THE PITTSBUKG DISPATCH, SATURDAY. AUGUST' 20, 1S92L THE CHASE AFTER HAVERS. Defectives FDtlin tho Workhouse Fugitive Throughout Upper Allegheny D Get! Foueulon of Another Revolver A Re ward for Bit Capture The entire detective force of Allegheny was engaged yesterday in the pursuit of Charles Havers. He came to Allegheny di rectly from Claremont, and moved abont Us old haunts in the upper end of the city. A cousin of his met him Thursday evening shortly after dark and Had a talk with him. The cousin had heard of the affair at the workhouse and was greatly surprised when he met Havers. The latter said he was all right, that he could take care of himself and that before morning he would have a new suit of clothes that would throw the police off his track. Later at night Havers walked into a saloon on Spring Garden avenue and drank a glass of beer. The few people there did not attempt to detain him, and by the time word reached the police the fugitive was again lost During the late hours of the night the house of John Sadler at No. 242 Howard street, was burglarized, and the thief stole a blue coat, a pair of pant' and a revolver. Havers burglarized tlie Sadler houe some Tears ago, and he was at once suspected. This suspicion was strengthened l)j the story which two boys told yesterday after noon. They said that a man who answered the description of Havers stopped them on the Cedar street meadows, showed them two revolvers, and said the police had better leave him alone. He had only one revol ver when he escaped from the workhouse. Powell, who takes cire of the lumber rafts below Herr's Island, yesterday morn ing found part of the works of a watch on one of the ratts. The police believe that this was Eberhart's" watch, that Havers had broken it to pieces to prevent his identifi cation through carrying it, and had thrown the case into the water. Officers visited the home of Havers' parents on Hast street. The fattier said he had not seen his son, that he did not wish to see him, and that if Charlie came about the place he would break the boy's head. A reward of ?100 tor the capture of Havers has been offered, and the chase for him will be lively. Superintendent Mnth said last evening that he thought the fellow was making up the river outside of the city limits. At 10:30 o'clock last night the special officers who had been hunting Havers re turned to Allegheny police headquarters and reported their searches truitlesi. The night patrolmen were kept on watch for him, and the detectives will resume their work this morning. Avoid all risk w ith a stubborn cough by using at once Dr. D. .Tayne's Expectorant, a sure remedy for all coughs and colds and well calculated to exert abenccial influence on the lungs and throat. BCINKS5 OITORTTJSITire ara nilv-r-tlard -T-rrday In TUB LI-PATCH bnt Sunday I th principal day. Consnlt tl, s i adleta. It may tnc-an inon7 in your p icker. MEETINGS AM XJTICES. 3teetln:r. THE ANNUAL MEETING OP TIIE STOCK HOLDERS or the American Natural Ca Com pany will be lirkl at No. ii Federal st , on THURS DAY. September 1, at 2 o'clock r. M., for the elec tion of directors and other business, 1). C CAWLET, Secretary. ALLtGlIF.NY.AU. 19. " fiflri". V"OTICE-I)K. JNO. COOPER. JR.. HAS RE J. MOVED his offices from No. N. Diamond st. Allegheuy, to rooms 12nl Wesllnghouse bulid inr, Pltt6hurg. Ear, nose, throat and chest dis ease. Hours 1 to 4 P. M. r,er"t nnr. SUCCESSIONS. LEGACIES IV GREAT Britain or the continent ol Europe. IlKlitltx akdt Bno"!.. 15 Bedford Row. London. Kng.. at tend exclusively to the trcoTerr. on commission, of estates, legacies, unclaimed uioue, etc INSTATE OF JOHN DONFLLAN. DECEASED: -J Notice Is hereby givrn that letters of admlnl Iratlon on the estate of John Donellan. Pittsburg, have been granted to the undersigned, to bom all persons Infleblcd to said estate are requested to make Immediate piyment. and t!ioe having claims against the same should make them known without delay. FIDtLlTY TITLE AM) TRUST CO.. 121 and 13 Fourth avcuue. DAVID Q. EVTING. Attornej. STATE OF MRS. ELIZABETH GEORGE, deceased Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. EUzaDeth George. Pltuburg, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to sMd estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delav. FIDELITY TITLE AN'D TRUST CO.. 121 and 123 Fourth avenue. DAVID Q. EVTING, Attorney. F. X. ItAHIt, Attorney at Law, No. 104 Fourth av. -TOTICE IS IIEP.EHY GIVEN THAT LETTERS J testamentary on the estate of Theodore A. Kammerer. deceased. lateorPitt.hurg. have been fTanted to the undersigned, to whom all persons iidebted to 6ala estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and thoe having claims or de mands against the same will make them known without delay. TAHKEK L. WALTER, Executor. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TIIE UNITED Slates, for the Western District or Pennsylva niaJohn Carrier, now of Marshall. In the countv of Calhoun. andMJiteof Michigan, and late of th'e conntv or Jefferson, In the State of Pennsvlvanla flate of the firm of Carrier Altauml, a bankrupt un der tne act of Congress of March 2. 18i7. and the amendments and supplements thereto, having ap plied for a discharge from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, by order of the Court, notice is herehv given to all creditors who hatenrove! their debts, and other persons inter e,ted. to appear on the 20TII DAY OF &FPTEM HEK A. D.. 1892. at 10 o'clock A. M.. before Al bert York Smith. Esq.. Register In Bankruptcy. as his office, no. 87 Diamond St.. cltj of Pittsburg, Pa., to show cause. If any they have, why a dis charge should not be granted to the said bankrupt, Wll.l.IAM T. 1-INDsF.Y. Clerk. tJJKONAL. PERSONAL Mrs. Dr. Cure, 3M Wylle av. McGrauor'i Sure file IjEKsttNAL Cash paid for old gold and silver watches lewelri repaired: new wort made to order. Chris Hand.. .Ml Mnlthfield. PERGONAL -Credit, yes. credit, on line dress goods, sllka. satfn6.wraps.etc. at J. Dwyer'a Boom 4, McCance hlork. T01 MnllhAeld. IjERONAL Hair, moles, etc, on ladies1 races permanently destroyed by the electric needle without pain or scr; consultation Tree. Miss fctreng. office 903 Tenn av.. Dlcktun building. I jERsON AL-Ladlea wishing to Uke Turko Ftee I Biths or face massage for removing blemishes and Improving the complexion will please visit my parlors at 903 Penn av., Pittsburg. Miss bnerwood. PERSON AL- When I was a small bov mv mother always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but since I got to be a great big man. Dickson, the well-known tailor, 65 Fifth av.. cor. A ood at., second floor, has been substituted, who now does all ray cleaning, pressing and renovating in great shape. Tel. 15S3. REWARDS Tl EWARD-flS reward for any person rctnrnlng XX or giving Information leading to the finding of pure white grayhound, gray rare, tall cut; lost July li: the above reward will be naid if returned on Information given. J. Adams, llazelwoon. Second av. LOST. JOST Gold hunting