MMMUHMfl -cw Wtgff!mT t 1 frlTS THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1892 -O- SPEAK-EASIESMUSTGO fctiperintendent O'Mara Says Political rullsNill Kot Save Them. POLICE PKACTICALLY DEFIED. father Sheedy Will J!aKe a Stout Fight ijjainst These Places. TnD COUNTY DETECTIVE AT WORK "Speak-eaies must so," said Superin tendent of Police O'Mara yestenlav, "and they must go quickly. We have been evaded lontj enough on this question, not withstanding the repeated efiorts of the de partment to secure eidence acainst them. Dinging in our ears dav after dav was the cry of 'pull.' AVe were "practically defied in carrying out the law. Things have changed, however, just now. We sprung something new on them, and intend to sur prise a goodly number of these unlicensed liquor sellers. "1 have had to work under considerable disadvantages for some time past," con tinued Mr. O'Mara. "There were a number of caes which I attempted to push, but found it would be useless in the face oJ the evidence. The onlv thing leit me to do was to institute a new course to catch the pro prietors of these places. I am sanguine of f jrcat results. "About that Sherry case," said the Superintendent, "some people might have om idea, and in fact some people have the l dea, that it was a case of persecution more than anything else. I am not here to per secute people, but to prosecute them when they do wrong. No officer of the law bounded Mrs. Sherry. She drew all the trouble on herselfc She defied us time and ngiin to touch her, and kept her place open night and day, as well as Sunday. The possibility is, however, that she ha an idea about this time that she cannot do as she pleases with the Brooks law." father Sheedy Preparing for 'Wort. Father Sheedy, the pastor of Our Lady of Mercy's Catholic Church, at Third and Ferry street, is one ot the silent champions ot the crusade just begun. At the present time Father Sheedy's new church is in course of erection, and the reverend gentleman does not intend to come publicly out in thir was until the church nears its completion. Then he will renew the war against speak-easies and disrepu table houses, and keep it up until the u ork is finished. Uejrardiug a fund alleged to have been raised to push the work 'along, Father Sheedy said no such thing was in existence. He could not see any necessity for such a fund at present. Jle didn't have any hesitancy in assuming that Superintendent O'Mara would give him all the assistance he needed in a legiti mate wav and he n ould not ask for an v that was not needed. At Mrs. Sherry's late home, where so much wine and beer was consumed, e ery thing was dead j esterday. A sister of Mrs. Sherry said her sister had been very un fairly treated. She got a vear in the work house, where others convicted on a similar charge got only three months. "There lias been considerable discrimination," she continued. "The prosecution emanated, I think, trom the vKit of a health inspector, who saw a good deal more going on in other houses in the localitv than he did in this place. It is too bad to think that Mrs. Sherry will have to spend a year in snch a place as the workhouse." , Another Heavy Speak-Easy Sentence David Edgar, of Allegheny, pleaded guilty yesterday in the Criminal Court to celling 'liquor without license and on Sun dav, and was fined $350 and ''sent to the uorkhouse for six months. Samuel Whitehouse, Jr., against whom there are four indictments for illegal liquor jelling, and who was to hae been tried on Wednesday, but who did not put in an ap pearance, was arrested jesterday.and placed in jaiL. He pleaded guilty in the afternoon and will be sentenced this morning. John Whalen was arrested esterday by County Detective Harry Beltzhobver, charging him w ith selling liquor on Sunday and without a license. In default of bail he was committed to jail to await a hearing to-day. John Schultz, charged before Alderman Gripp by Detectite Beltzhoover with sell ing liquor on Sunday and without a license in IMnlhprrT. nllpTr nparTunntT'.GiTtli it.a. was given a hearing yesterday morning and discharged There was not sufficient evi dence to Hold him. HOKsrORD'S ACID PHOSTHATE, A Brain and Nerve Food, For lecturers, teachers, students, clercry nien, lawjets, and brain-woikers generally. A riano Trom Us Will Please You. Mellor & Hoene. We will sell you the best piano or organ you can buy and for the least money and on tlio ea-j -naj ment plan if you so prefer. Get a piano or onran and have music and cood cheer always in jour home. Chicker ins, Hardman, Krakauer. Vo-e pianos. In orcaus. all kinds and prices. It you do not wish to buy come in and spend a half hour listening to ourself-playin JEolian JIellor & HoEj.r (founded 1831), urerooms, 77 1 itth avenue. Lunch Boom of Y. W. C. A. It ha been found neces-arv by the mana gers ol the Central Youn? Women's Chri tion Association to limit the number who amy have the privilege or the luncli room. On and after Monday, the 10th, men and children cannot be served. Beginning with tne new year of the association, November 8, luncheon IU be served to members only. Any young woman of moral character over 14 years of aue may become a member by the pa ment of $1 a year. Winter Underwear. Winter underwear for ladies. Winter underwear for gentlemen. Winter underwear for girls. Winter underwear for boys. Winter underwear for babies. Bet variety ! Beat qualities ! Lowest prices 1 Fleishman & Co, 004,508 and 503 Market stieet. Milliner Furora. Latest creations of Ha sey & Francois, of few Tork, Linn Faulkner and others of Paris, at naif pi Ice asked bv other dealers. ;ome and see. E. S Giles, 92, 91 and 96 Federal street, Allegheny. Nothing Like It Ever heard of be'oie. A giant record break er onr $10 tale of overcoats and suits: worth MS and J20. Only two days w-day and to uorrow. P. C. 0. a. Clothiers, Corner Grant and Diamond streets. Don't Take the Bisk r flro or thieves, but keep your valuable aapers, bond:, etc, in the saie deposit vaults ,r the Farmers' Deposit National Bank, 68 'ourth avenue. Boxes rented at $3 a year jid upward. otv Bate to Lexington, Ky., Via Pennsyl vania Lines, for the Baces. October 2 to 13, inclusive, excursion tickets rill be sold via this direct route Don't Miss It, 'hat great $10 overcoat and suit sale, at the . C. C C, Clothiers, torner Grant and Dia mond streets. Ir you want to meet your friends, yon will ,nd tbem at the Hotel Duquesne 6 to 8 'clock dinner. the price paid for a Leslie shoe equals ao cost of material and labor and one fair roflt D Witt's Little Early Risers. Best pill ar biliousness, sick hea-lacne, malaria. Fall and winter underwear at James H. iKea & co.'s, loo Fifth avenue. MEETINGS AND NOTICES. Sleeting. A SPECIAL MEETING OF PITTSBURG Council No. 117. Jr. O. IT. A. M.. will beheld at office of J. II. Porte. 