SaSsKssS SH HS spSPS ASK r ylr'Jf r v THE MTTSBUKGr DISPATCH, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 1892. Pittsburg Business interests ceive a Grand Impulse. Re- An Established Institution That TFelcomcs All Visitors -A rciv Word About Its Harness anil Its Methods. ThIlntho caon of the joar when the lniinps Interests or Pittsburg lecolvo a Dour lli ulse anil prosper to tlio greatest ex tent. , 1 110m inds of people come to the city who Cniiin at no other period nnd make their nrchacs Tor tile jear. Kvery Interest It N the quickening movement of this In c rcasc r Imsiiu ss, and ecry hand is kept busy in mtnt'Ccrinjc to the demands of the Vcoplo. An Institution tliit has boon eatabllshed for so ions :i tlmo m tliit of Drs. Copeland. llallund lljcri naturally reocl os a great lutrniuu-e nt this time of tlio year, as hun dreds o p -oplo who come to the oily avail themselves of the ouportiinity to visit this p iular iiivil'cnl Ulnpensary, and place tl.emseles under ilio personal care of the pMsichms. I)r. Oipolnnd. Hull nnd Byers extend a lieartv welcome tonll visitors. While the tieatmclit tluit they give their patients who live out or the city isin many cases attended by the same results as tlmt administered personally to Cillers at the office, it Is of course an advantase to make n personal diagnosis of each case and to base tlio treat ment upon actual observation of the physi cal condition of the sufferer. Something About the Business. Although Drs. Copeland, Hall and Brers occupy a crtat deal of spaco In the papers from week to meek, there are many people "n ho do not thoroughly understand the sys tem put sued by tlice physicians. It is often nskecl, "What do Drs. Copeland, Hall and BtersdoT" They do this: They make a specialty or treating people affected with diseases of the nose, throat, lunirs and other chronic diseases. Thryieqnire a small fee lor a month's treatment so small as to be within the reach of everybody, $5 and they save to their patients the cost of a drug bill by fur nishing medicine tree. Drs Copeland, Hall and Byers are regu larly eraduated plij sicians and hare a bill of hetlth as clean as that or any puyslctan In this citv. Their training, their years of experience, their constant study of this character of diseases splendidly equip them lor tlielr work. This is enough for those who care to think about the mstter. Drs. Cope'ind. Hall and Uyers want to reach every man, woman and child In this vicinity who has a dlsea-e of the nose, throat or lungs, or who may be t-uffering from any other chronic ailment and especially those who have been given up by other physicians, so that they maj furnish the relief and euro that they feel certain of being able, to effect. Personal Statements Printed. The strongest leatnre of the advertising done by Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers, Is the publication of statements made by pa tients who have been tinder their care. These statements are accompanied by the name, address and portrait of the persons who make them. Tney describe the experi ence or the patient from the beginning of nis sunenng until the end thereor, which Is brought about by the treatment of Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers. These state ments do not come from people who live in remote places, or from distant and obscure towns. They are from peopte in this city and vicinity. They are from your friends and neighbors, and can be easily verified and substantiated. Nothing is more convincing than direct; straightfor ward personal testimony. When a man or a woman has been Buffering from a disease lor years, and. after trying numbers of physicians and all kinds of remedies, have tailed to be re lioied or cured until the v placed themselves under the treatment of Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers, their testimony unit convince the most skeptical of the knowledge, skill and ability of these physicians. These state ments are not given in return for Iree treat ment, nor do tliey come from people who are bribed or purchased. They come from well known rrtadralt of Plmburg and vicinity who have- paid vfor then- treatment, and trhese truthfulness and Integrity cannot be "Impugned or impeached. Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers believe that if sucii testi monials could not convince those who hesitate pbout coming to them for treat ment, nothing in the world will. The lollowlng testimonials are presented to-daj : SIK. ETTXEX'S STOKT. en- as workers, nailers, sawmakers, etc., are liable. This at times so often affects the system that the patient, before he is aware of It, suffers from almost total nervous prostra tion and debility, due to depleted and viti ated blood, as well as the local trouble canned bv the Irritating partiolei Of dost flying In the air, and needs careful and gi eral constitutional treatment as well treatment directed to the local ailment. Mr. John Horan, a coal miner, who lives at Woodvllle, P. O., a little hamlet 10 miles distant, on the Washington branch or the Tanhandle Hallway, sajs: "1 had been troubled off and on for several years, and doctored from time to time with little or no benefit, till Anally I grew so bad 1 became seriously alarmed about my condition, and felt that 1 would have to have immediate relief or give up my work. I ached all over neirly all the time, and my body felt as sore as if it had been pounded with a dab. I had a constant pain over my eyes and through my temples and my eye-balls ached and pained me away back into my head. I also had shooting pains through my chest to each shoulder blade, pain and soreness In the small or my back, over the region of my kidnevs, nnd palu shooting down the legs to the knees, with nt times a numbness and pricking sensation, as of needles Jagging me. "My nose and throat were constantly stopped up with a sticky, tenacious muens and 1 would often hawk out little chunks of hard stun as black as coal. My ears were also affected by roaring and hissing sounds. "The appe tite became affected and nothing I ate seemed to agree with me. After eat ing, my stomach would sn ell up like a drum, and I was troubled with belching of gas, palpitation of heart, dizzy and smothering sensations, etc "Although I slept sound, my sleep was troubled with horrid dreams, and I worked all night in these dreams, and awoke In the morning tired, uurcfreshed, sore and aching all over. "I shall alwavs bless the dav I was directed to Drs. Copeland. Hall and Byers, for they H have done lor me what no other doctors could do, they have cured me safe and sound, and now I feel like a new peison. I have no aches or pains, eat nnd sleep well, and awaken in the morning rested and anxious for my dally work. I shall never forget what they have done for me." Treatment S3 a -Month for AH Diseases With Medicines Famished Free. ness over my eye and through my temples. .u me time Mr nostrils with a tough were stunned UD a mucus, wnicn aiso dropped down into my throat, causing hawking and spitting to raise. I couched up great clots ot terrible looking stuff. I had sharp, shooting pains tbroush my chest, with a it f a blir weitrhc had been placed on my chest, which made it hewy bearing down pain as 1 had been Placed on tnv chest. difficult to draw a full breath. ME, M'CUITS CASE. Unable to Work Since Last Fall, but Under Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers Treat ment He Resumes Work In Three Weeks Time and Is Xow Working SteadUy. An of late Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers have been reporting cases of such an aggra vated nature that they require from four to eight months to cure, they take pleasure this week in publishing the statement of Mr. William JlcCue. showing what quick re sults are sometimes noticed by their method of treatment. Mr. McCue Is a bricklayer by occupation, at present In the employ of Messrs A. 11c- "Wheneverl would go to work the stoop ing over would cause snoh a severe pain through my stomach It would start me to vomiting and finnjly I became so bad I had to give up my work entirely. My appetite tailed ma and I couldn't sleep. I got up In the morning tired and unre.fresbed. 1 be came so weak I could hardly walk around and staggered on the street like a drunken man. T had worked only nine days from last fall and this only by pleoe-raeal. I felt so miserable and became so cross and peev ish my wife hated to see me around, the house. "I consulted Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers August 11, and no one can apprcolato tlio difference between how I telt then and now. 1 be?an to Improve at once, and oil September 2, Just three weeks afterward, went to work again, and could have made full time each day If the work could have been given to me. I am able to work full time now. I eat well, sleep well, have no dis tressing coughing, or hawking or spitting, the racking pain and weight 'on chest are gone and I feel like anew man. I The most remarkable part of it all Is that I derived all this benefit from Just one month's treat ment, but, to make sure of a permanent cure. I have rjald for another month's treat ment and Intend to keep on, so there will be no chance fora return of the trouble. I have often thought of how much money and suffering I might have saved if I had con sulted Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers a year ago, and put myself under a thorough course of tieatment, Instead of dilly-dallying along with oongh syrups and prescrip tions which did mo no good." Treatment $5 a Month for All Diseases With Medicines Fur nished Free. WOMAN'S TBOUBLE. most painful and annoying disease in the catalogue of human ills. Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers treat suc cessfully all curable cases at 66 Sixth ave nue, Pittsburg, Pa. Office hours, t to 11 x. it, to Br. it. and 7 to 9 J. H. Sundays, 10 JL. K. to4F. X. Specialties Catarrh and all dis eases of the eye, ear, throat and lungs; dys pepsia cured; nervous diseases cured; skin diseases cured. Many cases treated successfully by malL aena x-cent eiauiu iui uost.uu wsuk. Address all mall to C6 Sixth avenue, Pittsburg, DK8. COPKLAND, HAIL & BYEBS, '. Pa, $5 A MONTH AM. DISEASES TEEATED AT THE UKI FOBM KATE OF $5 A MOKTII. REMEM BER, THIS IVCLTJDES CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION, TREATMENT AND MED ICINE FOR ALL DISEASES AND ALL PA TIENTS. St25 He Testifies Fully and Freely to the Ability and Skill of Drs. Copeland, HaU and Bjers. Mr. Joseph Ettlep, Lazearville, W. Va a boxmanulacturerby occupation, has been a patient of Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers for a short time past, and, in speaking of his illness and recovery, made the following statement: "I was a sick man for four years," said Mr Ettien. "1 did not know a well day in nil that time. My trouble was brought on by exposure. I contracted a severe cold to which I paid little attention, expecting It to disappear naturally. It did not go away, however.but kept getting worse till it seemed to attack every part of my system. 3Ir. TTm. McCur, Ko. 103 Dawson St., Allegheny. Donald & Son, contractors, corner Third avenue and Market street, and resides at No. 109 "Dawson street, Alleghenv. He states: "I had been ailing for four years. I had a continual palu in my head with a full- General Weakness, Pain, Distress and Ex haustion Results of Catarrh, - Many women to-day suffer pain and are weak and nervous without knowing tho cause. Their work greatly fatigues them and they cannot eat well. At night they rest poorly, and in tho morning feel wholly unfit for the duties of the day. In short, they are miserable from general impair ment or health, besides enduring pain and distress hard to fully describe. Many such cases are the result of catarrh, which affects the whole system, and they find quick and certain relief from treatment fitted to the case. 'ucli an instance Is related below by Mrs. Mellna Eardley, No. 1354 Second avenue, city. Said she: "I had been troubled so long that I almost despaired of ever getting roller much less a cure; but thanks to the careful and skillful treatment of Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers i nave received ostn reiior ana cure, i was troubled so with headaches that sometimes I felt that I would go out of my head, pains all over forehead, through temples, on top and in back of head and back of neck. My neck would become sore and stiff with a constant desiie to draw it backward to ob tain teller from the strain. "I couldn't sleep at night, couldn't lay in bed, I was nervous and restless, with a con stant dread hanging over me, and was ns tiled and sore all over in the morning as if I had been beaten with a club. "I had but little appetite and what little I ate caused a bloated and uncomfortable feeling. I got so I vomited almost every meal and toward the last I both vomltoa up blood and passed blood from the bowels. I lost flesh and strength steadily, night sweats came on and altogether I was in an almost hopeless state. "Urs. Copeland, Hall and Byers curea me of all my distressing ailments and I feel that I cannot speak too highly of the. kind and careful attention given me by those skillful physicians." Treatment by Mall. To the PmLic: The system of mall treat ment pursued by Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers guarantees tho same effective results to those who desire to submit their cases through correspondence as to those who come in person. Their "question blank," if properly filled out, will diagnose your case in a thorough way, and, as medicines are promptly shipped, those living out of the city have the R tme advantages as those who come to the office. Write for the $a-inonth treatment by mail, medicine fiee, and rid yourself of the GRA PLUSH SACQUES