case watch on Highland av. j or park.. August 14: Initials A. B. S. inside; 20 reward If returned to 127 N. Highland av.. E. E. POLITICAL. MEMBERS OF THE REPUBLICAN EX ECUTIVE COMMITTEE of Allegheny County. Notice Is liereby given that a meeting of the committee will be held at Common Council Chamber, Pittsburg, on SATURDAY. AUGUST 20, 1S92, at 2.30 o'clock P. M. The members are earn estly requested to attend this, the first meet ing; of the new committee. By order of Attest: JOHN GKIPP, Chairman. GEO. W. MILLER, Sectetary. Pittsburg, Aug. IS. 1E9-1 GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, Cor. Wood and Diamond sts. Deposits or si and upward received and Interest paid tbereon, commencing from the 1st aud 15th of each month. Jos. Abel, President: A. E. Succod, Vice President; A. E. Niemann, Secretary: W. IL Willcer, Treaauier; Geo. NY. Guthrie, Solic itor. Directors: Jos. Abel, A. Groetzlnger, J. F. Havetottc. Cbas F. Schwarz, Christian Slo pe rt, Wm. N'ceb, Peter Kiel, H. H. Niemann, A. E. Succop. Open daily from 0 a. x. to I r. x., and on Saturdays lrom 'J a. x. to 6 r. it. S500 TO $500,000 'on gages, city or country property, at lowest rates. JAS. W. DKAl'E 4C0.. 813 Wood st. No. 975. 3- CtauiJIed real estate advertUementi on this pope ten eentt per line or each intertton, and none takenor leu than twenty eentt. UNTILFURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following headings will be ao- cepted at the rale of ONE CENT FEB WORD I FOR EACH INSERTION when paid for In ad vance either at mala or branch offices. Wanted Advertitements of all Kindt. MICH AS SITUATIONS, MALE HELP, FEMALE HELP, AGENTS, ROOM", BOARDING, BOARDERS MISCELLANEOUS TO LET ROOMS, PERSONALS. MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALES LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE Cor. Smlthflold and Diamond Streats. ALWAYS OPEN. RRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERE J WANTS. FOR SALE. TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements Mould be prepaid unless adver tisers alreadv have accounts with Tna DisrATctt. FOR ALLEGHENY, NO. 107 riDEKAL. or., TELEPHONE S621. FOR THE SOUTnSIDE. NO. UK CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. GTS. FOR THE EAST iND. J. W. WALLACE. CIS PENN AV. PTTTTtTTRO ADDITION AL. TIIOMA" MCCAFFREY, ssoo Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. 2th street and Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY-ADDITIONAL. F. H. FGGERS A 50N'. Ohio and Chetnut streets. TIIOM ASMc HENRY. Western and Irwin avenues. WANTED. 5'nlf IIbIa EARHURS-At once two No. 1 barbers: gool wages, stendt work: must be lemperale. iain uel Newton, Oakdate station, Allegheny Co., Pa. BARREK-Good barber Immediately. UcorgeNlelandcr, at 6005 Penn av. Inquire 15 ARCEU-Uood ware to steady man. Address L. A. smith. r.asi i-aiesune. j. rirsl-elass bread baker. Harris' Bakery, ,15 llkinburg. I'a B ARIIEU. At7i8C ,ontt., Southside. BIJACKSMITH-Flrst-class oil tool h'.vkmtth on lieivv and light work with nuie cash to futc liitere-t In simp. Address Jars, Dispatch office. BLACKSMITH-Rnll'ng mill blacksmith, ply to B. W. Stouffcr. C liiton Mills, city. Ap- BOOKKEKPrHt-FyMrienced writes shorthalfefcrred. lady; one who Call at Institute, lfXSthav. Bc OY A strong bov about 18 vears to clean glass. etc: wages II 00 a day: apnry reaay to wars between 9 and 10 o'clock Saturday. C Rhodes & Co.. No. 119 3rd av.. Pittsburg. BOY Office bov. Address, l'ittslinr P. O. Khing age. Box 211, DENTIsT-Good all-round dentist at once to cone to Cle rlaud: state age and salarv re quired. Address Dentist, 470 Propcct St.. Cleve land, o. C1ENTI.EMEN-A few gentlemen of Intelligence T and fine address, capable of selling the very highest class of art work to best people, can find a respectable, profitable and permanent business by addressing Fine Art Publishing Co., Jackson aud Canal sts., Chicago. HAMMERSMITHS-Havlng enlarged our rorge. we can give steady employment to several goo i hammersmiths: none but those with good reference need apply. Richmond Locomotive aud Machine Works. Richmond, Va. MAN A man of energy and l,:00cash, to take entire charge or gang of men selling goods: 51.200 salarv. eouimlsstoiib; ample seenritv for money with interest. Address M. W., Dispatch office. MAN on salary to solicit orders for teas, etc. Apply 13s Washington av.. Pittsburg. S. S. MEN" to lake charge of drivers and the outside business of one of the largest laundries In the cltv: to one competent to fill the position a satis factory alarv will be paid: one having a small amount ofmbney to Invest In the stock of the con cern preferred. Address for one week Laundry, Dispitcu office. MEN 1.000 men at once at 8 Federal St.. Alle gheny, to help us clear out (10.0 0 worth of fine shoes hlch we bought at a clearing out sale In New York: great bargains. MEN In every countv to manufacture and sell our elder made without app'es: 100 pir cent profit. Address with stamp. New Process Cider Co., Kansas City, Mo. MEN 10 good quaromen. Apply 'o FHnti Stone Oi. quarries, Jcucalre st. near Scheu ley Park; good wages. MEN-25 To sell Dunn's furniture polish: S3 a day made. Apply Dunn & Co., 112 Gallagher st., Allegheny. MIl.LWltlGHTS-None hut good, experienced men need applr; roust go to West vlrglnle, near Parkershurg. Nicola Bros., No. 20 Fifth av. MOLDERS Machinery aud iron molders. Ap ply to Center Foundry. Wheeling, W. Va. 1J AVERS Three experienced pavers with vltrl 1 lied brick. Morris Baker. Latrobe. Pa. PATTERN MAKERS W. B. Hender3on. Co., 2Cth St.. city. -First-class men. Westlnghouse El. Apply "sir A P lumber-to go out of city. First av.. city. Inquire at 37 PULLERS OUT (2) and teemers for crucible fur nace. Apply Mauager Brown & Co., Incorpo rated. Tenth st. SALESMAN On 6aiarv or commission, to handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds: no abrasion of paper: 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to f8J0 In six days, another 32 In two hours: we want one energetic general agent for each Mate and Territory. For terms and particu lars address the Monroe Eraser Manufacturing Company, X, 10. La Crosse. Wis. SALESMAN Salary from start: permanent place; good chance fur advancement: experience un necesiary; outfit free. Brown Bros. Co., Nursery men. Rochester, N. Y. SALESMAN An experienced wholesale lumber alesman for lumber trade In Western Penn sylvania and Ohio; references required. AddrebS Dawson. Dl6patch office. SALKSMEN-Who can eastlv make ST. to ITS per week, selling tne celebrated Plnless Clothes Line or the Famous Fountain Ink Eraser: patents recently issued; sold only by salesmen, to whom we give exclusive territory; the Plnless Clothes Line Is the on y line ever Invented that holds clothes without pins a perfect success: the Fount ain Ink Eraser is entirely new, will erase Ink in stantly, and 1s king of all: on receipt of 50c will mall sample of either, or sample of both for $1. with circulars, price lists and terms: secure your terrl