1892. . - -' - - g8. ' THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 MONET AND STOCKS. Firmness the Chief Feature at Do mestic Financial Centers. HOME SECDKITIES DULL BUT FIRM. Easiness and Changes of the Week and the Isual Gossip. LOCAL AND GENERAL FINANCIAL XETYS Satueday, Oct. 15. Firmness continued to characterize the monetary situation during the week ending to-day, cliiclly because of great activity in general business. To-day's Xew Yorkbank statement showed a lurtber loss in surplus revenue amounting to ?l,3y7,525, and the actual loss of money was 52,436,525, the decrease of over $1,200,000 in deposits reducing the reserve requirements over SI. 000, 000. The banks really have a greater reserve than at this time last year, but their deposit liabilities have increased fullv 50,000.000, aud the funds, therefore, are not available for Tnere is, however, legitimate interests barrased by any monei. The supply is loaning purposes. co danger that will be eui- stringency in sufficient and mav reasonably be expected to increase from now on. So Jar as the United States Treasury is concerned, the danger line is pa'scd. An increase iu the amount of gold in its vaults is shown, which amount is now ?22,000,000 above the certificates and re serve. While It is true, also, tliat the .New York banks are down pretty close to tlielr reserves, and tli.it the move ment of cuneney to the West lias been larce, the increased deposits lepiesent an incieasein businesspowerand the monev Mint out will irom now on re turn, making the market for money easier at a time when tho Government is relieved irom an embarrassing uncertainty as to its pold liolrifnir, aud w hen the production and transportation or commodities is most ac tive and largest. It is a fact that at that jvoment w hen money can he procured with the most ol difficulty and the rate on loans is inches , the most hopeful ant icipations may be indulged iu as to the luture. Local Securities. Trading in local securities on 'Cbansre this week and, for that matter, off 'Change was comparatively lisht, and with two or three exceptions, tho market, was feature less. Transactions at the calls agzrejrateu" 2,700 shares of stock, $25,003 bonds and $320 fcrip, against 3,S-20 bhaies of stock, $7,100 bonds and $70 scrip last week. In a general way the maiket was divided between sticnath and weakness, but the sains, while mainly iu tho bank shales, were the most numerous and consequential. The declines were not large, and iu two instances merely leptesei.ted the dividends, which came off tne quotations during the week. Tho clos ing bids to-day, compared with those of last neck, show the lollowinc chanses: Atlrancn Alleghciiv National Bank, J 1ank ot I'ittsburs. 1; Fouith National Bank, '.: Iron tity National Dank, 2; Libel ty Na tional Hank, 2: M. A. M. National Bank", 3H: Third National Bauu, 2: Enterprise savings Bank, oi Allegheny, 1; l'leasaut Valley Kail vav. : Wctiiihoue Electric uuasseuted, '.: I'liion twitch and Signal, J. 'Declines Peoples Natural Gas and Pipe ae, J-,: I'hiladelphia Company, J; Citizens traciibn. '.,: Mononsahela Navigation, ; I nderiound Cable. lJi;IJuquesue traction, 1 ,.: 1". A B. traction, 6s Street llailways. TIjc tractions vcic rather quiet during the week, and. on the whole, were characterized by a drooping tendency. 1". & B. traction suOcrcd the most, piesumably because its statement of operations for the past year, w Inch was presented at the annual meeting, was not generally favorably icceived. The pi meipal icusou for its slump was, perhaps, me failure of the directors to dcrlaio n divi '' Q. 1 he public had been led to expect t the stockholder would get something the Hliujie of a dividend, and while J. expectations iieie not based knvthing tangible orofcial, the fact that jy.were not icalized caused considerable .appointment. The statement also held Slit tlo hope oi an enrly commencement of liucnd tiayiiiems, but those lio liilly ldef-tand the company's financial anil ysical condition emphatically expressed iith m its :uture. The extension ot its sys em to drain Hie south hilltops, itsinchuo plane interest-, etc., were fully set forth dur ing the week, and when the public lully un derstands the woikins oi the parent sys tem .tud tne leased companies a better general sentiment uill uudoubledly pievail. W he the extension to Homestead is completed the system will bu ouo ot tho best in the two cities. Its earning power is ttcauily mci easing and the costot operation !s being gradually rrduced. Investors w ho like togoin lor a long pull" and big profits netd j. no further than 1. & B. tnictioa. Its condition is wonderlully impioved aud its piospectsare very bright. Duqui'siie traction and Citizens traction lacke.i suuport and declined Iractionally, the rouiseof the lortner justifying the in timation iu these columns a week ago that it u. pool had been iormed to put it up, operations to that end were licit likely to bc-i:i until alter the Presideutal election. Tho latter's rompaintive weakness was inexplicable. For tlin S.st sis months of the jcarirs net earnings were between $114,000 and $115,000, ci at tl.e i-ate of nearly Sper cent, and as the last ix :ue the ucst the j ear's net will prob nbH justity tne claims oi its fiieuds that it Iscaiirng between 13 and 10 per cent. The Shurpsburg branch Is earning handsomely and will continue to do so. it is claimed,; veil when ttie Northsulw competition begins. 7 he extension to Wilkuisbnrg will be in operation boiorc lo.ii :md it is expected that operations will result ill a protit right tnim the st.ur. It is popularly supposed that the Duque-ue wilt divide the patronage with the Citizens through the tcrntory travel scd by thy latter's extension, but iu the strictest sense they cannot be called competing or parallel lines. At most ol tho way points whcic traffic oiigmates the tv.oetensions are lully a quarter of a nun apait. Pleasant Valley fluctuated considerably, but it ruled tt.-udy to strong Hiid closed in demand at the highest. Manchester was nu'.et but linn ut ahou'.-Snffilo. The meeting it which some ot the finis.uug touches will be rut on the deal for the absorption of the I'. V. by the P. A. A 51. will bo Held next 1 hursday, and it is not expected that any vigorous opposition to the schcuio will de velop. Full 33 per cent or the I. A. & 31. slock and ! per cent of the P. V. stool; is pledge J to it. aud some of the kickers"will, it is . l'-td, bo hiouglit into camp before the meeting convenes. One of the Mun jliefc : stockholdeis opposed to tne deal nascffoieu something xbovo tho current nalket price for his entire holdings yester iaj , something like 7,000 shares, but lie re fused to sell. The great advantages to bo lenved by all by the operation pt the loads is one system w ere again fully set forth to iilm, however, and after tho little irgumeiit ho appeared to be resigned ind inclined to phico no obstacle in its way. As stated heretofore the two corporations jnist go in freo Horn debt, and it is stated ilia" both have enough to liquidate all obli KUoai and pay a small tash dividend jesides. In the other street rail ways no noteworthy "catuics developed. Thete was something l a demand for Pittsburg, but the others ere neglected. Gas Shares. Considerable inteiest was manifested in the natural gas stocks and all rulbd strong and buoyant with the exception or Wheel ing Gas and Philadelphia Company, the lat ter declining liactioimlly under a little ma nipulation. Theie was really nothing to l.ao manipulation on and atthccloso to lay it looked as if the manipulators would lave a little trouble iu getting their stock ,ack without a loss. The company's ini aioved financial condition has made it an xcellen collateral; it is a good 4 per cont in estmcul. with promise of being an arly 5 or 0 per cent payer, nd at present prices short ales carry considerable risk. Of icials of the company aro quietly confident hat they have all the gas they will need for lomestic consumption this winter, and they till be able to suppl vail wants in this lino or several vears to come at least. Tne Hsscr are making more money at present ban ever belotcand their stocks are better (urchaes. 