Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 20, 1892, Page 12, Image 12

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Suppose we shuffle the cards of invitation
snd see what we bare held for the past
week in the great game of society. We
commenced as early as Alomlay with Mrs
Edmund Russell, who talked to a select,
but large audience at the residence ot Mrs.
C L. Magee, on that most lascinatinc sub
ject, "The Art ot Expression." There is
eothlnc more interesting than ourselves,
and therelore, when she told her listeners
about themteWes, always in a gently flatter
ing vein.even when she pretended to criticise
them, it is no wonder that her lecture was
declared remarkably bright and herself the
most charming of women. Although this
bright woman has had too much experience
in society not to know that, when she is in
the presence of a company of ladies,
she is being examined closely, and
every peculiarity she may possess is
remarked, she would probably hare been
amused could she have heard some of the
whispered comments while she was speaking.
At the end of her lecture she said that she
would have been pleased to answer any
question bearing upon the subject of her
address that tbe ladies might like to ask,
but that, unfortunately, there was no time
lor that. Had there been time she would
assuredly have been asked why she folded
her arms at intervals during her discourse,
for such sotto voce remarks could be heard
in different parts ol tbe room as
"I wouder why she folds her arms
in that "manner?" "I wonder whether
she considers that grace?" "I don't know
whether I like it or not" Then some one
said: "Oh, she is lovely, enchanting, di
vine." And so the busy whisper circled
'round, while Mrs. Eussell held an in
formal reception and then swept from tbe
room still gracefully. Tnere seems to be
an impression in Pittsburg that this charm
ing woman is not understood that she is
tooadianced in her ideas ami 50 years
ahead ot her time in her esthetic teachings.
One interview with Mrs. Russell, and one
alternoon spent in listening to her lecture,
are enough to remove this impression en
tirely. .So one can see her and listen to her
teachings without being ronvinced that
there is a solid foundation of hard, common
sense and practical knowledge of the world
underlying her delicate and light touch on
the shortcomings of those who have not
made estheticism a study.
A number of prominent Fittsburgers left
lor If e v York last Thursday. The. metrop
olis has strong attractions tor the people of
this city just now, the most important, per
haps, being the football game on Thanks
giving Day.
"When two young people are about to be
married and both possess youth, beauty and
a goodly portion of the wealth ot the earth,
there is nothing for us to conjecture but
that they will marry for love, and love
only. To-morrow evening there will be
such a union, when Miss Lydia Sutton,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Sutton, of
Eidge avenue, will become the bride of Mr.
A. Hart McKee. Miss Sutton is a beauti
ful girl, but aside from that is far in ad
vance ot the average young lady intellectu-
ally. She has received an excellent educa
tion under the guidance ot governesses and
masters, commenced in Germany and fin
ished in Xew York. It seems almost un
kind to her numerous friends that. Miss
Sutton should fly from the schoolroom to
the altar. Such is the case, however, for
the has only been one winter in society.
But then the lovers have been play
mates and friends all their lives, and
as "there is nothing to wait for" in
their case, they can hardly be blamed for
following their inclinations in this most
important ot wordly aflairs. The bridal
gonn, to be worn on the day of days, is ot
rich white corded silk with a long train.
It is low in the neck and trimmed with old
point lace. Oraifge blossoms and a tulle
ce veil will complete a simple but hand
some toilette. The couple will be sur
rounded at the altar by their intimate school
friends, including some of the most popu
lar of the younger ladies and gentlemen in
Pittsburg society. The maid ol honor is to
be Miss Amelia Oliver and the bridesmaids
Miss Chaliant, Miss Bakewell, Miss Mary
Lauglilm, Miss Patrick, Miss Hays and
Miss Holdship. Toe b'st man is to be Mr.
Stansbury Sutton, brother ot the bride,
and Eev. Dr. M. B. Kiddle, of the West
ern Theological Seminary, will perform the
ceremony. East evening Mr. McKee enter-
tainea a party ol ins Daccelor meads at
dinner at the DuquesneCluh.