f rr at once. The Plnless Clothes Line Co., No. 97 Ilermon St.. Worcester, Mass. SALESMEN One general salesman In each countv. Address, with stamp and references, O'Keefe a Co.. 1232 Penn av. SOLICITORS ror city and adjacent towns. Pitts burg bult Club Company, No. ft : Sixth av. a 'RAVELING .salesmen to sell baklug powder: to the right men liberal salarv and com. con tracts wU be made: experience not necessary; If -i ou answer any au in tins column answer this one, II. S. Chemical Works, Mj-813 Van Buren, Chicago. WATCHMAKER-Good man at once at good wages. P. Yester, J02 Fifth av., McKees port. Pa. ATOUNG MAN With (1.000 can secure chance or X a lifetime by addressing M. M. Cayc, Dispatch office: oil country man prefirred. "7 OUNG man for glazier's work, X aud Sash Co , 711 Grant St. Fenna. Door Acents. AGENTS AND FAKIR? to handle magnificent ah silk woven Photographic Campaign Badge: lightning seller: big money; samples 10 cents; send now. J. Moon, 152 3d av.. Pittsburg. Pa. AGENTS wanted The best campaign button on the market: send 35c for samples of button, pin and song with prices for gross lots. Jones A bweet, lock box 585, Altleboro, Mass. AGENTS for Western Pennsylvania; good money to rUht parties. The Nat. Loan and Invest ment Company, to) Times Bldg. AGENT'S Everywhere tosell"0'Keefe's PUIS." Dr. O'Keefe A Co.. 1232 Penn av. Female Help Wanted. pHAMBERMAID at No. 1 Cliff st C IRL for general housework. J C Low, 1.10 Meyran avenue. Inquire. Mrs. J, GIKL for general housework; Eplanade st. Allegheny. family three. 32 pi IRL For general housework. 104 Cliff st. LAuIES-200 per cert profit guaranteed ladles wlhlng to devote spare time distributing our ele gant goods. Address, with stamped envelope. Juliet Toilet Co., Jollet, Id. ' LADY CANVASSER wanted: salary Trom start; permanent place. Brown Bros. Co.. Roches ter. N, Y. "V OUNG LADY as assistant bookkeeper: refer X ence required. Address C, B.. Dispatch office. Male and Female Help Wanted. HELP Colored waiter, 20 farmhands, ahlrtlron er. (9 per week; wet nurse, woman cook for small hotel, dishwashers, chambermaids, dlulng room girls, family cook((4to(:per week; chamber maids. 200 house girls. 10 colored: cook and chambermaid for small family. Meefian At enev, 545 Grant st. WANTED-Cliambcrmalds. laundresses, cooks, dining-room girls, nurses, house girls for families, hotels: cooks, dishwashers and chamber maids: German and colored help; drivers, porters, farm hands: white ana colored waiters. Thomp son's, eon Grant st. Fire Insurance Wanted. JJ ENS W ANGER A ZAUN-Flre insurance. 60 Fourtn av. WANTED. Situations Wanted. POSITION as stenographer with live years' ex perlence: shorthand speed 180 words a minute; rapid tvpewriter operator: will guarantee to write 123 business letters dally: wish to engage with cor poration having large correspondence; salary t2S weekly: now have position but desire to ehange: best of reference. Address Stenographic, Dispatch office. POSITION-An experienced and thoroughly cap able man desires engagement In Iron orsteul works as assistant superintendent clerk or any position or trust; first-class references. Address M. D.. Dispatch office. POSITION as clerk by boy 18 years old; no ex perience, but can furnish reierence; Insurance office preferred. Address Premium. Dispatch office. 1JOSITION as bookeeeper or salesman br capable man; city reference. Address N. P. T.. Dis patch office. POSITION as manager company oi general store: experienced. Address Manager. Dispatch office. POSITION-By male stenographer;,fonr years' experleace. P. O. Box Mi city. POSITION As carpenter foreman by No. 1 me-, chsnlc. A. K., Dispatch office. SETofbooksto keepevenlngs; good reference. Address Entry. Dispatch office. SITUATION By gardener and florist: married; no children; German: 25 years' experience: good reference: only first-class private place wanted. Address G. B., East End Dispatch of fice. OFIUATION as collector, assistant bookkeeper good education: ref- O or general office work erence excuaugcu, llance, O. Address Frank Seneca, Al- SITUATION is experienced lanch counter and oyster man: stranger In city. Address C. G., Dispatch office SITUATION Bv a young lady as shorthand and tvpewriter. Address M.. Box 94, Washington, Pa. ' Yt anted Farmer. PARTNER An honest reliable business man as parlner, who understands bookkeeping; (4,000 required: first-class references given and required. Address M. R.. Dispatch office. PARTNER to take charge of a neat paring little business: lady preferred; invoice (uOO. D. K., Dispatch office. Hotels, Dlnlnc and Lunch Booms. HOTEL NORWOOD Most popular and coolest resort in the East End: Duquesne electric cars pass the door: finest accommodations for driv ing oartles; restaurant and bar attached: reason able rates. Frank Y. Over, proprietor. 182 to 270 l'rankstown av.. near Sliver Lake. H, OTEL FEDERAL-171 Federal st. Allegheny: 50, (2 00 day; special rates wnen permanent. IMPERIAL HOTEL, 86and88Washington street; sneLlal rates for permanent guests; elegant rooms and table. Ed. J. ahem. Prop. YISITKevan'sladies'andgents' dining rooms, 903 Penn ave. ; business men'sdlnner; ladles' noon lunch; meals anytime: every thing In season. w INDSOR HOTEL, 8 Diamond St. lodging 55. 5oc per night. Boarders and Loacers Wnnted. BOARDERS-90 Sycamore st. Mt. Washington; first-class boarding, (4 50. OCCUPANTS ror furnished rooms near parks; suitable fur gentleman. 21 Arch st. Alle gheny Boardlnc Wanted. WANTED Room and board by gentleman and wife with one child: best of references, and must be centrally located In East End. Address L. U. F, F... Dispatch office, Instruction. LADIES and gentlemen to enter private class In shorthand and typewriting beginning Au ? rust 22. day and evening. Call at Private short land Institute, 815 Smlthfleld at.. Pittsburg. Bnalneaa Opnortantles Wants-t. 1ITANrED-A gentleman to buy half Interest and take management In first-class estab lished business, centrally located on Federal st. Allegheny, for I1.C00; in addition to one-half in terest a salary of (5Ui per year will be allowed for managing. This Is the chance of a lifetime, and only those who mean business need address, for particulars. Federal, Dispatch office. TITANTED-To Invest rrom (17000 to (3,000 In a tr good store or light manufacturing business, either In the city or some flourishing manufactur ing town. Address Investor, Dispatch office. Real Estate Wanted. "VI7 ANTED-Honses In Sixth or Fourteenth tV wards, ranging from (4,000 to (7,000. Logue &Schroeder, Gennanla Bank Building, Rooms -'01 and -X2. TIT estate to sell or exchange. A. it Bauck, 441 Grant st. Financial W antia. TYTONEY to loan, in sums of (500. (1.000,(2,000, Jfl (5,000 and upward, at lowest rates, on mort gages. Charles somen A Co., 131 Fourth av. MONEY to loan at lowest market rates on bond and mortgage: no delay. Reed B. Coyle A Co., Cur. lourtli av. and Grant st. M ON EY to loan on mortgage: no delav; lowest Interest. Howard Brown, 151 Fourth av. MONEY to loan