Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 05, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    1 4H ffl
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lrifc 3tw vo t"ri .vi jss"
TolBe Built to Beach the Hilltops
Above the Southside.
H'. Will Ce the Longest In Pittsburg, if Xot
in the Etate.
Plans for a new incline plane on the
Southside have been about completed. It
will take a few days to arrange the parr
ticulars, but enough has been done to in
sure the breaking of ground within about
two weeks. The engineers yesterday de
termined upon the final ronte and the work
will be pushed rapidly forward. All the
rights of way have been secured so that no
trouble is feared on this score. Much of
the ground passed over by the line
has been purchased by the company. There
was a little hitch as to the passing over the
Irishtown and Brownsville roads, but this
is now thought to be practically settled. It
will be the longest plane in or around
Pittsburg, if not in the State, being 4,000
icet Ions, and will coat nearly $400,000. The
rights of -way alone cost about 190,000.
The new plane will besin a short distance
from Josephine and Twenty-first streets
and end on Arlington avenue at its highest
point uear Bleil's saloon. The Irishtown
road is crossed about 150 feet from where it
beir.ds round the hill. It is intended to
:roJss both this and the Brownsville roads
yj an overhead bridge.
I Putting in Immense Engine.
The engines used w ill be the largest of
i ly need in the city lor a like pnrpose.
Jesides affording motive power for the
ilane, it is intended to pnt in an electric
igbt plant, to be run in connection with it,
rhich will supply all the light needed for
he surrounding hill towns. The road will
iirike Arlington avenue at a place where
there will be an easy descent to Beltzhoover,
Allentown and Knoxville. This will be a
great advantage to all the hill residents, as
the cars will be so constructed as to take np
a number ot loaded wagons and horses at
one time. Everything will be built on a
gigantic scale. It is intended to be com
plete in every particular.
The project has been under consideration
foi some time, but was not actively agitated
till about four months ago, when a charter
was secured, the rights of way optioned
md a survey made. Joseph Keeling, Jr.,
if the Keeling Kidge Company, and James
P. Grimes, ot the Knoxville Land Improve
ment Company, are the only stockholders
n this city, but Eastern capitalists are
argely interested in the scheme. It will
10 known as the Park Incline Plane.
Tho Seventh southside Incline.
One of the interested men in speaking of
ie project said last evening: "while this
ill make the seventh incline plane of the
onthside I feel sure there is a splendid
pening tor another. The trouble with all
lose built heretofore is that they do not
un np iar enough and it is necessary
0 climb a good portion of the hill
iter reaching the upper station. For
earns this makes it necessary to nse as
nany horses as though there were no in
lines. The new plane will reach the high
st point on the hill, and two horses can
laul the largest load, as there will be a
owu grade to all points. Another point
1 favor of this scheme is that most
f the traffic comes from about or
bove Twenty-first street andean be readily
night. It was intended to begin work be
'.e this, but we have had some hard fight
g to get through, and wanted to make
ure of our ground. Another meeting will
e held with our attorneys to-morrow mora
le when our plans will be perfected, and
vill go East to consult with our partners.
! are anxious to get to work, and I think
rythmg will be ready to go ahead within
next 10 days."
vor Gourley Making Some Inquiries on
riiat McKco Place Damage Matter.
.Mayor Gourley and Chief Bigelow held a
ng conference yesterday afternoon on the
solution to pay S25.0C0 in damages to prop
ty owners on SIcKee Place for ground
iken in opening the street The Mayor
is not yet signed the ordinance and is un
cided what action he will taka. At
resent be is trying to ascertain by what
igbt the people of McKee Place claim
images for an improvement to their prop
ty when in all other such cases the ex
nse is borne by thoe benefited. The
sponsibility for the making of the im
ovement without legal authority is
lother point the Mayor is endeavoring to
ear up before he takes action on the reso
ition. Pittsburg Insurance CoMrAxv.
IKY, )
. 4, lbSS. )
Office 400 Wood Street.
riTTSBur.o. Oct.
ATamectine of the Board ofDiiectors.
id tills day, the following rnlnuto vtas
It Is -n 1th profound regret that wo are
lied upon to record the decease of our
-esldent, Chailes Aibnthnot.
tn hti aeath this comjiany has lost an old
d highly valued officer, of ripe Judgment,
.se and discreet in council. Always guided
that highest of all Christian graces, char
r, lie was a pleasant companion and triend,
I we feel that hi death has caused a void
at it will be difficult to fill. We hereby
tend to his family our sincere sympathy
d direct that a minute be made on the
oks of this company and published in the
Jamfs Collobd, Vice President.
Ilixis MoKoww, Secietary.
Our Great 87 CO Offer P. C. O. C
t's caught on. Everyone wants one and
one is satisfied who does not see our
at line of men's 'all overcoats at $7 50.
ey won't come to meet you. so better call
our store and look them over. All shades,
.ck, brown, oxford, tan and gray, silk
ed or plain with satin sleeve-lining. $7 B0
ys one to-day. Can't be matched for less
in $15 at any other store.
P. a a a. Clothiers,
Cor. Grant and Diamond streets.
TVero the Moths
your furs? o doubt many of the ladies
re made many such unpleasant discover-
Donot lose heart, lean make them
k as srood as new und at little expense to
i. Atthe same time I can alter theminto
r stvle selected by you. Call early, please.
Wm. Grabowsky, Practical Furrier,
7U7 Penn avenue.
n. jko. coorER, jr.. has removed nrs
offices from J. . Diamond St.. Allephenv. to
ms 42 and Westlnrliouse building. Ph;r. Ear,
e, throat and chest diseases. Hours 1 to 4 F. M.
Legal Notices.
tmlic notici. is hkreby given that
letttri or administration on the estate of Mary
th, late or tne borough of Knoxville. Alle
jy county. Pa., hare tills day been granted to
undersigned. All persons having claims
nst the said estate are hereoy requested to
e known the same to me without delay, and
ersons Indebted to the estate win be required
Ake Immediate payment.
No. Ill Bmlthueld street.
jTOBER 4. 1852. Pittsburg.
Ituslness Changes!
that the partnership beretotore existing be
n Hepburn Johns and Wr. G. Kaufmann un
tie name of the Johnv-Kanrmann ews Bureau
teen dissolved. All outstanding business will
tiled by Hepburn Johns.
TOBKR, 4, 1892. -W . a. KAUFMANN.
Crnr Deposit Bank. j
t PlTTSBOIJO. 1"A. Oct. , 1892. J
this bsulc have declared a dividend of FIVE
CENT on the capital stock, out of the earn
of the last six months, parable on demand.
.. - UJIOS. MOWN. President.
W Classified real estate aaverttiemenf on thu
page ten cents per ttne JOr each insertion, and
none takenor lett than twenty eentx.
