p( n THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. KATTfRPAY. AUGUST 13. 6 THK5m.j , " ' "" f '. (a ' -- 1 sBPe1- V A DAT FOR PATRIOTS. Arranging for the Observance of the 400th Anniversary of THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. Major Gourlej Wants the Celebration to Be in Echenler Park. ECHO0L CHILDREN TO B2 IN FRONT A monster celebration of Colum bus' Day, October 21, the four hun dredth anniversary of the discovery of America, is to be held In this city. The form of exercises, whether there shall be a grand parade over the streets of the city, or an immense meeting at Schen ley Part, or both, is a matter yet to be de cided. Mayor Gourley has been thinking about organizing a celebration of the day among the school children, but was waiting until the schools opened in September be fore making any move in the matter Yesterday Mayor Gourley was waited upon by a committee from the Columbus Club of this citj, the chairman ot the com mittee being H. F. HcGrady, Esq., president of the club. They told the Mayor that on last Monday evening there had been held at the club house a meeting of delegates representing nearly every Catholic church in Allegheny county. The meeting decided that a cele bration of the day should be held in this city, but a resolution was adopted that the Mayors of the two cities be invited to take the lead in the matter, and that the cele bration be made general and non-sectarian, the Catholic organization only co-operating to make it a success. IT 111 Take Action on Monde-. The Mayor expressed his willingness to assist in the movement to the best of his ability. The plan he had in mind of having the celebration for the especial benefit of the school children was heartily indorsed by the committee, and they adjourned, to meet at the Mayor's office Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock. At this meeting a plan of action will be decided upon. Mayor Kennedy, who was also waited unon by the committee yes terday and signified his approval of the celebration, will attend the next meeting, and the superintendents of the publio schools of both cities and the county will be invited. Mayor Gourley's idea is to make (he ob ject of the celebration the instruction of the school children in patriotism, love for their country and the fla?. Some time ago the Mayor had his attention called to the sub ject of a public school celebration by a cir cular received from the Columbian Public School Celebration Committee, appointed bv the National Convention of Superin tendents of Education last February. The committee consists of Francis Bellamy, Chairman, of the Youths' Comvanion, Boston; John W. Dickson, Secretary of Education, Massachusetts; Thomas B. Stockwell, Public School Commissioner, Rhode Island; "Y. P. Garrett, State Superintendent of Tennessee; "W. C. Hewitt, Superintendent of Michi gan's educational exhibit tor the "World's Fair. The Rising Generation In Front. This committee has been making creat preparations for the work. Their object is to have local celebrations in every town in the country, to awaken enthusiasm in the Columbian exposition which opens on that day and to give the public schools the first place in the celebration. The committee will appeal to the school children them selves to be the first to move, to arouse in the schools and in their neighborhoods a sentiment in favor of a spontaneous remem brance of the intrepid sailor of Genoa. Af ter the movement is under way the com mittee will furnish printed programmes, adapted to any district, but arranged so that tbev can be elaborated if desired. The aim of this official programme is fo have certain leading exercises the same in every school in the Republic,and that at least one feature of the exercises at Chicago and those of all the schools will be identical. "While the schools are asked to start the movement it is expected that all civic, mili tary and religious organizations in each lo cality will take it up with equal vigor and contribute to its success. A Day tor ratrlot or All Aces. The Mayor heartily approves the plan of this national