flHHBP91K la?fffffHk 7 ; THE TEAMS COMPARED. Interesting Gossip About Tale, Har Tard and Princeton Elevens. POIKTS IN FAVOR OF HARVARD. Eostons May Meat Clevelands To-Daj and AYin the Championship. GEXEEAIi EPOKTIXG HEWS OP THE DAT rFrrciAL tfltoram to ttiic mspXTCir.i "Sew York, Oct. 23. The past week of football has not been quite so full of Bur prises as was its immediate predecessor, but It ha-, nevertheless, developed some de cidedly interesting features. The general result has been to strengthen the view that the Harvard and Princeton teams are both at the present time superior to the Yale eleven. The "Williams eleven gave the first opportunity tor a comparison of Harrard and Yale, and the result was not flattering to the latter. Yale played "Williams on October 12 and defeated her by a score of 82 to 0 in 30-minute halves. Three days later Harvard met virtually the same team, and rolled up a score of 55 to 0 against it in 25-minutc halves. Although it would be rash to predict suc cess for Harvard at Springfield on account of this superior showing, it cannot be de nied that Harvard is now putting up a bet ter game than Yale. Harvard's team work was the feature of the "Williams game last Saturday. The work of the ruth line was magnificent The men put up a strong, ag gressive game. Back of the line consider sble weakness was to be noticed. There "Was Lots of Fumbling. There was a great deal of fumbling, and the backs did not take advantage as much as they might have done of the heavy in terference which was available. Harvard plaved a lively game, making one touch down bv four successive rushes down the field. The comparison made possible by "Will iams having played fcoth Yale and Harvard could not but result in a verdict favorable to the latter, but since her game with AVill iams Yale has shown wonderlul improve ment. The difference in the condition of the two teams is not so great as it appeared to be on Saturday last. Yale's poor game with the Manhattan Athletic Club team, coming so soon atjer her far from favorable showing against 'Williams, set the coaches who have the 2sew Haven men in charge to thinking with great earnestness. As a result ot their deliberations, Yale defeated Amherst by a score of 29 to 0 on "Wednesday of this week in the best game that the Blue has put up this season. The Yale team played with a brilliancy and dash in marked contrast to their slow unsteady work in the Manhattan game. The Good Points ol Trlnceton. It is iust about as easy to compare Yale and Princeton at the present as it is to com pare Yale and Harvard, and the two first named elevens have not yet this year played tiie same team. In fact Princeton com pares very Javorable with either Yale or Harvard." The Orange and Black men have not done much shouting, bnt they have kept steadily at work in the little Xew Jersey town and have on several occasions shown remarkable good form. In their practice games they have invariably put up a good came. Although they-have avowedly played for scientific points only in all their game, they have in several instances rolled up cood sized scores. Forty to 0 against Lafayette and 50 to 0 acainst Lehigh are showings which would be creditable to any team. Princeton cer tainly has a remarkable amount otgood ma terial from which to evolve an eleven. "With five men shifted abrfut into comparatively strange positions in Hhe Lehigh game, she managed to make one Ot the largest scores of the year. The score, too, was exactly the same as the one scored in 1890at the cor responding time of year. "With Holly, Hall, Homans and Kint playing throughout the entire game, the score would doubtless have been much larger and the team work ot bet ter quality. To sum up the football situation at the present time. Harvard seems to have the better mdnidual players, while Yale excels in team work. TO-DAY MAY SETTLE IT. If the Bostons Defeat the Clevelands the World's Championship 'Will Be Won. Tne Boston ball team defeated tli6 Cleve lands on Saturday by a score of 12 to 7. Claikon pitched tor tlio Clevelands and fcthcts lor the Bostons. The latter had 11 hit; :inrt tiuec errors and the Clevelands nine lilts nnd lour error. ' The two teams "ill continue their con test lor the world's championship tr-day ami if tlii; Boiton- win the contest 'will be ended, ait will make them five victories. So !ar five tame- have neen played, one bein-r u tie and the Uo-tons have won the other four. This is ji.oro limn . hat was ex pected by anybody, nlthouch it was pener nlly conceded that the Eastern team would w in the scr:ei The Bostons n ant to win to day sous to get the world's pennant without allowing the Western team to score a single victory. If this can be done it will be quite a feat. The Choj nski and Godfrey Battle. New 1 okk, Oct. 23. There is a disposition on the part of New Yorkers and l'hiladcl phiani to make a lavorite of .Ice Clioynski overGeoige tjodfrev in the battle which takes place at the Coney Island Club. Octo ber 31 The skill or Old Choc-date is ad mitted, but tbeic appear to be a belie: that the C-iliforiifau's joutli and ability to take punishment ill htnnd him in j-ood ste.id. There is now plenty of Chovnkl money, Eole, the lookiii.iker, bavins J5.00D to lay at even figures on Chovn-ki's chances. Ilewent to the Gloucester trackto-dav.liut succeeded In placing nnlv $500- Edward Kile, ihettir' man, has $2,000 to wager on Clioynski at rail odds. May Play Youngstowii Team, Secretary Matthews ot the Pittsburg Foot Ball Club will try to arrange a same for his club nt Youngstofin next Saturday. Mr. Matthews stated last evening that the local dub owes the Youngstonna a game, and as there is no locU contest scheduled for next Saturday the game spoken or may be played. OuSatuidjy week the Toi on tos, of Canada, will be here. The Local Swimmers. A meeting or tbo Pittsburg Swimming Club will bo held at the Nat&toiitim to-morrow evening. Arrangements will be made for a sciies of events to be held on Thanks giving Day. It is intended to have a splen did prog.timme nrransed. Miscellaneous Sporting Notes. ritixCETOX is practicing her tricks In secret. jACKMcAl'L2FFFas lie has not sf gncd aeon tract to tight Dick Purge at the Ol inpic club. TOM AJ-LEX"S old backer. Fred "(VatMns, says Te will flud J5.U0 to bick Charley Mitchell agsihst Corbet. It Is now proposed to get Mascot and Nancy Hanks together hi a special race ou Morris Park' straightinllelu October. THE team or the Three As will practice hard this week for their came with the Columbus team next baiurday at aEhiuglon. IT is quite probable thatJlin Daly, or Buffalo, win be behind Joe Clioynski in the light with God frey before the Coney Island Club, October XL IUiitills. the half-back who has been doing suoh brilliant work lor Princeton, has decided snail i not to play any more this season as a result of his accident iu the game at Washington. 1'at Kn.LT. who has Just been1 in this country anout six wks. met and dcleated Bert Doran at Columuu, the other night in 12 rounds. "Protes tor" Durau got a good thumping audwas a com plete mark. Bit LV l.bXDOM. of Philadelphia, the well-known middle tight pugilist, lias been in this cltv some time looking tor a match, but has failed to llnd one up to datr. Hr says be Is willing to meet any mid. die-weight iu the country, and has SAoO' hacking. -V. X. Ann. Jacx Mief.iiav is highly gratified at the work lielng done by Kid Hoau lit his training to meet Dolly Lmjus at tlie-Conev Island Athletic Club ou October"'!. 