The Greensburg Club is to give its an
nual dance Thanksgiving evening, and in
vitations have already been received in this
city. The committee in charge of the af
fair are Messrs. E, A. Fulton Lyon, James
K. Clarke, J. Covode Seed, John Barclay,
Charles H. Ulery and John M. Jamison.
Although the past week did not afford
much in the way of weddings as to num
ber, those that did take place were ot a
character to command attention and admi
ration in a high degree. Several ot the most
important weddings of the season, from a
fashionable point of view, have been sol
emnized durinif the past six days. The mar
riage of Miss Susan Duff Dalzell to Mr. B.
F. Jones, Jr., has been looked forward to
with fluttering hearts by hundreds of young
girls who are disposed tolook upon a bride
as one possessed of awe-inspiring as well
as lovely attributes. Many of these
young girls knew Miss Dalzell per
sonally, and her nuptials possessed
more than usual interest. So it is no
wonder that the imurense congregation in
the First Presbyterian Church last Wednes
day evening was largely composed of the
flower ot Pittsburg's maidenly beauty. A
prettier church wedding has seldom been
seen than this proved to be. The appoint
ments were perfect, and the grace aud love
liness of the bride, and the handsome manli
ness of the grocm were in keeping with the
surroundings. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are now
in Kew York, bnt are expected to return at
the end of this week to take possession of
their new home, on Lincoln avenue, Alle
gheny. A verv eniorable. as well as fashionable
reception will doubtless be that to be given
by Mr. and Mrs, D. Herbert Hostettpr
Wednesday evening, November 30. It is
to celebrate tbe fifth anniversary of their
marriage. The exact date of their wedding
anniversary was two or three weeks ago,
but the reception was postponed on account
of an important wedding that took place
about that time.
The dress worn by Mrs. "Henry Ehipps at'
Mrs. Frank Hofstott's reception Thursday
has been the subiect of a great deal ol ad
miring comment among tbe ladies of Pitts- I
burg. One could appreciate ineDeautyot
the gown without being con- seur, for
Its loveliness was of the K - "'could
bardlr fail to- arret tS . the
most careless male eye that ever found its
war to an afternoon function. The gown
was worn at the drawing room in London
at which Mrs. Phipps was presented to
Queen Victoria, and is of the regulation
court pattern in all essential respects, while
preserving an individuality that makes it
unique. It is of white brocaded silk with
a lull train. Pearl embroidery is the prin
cipal trimming, this rich material being dis
posed artistically on different parts of the
dress, while a bertha of rare old lace is
f lulled at tbe shoulders. A girdle and neck
ace of magnibcent pearls and a fan of won
drous workmanship complete the toilette.
Mrs. Phipps expects to sail for Europe
next Wednesday, although it is her inten
tion to return to Pittsburg next summer.
One of the institutions that brichtened.up
last week lor Fittsburgers was the chrysan
themum show. It was the sort of thing
that could be enjoyed in conjunction Nrith
almost anything, because one could run
into the Auditorium at any time, with the
feeling that it lormed chain ot flowers
that linked together all other pleasures of
the week.
It will be good news lor the many people
who enjoy so much the jolly college songs, to
know that the Princeton University Glee,
Banjo and Mandolin clubs will give a con
cert January 3. Last year the club went
South on a trip, and so Pittsburg did not
hear it. There is no doubt that it will be
all the more enjoyed this season, because
appearing lor tne first time in two years,
lhe concert will be given under the au
spices ol the Princeton Alumni Associa
tion, and as "Old Xassau" has many ad
mirers out here it will probably be a great
The engagement is announced of Miss
Claribel McPherson, youngest daughter ot
Eev. Eobert McPherson, of Ellsworth ave
nue, East End, to Mr. Burtt F. McKee,
son of A. B. McKee, editor ot the Freeport
Journal. The wedding will take place on
Tuesday evening, December 27. The young
couple will lire in their own home in the
East End after April L
A B azaab and supper for the benefit of the
Edgewood Presbyterian Church will be held
at tne residence of Mr. J. H. Orr, Washing
ton street, Edgewood, Thursday and Friday,
December land 2. The bazaar will open at
2 30 p. m. and supper will be served from 5 to
until 8.30 r. si The lollonlug committees
have been formed: Executive, Airs. J. JI.
