Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 03, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Beltzhooygr Annoyed by Lads Who
Play Cards on the Grass.
He Lw and Order Societj gent Declines
to Take a Hand.
Btltihoover bqrongb, a Tillage of more
:ban 1,000 inhabitants, between Thirty-first
md Thirty-second wards, withKnoxville on
"he south and "West Liberty on the west, Is
morally almost a model town. They have
30 hotels or saloons, no lawyers, no doctors,
30 drugstores and no graveyard.
It is true that the cows graze on the high
ways and swine wend their ways leisurely
along the pavements, but that is not the
use of much complaint from the good
sitizens. "What is looked upon as greater
use for alarm is this: "While the town
Council supposed the people were so good
that no laws were needed, the yonth of the
town were gradually acquiring the habit ol
gambling, and, like most bad habits, it soon
ipread and became popular.
Flay Cards on Sunday.
Kow squads of young men and boys may
be teen most any time, but especially on
Sundays, sitting on the ground. in a circle
with! the "deck" in the center and each fel
low with his "chips" by his side.
The Sunday gambling used to be confined
to Bogss' and Butcher's groves, but when
the boys learned that the borough has no
ordinance against the practice, they be
came more bold. Constable VT. L. Beed
says they could be arrested on the charge of
gambling under the State law, but the
constable, when he makes the arrest, must
see the money on the table, and here comes
in the trouble. The young men all know
Constabls Heed, and when they see him
coming they put the money into their
pockets or hold their hands over it so he
cannot see it, and continue playing. Mr.
Iteed thought the best way to get ahead of
the boys would be to deputize some
btranger to make information against them.
Drclinrd by the L. O. Man.
He paid a visit to the headquarters of the
Law and Order Society of Pittsburg, where
he was informed, so lie says, that that so
ciety would not send a man to Beltzhoover
unless the people came down liberally. Mr.
Beed said his fees and salary amounted to
$38 a year and he would gie one week's
salary, but he could not entice the Law and
Order man to take the job and the. boys con
tinue to gamble. The constable and many
others of the town think that Council ought
to pass an ordinance prohibiting card play
ing1 in the borough on Sunday.
An open sewer along Murray avenue is
another cause of much complaint from the
people of this borough. At one place the
stanch is so great that the people have to
close their windows during these hot davsto
keep it out, There is some talk of prose
cuting the Burgess and Council for main
taining a nuisance in the borough.
-anoyances Suffered by tbe Employes of
Rapid Transit Roads.
'You cannot imagine nhat trouble these
Ittle bugs are to us," said a Pittsburg Trac-
iojn motorman as he was having one of
them extracted from his eye. "It would be
a Sjvonder if we manage to get through a trip
without catching three or four of them.
aing at the rate of sjpeed we do, they come
ito our eyes with the force of a bullet,
aking it no easy matter to get the pests
out acain. I hear a great many conductors
complaining about' breathing them in. I
never have experienced any difficulty in
thatjwar, for my mustache, which is quite
luxuriant, protects me."
LL ,-
Two Informations Blade and Forty More
Are to Follow.
"Warrants were sworn out yesterday be
fore Alderman Hartman, of Pius street, for
William Beed and John Quinn, of Six
teenth street, on the charcre of maintaining
a gambling house at ML Oliver.
Both men will be arrested to-day. It is
alleged that they plaved "shell racket" and
"chocolate bank. The informations were
made by Constable Best, of Knoxville, and
there are about 10 more to follow in the
near future.
It Was a Silly Boy' Trick.
It appears that Ben Schoenman, the
young man who came here lrom New York
two weeks a;o to attend the wedding of a
former sweetheart, and after the ceremony
disappeared, leaving a letter indicating that
he had suicided, did not carry his threat
Into execution. The police learnod yester
day that he had returned to New York and
was living with his family there. His
friends in this city have been visiting the
morgue daily, expecting to find his body
Ilcr Confluence Was AT ell Founded.
"I would rather trust that medicine than
any doctor I know of," says Mrs. Hattie
Mason, of Chilton, Carter county, Mo., in
speaking of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Bemedy. This medicine can
always be depended upon, even in tbe most
severe and dangerous cases, both for chil
dren and adults. Twenty-five and 50 cent
bottles for sale by druggists. wxhsu
A ngnst a to 6, Inclusive.
The Pittsburg and Western Railway will
sell axonraion tickets to Denver, Col., cood
to return until October XI. Bate from Pitts
bunt SZT85. Kansas City and return, same
dates and limit, 17 S3.
TVe Have J tut Pnrchased
Elxty thousand pounds, or more than two
carloads, of the finest Sultana raisins,
through our London agents, and every oqo
or them will be used in the manufacture of
Marvin's royal fruit biscuit, the finest and
purest frutt biscuit ever made. Always ask
yourirrocer for Marvin's cakes and crack
ers. Don't take any other. mws
A Sale of Scotch Damask Cloths and Nap
kins. Closing out at low prices extra fine dam
ask cloths, two yards Wide by two up to four
yards long; also two and a half yards wide
by two up to four yards long.
Napkins in tbe tune make of goods, as low
as $1 a doeen. These goods for wear are un
equaled. Job. Hobsx & Co.,
Penn Avenue.
It Is Cheaper to Go to the Seashore Than to
Stay at Bom.
This can be done by taking advantage of
Pennsvlvania Railroad seashore excursion
Thursday,' August 4. BpeenU train leaves
Union station at 8.50 A. jc Tickets good on
recular trains same date at , 7:10 and 8:10
T i. Bate Is 810. Tickets good 12 days, with
privilege of stop off at Philadelphia on re
turn trip.
Read About Onr Angnst Dress Goods
In to-day's advertisement in this paper;
dress goods that will answer for eany lall
wear, but all at summer clearance sale.
. Jos. HoBur 4 Co., Penn Avenue.
Cnt Bate.
Chicago. St. Ionls, Kansas City, St. Paul,
Denver Helena and California points, very
low rates at Gleason'e, U9 Fifth avenue 878
Liberty street.