1 he Philadelphia Company notified house old consumers to-day that the 20 per cent icount heretofore allowed on all bills paid -Itliln lidavsof thoir date would be ie ucrd to 10 per cent, the jeductlon to apply oall sas consumed on and after Xovem er i. Industrials. Strength and quietude characterized this roup, with the demand ptetty well cover up the list fcwitcU and Signal and Electric were most activo. perhaps, with Switch a little the most prominent for strength on continued reports of a big business ami fresh intimations that the company would triumph in Its legal battle with the Johnson Companv. Alibrakewas steady to strong around 13513."; United States Glass wa stronger, with a sale of the common at 6 Underground Cable about held its own, ex dlvidend and Electric was generally firmly held. The announcement of the new Westing houso lamp was accepted as a bull card, hut there was a very noticeablo lack of bull talk and manipulation, especially in the L'ast. This, however, should increaso rather than diminish confidence. On the other hand, the talk on General Electric was moio stimulating. Tho latest is from Bos ton, as follows: "Tho clcctiic patents of Thomas A. Edison have filled two large volnmos, each of more than 1.00J printed paxes, but nothing in them is more important than the four or five lines contained in the following claim which the Supreme Court affirmed in its entirety last week Iu the famous incandescent lamp de cision. 'Patent No. 223,893, T. A. Edison, January 27, 18SD. Claims. Tho combination of carbon filaments with a leccivcr made entirely of glass and conductors passing through the glass, and from w hlch receiver the air is exhausted, for the purposo sec forth.' "This is what all electric Interests would like to walk around; in lact the Thomson- iiousion company spent tnousanusoi mum is in experimenting to overcome it. and finally concluded that consolidation was cheaper than further experiment. No known sub stance will take tho placo of carbon in the incandescent lamp, and no practical substi tute for glas is known. Jlr. Edison's first lamp had a platinum filament, which is too expensive ionise, uut piminum is me hi substanceto which glas ion bo annealed and expanded or contracted by varying de gieesof heat without separation: therefore, platinum is the only substance used to penetrate the glass globes in the seal of the lamp to carry the current to the car bon filament. This use of a lew inches or plati num w ire has raised the price of the metal to nearly three times the lormer price. It mav be doubted ir any companies outside tbe'General Electric Company are solvent enough to pay millions of damages for the infringement or this patent for some years past, although the General Electric Com pany w ill endeavor to collect all profits that have been made out ol the mauuiactureimd sale of ir.cindescant lamps. Certain it is that all incandescent electric lamps have infringed the Edison patents, and any subs titutVmaybe regarded as practically im possible. "On the same day tho aoove decision was banded down the General Electric Company secured two more important patents in final auard. Its Brush Company secured the storage battery patents on final award, which makes anv system or storage battery at the present time impossible except as subsidiary to the General Electric Company. The company also secured a third decision which has less public interest, but which secured tho field for it on the lire lighting business as against the Westtnghouso intei est. The Brush Company originally made a contract with the Brush-Swan Com pany giving the latter the right to use tho double carDon arc lamp iu the territory of New England, New TorK and Pennsylvania. The Brusn-Swan Coni nanv went to nieces and ttie Westlnghouse interests secured control and suod to enloice the contract with the Brush Company and the loner courts upheld the Westinguouss claim, giving its Brush-Swan Company this tcnitory lor tho most modern system of arc litrlitinir. But the decision of last week on appeal overruled this, and in efiect gave this territory back to the Brush Company, which is now controlled by the General Electric. It was certainlv a great day for the latter when it won three such sweeping accisious iu tho three important electric flolds. "The General Electric interests say that they will teinforce their victories on the storage battery patent, which may be im portant m the luture of the electric stieet rail war. by other suits, which they believe should be given them the control or the e.lectric trolly system. The Thomson Houston Company had about a dozen suits on the street railway system concentrated against tho Edison Company as infringer, when the consolidation took place, and now the legal battles must bo readjusted and the suits begun as arainst the Westinghonse interest, and counsel lor the General Elec tric leel confident of their ultimate success. Mr. Westinghouse is entitled to gieat credit for invention iu the field ot the alter nating current, but in this field he ex changed patent licenses with the .Thomson Houston Company." l From a Broker's Standpoint. A. J. Lawrence, of A. J. Lawrence & Co., writes of local securities to hie customets of the house as follows: When a train becomes stallod on a grade, the engineer backs a lew feet to get all the "slack' possible, and then pull J ahead. Very often this is alLthatis necessary to move, the train iorward;but sometimes he must reverse until he reaches an easier grade, when he turns on a lull head of steam and attains a momentum that curries him over the sticking point with ease. In some such manner our local stock market has been moving lor a month, and having stalled several times in an attempt to reach a higher level, it is apparently moving back to a point where it will get a better stare Traders who ate on board should not be come discouraged, because the forward movement is almost certain to speedily re cover the lost ground, once it is under full headway. There were practically but two promi nent features iu the market Philadelphia Company and Birmingham Traction. The course of the former, which was downward, had little or no influence on the other stocks' belonging to its group. On the contrary there were more gains than losses. The de cline in Philadelphia Company amounted to lperccilt.and we believe very little long stock came out. It is held remarkably well, and unless a sudden cold snap should de velop a shortage in tne supply of gas, it will not go much lower. Its inherent strength is due more to the knowledge of the greatly improved financial condition of ths com pany than to a belief iu the largely increased supply of gas. In tact we know of stock holders who do not put much faith in the lepoitsatioutrecenf gas developments, but w ho have confidence in tho value ot a plant pf its magnitude, free of debt, and of its present and prospective money-earning pow crs. Tho Birmingham Traction Company's annual meeting brought out some facts re lating to its affairs wnich have been con strued bearishly. This ii mainly on the gi omul of the large aggregate capitalization of the various piopertiesiorming Its system. It is made up thus: Birmingham Traction. B., K. . A. Traction.. Pittsburg Incline ilt. Oliver Incline j Stock ,..$3,000,000 .. 1,5'JJ 100 ... l.COJUOv) ... 5UU.UU9 15U.OO0 .. '230.OC0 ... 