Classified under the lollowing headings will be ac
cepted at the rate of
VOR EACH INSERTION when paid for ta ad
vance either at main or branch offices.
WanteaAdvertitementiof aU KUuU
situations itoaMat
Cor. Bmltbneld and Diamond Streets,
Advertisements nonld be prepaid unless adver
tisers already hare accounts with The Dispatch.
PUiN AV. ,
rrrropTrno ADnrrroTM al.
THOM AS MCCAFFREY. SS00 Butler street.
EMU. O. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn avenue.
F. H. FGOERS SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets.
THOMASMcHENRY. Western and Irwin avenues.
Male Help.
BARBEU-A reliable white barber to rent a new
ly tarnished room with or without dwelling;
good chance for a young man qnallned to make a
permanent business. Address Lock Box KM. Brad
dKCk. Pa,
ARBERS Two good barbers. 185 Fifth av.
BOY at printing office. Kirkwood and Whitfield
sts..' East End.
BOY Good boy. Apply after7:30. Room No. 105,
Penn building. '
rOY About 17 for grocery. Inquire 232 Pars: av..
East rnl.
-OUTCHER A good butcher.
James McKee,
jj wans station.
C1AJ V Abalino salary aim eJureaKairwiii etart,
J steady work; good chance for advancement.
Brown Bros. Co.. Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y.
AWAbSERS-Few gooa men: good pay.
AVneelera wusonjuig. jo. ooixiu aw
COATMAKER First-class coatmaker: nne
J other need apply. Vandusen & Siegfried.
Union City, Pa. .
COATMAKERS-Flrst-class, Immediately. W.H.
Irons, Beaver. Pa.
piOMPOSITOKS-At Smith Bros'.. 405 Grant st.
TRUG CLERK A permanent position at good
I salary to Junior clerk. Address B. A. C.
Dispatch office. '
RUG CLERK Assistant wanted at A. H.
I'arker's arug store, israaaocE, ra
RUG CLERK-Good salary to right party. Ad-
aresss. r. i., uispaicn omce.
GENTLEMAN of flrst-class reputation and abil
ity by an Eastern monled Institution to fill
first-class position. P. O. Box 543, city.
JEWELERS Two good Jewelers on diamond
work: good salary, steady work. SS Fifth av.,
third floor.
AN Industrious man with some little capital
to manaire an office ont of the city for a re
liable company: good salary and interest in busl
ress to right rartv. References required. Ad
dress M. ;.. Dispatch office.
TAN iryouare seeking a high grade position
l'l in any part of the United States write to
Western Business Agency, Inclosing stamp, Min
neapolis, Minn.
MA Single white man: experienced in garden
ing and care of Uve stock. Apply at 807 Lib
erty st. ,
AN To take care of horse and attend office.
Dr. SIcCarrelL CTBIdwellst., Allegheny.
MECHANICS out of work to sell AVIegand's
frame hanger for pictures, crayons, mirrors,
signs, etc; no picture hangs perfectly with-iut It:
salesmen can make from (3 to (5 a day. Wlegand
Frame Hanger Co., 1232 Penn ay.
MEN We want reliable men. who are already
traveling salesmen, to carry our lubricants as
a side line: give references and territory, Manu
factnrers' Oil Co.. Cleveland. O.
MEN lor specialty; best in market: quick seller;
profits large. Apply at once J. Bride Jt Co.,
Box 2033. New York.
SALESMAN On salary or commission, to nandle
the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil;
the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases
ink thoroughly in two seconds: no abrasion of
paper: SCO to too per cent profit; one agent's sales
amounted to tola in six days, another tS2 in two
hours; we want one energetic general agent for
each btate and Territory. For terms and particu
lars address the Monroe Eraser Manufacturing
Company. X. 10. La Crosse. Wis.
SALESMAN-Flrst-class salesman to sell Na
tional Cash Registers in the city or on the road;
salary, expenses and commison paid. Apply
cor. Fifth av. and Wood St., under B. & O. ticket
office, between 10 and 12 A. .
SALESMEN Who pan easily makers'. to 75 per
week, selling tne celebrated Plnless Clothes
Line or the Famous Fountain Ink Eraser: patents
recently issued: sold only by salesmen, to whom
we give exclusive territory the Plnless Clothes
Line is the only line ever invented that holds
clothes without pins a perfect success; the Fount
ain Ink Eraser Is entirely new, will erase Ink In
stantly, and Is king of all; on receipt of 60s will
mail 6ample of either, or sample of both for $1, with
circulars, price lists and terms; secure your terri
tory at once. The Plnless Clothes Line Co., No.
1.7 Hermon sU, Worcester, Mass.
SALESMEN S40 per week and expenses to mate
and female workers, ta act as resident salesmen
for a company manuiacturlng goods wanted in
every household. Permanent, profitable work.
Terms and ctrculars free. Address Electro-Novelty
Co.. 30 Armory st., Boston, Mass.
SALE&MEN Two good salesmen; salary paia,
Allegheny Crayon Co., 219 Federal 6t.
SHEARMEN Six shearmen to shear plates and
shapes. Allqulppa bteel Co., Allqulppa, Pa,
P. & L. E. R, It.
STENOGRAPMER-Youi-g man who can write
about To words per minute to finish course
with guarantee or position when competent: slate
system yon write For particulars address Dicta
tion, Dispatch office.
TINNERS at onc-Two good tinsmiths for In
side work. Apply No. 2111 Carson St., city.
WAGON WOOD WORKERS-Five, practical.
A, J. Steel X Son, ,No. 58 Anderson St., Al
legheny. '
TTTANTED The names and addresses of ener
tT getlc men open for permanet work. We give
exclusive territory; wo guarantee good workers $30
a week: we furnish office, furniture, delivery team,
and newspaper advertising; our article Is monopo
ly: it will save 25 per cent or the coal bills of every
body; full particulars by mail; llthograohs. pamph
lets, etc., free upon receipt of postage. Address
KoalsparCo., 40 Oliver St.. Boston. Mass. ,
YOUNG MEN Experienced young men for
gents' furnishing goods and bat department.
The Model. Hraddock"
AGENTS WANTED-To Introduce the Rewell
Low geared mop; the only perfect self-wringing
mop; lightens woman's labor; saves time, labor
and the hands; bands ao not touch water, hence
boiling water can be used, also soda, potash, lye,
etc, ; a wonderful labor saving Invention: oyer one
million sold; agents are phenomenally successful;
the mop sells at sight; no experience necessary;
splendid terms: exclusive territory; freights paldi
Illustrated circulars free. The Rewell-Low Man
ufacturing Company, Cleveland, O.
AGENTS We offer to general agents andean
vassers exclusive territory, free newspaper
advertising, a chance to deliver goods before pay
ing for them. Immense profits and a permanent
business. Address Consolidated, Lvnn, Mass.