committee, out thinks Alle gheny county and particularly the two cities should combine in a grand'demonstra tion at Schenley Park. He proposes the appointment of a good committee of 15 per sons interested in publio and parochial schools with a view to making the celebra tion positively non-sectarian. The formu lation of all plans for the proper observance of the day, provision of ways and means for bringing together the school children of both cities and the county, and making a grand success of the affair will be left wholly with the committee. , Said the Mavor last evening. "By all means let us have in this city a celebra tion ot the lour hundredth anniver tary ot the discovery of America, and by all means let the school children here and all over the land have the front row of Beats in the show. The celebration island should be tor their benefit To the older heads this country has become simply a great checker board." The rising genera tion of citizens should be imbued with a little genuine patriotism and love of coun try that has in it no element of selfishness. Future Kulers of the Country. "There are 13,000,000 public school chil dren in this country to-day. The entire population of the country 60 years ago was less than that. The public school children form one-filth of the country's population now, and there are over 1,000,000 in paro chial and private schools. Fifteen vears irom now these 14,000,000 children will be controlling the Republic. They should be prepared lor that work. They should receive every possible lesson in patriotism. No opportunity to do this should be neglected, lor in our voters ol 15 years hence will rest the safety ot our Gov ernment Patriotism made this Govern ment and must be kept alive to sustain it. "I hope there Mill be a spontaneons movement onthe part of the people to as sist in this undertaking. Those who live to-day did not see the last anniversary, and they will not see the next one. Every man should be glad to live and take part in this one. My own idea is to have a grand meet ing in Schenley ParK, but the question of details will be taken np at our meeting next Monday. From the consideration I have liven the subject I am satisfied our people will take up the movement with enthusi sm." Mr. McGrady said that if a general dem onstration was not made the Catholics would hold one. The Catholic churches will all have special services on the morn ing of October 12. that being the date in history of the landing of Columbus, but the general celebration will be on the 21st, the day fixed bv President Harrison for the formal opening of the World's Columbian Exposition. AMATEUR athletics In THE DISPATCH to-morrow. ffevlew of the week's events. A Sunday Fchool Picnic The Smithfield Street M. E. Sunday School held a picnio at Idlewlld Park yes terday. Two trains often cars each carried the excursionists. It is estimated that 1,300 people attended. Crnel Parents Arrested. Young Thompson, who was found sick and neglected at his home on Pride street on Thursday, was yesterday sent to the Merc; Hospital. His parents have been locked up charged with cruelty and neglect. AN ECHO OF THE STRIKE; One Dnqaesne Itolirr Charges Another With Blander The Two Quarreled About a Place In the Mill A Suit for Damages! An echo of the lecent Duquesne strike reached the Common Pleas Court yesterday. Attorney W. J. Brennen filed the BUit of William J. Williams against John Evans, an action 'for (5,000 damages for alleged slander. Both men are rollers and live at Duquesne. Williams asierts that on Au gust 5 and 6 Evans said io him and in the presence and hearing of oOmrs, Intending to defame him and injure him in the estima tion of his neighbors, that "WTUlams had tried to supersede Evans in hi position as a non-union roller in the Duquesne Steel Works. Williams, in his statement, denies the truth of Evans' assertion and claims that by it he has been injured in his good name, fame and reputation and brought into dis grace and disrepute among his neighbors, .who since then have suspected him as guilty and meriting punishment They re fuse to have any conversation