7 lie Kid is at Bath Beach and SheeliaA keeps liliu working, lie Is down to 112 pounds and can drop a few pounds at " ilk SrrciAE attention Is to be given to Yale's weak center. Ta'1 Corbin. the famous captain of "88. held two seances with the candidate! Saturday, la the morning he put 15 of them through the flrst private practice the team has Indulged In this sea son. In the afternoon he, as well as Wallace, 'S3, and Walter Camp, coached the team, JoeDajibt, the famous English Jumper, win continue to break world's records. His latest achievements were clearing -S feet 3 inches In two standing Jumps and 3S feet 9 Inches In three stand ing Jumps without weights. Afterward he took up weights and cleared 12 feet 6 Inches In three standing Jumps. He Jumped in clogs. The Diamond. Tnr world's championship scries may end to day. lr there is any chance at all to end the lJ-club league hydra, magnates should do It. ' Duffy has been playing a phenomenal game, during the world's championship series. - ; Pitcher Kxelx. is ptaTlng a poor game In Frisco. He has lost three games by erratic wort. THE Oberlin College team won the championship or the Ohio College League by defeating Adelbert 53 to 8. JiMUT RTAS and MaUchl Klttredge. two of Anson's colts, are going to Denver with the Whit ings, of tne Chicago City League. EDDIE Eiteljorq threw a baseball a distance of 31S feet and 10 Inches at the ball field exercises at De Pauw University. Greencastle. Ind. AN official of the local club says that it wonld be very desirable to have an eight-club League again, bat he thinks a chauge cannot be made at present. IT Is interesting to note that the most prominent advocates of a 12-club league, reduced salaries and violation or players' contracts are the very people who urged the players to revolt and assisted them to ruin. THE Joe Homes and the Crartons. of the Subur ban League, played a game on Saturday for the League pennant. The Crartons had three pro fessional players Including Pat Callahan, the pitcher, and won by 5 to 4. The game was pro tested. Ken- Mdlfokd savs: Sam Soltshcll Dnngan's diamond ring has been recovered by Chief Harrl gan. ortt. Louis, and he returned 11 to the owner with the observation that members of country hall clubs cannot be too careful when entering metro politan cities. SATURDAY'S RECORD As It Appears in tho Teeming Columns of the Sunday Dispatch. The news columns of yesterday's Dispatch covered the whole civilized world. Its spe- cial articles and departments included all that is best in the literature of the day. Sat urday's most Important events wete: Local. Pritts, the moonshiner, eluded arrest.... Republicans paraded In the East End, and Democrats In Homestead Mrs. E. Wolff's dwelling was raided by burglars. ...Lovejoy denied holding a conference with strikers ....Homestead workers still keep up their courage. ...Tho Mayor may veto tho Belle field street railway ordinanco Tho illegal sale of liquor to be restricted. ...Suicide Rotenaner was identified by his brother, who rclused to bury the remains The Coroner's Jury exonerated the Wylie avenue ctipmen....Cook Hall told a straight story in court The late Joseph Homo was buried Lezal complications follow a Wylie avenue failure Maggie McDermttt will be arrested for scaldinjr her mother.... An elevator accident at the Hotel Anderson serious injured Charles DeCourso.... Sharps burg speak-easles must close. GeneraL Blaine l eager for the fray but physi cally unable to endure a campaign.. ..Har rity still expresses confidence... Cleveland i in Tammanv's hands Quay-will go to New York to-day.. ..Albany politicians were locked up for illecalregltratlon.... Hill will speak at Huntington, W. Va A Kansas editor was at rested for printing a profano political ealtor!al....Tennessee Democrats claim that Buchanan's manager sets $15,000 for bringing him out China threatens to compel American missionaries to wear tags La Tournine experienced a cyclone at sen Altoona is out or bread and water A Maryland inobisbent on lynching eight negroes ASew Mexican Has murdered for flopping to tho Republi can party.... Frick offered his share of the Mt. Pleasant fair ground to the public school. ...Several cures were alleged to be made by the St. Ann relic Train robber Perry es-. caped Tho Cool Sprimr gang attempted tomnrdera m-irchor Mrs. Harri0n wa resting easier.. ..There are new develop ments In the Wilmington girl murder mystery.... State World's Fair buildings were dedicated Pittsburg contractors are in trouble at Butler, Pa Sherman snoke in Chicago and ex-Speaker Keed at Albanv Chicago police acted badly during the. big parade. ..Delaware Supervisors were aircsted .Mexico had killing trosts A gas pipe cannon but sr, killing seven people Census figures prove the VRiue of pro tection to Lancaster The Episcopalians apDOluted seven new bishops. ...Florida ex press robbers broke Jail....A Philadelphia candidate isin the criminal court.. ..Apaches murdered several cowboys. ...An -oranao grower-tn Philadelphia mortally wounded his wire and committed suicide. ...Sickles is ineligible as n Congtes'man Count Jdit- kicwicz is trying to get his lurntture. .. '.De pi eolation of tuo Mexican dollar caused a strike. ', Foreign. Germans object to having their tobacco taxed.. ..A London dog was taught to steal umbrellas There is still danger of cholera tiom Russia Another long distance ride Is projected... .Smugglers captured Spanish ti oops.. ..Miss Maisdeu, the leper nurse,will como to America to raise money for her uork Moody will try to convert the -East End of London The Queen's ostrioh is homesick. ...English newspapers envied the Columbus demonstrations in America.... French matrimonial swindlers cams to grief.. .. Poisoner Xeill is thought to be in sane.... The cotton spinners' strike will be n great one... .The leeling among London un employed Is growing dangerous.. ..English insanity is Increasing Loubet has a hard task in settling the C.mnaux strike Glad stone will appoint a roet laureate... .Rome will have n Columbus demonstration England will hold on to Uganda France wants a coat of arms. ...Sardinia hud a Johnstown calamity.... An Austrian woman made a wonderful ride. BLOODY ENDING OF A FETJD. A Man NearStenbenville Mortally Wounded by His Old Enemy. Stecbekvilie, Oct. 23. Special. A proba ble murder was committed late last night at Allkanna, near this city, as the upshot of a feud of long standing between John Yoder and Samuel Davs. In company with a man named Jack Peters, Yoder hunted up Davis and picked a quarrel with him. In the lWht that followed Yoder stabbed Davis twice. One of the wounds, cutting the left luug, is pronounced latal. Anthony Devinney, an elderly man who tiled to pull Yoder off Davis in the struggle, was terriblv cut about the lace. Yoder is being pursued by the authorities, but up to this eveninghad not been captured. Ttank Bobbers Get S44 and a Wat en. SmiOFiELD. Ma, O t. 23. Four masked men held up Ticket Agent Stockes at the 'Fnscb depot to-night. Ho opened the outer door of the vaults, where the robbers iound ita, lint' convinced them that he did not know the combination or tho lock in the in ner door, behind which was $2,000. '1 he lob hers relieved stockes of $4 and a watch and then fled. TOR TIRED BRAIX Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. O. C Stout, Syracuse, X. Y., says: "I gave it to 6he patient who was unble to transact the most ordinary business, because his brain was- 'tired and confused' upon the least mental exertion. .. Immediate benefit, and ultimate recovery followed. Don't Take the Risk Of fire or thieves, but keep your valuable papers, bonds, etc.. In the sate deposit vaults of the Farmers' Deposit National Bank, 68 Fourth avenue. Rpxes rented at $5 a year and upward. l Dewitt's Little Early Risers. No griping no pain, no nausea:" easy pill to take. MEETINGS. AND NOTICES. Meetings. N TOTICF.-TIIE ANNUAL MEETING OP TnE l storfcholdcrs of the Pennsylvania Aalt Mann. lacturlng Co. will be held at their office. No. 115 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, on WEDXEsDAV, October SO, 1S9J. at it o clock noon, lor the elec tion of seicn directors for the ensujng year, and such other business as may be brought before them. AUSTIN M. PUKVti, becretary. Local Notices. D. M. ALSTON, Attorney at Law, S3 Diamond Street. ESTATE OF JAMES SCARBOROUGH. DE CEASED. Nonce Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of James Scarborough have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those baring claims agalust the same should make them known with out delay. H. E. SCAKBOROUuII. 34 Ohio street, Al egbeny. Pa. JOHN J. MITCHEU Attorney at Law, No." HI Grant street. TDSTATi: OF THOMAS BRADY '. DECE ASED- JCi Notice Is hereby given that letters tesumen tarv ou the estate or Thomas Brady.,; late of the city or Allegheny, deceased, haiebcei granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons 'Indebted to i-aid estate, arc requested to make immediate pajinent. and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. JOHN J. BilAUY. NICHOLAS P. CUNNINGHAM. Executors, No. 316Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. THE MEETINGS AND NOTICES. Notice, TVTOTICE-OUR CUSTOMERS ARE HEREBY IX notified that S. C Naur Is no longer in our employ, and Is not authorized to transact business for us after this date. MAtCTIN A CO.. 107 Smith field st.' r omcx or AttxatfixY Heating Co., I . ALtrOHEtT. PA., Oct. 24, 1S92. J TO- HOUSEHOLD CONSUMERS OF ALLE GHENY Heating Company's ga-By instruc tion 01 luc uuini 01 uircciorz oi inis cuiiiu... this atioT bills paid within ten days from date Is reduced to 10 per cent discount. This 'will apply to all gas consumed on and alter NOVkMBKK 1. 