Reshaped, $5. SEAL SACQUES Reshaped, $15. Waists Cut and Stitched, $2. HAM'S FUR ID PLUSH REPAIR CO., Corner Fifth and Market, Veraer Building. (Conducted by W. F. Graham, formerly of Wood street.) set su NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Off with the old, on with the new, Is a saying wise and true, But no other tailor, old or new, Can do what Nicoll, the Tailor, Can do for you. He is showing the largest stock of FALL STYLES; (over 2,000 Patterns to choose,) FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. He makes the best to order gar ments in the world, at prices to Suit, Overcoat or Trouser the wage; earner as well as the man of income. A. Awirjiinvi'TJwri BIG DROP. Two Hundred and Fiftv Gold Flllod Case Watches lor Ladies and Gents, Elgin, Wal thain, Hampden and Springfield movements. Slaughtered this week for $10. Warranted 20 years. Sold by watch clubs and Installment asentsat$38 Come early. Send for my illustrated catalogue free. B. E. ARONS, JEWELER, Wholesale) and Retail, 68 3PII?TKt AVEJ2VUJ3. se23 mwfsu fail iff KmO. 410 SMITHFIELD ST. Samples mailed to you. on reqttest Garments made and delivered at short notice. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WE GIVE A FULL HONEST DOLLAR'S WORTH FOR A DOLLAR. TWO AND TWO MAKE FIVE! TO GIYE MORE THAN A DOLLAR'S WORTH FOR A DOLLAR MEANS BANKRUPTCY. SC25-229 THE GREATEST OF THE AGE. NO NO Special lenses giouud on the premises. CHESSMAN OPTICAL COMPANY, 42 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa. ARTIFICIAL EYES INSERTED. See Exhibit in Exposition Building. sell-Tursu A WONDER OF THE AGE. All the prominent druggists are now sell ing niieumacura as a standard article of their tiade, although it has been but a short tlmo on the market, itsfotmeruse, for over nine yo&ts, having been confined to the pri vate piactlce of the prominent physician who originated it. In hundiedsof cases of rheumatism, gout and lumbago It has never failed in a single Instance to benefit the pa tlont, giving immediate relief Irom pain and wholly curing the disease if given a fair trial. As un example, a gentleman, whoe unsought testimonial Is eloquent with thanks for the boon or restored health, cer tifies that he suffered terribly with rheu matism for 25 years, which nether medi cines nor the baths of Hot Springs, lit. Clemens or Los Vigas would relieve, but less than a bottle of Rheumacura, which he be gan taking on the 19th or Nov., 1891, freed him ii om pain, and he has never felt a twinge of the rheumatism since. "From its action in my case," he says, "I consider it one or the wonders of the age." .y'KIIIIEft CHESSMAN HTGCO.. "No they don'tl" cries one. "Yes they dol' cries another. "Rubbishl" says a third. In facing a fact it is just as well to sta;e if squarely in the face.. Two and two do not make fire any more than a merchant can do an honorable; profitable business if he makes a practice of giving $1.25 worth of goodi for $1.00. Any sensible reader of this advertisement knows this. DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR. When we began business in Pittsburg six weeks ago, and stocked our warehouse with the best Furniture, Carpets and Home Furnishings that money could buy or experienced taste select, we adopted DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR as our basis for business. The Promises Made We Keep. Our inducements were: First To sell goods on the smallest margin of profit. Second To represent the goo'ds to be what they are. Third To give our patrons the benefit of a small first payment and easy installments. These have been faithfully carried out. Results a rapidly growing trade. Confidence'cstablished with our patrons. Everybody Pleased and Satisfied. Customers find no cause for complaint in their dealings with us. We make it a point to suit them in GOODS, PRICE and TERMS. FURNITUR c. OlO Penn Ave.. Pittsburg;. Fa, For sale by all Price 88 per bottle, druggists. Send your name and address and we will mall, free, pamphlet or testimonials. se25-TTSsu HUT .TOTTK 8PECTALCKS AT Tlie Reliable O Eyes Examined Free. Vptloitlx. Free. iJ Artificial Eyes Inserted. J. DUJU0ND,I3& Parlor Suits Every Style of Upholstery. Bedroom Suits Oak, Walnut, Etc., Modern Makes. Extension Tables, Card Tables, Fancy Tables. Buffets Oak or Walnut, Superb Designs. Wardrobes, Fancy Chairs, Rockers, Etc., Etc. CARPETS. Moquettes, Velvets, Body Brussels, Tapestries, Ingrains, Rag, Etc., Etc., Rugs, Mats, All Sorts, All Sizes. THESE TERMS TO ALL. Be it understood we are one price to everybody. A child may buy from us with the same assurance of satisfactory treatment as an expert judge of values. $ 12 WORTH, 50 CTS. CASH, 50 CTS. WEEKLY. $ 25 WORTH, $1.00 CASH, 1.00 WEEKLY. 