or communion with him, and for this and other Injuries he wants $5,000 damages. A capias was issued for the arrest of the defendant to require him to give bail Want Damaeti for an Injury. Suits for damages were entered yesterday by Jacob Peter and his father, Adam Peter, against tho Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway Company. The damages asked are for injuries to the son. On July 19, 1892, it is stated, an electrio wire of the company's on Charles street, Allegheny, was broken and fell to the street. The wire, which was charged with electricity, btruck the boy across both legs, severelv shocking and burning him. He is permna"ently injured, it is alleged, and $25, 000 damages are asked for him and $10,000 ,for his father. ITCHING Ai Bill Bores All Over Her Body. Snfferlnc End lew. Doctor Useless. Cured In 4 Weeks by Cntlcura. Your most valuable Cvticura Remedies hare done my Utile (rtrl so much rood that I feel like saying this for the benefitof thosewho are troubled with skin disrates, bhe as troubled with Itching, ourning sores. nen 1 took her to the doctor the flrst time, he called It the Italian Itch, and said he would cure ber in two weeks. 'When the two weeks were up, he called It eczema, and In that time she was worse than before. He doctored her for three months, and she was so bad tnat we did not know what to do. He did not do her any Rood, 1 saw the adver tisement or TJTICUBA Remedies In the paper, and I said to Tnv wlfp "1 am row to try them," Mind what 1 say, she was so thick with sores that we had to soak her clothes to take them off. Itch I there was no end to It. She had it all over her body, back, lees, arms. In between her 11 offers. She did not have It on her head. But arter taking Tour Cuticcba REMEDIES for two weeks the Itch atobped, arid in Tour weeks the sores were alt (rone. I enclose her portrait. I am more than pleased with your Coticuba REME DIES, as tbev speedily cured my daughter, and If anybody asks me about your remedies, I wlU up hold them wherever I bo. ,CH ARLES M. GRONEL. Conshohockcn, Montgomery County, l'a. Why Stiller One Moment From torturing and dlsflgurlng skin diseases, when a single application of the Cuticdra Remedies will, in the great majority of cases, afford instant relief in the most agonizing of Itching, burning, scaly, crusted, pimply, and blotchy skin, scalp, and blood diseases with loss of hair, and point to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure. Sold everywhere. Mce. Coticuba. (Oct soap, S5c; Resolvent, fl. Prepared by the Poms Del' a amd Chimicux Cobpobatiox, Boston. .??" 7How Cure 8tln Diseases." Hi pares, CO Illustrations, and testimonials, mailed free. nlQV'C 8,k,n and ScalP purified and beautlned DAD I 3 b Ccticcka SOAr. Absolutely pure. PAINS AND WEAKNESSES Of females, lnstantlv relieved hv tht new, elegant, and Infallible Antidote to Pain, Inflammation, and Weakness, the CUT1CCBA AXTt-PAIS PLASTXB. wssuwk Yale (Yale! Yale I Everybody knows that the 'Yale' is the best lock. It can betol&from the worthless imitations by the word "Yale" or this mark (Y&"h which ap pears on every genuine key. GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S GOCOA. BREAKFAST. Bv a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations or digestion and nutri tion, and bv a careful application of the fine prop erties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us raanv heavy doctors' bills. Ills by the J ndlclous use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to dis ease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keep ing ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." ''Civil Service Ga- K." Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half-pound tins, by grocers, labeled thus: JAMES EPPS & Co., Homoeopathic Chemists, Je2S-94-TuS London. England. Liebig Company's: :Extract of Beef. BEST pjreslBEEF TEA cheapest INVALUABLE In the Kitchen lor Soaps, Sances and Made Dishes. AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE Only Theater Open In tho City. TO-NIGHT 1 SHE COULDN'T MAURY THBEE. Auir. 15 Greatlaborplay, "Underground.'' anil , GRAND OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, AT 8. THE FAMOUS IROQUOIS BAND, of Lancaster, In a GRAND" CONCERT. Popular music. Under K. of F. auspices. PRICES IS TO 73 CENTS. au!3-X8 CHOICE FLOWERS, LOW PRICE AT BEN. It'ELLIOTTS, Telephone ISU. S8 Fifth ava, ipUtts Between 'Wood and Mar koa. tl? KEVT ADVERTISEMENTS. LAIRD'S Shoe Stores show the largest and Most Complete Line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloth Top Shoes. HEsfe5ftrrS $150, $1.75. $2, $2.50. Children's Cloth Top Do ngo fa Pat. Tip Spring, , , 99c. $1.18, $1.25, $1.50. Misses' Cloth Top Pat. Tip Spring Heel, $1.25. $1.50, $1.75, $2. W. M. LAIRD, MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 433 AND 435 WOOD ST.. Wholesale and .Retail. 1. W. COB. PE.NN AVE. ANTj SEJCTHST., PITTSBITHG, PA. t-23,000 GRADUATES. THE LARGEST AND MOST PROGRESSIVE BU3INES8 COLLEGE IN WESTERN PMNA. Send for New Illustrated Circular, giving full particulars, mailed free. Address, J. C. SMITH'S SON. Evening Sessions begin Monday. September 28. Telephone IMS. aull-65-TTS WATCH CHAINS. We will, for this week only, sell a Ladies' or Gents' Rolled Plate Watch Chain, WARRANTED FIVE YEARS FOR WEAR, at the un heard of low price of 9J 1 5 O cacn- SZLVCIT'S, YOUGHIOGHENY G re enough Street and Gas Alley. OFFICE, 106 GRANT ST. Youghiogheny Gas and Steam W Prompt service to manufacturers and consumers generally. Alius suppled THIS INK IS MANUFACTURED -BY- J. HARPER BONNELL CO., vk SmyO-7-D IT IB A DUTY yon owe yourselfand fam ily to set the best value for roar money. Economize In your footwear by purchasing W. Li. nnuclas Slinm. which represent the best valne for prices asked, as thousands will testify. . UK Ml ISU.USX1TUTH..M W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE cenImen. THE BEST S HOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY. A genuine sewed ehoc.Ciat trill not rip, fine calf, seamless, smooth Inside, flexible, more com fortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe ever sold at the price. Equals custom made shoes costing from s ft 45. ... ffiJi and 35 Hand-iewed, fine calf shoes. The P most stylish, easy and durable shoes ever sold at the price. They equal fine Imported shoes costing from 5 to 12. E7A11 other grades of the same high standard of excellence. CAUTION. Beware of dealers substituting shoes without W. L. Douglas name and tbo price stamped on bottom. Such substitutions are fraudu lent and subject to prosecution by law for obtaining money under false pretences. W. i. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by D. Carter, 71 Fifth avenue; J.N'.Frohring,3S9 Flft avenue;!!. J. & O. M. Lang, 4501 Butler street Pittsburg: Henry Roster, No. 108 Federal street n G.Hollman, No. 72Bebecca street, Allegheny E.tchlnsonBros., Ho. 230 Beaver an , Allcihen Jyl 2-49-TT FLEMING'S FDEB FAMILY WHISKIES Enjoy a reputation second to none. Better goods were never placed before the public We here quote some of our Whiskies that are by common consent the standards .of quality: FLEMING'S OLD EXPOET, Quarts SI, or six for (5. FINCH'S, GOLDEN WEDDING, Quarts $L25, pr six for 56. GIBSON'S TEN-YEAB OLD, Quarts CI. SO, or six tor $7.60. FLEMING'S PBIVATE STOCK, Quarts ?2 each. We guarantee all our goods, Including Brandies, Wines and Gins, to be Just what ire claim, and that is absolute purity, well aged and all that can be desired in flavor. Correspondence and mail orders solicited. Goods shipped to all points by rail promptly. JOS. FLEMING & SON, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, 112 MARKET ST., COR. DIAMOND, JySl-TTSBu Pittsburg, Pa. JihIU. .f 1 It. Ih. ul I ts. ,A .11 S1.000 and be pot back when 1 vw. I tm both nrpriMd and proad of tbe cbaan. I recommend roar treatment to all snfferere from obeiltT. will aniwer all lnqiittlee tf namj la locloud tor reply." PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDENTIAL. Harmlm, and with tarrla:, Inconvenience, or Ud electa. For parucalan addrtu, with oeau In lumps BL 0. V. F. SBTOEB. OTICKWS TH"T" -""" 1, III fa7-B7-nair LITTLE, THE OPTICIAN, Has removed to 600 LIBERTY STREET, over Espy's Drugstore. Spectacles and eye glasses exclusively. vf-fia W-TA UsssssHlsssssHsfsHHsVBssi nsjS2S3rrrv7 liter thmi 1 wimlA not toll aaaWWWWWw $1.50, $1.75. $2, $2.90. 