Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 05, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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N'ext Tear Will See a Big Reduc
tion in City Expenses as
Soma Interesting Toints About Municipal
Finances and
The city tax levy of next year will be con
iderably relieved, and the city debt will be
essened, by the maturing next
Vpril of "the last of the fiire
lepartment loan bonds and of a large
lock of water loan bonds, the two amount!
gsrejjatinsj ?425,800, upon which interest
tud (inking fund assessments have been
eTied for the past 20 yean. "While mak
nj; np a list of the city's indebtedness yes
enlay. Controller Morrow showed the effect
f the maturing of the fiire department
onds alone would have on city finance.
The bonds were issued for $200,000 in 1873,
it the time the fire department was changed
rota a volunteer to a paid organization, for
he purpose of putting in the fire alarm tele
raph and increasing the equipment. On
be first day of April next the bonds will
ave matured. To meet them there Is in
he sinking fund for that purpose the sum
f $210,263, of which $194,000 arc invested
n securities netting the city 3 per cent in
erest. They are 7 per cent bonds, it being
ecessary at the time they were issued to
uarantee that rate on account of the bad con
ition of the city's finances, and they had a
per cent sicking fund, which required an
nnual appropriation of $10,000.
One Annual Appropriation Stopped.
Thus, by their maturing and payment an
nnual appropriation of $24,000 will be
topped. As the sinking fund already cou
sins more than is required to close up the
oan, no appropriation will be required for
t next year.
The water loan bonds, a section of, which
aature at the same time, were issued for 25
ears beginning in 1863. The last of them
,-ere put out in 1873. 'When the Brilliant
umping station and Highland reservoir
.-ere projected these bonds were issued to
uild, equip and extend the plant. In
rder to meet the bonds as they matured a 2
er cent sinking fund was provided, and in
rder to float them on the market a 7 per
ent interest guarantee was necessary.
Tiese bonds are the only portion of the city
ebt that will mature during the next six
ears, excepting the fire loan mentioned
Dove. The bonds fall due as follows: In
893, $125,800; in 1894, $242,500; in 1895,
243,200; 1896, $1,132,500; 1897, $40,500; 1893,
2,398,000. This will wipe out the water
Jan, and no other city bonds will mature
fter 1898 until 1904.
V4 Iplns Oat the City Debt.
AJthouch only a 2 per cent sinking fund
as ( provided for this loan, prior to 1880
ren ' a portion oi this small fund was taken
T i lumcipal expenses, and at one time it
as nearly depleted. In 1881, however,
hei l Controller Morrow assumed the office
r 1 is first term, he laid down his policy of
ipi ng out the city debt as quickly as pos
blj , and compelled the Finance Committee
i ajpandon the irreyjlar way of handling
leffvarious sinking funds that had been in
33fae, and to prepare to meet the obliga
orfis of the municipality as they came due.
M accordingly they began returning to the
fter loin lund the money that had been
i verted into other channels, and by the in
estment oi the moneys in it in good securi
les and compounding" the interest it aggre-
'td at the close of the last fiscal year
166,541 3d. OI this amount $1,466,033 is
vested in securities, netting the city 3
er cent per annum.
Although a large portion of the city's
onds are out at 7 per cent interest the
verage rate is only 5.5021 percent A
eneral statement Of the bonded debt and
ate ot interest shows $4,088,097 97 out at
per cent, $3,501,5)03 90 at 5 per cent, $510,
00 at 6 per cent and $5,104,500 at 7 per
ent; total, $13,204,401 87.
Vt ben the Bonds Fait Dae.
In addition to the fire and water loan
onds already mentioned the other city
onds mature as follows: Registered muni
ipal consolidated 6 per cents, $210,000,
aature in 1904. Water loan registered 6
er cents, $300,000, mature in 1908. Im
irovement 4 per cents, $3,734,700,
nature in 1915. Railroad script
and 5 per cents, $50,187, bonds due on
tresentation. Funded debt 7 per cents,
500,000, mature in 1909. Refunded JTifth
Vvenue Market House 5 per cents, $25,000;
efunded City Building 5 per cents, $170,
00; total, $195,000, mature in 1910.
unded debt 7 per cents, $121,000; funded
lebt improvement 5 per cents, $77,000;
otal, $198,000, mature in 1912.
In 1913 tnere will mature $3,582,700 of
he city's indebtedness, of which $1,403,000
rill be funded debt improvement bonds,
353,300 railroad compromise 4 per cents
nd $1,826,400 railroad compromise 5 per
ents. This completes the list of the city's
Already a number of men prominent
n the city's financial conduct are discussing
he necessity oi a big issue of bonds to carry
orward street improvements, to build free
ridges to the Southside and to complete
he proposed purchases and embellishment
'f public parks.
Oprofd to Issning More Ponds.
The conservative element in city af
airs, among whom might be mentioned
Controller Morrow and C. L. Magce, are
pposed to any further issue ot bonds
intil the present debt is practically wiped
ut They argue that a comparatively
mall annual millage will make all the im
irovements necessary until such a time that
he debt is reduced so that the payment of
nterest thereon will be a trifle. After that
hey say there will be no necessity for
onds, as the citv's taxable valuation will
ave so increased that even a smaller mill
ige than that of 1892 will pay all running
xpenses of the municipality and allow ample
cope for improvements. Besides, they
jgue, there is a possibility in the meau
ime of an emergency arising that will com
el an issue of bond', and a big one, and if
he debt is increased unnecessarily such a
ontingency would plunge the city so
leeply into the slough that extrication
vould be almost impossible.
Making tbe City Free or Debt.
If the conservative element is able to
lold down, the debt will in 23 years be re
luced to comparatively nothing, as within
hat time the largest of the city's obliga
ions fall due. But, according to those ac
juainted with the subject, there will be
leceisity for very careiul handling of mu
licipal finances in order to meet
he various loans as they ma
il re. Controller Morrow says that
or a couple of years the water loan sinking
und will, as at present invested, yield
lufficient, with the annual appropriations,
o meet the maturing bonds, but after that
t will require sharp financiering to keep it
in. It is his earnest desire to continue in
lie Controller's office four years longer,
is in that time he feels satisfied
le can accomplish his life's work
Provide beyond a doubt for clearing off the
sity's debt. He takes great satisfaction
ut of the fact that when he first became
Controller this city's bonds were a drug on
he market, and that now those of no city
in the country are in much greater demand,
dthough municipal bonds in general are
:he favorite marketable securities.
Senator Qnav Goes Bom.
Senator M. S. Quay passed through Pitts
nrg yesterday morning on his way from
Washington to his Beaver home. The Sen
itor will remain at Beaver for a month, and
till then go to Florida. He reiused to
alk about the delay in confirming George
V. Miller as Collector of Internal Bevenne,
indsaid he knew nothing of "a Senatorial
ontest" Jn this State.
George Strainer Sent to Jill to Answer for
the Killing of Joseph Ilrandl The Tes
timony Considerably Confused.
