Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 12, 1892, Page 10, Image 10

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r VH3H' B
fleet of American and Foreign
Uen-of-War Capture Hew York
The Grandest Naval Spectacle F.yer
.on 5 Ms Continent
If ew York, Oct XL Probably 1,000,000
people gathered at the wharves and afloat
on harbor craft viewed the naval parade,
which was the feature of the day in the
present Columbus celebration.
The start was made at 12:30 o'clock iron.
Gravcscnd Bay. There were three columns
in the parade and the distance between each
column was 300 yards. The foreign ships
occupied the center, the United States ves
sels on either side as an escort-. As the
line entered the Is arrows a salute of 21 guns
was fired lrom either snore.1 Pint in -the
line came the patrolling flotilla manned by
the naval militia of Kew York. The United
States torpedo boat Cushing, with D.
Nicholson Kane, director of the naval
parade, on board came next. This was a
iort of skirmish line to clear the way for
the majestic fleet that slowly, grandly
moved across the bay.
The Order of the Big Parade.
The United States flagship Philadelphia
led the way of the visiting men-of-war.
Following these came the men-of-war, or
naval division. The vessels advanced in
this position: United States monitor Jlian
tonoinob, flagship Philadelphia, French
flagship L'Arethuse, United States cruiser
Atlanta, United States steamer Dolphin,
French gunboat Hussard, coast survey
steamer Blake, United States dynamite
cruiser Vesuvius, Italian cruiser Bausan,
United States ship St. Mary's, revenue
steamer Grant, Spanish cruiser Inianta
Isabel, lighthouse steamer Amenia, reve
nue steamer Dexter and United States
steamer Cushing.
There was a special escorting fleet follow
ing the Government vessels. It composed
the first division. In it were the Fire and
Sock Department boats aud 15 yachts. The
second division contained IT municipal
boats. Every sort of craft imaginable com
prised the other nine divisions. One of the
sights of the parade was a series ot gigantic
floats illustrating the remarkable progress
in the art of shipbuilding since the time
Columbus discovered America. The fleet
of the naval reserve, consisting of 16
tugs, divided into lour squadrons, brougut
up the rear.
Like a "vTar-Timo-Bombardment,
It was 12:32 when the Philadelphia
reached a point between the two forts. She
was moving majestically at the head of a
stately procession. Fort Hamilton began
the saluting, to which Fort "Wadsworth re
sponded. Presently the men-of-war began
to return the salutes, and lor ten minutes
the eflect was like a bombardment, the war
vessels firing whole broadsides with inspir
ing eflect. On Liberty Island the garrison
had set up six guns, and began firing when
the Philadelphia arrived oft the statue,
continuing at short intervals during the
passage ot the parade.
When the Italian cruiser Bansan started
down the bay every boat in the bay saluted
ler. She was followed by the steam yacht
Aida, bedecked with flying colors; then the
three police steamers took positions about
s hall-mile ahead of the leading vessels of
the fleet and maintained this position until
the Grant monument was reached.
The First .Naval Reserve Battalion as
sembled on the north side of the Produce
Exchange at 9:30 this morning. They
formed themselves into four squadrons and
marched to piers on the Xorth river, where
16 tugs were waiting.
Every tug displayed the naval reserve
pennant and -the American flag. The tugs
Bteanicd out into the river and formed a
column. The fleet steamed down the bay to
the rendezvous. Each tug carried a small
howitzer, Abich was used in saluting.
IIow tlio Evening "Va& Spent
At 8 o'clock in the evening the parade of
of the United Catholic Societies was started
at Filty-ninth street and Tenth avenue.
There a ere 2", 000 Koman Catholics inline
under the command of Father Keefe and
Victor Dowling. Archbishop Corrigan re
viewed the parade as it passed -the lioman
Catholic Orphan Asylum.
The fireworks display on the Brooklvn
bridge began at 10:30 and lasted until mid
night. There were illuminations from the
towers in the shape ot Chinese suns six feet
in circumlerence aud of an illuminating
power which enabled them to be seen 25
miles away showing the American and
Italian colors. Groups of bouquets and
thousands of rockets were fired simul
taneously from the lowers, crossine and in
tersecting in their flight Millions of
magnesium stars of the spreading variety
and of the largest caliber were fired sky
ward from mortars 800 feet high. As a
windup to the evening there was a second
fall of Is iagara, which occupied the length
of the bridge from tower to tower. There
were more than COO square feet of water fall
in the shape of liquid fire.
The military parade which occurs to
morrow will be a gieantie affair possibly
the largest of its kind ever held. "Wednes
day is the anniversary day proper. It is a
legal holiday.
The Tarsest Assembly of Itejrular Troops
SInco the Civil War.
Chicago, Oct. 11. The dedication cere
monies of the World's Fair, it is announced
this evening, will be participated in by a
larger assembly of regular army troops
than has been mustered together at any one
time since the war.
General Miles will have charge of the
troops to be aided by Brigadier General
Eugene A. Carr. It has happened but once
since the Civil War that two general offi
cers of the army have been assigned
together ior the discharge ot a single duty.
Their Annual Day of Prayer.
To-morrow is the annual day of praver
appointed by the International Committee
of the Young Wonen's Christian Associa
tions. There will be a meeting at the rooms
of the Central Young Women's Christian
Association of this city at 7:30 in the even
ing. All members and friends of the asso
ciation are asked to be present at this meet
ing and to remember, in morning devotions,
the international, State and local work,
and the unconverted women of this city.
Fixed the Valuations.
