&.. 6' IHJ5 PITTSBURG DISPATCH, THURSDAY, v ATJGUST 2f5. 1892 YIELDS TO THE LAW. 3 he Controller Changes Bis Position on Taxing Corporations. WILL FIGHT IT OUT NEXT IEAE. City Attorney Moreland Writes Pointedly on the Subject. SO EETENUE FROM TUBLIC CONCERNS Controller Morrow yesterday approved the action of the Board of Assessors in ex onerating from city taxation the property of the Allegheny City Light Company. "When the assessors published the list oi exempted properties in the city last week, that of the light company appeared in the exempted list, valued at f 91,980. It -was the only corporation so noted. Controller Morrow, at that time, claimed this company had no more right to exemption from city taxes on its property than any individual He proposed to investigate it, he said, and prevent its going into that list, it possible. At the same time Chief Assessor Case expressed his disapproval of putting the company on the free list He said the Su preme court had decided that the property of public corporations -which pay a State tax on their capital stock were not com pelled to pay city or county taxes. "While lie did not think it right or fair, Mr. Case thought the Board had no option but to allow the exemption. He also stated that the various gas and bridge companies of the city, the Monongahela "Water Company and some of the traction companies were asking for exemption on the same grounds. All Free From Local Taxation. There was nothing in the interview in timating that the companies mentioned were likely to get what they asked, but it was made plain yesterday that they wilL All their attorneys need to do now is to demand it and the assessors will free every street railway, gas or other public corporation in the city from local taxation. In view of Controller Morrow!, positive statement in opposition to the exemptions, his action of vesterdav caused some comment when it became known. "When asked to explain, the Controller said: "I followed the opinion of the City Attor ney. I am still of the opinion that it is un just and unfair to release these big money-making corporations from taxes, but what can I do? 2?o one will atsit me, and I am confronted with the written opinions of two attorneys, each saying my position is wrong, and that such corporations are not taxable for county purposes. If not taxable tor county purposes they are of course not taxable for city purposes. I think by next year 1 will be in position to light this thing out, but it is too late now to fight it this year." Thr City Attorney Indignant. The opinion of City Attorney Moreland on the exemption of corporations was brought about by the action of Delinquent Tax Collector Ford in filing liens against the Pittsburg, AVest Pittsburg, the East End and the Consolidated Gas Companies and the Alleghenv County Light Company lor taxes for 1891. In resuonse to this nction B. S. Frazer, attorney for the com panies, sent Mr. Ford a communication a short time since claiming exemption from all city taxes. "I h'ave examined the question as to the liability of these companies to pay these taxes," said Mr. Frazer, "and am of the opinion they are not liable because they be long to that class known as public corpora tions and our courts hare lor years past held that the property of such corporations necessary and indispensable lor carrying on business is not subject to taxation for local purposes. A leading case in point is the Coatesville Gas Company versus Chester county, in which the Court held that the works" of a gas company were sot subject to taxation for county purposes. Another case, and one which entirely rules these cases, is an appeal of the city of Pittsburg in which the city sought to tax the pipes of the Philadelphia Natural Gas Company. The Court held that having the right of eminent domain the company was a public corporation and therefore its pipes were not subjeot to local taxation, either as land or as part of its capital stock." Some Kindly Advice. Mr. Trazer