The inqueBt in the case of Joseph Brand)
who was stabbed in a row on the Southside
"Wednesday night by George Strasser, was
held yesterday afternoon by Coroner Mc
Dowell. The defendant was committed to
jail to answer the charge of murder. There
were qnite a number of witnesses examined,
but the testimony was badly mixed. The
fight on "Wednesday night seems to have
been partially the result of some old feuds
among a lot of German families in the
Twenty-seventh ward.
It was evident at least that the majority
of the witnesses were prejudiced against
Brandl, the dead man. No two of them
told a similar story, although all of them
admitted being in the vicinity of the fight.
Nearly all of them swore that Strasser had
no weapons at all.
Alderman Bleichner was the first witness.
He simply presented the ante-mortem state
ment taken from Brandl before he died. It
only contained a dozen words and read as
Mr. Georce Strasser came out and cut me.
We had no words. His
Witness as to mark,
G. J. Bleichner, Alderman.
Dr. J. D. Thomas, who conducted the
post mortem, gave the causes of death and
described the half dozen knife wounds he
found on the dead man's body. The one
which caused death was in the abdomen.
The knifehad penetrated the kidney. Death
resulted irom the loss of blood and shock.
Dr. George P. Itossraan corroborated the
testimony of Dr. Thomas.
Superintendet C H. Hertzog, ot the
Southside Hospital, stated that Brandl had
been taken to the hospital at 11 o'clock
"Wednesday night and died yesterday morn
ing at 8:15."
Quite a number of witnesses were then
called, includingMrs. Annie Strattenberger,
the woman with whom Brandl boarded, El
lenora Bredle, Strasser's girl, who had been
with him to the 'Squire's office, where
Brandl had been sued for a board bill;
Frank Strattenberger, Caroline Frauens
berger, Henry "Wenzel, Mathias Barthel,
George Strattenberger and John Brandl,
a Drotner oi tne aeienaant.
The testimony, while very much mixed,
seemed to show that on the war home from
Alderman Beinhauer's office the crowd had
divided into two sections. "When Mrs.
Strasser and her daughter passed Brandl's
boarding house, going np Holt street,
Brandl was sitting in the yard. Some
words passed between them, and Brandl ran
out and attacked Mrs. Strasser. She called
for help and her son ran down the street.
The two men came together and Brandl was
The jury returned the following verdict
and Strasser was committed accordingly:
The jury find that Joseph Brandl came to
his death from exhaustion and shock due to
knife wounds inflicted on the niirht of Au
gust 3 about 9 o'clock by one George Stras
ser, and we recommend that salrf George
Strasser be held for the action of the next
He Has Annonncrd for Craltr's Unexpired
Terra in Congress.
"W. G. Guiler, who was attorney for
Colonel Stewart in the Congressional con
test in which he was unseated, and a lead
ing Republican of Fayette county, is at the
Monongahela House. He says Colonel
Stewart has announced himself as a candi
date to succeed the late Mr. Craig.
"The disposition of our people," Mr.
Guiler said, "is to elect Colonel Stewart to
fill the unexpired term just as a vindica
tion. The Republicans of the other counties
in the district seem to be possessed of the
same disposition, and it now looks as
though Stewart would be chosen without
opposition in his own party. Xhey all
claim that it is Stewart's unexpired term
and to tnrn him down now would be to in
dorse the action of the Democratic House
in unseating him."
Says H Drove Over Him.
"William Beach was committed to jail
yesterday afternoon by Alderman Gripp to
answer to-morrow a charge of aggravated
assault and battery. Mrs. Annie Jones
made the information in behalf of her
husband whom, she claimed, was run over
intentionally by a horse driven by Beach.
The parties live in Soho.
i stockholders or the Plttsbnrg Forge and Iron
Co wilt be held at the office of tbe company. Tenth
tt., near Penn av., on TUESDAY, August 18, 1S92.
at 11 o'clock A. M., for the election of directors for
the entolng year and for such other Dullness as
may be brought before them.
F. E. RICHARDSON, Secretary.
PlTTSBUBO. August 2, 1892.
Headquarters or thb First Rioijizkt op )
feELXCTKNIGnrSOF amzeica.
PITTSBURG, Aug. 4, 1892. )
General Orders No. 1:
I. 1 he comrades of this regiment will assemble at
the Pittsburg and Western Railroad depot. Alle
gheny, on MONDAY, August 8. 1332, to tale the
7:40 a. m. train, city time, to Conneaut Lake for a
tour ofcamp duty.
II. The select Knights' band will report at the
same time and place.
HI. Adlutant Wm, A. Grlscom will be In com
mand of the regiment while in camp, and all oriers
emanating from him will be official.
IV. Quartermaster Mile R. Moore will have
charge of the baggage of tbe regiment, all orhieh
muse beat the depot by 6 o'clock a. m. By com
mand of C. V. LEWIS.
Colonel First Regiment, S. K. of A.
W. A. GRISCOII. Adjutant.
i MOVED Ills offices from No. 42 N. Diamond st.
Allegheny, to rooms 42and 43 Westlngtiouse build
ing, Pittsburg. Ear, nose, throat and chest dis
eases. Hours 1 to 4 P. M.
easiness Changes.
Tbe firm of J. D. Chantler & Co. has this day
been dissolved by mutual agreement.
Tbe bnslness will be continued at the old stand
by the J. D. Chantler Leather Company, incor
porated. All accounts due J.D. Chantler ft Co. will be paid
to J. D Chantler, and all accounts due by said
firm will be paid fay J. D. Chantler.
PlTTSBUBO, PA., Aug. 1, 1892.
hereby given that the partnership heretofore
existing between Thomas F. Hodges and Charles
F. Warde. doing business at No. 639 Smlthfield
street, city of Pittsburg, under the tirm name or
The Builders' Gazette Publishing Company, was
mutually dlssolred on the third (ail) day of August.
A. D. ISM. All debts due to the said partnership
are to be paid, and those due bv the same dis
charged. at639fcmlthueld street, where I hernias F.
Hodges ft Co. ttIH continue aspubllshersof The
Builders' Gasette. and Charles F. Warde will con
tinue in the Job printing business.
XifCnl Notices.
hereby given that letters or administration
hare been granted to the undersigned on tlio estate
of James M. Crowe, of Pittsburg, Pa., deceased.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to or
having claims against the same will present them
at once for settlement. B. F CROWE.
Highland ay.. E. E.. Pittsburg, Pa.
the Governor or Pennsylvania for a charter of
incorporation for the Pittsburg Novelty Company
under the general incorporation act of April 19,
1874, and its supplements on MONDAY. August 22,
1892. by John D. Nicholson. George Seeblck, Jonn
Rnnette, George W.Henderson and Jottn Schelleln.
1 he object or the proposed corporation is the man
ufacture or articles or commerce from Iron or
steel, or both, or any other metal, or from metal
or wood, or both. A. M. NELPER, Solicitor for
JOSIAH COHEN ft CO., Attornes.
testamentary, with will annexed, upon the
estate or Helena Kaufman, deceased, late of city
or Pittsburg, Pa., have been granted to tbe under
signed, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate
will make payment, and all persons having claims
against said estate will present tbe same to
SIMON KAUFMAN. Administrator e. t. a..
