Stigl . V ftTf -sri THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1891 f A SOLID PROSPERITY Indicated by the Fact That a Cholera Scare Doesn't Injure THE BUSINESS OF THE COUNTRY. The Occasion Used by Stock Brokers to. See-Saw the Market. A LESSdX TO LEAR5 FEOJI STRIKES rsrrcixi. TrLiasm to tiii dispatch, j New York, Sept. 18. "The Country's Solia Prosperity," is the title of Matthew Marshall's article for to-morrow's Skii, which reads as follows: The announcement on Wednesday that a few cases of Asiatic cholera had appeared in the ctty Itself was made the occasion of a depression of prices on the stock exchange similar to that which traj produced a fort night before, when the steamers from Ham burg with cholera victims on board be;ati to arrive atQuarantine. How far the sellers of stocks were really frightened, and How far they only pretended to be so, it is, of course, not possible to say, but surely Ave or six cases of cholera among 2,000,003 people should not cauo prolound alarm. One case, indeed, was not Discovered to be or the Asiatic variety until more than a week after It occurred, and then only by a careful microscopic Investigation. Jor, in this case, had the disease spread from the patient to healthy persons, although, of course, no steps had been taken to prevent it Horn doing so. Were Xew York like Hamburg, an old, closely-built and ill-drained city, supplied with contaminated water, there would bo some reason for expecting the epidemic, once stai ted, to rage here as it did in Ham burg. 1 hat In the few instances thus far re ported it has died out on the spot, shows that it lias, as yet, found little food to feed on. Cholera Not Such a Rare Disease. If the truth could be known, probably not a year passes without dozens of deaths tak ing place in the city from intestinal troubles which, upon examination, would be proved to possess the true cholera character. They do not run into an epidemic because the roidltions do not favor it, and those now coming to light will, there is evident reason to believe, be equally harmless. Consider ing that during the snmmor months the deaths from cholera infantum and cholera morbus frequently amount to several hun dreds a week, those now attributable to Asiatic cholera seem hardly worth atten tion, and certainly ought not to create a panic. Still, I do not refuse to recognize the fact that the advent of the cholera and the un certainty which, in the absence of experi ence, prevails with most people as to its lutuio career, have discouraged the buying of stocks and prevented the making of an effective resistance to the downward course of prices. I comprehend very w ell, too, the despondency not only of persons who have been compelled by the wiping out of their margins to soil their stocks at a loss, but of investment holders who have not sold and are under no necessity of selling, but who have to endure the eight of an apparent shrinkage or their capital. Their incomes are nowite lessened nor likely to be lessened by the epidemic, but such is the constitu tion of human nature that high quotations for one's property are viewed with pleasure and a decline in them causes pain. Shrewd Stock Operators' Schemes. Shrewd stock operators nro awara of this fact, and act accordingly. If by bold and persistent sales they can produco a nominal fall, a real fall is likely to follow it und to give them hack at a profit what they liae?oId. We have all soen the thing done over and over again, and yet e continue to be influenced by it. Fortunately, the coun try's prosperity does not depend upon the ew York Stock Exchange, and is little af fected by its vagaries. It is too solid in its nature, and rests upon too broad a foundation to be "seriously impaired even by the ravages of cholera in the worst form that the timid expect it to take. Nor are the exportation of gola, the recent labor troubles und the alleged mis chiefs of the JIcKinloy taiiC to lie accepted is indications of a dlclme in it. The Indus ry of C0,O00,CO0 of people, wi:h millions of -res ol fei tile soil, vast and productive amtu ingenionF mechanical in cntions, is too .'slily I force and accom plishes rrtults of too Immense proportions to be thwarted by such petty agon cies. Why the cholera is not to be feared as a destroyer of values, and whv the exporta tion of gold, even it it should