Tbe Cost Is Nominal
In comparison to returns you get by adver
tu&e your -vacant room In the "to let.
rooma''cent-a-word columns ol The Dispatch.
D Witt" Little Early Risen. Best pill
orblUonsness. sick headache, malaria.
Mollick, the Alleged Anarchist, or Long
Branch, Is Discharged and Set at liberty
by Judge Grlpp Evidence ot the Police
Frederick Mollick, who was arrested at
Long Branch, X. J., on suspioion of hav
ing been connected with Berkman, who at
tempted to assassinate H. C. Frlck, was,
after a hearing before Judge Grlpp yester
day afternoen, discharged from custody.
Only two witnesses were called in the
case. The first was Inspeetor McKelvy.
His testimony was that on the Monday fol
lowing the shooting of Mr. Prick he
learned through the Adams Express offioe
in Allegheny that a package of money had
been Bent Berkman from Long Branch, N.
J., by F. Mollick and at once made an in
formation against Mollick and ordered his
Superintendent of Police O'Mara testified
to being in New York, and hearing of the
arrest of Mollick at the instance of Pitts
biire officers went at once to Long Branch
and took charge of the prisoner. Mollick
did not deny sending the money to Berk
man, and said that he was simply paying
back a loan. Superintendent O'Mara iound
a number of papers on the prisoner, but
none of them were of any importance. One
of the papers was a postal card, written by
Berkman from Allegheny, in which he said:
"I have received what you sent me. Give
my regards to my friends. Live well."
Superintendent O'Mara testified as to the
bringing back of the prisoner; that Mollick
fully understood the paper he signed, agree
ing to come to this city, and all he wanted
was a speedy trial.
There being no other evidence, and At
torney Henry Meyer not desiring to make
any defense the magistrate discharged Mol
lick, and he left the office with a. smile on
his face, accompanied by his attorney. Mol
lick will return to Long Branch to-night and
resume his duties as a baker.
To Bring the Revenue From Liquor Li
cences TJp to the Estimate or the Flnanoe
Committee Water Does Better Than
Strong Drink.
County Treasurer Bell turned over to the
city treasury yesterday the city's share of
the money collected on liquor licenses,
amounting in all to 5350,874 06. In making
up the appropriation ordinance the Finance
Committee had estimated 100,000 from this
source,and in consequence of granting fewer
licenses than anticipated the estimate has
fallen short nearly f 50, 000. There were
392 licenses granted to saloon keepers in
the city and it was confidently expected
that at least 400 would be given out This
would have covered the estimate and left a
balance of some $20,000.
There are some other estimates that are
alleged to be short, but on the statement of
Chief Clerk Torrence, of the City Treasur
er's office, the supposition is wrong. The
.collections for water rents were said to be
'short some $60,000, but' the collections will
amount to about $100,000 more than the es
timates of the Finance Committee. The
committee estimated $640,000 from this
source in the appropriation ordinance, but
Mr. Torrence said yesterday that the col
lections would run up to between $750,000
and $775,000. He had not footed it up ex
actly, but it would be about that in round
The return from the business tax is
another source of satisfaction abont City
Hall. It was thought the total would fall
short of the estimate by some tens of thou
sands, but it will not. The estimated return
from this tax was $117,600, aud the collec
tions have footed up an excess, or an actual
return of $118,628 02. Some three or four
thousand dollars will be cut off this by ex
onerations, but probably $2,000 will be
added by the collections going through the
hands ot Del inquent Tax Collector Ford.
Walt Until Thursday, Ancnit 4, and Ton
Can Choose Any Snlt or Overcoat In Oar
More for SIS OO r. C. d CX, Clothiers,
Corner Grant and Diamond Streets.
Commencing Thursday morning, August
4. and continuing Friday and Saturday, we
will rivo you permission to5tep into our
store and select any one of our men's finest
suits or overooats (whether they are light or
heavy-weight goods) for $12 SO. Garments
that are worth $40, $3u or $25 at anv time, and
for which tailors charge $50 and $60 go in
this sale for $12 SO. Up to the present time
the cheaper tirades have been selling, and
we find our counters ciowded with all high
piiced garments?, such as few clothing stores
carry: they are so elegantly made and of
such fine materials. Theie Isn't a suit or
overcoat in tbe lot worth less than $23, from
that up to HO. Bear in mind that this
slaughter is not confined to a few
"broken lots" or odds aud ends, bnt Includes
all our entire stock of summer and winter
suits and overcoat", and gives you the
choice or the lareest assortment of clothing
to be found In the State of Pennsylvania.
You have our consent to choose any suit or
overcoat you may fancv (or $12 50, commenc
ing Thursday, August 1. Our stock consists
of finest cheviots, clay diagonals, silk mixed
worsteds, ole-rnnt casstmores, narrow and
wide wales, extra fine pinchecka, plaids,
crossbars and plain staple patterns, tricot
and West ot England cloth.
Come and convince yuurselves that this
wonderful offer Is strictly bona fide, and
that wo can give you the best and finest
fitting clothing made in the world for $12 SO.
Please bear in mind that this sale starts
Thursday morning, August 4, and only bblds
good until Saturday night at 10 o'clook, and
that $12 SO buys choice of any of our finest
men's suits or overcoats. Show us the man
that will wait until next season and pay $25
to $40 for his suit or overcoat when he can
get choice of our entiie store now for $12 50.
P. C C. C, Clothiers, corner Grant and
Diamond streets.
Worse Than a Lock-Oat.
The statement of Mr. J. Sterling, of
"Wickliffe, Ky., will be of especial interest
to mechanics, many of whom have had a
similar experience.
"I am a cooper by trade, and for many
years worked in Chicago. About 12monthi
ago I had an ettack of diarrhoea, which be
came chronic. I was treated by two prom
inent physicians of Chicago, but from them
received no permanent benefit I then
went to Texas, where I was again treated
by a leading physioian with results similar
to those I had previously experienced. In
May I came to Vickliffe, Ky., in a very
debilitated condition, consequent upon this
long oontinued trouble. I went to a drug
store for relief. Chamberlainla Colio,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy was recom
mended. The' first dose relieved me, and
two 25 cent bottles cured me. I consider
myself well to-day."