held that any attempt to collect taxes from the corporations men tioned would, in the iace of these decisions, only result In placing costs on the city, and suggested that the best way out of the difficulty would be to grant the defendant companies exoneration of their taxes assessed against them lor 1891. He further stated that City Attorney Moreland had agreed with his view of the case, and had advised the Board of Assessors to grant the exonerations. Major Moreland's letter to the assessors, made public yesterday, states that there is no authority of law lor imposing city taxes on public corporations such as those men tioned, and that view of the case has been generally recognized for over 80 years. He calls attention to the fact that the costs in these illegal assessments amount to several hundred dollars, to be paid by the citv, and sharply criticises the assessors for placing the'eity in such a position when "only on March 20, 1888, he had clearly pointed out the law in such cases. The opinion given nt that time had been either wholly disre garded "or forgotten, he said, or the city would not now be confronted with such cases as Mr. Frazer had submitted. Mr. Moreland Writes h Letter. In his former opinion the City Attorney had maintained the same argument that Mr. Frazer presented. In his letter of yester day the City Attorney said: 1 beg most earnestly to press upon yonr attention the tact that we cannot, oi our own motion, make subjects of every kind liable to taxation. We may think they should pay, but in the absence or the clear est legislative authoritv our personal views must be subordinate. Gas. and light com panies, Monongaliela Mater Company, lio nongabela Bridge Company, are within the lino of exemption, in so far as the property Is used for corporate purposes, and of this fact the directors are better judges than we. I press on your attention tiie importance and necessity ot recognizing the law. We are not responsible for It. I deeply regret having to write on this mat- public officers all difficulty, and to recog nize the decisions, local and State, I furnish my excuse and apology. In view of the above communications and the statement of the Controller yesterday, it is not likely that any public corporation will pay local taxes this year. Itnlned Temples. Our bodies are the temples of our souls. Should these temples, fashioned by the Di vine hand, be allowed to fall Into premature ruin? Assuredly not. Renovate, therefore, failing strength, renew lost appetite and an Impaired power to sleep, recreate vital energy with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which restores digestion, liver, bowel and kidney regularity, and overcomes malaria and rheumatism. lib Dlar- A Traveling Man's Experience rhooj. I am a traveling man and have been af flicted with what is called chronic diar rhoea for some ten years. Last fall I was in "Western Pennsylvania, and accidentally was introduced to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I ventured to make a trial and was wonderfully re lieved. I would like now to introduce it among my friends. H. M. Lewis, 24 Freeman street, Cleveland, O. wxhsn Fall Overcoats. It will soon be time for fall overcoats. Tours may need cleaning. Pleifer's, 443 Smlthfleld street, 100 Federal street, Alle gheny, does this. Wo repair them also. Best work. Tel. 1284-3109. ttsu Catk's comfortably fitting shoes. 