No. 15 Ninth st, PltUburg.
121 and 123 Fourth avenue.
CEASED Notice Is hereby given that letter
or administration on tbe estate of Henrietta H.
Nlmick have been granted to the undersigned, to
whom all persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same should make them
known without delay.
Or DAVID Q. E WIN G, Administrator.
O Classified real estate udvertisemmtt on this
page ten cent per line for each insertion, ami
none takenor lest than twenty cents.
Classified under the following headings will be ac
cepted at the rate of
TOR EAfcu INSERTION when paid for In ad
vance either at main or branch offices.
Wanted Advertisements of all Hindi.
Cor. Smlthfield and Diamond Streets,
Advertisements nonld be prepaid unless adver
tisers already have accounts with Tire Dispatch,
THOMA8 MCCAFFREY, S500 Butler street.
EMIL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn avenue.
F. H. EGGERS ft SON, Ohio and Chestnut streets.
THOMAS McHFNRY, Western and Irwin avenues.
Male Hnln.
BARBER A reliable white barber to rent a newly
furnished room with or without dwelling:
business assured to right man; slate -number of
family. Address Lock Box 104, Braddock, Pa.
BARBER First-class steady man; C7
W. H. ScheeU Jeannctte. Pa.
and board.
BILL CLERK To go a short distance from the
citv: one with experience in the pipe and fit
ting business. Address, stating age and salary ex
pected. Iron Pipe. Dispatch office.
BOYofia In Jewelry store, with references, at978
Liberty St.
BRICKLAYERS Two bricklayers Apply at No.
SO East Diamond. Allegheny, John Dyer, Jr.
URNER aud foreman for city brickyard. Ap
ply, wim reierence. uox irao, city.
BUTCHER-No. 1 all round butcher who has
some experience In pork packing; must be
sober and come recommended: steady work at fair
wages to the right man. Address Lock Box 854,
Blalrsville, Pa.
CANVASSERS For latest novelties; free sam
pies. 10. Fourth av., room 6.
CtOACHMAN Well recommended. Apply 1919
Josephine st . 8. S.
RUG CLERK A good drug clerk, reg. orQ.A
Address P. O. Box No. 88. South Fork. Pa.
DRUG CLERK. Q. A., at once. Apply to or ad
dress W. J. Gilmore ft Co., Seventh av.
MAN Yonng German man with tl.000 cash to
take one-hair Interest In a paying retail grocer
business with a safe man. Address Sapp ft Hoff
man, 141 uarson be., a. c, neat luiate ana in
MAN Accustomed to handling paper to pack
'labels and attend to shipping. Pittsburg
Label Co., 169 2d av.
MEN 25 men to sell Dunn's furniture polish: 85
per day made. Apply Dunn & Co. 112 Galla
gher St., Allegheny.
PAINTERS-Two painters. Apply to E. B. Bue
hana, Mansfield valley. Pa.
PORTER A young German to do porter work
and make himself useful In lunch room ; good
wages to right person. Address C, 25, Dispatch
SALESMAN On salary or commission, to handle
the new patent chemical ink erasing pencil;
the greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases
ink thoroughly in two seconds: no abrasion of
paper; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's bales
amounted to S320 In six days, another (32 In two
hours: we want one enereetlc general agent for
each btate and Territory. For terms and particu
lars address the Monroe Eraser Manufacturing
Company, X. 10. La Crosse. Wis.
SALESMAN Clothing salesman: must come well
recommended; a good position to the right
man. Address M. S. Wolff ft Co.. Cambridge, O.
SALESMAN A good side line for travelers; no
trinket: also an opening for a good salesman
who has a little money, C23 Pleasant Lake, lnd.
SALESMEN One hustler In each town and city;
83) per week: no experience necessary; Write
quick. E. Gately ft Co.. Allegheny, Pa.
SHEET bar muck shearman; call at once. Room
408. No. m Wood st.
SOLICITORS for city and adjacent towns. Pltts
bnrg Suit Club Company, No. 82 Sixth av.
SOLICITOR on high class standard works. Geb
ble ft Co., Schmidt building.
mHREE bright boys. Room 7, 134 Water st.
INNERS Three. Inquire of Chas. J.Ammann.
57 bhiloh St., Pittsburg. S, b.
YOUNG MAN for hill clerk; must spell and
figure correctly and write well: give refer
ences and state salary expected. Address W. is..
Dispatch office.
AGENTS Corresponding agents in every town
to Inform us of parties lutendlng opening or
refitting saloons by tile largest saloon fixture manu
facturers In the world: good man can make (5.CU0.
The Rothschild Bar Fixture Co.. U58 Broadway,
cor. Twenty-seventh St.. New York.
AGENTS Here Is your chance, 13 to 85 a day
easy; I offer the best recipe for furniture or
piano polish in the world: pleasant smell; no var
nish, turpentine or lamp oil used; only 25 cents.
Address Frank Test, bharon. Pa,
A GENTS 83 to 87 dally: cxncrlence unnecessary.
XV. Putnam ft Co., Perfumers, West Winsted,Ct.
Female Help Wanted.
CIOOK A female cook, 100 miles from here; 840 a
J month; mnst be perfect In cooking and pastrr:
references required. Address A. a.. Dispatch
GIRL At once, first-class white girl, general
housework, 83; housekeeper. Si: references;
situations of all kinds procured free. Exchange.
442 Penn av. ,
GIRL For general housework in small family.
Inquire at Miller's, cor. Hlland and Howe
Its., E. E.
IRL for general housework; family of two;
iuuibiisiTe rciercucc cui reun sr.. .cast jEnd.
OOD girl for general housework and to assist
witn washing. Apply 3343 Finn av., Oakland.
"VTURSE Experienced, for two small children.
X Apply with reference by mall to Box 1034, P.
O. ; silence a nigatlvc.
WANTED A nurse girl for child 2 years old
who can speak German. Pennsylvania
Hotel, 1137 and 1139 Liberty av., city.
Male and Female linlp Wanted.
HELP At once; shirt ironer. 83 per week, steady
employment; woman cook, ft per week: two
dining room girls for summer resort: chamber
maids, dishwashers; 60 family cooks; 20 chamber
maids: 100 house girls; six colored nurse girls;
laundress, $6 per week. Meeban's. 543 Grant st.
HOUSEKEEPER for hotel, seamstress, laun
dresses, cooks, dining room girls, chamber
maids, house girls. 50 for country; dining room
girls and dishwashers for hotels, German and
colored girls, porters, drivers, waiters, farm
hands, two colored men. Thompson's 603 Grant st.
Itoardera and Lodtrera Wanted.
BOARDING Persons wanting boarding for the
summer, at reasonable rates, should write to
Hotel Vt lliiatns, Ohio Pyle. Pa.
LODGERS Anchor Hotel, Liberty, corner
Fourth: lodging per night, 25c, 25c, 50c; week,
1 25, 1 75. Si, S3.
Boom. anted.