result In put ting the metal to a premium, will not pro duce an serious uilcchier, I have already explained on thisniidon previous occasions. That the philanthropic and tender-hearted Iwopie who sec in the strikes at Homestead, lullalo and cither places evidence of deep-t-eated w rong and of coining industrial dlsis ter, as well as the political wilters and speakers w ho denounce the JIcKlnley tarllT as tho cause ot a commercial depression ai readv creat and sure to become greater, are likewise in the wrong I think can also bo made plain to any one w ho ill dispasalon aielj consider the'facts. A Discontent That Is Frequent. Undoubtedly, strikes such as that at Uuuiettead agalns: a reduction ot wages. Hint at Buffalo for higher wages, that of tho Sew England granite cutters against a change in the date of fixing wages, and that of the building trades in this city against the employment of non-union workmen must be admitted to indicate a great deal ot discontent among the earn ers o' their living by manual labor. In this iopecr, however, ibey not differ irom tho rest ol mankind, especi ally that portion of it which dwells In this country. Ihe United Slate would not ue what it is if our forefathers had not been di-content with the rule of Great Britain, and if ewiy one of us, both native and foiein born, were not discontented with his lot in life and striIng to better it. Discon tent begets pntei prise, stimulates ingenuity, und promotes industrial activity. The ineu who work for wages, when they endeavor to secure gi eater compensation, shorter hours, or any other improvement in their relations with their omployers. are ac tuated by tho same motives as the buildnrs ot railroads, the founders of factories, the openers of mines, and all the other varieties of money s-eekers. Their stukes are no more proof of misery than are corners in stocks, the tormation of trusts or railroad rate w ars. Besides, when hun dreds and even thousands of men areablo to lite without work tor whole months at a time, as we see them doing when theyaieon a strike, it shows that they are by no means in a state of utter destitution and starva tion. Labor troubles, as prools of decaying industrv, may therefore be treated as what the mathematicians call negligible quanti ties. A H'KEESPOKIEB TWiCfi ASSAILED. At Tirst Beaten for No Apparent Canse, and Afterward Bobbed. I.IcKEEsrOKT, Sept- 18. ISpecial Stewart Carrol, a well-known resident of this city, about 00 years old, and a brother of 'Squire James Carrol, was waylaid last night between 9 and 10 o'clock and danger ously injured. To add to his affliction, he was robbed at 10 o'clock this morning. Saturday evening he was on his way to the East End. At the junction of i"ifth avenue and White street he was pounced upon by three unknown men. What their object was is not known, but one of the highwaymen used a club. A terrible blow on the right arm broke the bone badly and terribly lacerated the flesh. Another blow in the mouth cut the lips and almost broke the nose. Another mangled the flesh about the right eye, while still another injured the old man's leg and left him lying beside a fence, terribly beaten and helpless. This morning at i o'clock he regained ronsciousuess and staggered to the office of Dr. O. & Weddell, who set the broken bones and sewed up the other wounds. Mr. Carrol again started home, when he was met bv a stranger, who wanted to oiler his sympathy. Carrol had occasion to change from one" pocket to the other 515 in money, and while in the act the stranger snatched the moneand escaped by leaping upon a moving freight train. Toilet Lanoline, best remedy for rough ness, tan, face-spots, insert boils. Believes itching at once. Unequalled for the nur sery. Ask for Toilet Lanoline. FrII Suiting, Trouserings and overcoatings now ready at l'ltcalrn's, 13t Wood street. rsKTEcr action and perrect health result from theuseo'De Witt's Little Early lilsors. A perfect little pill. Vcrymall; very sure ALL SATURDArS NEWS Fully Covered by the 20 Big Pages of Tho Sunday Dispatch. Those who failed to read Thi Scttdat Da rATcn missed the most cheering report that has yet come from New York Quarantine, not tomention a thousand other good things. Tho leading eients of the day previous were: Local. Only six schools In the Old City are in good sanltarv condltioit ...Fittsburgers re