Dickinson and Mrs. M. Bigger; reception
committee Timrsdav evening, Mrs. James
H. Orr, Mrs. 11. Cadtnan, Mrs. J. II. Dickin
son and Mrs. 1L Craig; Friday evening, Mrs.
Orr, Alts. Caiman, Mrs. M. McWhluney and
Mrs. A. L. Chllds; committee on supper
table, first evening, Mrs. M. Mc Wuinney,
Mrs. J.F. Miller, Mrs. 3. H. Barlon, Mrs. H.
J.'Blgger and Mrs. Frank Gibson; second
evening, Mrs. B. F. Dake, Mrs. Frank SUal
lenberger, Mrs. K. C. Moore, Mrs. George
Eappel and Mrs. Thomas Cape: aids tor sunn,,
per tame, -Misses uemmens, Murray, isock-,
stoce. Brown, Tnompson)' Anderson, Bett
and Sell McKelvy, Maud and Byrde Steven
son, Mollie Anderson, Jean Wight, Rose
Flennikln, Lottie Beyuolds and Florence'
Harlow. Mrs. I. K. Becker will have
cburue ol the ice cream and cake
table, and will have for her aids India
fctevenson and Mary Hill, Alice Kerr and
Mary Kin;.-, Laura Crump and 11. KevanJ
Kellie Tiump and Clara Westinghouse,
Mary Cadman and Daisy Dake, M try Davis
and Helen Mooie. The fancy table will be
In charge of Mrs. A. W. Cadman, Mrs. James
Kerr, Mrs. Mcklroy and Mrs. J. C Hill.
Committee on common sense table, Mrs. J.
M. King, Mrs. Will Anderson and Mrs. Cor
bett. Tbe domestic table will be in cuarge
or Mrs. E. J. Lloyd, Mrs. Tomb and MUs
Emma CraJ. Fruit and flowers, Misses Mc
Kee, itoberts and Patterson. Committee on
doll taole, Mrs. W. N. Taylor, Mrs. M. D. Mc-
tho Misses Baldwin. Elizabeth Burt and
Marritta Alexander. Committee on
lemonaje, Nellie Becker and Carrie Fleu
inken. Supply room,- Miss Anderson and
Mrs liobert Collins. Mr. E. J. Lloyd will
Have charge uf the music Cloak ro iin,
Cadman, Orr. Dooi keepers, Mr. J. M. King,
Mr. W. Anderson and Mr. Frank Gibson.
The ladles o this church are noted lor tbe
taste and skill with which they manage
their social affairs, and since this btiza ar is
lor a worthy object, tbere is no doubt that
the attendance will ne very large.
Teaturcs of the Past Week in Which Many
Were Interested.
Miss G. Hendticks was t'ivon a pleasant
suiprise party at her home on Bond street
Monday evening in Honor of the anniver
sary oi her birth. The hours w ere delignt
lully spent in cards and dancing, alter
which an elegant luncheon was served.
Tnose present were: The Misses Margaiet
Gray, Gertrude Gray, Bessie McUlareti,
Sully and Hattie Jamison, Elizabeth Linco.
Alice Fulton, Becky Forrester, Alice and
Lou Gil!, -Maine ulflespie, Mazle Graham,
Bessie Wallace una Messers. Will GUI, Ed
ward Wanner, Arm Hunes, Will AlcAteer.
O. S. aanders, Anson and Blair Hanna, J.
fa. Uondricks, Joe Cotntll, Frank Adams,
Frank White. Howard Llnso, Daniel Ful
ton, Alva Tilg, Claud Gray and John H.
On Thursday evening, November 17, T. V.
McKee, M. D., and Miss Mrry Bluucne Way
man ere united In marriage at the resi
dence of tbe bride's parentsiin Ford City,
by liev. J. U. Sutuerland, assisted by Eev.
Hall. The bride 'is the eldest daughter of
Mr. M. D. Wayman, a member of the Pitts
burg Plate Glass Company, and Supeiinten
dent of Construction at the Ford City works.
