THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1892. 8 i TOBACCO AHD BOYS. A Sermonette to Lads on the Evils of Smoking and Chewing. GRAVE DAKGER OP CIGARETTES. Eetardin? the Physical and Mental Gnmth of Toung Men. TOPICS DISCUSSED BT CITT PASTOES At the Butler Street Methodist Episcopal Church yesterday morning Bev. W. F. Old liam delivered a sermonette to boys on "What Our Doctors Say About Boys TJsing Tobacco." In putting his views before the congregation Dr. Oldham used the opinions of a number of local physicians on the re tilt of the habit. Quoting Dr. P. A. Bier, he said: "Apro pos to the nse of tobacco on the healthy and those unaccustomed to its use, it acts as a powerful depressent, causing nausea and vomiting, feeble heart and pulse, low tem perature, Tertigo, delirium and collapse. It tlso produces violent gastro-entritis, and in some cases convnlsions of spinal origin, as well as tetanic rigidity. Its continual use Javors degeneration of nerve tissue as wit nessed in atrophy of the optic nerve and' general muscular paralysis. Palpitation is a irequent and persistent symptom. l'ernicious Effect on Growing Youtlis. "A thoughtful mind can easily perceive "what s. pernicious effect the cultivation of the tobacco habit would have upon a grow ing lad. The early evil effects depend a great deal upon the constitutional condi tion. Some are more susceptible to its in fluence than others. It affects the nerves of taste, thereby causing a desire tor highly Ecasoned food, which is stomach or nervous cites the undeveloped ulating into early injurious to the system, ex organs, stim activity and consequently into premature decav. It creates a desire for alcoholic beverages, interferes with development of the body, mind and spirit Its use has a profound ef fect upon the will of a lad just at a time of life when the proper exercise of will would make a true and noble man. Cigarettes are more harmful, the tobacco used in their manufacture being often drucged to make it pleasant smokinc. The smoke being pleas ant, it is often inhaled through the nostrils, creating dryness ana subsequent catarrh." Dr. J. B." McClelland, in his opinion ren dered, paid: "Tobacco is a narcotic. All narcotics are poisons. Tobacco differs only from the others in degree. Smoking cigars or chewing tobacco by the young is perni cious because it interfers with the growth, blunts the intellect, dulls the mind, dis turbs digestion, injures the health gener ally ana unfits the growing boy for the re sponsibilities and trials of manhood. Cigarette Smoking the "Worst. " Cigarette smoking is most pernicious, because it tends to lung disease and also to a most grave affection of the heart.' Dr. K. 15. Boland sent nis ideas to Dr. Oldham and said: "The use of tobacco arrests mental and physical development in the young. I have never known a lad under 18 years of age, who has used tobacco habit ually to excel in either physical strength or mental vigor. Cigarettes are more per nicious than all other forms of tobacco." Dr. M. C. Cameron's views were: "It impairs digestion. It retards physical de velopment. A series of experiments con ducted upon a class of young students for a period ot four years gave the following re sult: The average increase in lung capacity was C6 degrees greater in non-users. The average increase in chest measurements was '.' depress greater in non-users. The aver aie increase in height was 20 per cent greater, and in weight 25 per cent in non users." Dr. McCann thinks tobacco is a powerful nervous sedative and its effects upon an im mature nervous system cannot tail to be disastrous. Dr. T. J. Patterson says: "The effects of tobacco in any form, when used habitually, cause a profound depression of all the nervous centers, and eventual destruction or degeneration ot the brain and other nerve tissues. Add to these as both direct and in direct results, impaiied digestion, impover ished blood, weatened heart, and a torpid condition of all the secretive and excretive organs, and the sum total hardly equals halt a healthy man, when the boy reaches his majority, dwarfed and stinted." EEV. MILLIGAIf ON AMUSEMENTS. lie Tells 'What Kind or Pleasure Should Be Indulged In. Eev. J. R. J. Milligan, of the 2Tinth TX P. Church, Allegheny, yesterday preached his last sermons for three weeks. He is going on a 'Western tour on business and pleasure. In the morning he took the sub ject of "Amusements." In the course of Lis sermon he said: "Amusement is a passion with man and beast. No matter what the man may be or do, he must gratify this craving for amuse ment. The beast loses the desire as he grows older, but man must have his pleas ures from the cradle to the grave. Jhe trouble is to draw the proper lines in this direction. "We must be careful to preserve cur mental and physical strength in the pursuit ot pastime So many of us seek the flowing cup as a means of passing an hour of pleasure. In this men grow prematurely old. Debauch ery is not an amusement. It brings late hours and nothing undermines the constitu- v-n more, wiicn we propnet isiaa was drawfnc the picture of a perfect Zioa, he would havt Aiade it imperfect had he not said: 'The inhabitants thereof will never say I am rick.' Socrates has said happiness is unrepented pleasure. If that i so, what can be said of the bank clerk refugees in Canada?" BAPTXST CHUBCH DEDICATED. A Pretty Structure Consecrated to the "Worship of God. The pretty little "Wylie Avenue Baptist Mission Church, located on "Wylie avenne near Francis street, was formally dedicated to the service of God yesterday afternoon. The dedicatory services were of that simple character peculiar to the church. Dr. "W. A. Stanton, of the Shady Avenue Church, preached the dedicatory sermon, and the music was furnished by the choir of the Fourth Avenue Church. The statement of the Building Committee was read by "W. A. Jonncr, the chairman, showing the cost of the building. "The new church is a handsomely finished frame structure capable of seating about 00 people. The church was built hr the It.iptist Mission Societies of Pittsburg and Allegheny, at a cost ot 56,500, which in sludes tot and building. School will be heiJ every Sunday afternoon, and regular services as soon as a minister can be ob tained. BLESSED THE PLAG I'resented to the I'irbt Catholic Society of St. Joscjili, of Allegheny. The First Catholic Society of St. Joseph, of Allegheny, last week was presented with a handsome new flag by the society at Buddapest, Hungary, and yesterday after noon the flag was blessed at the St. Wences laus Church, on Main street, Allegheny. The ceremonies were conducted by the Eev. Father Frailer, pastor of the church, as sisted by the Eev. Father Vidcv, of Brad dock. After the flag was blessed, a parade of oter 1,000 members of the order was formed on Chestnut. The line of march was up Chestnut to Ohio street, down Ohio street to -Federal, down Federal, across the Sixth street bridge, out Sixth to Market, up Fifth avenue to Grant, out Grant to Lib erty, down Liberty to Ninth, and across the Xinth street bridge back to the church. Eleven lodges of the society were repre sented in the parade, among which were those of Braddock, JIcKeesport, Home stead, Duquesne and Pittsburg. A PROVIDENTIAL MAN. Rev. Charles E. Xocke on Colombo and His Mission Ho Possessed Dauntless Courage, Ceaseless Persistence and Strong Talth The Effect of Ills Dis covery. Rev. C. E. Locke preached at the Smith field Street Methodist Church last evening on "Columbus a Providential Man "With a Providential Mission." The four hun dredth anniversary of the discovery of America suggested the subject of the ser mon. "Columbus was a providential man," said the pastor. "He was a