110. VU0 Bonds.. Mock.. ( bonds . ( Mock.. Bunds. ..Mock.. Total capitaliration of system.. ..tjS.50J.0CO Tho bears say that' a pretty steepamount to pay dividends and interest upon, and it does look that way to the casual observer. But on close scrutiny it is not so dizzy. The third item may be eliminated entirety, as it was not created lor dividend-earning pui poses, but merely to conform to our some w hat complicated street railway legislation, and tho Sl.COO.OOO B. K. & A. stock is in the strung box oi the parent. That reduces the total to $j.500,0u0. Then, as tho Bir mingham stock is selling at SO per cent discuuut, 1,5(X).OjO may be ueducted from its capitalization, reducing to $4,000,000 the basis on which present earnings should be figured. The financial statement lor the first quarter of the cur rent year showed G per cent on thepreso.it market price o. the stock, and we have yet to meet tho trader who really expected more than this. Considering all the draw backs, Birmingham has been shrewdly financed and well managed, and should do better Jiom this time forward. If our readers will indulge us, we would like to close this letter with a comparison of one ofour local fuvorites with that prime investment security, Pullman Palace Car Company, which has Just submitted its an nual report. Thu figures relate to the fiscal 3 car ended July 31: Airbrake. Capital fo.tx.0.000 (Jrusi earnings o.OJO.000 Net earnings 2,4i0.o l'cr cm t of .11 vldendi en par it l'arurlock 50 To-day's market price 333 Pullman. S3U. ouo. ouo 10.lUU.l03 3. -.0 J, 000 s 100 199 l, C C. & St. L.s eptembc Earnings. Tho statement of the business or the Pitts burg, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Bail way Company, including the Little Miami Itailroad, lor September, 1S92, as compared with the same month in 18U1, shows: Increase in gross catalogs Increase lu expenses ..$53.432 65 . CU.6I1 01 Decrease In net earnings $ 5,338 30 Tho nine months of 1S92, as compared with the same period of 1S91, show: Increase In gross earnings., increase la expenses ...... fl. 019,943 14 i.oo:.;ra C3 Increase In net earnings $ 17,173 45 Opinions of Wall Street Oracles. J. S. Bache A Co. to Oakley A Co.: "All predictions ora reaction seem to fail in this market. Prices opened higher on a strong closo In Loudon, and there were sotms lim ited purchases for foreign account, while the bulis here in the various specialties, such as Chicago Gas, Whiskey, etc., take advantage of the prevailing bull sentiment to maik up their pets. One of tie features of to-day's trading was a sharp adrance in New England toward the close on buying, which looks to us to indicate more than I ever that A' deal in which Reading interests i are concerned is in prorese, and we believe purchases made at present prices likely to snow a nig prom simruy. ui course, people -who buy. New England must understand that they are buying a stock whlcn is selling above itn intrinsic value, and is only worth present figures if such a deal as is talked about is accomplished. "From official sources it is announoed that the next dividend on Chicago Gas will bo IK percent, which explains the recent ad vance, and, will probably lead to still further improvement in it. , "Among tba strong stocks was Union Pa cific, on private advices that the condition of this road was never in better shape. Wo believe this one of the best stocks to bull in the present market. "The bank statement showed a decrease of about $i,503,O00, leaving almost no surplus reserve, but the comparative stringency in money is duo entirety to increase in busi ness, and not to nuy lack of confidence, and as such should filvorably affect the market rather than otherwise We caution traders against overloading, however, as a money squeeze is possible at anr time." FromSproul4Co.'s market letter; "The feature of the early trading was a rise in Chicago Gas due to the assertions by its leading supporters that within a short time the stock will be considerably oyer par. New England, too, advanced sharply, tho rumor being that after the close a definite announcement would be made in regard to the arrangement with Boston and Maine. The street is so cocked and primed lor some thing or the sort that the bare statement without any substantiation had an imme diate effeot and. arrested auy depreciatory tendencies on. account of the bank state ment. 'Europe was not a factor to-day, but a more cheeriul reeling rules in London since its South American ventures are worth nearly $100,000,000 more' than they were a month ago. Whether it will buy the Ameri can market on. this basis is, however, as yet a problem." Close of the Market. Sales at the last call of the week: to-day were as follows: 100 shares Philadelphia. Company.., I shares Philadelphia Company. . 10 shares Chartiers Valley Gas 22 MS Total sales. 115 shares. Closing bids and offers: DJlXK STOCKS. Far. Sid. Asked. Allegheny National Bank 60 Bank of jltt6bure... SO Cltlrena' National Bank Exchange National Bank First National Hunt Fourth National Bank Freehold. r...r. Fidelity Title And Trust Co Iron citv National Bank Iron and Glass Hollar Savings. Liberty Natloaaljlanc Mer.. Manufacturers' N. Bfc. Monongaaela National Bank... Odd Fellows' Savturc Bank.... Second National Bank Tradesmen's Natloaal Bank .. ALLIXJIIEXY.BAXK STOCKS. Enterprise Savin j.. ............ 1.SUHAXC STOCKS. Citizens' Humboldt Teutonla Western Insurance Co S.-ATCHAL GAS STOCKS. Alleghenv Heating Co Charters Valley Gas Co 50 BO 100 100 50 100 50 100 100 50 ICO 50 Km ltx 67 S5 180)4 V3H lio" to iw 74 Ui 107 130 175 213 50 50 32 50 .... 6i 50 .... 5S 50 .... 40 100 T5 100 V,i 33! 50 21J4 50 .... 32 2 'MIS 15M 50 10 60 l7i 22 53 .... 19Ji SO .... s; 50 K't C3 60 M'i IS 25 21 52 .... 49 50 ... 12 50 53 C5 50 . 50 25 .... 10 2', 15 H '23 14 15 10 S 6h 25 Ite 14c 10 i &( 5 .... 1J 5 .... 4S 50 .... 21 50 tf 50 30 am 50 I8.S 19 50 .T. 137 1011 75' 70 loo in;s iu Manufacturers1 Uas t;o People's Natural Gas Co reopie's Natural Gas and P. Co PennsTlvanlaGasCo Philadelphia Co WiieeUngGas Co 1 FASSr-NQEa n' v STOCKS. Central Traction Citizens' Traction Pittsburg Traction Pleasant Valley nAlLHOAD STOCKS. Pittsburg, Youngst'n and A... Pittsburg and Castle Sh'n Pitts.. Wheeling & Ky COAL STOCKS. N. V. &.C. Gas Coal Co BRIDGE STOCKS. Point....' Point, prd Union 1IIMNG STOCKS. Hidalgo Mining Co La Koria Mining Co Luster MlnlngCo................ Hcd Cloud Mining Co Enterprise'Mlnlng Co ELECTRIC LIGHT STOCKS. Wcstiugliouse MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Monongaliela Xav'n Co Monuugatiela Water Co Union bwltch and Signal Co... Westlnghouse Airbrake Co.... Standard Underground C. Co.. U. b. Glass Company, prd Ex-dividend. Financial Notes. Unlisted street railway securities closed as follows: r.ill traction, (2523Kj do. 5, 103 asked;' Duquesne traction, "iliQii: do. 5s, 101usked; P., A. & M. traction, K45; Pleasant Valley Bs,.102K bid. Citizens traction 5s were offered on 'Change at 107, which, ex-lntorest, is equival ent to 1M (111 & Co. sold Philadelphia Company at to-day's call to II. M. 4ong, Bobinson Bros, sold a small lot to J. B. Barbour, aud Spronl &'Co. sbld Chartiers Valley Gas to B. F. Arensberg. The reduction from 20 to 10 per cent in the discount allowed on the bills of the Phila delphia Company, if paid within 15 days of their date, will swell the company's earn ings. The advice ora pretty good authority on local stocks is to buy P. & B. traction. Switch and Signal and Duquesne traction. The same authority also predicts that P., A. &. .M. traction will sell at par before January l: that Electric second preferred will sell at 35 before it does at 40, and that Central trac tion will sell ud fire dollars ner share before it sells down fire. There is more than usual strength to the silver bullion market just now. The in creased demand both here nnd in London is attributed to purchases for speculative ts well as for Indian account. The basis for this appears to be a belief that the Monetary Conference w ill lead to a revival of specula tion in silver. Tne Boston News Bureau says it is esti mated that tho relations between the Gen eral Electric and Westinghouse companies, so tar as pertains to incandescent lumps, may bo much closer within a lew days. The Manhattan Elevated road in Xew Tork, says the Wall Street yews, carries on an average 600,000 passengers dally, 67,000 licviugjbeen carried lu one day. In the cir cumstances tho-bulls on the stock are tak ing much higher prices for Jt, claiming that the stock of a company that can earn $50,000 in