A number of county auditors from Ohio
and Indiana registered at the Schlosser
yesterday. They came here to confer with
the local officials of the Pennsylvania Com
pany about property valuations. It is a
regular thing for them to visit Pittsbur;
yearly. In the party were Theo. W. Par
ker, Upper Sanduskv; P. Walther, Lima;
L. A. Loichat, Canton; Clyde Mansfield,
Cleveland; SI. IT. Thompson," Kenton.
IVlthoot a Position Tet.
William Weihc's term of office as Presi
dent of tbe Amalgamated Association ex
pires with the end of this month. When
Keen yesterday he said he had not yet de
cided what he would do alter that time. He
denied that he had been engaged by the
Oliver Iron and Steel Company, and said
there was no truth in the report. It has
been leported that he will engage in .the
real estate business.
Rrei7one In Totrn
Would prefer being excused from a surgical
operation when tliuy could be positively
cured of piles by uMng Hill's Pile Pomade.
A printed suarantco with each package.
Price, $l;-slx packages, $5. By mall. For
sale by Joscpii Fleming & Son, tia Market
street. w
Superintendent Hamilton Will Make Final
Inspection of the World's Fair Grounds
Pennsylvania's Grounds Will Be Freo
to All Visitors.
Superintcudcnt William Hamilton, of
the Allegheny Conservatorycoe to . Chi
cago to-day to make a final inspection of'
the grounds surrounding the Pennsylvania
State building, of which he is in charge.
Mr. Hamilton has been making weekly
visits to the'Fair in order that he may per
sonally superintend the work that is going
on. There will be no effort at floral 'dis
play. The best quality of cement walks
and well sodded grass plots will be all that
the Commissioner of Floriculture for Penn
sylvania means to undertake.
Superintendent Hamilton said yesterday:
"I expect to have everything in order oy
the opening ' on the 21st. It will be the
first grounds completed. Mv effort has
been to have them plaia and neat. No,
there will be no 'keep off the grass
placards, people may walk on the grass all
thev please. Some of the States are mak
ing efforts at elaborate landscaping garden
and results show their efforts are not very
successful. The main walk is to be 20 feet
wide, the side one 13 feet; all are to be
granolithic pavement When I made an
estimate of the cost of the work lor the
commissioners they said my demands were
too modest and they. would not hold me to
that sum."
For the competitive floral exhibition to
be held at the World's Fair lour plants
were sent to Chicago last wees: from the
.Allegheny conservatory. Superintendent
Hamilton expects them to be able to shojv
up against any other in the world.
Last week at a sale in New York wero
sold three specimens of orchids, two of
which were never known before. Superin
tendent Hamilton secured these specimens
for his collection. One is known as the
cattleya aclendia; the two new specimens
are cattleya Alexandra;, cattleya Victoria
Regime. They will be in bloom about
During the Exposition all the houses in
the conservatory expect the aquatic and
main tropical department will be closed,
because the people do not seem to know to
keep their hands off the flowers.
Mrs. Tolcnlc Blew Out the Gas In a Jersey
City Hotel.
Maria Volenic, who bought a ticket at
Schamburg's Agency, on Sinithfield street,
on Sunday last for Agram, Austria, was
found dead in her room at Spitzers Hotel,
in Jersey City yesterday. She was on her
way to the old country and was to have
sailed on the Spree yesterday morning with
a cumber of other Austrians. When her
companions looked for her to go to the
steamer, she could not be found. After a
search she was discovered in her room,
The gas jet was open, a fact that con
vinced the hotel people that she had blown
out the gas. Very little could be learned
of the woman or her relatives, more than
that she is married and that her husband
lives in Etna or Sharpsburg. She has no
children. "
Five Shares In Tammany Hall Bought 'In
1813 for S30 Sow Worth Sll.OOO.
W. M. Clark, commercial agent of the
Missouri Pacific road, has a certificate of
stock in old Tammany Hall that was issued
to his grandfather in 1812. He prizes it
very highly. It calls for five shares at $10
apiece, and he paid fCO for it The certifi
cate has been handed down in the family
and is now worth 511,000. Mr. Clark is
trying to find out if the stock in the ancient
hall was ever called in. If not its full value
at present can be collected. It requires an
examination of the New York records far 80
years to determine the point The job is so
laborious that few lawyers are willing ;to
undertake it on chances. This shows how
property values have increased in New York
during the period mentioned.
New Furnace Company.
A telegram from Harrisburg states that
Henry W. Oliver, David Ii. Oliver, James
B. Oliver, John C. Oliver and Cliarles D.
Fraser are the incorporators of a new con
cern to be known as the liosena Furnace
Companv, of Pittsburg. The capital stock:
is $1,000,000. The name of the Bolton
Steel Company has been changed to the
Canton Steel Company.
Will Be Heard In Court.
Christ Hippie, of McKeesport; W. C.
Galbraith, 105 Taggart street; J. M. Kane,
191S Penn avenue; G. A. Samuels, Dia
mond square, and H. W. Allison, 152
Steuben street, prosecuted before Alder
manMcMasters by Emil Winter for deal
ing in oleomargarine yesterday, waived a
hearing lor trial at court, aud furnished
bonds in the sum of 5500.
The Output of September.
The September output of theThirty-third
street mills was 3,912 tons. The output of
Isst June, when the mill was running Union,
was 7,200 tons. The strikers were greatly
enoouraged over the report yesterday, as
they assert that the company cannot suc
cessfully run the mill, and are as hopeful of
winning as ever.
Charged With Stealing Money.
Joseph anil John Ugascuri, two Poles,
were arrested early yesterday morning by
Lieutenant Johnson of the Southside police.
They were chkrged by a tellow Pole, named
Bodel Mozowski, with breaking open his
trunk ana stealing from it $130 of his
savings. They, will get a hearing to-day.