WANTED Rooms-By single gentleman, fur
nished room, with or without board, in East
End; must be convenient to IJuquesne and Fifth
av. cars: reference given. Address J. C. R., Dis
patch office.
Hotels, Dining; and Lnncb Rooms.
HARTMAN HOUSE The people's popular re
sort: finest lawn and shade: excellent accom
modations: fire covered stabling: driving parties
especially Invited: restaurant and bar attached;
low rates; Duquesne cars pass door1: give me a call.
Hartman, 118 Frankstown av.. East nd.
HOTEL NORWOOD Most popular and coolest
resort in the East End; Duquesne electric
cars pass the door: finest aicnminodatlons for
driving parties; restaurant and bar attached: rea
sonable rates. Frank Y. Over, Proprietor, 262 to
710 Frankstown av.. near Silver Lake.
HOTEL FEDERAL. 171 Federal st., Allegheny
Transient rates 1 and S2 day.
VISIT Kevanlsladles'andgents' dining rooms, MS
Penn ave. ; business mtn'sdlnner; ladles' noon
lunch; meals anytime; everything In season.
WINDSOR HOTEL, 8 Diamond St., lodging 35
60c per night.
Business Opportnntlea YfAntnt.
WANTED Man with some pnsh and 11.500 cash
by a reliable manufacturing concern; 11,200
salary, commissions and security for money: don't
answer this unless you mean business. Address
M. W.. Dispatch office.
WANTED Man with some pnsh and 11.500 cash
by a reliable manufacturing concern: si 200
salary, commissions and security for money: don't
answer this unless yon mean business. Address
M. W.. Dispatch office. ,
WANTED Ladles and gentlemen to enter a
private class In shorthand and typewriting,
beginning Aug. 8, day and evening. Call at Private
Shorthand Instlfute, 815 SmUhfie)d st,, P)tuburg,
Situations Wanted.
POSITION Civil engineer of ten years' experi
ence at railroad, mining, borough and other
work, and good draughtsman, wants employment.
Aauress xjigineer, boxoxi. iuuucubtuic, ra.
POSITION As night watchman Tor a mercantile
house or works bra single man 3i years old:
IftU SUB UrBl-WM ICitlcuvw, ii in nuiiv ,m aw
1 .til..., W.l.hm.n ri!tAli nfflna
uftca. ,W.MmCB nai.imiiMH-r..iui.1,.,
T-.nsiTIf.N Tn hue store as clerk (541. 10 rears
X in shoe business ; can see and do repairing and
new work: please stale salary! first-class refer
ences. Address Mechanic. Dispatch office.
POSITION By man or good address and excel
lent education. Can assume responsibilities
and furn sh bond. Address V. D., Dispatch of
fice. POSITION AS clerk by a young German with
live years' experience and good references: not
afraid to work. Address M K., Dispatch office.
SITUATION By man stenographer with six
years experience; thoroughly acquainted with
general office work; best or reference. Address
It.. 128. Dispatch office.
SITUATION Assistant bookkeeper, wall paper
and stationery salesman or a situation of tny
kind; best or references. Wayne W. Dixon,
Sharon, Pa.
SITUATION Compositor want situation on re
liable weekly (non-union). Address Compos
itor, Dispatch office.
rrUATION Roller: non-union harmlll roller.
Address W. C, Dispatch omce.
Wanted Partner.
PARTNER to takeX orH Interest and lend ac
tive assistance In atery old-established and
successful general store In a growing country and
manufacturing town on line or railroad: a continu
ous money maker, and for volume of bnslness and
choice patronage Is not equaled in any other simi
lar place in Western Pennsylvania; the firm stands
high in commercial circles, owns the store and
other properties, and enjoys unlimited credit, al
though burs mostly for cash; the propoced change
is rendered necessary bv reason of increasing In
firmities: JS.000 to 12. CC0 capital will be required to
secure an Interest, and no one will be entertained
who cannot furnish the most nndoubted assurance
as to Integrity and business anility: this is a gilt
edged business opening: our Mr. Drape has known
the principal and the place for over 20 years and
can recommend both: all communications and con
ferences to be regarded as confidential. J as. W.
Drape ft Co.. 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg.
PARTNER A young gentleman to buy a half In
terest In a legitimate thriving bus. in Alle
gheny City for $I.0CO: a salary or I5O0 a year will be
allowed for management In addition to Interest;
trlflers, don't answer this. For particulars address
Confidential, Dispatch office.
Flro lnanranco WantecL
BENSW ANGER ft ZAHN-Flre insurance.
Fourth ar.
Financial Wanten.
MONEY to loan at lowest rate of interest; loans
granted promptly, no delay: have a large
amount on hand at the present time; bring your
deed with you, will guarantee prompt loan or no
charge. J. E. McCrlckart, W Fourth av.. Tele
phone 1670.
MONEY to loan, in sums or500. 81, 000, 82,000,
$3,000 and upward, at lowest rates, on mort
gages. Charles somers ft Co., 131 Fourth av.
ONEY at 5 per cent. We have 150.000 to loan
tauu up Alies iiros. a u.. to ruurui ar.
MORTGAGES on city or Allegneny county prop
erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver ft
Co., 92 Fourth av.
TO LOAN-82C0.030 on mortgages; 1100 and up
ward at 6 per cent: 1500.000 at 4J$ per centon
residence or business property, vacant lots or
farms. S. H. French, 125 Fourth av.
WANTED Mortgages on Improved city or Alle
gheny couaty property, McCune ft Coulter,
18 Fourth av.
Miscellaneous Wanted.
PAINTING and Plate Glass glazing. ILC. Miller,
628 Grant St.. PltUburg.
PATENTS-O. D. Levis (20 years). Solicitor. 131
Fifth av., next Leader, Pittsburg: no delay.
AFE Small, first-class second-hand safe; state
price. Aoaress sale, Aiispatcn omce.
TO BUY One or two second-hand Incandescent
light drnamas or large capacity: must be in
good condition. Answer, 6tatlng size, price and
make, Z. X. Y., DisDatch office.
TRUNKS hauled to and from the East End for
II rtv cents. Campbell ft Davis, No. 12 Seventh
av. Telephone 276.
USE Jones' Bedbug Paralyzer Jones' Magic
Roach Powder: roaches banished by contract;
satisfaction given or no pay. 222 Federal St., Alle
gheny, bold by all first-class druggists.
WANTED The ladles to know we are closing
out a fine line of genuine dongola shoes,
heel or spring, patent leather tip. any width or
size, for 81 29, worth 82 to V- 50: also, 500 pairs of
fine oxfords at65c; also, our $4 and 85 line of hand
sewed and turns at 82 3 and 83: these are special
drives and worthy of your attention. Public Shoe
House, 56 Federal st., Allegheny City.
"ITTANTED-Everyone who wants the finest and
i V cheapest wall paper in America to send for
samples: sent free to any address. G. G. O'Brien,
Paint and Wall Paper Store. 292 Fifth av.
WANTED We renovate mattresses and feath
ers: clean, alter and lay carpets. Cameron
Bros., 30 Ohio st., Allegheny.