Mr. Sterling is 62 years of are and a very
nice old gentleman, and reliable in all mat
ters. He came here in a very low state of
health, but now says he feels perfectly well
and buoyant aud has had no symptoms of
diarrhoea for three or four weeks. Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
is very popular here. G. W. Shivell,
Druggist, Wickliffe. Ky. -WThsu
In Time of Peace Prepare for War.
Have you ever Ihought what you would
do in case you, or some one of your family,
was taken with a severe attack of colic,
cholera morbus, dysentery or diarrhoea.
In such cases it is not unusual ior fatal re
sults to follow before medicine can be pro
cured or a physician summoned. There is
nothing that will give permanent relief so
quickly as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Bemedy. It never fails
even in the most severe cases either for
children or adults. "Why not keep it at
hand? 25 aud 60 cent bottles ior sale by
druggists. -wihsu
To Kansas City and Return for S17.3S Via
Pennsylvania Lines From Pittsburg.
Tickets win be sold August S, 4, S and 6,
good to return until October 12. Correspond
ing low rates from other ticket stations on
these lines. Apply to nearest Pennsylvania
line ticket agent for details.
A re Ton Going Out ot TownT
If so, do not leave silverware or other valu
ables In tbe house, but store them In the
safe deposit vaults of the farmers' Deposit
National Bank, 60 Fourth avenue, where, at
a small cost, you can bare absolute protec
tion, p
the pirpsBirjiG.
A. Large Gathering of People Will Spend
the Day In the Woods.
The Building Trades Council will hold
its annual picnlo to-day in Boss 'Grove.
A fine programme has been arranged, and
amusements will-be furnished for all.
The orators for the day will be B. S. Con
voy, of Youngstown, O., Thomas Cush
and David Lynch, of Homestead, and Jo
seph F. Bobertt and Jere Dougherty, of
this city.
Those who love athletic sport will be en
tertained by a series of exercises peculiar to
ilcnics, including fat men's race, high
umping, kicking, 100-yard dashes and one
egged races. Over $300 in prizes will be
given to the winners in the contests. Two
other prizes will be oflered one, a fine oak
arm chair, to the oldest trades union mania
Allegheny county, and a full sized crayon
portrait ior the most popular trades union
man in Allegheny county.
It is expected there will be at least 10,000
people, and an enjoyable time is assured to
all who attend.
An Opportunity to View Mars,
In order to accommodate those who wish
to see Mara in opposition, and who have
been unable to procure tickets ior the regu
lar Thursday evening receptions, the Alle
gheny Observatory will be open to the pub
lio on Saturday evening from 9 o'clock until
midnight, and In case ot cloudy weather on
the foflowine Saturday also. No tickets of
admission will be required.
il stockholders of the Pittsburg Forxe and Iron
Co will be held at the office of the company. Tenth
St., near Penn av., on TUESDAY, August 18. 1392,
at 11 o'clock a. M.. for the election of directors for
the ensuing year and for such other business as
may be brought before them.
F. F.. HICHAItDSON, Secretary.
riTTSUtrno. Auguit X, 1692.
TICE Is hereby liven tint a special meeting
orthe stockholders of the First National Building
and Loan Association of Pittsburg. Pa., will be
held at the office of the corporation (DlsDatch
building). Pittsburg. Pa., on THURSDAY, tho
15lh day of beptember, 1692. between the hours of
10 o'clock A. M. and 1: o'clock noon fur the pur-
fiose of voting upon a proposal to Increase the cap
iat stock of Ihe corporation from 11,000. 000 to $10,
000,000 in shares of the par value or(100 each, as pro
vided oy the lairs of the Commonwealth f t'enn
sylvanla. D. P. COUWIN.
MOVED his offices from No. 42 N. Diamond st,
Allegheny, to rooms 4Sand 43 Westlngliouse build
ing, Pittsburg. Ear, nose,-throat and chest dis
ease. Hours 1 to 41". M.
Z.ega1 Notices.
JOSIAH COHEN & CO.. Attorneys,
85 Diamond st,
Executor's notice. Notice Is hereby given
that letters testamentary on the estate of Oustav
Kann. late of the city of Allegheny, In the county
ot Allegheny and State or Pennsylvania, deceased,
have been granted to the undersigned, to whom
all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
Claims or demands against the same will make
them Known without riilav to HANNAH EANN
and 011 ARLESKAUFilANN. 27 Central St., Alle
glieny City, Pa.
City Residences.
TO LET-Elm St.., 2-story brick dwelling. 10
rooms; rent S37 SO per month. J. C lieldy. 80
Diamond st.
Allegheny Hestdenoes To Let.
TO LET Allegheny houses. A. D. Wilson, 65
Federal St.
, SnDnrban Residences To Let.
TO LET Dwelling. C rooms, with fine, large
grounds, only (-JO per month; a fine suburban
residence near city, on P. L. K. K. K. See W.
A. Herron & Sons, 80, 4th ave.
rooms To Let.
RSON ST.. 313-NIceIy furnished front room.
"HINWIDDIE St.. 7 Nicely furnished room.
with or without board.
FIFTH AV., near Court House, two fine 4-room
apartments; all conveniences. J, C. Kellly,
80 Diamond St.
IGHLAND, North, 502, East End Furnished
rooms, is anu f 10. . ,,
L ACOCK ST. Furnished rooms, an modern con
veniences. Apply to Moyle's, 1SS Lacock St.,
PARK WAY. 3, Allegheny, next to Sherman
av.. opposite parks Furnished room; bath;
conveniences: moderate rate.
PENN AV., ai7 Two handsomely furnished
front rooms, airily located; small private fam
ily; no children.