406-408-410 MARKET ST. Jj-31-lSt-jiwrtis Cor. Liberty and Smithfield and 311 Smithfield Street JyH-'TTasn COAL CO., LTD., T. S. KNAP, managed: Telephone 1070. White and River Sand. Coal. with river sand. Je7-74-rrs Oil. WELL STJPPiaES. OIL WELL SUPPLY CO., 91 and 92 Water Street, PITTSBURG, PA. no3-53-TT81tOBU After 19 Years of Trial, BLAINE, THE FAMILY SAFEGUARD OIL, Is Conceded to Be the Best and Safest Oil Known. , . ELAINE NEVER VARIES IN QUALITY. - Cannot Be Exploded. It is the very highest grade of refined pe troleum, from which in the process of man ufacture, every impurity has been elim inated. Elaine is free from benzine and parafdne; it will never chill In the coldest tempera ture known on this continent. In color, Elaine is spring-water white, and its "fire test" is so high as to make it as ab solutely safe as any illumlnant known. Having no disagreeitblo odor, Elaine is a pleasant oil for family use. Can Bo Burned in Any Petroleum Lamp. A POSITIVE .PROTECTION FROM LAMP EXPLOSIONS. MAKES THE SAFEST AND BEST LIGHT KNOWN. ELAINE! T6haefrr OIL. 100 Million Gallons ELAINE Sold in IS Years From 1873 to 1897. Elaine Cannot Be improved Upon. WAEDEN & OXNARD, MANUFACTURERS, fel PITTSBURG. PA. ESTABLISHED 187U. BLACK GIN KIDNEYS, Is a relief and sure cure f o tbe Urinary Organs, Gravel and Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder. The Swiss Stomach' Bitters trade make, are a sure cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and every species of in digestion. wild Chrrry Tonic, the most popular prep aration for onre of Cougbs, Colds, Bronchitis and lung troubles. Either of tbe above $1 per bottle, or $6 for IS. If your drucglst doei not handle these goods write to Wif. F. ZOELLER, sole M'lr, Pittsburg, Pa. ja2-57-TTS M. MAY, SONS & CO. FINE DYEING AND CLEANING. i, 66 Sixth ave, Pittsburg, Pa. t Telephone 2Wi - m NKTV ADVERTISEMENTS, - vmgtT Costly Thy Habits as Thy Purse Can Buy. Shak. ITS a pity that the immortal bard didn't live long1 enough io see wJuzt fatilllessly, fine fitting, handsomely made, per fectly finished suits we can place at ycrnr disposal for $8, $10 and $12. He once re marked, "The apparel oft proclaims the man " Had he seen our home-made suits he would have said, "That's the kind of apparel to proclaim the man." We are now clear ing out our entire stock that's left to make room for fall stock. We need and must have room. No sacrifice too great to gain our end. Come at once. 954 and 956 LIBERTY ST. STAR CORNER. Have you seen our FAVOR ITE all-wool pants at $2.25? A few more left don't miss this chance. auT-12-TTSSu AM, KIND Sm FIELD GLASSES All Prices. STIEREN B4i omiumeia st my27-iT RBEUMIlSrt Gouts Lumbago What the Champion Brides Jump or and Swimmer of the World Says of If. Messrs. McKinnle & Chessman: Gkktlemik I was induced to try a bottle of your truly wonderful medicine, and can say it is tbe only medicine that has ever done me any good, and, in Tact, tbis oured me. I have Deen a constant sufferer with rheumatism ever since my long swim from Albany to New York in my rubber suit. Immediately afterward I went to England, where I was laid up with rheumatism for four weeks at Shield's Hotel, London. I se cured the best medical attendance, paying two guineas a day for the treatment, with out deriving as much benefit as from one bottle of your medicine. I feel truly grate ful to you and you can rest assured I will never let an opportunity of testifying to the merits of this valuable medicine pass, and freely give tbis recommendation In behalf of suffering humanity who may have been robbed by quack doctors and ruined In health by the many injurious prescriptions used by BUfferers, as has been m v case. Yours respectfullv, Steve Brodie, Nos. lit and 333 Bowery, New York. July 29, 1891 Frlce 83 per bottle. For sale by all druggist. M'KINNIE !L CHESSMAN M'F'n CO., eic Peon Ave., nttsbnrg. Fa. Send your mame to the office and we -will