Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 27, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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Intense excitement
Accompanies Bij Trading and Wide
Changes in flew England
Host of the Industrials Continue to Move
New York, Oct 2C The stock market
to-day turned upon the developments in the
New.England deal, definite details of which
were made public this afternoon. The stock
advanced this morning from 47) to 493,
hut toward the close was subjected to a
fierce assault, under which the price broke
rapidly to 44' Enormous blocks changed
hands and a scene of intense excitement
was witnessed in the Exchauge. The final
quotation was 45. The theory alter the
close was that the movement was a coup
prcpartory to the naming of Mr. JIcLeod as
President of the company. The belief
was general that the alliance will inure to
the benefit of all three roads, and that tho
Heading pcoplo have- other plans in con
tcmp!atlon,which will give them control of
one of tho greatest railroad combinations in
the country. It was noticeable that Read
in? was but sligbtlv affected by tho slumn
in Xcw Ens-land. It advanced from blji to
E ana closed at 5S, against 5SJyesier
day. Tho transactions in Kcw England
reached 111,09c and in Heading 121.000 snares,
in a total for the whole list of 141,570.
The tetnner of speculation in tbecarlv
dealings was strong. Some shaies sold off
i to 1 icr cent at tho start, but later ad
vanced to 2 per cent, with tho industrials
in the lead Cbicazo Gas, Distilling and Cat
tle Feeding and Northern Pacific pioferred
being especially strong. The market with
stood the break in Xcw England surprising
ly well, except in the ea.o of Ameiican
Sugar, which dropped to 110. Other stocks,
as a rule, yielded only l to 1 per cent, and
finally recovered to . American Sunr
rallied 1 from the Ion eat. l'eoria, Decatur
and Evansvillo broke 2Jf to 15. The general
market clnse-J steadier.
Railroad ti.nds weie genorally strong.
Tho dealings looted up $1,114,000. Louisville,
2'cw Albany and Chicago consols rose from
101Jf to 104 on a i court that the bonds are
to oe INtcU on tho London Stock Exchange.
' Tho Reading issues wore irregular on slight
changes. Tiie Atchison, Kansas and Texas,
Texas Pacific and Erie mortgages were
The Governing Committee of the New
Tort Stock Exchange to-day lNtcd $14,000,
000 common and $7,W)0,000 preierred stock of
the Minnesota, St. l'aul & Sault Sto Marie
Railway Company; $1,000,000 capital stock ot
the Southern National Bank of New York;
$200,000 additional first mortgage SO-year 6
per cent gold bonds of the West Virginia
Central and Pittsburg Railway Company,
making the total listed to date S3.0U) 000:
$363,000 additional first mortgage 6 per cent
gold bonds or 1007 of the Louisville,
St. Louis and Texas Railway Com
panv, making the total to date
82,800,030; $S,000 000 second mortgage 4 per
cent "class B" gold coupons bonds of 1039
and $3,122,000 second mortgage 4 per cent
rlco A" imnlit Mnnnn hnnritt nf IQW nf tlia
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
Company, the latter to be called "second
2J 4s. class A" gold 19S3: $9,341,100additional
capital stock ot the Mexican Ce.-jtral liail
way Cnmp in v. Limited, making the total to
date $47,841,100; $300,000 additional Unified 50
year 4 per cent gold coupon bonds of
the Louisville and .Nashville R'ail-i-oad,
making the total to date $8,733,
000; $300,000 additional capital stock,
making the total to ' date $6,lf0,000, and
$50,000 additional first mortgage S per cent
convertible gold bonds, making the total to
date $3,100,000 ,of the Edison Electric Illum
inating Company, of NowYoik, and $1,000,
C00 additional capital, stock of the Third
Avenue Railroad Company, making the
total to date $5,000,0.0. The latter is to be
listed on November 21. 1892. The committee
on the stock list was also empowered to list
from time to time the balance of the issue
of Atchison, Topeka nnd Santa Fo Railroad
Company "second mongage 4 per cent class
A" gold coupon bonds ot 1939 up to $80,0JO,000
on notification from the trustee that they
Lave been issned.
Close in mining shares;
Con. Cal. and Va 810 Plymouth so
Deadwood. lOOjsIcrra .Vevada 150
Gould and Curry HO.Standard. loo
Hate aud Norcxoss. .. UOlUnlonCon uj
tfomestake.. .410 leilow Jacket, 170
135 iron Silver &
North btar.
t650 Quicksilver
2900 Quicksilver p.d..
........ 240lllulwer..... .......
.. 390
.. 30
The total sale3 of stocks to-day were 412.000
Minre, including Chicniro Gas, 24,800: Erie,
4,300: Jlissouii Paciflc.3,000: Northern Pacific,
prefened, 15 900; New England, 111.000;
Itoading, 120 S0J; Western Union, 3,400; St.
P.iul, 16,700.
Government bonds tlosed as follows:
TJ. S. 4srcg 114V'Mutual Union 6s 112
11. S. 4s coup mfc' N.J. C. Int. Ort...lll!
u "p. .......luu-sioriucrn i'ae. Il5..ll7
Pacific 0 of '3 107 Hi
Northern Pae. 2ds. .11114:
i.oiu&ua &u.mpca4s 44
KtisKunrl Gs 103
Northw'n Consols.. .133 "
Northw'n Deb. 5s. ..10$
st. I.. & I. SI. cen. 5s 8
St. 1..&S. F.een.Jl.113
St. Paul Consols 12s
st. 1. C. .t V. Ists...ll7
Tenn. new set 65 lOSJi
Jeuu. new set os IW
Ten 11. tiers.et3 75
CinaJl so. 2ds 101
'4i. Pacific lsts 1031s
Den. .t It. G. Ists...ll9
lien. A. C. U. 4 S.5,'4
Krie 2ils 107
51. K. .T. Gen. fis.. W
JI. K. AT. Gen. 5s.. 47
T. P. L. G. Tr. nets. W!
T.P. It. O. Tr. ltcts. 30
Union Pacldc lsts...l(S
West Shore 103
K.G. W 79
The tolloning table shows the prices of active
stocks on the New York stork Lxcliange, corrected
tally forTiiE PlTTDCno Dispatch Dv Whltnev
Astcplienson, Oldest Pittsbure m inbers of .New
Yoik stoci Exchansre. 57 Fourth avenue:
Inz. bid.
esuj Cat.
Am. Cotton Oil
Am. Cotton OK, prd.
Am. Suit. Itcflu. Co.
Aln.Sup.lt. Co.. prd.
Atcb... T. A.S. V
Canadian Pacinc....
Canada soutlieru....
Central of N. J
feulr.il PacIHc
CliesapcaVc .t Ohio..
C. io.lstptd
Chicago Gas Trust..
C H. i QuinCT
C. JIM. A st. rani
a, M. &st.p.. pfd.
C. Hock I. & P....
C St. P.. Si. &o...
C. St.P..M.iO.,pfd
C 3; Northwestern..
134 H
111! I)
9441 res
8Ili mh
116 ll.-,w
654 6"
404 40K
30 30
151' 1M
131 134
1GTS 16K
52 52
C7'4 H7h
Silh HO
S 215,
C. C. C. i I
Col. Coal JL Iron
Col. & Hock- V.ll....
Del.. Lack, ill'....,
Del. Hudson
Den. & ltio Grande.
Dcu. ItIG.. pld.
Dls.'AC. F. Tni.1..
Illinois Central
l.akeKrie AW
Lake Erie ArW- pfd
Lake snares .11. s..
1 uisville -Nasll..
3ric!il?au Ontral...
.Missouri Pacific....,
Nat. Cordarc Co
Nat, Cor. Co.. pfd..
.at. i.caa to .. .
Nat. Lead Co.. pfd..
New York Central..
N.Y.,C.ASt. I.
N.Y.,C.iSt.L ,2pd
w'.ix.e :...
Norfolk & Western-
.11, V,
61 4
Norfolk A Wesu.ptd
tuuu Ainer. 10.....
Northern Pacific....
Northern Hac.pfd..
Oregon Improemt.
l'acilic Hail
Pen. Dec. A Evans..
I'lilla. A Eeadlnfr....
P.. C. C. AM. L....
r CC. A6t.L.pfd
Pullman Palace Car.
61, "i
Klcll. A Vt . P. T.....
hlch. A W. P. T. pfd
3U I'SkUlX 1JU1UIU..
St. Paul A D. pfd...
St. P.. M. A II
Union Pacinc
Wabash pfd
"Western Union
WheellnA L. E...
W. AL. E. prd
Baltimore A Ohio...
! 114
41!, 40
i:k 12
27. 17
!M 98
24 24
64 64
Canse Uneasiness Among Grain Shorts
Provisions Close "Weak.
Chicago, Oct. & Toyrard the end of to
day's session of the Board or Trade talk of
decreasinz receipts a country points besan
to canse uneaslncs3 amonjr the shorts and
the St. Louis people who bad wheat sqld and
Minneapolis men in the same predicament
sent in burins orders in such numbers as to
wako up the local crowd. A lively rally re
sulted and instead of a material' decline
there is practically no alteration in prices of
"Wheat, corn or cats, comparfmr yesterday's
and to-day's closing prices. Ryo was very
weak anil is Irom 1c to Sc lower than on the
day before. Provisions had c, "very dull ses
sion and closed at tho bottom lor the day.
liUc off for pork, 7Xo for lard and 5o for
Wheat opened with free liquidation nnd
tho market had a season of sagging -prices.