man of convic tions, with dauntless courage to enforce them. Through his brother, who was a map and globemaker; bis wife Felipa, who was the daughter of a celebrated adventurer; his Prince Henry of Portugal, who was en couraging by his personal investigations the study of geography, Columbus came to believe in a western route to the East Indies. He possessed ceaseless persistence. Through Spain and Portugal and Italy he wearily traveled seeking patronage for his purpose to sail westward to demonstrate his theories, but without avail. At last, after 18 years of discouragements, disheartened and ragged he found a good friend in a monastery in Southern Spain, who intro duced him to Queen Isabella. A woman came to the rescue of science; and with the royal jewels as security the expedition was fitted out. "He was a man ot prayer. According to his son's account, of unwavering piety. He possessed deepest humility and modestlv received all the honor that was bestowed upon him on his return from the new shores. He was willing to suffer. After the shame and ridicule of his earlier years, there came the poverty and neglect of his old age, when friendless and homeless lie died in a public house, breathing out a last utterance, 'Lord, into Thy hand I commit my spirit.' "Columbus was on a providential mission. The discovery of America was tne turning over of a new leaf in God's purpose for the world. It was, indeed, at the fullness of time. In Europe there was occurring a re vival in learning; printing had been in vented, the Holy Bible had been released, Constantinople had fallen, the Moors had been expelled and experimental science had had its beginnings. Europe was plethoric with forces and possibilities. At a time when congestion would have resulted in de struction a new world a new arena, with with no blighting inheritances from former civilization, was opened for combat and demonstration. "His mission was providential, for in this new land the purposes of the death of Jesus were to reach triumphant culminations. The church was to be emancipated, so that men could worship God as conscience dic tated. Here the Gospel was to be permit ted to demonstrate its democratic element; here truth was to be set free and the human mind emancipated; here was to be shown that human slavery is the sum of all vil lainies." OLD MEMORIES EEVIVED. The Eighth Street U. P. Sunday School Cele brates Its 20th Anniversary. Interesting services were held in the Eighth IT. P. Church yesterday, the occa sion being the twenty-fifth anniversary of the organization of the Sunday school. The church and Sunday school room were beautifully decorated with plants and flow ers. Two banners, having the mottoes, "Ebenczer" and "Immancel," the original mottoes of the school, were among the deco rations. The morning service consisted of a spe cial sermon by Eev. J. G. Brown, a former pastor. In the afternoon the Sunday school celebration was opened by City Controller Morrow, who has been superintendent prac tically since 1879. Eev. John S. Sands, of Philadelphia, the first pastor of the church, was expected to address the meeting but in his absence John S. Lambie, who was Su perintendent from 1872 to '78, delivered an address. Mr. Lambie reviewed the history of the Sunday school from the day it organized, 25 years ago, in the hall above the old Relief "Volunteer Fire Engine Company, on Fifth avenue, where X o. 4 Engine Company is now, until 1878. David Dines, who was Superintendent in 1871, also made an address. Eev. J. M. "Wallace, pastor of the church, addressed the congregation last evening. To-night there will be a general reunion of the old scholers and teachers of the school church. To-morrow evening a re union of teachers and officers. HE TALKED OF I0VE, A London Evangelist Tells How Absent It Was In Home and Greece. Elder Newton Black, an Evangelist of London, preached in the First Christian Church, Arch street and Montgomery ave nue, Allegheny, yesterday morning. He took as his subject, "Love." "Classic and cultured Greece and Eome contained within themselves," said he, "the elements of moral suicide. They were completely ignorant of unselfish love. Plato's republic never hinted at it and never sighed after it. The ethics of the classic age were based almost exclusively upon self-assertion and self-indulgence, first in the state and then in the individual." He then showed it was very different with Christ and his teachings. HE'S AGAINST DAHCIHG. Her. Buckingham Talks to His People of This Amusement. Eev. H. J. Buckingham, of the Primitive Methodist Church, on Cobden street, deliv ered a sermon on "Dancing," it being the third in a series on the "Evils of Modern Society." He argued that while common sense demonstrates the necessity for physical-exercise for the prevention of mental and physical sluggishness, it is not neces sary to adopt a form of exercise that is more harmful than beneficial. Mr. Buckingham denounces dancing as harmful because it generates deformity, disease and death, fosters disobedience to God and man, and leads to dissipation and A PLEASANT FAEEWEIL. Bev. auiler nnd "Wife Honored Before They Depart for Corea. A "farewell meeting" was held in the Southside Presbyterian Twentieth and Sarah streets, in honor of the approach ing departure of the Eev. Fred a Miller and wife for Corea as missionaries early in uctoDer. Addresses were made, on behalf of the T. P. S. C. E., by Miss Amanda Shrom; the elders, bv Messrs. Donaldson and Deck; the Sunday School, by its Superintendent, Gor don Steward, and the Church, by Eev. F. B. Farrand. The True Laxative Principle Of the plants used in manufacturing the pleasant remodv, Syrup of Figs, has a per manently beneficial eflect on the human system, while the cheap vogetable extraots and mineral solutions, usually sold as medi cines, are permanently Injurious. Beln;r well-lnformod, you will uso the true remedy only. Manufactured by tho Calii ornia Fig Syrup Co. "Care Is an Enemy to Ufe.'' Do away with care by Insuring your life. Tou will live longer for it. It you live 20 years you get your monev back, with Interest. That is, ir you insnro in. the Equitable Lite Assurance Society. EDwxTtD A. Woods, Manager, 6lfi Market street, Pittsburg. Ds Witt's Little Early Risers. Best pill for biliousness, sick headache, malaria. ALLEGHENY DEATH BATE DECSEASED, It Is Said to Be Due to the City's Cleanli ness. Dr. J. H. Hazzard, of Allegheny, yester day made his mortality report for last week. It shows there was a decrease in the death rate of three over the preceding week. This is said to be due to the present cleanli ness of the city. The report shows there were 51 deaths. They were principally caused as follows: Cholera infantum, 11; consumption, 8; ma rasmus, 4; typhoid fever, 3; scarlet fever, 1, and diphtheria, 2, O'Donnell Not at the Services. Services at the county jailyesterday were conducted by Eev. J. P. McKee, of the Liberty Street M. E. Church. Neither Hugh O'Donnell, the Homestead leader, nor Berkman, the Anarchist, came out of their cells for the service. Garvin, the young wife murderer, was an interested listener. He was attired neatly in contrast with his neighbors, but had a forlorn, dejected appearance. His manners in the jail have undergone little change since his arrest. Left His Family In Germany. Theodore Straub, the brewer, got home from Europe last evening. He came in on the Bismarck, and was fortunate in not be ing detained long in quarantine. He was compelled to leave his family in Germany, and had a very hard time securing passage for himself. He sailed from Flushing, the only continental port in that section open. Mr. Straub says the cholera is bad, and the Germans make more fuss about it than the Americans. He thinks the people are un dulv alarmed. May Be Hurt Internally. Thomas Eidge, No. 28 Martin street, Al legheny, fell from the top of the new Mc Clurg building yesterday afternoon. Ho bones were broken, but Dr. Dickson, who attended him, thinks the boy is hurt inter nally. He is 11 years old. MEETINGS AND NOTICES. pvK. JNO. COOPER, JR.. HAS REMOVED HIS XJ offices from 42 N. Diamond St.. Allegheny, to rooms 42 and 43 Westinghouse building, Pbg. Ear, nose, throat and chest diseases. Hours 1 to 4 P. M. H. F. McGRADY. Attorney at Law, 553 Grant st. LOST CERTIFICATE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that ccrtiacato No. A. 73, dated March 24. 