leased from Quarantine are coming hpmo ....Forger Markaban was landed in Jail.... Joseph Gentt murdered his brother..A Chinaman Joined the , chnrch....Grand Army men started for Washlngton....Tbe Fifteenth Iteglment ordered homer..Tn.e strike delajed the opening of a coal mine Another signature to the Amalgamated scale was secured.... Three persons were killed by trains....Fiity firms violated the smoke ordinance.. ..CoL Andrews returned irom North Capo....The heat caused a plaeuoof bedbu28....A firm offered $400,000 for the old postofflce site... . Chief Digelow is considering a monument projeot for benen lev Park.. ..Pittsburg and Turtle Creek are connected by a street railroad... .Four hun dredforelgners were naturalized. ...The last day at Homewood saw some fine sport.... Miss Potter won the tennis honors.... Steam boatmen and borough authorities were sued for death damages. General. Fire Island is in rebellion again.... New Yoik 'has been free from real oholera for four days.. ..immigrant are rauuiug ui blockade at Detroit.... Harrison may pro hibit immigration. ...No explanation or the Temescal suspension Is made. ...An Ohio child awoke to find his mother and the baby murdered. ...McKeesport is afflicted with contagious diseases .... Roulette sharps swindled a Plttsbnrser out of 815,000... .A Chicago man has wives In every State.... A railroad President was killed.... Corbett and Sullivan sparred at New Tork ....Mrs. Harrison is improvlng.Farmer Adams is dying... . Indiana has tt new natural gas El Dorado ....The Niagara Falls power works are nearly finished... .A Camden man was locked up in his safe.. ..A new move was made in the . ...... i.kAA... c,f?n li4af!riTv II1U3I 1ULUUU3 IUUDUMim-o ou.w... .w--w .... Pittsburg lost another ball game.... veter ans are gathering at Washington.. ..Weaver aud Field Issued a Joint letter of acceptance Flower talked on the attempt on his life ...Labor Commissioner Peck was al lowed togivo ball. ...Two St. Louis swells indulged in a six-round prize fight.. ..A navy yard fire destroyed the machinery of a cruiser.. ...Governor Flower has hopes for thuNew YorkDomocracy ...McKiniey spoke at Somerset ...senator Hill still feels sore Uoosevelt round a postofflce assessment case. Foreign. Many foreign ports are quarantining against New York.. ..Carnegie is entertain ing friends in tho Scottish Highlands.... Baron Fava has been recalled. ...Tho Duke of Orleans will visit the World's Fair.. ..The fastest vessel afloat is under contract.... The Eatser is not coining to Chicago... Lowell's-book is almost ready. ...The Will iam Astor Chandler expedition in Africa has started. ...Germany is suffering an epi demic of disinfection Hamburg threatens to boycott towns that quarantined agatust her Slcllvis overrun by brigmds... .Gor- manv is to have an imperial sanitary system ....Prussia Is to reform her electorate.... The ravages of cholera continue, but the 1.1 t ... 1I..U. rr wttrtntfrtlf- Mill A lamily of matrimonial frauds are in a Paris jail. ...London had a senseless bank panic and is talking of dolls and trousers. Tho Daltons Personating Officers. El Paso, Tex., Sept. 18. The mystery concerning the alleged capture of the Daiton gang at Deming, N. 3L, seems to deepen. It is almost certain that the man who personated Deputy Marshal Will iams is a member of the gang, aud he has been located by detectives. Teed Proselyting in Massachusetts. Lyxjt. Mass., Sept. 18. Cyrus K. Teed, the evangelist of Koreshauity, has secured several well-to-do converts of this city, who will shortlv dispose of their property and remoe to Chicago to join Teed's "Unity" there. IIOBSFOKD'S ACID PHOSPHATE Imparts New Energy to the Brain, giving the feeling and sense of increased in tellectual power. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Cholera Preventive. A prominent physician, in talking of the cholera scare, said that many of the fatali ties were directly due to the use of unwhole some food, which weakened the system and furnished fertile ground for the develop mont nt Minlora frpTTTifi Tfc is the imnerative dutv of everyone to take special care in the direction oi eating, saiu ue, uuu aco w ,.:.......;... nMina .i-a lronf ?inrmnl TTft might have added that the most wholesome bread is made irom tne ncn, pure meiim flour that is made in this city, and, as bread is the roost widely used article of food, everyone should eat bread baked from it "Happy Am I, From Car I'm Free," Exclaims the man that is insured in the Equitablo Life Assurance Society. It he dies his family is safe from want. If he lives 20 years he gets his old age provided for. Why don't you do tho samet Send your age and we'll send sample result pol icy free. Epwakd A Woods, Manaser, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. E Can Walk a Mile Easily, although for a long time before tak ing Hood's. Sarsapa rilla I coa'd not walk a Mop without help. I had a terrible run ning soro on my leg, resulting from milk eg. The flesh was black around the sore, which seemed to be eating into tho bone. My mother says she Mr. Chas. isbell. never saw such a sore leg. Nothing did me any cood till I began taking Hood's Sarsa parilla. The pain grew less until it ceased wholly, the dark color disappeared, the sore has healed, and the limb is perfectly healthy. I cannot speak too highly of Hood's Sarsaparilla People are surprised at the wonderful change in my cnernl appearance. Cuas Asbell, Avon, Mass. Mas. HOOD'S PILLS should be in every family medicine chesu Once used, they are preferred. It's a Fact! Not a Theory, that there's no royal road to suc cessful tailoring. Certain factors are absolutely necessary, brains energy and capital for -instance. We have plenty of the first, a suffic iency of the next and an unlim ited supply of the latter. These combined with an experi ence of 25 years has made the name '&o. a household word. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. wmmmLX We show the largest stock. We employ good tailors. We make the best to order garments produced AT MODERATE PRICES. Big Bargains SALLER'S FIRST DRIVE FOR THE FALL SEASON 250 Men's Bannockburn Cheviot Suits, single or double breasted, square or round cut, 400 SMITHPIBLD ST. Send for samples. selS-153 DIAMOND Healthful) Agreeable, Cleansing, Cores Obapped Bands, Wounds, Burns, Etc Semoves and Prevents Dandruff; fiHERiCM FM8ILY SOAP. Best for General Household Use AMUSEMENTS. DUQUESNE, LsSSfsa. TO-NItHT, HOYT'S A H0LE-IN-THE-GR0UND. : Family Matinee, Wednesday.; : Best seats, GO cents. Next week Thomas Q. "ISLE OF CHAMPAGNE." Seabrooke, in selS-32 THE ALVIN THEATER. Charles I- Davis Owner and Manager To-night, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees TOPULAR ICATIB EMMETT Direct from the Star Theater, New Tork. Next -week Bichard Golden in Old Jed Pronty. se!9 31 -l HAND OPEEA HOUSE TO-MGHl. FLORENCE BINDLEY'S Beautiful Play, THE PAY TRAIN. Prices, 15c, 25c, 60c, 75c Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, 25c, 50c, reserved. Next week Edwin Arden, "Eaglo's Nest." 6619-12 THE IT'S OPEN! MVHJL.TV EXPOSITION. (Fourth Season.) It's Simply Immense! Have Ton Seen Itt Season Closes October 22. se8-51 TTAURY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY "To-night Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. TnE NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE STARS Under the management of Gus Hill. E61S41 HARRY DAVIS' EDEN MUSEE Great programme. Famous Bedouin Arabs; Allred Piltrrim, armless and legless wonder; Rosa Calahan, Barnnm's bearded beauty; Monroe, the magician, and a grand stage performance by Price and Barr's Cosmopoli tan Vaudevilles. Admission 10 cents. sel9-!9 THE THUMA DANCING ACADEMY, Cl Fourth avenue, will open for the season Thursday evening, September 22. For chil dren, Saturday afternoon, September 24. Call at any time or write lor circular. 8016-19 A FAMILIAR FACE reliable GAIL BORDEH EAGLE' BRAND Condensed Milk. For 30 years the leading brand of condensed milk in America. Used for creneral cook- lino- niirnn;p5 Tt'c trn Kc miJn .- If XIIirf5TTC-3'.LU" M . f - , v..ww. aw w l.liw LliGL lilLlll. IllllllggiP Your Grocer and Druggist sell it. It's economy to buy the "Eagle" brand rather than other milk. PURE REFRESHING HEALTHFUL AGREEABLE 8- $9,75r 500 Pair oi SELLER'S extra-made Men's All-Wool Pants at S2.25 SEEING IS BELIEVING. So come and see these goods for yourself, and, if you are disappointed, don't come again. Special drive in fine fur Derbys. ioo cases of fine fashion able Men's Derbys at $1.24 regular price $2. 