? H I ...... I .. I . I-II HIM 11 THE TJLTTSBURG- DISPATCH. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 16, 189a BLACK PATTI RETURNS. The Charming Songstress Will Close (he Exposition. LAST WEEK OF THE TOIST SHOW. Strong Efforts to Make the last Week ths Best Meek. XEXi ADVERTISEMENT. last sights laege attendance The next to the last week of the PitUbure Exposition closed last night,- when proba bly one of the largest crowds that ever as sembled at the big Point show reluctantly left the place after an enjoyable eTening of sightseeing. The crowd yester day and last night was attracted by Miss De Yere and her delightful singing. She is probably one of the most popular attrac tions that has been at the Exposition this season, unless Black Tatti's charming and wonderful roice overshadowed all other at tractions. Manager Johnston announced last night that he had arranged to have Black Patti return to the Exposition for the closing week. She will arrive in Pittsburg this morning, and she will appear every after noon ana evening &i me .exposition iui, the last week of the Point's big show. The management has already expended a larger amount of money in attractions this year than ever before, but the returns have Justified all their ventures. Xot satisfied, 'however. Manager Johnston, realizing that t no public must rule, in response to a demand from hundreds of music lovers, succeeded in re-oncauimr tne black nightingale for next week, but in doing so lie os com pelled to pay a larse bonns for the release of her contract elsewhere. Everybody who has beard the famous singer was forced to acknowledge her surpaslns quality of Toice. the great range or her vocal powers and the clear, sweet notes that floated from her lips like the sparkling crystals from a placid brook. The Exposition will positively close on Saturday niht next. It has been the best show ever given by the organization and the effort is to make tho last ween the best vreck. rrnsr ruraiiUM-GOLD medal Awarded at the Fittsborg Exposition, Oc tober, 1893, to J. C. Bartlett, Xos. 203 and 205 Wood Street, Pittsburg. The first premium gold medal was awarded by the Judges of cas saving appli ances at the Pittsburg Exposition to Mr. J. THE ALVIN THEATER. CITAKLKS I DAVIS OWXEtt AND MANAGKtt. 70 FIRE EXITS 70 monSXyI OCTOBER 17. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Mr. Charles Frohman Presents for the First Time in Thii City The Latest Farcical Comedy Success, KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. y s EDENvMUSEE AND FAMILY THEATER. Handsomest in America. 1 LI CIRCLE. BY ALEXANDER fllS50t AND SIDNEY flOSEHFELD. Performed for ioo nights at the Columbia Theater, Boston. To be preceded by the one-act Comedy by Mrs. Francis Hodgson Burnett, YOUNG LOVE'S DREAM. Oct. 24 "IMAGINATION." By Sidney Rosenfeld. ocH SPECIAL o - (I - jji-iy 7 C. Bartlett, representing the Jewett Gag Itanse. The "Jewett" was awarded the first prize after probably one of the most scien tific competitive tests ever made in this country, and was in competition with all of the most prominent makes of pas ranges in the United tates and was awarded the first prize for its efficiency and its economy. There are at the present time about 150 of the "Jewett" gas ranges in use in Allegheny county, and tliey are all CiviiiL elezant satisfaction and are reducing tho gas hills of the owners very much more than was expected. In your efforts to eet a flm class sas range don't forget the prize medal "Jewett," and if you want a furnace, range or stove don't overloot the other specialties of Sir. Bartlett, which are the