409 Gram it.. THIS EYEN1 N G at 8 o'clock to take action on the death of oar late brother. I. X. Finch All member are requested to attend. W. A. BUOOKS. Councilor. J. H. 3R00K.3. It. Secy. Notices. DR. JNO. COOPER, JR.. HAS REMOVED HIB offices from N. Diamond St.. AllrjthenT, to rooms 42 and 43 W egtinrhouse building, Pbfr. nam, trog. liar. Hours 1 to 4 r. M. nose, mroai ana cnest aise&ses. Easiness Changes. DISSOLUTION-?. OTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN that the partnership heretofore existing be tween Hepburn Johns and W. G. Kaufmann un der the name of the Johns-Kaufmann ews Bureau has been dissolved. All outstanding business wlU be settled by Hepburn Johns. HEPBURN JOHNS, OCTOBER, 4. 1892. W . G. KAUFilANN. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXIST ING betwtcn Darld Richmond and John Scho bert, under the arm name of Schobert & Co , and also known as Richmond Ice Co . is herebr dis solved by mutual consent. John bchobert will col lect and pay all bills on and after Oct. 1. 1892 JOHN SCHOBERT. DAVID RICHMOND. DISSOLUTION NOTICE-NOTICE IS HEREBT given that the partnership between Charles homers. George Piper and Leonard A. Clark was dissolved on Octotx r 8. A. D. 1892. All debts due to the said partnership are to be paid and tho6e due from the same discharged by George Piper and Leonard A. Clark, at N o. 131 Fourth av., where the real estate and mortgage business will be con tinued by the said George Piper and Leonard A. Clark, under the arm name of Piper & Clark. Legal Notices. S. H. GETER, Attorney at Law, 118 Diamond street. IPSTATE OF MART ANN ROBIVSON DE 1j CEASED. Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Mary Ann Robin son have been granted to the undersigned, to vnomall persons Indebted to s!d estate are re quited to make Immediate pavmint, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. JOHN W. ROBINSOV. 14 Union avenue, Allegheny, Pa., 118 Diamond street, rittsbnrg. Pa. TO LET. City Residences. TO LET Small hous'es-Pcnn av., neir 13th st , neit flat of 3 rooms, 2gascs, water etc., $15 SO; "S Ickroy St., near Magee St.. 4 rooms. $15 per mo ; bono St., near Center av., neat 6-room house, (19 pcrmo.;Junllla6t . new. S rooms. 16 per mo.: Federal St., near Wvlie, 6 rooms, 1 per mo. ; Cliff st . near 17th t. incline. 5 rooms. 113: Webster av., cor. oosler. 4 handsome new brick houses. 8 rooms, all late lmproveraents,3J: send for list. W. A. Ilerron bons, SO 4th av. mo LET- House offlve rooms, Kundry, finished id hall: 810 a month. Inquire 127 Merl- X attic and hall: 810 a mouth. djn St., Duquesne Heights. Eat End Besidences To Let. mo l.T!T Mevran r.. corner Louisa street; 8 X large rooms, 2 wide nails, bath. s.. w. c. notanuco'a vtaier. uom gases, range, launnry. etc ; house handsomely papered throughout; im mediate possession. Logue & Schroeder, Ger manla Bank building. IO LrT Handsome modern house of 8 rooms and bath room: No. 573S Parker sU. East Lnd; nnt $33.33 per month. Apply on premises. Allegheny Besidences To Let. TO LET Allegheny, only $23 per month, reduced rent, nett brick house, 6 rooms, Washington &v.:alo. 818 Dcr month, one of 6 rooms, late fixtures on Ward, near Sedgwick St.: send for list. W. A. Ilerron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. fPO LET Cass av., near Spruce St.. 9th ward.. X new frame dwelling of 9 rooms and basement kitchen: suitable for a first-class boarding-house; rent $30 per month. Jas. J. Waldron & Co., SSI Beaver a v. TO LET No. 11 Arch St., neat brick house In fine order, 8 rooms, hall, front and back stairs, bath, laundry: one of the most central locations in Allegheny: send for list. W, A. Herron & Sons, SO Fourth ar. rPO LET No. Ill Fayette St.: fine pressed brick X bouse of 10 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, laun dry, inside w. c: all mrdcrn conveniences; rent30 to a good tenant. A. Z. Byers Co., 93 Federal street. rpo LET Woods' Run av.. near Brighton road. X 2 frame dwel Ings of 5 rooms; rent $10 per month. Jas. J. Waldron & Co., 271 Beaver av. T'O LET linck house of six rooms; rent $25 a . mo ith; No. 119 Webster. Inquire of Joseph G Renvers, No. 160 Federal St.. Allegheny. TO LET-John K. Ewlng&Co., 107 Federal st,. headquarters for Allegheny houses. Get free list. Booms To Let. ARCH ST.. C3. Allegheny Furnished front room second floor. CHESTNUT ST.. No. 17, Plttsburg-Furnished lront rooms $2 per week: both gaes. TJOBINSOM ST.. No. 13a Allegheny Rooms tar Xj nlshed, unfurnished : room renting agency SANDUSKY ST.. 97. Allegheny Elegant front connecting rooms: board If preferred. UNION AV.. No. IS. Allegheny-Furnished rooms with board, suitable for one or two gentlemen: terms moderate. WASHINGTON AV., No. 35. Alleghenv Dtslrable front rooms: second floor. Z bee additional aajeu unatr anted Boarders and Lodgers. Offices, Desk Boom, Etc To Let. TO LET-ln the Ferguson block. Third and Fourth avs., a few choice offices; day and night elevator, electric clocks and Janitor services free: rent low. Black & Balrd. No. 95 Fourth av. rPO LET In the Hamilton Building. 91-3J-Firth X av., choice offices, with all conveniences; rent low. Black ft Balrd. N o. 95 r ourth av. Business Stands To Let. TO LET Room, with orwithout power: also, storage room, drv kiln, capacity 30.000 ft : will lease kiln or dry lumber by contract. Head Bolt Works. Grant and Boouetsts.. Allegheny. Apply on premies or to H. A. Spangler, lhlrd National Bank, Allegheny. TO LET-bpace with power, cor. Penn and Third avs.; threefloors; 20.000 feet space; abundant power: good light: splendid location: every con venience. Apply Nicola Bros., 20 Fifth av. T'O LET Store and dwelling only $22. Monterey st.. Allegheny: good location for baker or grocery: seud for list. W. A. Herron ft Sons, 80 1 ourth av. Farms To Let. TOLET-$25a month, a farm of six acres three miles from Allegheny market house, ten min utes from electric cars; excellent land: one acre in grapes; all kinds of fruit; 7-room dwelling; big barn etc John F. Sweeny, No. 68 Fourth av. Miscellaneous To Lets. TO LET Vacant lot, SOxllO, with stable, Penn av.. Third st. and Exchange Apply Nicola Bros . 20 5th av. corner alley. PEBSONAL. PERSONAL Edith E. Rese. ladles' hair dressing PERSON AL-Try Dr. McGranor's Catarrh Pow der; sample box, 10c 350 ylle av. PERSON AL-Dr. F. H. Determng. dentist, cor ner of Ohio and James streets, Allegheny City. PERMiNAL-Credit, yes. credit, on fine aress goods, silks, satins. wraps.etc. at J. Dwyer's Boom 4. McCance block. 