one dny without practically increasing its expenses, aud owning one of tho most valuable fraiichisesln the world, "is selling entirely too low at $1S2 per share. The Boston Commercial Bulletin to-day says that there is really a deal iu progress which is very close to announcement and which includes the Boston and Maine, the Vaniierbilt", the .New Tork , aud New Eng land uud the New York, New Haven aud Hartiord. Tiie shares of the Chicago street railway companies, in which the original Philadel phia syndicate is Interested, are again show ing an advancing tem'ency after a period of comparative rest since their reaction from the big bulge. MONETARY. Discount rates in Pittsburg ruled at 50G per cent all week, with the demand tor money fairly active and the supply ample. Eastern exchange and' currency traded even. New Yokk, Oct. 15. Money on call easy at 56 .per cent; closed offered at 5. Prime mercantile paper, 506. sterling exchange quiet at $1 U for 60-day bills and H 6 lor demand. Clearing House Figures. Pittsburg Exchange! to-day f 2,524.967 70 Balances to-day 422,457 16 Same day last week: Exchanges f 2,647,827 S5 Balances 452,911 39 The figures of the past two weeks com pare hs follows: Exchanges this week . '14,759,221 76 Balances this wiek Z.SI0.H7 15 Exchanges last week 16, 217, 363 92 Balances last week 2,0SO,7ul 52 For the week of 1891 corresponding with this week the exchanges were 114.292,621 35. Total exchanges to date. 1ST) 2. $599,055,477 GO; same time last year, $534,334,087 77; gain this year, $04,721,33983. New York, Oct. 15. Bank clearing.-, $139, 0S5,S02: balances, $6,760,766. For the week (five days), clearings, $532,909,072; balances, $34,712 43. Bostos, Oct. 15. Bank clearings, $18,195,37.1; balances, $1,762,573. Money, t($iU per cent. Exchange on New York; 6l2&e dis count per $1,000. For the week,-clearings. $104,030,473; balances, $10.726.16L For the cor responding week last year, clearings, $100, 534. 121; balances, $10,067,433. . il'uiLADtLPHiA, Oct. 15. Bank clearings, $1S,825,0S6; balances, $1,888,079. For tho week, clearings, $72,955,122; balances, $10,617,091. Money, 4 per coi.t. Cuigago, Oct. 15. Bank clearings to-day, $16,265,860; for the week, $109,177,396, against $95,765,026 for the. corresponding week last year. New York exchange sold at 40c .dis count. Sterling exchange doll; 60-day bills, $4 S5; demand, H S6)fJ. Money steady; rates unchanged t BQ5 per cent St. Louis, Oct. 15. Clearings to-day, $3,740, 803: balances, $323,603; clearings this .week, $26,803,283; balances, $2,445,114. Money quiet at 6 per cent Exchange on Xew Tork par. SALES OF ACREAGE Figure Prominently in the Realty Business of the Fast "Week, Which TTas Quite Brisk Gossip, Permits and the Latest Transactions. Saturday, Oct 15. The past week in the realty market has certainly been one of interest. "Without a doubt more large transactions hare been consummated daring the past six days than in any previous week for a long while. Acreage tracts hare had the call, and of the many sales closed inrolring from $20,000 to $150,000, properties in this line bare been most prominent. The interest manifested in Squirrel Hill realty has been a leading feature, nnd increased actirity in the Morn ingside district has also been developed. As has already boen mentioned in this column, many large transactions hare been closed, but not made public, and to-day t)iree deals, inrolring in all. orer .$75,000, were virtually closed, as the final papers were being prepared at a late hour this nfternoon and articles of agreements harn nlteady been signed -by all parties inter ested. The record of the week shows a small de crease in real estnte transfers, both in num ber and amount of money involved. An In crease is shown In building permits, both in number issued and estimated cost. Mort gages decreaed,both in numbor and amount of money represented. Put chase monev mortgages 'increased, both in number and amount, while B. & I A. mortgages, Judg ments aud executions show quite a decrease, both in number and value. Following is the record, compared with that of the preced ing week: "Week end'g Week end'g Oct. 8. REUS. Heal estate transfers.... Building permits Mortgages Purchase money mort gages B. A B. A mortgages.. Mortgage payments Judgments Executions uci. i S7SS.547 173.701 271 SO 121 78 45 181 17S 82 $783,300 1?.6,33 201,423 123.3S3 SJ.283 428. 1170 1S7.S-1!) 120.33) 222,311 IK. 77.792 20U.7I3 86. SO.- 40.192 A Little Gossip. An offer of $74,000 has been submitted for and refused by the owners or the Shinn property on Fenn avenue, East End. Mr. John Fite will shortly commence the erection of a palatial stone residence on tho corner of Callowhlll street and Highland avenuo, the plan of which is now being pie pared by a prominentrarchitect of this city. A well-known attorney has just purchased a tract of about 20 acres of land situated on Perrysvllle avenue a short distance from Allegheny City. The consideration is said to have been $1,700 per acre. One of tho Important transacions, men tioned above 'as having been closed, the particulars of which are beiug withheld for the present, was the sale of a piece of unim proved realty, situated near Highland Part, by Messrs. Piper & Clark, the consideration beiug $25,1,00. Building Permits. The following permits were issued to-day: Messrs. Lamb & Perry, six two-story brick dwellings, Shipton street, between Bedfoid and Webster avenues; cost $9,000 for all. William Weasel, a two-story frame dwelling, Clarissa street, near Madison street; cost $1,800. E. Steihler, a two-story framo stable. rear Mormngsiue avenue, near Greenwood avenue; cost, $246. Morris & Flinn, a brick addition, No. 75 Washington street; cost, $S00. Jonn I). Charles, u two-story frame dwelling, rear Penn avenue, near Wine biddlo;a venue; cost $350. Late Sales. AV. C Stewart sold to A. Leo Weil, tbe well-known attorney, 100x200 leet on Forbes street, near Murray avenue, Detween the two entrances toSchenley Park, for $10,000. Mr. Well will elect a nne dwelling im the premises. Moore & Kelly sold for William McFar laud and John G. Stephenson of the una of Arbutlinot & Stephenson, seven lots on New Aurelia avenue, each 30x120 feet, to Dr. Thomas D. Davis, for a pr.ee approximating $15,000. Also sold lor James It. Mellon to Jucou Graff, of Blalrsville, six lots in their Baum Grove plan; consideration $14,400. J. J. Keilly sold for the heirs ot Kuzelia Bnrkhart, deceased, the property No. 24 Wylio nveuue, consisting of a two-story dwelling and storeroom, with a lot 20x70 leot to an alley, to Mr. John Russell for $14, 000, or $700 per loot front. M. F. Hippie & Co. sold for Dr. F. Le Moyne for u price approximating $13,000 a piece of land 150x210 feet, on the north side of Center avenue. Twentieth ward. Baxter, Thompson & Co. sold lots Nos. 21, 22,23, 24 and 25 in the Brushton pluce plan, Brusbton station, with a frontngo of 2Go feet on Meade street, by 140, leet (o a 25-toot alley, for $5,500. The. puiclmser will imme diately Improve the property. Dennistou, Elderkln & Co., Limited, report the following sales: bold tor Denniston, Eldcrkin & Co., Limited, to John C. Noble a house and lot situated iu tho Twentj -first ward, being lot No. Ill inMellon's plan of Scottlots, Uavinga linutugeot 24 feet and extending back the same width u distance of 110, leet to a 16-foot alley, and having erected thereon a frame house of six rooms, for $2,400; for S. A. Dickie to George N. Glass a lot situate in the Twenty-first ward, being lot No. SI in liobinson & Dickie's plan, said lot having a lrontage of 50 feet on Edgerton avenue uud extending back 150 feet, for $1,300; for James McClutchoou to George A. Grosz. house and lot sitnate iu the Twenty-first ward, said lot having a frontage of 22x28 feet on the south erly side ot Auburn street, and extending back 100 feet, and having erected thereou a frame house of fire rooms, lor $2,4C0;forA. Blatz to Thomas Dunn, a house and lot situated on Lenora street. Twenty-first ward, said lot having a frontage of 24 leet and