ROBINSON ST., No. 130, Allegheny-Rooms
rurnlthed and uufurnlshed. ltuom Renting
EOOMS-Three unfurnished, for light house
keeping. No. 2 Ivauuoe, near Magee st.
TO LET Wllkinsburg, furnished front room,
with board if desired: Rebecoa St., between
Water and Ella its. Address Herman Frltcli,
WlUlnsuurg. ,
See additional adlets under Wanted Boarders
ana Lodgers.
Dnslness Standi To Let.
TO LET Space with power, cor. Penn and Third
ares.; three floors; 20, 000 feet space: abundant
power; good light; splendid location; every con
venience. Apply Nicola Bros., SO Fifth av.
TO LET Four-storr brick building, IB --coonct
av., two doors from Smlthfleld li.t will lease
for lire years. Apply at first floor oClco of haul
mauur store.
TO LET Storeroom No. 6M renn ar.; flrst-olass
locat sn for lnllllnery or gents' furnishing
store, Ir julre of McCulIotlgh & Smith, at Seventh
Offices and DeSK J'inm To Let.
TO LET Desk room, No. 103 Fourth av.. first
floor front. Black ft-Balrd, No. 95 Fourth av.
Miscellaneous Xo.I.ets.
TO LET Vacant tot, 30x110, with stable, corner
Penn av.. Third tt. and Exchange, alley.
Apply N Icola Bros . a) 5th av.
LOST On Tuesday afternoon, July tn. yellow and
white bull tcfrlerdog; welghtanout 2f pounds.
Finder will receive a reward br returning U. B.
Painter. No. 58 Irwin av., Allegheny Pa
PERSONAL-Mrs. Dr. McGranor, 350 Wylle
av. don't call except sick.
PERSONAL Thousands or families ean testily
to th beneficial qualities of Van's Charm Root
PERSONAL Drink plenty of Van's Charm Root
Beer this hot weather If you wish to avoid
toelcg sunitruck.
PERSONAL Cash paid for old gold and silver
watches and Jewelry repaired: new work made
to order. Chris Hauch, Ml Smlthfleld.
PERSONAL-Credlt, yes, credit, on fine dress
goods, silks, satins, Wraps,etc, at J. Dwyer's
Boom 4. McCanc block, 701 Smlthfleld.
PERSONAL Buy Cameron Bros.' mattresses
and springs: best value for least money. 'Cam
eron Bros.' Bedding House, 30 Ohio st.
PERSONAL Atlantic City hotels and cottages:
Information as to rates and location of rooms.
Mnqnlre of Miss snowden, 412 Penn are.
PERSONAL Hair, moles, etc, on ladles' fnces
permanently destroyed by the electric needle
without pain or sc-r;cousultatlon free. Miss
Streng, office 003 Penn av., Dickson building.
PERSOKAL-Ladles wishing to take Tnrko Face
Baths or face massage for removing blemishes
and Improving the complexion will please visit my
parlors at 90J Penn av.,Plttsburg. Miss Sherwood.
PERSON AL When I was a small hoy my mother
always repaired my breeches and jacket, but
since I got to be a great big man, Dickson, the
well-known tailor, SS Fifth av., cor. Wood St.,
seeond floor, has been substituted, who now does
all my cleaning, pressing and renovating In great
shape. Tel. 16S8.
FOUND-Van's Charm Root Beer Is the kind or
drink for this hot weather; ask your dealer for
It and take no other.
POSALS will be received for constructing a
severage system for the borou Eh of Wllklnsburg.
Pa., until FRIDAY. August 19, at ST. Jt. Plans
and specifications can be seen after August 8, at
the onlce of the Sewer Committee, corner of Wood
St.. Wllklnsbarg. Pa. The committee reserve the
right to reject any or all bids.
edeburn Cooper,
. Borough Engineers.
U . TON-Kanawha, W. Va July 81, 1892.
6ealed proposals for the Iron valves, Jour-'
nals, lastenlngs, rods, raoks, 4o., for look
gates on the Great Kanawha river, embrac
ing about 9J.000 pounds of wrought Iron.
67,000 pounds of oast iron and 4,000 pounds of
steel and bronze, will he received at this
office until AUGUST 34, 189, at 3 p. X., standi
ard Eastern time, and then publicly opened.
Specifications, blank forms and all available
Information will be furnished on application
to this office. WILLIAM P. CB Ala HILL,
Colonel, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.
Dispatch, wednesdat;
MS- ClauMtA real ataU advertltemcfttt on tMl
page ten eenU par lint for each intertion, and
none taken far lest wan tuxniy eenu.
Classified under tho following headings will be ac-,
cepted at the rate of
FOB EACH INSERTION when paid for In ad
vance either at main or branch offices.
Want erf Advertisement of aU Kindt.
Cor. Smlthfleld and Diamond Streets,
Advertisements snould be prepaid unless adver
tisers already have accounts with Tnx DisrATCU.
prrrsBURG-ADDrnoii al.
THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3500 Butler street.
EMIL G. STUCKET, S4th street and Penn avenue.
F. H. EGOERS A SON, Ohio and Chestnut streets.
THOMASMcHENRY, Western and Irwin avennes.
Hale ITels.
a fair designer, thorough In detail and general
office work; good pay and steady position to the
right party. Address, for 2 days. P. q.. Dispatch
ASSISTANT CLERK-State experience, age
and wages In own hand writing: must
be well recommended and acquainted with coal
business. Address, Box Coal. Dispatch pace.
BARIiEK-A good polite man. Inquire of A: G.
Strlelb. 168 Main St., West End, city.
BARBERS-Apply to J. H. Garriager, Wllklns
burg, opposite P. R. K. station.
IvARBER-Goodman. 2550 Penn av.
BASS TENOR First-class bass, tenor, alto and
contralto for male anartet, city. Address
Bass, Dispatch office.
BOOKKEEPER One who Is quick and acenrate
and not afraid of long hours. Address D. A.
A., Dispatch office. ,
T)OY Intelligent boy, ID years old, to learn drug
) business. Call at Kaercher's Pharmacy, tl
Federal St., Allegheny.