701 smltnflelrt. PERSON AL,-Vlslt Mrs. rOliott's Hair Dressing and Manicure Parlors: superfluous halrre moved by electric needle. 642 Penn av. TJEKSONAL Ta-va-zon cough Byrup cures la t; a--zuu vuugu syrup cures la grippe, coughs, colds, throat and lung dis cs. Dr.Griflltn. Third and Grant su, Pittsburg, eases. Pa, PERSONAL Hair, moles, etc. on ladles' races permanently destroyed by the electric needle without pain or scar; cousultatlon free. Miss fctreng, office 903 Penn av., Dickson building. I JERbONAL Ladles wishing to take Turko Face Baths or face massage for removing blemishes snd improving the complexion will please visit mv pariors at 903 Penn av.. Pittsburg. Miss bherwood. PERSONAL Marriage paper containing hun- -- uicusvLpvieuuMuuiciuHTuienuoi lauies and gentlemen, worth from $l,U00to $50,000. who want to marry: mailed free. Address Guuncla' Monthlr Toledo, O. " PERSONAL-By agreeing to pay $1.00 per week or $10 per month you can get possession of a gold or silver ladles' or gents' watch at the Jewelry store of John Mltsch, ISO Federal st,, Allegheny Pa. Diamonds. Jewelry, silverware, docks, etc.! on 6lmllar terms. PERSONAL A subject or great Importance to housekeepers Feather beds, bolsters, pillows. etc, thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by the Int- fitoved Western Steam Renovator: orders promnt r attended by mall; 50 per cent Improvement guar anteed. Jones Co., 335 Atwood St., Oakland. 1JERSON AL When I was a small boy mv mother alwars repaired my breeches and Jacket, but since I got to be a great big man. Dickson, the well-known tailor, 65 Fifth av cor. ood st second flocr, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating in great shape. TeL 1S. " LOST. LOST White bull terrier, ears uncut, weight 60 pounds; $25 for his return to Ao. 83 BeeUi el Allegheny. LOST Forty-live dollars on Fifth av.. near Pride st., or on Pride between Fifth and Lo cust. Under will be liberally rewarded br retnrn lng to 37 Locust St.. Pittsburg. FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET OK WEST Park, Allegheny, modern house of nine rooms, with modern conveniences: plumb ing and drainage In excellent condition. Address WEST PARK. Dispatch office. PURE BUTTER, BOLD BT GEO. K. 6TEVENSOV A CO., Fine Groceries and Table Dellcac'es, , , ciiin, avenue. t,y?2'L.Xy,&UrBK, J9- Classified real estate advertisement! on this pope ten cents per line for each insertion, and none takenor leu than twenty cents. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following headings will be ac cepted at the rto of ONE CENT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION whn paid for la ad vance either at main or branch offices. Wanted Advertisements of all Kinds. UCH AS SITUATIONS, MALE nELF, rEMAlK HELP, AGENTS, ROiJMs, BOARDPrQ, BOARDERS, MISCELLANEOUS, PERSONALS. TO LET BOOMS, MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALEJ, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE Cor. SmlthfleM and Diamond Streets. ' ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHFW. WANTS. FOR SALE. TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements nonld be prepaid unless adver tisers already have accounts with The Dispatch. FOR ALLEGHENY. NO. 107 FLDEUAL ST., TELEPHONE 3821. FOR THE SOUTHSIDE. NO. 1412 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 6022. FOR THE IJLbT JlND. J. W. WALLACE. 6121 PICNN AV. rrrrsTvrmo addition al. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3500 Butler street. KMITi G. STUCKEY, 24th 6treet and Pcnn avenue. ALLEGHENY-ADDITIONAL. F. H. EGGERS & SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMAS McHl NRY. Western and Irwin avenues. WANTED. Male Help. AUDITOR Thorough business man of force and energy, good accountant, to act as traveling auditor for large company : single man preferred; must be able to Investigate books thoroughly for detection of errors, etc. ; no inexperienced or In-J cempeieufc person neeu appi) : niKeiii reiurcui-vs required. Address, giving experience and refer ences, X. W. G.. Dlsp-ilcn office. BARBER A reliable white barber to rent a new lv luralshed room with or without dwelling; good chance for a yourg man qualified to make a permanent business. Address Lock Box 104, Brad dock. Pa. BAKBEK Good barber. Mast. 318 Grant st. Josh H. B ARBER or experienced boy. 115 Ohio st. BLACKSMITH One good blicksmlth for ma chine and general forging: good wages and steadv work to a good and suitable mechaulc Call or address Kenney &CO., bcottdale. Pa. TJOY A good stout boy who Pves in Allegheny I) City and one who lire" In the Etst End. Pitts burg, to carry packages. Apply to Horne & ard, 41 Fifth av. TOT Big boy to work in carpet and furniture 1) house; apply lietween 5:30aud6P. M. J. W. McFarlandftCo., 69 Fulton st. BOY Strong hoy for office work. Room 205, Penn building. BOOKKEEPER and solicitor for life ln. co.; elegant opportunity for right person. Ad dress Life Insurance. Dispatch office. BUTCHER at 193 Main st,. West Eud. Sawmill Run. 0 AN VAbSERS Few gooa men: good pr- Wheeler ft Wilson Mfg. Co . 6 blxth st. CARRIAGE woodworker immediately at Altoona Carriage Works. Altoona, Pa. the C1HE5IIST A manufacturing concern wants to J secure a portion, or atl the time, of a good, thorough chemist for analyses and experiments. Address, Btstlng experience ana giving relerences. Chemist, Dispatch office. CLFRK Young man of experience in hats lnd furnishings. Aufhammer ft Evans, 61C8 Penn av., E. E. "lOATMAKERS 2 first-class coatmakers and 1 Vy pantsmaker for Adam Stamm, Tarentum. Pa., or inquire of Charles PorzelftCo , No. 618 Smith field st-. Pittsburg. Pa (lOATMAKERS-Two good cotmakers; J work ana good price guaranteed. DcBruyne, Punxsutawney. Pa. steady Jules CIOATMAKER First class coatmaker; none J other need apply. Vanduseu ft blegfried. Unon City, Pa. COATMAKER First-class coatmaker for good town near city. Call 964 Liberty st. (WAT and vest makers (25). J it. Allegheny. Klopfer. 