Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 16, 1892, Page 12, Image 12

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-sw On Next Wednesday Morning, October 19, at 9 O'Clock, the Doors of ;
ossal Mercantile Emporium Will Swing Wide Open for Business.
The long-looked-for day is almost here, and the gigantic work of completing the grandest building in Pittsburg nearly at an end. The Herculean efforts of an army of skilled mechanics artisans and
laborers have at last been effective. Bright and early Wednesday morning we will be ready to receive the public. A few months ago the work of erecting the massive structure was inaugurated, and in face
of the almost insurmountable obstacles, pushed with energy andperseverance. It was a gigantic undertaking, and the interests at stake of great magnitude, but we were not to be blocked in any manner shape
or form, and as a result. Pittsbursr is eriven a business house which will bacoma famous throughout th9 country for its immense proportions, its architectural beautv and its rftnarallvrATna.rTraiar.rt nmnm drQo
ance. But the citizens of Pittsburg will find even greater things to admire, as they already know that within this structure there will be found the grandest, largest and most carefully selected assortment of
merchandise in Western Pennsylvania. Believing that we have the good will and friendship of the people, and knowing that thousands' have been putting off purchasing in order to patronize us we cannot
but be thankful Our appreciation of the many congratulations already bestowed upon us knows no bounds, and in return we will keep our word and give PITTSBURG-
Which will always be a pleasurable, profitable and inviting place to visit. We'll take care, with all the abilities at our command, that the good impression which we have made externally shall be strongly I
emphasized in the interior management, manner and method of conducting business. The grand Reception and Dedication which we intend to make memorable for unequaled brilliancy and surpassing' $
spienuor will uo Lieiu. ill uii UBaiiuumc. wuc .uuunje ui iu wiu ojjjjbcii- iu. uui auvci uiomg iaiiuuiuo. aaio j-ucyui jjuiwuu ui ullo puuuu ucuig u.oauuua ui uuunig OUO WUau are ZD.Q assortments W6 have IB StOCk.
it is with pleasure that we describe the departments, each and every one of which is radiant with the latest and finest of everything. 3 . $jjj$
Entire third floor. S. V. WAXMAN in charge. We have spared neither
3 time, expense nor money in the arrangement of this department. Sur-
j)rised, indeed, will be those who patronize us. Such a stock of men's
Nothing, comprising, as it does, the choicest selections, finest grades and
best styles of every market in the country, will astonish and amaze you.
After one visit to this very important branch of our great establishment
you cannot but declare it to be the only place in Pittsburg worthy of pa
tronage. We will certainly not have an old piece of goods on our coun
ters, but only the very latest and superior grades. New makes, new
styles and new features will be offered to you at prices which cannot be du
plicated. There has been manufactured especially for us a magnifi
cent and superb stock of men's high grade clothing such as will prove a
delight and wonder. Here you can see garments ready made which far
surpass the a erage apparel turned out by high class merchant tailors.
Come and personally investigate this department. You'll be pleasantly
received and will depart in jqyful spirits.
JAME3 CARPENTER, Manager. We justly claim and know that tvc
will be heartily indorsed in declaring that our boys' and children's
department not only excels that of any other in the city, but we are safe
in saying that it is superior to any other in the United States. The de
signers' ingenuity and tailors' art have been exhausted in order that we
may show to Pittsburgers and all others a perfect boys' and children's
clothing department. The hundreds of novelties which mothers will find
here for their young sons will be so great and of such a character as has
never been seen here before. We do not hesitate one moment in saying
to the general public, and mothers in particular, that we will have the
largest, best selected and nobbiest stock that they ever had the pleasure of
examining. We will present to your notice all grades, all sizes and all
the latest designs in boys' and children's dress suits aid general wearing
apparel. To be concise, we simply cannot be equaled anywhere when it
comes down to first-class, nobby, elegant, comfortable and durable gar
ments for youths of all ages and sizes. Bear in mind that while we have
the best and choicest assortment, our prices will be the very, very lowest.
MAURICE RUBEN, Manager. This important feature of our es
tablishment requires no introduction. If all the hats which we ever sold
with the Ruben name were put on soldiers it would make an army suffi
cient to thrash any country in the world. It will suffice to say that with
additional space, greater convenience and improved facilities we propose
to treble and quadruple our already vast trade. We have laid particular
stress on our line of Boys' and Children's Hats. Our specialties and nov
elties in this line exceed those of any collection in any store in any city.
Perfect beauties in the way of headgears for youths. Fond and loving
mothers will be pleased when they see our nobby, natty and newest
styles. All makes and shapes suitable for gentlemen will be found here.
Our Hat Department will be the only place in Pittsburg where you can
get the latest and best at the lowest prices. Every effort to render satis
faction in the fullest sense of the word to all will be exerted.- In the past
you have found it wise and economical to buy your hats and caps of us.