1892. JOHN CALDWELL. Treasurer. Business Chances. THF. PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE KC1ST 1NG between David Richmond and John Scho bert, under the firm name of Scliobert ACo., and also known as Richmond Ice Co.. Is hereby dis solved by mutual consent. John Schobert will-collect and pay all bills on and alter Oct. 1. 1892. " JOHN SCHOBEUT. DAVID RICHMOND. XTOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NOTICE IS i hereby riven that the partnership heretofore existing between Ludwlg Grouse, S. S. Mar-hall and Hugh Marshall, doing business corner Penn av. and Tenth st, under the firm name or "Tne L. (irossc Art Glass Co, " has this dav been dissolved, the said S. S. Marshall and Hugh Marshall having disposed of their 'Interests to the said Ludwlg Grosse. who will continue the business hereafter under the same name and at the same plao. All moneys owing to said firm will be paid to the said Ludwlg Grosse, to whom will also bepresented all bills due bv -the same. THE L. GROSSK ART GLASS COMPANY; Ludwlg Grosic, S. S. Mar shall. Hugh Marshall. Pittsbubo, Pa.. Oct 20, 1892. ajOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NOTICE IS 1 herebv given that the copartnership hereto fore existing between John F. I.amker and Henry F. Weaver under the firm name 'or Lainker & Weaver, as ueneral Insurance agents, has been this day dissolved by mutual .consent, John F. Laraker retiring. The business from this date will be conducted hr Henry P. Weaver, who assumes the liabilities of the firm and to whom all pa merits due the firm must be made. JOHN F. LAMKER. 'HENRY F.'WEAVEK. Pittsbpro.iPa., Ottoberl, 1892. In retiring from above firm I respectfully solicit the continuance t)f the patronage to Mr. Weaver so kindly given me while with the firm. I can assure mr friends and the Insuring public that Mr. Weaver will properly take care ol their Interests, having had over 20 years' experience with the Boatman's F & M. Insurance Go. of this city, who hart retired from1 business." Respectfully yours, J. FRED. I.AMKER. TO LET. City Residences. TO LET Small houses Penn av., near 13th St., nearflatofSrooms.- gases, water. etc..?lS oO: Vlckroyst,, near Magee St.. 4 rooms. !5 pernio.: Soho su, iuear Center av., neat 6-room house, S19 permn.:Junlllast , new. 5 rooms, JIS per uio.: Federal St.. near Wylie. STooms, IS per mo.: Cliff St.. near ltth at. Incline. S rooms,l3: Webster av cor. Wooslcr. 4 handsome new brick houses. 8 rooms, all late improvements.3J: send for list. W . A. Herron A Sons. 83 4th av. Off Q 300 Very good Investment, 3 new frame fi)0 j houses. 5 or 4 rooms. . attic cellar, water, etc., each, and one of 5 Tooms, etc. ; good largo lot; street and alley paved: this will bear investiga tion. D. lichen A Sod, 4112 Penn av. East End Residences To Let. TO LET Farker St.. near O'Hara St.. East End, a choice 8-room frame house with every modern convenience: nicely papered: lot 3QxlOO: rent only 33 33f per month. J. E. Glass, 401 Grant si. rro LET For term of years. If desired. No. .33 X North'HIghlandav.. fine large residence ot 9 rooms: latest conveniences: stable In rear. See W. A. Herron A Sons. 80'Fourth av. Allegheny Residences To Let. TO LET-John K. Ewlng&Co.. 107 Federal St., headquarters for Allegheny houses. Get Tree list. Offices. Desk Koom, Et, To Let. TO LET In the Ferguson blork. Third and Fourth avs., a few choice offices: day and night elevator, electric clocks and Janitor services free: rent low. Blacit A Balrd. No. 95 Fourth av. rro LET-ln the Hamilton building. Sl-93 Filth 1 av., choice offices, with all conveniences; rent low. Black A Balrd. No. 95 Fourth av. Rooms To Let. piEDAR AV.. No. 80. Allegheny Rooms, with v uuaiu, JB1.1UK foasiBt, M 1DDLEST.. 102, Allegheny rooms and attic; all newly papered; rent, sis. MONTGOMERY AV.. No. 68. Allegheny Scc . ond story furnished front room facing parks. ROOMS Two handsomely furnished rooms with both gases and bath: for gentlemen: no other lodgers, inquire at 83 sixth av. SANDUSKY ST., 97. Alleghcny-Niccly fur nished rooms. - STOCKTON AV.. No. 12, Allegheny Large sec ond story tront room, with alcove; furnished. u NION AV., 23 Allegheny Well furnished front room witu boaru: terms reasonaoie. z bee additional adieu unaer Wanted Boarders and Lodgers. Business Stands To Let. TO LEI Room, with or without power: also, storage room, drv kiln, capacity 30.000 ft ; will lease kiln or dry lumper uy contract, ueau jjou 1 orks. Grant and Buquet sts Allegheny. Applv on premises or to H. A. Spanglcr, Uhird National Bank, Allegheny. rpo LET Pride, near Locust St.. fitted upror and L formerlj occupied as a butcher shop; also live dwelling rooms attached : $25 per mo. : send for list. W. A. Herron A Sous, 80 4th av. rro LET Two large floors with or without power. X Inquire of Pearl Laundry. Federal st. MisceUaneous To Lets. TO LET Large wagons for moving, and separate apartment for storage of houschuld goods only. Shanahan Transfer Co.. 101 Forbes av. rpo LET allnw's Hall every Monday and first 1 and third Wednesday, opp. Atwood St., Oak land. PERSONAL. TJERSONAL Mrs. Dr. McGranor's sure pile A cures. 350wyncav. PEBSONAL-ProC Frank Charles, phrenologist, 101 Park way. Allegheny. PERSONAL Rag carpet woven to order. 51 North Dlamoud St., Allegheny. PERSON AL-Jas. H. Curry, 279 Federal St.. Al legheny: ladles 'tailor; riding habits a specialty . PERSONAL Shanahan Transfer Co. move, pack and store household good; teams for hire; ex- press wagons. 151) Water St.. Tel 1549, PERsONAL-Credit, yes. credit, on fine dress goods, silks, satlns.wraps.ctc. at J. Dwycr's Room 4. McCance block. 701 gmlthfield. PERSONAL Ton can buy gents' solid gold watches: full Jeweled Elgin tor Jfi. at 109 Car son st,; repairing a specialty. A. Carlson. PEltSONAL Ta-va-zon Cough SvniD; unequaled for coughs, colds consumption, throat and lung diseases. Dr. Griffith, Third and Grant, Pittsburg. PERSONAL Hair, moles, etc.. on ladies laces permanently destroved bv the electric needle without pain or scar; cousultatlon free. Miss t Irons, office 903 Penn av.. Dickson building. "IJLRSONAL-Ladlcs wishing to take 'lurkn Fare 1 Baths or face massage for removing blemishes and Improving the complexion will please visit my parlors at. 003 Penn a v.. Pittsburg. M Us snerwood. ERSONAL Chrl'tmas Evans, spurgcon, Mc- Vn I Inrfnm Tii.r..Trtn Knupl.lc fitpp.tarrh rheumatism, weak lungs, stomach, kldners. nerves, prostration, general debllltv; never fall: ciamtno home testimony. Dr. Griffith, Third and Grant. Pittsburg. PERSON AL When I was a small boy mv mother always repaired iny breeches and jacket, but slncelgottO'be a great big man, Dickson, the well-known'tallor, 65 Firth av.. cor, ood St.. second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating in great shape- TeL 155s. LOST. LOST In the right hand lower box of Alvln Theater on Thursday evening, Oct. 20, a pa'r of gold mounted opera glasses. Liberal reward wlllbe paid If left at 166 Fourth av. LOST If the two colored men that took large black; and white dog from 205 Jackson St., Alle'v, do not return dog at once suit win be entered, as they were seen and can be Identified. LOST Little north of Morganza. two black and tan dogs; 25 Inches high, with white ring around his neck, about 7 years old and answers to name of Ring: the other about 23 inches high, 5 ears old and part of tall ou; name, Popp: had on leather collar, with name and adaresa of owner; t5 reward for Information leading to the wbere aboutsofeithcrdog, J. M. Clark, 1816 Wharton St.. Pittsburg. S. S. FOUND. EOUND The only reliable tree hand portrait artists in cravon and water rotors: finest grades only: all work done In windows In presence of the public: order uowand pay for Christmas; stores opea until 8 p. M. : satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Jos. 1. Cowan. Prop. Union Ar tists' Portrait Co.. first floors 708 Liberty St., 607 Wood st.: Branch 26 Ohio St.; we employ no agents. Telephone 2172. WANTED. Financial Wanted. JOHN K. EWING A CO., 107 Federal st, make quick loans. MON EY to loan on real estate security In any sums desired; lowest rates of Interest; quick and economical service. Piper A Clark, 181 Fourth M ON EY at 5 per cent "We have 150,000 to loan. (300 up. A lies jjros. uo., iih r ourin av. fl If ORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county prop- J.U. erty at lowest rates. ncnryA. -iveayer.o., 92 Fourth av. rpo LOAN tC0O.OOu on mortgages; flOO and up X ward at 6 per cent; f50n,000 at 4X per cent on residence or business 'property, -racant lots or farms. S. H. French, 125 Fourth av. "170" ANTED-Mort gages ou Improved city or Atle- v t cnenj Fourth av. gheny city property. McUme A Coulter, W PITTSBURG DISPATCH, JO- Claitited real ettat aavertutmenu on this page ten cents per Una for each imerhon, and none taken for less than twenty centi. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the lollqwlng headings will be ac cepted at the rate of ONE CENT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION when paid for in ad vance either at main or branch offices. Wanted Jldvertiiemenls of all Kindt. eUCH AS SITUATION-, KOOMH, MALE HELP, BOARDIfO, FEMALE HELP, HOARDERS, AGENTS, MISCELLANEOUS, personal. to let room!, miscellaneous'for sales, lost and found. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE Cor. Bmlthfleld and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHF- WANTS. FOR 8 VLB. TO LET. .AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements nould be prepaid unless adver tisers already have accounts with Tmt Dispatch. FOR ALLEGHENY. NO. 107 FEDERAL ST.. TELEPHONE S021. FOR THE SOUTHSIDF, NO. "2 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 60S. FOR THE EAST ND. J. W. WALLACE, tan P.&NN AV. rrrr--pnno ADnrrroN al. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. SM0 Rutler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 2th street and Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY ADDITIONAL. F. H..EGOERS A SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMASMcHt'NHY. Western and Irwlnavennes. WANTED. Male Help. BARBER A first-class barber at 2808 Penn av., Pittsburg. BARBER rtllh Jycars'cxpericnce. E8M Penn av., E. E. B ARBER. M Federal St., Allegheny City. B1 OY of (food appearance In Jewelry store; must nave reiercnccs. oiJiucrtj m. B1 OYwith some experience in tne barber trade. Apply its sin av. C1ANVASS R-Thoroughly reliable and cxperi- :-enced canvasser.for quick-selling and pavlug noveltv: good inducements for satisfactory party. Addreis Henry Scull, 1031 Market St.. Philadel phia, Pa. (1ANVASSERS Two experienced canvassers to J call on business mep; fl5 weekly. 143 Fulton street. flAN VASSERS-Vew gooa men: good pay L- Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., 6 Sixth st. COLLECTOR and salesman: must have good rer " erenee and rurnlsh bond. Address Supply Dealer, Dispatch office. COOK Good cook: white man prererred. Address B.. Dispatch office. IEEDER-Cylinder and Job press feeder. Smith ? Bros,. 415 Grant st. MACHINE"HAND experienced on sash doors and frames. Massina Bros. A Whltmore. Wil kluaburg. Pa. MAN-A live, active roan with some pluck and push, to represent us In your locality: we hare something entlrelv new that goes, aud unless you can makei75to 250"permonth we don'tneed vou: no peddling: better write to-day. Address Manufacturers. V. O. Box 5308. Boston, Mass. MAN to work in pop shop: none but a steady man need applv. Apply at 2 aud 4 Grant St. between 9 and 12 A. H. MEN to take orders: no delivering or collecting; no experience: steady work; best terms; out fit free. Allen Nursery Co.. Rochester. N. Y. . II' OLL TURNERS. Apply at A. D. Thomas', I3tn ana r.ma. SALESMAN On saiarv or commission, to nandle the new patent chemical ink erasing pencil: the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases InK thoroughly in two seconds: no alirislonof paper: JcotoElOpcrccnt profit; one agent's sales amounted 10 t02u in six days, another 132 in two hours: we want one energetic general agent for each State and Territory. For terms and particu lars address the Monroe Eraser Manufacturing Company. X, 10. I.a Crosse. Wis. OALESMAN Vlsltlngsawmills. flour mills and O factories to selLjsldc line) 6taple article lu great demand: pays f50 to 1 100 per month. Royal slTg. Co.. 90 Nassau St.". New York. SALESMAN for Pa. and Ohlo:.good opening for right man. Address Sumatra Cigar Co., Chi cago, 1 11. SALESMEN (Side line) to sell stores Wiegand's frame hanger lor pictures crayons, mirrors, signs, etc.: no picture Kings perfectly without it. Wlegaud Frame Hanger Co.. 1232 Penn av. SLATERS (2). also one tinner. C. SeyboidA Sons,' New Kensington, Pa. SOLICITOR thoroughly posted In bookkeeping to introduce In Western Pennsylvania Harri man's svstem for locating mistakes in bookkeep ing. Address W. I. Corey. 37 Carlisle Bldg, Cin cinnati. O. SOLICITOR Flrst-classadvertlslnr and subscrip tion solicitor Immediately. For Interview call Tuesday. 9 to 12, seventh Avenue Hotel. Arm stroug A Surles. SOLICITORS For city and adjacent towns; .in eral commission. Geo. E. Shlppey. 52 6th av. STONECUTTERS and quarrymen on railroad work at Cnrwensvllle. Pa. For information, inquire of G. W. Lewis. 153 First av.. Dixon A Co. "lirANTED The names and addresses of cner tV getic men open ror permanet work. We give exclusive territory; we guarantee good workers 130 a week: we furnish office, furniture, delivery team, and newspaper advertising: our article is monopo ly: it willsaye 25 per cent orthe coal bills or every body; fUU particulars by mail; Uthogranbs, pamph lets, etc., free upon receipt of postage. Address KoalsparCo., 40 Oliver St.. Boston. Mass. WATCHMAKER-Young man prererred, and one tha t can sell. 978 Liberty st. WHITE WAITER Male For restaurant at Mansfield, Pa.: recommend itlon necessary. ' all at 100 Market st. between 2 and 3 o'clock; must be prepared to work at once 7"oUNGinan to run steam washer; state where L last wmpioycu auu nages. ijauuuij, vis patch office. Agents. AGENTS-City and country, to sell "O'Kcefe's Fills," a sure cure fo liver derangements, colds, coughs, hoariencss. etc: agents can make (3 to 5 a day. Dr. O'Keefe A Co., 132 l'cnn av. AGENTS To make big wages selling holiday book, 701 pages, 30 pictures. L. F. Gehr, Pittsburg, Pa. AGENTS 3 to 17 dallv: experience unnecessary. Putinau A Co.. perfumers. West Wlnstcd.Ct. Female Help Wanted. CHAMBERMAID at once. Call Room 32 Vander- j gnu Duiiaing, 103 rourm av., x-iiuourg, CtOOKS, chambermaids, housework girls, walt J ress, laundress; situations free. Elite, 442 Penn av. IOOK Aiemalecook: reference required. Ap- J ply 217 Allegheny av.. Auegneny city. MIRL Tidy young girl for light housework and nurse DaDy. 100 jocusi si., Aiicgncny iuy. Ct IRL to do general housework In a clergyman's J family. Inquire at No. 19 Oakland square. G IRLS for downstairs i nrk In first-class places. Mrs. iv arus, isu w asinugion su, cuy. GIRL for general housework at 62 River av., Allegheny: good wages paid. TADIES to do lancv work at their homes or to J act as agents. Call and see work or address J. M. Lemar A Co.. 90 Fourth v. T ADY Totako charge business and stock and Al open office business; w at40WyItcnv.. third floor. pcn office business; will pay SIDO month. Call LADY CLERK In a country store. Address Box No. 76. Frisco. Beaver county. Fa. TAILORESS VESTMAKERS-Also to work on coats; good wages: steady work. Topping Tailor Co., Zulema, near Ward St., Oakland, Pitts burg. , WANTEO A lady stenogranher wishes to rent deskroom in an office where a reasonable amount of work would pay rent. Address Room, Dispatch office. Male and Female Help Wanted. HELP Laundresses, cooks, chambermaids, nurses, dining room girls; cook and cham bermaid lor same house: 200 house girls, restau rant cooks: wages, $5 to 10; hotel cooks, chamber maids, laundrv and kitchen girls: colored help; drivers, farm hands: white and colored help. Miss Dolan. successor to Miss Thompson, 608 Grant St. HELP 60 laborers. $1 60 per day, no strike, fare paid: farm hands, teamsters, waiter, porttr, man cook, hotel cooks, dishwashers, second cook, chambermaids, dlnlilg room girls, pantry girl, family help, cotored nurse: highest wages paid here: 40 girls for hotels. Median's Agency, 545 Grant st. WANTED Good housekeepers or janitors to use Seguard's wonderful cleaner: cleans wall paper, paints, carpets, tile floors, oil cloths and 8 late glass; never use scrubbing brush or soap. Dice Penn and 5th st. Hotel, Dining and LuncU Rooms. COZIEST dining, lunch and Ice cream rooms In the city, Kcvan's. 908 Penntav. Business men's dinner, d' hote; ladles' uoon lunch, en'carte. HOTEL MORRIS, 3d ave. and Cherry allev, rear of postofilce Rooms, 50, 75 cents; meals, 25 cents. H OTEL GRANT Rooms 25c and 50c: also fur nished rooms to let. cor. Grant and water. H OTf.L FEDERAL. 