503 'Mar ket street. Tlis ALASKA'S DESIRE. It Wants to lie Annexed to Inn State ot Washlnston Now the Eofoge for Fugi tives From Jostle- Benefits of Later Laws the Main Object. Seattle, Aug. 24. Special. A move ment has been started in Alaska for the an nexation of the territory as a county to the State Of Washington. The people of the Territory do not expect to be allowed to vote in the eleotion of State officers, but they desire representation in the Legislature and government by "Washington laws. The Territory has been governed according to the organic law of Oregon ever since its cession, and these laws are declared inapplicable to its needs. Great injustice is often done litigants, who have no remedy except an appeal at great expense to the United States Supreme Court. "William Millmore, of "Wrangel, who has lived in Alaska lor 18 years, has held several Federal offices and is a deputy marshal, is now on Pnget Sound. He says that an organized effort is being made to se cure annexation to "Washington in order to escape the defective laws of Oregon and come under a practical system ot law. The work of" law officers in Alaska is no easy one and is ill paid, the salary being $750 a year for deputy marshals, th'ey pay ing expenses. It a criminal escapes, the officer dons Indian dress, hires a canoe and a couple of natives and starts In pursuit along the rough coast, traveling often hundreds of miles without reaching a settle ment. He is olten on one of those trips for months at a time, travels thousands of miles on a wild coast, through in lets, up rivers and in perils and hardships. "When a criminal is captured, he must be continually watched on the return trip lest he turn the tables. Alaska is the dumping ground forfugitive criminals. They secure a miner's outfit on arrival and start into the wilderness up the Yukon. Getting two to four weeks start of any pnrsuer. thev are soon among settle ments of similar desperadoes, who instinct ively hate an officer and are under no restraints of law, so that the chauces are, if an officer goes up there, he will be murdered. mCW ADVEKTISEMJCNTS. GOLDEN GIFTS Are not more acceptable to the people of moderate means than are our terms of small first payments and subsequent easy installments on the purchase of FURNITURE, CARPETS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. , MURPHY BROS.CO. MODEL HOME FURNISHERS, . 27 SEVENTH STREET, Near Penn Ave!, Pittsburg, Pa. We're seed-planting now hut the harvest Is coming. Thousands have visited our new store. Many were curious sight-seers; some were investigators of our methods and hun dreds weie buyers. All realized that our svstem is a good system fair alike to buyer and seller and that a FULL DOLLAR'S WORTH IS GIVEN ror every dollar expended. Confi dence is what we're after. That once established between us and the public, bnslness re lations are assured. To that end we court the fullest investigation. A twenty years' record for stability and fair dealing in Baltimore, Md., and Wilmington, Del., is our best indorsement. The same principles that have built up our enormous trade in those cltlea will be applied here in Pittsbuig. WE ARE SERVANTS TO THE PEOPLE The rich man's dollar and the poor man's dime meet with equal oourteous considera tion. Whether you live In a cotta.ro or dwell in a mansion wo are prepared to serve you, and a dollar will purchase a dollar's worth no matter from what squrce It cornea. An established . ONE-PRICE RULE GOVERNS All our transactions. No misrepresentation, no Imposition. All goods are guaranteed to be what they are sola for, and we nlodge ourselves to satis fy any Just pom plaint. A LAEGB AND VARIED STOCK, calculated to meet every condition and taste, is ready for Inspection, from the simple and substantial styles to the elaborately carved and rlohly upholstered pattern i In Parlor, Dining Room, Hall, Libra fyand Chamber Furniture, CARPETS AND MATTINGS, etc, as low or loner than any cash house In town. 95 TO $200 WORTH SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS. Inspection of stock, prices and terms Invited. AH transactions confidential. Murphy Bros. Co. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 27 SEVENTH STREET, 27 NIAK PENN AVENUE. au23-12-T ts A FACT. More rooms hare been rented through the cent-a-word advertising columns of THE DISPATCH In thn last six months than any other paper. To be convinced try a few small adlets. Grandfather's Hat. Grandfather's hat may be an ancient and rusty tile, but It has a laculty of retting there, and that's all that is uccescary. Jt's the same way with the new grandiather's hat cake that Marvin is baking although it it is neither ancient nor rusty It gets tberc Everybody seems to want it. It keeps fn o or thi ee immonse ovens busy all the time turning them out. Ask your grocer for a pound of grandiather's hat, and seo what a delightful cake it is. MTlia The Iron City Milling Company. The great popularity with the trade which this firm enjoys is due to the superior qual ity of the "Rosalin" and " Our Best" brands ot flour which they are now manufacturing. The demand upon the grocers lor these flours Is simply immense, as their equal does not exist. tts IT'S time to make your choice of New Suit for Fall WHY? The new Goods are in stock. It's a chance to get first choice. It's a time we can give you best service. After a while we may "not be able to serve you so prompt We'll have a great business the jjoods and prices will keep us very busy. WW I M Detroit Ixcarsioiu Persons wishing to secure berths or state looms on the stoamer City of Detroit for the exoursion of Saturday, August 27, should call at the office of I. J. Jlctormick, No. 639 Smlthfleld street. First come Hist served. Cleve'and, $3; Put-ln-Bay. $4; Detloit, $6. Tickets good to return five days. Feupect action and perfect health resnlt from the use of Da Witt's Little Earlv Risers A perloct little pill. Very small: very sure AHDKRSON BLOCK-39 SIXTH STREET. anZ3 I THIS INK IS MANUFACTURED I BY J. HARPER BONNELL CO., NEW YORK 3myO-7-D s yropRqs 'Sk3i erSv sB OPTO ENJOYS Both trie method and results 'when Sjrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant1 and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneya, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. 8yrup of Pigs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste" and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles .by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAU loujsviu. icr. tiew roue, N.r. jj klvT We send the marvelous French Remedy CALTHOS free, and a lent Guarantee that Caltiios will STOP Dlaeharcn Jfc Emlulona, CURE NnermatovThea. aricocele una BESTOKE Lwt rcon Use it and pay if satisfied. Address, VON MOHL CO., Bole Americas AeeaU, (lacUnal, Okie. II . TT. COR. PX1N AVE. AND SIXTH ST., FITTSBUKO, PA. 0-23,000 GRADUATES. THE LARGEST AND MOST PROGRESSIVE BU3INESS COLLEGE IN WESTERN PENNA. Send for Kew Illustrated Circular, giving full particulars, mailed free. Address, J. C. SMITH'S SON. Evening Sessions beein Monday, September 26. ' Telephone IMS. atill-ej-TTS WATCH CHAINS. We will, for' this week only, sell a Ladies' or Gents' Rolled Plate Watch Chain, WARRANTED FIVE YEARS FOR WEAR, at the un heard of low price of g$ 1 5 O eacn' Cor. Liberty and SmitbMd and 311 SmitbMd Street. yl7-TTSSB SUVCIT'S, TITHE POINT. The Yankee who had been lving at the point of death, and who whittled It off and recovered, evidently saw the point. "We have whittled summer prices to a point, and if you are as shrew das the Yankee you will see the point and re-cover yourselt in a suit bought of the MISFIT PABLOKS, S1G Smithfield st. "SVc make a point of covering people neater" and better than any body, and we make the further point of giving values beyond competition. This we do at all seasons. Just now we are scaling prices on many things 'way below the cost line. Merchant Tailor-Made Suits nt $10, $12, $15, $18 and $20. Just 14 tDa original made to order prices. KOEHLER'S Installment House li y Sixth Street, MENS' AND BOY'S Clothing on Credit (Ready-Made & to Order.) LADIES' CLOAKS & JACKETS, Watches & Jewelry, ON INSTALLMENTS. Casb Prlces-Vlthoot Security. TERMS: One-third of the amount purchased must be paid down; the balance in small weekly or monthly payments. Business transacted strictly confidential. Open daily, from 8 A. 11. to 9 P. M. Saturdays until It P. M, OPPOSITE CITY HALL. amis-man WftsiMEt "jsT JV Z l.ii pv jo. vwapjeu Atvtio. wis. says ftWrh Bffsra. After. Tjvtl W.t,lt uo Its S55 lbs Tl 11a Boil. a In. 13 la. 1Q In. WiliL. 