H532$1!I fc tSji&ii(,iXi PHOMESTEA'D EXClTED. miosis i jJ c Jl Confusion of Steam Whistles Dis turbs tlio Town. THE LITTLE BILL WAS ON A SNAG. Ftople From the Town and the Mill Bush to the Kiver. CONFLICTING STORIES GIYEN ODT The citizens of Homestead were greatly alarmed yesterday afternoon at about G o'clock by the repeated blowing of the whistle on the steamer Little Bill and the whistles In the mills. They ran down to the river bank to learn what caused the alarm. The men in the mill rushed out of the yard to see what was going on, and soon the nver bank wa? black with excited peo ple. Inquiry revealed the fact that "while tow ing two barges up the river the Little Bill ran into an obstruction just opposite the the works. Fearing some trap designed to sink the boat, the barces were quickly re leased, and the steamer backed out, leaving the barges in the river. "While getting away from the barges the pilot pulled the whistle. A whistle in the mill answered, and then began a series of prolonged alternate whistlings between the boat and the mill This unusual sound caused a deal of alarm in town, and niind lulof the tragic part the electric light whistle played on the morning of July 6 in arousing the people to meet the Pinkertoas, the streets were soon filled and a mad rush was made for the river. People Were Indignant. Whe 1 the cause of the alarm was learned the people were indignant. Many expressed a wisii that more careTie exercised as pub lic feeling is still at a high pitch and little is required to thoroughly arouse the town. Buinors were rife in Home'stead yester day of numerous desertions from the non union men in the mills. The withdrawal of the Fifteenth Regiment on Monday and the prospective early sending away of the Sixteenth were assigned as the principal cause ot the disaffection in the non-union ranks. To substantiate the report, the striters pointed with pride to the mills, claiming that less work was now beinc; done than at any time during the past three weeks. This inspired them with new hope. The locked-out men say tne firm cannot run the mills vwththe present force of men and are as f r u as ever in their demands. The locked-out men also say that they ha e positive proot that many more will leave before the end of the eek The non union men are beginning to circulate freely in the town without molestation irom the strikers. From expressions heard, it is interred that the Amalgamated Association is now depending upon moral suasion, as by this means itie new men can be won over to its side easiet- than by force, since they are accessible. No Desertions at the 31111. At the mill it was denied that there are eny desertion's It is claimed that the re port that the men were leaving the mills was started by about 20 men being discharged on Monday after noon for incompetency About 75 new men vere claimed to have come into the works for work yesterday. The withdrawal of the troops is said to have had no effect on the uon-union men, as no more leave than could be expected lrom the large number of new men em ployed. Disaffection of any kind is de nied, and the mills are said to be running lull. A number of Amalgamated men are said to have returned to worn yesterday morning. Colonel H tilings, his stall and the rifle team ot the Sixteenth Regiment were escorted to Brigade headquarters yesterday by the regimental band, where the Brigade trophy was presented to General "Wiley. Tins trophy, a handsome silver urn, was won at ML Uretna a short time ago by this rifle team, it having led the Second Brigade in the number of points made. The contest for the Connelly medal was begun yesterday, when a squad from the Six teenth Regiment went to shoot oyer the Salt Works range. This medal is offered by Lieutenant Connelly, Inspector ot Rifle Practice lor the regiment, to any member of the Sixteenth, except members ot the team. Some of the troops are expected to put in the aiternoon on the range as long as they remain in camp. The Slicrifl was in Homestead all day. His deputies are attending strictly to busi ness. .No disturbance occurred yesterday, and no insults were offered to the "non-union men while passing along the streets. Xot a tingle arrest was made during the day. AEBANGIHQ FOE C0LT;AIETJ3 DAY. The Mayor "Will Confer "With Columbus Club Members This Mornlns. A committee from the Columbus Club will have a conference with the Mayor