mall. free, pamphlet of testimonials. aa7-iTS3u KOEHLER'S Installment House f eoccupy tie entire Mil 7 Sixth Street, MENS' AND BOY'S Clothing on Credit! (Ready-Made L to Order.) LADIES' CLOAKS & JACKETS, Watches & Jewelry, . ON INSTALLMENTS. Cask Prices withoit Security. fERMS: One-third of the amount purchased Saint bo paid down; tha balance in (null weekly or monthly payments. Business rransaciea sinctly connaentui. vpc. dally, from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Saturdays u ur.M. Get Into Goon lis. ISS M BilBill f1i irii SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KAUFM ANNS' Saturday Specialties OMI SHIRT Between 5,000 and 6,000 are still left and, taking advantage of the present hot spell, we have slashed and slaughtered the prices, so as to effect an immediate clearance. Ask to see these 4 lots: 39c LOT: This lot consists of 5 styles of fine Madras Shirts. Some silk mixed, some checked, some striped; former prices were 75c and $1. 50c LOT: This lot consists of the stylish laundered collar and cuff Shirts, made of fine Cheviot, Madrasrand Crepe Cloths; former prices were $1 and 1.25. 1 LOT: This lot consists of broken sizes and odds and ends of our former $1.75 and $2 Outing Shirts, with laundered collars and cuffs. $1.50 LOT: This is the crowning bargain lot, including as it does odds and ends of our former 2.50, $3 and 3.50 lines of finest Outing Shirts. BOYS' G 450 Boys' Beautiful English Linen Wash Suits, Sailor and Zouave styles, fancy braided, etc."; were $2 and 2.50, , Now $1.24. 350 Children's elegant All-Wool Kilt Suits, very stylish; with hand somely braided deep sailor ' collars; were 3.50, . Now $1.50. KAUFMAN NS' FIFTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. MEDIOAI. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 TEUN AVEKBE, PITTSBDBO, PA. As old residents know and back flies ot Plttsbura papers prove, la the oldest estab lished and most prominent physician in tha city, devotinjc special attention to all chronlo ftSXNO FEE UNTIL CURED sponsible MCDXnilC and ""m"11 ills persons IN L H V U U O eases, physical de cay, nervous debility, lack of eney, ambi tion and hope.lmpairedmemory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, impover ished blood, falling powers, organlo weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, unfitting theperson for business, society and marriage, permanently, sarely and privately iBL00D AND SKINs'K eruptions, blotches, falling lialr,bones,pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of the tongue, month, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured lor life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from 1 1 DIM A 6V kdL'Sy tt?d tbe system. U III l nil I i bladder de; rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrlia. discbarges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttler's life-long expensive experi ence .insures scientiflo and reliable treat ment on common sense principles. Consulta tion free. Patients at a distanceas carefully treated as if here. Office hours, 9A.Ji.to p. m. Sunday, ,10 x. u. to Ir.tc only. IB. VIirriIEK,8U Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE & BRAI N Treatment, a jruaranteert specific for Ujttertt, Dimness. Convulsions. Pits. Nerrous Nenralglv Headache, Nervous Prostration Closed br thauss or alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Da nresslon. Softening of tha Brala resulting In la lanltr. decay and death. Premature Old Age. Loss of Power In either sex; Involuntary Losses and Swnnatonhcea caused by over-exertion .of tha brain, self-abuse or oTer-lniinlyence. laoh box contains one month's treatment ILM abox. six for S5 00. or mall. WH COABANTEE SEC BOXET To cure any case. With each order received far six boxes we wlU send tha purchaser oar wrlttsi guarantee to refund the money If tha treatment does not cure. Guarantees issued only br EUIb O. STUCKY, Druggist, Sole Agent. Nos. M01 and ml Penn avenue, earner Wylle avenue and Fulton street, Pittsburg. Pa. Use StU cky's Ularrhce X Cramp Cure. 25 and SO cu. ,. Ja-132-eoda DOK'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. Arecenv