extending back preserving the same width a distance of 100 feet and having erected thereon a two-story Irame of live looms, for $1,200; for W. kl. Denniston to Sophia Hague, a house and lot si tun to on Beoclicrsticet, Twenty-first ward, being lot No. 13 lu W. II. Denniston's Bauss plan of lot?, having a frontage of 20 feet and extend ing back about 140 feet, with a two-story frame house, tor $1,800. Black & Balrd sold for N. K. Roseburg to Martin Leonard the property No. 79 Isabella street, Allegheny, being a two-story brick house, with a lot 21x100 feet through to Birn alley, for $1,6X1. Samuel W. Black & Co. void lots Nos. 27 nnd 23 iu the Highland Park plan, being 100x146 feet on tho northwest corner of Bry ant select ana Stanton avenue extension, tor f 1,000. Theeutletnnn bought fur specu lative purpo9es,-atid to guard against losing any uionoy accepted tbe owner's guarantee to reriiiid all money paid at the end of one year if ho became dissatisfied with his pur chase. A. Z. Bvers & Co. sold for Henry A. Davis, Esq.. to Emma H. Jones n property on Sarah street, Allegheny, consisting ui a irame house of llvo rooms, with a lot 32x53 feet, for $1,750. Piper & Clark closed the sale to-day of lots Nos. 5 and 6 iu the Luella Place plan, laid out by John Fite, for (3,030: also sold to Fred erick Leonard lot No. 13 in the Fairmount plan, size 25x162 feet, for $850 cash. George Schmidt sold for Lafayette Obltz a new house with a lot 52x75 feet, on Clay bourne street, near Graham street, to John Vaughan, of Dubois, Pa., lor 54,000 cash. John K. Ewing & Co. sold to Mrs. Kate Snyder lot -So. 91 in the F. G. Rohkaste plan, fronting on Grant avenue, in tho Tenth ward, Allegheny, for $450. Peter Shields sold In William Flinn's Greenfield avenue plan, Twouty-tnird ward, lot No. 191.30x90 leet, located on Hoosac street, for (600. The Burrell and Kensington Improvement Companies report the following sain of lots at Kensington: Martin Rose, New Kensing ton, Pn., lot SSG, block 25, $646 75; Mrs. Mary Flaherty, Pittsburg, lot 47, block 27, $1,027 0; George D. Harvey, Butler, Pa., 40 feet, lot Q, block 7, $700; Elizabeth Joi ce, Allegheny, 15 leet north lot 56, aud 5 feet south lot 57, block 4,$1,062 50: Mrs. Mary Keating, Kensington, lots 1,618 and 1,619, block 28, $650; Mrs. Henrietta Jones, Pittsburg, lot 88, block 5, $787 50; John P. Beech. Pittsburgh lot 461, block 25, M; Joseph Miller, Pittsburg, lot 462, block 25, $5BG t6; Eno Bartholomew, Coalport, lot 46, block 27, $377 50; James P. aud Mary Ann Centner, Pittsburg, lots 64 and 65, block 5, $l,7cJ5; Joseph L. Hodgson, Xew Kensington, lot 1163, block 29, $325 84; Frederick Sauens, Pittsburg, lot 1429, block 29, J53S 33. . STOCKS .CLOSE STRONG Despite Talk Abont Closer Money' Next Week as the Besnlt of Diminished Bank Reserves The Industrials Con tinue Prominent Western Union Buoy ant New Yonk,Oct. 15. The. stock martet during to-day's short session was character ized by strength, notwithstanding some talk about probable closer working of the money market for a day or two next week as a re sult of diminished bank reserves. The lat ter was official to some extent "by the knowl edge that tbe treasury payments for pen sions will be unusually heavy. New Eng land led tbe list in point of activity, with Chicago Gas a close second. The latter was bought freely by prominent homes' on the announcement that the management had decided to advance the rate of dividend from 8 to 6 per' cent per annum. The price rose to 90. the highest price ever attainel. Distillers was, also taken by lead ing firms, nnd near tho close the stock jumped to6JVon .rumors that the bull pool Intended to assume more aggressive opera tions next week. Among the other indus trials National Cordage nnd American To bacco were strong, while General Electric, after opening Jf higher, declined "about a point on reports, which were subsequently denied, of7 a strike of the "company's em ployes at the Selionectady works. Western Union wns active throughout nnd leached par. The'-boying was based on the belief that' at the special meeting called for Ootober 25 a dividend or 10 per cent will be declared. The report that the Western Union had. purchased the Postal Telegraph Company irti contradicted in emnhatic terms: New England rose 44J to '49 and closed within a fraction of the highest, de spite continued denials by insiders that a deal Is in progress. The grangers and trunk; lines ruled quiet and firm but the Gould and Southwestern share generally were in bet ter request. Tbe anthracite coalers were steady. Railway bonds wre quiet, the dealings footing up onlv $577,000. As a tule, the majority of the bonds traded in show light net gains. Government bonds wore dull and firm. Closo ot the list: V. S. 4sreg 1I4 Mutual Union fts. ....110 N.J. :. Int. Cert... Ill Ji Northern l'ac. lsts..lHV3 Northern Pac. 2ds...ll2 Northw'n Consols,. .I39J N'w'n Deb. 5o 10H ;t.I 41. -M. sen 5s. 62K U. S.4s coup. m4 U. S. His rcg V0'i Pacltlcusorilj 107M Louls'na stamped 4s.94 Missouri S 1U2! Tenn. new setcs 100 Tcnn. newsei6s....100 Tenn. new set 3s.... 72 Cauadabo. 2ds nil On. Pacific 1st KH Den. Alt. (Lists'... 1 184 St.l,. . F.Uen.M.100 at. Paul Consols 127 S. P. C. &P. 1st 118 T. P. L. G. Tr.Bcts. 84 T. P. F.. G. Tr.ltcts. 31 Union l'ac. Ists 10T, West Shore 103,4 lieu, x is. u. is so Eric 2ds 107 M. K. AT. gen 8s... 80 Lit. U. W. lsts 78.S M.K. AT. gen 5s.... 47; Bid. tAsked. Mlulng shares closed as follows: Crown Point 110 Plymouth 50 Con. Cal. and Va 375 Sierra Nevada lsn Deadwood t 223 btandard 120 Gould and Curry m Yellow Jacket 14i Hale and Norcross... 190 Iran Silver CO MomestaLe 1400 Quicksilver 3u0 Mexican 170 Quicksilver prd 1S0O jsorth Star. t M0 liulwer 23 Ontario 3710 tAskcd. The total sales of stocks to-day were 116 000 shares including: - Eric, 2,000; Louisville and Nashville, 2.500: New England, 31,000; Read ing, 15,400; Western Union, 6,300. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange, corrected dally for Tiik Pittsbuho Dispatch By Whitney & btcphtnsou. oldt-tt Pittsburg members of New York Stock Exchange. 57 Fourth avenue: Cols Open Ing. High Low ing Close bid. Oc.14 4S iH'4 82 62!4 IIS1, 109S 101 H Id ii 33 33Jj 67!4 57JS 1S0M 132 2 29 13'4 60' 411- M' sa, m( 102 79J '.9 123s Ki'4 52;t t'4 113S IIS1- I15IJ 142 142 C4 C4'4 43 4234 19 29S 154 15314 Ifiii 135'S 17 17 21t 823,' 63 (j2' Hi 4V tOH KH 2454 25'i 79 795, 1X1 1.3 COM 12 107 1C7 13244 1344 1I71 IW'i 464 45)a W)i4 90 lit)'.. 111) 17 I7"4i 75 72 56'i Sitf 2.?1 &'i 4w W4 i la.'i 10,'i JO'. 40 40; 125, l.'a 18'4 19 52 SIM 224 22S 2l. 18!; 18M M'd 58 22 21-j El 1 6214 200'4 198!i . 8,'i 8 '4 41 fH 45 45,'S 103 n n 403, It.' 11?$ 26 99H 03ii CO K34 97 'J6i est. est. Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil. p'd. Am. Sug. Kcfln. Co. Am.Sng. K. Co. .prd. Atcll.. T, A 8. F.... Canadian Pacific .... Canada Southern.... Central of N.J Central Pacific Chesapeake & Ohio.. CiO, 1st pfd O. AO.. 2(1 pM Chicago Uis Trust... C, 11. AQulncy C, Mil. iSt. laul.. C. it. AS. P.. prd.. C. Rock LAP C, St. P., M. AO.. C. St. P..M.AO.pid C. A Northwestern . C. A North., prd.... 0.. c. a a 1 Col. Coal A Iron Col. A Hock. V.il.... 45 46 iraji IC2 33J4 "57's IOU'4 101 10314 101S 1 57 57 130)4 13U S3', btts 7o;t, "bZH MM "HVi 43 'iii" 90i 102'j 7 iisiS "w'vi 4J iii" SO,", 102i 711 82 uJ lli'i "kvi 42? 151" Del. Lack. AW Del. A Hudson Den. A KIo Grande. Den. A HloO.. pfd.. Dls. A O. F. Trust . E. T. Va. AGa Illinois Central Lake i-rieA W Lake Erie AW., pfd l.akebhoreAM. b.. Louisville A Nash .. 62S 03J4 25 vX C9H 109 62 1311 IK'4 4G'4 DCS 25 79? 79 "mi "Ws li Mich. Central Missouri Pacific.... Nat. Cordage .o"... Nat. Cor. Co., Dld Nat. Lead Co Nat. Lead Co., prd. N. Y. Central..:.... N. Y.. C. A St. I,... 