ibis morning in regard to the celebration of Col umbus Day on the 21st of next month. The club is anxious to have an understanding, as many of the other Catholic organizations are desirous of going ahead and have a sec tarian demonstration if the city officers de cide not to make it a popular movement. The cholera scare has deterred the Mayor lrom acting in the matter until now, but he thinks the danger is practically over and will probably lend a baud toward booming the celebration. Tlia Trne Lnxallve Principle Or the plants used In maniiractnrln the pleasant remedy. Syrup of Figs, ha a per manently beneficial eHect on the human i-vatem, while tlio cheap vesetablo extract and mineral solutions, usually sold as medi cines, aie permanently injurious. Beinir well-infnrmeil, jou win use the ttue remedy only. Manufactured by tho California Fl byrup to. upkight piano ron S1GO At 3IclIor & Hocne's In veiy Rood condition. Left with us for tale by party who has removed fiom the city. A chance for some one. JlliLOR & Hoese. Founded 1831, Warerooms, 77 Fifth avenue. Pebfect action nnd perrect health result from the use of De Witt's I,lttle Early fibers A perfect little pilL Very small; verysmo See our perfect fitting kid jjlove. James 11. .Mkes & Co., 100 Fifth avenue. Our Baby "Was a beauty, fair, plump and healthy. Bn when two years old Scrofula Humor spread over her head, neck and forehead down into lier eyes, one sreat sore, oITonsivo and dreadful, causing such Itching an I b am ine that we had to tlo her hands to prevent scratching. For 3 years she suffered ter jmxn JbreUenu ribly. The first benefi cial effect from Hood's SarsapariUa was that sho began to show more life andbave an ap. petito. Then the humor soon began to sub side, tho itching nnd Darning ceased, and the sores entirely healed up. She is nowper lectiy well, and so different from before tak ing Hood's SarsapariUa that sho spoms like another child." L W. FnEDEiticK. Daniorth street, near Crescent ae.. C pivs Hill, Brooklyn, h". Y. noon's imlis cure all Liver Ills, bll lodbucss, nausea, sick headache, indigestion When we get Your trade (and we're going to have it IF BEST WORK AND MODERATE PRICES tire a factor), we take such good care oi it, that your friends trade here on your recommendation. Trousers to measure From $5.00 Suits to measure From $co.oo, Overcoats to measure From $18.00. "fCO& ni&&cJi- -3LOO siviiTrME:rr st. Samples mailed. Garments expressed. OUR FALL STYLES ARE READY. se21-60-wr We own columns of space in the best papers within shop ping distance of Pittsburg, and offer advertisers the benefit of our wholesale rates. REMINGTON BROS., Newspaper Advertising, Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone No. 1484. sell-1 AMCSEJIISNTs. DUQUESNE. Pittsbuig's Leading Theater. NEXT WEEK. se21-09 DUQUESNE, tarS.c, A GHEAT BIG GO. IIOYT'S H0LE-1N-THE-GR0UND. :FamIly Matinee, to-dtyat 2.j : Best seats, SO cents. : Next weet Thomas Q. Seabrooke Comic Onera Co. in "ISLE OF CHAMPAGNE." se21 THE ALVIN THEATER. Charles I Davis Owner and Manager To-night, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees TOPULAR KATIE EMMETT rcrryEvAicxEY, Direct from tno Star Theater, New York. Next week Uichard Golden in Old .led Prouty. selD 31 "I liAND OPEIIA HOUSE TO-NIG1U. FLORENCE BINDLEY'S Beautiful Play, THE PAY TRAIN. Ti ices, 15c. !5c, 60c, 73c Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, 25c, 50c, resorved. Next week Edwin Ardon, "Eagle' Nest." eel9 12 IT'S OPEN! W-HCA.TV THE EXPOSITION. (Fourth Season.) It's Simply Immense! flave You Seen It? Season Closes October 22. se8-5l TTAkRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Snturday. THE NEW YORK VAUDf.VILLE STARS Under the management of Gus Hill. selS41 HARRY DAVIS" EDEN M USEE Groat programme. Famous Bedouin Arabs; Allied Pilirrim, armless nnd lesless wonder; Rosa Calahan, Rarnum's bearded beauty; Monroe, the magician, and a grand stage performance by Piice and Barr's Cosmopoli tan Vaudevilles. Admission 10 cents. sel9 29 PROF. JAMES P. BROOKS (Only member in this city of tho American Society of Professors of Dancing, Now York) DANCING ACADEMY, Liberty av. and Sixth St., Will open for MIssps and Masters SATUR DAY, October 1, at 3 o'clock p. m. For Ladies and Gentlemen MONDAY, Oc tober 3, at 8 o'clock r. m. Call lor circulars at music stores. selS-11 THE THUMA DANCING ACADEMY, C4 FOURTH AVENUE, (Member of tho American National Asso ciation of Teachers of Dancing of the United Stutesand Canada), Will open for the season this week, Thurs day evening, Septembei 22. For children, Saturday afternoon, September 24. Cull at any time or wilte lor circular. sc20 BASEBALL PITTSBURG VS. CHICAGO. Tbnrsdar, Friday and Saturday, September 22. 