Bartlett furnaces and wrought steel ranees and the well-known line of Cinderella" l anses and si oves. All of these special lines or Mr. Bartlett's can be seen at Nos. 203 and i'-fi Wood street, and at tho Exposition for this week only. EXPOSITION LAST WEEK. In deference to the wishes of thousands ol pa trons, the management has succeeded in re engaging, for one week only, the inimitable BLACK PATTI, the colored queen of song. BLACK PATTI Will sing each afternoon and evening with BROOKS' Unrivaled Band. October 17 to October 22 inclusive. Prices as usual. :: nPll 17 ONE WEEK, flpni 17 UU1. 1 COMMENCING UUl. 1 Ke-Ensaged by Request, Turpvocirc To Tell Ladies' Fortunes Free. NEW ADVEBTISBXKHTS. GRAND opioSE. Mr. E. D. Wilt Proprietor and Mantr. ONE WEEK, APT 1 7 COMMENCING MONDAY. V-V I - I . NEW ADTERT15EMEWT5. OCT. 17 TO 25. OCT. 17 TO 25. Pittsburg's Leading Theater. CONTINTJIira ALL WEEK. a Tbe Greatest Comedy Success of tbe Season, A Railroad Ticket A Genuine Comedy With a Unique Plot. CAST: $ Milliard Simms, Louis Wesley, Raymond Flnlay, Harry Blaney, Jas. C. Cherrfe, J. F. Curry, Bijou Quartette.' a - M' Mia towers of sweet roses to pass off the even', In exqulsHlire rapture to linger the while, With maidens as fair as the Garden of Eden, Those fortuno-telllng Eves Xrom the banks ot the Kile. MABEL 3VLTLTON, The Longest Hatred Lady on Earth. SAUNDERS, The Colored Chalk Artist, in Realistic Pic tures of Life. JOE MAZZIOTTA, The Musical Wonder. INTHE'THEATORIUM: Alma Earle, Lee Jarvis, Mary Stuart, Anna Bruce, Emile Sanford, Tillie Cohen, Nora Strong. isrrw music Novel-Specialties produced with a carioadrof Special Scenery. Grand Extra Matinee Columbus day, Friday, Oct. 21. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Matinee Prices, 35c, 50c,, Reserved. Prices, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c. -1--3-1 J Hi T AFTEtt TH Next Week HOWARD ATHENAEUM SPECIALTY- CO. DUQUESNE TO-MORROW NIGHT, MB. HENRY E. Ts' FAMOUS OPERA COMPANY, Including JULIETTE CORDON (Direct from I'almer's Theater, IT. T.), MOST StTOCESSFTJL, Ever Played in New lork, Ag$?2iBm COMIC OPERA, The 3UCA.SCOT XXE TO DATE. WITH THE FOLLOWING CAST: J?K,1fFA !,ie H"cot MIS JCLIKTTE CORDOX KIAMBTTA. danutr or Lorenzo MISa YOLANDr; WALLACE SK& s,ePnerd MK. SIG. TAOLIAPIETEA 52,,,?tan!8r"Vn7 MB. FEED LENNOX f.1i?5?C.PJml0fPU,l MB. HAROLD BLAKH ?&.TU.0.,aa 4nkeeper MR. ED AIKEN SJJi11 a peasnt .-.MISS JENNIE ROSELLE ?2s MISS AGNES BLAKE AJJGELO Sk Heralds 31IS3 BELLE WELLS LUGI 1 Heralds, .aiIS3 ELLA EOCE . AND XOXB9E2CO XVII, Prince orPiombino.A. HB5TVRY B. PILtCV'' Peasants, Pages, Lords, Ladles, Soldiers, etc. 50 PEOPLE. GRAND CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA. Evenings, 8. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. FAMILY MATINEE WEDNESDAY - - BEST SEATS 50o. oclS-lM Next Attraction THE MAXOLA-HASOX COMPANT. oclS-10 IT BEGINS TO-MORROW MORNING THE 55 AND 60 PER CENT DEALERS TREMBLING WITH FEAR! M'ANDREW'S FAMOUS MINSTRELS. (A Company of 40 People.) X WERER. ITOEELOCK. WEBER. "WHEJILOCIC tVEBEl WHEELOCK. LINDEJIAN. STC1TESANT. STUrVESANT. Henricks Music Co., Ltd. Largest ad Most Complete Mcsio House is Pessstt.vawia. Look at tbe names and reflect or inquire among yonr friends as to the merits of the above pianos. Tho Weber is certainly the kins of all pianos and is ued by our finest artlsti. The Wheelock is one or the best in struments, and its durability is unques tioned, nhile the Ltmiemnn and Stuyresant are very popular anions the masses. They are indorsed by the people who use them, whicn is the veiy highest indorsement ob tainable. In orjrans