December was the weakest, and on selling
by Nash-Wright, Armour, Schwartz-Dnpee
ana some other prominent houses the dis
count on May widened to 5Jc,the difference
yesterday having been 5o or die Smaller
receipts in tho Northwest Ibi 'cars at
Duluth and Minneapolis and the slight de
crease In tho receipts at other primary
markets had a tendency to check tho weak
ncss, but the big stocks everywhere, the
scorning indifference abroad, the continued
freedom In deliveries and the prospect of
anothor big increaso in the visible now
large and almost beyond precedent were
all regarded with distrust.
Corn was weak and lower early on the
finer weathor. the dullness in the shipping
demand and the weakness in wheat and
provisions. Later, however, thero was an
UDturn on free covering by shorts. The
market dovclopedmuch strength during the
last hour, the firmness in wheat helping the
advanco in corn, tho idea having been
prevalent that it was impossible to bull corn
whon wheat was under 75c. Keports from
the country continued to mention the poor
quality of the grain as revealed by the husk
ing, and country dealers reported offerings
falling off.
Oats were easy and lower early, but soon
recovered. There was decided firmness
during the last hour.
Hog products were easier on free offer
ings, and a decided falling off in the demand.
Tho clique seems to be leaving tho market
to itseir. English houses were selling lard.
Freights were slow. Offerings of room
were ampin and demand smalL Rales were
steady at 2c for wheat and2c for corn room
to Buffalo.
Cash quotations were a follows: Flour
dull, a few sales effected at material con
cessions. No. 2 spring wheat, Wic; No. 3
spring wheat, COgG-to- No. 2 red, 7c. No. 2
corn, 4142c. So. 2 oats. 29XC: " " white,
S3Vc; No. 3, white. 3032rc. No. 2 rye. 51c
No. 2 barley, GOgJGlc; N'o. 3, f. o. b., 4062c: No.
4. f. o. b.. 3251c. No. 1 flaxseed, $1 11J
Prime timothv seed, $1 65. Mess pork, per
bbl, $12 2012S0. Lard, per 100 lbs. $S 60S 65.
Short rib sides, (loose), $7 8C10 75. Dry
salted shoulders, (boxed), $7 457 50. Short
clear siues, iuuxouj, v iwitso . iiaijr,
disstillers' finished goods, per, gal, $1 15.
Sugars Cut loaf unchanged; No. 3 corn, 40
Receipts Flour, 23,000 harrcls: wheat, 644,
000 bustiols; corn, 436,000 bushels; oats, 370.
00J bushels: rye, 45.000 bushels; barley, 153,000
bushels. Shipments Flour, 16 COO barrels;
wheat, 173.0IX) bushels: corn, 249,000 bushels:
oats. 318.000 bushels; rye, 1,000 bushels; bar
ley, 60,000 bushels.
Range orthe leading futures, furnished tv John
M. Oakley & Co., hankers and brokers. No. 45
Sixth street:
Open- High- t.ow- Clos- Close
Ahticles. lug, est. esU lug. Oct. 5
October I 71X 8 715f
November. ,
December. 73'f I 73 8 73H 73 73V
May. 7S 79 79 7W4 79
October 42 42 . 413 41V 41V
Noiember. 4:'4 4?4 4HJ 42V1 42;
December. 42JJ -42H 4I! 4214 42
May M'A 4S'j 45Ji 40H 46J4
October. VH &X
November, 2)M WH 29 -9T 295s
December. SOV 31.4 30, 305n 30
May MH 35 34.4 J4?i UH
October. 12 12 12 22 12 12, 12 22, 12 35
November. 12 25 12 25 12 20 12 25 12 37
January 13 52 1357 13 45 13 47 13 60
Lard. 1
October 8 65 8 65 8 62 8 82 8 72
November. 7 90 7P5 7 85 7 95 800
January 762 765 7 57 7S7 765
Siioist Ribs. . 1 .
October 10 50 10 73 10 50 10 75 10 .r0
November. 800 800 7 75 7 75 780
Jannary 697 697 6 92 692 697
Car receipts for to-day Wheat. 6S2; corn. 46S:
oats, 210. Estimates fur to-morrow U heat, 420;
corn, 450; oats, 215.
New York Flour Eecelpts, 29,500 pack
ages: exports, 220 barrels, 4.500 sacks;
moderate demand and easy; sales, 13,000 bar
rels. ,
Coktmeal steady ana in fair demand.
Wheat Receipts, 212.100 bushels; exports,
89,000 busiieU: sales, 3,520,000 bushels futures.
160,000 bushels spot; spot lairly active and
easier, closing steady: No. 2 red, TbJo store
and elevator. 76?c afloat, 77K78Jo f. o. b.:
No. 3 red, 70 c; ungraded red, 6877c; No. 1
Northern, 81Jfc; No. 2 Northern, 75Jc: No. 2
Milwaukee, 76c; options were fairly active,
irregular and Jic lower, opening weak
and declining li(jo on largo receipts, moro
favorable weather, foreign selling nnd local
realizing reacted c on imuroveu export
demand, higher West and shorts covering,
declined ';c on. easier cables and closea
steady; No. a red, Deccmher. 73 l-167SJaC,
closing nt 7SVc; Jinuarv, 79iS0e, closing at
79Jic:,May, 85 1-16(585 9-16c. closing at S5Jc
ltYE V estem, 5960o.
Barley auiot; Western, C575c
Barley Malt dull; city-made Canada, $1 00
1 0'i.
Cor.s lleceipls, 114,f03 bnsbels; exports,
79,000 bushels: sales. l,140,000,bushels futures,
168,000 bushels snot; spot firmer and mod
eratelv active; No. 3, 50J50Jo elpvaor;
5K50e afloat; ungraded mixed, 49Klc;
options opened weak and declined lc,
on realizing advanced )c with the VY est
and closed firm at Hgc over yesterday's.
November, 5014651c, closing at 504JC; Decnm-i
ber. 5152c. closing at 52ic; May, 51?
52?c, closing at 52Ke.
Oats Ueceiptr, J90.0T0 bushels; sales. 325,
000 bushels futures, 217,000 bushels spot; soot
firmer and fairlv active; options quiet;
November, 34 11.1635Jc. closing at 35c;
Dpcember, 3637c, closing at 37c; Mav
33l0ic, closing at 40Jc: No. 2 spot white,
39c; mixed Western. S436c; white do, 39
4ic; . o. 1 unicaso, c
Hay quiet and easy.
(Jroceries feoffee Optionsopened steady
04510 points jugner. and closed steau
steady. 51325
points up: saies, 4.,aj oajrs, mcinainir uoto-
ber, lo 7015.8ac; November, 15.4015.50c: De-
i;t-iuum, A,j.iviLgw mil, uuuuarv. 14.uoisid.iuc;
Pebmnrv. 14S5c; March. 14.8514.90c; April,
14.7014.75c; May,14.65H 75; spot Kio firmer
and quiet; No. 7. 16c. Sugar, raw, quiet
and Ann: refined steady and lairly active:
off A. 4 5-lG4 11-16C; granulated. 4 13-16IJJc.
Molasses Foreign nominal; New Orleans
qniet and steady. Bice in good demand and
Cottoxsfed On. quiet and e!ldy.
Tallow flimer and dull; ($3 for packasesl .
4 9-lCc.
Eosix quint and steady; strained, common
to cood. $1 301 33.
TcarESTiSE quiet and steady.
Egos in moderate demand and steady; re
ceipts 11,074 package".
Hoc Products Pork firm and qnlet. Cut
meats firmer: nlckled bellies, 8stic: do
shouldei-s. 771ic: middles inactive. Lard
Inner and dull: Western steam closed at 1
$ 15; sales of 100 tierces at $9 15: option !
f-nino, none: uctooer. closed at 19 15: No
vember closed at $3 31 bid;January closed at
$7 95 asknd.
Daiby Peoducts Bnttpr firm and in mod
erate demand: Elsin, 29c Cheese moder
ately active and steady.
Philadelphia Flonr quiet and weak
Wheat No. 2 red. October. 73?73;c: No
vember, 7S?cra73Kc: December, 75KS'5ic:
January. :7ii&Vic. Com Active; local
carlots qniet mid steadv: uniraded and I1M1
mixed, in grain depot, 51c: No. 2 mixed, "in
prain depot, 51c: No. 2 mixed, October nnd
November. 40lf?49)e: December, 4S48:ic
January, 4Se4SVic Oats Carlots teauv but
demand lillt; futures qniet: Xo. 3 w'hite
37c: No. 2 white. 09c: N'o. 2 whlrp. on track
S9Jc; No. 2 white, October, 38K3)c: No
vember. 2iiZl4c; December, 3SV39c:
Januarv, 38Ji39Kc Butter scarce and
firm; Pennsylvania creamery extra. 28V
29o. Eire-B quiet and steady; Feunsylvanfi
firsts, 23K24c
Minneapolis Tli ere was considerable in
terest to day in tha wheat market because of
me liquidation in uecemoer. The May op
tion was stronc, but December barely hefd
its own under tho free offerings to soil, while
Mny held strons and closed nta cood ad
vance. The cash market was in cool condi
tion. There were 160 cars sold at C9Jc, No. 1
Northern. The remaininc spies were mostly
between 6969!4e. In No. 2 Northern 53 cars
sold nt 65c and 25atC5c Receipts of wheat
here were 467 cars, and at Dulnth and Su
perior 289 cars. Closing pricei May, 75Jc:
yesterday, 75c: October, CSVc; vemerdav
St. Louis Flonr unchanged. Wheat Cash
steady at CGJfJc: options fluctuated within a
nanow limit nnd closed JQJc above yester
day: December finished at 69U69ji;c- May,
77c. Corn declined 4c earl3 but re
covered later nnd closed JVic over yester
day; cash, 37541c; November, a&c: December,
SSKc: year. S7Kc; May, UJjjc. Oats were a
shade better; cash nnd October, 28c- Mav
33JIC Rye lower nt 53KC Barlevne-rleeted!