The groom Is a rising and talented young
physician, and has been located at Ford
City for tbe past two year. The bride Is a
most charming and beautiful young lady,
and presented a lovely appearance as she
euieied the parlor of ljer lather's residence
leaning on tne arm oi her soon-to-be hus
band. She was preceded by her little twin
sUteis and two prettily dressed
flower cirl and followed by Seth
Jessop, M. D., and Mis Maime Pcpler, and
Mr. and Mis. M. D. Wayman. The Kittan
nlng Orchestra, uuder tbe leadership of
Piot. Cuarles Neuberr, rendered the wod
dlug match. As tue young couple reacued
the center ot the room tbey were met by
Key. Sutherland and Kev. Hail, and in a lew
minutes (be impiesslve words were utteied,
the ieaponse given, and the two young per
sons were pronounced man and wife. Alter
congratulations had been extended supper
was served, alter which dancing was in
dulged iu until the 3:30 train was due, when
Mr. and Mrs. JltKee, in company with a
number or Irlenda down tbe road, leit lor
Pittsburg. The youug couple departed for
wasuington city, v. u., fortress uotiroe
and otner points Wednesday morning. Tne
large number of costly ttud elegant presents
bestowed oy friends indicated strongly liuir
highly esteemed both Dr. and Mrt. McKee
aru by all who know them.
Probably the most brilliant church wed
ding tbat has been celebrated In Bntddock
this season, and a notaulesoolety event, was
that in wulcn the nuptial service Joined the
lives ol Miss Anna Marie btrieblch, of West
Braddock, and Mr. John M. Kelly, of this
city. It was solemnized in the St. Joseph's
Gtrmau Catholio Cuurch at Braddook at 9
o'clock! Thnriday morning. The bridal party
moved Into the church to the strains of
Lohengrin's wsdoing march. A lew mo
ments later Mr. Kellv and Miss Strlebloh
were man And wife. The beautiful service I
lasted one hour, solemn nl?h nnptlal mass
being celebrated br tho officiating piiost,
Ber. Father A. A. Wertenbach, and snn,r
bv the lull choir or the church. The bride
was attendod bv her younger sister. Miss
Uo3a Marie Strioblch. and the groom's best
man was Mr. Harry Kelly, his brother. Th e
ushers were Mr. Daniel A. Kelly and Mr.
Joseph A. Striebich. brothers or the uroom
and bride respectively. Tho bride's bru
nette beauty was added to by an exquisitely
made gown or Nilegreen crepodu cliene.and
she bore n bouquet or white rosebuds. Her
maid wore pink crepe du ohene, with flow
era and roses.harmonizlng in colors. Follow
ing the ceremony the bridal party was
taken to tbe home of the bride's parentR, on
Fourth street and Braddock avenue. We3t
Braddock, where tbey received congratula
tions from friends and woro siren a
reception. A wedding dinner followed.
Later Mr. and Mrs. Kelly left on a wedding
tour ol two weeks, to be spent in the South.
They will reside in this city on their return.
The ladles of the Holy Cross Church,
Southside, are making creat preparations
for their annual supper, to be given in the
Interest ot the chuich Wednesday evening,
November 23, at Turner Hall, South- Thir
teenth street. The supper tables will be in
charge of the following ladles:
No. 1 (white), MesdamesD. McCann, James
Walls and Miss J. O'Hanlon. vo. 3 (blue).
Miss B. Doran and .Mesdnmes E. Nicholas
and B. A. McGinty. No. 3 (olive), Mesdamea
John Burke, John Murpliv and William Sul
livan. No. 1 (salmon), Mesdamos Ttiomas
Masterson, William McNamara and John
Cunningham. No. S. (cardinal), Mes
dames D. Coughiln, Thomas Free
born hnd Thomas McCartan. No 6(ornne),
Mesdame D. IIai;an, P. Boyle and P. Ma
gorien. No. 7 (heliotrope). Mrs. Mary Larl
mnr, Sarah Arbnj;artand John Charles. No.