109 821i em 132IS 117), 40 i 1I714 43', BUS "ii'ii it 17 N.Y..C.A9t.L.lstprd N.Y.,' .ASt.I,.2dprd n. I., Li. ... N.Y.. L. E.A W.pfd 3.V 26,' 2G14 19 'i'iM n, 1 a .. j-,.... N. Y.. O. AW... r,7i MM 19 Norfolk A Western. Norfolk A West.nfU, piuriu Auier. o. ,. Northern Pacific. Northern Pac. pfd Ohio AMIsslssinnl 13 "5:!4 12,'i 'iiri 0H Oregon lmpr'vem'ut I'acinc Mall Peoria. Dec. AEv... Phil. A Beading..... P.. C. C. A St. L... P..O,C.St. B.prd Pullmaa Palace Co.. Hlch. A i. P.T.,... Rich. AW.P.T.pnl. Ht. Paul A Duluili... St. Paul A D. pfd.... Texas Pacific Union Pacific 31 IS 3f 19 1 S8J( 88 198,1 20H, 198'4 41 43 40 ll 25 M'4 25'J ram SG5J i0?i 40V " 2-.H 9'4 H 1 111 931, AVatiash Wabash prd "Western Union Wheeling A L. E..., W. A I,. E. prd Baltimore A Ohio.. J 26!i 103 27 70J, 87 Ex. dividend. tAskcd. Closing Philadelphia Quotations. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania 55, 55 Iteadlng 2)14 29 5-16 Uunalo, N. Y. A Philadelphia 7 8 Lehigh Valley sa'i csh Lrhlch Navigation 53' 64 Philadelphia and Erie 3 33 Northern Pacific, common ia 13JJ Northern Pacific, -prererred Slli 52!4 Boston Stocks Closing Prices. Atchison A Topeka.. S9JC Catalna , Poston A Albauy.... 20414 Franklin Boston A Maine IS3 Kearsarge Chi. Hur. A Qiuncy.lOiK Osceola Fltchbnrg It. K 84 Saute Te Copper... Little Kock A Ft. S.. 92 Tamarack Mass. Central IS Anni'toii Land Co Mev. Cen. com lSX Boston Land Co.... N.Y. AN. England. 455 West F.nd Land Co. Old Colony 180 Bell Telephone W Is. C'tnt. Com MU. I.smtnti Rtnro S 15 li'i 12 ST. 10 1B0 17 203 AlIouezM. Co.(new)101 Wntcr Power.. "... '..'. Atlantic 10V Cent. Mining Boston AMont 33 S. E. Tel. A Tel Calumet A Hecla....2uo Butte A Boston 111 9 61 Electric Stocks. BoaTos, Oct. 15. Special. The latest quo tations of electric stocks to-day were: DM. Altorf uenerai electric General Electric, prd "WestliiKhousc Electric Westlujrliouse Electric, prd.. Detroit Electric Works Fort Wayne Electric, Fort Wayne Electric (Al Thomson-Houston Trust (Ui Thomsou-Houstun Electric E. ..116.Ti 117 ..lis 119 Zi'i SO 5 13 8 8 12 7 . W. lj Bar Silver. NewToei. Oct.' 15. rSDeefVr.l Ttar silver in London, &. higher at S9d per ounce. ow iuia ucuieiB price 101 surer is lliC higher at 874c per ounce. CEREALS CLOSE WEAK, But Provisions Rnlo Strong and Pork and Ribs Close Higher. Cnicioo, III., Oct. 15. Pelted with rain and heavy receipts, wheat fell down about one-half n cent to-day. Corn was Arm for nearby months and weak for May delivery, leaving off a higher for November and o lower for May. Tbe provisions deals were strong, and pork aud ribs on scant trading were placed on a somewhat higher piano of prices. Cash quotations were as follows: Flcuir quiet and steady; winter patents, $t 604 65; winter straights $3 30iO3 50; spriiuc patents, $3 754 80: spring straights, $3 003 50: bakers'. $2 50.i 00; No. 2 spring wh.Pll C. 7rll(. "Kt !t .nrtn . nrlia, (Mn. - ".. ". i;,.M .- "" - -'"'"7. .:"'" " ""- 6. b., 68c: No. 4. f. o. b.. 32iffi52c: Xn. 1 tfn-r. seed, $1 111 11&; prime timothy seed, $1 60; mesa pork, per Darrel, $11 50: Inrd, per 100 lbs, $S 37: short ribs sides (loose). $7 70 9 75; ary suited shoulders (boxed), $7 20 7 25; short clear nides (boxed),, $8 058 lu; whisky, distillers' finished goods, per gallon, $1 15; sugars, out loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 18,000 barrels; when t,291,C00 bushels; corn, 608,000 bushels; oats, 3'!3 000 bushels; rye, 53,000 bnsbcls; barloy, 116,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 55,000 barrels; wheat, 342. 000 bushels; corn, 428,000 bushels: oat", 367.000 bushels; rye, 15,000 bushels: barley, 86, 000 bush els. On the Produce Exchange to-day the but ter market was very Urm; creamery,lSQ25Kc: dairy, 523c. Eggs firm; strictly fresu, 20 Tiange of the leading futures, furnished by John SICE HEADACHE-. 'Carter's Little Liver pun. SICK HEADACHE Carter's Little Liver Pills. 8tCK HEADACHE ( SICS HKADA.CHE-. Carter's Little Liver P1IU. Carter's Little Liver Fill. 4-40Otmrst bankers and brokers. Mo. Sixth street: Open ing. High Low- Clos ing. Close Oct. 14 Articles. - est. est Whiat. October November December May CORX. October. November December May OATS. October November December'. May Pork. October 'November January Lard. October November January Short Ilics. October November January 73H 7!, I "isi "75 8I 415. SH 45J4 S9K 3U 303 34 .3 7V 75H M7, 81 42 43!4 4214 46 4 23H 31 Wi 1150 11 60 12 92 837 7 0S 7 17 9 75 740 6 70 sua 4IK 42 41. 43 42 tin 42M 4l7t 43 ti( 29't 295 33 AV,i 4Z 294 an SDH 3!t 28H 29 S9?4 33H It no 11 53 12 77 835 7 62 725 B75 7 37 660 II 45 11 50 12 77 1145 II SO It 45 11 so 12 82 12 77 8 32 7G2 7 20 9 75 7 37 6 6V 8 37 7 15" 837 7 62 IS 975 7,25 6 62 9 7S 7 37 6(!5 Car receipts for to-morrow "Wheat. 537: corn, 563: oats, 216. Estimate for to-morrow Wheat, ISO; corn, 85u; oats, 470. SOME LIGHT OIL WELLS. The McDonald Field. Did Not Loom Vp Strong Yesterday Fisher Farm "Venture Reported Almost Dry- Good Well South west of SIstersville and One at Under cliff. There were few startling developments in the local fields yesterday. . During the past week there have been a number of sur prises and some wells have been brought' in which have materially increased the amount of territory which has come to be considered valuable. '" Thu is notably the case in the McDonald field. The wells of Green lee & Harlmau. on the Potter farm, and Connors & Co., on the Cook,, have extended tbe McDonald field to tbe south and south east, and although they are flowing from the Gordon sand, they will, no doubt, lead 'to a largo amount of drilling in the region In which they are located. In the northeastern part of the HcCurdy field the Ituppel OH and Gas Company has developed a remarkably good well on tbe Sloorc furni. It gets its oil from the fifth sand, and ac cording to members of tho company who were interviewed yesterday it has averaged 600 barrels a day since Thursdaay morning. There has been but one well drilled In this part of the field which has been lu nnv way comparable to it, and that is J. 31. uuuey co. jno. 1 on tne Andrews lann. It is located at least 2.500 feet 11 way, and has produced upwards ot 5J.U00 barrels of petroleum. The Ituppel Oil and, Gas Company has 160 acre leased around tlielr Moore farm welt, and they will develop It very carefully. They have started to drill No. 2 on the Moore, and do not intend to put down any more until they see the result ot No. 2. Starting In Northeast McCnrdy. , J. II. Guffcy & Co. are starting a well on tbe Ewing farm, which joins the Moore farm on the north, and they also have a rig up on the Aiken property, which lies just south ot the Moore. ' Fltzgibbons & Co.'s well on the Fisher farm, which touches the Elliott lease of the Devonian Oil Company on the north, was reported last evening to bo almost through the filth sand and showing for only 15 or 20 barrels a day. ThUwellls a verita ble disappointment, as all who wero inter ested in it or held loasesintho vicinity seemed to think that it would prove to be a good well. Information received from the Florence Oil Company's wrll on the Sillier farm late yesterday intern 0011 was to the effect that it was still drilling above the firth sand and making frotn'175 to 200 barrels a ('ay. The iloynl Uus Company's No. 2, on the N. G. Cook tnrm, located southeast or Mc Donald about a milo nnd a hair, was reported to have touched the first pay in the Gordon and filled up 1,600 feet. The well was thou shut in until tankage could be put up, us they believe It will be n good producer. Tonilinson.'JtlcConnell & Co.'s fourth sand passer on tho Brown farm south of Laurel Hill will be turned in tlin lino to-morrow. Greenlee & For?t's No. 1 on the Oak Bidze Coal Company's property east of Oakdale was only tlnee screws above the firth yes terday afternoon, and was expected iu the pav late last evening. McConnell & Co. aie preparing to start a well on the Ifallam, farm, which ad joins the Cook of the Itny'al Gas Company. The People's Gas Company's No. 156. 