we have the renowned Karrand & Totey pipe and reed, also the famous Palace organ. Send for catalogues and easy payment plan or call at Hexrices Mumc Co., Ltd., 101 and 103 Filth avenue. California's Contingent Is on view at the establishment of Mr. Grecor Meyer, 227 Ohio street, Allegheny, In tho form of two more carloads of those royal wines from the Nspa Valley, which in great casks containing 6D0 callous e.icb, are stored In the baemetlts, where they will not Ions remain, as Mr. Meyer will sell them lower to wholesalers and retailers than they can bny the same grades in New York, owing to spe cial arrangement which he has made with the wine growers of the Golden State. Cal ifornia grape brandv, Motaro, (lor invalids.) - "Biesling," "Santa Eo-.a," Haute Sauterne. a very sweet "Muscatel;" in white wine are included "Sauvignon" and "Gutedel;" and among tbe claretB the favorite "Zinrondel;" then yon may turn to the various ports, sherries and burgundies to complete the lines in these wines which Tor "frultlness," smoothnes", purity and body cannot be ex celled by lorcign wines upon which there are Mich henvy duties, reople familiar with these particular wines (or which Mr. Meyer is sole a.'ent. havo been forced to admit "the euperioritv of these puduct of the Pacific coast. TaVe the Trov Hill electric cars and drop off at. 227 Ohio street. oc!6-8t HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY. MONDAYEVENINB. OCTOBER 17. MATINEES : Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. FIELDS k HANSON'S DRAWING CARDS. 3 Marvelles 3 Grand J. w. Kelly. Holiday Cunningham & Grant. Matinee Jules Keller. CoIumbUS Al. Reeves. Day, Spencer & Quigg. Priday, Eidora. Oct. 21. Barrow & Forrest. Night Lang & Sharpe. FriceS. Fields & Hanson. J. W. Campbell. Oct. 24 South Before the War. OC16-U9 Tlioso Folding; Beds Displayed by Hopper Bros. & Co., of 807 Wood street, are giving great satisfaction to many people, and the attendants at the staud are kept busy showing how easily they can be managed. All the time this is going on down at tbe Point a rival exhibi. tion is being carried on it the store, where a magnificent stock of furniture is on view. Tney hato everything for furnishing a house Horn rail suits lor parlors, DeUrooms. (lining rooms and libraries, tlonii to skillets and kitchen cutlery. Tbe firm makes spe cialties of carpets and curtains, but, lor the matter of that, every line Is so complete that one would think that there was no end to the specialties. The prices aro uniformly reasonable, the quality of the best, attention prompt and courteous, delivery of goods to the hour promised, cash or easy payment system as deslied, and general satisfaction all round. An Impressive Exhibit Of photographic art has again this year been placed bcrore tho public by Mr. li. L. 1L Dabbs. It is of sterling merit and shows fully and conclusively the exalted position inlawed by this gentleman In the various stylos of roprodncngtbe human face In per fect likeness. Every good point is emphas ized, every defect mitigated, the pose ap parently unstudied grace. The faces havo never that strained, agonized expression ever apparent under less skilled bauds, and tbe workmanship is faultlessly perieoc The crayon portraits are in their way as charm ing as the photos; Indeed, they are Ire qnently the same enlarged. To size it np In a few words, when you want to have an en tirely satisfactory picture go to Mr. Dabbs for it and realize that you have chosen the -wisest and only course to get tbe best. shows a "cross and crown" that is a gem. Nothing could well be altered in tbo mirror