WANTED For health there Is nothing to equal
Van's Charm Root Beer; It's just the thing
this hot weather. a
Mnslcal Instruments.
PIANO Magnificent upright piano and the ele
gant household furniture contained at 186 Shef
field st., cor. Bldwell. Allegheny, will be sold at
public auction this morning at 10.30 o'clock sharp;
terms cash. C. Davis, Auctioneer.
iUARE PIANO Very cheap. 614 North High
land av.
Horses. Vehicles. LlTe Stoclc For Sale.
I GOOD second hand side bar buggy. Call at 140
i. 'Iblrdar.
BEAGLE PUPPIES-Parents grand hunters;
finely pedigreed; sold at a bargain If taken at
once. Write Dan W. Roberts, Haselton, O.
7UR 8 ALE-Eoad wagon, good as new will sell
cheap; can be seen at 2105 Penn av.
HORSE Saddle and driving horse cheap for
want or use; 6 years old: warranted sound and
perfectly tare for any person to ride or drive; has
all the saddle gaits. Can be seen 215 First av.,
above Grant st.
"lyTARK Dapple gray mare, 5 years oia; guaran
J.U teed perfectly safe: scares at nothing: a
splendid family horse. Can be een at Wm. An
derson ft Co. 's planing mill. East Eud.
POINTER PUPPIES-At half price: parents ped
lgrced: leading strain: both grand performers
In field. Write Dan W. Roberts, Haselton, O.
Bicycle's, Tricycles, Etc., For Sale.
FOR 8ALE-Blcycle. Apply, David Provan,
Olive St.. NuuneryHUl. Allegheny.
Machinery and Metaia For .sale.
BOILERS and engines, second hand; all sizes,
from 4 to 10O h. p. ; cheapest In tbe market; 64
boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta
ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.:
steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting.
Telephone 3401, 23-25 Park way. J. S. Yonng, Al
legheny, Pa.
T ENGINES Genuine Acme automatic safety en
j glues and non-explosive boilers, from one
half to five horse powers, for natural gas or carbon
oil as fuel: latest Improved ventilating rans and
water motors, 60ld by-J. Prager, sole agent, at No.
4 Fifth av. bend lor catalogue and Information.
GRINDSTONES-In aU sizes, for all kinds or
grinding: Cralglelth, Newcastle, Nova Scotia
and other grits; iron frames and fixtures for hand,
foot or power; mounted stone, oil stone, emery
wheels and grinders. Wm. M. Klrby, 138 First av.
IMPROVED Vhltman ft Barnes high-speed
automatic non-explosive engines ana boilers,
exhaust and ventilating fly fans or onr own make;
also electrlo lighting; second-hand old-style Acme
automatic engines; secoud-hand 8nedlker and car
fly fans; B. W. Paine ft Sons automatic engines'1
from 5 to 250 horse power; electric motors, water
motors and all kinds of light power and supplies.
Tompkins ft Ulricb. Engineers and Contractors, 319
518 Liberty St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Bubbavr Stampa For Saie.
CIETyourrubberstamps, steel stamps, stencils,
T seal presses, brass checks, etc. from Sheafler
ft Co.. 49 Filth ar.. DuiTs College building.
Miscellaneous For Sale.
TTOR SALE At a great sacrifice, an entire line
X of men's lightwelgnt shoes below con to make
room for rail roods now coming; any or onr 14 and
85 kangaroo shoes ror 83; bear tn mind our ramous
II 29 shoe: we sell about 300 pairs every week.
Public Shoe Store, 58 Federal st., Allegheny City.
FOR SALE Van's Charm Root Beer is prevent
ing sunstrokes; keep your system In good con
dition by drinking freely of this wonderful health
FOR SALE 15 shares of stock In Pennsylvania
Cooling Co. Hotel Federal. 171 Federal St.,
AVE 200 tons old fire and red brine; 12 puddling
xurnace stacks xor aaie cueap. Auuress buck.
Dispatch office.
KOF P. UNIFORM, with sword and truuk. at
a bargain. Address Uniform Rank, Dis
patch office.
1 at reasonable price: hare no use for same. Ad
dress or call. F. MeyerlOhlostAJleghy.Pa.
PIG IRON warrants Sare. profitable and eon
venlent lnrestnients can be made in pig lron
warranu. Address J. H. HlUman, No. 8 Wood st.
PRINTERS' stands and cases for sale cheap: a
prompt buyer will get a bargain: second-hand
saw table In good condition; sold because space
needed. Apply Dispatch business office.
TO PRINTERS 100 type cases and a few stands
in good order for sale cheap. Apply The Dis
patch Counting Rooms.
WALL PAPER-One cent a bolt; finer, 22fc:
gold, 3c; embossed solid gold. 4c; send stamp
for 100 samples. Reed, Wall Paper Jobber, Roches
ter. Pa
Business Opportunities.
TXR SALE A first-class retail shoe business;
V one of the oldest and best stands in either city
when a fortune has been made: this is a magnifi
cent opening; sneh an excellent business ehance In
this or any other line seldom occurs. Particulars
to principals and confidentially from Jaa, W.
Prape ft Co.. 818 YYood st,, PJtMbarf,
AUGUST 5.' 1891
Tinslness Opportunities For SaU.
BARBER SHOP Corner two downtown streets;
low rents: selling to go Into another business.
J. H. Jones. 400 Wood st.
"TH1R SALE-IIalf interest in a well established
J? brick plant; Brit-clais location: a good invest
ment; none bnt those meaning business need re
ply. Address Brick. Dispatch office.
GROCERY STORE A rare chance Is offered to
purchase a No. 1 grocery; good location; good
custom; an old-established stand. For particulars
see A. D. Wilson. 55 Federal st.. Allegheny.
C-iEOCERY store: atock and fixtures, with good
T trade and reasonable rent; a rare chance for
right party. Address Sapp ft Hoffman, 1721 Car
son St., B. a.. Real Estate and Insurance.
SALOON A one-hair interest In a prontable,
first-class restaurant and saloon business in
Canton, O. For particulars address P. O. Box
321. Canton. O.
ALOON -In East Liverpool. O. : satisfactory rea
sons tor disposal. Apply at s sixm st.
TIN SHoP-The best located and equipped In Mc
Keesport, Pa.; reasons for selling I am no
tinner. Inquire Market House Tin Shop.
CJr 500 Gents' furnishing goods, hat and cap
UDO j business in city: stock new, fresh and clean;
trade and location first-class; sales 8300 to 8100 per
week; best or reasons for selling Call on or ad
dress J. H. Chambers ft Co., 108 Fourth ar.
flfifT OOO Latrobe shoe store; fine business. F.
tiDU. T. L.. Dispatch office.
City Lota.
C CENTER AV. lot. 48x175. only 12, 000 each; street
1 Improvements and 6Cwers pal 1 for; choice lo
cation: first-class Improvements: on a main thor
oughfare; a limited number only off-red at this
Brfce; terms to suit. SeeM. P. Hoirley ft Son, 91
ilamond st.