AUENTb-M to fS dally: aluminum shoe soles:
. outwear steel: flexible, comfortable: small
samples, 60c: men's, 73c: 65 per cent profit to
agents. Aluminum Novelty Co., 105 Smlthfield st.
Pittsburg. Pa. '
AGENTS General agents; $10 per day net:house
hold necessities: carpenters' best friend;
agents wanted In all cities and country towns.
Vt orld Agency Company, room 78, 187 La Salle at..
Chicago, 11L
AGENTS S3 to 7 dally: experience unnecessary.
Pntman A Co.. perfumers West Wlnsted.Ct.
Female Help Wanted.
A PPRENTICES-Good sewers and others to
..........-...... f. "p. -w a uu UY.
C CHAMBERMAID Experienced chambermaid
and cook for Edgeworthstatlon. near Sewick.
ley; reference required. Apply at S9 Irourth av.
from to 4 r. M.
COOK Flrst-class cook, family of four; Sewlck
lcy; wage 3 60 per week; references re
quired. Call between 11 and 12 A. M. Friday, October
7. at Eagle Paint and Varnish Works, Grant av..
near Union bridge, Allegheny.
OOKS, housework girls, chambermaids; places
Trailing, Mtutmuua 4ms, vu, i-rnn IIT,
GIRL-For general housework; German girl pre
ferred: no washing. Inquire No. S313 Penn
GIRL Good girl for general housekeeping at
once at 24 Central St.. Allegheny.
GIRL Reliable Protestant girl lor general house
work. 110 Ridge av.. Allegheny.
GIRL For general housework In small family.
' 30Boena Vista St.. Allegheny.
IRL to wash dlsnes In restaurant. Apply at No.
16 Sixth st., upstairs. vv '
GIRLS 3 good girls to work In laundry, acdIv
at6075tnav. vv'
LADY, with business tact, for office. 40 Mont
gomery av.j Allegheny.
Female Help Wanted.
LADnS-'World's Fntr work; home employ
ment. Address, with stamp, S. L. Kilmer,
South Bend, Ind.
MILLINER An experienced milliner for a good
position. J. D. Bernd & Co., 815-817 Liberty
URSE GIRL Who will do chamber work.
Apply at ii western ay., AUegneny.
YOUNG woman typewriter ana stenographer.
Apply Boom 101, Penn building, after 9 a.m.
Male and Female Help Wanted.
HELP Chambermaids, cooks, dining room
girls, lanndrecses. nurses, a houseglrls,
German and colored girls, working housekeeper,
hotel help; gardeners, must understand care of
plants: tcimstcrs. farm hands, white and colored
waiters. 31. J. Dolan. successor to Mrs. Tuomp
son. 608 Grant st
HELP At once, 4 teamsters, 100 laborers, man
and wife fur farm house, hotel eooks, cham
bermaids, dishwashers, pantry girls, dining room
girls, family cooks, f2 to 5 per week; chamber
maids, laundress, 200 houseglrls, 20 colored.
Median's, 545Grantst.
Situations Wanted.
POSITION as assistant bookkeeper and collector,
or office work of any Find, by a young man of
ood address: best of reference. Address B. B.,
ilspatch office.
POSITION as collector, or other ontslde work,
byyonngman who can furnish best of refer
ence. Address 127. Dispatch office.
I POSITION About 3 hours per day In office, by a
young man who Is a good, rapid penman. Ad
dress W. L.. Dispatch office.
POSITION as bookkeeper; can give 4 years' refer
ence or $200 bond. Address Bookkeeper, Dis
patch office. .
POSITION As porter, or take care of horses, by
a German. Address M. B., Dispatch office.
POSITION as salesman, or clerical work of any
kind. Address Salesman, Dispatch office.
POSITION as farm hand; en milk: will take 15
a month. Address B. I, Dispatch office.
SITUATION A collector or assistant in office,
by a young man 18 years old: best of reference
and security can be given. Address C. C. C, Dls-
paicu ouice.
SITUATION by a graduate or a commercial col
lege as clerk or assistant in office; 18 years of
age and can furnish security. Address C. H., Dis
patch office.
SITUATION By young man, speaking German
and English, and having some experience In
the retail drug business. Drugs, Dispatch office.
SITUATION Carpenter wants work as finisher
of houses, or stair work. Address 266 Rebecca
st, Allegheny, Pa.
SITUATION as milliners by two young laqies
in city suburb. Address G. M.. Dispatch of
fice. Boarders and Lodgers Wanted.
BOARDERS-f3 50, 21-meal ticket; homelike
table. 59 Sandusky, Allegheny.
"BOARDERS and roomers; all conveniences.
Federal st. Allegheny.
"DOABDEES-t3 50 pel
D Park way, Alleglie
WANTED Two respectable men for rooms; f I
per week; all conveniences. 287 North av.,
Business Opportunities Wanted.
WANTED I have an excellent site for a large
hotel north side Spring Garden, st., one
square rrom new station Reading R. It, Phila
delphia; will erect hotel to suit responsible party
and lease on reasonable terms: a properly con
ducted hotel at this" point Is needed and will have
no competition. Francis K. Bucher, 550 Ure I el
building, Philadelphia.
WANTED If you are seeking a business oppor
tunity in any line of business write for our
bulletin. Inclosing stamp. Western Business
Agency, Minneapolis. Minn.
Wanted Partner.
PARTNER Active or silent partner with S10.000
caRh in an established and paying manufactur
ing business: all correspondence confidental and
from principals only. Address X, Dispatch office.
PARTNER No money required; to take one
third Interest in real estate and Insurance
business: young man and a hustler wanted. Ad
dress it C H., Dispatch office.
HOME STUDY Bookkeeping, penmanship and
shorthand thoroughly taught by mall; re
sponsible and progressive expert teachers. For
particulars address the Pittsburg Correspondence
Business College, P. O. Box 169.
Hotel, Dining and Lunch Rooms.
DELICIOUS coffee, with cream, home-made
bread and rolls, choice cuts of meat at Kc
van's L.& G. Dining & Lunch Rooms, 9C8 Penn av.
OTEL FEDERAL. 171 Federal st, Allegheny,
tl 50, f2 dav; special rates when permanent
Crayons, Photographs nd Materials.
1 EVERYBODY to call at Davis Mahan's, 43 Firth
!i av.. and see the beautiful panel photographs
at tl a dozen: finest In the city for the money.
Fire Insurance Wanted.
BEN8WANGKU A ZAUN Flro Insurance, 60
Fourth av..
Financial Wanted.
CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 181 Fourth av.,
Pittsburg, Pa. Loan Department Mpney to
loan on real esta'2 in any sums desired. Lowest
rates of Interest, oulct and economical service,
George Piper, manager.
JOHN K. EWING & CO., 107 Federal st, make
quick loans. .
ON EY at 5 per cent We have (50, 000 to loan,
f 300 np. Alles Bros. & Co., 164 Fourth av.
MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county
property at lowest rates. Henry A. eaver
A Co., 92 Fourth av.
rpp LOAN 1200,000 on mortgages: S100 and up
X ward at 6 per cent; (500,000 at iH per centon
residence or husiness property, vacant lots or
farms. S. H. French, 125 Fourth av.
WANTED Money to loan on easy payments In
a way that every man may own a home.
Call on or address W. J. Black. General Manager
Pennsylvania National Savings Fund and Loan
Association. CO Fourth av., Pittsburg, Pa. Agents
WANTED Mortgages on improved city or Alle
gheny city property, ilecune & Coulter, 1)3
Fourth av.
-NTED fiOO for one year; real estate secur
ity. Address ileal Estate, Dispatch office.
Miscellaneous Wanted.
TLECTBICMfe. and S iimlvCo.. 310 BIssell block.
I j Pgh.. 64 Federal. Allegli'y: Incandescent and
bell wiring;
electrical repairing a specialty;
pnone ista.
PAINTING and Plate Glass glazing. R.C. Miller,
526 Grant it.. Pittsburg.
ATENTS O. D. Levis (20 years), solicitor, 131
. Fifth av.. next Leader. Pittsburg: no delay.
a 'RUN Kb hauled to and from tne East End for
fifty cents. Campbell & Davis. No. 12 Seventh
av. Telephone 276.
USE Jones' Bedbug Paralyser Jones' Magi
Roach Powder; roaches banished by contract
satisfaction given or no pay. 222 Federal st. Alle
gbeny. Sold by all flrst-class druggists.
WANTED I want the poorest worst looking
horse that can bo lound In Pittsburg or
vicinity; an animal that looks as If It was mildewed
and now moulded, shaggy hair, not clipped; a
dirty old white horse preferred: apply tome with
horse, Duquesne Theater, 2 P. M., Thursday.
Fred. E. Wright, Manager Hoyt's "A Temperance
WANTED All business men to know ihat the
Office Specialty Co., 105 Third av., keep in
stock the latest and best office furniture, filing
cabinets and labor-saving office specialties ; work to
order and metallic vault fixtures are among their
WANTED To exchange a nice mare, boggy,
cart and harness for a fine saddle horse or
will exchange either mare or buggy for a diamond.
Address Baggy and Cart Dispatch office.
WANTED Everyone wno wants tne finest and
cheapest wall paper in America to send for
camples; sent free to any address. G, G. O'Brien,
Paint and TVall Paper Store. 282 Fifth av.
WANTED Second-hand paint mills; one SO to
36 in. and 6 to 15 in diameter: 2 mixers.
Eagle Paint & Varnish Works, Grant av,, Alle
gheny WANTED A portable engine and boiler 10 to IS
b. p. : will tint and in the end probably buy.
Address J. A.. 501 Germanla Bank building.
WANTED To purchase quick for cash, good
second hand light double harness. Address,
stating where can be seen, to Riding Academy,
Neville and Bayard sts.
WANTED Place of 5 or 10 acres, near railroad
ana within 80 minutes or an hour of the city.
Address 8. W., P. O. B. 4294.
WANTED To rent large top floor, centrally lo
cated. Address E. XL, Dispatch office.
"IIT ANTED One medium slzo second-hand safe.
Address P. O. Box 450,
J OOD and photo engraving: nail tones; electro
IV typing. Bragdon. 78 Fourth av.
Horses, Vehicles, Live Stock For Sale.
COW A fine A'derneyeow for sale cheap. In
quire of David Kirk, Darrah at., Oakland.
DELIVERY wagons Delivery wagons all stvle"
our own make. Wm. Beckcrt, 340 to 144 Ohio
St. Allegheny. Telephone 3420.
ORSES and mares 80 bead, sold for want of
you pick of stable. Chaut Lake Ice Company,
Thirteenth and Pike.
HORSE Anyone wanting a perfect ladles' h one
either for riding or driving will do well 'o
call at the r.dlng academy; the lady that owns It
has no further use for It: a perfect ladles' horse
fither under saddle or In harness frald of noth
ng: a nice bay 7 years old; will be sold cheap to
quick purchaser.
HORSE A large sorrel carnage horse, 16)
hands, 1.100 to 1,150; sold cheap for want of
use. Address E Iswortn av.. Dispatch office.
ICELAND PONY-Geldlng, solid black, very
handsome. 44 Inches high, scares at nothing,
perfectly gentle for riding or driving: also cart and
harness, good as new;-wlll sell cheap for cash or
exchange for good roadster. Box XI, New
Brighton, Pa.
Machinery and Metals For Sale.
BOILERS and engines. Mcond hand: all sixes,
from 4 to 100 h. p.; cheapest in the market; M
boilers and engines in stock, stationary and porta
ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.t
steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting.
Telephone sfol. 23-25 Park way. J. S. Young, Al
legheny, Pa. ,
RYANT and Acme automatic engines and boll
em hot water and steam heating exhaust fans
and ventilating fly fans, water and electric motors,
dynamos and electric lighting: general machinists,
engineers and contractors; stationary engines and
boilers. Tompkins & Ulrich, 316 Liberty Bt, Pitts
burg, Pa.
ENGINES and boilers: second-hand.
One rolling mill engine, 24-lncb cylinder, 48
inch stroke, in complete order.
One steam engine. 20-inch cylinder, 30-Inch
stroke, 10-ton fly-wheel. 12 ft, dla.
One pair steamboat engines, 30-tncb. cylinders, 48
lnch stroke.
One steam engine, 9-inch cylinder, 18-inch stroke,
slide valve. . ,.,..
Two Woodbury & Booth engines, 0-Inch cylinder,
12-lnch stroke. , , , , ,
Five engines, 8-inch cylinder, 12-lnch stroke, in
good repair. . ,
25 engines, from 2-lnch to 7-Inch cylinders.
One boiler. 44 Inches diameter. 24 feet long with
2 flues, 16 Inches diameter, complete with Are front,
grate bars, stack and ill fittings.
One bittery. 4 boilers. 42 inches diameter, 26 feet
long with 2 flues. 16 Inches diameter, complete in
every respect . . . .
Two boilers, 42 Inches diameter, 26 feet long, J
flues, 15 inches diameter: can bo, erected in battery
or single; very low price.
Three boilers 83 Inches diameter. 28 feet long, 2
flues. 14 inches diameter, very low price.
Two loc. pattern boilers, 18 h. p.
One loc pattern boiler. 25 h. p.
One loc. pattern boiler. 60 h. p.
These engines and boilers have been put In good
repair: will bear close Inspection, and for this class
of machinery are offered at very low prices.
The Faber Machinery Supply Co,, warehouse,
112 Water st
ENGINES and boilers or every description: brick
yard supplies; contractors' and roltlngmlll ma
chinery. Thomas Carllu's Sons, Lacock and San
dnsky sts., Allegheny.