50 WORTH, 2.00 CASH, 2:00 WEEKLY. 75 WORTH, 2.50 CASH, 2.50 WEEKLY. 100 WORTH, 3.00 CASH, 3.00 WEEKLY. OUR patrons must be satisfied. It is a point with us as well as with them future trade is the sequel to satisfactory dealings. ALL TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL. Do us the favor to pay us a visit. We invite inspection of stock and investigation of methods. LOOK FOR COLORED ELECTRIC LIGHTS. MURPHY BROS. 3 RELIABLE HOME FURNISHERS, 27 Seventh St., Near Penn Ave., Pittsburg Pa. SC5U-114 LADIES' FASHIONS . Pass in a seemingly endless review before you when visiting our Cloak Parlors. Jackets and Reefers, Wraps and Capes, Long Garments and Dresses, Fur Garments and Fur Articles each in a thousand and one of new and different styles, and each style at an astonishingly low price. We append a few examples: Mr Joteth Etlien, Ixtzeanille W. Va. "I had catarrh of the head, no9e and throat My heid wasracted with distress Ins pains JIynoe and head were stopped u at tune?, and caned considerable hawk ing and spitting The catarrh finally ex teadea to my bronchial tubes and stomach. 1 1 ad terrible pains in the'ehest and In the lisht side 'Myitomnch was in an awful condition. 1 had no appetite, nnd, Then I torced myself to rat, rnv lood lay like lead, causing a lieay bloated ud feeling with belching of p.i" SIvhowe's were ont of order. In tact, I wr.s ick all over, and my condition be came so bad that 1 thought I could never be cmed. I lost flesh nnd strength steadily. "1 went to a number of physicians and twk tieatment from them, bat obtained no ioliff "I'ersnaded by fi iend, but without much Vope I went to l)r. Copeland, Hall and Som I 1 ave been nmler tlielr treatment a little oicr thiee months and am now a well man. 1 hsieno moie pain; my head, nose, thro it and chest sive mono trouble: tnv slon.nch and bon els are all right again. I can cat anything. I am strong nnd hen ty, and can attend to my duties as well as 1 ever could. "I heartily lecommend Drs. Copeland, Jlall and Bjers to all sufferers, for they have made a non man of me. as I had lost all hope." TREATMENT-S5 a Month for AH Diseases With Medicines Furnished Free. A COAI. HUNCH'S STATKMJENT, ONLY IB.SH For eletjant Cheviot Beefers, 32 inches Ions; box back, welt seams, bound with silk braid; elegant and seviceable; blact or blue; regular price 510. ONLY SI.SD For the stylish Watteau Coats (watteau back and reefer front) made of fine Scotch Mixtures; .notch collar; regular price $12. sillllPlillB KiyiPiiiiiiiiiii CHILDREN'S FASH THIS NEW FALL SUIT 2.98. Ill 1 Illustrating tlio i:iTcct or Irritating Parti cles of Hunt and Kxposure to the Damp nil rml Air or the IHinrs. Although chronic catarrh in this climate Is nr.irl nlum caused by neglected colds, orcis.oually the exciting caue Is traced to Irritating nartlclei of dust and exposure to loul.iir. ns of ro il mine-, factories, etc. This lorin ofcaturili in due to particles of fine dust being carried In tho uir Inspired, in 1 nled from the mote laden atmosphere In BlP. mines, factories, etc, and to which ttontcutters. cutlers, coal miners, brass- For fine French Cord or Diag onal Box Coats, 34 inches long; one of the neatest Fall styles out; in heavy or medium weight; regular price $14. Oil $15 For extra fine Imported Tailor made London Cheviot Coat; Tl, .I... b1aa . t. .1. !11- -u.oiiuu DICCtC, CUUb UdUk, Etlfc. I braid binding; regular price 522. 1 Think of ill A fine Tan or Gray Suit, with box plaited waist and bell skirt (just like above cut), for only 52 38. The material alone is worth 54. Sizes from 32 to 44. Here's another: Choice from two styles of Ladies' Serge Suits, viz.: Marlowe Suit with short jacket, long-tailed back and tight-fitting vest, or a novelty suit with silk Duffing in front, tight-fitting basque and bell skirt; both suits lined all through. Jnst received 50 Herring, bone fancy mixed Suits; postil lion back, bell skirt, Bishop sleeve; at only $10. KAUFMAN NS. FALL QVERGDATS. We delight in showing our fine array of Fall Overcoats, because it's bound to chal lenge your admiration every time. Uver 500 entirely new styles to choose from, and every one a BEAUTY a marvel of the tailor's skill. Arid these superbly made and perfectly fitting garments are offered at prices within the reach of all. OUR $10 LINE Consists of fine Scotch Cheviots, Kerseys, ' Meltons and Imported Mixtures, in tan, gray, drab, brown, etc., etc. The cheapest gar ment in the line is worth $ 14. OUR $15 LINE Consists of