1891, issued to C. G. Dixon for 40 shares of the capital stock or the Duquesne Traction Company, ori'lttsburg. Pa., has been lost or destroyed, and all persons arc hereby warned against negotiating Tor the same, as application has been made for new certificate In lieu ot the one so lost or destroyed. CATHERINE DIXOK, EDWARD MAOEE, Executors of (J. G. Dixon, dee'd. Lecal onee. LEGAL NOTICE-THE FIRM OF FALKEN HAGEN & HALL, produce commission mer chants, has this day been dissolved or mntual consent. The business will be continued by H. Falkenhagen. who wlUpay all bills, and to whom all accounts should be paid. H. FALKENHAGEN, W. C. HALL. JOHN J. MITCHEL. Attorney at Law, No. 441 Grant street. ESTATE OF THOMAS BRADY, DECEASED Notice Is hereby given that letters testamen tary on the estate of Thomas Brady, late of the city of Allegnenr, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. JOHN .1. BKADY. NICHOLAS r. CUNNINGHAM. Executors, No. 316 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. S. A. WILL, Attorney at Law, 134 Mfth av Pittsburg. TVTOT1CE IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF JL Allegheny countv, Pennsylvania. In the matter oi the estate orsamuelTuckey, late of the city of Pittsburg. In said county: Notice is hereby given that Emma Tilckey has made application to the Register of Wills for said county for letters of administration upon the estate of said Samuel Tuckey, who Is alleged to have been absent and unheard of for more than seven years last past, and who is believed to be dead: that the said Reg ister has certified said application to the Orphans' Court of said county, aud that on WEDNESDAY, the 26th day of October, 1892. at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the Court House. In citv of Pittsburg, In said county, the said Court will hear evidence concern ing the alleged absence of the said supposed dece dent, and the circumstances and duration thereof. This notice Is published br order of said Court. SASfUEL P CONNER, C erk of Orphans' Court. Pittsbuim;. Sept. 10. 1892. TO LEX; Citv Residences, rpo LET Brick house Wylie av., near Somer L St., new brick house, eight rooms. Exit Knd Kesldences To Lot. TO LET Choice block of.preed brick houses on RIppey St.. near North Highland av.: street paved with nsphaltum, flag stone sidewalk with pice grass plot at each side of walk: each honse contatns nine rooms, bathroom and laundry; ce mented cellar and Inside closets; natural and arti ficial gas. electric light: ball, vestibule and china closets: finished throughout In hard wood; reut49 per month to April land S45 tnereafter; can give long lease. Black & Balrd, No. 9f 4th av. TO LET-f 15 per mo. (reduced rent). East End, neat brick honse, 7 rooms, paved street, loca tion good and very central; also house of 4 large rooms: on prominent paved street: near 5th ae. and Duquesne car line: only I5 per mo. ; send for list. W. A. Ilerron & Sons, 80 4th ave. Allegheny ltealrtencfta To Let. TO LET 130 Madison av.. Allegheny, two-story brick. 4 rooms gas; $2Q per mo. Black & Balrd. 95 Fourth av. rpo LET- By John K. Ewlng Co.. 107 Federal X St. Allegheny houses, stores and apart- Booms To Let. ARCH ST., TSH'. Allegheny-Furnished or un furnished front room: sleeping or office. ONTGOMKRY AV., 48. Allegheny-Front and connecting rooms; gases, bath, elegant loca tion ; board If desired. ONTGOMERY AV.. No. 44. Allcgheny-Nicely furnished looms; both gases and bath. VTORTH AV.. No. 8. Allegheny-Large furnished JL room: low. If permanent: private lamlly. ROOM Large front room, with bath, w. c in dressing room attached; spacious grounds and porches; on line of cable cars: good spring water. Call at Ingleslde, cor. Penn av. and Rebecca fct. rpWO PARI.ORS-Sultable for dentist or physi X clan: unfurnished, or partly furnished. If de sired : centrally located between Sixth and beventh st. bridges, and not more thin 5 minutes' walk from postolfice in Allegheny. For terms ana other information address Rooms, Dispatch office. TO LET S25 per mo., Forbes near Magee St., locat'on very central, only a few minutes' walk from postolfice: flat of 6 rooms: send for list. W. A. Herron 4 Sons, 80 Fourth av. Z bee additional adieu unaer Wanted Boarders and Lodgers. Business Stands To Let TO LET Space with power, cor. Penn and Third avs.; three floors; 20.000 feet space: abundant power; good light: splendid location: every con- enlcnce. Apply N icola Bros., 20 Fifth av. rpOLET-63t Smithfleld St., next to Adams Ex X press office, four-story business house; fine storet plate glass front show window; rent low. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth av. TO LET Four-story brick building. 1S9 econd av., two doors from Smithfleld st.; will lease for five years. Apply at first floor office of Kauf- manns-s tore. TO LET Tin store room on Fifth av.. 20x100. Holmes X Co., 420 Smlthfield st. Offices and Desk ootn To Let. DESK room in a good light office on Fourth ave. : rent S. O. P. Q.. Dispatch office. TO LET Desk room In one of the best lighted offices in the Penn Building: tvpewrlter and telephone service Included. Inquire Room 713. PERSONAL. PERSONAL Credit, yes, credit, on fine dress goods, silks, satlns.wraps.etc, at J. Dwyer'a Room 4, McCance block, 701 bmlthfleld. I PERSONAL nalr. moles, etc. on ladles' faces permanently destroyed by the electric needle without pain or scar; consultation free. Mtss fctreng, office 903 Penn av.. Dickson building. PERSONAL-Ladles wishing to take Turko Face Baths or face massage for removing blemishes and improving the complexion will please visit my parlors at 903 Penn av.. Pittsburg. Miss bherwood. PERSONAL Everett Club neivs The llanos de livered this week are: Club A, No. 308. Mrs. Annie May. 32 East Diamond si. ; Clnb B, No. 320, Mrs. G. Ramsey, 12 Klrkpatrlck av., Allegheny. Pa. PERSON AL When I was a small boy my mother always repaired my breeches and jacket, but since I got to be a great big man. Dickson, the well-known tailor, 65 Fifth av., cor. Wood st., second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating In great shape. TeL 1558. PERSONAL Invalids, remember Christmas Evans, Spurgeon. McKenzle pronounced Ta-va-zon Cough Svrup unequaled for bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, weak lungs; also Ta-va-zop Specifics for rheumatism, catarrh, prostration, general debility never falls. Dr. Griffith, Third auu ursuh i uwuurx. , X3-Classified real estate advertisements on tMs pape ten cents per line for each insertion, and none taken for less than twenty cents. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following headings wUl be ac eepted at the rale of . ONE CENT PER WORD FOB EACH INSERTION when pild for In ad vance either at main or branch offices. Wanted Advertisements of all Kinds. OUCH AS situations; male delv, female help, AGENTS, KOOMS, BOARDING, BOARDERS, MISCELLANEOUS, TO LET ROOMS, PERSONALS. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALES, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE Cor. Smithfleld and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. TVHERE WANTS. FOR SALE. TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR IN8EETION. Advertisements hould be prepaid unless adver tisers already have acconnts with The Dispatch. FOR ALLEGHENY. NO. 107 FEDERAL ST., TELEPHONE 3621. FOR TnE SOUTHSIDF, NO. 1412 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. COS. FOR THE EAST END. J. W. WALLACE. 6121 PENN AV. rnrsBTTTtG addition al. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. SSOOBntlcr street. EMU. G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn avenne. ALLEGHENY ADDITIONAL. F. H. EGGERS & SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMAS McHENEY. Western and Irwin avenues. WANTED. Male Help. T) ARBERS Two good barbers. Ij avenue. Inquire 185 Fifth T)OY to learn the barber trade: one with experl Ij ence preferred. Apply at 273 Frankstown av.. East End. BOY To sing alto In choir; salary to good boy. Address It. C, Dispatch office. BOY with experience in the barber trade. Lacockst., Allegheny. 83 BOOKKEEPER Assistant bookkeeper for gen eral office work and stenographer combined: state age. experience, reference and wages wanted In own handwriting. Address Bookkeeper, Dts patch office. BUTCHER A good butcher to attend store. Penn av. 6115 "IAN VASSERS Few good men: good J Wheeler i Wilson Mfg. Co.. 6 Sixth st. pay. -lARPENTEUS-3 good finishers. J Linden av.. East End. Nos. 5 and S COATMAKERS To go to Youngstown; two flrst clais coatmaker8; union prices paid; none but fine coatmakers wanted. Apply Monday morning from 10 to 12, at office Penn Paper Box Company, 23 Seventh av., Pittsburg. DRUG CLERK An experienced German middle-aged man; must have the best of recom mendation. Call at Eureka Drug More, Mrs. Kauffcld, Mlllvale borough. 1 DRAFTSMAN Thoroughly familiar with f ram U lng structural Iron for buildings. Apply Iron, Dispatch office. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER Give refer ences and where last employed. Address C.P., uispatcn omce. GENTLEMAN A first-class gentleman as gen eral agent for Western Pennsylvania: our im proved 20-year policy is tne acme of Insurance con tracts: a liberal contract with the right man.' Ad dress The Reverting Fund, 723 Walnut st., Phila delphia. p ROCERY CLERK 182 Federal St., Allegheny. "IMMEDIATELY Two tinmen and two wash- X men. Apply Room No. 60o, Lewis building. MAN An industrious man to take entire control of office and men selling a patented specialty ; 11.200 6alary; must have cash: good security for money. Address T. M., Dispatch office. MAN Good live, energetic man as insurance solicitor. F. De Ford, Gen. Agt., at First Avenue Hotel. MEN We want reliable men. who are already traveling salesmen, to carry our lubricants as a side line: give references and territory. Manu factnrers' Oil Co.. Cleveland, o. "PRINTER A practical man with small amount -A. oi inuilcy urn BMrp in lu a luu utiiiiuiK uusuitrsa esramisnca is years. Aauress u; Address Glllcland & Os- bourne. 312 wood st. T EPRESENTATIYE A live, wlde-awakerepre-XV 6entative to represent us in every locality: one with vim. vigor, pluck and push can easily make S250 per month; no peddling goods; something en tirely new; staple as flour: send for full particulars to-oay. Address Manufacturers, P. O. Box 530S, Boston, Mass. SALESMAN On salary or commission, to handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil: the greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases ink thoroughly In two eeconds: no abrasion of paper: 2C0 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to 6J0 in six days, another S32 in two hours: we want one energetic general agent for each State and Territory. For terms and particu lars address the Monroe Eraser Manufacturing Company, X, 10, La Crosse. Wis. SALESMAN to sell Wlegand's frame hanger for pictures, mirrors, cravons, signs, etc. AN elgand Frame Hanger Co., 1232 Penn av. OALESMEN- -HO per week and expenses to male O and female workers, t? act as resident salesmen rkers, toactasresiu for a company manufacturing goods wanted in every household, permanent, profitable work. Terms and circulars free. Address Electro-Novelty Co.. 30 Armory st., Boston, Mass. SOLICITORS for city aua adjacent towns. Pltts burg Suit Club Company. No. 51 Sixth av. STENOGRAPHERS-Flrst-class. by large con cern, with ready speed; state where present or last employed, experience and salary. Corpora tion, Dispatch office. rPWO good coatmakers at 0016 Center av., X Thomas Granam. E. E. WAREHOUSEMEN Two good ones for furni ture store: those experienced preferred. W. H. Keech. Penn av. YOUNG MAN 18 or 20 years of age who can come welt recommended to do general restaurant work: applications without reference will not be recognized. Apply to Fred KUtell, Braddock, Pa. Acents. AGENTS To sell "Dr. O'Keefe's Cholera Pills." a preventive and sure cure for chol era, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysenterv, cramps, colic, nausea, vomiting and rice water discharges; also "O'Keefe's Pills' 'for the liver, colds, coughs , etc. Dr. O'Keefe & Co., 1232 Penn av. AGENTS We offer to general agents and can vassers exclusive territory, free newspaper advertising, a chance to deliver goods Before pay ing for them. Immense profits and a permanent business. Address Consolidated. Lynn, Mass. AGENTS S3 to S7 dallv; experience unnecessary. Putman&Co., perfumers, West Winsted.Ct, AGENTS-Good nay. Chicago. N. P. Co., 06 State St., Female Help Wanted. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES for the follow ing departments, namely: Jewelry, umbrel las, books, notions and leather goods; references required. Fleishman & Co. GIRLS Two experienced dining room girls. Ap ply, between 8 aud 9:30 A. II., Black Bear Hotel, Diamond. GIRL Dining room girl and dishwasher. Tenth st. "IRL for upstairs work. 182 Locust St., Al- UT legheny. ji LADIES to do fancy work at their homes. Call and see work, or address J, M. Lemar & Co., 90 Fourth av. LAUNDRESS and nurse, avenue. Apply at 174 Webster "URSE French nurse for child 4 years old: good 1 reference reqalred. Mrs. Jos. R. Dllworth, Bidwcll St.. sbadyslde. STENOGRAPHER with experience to take desk room; rent $5 monthly: can guarantee some work. Desk. Dispatch office. WANTED Governess A Protestant young lady to teach French and English. For further information apply at 55& Ellsworth av., E. E. Relerence required. WORKING housekeeper; must understand cooking for small hotel. Address W, H., Dispatch office. Oflfl House girls, cooks, chambermaid, wait ZiJJ ress. 16 Third st., Allegheny. Slain and Female Help Wanted. HELP Man to work about gentleman's place, CO farm hands, col. or white ooy to attend to horse and cow, dairymen, hotel cooks, chamber maids, pantry girls, dlnlngroom. laundry and kitchen girls, German housekeeper, family cooks, chambermaids, nurse, waitress, laundress, 6 per wk.; colored cook and chambermaid: highest wages paid pere. Median's Agency, 5,5 Grant st. HELP Cooks, chambermaids, dlnlng-rooin c-lrls. laundresses, nurses, cook and waitress for same family. .210 house girls. uerman ana colored girls; hotel help, drivers, porters, farm rn M, nanas. l maiecoos, iruiieanu coiorea waiters. J. Dolan, Orant st. successor to Mrs. Thompson, IV A TED Wideawake workers everywhere ror it "Shcrp's Photographs of the World:" the greatest book on earth; costing S100.000: retail at 13 25. cash or installments; mammoth illustrated circulars and terms free; dally output over 1,500 volumes: agents wild with success: Mr. Thos. L. Martin, CentervlUe. Tex., cleared 711 lu 9 days; Miss Rose Adams, A ooster, O.. (23 In 40 minutes: Rev. J. Howard Madison, Lyons. N. Y., flOl in 7 hours; a bonanza; magnificent outfit only tl; books on credit: frelghtpaid. Address Globe Bible Pub lishing Co.. No. 723 Chestnut eU, Pblla., Pa,, or 358 DearDorn at., Chicago, 111. TfT ANTED The names and addresses of ener t T getlc men and womefl open for permanent work. We give exclusive territory. Wcguarantee good workers 30 a week. We furnish office, furni ture, delivery team, and newspaper advertising. Our article is a monopoly. It will save 25 per cent of the coal-bills of everybody. Full particulars by mall. Lithographs, pamphlets, etc, free upon re celnt of nostage. Address Koalsnar Co.. 40 Oliver J,L aoston, ilass.y WANTED. Situations tvantco. POSITION Tonng man requires position In fur niture house as fltter-In of glasses,alo packer handy with tools at repairing: 5 years' experience; can give good reference. Apply A. Bluestlne, care Pittsburg P. O. "POSITION Experienced organist wants position f- in some ennrent saiarv no matter. M. Robertson. Dispatch oiBcc. Address H. POSITION as housekeeper widower with small lamllr. Keeper, Dispatch oflce. for bachelor or Address Ilouse- WANTED-Posltion as a bookkeeper or general office work; experienced: best of references. Address B. P. Mclntyre, 240 Ohio St., Allegheny. Boarders and Lodsors tVantert. BOARD ERS-For nicely furnished front rooms, bath and gases; reasonable rates. 221 Federal St., Allegheny. BOARDERS-Table board $1; rooms. 59 Montgomery av. also lurnlshed OCCUPANTS Tor nicely furnished room; ailcon venlences. with boarding: reference. 3319 xlfth av.. west of Oakland power house. OCCUPANTS Gentlemen for nicely furnished lront or back room. 313 Craig St., between Fifth av. and Forbes St. OCOUPANTS for furnished room, facing park; reference required. 23 Montgomery ave., Allegheny. J boarding; reference required. 103 North av., AiicKiieiir. WANTED-Occupants for furnished room: all conveniences. 43 H ashlngton at., Allegheny. Booms Wanted. T7"ANTED Rooms Three unfurnished rooms V ior light housekeeping; references. Address D., Dispatch office. Hotel. Dlnn and Lanch Booms. HOTEL FEDERAL, 171 Ftderal St.. Allegheny, ft 50, $2 day; special rates when permanent. YlSITKevan'sIadles'and gents' dining rooms, MS Penn ave. ; business men'sdlnner; ladles' noon lunch; meals anytime; everything In season. Pupils. BY an experienced teacher pnplls for eventng classes In Latin, German, mathematics, book keeping or English branches. Graduate, Dispatch office. TDUPILS We have a nleasantlv and conveniently X arranged department for ladles desiring to at tend our night school: pilvate Instruction given in bookkeeping, penmanship: arithmetic shorthand, typewriting, etc. : day and night schools for young men and women open the entire year; write for free pictorial catalogue. Actual Business College, No. 5 Sixth av. SCHOLARS For private Instructions In Latin, nrlmarv and advanced, br a ladv graduate. a.uums iu hull siuucnis, dress M., Dispatch office. For terms, etc., ad- Crayons, Photograph and Materials. I EVERYBODY to call at Davis Mahan's. 43 Fifth J av., and see the beautiful panel photographs alSl a dozen: finest in the city for the money. Business Opportnntles Waning. WANTED-$250tof350buys a safe and reliable buslnrts needed in every city: will pay from (ICO to 1200 per month net profit: exclusive terri tory given aud complete outfit furnished; send for Illustrated book. A. T. Thompson & Co., 13 Tre mont row, Boston, Mass. WANTED-$10.0CO capital will assure first o ass party with good business ability good situa tion and lDtercst in a well established business. Address Ability, Dispatch office. WANTED Party with 125,000 can secure an established paying business: money wanted to extend business, office. Address A. F. W Dispatch "Wanted Partner. PARTNERSHIPS in all businesses promptly and privately negotiated. J, Greenway, 104 4th av. Fire Insurance Wanted. BENSWANGEE Fourth av. A ZAUN Fire insurance. CO Financial TVnntan. CnARLES SOMERS CO.. 131 Fourth av.. Pittsburg, Pa. Loan Department Money to loan on real estate In any sums desired. Lowest rates of Interest, quick and economical service. George Piper, manager. MONEY to loan on mortgages: lowest Interest; no tax. Isaac M, Penuock, 147 fourth av. MONEY at 5 per cent. We have 50. 000 to loan, 300 up. Alles Bros. & Co., 164 Fourth av. ORTGAGES We have money to loan on mortgages in large or small amounts. W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny oounty property at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver & Co., 92 Fourth a v. rpo LOAN 1200,000 on mortgages: 1100 and nn- jl wara at o per cent; Tauu.uuu at ward at 6 tier cent: H per cent on vacant lots or residence or bi usiness property. farms. S. H. French, 125 Fourth av, WANTED Mortgages on improved city or Alle gheny city property, McOuue & Coulter, 83 Fourth av. TE have the following amounts of casli to loan V on first-class city nroperty: $1,000, ? 1,500, 3, 000. Holmes i. Co.. 420 Smithfleld st. Miscellaneous TVantod. ALL business men to know that the Office specialty Co., 105 Third av.. are headouartors for the latest and best office furniture and labor sivlng office specialties; work to order and metaulo vault fixtures are among their specialties. T7LECTRICMfg. and SnpplyCo.,310 Bissetl block. 111 Pgh., Federal. Allegh euerai. juegii'y; in electrical repairing Incandescent and ueu wiring; phone 1375. specialty; PAINTING and Plate Glass glazing. B.C. Miller, 526 Grant St.. Pittsburg. PATENTS O. D. Levis (20 years). Solicitor, 131 Fifth av.. next Leader. Pittsburg: no delay. ff'EONKS Uauled to and from the East End for pEONKS named X fifty cents. Campbell & Davis, ao. 12 beventh Telephone 27C. USE Jones' Bedbug Paralyzer Jones' Magi Roach Powder: roaches banished by contract satisfaction given or no pay. 222 Federal St., Alio gbeny. fold by all first-class druggists. T." ANTED Evervone who wants the llnestand IT cheapest wall paper in America to send for camples; sent free to any address. G. G. O'Brien, Paint and Wall Paper Store. 292 Fifth av. WANTED TO RENT House. 6 or 8 rooms, near Oakland, in first-class location: Im proved street, with bath and both gases. Ad i rcss P. O. Box 922. VITAGON A new or second-hand oneborse it p's tform truck wagon. Jas. Means & Co.. Steubenvliie, u, WOOD and photo engraving; bait tones; electro- typing. Bragdon. 78 Fourth av. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stoctc For Sale. I) AY gcldlng-4-ycar-old. bv Pilot Wilkes 2937. be by Geo. Wilkes, rec. 2:22: gelding's dam Mary liedgeford. byMambrino Hedgeford, he by Mam brlun Palchen; also box bed, top buggy, driving horse and road cart in good condition. Inquire 196 Main St., West End. DELIVERY wagons Delivery wagons all style.1! our own make. Wm. Beckert, 340 to 144 Ohio St., Allegheny. Telephone 3420. HORSE Brown Hambletonlan horse, 7 years, 15 hands: snltable for carriage or single driv ing. At Kerr's sale stable, Duquesne way. TTORSES- One saddle and driving horse and two XT working horses, legheny. Inquire 147 Federal St., Al- MARE Two very fine work mares, 4 Tears old: will sell cheap. Address U. U Dispatch office. Machinery ami Slntais For ,? tie. E OILERS and engines, second hand: all sizes, from 4 to 100 h. p.: cheapest in the market; 61 hollers and engines in stock, stationary and porta ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.: steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting. Telephone 301, 23-25 Park way. J. S. Young, Al legheny, Pa. BRYANT and Acme automatic engines and boil ers, hot water and Btcam heating exhaust fans and ventilating fly fans, water and electric motors. dynamos and electric lighting: general machinists, engineers and contractors: static boilers. Tompkins & Ulrlch, 316 Liberty St., 1'itt. "ONGTNE Second hand Brown" horizontal cn- Ml glnc: will lie sold cheap if at this time: it this t me: for lurther particulars address the J. W. Danu Man ufacturing Co., Columbus, O. ENGINES and boilers of every description: brick yard supplies; contractors' and rollingmlll ma chinery. Thomas Carlln Sons, Lacock and San- dusky sts Allegheny, GRINDYTONES-In all sizes, for alt kinds of grinding: Cralglelth. New Castle, Nova Scotia and other grits; iron frames and fixtures for hand, foot or power; mounted stone, oil stone, emery wheels and grinders. Wm. M. KIrby. 