 "tt-tliMj-v-k' "1 1 ..4lt j-m 4 41n wnvMtnV1rt -Mt -tsvt4"i a lj-t1s-3 1-n-i iifAlr VkTT 4" I- "i O l- rtTTl QrifoTTT101tin' anrt TMI l-i7li-i This was the unanimous verdict of ail wno inspected line gigantic slock; oi mens, loums, coys auu wuuuieu auiuimug wuwwuyiaun iowiuuiuuu8iai. wo ujr aUuD 0nulU5 uu FuUuu spirited firm All areed that such an aggregation of our artistic apparel has never before been seen under one roof. This, coupled with our enormous trade of the past lew weeks, plainly points to the one con clusion, namely, that we tower head and shoulders above any other firm in Western Pennsylvania. . . :; " '' . :; :: :; :: TERESTING CONGRESS OF FASHIONS. r-jejLi-Am 11 " III I I II fl II II III II iii mi pa III Will I W W Wl Wl-W I I 1.1 I Wl OUR IN . v M u WE HAVE selected a few of our superb styles in MEN'S and BOYS' Clothing and illus trated them for the inspection of the general public. OF COURSE it's conceded on all sides that our VAST ARRAY OF OVERCOATS is unmatchable for variety, elegance and style. You can't mention any particular cut or design but we will show it. The first cut on this fashion plate illus trates one of our double-breasted, loose-fitting Overcoats. It is one hich has attained a high degree of popularity this season. They come in Meltons, Chinchillas, Montagnacs and all other cloths used in the man ufacture of Overcoats. We quote the following prices: $8, $10, $12 Qp 10 $30. DID YOU EVER see a more ele gant or nobby Suit than Figure Two represents? It is the exceedingly popular and greatly affected double breasted Sack Suit of the season. The st) le, grace and general dressi ness of this particular fashion cannot be too strongly dwelled on. We show these Suits in a variety of materials, such as Scotches, Cassimeres, Chev iots, Tw eeds, Stripes and Checks and Invisible Plaids. Prices range from $12, $11, $15 Ufl to $20. OUR JUVENILE DEPART MENT contains the greatest variety and best selected stock of these goods e er collected. There is not a style, shape or material in the market which w e do not show in bewildering pro fusion. The third figure of this il lustration shows one of our nattiest of natty suits. There arc Cassimeres, Cheviots, Worsteds, Checks and Stripes, and all of the nobbiest effects in mixtures. The prices to suit any purse, from $i $11, $5 Ufl 10 $15. ' SILK DRESS Black, Navy, Cardinal, Ecru, Cream, Sky Blue, Tan And Fancy Colors. i H i - " !llffi OS Oil nrnfiflTHflriST J25- k z Jlp-. NhRllMK iF3Si WFN iw Mm ilil m 110 ULUm ULIIU IKLII. iSMA m KM. . JZa x ladies' JBfSgL m TRIPis k PLAITED M, mi III .11 IsbJL C EflfVn MjBi-ki J&LMaMSS&k ?lsPiyviK ) i PI IS i S&vfe JrvlH BBmk A v RaiMsrmR..fflQ 9 -y WrA-ff Bk. . t. "mmm samfflRttMwiam? . wmmi i ' nmwmm i i sfw - HMRf a m mm i;i an n iinri - . viw -' "xyv . iszr S4t t - r " . uat-t XH LABBR ANn RTBAimimrJlW Illl Ufl ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW IN . fW " v & J J ,., v- ..- UUUU111 Uil I II IfUl Nl t J II 1W 1 I Hit I 8fl H I Mm linf The fourth cut illustrates our matchless It is considered very tony by swell dressers, and is gaining wonderfully in popularity. These particular Suits come in checks, plaids, stripes and all the neat effects in mixtures. Prices run from 10, S12, SIS, 18 .Tfl S25. The last figure on the right represents one of our splendid 3-BiM Cutaways There is not a handsomer style in the market, Even as the fit on the cut, so do our garments cling to the fig ure. And why? BECAUSE ALL OUR GOODS ARE FIRST-CLASS, which IN SURES durability, style and elegance. We have these Suits in Cheviots, Worsteds, Cassimeres and Diagonals. In prices they range from 5l,WlUI5iDUPT025. We wish to strongly empha size that all our goods are of this season's make. They are the latest, newest, and choicest clothing in the market. Every single garment has been made for us, and in workmanship and finish is the equal of the best merchant tailors' production. In, fact, our clothing is a revela tion to Pittsburgers, being im measurably superior to what they are accustomed to. SKIRTS. 