discovery by an old physician. ouccruuy used monthly by ttumtamU of ladlt. Is tbe only perfectly safe and reliable medicine discovered. Beware of unprincipled drug gists who uffer Inferior medi cines In place of this. Ask for rvwiK's cottox BOOT COMrouin). last no turns. Mi. ofln?ll?ndcenUln postage in letter and we will send, sealed, by return mall. Fall Maledpticularsin plain envelope, to ladles only. z stamps. Address Pond T.lly Compaay, No. S Fisher Block. Detroit, iDea. 43-SoU la PltUbu rg by a a BSafSETIal ?fc,,u!?,1U J isJI-ilodwk EV' THIN WMlkl There's lots of hot weather ahead making Thin Underwear a necessity. And why not buy it right now while a saving of 50 per cent can be effected at this Building and Extension Sale? See these 4 lots: 25c I0T: This lot consists of 7 styles of finest French finished Balbriggan Underwear, with Pearl buttons; for mer price was 50c. 39c LOT: This lot consists of the odds and ends of ten different lines of ex tra . fine plain and colored Bal briggan Underwear, worth from 75c to J? 1. 50c LOT: This lot consists of genuine French Balbriggan Underwear, mostly sizes 36, 38, 40 and 42; former prices 'were $1 and $1.25. 75c LOT: This lot consists of the celebrated Medlicott, Morgan & Co., Conradi Friedman, finestBon-Bon Underwear, etc.; worth ,$1.50 to $2. 600 Short-Pant Suits, sizes 4 to 14, made of stylish and substantial mate rials, single and double-breasted; were $2.50 and $3, Now $1.38. i , , -- - - 500 Boys' School Suits, very neat and serviceable; plain, double breasted or pleated styles; were 553.50 and $4, Now $2.50. 3 Wa send tha marvelous French KemeJy CALTHOS fire, and a legal guarantee that Calthos will STOP Dlscharta Jtr EmlaafoM, CURE 0p?rmtorrhe. Varicocele, and RESTORE Loat Vlror. Use it and fay if satisfied. AddrPM,VOrf MOHL CO., 8.1. laurlcu IftaU, OadaiaU, Oala. LOSTMANHOOD RESTORED SPANISH NERVINE, The great Spaa. lh Kemedy, la sold WITH A WET TT R K GUARANTEE to enre all nerv. ous diseases, snes asWeakMemorv sirom iro Amu caixa. f-oss of Brainpowers Wakefulness Lost Manhood. Nlghtlr Emissions. Nervousness, Lassitude, all drains and loss of power of tha Generative Organs In either sex caused by over-exertion, youthful errors, or excessive usa of tobacco, opium or stimulants. II per package by mall: for?. With Try 15 order we GIVE A WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO CUBE or REFUND MONEY. Spanish Medicine Co., Madrid. Brain, and Detroit. Mich, for sale by JOS. FLEMING SON. Pittsburg. 3ess-2s-irrr DR. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL-PILLS, A remedy used for many years by an old physician with great succes. It is a per. leotly safe and reliable remedy and is sua eeesfully used as a monthly corrective by thousands of ladles. Beware of Imitations. AskJbr Dr. Mott's Pennyroyal Female PIUl and take no other, or enclose SI and we wilt mail you a box securely sealed la plain pa. per. Price l per box, six for $5. DE. MOTT'S CHEM. CO., Cleveland, O. Sold at wholesale and retail by Jos. Fleming & Son. Pittsburz. Pa. de31-Trsi DR. SAWDEVS ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Magnetic Suspensory !& Latest Patents! Best Improvements! Will ettra without medicine an Weakness resulting from over-taxation of brain, nerve forces, excesses or indiscretion, as exhaustion, nervous, debility, sleeplessness, languor, rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints, lame back, lumbago, sci atica, general Ill-health, etc This Electric Belt contains wonderful Improvements over all others, and gives a current that Is Instantly relt by wearer or wit rnrf.lt 1.1.000. and will cure all of tha above tdlseases or no pay. Thousands have been cured by mis marvelous miiuuuu .in-i u viucr remeuies failed, and we give hundreds of testimonials In this ana every other State. Onr Powerful IMPROVED ELECTRIC SUSPEN SORY, the greatest boon ever offered weak men, FREE with ALL BELTS. Health and vigorous strength GUARANTEED In CO to BOdaTS. Send for Illustrated pamphlets, mailed, sealed, free. Ad artSS, ,.-.. . wna.n r-r. DRIVES! i Crista a. S4nyt Mow Zuf