51c Murmy, located Just north of Oakdale, will not be better than a25-barrel well. Well In at Undercut!". " TJyoEitcLiFF J. M. Patterson & SoIid's No. LErlltnenhout, was reported last nUlitto be lntheM-foot and shoningfor a good well. It 'is 1,003 feet south of thoir Kcssler larm well. SIstersville Going Southwest. SiSTEiaviLLK A telegram was received at theofuce of the Devonian Oil Company iu Pittsburg last evening, stating that their well on the Keoner heirs' farm was in, and flowing strong. It is located at least three milei sou th of SIstersville. and about three-fourths of a mile from the river. lr the report is true ic will open up a large scope of territory in the region southwest of what is now known as tho SIstersville field. Oil Reported Near Chicago. A Chicago paper published nearly a col umn of matter yesterday morning in rela tion to a strike of oil and gas which has been made on the Sea Moss Kennels farm, located 19 miles from Cli ictigo. on the Northwestern 1'nilroad, and 1 miles from Glencoe sta tion. It states that at a depth of 150 feet, in an artesian well which was being drilled, oil an d gaa wero struck. Several barrels of oil wero thrown out of the hole and the roar of the gas could be heard for 3C0 feet after it was iznitcd. Tne next day after being struck the well tailed to produce either oil or uas, aud the natives conclude that the pipe is stopped up by the sand. The well tslocatetl nearu innrsh, and the chances are that it Is simply mnrsh gas, and a pocket of marsh oil which lias been thrown out. The account state-) that land in this locality which wns rnruicily placed at $503 an acre is now put at $3,000. Tho Gauges. Tho production of McDonald was 20,000 yostei day, 5C0, less.than the day beore. The hourly gauges of the largest wells at McDon ald yesterday wcie as follows: Forst & Greenlee's No. 6 Marshall, 22: J. JI. Guffey's No. 5 Shane, 25; Forest Oil Company's No. 4 McClcllnud. 20. The. estimated production was 20.000; stock in field, 46.000. Tno runs from the SIstersville field were 14,735 barrels. Runs and Shipments Friday. The Friday runs of the Nation al Transit Company were 39,G?fi: shipments, 81.O0S. Southwest runs rrotn McDonald were 17.85S; outside of McDonald, 7,430; total, 25.2S8. nuckeye'Pipo LIuo runs from the Slacks burg field, 6,484; shipments, not in. Buckeye runs of Lima nil, 55,663; shipments, 62,031. jsureKit ripe j,ine runs, ii.42-2; snipments. 2,183. Southern Pipe Line shipments, 11,494. .New Tork Transit shipments. 39.745. Tho Western and Atlantic Hues ran 3,030 barrels Friday; shipments, 2,317. The runs or the w. 1 Mellon lines on Fri day were 6 766: receipts from other lines, none; total receipt?, 6,763; shipments, 3,994. The Oil Market. Range of the November option: Opening-, 519ic: highest, SIJrc; lowest, Slifc: closing, 0c. Heflncil oil Xew Toik, 6c; London, -IJgfS 115-l(lil: Antwerp, WJ. New Voiik. Oct. 15. Petroleum dull: Penn sylvania oil, spot sale, none; November option, sales none; closed, 51,'c bid. Lima oil, sales none. Now 'York Dank Statement. Reserve, decrease 1,297.333 Loans, decrease 3,773,100 Specie, decrease 12U.V.0 Lcjral lenders, decrease 2.22E.300 Deposits, decrease .-. 4.SSS.7U) Circulation, decrease 4.S00 The banks now hold S339.C53 in excess of the 15 per cent required by law. Money In the West. There seems to be no question but tho money market has now tnrned the sharpest corner and that the worst is over in the way ofstrinjency. Money is now beginning to come back trbm the Country. A cood deal is still uolng-out to the country, but that loss is otfset by the return flow in a 'consid erable measure nt least, and there i no longer any feeling ofapprehension nt the bank over the situation. While the demand continues active, as must inevitably be the case with izeiieral business on such an ex ceedingly lame scale, the rosourccs of the bank are easily equal to meeting all require ments. The future looks like a firm and nutive market, bnt there seems no proba bility that legitimate demands will go un- satisnea nor that rates will be unduly ad' -h Tauccu. uuicago jl naune. ! M. (Oakley & Co.. 45 I MRS. SHERRY'S CHILD Is the Bone of Contention in a Legal Proceeding in Court. HIH0R-CRIMINALS SENTENCED. Action of the Bar Association on the Death of TV. C. Erskine. THE NEWS OP TUB COUNTY COURTS A hearing was had before Judge Porter yesterday on the habeas corpus proceedings brought by AV. H. Sherry to obtain pos session of his t-y ear-old daughter. Sherry is the constable employed by Alderman Bichards. He is the husband of Mr?. Sherry, who a few days ago, was sentenced one year to the workhouse for illegal liquor selling. The child had been with Mrs. Sherry until her sentence to the workhouse, the couple having separated about iour years ago. Sherry, when" his wife had been sent to the workhouse, visited her and got an order from ber on her sister, Mrs. James Cavenangb, for tbe child. The sister, however, would uotgive him the child, but tnrned her over to another sister, Delia Hoffitott. Sherry .then went into court aud obtained a writ of habeas corpus. At the hearing yesterday a number of witnesses testified to ' Sherry's good charac ter. He said he wanted to ""ke ep the, child and have his mother care for her. Mrs. Sherry's sisters also wanted the child, but Judge Porter made an order to have her given to the father. EES0LTJTIOH8 07 BEOBET On the Death of W. C. Lrskine Adopted by the Bar Association. A well attended meeting of the members of the bar was held yesterday afternoon in the rooms of the Bar Association to take ac tion on the death of tbe late "William G. Erskine. D. F. Patterson presided. The vide presidents were Judges Collier, Ewing, Kennedy and Over, and T. M. Marshall, A. Y. Smith, M. A. Woodward and J. T. My ler, and the secretaries were T. C. Pitcairn, "Walter "Williams, J. C. Thompson and Frank "Wliitesell. Messrs. C. C. Dickey, J. S. Young S. K. Trent and J.'U. Montgomery were appointed a Committee on Itesolu tions. They presented tan appropriate minute which was adopted. Semarks com memorative of the good qualities of the deceased were made by T. M. Marshall, C. C. Dickev, O. S. Richardson, John Mc Ciaren, Frauk .Whltesell and J. G. Mont gomery. Mr. Erskine was born July 8, 1830, at Belfast, Ireland, tie graduated from Queen's College, Belfast, aud came to this country when but 18 years of age. He was admitted'to the bar in Beaver county iu 1876, shortly afterward coming to Pittsburg, where he opened a law office. His death resulted irum meningitis. THEY WHT AWAY. Three Deserted Husbands Apply to Court for Divorces. Three suits for divorces were entered yes terday. Attorney F. "W. Smith filed the caae of Eobsrt McConnell against Margaret B. McConnell. They were married May 15, 1852 and separated March 1, 1886. Desertion is charged. Attorneys Brown and Kankin entered the suit ot Francis M. Metsenheimer against Nellie B. Messenheimer. They were mar ried April 2T, 1884, and it is alleged she de serted him Februarv 21, 1888. S. A- "Will filed the suit of Victor Sekin rer against Margaret Sekinzer. They were married November 29, 1888, and it is charged bhe deserted him February 26, 1891, at Fast Liverpool, O. PAYING THE PEHAL1Y. Sentences Passed Upon Persons Convicted , ol Various Offenses. In the Criminal Court yesterday the fol lowing sentences were imposed: Joseph Knollinger, burglary, Huntingdon Re formatory; Max Knorr, larceny, 30 days to the workhouse; Patriot Haley, assault and battery, three months to the workhouse; Peter Madden, assault acd battery, 60 days to the workhouse; Herman Schweitzer, un lawful cutting, one year to the workhouse; Hpgh McLane, felonious assault, one year to'the workhouse. She Alleges Malicious Persecution. .Margaret West yesterday entered snit against Thomas Wood for damages for al leged malicious, persecution. She states that on August 20 Wood sued her before 'Squire Eaton, of Midway, charging her with larceny by bailee. Upon a hearing she was uischarged. She now claims the suit was' malicious and was entered without any probable cause. Monday's Audit T.isl. Accountant. Lstatc of Stephen Dnnbir Matliew SitlCWI i-iully Woodinrit Tliorau Sinclair..'.... JIaryE. Snub Frank Wever .lolm It. Uratty 1. V. Eatuii John 5lAicrhon"cr ...Thomas l.owrr. ...J. Under etaU ...b. II. Jlowry ctal. ...f. M. McKrlvev. ,...