Bran lower at 55c, east trace. Hay dull
nnd unchanged. Flaxseed higher at $1 08.
Cornmeal quiet at $1 85l 90.
Cincinnati Flonr quiet. Wheat dull- No.
2 red Held at C9c. 67c bid; receipts, 6,000 bnsh
es; shipments, 1,000 "bu'hels. Corn dull- No.
2 mixed, 44o. Oats qnlot and steady at 32c
Eye quiet: No. 2, 57c. Pork steady at $12 50.
I-ard firm at $3 25. Bulkmeats steady at $7 75
S 00. Bacon firm at $9 87M9 50. Whisky
active: sales, 996 barrels at $1 13. Butter
firm. Eggs stross-r at 17K18c Clieeae
Kansas City Wheat fairlv active' at un
chauged orices; No. 2 old, 67c; now, 574358c;
.No. 2 red 69660c. Corn dnll and unchanged;
No. 2 mixed, 3434c; No. 2, 272S,c. Ke-cefpts-Wheat,
116,000 bushels: corn. i,000
bushels: oats, none. Shipments Wheat,
72,009 bushels; corn,12,eO0 bushels; oat,' none.
But tho Bulging Feature of tho List
Is Still Weakness.
Philadelphia Company Shows a Eccovering
"Wednesday, Oct 26.
Trading in local securities was fairly
active and well distributed on 'Change to
day, bnt the tone of the market was about
as it has been for several days past gener
ally weak aud unsettled. Airbrake fur
nished one of the features of the day by a
further drop to 12S130, with considerable
for sale at about the latter price and a dis
position to take hold at the former. The
scare created by the rumors about the New
Tork Brake Company nnd fhe New York
Central is subsiding, and as the concrete
facts come to the surface it is seen that
there was no reason to be scared at
alL There is no more reason now
to believe that tho New York Company will
ever be able to compete with the home com
pany than there over was: its business and
propects have not changed any: tho New
York Central liatlroad management has not
indorsed its apparatus either directly or
indirectly, and the lact that it was driveu to
secure a postponement of its case for in
fringement until December may be accepted
as a point in favor of the position taken by
the Westingliouse Company. The rumors
came to hand very opportunely, however,
.for tliise who were woiklnc to net tho stock
down, and while it may iio a little lower be
fore the influence of the story hus spent Its
force, it looked at the close to-day as if the
rallying point was close at hand.
The pressure to soil Philadelphia Com
pany was even less to-day than yesterday,
and in consequence the stock was firmer,
with a rislnp; tendency.
Electric was stronger, with a sale, of the
first preferred a fraction above par. It Is
current talk in excellent quarters that the
meeting or the directors :i week nso last
Wednesday, mention of which wns made in
these columns, wns mainly for tho purpose
of conIderins a new proposition from tho
General Electric Company for consolida
tion, ana that ltagucceptance hinges on
questions so slight. to make it almost a
certainty that the Westinghouse Company
will soon be a member of the combine. To
these farts, it is said, is due the quietude of
the stock that has been so noticeable during
the past week or ten days.
. Trading in tun street railways was com
paratively brisk, bnt there was no particu
lar change in any of them.
In'tbe lemainder of the usually active
list steadiness was the featnre, with United
States Glass and Union Switch and Signal
lairly strong.
In the bank list "Liberty National Bank
gained a half point at HObld, and a small
lot of Union National sold at 589.
The Movements on 'Change,
Electric second preferred sold at 37 'at
the fli st call, and at the closing board 67
was bid for more. Philadelphia Company
sold at 21 at the first call, nt the same price
at the third, closed at imSHliS and was
wanted at 21 atter the close. Manu
facturers Gas sold at 2SK. which was its
only quotation. Union Switch and Signal
sold at 18 nnd closed at 1819. Westing
house Electric first prefened sold at 50J.
Duquesne ti action wns weaker nt 28 sales
ond a eloso at 2S' bid. P., A. & M. traction
oldat 44K. Citizen traction at 62 and
P. & B. traction at 24 . People's Pfpoige
sold at 15. closing at U15. Union
National Bank sold at 500 and Luster at 9.
Pleasant Vallev railnay was quiet bat
strong at23K6'-- and Central traction was
stronger at"2S-29. After tue close the
latter was quoted at 2S29.
United States Glass common was bid up
to 66, and the preferred also gained a frac
tion. Underground Cable was lractionally
off and others were unchanged.
Mining Shares.
In an article on the situation at the Enter
prise Mining Company's mines, a journal
devoted to mines and mining says: "Just
now, if rumor tells the truth and rumor In
'this case is armed with all the credentials of
truth Mr. Crawford, of the Enterprise, at
Rico, is a man who hai dug ontside bis side
lines into the ground of claims belonging to
tho Rico-Aspen Company, and robbed them
of a great many thousand dollars worth of
ore. Underground surveys made by Mr.
Max Boehmer, or Eeaaville, whose work no
one will question, shows this to be the case.
Not content with robbery ho cave orders, it
is claimed, to his foreman to shoot ground
in contest between the companies at a time
and in a way which endangered life, and did
seriously mjuie tne ioreman on tue Kico
Aspen." Friends of the Enterprise here declare
that Messrs. Crawfotd and Posey will soon
give their version ot the affair to the public.
A sale ot 1,000 shares Bed Cloud was re
ported to-day, bnt the price was not given.
As the stock has tietn persistently offered on
'Change of late at 1, it is surmised that the
sale wax in tbo neighborhood of 1. Under
the rose it is said that the weakness ot the
stock Is duo to talk to the effect that the
dividend due next montliwill be passed.
Railroad News.
The following is the monthly statement ot
the business of tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. All lines East of Pittsburg and
Erie for September. 1892, as compared with
the same month in 1891 shon:
Decrease in gross earnings s 61,53.1
Increase In expenses 131,813
Decrease in net earnings of $ 193.341
The nine months or 1892 as compared with
the same period of 1891 show:
Increase in gross earnings 81,071. C30
Increase In expenses 2,024,142
Decrease In net earnings of. 8 952, 4C2
All lines west of Pittsburg and Erie for
Septomber. 1892, as compared with the same
month in 1S91, show:
Increase in pros earnings.
Increase in expenses
,. 163,657
Decrease In net earnings 155,035
Tho nine months of 1892, as compared with
the same period of 1891, bhow:
Increase in gross earnings 92,570,613
increase In expenses...:
Decrease in net earnings 8 20256
Ofilcials of th- Atchison, Topeka and
Santa Fe are particularly pleased with the
report to bo laid before the annual meeting
of stockholders at Topeka to-morrow. It is
one of the most favorable reports ever made
by tha t company, presenting a marked con
trast to the rather discouraging financial
statements of recent years. During the first
nine months or this year tho gain in gross
earnings has amounted to $2,243,051. This
increaso, it is claimed, is largely due to tliu
natural development of tne territory
.traversed by tho road, and is not the result
of exceptionally lavoraulo circumstances.
Consequently, there is every reason to believe-that
the present prosperity or the com
pany will continue. Ititfuotexpected, how
ever, that even under such circumstances
the Atchison will return to a payment of
dividends within the next year or two.
Like the Bock Island it will no doubt
devoti a largo portion of its earnings to im
provements before beginning to distribute
the profits to stockholders.
Bondholders of the Georgia Southern and
Florida ltailioad met to-day under call of
tne trustees ot tne mortgage, the Mercantile
Trust and Deposit Company, pf Baltimore.
Of the $3,120,000 bonds there were repre
sented $2,922,000 by holders in Baltimore, New
Tork. Itlchmond nnd Savannah. It was de
cided by resolution to indorse tho foreclosure
action of the ti ustees, A committee was ap
pointed to represent the bondholders in the
foreclosure proceedings and to transact
business looking toward placing the com
mittee inactive control of the bonds pend
ing these proceedings.
It is officially statud that the November
coupon on the second mortgage bonds of
tbo Peoria. Decatur and Evansvillo road
will be paid.
President A. N.MeLeod, of the Beading,
has been elected President of the Boston
and Mane.
An officer or the Reading Company, in re
ferring to tne proposed adoption of the
block system on the main line andi other
parts ot the system, said that the matter had
been practically decided upon, bnt that no
contracts had been made, ns the system to
be introduced had not been fully deter
mined upon. He had no doubt, lionever,
but the best that money could purchase
wonld be adopted.