8 (pink), Mesdames Thomas Pierce. Ed
Dascubach and E. McClelland. No. 9 (lav
ender), Mesdames Ed Dickson, M. Lough
ran and Martin Nold. The lemonade boo.h
will be in charge of the Misses Alice Snratt,
B. Hozan anil Grace Faan. Tbe Misses
Alice Coughlin, M.i-rgle Havey. Bridget
Murphy and Annio Carney will sell flowers,
and the Misses Mary Doran, Ella Coughlin
and Katie Burns will look aftor tho tanoy
ork. The Misses Annio Dickson, Bridget
Burns and Mary Mungavan will have charge
of tbe common sense booth.
On Tuesday last Miss Mary Stucky was
surprised at her home on Thirteenth street.
It proved to be one of th-most successful
parties ever held on the Southside. Those
present were the Misses Susie and Lavlna
Jones, Alice ncllshauer, Carrie Crelian
Carrie Weidman, Lida Acklln, Emma
Kraft, Emma and Annie Hectanns,
Aggie Gallagher, Lillian McCoy, Katie
Gaub, Emma Bisler. I'.ertha Krugh, Blanch
Gue, Susie and Muttie McGOwn, Amelia
Siebol. Carrie Wilhelra, Miss Bludlnghau
ser, Messrs. William Fitzpatilck, Joe Mil
ler, Thos. Binirey, Andy McGown, Alex.
Hoerr, Mat Miller, Thos. Springer, Clias.
Owens, Henry Wllhelm, Andy Kunzelmnn,
Dan Hannan, John Wilson.Georite Kay.Wra.
Spreen, Dan McAfee, Wm. Atkinson, and
Mr. Hartman.
The Ladies' Yolun teer Corps of the San
dusky Street Baptise Chutcli will give an
o'.d-lashioned Thanksgiving dinner and sup
per In the old Pittsburg postofflce. The
menu Includes roast turkey, cranberry
sauce, mashed potatoes, stewed tomatoes,
stewed corn, green peas, celery,' plum puil
din.; with tasty sauce, mince pies, pumpkin
Sles, doughnuts, small fruits, coffee and tea,
03i on brown biead, white bread, biscuit,
small cakes. Tho dinner will be served hot
from 12 to 2.30 v.a. The menu for supper
includes: Fried Oysters, cold sliced tui key,
ham, tongue, veal loar, biscuit, lnown b: ead,
white bread, cake, celery, coffee, tea, grapes
and bananas. Tho young ladles will serve
Ice cieam and chocolate and candy in the
afternoon and evening.
The Laurel Valley boclal gave a surprise
party at the residence ot Mrs. Brady In honor
of her dauzhter Monday evening last. Those
present were: Messrs. Harry Martin, Ctiai'es
Bah!, Charles Martin, Louis' liahl, Ed' Miller,
Barney Miller, Andrew Breicbt, Michael
Weise, Clarence Bichey, Frank Miller,
Andrew Stazerwalt, James McAleer,
Christ, Boda, Hugh McAleer, Thomas
Ward, John Mercer. John Wat-on,
William Brady.James O'Neal, Ed Gass, Pnil
Schnoble, Christ Haitman, Joe Scheller,
Christ Kensel, Jakn Heartman, Bachel
Schnohel, Clara E.inlt, Maggie McCroery,
Flo Bichey, Eosy Hartman, Minnie Hart-
roan and tbe Misses ilame liautt, Annie
Martin, Clarah McKinney, Mary Babl, Sallie
McAleer, Emmie Bahl, Annie Mercer, Mary
Mc Alcer, Amelie Boda. Clara Meicer, Ella
A surprise party was tendered Miss Flor
ence East at ber home, Lincoln avenue,
Bellevue, on Friday evenintr. The amuse
ments consisted ot vocal and Instrumental
solos, recitations, charades, dancing, eta At
12 o'clock lunch was served. Among those
present weie the Misses Bessie Spingler,
Gretta Williams, Ida Cameron.Flora Young,
Edith Irwin, Olive Andeison, Mazle Alston,
Nellie Hunnings, Mattie Hunter, Ella Pol
lard, Tillie Burger. Lfflo Fmley.Lena Rhodes,
Ella Mcintosh, Elizabeth Elliott and Messrs.