&are Dcpu.lt Jt Trust Co. ....Aiiii Bates. ....Margaret II. Eealtr. ...Frauds Eaton. 1. .J. H. diiifher. ,...J. M. SIiUmU. ....Mary Dncrr. ...Sale Deposits Trust Co. ...lleury &tauh. ...Sale Deposit A Trust Co. .... Fiunuif. ...V. J. Brown. gained Hcuimuas .Incut) Duerr Eliza A. Wells Adallue Maob Susanna btaub. Nicholas FiuuatT Kill A. Ilrown Camilla Hendricks Maedalena MalerhoBer. Henry bcliinldt James Quartz .John Hendricks. ..I. H. Mueller, .(leorftc Fox. . V. . Armstrong. Monday's Trial Lists. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs John Itradrord (murder), Lizzie btarlr, Adolpli lllngey, Uus A. Zlrruth, William T. Brooks, Frank Blutty, Mary Anderson, Bni noy Harrlty, Thomas McDonald, Mary B. Lea, Geome Llghtenheld, W. J. Forsythe, John McGovern, Adam Walker, C. C. Wal ker. IuacMcCloskey, Stephen Cuneo, Daniel Hatzfleld, Amanda Bassett, Jennie Kalis, Harvey Jester, William and George Mct'los key. Common rieas No. 1 Lawber et al vs Wal lis etui. BIcKibbeii vs l'otrrle, Ahlcrs & Co. vs Chambers, Synthetic Linseed Oil Com pany V4 Vaudrew & Co., Uuekensteln vs Al legheny City, Hnbhet vs ltufenheld, Cochran vs Joice, Cintlk vs Donerty Bros., Nieman etal vs Stewart, Christie vs Alleirhenian l'ubllshing Company, Mcuouald ec at vs Gcanlni et al. Miarizer vs Itlclmrdson. Common Pleas No. 2 Grocers' Supply and Ftor.igo Company vs IleUick, Carr va Gullck & Co., Stevenson vs StveiijhtenUeryarut al., Toiulinson" vs Davis, llilkoy vs Itucker, Stevenson & Co. vs Kinir, Johnston Hal vester Company vs Hay, Bair A Gazzaiu vs Sew Tork Newspaper-Union etal., Uubley vs Dickson. Foreign Financial. Paris, Oct. 15. Three per cent rentes Mf, 15 centimes for the account., London, Oct. 15. Tho amonnt of bullion withdrawn from B.iuk of Eugland on bal ance to-day, XiW,0). Lodos, Oct. 15. Close Consols, money, 97 1-16: do account, 971-16: Xew York, Pennsyl vania and Onto firsts, 3J?; Canadian Pacific, Erie, 27: do secouds, 1119: Illinois Central, lu3; Mexican, ordinary, E!&:Sr. Paul, common, bl: Pennsjlvanln, 57& Keadins, 30; Mexican central 4,' 7: bar silver, 39Jd. Money, K per cent. Bate or discount iu tua open iciirKet tor short and three months' bills, liiQl'i percent. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clang to Castoria. When she had Children, the gave them Castaria LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. English storms are still raging. McKeesport's .water famine is oyer, Dahomeyans have lost another battle. Daly, the Toledo boodler, waa convicted, Canadian sugar refiners are organizing a trust. An annexation clnb has been formed la Toronto. Beeves has accepted the leadership of Gilmore's Band. Material is arriving for the new tin plats mill nt .New Castle. The passenaer steamship Bokhara is missing in the China Sea. Tho old Cincinnati firm of Po3t & Co., electric supplies, -has assigned. Striking-tanners at-Milwaukee hava given up a nine months' struggle. Lightnlnz t truck a steamboat on the Bed river at uennison, xex, ana sanic ic Changes In the Dominion Cabinet are impending. .Thompson will be Premier. Will Einkald, of -McKeesport, aged 18, fell 30 feet in a quarry and will probably die. An earthquake severe enousrh to topple over buildings was felt in the' Balkans Fri day. The Austrian Government ha 'added S123.000 to its grant for a World's Fair ex hibit. Minister Byan to Mexico will proceed to "Washington to arrange for a new Mexican treaty. Paris Anarchists have murdered- their former comrade, Bisson, for- betraying Francois. Thirty Anamlte princes have beensborn of their titles and pensions for becoming Catholics. Carmanx miners have decided to con tinue their strike. The leeling is growing more Intense dally. Tbe fall of some broken machinery in an Altoona sewer which wns being repared, in stantly killed John Toung. Dead victims of tbe blizzard are being picked up along tbe Colorado and Kansas line. Cattle perished in droves. San Francisco accounts say the steamer Montserrat has been decoying Gilbert islanders nnd selling them into slavery. Mrs. Moffat, of Orangeville, O., cowhided Charles Johnson, a schoolmaster, whom she snspected of circulating malicious stories against her. During a performance in a crowded theater in Bnda-Pesth, a woman was sud denly seized with cholera. Tbe audience fled in dismay. The Prefect of Faychow, China, banged, himseir, being several thousand tuols short in bis accounts owing to embezzlements by bis accountants. Secretary of State Foster has cabled Minister Scruegs to recognizo Crespo's gov ernment it he considers ic stable, and satis factory to tbe people ot enezuela. Secretary Halford has telegraphed to Chicago that thu President will not be able to attend the dedication. He will be rep resented by Vice President Morton. Jacob KIper, a wealthy old gentleman of Monongalia county, Y. Vn., while burning brush Friday wns attacked with heart trouble and fell into the Are, being burned to deatb. Rawleshurg, W. To., has a case of heredi tary suicide. Michael J. ConitT. a promi nent merchant, cut his throat. His father andgrundiather bad taken their own lives beforo him. The Southern Express Company mana ger at Memphis received warning that an attempt would be made to rob a. train be tween there and Thayer.Mo. The Imperiled train was guardod ou Its route by armed of ficer. The steam tug. Discovery was flred upon Friday by.tho United States steamer Wol cott, while both vessels were off Port Angels. Wasb. The Wolcott had been on the look out for four hours for a British opium smug gling steamer. The tug was mistaken lor a smuggler, and chased by the Wolcott. Life Guardsman Marshall, who was con victed in England October 12 of Insubordi nation, forhnviiur posted on the canteen. In quarters at Windsor, an alleired seditious article from the Alar, and writing above lr, "Comrades, stick together," was yesterday sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment and dismissed from the regiment. Mi-s. R. B. Macleod, now in St. Louis, has been sbadowins Moruion missionaries in Europe.and rays: "Of all the missionaries for tho various chnrcbes in this country who liavo gone to Enrope to investigate the methods of the Mormon elders, X think I am the only one who has ever returned to tell the tale. Two ladles'who started, ahead of mo have never been heard Irom since and probably never will be. I do not think thay were murdered: they must, be held some where by tbe elders in out of the way placet where they cannot communicate witn tba outside world. We havo Just mounted some new combi nations in emerald, ruby, sapphire, opal and turquoise and diamond' clusters. Tbese are elegant goods. Call at M. G. Cohen's, St Fifth avenue, and examine the goods ant.' prices. It will pay you. Fiji Carpets this week, inger's ad. on second page. Read Groeta- v wy; ? 'WOETH A BrJIHIA A OT! STILL ROLLING; St. Helens,? England, is the seat of 2 a great bu- iness. BEECHAM'S irl I I lr are made there. Ther i rfB Ri are a specific for alH acrvaui ana BII Elous Disorder arisine; from Weak J Ktnmeca. lmBalreaBlzeatloB.lJlB-4 g ordered Liver and all Feaudej ft Aliment. 3 THEY ARE COVERED WITH A TASTELESS? 5 AND liULUBLt C0AT1NH. 5 Of all druggists. Price 35 cents a box. New York Depot, it Canal St. .., ,t,ttM annr Oil, WELL SUPPLIES. ATTENTION, OIL Ml All kinds of SECOND-HAND Boilers, En. glnes. Casing, Tubing, Drilling Tools, ato, bought and sold. Estimates made on out fits and abandoned plants. T. F. GRUBBS, 91-92 Water St. seS-lll-TTSu OIL WELL SUPPLY CO., 91 and 92 Water Street, riTTSBUBG, P.4- no3.!B-TTy)gn JSBOKEB5 nSAKClAU ESTABLISHED 1SSC John M. Oakley & Co., BANKEKS AND BIIOKEBS, 45 SIXTH ST. Direct private wire to New Tork and Chi cago. Member Now Tork, ChlcageandPltti burg Ezohanges. Local sepuritlo bought and sold for oastt or carried on liberal margins. Investments made at our discretion and dividends paid quarterly. Interest paid on balance (since I889L) Money to loan on call. Information .books on all markets mailed on application. ie7 Whitney & Stephenson ,57 Fourth Avenua psft-ja : , i ,,. &&i.v