Financial Notes.
Off 'Change Andrew Caster sold 10 shares
Westinghouse Airbrake at 131 and a small
lot of People's Pipeage at 15.
H. M. Long sold Electrio second pre
ferred and Morris & Brown aud J. B. Bar
bour bought. '
The sellers of Phillle to-day wore
Hill ft Co., Lawrence- Co. and the bnyers
.were Messrs. Long, Barbour and Carothers.
W. J. Bobinson sold Luster to Fred Kiuc
hart. Morris ft Brown sold Ditquesne to Hill ft
Co," J. V. Bailey and Hill ft Co. sold P., A. ft
M. to Long and Hill & Co. sold Citizens
traction, to A. A. Adams. The latter uold
Pineago to J. D. Bailey.
P. A B. traction was sold by Morris &
Brown to Btnohart and Hill & Co.
Lawrence & Co. sold Electrio first pre
fnrrod and Union National bank to
Fritz and Rlnehart sold Switch and Signal
to Morris & Brown.
Tho Comptroller of the Currency to-dav
nuthorized the Delaware County National
Bank qf Mnncie, Ind., to begin business with
a capital or$I00,000.
BusslanTonbles wore freely offered on the
Berlin bourse to-day, and the price decllitod
to 201, owimr to tho unfavorable impression
created by tho Russian budget.
Thero are rumors afloat that a. nortion of
the Increased capital of Western Union is to
bo.used to absorb tire Montreal Telegraph
Comnanv of Canada. Report has it that the
basis will be two shares of Western Union
stock for one share of Montreal Telegraph.
The remainder of the increase will be made
a stock dividend.
Good progress is making toward an agree
ment between the Westinghouse and Gen
eral Electric companies with reference to
the -use of the Incandescent lamp. Tills
means a termination of all chance of fur
ther litigation, and it ought also to prove n
potent force in lifting the price or tho
stocks of botli companies. Boston TraceUer.
At auction In Philadelphia vostordav $15,
000 ritv of nttsburg water loan 7s 1895, sold
at 111J& 87 shares of Pennsylvania Railroad
nt d555, and 33 shares Pennsylvania
Steel Company at 125K- -
Sales and Closing Quotations.
Transactions on 'Change to-day were as
150 shares Wcstln)ihouse Electric M pfd
5 shares Westlnicliouse rlectrlc 2d pfd
31 shares Philadelphia Company.
56 shares Man ufartut era Gaa ,
20 shares Union Switch and Signal ,
CO shares Westinghouse Electric 1st pfd.
SO shares Dnqucsnc traction
60 shares P., A. AM. traction
25sharesP.. A. &M. traction
IrO shares Citizens traction
30 shares p. Ji I!, traction
1C0 shares People's Pipcage
10 shares Union Switch and Signal
100 shares Philadelphia Company
29 shares Philadelphia Company ,
5 shares TJ nlon National Bank ,
25 shares Luster Mining Company
5 shares Luster Mining Company ,
30 shates Luster Mining Company ,
35 shares B. all. traction
. 28
. 444
. 444
, 62
. 244
, U5
, 2l
. 500
. 8
Total sales, 893 shares. Closing bids and oners:
.lit call. Mean. 3d cad.
Bid Ask BldlAsk Bid" Ask
Allegheny Nat Bonk 07 f f
First Nat. B'k IMIts 180
German Nat. Bank 323 32;
Iron CltvNat. Bank 01
Liberty Nat. Bank 110 ....
M.& M.N. Bank... 74 .... 74! .... UK ....
Motion. Nat. Bank 145 ....
Odd Fellows S. lik 72 .... 72 .... 72
Third Nat. Bank... 12S
Tradesmen Nat. Bk 217Jj
Birmingham Ins 53
Citizens' Insurance 32 .... 32 .... 32 ....
Humboldt Ins G5 .... G5 .... G5.
People's Ins 25 7?f.
Teutonla Ins. Co 59
Western Ins. Co 40 38 .... ts
People's N. Gas Co .... 32
l'eop'sN.G.&l'.Co. IAH iH 14,'d lihi 14 15'4
Philadelphia Co.... 21M 21 2IJ4 21 214 2I
Wheeling Gas Co My, .... ia)3 .... 'K'i
Central Traction 287a .... 28V 23i
Clilzens' Traction.. 62 63 C2& .... 62?S ....
PlttsburgTractlon.. 08V1
Pleasant Valley 23'4 252f 25.s .... 25i 25
Second Avenue 50
P. Y. & A. R. K 49 .... 49 ... 40
Pitts. & Las. Mian 11 .... 11 .... 11
Pitts. W. SKv 53
N. Y. SC. G. C. Co. 50
Handbtreet Bridge .... 44 .... 44
North. . Bridge 49V .... 50
LaNoria Min. Co.. 12c 14c 12c 14c 12c lie
Luster Mining Co.. 9 9J4. 9 9J 8K 94
Bed Cloud Min. Co ljj
Monon. Kar. Co 70,4
Monon. Water Co 3i; ... 32!
TInionS. AS. Co.... 18 .... 1S 18'B 18J 1")
West. Airbrake Co. 123 129 125 I JO 123 130
"West BrakeCo.ltd 100
Stand'dU. Cable Co 75X 70 7j 7G3i 75 75V
U. S. Glass Co. , com Hi 67 00!i ... CG
U. s. UlassCo.,pfd. I14ftj .... 114I1 ....
Closing Philadelphia Quotations.
29 3-10
32 't
' 1S
Buffalo. N. Y. & Philadelphia.,
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation
Phllade'phU and Erie
Northern Pacific, common ,
Northern Pacinc, prelcrren
Electric Stocks.
Oct. 26. Speeta!.-
Closing quo-
. 3j
,. 49'
,. 12S;
:: .5
Geueral Electric
General Electric, pra A...
Westinghouse Klcctric
Westinghouse Electric pfd
Fort V ayne Electric
Fort Waine Electric (A)
Thomson-Houston Trust (D)
T. E. E. W
Boston Stocks Closing Trices.
Atchison Topeka.. 89j
fatalpa 171$
Franklin h
Kcarsarge 11
Osceola 2V3
anta Fc Copper 10
Tamarack j 157
Anniston Land Co... 25
lloston Laud Co 53,'
West Lnd Land Co.. 17,'i
Hell Telephone 20S
Lain son 1-tore S 10
Water Power 21-18
Cent. Mining 7
N. E. Tel. .4 Tel. Co. CO'i
B. Jt B. Copper
noston & Aiujny....uil
Boston & Maine 133
Chi.. Bur. A Culncy.103
Fttcliburg It it 84,'i
Ulnti Fere ilar.pfd 7u
Mass. Central 17
Mex. Cen. com 1554
N . T. & N. England. 415o
N. Y. & N. E.7J....1I'!
Old Colony ISO
Wis. Central com... lOJi
Allouez M. Co. (new) 1
Atlantic 104
Boston & Mont 33f
Calumet & HccU....2&
A firm 56 percent market prevails lo
cally, with the demand quite active, es
pecially from manufactnringsources. There
appears to be plenty of money for nil re
quirements. Call loans were made to-day at
5 per cent, and lit one instance tho borrower
said he could have secured the money for
four months nt the same rate. Eastern ex
change nnd currency nro trading even.
Bostox, Oct 26. Clearing House balance?,
$2,255,176. Rjite, 5C per cunt. CaIl loans, 6
percent. Time loans, 5G per cent.
New Yoek. Oct. 26. Money on call easier
nt 3 to 7 per cent: last lo.tn at 3 per cent:
closed oirereu nt 3 percent. Prime mer
cantile paper, 56 per ctnt. Sterling ex
change weak ai. $4 81l 8J for 60-day
bankers' bills and $1 86 iur demnnd.
Clearing House Figures.
Exchangro to-day 82,&S,201 45
Balances 10-day. 323,tSb 9
Mime day last week:
Exchanges $2,921,122 C8
Balauces 433,938 yj
Xw York. Oct. 26. Clearings,. $135,459,593;
balances, $6,893,344.
.Bostok, Oct. 26 Clearinc. $19,774,876; bal
ances, $2,255,176. Monev, 5S per cent. Ex
change on Now York, 12i7 discount.
Philadelphia. Oct. 26. Clearings to-dav,
$14,7u3,010; balances, $2,143,386. Money, IX
per cent.
Chicago, Oct. 26. Bank clearings to-day,
$18,228,890. New York exohango, 20 per cent
discount. Sterling exchange dull at $1 83
tor6C-daybllls;$4 8C for sight drafts. Money
active and firm at .16 per cent.
St. Louis, Oct. 26. Bank clea rings, $4,500
694; balances. $413,784. Money quiet lit 67
per cent. Exchange on New York, 5s dis
count. New Orleans, Oct. 26. Clearings, $1,383,029.
New York exchange Commercial, 75c per
$1,000 discount. Bank par.
Mssirais, Oct. 26 New York exchange
selling at par. Clearings, $373,233: balances.
Baltimore, Oct. 26. Bank clearings, $2,-
riKmJ.linl..B. Jjn n? a,..- i. L.
f7,wvi. uaiauf W, f M",W- .Uiic, o JIU1 L13UI.