6 cases of Balbriggan Underwear, full regular made goods (no seconds), sold elsewhere at 75c our price for this special sale is 44c. Bring your wife along. She's a better judge of underwear than yourself. Gor. MM ni lail Streets. BRASS FRONT. N. B. For makinsr to measure this week: . 50 styles of fine Worsted Cheviot Suiting at $25 1 50 styles of fine Trouserings to order at $ 6 SALLER, the Tailor, Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. selS-iS-MW 1 , , rrS? vi gP; Jr ollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." 7 - uJIH'' ALIQUIPPA -X- SIX MONTHS & AGO. 25c FOR THE ROUND TRIP. Trains leave P. & L. E. station at 7, 8, 9:30, 12:30 and 2:55, city time. Tickets at the depot. Enjoy a pleasant trip and investigate a chance to make an investment that will more than double in a year. ALIQUIPPA lays high, has excel lent water, is thoroughly drained, has boardwalks, graded streets, four denominations are about to build churches, schools will be opened and before Christmas will be a well established, busy town of several thousand people. City office Room 30, Westinghouse Building, Pittsburg, Pa. -TTTTT- S2 U SPECIAL EXCURSION aanBiismaDan THURSDAY, SEPT. 22. THAT the people may see and judge for themselves what ALIQUIPPA is now and its future prospects, a special excursion will be given on the above date. The mills in operation will be open for public inspection, and an opportunity for a thorough investigation given. ALIQUIPPA AS IT BEGINS TO LOOK. itvite? A -- d 'rrnTTr, ywCvvl'A '-'Xvo-.nn"-," y. vity. r Ti ' i ! i t-ti i .--t-i-i-t - - - ,,- - ,iii i- svvxvvVVsSSyvj .x'.Sv."-' wV ..v w YfVT"T" - FN x 8el8-9-uwP3u 'WELL BRED, SOON WED." GIRLS WHO USE SAPOLIO ARE QUICKLY MARRIED. TRY IT IN YOUR NEXT HOUSE-CLEANING. apS-65-icwv NEW ADVEBTI5EMENTS. CARPETS, WALL PAPER. Wilton Carpets, Axminster Carpets, Velvet Carpets, Body Brussels Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, And all kinds of Ingrain Car pets. Everything new in style, choice in color. All at SPECIAL LOW PRICES. Wall Paper in every quality and style for wall and ceiling. Special styles in choice colors. You should see our stock be fore you buy. E n W SN M N Ullllllllllll I III 136 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. apiormr jRPOa)IAri0ND5 Is. In J IF SO, ARONS' Voltaic Diaionfls Will All the bill. Beyond a doubt they are tbe finest Brilliants known to mor tal man. Evervbortv dp. Ushted ana amazed at their tirUllanoy. No other Jeweler has tbem for sale. KINGS t SO to $15, BTUDS, $3 75 to $10. PINS, 82 50 to $9 00, EARDHOP9, $3 75 to $18. All set In solid cold. Every stono warranted for a lifetime. Loose stones set In all styles of Jewelry. Store open every evening. Send for our catalogue. B. E. ARONS, JEWELER, SdLE OWNER, 8018-nwrsu After 19 Years of Trial, BLAISE, THE FAMILY SAFEGUARD OIL, Is Conceded to Be the Best and Safest Oil Known. ELAINE NETEB VARIES IN QUALITY. Cannot Be Exploded. It is the very highest grade of refined pe troleum, irom whiob. In the process of man ufacture, every Imparity has been elim inated. Elaine Is free from benzine and parafflnej It will never chill in the oddest tempera ture known on this continent. In color, Elaine is spring-water white, and its "Are test" is so hleh as to make it as ab solutely safe as any lllnmlnant known. Having no dlsagrseubl odor, Elaine la a pleasant oil for family use. Can Be Burned in Any Petroleum Lamp. A POSITIVE PROTECTION FROM LAMP EXPLOSIONS. MAKES THE SAFEST AND BEST LIGHT KNOWN. ELAINEI $&5SSI OIL. 100 Million Gallons ELAINE Sold in 18 Tears From 1873 to 1S9J. Elaine Cannot Be Improved Upon. WAEDEN & OXNARD, MANUFACTURERS, rel PITTSBURG. PA. mn& ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHEB, :6SIXlb STREET. Cabinet, S3 to 84 per dozen; petltes, St per doxan. Telephone 1751. apS-f t-KWFsn GEO. C. LEAPOLD, LADIES' TAILOR AND DRESSMAKER. Takes pleasure in announcing that he will be at the Hotel Anderson, Pittsburg, Mon day, Tuesday" and Weanesday, September 19, 20 and 21, 1S92, where he will show a very fine assortment of cloths and dress mate rials of his own importation for fall and winter wear. Will be prepared to take measures and guarantee fitting and style superior to any previous season. 