BOY To learn the barber trade; one with ex
perience. No. 1524 Penn avenue.
pOY For grocery; must have some experience.
1108 Penn av.
OY to learn the barber trade. 3027 Penn ave.
BKICKBURNER-Mnst have the best reference.
Address Red Brick, Dispatch office.
CANVASSERS For latest novelties; free sin,.
pies. 10: Fourth av., room 8.
7IRST-CLASS while barber at once; 17 and
: board. W. H. Scheel, Jeannette, Pa.
AS FITTER-Flrst-class gas litter. Beurkle
iiros., -sa unio st., Aiiegneny.
MEN 25 men to sell Dunn's furniture polish: $5
-per day made. Apply Dunn A Co. 112 Galla
gher St., Allegheny.
PORTER A young German to do porter work
and make himself useful In lunch room; good
wages to right person. Address C, 25, Dispatch
PRACTICAL bookkeeper for large concern;
must have had at least Ave years' experience;
will pay a good salary for a first-class man. Ad
dress, Monongahela. Dlscatch office, giving age,
residence, experience and references.
Squires' Roofing Supply Co., 6200 Penn av.
SALEBMEN-Who can easily make til to 5 per
week, selling tne celebrated Plnless Clothes
Line or the Famous Fountain Ink Eraser: patents
recently Issued; sold only by salesmen, to whom
we give exclusive territory; the Plnless Clothes
Line Is the on y line ever Invented that holds
clothes without pins a perfect success; the Fount
ain Ink Eraser is entirely new. will erase Ink In
stantly, and Is king or all; on receipt of 50c will
mall sample of either, or sample of both for 1. with
circulars, price Hits and terms: secure your terrl
V ry at once. The Plnless Clothes Line Co., No.
CTHeruionst., Worcester, Mass.
SALESMAN On salary or commission, to handle
the new pitent chemical Ink erasing pencil;
the greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases
Ink thoroughly In two seconds: no abrasion of
paper; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales
amounted to (6J0 In six days, another 3J in two
hours: we want one energetic general agent for
each State and Territory. For terms and particu
lars address the Monroe Eraser Manufacturing
Company, X, 10, La Crosse. Wis.
SALESMEN One hustler In each town and city;
S20 per week; no experience necessary; wrlto
qnlck. E. Oatcly A Co., 'Allegheny, Pa.
SHOE salesman, with reference and salary ex
pected. Box 32, Braddock, Pa.
OL1C1TOKS for city aud adjacent towns. Pltts-
purg omt imp company, no. &. aixtn av.
TAILORS One pants maker and one coat maker;
must be first class; union prices, f2toS3 50 and
6 60 to I2. Uayslip, Enslow & Gwlno, Hunting
ton, - . Va.
YOUNU MAN to drive laundry wagon; one with
a route preferred. Address Laundry.Dlspatch
AGENTS-f3 to 87 dally; experience unnecessary.
Putnam A Co., Perfumers, West Winsted.Ct.
Female Help Wnntml.
C--IOOK A female cook, 100 miles from here; $10 a
J month; mnst be perfect In cooking aud pastrv:
refer nces required. Address A. &., Dispatch
GIRL A good girl to do general housework (no
washing): must be a good cook: a nice newly
furnished room; a good home In a family of two to
the right girl; good wages. Apply 516 Smlthfleld
GIRL for general housework; family of two;
must have reference. 6121 Peun av.. East End.
GIRL who understands cooking. 108 Ohio st..
GIRL-For general housework, 1S1 Arch St..
Allegheny. '
(1UL for dining room and dishwasher. 6 Wylle
X avenue.
r 1RI.S at Paris Laundry. 103 Hemlock St.. Alle
C0U GIRL for general housework; no washing!
T wages S3 50. Apply Thursday. 54 Bluffst.
A Trvnuroa tr.i l.nn . -.....-.. .-
J J take full charge and manage laundry In flrst
class city hotel, aud have best of reference. Ad
dress Head Lauudresj, Dispatch office.
SALESLADIES (2) wanted In a shoestore; must
speak both English and German; none others
heed aDply. Inquire at Geo. Artibergcr's, 114 Ohio
St., Allegheny ulty: office hours from 8 to 12 A, it.
and lrom 6 to 9 p. M.
'PRIMMER First-class trimmer; apply at once,
X M. Donnelly A Co.. 640 Penn av.
YOUNG LADY One who can speak and write
German and has a knowledge of bookkeeping.
Address Box SS7. city.
YOUNG LADY stenographer for month of Au
gust; state salary expected. Address Wheel,
Dispatch office.
Male and Female Help Wanted.
HELP At onccj shirt ironer. S3 per week, steady
employment; woman cook, tfrerweek: two
dining room girls for summer resort: chamber
maids, dishwashers: 60 family cooks; 20 chamber
maids: 100 house girls; six colored nurse girls;
laundress, SO per week. Median's. 545 Grant st
HELP Seamstress, laundress, cooks, dining
room girls, chambermaids, nurses, 200 house
Kirls, 50 for country; girls for hotels and boarding
ouses, German and colored girls, 60- farm hands,
white and colored wallers. 1 horapson's, 603 Urant
HELP First-class meat cook, waiters and dish
washers, Sl.bO per (lay: machinists: 2 waiters
for hotel, 18: dining room girls, tarm hands, hotel
and family help. Walker's, 6 sixth St., 2d floor.
Boarder and Lodarera Wanted.
BOARDING Persons wanting boarding for the
snmmer, at reasonable rates, should write to
Hotel Williams, 01110 ryie. 11
LODGERS Anchor Hotel, Liberty, corner
Fourth; lodging per night, 25c, 15c. ioc; week,
SI 25, 11 76. S2, J.
OCCUPANTS for 2 connecting pleasant front
rooms, furnished or uulurnlshed, second
floor, first class board If desired. '285 Fifth av.