4! in. lb. lib. air... a a. in. ;j in. The Awnrtnanvinir statement of my weight and measure ments will snow the results of five montns treatment. PATIENTS TREATED BY HAIL. CONFIDENTIAL HarmiMB, mud with tarniif, incenTenlence, ot bad eftcti. For particulftri addreu, with 6 cent in ttamct, BE. 0. H. f. S1TDEI. WICKETS TBUTEL CIIC1C0 III .1.1 ELITE PHOTO GALLERY, 510 Mabket Street. CABINETS $1.00 PER DOZEN. i No stairs to climb. wy-TTs Use Vhe eleratar. 5 THEATRE Every Evening, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. STRUGGLE OF LIFE, Anguat J9 Peter Hater in new "CHRIS AND LENA." . auMo r BAND OPEEA HOUSE-TO-NIGHT. Primrose & West Minstrels. Prices 15c, 25e, 60c, 75c. Matinee Saturday 25c and 50c, reserved, Next week Henry Co.-wltli Wrn. Jiuldoon. uiiM87 , HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY. BRIGHTER THAN EVER. TO-NIGHT Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. THE AUSTRALIAN au23 114 VAUDEVILLE CO. HARRIS THEATER-MRS. P.' HARRIS, ILL. Elitton, T. F. Dean, proprietors andmunaeeis. Every afternoon and even ing, tne comedy drama. "A WILD GOOSE CHASE." Week August 29 "The Tyrolean." au2S-97-TTS BASEBALL PITTSBURG VS PHILADELPHIA, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 25, 2G and 27. Ladies' Day Thursday, Aunst 25. Street parade from 3 to 3. Concert at Expo sition Park lrom 3 to 4. Game called at 4 o'clock. au25-SU GRAND SCOTTISH GAMES, A. A. A. Park, Allegheny City, Pa , Labor Day, Septembers. Entries mm particulars JOHN OGILVIE, nn25-19 197 Fulton street. Allegheny. CHOICE FLOWERS, LOW PRICE -AT BEN. L. ELLIOTT'S, Toleptione 1834. 33 Fifth ava., ap!2-TTS Between Wood and Marlces. FLEMING'S E. Enjoy a reputation second to none. Better goods were never placed before the public. We here quote some of our Whiskies that are by common consent tho standards of quality: FLEMING'S OLD EXPORT.. Quarts 91, or six for 35. FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, Quarts 8L2J5, or six for Sd GIBSON'S TEN-YEAR OLD, Quarts 51.50, or six Inr S7.50. FLEMING'S PKLVATE STOOK. Quarts 12 each. Wo guarantee all our goods, lnoludinc Brandies, Wines and Gins, to he just what we claim, and that Is absolute purity, well aged and all that can bo dostred In flavor. Correspondence and mall orders solicited. Goods shipped to all points by mil piomptly. k WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DRUGGISTS, WIS MABKET ST., COB. DIAMOND, Jyil-TTsstf ' Pittsburg, Pa. DflD OPULA W USEKEEPERS. The aboVe c?n justly be said of laufmanns' Housefurnishing Goods Supply Depot. And it can be attributed only to the fact that everything for the house, table or kitchen can always be found here at prices away be low those quoted elsewhere. Read these few examples: 1C For a large cake of Oakley's extra fine "Sweet Violet" toilet soap, sold everywhere for 25 c CB-EIsTTJUsTE ZDOULTOIsT english porcelain dinner sets, Decorated in the prettiest Topaz Arundel design; Jrt CH 3 different colors; never sold below $20; now only lUiOli Thene exquisite Dinner Sets consist ol: 12 Dinner Plates, 12 Sauce Plates, 1 io:inch Platter, 2 Covered Dishes, 12 Cups and Saucers, 1 Bowl. 12 Breakfast Plates, 13 Soup Plates, 12 Ind. Butters, 1 14-inch Platter, 1 Sauce Boat, 1 Baking Dish, 1 Covered Butter Dish, 1 Pickle Dish, 1 Sugar Bowl, 1 Cream Pitcher, AC For a large soft and I ) fine Bath Sponge, reg ular price 25c QI"C For 17-quart agate or gran 0Q ite enameled Iron Dish Pan; regular price $1.75. QQC Central Draft JJO Fine Parlor Lamp; porcelain vase and shade to match; solid brass trimmings; substantially made ; handsomely decorated in different designs and colors; regular price $2.50. QC Format Ifl 43 C For agate or granite en ameled Iron Tea Kettle, No. 8 or 9; regular price S2.80.. 