, BarSilver.
New Yoke, Oct. 26. Special. Bar silver
In London ll-16d lower, at 3S-d per ounce.
New York dealers' price for silver l4c lower,
at 5Jc per ounce.
Foreign financial.
Loxdow, Oct, 26. Amount of bullion with
drawn Ironi the Bank of England ou balan ce
to-day, 70 000. -
Pabis, Oct. 26. Three per cent rentes 99',
27 centimes tor the nccount.
lx)Xbox. Oct. 28. Close Consols, money,
9G1MG; do account, 96-Jf: New York, Pounsvl-vnnl-i
and Ohio flrjt, a3: Canadian Pacific,
88; Erie. 27Ji; do seconus, 110; Illinois Cen
tnuBKJi: Mexican ordinary, 22; St. Pnul
common, '83; New York Central, 113;
Pennsylvania, 57; Reading, SO'yi; Mexican
Centra, hew- 4s, 7 Bar silver, SOJiJ.
.Money, Jil per cent. Bate or discount in
the open market lor short and tbree months
bills, 1i per cent.
New York-Metal Market.
Hew York-, Oct 26. Pig iron quiet and
steadv: American,$13 0015 50. Copper steadv:
lake, $11 75 11 S5. Lead dull: domestic, S3 80
1 CO. Tin easier; straits, $20 5520 00.
401 Smlthfield Street, Cor. Fourth Avenue.
Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $75,600.
Deposits of $1 ana upward received and
Interest allowed at t per cent. . tt
OCTOBER 27, 1892.
In the East End Show a Large Increase In
Values Many New Improvements to Be
.Made Plenty of Building Permits Cur
. rent Sales and Gossip.
"Wednesday, Oct. 2G.
Two sales of unimproved property which
were closed to-day, while not being very
large deals, show the increase in realty
values that has occurred in the East, End
within the past year. James M. "Wilkinson
visold the Daum property on Wilkins ave
nue, adjoining Judge Kennedy s property,
having a frontage of 200 feet on Wilkins av
enue by 250 feet in depth, to W. E. Schmertz
and William Loefller, for $13,000, or $65 per
loot front. The purchasers will erect sev
eral lino dwellings on the promise-", ono of
wuicu atr. acuincrtz intends to occupy us u
Mr. Wilginson also sold for Henry Rob
erts a piece of vaeint ground situated on
Penn avenue, near DenniMon avenue, 80x231
feet, for $15,000, or $187 50 per foot frout.
Thisjjroperty will also bo improved.
Both or these sales show an increase In
value within a little more than one year of
over 50 per cent.
A Little Gossip.
A deposit of $10,000 by certified check, on
account of the purchase of the Government
property, corner Penn avenuo and Garrison
alley, will bo required of the successful bid
der at the time of sale, November 1G, in de
fault 01" which the nioperty will be reoffered
for sale.
Tho property owned by .Tnlius Voctter,
situated on Dcnnlston avenuo, no.ir Mar
chand street, having a frontage or lSOreet
by 270 leat in depth with two brick dwell
ings, it is reported, will change hands in a
few days. The final papors, it is said, are
now being prepared, the consideration
being $27,000.
The erection of 20 fine dwellings has been
commenced on Homer street and Avondale
place, East End.
Building Permits.
Tho following permits were issued to-day:
The Siiteenth Ward School Board, a two
story brick school house, Ella street, be
tween Minerva street and Liberty avenue:
cost, $14,315. W. W. Curd, a two-sjory stone
nnd frame stable, Penn avenue between
Lang and Homewood avenues; cost, $S,000.
W. W. Thompson, a two-tory brick dwell
ing, Wallingford avenno, near Neville
street: cost, $(5,500 W. C Gundelfinger, a
tnree-story brick store and dwelling.
Main street, near Carson street; cost,
$9,000. Pittsburg Iron Tlate Company,
u two-story brick dwelling. Cen
ter avenue, between South Negley
nnd College avenues avenues; cost, $8,000. J.
. Burg, a twosiory buck dwelling rear
Forty-second street below Butler street:
cor, $4,500. Mrs. Michael Elinn, a two-story
brick dwelling. No. 23 Acorn street: cost,
$2,200. I'eter Trontman, a frame addition,
Ainond street: cost, $4C0. Chris C. Weinkoff,
a one-story frame slaughter house, rear Lin
coln avenue; co-r, $100. Jlurphv & Diebold,
a two-story frame dwelling, Reynold ave
nue, between Homewood and Lang avenues;
cost, $2 500. P. J. Byrne, a two-story brick
dwelling, Locust street between Magee and
Chestnut streets; cost, $960.
Keports From the Brokers.
Hoffman & Baldride sold lor Samuel W.
Black 11 piece of property on the corner of
Penn avenue and Woodstreet, Wilklnsburg,
42x70 feet, for a price approximating $12,600.
Baxter, Thompson & Co. sold lot No. 145 in
the Bank of Commerce addition plan, Brush
ton station, fronting 49 feet on Frnnkstown
avenue.by 110 feet to a 20-foot alley, for $1,250
John It Ewing & Co. sold for Mrs. Johanna
Deady, to Hugh Mai shall, a lot 20x100 feet on
Ridzewood avenue, Second ward, Allegheny,
for 4775 cash.
A. Z. Byers & Co. sold for William A.
Black, Esq.. to William Conn, two lots in his
plan, Tenth ward, Allegheny, being lots
Nos. 103 and 109, 40x100 feet, fronting on East
End avenue, extending through to Grant
avenue, tor $500.
Reed B. Coyle & Co. report the salo of lot
No. SO In the Highland Place plan, fronting
50 feet on Pacific street and extending back
126.93 feet to an alley, for $1,900.
Gemge Schmidt sold another lot on Look
out avenue, being No. 119 in his Eureka Place
plan, Oakland, for $000 on easy tonus.
Black & B.iird sold to Henry C. Burns lot
Xo. 79 in the Alta Land Company plan, 011
Duquealie Heights, lor $99.
Mercantile and Manufacturing Lines,
With Hesitation in One or Two Direc
tions and More Expected as Election
Day Approaches Butter and Eggs
Higher Grain Weak.
"Wednesday, Oct. 2G.
Trade in mercantile and manufacturing'
lines is being conducted at present on a
rather liberal scale despite politics, and the
demand is increasing rather than otherwise.
l:i some lines, however, which depend
largely upon the patronage of the farmer
for support there is just now, it is said, a
little hesitation. This is chargeable, not to
the farmer's inability to pay lor goods, but
rather to his good fortune. The we ither for
a month past ha3 beon almost uniformly'
excellent, and farm work of all kinds is
being pushed forward more rapidly and to
better advantage than far a number of
years. This keeps tho taruier employed and
prevents his visiting town and city to make
purchases. A little later a recompense will
come. With his crops ready for the market
and his giound plowed and sown, he will
not only have timn to buy, but money to
pay, and country trade will almost boom.
The hard ware men leport slow trade from
this cause, but are confident that they will
transact a very heavy fall business in the
country. Up to this time the approaching
election has had no effect npon business,
but from now on the uxciteiuent will in
crease to the delay of general trade. Early
in November this will be a thing of the past
and tiadc will be excellent.
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Sales on call at tho Grain and Flour Ex
change to-day: One car sample oats, spot,
26Jc; one car winter wheat bran, spot,
$14 50;onocar No. 2 white oats five days,
b7c; one car do, 37c. Bids and oilers:
Bid. Asked.
.$:4 01 iu 50
.. 14 50 ir, 50
.. 15 59 17 W
. 71 76
45'i i)
45 13
. 53 5r;
alii 7
35 3!
. 12 75 13 10
. 11 50 11 75
45 49
. 41 46
. say 37
. 13 75 14 5(1
. 14 5J 15 00
1J 50
Winter wheat bran
iirowu middling
2o. 2 white middlings
No. 2rcd wheat
No. 2ellow shelled corn
High mixed shelled corn
New No. 2 yellow ear corn
No. 2 white oats
Extra No. 3 white oats
No. 1 tlmothy'liay
No. 2thnuthy hay
No. 2 yellow shelled corn
No. 2 yellow ear corn
No. 2whlte oits ,
Winter wheat bran
Winter wheat bran, sacked ,
No. 1 timothy hay
Receipts bulletined: Via the P. & L. L I
car corn, 2 eiirs ryo, 3 car oats, 1 car barley,
2 cars hay, 2 cars flour, 1 car mult; via the P.
& W. I car nay. 1 car middlings; via the B.
& O. I car bran, 1 car middling; via the P.,
C, C. & bt. L. I car feed: vi.i the P., Ft. IV".
& C I car rye, 5 cars hay, 1 car oats, 1 car
middlings, 1 car corn. Toial, 26 cars.
The following quotations lir grain, feed, inv
and s'raw are for car lots 011 track. Dealers charge
a small advance from store.1
Whkat No. 2 red
Corn No. 2 jellowear
74 G 7-5
53 (ft). 53J
mgn mixeuear.
Mlieu tar..
43 (a)
No. 2vcIlow shclied.
High tiilxt-d-dicllLd..
Mixed shelled
Oats-No. I while....,
No. 2 white
EitraNtf. 3 while.. ,
N6. 3 ,
Rye-No. 1 Western..,
13 w
4ii ((H
vt; bt
35 ta
Cl n
o. 2 Western..