Bacl From the "West
F. H. Eaton, of the Department of Chari
ties, who has bden out West on a visit to
his son Howard Eaton, returned yesterday.
Mr. Eaton stopped over in Chicago, and is
wildly enthusiastic over the World's Pair
buildings and grounds, having made a per
sonal inspection of them.
Charged With Embezzlement.
N. P. Weiner, of Brownsville, Pa., was
arrested yesterday on a warrant issued by
Magistrate Gripp, charging him with em
bezzlement on two dillerent counts. The
prosecutor in the case is M. Dorritt, a repre
sentative of the Henricks Music Company.
Good Sanitary Condition. '
The deaths in the city for the past week
number 81. This is the lowest death rate in
the city for the past 38 months and is only
16-per 1,000 inhabitants. This it is
claimed shows the city to -bo in a perfect
sanitary condition.
In Memory of the Dead Poet "
The pupils of the Allegheny'High School
celebrated Tennyson Day yesterday. On
the death of any public man it is their
custom to hold commemorative exercises.
Not excelled bv any lilgu-prlced liniment.
'Salvation Oil 25 cents a bottle.
A Noted Event.
The reception to bo tendered tills evening
by the members of tho Columbus Club to
their friend promises to be elegant Und
fcelect. TUe building has been placed In the
bands of Messrs. John R. & A. iluvdooh,
whose artistic skill and almost endless re
sources in royal palms, rich tropical plants,
maiden hair forns and exquisite roses us
sui e its conversion into a Jairy land. N
Air edition of 10,000 copies or the Sotrvenlr
progrnmmo for Columbus Day has been
ordered. Send C cents in'postago for copy to
UOX&S9, Pittsburg, Pa. '
Pebjtct netion .ind perrect health result
from the use or Do VTltt's Little Early BiJera.
A perfect little pilL Very small; very sure-
J. M. Gnffey Strikes a 35-Barrel-an-
- Hour Producer in His Ko. 5.
One Light (isss;r and a Duster Completed
Near Fairhaven.
There were a number of surprises In the
local oil, field yesterday. The estimated
prodnction of McDonald was 20,500, the
same as the day before, although there were
some good wells developed.
J. M. GuSey drilled bis No. 5, on the
Shane farm, deeper1 into the Gordon sand,
and in three hours it made 107 barrels, or
at the rate of 35 barrels an hour. It is
located southwest of the old Ilcisewell,
south of Willow Grove.
Greenlee & Forst shot their No. 6 on the
Marshall farm at Xoblestown yesterday and
ic started off at 50 barrels an hour.
Their 7fo. 1 on the Oak Ridce property,
east of Oakdale, Is due in the sand to-day.
Greenlee & Potter's No. 1 on the Ilartinan
farm was renorted yesterday to be making
roni 20 to 25 barrels an hour. Connor &
Co.'s fcell on the Cook, a short distance from
the Potter, was flowing from 10 to 15,barrels
an hour. "
The Florence Oil Company's well on the
Miller farm was renorted to bo flowing on
the ground at the rate of 50 or GO barrels a
day.. They have no tankage up aud will not
drill'it deeper until they are ready to take
care of the oiL
.Tlio Forest Oil Company's No. 4 McClel
land, cast of Oakdale, was lu the sand and
showing fora well.
W. P. KendS No. 3 on the Sauters' farm,
southwest of McDonald, is shut down for
water. They have about drilled out the
packer which caught while they were pack
ing off the gas, and they have almost suc
ceeded in genius tho tools out of No. 2.
The3IanuIacturori' Gas Company has just
finished up a light gasser on the Cooley farm
on the Castlo Shannon Railroad, near Fair
haven, and in tho same locality they have
just drilled a.dry hole ou the Inglet farm.
The Gauges.
The production of McDonald was 20,500
yesterday,, tho same as the day before. The
hourly giwiges of the largest wells at McDon
ald yes'asrday wero as follows: Forst &
Greenish. No. 2 Noble, 20; Greenlee & liart
man's So. 1 Potter, 20. Tne estimated pio
ducticu was 20,500; stock in field, 49,000.
Huns and Shipments Saturday.
T'je National Transit runs wero 25,032;
shVpuieuts, 20,035. Huns of Southwest Penn
sylvania trora McDonald, 22.89J; outsido or
'ilcDonald, none; total runs, 2.2,892; Buckeye
runs of Maclcsburg oil, 7,503; shipments,
none. Buckeye runs of lima oil, 3S.79S;
shipments 43.663; Eureka runs, 18,920; ship
ments, 2,730; .New York transit shipment,
31,1-28; Southern Pipe Line shipments, 10,085.
The runs of the lidowator Pipe Line Com
pany Saturday were 3,703; total for the
month, 25.57b; average, 2,831: shipments, not
in; Sunday shipments, 3J.520; total, 61,193;
average, 6.799.
The Western and Atlantic Pipe Line runs
Saturday were 2,672: shipments, 2 32.
The rnusof the W. L. Mellon pmo lines on
Monday wero 0,737; leeeiprs from other
lines, 3,270; total receipts, 8,007; shipments,
Bans and Shipments Sunday.
The National Transit shimnents Sunday
were 3,93. Southwest Pennsylvania runs,
8,59. Macksbnrg runs, 8,132. Buckeye runs
of Lima oil, 9,715; shipments, 28,035. Eureka
runs, 12,250: shipments, 2,83j. Southern Pipe
line shipment--, 2207. New rork Transit
snipments, 2,137.
Buns and Shipments Yesterday.
The Monday runsot the National Transit
Company were 33,993; shipments, 18,251
Southwest runs from McDonald wore 17,414;
outside of McDonald, 9,116; total, 26,531.