171 Federal St., Allegheny, 11 50, 12 flay; .special rates wnen permanent. Business Opportunities WanteC. TIT ANffED-A reliable house in Bostdn which VV cintrois valuable U. 8. patent desires to ne gotiatefwlth a man having capital of C0 to M0 to engage in the same bnslness In other cities, where 82 500 a yenr can be made: Pltuhurg references given ; send for pamph et, A. T. Thompson Co.. llTrttnontKow, Boston. Sin, MONDAY. - OCTOBER 24. "WANTED. Situations Wanted. POSITION as superintendent or manager In a bottle glass house within 100 miles of Pitts burg: was brought up In the glass business and can give the highest references as to character and ability; am now and have been manager in a glass factory for the past :o years, but desire to make change; could put some capital into the business if desired. Address Glassinaker, Dispatch office, Pittsburg, Pa. . POSITION Evpert accountant seeks evening amplorment: hooka posted, audited, balanced. L 4 Carlisle place. Fifth av. POSITION as porter, or to take care of horses, by a German. Address R. W.. Dispatch office. Wanted Partner. DltYGOODS-Sllent partnership wanted: an American (35) of ability, experience and capi tal will Invest flu, 100 In good firm or store; posi tively no salary exDected. onlv pro-rata share or profit. Wt S. F.. 76 Franklin St.. N. Y. PARTNER A gentleman as partner and mana ger to buy a half interest for ft, 000 cash In the best paying enterprise in Pittsburg: has showing or over $12,5'0'.-turlng past 12 months; only those who have the cash and mean strictly business need apblv ror particulars, etc. II., Manager, Dispatch omcc. PART NEH-First-cIass practical plumber ai part ner or to work on percentage lu good town. Address B. P., Dispatch office. Fire Insurance Wanted. BEN8WANGKR A ZAUN Flxo insurance. CO Fourth av. Boarders and Lodgers Wanted. OCCTJPANTS-Gentlemen ocrnpants for hand somely furnished connecting rooms facing park. Address J. P.. Dispatch office. , OCCUPA"NTSfcr goo 1 rooms, second floor, with first-class board. 41 Fourth St.. near Penn av. Instruction. TNSTRTTCTTOV In Latin. TJreek and German. J. by Henry Gibbons. Address Edgewood Park. Pa., or 156 Fourth av..(secoud floor). Pittsburg. "VOUNG and mlddle-ageil men and women to X learu nooKKeeping. penmansuip. sTiiiiuiewi;, German, spelling, 'shorthand, typewriting, etc, at the Actual Business College.No. 5 Sixth avenue; day and evening schools -open the entire year; private lristruetlon and brief and original meth ods our specialties: bookkeeuiug ' taught -by ac tual business practice; write for free pictorial catalogue. Real Estate Wanted. WANTED-SIx-roomcd house near Penn ave nue and Duquesne cars. East End. by family of four grown persons; state terms. Address Francis, DUpatch office. Miscellaneous -Wanted. F'LECTTHOMrg. and SnpplvCo.,310 Blssell block, i Pgh . 64 Federal, Allcgh'y: Incandescent and hell wiring; electrical repairing a specialty; phone 1875. EVERYBODY to get 12 best cabinets this month rorsi, at Aurrccht's gallery. 77 Firth av. "pAlNllNn and 1'lato Glass giazlug. li.U. illller. x tzr r Grant St.. Pittsburg. 1 'BONKS hauled to and rroiu the Kast End for liny cents. Campbell A Davis. No. 12 Seventh av. Telephone 276. USP. Jones' Bedbug Paralyzer rones' Magi Roach Powder: roaches banished by contract satisfaction given or no pay. 22 Federal St., Alio gheny. fcoldbv all first-class druggists. W 'ANTED All business men to know that the Office Specialty Co., 1(B Third av., keep In stock the latest and best office furniture, filing cabinets and labor-saving office specialties ; work to order and metallic vault fixtures are among their specialties. ' t WANTEO-Statlstles: monthly highest and low est prices of wool. hops, petroleum, tobacco, hemp and pig iron for any past jears: satisfactory price will be paid for auy or above statlsilcs. Ad dress Frank Murey, L 1 Grange, Ilk "IT? AN TED Everyone wno wants tne finest and IT cheapest wall paper In America to send for samples: sent free to any address. G. G. O'Brien, Paint and Wall Paper atore. as Firth av. WANTED-Warnlng All cuts and illustrations in the official programme are my property and copyrighted: auy infringements will be prosi- cuttd. A.Y. Lee. 1 . IT7 ANTED To let A part or the whole of a me V V dlum-slzed furnished or unfurnished housi- In Oakland; terms reasonable.. Address Box 533, Pittsburg. WANTED-Furniture to move, pack and store; teams for hire; express wagons.- Shanahan Transfer Co., 150 Water St., Tel. 1849 WANTED A No. I setter bird dog, young, well broke: state price and particulars. S. W. Foulk.-New Castle, Pa "rtTANTED-l-econd-hand saloon counter, 22 reel YV long. Address 77 Pennsylvania ay.. -AH' v. WOOO and jinolo engraving: nan tones; eiectro- typing. Bragdon. 78 Fourth av. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses, VeUlcIes," Id-op-Stoclc Eor Sale. DELIVERY wagons-Deltveryvwagoni all styte onr own make. Wis. Beckert, 340 to 344 Ohio .. ,1 ii.i..t.... jm. f B(,,.yal:jcuviij. luciJiiuiic mr HORSE! Match team or coach horses, mil brothers, Hambletonlans: bays, 3 and 4 years old : 16 bauds, l,:oi'lbs each; fine style and action; strictly sound. Address U. A. Pcnuock, Minerva, Ohio.. HORSE Large horse, thoroughly kind; sold for want of use. Apply Mr. Stepnensou's brick stable, corner Ellsworth av. and South Negley (Roup) St.; inquire for Patrick Fitzgerald. PONIES Team of ponies, good workers: also covered wagon and good top buggy, with full leather trimmings. Inquire of Pearl Laundry, Fed- . Machinery and Sletals For Sale. BOILERS and engines,' second hand: all sires, from 4 to 100 h. p.: cheapest in the market: 64 boilers aud engines In stock, stationary and porta ble, upright hollers,. mounted tarm engine, etc.: steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting. Telephone 3M1, 13-25 Park way. J. S. Young. Al legheny. Pa. . BRYANT and Acme automatic engines and boil ers, hot water and steam heating exhaust fans and ventilating fly fans, water and electric motors, dynamos and electric lighting: general machinists, engineers and contractors; stationary engines and boilers. Tompkins A Ulrlch, 316 Liberty St., Pitts burg, Pa. ENGINES and boilers or every description: brick yard supplies: contractors' and rolllngmlll ma chinery. Thomas Carllu's Sons, Lacock and Sau dusky sts.. Allegheny. Rubber Stamps and Stencils For Sale. METyouf rubber stamps, steel stamps, stencils, VT seal presses, brass checks, etc. from Sheaffer A Co.. 49 Filth av.. DutTa College building. STENCILS, steel stamps, heal presses, rubber stamps etc. W. A. BuntliiE, 20 Filth av.. cor. Market. Miscellaneous For Sale. -IASH REGISTER-Safe, counters, shelving, roll V J top desk, letter press, horse, wagou, harness. No 58 Diamond st. HOUSEHOLD furniture. Including piano. In quire at No. 38 Gist st . ritlsbnrg. )OOL TABLE3-Six pool tables. Jos. Stolzcr, . 2727 Penn av. FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities For Sale. HOTELFUKNITURE AND LEASE. with exten sive transient trade; line brick house on corner nearCourt House in this growlngclty:47 rooms fur nlslicd with new aud modern lurnlture: good stock liquors, etc. : long lease and ch-ap rent: price. fl.500, on reasonable pavnicnts; best opening In the ate. Address C. II. Folsom, Lima, Ohio. SALOON For sale, first-class saloon and res taurant: one orthe best locations tn the city. Address T. E. Ray, No. 110 Perry st Cleveland, Ohio. , SALOON-Flrst-class saloon, has best Jug trade in city; must sell on account or large lumber Interests. Address Box 201. Cumberland, Md. - - SALOON First-class saloon located In the center or town: 1500 cash will buy. J. M. Sharp, 2A East Federal St.. t oungstotrn. Ohio. FOR SALE-LOTS. City Lots.' LOTS on Bluft and Vickroy its., near college. Robert Coward, a) Bluff St. ..East End Lots For Sale. C1ENTER AV. lots. 48x175, only 82.0CO each: street Improvements and sewers paid for; choice lo cation: first-class improvements: on a mainthor oughrare: a limited number only offered at this Frlce: terms to suit. tecM. IVlloivley A Son, 91 llaniond st. FOR SALE Public sale: by order of the execu tors of the estate or E-S. Jofircy. dee'd., on next Thursday. Oct. 27, 1892.- at 3 o'clock r. si., on the premises, that fine propel ty, S. E. cor. Fifth av. and Neville St., llf acres ground, as a whole or In parts. For plans.see V A. Herron A Sons, 80 Fourth av. " P 'OR SALE-East End. JI.SOO. lot 3'ixl(5 ft.: pcr leetlv level; on Wavcrlr St.: one of the best locations 111 m waru: on utiu 111 uutiuciiu curving line (143). W. A. Hcitoii A Sons, 8J 4th av. SCHENLY PARK iot950xI5u. or greater front age if desired, on Woodland avenue, between Forbes avenue and bchcnley Park: beautifully sit uated; on Squirrel Hill Street Railroad, also within short distance of cable apd Duquensc lines: as phaltum. pavement aud all other Improvements; cheap: easy terms. Apply 5100 Forbes or 20 Fifth avenue, Frank F. Nicola. . Allegheny Lots For Sale. LOT 155x130 feel on Pennsylvania av., fine building lot. A. D. Wilson, 65 Federal st., Allegheny. LOT 17x140, corner Allegheny and Pennsyl vania avs. A. D. Wilson. 