FLOUK (lobliers' prices) Fancv brands 54
5 CO; standard winter patents. -?1 C4 75: spring
patents. ?1 ouB4 85: Uralf lit winter. 84 IXOI 25;
clear winter. 3 754 10; XXX bakers, 83 VJSa Si;
ry . ?3 503 73. j .
TlieExchango Pace Current quotes flour
in carlots on truck as lollons:
Patent winter 81 1VS4 25
Patent spring 4 404 3.1
btralght winter , 3 ;)! ;o
Clea' 3 Sfit 30
Low grades 2 25S2 75
ltje flour 3&fil 75
Spring bakers '. 3 4'-) 5J
JIILKEF.D-.No. 1 white Inld4llur, 518 UXalltl 0i:
No. 2whttc n.lddlings. 813 10:317 00; winter wheit
bran, 814 50013 03; brown middlings. 8-S M16 0;
chop. 18 11:! O-i.
Hay' CI10.ce :linotliv, 813 SCO'l 75; No. 1 tim
othv. 1 12 7.7313 DO: No. 2 lllnothr. .10 7-XSU (:
mixed clovt rand tlmotliv, 812 (0(12 50; picking,
87 00(2:8 (0: feeding prairie, 8 5lJ 00; wagon hay,
J15UK5II7 00.
hTBAW-Whcat, 85 750 CO: oat, 83 COJM 23; rye.
?7 &i3lXI.
SCOAU-Pntcnt cut-loaf. 6Jc; cubes. Ic; pow
dered, 5Hc: granulated (standard). Side: coufec
tlonerj A. 8c: soft A. 4Kl&c; fancy vellnw, 45ic;
fair yellow, 4!l)ic: common yellow. :.&4J,v.
C'offke Roaated.ln packages btaudard brands.
223-2CC; second grades. 21022c: fancy grades, -JX
Slic i.oi)ie-Jari, 31ij84c; tiantos, 2727ic:
Maracatbo, 28cPeaberrr, 27275c; Caracas, 29
aiOLASszs-Cliolce, SSSSSljc; fancy. 39J5I0c;
centrifugals. 300.71c
STOUT Corn svrup, 2427c: sugar syrup, 2S31c;
fancr flavors. 33335c: black straD. IS.ffllSc.
FntJITS London layer raisins, $2 50: California
London layers, II 9C32 10: California mnscatels.
hags. t5'4C: boxci!.l 15t 25: Valencia, 5J5fte:
(Indara.Valencla. 74ffl7,1ic: California sultanas. II
!l,c: currants. 4M4c: California prunes, .-;'
12c; French prune, StfSlOc; California seedless
raisins. I-lb cartons, S3 75;. citron, 2C21c; leinou
peel. I0)ailc.
ItiCK-fanry head Carolina. 6546Sc: prime to
choice, 5Vl3Cc; Louisiana, 5;6c; Java, 5,'iiJic;
Japan. S6c.
(IMSTizo GOODS-Stindard peaches, $2 1C2 20:
extra peaches. 2 4532" 60: seconds. 81 9V32 Ou: pic
peaches. $1 251 30; finest corn. $1 40 1 50; 11 ar
jord county cum. $1 05(31 in: lima beans. 81 20S
25: soaked, S."ax-: earlv June peas $1 I5l 25;
marrowfat pets, si Oofd)i 10: soaked, 7o((5S'.c: r reach
peas, ill 50(323 COHUOO cans or 11 40(32 50 'r dozen:
pineapples, f I 251 30: extra do, S2 40; Bahama
do, 83 (X): Dauisou plnms. Eastern. 51 25: Cali
fornia pears. 8225(32 35: do ereeu gages. Si 75:
do egg plumsj 81 "5; do apricots. 81 (c2 10; do
extra white cherries. 82 752 85; do white cherries,
2-lb cans. 81 85; raspoerrled. $1 251 50; strawber
ries. )l bl 25: gooseberries, f 1 1U3I 25: tomatoes.
ac81 CO: salmon. 1-lb. 81 33(31 35: blackberries. 70
80c: succotash, 2-lb cans, soaked. 9.1c: do. stand
ard. 2-lb cans. $1 251 00: corned beef, 2-ib cans.
81 73(31 30: do, 14-lb. JI3 00: roist beef. 2-lb, 31 73;
chipped beef. 1-11) cans, (1 9:ffli 00; baked beans,
81 -.0(31 35; lobsters, 1-lb, f2 zb; mackerel, fresh.
1-lb. ft 00: broiled. 41 50: sardines. Oomc-tlc. Ms.
84 00: Us. 88 25; fes. mustard, $3 25: Imported. Hs.
$10 5(12 50: Imported. H (18 01X323 00; canned
apples, 3-.b, 7K$30c: gallons. 12 93(33 uo.
OILS Carbon. 110, Go: headlight. OKct water
white, 7c: Elaine. 13c: Ohio legil test. bcx
miners wluter white, 3UJ5IOc: summer, 32&33C.
Large hams
Small -.
bliuulders, sugar-cured
Breakfast bacon
Clear bellies, smoked
Clcir bellies, dry salt
Pork, heavy .".
Dried beef, knuckles
Lard (pure), tierces
Two 50-Ia cases
Lard (reducd), tierces ;
II Jlf barrels
Thrce-Ib cases.
Five-lb vases
Tcn-Cl cases
. 13 00
. 15 03
Dairy Products.
Butter Elgin creamery. ?T33c; other brands.
2f31c; choice to fancy dairy country roil, 25327c:
fair to medium grades. 18(322c; low grades, 1215c;
cooking. Sllc: grease. 537c.
CHEESE-Ohio, 10J11c: New Tork, HJ4ll.c;
fancy Wisconsin Swiss blocks, 14:315c: do bricks.
H)t-$12c: Wisconsin sweltcr. In tubs. 1313c;
limburger, lCllc; Ohio Swiss. 12,13c.
L'ggs- and Poultry.
Eggs Strictly fresh Pennsylvania and Ohio, 21(3
22c: special marks. 23c: storage stock, 19(320c.
Poultry LilveSniinz chicken-. 4t(35c ner
pair fur small to medium sized and 5tY355c for extra
large: old chickens. 6f(370c: ducks, 5.V3C0C: geee.
75tl CO; lurkos. 14l5cperlb. Dresed-('hlck-ens,
13IGc per lb; ducks. 1 CO 17c; turkevs, lGlSc.
Berries, Fruits and Vegetables.
The movement in theso lines is somewhat
moro liberal, but prices remain practically
Cranberries are selling nt $2 252 50 per
box and $6 507 50 per barrel.
Fruit was qnoted to-dav a3 follows: Ap
ples, $2 251 00 per barrel: quinces, $2 50
1 CO: Jamaica oranges, $6 OQJ 09 per barrel
and $3 501 tO per box; giapes (Concords),
20c per 8-lb basket: pears, $1 007 CO per bar
rel: lemons, $5 0t5 50 per box: bananas,
$1 252 23 per bunch.
Cabbago is abundant, but prices arc sus
tained underagood demand nt $1 2501 75
per barrel and $G 0CS 00 per 109. Onions are
selling at $2 252 50 per barrel for red and
yellow and $1 25 per bo-v for Spiniih: tur
nips are quoted at $2 002 23 per barrel, car
rots at $1 752 00, rutabagab at $1 25, canli
flower a$2 002 25 per dozen and celery at
Potatoes are steady to firm at 7075c per
bushel lfom store and CCG5c on track.
Jersey sweets, $2 303 00 per barrel; Balti
more do, $1 752 25.
Haiti 0.r.
mls. bbls huts Palls
2001b I0O lb 50-lb 15-1 u
J40 00 8 0 4'j 5W40 8320
35 00 17 90 9 15 2 S3
32 CO IS 40 8 0 2 CO
28 CO 14 40 7 40 2 SO
24 00 12 40 6 40 2 10
21 10 10 90 5 S3 1 75
22 (0 It 1 5 SO 1 85
20 CO 13 4(1 5 41 1 70
18 00 9 40 4 !& 1 Ui
15 00 7 91 4 1', 1 33
14 03 7 41 3 90 1 25
Extra mess bloaters,
Extra No.l bloaters.
Kxtra No. i me...,
Extra No. 1 shore..,
Med. No. lniess
Med. No. 1 shore....
2 20
1 l5
1 GO
1 40
1 25
I 30
1 211
1 10
Ex. No. 2 shore mes
Ex. l(o,2 shore Urge
Kx. No. 2med.shore
No. 2medluin...
No. 3 large
Bound herring
Hair bbls. luoib
Poiomac herrlug
Half barrels
Holland herring
Lake herring
Hair bbls. 70 lb -....,
Quarter bbls, 30 lb
Palls. 131b
Palls. 10 lb ,
White fish
Half bbls. 701b
Quarter bbls, 30 lb
Pail, 151b
Palls. 101b
Bnssian sardines
Half Mils, 100 111
Whole cod nsh
Boneless codfish
20-Ib boxes. 1(32-11) bricks,
20-lb boxes, l2-ib bricks.