138 First av. SEWING MACHINES-Latcst Improved sewing machines at (25; genuine needles and attach ments for all makes of machines, at H. Carter's, 19 Sixth St., 2 doors below Bijou Theater. Kubbsr stamps ana Stencils For Saie. tT your rubber stamps, steel stamps, stencils, a seal presses, brass checks, from Sbcaffer x v-u 4r uin av, Duff's College building. STENCILS, steel stamps. Seal presses, rubber 6tamps, etc. W. A. Bunting. 20 Fifth av.. cor. Market. Miscellaneous For Sale. BOATHOUSE-AboTO the Ninth st. bridge ply to William Murphy. Ap- FOR SALE-Patent-Onc-half interest in a val uable patent, now in general use; good and suf ficient reasons for selling. Address Patent, Dis patch office. POOL TAELES-Slx pool tables. Penn av. Joseph Stolzer. Apply 2727 PRINTERS' stands and cases for sale cheap: a prompt buyer will get a bargain: second-hand saw table in good condition: sold because space needed. Apply Dispatch business office. TO PniNTERS-100 e cases and a few stands X In good order for sale cheap. Apply The DU- I patch Counting Rooms, FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities For Hals. DRUGSTORE In a growing railroad town: no opposition: great chanco for energetic man. Europhen, Dispatch office. TTOUNDBY PLANT An extensive foundry -E plant, with full equipment and everythinr In first-class condition, on line of railroad; mil river front; wilt be sold at less than one-half value In order to make a quick sale. J as. W. Drape A Co., 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg. HOLMES & CO.. 43) Smithfleld si., have for sale the following: Saloons, from $5,500 to 513.000; cigar stores, from $150 to $1,000: groceries, from $250 to $4. 000: bakeries, from $450 to $2. 000: lodging houses, from $000 to$l,2C0; also, restaurants, con- leciionenes, icea siores, uook anu stationery stores, furniture stores, tea stores, etc. HOTEL An elegantly furnished hotel In central part of the city, having an excellent trade and license to May 1. Address Rex, Dispatch office. LICENSED HOTEL in city of Pittsburg; 93 rooms, good paying transient and bar trade; satisfactory reasons for selling. Call on Ed Wlt tlsh, 134 Fifth av., Pittsburg. T IQJJOR STORE Doing good business. 462 jl .bast i eaerai at, Youngstown, O. Inquire on premises. SALOON and restaurant. In the heart of the city, doing good business; reason for selling, poor health. Address Knhn, Dispatch office. UNDERTAKING BUSINESS An old and well established undertaking business In a fine city of 20,000; stock, building, hearses, hacks and horses will Invoice 112,000; have a nice trade and good profits; will sell whole or half Interest; this Is a chance in a lifetime. Address E. W.. Dispatch office. Bnslness Properties For Sale T7ASTST., No. 52. cot. Second St.. Third ward. That valuable business and residence X AU'y.- pronertr: large corner storeroom. 2 snaelous show windows of plate glass, 7 dwelling rooms, bath, hall, 2 dry cellars and vault all in good order throughout, to be sold at publio auction sale on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 22, at 2 o'clock on the firemlses; Immediate poMesslon; title perfeot. Fur her Information from W. J. Beckfeld. h Ohio st., Allegheny, or Jas. W. Drape & Co.. Auctioneers, 313 Wood st, Pittsburg. MANUFACTURING property in the city, with ratlroaa switch thereto: large lot and brick building, with engine, boiler, shalllng and other machinery, stable, etc. ; a good location for a man ufacturing business. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg. FOB SALE LOfn. City Lots. FOR SALE or exchange lor suburban property with large grounds (several acres), well im proved Southside property, now paying over 6 per cent net on the price asked in exchange; owner willing to pay part cash. (341c) W. A. II err on & Sons, SO Fourth av. "I Of tcet front on paved street, 2 to 5 minutes' JLZilS walk of electric or cable cars, 20 minutes from Court House; level ground; first-class build ing situation: price $40 per foot till September IS. when the property will be finally withdrawn if un sold. (1-12-S4.) Charles Bomers & Co., 131 Fourth avenue. SlQnfi- Alow price: a fine building lot. 20feet tIDtUU front on Herron ave., near cable line; street paved and sewered; location good; terms easy (67). W. A. Herron & Sons. 80 Fourth ave. East End Lots For Sale. C1ENTER AV. lota. 48x175. only 2, OOO each : street J Improvements and sewers paid for; choice lo cation: first-class Improvements: on a main thor oughfare; a limited number only offered at this Brice; terms to suit, bee M. P. Howley & Son, 91 ilamond St. FOR SALE Very iheap, only f55 per foot front, on one of the best residence streets In East End. (125) W. A. Ilerron it Sons. 80 Fourth av. LINDEN AV. Bonlerard-Lot 41 feet front, for S2.900; all street Improvements paid. This Is a special bargain. Baxter, Thompson A Co., 161 Fourth av. SCHENLKY PARK lots 50x150, or greater front age if desired, on Woodland avenue, between Forbes avenuo and Schenley Park; beautifully sit uated; on Squirrel Hill Street Railroad, also within short distance of cable and Duquense lines; as phaltum pavement and all other improvements; cheap; easy terms. Apply 5100 Forbes or 20 Fifth avenue, Frank F. Nicola. Allegheny Lots For Sale. LOTS in Grove Square plan. Perrysville av., on easy terms, without Interest. Call on Holmes & Co.. 420 Smithfleld St.. for plans. Suburban Lots For Sale. T' OTS Ten lots sold in Bank or Commerce plan J week ending September 17. 1892; Duquesne and Citizens' Traction roads will be completed by De cember: now the time to buy; 10 per cent cash, bal ance 1100 per year; secure plan from exclusive agents. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 161 Fourth av. CWISSVALE, P. R. H Palmer Place Lots-If O you want a safe and sure Investment, call at once and look at these lots; they are really the best thing that is being offered to-day: there will be money made In this location In the near future, as bwissvale Is bound to grow; do not miss as sure a thing as there enn be in real estate: send for marked plan. Hoffman & Baldrldge, Wllklnsburg, opposite depot. SWISSVAliE PLACE LOTS The cheapest lots in the market: prices in the reach of all: there Is now a proposed electric line through this property; a beautiful location convenient to P. R. It., and all the numerous factories of the valley: you can not go wrong la placing yourraoney in such a loca tion; send formarked plan. Hoffman & Baldrldge, Wllklnsburg. opposite depot. TO speculators 100 acres right on the Ohio river: Fort Wayne Railroad passes through It: splen did for town lots or manufacturing sites; this is a big speculation: price 135,000; easy payments: send stamp ior particulars. n. r, .nurse, Age Rochester, Pa,; good house, barn, orchard, etc. WILKINSBURG-A fine large lot 60x170 feet; price only SI. COO: very pleasant location. Jas. W. Drape & Co.. 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. Elegantlocatlon either as a residence or !DOO J business site: Chartlers station, P. & L, E. lj.; lot 25x110 ft.; Chaitlcrsls rapidly spread ing out and Talues there steadily enhancing; a bargain In this lot. (4-110-477.) Charles Somers & Co., 13! Fourth av. Farms For Saip. T7ARM A good farm of abont 93 acres near the Jt; city; 15 minutes walk from R. It, station; ex cellent dwelling: large barn; fine orchard: wei; fenced: plenty of water, etc., etc. Jai, W. Drape & Co.. 3i3 Wood St., Pittsburg. FARMS A number desirable sizes not far from the city. Sloan & Co.. 127 Fourth av. FOU SALE IMPROVED HEAL .ESTATE City Residences, BLUFF ST.. near college New brick house. 