line, for it Is perfect and shows all the varie ties in shapes, irom the cube and diamond to the horseshoe. Much amusement Is derived from what the people call "that funny glass," which transforms the longest subject Into the widest. The firm, besides all of these, deals largely in architectural and window glBSS. Stores, 1 to 17 Western-avenue, Allegheny. Taylor & Dean , Make a grand showing of objects made from wire and light iron, models of fire escapes and a prison cell, but space will not permit them to display their wonderful manufactures of heavy iron staircases, door shutters, fencing, railways, bank and prison fittings, stable outfits and lawn and porch furniture. For these the visitor must make a further excursion to 203 Market street. MISS LEE TOWER Will open her DANCING CLASSES in the S. S., TUESDAY, October 25. Anyone wish ing to enter will please leave their names and addresses with Mrs. John Freund, cor. Seventeenth and Carson streets. Classes open atAllentown Monday, October 24, 4r. x. Please leave name and address with Miss Lizzie Beck. No. ISO Arlington ave. Night classes in both places will open soon. oclS 15S BRAUN'S DANCING ACADEMY, 63, 65 and 67 Fourth Ay., Second Floor. Open for the season. Three beginnors' classes, two advanced classes, twocbildren's classes. Tuition, one quarter, $3. oclS-171 ALYIX SCHOOL OF ACTING? G. L. STOUT, DIRECTOR. Practical dramatic lessons on the Alvin Theater stage. .Apply stae door. oclO T T. IB WIN, Corner Fifth avenue and Market Street, Pittsburg. Pa. Violin Studio, Verner Building. ocl541 FIRST PART. Comprised of late members of Jack Haver- ly's Mastodons, Cleveland's, Thatcher's and Primrose & West's Great Companies. Greatest Black-Face Organi zation in America. , MME. TASAUD'S GORGEOUS WAX WORKS- A Brilliant Parisian Collection. Scenic Grandeur Unparalleled. A World of Wonders all for 10 Cents. ADMISSION 10 Cents. NEXT WEKE, 3CJLK;Q,TJIS! 73 The Beautiful Stallion. oclS-27 Novelties in Door LItrhU Have been added to tb .. i display of Conroy, Prngh i Co. 1 1 tbe - lew days. Tne work upon these . ex w nally fine. andhasaUraetodmucMBttrc a One beau It you want $5 worth of clothing for $1 cash, don't miss this sale clothing saved iroin the Ft, Wayne wreck, coins like not cakes. Crowden! Crowded! Crowded! It's tho greatest stock of fine tailor-made clothing ever gathcied under one roof on this continent. Head the prices: Men's fancy casln,ero snits, $2 90. worth $10; men's cutaway worsted dress Bnlts, $6 30. worth $U; men's genuine clay diagonal suits, guar anteed, $7 10, worth. $18: men's hawthorne black cheviot suits at $S 90, worth $15; men's silk mixed cassimere suits, sack or cutaway, F7 80, worth $20; men's Prince Alberts at $8 85, the greatest value In America, worth $ J); chinchilla overcoats at $5 75, worth $18, fur beaver overooats, H SO, worth $12; En glish melton overcoats, all colors, $7 85, worth $23; men's pants, 78 cents, worth $i men's business pant, $1 18, worth it 50; men's fine dress pants, $1 !8, worth $1 50; and thousands of other wonderlul bargains to pick from. Cut this out aud bring It with ; ou to S05 Suilthfield street, opposite post-office. EXPOSITION Black Patti, the unrivaled colored songstress, all week. Does Tour Seal Facqne Xoolc Shaggy? If so, bring it down to 707 Penn avenue and I will promptly make it look as good as when it was new. The cost Is trifling. Wn. Grabowsxt, Practical Furrier. EXPOSITION Black Path, the musical wonder of the age, tbe colored phenome non, atternoon and evening. tlinl piece of st&inefi g "-!