on mortgages: lowest Interest; no delay. Black A Balrd, 95 Fourth av. MORTGAGES on city or property at lowest rates. Co., 92 Fourth av. Allegheny county Henry A. Weaver 'DO L,OAN-(200,000 on mortgages: (100 and np X ward at 6 per cent; (500,000 at 4H per cent on residence or liuslness property, vacant lots or farms. S. H. French, 125 Fourth av. TJANTED -Mortgages on Improved city or Alle il gheny city property, McCuue & Coulter, 98 Fourth av. Mlscellaneeus VT anted. ARE von a Catholic! Are you unemployed? will jou work for (IS per week? write to me at once. J. R. Gay. 194 Madison st. Chicago. III. T?LFCTRIOMfg. and Supply Co., 810 Blssell block, L'j Pgh.. 64 Federal. Allegh'y: I ncandescent and hell wiring; phone 1375. electrical repairing a specialty; I EVERYBODY to use Dr. Kantl's headache pow ll den; sure cure: to Introduce will send orig inal 10c package on receipt of two 2c stamps. Ad dress Kaotl Chemical Co., station B, city. C GALLERY Second-hand portable tintype gsl 7 lery. Iron or wood. O. J. Bsnnon, Tee Gar den., Col. Co.. O. LADIES-1,000 ladles who wish to buy shoes at one-half price to call at once at Public Shoe House. 50 Federal st, Allegheny. PAINTING and Plate Glass glazing. It C Miller, 52S Grant St.. Pittsburg. PATENTS-U. 8. and foreign: fees payaoie on success. J. H. Stevenson, solicitor, 100 Fifth av. ATKNTS O. D. Levis (20 years). Solicitor, ltl ' Fifth av.. next Leader, Pittsburg: no delay. PRINTING You can save money land's. 67 Federal at, Allegheny. at McFar- SD. KARN8 A CO.. law and collection agency, room 4. 152 Fourth av,; consultation free: no charges until collections are made; suit entered at any time; rent collected and mortgages wanted; reference, Geo. B. Hill St Co. or any city bank. TRUNKS hauled to and from the East End for tl rty cents. Campbell A Davis, No. 12 Seventh av. Telephone 276. VOTERS Attention: all who favor printing the People's party list of candidates on the official Daitot picase can at headquarters, uurry Uni versiiy ou petitions. versity building. Sixth and Penn av.. and sign iruuuc meeting tnere aaturaay nignt. TIT ANTED Everyone who wants the finest and TV cheapest wall paper In America to send for samples: sent free to any address, G. G. O'Brien, Paint and Wall Paper Store. 292 Fifth av. ANTED A Van coffee urn; ten gallons. S3 Diamond St. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS! Horses. Vehicles. Live Ntocsc For .!. BAROUCHE Beautiful barouche, 11 rs t-class con dition. Inquire 334 Oakland av. BUGGIES-Flne Dexter buggies at cost at Dex ter Spring Co.. Verona. f CARRIAGE Six sealer: only been in use one year; owner leaving the city. Call at 303 Fifth av. DELIVERY wagons-Delivery wagons all styles; ourown make. Win. Beckert 340 to 144 Ohio st, Allegheny. Telephone 3420. HORSES-Lot of fine horses; one gray team about ISM hands high, one bay team about same height: lot or single drivers; a rew wagon and heavy horses: also one gentleman's drlveriwlll trot In 2:40; is a splendid saddler: well bred and thor oughly broken: all these horses are well broken and scare at nothing- also 2 six seat carriages and 1 surrey. Inquire at 138 Forbes av. SURREY Second-hand surrey, with top. Ad dress T. H. A., K. E. Dispatch office. Bleyeles, Tricycles, Etc, For Bale. BICYCLE Good second-hand Hartford safety bicycle: 1891 pattern cushion tire. Address Hartford, Dispatch office. REPAIRING BICYCLES at short notice a spe cialty: moderate charges. 310 Blssell block, entrance Seventh ay. 1 84 Federal. Alltgheny. Miscellaneous Fnr Sale. T?OR SALE Great bargains for ladles and gentle H men Having purchased (10,0(0 worth of fine shoes at a closing out sale In New York, we are now offering them at one-half regular price; ask to see our famous (129 ladles' aud gents' shoe. Public Shoe House, to Federal st, Allegheny. FOR S ALE-Powerful field glass, cost I to, for (10. Address Post Box 392, Cincinnati, 0. ' FOR SALE National Cash Register only In use two months. No. 58 Diamond st TXR want or use, good office desk with four X aparunents for large books, 4 drawers and 21 square pigeon holes; only (8. Frank J.Totten. No. 93 3d av. PRINTERS' stands and cases for sale cheap: a prompt buyer will get a bargain: second-band saw table In good condition ; sold because snace needed. Apllf 4JlM;i VUMUCW QUlOe. SHOWCASE (plate glass), cheap: 8 feet long, 28 Inches high; at Btelnman's Jewelry store. 105 Federal st, Allegheny. TO PRINTERS-100 ryp eases and a flew stands In good order for sale cheap. Apply The Dis patch Counting Rooms, FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and MetaW For .4 ale. BOILERS and engines, second hand; all sizes, from 4 to 100 h. p.; cheapest In the market: 04 boilers and cnglnts In stock, stationary and porta ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.; steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting. Telephone 3W1, 13-25 Park way. J. 8. Young. Al legheny, Pa. TlOlLER One 48x10 feet nnrlght two 80-horse .4 purbauic vile ,.., i.i viiuijci, ",o .uuci. one Jack-el kettle. E. M. Sims i Co,. Fifth st and portable, one Rankin chopper, one stuffer, Duquesneway. CASH REGISTER National make; safe, school desks. 58 Diamond st DRILL PRESS-Boynton and Plumber No. 2 drill in first-class condition. Inquire 334 Oak land av. STEAM PUMPS, new and second-hand boilers, engines. Injectors, electors, South Bend wood rmlleys. Iron hubs, shafting and hangers, machln sts' brass founders and Iron-pipe fitters, CD Water street Bubber Htumpa and Stencils For Sate. GETyourrnbberstamps. steel stamps, stencils. ' teal presses, brass checks, etc.. from Bheaffer Co.. 4H Filth av.. Duff's College building. TiUBBER stamp and seal factory, the largest In J Pittsburg, at 52 Fourth av. McMahon Bros. FOB SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. I)OARDINGHOUSEof21 rooms for sale or rent i on easv terms: good, steady trade. For terms write 123 Robinson St.. East Liverpool, O. IJONDSirOK SALE One hundred coupon bonds 1) of the denomination of (100 each, bearing in terest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and redeemable at the option of the borough on or at any time after September I, 1837. but redeemable absolutely on September 1. 