OCCUPANTS-For furnished front room, second
floor, No. 10 Sherman av., Allegheny.
Hotels, Dining and Lunch Booms.
rrOTEL FEDERAL. 171 Federal at., Allegheny
3TEL FEDERAL, 171 Federal
Transient rates tl and S3 day.
VISIT Kevan'i ladles'and genu' dining rooms, 108
Penn ave. ; business men's dinner; ladles' noon
lunch; meals anytime; everything In season.
WINDSOR HOTEL, S Diamond St., lodging 85.
toe per night.
Fire Insurance Wantd.
BENSW ANGER ZAHN-Flre insurance. 80
Fourth av.
BnMnrsn Opnortnntles Wantai.
WANTED-Uan with some push and 11,500 cash
by a reliable manufacturing conceru: 11,200
salary, commissions andsecurity ior money: don't
answer this unlet you mean business. Address
M. W Dispatch office.
august 8, i89a
Situations Wanted.
POSrnoN-By a man of 45, with practical busi
ness experience, some po-ltlon of trust, sales
man, agent or manager; salary moderate: best
references. Address Anderson. Dispatch office.
POSITION Civil engineer or ten years' experi
ence at railroad, mlnlug, borough ,and other
work, and good draughtsman, wants employment.
Auaress engineer, box azi. tjonneiisviur, ira.
POSITION As clerk by a young German with
five years' experience and gooJ references; not
afraid to work. Address M. K Dispatch office.
POSITION By middle-aged man to mind stables
and ows and milk, or as farm hand. Ad
dress B..K., Dispatch office.
POSITION as clerk or office work. Address S.,
Dispatch office.
SITUATION By man stenographer with six
years experience; thoroughly acquainted with
Seneral office work; bnt of reference. Address
;., 126, Dispatch office.
SITUATION Coachman wants a situation; Is a
good driver; also a first-class milker; best or
recommendations and references given, J. P.,
Dispatch office.
SITUATION as engineer: first-class reference.
Address E. G., Dispatch office.
IT anted Partner.
PARTNER to takeX orK Interest and lend ac
tive assistance In a very old-established and
successful general store ' In a growing country and
manufacturing town on line of railroad: a continu
ous money maker, and for volume or business and
choice patronage is not equaled In any other simi
lar plaee In Western Pennsylvania; the firm stands
high In commercial circles, owns the store and
other properties, and enjoys unlimited credit, al
though buys mostly for cash; the proposed chinge
Is rendered necessary bv reason of Increasing In
firmities; 14 COO to 12, CCO capital will be required to
secure an Interest, and no one will be entertained
who cannot furnish the most undoubted assurance
asto Integrity and business anility: this is a gllt
edged business opening: our Mr. Drape has known
the principal and the place forOTer 20 years and
can recommend both: all communications and con
ferences to be regard'd as confidential. Jas. W.
Drape A Co.. 313 Wood st.. Pittsburg.
GET a practical business education Actual Busi
ness College, No. 8 Sixth xv.: established 12
J ears; rail term begins August 29; day and evening
esslons for ladles tnd gentlemen: oookkeeplnr,
shorthand, typewriting and English departments;
bookkeeping taught by actual business practice;
write for free pictorial catalogue. M. J. Conner,
President; J. M: Phillips, Dean of Facnlly.
WANTED Ladles and gentlemen to enter a
private class In shorthand and typewriting,
beginning Aug. 8, day and evening. Call at Private
Shorthand Institute, 315 Smlthfleld St.. rillaburg.
Room, n anted.
WANTED-Rooms-One or two unfurnished;
must be centrally located, rent moderate.
Address C. W. 1!., Dispatch office.
Real Estate Wanted.
WANTED-To lease small hnildlng. suitable
for machine shop; with orwlthout engine and
holler. R. H. W., Dispatch Office.
Financial TV anion.
MONET to loan. In sums of 8300, tl,0M, .000.
5,000 and upward, at lowest rates, on mort
gages. Charles somers A Co., 131 Fourth av.
MONEY to loan on mortgages, 4$. 5 and 6 per
cent; no tax, Isaac M.Pennock, 147 Fourth
ONEYalSpercent. We have Sjo.000 to loan
sauu up. Aites uros. a. -o.. in r wurw ,t,
MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county prop
erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver A
Co., 02 Fourth av.
TO LOAN-200,000 on mortgages; J100 and up
ward at 8 per cent: I500.0UO at H per cent on
residence or business prnpertr, vacant lots or
farms. 8. H. French. 125 Fourth av.
WANTED Mortgages on Improved city or Alle
gheny couaty property. McCune A Coulter,
8 Fourth av.
ANTED to borrow SM, 000 at 5 percent. Ad-
arestu. w., uispaicu omce.
Mlscellaneoan Wanted.
FFICES to clean. Address 4, 28th St.
PAINT1NU and Plate Glass glazing. K.C. Miller,
528 Grant St.. Pittsburg.
PATENTS O. D. Levis (20 years), bollcltor. 131
Fifth av., next Leader, Pittsburg: no delay.
TO BUY One or two second-hand Incandescent
light dynamos oriarge capacity; must be in
good condition. Answer, stailng size, price and
make, Z. X. Y.. Dispatch office.
rO .hear from all stamp collectors.
Stamps, Dispatch office.
TRUNKS hauled to and from tbe East End for
0 rty cents. Campbell A Davis, No. 12 Seventh
av. Telephone 276.
USE Jones Bedbug Paralyzer Jones' Magic
Roach Powder: roaches banished by contract;
satisfaction given or no pay. 222 Federal St., Alle
gheny. Sold by all first-class druggists.
-TANTED-Everyone who wants the finest and
it cheapest wall paper in America to send for
samples; sent free to any address. G. U. O'Brien,
Paint and Wall Paper Store. 202 Fifth av.
XVT ANTED We renovate mattresses and feath
TT erst clean, alter and lay .carpets; Cameron
Bros.. JO Ohio St., Allegheny.