2 50
1 25
1 3"
1 10
per lb..,
Bcckwiieat Flouk New. 2'33c per lb.
bLijJS Choice recleaued Western timothy, 51 90
5I 95 perbu; choice rccleaned Western clover.
87 50: w hite clover. 811 50: orchard grass, JI 85;
millet, 81 45l 50; blue gras. 82 002 25. "
Beans New YorkandMlclilgan pea beans, $2 15
132 20 Tier bu : hand-nicked medium. $2 05(32 10:
Lima, 4-r4c per ib: Pennsylvania and Ohio
beans. 81 8V3)1 'JO perbu.
BhrSWAX Choice, yellow, 3033c; dart. 252Sc.
Honey New crop whlteclover. 2I22cperlb;
btickw heat, 1416c; strained honey, S9c.
Tallow Country rough, 3y(SUa per Ib; city rcn-
aereu. 4fa,'C.
KEATiirns-Extra live geese, 3850c per lb: 2o.
1 do. 43'jOc; mixed, 30(3 loc.
Nuts Chestnuts, S3 0tXj5 6) per bushel: pea
nuts, green, 4f$lM:per pound: do roasted. 1 lvg)
I 25 per buhei: liickorv nnt.. 51 751 85; shell
barks. f2 OCtdjl 25: new walnuts. 81 COB) 10: old do.
C573c: butternuts, 67375c for old and 31 0T1 10
for new; lllberts. 9c per lb: almonds. Tarragoua,
ISc; do lvica, 16c; do paper shell, 25c: shel:cd
almonds, 3;c: Brazil nuts, StflS'gc; French wal
nuts. 9c;pccans, 10c; Naples it alnnis, 13c:Urenobie
walnuts 130.
CiPER-fcaiid renned. S3 50(36 73 per barrel:
Ternis) Irania champagne elder. 88 "& 50; new
countrv elder. 84 095 50: crib elder, J7 a-) 00.
Pickles-84 505 50 per barrel.
PorconN 135c per lb.
Hides Green Meer hides, trimmed. 73 lbs and
up. 7c: greemsteer hides, trimmed. G0to75Ibs7c:
green steer hides trimmed. underCO lbs, 6c: green
cow hides, trimmed, all weights, 4c: greeu bull
hides, trimmed, all weights, 4c: green calf skln.-i.
No. 1, Cc: greeu calf skins No. 2. 4c:creen steer
hides, trimmed, side branded. 4c: green salt steers.
No. 1. 60 lbs and up. 774c: green salt sticrs. No.
I, 60 lbs and les, 44'4c: green a't cows. No. 1,
all weights, 4l!4c; green salt calf. No. 1. 8 to 13
lbs. 5t(q6c: green salt kip. lo. 1. 15 to 23 lbs 4(35c;
runner kip. No. 1, 10 to 23 lbs, 34c; No. 2 hides,
lfec oil; Ji o. 2 calf, 2c o2".
Lambs Higher at the Central Yards and
Everytliing Else Firm.
Wednesdat, Oct. 26.
With the exception of lambs, which nave
been in light supply, tho run of stock at the
Central Drove Yards this week has been
rathoPheavy, but with a fair demand and
lavorable advices from outside points the
markets were all firmer, hogs and lambs be
ing especially strong.
Tho supply on sah Monday was 147 loads,
ngalnst 135 loads last Monday. The market
ruled firm on all grades at last week's
prices. Tuesoay's receipts were light aud
tliu market nas firm at quotations.
Extra. 1.430 tot.600 ib
Prime, l.mo to 1.4'W Ib
(Jood. 1.300 to 1.300 Ib
'lldy, Licuto 1. 150 lb
Fair. IHfltol.OWlh
I'ulr. l.Onoinl.IOl 11
Common. 7uotp 000 Ib
Knupli fat. 1.(100 to 1.3001b...
Common to good latoxen....
Common 40 good fat bulls
Common 10 good fat cows
Helfers."7Ul) to 1.1X1)11
Bologna cows, per head
Fresh tons and springers..,.,
...J4 75(i 5 TO
... 4 30O 4 6J
,.. 3 SUlt 4 25
... 3 4C3 3 70
.. 2 75(3 3 00
... 3 lo 3 I'l
... 2 Mtit 2 70
,.. 2 8 S9 .1 3
... 2 00(3 SU)
... 1 53 2 75
... 1 -VI3 3 a
... 2 Owa 3 3d
... 5 0CI2 10
..16 O0l CO
Rccciptsjfonday were Cidouble-deck loads.
Demand was active and tbo market firm and
a (shade higher than last week as follows:
Best Philadelphia; S3 56 05
.Mixed 1'liiladeinhl.M 5 7-V(S85
Yorkers 5 CuidS 75
Pigs and common Yorkers 5 4005 30
Boughs ,. 4 035 25
Tuesday's receipts were light and the mar
ket ruled firm ut Monday's prices which
were about the same as those current tc-day.
Monday's supply consisted of 15 double
decic loads, and owing to the Ugh: supply a
better feeling prevailed, sheep rnling steady
at last week's prices nnd lambs selling 23c
Fier cwt higher. Tuesday's n-ceipts were
ight and the market firm, nnd tho indica-
tlons to-day pointed to a further Improve
ment. Quotations:
Prime, 05 to 110 lb SI VJM 90
Good. 85 to 83 lb 4 1-03140
Fair. 70 to 801b ,- 3 00 J M
Common, 65 to 70 lb 2 53(33 00
Culls 1 00132 00
.Lambs 3CC35 00
Veal calves ...
Grass calves..,
,..J4 S(3 M
..2 0033 09
Following are a portion of the transactions
completed by the commission houses Mon
day, yesterday and to-day:
John Heskct Co. sold IShcad of cattle, weigh
1ng24.G101n, at (4 32: 10 head. 12.920 lb. $3 90; 19
heid. 23.180 lb, 3 80; 20 head, 24.850 lb, 81 45; 20
head, 24.050 lb. 83 30: 19 beait. 20.7'O lb. $3 15; 23
head. 23.430 lb. $2 95; 75 head, 61.900 lb. 2 60: 22
head. 16.050 lb. 82 40. IIogs-11 head. 2.5:0 lb. S3 C5:
24 head. 5.020 lb, SO CO; 70 head. 13.750 lb. f 5 90: 232
head. r5.s lb. S5 85. feheep 105 heart. 8.070 lb.
SI2:70 head. 4.120 lb. J 75: 52 head. 4.0501b,
M M; 241 head, 19.755 lb. $4 00; 127 head, 10,090 lb,
(3 to; KG head. 9.40O lb, 82 CO.
William Holmes Co. sold 20 head of cattle.
weigli1nc25.230Ib.at$l nt 21 head. 24.89) lb. $3 65:
29 head. 21.420 lb. $120:23 head, 23.850 1b, S3 30; 29
head. li.MHb. 82 10; 33 head. 17.G59 lb. JI 80: a
head. 25 5101b. $3 4): 19 head, 28.729 lb: 8145:32
neau. ij.sm 10. xi so. lings 70 head, 14,130 lb,
8B 00; 67 head, 12.8291b. 15 00: 153 head. 19.040 lb,
ta65:43 head. 9.310 lb, 5 85; 77 head. 13.110 lb.
8) 5 hheep-33 head. 2.6301b. $4 80; 23 head. 1,93
.v. f ,, ,, ncau. o. ,-iu ip, su,
Lafferty Bros. & iladden sold 12 head of cattle
weighing 11.470 lb. at 3 S3; 22 head. 28.030 11). (3 65:
17 head. 21.020 lb. 84 05: 16 head. 22,240 lb. J4 & 24
head. 24.250 lb. B to: 17 head. 18.B90 lb. $3 25. Hon
102 head. 21.040 lb. 85 85. Sheep 21 head. 2.720 lb.
$4 50 : 17 head. 1.170 lb. ft 50: a head. 2.750 lb. J5 40.
Drum. Djer A Co. sold 24 head of cattle weighing
25.430 11". 83 20: 19 head, 13.8.0 lb. 82 55: 23 head. 21.
410 ill. J.I 3d; Si head, 22.670 lb. 32 Bl'n 20 head
20. 840 lb. ft 25: 24 head. 25.250 lb $3 20: 1 head. 30.
700 lb. 83 15. Hogs 50 head. 10.70U lb. Si 00: 19 head.
3.0-Jllb. 8G C5: (12 head. 15.820 lb. JS 05: C". head, 3.490
lb, $5 70:22 head. 3.5C0 lh.S0O:C5 head. 8,8iO lb.
85 70. Sueep-S3 hcid. 5,3801b. 1223:52 head. 3.130
In. 85 00;20 head, l,C831b. J3 90; 26 head. I.4KU lb,
3 50.
Beneker. Llnlhorn Jfc Co. sold 14 head, weighing
13.740 lb. at (3 23: 23 head. 18.790 lb. 82 75; 22 head.
24.00) lb. 83 50: 20 head. 17.010 lb. 82 80; 15 head. 12.-
-w iu, t d: -a neau. -.2.&7U in. 93 Mi; is bead. 17,680
lb. S3 00: 10 bead. 8,330 lb. J2 ;S; 13 head. 15.2301b.
83 tO; 15 bead, I8.2C0 lb. S3 So lb: 14
head, 12.260 lb. 3 CO: 8 head. 6.610 lb.