Buckeye Pipe Line runs from tho Mucks
burg field, 7,169; shipments, 200. Buckeye
runs or Lima oil, 43,900; shipments, 60,753.
Eureka Pipe Line runs, 10,851; shipments,
1.917. Soutnern Pipe Line shipments, 41,346.
.rtuw jtu-jv xiuusib atupinenrs, ii.bvo.
The Tidewater Pipe Line runs wero4,191
total, 29.035; average, 2,903.
The Western and Atlantic lines rnu 77
barrels Sunday; shipments, 1.630. On Mon
day their runs were 4,301: shipments, 2,193.
june runs or me iy. . nieiioa lines on Sat
urday wero 6912: shipments, 3,630. Their
runs Sunday were 7,215; shipments, 3,540.
Tho runs from the fcistersville field on Sat
urday wore 10,579: on Sunday, 17,943, and on
Monday 15,292 barrels.
September Pipe Lino Statements.
Tho following is n summary of pipeline
statements for the month of September:
Liabilities or National Transit Company,
12.001.S43; or Southwest Pennsylvania lines,
2,719,4:3; of Eureka line, 494,016; of Macks
burs oil, 41,494; of Southern Pipe Line Com
pany. ZBi.i00: of New York Tiansit. 994 096
total, 16,913,6S0. Gross stocks or Nntional
Trant Company, 13 617,193; ot this and other
lines combined. 18.84-2.2S4. Sediment and
siiiplus of all, 1,928 COL Buns trom wells of
National Transit Company. S79.rJ6; South
west Pennsylvania line. 742,168: Eureka
404,054: Macfcsburj, 133,333: total, 2,161,471 '
Otherjieceipts were S',flC4 for National
Transit, this with other Jnes combined ntr
gresated 2,679,538. Kegufctrsulprnonts aircro
jjn ted 2,181,619. Other deliveries ag-reed
Outstandins certificates of the Xational
Transit Comnany agsiegate 6,106,717. Credit
balances 5,895.125.
This report shows a decrease of 16J.33S bar
rels in receipts for tho month or Sojtomuer
SfiS V'as ,of Aueust, and l-ass than
30,000 ban-els in the increase of
net stocks. There 1s al9o an increase of
110,021 barrels in the shipmenis of Septem
ber ovor those, or August. There is an in
crease or 63,161 in credit balances, and an.in
creiiso or 31,321 in certificates,
Tho certificates or ha Buckeye Pipe line
Company -were 18,300,00j. r. decrease of 6 000
barrels, and crtiuit balance figured 850 8.JS
barrel;, a decreaso of 049,312 barrels below
IJiilb UL .LUUSl.
ho rollotlill-r Shows tm nmniitW nf cnA
held by other companies at the end or Sep
tember: Tidewater. 5t".8,185; Octave 2 5'2
Charles llillei. 11,873; Western and Atlantic'
669,103; Elk line, 7,703; Emery mts. 15.784;
M.I. Mellon lines, M'ViOfl; Producers' lino,
The OA Market. ,
Ranee of the NoTroinuer option: Opening.
Wf'lKSt 52c-! lowest, 51c; closing
ojc Did.
iviaflnC? oU-w -York, 6.05c; London,
ld; Antwerp, 13Jgr. '
1 Jr?w.,.Yoi"t' CL- "Petroleum, opened
dull throughout; Pennsylvania oil Spot
sales, non.-( November option, sales, 13 000
barrels a'. 52c. Lima oil Sales, none.
Oil Crrr, Pa.. Oct. 11-National Transit
certificates opened 51c; hialiest,52c; lowest.
51c; closed, 01c. Sale-. 16 000 ban-oIs;clear-uiicei,
152 000 barrels; shipments, 116 583 bar
relsuns, 111,131 barrels.
To Mako a Now Running Card.
Chiefs Brown and Humphries and Assist
ant Chieis Coates and Steel met yesterday
for the purpose of making a new" running
card lor the fire department. Quite a num
ber of changes will he made in consequence
of a number of new boxes being placed
throughout the cily.
TJso Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Dr. I. E. San ford, 'Sheffield, Mass., says:
"Most excellent in derangements of the ner
vops system, such as headache and sleep
lessness." MWtMUMMWisuWMvaauMi.,.,. .
! , DlKlnest, or Swunmlmt in the HsaU, Wind' ;
; ,rdufhtmmlvntxiUm. fortn9 pU1 wodlrJ '
, ,to and remr.v tho eanw, a, cam, being no '
'mora nor la than irinLtoitl.ri...ir
1 cms and nnit... .. ...i r?r !
ii r, -m iiiwim au jomeiimea
j anwfaohaomefoDd. mibbs
uiaMorngglsts. Wloe 3S cents a box.
w(, inn vopsm on fJBOaUJstV.
ThHtorat liabilities ot tho Buckove Line
are rj,iou,u..3; gross stoelcr, 20,703 770: sedl
uicnt, 1,013,712: runs from '.ells, 1.312 621; oth.
cr receipts, 39,221; shipments, 1,250,171.
& m
New and exclusive styles in CHIL
DREN'S CLOAKS; ages, i to 4
traordinary display.
SLIPS and DRESSES in endless
FURNISHINGS made to order.
AVE. 27
If it Is made with
Instead 0?
and the Pie will be
Manufactured only by
prnsmrEo and lake 13112 HA'n.BoAn
-'nipany. tfekedule In effect May 15. 1892.
, 72 '7 iJ:"il?:T "'" rorc-wvfiana. 8.O0 a.m,
l.a. 1.20. .p, m. For Cincinnati. Chlcito an
?l,J'"tlls- . 9-P. m. For Buffalo. S.CUa. m,
J.-U, -J.up.m. For Salammca. S.OOa. m.. 'I.5J.