1912. have been issued hy the Borough of Morrellvllle, Cambria county. Pa., and are now offered for sate at par value by the undersigned. For any further Information call on or address J. F. Seigh. Treas urer Morrellvllle borough. Fairfield av., Morrell vllle. Johnstown, Pa DRUGSTORE In a rapidly growing railroad town. No opposition, cheap rent Great op Eortunlty lor an energetic man. Address urophen. Dispatch office. DRUG STORE The best fitted and stocked drug store In one of the best natural gas towns of Indiana for cash only. Address Box 5, McComb, Ohio. ; T EXPRESS BUSINESS-A well-paving buslnes 2i of years' standing: reason for selling, am leav ing cltv. For particulars address Express, Dis patch office. HARDWARE and housefurnlshlng store-Rare business chance: best location In the two cities; large room. low rent: stork will Invoice (5,000 to 10,000: good reasons for selling. Address Hardware, Dispatch office. HOTEL Good licensed hotel, centrally located. Address for particulars C. C Dispatch office. IJAPER ROUTE Cheap, a good route. Inquire at 10 A. M. at 157 Fonrtlfav. . TiESTAURANT A well established restauraut: XL one of the bet locations In Allegheny, on a busy thoronghrare; full equipment: everything in fine running order and making money; a good opening. Jas, W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. flSQCA will buy the turnlshment of a 10-room riDOiJU lodging house almost new. cost II. COO: fine grocery will exchange for real estate: restaur ant one of the best In the city. leeds f.00 people dally; cigar stores, bakeries, hotels. Perclval & Gaston, ass Grant st. Business Properties For Sale ANDERSON HOUSE, 21 rooms, for sale. Liverpool. Ohio. East FOR SALE OR RENT The Central Hotel, a popular summer resort, aud open all the year: newly refitted and refurnished and doing a good business; cause for selling. Illness of proprietor's wife. Address The Central Hotel, Loretto, Cam bria Co., Pa. HOTEL For sale or rent containing 60 rooms: best location In Cumberland, Md. Address Box 582, Cumberland. Md. Mannfactnrln; Sites For Sale. MANUFACTURING SITES-On Preble av., Al legheny. 340 feet front extending to Ohio river. 500 feet In depth. S'i acres, Penna. and P. A W, R. R, sidings: on West Market st. Allegheny, three-forrths acre, Penna. R. R. siding; on Pcnn sylvanlt&v.. Allegheny. 153x130 feet, with paved streets on three sides: at Chartlers. 37 acres, P. It L. E. and Penna. R. R. connections and electric cars to city; In Allegheny, 3-story brick factory, with pulleys, shafting, etc., suitable for light man ufacturing; to responsible parties desiring manu facturing sites outside the city lean offer rare in ducements with best of R. R. and water facilities within the "40-mlle shipping radius." Thos. II. Dickson. Ill Fourth av., room 45. MANUFACTURING SITES-For sale or lease We have several manufacturing sites 111 the city, also short distance out; tome with river landing, others with railroad switch: call for par tlculars. Black & Balrd. 95 Fourth av. FOBSALK LOTS. City Lota, encin rr SMOO-ISOO Herron H 111 Park plan: cable cars at tS) I O choice lots near Wylle av. above nrleesr some on naved street: only (10 down. balance (3 a mouth; sure to enhance quickly. Black A Balrd, 95 Fourth ay, "" ' East End 1-ots For Sale. C1ENTEB AV. ots,-4Bxt7S. only (2.000 each; street Improvements and sewers paid for: choice lo cation : first-class Improvements! on a rosin thor oughfare: a limited' number only offered at this Brlce; terms to suit SeeM. P. Howley A Son, 91 lamond st. TTiART END Four chean lots in fine neighbor Xj hood In East End: must be sold soon. Logue A Schroeder. rooms 201 and 202 Germauia-Bunk Building. NEAR Stanton and Ncgley ays.. E. E. Those elegant 40-loot lots are almost cleaned out: we want to sell the last one of them during this week, and invite lot buyers and home seekers to come early and secure a choice thing while It is cheap; (35 per foot I ront only. (2-59-&T7). Charles homers A Co.. 131 Fourth av. flfiet PER foot front East End lots: very deslr DOtJ able: handsome surroundings; 50 or more feet front by 150 feet deep. (137L) W. A. Herron A sons, w f ourin ay. Allecheny Lots For SIo. LOT At a bargain Lot on Buena Vista St., be tween Taylor and North ava.. Allegheny. Mc Cune A Coulter, 98 Fourth av. 21 ACRES fronting on Wiley av.. near Califor 2 nia av. electric line, overlooking the Ohio river; this Is one of the finest sites for a home ever offered: price below actual value; chance for spec ulation; easy terms. John K. Ewlng & Co., 107 Federal st Suburban Lots For Sale. F'DGEWOOD. P. R. B. A big bargain In a 'j choice lot on Maple av. If sold at once : 100x300 feet. Hoffman ft Baldrldge, Wllklnsburg, oppo site depot ' LOTS Come soon and procure one of those choice lots In Allqnlppa Place before they are all gone: prices (350 to (Mo: terms very easy. J. E. Glass, 401 Grant st T UTS Only few ot those choice lots In Ali- Xj qulppa Place are yet unsold, and the price la only (350 to (550, on very easy terms. J. . uiass. suiurant at. LINDEN STATION. B. O. R. R-Lots near Second av.. (500 each, (is cash, balance small monthly payments wltnout Interest or taxes: these are bargains. See Black ft Balrd. N o 95 Fourth av. 02Q K( TO (550 On easy terms, will buy you a tl&OtJU good lot In the Altqulppa Place plan, right In the heart of the city and an excellent neighborhood; we will give youj a deed when the first payment Is made, and you can build at once. J. E. Glass, 401 Grant st. Heal Estate. n EAL ESTATE-For bargains In real estate call on A. Bauck. 4U urantst Farms For ssti. FARMS Several good farms, one rontt1nlng279 and one 218 acres, which may be divided If de sired, and one 11254 and one 74 acre farm within 5 'mllesofagoodmarkit: the Improvements on this rarm are onegoou ireroe nouse oi o rooms, z gooa barns. 2 good young hearing orchards of choice fruit; price, (4,000: also houses and lots for sale in Parnassus, Kensington and Sprlngdale:also a good butcher stand, with wagons, horses, engine and everything complete for carrying on the busi ness. John Euwer, rostofilce building, Parnassus, Pa. FARM A small farm of 10 acres, with good dwelling, aud outbuildings, orchard, small fruit water and houses for chicken hatching (over 100 per week can be produced), close to a mauu racturlng town, on line of R. R, Particulars lrom Jas. W. Drape ft Co.. 313 Wood st, Pittsburg. 1?OR SALE or exchange Farm of 130 acres, 2 or . charts small fruit plenty or water, good dwell ing, barn and other outbuildings, etc., nearAU qulppa station, P. 4 L. E.R. R. t desirable city prop erty taken In part payment; price only (So per acre. Jas. W. Drape ft Co.. 313 Wood St., Plfts bnrg. FOB SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Allegheny Besldences For Sale. A LXEGHENY On easy terms on one of the best A residence streets; on line or electric railways near parks and market; frame house with lot 114 feet long: location Is sucn that the lot can be di vided, thus affording a peculiarly desirable, invest ment D. H. O., Dispatch office. ALLEGHENY 2 small brick houses, near Ohio at, 7 rooms, small storeroom, etc., etc. : rents (31 per month, paid promptly every month: will sell to yield 10 per cent. Address or see J. McF. Carpenter, cor. Grant st. and Fourth av., Pitts burg. ESPLANADE ST., Allegheny New brick house; Particulars, W. V. Dermltt. 407 Grant M 000 No. 84 Robinson St. Allegheny Two- atorv nrlcsrwlth frame addition: 7 rooms aud bathroom, hall, vestibule, both gases: small payment down. Terms and key at Black ft Balrd's, 95 jrourtn av. Snbtxrban Besnneneea fnr Sale. XTEAB Brnshton station. P. R. R., small house ii and lot to be sold at Orphans' Court sale, on Tuesday, August 23, at 2 o'clock r. it., on the premises. Get handbills of full particulars from Jas. W. Drape ft Co,, Agents and Auctioneers, 313 Wood st, Pittsburg. c(i noo- Antcehonse near station at Crafton: I5Zfi 5 rooms, hall. a. hall, porches, good cellar: excel lent water: lot 25x110; easy terms. Logue ft hchroeder. rooms 201 and ar Gennanla Bank Building. 