FOR EXOHANGEU-room brick house in Law
rencevllle; having bathroom, hall, vestibule
both gases and all Improvements; nice lot; will
take vacant lots lu good location or small bouses.
Alles Bros, ft Co.. 164 Fourth av.
I HAVE a number or lots In Nineteenth ward,
verv desirable, only one square from cab'e;
8500 to 860C each: easy terms. Geo. N. Beckwlth,
6112 Penn av., E. E.
CJO7C-8400-tS00-Herron Hill Park plan:
Kx)U I O choice lots near Wylle av. cable cars at
above prices; some on paved street: only 110 down,
balance 3 a month; sure to enhance quickly. Black
ft Balrd, 95 Fourth av.
OgQA Per front foot, worth 865: 100x200 ft. on
dpOJ good street, near Center ar. D. Behen ft
Son, 4112 Penn avenue.
East End Lots For Sale.
EUREKA PLACE, Oakland: nice level lots 8350
to 600 each: small cash payment: balance
monthly. For plans and prices see George
Schmidt, 157Fourth ave.
LOTS Level lots 25 to 30 feet front and 90 to 170
feet deep; prices lrom 8400 to 8600 each, on
monthly payments, overlooking Scheuler Park;
take Second av. electrlo ears to Greenfield ar.
Peter Shields, 533 Grant st.
Allegheny Lots For Sale.
C1HESTNUT ST , Allegheny, Nos. 140 and 142.
J fronting 73 H reet on Chestnut St., running back
to a pared alley 109 feet. For further particulars
Inquire on premUcs.
FINE building lots on Fayette st., Allegheny. A.
D. Wilson, 55 Federal st.
(UItr.r,. Handsome large lots, each 25x239 reet;
Wtyjyj nicely situated within one square of
the Perrysvllle avenue electric cars; these are the
finest lots in Allegheny Cltv at the price named:
but a few of them to offer; easy terms of payment.
(3-23. 144). Charles Somers ft Co., 131 Fourth av.
Suburban Lots For Sale.
LINDEN STATION. B. ft O. R. R-Lots near
Second ar., SWOeach, 115 cash, balance small
monthlr payments wltnout Interest or taxes: these
are bargains. See Black ft Balrd, N o 95 Fourth ar.
Coal Lands For Sale.
WESTMORELAND CO. coking coal-1,200
Y V acres. F. T. L. , Dispatch office.
Farms For Sate.
FARM 90 acres of land at Westvlew, Ross town
ship: brick house of 6 rooms, barn and other
outbuildings, twogood orchards of fine fruit, well
watered: a rare chance for gardeners, as it will be
sold as a whole or in part to suit purchasers; this
farm is in the Westvlew oil and gas territory: good
roads and schools: the Perrysvllle electric line is
within a mile and a half of the farm, and when
completed will be about 5 minutes' walk. Address
P. R. Wlble. 194 Steuben St.. Pittsburg. West End.
CItT Besldencet.
BLUFF ST., near college New brick house, 8
rooms, hall, bathroom, inside and outside w,
c; all late improvements: terms to suit. Bout,
Coward. 20 Bluff St.
ELEGANT brick house of 7 rooms and bath
room and laundry, containing hot and cold
water, stationary tubs, natural gas, place papered
and sewered: on line of cable road, 12 minutes from
P. O. : price onlr 83,600: terms reasonable. Ad
dress Dr. W. S. Yates. 8C2 Penn av.
REAL estate bargains: sendj- for new catalogue.
Just out; mailed free. Black ft lialra, 95
Fourth av.
IpOR SALE House and lot on Gross street, bc
! tween Ben Venue station and Liberty avenue.
6 rooms, hall, cellar, porches, etc.. all In good
order; owner is a non-resident, and as he is anx
ious to sell has reduced the price to 83.000. Jas. W.
Drape ft Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg.
(QQ 750 Cheap Just completed; house 6 rooms;
tjpOs grained throughout; vestibule, halL pantry,
bath. w. c, slate mantels, tile hearths, large
porches and closets, stieet paved and sewered;
good residence location; 15 minutes from P. O.
(120). W. A. Herron 4 Sons, 804th avenue.
East End Besldences For Sale.
FOR SALE Only one left of those elegant Qneen
Anne houses, containing eight rooms, recep
tion ball and laundry, hard wood cabinet mantels,
tile hearths and vestibules, both gases and wired
for electric lights: beautifully and centrally lo
cated on Webster av., Herron Hill, where you may
obtain a grand view and enjoy cool. Invigorating
breezes all through the warmest days or summer
and yet be within 15 minutes ride of Wood St.; as
a healthy location this is unsurpassed by any in the
county; lots, 37x100 to an alley: price 8j.9O0; terms
to suit purchaser. Inquire Geo. W. Biggs ft Co.,
601 Smlthfield st.
FOR SALE 83,300 A bargain; new frame house
of 6 rooms and attic, nail, hardwood cabinet
mantels, tile hearths: pleasant location In the East
End. (34) Dennlstnn. Elderkln ft Co., Ltd., 6232
Penn av.. E. E. Tel. 5327.
FOR SALE 87,000 New brick house on one of
the best streets In Shadyslde; 8 rooms, mod
ern: worth Investigating. (63) Denniston Flder
kln ft Co., Ltd., 6i!2 Penn ar., E. E. Tel. 5J27.
HOUSE 11-room Queen Anne brick house: good
stable; ail conveniences; lot MxKO to 20-foot
alley; located on Marchand St., E. .; price, (12.
000: terms to suit. See Joseph P. Rankin & Co., 154
Fourth aVe.
TTOUSES Modern houses, with bathroom and In
.11 sidew. c. from 11.800 to 84,600; on moathly
payments: aajoining ocnenier jrara; iaae secona
av. electric cars to Greenfield av. Peter Shields,
511 Grant st.
IN the Banm Grove plan, four new brick man
sions. Queen Anne style; 12 rooms each: everv
possible convenience and improvement; from 89.0C0
tu 112,000. these are beautiful homes and bargains.
See Geo. N. Bickwltli. 6112 Penn ar E. E.
"VfEW frame house 7 rooms and reception hall:
li fin. attic; all modern conveniences: lot 30x200,
within 3 inln or station: price 5. COO. Hoffman ft
Bald ridge, Rebecca st,, opposite P. R. R.,
NEW 6-roomed house; cheap; terms to suit. See
George H. Rankin, corner South Negley and
Howe sts.
2"l 850 K. per month after a fen hundred cash ;
U-L lS.ruiJutes from postoffice; a good invest
ment; a lovely home; 1 square from cable; beauti
ful location, with guarantee of careful work and
good material; this Is a new house or 4 rooms and
attic, hall, cellar, stone walls, grates, city water,
front porch width or honse. level lot 22x10) to
alley, a few steps off lovely paved street; clean,
beautiful location; the points we harp on are con
venience, beauty and neathfulness. desirable class
ornelghbors and terms suitable ror all: buy where
vou will be contented to live; plenty or applicants
glad to rent this house at 15 per month. John F,
Sweeny, 08 Fourth are.