GRINDSTONES-In all sizes, for all kinds of
grinding; Cratglelth. Newcastle, Nova Scotia
and other grits; Iron frames and fixtures for hand,
foot or power; mounted stone, oil stone, emery
wheels and grinders. Wm. M. Jvlrby. 138 First av.
Rubber Stamps and Stencils For Sale.
("lETyourrnbberstamps. stocl stamps, stencils,
T seal presses, brass checks, etc., from Sheaner
t Co., 49 Filth av,. Duff's College building.
IV berstamp outfit for making stamps, cost t, will
sell chean for cash. Premium Novelty Co., Box
219, Clarion, Pa.
STENCILS, steel stamps.
Seal presses, rubber stamps, etc.
W. A. Bunting SO Fifth av.. cor. Market
Musical Instruments.
IANO Fine upright piano, nearly new. cheap.
40 Montgomery av., Allegheny.
Miscellaneous For Sale.
BOOECASE-Large solid walnnt bookcase cheap.
Inquire 475 Webster av city.
ONE CENT a bolt wall paper Finer. 2c 2c:
gold, 3c; embossed solid gold, 4c: Ingrain, 5c;
send stamp for 100 samples. Reed, wall paper Job
ber, Rochester, Pa.
PRINTERS' stands and cases lor sale cheap: a
prompt buyer Will get a bargain: second-band
saw table In good condition; sold because spacf
needed. Apply Dispatch business office.
JO PRINTERS loo rype cases and a few stands
in good order for sale cheap. Apply The Dis
patch Counting Rooms.
Business Opportunities For Sale,
BUTCHER SHOP Engine chopper for making
bologua; easy terms. Address B. O, G Dis
patch office.
FINE grocery and meat market on the Southside.
doing large cash trade; new goods and best
location; will be sold very reasonably forthwith.
Address Meat Market 53 South Twelfth st
C1ROCEUY STORE-Neartne throbbing heart of
7 the Southside; a very neat stare: can be bought
cheap to a quick buyer; only II.COO; owner has
other Duslncss. Address James N. Wilkinson, 421
Wood St., Germanla building.
C GROCERY At a sacrifice; must be sold this
7 week; no better chance In the two cities for a
cash store; the price no object: must quit business.
Perclval & Gastou, 439 Grant st
HAT and gents' furnishing store In East End,
Pittsburg; good location. Care A. B, C,
Dispatch office.
HOTEL Lease and furniture for sale. Canton.
). ; a large brick hotel, built 1888; elegantly
furnished: has 45 rooms and all modern Improve
ments; located In the beautiful city of Canton,
having a population of 30,000 and being the county
seat of the best county In the State of Ohio; the
hotel Is located within 300 yards of the large Deuber
& Hampden Watch and Case Works, employing
2,000 skilled workmen; also situated at the ter
minus of the Canton and Masslllon electrlocar
line: In fact a splendid location In a booming and
growing city; a fine opening for an energetic notel
man: It Is for sale or rental owing to the death of
the proprietor. Address Chas. Krlclibaum.si'.m'l
care Uarter & Krlchbaum. att'js at law. Canton,
INTEREST in a manufacturing business; a rao
nopo y and offecjng large return.: to a good and
reliable representative business gentleman there is
an opening here worthy or Investigation; fuller
particulars will bo given confidentially at our
office and arrangements can he made to meet the
principal. Jas. V. Drape &-C0..313 Wood St.,
ONE of the finest meat markets on the Southside:
large cash trade: fine location; established 20
years: good reasons lor selling. Address Quick,
care 208 Smlthfield St., city.
JTEAM LAUNDRY for sale In Dn Bols. Clear
3 field co., cheap for cash. Box 215, Dn Hols. Pa.
CTORE Large first-class drygoods. shoe and hat
O store. In a thriving manufacturing town 40
miles from Pittsburg: location the best corner In
the town: property can be bought or leased; reasons
for selling, poor health of owner. Call or address
J. F. Maeder. 135 Fifth av., Pittsburg.
3 -CHAIR barber shop In thriving town near the
city: the present owner has been there 7 Tears
and Intends to go into other buslniss. but will
work with purchaser until he gets acquainted with
the cotomers; terms part cash and balance on easy
Eayments. For particulars call at Kof s W. Black's
arbers' Supply House, 712 Penn av between
Seventh and Eighth sts., Pittsburg.
Business Properties For Sale.
FIFTH AV., 409-Good business property. In
quire at premises.
City Lots.
LOTS on Bluff and Vlckroy sts., near college.
Robert Coward, SO Bluff st.
East End Lots For Sale.
C1ENTER AV. lots, 48x175, only (2,000 each (street
Improvements and ewers paid for; choice lo
cation: first-class Improvements: on a main thor
oughfare: a limited number only offered at this
price; terms to suit fceeM. P. Uowley &Son, 91
OR SALE-(1,200-Beantiful level lots 30x130 ft ;
St. 60ft. wide; on line of Duquesne traction:
easily and quickly reached; rapid euhancement
certain: Tuscarora. near Penn v., 22d ward. (148)
W. ,A. Herron A Sons. 80 4th av.
LOTS-120X130 on Kellv St., Brushton: nlccleve
lots, close to both lines of strict cars: the price
on these lots is much lower than those adjoining.
Howard Brown. 151 Fourth av.
SCHENL.Y PARK 1OU50X15U. or greater front
age if desired, on "W oodland avenue between
Forbes avenue and Schenley Park: beautifully sit
uated: on Squirrel Hill Street Railroad, aUo within
short distance of cable and Duquense lines; as
phaltum pavement and all other improvements;
cheap; easy terms. Apply S10O Forbes or 0 Fifth
avenue, Frank F. Nicola.
Suburban Lots For Sale.
I?OR SALE 30 acres within 2 miles of city line on
. Pittsburg. Cincinnati and bt Louis By. that
will subdivide to good advantage: low price and
easy terms. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 161 Fourth
( Farms For Sale.
DAIRY, stock or chicken farm Abont 70 acres;
1W miles from Baden station; cold spring;
spring house for milk; 5-room house, etc.: take
house iu part pay. bend stamp for particulars and
new farm and exchange list N. F. Hurst, agent,
Rochester. Pa.
East End Residences For Sale.
A itABELLA ST.. 6413. near Dennlston av.. E.