8 rooms, hall, bathroom, insldo and outside w. c. : all late improvements; terms to suit. Eobt. Coward, 20 Bluff st. FURNISHED bouse of 8 rooms, all modern con veniences; lot 25x100. In an elegant location: carpets and furniture new; will sell carpets and furniture and rent the house. J. E. Glass, 401 Grant St. Olx seven-room nrick houses, with halls, cellar. O both gases, in good order, near cable cars Eleventh ward: will sell singly small cash pay- ments. balance monthly if desired. G. W 135 Fifth avenue. Rankln, 700 Bluff St.. within 10 minutes ' easy i walk of the Court House 2-story brick: 7 splendid rooms, attic, sewing room and room for bath; hall, slate mantels, range both gaes; very large cemented cellar; nice front and rearvards; extensive view up and down the river; lot 21x152, to another paved and sewered street (E. 157). Black & Balrd. 95 Fourth av. East End residences For Sllr. IiAST END A neat brick dwelling of 8 rooms. 2i bath and all other modern appliances nnd lu excellent condition throughout: large lot: grass plot front, side and rear; good neighborhood: con tiguous to cable cars: possession at once. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. PENN A V. 32x100. Penn av., with three good honses. only 7. 5C0: this property will pay 15 percent; if you aro looking for Investment don't miss this. George W. Ache. 127 Fourth av. Oflfl Cash and small monthly payments will J)iUU buy a new two-story frame of 5 rooms one square from outn Highland av., E. V.; Im mediate possession, Baxter, Thompson Jt Co., 161 Fourth av. J0 800 Hotisu of Grooms and stable; lot 50x140 DiJj feet, street to alley: one iquarc from street cars. J. J. McDonough, owner. No. C352 Station St., E. E. Allegheny Kesltlences For Sale. LLEGHENY A neat brick dwelling con tiguous to the parks: 8 rooms: bath. lavatory. laundry and all In prime order throughout: one of tne Dest locations in AiicgiicnT;immeuiate pos session. Jas. W. Drape k Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. J ESPLANADE ST., Allegheny New brick house; It Particulars. V. V. Permit!. 407 Grant. PERRYSVILLE AV.. near Charles St. Almost new Queen Anne frame dwelling, containing 8 rooms, bath, laundry, with stationary tubs, re ception ball, inside w.c, slate mantels, good cellar in fine repair, with lot 40xlC3 ft. to a 40 ft. street: price low to quick bujer. AV. M. Pollock, 150 Fourth av. fcuburbnn Residence For Sale. A BEAUTIFUL suburban home forsale, cheap; :9!i acres of land, a great variety of fruit, modern 2-6lory brick house, 8 large rooms and good cellar, heated with natural gas. soft water springs, situated K-mlle lrom Morgantown. W. Va.. and 300 yards from the West Virginia University, over looking the towu and the Monongahela river: must be sold: terms iasy and possession at once; aUo other properties for sale. Address T. W. Ander son, Morgantown. W. Va. SHADYSIDE Only r.500 for magniflcent brick house: 10 rooms, all modern: large lot; best part of Shadysldc: this bargain open for a few days only. Geo. W. Ache, 127 Fourth av. WlLKINSBURG-On shady side of Wallace st., nearelectrlo line, and convenient to school, frame house of 7 rooms, papered throughout, cemented cellar, shade trees, large lot In desirable location: will sell at a bargain. Hoffman & Baldrldge, Wllklnsburg, opposite depot. Heal Estate. REAL ESTATE bargains; new catalogue. Just from the printers, free for the asking. Black A Balrd. No. 95 Fourth av. TO LET. Miscellaneous To Lets. TO LET Vacant lot. 30x110, with stable, Penn r.v.. Third st. and Exchange Apply Nicola Bros- 205th av. corner alley. PROPOSALS. TT 6. ENGINEER OFFICE, CUSTOM U , House, Cincinnati. Ohio, September 19, lb9i Sealed proposals for stone and earth and strengthening embankment at Sbawneetown, Illinois, and furnishing earth and completing Great Miami Embank ment at Lawreneebnrg, Indiana, will he re ceived at this office until 2:33p. m., OCTOBER, 8, 1S92, and then publicly opened. Specifica tions, blank forms, and all available Inform ation will be furnished on application to this office. AM 03 STICKNEY, Major of Engin eers, 0. 8. A. "VTOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS ll Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the engineer in charge of streetimprovomentsat the Council chamber in the borough of Sowickley, Allesheny county, Pa., until 8 o'clock p. M.. on THURS DAY, the 29th day of September, 1832, for constructing a vitrified pipe sewer and appurtenances in Grant street from Heaver street to Ferry street. In said borough of Sewickley. The lenath of said sower will be aDout "1,600 feet. Plans can be examined and specifications obtained at tho offlco of the engineer. The Council reserve tho right to reject any and all bids. GEO. II. ANDERSON. P. A. DUNHAM, Bursess. Engineer in Charge. OTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the offlco of tho engineer in charge of stroet Im provements at the Council chamber In the Dorough of 8ewfckley, Allegheny county. Pa., nntll 8 o'clock p. m., on THURSDAY, the 29th day of September, 1392, for constructing a vitrlnod plpo sower and appurtenances In Broad street from Heaver street to Bank street in said borough of Scwicklev. The length of said sewer will be about 1.500 feet. Flans can be examined and specifications obtained at tho office of the engineer. 'ine council reserve the right to reject any ana all bids. GEO. H. ANDERSON. F. A.DONHAM, Burgess. Engineer in Charge. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals will be received at tho office of the engineer tn chnrsre of street imorove- I'ments at the Council chamber in the bor ough ot Sewickley, Allegheny county. Pa., until 8 o'clock r. M. on THURSDAY, the29tli day of Septembor, 1892, for constructing main ontfall sower and appurtenances in Walnut street from Beaver street to Thorn street, In Thorn street from Walnut street to Little streot, In Littlo street from Thorn street to Ferry street, and In Ferry streot from Little street to the Ohio river, In said uorougn ot aewicstiey. The length or said sewer will be abont 3, COO feet. Plans can be examined and specifica tions obtained at tho office of the engineer. The Council reserve t lie right to reject any and all birtB. GEO. H. ANDERSON. F. A. DUNHAM, Burgess. Engineer In Charge. AUCTION S4LES. AUCTION SALE. Furniture, carpets, piano, pictures, etc, TUESDAY, September 20, at 10 o'clock, At the rooms of the Henry Auction Co. 21 and 20 Ninth street. Thofurnlshmcntof a line residence; flno rug parlor suite, cost $175; oak folding bed, leather couch and armchair: upright piano forte, almost new; combination oak suite, sideboard, walnut hall rack, wardrobes, bookcases, china closets, ext. tables, leather chairs, mirrors, pictures, clocks, etc., spring mattresses, pillows and bedding: brussels and Ingrain carpets for rooms, halls aud stairs: kitchen and lanndrv furniture. Sale positive; HENRY AUCTION CO., Auction eers. ASSIGNEE'S SALE THE TROPERTY, No. 9 Congress street, 7th ward, Pitts burg, Pa., 80 feet front and extending back 89 feet to Elm street, on which is erected a two-story frame dwelling and frame stable, will bo offered at public auction on SATUR DAY. September 24. 