As for the future you will find it even more so. Every feature of fashion
will here be shown for young and old. Every care to not only fit but be
come well will be exerted, nourished and guarded by a competent corps
of expert salesmen.
CHARLES SOLOMON, Manager. Fourth and fifth floors. On these
two immense floors thercwlL be contained a gigantic stock of men's, boys'
and 3'ouths' clothing suitable for the very best retail trade. We intend to
make this department the base of supply for the retail clothing houses of
Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and Western Virginia. In order to ac
complish this we propose to quote such prices and offer such inducements
as will cause out-of-town retail merchants to patronize us. All the cele
brated makes will be carried, and we will be thoroughly able to fill the
lowest or highest orders for the best, most durable and popular grades of
the day. We invite retail merchants to carefully examine this particular
department, as it means much to them in the way of money saving.
In connection with our wholesale clothing we'll carry a complete stock
of hats, caps, boots, shoes, rubbers, as well as a general line of fur
nishing goods. We'll make special efforts to build up this branch of the
busness to the highest standard of excellence.
WILL BINGHAM, Manager. Formerly people bought plain and
homely white shirts which were worn on all occasions, it mattered not
whether for business or social purposes. How changed now! A man's ward
robe requires several styles of white shirts even for business. These we have
in plain bosom, pleated.open front, back, short bosomed, coat styles. Next we
can supply society gentlemen with the latest fancies in full dress shirts.
Again we can assure you that in all these lines mentioned will be found the S.
& R. label as a guarantee of superior standard grades. Our collection of
unlaundried night and neglige shirts is so varied that to do it justice
would require more space than that at our command. For the present we
will only say that every taste and desire will be satisfied. Particular
styles and prices will be talked about later on.
Gollai's, Cuffs, Jewelry anfl Hanflk'f Dep't
JERRY LINDSTER, Manager. How far well fitting and immacu
late Collars and Cuffs give tone and character to gentlemen is pretty gen
erally acknowledged by anybody who has given some attention to this
matter. You'll find in our establishment a marvelous variety of this
class of goods. Besides the well-known and popular makes we'll carry a
superior brand, every collar and cuff of which has the S. & R. stamp,
specially made for us. We love the great city of Pittsburg and are ever
strictly loyal to its interests, therefore we have named every brand of col
lars after some street, suburb, river, park and prominent place within its
boundaries. Fancy Jewelry, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Shirt Studs,
Scarf Pins and other novelties may here be found in profusion.
CHARLES SEIDENSTRICKER, Manager. It is the little things that
form perfection in dress or the finishing touches of styles. We have used
capital, brains and cultivated taste to spread before the stylish dressers of
Pittsburg an array of "fixings" that will delight their hearts. In this con
nection we may add that we will name such prices as will make it posi
tively prohibitory on the part of economical buyers to purchase anywhere
but in our furnishing department. When inspecting our immense palace
closely examine the numerous styles in these particular lines. Every
taste will be satisfied and every new creation in Hosiery, Gloves or Neck
wear will be kept in stock. We have made special efforts in the Glove
Department and congratulate ourselves that the assortment of Dress
Gloves is second to none in the Union. In Working Gloves we'll show
an endless variety and quote such prices as will make for us thousands of
patrons. We wish to make particular mention of the grand variety of
Boys' and Children's Gloves to be found here.
JACOB WEAVER, Manager. We will carry such an enormous
stock of these two classes of goods that a special department was
made for the sale of them. Here you will find an endless array
of Overcoats in all styles, all shapes and all fancies. Single and
double-breasted silk, wool and cashmere lined Overcoats, Ulsters,
Ulsters with hoods and Cape Overcoats may be had in abundance
and at astonishing prices. Every one of the latest and most favored ma
terials selected by us for our patrons. Among the many celebrated and fam
ous grades may be mentioned Carr's Meltons, English Kerseys; Peyton
Beavers, Irish Friezes, Chinchillas, Elysians, Montaignacs, Scotch Mix
tures and the finest Fur Beavers. The styles, the fabrics, the fit, the
make and the prices can all easily run the gauntlet of the most chronic
critic or idealist of fashion. Our incomparable facilities have made it
possible for us to present an assortment of -Overcoats that will completely
eclipse any effort in the clothing business of Pittsburg. We will sell bet
ter goods and sell them at a lower price than any firm in Western Penn
sylvania. Stop in and examine this matchless line of stock on our opening
day. Lengthy comment on our peerless selection of Trousers is scarcely
necessary. We will have in stock from the finest made Pantaloons down to
the mechanic's Overalls. This line of goods must be seen to be appre
ciated. As in other departments we will invariably carry only the supe
rior and reliable grades, but always at the most reasonable terms.