1C Once more we offer clear crystal, pol ished - table goblets or wa ter tumbl ers for ic each. Ill 1111)11111 I' p""' 811 1 Hov 111 I 1 Pi 1 111, J)J) Breaks All Records! A dozen of Mason's fruit jars, nicety packed in box, for only 55c Agate o r granite enameled iron Coffee Pots; regular price $1.30. C For fine Cup, Saucer and Plate in artistic decora tions to match; regular price 50 c. I K "tMuifr nntr awi catxilim 3U j'or ue-tutiful d ecorated It hlna Cuspidor, dlf- lenntueBigai) rcuiur lrivv; ...v. IQ p For large box of Hf ctrlc viz Cleanser 1 makes old ear- peto, cnrtalns, clothe, gloves, etc., look like new, regular price OSc. KAUFMANNS FIFTH AVENUE AMD SMITHFIELD STEEET. 3 5 Oil. WELL TJFFX.IE9. OIL WELL SUPPLY GO,, 91 and 92 Water Street, PITTSBURG, PA. no3-53-TTSzosn After 19 Years of Trial, B L A I U E, THE- FAMILY SAFEGUARD OIL, la Conceded to Be the Best and Safest Oil1 Known. ELAINE NEVER VARIES IN QUALITY. Cannot Be Exploded. It is the rery highest grade of reflned pe troleum, lrom which in the process of man ufacture, every impurity lias been elim inated. Elaine 1b free from benzine and parnfflne; It trill nerer chill In the coldest tempera ture known on this continent. In color, Elaine Is spring-water white, and Its "Are test" Is so high as to make It as ab solutely safe as any lllnminant known. Having no disagreeable odor, Elaine is a pleasant oil for family use. Can Be Burned in Any Petroleum Lamp. A POSITIVE PROTECTION FUOSI LAMP EXPLOSIONS. MAKES THE SAFEST AND BEST LIGHT KNOWN. ELAINE! TOSST OIL 100 Million Gallons ELAINE Sold in la Years From 1873 to 1897. Elaine Cannot Bo Improved Upon. WARDEN' & OXNARD, MANUFACTURES, fel riTTSBURG, PA. &MW0r & &UBtT (jURE! Rrieii'MATISM Gouts Lumbago i innni list JiSi 6S iHTJCsl I (tla HjSIJyf ALIi KINDS FIELD GLASSES AH Prices. STIEREN 44 Smithfield St. mri7-iT JlUY YOU 11 SPECTAI.' 1 AT Tbe Rlia.:ie CXjptioieaxi. V vaq F.TMitilnert lrrni 03 CKrftfJKEil & VPJ1 2 ttr Artificial Eyes Inserted. J.-mAffl0ND,,Sg& ITTLE, " " " THE OPTICIAN, Has removed to jBOO LIBERTY STREET, over Espy's Prngstoe. Spectacles and eye glasses exclusively. .JyfrTTS. Oswego, N. Y., July 2 1801 McKlnnie & Chessman Manufacturing Com pany, Pittsburg, Pa.: Gestlemei I have been a cufferer from rheumatism the past three years for months at a time, and for the pait year I have been afflicted with the articular rheumatism. I was five months In bed, most of the time nn able to move, and over four months I have been going aruUnd on cnitehei. I tried doctor and dirferent medicines without suoces. When I was advised to try tourmedicine Ithoughtit was onlv throw ing away more money and I was about dis couraged, but after using one bottli I got n great deal or relief, and after uMng nbont 3 bottles I put away the orntohes and have not used them since. I now cot around on my feet in pretty pood shape and am now on my firth bottle; hope soon to be aa well as over. Your medicine has done for me what doc tors and other remedies railed to do. Thanklneyon for your ktndneos to mo I will always be willing to answer all letters addressed to mo in regard to merit of your medicine. Yours respeotfnlly, Josfph Kixo, 281 East Tenth street, Oswego, N. Y Price S3 per bottle. For sale 1 J all drngglsts. H'KIIIIE CHESSMAN HTfi CO., OlO Pcnn Ave.. Pittsburg, P. lend your name to the office and weivlU nail, free, pamphlet of testimonials. auJl-Trssn MEDICAID MEDIC At. DR. WIOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, A remedy nrd for many years by an old plijslclan with gient success. It is a per lectly safe and lellable remedy and Is suc cessfully used as a monthly corrective by thousand of ladie. Beware of Imitations. Ask for Dr. Mott's Pennyroyal Female Pills and take no other, or enclose Si and we will mail yon a box secqrely sealed In plain pa per. Price $1 per box, six for $5. DR. MOTT'B CHE3L CO., Cleveland, O. Sold at wholesale and retail by Jos. Fleming A Son. Plttsbnr?. ro. de31-rr DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE & BRAIN Treatment, a ffimrnntec 1 specific for Hysteria, Plrzlnesi, ConTulslom, Fits, Nervons Neuralglv. Headache, Nervotu Prostration caused br the ujs of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softenine of the Drain resulting la la sanltT.ilecaranildeith, Premature Old A e. f.oji of Power In either set. Involuntary Losses and Hpermatorrhiea caused bj orer-exertloa ot th liraln. self-abuse or orer-lndulence. Each bo I contains one month's treatment. 