V Pt.'Sa "r Tounftown ana New Castle. 8.00.
8.C0. II. SO a. m., 1.55. M.30. "4.20. a.Gp. m. For
Jie?.Te-r "!!? -M- 1M 11.39 a.m.. "1.65, S.30,
.rl9,-,il1 ,n- For Chsztlcrs. V5 30. 5.M.
. JMS. 7.C0, f.SI. -7.50. tt.0 8.W. 1).10. U.S
In.A"Jn" '-10- 100 "i"0- 3a'. -W. H.20, N.21
VlO.i.20, S.OO. 19.43, 10 r. in. ..
AElWYE From (Tlm-Llnd rt.v i m vkt.oa
J !;", '? P- m. From Cincinnati. Chicago anrt St,'
1ouls. 0:3oa. m.. '12:30. 7:S0 r. m. From But-
r,i ic.a: :..;?:;? "-:. " ' ""' "
i. '10:00a. la.. 7:ii. in. From Youuratown,
and .New Cattle. :, 57:M, "lOiCO a. m.. 'I"-co
ilOL ti:wn. m. Krnm hmvi. TrnB .4n.,i
T.1S ftA.AU r a.n.M . .. . .i -"'" "'""l
P.. C. A. Y. trains for WausfleW. 7:37a. m. lj-iu
:S P n- 1''or I'len and Ileeclimont, 7:37 a. m..'
4:0op. m.
x-..u. a r. trains irom Mansfield. 7:81. 11:50
1.. Mc
cK. 4T.E. n.-Dr.PAET-For Sew rrven.
S:I0.i-J?" 3:0Oi. m. For West Newton, "Mal
ARiuvs-From New Haven. S:0Oa. m,
m. x'lom West Newton. C:SJ, 9:00 a
n. m.
1:07 p.
m., 1:07
I McKeesport, Elizabeth. Mononrabela Cltr
and Belle Vernon. PH0, 11:05 a. n., '1:C0 p. m
From Belle Vernon, Monongahela Cltr. Ellza
be.v! W1 McKeesport. 7:40 a. m., l?iM, '5:05 p. m.
Dally, fcandari only. To and from New
castle only.
-WJiTicket offlcr. 639 Snltbflsid Streets
Taklne effect June V6, 189i trains win
leai e and arrive at Union station, Flttsburg. cut
era standard time: lluffalo express Leares at 8:20
a. m 8:50 p. m. (arriving at Bnfialo at 5:45 p. in.
and7:2ua. m.): arrives at 7:05 a. ra.. !:!lp. m. Oil
City and Uultols express-Leaves 8:00 a. to. , 8:2ii a.
n., l;30p. m. ; arrives 1:00. 6:85, 10:30 p. m. Kin.
lentou Leaves 3: p. m. ; arrives 10:U) a. in. Tilu
Unnlna;-LeaTese:ia. m., 5:00 p. m. ; arrives iU
a. m., 5:55 p. m. Braeburn-Leaves 0:50 a. m..
12:05 p. m.. 5:30 n. m.. 6:15 d. m.: arrives Rita a.
m., 8:05 a. in., 1:45 p. m., 7:40 p. in. Valley Camp
Leaves 10:15 a. in.. 2:30. 9:80, 11 :30 n. in. : arrives
6:40 a. a., 12:80. 4:40. 11:10 p. m. HuIton-Leaves
7:50 p. m. : arrives 9:20 p. m. Sunday trains Buf
falo express Leaves 8:20a.m.. 8i50p. m.i arrives
7:95 a. m 6:35 p. m. Emlenton-Leave 9:05 a.m. :
arrives 9:15 p. m. Eltlannlnj; Leaves 12:40 p. ra.:
arrives 10:IS p. m. Braeburn-Leaves 9:50 p. m.:
arrives 7:10 p. m. Pullman parlor bnifet car on
day trains and Pullman sleeping car on nliht trains
urtwren jriusmirKanu liuuaiu, .llCKClor.li
liu j urn av. ana union sianon,
- Gen. I'ass. Ant.
ucn'i supi.
Schedule In effect May 15. 1831 (Centrxl time).
Depot cor Anderson st. and Itlvcr av., Allerlieny.
Depart lor Chicago. -JiOO p. in. Solid train wim
Pullman s'ccnlng car. For Kane, llradford, t7:10
a.m. For Clarion. t7:la a. in.. t2:COp. m. tor
Fozburtr. lu a. m.. t2:C0, tliOp. m. For Buffalo.
Erie, Mcadville. t7:ia a. in. For Greenville.
Mercer. Grove City. t7:l0 a. in.. t2iOO p. m. y0r
Akron, Cleveland, tl:10a. in.. 2:00p. in. For New
Castle. 7:ll a. m.. 2:C0. t3:05 p. m. For Butler
t:S0. 7:10. tt:S0 a. ra.. '2:00, t4:2S. M5 p. m.
Trains arrive: From Kane, tfl:45 p. m. : Clarion.
111:1' a. m.. t0:45p. ra.: Fcxburjr. t9:05, 111:30 a,
m.. t8:45 p. m. : Erie. t3:50 p. m. : Greenville, Mer
cer, tll:30 a. m.. t8:50 p. m. : Aaron. ii:55 a. m .
t3:ttp. m.;New Castle. 19:05. lli55a. m.. 6141
p. m.: Butler. f7:M. t3:05. tll:35a. .. t:50. 6:
p. m. : irom Chicago. '11:5.5 a, m.
Dally. tEicept buaday.