1S92, at 10 o'clock a. sl, on tho premises. This property is well situ ated, being less than half a square from Con trol traction railway, and within flvo min utes of Po3tofSce, Court House, etc. Terms of sale: One-fourth cash on delivery of deed; residue of purchase money in three yearly payments, secured by bond and mortgngo, with the right to pay ana discharge the lien at tho pleasure of the purchaser. A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer. THOS. FLOYD, Assignee. THOS. M. MARSHALL, Attorney. ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE. The estate of Miss Hary Ann Robinson, do ceased. Furniture, carpets, piano, mirrors, bronzes, china and glassware, silverware. etc. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1S93, At 19 o'clock, a.m., at tho old Robinson man. sion. 19 Codar avenue. Allegheny. The entire furnishmont, embracing flno plush parlor suite, French plate mantel mir rors, cost $450; mahogany cabinet and orna monts, $2,500 worth of Imported bronze, bisque and marble figures and vases; French clocks, with marble and bronze cases; plnno forte, paintings, engravings, placquos, etc.; books and bookcases, fancy tables In brass nnd ebony, line pedestals and stands, fancy screens, elegant curtains and cornices: chamber suites, hair mattresses, feathers, springs, etc.; royal Worcester vases and ornaments; diiungroom furniture: line china, glass and silverware; elegant Dolton dinner service, cost $125: large hall rack; ciandfather'a clock, in good order; elegant carpets on rooms, balls and stairs; mattings, rug, portieres, etc. Sale positive. Terms, cash. House open after 8 o'clock morning of sale. HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. SMALL HOUSES AND LOTS Second ward, Allegheny, AT AUCTION. On Thursday, Soptember 22. at 10 o'clock will be sold on the. promises tho following proportion belonging to estate of John 21. Graham, lunatic: 1. Corner Irwin avenue and Sarah street lot 20x00x85 with a four-room frame dwell ing and brick wagon shed. 2. New Rrlghton road, opposite first toll gate, near Uniondale Cemetery, lot ZOxiSxX with six-room frame dwelling. The Sarah stieet property will be sold first. Terms One-third cash and two years. Positive sale. A. LEGGATE & SON, Auctioneers, 62 Fourth av. SUM31EK KESOKTS. THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Directly on the beach. Hot and cold sea water baths In the house. . EOBEUTS & SONS. MONEY INVESTED .IN... KENSINGTON WILL DOUBLEIN 12 MONTHS. I Take a half day off from your business and visit the new city. Its growth and. prosperity is a surprise to all who see it, FREE RAILROAD TICKETS FURNISHED. Salesmen always on the grounds. Other information at office of THE EKM If BOVEHBHT GO,, No. 79 FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburg, EDUCATIONAL. NOTKEDaSe OFIHAK-rLANDr Collegiate Institute for Young Ladled and Pre paratory School for Littlo Girl. EMBLA p. p.. near Baltimore. Md. New York. Kingston-on-Hudson. GOLDEN HILL SCHOOL FOR BOYS Classical. Scientific and English Courses. JUHS M. CROSS. A. M.. PrlnclpaL ST. JOHN'S MILITARY SCHOOL, MANLIUS, N. Y. Full courses ofstudy. Underthe vfsKaHoa of the Regents of University of Now Tort nnd War Department. RT. REV. F.D. HUNT INGTON, Prest: WM. VERBECK. Suot Supt. CURRY UNIVERSITY si?rrn stuket. The ore reliable school that has educated 40,001 einoenis. rau term Degins&eptemnera. English, normal, classical, scientific, mechanical. Bool- keeping, shorthand. hand, tvnewrlunc- mnsle and p1mtw tlon courses. Dav and evening, logue. H. M. KoWE. Ph. tlon courses. Day and evening. Send for cats D.. President.' MT. GALLITZIN ACADEMY, A preparatory school for boys from six to th!r teen years. Is situated on the most delightful loca tion of the Allegheny Mountains. The course of training is thorough, the health and happiness of the pupils conscientiously considered. For further Information address Mother Superior. Ebensbur& Cambria Co.. Pa. Get a Practical Business Education. ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, NO. 5 SIXTH AVENUE. young men and women. Open the entire year. Students may begin at any time. Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting and English departments. Bookkeeping taught by actual business practice Write forfn-e pictorial catalogue. M. J. CONNER. President. J. 31. PHILLIPS. Dean of Faculty. ALINDA PREPARATORY. A School fo-GarJs at SJiadyside. "WILL OPEN WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 21. 1392. Academic. Intermediate. Vrimarx and Kinder- farteu Department. A teacher specially trained; or th work or each department has been necnred. Preparing pnplls for colJejre lu special aim. Ap plications mar be made at the ictiool erery day lrom 9 to 2. For prosnectaa send to MI33 E. G. STUAliT. Principal. Flfta. ar. and Craig St.. HhadvBlde, I'lttihurg. DRO PE A.N S4TK . M UIU' WH!TES7AR LINE. Tor Queenstown and Liverpool. Koyil and United States Vail Steamers. Majestic. Bept. 21. 4pm;MnJejtle. Oct. 10. 3 pn Germ Tc.Bept.23, 10:33 an Germanic, "Teutonic. Oct. 5. -tp raj'Teutonlc. -ot. -. 2pa Brlt'lc. Oct.12.1030 a.m. iHrItannlc.Nov.9.9:30am. From White Star dock, foot of West Tenth itreet. Sew York. Second cabin on thew steamer. Saloon rates. ISO and upward. Fscurslon tickets on farorable termi. Second cabin. $40 and 145. Steerage from or to the old country. K0. Whit Star dram parable 03 derasm! in all tin principal bankf throughout Great Britain. Apply to JOHN J. McCOUllICK. C39 liralthCcld street nttibiirji or H. At AlTLA-f 1 KiUSSET. General Aeent. UfBroadwav. New VorSu my3-o ANCHOR LINE. Steamers Leavo Xm York Every Saturday. For Glasgow via Londonderry. Hates for Saloon Passage. By S. S. CITX OF KOME, $50 and upwards, according to accommodation and location of ltoom. berow! Cabin. SSO. On other feteamcrs. f abln, &45 aud upwards, Second Cabin. S3S. Steerage. 810. Passengers booked at through rates to or from any city in Great li;ltain vr on the Continent. Drnlts n London olfl atLnwit itntesv. Hook of information, tours and sailing lists far mhed oti nnpllcilton lc Agents. nEN'DEIfcoN r.ROllIEHS. 7 Howling Green. X. Y.. or J. J. Slccoruiicil. C3 Smithfleld st.. Pitts burg. F. it. SEJUVLK. 110 Federal St.. Allegheny. apll-MWP KOTAt MAIL STEAMSHIPS. GLASGOW to PHILADELPHIA via DEKRY and GAUVAY. Tne mos: di rect route from Scotland and Xortb. and Middle of Ireland. ACCOMIODATIOXS UNSURPASSED. Intermediate, S30. Steerage, S19. STATFT service of I ,,,. ) jaJCIvAJV IT33 unit. steaiis! sr NJEW YORK and GLASGOW via Londonderry every Fortnight. SeDt. 12. State of Nevada 11 A.3C Oct. 6 State of Nebraska 10 A.M. Oct. 20 ..State of California 10 A. at. Cabin, HO. Second Cabin. $30., $13. Apply to J.J.McCORMlCK. 639 Smithtleld sc JelS-p CHOICE IMtOPKIIMBi. $12,000 CHOICE RESIDENCE, TARENTUM AV., NEAR FIFTH, Tlenntifnl lawn and shade trees;l0 very band some large rooms with wido center hall and vestibule, parlor and library front; this bouse is exceptionally well bnilt;tbreo large porches; it possesses all the modern, conve iiicnces, such as chandeliers, modern man tels, lavatory, papering, cemented cellar, flnthed laundry, beater, and larse los 50x150. Seo agents, MOORE & KELLY. Tel. 5150. (EOS Penn avenue. PENN AVENUE BEAUTIFOL HOME AT ONE-IIALF ITS COST. 116 feet by 150 feet deep, fronting Penn. ar.j large houso of 12 largo rooms, 8-foot hall, cemented cellar and laundry, bathroom: house newly papered throughout; hardwood mantols, heavy walls;large shade trees with, fruit and shrubbery: electric lights in, all rooms. Inquire IIOFF3IAX & BALDUIDGE, Wilklnsburg. $10,000. 10 PER CENT INVESTMENT. A Is leased for 5 years, rent certain, and 13 enhancing in value rapidly: call soon if you" want a bargain. KELLY & EOGEBS, C218 Penn ar., E. E. $500 TO $500,000 oS caixee. city or countrv property, at lowest rates. JAS. T. DRAPES CO., 313 Woodsfc, TittsbUK. Telephone No. 973. 2- Pa, .rn'mMMMiikMi C', imiWT i-niwnrr