Bobert nunter, Frank East, liobert Gibson,
James Graham, Flake liwin, Percy stack
bouse, Fred East, Harrv Boyle, George Fin
ley, George Boardman,Henrv Burger, James
Irwin, Jr., Frank Burger, Will Anderson,
Geor'0 Campbell, Arthur Bowman and
Frank Bowman.
Cards are out announcing tho marriage of
Mr. Charles St. Clair to Miss Floronce E.
Williams, dauzhter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Williams, of Harrison avenue, Allegheny.
The event takps place on Thanksgiving
evening at 6 o'clock. After the ceremony
and supper, tbe happy pair will leave over
the B. & O. K, R. for Wasbineton. Baltimore
and Philadelphia, where they will spend
their honeymoon. Upon their return. Mr.
aud Mis. St. Clair will take up their home In
Indiana, a., where tbere awaits them a
pretty home. Mr. St. Clair enters the groc,
ery business in partnership with bis father,
who has a flourishing trade in that vicinity
All who know them will join in their con
gratulations lor a long and happy life.
The Magnolia Euchre spent a very enjoy
able evening at the residence of Miss May
Wheeler, Meyrau avenue, on Thursday last.
Those pi esent weie: The Misses Tillie and
Gussio Nickel, Cairie Schentz, Anna Brown,
Ida and Millie Mangold, Emma Nickel, May
Wheele.. Nellie and Clara Siemon aud
Messrs. Otto Oeting, William Kaiser, Ernest
Nickel, George de, Otto Deiuinler, James
Matthews, A. Goeitner, Sidney Siemon and
liobert Klein. The head prizes were car
l fed off by Miss Gussio Nickel and UoDert
Klein, wmle the booby piizes foil to tbe lot
of Miss May Wheeler and Sid siemon. ,
A pleasant affair during the week in Alle
gheny was the party at tbe residence of Mr,
Koeb. West Diamond street. It was tbe 60th
anniversary of his birth and the tollowing
friends gathered to celebrate tho occasion:
John Kroedel, John Block, Charles Heilman,
Christ. Deltz, Frank Kurtz, Henry Smldt,
Joseph Lenizer, San Aester, Peter Arens,
Allen Juhn, Al Storms, William Fisher,
Aton Thompson, Mr. Bruck, Anna fatandt,
Frankie Until, Bertha Amman, Mamie Ruth,
Marie Buttner, Marie Smldt, Barbara Kui tz,
Lelia Biuck, Baibara Werner. Lizzie Hack,
Emma Schmilzer and Joseph Hoeser.
The members of tho Crystal Euchre were
pleasantly entertained at the home of Miss
Ella McFadden, Used street. The head prizes
were won by Miss Gt ess and Mr. Conley, and
the booby prizes by Miss Ctane and Mr.
Gress. A dainty luncheon was served.
Those present were: Misses Jennieand Liz
zie Irwin, Torley, Lizzie and Rose "Kaiser,
Eucirman, Grace, Sadie and Mame 'McFad
den, Messrs, Alberts, Evans, Moorhonse,
Kaiser, Huston, McGieary, Elder, It win and
Early McFadden.
Miss Margaret vTaylor, of MoCIintock ave
nue, Allegheny, entertained a few or her
iriends Tuesday evening. Card playing and
nw J:r.atiprr-
It's economy to buy'tbe "Eagle"
dancing were enjoyed, after which a delight
ful lunch was served. Amone thoso present
were tbe Misses Sara D. Ewlng, Nora L.
Elliott, Marion Rea, Alice Thomas, Bessie
Holly and Mc-srs. Walter Burns, James Mc
Clelland, Charlei Holly, Charles Thomas, A.
Miller and J. L. Young.
Mr. Je'sse Colbert, of Copelend, son of Mr
Thomas Colbort and Miss Mary Hoover, of
North Braddock, were married In St. Bren
dan's R. C. Church, West Braddock, on
Wednesday mornintc at 9 o'clock, by the
rector. Rev. Father P. Molynoux. Alaruo
number of invited ituests witnessed the
ceremony. Aieceptlon was given at the
home of the bride following the ceremony.