THE OLD ADAGE don't run this way, BUT THE NEW ONE DOES : If you wis
to be well thought of you must dress welL
!$;! MiW
Now remember
when in need of
You know whom it becomes necessary to buy of. When you want to save money on Boys' Ulsters and Overcoa
you know what establishment is highly recommended to the public. In fact, when you need anything in the 1:
Corner of Fifth Ave. and Wood St.
ATngic Lanterns aud Dime Savings Banks given gratis as a token of
EST" Call and see thousands of Donblc-Breasted Suits for 52.50.
j7ani -iiUDurgii umon Matioii
ennsylvania Lines.
'Irains Sun by Central Time.
Nor Hi west System Fort Wayne Konte
Dwakt for Chicago, points intermediate and beyoifd:
1.20a.m.,7.10 a.m., 12.20 p.m., 1.00 p.m., 3.45
p. m., 111.30 p.m. Arrive from same points : 12.05
a.m., 11.15 a.m.. 6J0O a.m &35 ajn., 65p.m..
6 G p.m.
Depart for Toledo, points intermediate and beyond:
t7.10a.m.,li2)p.m.,1.00p.m.,Jlli0p.n. Arhivb
lrom same points: fL16 a.m., 8.35 a.m -ffi.sop.m.
Depart for Cleveland, points intermediate and
beyond: fn. a.m., 7J0 a.m., flO p.nu,
'11.05 p.m. Arrive from same points: &50a.m ,
flA5 p.m., 5.55 p.m., 6.50 p-.m.
Depart for Martins Ferry, Bridgeport and Bellaire:
tS.10a.m., f 1.80 p.m., 1.10 p.m. Arrive from same
points : f9.U0 a.m., flo p.m., f 6.50 p.m.
Depart for New Castle, Erie, Youngstown, Asbta.
bnla, points intermediate and beyond: 17.20 a.m.,
tl2 20 p.m. Arrive from same points: 1.25 p.m.,
i.40 p.m.
Depart for New Castle, Jamestown, Youngstown
and Niles, i3.45 p.m. Akuivb from same poinu:
18.40 a.m.
Depart for Youngstown, '12.20 p.m. Arrive trom
Voungstown, 'fi.45 p.m.
Sontliwest System-Pan IlnodlcRonte
Drpart for Columbus. Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St
13UIS, points intermediate and beyond: '1.1U a.m.,
'8 30 a.m., '8.45 p.m., '11.15 p.m. Arrivb from cam
poinu: 230 a.m., '6.00 a.m., 6J0 p.m.
Depart for Columbus, Chicago, points intermediate
and beyond: '1.10 a.m., 12.05 p.m. Arrivb lrom
same points: 2.20 a.m., 3.05 p.m.
Depart for Washington. 6.15 a. m., 8.35 a.m.,
1.55 p. m.,iS.S0p.m.,1.4o p.m.. 4.50 p.m. Arrivb
from Washington, flja.m., 7.50 a.m., 8J0 a.m.,
10.25 a.ril.,2.aip.m.,.25p.m.
Depart for Wheeline. 8.S0 a. m.. tI2.05 n"n..
2.45 p. m., 6.100). m. Arrivb from. Wheeling,
8.45 a. m.,
p. m. aAOp.m,
Special Wottccs.
Pullman Sleeping Cars and I'vllmas Dihiko
Cars ran through. East and West, on principal trains
of both Systems.
Local Sleeping Cars running to Co!umbu, Cin
cinnati, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago
are ready for occupancy at Pittsburgh Union Station
at 9 o'clock p.m.
Time Tables of Through and Local Accommoda
tion Trains of either system, net mentioned above, can
be obtained at 110 Fifth 'Avenue and Union Station,
Pittsburgh, and at principal ticket offices oi the Penn
sylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh.
Dally. tEx. Sunday. tEx. Saturday. TEa. Monday.
Geunl kasipr , (nurtl tusmrrr iron.
Schedule lit effect Sept. a. 1802. Eastern time.
norm asninxton. i,
C. IlalUmorc. Plilla
d e 1 v Ii I a and New
York, '3 00 a m and
B 2opm.
For Cumberland,
6 50. 00 a m. tl 10.
9 in p m.
For Connellsvlllc,
8 50, '8 00, 58 80 a m,
il Hi. 4 IS, 00 and
t 20 p in.
F o r Unlontorrn,
16 50, 'SCO. $8 80 a m
Jl 10. $4 15 and OU
n r Mt. PleasanL
ii. wana;s rjim; tl io, 54 lijnawpm.
For Washington, 1'a., '7 , J8 10 and !30sm,
4 0O,4 4o. fflpm.
For Wheeling. "7 & 58 10 and t SJ m, i 00,
1 ao. U:I5 pm.
For Cincinnati and St. Louis, "7 M 1 a
17 30 and 111 55 p m. For Cincinnati 11 55 p m, Sat
urday only. . .
For Columbus.. 7 20 a m. V 80 and U 65
For Newark, .7 20 a m, 7 30 and III 55 p m.
For Chicago, 7 20 am and 7 30 o m.
Trains arrive from New York. Philadelphia, Hal
timore and Washinrttm. S 20 .vm. '130 pm. From
Columbus. Cincinnati and Chlcaeo. 9 50 a m, '8 41
p m. From Wheeling, 8 50 and 10 45 a m. tt 15,
7 55 ami '8 40pm. . t,
l-arlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Washing
ton, Cincinnati and Chicago.
Dally, tUally except Sunday. Sunday only.
ISaturdav only. tDnllr except t:tunlay.
Tbe Plttshnrg Transfer Company will call for and
check baggage from hotels and residences upon
orders left at B. A O. t.eket office, corner Firth
avenue and Wood street, and 039 hmlthlleM street.
General Maaagot . Uta, Vut. Agtafc
mm nF Ml L
BP Kit
Deserve the trust and the assured conf
dence of the vast crowds of customer
that tread our floors daily.