120 Ohio IIYE intelligent men of good address. . Penn building. Room 410. HARDWOOD T ORKERS to work on Pennsvl vanla Building, orld's Fair, Chicago: flrst- class men onlv neea apply. Geo. A- Akin ft Co., n uvii . auu r mi av. MES We want reliable men. who are already traveling salesmen, to carry our lubricants as a side line: rive references and terrltow. Mann- factnrers' Oil Co., Cleveland. O. P LUMBERS at James Hay's, 11 Ohio St., gheny. Alie- TEPRESENTATrVE Live, wide-awake, toren XX resent us In every locality ; one with vim, vigor, pluck and push can easllymakeir250permo ; no peddling goods: something entirely new; staple as flour: send for full particulars to-day. Address Manufacturers, P. O. Box 5303, Boston, Mass. SALESMAN On saiarv or commission, to nannle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling noveltv ever produced: erases ink thoroughly in two seconds: no abrasion of paper: ICO to SCO per cent crofit: one agent's sales amounted to $620 in six days, another fS2 In two hours; we want one energetic general agent for each btate and Territory. For terms and particu lars address the Monroe Eraser Manufacturing Company. X. 10. La Crosse. Wis. SALESMAN for city trade; none bnt first-class, reliable man need apply. Taylor ft Dean, Mar ket St. SHEARMEN Three first-class agriculture shear rain: sleadv work fur right party: no other but good workmen need apply. Applv I hrlstlan Klr cher, Anderson, Dupuy ft Co.,McKee's Rocks,Pa., Pittsburg bteel Works. SALEbMEV First-class, experienced furnishing goods salesmen; highest salaries. Apply at Kaufmanns'. SALESMAN for clothing and furnishing goods store; a hustler. CallatSutmeyer's, East End. SALESMEN Of large experience to seU cloaks and furs. Boggs ft Bnlih STENOGRAPHER Young man who can write about 75 words per minute to finish course wiin guarantee oi position wuen competent: state system yon write For particulars address Dicta tion, Dispatch office. "74TANTED The names and addresses or ner V getlc men open ror permanet work. We give exclusive territory; we guarantee good workers $10 a week: we furnish office, furniture, deilverv team, and newspaper advertising: our article is monopo ly; it w ill save 15 per cent of the coal bills of cvery- body: full particulars by mail; UlbograDbs, pamph lets, etc., free uron receiptor postage. Address KoalsparCo., 40 Oliver st . Boston. Mass. WAITERS Two waiters at once at Hotel Mona ban, Greensburg, Pa. Agents. AGENTS to sell O'Keefe's Pills." a sure cure for liver derangements, colds, coughs, hoarse ness, etc: acknowledged by thousands of Pitts burg's citizens after 17 years' test to be "a great medicine;" agents can make $3 to 85 a day. Dr. O'Keefe A Co., 1232 Penn av. AGENTS One of the most popular life insurance companies doing business In this city desires to employ a few more energetic agents; liberal terms. Address B. II. Llghtfoot, General Agent, the Provident Lite and Trust Co., 209 Lewis block, Pittsburg. AGENTS We offer to general agents and can vassers exclusive territory, free newspaper advertising, a chance to deliver goods berore pay ing for tbem. immense profits and a permanent business. Address Consolidated, Lvun, Mass. AGENTS to sell "tWegand's frame hanger for ! pictures, crayons, mirrors, signs, etc.: no picture hangs perfectly wlthont it; salesmen can make from $3 to $5 a day. Wiegand Frame Hanger Co., 1232 Penn av. AGENTS General agents;$10 per day net .house hold necessities: carpenters' best rrleud; agents wanted In all cities and country towns. World Agency Company, room 78, 187 La Salle st,, Chicago, 1U. AGENTS $3 to $7 daily; experience unnecessary. PutmanftCo.. perfumers West Wlnsted,Ct, AGENTS wanted Two reliable and practical men : $5 to $10 a day. Apply Red Lion Hotel, 8 to 10 A.M. WANTED Agents Money to loan on easy pay menu so that every man may own a home. Call on or address W. J. Black. General Manager Pennsylvania National Savings Fund and Loan Association, 60 Fourth av., Pittsburg, Pa, Female Help Wanted. iHANVASSERS -Three good lady canvassers. Ad- j piy netween ju auu i& a. a. uw, l, ouippey, 52 Sixth av. VOOK First-class cook, family of four; Bewick j ley: wages $3 50 per week: references re- ulred. Call between 11 and 12 A. M. Friday, October 7, at Eagle rami ana varnisr near Union bridge, Allegheny, CIOOKS, chambermaids, Sewlckley; best places. housework girls for Elite. 442 Penn av. COOKS, girls for housework. Employment office, l$a Robinson st.. Allegheny. GIRL For general housework. 153 Locut st,, Allegheny. Fa. HOUBEKEEPER-Capable or taking sole charge of house and two children aged 9 and 4 years; must come well recommended. Apply 5309 West minster place East Efld. city. LADIES to do campaign sewing. Relneman, 52 and 54 Sixth St., Apply to F. G. city. NURSE A good nurse girl to take care of child 3 years old; to the right person good wages paid and good home. Apply 114 Sheffield St., Alle- jrueny. Trr ANTED Talloress on tine coats. 10 ana 12 'J 1YANTKD. Male and Female Help Wanted. HELP Chambermaids, cooks, dining room girls, laundresses, nurses. 200 houseglrls German and colored girls, working housekeeper, hotel help; gardeners, ronst understand care of plants: teirnsters. farm hands, white and colored waiters. M. J. Dolan. successor to Mrs. Thomp son. 608 Grant at. HELP At once, 4 teamsters, ICO laborers, man and wife for farm house, hotel cooks, cham ber maids, dish washers, pantry girls, dining room girls, family cooks. B to 15 per week: chamber maids, laundress, 200 houseglrls, 20 colored. Meeban's, S45Grantst. SALESMEN 140 per week and expenses to msie and female workers, to actaa resident salesmen for a company manutacturlng goods wanted In every household, permanent, profitable work. Terms and circulars free. Address Electro-Novelty Co.. 30 Armory st., Boston. Mas. Situations Wonted. POSITION Lady having had experience in arch itect's office making tracings, Mue prints, writing specifications, etc.. desires position; owns typewriter; references given. Stenographer, 421 Penn av. . POSITION Experienced salesman well ac quainted with rolling mill and manufacturing concern! of Pittsburg and vicinity desires position as ontsldo man. Address Outside Man. Dispatch office. 1)OSlTION By man and wife; man as coachman and wife as cook: good city reference can be furnished. Call or address 155 Charles St., Alle gheny. POSITION Drug clerk desires position: regis tered pharmacist; experienced as manager; single. Address Glymol, Dispatch office. POSITION-As traveling salesman by young man of 20: good reference given if required. Ad dress Frank Wilson, Dispatch office. POSITION as bookkeeper; can glve4years' refer ence or (200 bond. Address Bookkeeper, Dis patch office. POSITION Young man wants position in whole sale house: reference. Address Hustler, Dis patch office. SITUATION By young lady as governess or clerk; good education; good reference. F. C 81 Penn av., Sharon. Pa. Crayons, Photographs and Materials. 