1.00 a box. Jf HxforiS.OO, by mall. MA GUAKANTEK SIX BOXES To cure viy case. With each orter receive! M six bos we will send the purchaser our wrlttea jruarantoe to refund the money If -the treatment does not cure, liuarantees Issued only by EJIIC O. 3TUOKY. DruarUt, Sole Agent. Nos. 2M1 and 1701 Penn arenue, corner Wylle arenue and Fulton street. Plttspur. Pa. Use Stu ctr's DlsrrbajA Cramp Cure, li and 50 ets. Ja-leoaa QOK'S COnQR BOOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. iMccttifuUy twX. mmthlv V VtMoanOM nflcvliui. lsibe only perfectly safe and reliable medicine discovered. Heware of unprincipled druar istswho offer Inferior medl rine in nlacc of this. Ask for rnnit'arnTToxHOOT COMrOUVD, take no nioftf 8Tr InrtSS Bl . an" rce ,ts in pMwb letter ' Vw- wiii Bond, scaled. lr return mall. Full seal.rP!cXrTln plalnenvelope, to ladies only. 1 Address Pond El1' Company, Address So rijher Bock n!trolti M1(!ai ja-Holdln Pittsburg by 4e!7-ol-eodwk 412 Market street. 5 f f mBt DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 1-.EN.S ,KNUE, 1-iTiSltUitU. KA. As old residents know and back files ot Plttsburs papers prove. Is the oldest estab lished and most prominent physician In the eity. devoting specialattention to all chronlo SSKt NO FEE UNTIL CURED sponsible firnniQ and mental dls persons lit. II V UUO eases, physical de cay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambi tion and hope, Impaired memory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Impover ished blood, failing powers, organio weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, unfitting the person forbnsiness, society ana marriage, permanently, safely and privately IWuBLOOD AND SKIN & eruptions, blotches, falling hair,bones.paln, Klandulnr swellings, ulcerations of tbs tongue, month, throat, ulcers, old sores, art) cured lor lire, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from I (DIM A DV Wdneyand the system. U 11 1 IM t II T j bladder de rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrhal discharges, inflammation and other palnfnl symptoms receive searching treatment prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttier's life-long extensive experi ence insures scientific and reliable treat menton common sense principles. Consulta tion free. Patients nt a distance as carefully treated as U here. Office hours, 9A.st.to 9 T. 3t. Sunday. 10 a. m. to 1 p. ji. only. DR. ViUTlIEK,8U Peunavenne, Pittsburg. Pa fei iBa tLl DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In all cases r- 3 airing scientific and confid ential treatment, nr. 8. K. lake. If. li. C P. 3.. is the old est and most experienced spe cialist in. no city, vwmuihk fiT, fnpAf-nnci atrlctlv confi dential. Office noura a to ana t woi-.a. Sundays, 2 to 4 p.m. Consult them person ally or write Doctobs Zjlxk. cor. Penn BY. and'Fourth st, Pittsburg, Pa. JelfrSS-pwx; LOST MAN HOOD RESTORED SPANISH NKKVTNK, The jrreat Span ish BemedT, U sold WITH A WRIT TEX GTJABAXTEK to enre all nerv ous diseases, sneh 'aaWeakHemorr VTTOKZxjTDATTMiivtsna. Low or Brain rowers Wakefulness, Lost Manhood. Nightly Emissions. ervousness. Lassitude, all drains and loss of power of the Generative Organs in either sex caused by oTer-exertton. youthful errors, or excessive nsa af tobacco, opium or stimulants. II per package by nail: forts. With eTry S5 order we LgiJE A WRITTENGUABANTKE TOCOREorBEFTJ.VD MONEY. Spanish Medicine Co , Madrid .SpaliL, and Detroit, lllch. For sale by JOS. FLEMING A SON. Pittsburg. cea-as-KTTt DR. SANDEN'S ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Magnetic Suspensory Latest Patents! Eest Improvements! 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