We enjoy the reputation which we guar
cautiously and courageously, and partk
purchasing from us can implicitly rely o
our statement.
To see our goods is to appreciate therr
and parties needing an Overcoat, Suit c
Clothes, Hat or Furnishing Goods, will d
themselves an injustice if they fail to vis
We have the most elaborately arrange
Boys' and Children's Suit department in Pittsburg. Tl
floors are handsomely carpeted and furnished and t?
moments of those who visit them are made comfortabl
The most important feature is their Small Profit Systei
That our display of clothing in our she
windows will not allow a person to pas
Our small profit system is perfectly magnetic
Is Effect Jcsr. 12, 1832.
Trains will leave Union Station, TIttabnrg
s follows (Esstern Standard TImc'i:
Pennsylvania Limited of Pullman Vestibule Cars
dally at7:I5a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 15
p. m,. Philadelphia 4:45 p. m.. ew York 7:00
p. m.. Baltimorc4:40n.m..WashIngton5:55D.m.
Keystone Express dally at 1:20 a. m., arriving at
unrrisDiirg e: a. m
AVashlngton 12:20 p. ni
llaltlmorts 11:15 a. m..
Flilladelphla 11SH a. m..
i. c n x ur. t.;w p. JII.
Atlantic Express daily at 3:30 a. m., arrlTlngat
Harrisburg 10:33 a. 111., Philadelphia 1:25 p. m..
New York 4:C0 p. in.
Harrisburg Accommodation dally, except Sunday,
5:25 a. m.. arriving at Harrisburg 2:50 p. m.
Day Express dally at 8:00 a. m.. arriving at Har
risburg 3:20 p. ni., Philadelphia 6:50 p.m.. New.
York 9:85 p. in., Baltimore 6:45 p. in., Washing
ton 8:15 p. m.
Mall train Sunday only, 8:40 a. in., arrives Harris
burg 7:00 D. in.. Philadelphia 10:55 p. m.
Mall Bxpress dally 12:50 p. ni., arriving at na.-rls-
uur iu:iv p. m.. lonr.ectiug at liarnsourg ior
Philadelphia. .
Philadelphia Express dally at 4:30 p.m., arriving
at llarrlstmrrliOOa. ni Philadelphia 4:25 a. m
ana New York 7:10 a. m.
Eastern Express at 7:10 p. m. dally, arriving llar
rlsburR 2:10 a. 111., llaltlmore 6:20 a. in., Wash
ington 7:30 a. m., Philadelphia S:'6 a.m. and
A ew York 7:40 a. m.
Fast Line, dally at 8:10 p. in., arriving at Harrls-
bursr3:30 a. in- PhllAfI.nhla. ft?il m.. Npw
a ni. vidua, m
, Baltimore crO a. m.. ashlng-
ton 7:30 a. m.
AU throuvh tralhx rnnnent nt Jemev fTItT with
boats of "Brookljn Annex" for Brooklyn. II. Y.,
avoiding double ferriage and Journey through New
Johnstown Accom.. except Sundav, 3:40 p.-m
GreensbnrgAccom., 11:30 p.m.. week days: 10:31
p. in. Sundays. Grcensburg Express 5:15 p. m..
except Sunday. Deny Express 11:00 a. m ex
cent Sunday.
Wall Accom.. 5:25, 6:00, 7:W. 8:3 8:50, 9:40, 10:30.
Il:U).a. m., li:15. 12:50. 1:20. 2:30. 3:40. 4:00, 40.
5:15, 6:00.6:45,7:25 0:00, 10:20. 11:30 p. m.. 12:10
night, except Mondav. Sunday, 8:40. 10,30a. m..
12:25. 12:50. :: 4:30, 5:50, 7:2, 9:30, 10:30 p. m.
and l?:lnnlvlit.
Wllkinsburg Accom.. 5:25. 6:00. 6:15. 6:45. 7:00,
7:25, 7:40, 8:10, 5:35, 8:50. 9:40, 10:30, 11:00, 11:10 a.
m.. 12:01, 12:15. 12:30. 12:50, 1:20, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30
3:15. 3:40. 4:1-0. 4:10. 4:25. 4:i5. 4:50. 5:0a 5;l5. 5:30,
6:45. 6:00. 6:10. 6:45. 7:25. 8il'.-rt)0. 9:15. 10:20.
.11:00, 11130 p. m. wrek-davn, and 12:10 night, ex
cept Mondar. Sunday. 6:30. 8:10. 13:30 a. ni..
12:. 12:50. 1:30. 2:30. 4:30, 5:30, 7:20, 9:00, 9:3
10:30 p. ni., 12:10 night.
Eraddock Accom.. 5:25. 6:0a 6:15. 6:45, 7.00. 7:25,
7:40, 8100, 8:10. 8:, t:X. 9:4a 10:30. ll:ca, ii:iu,
a. m.. 12:01, 12:15. 120, 12:50. 1.-3). 1:30. 2:00, 2:30,
3:15, 3:40, 4:00, 4J0, 4:75, 4:30. 4:i". 4:50. 5:00, 5:15.
50. 5:45. 6:10. 6:20. 5:45, 7:25, 8:20, 9K. 9:45. 10:20
31:00, 11:30 p. m. weekilavs, and 12:10 night, ex
cept Monday. Sunday. 5:30. 8:00, S-.10. 10:30 a.m..
12:25. 12:50. 1:3a 20. 4:30, 5:30. T-S3, 9:00, 9:J4
10:30 p. in., 12:10 night.
ForTJnlontown5:25aud3:35a. m 1:20 anc!4:lp.
in. week-days.