J. E. Frame house, 6 rooms, hall, finished attic,
bathroom, inside w. c., hot and cold water, both
gases, lront and back porches, cellar and laundrr:
8(1x120 feet to 20-foot alley. Apply on premises or
O. M. Hosteller, 520 Wood st
EAST END 2 nice brick houses of 8 rooms each,
batb. etc. : both in good order: in the East
End, near cable cars: rent (75 a month and assured
everymonth; will sell at a bargain to close an ac
count Jas. W. Drape A Co., 313 Wood st, Pitts
burg. LARGE mansion In the East End; new and good
location near the Eenmawr Hotel: would
make splendid boarding honse; owner leaving city:
and when I say that It can be bought at a great bar-'
Sain I mean It: call quick or you will lose. James
, Wilkinson, 421 Wood st -
OAKLAND PROPEKTY-Faved street 2 story
brick. 10 rooms, rec. hall, Interior handsomely
decorated and a complete home: good lot: addi
tional information and permit to see the property
from agenls. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 1C1 Fourth
Suburban Residences For Sale,
SWISbVALE A beautiful suburban home, lo
cated on one of the finest natural sites on the
P. R, R near station: brick house of 10 large
rooms: city water aud all modern Improvements: 6
acres of land. Improved with fencing and shrub
bery; anyone desiring a suburban home at a
reasonable price should examine thin property.
Hoffman A Ba'drldge, Wllklnsburg, opposite
WILKINSBURG -In oneof the most desirable lo
eatl ns lnWlltlnsburg.couvenlent to P.R R.
and electric cars; frame bouse, six rooms anq fin
ished attlc:good halLbath.w.c.hotand cold water,
electric lights and bells, natnral gas, hard wood
and slate mantels, range, front and back porch,
finished pantry, large lot; this property nhistbe
sold at once: price, (4.2M, Address P. o.Box 1053,
jriiisuurjr, r.
For Exchange.
EXCHANGE Brick house, fonr rooms and cel
lar, lot 62x62. lor drugs or soda fountain. .Ad
dress Me,, No, CdLowryit, Allegheny, Pa.
City Residences. ''
AN elegant 8-roomed pressed brick dwelling;
splendidly finished, of good appearance And
all modern Improvements: situated on the very
best resident street in the Eleventh ward; will sell
at a special bargain to a quick buyer. W. C Ber
1 nger A Co., 156 Fonrtb av.
BLUFF ST.. near college New brick honse, 8
rooms, hall, bathroom. Inside and outside w.
ct all late Improvements: terms to suit. Bobt.
Coward, 20 Bluff st.
tOPELANDST.--roomed frame house, with
' lot 50x120 feet price (5,000: Dearborn st, 5
roomed frame, almost new. price (2,800: Edmund
St., splendid 6-roomed brick dwelling, price (3.250;
Wylle av.. 3-roomed frame, almost new, level lot
etc., price (2,200: we have numerous other proper
ties at correspondingly low prices. W. O. Berin
gerACo.. 156 4th av.
FIFTH AV., east of Court House A three-story
brick of 12 rooms. lot 20x120 to Ann st: will
be sold at a bargain and on fair terms; belongs to
an estate. Baxter, Thompson A Co., 161 Fourth
av corner Grant st
FOR SALU Juit out, our new catalogue of prop
erties for sale, call or send for one free.
Snyder & White, 162 Fourth av.
TTOUSES Asplendld Investment: owner leaving
1-1 city; lot 183X270 on fine avenue, paved with
asphalt: one large elegant mansion, new one; old
mansion In good repair: one moderate sized honse,
new: will be sold as a whole, or slnil v with the de
sired amount of ground; this is the best bargain
that we have ever had on our books; remember,
owner leaving city, and saleposttlvely at a low
price. Call quick, James M. Wilkinson, 421 Wood
st, Germanla building.
HOUSE A large fine brick house, with 2X acres
of ground, adloinlna the residences of promi
nent people; room for 26 houses: reason for selling,
uvu. (.vwtv, i vviu svs v uvaoi.Pi a suxiuu awa vviiixgi
owner going to Europe and will discount the mar
ket price: this is worthy the attention of specula
tors or parties wishing a beautiful home: for sale
for 10 days only. James M. Wilkinson, 421 Wood
st, Germanla building.
ON easy payment plan, neat little homes: 5 rooms
and bathroom. Junction of Wylle and Center
avs; a few hundred dollars down: balance (20 per
month. J, a Reilly, 80 Diamond st
SIX seven-room crick houses, with hails, cellar,
both gases, in good order, near cable cars
Eleventh ward; will sell singly: small cash pay
ments, balance monthly if desired. G. W.Rankin,
135 Fifth avenue.
Ggprnn Only (500 cash-A big bargain and
dDOXJKJ special Inducements in a 10-roomed tene
ment house, with a first-class lot 50x100 feet to an
alley: situated In the Eleventh ward: convenient
to Wylle and Center av. traction roaas: price
(3,000, and only (500 down: terms' on balance made
to suit purchaser. W. C. Berlnger A Co., 156
Fourth av.
1 800 cash for a neat little home. 4 rooms only,
irA) with good cellar, bntit has a nice country
like appearance: grapevines, trees and shrubbery;
a few minutes' walk from Center av on Craig st. ;
lot 30 feet front J. C. Reilly, 80 Diamond st.
1 COO will buy a 5-roomed frame house near
tip J.; Center av.. with lot 10x100 feet; any person
desiring a cbeap property should not fall to see
this. W. C. Berfnger & Co. , 156 4th av.
flgQ SCO lor both: one two-story frame of 6
tffZi) rooms, ind one two-story brick of 4 rooms;
rent at (28 per month: Bedford av., near Fulton
st. J. C. Reilly. 80 Diamond st.
Allegheny Residences For Sale.
J7SPLANADEST,, Allegheny New brick bouse;
i Particulars. W. V. Dermltt. 407 Grant
PERRYSVILLE AV.-W111 sell very cheap to a
quick buyer new Queen Anne frame dwelling,
Perrysville av pear Charles st, Allegheny; all
improvements; large lot W. M.' Pollock. 150
Fonrtb av.
RESIDENCE A handsome douDle residence and
over an acre of ground, on' Perrysville av
Allegheny; abundance of shade and fruit trees,
shrubbery, spacious lawn, copious flow of water;
12 large rooms In the residence and modern
throughout in every particular; can be bought at a
reduced price: Immediate possession. James W.
lirape A Co.. 313 Wood at , Pittsburg.
City Residences.
PO LET 5-room house, 14 Cliff St.; (17. Inquire
L J. H. Friday, 222 Wylle av.
East End Residences To Let.
TO LET Meyran sv corner Louisa street: 8
large rooms, 2 wide nails, bath, w. s.. w. c,
hot and cold water, both gases, range, laundry,
etc ; house handsomely papered throughout; Im
mediate possession. Logue & Scbroeder, Ger
manla Bank building.
Allegheny Residences To Let.
TO LET' 182 North av., fronting the paries, brick
house, 10 rooms; all modern conveniences:
newly painted and papered throughout: elegant
location for roomers; rent (60. John K. Ewiug A
Co., 107 Federal st
TO LET John K. Ewing & Co., 107 Federal st,
headquarters for Allegheny houses. Get free
list -
TO LET Allegheny houses at reduced rates. A.