O 800 will buy a new two-story frame of
Q seven rooms, finished attic, slate mantels.
11. utu v, nB.cr. va.ii, n.u., nucu lur cict.jiu
light, handsomely papered, front and rear porch;
this property situate on p. R, R. and three min
utes from proposed electric line; lot 40x137; Im
mediate possession, Baxter, Thompson ft Co.,
161 Fourth av.
SA OOO Oakland 8-room brick dwelling, nearly
CX) new; lot 261x100 feet; a very neat home and
a bargain. C. R. Fundenberg ft Co., No. 77
Fourth ar.
Allegheny Residences For Sale.
ALLEGHENY Park property; 3-story brick
dwelling: good lot, good location. See A. D.
Wilson. 65 Federal at., Allegheny.
ESPLANADE ST., Allegheny-New brick house;
Particulars, W. V. Dermltt, 407 Grant.
flg c OOO will buy a good brick bouse, situated at
tSDU) No. 10 Marshall St.. Allegheny: six rooms,
hall, bathroom, w, c , and all modern conren
lences; 100 feet from. Ridge av. ; good view of the
park. Call on Algeo Bros., 204 Federal St., Alle
American plan $2 60 to $3 50 per day.
European plan $1 00 per day upward.
Is the most central In the city; near all ele
vated roads, street car lines, principal places
of amusemont and large retail stores.
AU tliocomforts of home with the addi
tional conveniences of the metropolis is
offered our guests.
Broadway, 88th and fflth st.. New York, N.Y
DR. D. L. ABER, Dentist,
Specialist in crowning, bridging and filling
oi the) natural teeth. Prices reasonable and
satisfaction gnarantssd. Office, 810 Smith
field St., Pittsburg. ap29-wwa
r nJiifCsjiiiifi T'iIMi it Tm L MrrKsatfM WrM ins MS K&jEmGsamg5BKKiKEMUKmKKMnfKlm
- - ' ' SP
,Clt7 Besldenoea.
TO LET 89 per month, brick house 4 rooms. 20th
street; also house 7 rooms. Jane St.. 124 per
mo. ; also Jane st. 4 rooms, 813 per mo. ; send for
list. W. A. Herron ft Sons. 80 4th av.
TO LET-Elm St.. 2-story brick dwelling. 10
rooms: rent 837 60 per month. J. C Relay. 80
Diamond st.
East End Besldences To Let.
TO LET Just finished, modern house, 9 rooms.
Walnut st.. East End; location central and
desirable: send for Ust. W. A. Herron ft Sons, 80
Fourth ar.
Allegheny Besldences To Let.
rfOLET By John K. Ewlng ft Co., 107 Federal
JL st. (100 Allegheny houses at reduced rents).
Send for free list.
TO LET Allegheny houses. A. D. Wilson, E5
Federal st.
Ilaselwood Besldences To Let.
BRICK honse; 9 rooms; all modern conveni
ences: near station and cars: rent, 813 25
month. P. J. Edwards ft Co., 1864 Second av.,
Kooms To Let.
pARSON ST.. 2314 Nicely furnished front room.
CEDAR AV 80. Allegheny Nicely furnished
front room, second floor.
CHESTNUT ST., No. 17. Pittsburg Furnished
front room. 88 per month.
FIFTH AV.. near Court House, two fine 4-room
apartments; all conveniences, J, C. Rellly,
80 Diamond st.
L ACOCK ST. Furnished rooms, all modern con
veniences. Apply to Moyle's, 165 Lacock at.,
Allegheny. . ,
TJOBINSON ST., No. 130. Allegheny Rooms
XL furnished and unfurnished. Boom Renting
SHERMAN AV., 10 Furnished front room, sec
ond fioor,
TO LET Wllklnsburg, furnished front room,
with board If desired: Rebecca st.. between
Water and Ella sts. Address Herman Frltch,
rpO LET- Dinwiddle St.. 3 rooms first floor. 12;
1 furnished 1 17. John F. Sweeny, 63 Fourth av.
Z See additional adleta under Wanted Boarders
and Lodgers.
Business Stands To Let.
TO LET Space with power, cor. Penn and Third
aves.: three floors: 31,000 feet space: abundant
power; good light: splendid location: every con
venience. Apply N icola Bros. , 20 Fifth av.
rpo LET Four-storv brick linlldlng. 139 Second
X av.. two doors from Smlthfield t.: will lease
for fire years. Apply at first floor office of Kauf
inaiinr'i tore.
TO LET Storeroom No. 633 Penn av.: first-class
locafon for millinery or gents' furnishing
store, lr luire or McCullough ft Smith, 31 Seventh
TO LET Storeroom with five dwelling rooms,
3541 Bntler st. ; rent only 835 per month.
George Zelgler, 3816 Butler st.
Offices and Deatc 00m To Let.
TO LET Desk room. No. 1(18 Fourth av.. first
floor front. Black ft Balrd, No. 95 Fourth av.
O LET Desk room. Westicghouse Bid., room
Miscellaneous 1o Lets.
TO LET Vacant lot. 30x110. with stable, corner
Penn av.. Third st. and Exchange alley.
Apply Tilcolt Bros . 20 5th av.
PERSONAL Mrs. Dr, MeGranor, 350 Wylle av.
Don't call except sick.
PERSONAL Thousands or families can testify
to the beneficial qualities of Van's Charm Root
PERSON AL-Drlnk plenty of Van's Charm Root
Beirthls hot weather If you wish to avoid
belLg sunstruck.
PERSONAL Cash paid for old gold and silver
watches and lewelrr repaired: new work made
to order. Chris Hanch. 541 binlthfleld.
PERSONAL-Credlt, yes. credit, on line dress
goods silks, satins, wraps.etc at J. Dwyer's
Room 4. McCancc block, 701 Smlthfield.
PERSON A L Buy Cameron Bros. mattresses
and springs: best value for least money. Cam
eron Bros.' Bedding House, 30 Ohio st,
PERSONAL The lady who picked up a child's
sack at Penn ar. and Fisk st. on Monday.
August 1, will please return It to 263 Fisk St., or
send word where It can be called for.
PERSONAL Hair, moles, etc.. on ladles' faces
permanently destroyed by the electric needle
without pain or scar; cousultatlon free. Miss
Streng. office 903 Penn ar.. Dickson building.
PERSON ALLadies wishing to take Turko Face
Baths or face massage for removing blemishes
and Improving the complexion will please visit my
parlors at 903 Penn av .Pittsburg. Miss Sherwood.
PERSON AL When I was a small boy my mother
always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but
since I got to be a great big man,- Dickson, the
well-known tailor. 55 Fifth av., cor. Wood St.,
second floor, has been substituted, who now does
all my cleaning, pressing and renovating In great
shape. Tel. 1538.
IOST On Saturday, July 16. pure white grey
1 hound: grey ears; tip or tail cut. Finder wil
be liberally rewarded by returning to Miss Jennlcl
Adams, Hazelwood.
LOST On Tuesday afternoon, July 26. yellow and
white bull terrier dog: weight about 25 pounds.