83 10. llogs-23 head. 4.600 lb. 85 90: 43 head.
7,:501o. 86 W: 87 head. 15.610 lb, ? So:4lhead. 6.E60
lb. J5C0. Sheep 38 head. 2.660 lb, S3 50: Id head.
3,261) lb. 84 35: 30 head. 2.0SO lb. 8250.
McCall. Bowlen A Newbern sold 22headofcat
tle. weighing 24.6401b. at 83 23: 18 head, 15.6491b.
82 75: 22 head, 24.240 lb. 13 10: 21 head. 24,750 lb.
83 50: 21 head. 20.8101b, $3 10; 20 head. 22.530 1b.
83 20; 20 head. 23.580 1U. 83 25; 22 head. 21,2301b;
8-1 65: 25 head. 2S,6so lb. 13 75: 21 head, 31,070 lb,
- Hoys-105 head. 16.4G0 lb. J55C: 37 head,
7.630 Hi. WOO: 25 head. 4.490 lb. 5 8C; 51 head.
11.510 lb. $ 90: CI head. 12.700 lb. $5 80. Shcep-29
head, 1,7-10 lb. $1 30: 22 head, 1,440 lb. 13 90; 85
head. 5,9V) lb. $1 20: 63 head. X110 lb. $4 49.
Hua. Ilaielwood ,t Imhoff soul 21 head. weighing
19. 380 lb. at J2 DC: 24 li-d.24.210 lb. S3 70: 2B head. 22.810
lb, ft 8: 8 head. 10.830 lb 4 50: 17 he id. is. 000 lb.
82 75: 19 head.i23(iI0 Hi. $3 75: 20 head, 19.150 lb.
J3 0n: 22 heid, 20.45) lb. Ji on. Hogs 33 head.
6.570 lb. 85 80: 133 head. 22.670 lb. $5 80: 22 held.
4.0i lb. so 00; 114 head. 21.au lb. $3 OS. Shepp-2l
head, l.inoib, (I 75: 40 head. 2.3301b. 84 23:50 head.
5. 110 lb. 84 20: 47 head. 3. 170 lb. 83 25; o7 head. 3,670
lb. J 00: 180 head. 14. 110 lb. ?3 30.
6. I!. Hedge A Co. sold Id head of cattle, weigh
'ing 13, 140 lb. at 84 10: 8 head. 9.710 lb. $3 40, Hok3
81 head. 13.4301b, J5 83; 53 held, 10.350 lb. 5 SO: 43
head, 8.6(a) lb. 83 75: 51 heart. 1I.51C lb. 85 93:86
head. 11.S701I). 5 70: 3". head. 6.5W) head. 85 09.
Mieep-44 head. 3.7S0 n. ?3 73:57 head. 3,(30 lb.
S3 X): 49 head. 4.910 lb. 4 30; S3 head, 6,543 lb. 85 COt
59 head, 4,200 lb, ?3 Co.
Br associatid rnnss.i
New lork Beeves Receipts, 1,177 head
including 57 ears for sale; market active and
l.rw per 100 nnunds higher: native steers, 83 30
5 30 per lCo pounds: bnlls nnd cows, $1 4t
2 50; dressed beef tead vat 78c per potti-d.
Shipments to-day, 909 beeves and 3,580
quarters or beel: to-morrow, SOO beeves.
Calves Receipts, 1,477 head; market steadv:
venls 5QSc per 100 pound': grassers, $2 CC
2 50: Western calves, $3 00I 00. Sheep and
lamhs Ueceints, 14,150 head; shaenflrmat
Ji'i per pounaiiigner; sneen. 3 2l 75 per
ton . steady at
lambs firm
11,30 head, including 2 car for saler
market steady at $5 405 00 per 100 pounds.
Chicago Tho Evening Jourrwl reports: Cattle-Receipt,
20,000 head; shipments, 6.003
head: market steady: prime to extra native.
$3 153 69: others. 82 755 00: Texans, $2 0O
3 25: rangers, 83 104 30. Hogs Receipts,
23,000 head: shipments. 10,000 head; market
opened strong, 'closed weak to 5c
lower: rough and common, $5 253 40;
mixed and packers, $5 53S" 63: prime heavv
nnd butchers' weights, $5 70J55 80; light, 85 25
5 SO. Sheep Receipt-, 7.000 head; ship
ments, 1,200 head: market active and steadv:
natives. $3 755 UO; Westerns, S4 00Q 63;
lambs, $3 755 90.
Btiffalo Cattle Receipt'. 89 loads
through. 1 for sale: market steady but slow.
Hogs Receipts, lol loads through, 20 for
sale: market strong and firm: heavy corn
fed, $0 106 20. Sheep Receipts, 13 loads
throngb, 18 lor sale: lambs strong: sheep
steady; choice to fancy wethor, 8t S0S1 75;
lambs, nativo choice to" fancy, $5 255 65.
Cincinnati yogs active and higher at
84 73 25; receipts, 1,825 bead: shipments,
2,500 head. Cattle strong at $1 23(5)1 60; re
ceipts, 1,700 head; sbtpments.lSO head. Sheep
in fair demand and firm at $2 505 00: re
ceipts, 2,500 head: shipments, 353 head.
Lambs -steady at $3 005 23.
General Market.
Toledo Wheat firm: No. 2 cash and Octo
ber. 7-'Jc; December, 74c: May, 80c. Corn
dull; No 2, cash. 42: "No. 2 yellow, 42c.
Oils quiet: cash, 31c bid. Rye dull; cash,
56Jc. Cloverseed active; unme cash and
October and November, $C 60; December,
W 63. Keceipts Flour. 332 barrels; wheat.
73,431 bushels: corn. 13,259 bushels; oat, 300
bushels; rye, 2 535 bnihela: cloverseed, 99G
hags. Shipments Flour. G 596 barrels; wheat.
123,500 bushels; com, 23,900 bushels; oat, 400
bushels: rye, 1,800 bushels; cloverseed, 250
Baltimore Flour qniet nnd nnchaneed.
Wheat easy: No. 2 red, spot. 73c; October,
"2Vc: December. 75Vfc: Mav. S;io bid. Corn
firm: mixed and October, CSJc; vear, Siq:
January, 47Jc bid. Oats steady: No. 2 white
Western, 3S39c: No. 2 mixed. 35S6c Ryo
quiet and dnll: No. 2, 61c asked. Hav dull
and easy; good to choice timothy, $11 25(J
13 00. Grain freights dull and easy. Pro
visions unchanged. Coflee firm; Bio cargoei,
fair, No. 7, lG16c Sugar strong.
New Orleans Rice quiet: ordinary to
good, 3g4c. Su-;ar a shade firmer: new open
kettle, lair, 2 9-16c: centriiugal plantation,
granulated, i 5-164c; o!T do. 4c: choice
white, 4 l-16z)4Jc; oir white, 3Qlc; gray
white, 33c: choice yellow clarified.
33 1 1-16c: prime ao. 3 5-ldgs 7-16c: off
do, 3J3'ic; seconds, 2K3c. Molasso firm;
new kettle, strictly pi lino to choice. 35036c;
good prime, 3132c: prime, 2S30c: centri
fugals, cood Dritne, 22c; syrup, 20g30c.
Buflalo Wheat No. 1 hard dull at 7o
No. 1 Northern, "GJc; No. 2 red, 75Jc Corn
No. 2, none ottered. Receipts Wheat,
4CO.00O bnihels; corn. 105,000 huohols. SIiId
ments Wheat, 460,000 bushels; corn, 200.000
Car Lots a Spocialty.
John M. Oakley & Co.,
Direct privato wiro to New York and Chi
cage Member New York, Chicago and Pitt i
burg Exchanges.
Local securities bought and sold for casi
or carried on liberal margins.
Investments made at our discretion and
dividends paid quarterly.
Interest paid on balance (since 1SS3.)
Honey to lean on call.
Iniormatlou books on all markets mailed
on application. Ie7
Whitney & Stephenson.
57 Fourth Avenu&
A enre for Piles. External, Internal. Blind. Bleed.
Ing ana Itching. Chronic, ltrcent or Hereditary.
This remedy lias positively never been known tt
fall. 81 a box. 6 for 5. by mall. A guarantee given
with six boxes, when purchased at one time, to re
fund the 85 If not enred. Issued hr EJIIL O.
STOCKY. Druririst, Wholesale and Retail Agent,
Nos. 5401 and 1701 P-nn ave.. corner Wylle are.
and Fnlton st.. l'libbarg. Pa. Use Stockj'.
DUZThcca A Cramp Cure. 25 and 53 cts. Jal-82-eod
The great Span
ish ltemlT. la
sold WITH A
to cure all nerv-on-
diseases, such,
nEroBE asd ATTXit ustxo. Loss of Enln Powers
nakeiulncss Lost .Minlioott Nightly Emissions.
erTon.rtess.Lassltnde.au drains and loss of power
of the Generative Organs in either sex caused bv
orer-cxert:on. youthfnl errors, or excessive ueof
tobacco, opium or stimulants, fl per package by
mail: forfS. With ererr 85 order we GIVE X
HONEY. .Spanish Medicine Co.. Madrid. Spain!
BUN. PUUi-jrg. ' ce23-a-MT-M
' .jlisiJ-.tf:V