D. llsou, 58 Federal st, Allegheny
Rooms To Let.
ARCH ST.. Allegheny Four furnished rooms:
all conveniences: 20 rooms to select from. In
formation Bureau, 412 Penn av.
ARCH ST.. 63, Allegheny Furnished rooms
second floor, front.
C CENTRAL ST.. 21f. Allegheny Newly fur
J nlshed front room with private lamlly.
THEaTNUTST.. U.'Plttsburg-Furnhihed front
j rooms; both gases: (2 per week.
RIN ST., Allegheny Furnished rooms: all
prices, iniormation .Bureau, 4z renn av.
J7EDEBAL ST.. Allegheny Elegant rooms; all
. prices. Information Bureau, 442 Penn av.
FEDERAL bT 221. Allegheny Nice furnished
rooms with board; reasonable.
MONTGOMERY AV.. 46. Allegheny-Front con
necting rooms: elegaut location; moderate
rent; gases: bath; board if preferred.
MONTGOMERY AV.. Alleghenv-Elegant loca
tion: furnished rooms. Information Bureau,
442 Penn av.
ACE ST.. Allegheny Furnished rooms (10 np.
iniormation iiureau, 444 renn av.
ROOMS-Near parks, Allegheny, furnished
rooms with every convenience: terms moder-
ate. ceo pujucr nuiK, ju. s uui.ua.
SAMPSON BT., Allegheny Furnished rooms (3
upward. Information Bnreau, 412 Penn av.
SANDUSKY ST., 07. Allegheny-Elegant front
nnnnoitlno mnrtiai hnpH I f ocofappoH
THIRD AVE., 152, opposite postnfflce-Thlrd
floor; 2 rooms and attic J, S. Murray, 409
r bee additional aalew unaer Wanted Boarders
and Lodgers.
Offices, Desk Room, Etc, To Let.
rrtl) LET In the Ferguson hlork. Third and
J. Fourth avs., a few choice offices; day and
night elevator, electric clocks and Janitor services
free; rent low. Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth av.
fPO LET-ln the Hamilton building. 81-93 Fifth
X av., choice offices, with all conveniences; rent
low. Black A Balrd. No. 95 Fourth av.
Business Stands To Let. '
TO LET Room, with or without power; also,
storage room, dry kiln, capacity SO, 000 ft ; will
lease kiln or dry lumber by contract. Head Bolt
Works. Grant and Boquet sts,, Allegheny. Apply
on premises or to II. A. Spangler, Ihlrd National
Bank, Allegheny,
TO LET bpace with power, cor, Penn and Third
avs. ; three floors; 2a 000 feet space; abundant
power: good light: splendid location: every con
venience. Apply Nicola Bros., 20 Fifth av.
Miscellaneous To Lets.
TO LET Vacant lot 30x110, with stable, corner
Penn av.. Third st. and Exchange alley.
Apply Nicola Bros.. 20 5th ay.
PERSON AL-Edith E. Kese. ladles' hair dressing
parlors, 41 Federal st. Allegheny.
PERSONAL Mrs. Dr. McGranor's catarrh pow
der; sample box 10c 350 Wylle av.
ERSONAL Dr. F. H. Deteraiug. dentist cor
ner of Ohio and James streets, Allegheny City,
PERSONAL-Ladies. call at Madam Rohan's
L bair parlors; bangs cut, 15c; shampooing, 50c,
69 Federal st. Allegheny.
PElfcSUNAL-Credn, yes. credit on fine nress
goods, silks, satins, wraps,etc, at J. Dwyer's
Boom 4. McCance block. 701 smlthfield.
PERSONAL-Visit Mrs. Elliott's Hair Dressing
and Manicure Parlors; superfluous hair re
moved by electric needle. 642 Penn av.
PEKSONAL-Styllsh dressmaking; Miss Ooldlng.
dressmaking, from New York, guarantees
good fit and style at very moderate charges.' 212
jjiumuuie au, city,
ERSONAL klderly nennle and lnynltrta wlah-
JT lug to engage a reader by tne hour at reason
able terms would do well to address Mrs. Brauche,
P. O. Gen. Del., Pittsburg.
PERSONAL llalr. moles, etc., on ladies' faces
permanently destroyed by the electric needle
without pain or scar; consultation free. Mlol
btreng. office 903 Penn av.. Dickson building.
PERSON AL-Ladles wishing to tako Turko Face
Baths or face massage for removing blemishes
and improving the complexion will please visit my
parlors at 903 Penn av.. Pittsburg. Miss Sherwood.
PERSON AL Marriage paper containing hun
dreds of personal advertisements of ladles and
gentlemen, worth rrom II.COO to SM.00O. who want
to marry: mailed free. Address Gunnels' Monthly,
Toledo. O. . '
PERSONAL-By1 agreeing to pay (1.00 per week
or (10 per month you can get possession of a
gold or silver ladles' or gents,' watch at the Jewelry
store of John MItsch, 130 Federal at, Allegheny,
Pa, Diamonds, Jewelry, silverware, clocks, etc.,
on similar terms.
ERSON AL When I was a small boy my mother
always repaired lny breeches and Jacket bnt
since I got to be a great big man. Dickson,- the
well-known tailor, 65 Fifth av cor. W ood st.
second floor, has been substituted, who now does
all my cleaning, pressing aud renovating In great
shape. Tel. I5is.
PERSONAL Christmas Evans' admirers should
Immediately call on his nephew. Dr. Griffith,
Third -and Grant Pittsburg: bis great Ta-va-zon
specific remedies positively core worst casis ca
tarrh, rheumatism, general debility, weak stom
ach, lungs, kidneys, nervous prostration re
stored; examine home testimony; truly wonderful
P1TFNTQ O.D.LEVIS (next Leader)
Vr ItniO, jsi Finn av., Plltsburz, P
Twenty years solicitor.
ALS will be received At tho office of H.
GolUags & Son, corner of Beltzhoover
avenue and South street, np till IX o'clock
noon OCTOBER 13, 1881, for the constructing
of a double crock sewer U inches big each,
on Murry avenue rrom Third street to Sec
ond street, down Second to Howard aver.ne,
said streets situated in said borough, flans,
specifications and further information can
be had at the above-named office. Conn oil
reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Notice, all bids will be rejected that are not
in at the above specified time. .
1892 Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will
be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. (Cen
tral standard time), TUESDAY, the 1st dav
of November, 1892, for famishing at the Q.