For Monongahela Cltv. West Brownsville and
TJnlontown. 10:41 a.m. For Monongahela City
and West Brownsfllle. 7:35 and 10:40 a.m., and
4:50p. m.- On Sunday. 85 a, m. and 1:01 p. m.
For Monongahela Cltv only. 1:01 and 5:50 p. io.
week-days. Dntvosburg Accom.. 6:00 a. m.-and
?:20 z. m. week days. West Elizabeth Accom.
8:35 a.m.. 4:15, 6:30, and 11:35 p. m. tiunday,
9:40 p. m.
ForSpringdale. week-davs. 6:20. 8:4.". 9:23. 10:40,
11:50a. m.. 1:30. 2:25, 4:00. 5:00. 5:45, n:io, 6:20,
8:10. 10:30 and 11:10 p. m. Sundays, 12:35 and 9:30
P. m,
For Butler, week-days. 6:20. 8:45, 10:40 a. m 3:15
ami 6:10 p. m.
For Freeport. week-davs. 6:55, 8:15. 10:40 a. m..
3:15.4:011.5:00.8:10. 10:30 and 11:40 p. m. Sun
days 12:35 and 9:30 n. m.
For Apollo, week-davs. 10:40 a. m. and 5:00 p. m.
For Faulton and Blafrsvlllc. week-days, 6:i
5 a. m..
?:idana o:sn. in.
3:15 and 10:30 p. tn.
S-The Excelsior Basritage Express Company
-The F.irpltlnr Barrage Express lompany
will call for and check baggage from hotels and
residences. Time cards and full Information can
be obtained at the ticket offices No. 110 Fifth ave
nue, corner Fourth avenue and Try street and
Union station.
neneral Manager. Gen'lPass'r Agent
I will send (sealed)
If SB i-ui? icuio
l&c mauxoaxnan or
mtt. It r.nnntfattltn
CdfO VarlCO.-ItT'ifff.rnrt All rnntJinf India.
eworw or excesses. Aaaresswim atamp, vm
BTTX.EK, Bz 147. Monksll. Mich.
appreciation for jour trade.
14 fESS AVENBE,HTmJlllJ,l'j
As old resident It now nnd back die-
Plttsbnrz papers prove, is the oldest est
lished anu most prominent nnvsician in
city, devoting specialiittentiontoallcli re
sponsible ajrptrril IQ and mental
persons llCfl V UUO ease, physical
cay, nervon debility, lack ofenersy, as
tionand liope.impairedmemory, dts'orae
sight. Eolf distrust baslifnlness. dizzin
aleopleo'ness, pimples, ernptions. inipo
lslicd blood, ailing powers, organic w
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consuinpt
nnflttlnsthepersonforbasiness, society:
marriage, permanently, safely and priv.it
eruptions, blotches, falliii!;linir,bonen,pa
glandular swellings, ulcerations of
tongne, month, throat, nicer.-, old sores
enred lor life, and blood potions thoronx
eradicated lrom 1 1 DIM A DV kidney:
the system. UnllMAn Tj bladder
rangements, woak back; cravel. cat an
discharges, inflammation and other pali
symptoms rcceivo searching treatm'
prompt relief and real cure.
Dr. whittier'3 life-long- extensive exp
enoe insures scientific and reliable tr
men ton common sense principles. Const:
tlon free. Patients at a distance as caret:
treated as if here. Offlcelionrs, 9 a. u.t
r. v. Sunday. 10 a. m. to 1 r. m. only.
wnlTTIKIt.SU Penn avenue, Pittsburg,
TIte Great Kncllnh Jtemedy.
rromptlyand pcrmane
cures all forms of icr
ntatnett.umtnionit, b
PMUorrAa-i, hnpotency
all tScctt or Abuse r
cue.l!een prescribed
:5 years In thousand
cases; Is the only Kel
and Honest Medicine km
Askdruzgist for Wo
y,.. -,... ,- .i a-". pnosruootsis: lfheo
e worthier me dlcln " 'Place or this, iray
dl Mnw' store. lnei0ei;'"-'i '". " l," ..
wnrthTef-rnmall. i-rlcc. one package, tl;
On' "iU p4m; c cure Pamphle
Slin eled envelope. stamps. Address
Plain '"Sy, -wooD-CHEMICAI, CO---
131 Woodward avenue, Detroit, 11"
-Sol ln Pltt.brgbVLEJnJ.o s(j
17-51-eodwk 412 Market stre
SPECIALISTS in all case
quiring; scientific and c
cential treatment. Dr. b.
Lake, 1LK.CP. S.. is the
est and most experienced
uiuiiab til uiv ciky. uiis
tlon free and strictly C'
Offlcei hours 9 to land 7 to 8 I
to 4 r. M. Consult them per
any, or write doctors j.ake, cor. renn
and Fonrth St., Pittsburg, Pa. Jol(W
's Specific Medit
- -i
ouj Debility, Weakness or Body and '
Spermatorrhea, ami Impo'cncy. and all '"-
that arise from over-indulgence and aelf-abi;
l.ossof Memory ami Power. Dimness of M
Premature Old Age, and many other disease:
lead to lnsanltv or Consumption and an
grave, write for our pamphlet.
AddressGKAY MtDlCIN K CO.. Bajalo. I
TlieSpedGc lledlclnels sold by all druggls
fl CO per pact age. or six packages for 15 00, or
by mall on reecelpt of money, ami
every 5 00 order WE GUAltAXT
a cure or moncanBBa
tSfiin account of counterfeits, we have adi
the Yellow Wrapper, the only genuine.
Pittsburg and guarantees Issued byb.S. Hot
cor. SmlthOeid and Liberty su.
v'oSiriT -ii i