1611 Chest nut street, Philadelphia. aelS-53 feJ DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re. 3 airing scientific and confl entlal treatment. rr. S. K. Lake, M. B. a P. S., is the old. est and most experienced spe. ciallst in he ofty. Consulta tion freetand strictly cones aentiau Ofnca nours v 10 ana i to s r. it.. Sundays, S to 4 r. ic Consult them person ally, or write Doctors Lazb, cor. Penn av. and Fourth sU Pittsburg, Pa. Jel6-82-nwk giIiSii:: KOEHLER'S Installment House WeoccnpytliB entire MUni i Yf Sixth Street, MENS' AND BOY'S Clothing on Credit! (Ready-Made & to Order.) LADIES' CLOAKS & JACKETS, Watches & Jewelry, ON INSTALLMENTS. Cash Prlcis Without Security. TERMS: One-third of the amount purcluuW must be paid down; the balance In imaii weeltlv or monthlv Davments. Business transacted strictly confidential. Opca dally, from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Saturday aatll U P. If. NEW ADTEBTISEMIWrS. KAUFMANNS' STOCK J ...Hi,,, H f Vwkm IKr ali. fl V a4" iL fflw Uk 'I Vlftuifi fin Sr B COT Is a stock to be proud o A stock con gruent with the high ideal emphatically controlling Kaufmanns' reliable clothing. The best brings quickest response here and now. The better the goods the bigger the sales. These light Fall Overcoats have Style, Grace, Chic, Quality, Economy all that taste or prudence can ask. No trash, not a showy sham, not a clumsy garment; not a hint of degraded tailoring among them all that sort of thing abundantly abounds, but not here. 4UO Isn't much, money, but it's enough to buy your choice here from 800 fine and nobby Fall Overcoats, made of rough, half rough and smooth-finished materials, in all different shades, colors and tints. You'll be taxed $15 for same quality garments elsewhere, minus the style, fit and finish of ours at $10. Made-to-Order Work. Up in our Custom Tailoring Department things are assuming a lively phase. The fall trade has now set in. Orders by the score are being left daily. If anybody doubts that this is the leading first-class Custom Tailor ing business in town, let him come in an see First Our immense stock of finest imported piece cloths. Second The perfect and faultless garments we make to order. Third Our exiretnely low prices about flower than others). Fourth Our facilities for turning work out quickly. On these four facts we base our claim for your patronage. At any rate, come and see us "before leaving your measure elsewhere. SPECIAL OFFERIHEM HE!? -FOR- Monday and Tuesday Only. The drive consists of 10 cases, viz: 2 cases pure Natural Wool Underwear, worth 1.00, 3 cases pure Camel's Hair Underwear, worth, 3 cases Brown Mixed Merino Underwear, worth $1.20, 2 cases Peach Blow Pure Wool Underwear, worth $x. CHOICE 75 GTS. Coma at once if you want some of these bargains. KAUF MANNS FIFTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. READY FOR THE BATTLE. Never in the history of our house have such stupendous arrangements been made for the opening of the fall business. Every Department Overflowing With New Goods. We may be pardoned in asserting that the pablio can nowhere else see snch an ELABORATE AlfD TASTEFUL ASSORTMENT OF STYLES for the coming FALL XT WINTER. Remember, everybody is welcome to come and see the stocks, whether an immediate purchase is contemplated or not. POPULAR PRICES PREVAIL. DOUGLAS &MACKIE, 151. 153 AND 155 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY. sel9-KwT I ILL THIS WEEK. f.ft Pairs Child's fine cloth tOD kid foxed tipped spring heel flftC rOll button, worth $1.50 per pair, this week at 3u QQIV Pairs Misses' fine cloth top kid foxed spring heel bub- (j Q JjU ton, worth 1.50 and $1. 75, at - 4)1 IJ AAA Pairs Boys' and Misses' elegant all-leather school shoes, (T i QUI) heel or spring heel, worth 1.50, at 99c and 4)1. OQil Pairs Ladies' fine Dongola Tip Lace Oxfords, QQC gU Worth $1.50, at ig 9 Ofl Prs Ladies' fine Cloth Top Dongola Tip Lace Oxfords, QQC 0ZU Worth 1.50 and $2, at ... Jjij f ft fl Pairs Ladies' Dongola Tip Oxfords, 7 fiC All sizes, at f "inn Pairs Ladies finc cith ip kid foxed pat-ieather iiPs lUU heels and spring heels; very neat and attractive; worth (J f.Q 2.5, at 31 . HO ICO Pairs Ladies' fine Dongola kid lace pat. tips reduced (1 AQ 00 from $2.50 to 4)3. UO OO Q Pairs Ladies' fine button Boots, (4 .Q Z53 Worth $2, at 4)1.40 W. M. LAIRD. RETAIL STORES: 406-408-410 MARKET ST. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ORDER BY I 433 AND 435 MATT.. WOOD ST. sol-n iTtSH - .1- . j. i .jifeiSiiiiidiL vmMJJiiJr. i ipA .uiat-1 , -Mjist. .jJAffcwa SR-.ij'i!M'.,-'jju.ffa BPwm-mrr.wn,i'