-7"ANTED For health there is nothing to equal
V V Van's Charm Root Beer; It's Just the thing
this hot weather.
Musical Instruments.
OQUARE PIANO Very cheap. 511 North Hlgh-
Ilorsea. Vehicles. Live Stock For Sals.
DELIVERY wagons Delivery wagons all styles:
our own make. Wm. Beckert, 340 to 314 Ohio
St., Allegheny. Telephone 3420.
IpOR SALE Stud Shetland pony, 4 years old:
from imported stock; soand nnd gentle, well
broken to harness aud saddle: a beauty: cheap at
1150; new hard wood caret cost 855 at mannfacturer's
harness cost (23; saddle cost 89; the whole for 150 If
sold at once. Chas. M, Balrd. Wellsvllle, O.
FOR SALE 50 head Shetland ponies, broken and
safe for children, or for breeding purposes;
write or come and see me. W. J. Sampson, Youngs
town, O.
HORSE Good family mare suitable for lady to
drive: also 4-year-old colt cheap, as I have
no use for them at all. F.F.C., Dispatch office.
Machinery and Metals For .la.
BOILERS and engines, second hand; all sixes,
from 4 tn 100 h. p.; cheapest In the market: 64
boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta
ble, upright' boilers, mounted farm engine, etc. 1
steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting.
Telephone 3401, 21-25 Park way, J. S. Young, Al
legheny, Pa.
ENGINES Genuine Acme automatla sarety en
gines and non-explosive boilers, from one
half to five horse powers, for natural gas or carbon
oil as fuel; latest Improved ventilating fans and
water motors, sold by J. Frager, sole agent, at No.
4 Fifth av. Send for catalogue and Information.
ENGINES and boilers or every description: brick
yard supplies; contractors, and rolling mill ma
chinery. Thomas Carlln's sons, Lacock and flan
dusky its., Allegheny. '
GRINDSTONES In all sizes, for all kinds of
grinding; Cralglclth. Newcastle, Nova Scotia
and other grits; Iron frames and fixtures for hand,
foot or power: mounted stone, oil stone, emery
wheels and grinders. Wm. M. Klrby, 138 First av.
IMPROVED Whitman A Barnes, high-speed
automatic liou-exploslve engines and boilers,
exhaust and ventilating fly fans of our own make;
also electrlo llghtlngi second-hand old-style Acme
automatic engines; secoud-handSnedlkerand car
fly fansjLB. W. Palue A SonB automatic engine,
from 6 to ' 280 horse power; electrlo motors, water
motors and all kinds of light power and supplies.
Tompkins A Ulrich, Engineers and Contractors, 318
818 Liberty St., Pittsburg. Pa
Bicycles, Trloyelea, Etc. For Sale.
OLD WHEELS taken In exchange for Worths
and Monarcht at prices that will astonish yon
at Pittsburg 'Cycle Co.'s, 428-428 Wood street and
Center and rusworth ars.
REPAIRING, renlckllng and re-ensmeitag
No bungling Jobs or high prices: no delay ex
perienced. Bleycle machinists only at Pittsburg
'Cycle Co.'s, 426-428 Wood St., and Center and
Ellsworth ars.
Rubber Stamps For Saie.
GETyonrrnbberttamps. steel stamps, stencils.
seat presses, brats cheeks, etc.. from Sheafiar
A CO.. 411 Fijjh av.. Duff's College building.
Miscellaneous For Sale.
TX)R BALE Van's Charm Root Beer Is prerent
T In ft sunstrokes; keep your system In good con
dition by drinking freely of this wonderful health
FOR SALE Icebox, new, marble-faced, 4x7 ft.,
capacity 200 gallons of milk or 20 cases of eggs ;
cheap, at 1908 Carton St., 8. 3.. city.
FOR SALE IS chairs at stock In Pennsylvania
Coaling Co. Hotel Federal. 171 Federal St.,
FOR SALE A line brass rati, suitable for expo
sition stand. Wm. G. Johnston A Co., Penn
and Ninth.
PRINTERS' standi and cases for sale cheap: a
prompt buyer will get a bargain: second-hand
saw table in good condition ; sold because space
needed. Apply Dlspatcb business office.
TO FRINTERS-I09 type cases and a few stands
In good order Tor sale cheap. Apply The DIs-
naffh "niifitlntv Rnimi
WALL PAPER-One cent a bolt; finer. 22).c:
gold, 3o; embossed solid gold, 4c; send stamp
for ICO samples. Reed, Wall Paper Jobber, Roches
ter. Pa.
Business Opportunities.
FOR 8ALE Half Interest In a well established
brick plant; first-class location: a good Invest
ment; none bnttnose meaning business needre-
pij. auutcss uric, jispatcn omce.
BOOERT STORE A rare clianoe Is offered to
purchase a No, 1 grocery; good location; good
custom: an old-established stand. For particulars
see A; D. Wilson, 55 Federal St.. Allegheny.
GROCERY STORE la tbe city; tbe best bargain
ever offered; reasons when party means busi
ness; no chance to fuol. Address Quick, Dispatch
office. 1
SALOON A one-hair interest In a profitable,
first-class restaurant and saloon business Id.
Canton, Q. For particulars address P. O. Box
321. Canton, O,
Business Opportunities For Sale.
ALOON -In East Liverpool, O. : satisfactory rea
sons for disposal. Appiy at as aixtn st.
CiT ff will purchase It: newly fitted up Ice'
nXUV cream, cigar and confectionery store;
rent. SI5; on Main St., Allegheny. Snap, Dli
patch office.
Business Properties For Sale
FOR 8ALE-Or trade-5,800-7-roomed house
and storeroom occupied as grocery: 33 ft. front
on pared st: all modern Improvements: will rent
for 50 per mouth; will sell store with the property,
or will sell store alone for fSOO. Address Grocery,
Dispatch office.
ix 1 ennsyitania line 1.W11 ,uui)aiij. situ,K
on River ar cor. Walnut st.. Aiiegneny: fronting
ril,.nri nrl river: lot about 2Sjx170 feet, with
large brick balldlngs, warehouses, offices and
6 dwellings thereon: also 2 line engines and boilers,
etc to be sold at adjourned sale on Vi ednesday.