6 ACRES of ground near the city with small, old dwelling; price only (9t0- immediate posses sion. Jas. Drape ft Co. 313 Wood st, Pittsburg. FOB 4ALE IMPROVED HEAL ESTATE CUT Residences. TITY'LIE AV. property in a good location to TV change Into a business house: will sell low to a prompt buyer. C. H. Love. No. 93 Fourth av. QJ Q 200 will buy on Center av. a lot 22x120 to VpO) street with brick building containing small store and dwelling. A. Bauck, 441 Grant st. Best End Besldences For Bile. EAST END residence ror sale: (18,000. easy terms: a 12-room. 2-story and mansard roof house, delightfully situated on North Highland av., near Station st ; every Improvement: house In perfect repair: good sized lot: a bargain for a quick purchaser. .Inquire of Fidelity Title ft Trust Co., 121 aud 123 i ourth av. EAST END-A nice brick dwelling of 8 rooms, bath, furnace, both gases, hall, dry cellar, f:ood sewerage, etc.. In a very pleasant and conven ent part near cable cars and P. R. It: good lot; small space In front: side lot; all In prime order; immediate possession. Jas. W. Drape ft Co., 313 Wood at, city. IfOR SALE That elegant residence In Shady side, with "cemcntlne and expanded metal'' front on Aiken ave.. between the electric and cable cars: 8 luxurious rooms, 4 finished rooms lu msnsard, bath and lavatorial facilities, toilet rooms, conservatory, plate glass windows, patent shutters, electric attachments, laundry and all other of the newest appliances; sanitary arrange ments and sewerage In perfect order: everything In first-class condition throughout; veranda at side anil wide porch in front: large lot. spacious lawn, aniple shnrle: n perspective of the residence can be seen at our office; fuller particulars from Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood st. Pittsburg. T70U SALE House and lot on Gross st. be tween lien Venue station and Liberty av.. 5 rooms, hall, cellar, porches, etc.. all In good or der: owner Is h non-resident and as he Is anxious to sell has redured the price to (3.000. Jas. W. Drape ft Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. OLIVANTST.. 51st ward -6-room frame house; slate mantels: pnpered throughout; rrontand side porches: with lut .'OHIO lect; price (2.300; small cash payment and balance n monthly In stallments. 3IcCune ft Coulter, 93 Fourth av. M.IVANT ST. 21st ward l-room frame house W with lot 30x154 feet for Sl.oOO: mortgages wanted. McCune ft Coulter. 93 Fourth av. VfEARShadjahle. a nice Queen Anne dwelling. lv convenient to electric and steam cars, 8 rooms, reception hall, natli. lavatory, laundry, both gases, with other modern requirements and.ln prime order throughout: double lot 50x120 feet: lawn front side and rear: thlslsaeozy and com fortable place. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Woodst, Pittsburg. ' C1 850 Small cash payment down, balance (15 OX j per month; neat and new frame dwelling or 4 rooms and attic, cellar under whole house, hall, city water In kitchen: large front porch: lot 22x100: nicely fenced In : this property Is lu a pleasant and healthful location aud handy to cable line; If you want a cheap home on easy terms call aud see us. M. F. Hlnple ft Co.. 9A 4th av. (Pn OOO will hnv a beautiful residence of 9 tlDOj rooms In East End. -located on the corner of two desirable streets; this Is a modern house, containing all the latest Improvements and con veniences: near Duqnesne traction: lot 46xlto; the price Is low and terms easy. Black ft Balrd, 9 4th av. ( 800 will buy one of the coziest houses In jVtrj the East End: has 9 rooms, reception hall, bath, laundry, slate mantels, tile hearths, etc. : lot 52 feet front only one square lrom Center avenue branch of Duquesne electric line: Immediate pos session. George Schmidt, 157 Fourth av. 300 New nouseln a very desirable location s near caDie and electric cars on nsveu street: six rooms, hall and attic, front and rear porches, side entrance, bath. w. c, b. and c. water, etc.: a great bargain. (121.) W. A. Herron ft Sons, 8J Fourth av. TO LET. City Besldences. TOLET (10 per month, house of 4 rooms, nesr Twentj-eighthst. on Jones av.; send for list. W. A. Herron ft bons, 80 Fourth av. East End Residences To L;. TO LET Block of choice brick residences on Rlppey street, near North inland avenue; one or the best loratlons In the East End: street paved with asphaltum; flagstone sidewalks with grass plots: each bouse contains 9 rooms. large hall with tiled vestibule, finished throughout In hsrd wood; china closet, rurnace and gas range: elegant bath room: laundry In cellar, which Is remcuted: rent only (45 or 850 ror corner houses; possession at once. Black ft Balrd. 95 Fourth av. TO LET A nice rurnlshed house In the East End In pleasant and cool location; 8 rooms, bath and other moderu conveniences. Jas. W. Drape ft Co., 313 Wood st. 'POLET-Oakland. (35 per mo.. Boquetst. near X Flfthav. House or 8 rooms: send for list. W. A- Herron ft bons, 80 Fourth av. Allegheny Besinences To Let. fPO LET noose with G rooms, hall, bathroom, X wash travs, hot and coid water: w. c. In house: finished attic: electric cars 1 squarefrom house: N'o. 385 hast Ohio st: possession Septem ber 1, as present occupant moves In own new house. rPOLET-By John K. Ewlng ft Co., 107 Federal X st. (100 Allegheny houses at reduced rents). Send for free list rpo LET-AIIeghenv houses and fiats by Scott ft X McMlllen. 71 Federal st. nootns To Let; ALDER ST., 'K E.. No. CI05-2 nicely furnished front roomB: all conveniences: near Hfth av. cable or electric line; references required. BROAD ST.. 6618. East End Newly-furnished front alcove room; private family; all conveni ences. BROAD ST.. 6108. East End-Nice room with board; moderate rates for permanent gentle- TINWIDDIE ST.. 257-Elcgaat front room; XJ modern Improvements: cheap. DINWIDDIE ST.. 253-Niccly furnished front room; (12: all conveniences. I7DWIN ST.. 213. East End, near South Hlgh Xj land Newly lurnlshed room; also one unfur nished; all conveniences: family private. E1 MERSON ST., 218. East End-Newly furnished rent, ESPLANADE ST.. 32, Allrgheny-Newlv fur nished rooms; private family; (6, (10, (15; all conveniences. I FEDERAL ST., 249. Allegheny Front room, Sep " temberl. HIGHLAND AV.