55 Federal St., Alle gheny LOT-On California av 47x190 ft.: elegant loca tlon. A. D. WHson.55 Federal St., Allegheny. Suburban Lots For Sale. LOTS A great snap for some one; two 40 ft lots on Sixth av.. Kensingtou, si 150. Baxter, Thorn pson A Co.. 181 Fourth av.. Pittsburg. -Pa. Farms For .Sale. FARM A nice farm of almost 90 acres near the city; excellent dwelling, large barn, line orch ard, plenty or water: a desirable locality; convent Sent to churches, schools, stores and oulyl mile from railroad station. Jas. AV, Drape A Co., IM Wood St., Pittsburg. 1893. FOR SALE LOTS. For Exchange. "inT propertv in exchange for farm: we have a Vj couple of good properties, residence and busi ness, to exchange for a farm. D. Beben A Co., 4112 Penn ar. " " - Real Estate. 3 000 real estate bargains: send for new 144-page catalogue Just from the printers. Irec. Black A Balrd. 05 fourth av. FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East End Residences For Sale. NEW and complete brick dwelling of 12 rooms; hardwood mantels wilh cabinets, tile hearths, asbestos fireplace: first floor finished In hardwood, 4 chambers and bath: sta. w. stand, open plumb ing second floor; both gases, with combination fix tures or latest design; cemented cellar, with laun dry: front and, rear porch; bcautirul lawn, with flagstone sideialks: large lot; immediate posses sion; this property worthy of close Inspection. Baxter. Thompson A Co.. 181 Fourth av. fij'7 000 will buv three new frame dwellings sltu ID I j ated In Billefield, near Craig St.. each con taining 7 rooms, cltv water, gooil collar, porches: lot 60x76 reet; rent ror $822 per year, nearly 12' per cent: this Is dirt cheap. See Reed B. Coylc A Co.. cor. Fourth ar. and Grant st. ffl C 830 Very desirable residence. 6 rooms bt 35Uj sides bam anil finished attic, lot 48x110 reet, on Meadow st.. East End: location good and ontcklv and easily reached. (100 W. A. Ilcrron A Sons. SO Fourth av. Allei-henv Residences For Sale. KIRKPATKICK AVE., near Brighton Road Good frame house of 4 rooms, hall, attic etq:; lot 20x100 to an alley; only 3,00O. Liggett Bros., 71 Diamond st. , LINCOLN AVE.. Allegheny A bargain; onoof the finest loiations on this bcautirul aveune, large double brick mansion with wide center hall: library on first floor: 3 bath rooms, sanitary plumb ing, laundry, both gases, laige front porch: hou.e in best or condition: will be sold at a bargain, on account or recent .changes In owner's rain Uy; lot 50x140 to alley. Black A Balrd; 95 Fourth av, o N LOCUST ST.. Allegheny; fine stone front t-smrv tmlMlnir 10 rntims. nil TnodernJmDrove- ments. plate glass windows, lot- 42x130 leet, stable in rear. A.' IV. Wilson. 55 Federal St.. AUeulicny. Suburban Residences For Sale. 1 CCi Acres, house, stable, orchard, 4 miles from XUO. Economy;. f2,8T0; easy payments: (send stamp ror new farm exchange list. N. F. Hurst, Rochester. Pa. PROPOSALS. TEFFERSONVILLE. IND.. OCTOBEli 1. J 1892 Senled proposals, in triplicate, wil 1 be receivcdjiero until 11 o'clock A. it. (Cen tral standard time). TUESDAY, the 1st dav of November, 1802. for fnriiisliinir at the Q. M. Depot here, iOO.000 gallons of .mineral oil, of 135 flash tost, in cases or two llve-s&Ilon cans e.iuli. Govoinment iesorve3 right to reject any or all proposals, itnd to accept the wnole quantity, or auy portion or the mineral oil bid for. .All information fur nlshed on application here. Envelopes containing proposals should 'be marked "Proposals for Mineral-Oil." and addressed to COLONELHEXRYC. HODGES, Assistant Quartermnster General, U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. AUCTION SALES. SALE OF LAND BY THE UNITED states at Pittsburg, Ta. Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America iu Congress assembled. That the Secretary of War be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to sell and convey to the purchaser or pur chasers all the riant, title and interest of tho United States in and to all that certain parcel of giound, belonging to the United States, situate in the city of Pittsbnig. Penn sylvania, at the northwest cornor of Penn avenue and Garrison alley. Fourth ward of said.city, fronting 100 leet on west side of Penti avenue and extending northwardly along the west line of Garrison alley, pre serving tlio samo width, to low-water line of. the Allegheny river, subject,' however,, to such public easements as -exists' thereon and thereover. Depot Quartermaster's Ot tlee. Washington. D. C. October 12. 18!fi. L Uttder the provisions of the above quoted s .. . , T... i an oi liaoft ,wt CCI. Ol OllKIW.!, ttlllllUVCH Jjlttj ., wfc . bv direction of the Secretary of War, 1 will offer for sale at public auction at the Cham ber of Commerce room, Gerinania Bauk building, corner of Wood nnd Diamond streets, in the city of Pittsbnnr. Pa., on WEDNESDAY, the 16th day or November, 1892, at 11 o'clock a. m., for cash, theproperty described in -.aid act, together with Snch Improvements thereon as oelomr to the United States, subject to tlio conditions set iorth In said act, and subject also to the terms and conditions named in the printed circular of this date, copies of which will be furnished on.npplicatlon to the undersigned or to the Acting Assistant Quartermaster at Allegheny Arsenal, where also a plat of the ground can be seen. The right is reserved to reject any or till bids, or to accept any bid or bids subject to the conditions pre scribed In tbo circular referred to. A de posit of $10,000, by certifled-cb.ee!?, on ac count of the purchaso will be required of the successful bidder: at the time of sale, in default of which tho ptoperty will then and there be reoffered for sale. Payment of the remainder of the purchase money must be made upon delivery of duly executed deed ordeeds for the property purchased, or tho property may be resold, without further notice, at the risk and cost or tho defaulting purchaser. The cost of all conveyancing will he borne by the purchaser. . GEO. H. WEEKS, Deputy Quartermaster General, U. S. A. JOHN l. PAILEY, Auctioneer, Cham ber of Commorco Room, Germanla Bank Building, Pittsburg, Pa. T AUNDKY AT RECEIVER'S SALE. By virtue of an order of tho Court of Com mon Pleas No. 3, of Allegheny county, at No. 453, August Term, 1S92, in Equity, I will ex pose at public sale on the premises; corner of Carson and Twentv-thlrd streets. South side, Fittsbnrg, on SATURDAY, October 29, 1692, at s o'clock p. st., all the machinery, fixtures and appliances of the Empire Laun dry Company, Limited, also leasehold and good will, the same to b sold as a whole and as a "going concern." Terms cash. KIER MITCHELL. -' 100 Diamond street, Pittsburg, Receiver Empire Laundry Co., Ld. JAMES F ROBB, Attorney for Receiver. . AUCTI0N.AUCT.0N. FURNITURE. FUKNI1UUE-FURNITURE CARPETS. CARPETS. Consigned from a factory quittihg busi ness. 25 chamber ultes, 12 wnrdroDes, 31 sideboards, TUESDAY, Oct. 25, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms of the Henry Auction Co., 24 and 2G Ninth street. A large consignment of fine furniture. Chamber suites In walnut, oak and cherry, wardrobe, sideboard, desks, bookcases, pi ano, leather couch and chairs, hall racks, ext. table", pictures, clrck, handsome ma hogany est. table cost 85-00, dishes, springs, mattresses, comfort, blankets nnd bsddinw, large line of Brussels and "Ingrain carpet for rooms: and also at 2 o'clock, boots and shoes, notions, etc. Sale positives HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. SMITIISOa & VINCENT, GENEKAL AUCTIONEERS. Sales ot real estate, merchandise at stores, household goods at residences (jowelry sales for the trade onlv) promptly attended to. Offlcc,58 Eisner bullding.cor. 5th and Wood st. tl5-D CHOICE PROPERTIES. $5,500, Modern 8-Roomel Frame, Front and rear porches and stairs, vestibule and hall, eliding door, eles-ant mantels, tilo hearths, modern irn ranire, chandeliers, nicely papered throughout, bath, closet and s. wnsnstand, cemented cellar, finished laundry. Good stnb'e. Location central. Choice neighborhood. A pleasant place for a permanent home, convenient to all lines and P. R. R. MOORE & KELLY, Tel. 5150. CM Penu live. FOE SALE. 17 ACRES BEAUTIFUL GltOUND. Shady, cor. Wilklns ave., Twenty-second ward, near Filth avenuo and Scuculey Park, as a whole or in carts. $5,850. H3A.STE35TX). New frame house of 8 rooms ball, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor, three good bedrooms and bath on second floor and two looms in attic; elegant front and side porches; basement laundry; sewerage com plete; lot 25kll0 ' LIGGETT BROS., 71 DIAMOND ST. EDUCATIONAL. Get a Practlc.il Ilnsiuess Education. ACTUAL BUSINESSCOLLEGE, NO. 5 SIXTH AVE.N UIX Established 12 years. Day nnd nil lit. School open the entire year tor young men nnd, women. Students may begin at any time. Bookkeeping, shorthand, tytjo writ ing and English department. Bookkeeping taught by actual business, practice. Write for. free pictorial cutalnc'ie. M. J. CONNER, President, J. M. PHILLIPS, De.in or Faculty. t , wa-a.j n a f . A, HON & SOI' 80 FODRTH AVE: V AMUSEMENTS. THE ALVIN THEATER. CHARLES L. DAVIS, Owner and Manager. To-night, Wednesday and Saturday mati nees, tho latest droll conceit by "Sid- neyEosenfeld," entitled, IMAGINATION. Next week "Blue Jeans.' OC24-41 DUQUESNE, uflSffiS TO-NIGHT. THE MANOLA.MA-ON COMPANY. Monday.Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, "IF I WERE YOU." Friday ovening and Saturday mat! nee, "TIIE ARMY" SURGEON." Wednesdav matinee nnd Saturday evening, "CASTE" nnd "THE ARMY SURGEON." Next week "Dartmoor." oc24-10 GRAND OPERA HOUSE. TO-NIGHT. The Boston Howard Athenaeum Specialty Co. Prices 15, 25,50and75c Matinees Wednes day nnd Saturday 15 and 50c Reserved. Next week Lillian Lewis "LADY LIL." OC25-7J J. WHITCOMB RILEY. ALPINE QUA.RTETTE, CARNEGIE MUSIC HALL, ALLEGHENY, October 25, 1892. Reserved seats now on sale at Mellor & Hoene's Music Store. No. 77 Filth, and Alex Ross'. Music Store, No. 13 Federal street, Allogheny. Price: General admission, including re served seat, $1. ocl9-6M9,21,2i,25 OWING TO THE SERIOUS ILLNESS OF MRS. Sinllhson. the parlor entertainment for the benefit or Grace Church. Mt- Washington, has been postponed until farther notice. TTARRY DAVIS' EDEN MUSEE- "JIAEQUIS." the Beautiful Stallion, "DOMINGO," the Indian Albino Child. ; And a great stage show. Admission, 10 cent". oc21-45 HARilY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night. Matinees' Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. THE SOUTH BEFORE THE WAR. Fifty people on the stage. A carload of special scenerv. oc2i-12 EUROPE. STEUtUII WHITE STAR LINE. For Qneenstown and Liverpool. Royal and United States Mall Steamers. Germanic. Oct. 26. 9 amlGerm'c. Nov. 23. 8 am Teutonic, Nov.2. 2pm "Teutonic. Nov. , 2pra Brltannlc.Nov.9.9:3UainjBrttunIc Dec. 7. 8am "Majestic. Nov. Ifi. 2 pml'MaJcstie. Dec. 14,1:10 pm From White Star dock, foot or West Tenth street. New York. "Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates. SW and unw-.nl. Excursion tickets on favorable terms. Second cabin. S40 and 943. bteerajce from or to the old country, tSr. White Star drafts parable on demand in all the principal banks throiiKliout Great Britain. Apply tnJOHN J. MCCUKMICK. 6J9 Smlthtield street. Pittsburg, or 11. 3IAI TLAND KERSEY, General Agent, 31 Broadway, N. Y. ucM-d .LXi.3sr miiDTiE, ROYAL MAIL SI E -.MSIUI's. GLASGOW to PHILADELPHIA via DERRY and GAL WAY. Tne most di rect route from Scotland aud North and Middle of Ireland. ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. . Intermediate, S30. Steerage, SI9. STATE! service op I i ai t- Y AL,L,A3 -OINE LINc. J steamships. NE1Y YORK and GLASGOW via Londonderry every Fortnight. Nov.10. State of NeDraska 9 A..M. Nov. 2 State of California. 8 a. m. Dec. 15 State of Nebraska.. soox. Cabin, HO Second Cabin, $3". Steemge, $13. AddIv to J.J.MtCORMICK, G39 Smlthfleld st. " Jel3-p ANCHOR LINK Steamers Leave Nvv York Every Saturday For Glasgow via Londonderry. Rates for Saloon Passage. Cabin, S&S aud upwards. Second Cabin, 88J. Stceraje, S19. Passengers booked at through rates to or from any city in Great Britain or on the Continent. Drafts en London Sold at Lowpst Rites. Book or Information, tonrs and sa'lllng lists fur nished on application to Apents. HENDERSON Rllti I HEKS. 7 Howling Green. N. Y.. or J. J. MCCORMICK. 629 Smlthfleld St.. Pitts burg. F. M. SEJIPLE, 110 Federal St.. Allegheny. OCI9-MWF RAILROADS. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY CO Taking effect June 28. ISO, trains wla leave and arrive at Union station. Pittsburg, east ern standard time: Hrrffalo express Leaves at 8:29 a. m.. 1:50 p. m. (arriving at Buffalo at 5:45 p. m. and 7130 a. m.); arrives at7:05 a. m.. Site p. m. Oil City and Duljols express-Leaves fl:C0 1, m. . 8:30 a, m., l- p.m.: arrives 1:00, 8:15,10:20p.m. Em. lenton-Leavet. 3:43 p. m. ; arrives 10:00 a. m. lilt. tannlng Leaves9iOB a. m.. SiOO p. m. : arrives 8;VJ a. m.. 6:5S p. m. Braeonrn Leaves 6:M a. m.. 12:05 p. m., 0:30 p. m.. 6:15 p. m.; arrives 6:40 a. m.. 8:03 a. in.. I:p. m., 7:40 p. m. Valley Camp -Leave 10:14 a.m.. J:30. 9:M. 11:30 y. a. : arrives 6:40 a. m.. 13-30. 4:40. ll:W p. ro. Hulton-Leaves 7-Mp. m.:arrHet9:Mp. m. Sunday trains Bnr-faloeipress-Laves8:a. m- 8:50 p. m.: arrives 7-08 a. tn., 6S5 p. m. Em'enton Leaves 9:05 a.m.; arrives 9:13 p. m. Kltttmnlng Leaves 12:40 p. m. ; arrives 10:16 p. m. Braeburn Leaves 9:30 p.m.: arrives 7:10 p. m. Pnllraan. parlor buffet car on dav trains and Pullman sleeping car on nlht train between Pittsburg and Unffalo. Ticket omces. No. M0 Fifth av. and Union station. -. DAVID MCCAKGO. JAMES P. ANDERSON. Gen-lSupt. Gen. Pass. Act. ITTSBURG AND WESTERN RAIL-WAY Scbednle in effect May 15. 1832 (Central tlm). Denot cor Anderson st. and River av.. Alltghenv. Depart for Chicago. "2:00 p. ro. Solid train wltn Pullman sleeping car. For Kane. Bradford. 17:10 a.m. For Clarion. t7:10 a. m.. tt:C0p. in. tor Foxburg. 7:W a. m.. t2:00, t4:Sp.in. For Baffalo, Erie. Meadvllle. 17:W m. For Greenville. Mercer. Grove City. t7-10a- in.. fltHO p. m. For Akron. Cleveland, t7:10a. m.. ""hoop. in. For Sew Castle. "7111a. m.. "2:W,t3:05 p. ai. For Butler, 16:30. "7:10. 1930 a. m.. "2:00. t4CS. ts,5P-.. Trains arrive: From Kane.. 16:45 p. m.; CUrton, tlSaa. m.. 16:45 p. m.: Fcxbnrr. 19:05 1I1:J0 a. ro.. 16:4JD. m.:Erf. t3:30p. m. : Greenville. Mer cer 111:30 a. m.. 1350 p. m. : Aaron. U:6S a. m., W-4SP. ro.? New Castle, 19-05. Il5a. ni.. "Ma p'mT-BStfer. 17:00. 19:05. til :39 a. a... UiSC-. :4I D. m. : trom Chicago. "11:35 a. m. Dally. IXxcept Sunday. Rrnm Pittsburgh Union Station. II ennsulvania Lines. Trains Bun by Central Tims. North west System Fort Wayne Ron te Dtt ART for Chicago, point", intermediate and beyond: L20 a.m.,7.10 a.m.. "liSO p.m., J.0O p.m S.fi p, m.. J11.80 p-m. Arrive from vune points: 12.05 a.mU.I6 aja.. 6.00 ajn.. 63a ajn.. 5.55p.a., 6 43 p.m. Depart for Toledo, points intermediate and beyond: t7.10a.m.,l!i20p.m.,"lJ)Or.m.,11iaOp.m. Arrivi Irom same points: f 1.15 a-m., 0o un -fS.45p.rn. Depart for Cleveland, points Intermediate and beyond: t' a-m- 7-10 a-m. tl-30 p.a 11 05 p.m. ARRivn from same points: 50a.m,, f 1 -55 p.m., '5.55 p.m., jBJSO P.m. DsrART for Martins Ferry, Bridgeport and BcIIaire: 'ClUa.m., IJ!0p.m., tl.10p.m- Arrive from same points:) t9-UOa-ln.-tI.55p.ni.,t6-50p-n- DErART lor New Castle, Erie, Youngstown. Ashta bula, points intermediate and beyond: 17J0 a.m., 112.2) pjn. Arrive from same points: fl.25 p.m., 1(1.40 p.m. DErART fcr New Castle, Jamestown. Youngstown and Niles, f3 45 p.m. Arrive Irom same pomts : 18.40 i.m. ' Depart for Youngstown, "12.20 p.m. Arrive Irom YourgstowrJ, C".45 p.m. Southwest Syn'tein-Pnn Handle Ronte Depart lor Columbns, Cincinnati, IndianapoIisSt Louis, points intermediate andbeyond: 1.10 a.m.. '8 30 a.m., "8.45 pjn., "1 1.15 p.m. Arrive Irom tame points: &20a.m.,-6.U0a.in.. '5i0p.m. Depart lor Columbus, Chicago, points intermediate and beyond: "1.10 a.m., 112.05 p.m. Arrive Irom same points: 2i0 a.m., fS.0f p.m. Depart for Washipj-ton, t.15 a. m., 18.35 a. m fl 55 p. m.,tS.80p.m.,14.45p.m.,140p.nu Arrive from Washington, 16.55 a.m., 17 JO a.m., R50 a.m., 110.25 a.m.,fJ.35p.m-pi.25p.m. Depart for Wheelim-, "USO a. m., fl2.0o n'n.. fj.45 p. m., -16.10 p. m. Arrive from Wheeling, 18.45 a. nu, 13.05 p. m. 5JM pm. . Special Notice. - Pullkar Sleeping Cars aud Poixmak Di-iiko Cars run through. East and West, on principal trams ot both Systems. Local Sliihhg Cars rannin- to Columbus, Gn cinnatL Indianapolis, Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago are ready lor occupancy at Pittsburgh Union Station at 9 o'clock p. m. Time Tails of Through and Local Accommoda tion Train of other system, not menticoed above, can beobtauwdu 110 Filth Avesca sad Uzaca Station, PimUmji, aad at principal ticket oScts) oi tae Pcaa-syl-ratsJa Lous West of Pittsburgh, Dally. IKx. Bandar. JEx. Saturday. TEx. Kondar. JOSEPH WOOD, K. A. FORD, ttE-rtl KiMs-tr, tmttilmmtK ttm. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Is Effect JtNc 12, 1832. Trains will leave Union Station, Pittsburg as follows (Eastern Standard Time): MAIN LINE EASTTTAKD. Pennsylvania Limited of Pullman Vestibule Cart dalljr at 7:15a. m.. arriving at Harrlsbura-atl&t p. in.. Philadelphia 4:45 p. m.. ew York 7iOJ p. m.. Baltimore 4:40 p. m.. Washington 5:53 p.m. Keystone Express dally at 1:3) a. n-.. arrlvlnjr at Harrtsbure: 8:25 a. m., Baltimore Jl:15 a. m.. Washington 12:20 p. m.. Philadelphia 1125 a. m.. NeTV York 2:00 p. m. Atlantic Express dally at 3:30 a, m.. arriving at Ilarrlsburg 10:JOa. m.. Philadelphia 1:25 p.m.. New York 4:00 p. in. Barrlsburg Accommodation cally, exceptSunday, 5:25 a. m.. arriving- at Harrlsbnre 2-50 p. m. Dav Express dally at 9:00 a. m.. arriving; at Har rlsburg 3:3 p. ni.. Philadelphia 6:50 p.m.. New York 9:35 p. m., Baltimore 6:43 p. m., Washing ton 8:15p.m. Mall train Sunday only. 8:40 a. m., arrive Earrlx burg- 7:t D. m.. Philadelphia 10-55 p. m. Mall Express dally 12-50 p. m.. arriving at Harris burg 10:00 p. m., connecting at Ilarrlsburg for Philadelphia. FhlladelnhU express daily at 4:30.p. m.. arrtvlnir at Jlarrisbnrs- 1-O0a. m.. Philadelphia 4-25 a. m.. ana New York 7:10 s. m. . Eastern Express at 7:10 p. m. dally, arriving liar, rlsburg 2:10 a. ni., Baltimore 6:20 a. m., wash lugton ;: a. a.. Philadelphia 5:05 a. m. and Ncir Y'ork7:40a. ro. Fast Line, dally at8:10 p. m., frrlving at Ila-Tls-burg3:30 a. m.. Philadelphia 6-50 . ro.. New York 8:30 a.m.. Baltimore 6-20 a. m.. Washing ton 7S) a in. Alt through trains connect at Jersev City with boa's or "Brooklyn Annex" lor Brooklyn. N.Y., avoiding double ferriage and Journey through Ner York City. Johnstown Aceom.. except Sunday, 3:40 p. m Grcensburg Accom.. 11-30 p. m.. wttak day: 10-3 p. ro. bnndajs. Greensburg Express 5:15p.m.. except Sunday. Berry Express 11:00 a. m.. ex cept Sunday. Wall Accom.. 5:25, 6-00, 7:40. 8:35, 8:50, 9:40. JO-30. 11:00 a. m., li:I5. 12-50. 1:20. 2:30. 3:49, 4-00, 4:50, 5:15, 6-00.6:45.7:25 9:00, 10:20, 11:30 p. m 12:11 night, exceptMonday. Sunday, 8:40. 10,30 a. m.. 12:25. 12:50. 2-30, 4:30. 6:30, 7:20. 9:30, 10-50 p. m. and 12:10 night. Wllklnsburg Accom.. 5:25. 6-00. 6:15, 6:45, 7:00, 7:25. 7:40. 8:10. 5:33. 8-50. 9:40. 10-30. 11-00. 1110 a. m.. 12:01, 12:15. 12:30, 12-50. 1:20, 1-30. 2:00, 2:30 3:15. 3:40. 4:00. 4:10. 4:25. 4:35. 4-50. 5i0a 5:15. 5:30, 5:45. 6:00. 6:20. 6:45. 7:25. 8:20. 9-00. 9:45. 10:20. llroo, Ili30 p. m. wcek-davs, and 12:10nlght, ex cept Monday. Sunday. 5:50. 8:40, 10:30 a. m.. 12&. 12-50. 1:30. 2-30. 4:30, 5:30. 7:20, 9:00, 9:30. 10-30 p. m.. 12:10 night. Sraddock Accom.. 5-25. 6:00. 6:15. 6:45, 700, ;:2S. 7:40. 8:0O. 8:10. 8:35, 8-50. 9:40. 10:30. 11:00. 11:10. a. ro.. 12:01, 12:15. 12-30, 12-50. 120. 1:30. 2:00, 2:30, 3:15. 3:40, 4:00. 4H0, 4:25. 4:30, -4:35. 4-50. 5:00. 5:15. 5-30. 5:45. 6:10. 6:20. 6:45. 725. 8:20. 9-00. 9:45. 10a J1:C0, 11:30 p. m. week-dava, and 12:10 night, ex cept Mondav. Sunday. 5:30. 8:00, 8:40, 10:30 a.m.. 1225. 12-50. 1-30. 2:30, 4:30, 5:30. 7:20. 9:00, 9-30, 10:30 p. m.. 12:10 night. . southwest rEsr?f isAir.tVA-r. For Unlontown 5-25 aud 8-35 a. m.. 120 and4-25p. m. week-days. HONON6AHIXA DrFISION. 0f A VD AFTEB M AY 25. 111. For Monongahcla City. West Brownsville and Unlontown. 10:40 a. m. For Monongahels Cltv and West Brownsville. 7:3. and JO:40a.m.. and 4-50p.ro. On Sunday. 855 a. m. and 1:01 p. m. For Monongabrta Cltv only, lrtl and 5:30 p. m. week-days. Dvosburg Accom.. 6:00 a. m. and f -20 i. m. weet days. West Elizabeth Accom. 6:35 a.m.. i:'Ji. 6:30. and 11:35 p. m. Sunday. 8:40 p. m. WEST PISSSTLVAJIIA "DIVISION. I OX ASD AVTEB JUNE 20. 1S92. From FED EIIAL SI'KEET STATION. AUegheuy City: For Springdale. week-days. 6:20. 8:45. 9r25. 10:40, Il-50a. m.. 1:30. 2:23. 400. 5:00. 5:45. 6:10. 6-20, 8:10. 10:30 and 11 :40p.m. Sundays. 12:35 and 3:3.1 For Butler, week-days. 6:20. 8:45, 10:40 a. m., 3:I and 6:10 p. m. For Freeport, week-days. 6-55. 8:45. 10:40 a.m.. 3:15.4:0ci.5:00.8:I0. 10-.TO and 11:40 p. m. Sun days 12:35 and 9:30 p. m. . For Apollo, week-days. 10:40 a, m. ando'OOp. m. 1 orPanlton and Blalnville. week-days, 6:ooa. m.. 3:15 nnd 10-30 p. in. a-s-Tlie Excelsior Baggage Expres Companr will call for and check baggage from hotel and residences. Time cards and full information caa be obtained at the ticket offices No. 110 Fifth ara nor. corner Fourth avenue and Try street and CHaTeV'p'uGH. -T.B-WOOD. General Manager. Gen'lPasT Agent. BALTTMOBE AND OHIO BAILBOAD Behedule In effect Sept. X, 1892. Eastern Bm, r or asnington. D, C. Baltimore. Pblla delpbla and New York. -JOOttiuj 9 SO p ra. For Cumberland, 6 5a.--J0Oam.-tl I 9 20pm. ror Lonneusviue. 8 50, -"8 00. S3 SO a m. 41 10, 4 15, 45 CO an3 9 20 n m. For Unlontown- ft50, 8 0a S3 SO a mf 110. 41S and 45 M pin. F o r Mt. Pleasant 450andt5 ooam;?i 10, S4 I3anajpm. , For W ashlngton. Pa.. VJO. JS-JOand 4 38 hl, 4 OU, 44 45. "7 30 p m. - For Wheeling. V,A S3 10 and 43 30 a m, NOSV' 7 30. Ill-Upm. , For Cincinnati! and St. Lool. 7 9fl a m. 17 30 and I1155jm. For Cincinnati 11 55 p m. Sat. nrday only. ' For Columbus, "7 20 a m. 17 30 and 111 U P For Newark. T 26 a to, 7 30 and III 35 p m. ForChlcago. "7 20 am and "7 30 nm. Train arrive from New York. PhlladIphls,Ba! tlmore and Washington. "6 20 a m. ! 30 o m. Frpra Columbus. Cincinnati and Chicago, 50 a m. S 46 p m. From Wheeling. "S 50 and '10 45 a m. 44 13, ,7 55 and 8 40 pm. . .. u, Parlor and sleeping car to Baltimore, WaahlnsM ton, Cincinnati and Chicago. Dally. 4Ually except Sunday. $Sunday only. ISaturdayonly. -JDaliy except Saturday. The Pittsburg Transfer Company-Kill call for and check baggage from hotel and residence upon order left at B. O. ticket offlce, corner Firth avenue and Wood street, aud 639 smlthfleld street. J. T. ODELL. CHAS. O. SCULL. Gtneral Manager. Gen. Pas. Agtnt. , PmsBuno "and" LAjrTtaifX"RAraioIS Company. Scuednle In elfect May 15. 1893. Central time. DKPAET For Cleveland. "S. 00 a.m., 1.55. 4.20, -.45 p. m. For CInelnnatt. Chicago and St, Louis, 1.55. 9.45p. m. For Buffalo. 8.00 a. m.. 4.20, 3.45p. m. For Salamanca. 8.00 a.m.. 1.33, 9.45 p. m. For Youngstowu and New Castle, 6.00, 8.00. U.JO a. m.. 'l.SS. 53.3a '4.20. 9.45p. ra. For Beaver Falls, 6.00. 7.00, 3.0a 11.30 a.m., '1.5!, 1.30, 4.20. S.20. 9.4o p.m. For Chartlen. 5-30, 5.35, 6.00. "ie.45. 7.00, 7.37, "7.50. 18.10, 8.30. S.IO. 1L. ill. 45 a. m.. 12.10. 1.00. 2.00. 3.80, 4.05, 14.20, '4.-5, 5.10. 5.20. 8.00. 19.45, 10 p. m. Abbive From Cleveland. "-8:30 a. a.. 12:39, 5:15. 7:30p. m. From Cincinnati. Chicago and St, Louis. '6:30 a.m.. '12:33. 7:30 p. m. From Buf falo. 5:J0 a. m.. 12:30, 9:30 p. m. From Salamanca, 630, WiOOa. m.. 7:10d. in. From Youngstown, and Sew Castle. 0:30, "7:5, '10-00 a. m.. 'K:"). 3:15, 7:30, 9:30p. m. From Beaver Fan. 5306:30, 725, 'lOrtla. m.. '12:80. 1:20. 5:15. 7-J0, 9:30p.m. P.. C. A. Y. trains for Mausneld. 7:37a. m.. 12:10, 4:05 p. m. For Esplen and Beechmont, 7:37 a. m- 4:05 p. m. P.. a AT. trains from Mansfield. 7:d. 11:30a. m., 2:37 p. m. From Beechmont, 7iSl, 11-50 a. m. P., 3Ic"K. 4 Y. B. B. DicPAET-ForNew Haves, 3-20 a. ra.. 3:C0 p. m. For West Newton, 8-20 a, Q-. "S:"". 5:23 p. m. Anr.ivi-From New Haven. 9:0ea. m., '407 p. m. From West Newton, 6:35, 9i00 a. m., 4r07 p. m. For MeXeesporL FJlxabeth. Monoagahela City and Belle Vernon. T.-4U, 11:05 a. a., 4:C0 p. m. From Belle Vernon, Monoagahela City. Eliza beth and McEeesport, "7:40 a. ni., 17-55, 303 p.m. Dally. ISundays only. ITo and irom Ntnr Castle only. Cliy Ticket Offlcf. 639 Smlthflald Street. OIL WELL SUPPLIES. After 19 Years of Trial, BLAIHB, THE FAMILY SAFEGUARD OIL Is Conceded to Be the Best and Saei t Oft Enown. ELAINE NEVER VAEIES IN QUALITT. Cannot Be Exploded. It is the very hi-jhest gnae of refined T) trolenm, Irom which in tho process of man. Dfaotnre, every imparity has Deea ellra Innted. Hiainn Is free fmm tenrine and parafflnet It will never chill in the coldest tempera ture known on this continent. In color. Elaine Ii sprlne-water whlte.'and It "lire test" is o hitrh as to nialte It as at solntely safe as any illnminant known."- Havlns no disacreeithla odor, Elaine U pleasant oil for family nse. Can Eo Bnrnod in iny Petroleirra Iamj. A POSITIVE PKOTECnON FROM LAMP EXPLOSIONS. UAEE3 THE SAFEST AND BEST LIQH"f KNOWN. ELAINE! StSJif OIL 100 Million Gallons ELAINE Sold in IS Tear From 1S73 to 1831. Elaine Cannot Bo Improved Upon. WAKDEN & OXNARD, MANTJFACTTTBERS, fol JITVTSBTJRQ. PA. ACTUAL RESULTS, Show DISPATCH adlets to ke moat proBtable to attTCa-tlben. Try thvam-: 4ly--JrJS9iy.HMv iBmr - -. '? s.