1 EVERYBODY to call at Davis Maban's. 43 Fifth It av.. and see the beautiful panel photograph! al $1 a dozen: finest In the city lor the money. Instruction. TTOME STUDY Bookkeeping, penmanship and JLL shorthand thoroughly, taught by mall; re sponsible and progressive expert teachers. For Iiarticulars address the Pittsburg Correspondence luslness College, P. O. Box SCO. Hotel, Dining and Lunch Booms. D1 iELICIOUS coffee, with cream, .home-made bread and rolls, choice cuts or meat at Ke- van's L.ft G. Dining ft Lunch Rooms, 90S Penn av. OTEL FEDrRAL. 171 Federal Bt . Allegheny. $1 50. $2 day; special rates when permanent. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANTED I have an excellent site for a large hotel north side Spring Garden St., one square from new station Reading R. R., Phila delphia: will erect hotel to suit responsible party ami lease on reasonable terms: a properly con ducted hotel at this point Is needed and will have no competition, Frtncls E. Bucher, 550 Drexel building, Philadelphia. Wanted Partner. PARTNTR A salesman or bookkeeper to bay an interest in an established paying wholesale and retail business; capital required 85.OC0. Ad dress C. P. ft Co., Dispatch office, giving full name. WANTED-Partner to take half Interest In es tablishing business paying 50 per cent on in vestment. Address D. O., Dispatch office. Fire Insurance Wanted. TEVSWANG1B X) Fourth av. ft ZAUN Fire insurance. CO Financial Wanted. CHARLES SOMEItb ft CO.. 131 Fourth av.. Pittsburg, Pa. Loan Department Money to loan on real ettate In any sums desired. Lowest rates of Interest, nulck and economical service. George Piper, manager. MORTGAGES on city or properly at lowest rates. ft Co., 92 Fourth av. Allegheny county Henry A. 'W eaver MONEY at 5 per cent. We have $50,000 to loan, $300 up. Alles Bros, ft Co.. 164 t onrtli av. JOHN K. EWING ft CO.. 107 Federal St., male quick loans. rpo L.UAN $SX',(I0U on mortgages X ward at 6 per cent: $500. C00 at 4 S100 and ur- $500,000 at 44 per cent on residence or business property, vacant lots or farms. S. H. French, 125 Fourth av. WANTED-Mortgageson Improved city or Alle gheny city property. McCuue ft Coulter, 93 Fourth av. Miscellaneous Wanted. T?LFCTRICMfe. and SupplvCo.,310 BIssell block. 1j Fgh . M Federal. Allegh'y: incandescent and bell wiring; phone 137a. electrical repairing a specialty PAINTINl! and Plate Glass glazing. 1UC. Miller, 126 Grant st.. Pittsburg. PATENTS O. D. Levis (20 years), bollcltor. lil Fifth av.. next Leader. Pittsburg: no delay. aiRUNKS hawed to andTrom tne East End for fifty cents. Campbell ft Davis, No. 12 Seventh av. Telephone 276. " USE Jones Bedbug Paralvzer .f ones' Magi Koach Powder: roaches banished bv contract satisfaction given or no pay. 222 Federal st.. Alio gheny. com i I by all first-class druggists. WAN1 ED All business men to know that the office bpecialty Co , 105 Third av . keep in stock the latest and best office furniture, filing cabinets and labor-saving officesptclalties:work to order and metallic vault fixtures are among their specialties. "Tr AN TED Everyone wno wants tne finest and t V cheapest wall paper In America to send for samples; sent free to any address. G. G. O'Brien, Faint and Wall Paper Store. 292 Fifth av. WANTED To bny a good 5th wheel one horse coach top spring wagon: must be In good order and cheap. Address Chas. Lewis, Dispatch office. WANTED A gentleman as roommate: house Is conveniently located; references exchanged. Address J. E.C., Dispatch office. WANTED Farmers and gardeners to bring their green tomatoes to 11. J. Uclnz Co., 199 Main St., Allegheny City, Pa. T ANTED -Place or 5 or 10 acres, near railroad 1 f and wlthld 30 minutes or an hour of the city. Address b. tV P. O. B. 4294. TV ANTED A house or 12 or more rooms with ? V ground, between Oakland and East End. Address House Dispatch offloe. WANTED Three large heating stoves. 53Dla- mond st. WOOD and photo engraving; nan tones; electro- typing. Bragdon. 78 Fourth av. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses, Vehicles, Live Stock For Sale. COW A fine Alderneycow for6ale cheap. In quire of David Kirk, Darrah st., Oakland. ICELAND PONY-Gcldlng. solid black, very handsome. 44 Inches high, scares at nothing, Ecrfcctly gentle for riding or driving; also cart and amess. good as new; will sell cheap for cash or exchange for good roadster. Box 21, New Brighton, Pa. Machinery and Metals For Sale. BRYANT and Acme automatic engines and boil ers, hot water and steam heating exhaust fans and ventilating fly fans, water and electric motors. d namos and electric lighting: general machinists, engineers and contractors: stationary engines and boilers Tompkins ft Ulrica, 316 Liberty st., Pitts burg, Pa. BOILERS and engines, second hand: all sizes, from 4 to 100 b. p. ; cheapest in the market: 64 boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.; oieam pumps, governor, puiiejs ana snarung. leiepuone awi, -. xarx. way legheny. Pa. J. B. Young, Ai- ENGINES and hollers or every description: brick yard supplies; contractors' and rolling mill ma chinery. Thomas Carlln's Sons1, Lacock and San duskysts.. Allegheny. , (IRIND-STONES-In all sizes, ror all kinds of J grinding: Cralglelth. New Castle, Nova Scotia and other grits; Iron frames and fixtures for hand, foot or power: mounted stone, oil stone, emery vueeut snu grinaers. w m. ai. juror, i j irsi av, Bnbber Stamps and Stencils For Sale. GET your rubber stamps, steel stamps, stencils, seal presses, brass checks, etc. from entailer ft Co.. 49 Filth av.. Duff's College building. CTENCILB, steel stamps, kj Seal presses, rubber stamps, etc. W. A. Bnntlnau 20 Fifth av.. , cor. Market. Miscellaneous For Sale. COCK A pet game cock. Pa.. F. H. Cook, Beaver, IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS-Red brick for sale In large or small quantities; capacity 25, COO Ecr day. For prices address S. S. Liudsay, Ford lty Brick Work, Ford City, Pa. ONE CENT a bolt wall paper-Finer. 2c 2Kc: gold, 3c: embossed solid gold, 4c: Ingrain, 5c; send stamp for 100 samples. Reed, wall paper Job ber. Rochester. Pa, PRINTERS' stands 'ana cases lor sale cheap; a prompt buyer will get a bargain: second-hand saw table In good condition; sold because space uccucu. yippiy ijispatcil Business omce. rO PRINTERS 100 type 'cases and a few stands in good order for sale cheap. Apply The Dls patch Counting Rooms. TYPEWRITER-One Remington typewriter, one t typewriter cabinet one flat top dek, two chairs. Address D . Dispatch office. FOB SALE-BUSENESST Business Opportunities For Sale. BILLIARD and pool room at a bargain in live manufacturing town, a few miles trom Pltts burg. Address Pool, Dispatch office. BUTCHER shop, slaughterhouse, foil Bet butcher tools, horses and wagon and some bags; am doing a good business: good reasons ror selling. Address Marry Bros., Ctjarterol, Pa, FINE grocery and meat market on the Southslde. doing large cash trade: new goods and best location; will ha sold -verr Teasonablvrfnrthwlih Address Meat Market. M copih Twelfth st, FOB SAIfE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities For Sale. FOR HALE Grocery at a sacrifice: must be sold this week; no better chance In the two cities for a cash store; the price no object; must quit business. Perclval & Gaston. 