-Nlcely furnished front room on N. Highland ay. M. M. W.. Dispatch office. GRANT ST., 303-Clean furnished bedrooms with or without hoard: home comforts. LOCUST ST., 257, rittsburg-Three unfurnished rooms; bath, laundry, both gases. TEGI,KY AV.. 112. East End. Ll Roomers and boarders. above Penn 3JENN AV.. 944 Front room, suitable for office; reasonable rent PENN AV.. room. 804 Furnished 3d floor (ront UNION AV., 23, Allegheny-Well furnished rooms with board; terms moderate. WEBSTER ST , 109. Allegheny-Nice 2d-story front: snitable one or two: (10. ESTERN AV., 833, Allegheny-Lady has nice furnished rooms; will rent low; conveniences. Z bee additional adieu under Wanted Boarders and Lodgers. Baslneti Htanna To TO LET Space with power, cor. Penn and Third aves.: three floors; 20.000 feet space: abundant power: good light: splendid location: every con venience. Apply Nicola Bros., 20 Fifth av. rpo LET Four-storv brick building, 139 "-eeond X ay., two doors from Smlthfleld t. s will lease for fire years, manns'i tore. Apply at first floor office of Kauf-' Omees and Desk oom fo Let. 103 Fourth av.. first T0 LET Desk room. No, X floor tront. Black ft Balrd, No. 95 Fourth av. Mli.cellneoa lo Lets. TOLET Vacant lot, 80x110, with stable. Penn av.. Third st. and Exchange Apply Nicola Bros.. 205th av. comer alley. AUCTION BtLES TRUSTEE'S SALE Ofvaluable coal, limestone. Iron ore, timber and farming lands In Garrett county. Maryland, In the vicinity of Frlendsvllle and Accident. The under signed trustee, under a decree of the Circuit Court for Garrett countv passed In equity case No. 540. wlllsellat public "Frazee's Hotel." In the vlllageofFrlcni1sfllle. on FRIDAY, Septembers. 1892. at 1 o'clock P. M. a number of tracts of land containing In the aggregate about 2,300 acres, some of which are In a high state "br cultivation: others are covered with valuable timber aud are underlaid with valuable deposits or coal, limestone and Iron ore. a vein or coal on part or the land adjoining Frlendsvllle being now worked. These lands lie contiguous to the villages or Frlendsvllle and Accident and by reason of their mineral deposits, timber and close proximity to the Confluence and Oakland Railroad offer a rare op portunity ror Investment . . The land will be sold In parcels according to the patents, and rull particulars can be had from the Oakland Mountain Democrat or bvaddresslngG. S. Hamllt, attorney at law, Oakland. Md., at whose office a plat of the lands can be seen. '1 he terms of sale are: One-third cash, balance In two eqnal Installments at one and two years with interest and approved security, or all cash at the purchaser's option. Taxes will be adjusted to the day of sale. W. II. DAWSON, Trustee. . A. J. HARNE. Auctioneer. BONDS OF SURETYSHIP. For BANK and RAILROAD Employes. For CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS. For ADMINISTRATORS, ASSIGNEES, TRUSTEES. COMMITTEES, RECEIVERS, etc. Approved by the "Courts, Municipal, State and Federal Governments. Approved upon all city contracts in Pittsburg and Allegheny by special ordinances. THE CITY TRUST, SAFE DEPOSIT AND SURETY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital, full paid (500,000 Surplus.. .'. 150,000 A. McD. BAILEY, Aseat, 84 Fourth av., Pittsburg. Dy29-84-S EDUCATIONAL. ST. GEORGE'S HALL For boys and young men, St. George's, Md., Prof. J. C. Klnear. A. M., Prln. : unsurpassed, thorough, safe: (SKI and (300. PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Address, ror circulars, MRS. M. D. MATHEWS, Painesvllle. O. BOCK HILL COLLEGE, Ellicott City, Maryland. Schools. Classical, sclentlflo and commercial courses. Respectable young men and boys re ceived as boarders. Send for prospectus. BKO. DENNIS. President EDGEWORTH BOARDING AND DAY School, 12Jand 1! W. Franklin st., Bal timore, Md., lor yotuiK ladies will reopen Thursday, September 23,30th year. MRS. II. P. LEFEBVRE, PrinclpaL MISS BAIRD'B INSTITUTE FOR GIRLS, Norwallr, Conn. 20th year. Primary, intermediate and college preparatory ourses. Careful attention to morals and manners. New DuIIdlnus, steam heat,iucan descent lUtht. gymnnsium. BEAVER COLLEGE AND MUSICAL INSTI TUTE. Beaver, Pa., for young girls and yonng ladles, bpens Its thirty-eighth year September 13. Literary, Art Elocution and Music Courses. No death In 3ft years. An able faculty. Prices moder ate. Special advantages In Music. Send for cata logue to the President REV. R. T. TAYLOR. BISHOP BOWMAN INSTITUTE, A SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Corner Penn avenue and Fourth street. A Collegiate and a Pteparatory Depart ment. Special attention to Modern Lan guages aud Music. The next session opens Wednesdav, September 14. REV. B. J. COSTER, A. M Rector. PITTSBURG SCHOftL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN, 70S Penn avenue. Classes in nil branches of drawing, painting, design ing, pen ana tnic aruwinsr nnd cntnn paint Iiir. Fall term opens Wednesdav. Septem ber 14. Send for catalogue. A. W. IIEN'DEK SON, Principal. njisiiiNOTuN and jeffersont V i COLLEGE, N lnety-second i ear upeik. Sep tember l-i. Fully equipped for college wor-.. Labor atories lor Chemistry. Mineralogy and Biology. New observatory. Athletic field and new gymnasium wttb medical director. Expenses cry moderate. Alumni 2C02. Address, The President Washing-' ton. Pa. Hollidaysburg, Pa., School for Girls. Unexcelled lu location, bnlldlng, grounds nnd in all the requisites of a first-class school lor girls. ertlncate admits to Wellesler. Address MRS. R. T. HITCHCOCK. ST. JOHN'S MILITARY SCHOOL, MANLID3, N. T. Foil conrses of study. Undertho vtsltntion of tho Regents of University of New York and War Department UT. UEV.F.D. HUNT INGTON, Prcst; WU. VERBECK, Supt THE MISSES ANABLE'S Boarding unci Day School lor Young J -a (lies. Will reopen September 2th,at 66 Bayard St, New Brunswlok, New Jersey. PARK INSTITUTE, 204 NORTH AVENUE, ALLEGHENY. Prepares for college andbusiness. Opens (or the Autumn September S. Evening school September 24 LEVI LUDDEN, A. M.. Principal. HARCOURT SEMINARY, URmbler, O. Fur young ladles and girls. Founded 1887 to provide, west of the Allo ghenies, a school of the highest grade. Pu pils fron 21 States. Miss Ada I. Ayer, B A Prln. KENYQN n bier, O. This oh! and S1ILITART ACADEMY. Gambler. O. This old and remarkably suc cessful school provides thorough prepara tion for college or business, and supervision or health, habits and manners. L. Rust, LL.D. THE WESTERN UNIVERSITY OPENS SEPTEMBER 14. Examinations for entrances, 12 and 13. Courses in literature and science, and in civil, mechanical and electrical engineering. W. J. HOLLAND, D. D, President. CURRY Ihe old reliable schi UNIVERSITY SIXTH STREET. Ihe old reliable school that has educated 40,000 students. Fall term btglns September 5. English, normal, classical, scientific, mechanical, book keeping, shorthand, typewriting, music and elocu tion courses. Day and evening, bend for cata logue. H. M. ROWE, Ph. D President. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Courses in general science, biology, chemis try, civil, electrical, and mechanical engi neerincr. mechanic arts, modern language. history and political science. Ladles' course in literature and science. All tuition free. Board nnd other expenses very low. New buildings and equipment. Fall term opens Sept 14. For catalogue, address GEO. W. ATHERTON,LL.D.,Piesident, State College, Pa. HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Next session opens September 6. New students examined September & Special department for pupils requiring an ex clusively business training. For catalogue, etc., apply to the REV. PRESIDENT. Get a Practical Business Education. ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. NO. 6 SIXTH AVENUE. Established 12 years. Fall term, both day and night schools, begins August 29. Book-keeping, short-hand, typewriting and English departments for ladles and gentlemen. Book-keeping taught by actual business practice. Write for free pictorial catalogue. M. J. CONNOKVPresldent. tl. JH, ruiblJUTI, uu oi ratuitji PITTSBURG ACADEMY, NO. 7 FOURTH AVENUE. Academic normal and thorough business educa tion, drawing, penmanship, German, elocution, natural sciences, etc Commercial course Includes thorough instruction In all the English oranches. , Fall term opens September 5. 1892. Hon. Thomas M. Marshall. President Board of Trustees. For catalogues address J. WARREN LYTLE. TrlnclpaL OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS, OHIO, Has 71 Professors and assistants, 26 Depart ments, and IS laboratories. Courses for de grees in arts, philosophy, science; agricul ture, horticulture and lorestry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, and civil, mechanical, electrical and mining engineering: law, postgraduate courses for the master's and doctor's degree. Send for a catalogue. In this commercial age a BUSINESS EDU CATION is tho most profitable because it Is the most -useful. Out institution affords un surpassed facilities for imparting a thorough practical training. For circulars apply at the College office, 40 FIFTH AVF.NUE. XaT-Evening Sessions. aul3-32-TU3 JUST PLOTTED. HILAND PLACE PLAN, ADJOINING THE BEAUTIFUL HILAND PARK. These lots are all 50-ft. front, and are only two squares from the electric cars, are perfectly level, high, dry, with good drainage. This plan fronts on N EG LEY AVENUE One of the finest East End residence" streets, and is acknowl edged by all to be one of the healthiest and most beautiful locations in East End. The price asked for these lots is re markably low, being only $25 TO $50 PI FOOT FRONT, ON TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. For plans and particulars see S. E. POOL & CO., 6116 PNN AVENUE. BAST END. EDUCATIONAL:. NOTRE DAME OV MARYLAND. Collegiate Institute ror Young Ladlea and Pre paratory School for Little Olrl.. EMBLA P. O.. near Baltimore, Md. SCHOOL AND HOME ror boys and girls nMS years and under, charmingly situated, best ot Instructors and home culture. Address P. C. Prngh, D. P.. Butler. Pa. KI8KIMISET.VS SPIHNGB SCHOOL. College preparatory ror boys. Saltiburg Pa. Term opens September 13. Boys received at any age over ten. Tuition 1300. For eatalogne address WILSON A FAIR. New York, Ktngston-on-IIudson. GOLDEN HILL SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Classical, Scientific and English Courses. JOHN M. CROSS. A. M., Principal. PRIVATE SHORTHAND INSTITUTE 315 Smlthfleld st, Pittsburg. Pa. shorthand and typewriting per month. M 50: per quarter, 111; six months, f 20. Write ror catalogue. AST END COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Dav and evening sessions open Septem ber C. Five departments: Commercial, short hand, academic, eloontion and muic. For catalogue call on or nldres N. H. INMAN, A. M Principal, 6229 Penn avenue, E. E. nttsbnrg. SHADYSIDE ACADEMY. Corner Morewood ana Ellsworth av3. Begins September 11. Prepares for any college or scientific school. Six depart ments, with specialist at head or each. Lab oratory and gymnasium. Entrance exami nations at the academy Wednesdav. Sep tember 14, at 30 a., it. Apply to W. K. CRARRE. Principal, Shadyside, or HENRY A. BREED, See'v. Box 1005, Plttspnrg. i'JiOPOsML'v NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Council or the Borough of Sewtckley, Pa at the Council Chamber in said borongh. until 8 o'clock: p.m. on THURSDAY, the first day or September, 1H92, lor the rjaving or Beaver street lrom Perry street to Boundary street, in said borough, with VITRIFIED FIRE BRICK PAVEMENT. The approximate number or square yards ofpivingto be done is 17,350. Bidder will be required to pre-ent with their bids a certified check for five per centum of the total amount of the work. The Borough Council reserves the right to reject any or all Olda. Plans may be examined and specification may be obtained alter Friday, August 19, 1692, at the office of the Engineer in charge. Council Chamber, SewicUey, Pa. F. A. DUNHAM. GEO. II. ANDERSON, Engineer in Charge. Burgess. Bewicklet. August 17. 1833. CHOICE FKOPERTlCt. KELLY & ROGERS ARE SELLING THE Wm. Baird Plan of Lois at La trobe, Pa., VERY RAPIDLY. BEAUTIFUL HOME $13,000. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Homewood residence, large lot with shade and shrubbery nnd one of the best built brick houses in the city, heavy walls and brick partitions: everything in perfect order and repair, 8 large elegant rooms, bath with, finest orsanitnry plumbing, nickeled pipes, etc.: excellent laundry and cemented cellar with Bartlutt heater. The surroundings are unsurpassed. See it and yon will buy it LIGGETT, BROS., 71 Diamond st FURNISHED HOUSE. 8ia,ooo. EAST END CORNER. A beantlful comer on prominent East End street. Largo lot, fine shade and shrubbery and beautiful modern frame dwelling, seven rooms and bathroom, re ception hall, finished attic, flue laundry and cemented cellar; with beater, hard-wood finish, beautifully papered and furnished. A rare opportunity to step into a complete home at small cost LIGGETT BROS., 71 Diamond street. A CHEAP Residence Property. $14,000. EAST END. In very desirable residence locality. Lot 130x201 feet with very substantial and com plete ten-room frame dwelling, brick lined; wide hall In center. -hard wood floorin din ing room, tile hearths, large porches, with number ot shade add iruit trees, shrubbery, eM. F. HIPPLE & CO., 96 FOURTH AVENUE. MISS JIcCRACKEN, SELECT SCHOOL for BOYS and GISL9 Will reopen September 21. at 368 Ridge av., Allegheny. French taught by Prof. Henri Rollln Parser. NORTH OAKLAND SQUARE $500 CASH And $500 each year till paid will procure you one or those new lovely homes In this oholce resident neighborhood. WHY PAX" KENT when suoh inducement are offered you? They are well built brick dwellings, 7 rooms, bathroom, h. and 0. water, laundry, cemented cellar, tile hearths, slate mantels, eleotrlo bells, good sewerage, front and back porohes, houses set back 25 tee t from asphalt pavements, trees and lawn, plate glass win dows, facing Pittsburg's popular pleasure) resort, Schenley Park. Reasonable prices. J. C BEILLY, 80 Diamond St. Now is the best season tor planting and pruning trees, laying out of lawns and tak ing charge ot work generally; also draining HERMAN HELM, LANDSCAPE GARDENER, ELLSWORTH AV., Shadyside, Pittsburg; iu STRAYED. n 1...-..A a Htrln lamA In frnnt fftOC Liberal reward forinformation or his where abouts. WM. GUSHING, aui-TTS 37 Penn avenue. a 4i I A '&- s&? 'm U ri-Sfc- St-HSW iY-