23 and 24. Thursday, ladles free. Con cert by Great Western Band, commencing at 2 o'clock. Game called at 3K5. se20-38 icrriL ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER 16SIX1I1 STREET. Cabinets, SS to 84 per rtnzon; petite, l per dozen, leloonono 1751. npS-ft-uwraa Thomas Q. JjS SEA- Q&Sk BROOKE Jlr Comic Opera fiKlftiBSr Co. 80 People UjBOftfl "The Isle of S&jjT T Lnampagne r' vwA operatic (vn bpectacle I m ?ms&&'?T!f issKr-',zizjiL?uljntJri. "?".- "J rZ " JUfaW A1IVS11S1UUUA, EECH K LEADING .HOUSEFURNISHBRS IN THE UJ.TY. We are sole,agents in Pittsburg for this cele brated Chair. It is simply perfect No other gives the same satisfaction A boon to invalids, a delight to $22 to $ioo. Come and see ssisisip'riMviBBJie tjsrjy1 On a bill of 3 10, 8 1 00 down and 50o a week. " On a bill of 8 25, S 5 00 down and SI 00 a week. On a bill of 8 60, $ 8 00 down and 82 00 a week. On a bill of 8 75, 810 00 down and 82 50 a week. On a bill of 8100, 812 60 down and 83 00 a week. tSTTHIS IS NOT ALLl In addition tothe above we will glvo FEEB this month "WITH EACn BIIiT OP $10 A good Jute Bug 36x72 inches, worth 81 50. E"wrrn each bill of 923 A good Oak Center Table, worth 82 CO. E-WITH EACH Bllili OF 550 "We allow a selection of anything in the stock to the value of 55. ESTWITII EACH BIJLIi OF $75 Your choice of any article in the -store to the value of 87 50. t-WITII EACH BILL OF $100 Choice of any article in the store to the value of 810. KEECH A GOOD REPUTATION t VJi& been Your Tate no substitute for w""r READY FOR THE BATTLE. Never in the history of our house have such stupendous arrangements been made for the opening of the fall business. Every Department Overflowing With New Goods. We mav be pardoned in asserting that the pubiio can nowhere else see 1such an ELABORATE and TASTEFUL ASSORTMENT, op STYLES for the coming FALL and "WINTER. Itemepber, everybody is welcome to come and see the stocks, whether an immediate purchase is contemplated or not. POPULAR PRICES 'PREVAIL.- DOUGLAS 151. 153 AND 155 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY. SOlD VWT $.800$"9-00&0 WHAT NEWS? Why, the news adout the magnificent fall suits at Jacksons They really cap the climax for ele gance, style, makeup and fit. Now, jfacksons make up most au weir own gooas. lney don't 6uy them of every travel ing fakir that comes along with bankrupt stuff or last season's shelf-worn truck. No, as I said before, they make itp their clothing and warrant you that they will keep them in repair for you free of charge for one year. Their stock now consists of the latest Fall Suits and Overcoats at prices below the lowest. From $io to $15 you can buy either Suit or Overcoat, and you can depend on style, fit and qual ity. Try 'em. CLOTHIEHS, T1ILDIS, HATTEfiS UNO FOR making clothing to order there isn't a house like fack sons' in 7 States. Lowest prices for best work. Stores Will Be Closed THURS DAY AND FRIDAY. toe ft Ell tie lis? sel8 83-Jtwi I S-l,. Marks' Reclining Chair. or comfort the well it 923J 925, 927 ' Penn Avenue, se21-irw -" j - ,-s fffT t. riii i , ! iw ) ct:- Is often ruined by manufacturers, who, relying upon that alone allow the char acter of their goods to deteriorate. The GAIL BORDEH 'EAGLE' BRAND Condensed Milk is always the same. Rest assured that its standard of excel lence is constantly maintained. Its purity, cleanliness, richness and perfec tion of process in manufacture has never equaled. It stands First. It has for Thirty Years. Grocer and Druggist sell it, the "Eagle" brand. & MACKIE, Libeffys High-Glass Art Fabrics IN Cotton, Silk and Velvet, FOR Draperies, Curtains aqd FanGy Pillows. Our importations for this season of these famous mate rials now on display in our Cur tain Department They are celebrated the world over for beautiful designs and exquisite colorings. Cannot be seen in these cities outside of our department, and the styles we show cannot be had in this country. Jos.firorrie8: Gos PENN AVE. STORES. se2Hll . (Trado flark.) . & P0 For sale by IIOSENBAUM & CO., 510-518 Market st ses-iou-ws KID GLOVES rV NBW JDVKRTIrSKMENTf.