439 Grant St. TJOrt SALE First-class paint and art store; $1, X' 200; in town or 1.3(0 inhabitants; 1 hour's ride from the city: other business Interests reason for selling. Address L. A-., Dispatcn office. (1ROCERY STORE-Near tne throbbing heart or J the Southslde; a very neat store: can be bought cheap to a quick buyer; only l,S0o; owner has other easiness. Address James N. Wilkinson, 421 Wood st . Uermanla building. HOTEL Lease and furniture for sale. Canton. O.: large brick hotel, built 1888: elegantly furnished: has 43 rooms and all modern Improve ments: located In the beautiful city of Canton, having a population of 30.000 and being the county seat or the best county In the State of Ohio; the hotel is located within 300 yards of the large Deuber ft Hampden Watch and Case Works, employing 2.000 skilled workmen: also situated at the ter minus .or the Canton and Masslllon electric car line; in fact, a splendid location In a booming and growing city; a fine opening for an energetic hotel man; If Is for sale or rental owing to the death of the proprietor. Address Chas. Krlchbaum,adm'r., care Uarter & Krlchbaum. att'ys at law. Canton, INTEREST In a manufacturing business; a mo nopo y and offering large returns: to a good and reliable representative business gentleman there is an opening here worthy or investigation; fuller particulars will be given confidentially at our office and arrangements can Se made to meet the principal. Jas. V. Drape ft Co., 313 Wood St., QTORE Large first-class drygoods. shoe and hat CJ store. In a thriving manufacturing town 40 miles from Pittsburg: location the best corner in the town; property can he bought or leased; reasons for selling, poor health of owner. Call or address J. F. Maeder. 185 Fifth av.. Pittsburg. -Business Properties For Sale. FD7TH AV.. 409-Good business property. In qulre at premises. HOTEL property, situated in the business part of the town; excellent stand. Address Mrs. B. Casey, Latrobe, Pa. Manufacturlnc; Sites For Sale. MANUFACTURING SITE For sale or to let. manufacturing site in Allegheny: three-story brick buildings with boilers and engines: lot 132r 125. corner of two streets; convenient for business gurposes. For particulars see Jos. P. Raukln ft o 154 Fourth av. FOB SALE LOTS. City Lots. t LOTS on Bluff and Vlckroy sts., near college. Robert Coward, 10 Bluff st. East End Lots For Sale. C CENTER AV. lots, 48x175. only $2,000 each; street J Improvements ard sewers pall for; choice lo cation: first-class Improvements: on a main thor oughfare: a limited number only offered at this Erlce; terms to suit. beeM. P. Howley ft Son, 91 lamond st. SCHENLfiY PARK lots 50x150, or greater front age If desired, on Woodland avenue, between Forbes avenue and Schenley Park: beautifully sit uated; on Squirrel Hill Street Railroad, also within short distance of cable and Duquense lines; as phaltum pavement and all other improvements: cheap, easy terms. Apply 5100 Forbes or 20 Fifth avenue, Frank F. Nicola. Suburban Lots For Sale. LOTS 120x139 on Kelly St., Brushton; nice leve lots, close to both lines of street cars; the price on these lots is much lower than those adjoining, Howard Brown. 151 Fourth av. FfjR SALE SO acres within 2 miles ofcltv line on Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis Ry. that will subdivide to good advantage; low price and easy terms. Baxter, Thompson ft Co., 161 Fourth avenue. Coal Lands For Sale. FIR SALE or exchange Several thousand acres of very fine tlmbir and coal lands in East Tenu. Address M. P., Box 454, Chattanooga, Tenn.' Farms For Sale. DAIRY, stock or chicken farm Abont 70 acres; IX miles from Iladen stat'on; cold spring; spring bouse for milk: 5-room house, etc.; take house in pan pay. bend stamp for particulars and new farm and exchange list. N. F. Hurst, agent, Rochester, Pa. FARVS Several hundred, desirable sizes and prices, within 50 miles city. Lamb & Dixon. succesors to Sloan ft Co.. 127 Fourth ar. FOB SALE-TJSITBOVED REAL ESTATE. City Besidences. BLUFF ST., near college New brick house. 8 rooms, hall, bathroom. Inside and outside w. c. ; all late Improvements; terms to suit. Rout. Coward. 20 Bluff st. FIFTH A V.. east of Court House A tnree-story brick of 12 rooms, lot 20x120 to Ann st. : will be sold at a bargain and on fair terms; belongs to an estate. Baxter, Thompson ft Co, 161 Fourth av., corner Grant st. ' I70R 8ALE Just out, our new catalogue or prop 7 ernes for sale. all or send for one free. bnyaerft White. 162 Fourth av. HOUSES A splendid Investment: owner leaving city; lot 18bxZ70 on fine avenue, paved with asphalt; one large elegant mansion, new one: old mansion in good repair; one moderate sized honse, new; will be sold as a whole, or singly with the de sired amount of ground; this is the best bargain that we have ever had on our books: remember, owner leaving city, and sale positively at a low price -jauquicx. dames au vt liunson, ca wood St., Germanla building. HOUSic A large fine brick nousc with 2)f acres of ground, adjoining the residences or promi nent people: room for 26 houses: reason for selling, owner going to Europe and will discount the mar ket price: this is worthy the attention of specula tors or parlies wishing a beautiful home: for sale for 10 days only. James M. Wilkinson, 421 Wood st-, Germanla building. LAWRENCEVILLiE If you have $300 cash and want a bargain in a 5-room house In Lawrence vllle, come and see me, I have it. B. J. Williams, 143 Fourth av. 300 $15 per month after a few hnndredcash: . a cliarmlnsr little home rlflrht In the hpurt nf j-uuourg; a neaitnrui place ana Deauurui location : 5 rooms and finished attic, hall: excellent mason work and dry, well-drained cellar under whole house; city water, sink, gas pipes, closets In all rooms; slate mantels, grates, elate roof, portlpo, neat front and backyard, with walks and fences, single light front window alcoye; a house of neat, stylish appearance, solid and strictly well built: 15 minutes from postoffice and two squares from cabte; pleasunt street with sidewalk to door; buy in a location where you will be contented to live John F. Swe-uy. 68 Fourth av. (31 400 Good brick bouse of 5 rooms on ML .