strictly imported materials, in cluding Rough-Finished Worsteds, Carr Mel tons, Scotch Cheviots, West ot England 'Cloths, Covert Cloths, etc. garments which the most fastidious gentleman will be proud of. Prices for same goods range from 20 to 25 elsewhere according to the dealer's ability to buy advantageously. r fflT 'RcStfrH ir , tf IvEtfi ' ' tTp M7 " v V-a" L . '2 ( I r TIG TO If you see any advantage in ordering your new Fall Suit, Overcoat or Trousers WHERE you have the largest variety of finest French, German, English and Scotch Piece Cloths to choose from, WHERE first-class work only is the standard, and WHERE prices range from 20 to 30 per cent below other first-class tailors if you see any advantage in these facts, then leave your measure in our Custom Tailoring Department. Mr. Sam Williams, the well-known artist cutter, is still "on deck" here, and his skill and care form the best guarantee that your clothes will fit you to perfection. SEE WE SUITS WE MAKE TO ORDER FOR They are the counterpart of anything turned out by other merchant tailors at $50. If you prefer to save $15 to paying them to some high price exclusive tailor, come in and leave your measure. See Our $8 Made-To-Order Trousers; They cannot be matched elsewhere below $12. Have their headquarters here, and every mother knows it. Where other houses show one style of a Boy's Suit or Girl's Coat we show ten; and where others show ten we show a round hundred. And, when it comes to prices, competition must take a back seat altogether. Come and see for yourself. We court investigation. We invite criticism. We challenge comparison. The more you see of our goods, prices and methods of do ing business, the more you will like to purchase from us. $35 MONDAY AND TUESDAY FINEST SHOES $2.50, Fully Worth L A fortunate opportunity played M0 pairs of Ladies' Finest French Glazed DongoU Street Shoes into our hands for less than the cost of manufacture. Instead of soil Ins them gradually at tho regular price, we will let them all bo To-Morrow and THesdayfor$J 60. Widths, A to E; sizes, 2K to 7. Common Sense or Opera toe. KAUFMANNS. ML Our Millinery Parlors cannot fall to at tract and fascinate every lady wishing a fine Fall Hat at moderate cost. Here are some beautiful specimms of the most iaih ionable styles: Kich Velvet Hats, iastefully trimmed, came as offered elsewhere for 8; OUR PBICE $4 95.- Neatly trimmed Felt "Walking Hats and Turbans, same as offered elsewhere at $5; OTTB PKIOE ?2 93. A full line of TJn trimmed Hati in all the newest shapes and colors, worth $1 and over, AT ONLY 69a Those new French Felt Hats, which are now all the rage, AT ONLY ?1 49. All colors. 49o for a bunch of Princess Ostrich worth ?1. Black Ostrich Tips (3 in a bunch) at 25o per bunch; worth 75c A lot of fancy Feathers at 25o; worth 76c. 19 CENTS for No. 22 Gros Grain Kib bon and all-silk Moire Ribbon; worth 45c. KAUFMANNS. Tips HALF HOSE For Half Price. 25c ft Or $1.35 for Half Dozen, Of Men's finest English Merino Half Hose, Just the thing for Fall wear, and never sold before for lessihanSOcperpair. This is the best hosiery bargain ever offered anywhere. Don't miss it KAUFMANNS. THE NASCIMENTO DERBYS AND SILK HATS, -fjp' THE NEW DM S1IIT, $5 LATEST NOVELTY 7' For will ch we have the sole agency in Pittsburg,have no equals in the coun try for quality and general excellence. The new Fall styles are now out, and can be found here.' The Naselmento Derby. 94. The Nascimento Sillr. Hat, 97. Inspect these marvels of finest headgear. tSTThe Onnlap and Youman shapes only $3. KAUFMANNS. This is our own exclusive style and cannot be found in Pittsburg outside of our house. It is made of very fine all-wool mater ials, and will surelybe extensively worn this fall. Sizes 4 to 15. OTHEH NEW STMS ARE: The Columbus Suit at $5. The Alfonso Suit at 5. The Junior Suit at S3. The Eton Suit at S3. L We offer about 1,000 first-class heavy Cheviot and Scotch Mixture Suits, in new double-breasted styles, sizes 4 to 14, AT 52 50. You'll not find same qualities else where below 54. is Met $121. These are double-breasted Reefer Jackets, made of all-wool fancy Scotch goods, with Watteau or double box pleated back with strap (just like above cut); pearl buttons, etc, regular price $6; sizes 4 to'14. Buys choice from a big lot of fine all-wool Scotch Cheviot, double-breasted Jackets, with Russian back, with strap; pearl but tons; regular price $5; sizes 4 to 14. $3.50 $1.98 Buys choice from a hand some line 01 early rail Jackets, in Cheviot, Scotca Mixed, Cloth Serge.etc, doable breasted; regular price (3; sizes 4 to 14. KAUFMANNS. :y05