- TEK ?- "" ' - " 1 . Sfc. . Vf Hi,. f'l1" ' I ! i-.-1-li-li-uT-TTj-u-i.i CARPETS, WALL PAPER. Wilton Carpets, Axminster Carpets, Velvet Carpets, Body Brussels Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, And all kinds of Ingrain Car pets. Everything new in style, choice in color. AJ1 at SPECIAL LOW PRICES. Wall Paper in every quality and style for wall and ceiling. Special styles in choice colors. You should see our stock be fore you buy. CEO. II SNil, 136 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. ,."rr:Rf,. You-1 WJf. DIAMON05 IF SO, ARONS' Will fill the bill. Beyond n aonbt they aro tlio finest Brilliants known to mor- tlll man. PrftFvhndw Ho ngniea ana amazed at tlielr brilliancy. No otnerjeweler has thorn for sale. KINGS $1 50 to $15. &TTJDS, $2 75 to $10, PINS. $2 SO to $9 00, . , , EAKDK01'S,$J75to$18. All set In solid cold. Every stgne warranted for a llretime. Loose stones set In all styles of Jewelry. Store open every evening. Send lor our oatalogne. B. E. ARONS, JEWELER, SOLE OWNER. 63 IMPTH AVENCE. sel8 .utvfsu NEW YORK DENTISTS, Corner Sixth and Liberty Sts. Entrance on Liberty St., FITTSBUKG. Best Set Teeth - - $8.00 WABRAN'TED WORK. e 3161-mws PURE BUTTER, BOLD BT GEO. K. SXE VENSON & CO., Fine Groceries and Table Delicacies, Sixth avenue. jy20-Mw This is a matchless and unmatchable chance for parents to save money on their Boys' Clothes. The suits which we here offer are made of genuine Dick ey Scotch Cheviot, cele brated for its unrivaled wear-resisting qualities. It is a well-known fact that a Boy's Suit made of Dickey Cheviot will out last any other goods made, and always look nice and clean. These are the suits we shall offer during the balance of this week at $3.50. They are all fresh and new, made in the popular double-breasted styles (like accompaning cut), and trimmed and finished in a faultless man ner. In order to increase the variety we have added about 300 fine Zouave and Columbus Suits, and will offer choice from the en tire assortment at $3.50. This is about half the regu lar price. $k &r?wu m nflf do L i&n3j wfolcDi rfimf- SPECIAL SALE OF YOUNG MEN'S SUITS AT $9.00. A magnificent line of Young Men's Single and Double-Breasted Suits, sizes 14 to 19, in extra fine Scotch Cheviots, Boucle Cloths and Cassimeres, latest patterns and shades, at only $9. The cheapest suit in the line is worth $14 many $15 not a few $16. Cir cumstances make it possible for you to buy them this week at $9.00. ' T arVfgCv AqTKTlSEMk.VrS. l(l.f,, Yltfjlrw' mmjmszzzr - ;fz. . ''iflS'Z- - ALIQUIPPA ' SIX 25c FOR THE Trains leave P. & L. E. station at 7 8, 9:30, 12:30 and 2:55, city time. Tickets at the depot. Enjoy a pleasant trip and investigate a chance to make an investment that will more than double in a year. ALIQUIPPA lays high, has excel lent water, is thoroughly drained, has boardwalks, graded streets, four denominations are about to build churches, schools will be opened and before Christmas will be a well established, busy town of several thousand people. City office Room 30, Westinghouse Building, Pittsburg, Pa. J-W SPECIAL I EXCURSION THURSDAY, SEPT22. THAT the people may see and iudge for themselves what ALIQUIPPA is now and its future prospects, a special excursion will be given on the above date. The mills in operation will be open for public inspection, and an opportunity for a thorough investigation given. jr ALIQUIPPA AS IT ). I MANNS'. r my fis a - -""-,aJ 1 A -ntfe-M J. -z Jn C-L MONTHS AGO. ROUND TRIP. A L I Q U P P A BEGINS TO LOOK. rf selS-90-3iw3a 7i These genuine Dickey Scotch Cheviot Suits (see cut) have never been known to be sold for less than $7. And they're worth it, because they will wear longer and better than any other Boys' Suits made. We could not now sell them for less than $7, had we not chanced .to buy a large lot of them rom a prominent manu facturer, who, being crowded against the wall, was forced to dispose of them for half price. We, in t;urn, dispose of them at half price to you. Come in, take your choice for $3.50. We could easily have sold these suits at $5 and $6, but, being crowded for room (on ac count of present exten sive building operations) and wishing to make a QUICK TURN, we will let them go at only $3.50. At this price they're the best and biggest bargains ever offered , anywhere. Ask for them. emrtm " ,-L-zm T.- ' ,i B