A shoit trip was taken. '
Mr. Joseph E.- Anderson, the popular
yonng chemist, formerly of Allegheny, and
Miss Minnie McElwer wero nnited in matri
mony on Tuesday afternoon at the residence
of tbe bride's patents, rianklin street, Alle
gheny, by tho Rev. Joseph Kjle. Only vho
immediate relatives or the contracting
parties wero present. Mr. and Mis. Ander
son will reside at Sharon, Pa.
The Young People's Dramatic- Society, of
St. John's Church, Lawrenceville, will give
an entertainment on Thanksgiving evening
In Union Hall, Thirty-second and Liberty
streets. The affair is for the benefit of the
church. The enteTtainmont will bo under
the direction or Prof. Urron King and it
will, no doubt, bo a success.
Miss Lillian Taylor, of the West End, and
Mr. John W. Cable were united in marriage
Saturdiy, November 12, liev. Mr. Danohna
officiated, at his residence in the Wost End.
Alter the ceremony the counle returnod to
the bride's residence, wheie an en
joyable evening was spent among their
numerous iriends.
The Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor or the Wilteinsburg Pieshyteilan
Church will follow the very successful social
held recently by mi t-nteitainnient to-morrow
evenln. The society has secured Mr.
Charles Underhill, tbe celebiated elocution
ist, and an enjoyable entertainment li ex
pected. Mrs. Joseph Robbins, of Bobbins station,
entertained at ber elegant home, on Thuis
day afteinoon, from 1 to S. The guests of
honor wero her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Caro
thers, or Braddock, Just returned from her
wedding tour, nnd her friend, Miss Lena
Sloan, oi Cleveland.
Miss Minnie Withcrspoon, of North Brad
dock, was matried to Mr. John U. Eckley, a
pi omlnent young business man of McKees
port, Thuisday evening, at the First Chris
Man parsonago, West Braddock, Rev. F. V.
Brown officiating. An Eastern wedding
trip followed.
A very enjoyable surprise party was held
at the residence of Mr. and Mis. J.W. Brings,
Webster street.Allegheny, last evening. The
many tiiends of the couple had conspired to
surprise Mr. Brl.gs on her birthday, and
light royally they did it.
The German Library Association will hold
a lair at its hall, 303 l'enn avenue, from No
vembers! to November !G It will be open
every evening dining next week, nnd on
Thuisday from 5to8r. at., a Thanksgiving
dinner will be served.
Burgess Thomas G. Aten and wire, of
West Biaddock, entertained about two
dozen guests nt their home on Thursday
night to a delightful projiesslve euchre, and
later by serving an excellent supper.
Rev. Dr. T. N. Boyle, the former popular
pastor of tho Fiist M. E. Church, Braddock,
now ot Unlontown, visited his many iriends
In Braddock the past week. He returned
home yesteiday.
Mr. Frank Shearer, or Braddock, and Miss
Minnie Kuhn, of McKeesport, will be mar
ried in St. Peter's R. C Church at that place
on Thanksgiving Day.
Miss Ada Sloss, formerly of Braddock
now of Turtle Crcok, was wedded at S
o'clock Wednesday evening to Mr. Norman
McCollum, ol Nineveh.
Invitations aie out for an evening party
to be given by Miss Anna Fix, at her home,
Ross and Water stteots, Wilkinaburg, next
Wednesday evening.
Personal Paragraphs.
Mr. D. F. Diblft, of Murraysville, is visit
ing his son, Mr. W. J. Dible, or Braddock.
Miss Ida Oliver, of -"Bidddock, leturncd
yesteiday, after- four months at Washing
ton, d. a
Joseph-Steven son, of South Ncgley avenue.
East End, has returned irom a hunting trip
in tbe fjoutli.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Larkin, or Wost
Braddock, left on Wednesday for a visit to
iew xoTtz uity.
Mrs. Harry Holdano, atter a delightful
visit to ner Allegheny friends, has'returned
to her homo in New Yoik.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Douthett have returned
home from New York, where they have
scent the last two months.
Miss Hallie Whiting, or Canton.O., is visit
ing her -sister; Mrs. A.fred Huntington, of
South Highland avenue, East End.
Mr. and Mrs.Henrv Jackson, of Cleveland,
O., formerly of Pittsburg, have retuinod
home altera pleasant visit to their friends,
Mr. and Mrs. if. A. Jope, of Wytie avenue.