1311 nioy Jyt HI fjl WA I STS FROM 75c to $3.25. LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN SILKS FROM 14.11 TO 512. AU SHADES. . All i Latest Won and Paris Implatioiis. Ladies' Reefers from $3.50 up to $35. Misses' Reefers from $3.98 up to $25. Children's Gretchens from $1.50 up to $25. Infants' Gretchens from $2 up to $18. Suits from $4-75 up to $35. Three-quarter Plush Jackets from $15 up to $50. Military Long Cloaks from $5.98 up to $30. Fur Capes from $4.98 up to $200. Muffs from 39c up to $10. Fur Neck Scarfs from $2.75 up to $9. Children's Fur Sets from 98c up to $4,50. Tea Gowns from $4.50 to $15. 5PEC1A L WHAPPEH IE. A Wrapper for 67c, worth $1. A' Wrapper for 79c, worth $1.25 A Flannelette Wrapper for 98c, worth $1.50 A Flannelette Wrapper for $1.25, worth $2. A CenturCloth Wrapper for 1.50, worth $2. Children's Fancy Hats. Onlversitv. Doctor. Cleonatra. Oxfords Sailors. Tani O'Shantera and tlie greatest variety ot Fancy x uiuuna iniiiu city, From 49c, 59c, 75o and Up. i " " N"fl Ann fit. Tnrt Vkiva hani-d ef TinfnnU. but -we offer you one that eclrpses them all. Boys' and Children's Shirt Waists, Made of beat Flannelette, 19c, Worth 30o Anywhere Else. As the A.TJPXSZ'E hns become spch a raze, we think It onlv proper to draw your attention to the Tact that wo have the greatest assoitment in all colors. We are makinpr a great stir among the hatters on account of our beautifnl MONTE CARLO. We have them fiomSl.uO up to 84.30. Another great reduction in our HAT DE- PARTMENT. 'Did you see our famous Derby, "THE AMERICJJS?" In black and brown. OUR PRICE 82.50, worth 53.5a Finest grade ?aco, worth 54.50. ffilstiliiFfs FOR THE MILLION, Sixty different styles to select from. Don't judge them by the truck offered by so-called competitors. FREE!! FREE!!, FREE!! Wltll VArir tlrt-' Cnlf aw rA.Ana. A BOYAL TYfEWRtTER. t, perfect and nrae- tical machine. BEST QUALITY COLLARS, 2,100 Linen, 10 CENTS EACH. BEST QUALITY CUFFS, ' a, ioo Linen, 20 CENTS A PAIB. HORSE CLOTHING, HARNESS -a.jcx- THE NEW WAY; Here's an offer w.e on't make very often, c o aivo It your attention. All tho latest noveltin, n Fpathi-i-Wcieht Full Diess shirts ?So, wbrth 81.60, Uulnundrlcd Slllits. excention. ally good value, nil linen bosom, fellea seams, 3So. worth TSc. LEATHER GOODS. We wish to1 call special attention to this department We can conscientiously state that we have the most select assortment of high grade, as well as the medium qualities of Harness, RobesBlankets, Dust Covers, Storm Covers, Whips and Stable requisites in Pennsylvania. Also, everything in the latest Parisian Novelties in Fancy Leather Goods. Look at these prices: Shaped and Square Blankets, 95c; worth $1.50. Heavy Storm Blankets, $1.35; worth $2.75. Bargain in Storm Covers, $2; worth S3. 2 5. Robes from $3 up to $25. Drive in special lot of Plush Robes, $1.85. Don't forget we have a special, full brass-trimmed, 5-in. Saddle, i-in. trace, at the marvelously low price. $4.98. We have been fortunate in obtaining a fine line of Gen tlemen's Pack Saddles, and are glad to give you the ' advantage of our purchase; price, $3. Ladies' Pack Saddles from $7 up.. Our department for Men's Shoes cannot be equaled for the selection of all styles and qualities. Ex. Veal Calf Brogn fl 00 Fine B. Calf Lace and Congress 1 25 Satin Calf Lace and Congress 2 00 Gossamer, Goodyear welt, all Btyles. ., 2 50 Without.doubt the best assortment of Ladies' Shoes in the country. Best Tamplco Goat, button ..'...51 40 fine Glazed Doncola, button - 1 50 Brant Cloth Top, patent leather tip 2 00 Genuine Bocaro Kid. 2 5q Extra fine Paris Kid...., , 3 00 NO MORE WET FEET. hc pjgMoN N M 4 as,.. iam. SMIT FIELD Wn niAR&rf?iV The best thing ever offer ed Patent Leather Evening Dress, jab DIAtfOgtf MW-fcflTr of superior quality. 3 75 Fine, plain vamps, Croquet Ladies' Rubbers 15c a pair. a&r& ; .A. M c-ui-ruciFi n m ' e (5jgBg,V - "'","' n apBiB - yjyyyywyr