M. Depot here, 180,000 gallons of mineral oU,
of 183. flash test, in cases of two five-gallon
cans each. Government reserves right to
reject any or all proposals, and to accept
the whole quantity, or any portion of the
mineral oil bid for. All information fur
nished on application her. Envelopes
containing proposals should be marked
"Propooal for Mineral Oil," and addressed
Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, Depot
in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of busi
ness, September 30, 1892t
Loans and discounts (1,214,412 51
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 295 32
U. 8. bonds to secure circulation J2-900 S"
Stocks.securIUes.Jndgments.clalms.etc 202,959 M
Due from approved reserve
agents ( 121.116 63
Due from other National
banks 33,796 67
Dne from State banks and
bankers 2,805 52
1 162.718 87
Banking house furniture and fixtures... 113.000 00
Other real estate and mortgages owned. 69,854 65
Current expenses and taxes paid 10.092 43
Premiums on U. S. bonds 8,000 00
Checks and othercashltems.! 10.167 03
Eichanres for clearinghouse 63,594 GS
Bills of other banks 7,112 00
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents 2,262 68
Specie 154,932 00
Legal tender notes 54,850 00
1 292,918 33
Redemption fund with TJ. S. Treasurer
(5 per cent of circulation) 2,250 00
Capital stock paid in ( 5"0.C00 09
Surplus fund..., 200 000 CO
Undivided profits 37,755 17
National banknotes outstanding 45,100 00
Dividends unpaid J, 435 00
Individual deposits subject to
check (1.173,058 46
Demand certificates of de
posit 29,122 00
Due to other National banks. 155,450 21
Due to State banks and
bankers 15,220 78
(1,372.851 45
(2,157.101 62
State ofPennsylvania ..
County or Allegheny. "
I. Wm. Stelnmeyer. Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true, to the best of mv knowledge and be
Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 4ih day
of October. 1892.
JAS. A. McEEAN. Notary PubUc.
Correct Attest:
FIR3TNATT0NAL BANK, at Pittsburg. In
the State of Pennsylvania, close of business, Sep
tember SO. 1892.
Loans and discounts (2,742,161 23
Overdrafts, secured -and unsecured 7.927 SI
U.S. bonds to secure circulation 50, ao 00
Stocks, securities. Judgments, claims,
etc .... 46,269 05
Due from approved reserve
agents ( 330,715 22
Due from other National
Banks 122.9C9 28
Due from State banks and
bankers , 25.422 2X '
4S9,11 72
Banking bouse, furniture and fixtures.. 2W.0C0 00
Other real estate and mortgages owned 98,682 22
Current expenses and taxes paid 23,026 99
hecks and other cash items. 10,688 08
Exchanges for clearing house 175,709 73
Bills or other banks 9,700 00
Fractional piper currency,
nickels and cents 194 07
Specie : 264.950 00
Legal tender notes , 260,000 00
( 721.241 88
Redemption fnnd with U. S. Treasurer
(5 percent of circulation) Z 250 00
Dne to U, S. Treasurer other than 5 per
cent redemption fund 16,000 00
Capital stock paid In ( 750.000 09
burplus fund 2 0.000 00
Undivided profits 101,804 12
National bank notes outstanding 45,000 00
Dividends nupald 6,970 10
Individual deposits subject
fo check (2,921 310 98
ueniuea eneexs o.sf,oi
Due to other National banks 230,576 59
Due to State banks aud bank
ers 124,915 72
3.282.921 30
(4.430,695 42
State ofPennsylvania, 1
County or Allegheny. "
I. J. D. Scully. Cashier of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement
is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. D. SCULLY. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to Defore me this 10th day
or October, 1892.
W. F. ROBB, Nc-tary PnbUe.
Correct Attest:
- Directors.
NewTork, KinjTston-on-Hndson.
Classical, Scientific and English Courses.
. JOHN M. CICOsH, A. M., Principal.
Get a Practical Business Education.
Full courses of study. Underthe visitation
of the Begents of University of New York
and War Department KT. RKV. F.D. B.UNT
xne ors reuaoie scnooi mat ua wub,k tu,uuj
students. Fall term begins September 5. kngush,
school that has educated 40,009
normal. Classical, scienunc raecuanicai, uw"
keeping, shorthand, typewriting, music and elocu
tion courses. Day and evenlug. Send for cata
logue. 11. M. RiAVE. Pii. P.. President
Established 12 years. Day and night schools for
young men and women. Open the entire year.
Students may begin at any time. Bookkeeping,
shorthand, typewriting and English departments.
Bookkeeping taught by actual business practice.
Write for free pictorial catalogue.
, M. J. CONNER, President
J. M. PHILLIPS, Dean of Faculty.
AT .
Money can be saved by buying at once. '
Hundreds are moving into the new city daily.
The great Chambers Glass Works will start this week. .
All the manufactories located are running steadily.
Every dollar invested at Kensington will soon doubla
Free railroad tickets furnished at office of
Allegheny People
Residence Seekers in General.
A beautiful home with large grounds,
stately trees and velvet lawn.
It would take a lifetime to reproduce tha
Location unexcelled for health and Booial
Your neighbors are moving to tho East
End. Why stand ye Idle?
Come where we have
421 Wood Street, Germanla Building.
Surrounded by (30,000 Residences.
Buy this property) and build honsos to sell
for $6,500. Any real estate man can tell you
that we are besieged with customers, all
wanting a moderate price house
And we challenge any man to produce tha
equal of this orchard plot for the money.
421 Wood street.
GRAND LOT 100x150,
Worth $125; will sell at $90 if bought this
121 Wood street,
Germanla Building.
Larse, elegant honse, one aero ground
stable, etc. Apply to
' 121 Wood street.
Elegant house and lot; fine neighborhood;
no physician within 1 mile radiating; each
way; best location In Allegheny county, and
can bo bought low; terms easy.
121 Wood street.
4 1-2 Acres.
Three railroads andNMonongahela river
frontage. Best site for the money In Alle
gheny county. LIGGETT BEOS..
71 Diamond street.
23x129; fronting on Bedford and Webster
avenues: healthy location. If you desire to
build a home, see these lots; prices right and
terms very easy.
80 Diamond street.
PUBLIC SALE Saturday, Ootober 8, 1892,
good husiness property close to Char
tiers xtatlon, P. 4 L. E. B, K., Nos. 18 and 29
Bell avenue, one square from electric cara.
Now being made to our building for the easy
handling of a large stock of wall paper will
not he completod until October IS, until
whieh time we will offer the same low prices
made during our remnant sale. On account
of being so upset we must offer extra in
ducements to buyers, otherwise a great part
of our stock will be ruined If not sold. Next
year the prices of wall paper will be higher.
Buy now you will save money. We pay 8o
postage on samples of wall paper, which we
send thee to any address. If the samples
were not the best and our prices the lowest
this money would be wasted. We pay
freights on all orders of $3 or over. When
yon come to the Exposition call and see our
stock. .
Paint and Wall Paper Store, 292 Fifth Ave,
three squares from Court House.
801D BT .
Fine Groceries and Table Delicacies,
Sixth avenue. Jy20ont
FIRST FLOOR, Pittsburg, Pa,
tr. i
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