Finder will receive a reward by returning G. B.
Painter. No. 56 Irwin av.. Allegheny Pa
FOUND Van's Charm Root Beer is the kind or
drink for this hot weather; ak your dealer for
it and take no other.
POSALS will be received for constructing a
severage system for the borouzh or Wllklnsburg.
Pa., until FRIDAY, August 19. at ir.lt. Plans
and specifications can be seen after August 8. at
the office of the fcewer Committee, corner or Wood
and booth sts.. Wllklnsburg. Pa. The committee
reserve the right to reject any or all bids.
Borough Engineers.
U . TON-Kanawha, W. Va Jnly 22, 180i
Sealed proposals lor the. Iron valves, jour
nals, lnstenlngs, rods, lacks, &c, for look:
gates on the Great Knnawlia river, embrac
ing about 92,000 pounds of wroutrht iron,
57,000 pounds of cast iron and 4,000 pounds of
steel and bronze, will be received at this
office nntil AUGUST 34, 1892, at 3 p. v., stand
ard Eastern time, and then publicly opeaed.
Specifications, blank forms and all available
information will be furnished on application
to this office. WILLIAM P. CRAIGHILL,
Colonel, Corps of EiiKlneeia, U. S. A.
Of nine rooms, in n good location, at $6,000,
and other valuable property, it desired, for a
Near olty.
1112 Penn av.
Since it became generally known that a reduction
was made in the price of Lots at
TO INDUCE BUILDING, the sales have in
creased weekly. More property is being bought
by home-seekers and investors than at anytime
since the new city was founded.
All the works will be in operation soon.
Every dollar invested in Lots at Kensington
will double in'a short time. Free Railroad
Tickets given. Salesmen always on the
ground. Other information apply at office of
Tie Kensington Mproyement Co,
No. 79 Fourth Ave. (First Floor),
Pittsburg, Pa.
' anM-xw
Pmsflcao. Pa.. August i, 1S9X (
writ of levari facias issued out of the)
Circuit Court of tbe United States for the
Western Distriot of Pennsylvania, and to
me directed, I will expose to publlo sale, at
the United States Marshal's office, In the
city of Pittsburg;, Pa., on MONDAY, tbe 29th
day of August, 1892, at 11 o'clock a. jr. all
tbe right, title, interest and claim of H. C.
Felil, administrator of tbe estate of Gamble
Wier, deceased, and William A. Kerr, or, in
and to tbe following; described real estate,
viz.: All that certain, lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate in the Twenty-first ward of the
city of Pittsbnrs, county 01 Allegheny and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning on the
northeastern corner of Joseph and William
streets, us laid down in the plan of the East
Liberty Eanverein; thence northwardly
along Joseph street sixty-one (61) feet and
thence in depth extending back eastwardly,
preserving the same width throughout, be
tween William street and a parallel Una
therewith distant sixty-one (61) feet north
wardiy therefrom, one hundred and forty
one and forty-two hundredths (14X42) feet.
See Deed Book. vol. 625, page 19L On which
lot tbere are erected ten two-story frame
dwelling houses and other improvements.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty or H. C Fehl, administrator of estate
or Gamble Wier, deceased, and William A.
Kerr, at the suit of the Mntual Life Insur
ance Company, of New Tbrk.
J. H. BALDWIN, ESQ., U. S. MarshaL
Plaintiff's Attorney.
The maeniflcent household furniture and
grand npright piano and handsome brlo-a-brac
velll be sold
At public auction, at tbe three-story house,
186 Sheffield St., corner Bldwell. Allegheny,
at 10:30 a. K., sharp, rain or shine. Every
thing mnst go. Avail yourselves of this op
portunity. Recently furnished at a cost of
$10,000. House open at 8:30 morning of sale.
Goods sold to the highest bidder. Term
C JAVIS, Anctioueer.
FBIDAT. AUGUST 5, at 10 o'clock, at the
Rooms of the Henry Auction Co.,
21 and 2G Ninth street.
Fine Chamber Suites in oak and walnut,
one fine Walnut Suite, cost $263; Parlor
Suites upholstered in brocatelle, tapestry
and rugs; Piano Forte.Organ, Pictures, Man
tel Cabinets, Wardrobes, .Folding Beds, Ex
tension Tables, Chairs and Rocker, Brussels
and Inialu Carpets, for rooms, ball and
stairs, also a lot of groceries and notions,
NKWYonE, Klngston-on-Hndson.
Classical, Scientific and English Courses.
JOHN M. CROSS. A. M., Principal.
315 Smlthneld St., Pittsburg. Pa. Shorthand and
typewriting per month, 84 50; per quarter, 13;
six months. 820. Write for catalogue.
Elllcott City. Maryland.
Schools. Classical, scientific and commercial
courses. Respectable young men and boys re
ceived as boarders. Send for prospectus.
BRO. DENNIS. President.
for young ladies. 26th year. Is pro
vided tor giving a superior education in col
legiate, eclectic and preparatory depart
ments; nlso in music and art. Mrs. HENRI
ETTA KUTZ, 2015 Walnut St., Philada.
DELFHIA St. Luke's School. A high
class school. Exceptionally healthful loca
tion. Delightful surroundings. Special care
of younger boys. Illustrated catalogue.
P. E. MOULTON, Principals.
Fnll courses of study. Under the visitation
of the Regents of University of New York
and War Department. RT. REV. F.D. HUNT
INGTON, Presfc; WM. VERBECK, Supt.
Boarding and Day School tor Young
Will reopen September 2Sth,at 66 Bayard Si,
New Brunswick, New Jersey.
WUl be held Jnne 24-23. Sept. 12-13,
at tne university.
For catalogue address
Thi Pboohessivx and Leading school.
Largest because the best. Not a cheap school, but
you can afford to attend It. Its curriculum covers
the entire field or modern educational requirement.
Unsurpassed racultv. energetic management,
sound discipline aud reputation. 32d annual Cata
logue ready. Opens Sept. ft. Day and evening.
H. M. ROWE. PH. P.. President.
English, norma), classical, sclentlfictedles liter
ary course, shorthand, typewriting, Looklceeplujr,
night school, Saturday normal clas&es, music, elo
cution, mechanical architectural drawing. Dis
count to ministers children. Full corps of lu
structors. Strong faculty annex. No difficult en
trance examinations. Opens September 5. Send
for catalogue
E. M. WOOD, D. I.. Ll.. IX, President.
Diamond st.. Pittsburg (opposite Court Heme).
Brick home on North Hlland avenne, near
Station street, containing 12 rooms, large
balls, bath room, both gases, electric llglic
and all modern improvements. Honse in
perfect ropair. Will be sold furnished or un
furnished. Lot 65x130 Icet. Ono or the most
desirable residences in the East End. Per
mits to view the premises can be obtained
Iiom PiDztrrr Title and Tkcst Co ,
123 Fourth Avenne.
To loan at 5 to 6 per cen tintorest, in amounts
and for time to suit. Apply to
Attorney at Lair, No. 150 Ithav., Pittsburg-.