OSCAR M. BINGHAM, Manager. The mere announcement that
the genial and thoroughly able Mr. Bingham will have charge Is already
sufficient index that it will be a supreme success. We wilbcarry a tre
mendous stock of footwear and will be able to fit anything in the shape
of pedal extremities. Our aim in quality will be very high, but in the
matter of prices exceedingly low. For fit, style, endurance, comfort and
value our grand collection is above anything of the kind in this or any
other city. Our prices will be within easy reach of all, and our assort
ment good enough for the richest or most fastidious serviceable and de
sirable enough for the poorest and most modest. Our salespeople aje
expert foot fitters, and you will not experience that tiresome delay and
annoyance met with in other houses. Shoes for men, shoes for ladies,
shoes for misses, shoes for boys and shoes for children. Come and see
this great array of stock.
H. B. McKEAN, Manager. Horse goods in a clothing store. Some
will be prompted to say, "Well, well." But when they see this splendidly
equipped department will enthusiastically ejaculate, "Well done." Ouras
sortment of everything pertaining to horse goods is so comprehensive that
nothing is lacking, from the finest harness, fit to caparison the proud
steeds of a king, down to a bottle of KitcheH's Linament. We will make
a specialty of English & Whitman's ladies' and gents' riding saddles. The
workmanship, execution of design, elegance of finish, and general dura
bility of our horse goods will be ackowledged by those who purchase of
us. The percentage of savings in this department will prove a great at
traction and make it an unqualified success.
Our trunk department is replete with all the necessary requirements
for the comfort of tourists. There will not be a single demand made upon
us in this line that we'll not be able to supply. Nothing like our assort
mentsever before presented in Pittsburg. Trunks, valises, hand satchels,
pocket books, bill books, purses, shawl straps, traveling blankets, etc., in
endless varieties.
LOUIS HOECHSTETTER, Manager. You'll be surprised at the
stacks and mountains of underwear which you will find at our opening.
We will be in a position to supply the superior demands of gentlemen for
the finest silk underwear down to the plain, substantial, common-sense
and comfort-giving undergarments of mechanics and laborers. Prices,
qualties and quantities which cannot be matched anywhere. Our stock
is composed of the most infinite varieties, entirely new and fresh, selected
by competent buyers from the leading makers of both hemispheres. In
Cardigan Jackets and Stockinette Coats we have a supply that would
in itself make a regulation size store. Here also we may add with
pleasure that we will carry a full and comprehensive ljne of youths', boys'
and children's underwear, comprising everything which is made for the
comfort and health of our juveniles.
ROBERT L. TOWNLEY, Cashier. We presume that some of our
staid old citizens will wipe their eyeglasses in order to see whether they
read aright. We can assure them that it is no mistake, for
in connection with our colossal mercantile house we'll carry
on a general banking business. One of the unique features of this depart
ment will be the novel innovation of a stamp savings bank. We will not
elaborate on this matter at present, as we propose giving it special atten
tion and illustration in the neat future. Our representative is now en
gaged in establishing agencies for the sale of our stamps throughout the
city and county. Another important feature of this department will be
the issuance of letters of credit, drafts, money orders to all parts of
Europe and the civilized world, and at a less rate of commission than is
generally charged for the transaction of such business by exclusive bank
ing houses; 4 per cent interest paid on savings deposits. The office
hours of our bank will be identically the same as those of our business, an
accommodation which we trust will be appreciated by the working peo
ple. Accounts of individuals and corporations solicited.
Qeueral Departmeuts
and Their Managers
WALDEMAN BRY, Manager. Our hopes and expectations for this de
partment soar high. We have undoubtedly a grand and unsurpassed
cloak and suit parlor, which the fair sex will deem the ideal of perfection.
It will be a veritable paradise for ladies. Large, lofty, spacious and with
excellent ventilation, it cannot but be attractive and inviting. As will be
observed by the reader, an entire page of this paper is exclusively de
voted to this department.
Space forbids us to elaborate any further on the various features of our
vast and comprehensive enterprise other than to briefly indicate and name
the heads of those in whose charge they will be placed:
RlOBERT GILLAM, Chief Accountant
MISS J. GITT1NS, Chief Stenographer.
J. ROSENTHAL, General Cashier.
CHARLES H. ADAMS, General Floor Manager.
JACOB BIBRO, Designer and Decorator.
J. W. HOWELL, Window Trimmer.
W. L. DANAHEY, General Advertiser.
W. H. LETZKUS, Receiving and Shipping Manager.
H. J. MORELAND, Engineer.
H. McWILLIAMS Chief Electrician.
WM. AGNEW, Manager Livery and Uniform Department.
F. M. WARD, Manager Rubber Goods Department.
ISY BICKERT, Manager Umbrella and Cane Department.
MISS ALICE IRVIN, -Manager Boys' Shirt Waists, Leggings and
Windsor Ties Department
JAMES WILLIAMS, Chief Wrapper.
MICHAEL SHERRAN, Chief of Janitors.
LOUIS SONS, in Charge of Elevator.
EDWARD M. MEEHAN, Telegraph Operator.
TAMES TONES, Watchman.
We have in contemplation the addition of a great many more de
partments. They will be organized as soon as practicable ana iully out
lined when the proper time comes.
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