- . --- . ..... .. IPX) Washington; a genuine bargain; also new 5-room house, $1,950. B. J. Williams, 143 Fourth avenue. FOB SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Hazelwood Besidences For Sale. HAZEL WOOD -Cheap, an 8-roomed modern honse; good neighborhood : near electric cars and railway 6tatlon Lamb ft Dixon, successors Sloan ft Co., 127 Fourth avenue. East End Besidences For Sale. ARABELLA bT 6113, near Dennlstnn av., E. E. Frame lione, 6 rooms, hall, finished attic, bathroom, inside V4. c , hot and cold water, both gases, front and back porches, cellar and laundry: 30x120 feet to 2J-foot alley Apply on premises or C. M. Uostetter, 520 Wood st. FOR SALE New and complete brlrk dwelling of 12 rooms; hardwood mantels with cabinets, tile hearths, asbestos fire place; first floor finished in hard wood, 4 chambers and bath, sta. w. stand, open plumbing 2d floor; both gases, with com bination fixtures of latest design; cemented cellar, with laundry; front and rear porch; beautiful lawn, with flag stone sidewalks: large lot: immedi ate possession: this property worthy of close ln- vesugauon. waxier, xj Thompson and Co., 161 Fourth avenue. LARGE mansion in the East End; new and good location near the Kenmawr Hotel; would make splendid boarding house; owner leaving city; and when I say that It can be bought at a great bar- Saln I mean It: call quick or you will lose James . Wilkinson, 421 Wood st. OAKLAND PROPERTY-Paved street. 2-story brick, 10 rooms, ree. hall, interior handsomely decorated and a complete home: good lot: addi tional information and permit to see the properly from agents. Baxter, Thompson ft Co., 161 Fourth avenue. OIX seven-room nrick houses, with halls, cellar. iJ both gases, in good order, near cable cars Eleventh ward menta. balance i will sell slnsrlv: small cash nav- ments. balance monthly If desired. G. W. Rankin, 185 Fifth avenue. ' Allegheny Besidences For Sale. J ESPLANADE ST., Allegheny-New brick house; J Particulars. W. V. Dermltt. 407 Grant. PlLKRYSVILLE AV.-WiU sell very cheap to a quick buyer new Queen Anne frame dwelling, Ferrysvllle av near Charles it.. Allegheny; ill improvements: large lot, W. M. Pollock. 150 Fourth av. RESIDENCE A handsome double residence and ovtr an acre of ground, on Perrysvllle av.. Allegheny; abundance or shade and fruit trees, shrubbery, spacious lawn, copious flow of water; 12 large rooms In the re-ldcncc and modirn throughout In every particular: can be bought at a reduced price: immediate possession. James W. Drape ft Co.. $13 Wood st . Pittsburg. Suburban Besidences For Sale. A8P1NWALL-83 500 New 7-roomed frame house, finished attic reception hall. Inside w. c, bath, h. and c, water, porches front and rear: lot83Hxl00 to street: easv payments; gossesslon at once. Lamb ft Dixon, successors to loan ft Co., 127 1-ourth ar. SWIS5VALE A beautiful suburban home lo cated on one or the finest natural slte on the P. R. R.. near station: brick house or 10 large rooms: city water and all modern improvements; fl acres of land. Improved with- fencing and shrub bery: anyone desiring a suburban home at a reasonable price should examine th! property. Hoffman ft Baldridgc, Wilklnsburg, opposite depot. Beal Estate. HOUSES A number of 4, 5, 6 and 8-room houses in different parts of the city, which I will sell on easy payments or will build a house to suit you on some other lots. A. Bauck, 441 Grant st. For Exchange. EXCHANGE Brick house, four rooms and cel lar, IotC2xC2, for drugs or soda fountain. Ad dressMc. Nc.MLowryst., Allegheny, Pa, PBOPOSAXS. TT a ENGINEER OFFICE, CUSTOM U . House, Cincinnati. Ohio, September 19, 1S92. Sealed pi oposals for furnishing stone and earth and strengthening embankment at Snawneetown, Illinois, and furnishing earth and completing Great Miami Embank ment at Lavtrencoburg, Indiana, will be re ceived at this office until 2.30 p. x., OCTOBER 8, 1892, and then publicly opened. Specifica tions, blank forms, and all available inform ation will be furnished rm application to this office. AMOS STICKNEY, Major of Engin eers, U. 8. A. US. ENGINEER OFFICE. CHARLES, . TON, Kanawha, W. Vu , September 22, 1892 Sealed proposals (or the iron valve?, Journals, fastenings, rods, racks, etc., for lock states on the Great Kanawha river, em bracing about 92,0U) pounds of wrought iron; 57,000 pounds ot cast Iron and 4,000 pounds of steel ayd bronze, will be received at this office until OCTOBER 19, 1892, 3 p. St., Stand ard Eastern time, and then publicly opened. Specifications, blank forms and all available information will be rurnishodon applica tion to this office. WM. P. CKAIGHILL, Colonel Corps o; Engineers, U. 8. A. Orrics o CmzBss Watki Compact. tal 63 E 1ST WaEEUBO STREET, Washihotow. Pa., October 6, 1892. TOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BIDS WILL 1 be received at the banking office of Samuel Uazlett, Washington. Pa, until 1 o'clock P. M., WEDNESDAY, October 12, 1892, for excavating 31,000 cubic yards of earth more or less. The same to be usert as an ad ditional reservoir for water works. The specifications, etc., can be seen at the office of the Citizens Water Company, Washing ton, 10. 13ond will be required for the faithful performance of the contract. The company retains the rlvht to reject any or all bids. SAMUEL HAZLETT, President Citizens Water Company, Wnshineton, Pa. AUCTION SALES. AbSIGNEE'S SALE-THE HOTEL SNY DER, at Manor station, Pennsylvania Railroad, containing 32 looms, with all mod ern improvements, now licensed, will be sold October 13 This is one of the best loca tions In county. Sale positive. H. F. LUDWICK", Assignee. AUCTION SALE-FURNITURE, CAR PETS, pictures, organ, etc., FRIDAY, October 7, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms of the Henry Auction Co., 24 and 26 Ninth street. The furnishment of a line residence, leather couch, brocatelle parlor suite, walnnt and oak chamber furniture, wardrobes, lounges, fancy tables and chairs, sideboard, extension table, leather chairs, parlor onran, pier mirror, pictures, clocks, springs, mattresseo, Eillows, comforts, blankets and bedding, all racks, bookcases, desks, office safe, ele gant brnssels carpet for rooms, halls and stairs, kitchen and laundry furniture, stovts, etc Sale positive. HENEY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S SALE. LOT MB TWO DILLDS HOUSES, Corner Washington and Eleventh Streets, Pittsburg, Southslde. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court, made at No. 6 May Term, 1891, in par tition of the estate of Atnnnda PfllTner, de ceased, I will expose to Public Sale, at tne premises, on THURSDAY, October 27, 1892, at 2 o'clock p. 21., all the right title, interest and claim of the said Amanda raffner, de ceased, in that certain lot of ground, situate in the Twenty-ninth ward, city or Pittsburg, Pa , bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the corner of Eleventh and Wushingtou streets; thence along Washing ton street westardly 42 feet, more or less, to a point; thence at right angles with Wash ington street northwardly, and parallel with Eleventh street, 15 leet J inches to line of lot No. 17; thence iilonir the line of lot No. 17 eastwardly, and parallel with Washington street, 42 feet, rnoie or less, to Eleventh street; thence along Eleventh street 45 feet inches to Washington street, at the place ot beginning, being the easterly part ot lots 15 and 16 in Joseph Lang's plan of lots in borough of Birmingham. Said lot having theieon erected two brick dwelling houses. Terms of Sale One third cash on confir mation ot sale; 10 ppr cent thereof to be paid on day of sale, and tho balance in one and two years, to be secured by bond and mortgage, with 10-day sic. fa. clause, on the promises. IJ. zs. It ISA 1 , rutieu, A. J. PENTECOST, Register's Office. Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent, 413 Grant Street, Pittsburg. SMIT1ISON & VINCENT, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. Sales ot real estate, merchandise at stores, household coods at residences (lewelry sales for the trade onlv) promptly attended to., umce,oamneromia.iiia;.cor.puianu uuua. AMUSEMENTS. DUQUESN E, LeaTter. TO-NIGHT MATINEE SATURDAY. The Glorious Comic Opera Success, TAR AND TARTAR. Best Company ever seen In the Opera. Next Week Hoyt's "A Temperance Town." oc5 THE ALVIN THEATER. Charles L. Davis....... .Owner and Manager , TO-NIGHT, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. (EDWIN MILTON BOYLE, Author.) Next Week Joseph Murphy In Snaun Rhue and Kerry Gow. oci39 GRAND OPERA HOUSE. TO-NIGHT 1 he Famous BROTHERS BYKNE IN EIGHT BBJULS. Under the management of PRIMROSE AND WEST. Pricet, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c. Mat. Saturday 25e, 60c Reserved. Next week Hartley Campbell's 'liulls and Hears. oc6 w ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY TO NIGHT Matinees Tuesday. Thursday aud Satui day Sam T. Jack's s FORTY THIEVES BURLESQUE COMPANY. w ARRY DAVIS EDEN MUSEE. Open at 10 o'clock daily. ir i -;: A, " Strongest woman living. Babel, the cowboy pianist, and a great stage show. Admission 10 cents. OC3-53 IT'S OPEN I WHAT? THE EXPOSITION. (Fourth Season.) It's Simply Immense! Have You Seen It? Season Closes October 22. THIS IS THE TIME TO SECURE A HOME AT KENSINGTON. Money can be saved by buying at once. Hundreds are moving into the new city daily. The great Chambers Glass Works will start this weelt , All the manufactories located are running steadily. Every dollar invested at Kensington will soon double. Free railroad tickets furnished at office of Ntt 79 FODRTfl AVENUE, FIRST FLOOR, Pittstog, Pa. OCt-lOO-TOW EDUCATIONAL. NettYork. Kiturston-on-IIndson. GOLDEN HILL SCHOOL FOR BOYS Classical, Scientific and English Courses. JOHN M. CROSS. A. M., Principal. Get a Practical Business Education. ST. JOHN'S MILITARY SCHOOl MANLIUS, N. Y. Fnll courses of study. Under the visitation, of the Regents of University of New Torts and War Department. RT. REV. F.D. HUNT INGTON, Prest.: WM. VERBECK. Snpt. AITdDV UNIVERSITY VU Pi PI T SIXTH STREET. special law and medical preparatory courses, business college, shorthand, mathematics, lan guages and natural sciences, telegraphy and elocu tion. The old reliable school that has educated over 40.000 students Day and evening. Bend for catalogue. H. M. HOWE. Ph. D.. President. DUQUESNE COLLEGE HAS A FULL COLLEGE CHABTEE. Confers all decrees. Graduate where yon can receive a degree as well as an author ized diploma. Day and evening session throughout tho year. E. M. WOOD, LL.D., President. Ros and Diamond streets. CHOICE FBOPEBTHS. NOTICE TO Allegheny People PARTICULAR A3D Residence Seekers in General. A beautiful home with larse grounds, stately trees and velvet lawn. " It would take a lifetimo to reproduce tha same. Location unexcelled for health and social surroundings. Your neighbors are moving to tho East End. Why stand ye ldleT Come where we have IOO PARKS. Address JAMESM. WILKINSON, ill Wood Street, Germanla Building. 1,600 FEET OF FRONTAGE, Surrounded by $20,000 Residences. CONTRACTORS AND SPECULATORS' Buy this property and build houses to sell for $6,500. Any real estate man can tell you that we are besieged with customers, all wanting a moderate price house IN A GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD, And we challenge any man to produce the) equal of this orchard plot for the money. JAMES M. WILKINSON, 121 Wood street. EAST END BUSINESS PROPERTY. PENN AVENUE. EAILROAD SWITCH. LOT 80X23L City Merchants, Look: Ahead And secure a business site. This Is a rara chance, ns shipping privileges are becoming scarce and valuable, and you will not be able to buy this same property at four times its value in a few years. The present improvements WILL PAY INTEREST on the investment. Adjoining property just sold and largo wholesale build ing to be erected. This is the last lot for sale with switch privileges: on the leading street. My option expires in a few days and cannot be bough tunder25 per cent advance. Call quick on JAMES M.-WILKINSON, Buyer and seller ot real estate, 421 Wood street. EAST END, NEAR THE "KENMAWR." 186X270, Large mansion, old large dwelling, new 10. room house, new stable, outbuildings; will sell as a whole or singly. Desirable prop erty for a BOARDING HOUSE or to rent rooms. Total frontage 331 feet. Owner leav ing city, and a guaranteed bargain. Apply to JAMES M. WILKINSON, 421 Wood st, Germanla Building. FOREST AND FRUIT TREES. BEAUTIFUL ELEVATION. GRAND LOT 100x150, Worth $125; week. will sell at $90 If bought thU JAMES M. WILKINSON, 21 Wood street Germanla Building. WORTH $5,000 PEP YEAR TO A PHYSICIAN. Elegant bouse and lot; fine neighborhood; no physician within 1 mile radiating eaoh way; best location in Allegheny county, and can be bought low; terms easy. JAMES M. WILKINSON, 421 Wood street. BRADDOCK. 4 1-2 Acres. MANUFACTURING SITE. Three railroads and Monongahela river frontage. Best site for the money in Alio gheny county. LIGGETT BEOS., . 71 Diamond streefc 1 J- ,-v ,., a. .-,-- s-sk&kJiSiyy