- . ilio center J gheny. Save Agents' Commissions. Latest Improved sewing machines $20 00 to $35 00. A dozen different make, Tbe regular prices or the tame machines are $50 00 to $70 00. Needles and attachments far all ma chines at Culbert's, 6 Federal etreet, Alle- Beauty . . . find . . . Time. P. Yale'5 lime, M. Yale, the celebrated beauty and com plexion specialist, said In one of her famous lec tures on "Beauty and the Complexion:" Touok ladles, remember a pretty face will win for joo love, and love will win for you a husband. Mar ried ladles, remember with the decline of youth and beauty yoar husband's love wlllrrow cold. Youth and beauty Is woman's power. Be on your faard against wrinkles, old ase and ugliness; they ave broken up many happy homes." FEEOKLES. LA. FRECKLA Is tlio nsme of Madame Yale's famous discovery. Itlsiheonlr Freckle cure in existence three clays is sufficient in most cases to effect a cure, and one week where the case Is of long staudlng. There are no Freckles on record that La Freckla will not enre-smaranteed In every Instance. For Tan and Sunburn It Is lntantaneous, removluir It lmrantljr upon the first application. The most perfect complexion In the world was obtained by the nse of La Freckla tl per bottle. Sold at all druggists, shipped from Chicago in plain wrappers. Mme. Yale's Famous Book. 'Beauty and the Complexion." will be sent free to any address upon receipt of cents postage. Ladles may consult Mme. Yale free of chargeby mall or at the Temple of Beauty In person. All correspondence strictly confidential. bend for Price List of Mme. M. Yale's Remedies for removing Wrinkles. Developing the Bust, turning Cray hair back to Its original color and on all matters oertalnlng to Beaul . Mme. Yale la the only recognized IJeauty bclentlst. She can make an old face young again and ah women beau tiful. ADDBESS ALL LETT1SE3 MME. M. YALE, Mail Dept, Temple of Beauty, 148 STATE ST., CHICAGO, IIX. oc7-wsu HARRIS' THEATER. Mrs. P. Harris, K. L. Britton, T. F. Dean, Proprietors and Managers. POPULAH PfilCES Always prevail at Harris' Theater. 10, 15 AND 25 CENTS. WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, DCTQ8ER 17 Every Aiternoon and Evening. DANIEL A. KELLY, In the Sensational Melodrama, FIVC I New and Wonderfnl Mechanical Effect. Greatest of all Ballroad Scenes. SPECIAL NOTICE-All children nnder 13 years of age, accompanied by their parents, .will be ADMITTED FREE to the Tuesday and Friday matinees. Week of Oct. 21 "Two Old, Cronies." OC16-22 This knocks anything ever introduced. Discretional ideas beyond description. A BOLD AND FEARLESS PIECE OF LIBERALITY That will go down in the annals of history. An undertaking guided by noble motives ! The greatest proceeding and prudential undertaking that has ever been introduced in the city of Pittsburg.. We are proud to say that we have the honor of being the Originators of the Small Profit System, and now we place before the public something that will make us doubly famous for BREAKING THE RECORD ! ( We have fully concluded NOT TO WAIT until the demands of necessity have been satisfied, OR WAIT until trade has feasted its fill, but wi make a bold, fearless and unapproachable reduction at a time when the people appreciate it the most and when wardrobes stand in need of replenishing. INSTEAD OF 10 PER CT. PROFIT,; Which was our rule under the Small Profit System, IT IS ILSrO"W" 81 PER CT. PROFIT; GATHER THEM IN AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE, THE FIRST CHOICE THE BEST. Big Profit Dealers' Price. P III: V jggb ""lOr The Electrical Construction & Halnten&nca Co Electrical .Engineers and Contractors. General Electrical Supplies always on hand. INCANDESCENT LAMPS, ALL VOLT AGES, AT LOWEST PKICES. Electric Light and Hell Wiring. 