Miss Katberine Huntington, of the East
End, is visitinjr Mr. and Mrs. frank B. Rob-
inson, of New York, where she will lemaln
for the football yamo on Thanksgiving Day.
Mrs. William Johnston, of Main sticot,
and Sirs. W. J. Hammond, and Mrs. Georo
V. Milliken, of Nealey avenue, lert Thurs
day to visit irleuds in Philadelphia and New
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fiowenfeld, nee Mor-Kan-Uern,
are spending Sunday with their
moiner, airs. ju. juornustern, i ulton street,
Allegheny. They leave to-morrow for New
York City.
Mrs. Dr. G. W. Biooks, of Baltimoie, and
Mrs. William Walsh, or Cnmboiland, Md.,
wile or the lata Congiessman Walsh, aie
visitlug their btothor, Mr. George Shane, or
West Braddock.
Miss Asnes Jones, of Lawn avenue, Oak
land, leit last Wednesday on a four weeks'
visit to Cincinnati. She will be the guest of
Captain D. J. Jones, ol East Third street,
and will also visit friends in Ohio and Ken
tucky. A Sewing Blacliino Free.
Our improved oak or walnut $65 machine
placed in your home to use, without cost or
one cent to you. Cut this advt. out and send
with address to-day. Addicss Alvah Manu
facturing Co., Chicago, 111.
FittsDurg & Lake Erie It. E.
Three houis and thirty-five minutes to
Clevelind. Eight houis and twenty minutes
to Buffalo.
Will buy a good second-hand
Machine at
Domestic Office,
Domestic Sewing Machine and Domestic
Patterns. Sewing machines of all makes re-Paireo.-
li f -I.. mm .afc ,
Is the face of this can of the old
Condensed Milk. For 30 years
threading brand of condensed milk
in America. Used for general cook-
ling purposes. It's the best made.
Grocer and Druggist' sell it.
brand rather tbaa-other milk.
- " ,
A new annex to be added in the near future to our present large
rooms compels a reduction of stock.
The goods enumerated comprise the choice of staples sought for
daily, and it will be to the interest of buyers
to attend the sale
Misses' and
Children's Shoes.
SI. 00 buvs a
great merit double or tap sole. $2 buys better in lighter weight
upper. .$2.50 and $3 excellent values. .Cork soles at $3. Bluchers
at $3. Finest goods $4, $5- and $6. -
A mirror could not reflect to a better- advantage than our
Patent Leathers, shapes decidedly pretty fine combinations. Visit
us for perfect footwear. Every foot fitted precise.
' 430-436 MARKET STREET.
,- . - - 1 ,, . ,;w a
Himmelrich's . . ,
School, Dress
Party Shoes.
: " ' I 18 if
I.LU 'f
r mm
p-ood grade Men's Balmoral. $1.50 buvs a shoe of
-; tJk
430-436 Market Street.
This shoe is a fine bright kid of
high grade foremost in 'style
no venture in the purchase--but
a clear saving of ONE DOL
LAR on each pair. '-AH sizes
and widths from AAA to D.
For 'Cloth Tops Kid Button,
Plain or Tipped The offer is on
a shoe 'worth 82 in all the
shapes, widthsNand sizes. It is a
sacrifice that will no doubt find
an echo with many.
Felt and Flannel Lines. These
are the finest weather protectors
we know of our seamless kid
flannel lined is the very essence
of.,comfort as well as style a,
combination seldom united.
The felt upper and felt sole' is a
soother for frosted feet.
Needs no special mention yet to
"bring them to notice of the many
who cherish them beyond price
we still quote them at the low fig
ure of S3.
Party demands one kind Toilet
another Every shade is. rep
resented in this display. To
reach popular appreciation, we
offer elegant lines from 75 cents
This department reaches out to
supply School, Dress and Party
Shoes in an unlimited" selection.
We have reason to know that
our standard makes from 1 and
upwards are very satisfactory.
Hunt where you please no such
values are visible.
A Gallery of Art would not in
spire you any more than our
Men's Department " Sole and
substances features requisite for
- - " -1- - 4