1X5 FIFTH AVENUa, dolMu Tel. mi FlUrtuifcF. I The leading amusement resort for ladles and children, Eeginnlnar MONDAY. Oct. 17. CURIO HALL. Mr. Fiank Cotton's Donkey Circna. The preat acting donkeys. Tom and Jerry. Who can ride Jerryt CAPTAIN CABL, the Cow boy artist. Every lady visiting the Museum Friday afternoon receives a beantifnl band rjainted aouvenler free ot oharze. The champion shots of the world, WILDBUET. and LITTLE S0EE SHOT, in the finest ex hibition of marksmanship ever executed before tbe American public THEATER. Harvelons sneoess or-Mr. Joseph D. Clif ton, the eminent aotor and author, lllss Louise Agnott, the oharminx sonbretta. In the great eomedr melo-diama, "MYBTLB FEBNS.'t introducing the water scene, the most reallstio scenic effect ever introduced on any stage, showing ilr. Clifton's wonder ful mechanlcal-worklns boat. OAST Chick (Rough, but good) Miss Louise Agnott Emma Myrtle (A true woman) Hiss Marzella Forrert Edith Worth (Another of tbe same sort) Miss Liixle Basse!! Kelson Oak (The master) Orson Clifford Larry (A domestic) Charles Orbora My Myrtle (Astern parent. . . ..HaTrT & Bsrto& Robert (His son) William Dockstaaer Morgan (A hnnchback( William Scott Dan (A tough assistant) Georse Harris Jake Worth (A backwoodsman).. Thomas Lee O'Grady (Adnpe) Mr. Joseph D. Clifton -STNOPSIS-Sceitb 1 Mountain Homey Som 8 Mount ain Lane. Scene 3 Myrtle Mansion. Sows 4 Windom Jail. ScskiA 8torm at Sea. Sow 8 A Happy Home. , ADMISSION, 10 CENTS. Nextweek"HEB SISTJS." mimrtsm .-, .;:. iff msr ... . mMMMMMM) An Imported Whipcord Worsted Dress Suit, elegantly lined and trimmed. A Parisian Montagnac Satin-Lined Overcoat An Esquimaux Beaver Overcoat A Melton Overcoat, first-class in every particular A Kersey Overcoat, nicely made and trimmed .' An Imported Cheviot Overcoat (tailor-made) A Fancy Cheviot Suit (A) number one quality A Nobby Fancy Cassimere Suit - A Thorough Tailor-Made (Imported) Cassimere Suit A Single-Breated Short-Pant Suit..... A Boys' Suit our own design beauties for $j, $8, $11 and $19 A Boys' Suit in dozens of shades and qualities A Boys' Suit, your choice of dozens of patterns $28.00 40.00 21.00 16.00 16.00 25.00 18.00 21.50 15.50 25.00 1.87 8.00 5.00 4.25 8j Per Cent Profit Dealers' Price. S20.00 28.00 15.00 10.00 12.00 18.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 18.00 l.OO 5.00 3.00 2.50 Above AH See the Exquisite Line of Trousers! Cut According to West & Mitchel Patterns. Prices Guaranteed 33 Per Cent Less Than Other Houses. Boys' and Children's Overcoats at prices that will please the closest fisted buyer. On Hats the nobbiest shapes we guarantee yon a saving 50 to 60 per cent. In Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods we save you 40 per cent. What more and what better treatment can a person expect? 'Our system is appreciated by thousands, and we feel as though we cer tainly can cultivate your custom. REMEMBER, THE SALE COMMENCES MONDAY HORNING, OCTOBER 17, AT THE EVER POPULAR HOUSE OF . DESIGNERS OF FASHION, CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS, Corner Fifth Avenue and Wood Street Eisner & Phillips will give a Magic Lantern and Optical Glasses and Views or a Dime Savings Bank free of any charge whatsoever to the parties buying a Child's or Boy's Suit to the amount of $5. Any and Everything you buy in our Establishment We Guarantee Twenty-Eight to Thirty-Three Per Cent Cheaper than other firms charge for the same goods on account of the existence of our Small Profit System.