August!, at 11 o'clock, in the salesrooms of Jas.
W. Drape A Co.. Agent and Auctioneers. 313
Wood at., Pittsburg, where Information as to
terms, etc., can be obtained.
OIL REFINERY for sale: tbe plant of the Ex
celsior O II Co.. located In Cleveland, O.: the
properly consists of 16 acres of land and a complete
refinery for refining and manufacturing carbon
oils, naphthas. parafflne,olls and wax: and is also
equipped with tanks and machinery for compound
ing. For further particulars Inquire bf the com
Fiany. Cleveland, 0. bealed bids will be received
or the above property np to and Including Auguit
10. 1892: the company reserves the right to reject
any and all bids
City Lota.
C1ENTER AV. lots, 48x175. only 2,0M each; street
1 Improvements vd sewers pal I for; choice lo
cation: first-class Improvements: on a main thor
oughfare: a limited number only offered at this
B rice; terms to suit. SceM. P. Uowley A Son, 91
SCHENLEYlew lots, near Lawrencevllle and
Penn avenue cable cars: 810 down, small
monthly payments; no Interest or taxes while pay
ing for your lot. Black A Balrd, No. 85 Fourth av.
fiO7K-H00-50-nerron Hill Tark plan:
Sii i O choice lots near Wylle av. cable cars at
above prices ; some on paved street ; only SI0 down,
balance (1 a month; sure to enhance quickly. Black
A Balrd, 95 Fourth ar.
O OOO-Sarah St.. S. S.-Lot 23x100 feet to an
iT),&) alley with frame house of 5 rooms. (344.)
W. A. Herron A Sons, 80 Fourth av.
East End Lota For fliln.
EUREKA PLACE. Oakland: nice level lots 8350
to 8600 each: small cash payment: balance
monthly. For plans and prices see George
Schmidt, 157 Fourth ave.
PROPERTY I have ror sale a very desirable
piece of property, located convenient to both
cable and electric cars in the East End: this uroc
ertv will divide tu advantage Into building lots and
sell readily: can be bought at a bargain If closed
001 soon: will require an lnvestmentof about 8 0JO.
W. G. Hastings, Negley av. and Black St., East
End, city.
Allegheny Lots For Sale.
I7INE hnildlng lots on Fayette St., Allegheny. A.
: D. Wilson, 55 Federal st.
FOR SALE-New house and lot worth $3,000: will
sell atsacrlfice; contains 7 rooms: bth;Inslde
w. c.s laundry: every convenience: situated near
head of Charles St. and Perrvsvllic av: SI. 1)00 cash,
balance suitable. Address Home. Dispatch office.
Cy4 fii Handsome large lots, each 25x230 feet;
(jftuU nlcelv situated within one square of
t he Perrysvllle avenue electric cars: these are the
finest lots In Allegheny Cltrat the price named:
but a tew of them to offer; easy terms of payment.
(3-23. 144). Charles Somers A Co.. 131 Fourth av.
Suburban Lots For Sale.
Second av.. 500eacli, f!5 cash, balance small
monlhlT payments wltnout Interest or taxes: these
are bargains, bee Black A Balrd, No 85 Fourth av.
- able for sub-division: divided by Spring Garden
av. and Lincoln st . with one large house, wash
house and other outbuildings; about 3 minutes'
walk from Spring Oanlen and Mount Troy cr sta
tion; most be sold to close an estate. Forparllcu
lars inquire John Woelfel.
Farms For Sail.
FARM-90 acres of land at Westvlew, Ross town
ship: brick house of 6 rooms, barn and other
outbuildings, tviogood orchards of fine fruit, well
watered: a rare chalice for gardeners, as it will be
sold as a whole or in part to suit purchasers: this
farm is In the Westvlew oil and caa territory: good
roads and schools: the Perrysvllle electric line Is
within a mile and a half of the farm, and when
completed will be about 5 minutes' walk. Addresa
P. K. Wlble. 194 Steuben St.. Pittsburg. West End.
City Resiaences.
BLUFF ST., near college New brick home. 8
rooms, hall, bathroom. Inside and outside w.
c. : all late Improvements: terms to suit. Bobt.
Coward, 20 Bluff st.
KEAL estate bargains: send for new catalogue.
Just out; mailed free. Black A Balra, Sa
Fourth av.
East End Resiaences For dale.
EOR SALE Only one left of those elegant Queen
Anne bouses, containing eight rooms, recep
tion hall and laundry, hard wood cabinet mantels,
tile hearths and vestibules, both gases and wired
for electrlo lights; beautifully and centrally lo
cated on Webster av., Herron Hill, where you may
obtain a grand vlow and enjoy cool. Invigorating
breezes all through the warmest days or sumjier
and yet he within IS minutes' ride of Woodst-; as
a healthy location this is uusurpassed by any ill the
county; lots. 37x100 to an alley: price i,900; terms
to suit purchaser. Inquire Geo. W. Biggs A Co.,
601 Bmltbtleld st.
I?OR SALE-112.00". corner property on an
asphalt paved street: line brick dwelling or9
rooms and 3 finished attic rooms; all modern con
veniences; stable, etc.; lot 43x137)4 tostreot. John
D. Banks, 64 4th ave.
NEW 6-roomed house; cheap; terms to snlt. See
Oeorge H. Rankin, corner South Negley and
Howe sts.
C 800 will buy a new two-story frame or
tS)Of seven rooms, finished attic, slate mantels.
h. and c. water, bath, w. c. wired for electrlo
light, handsomely papered, Iront and rear porch;
this property situate on P. B, R. and three min
utes from proposed electric line; lot 40x137; Im
mediate possession. Baxter, Thompson A Co.,
161 Fourth av.
Allegheny Residences For Sale.
ALLEGHENY The line residence and grounds
on line of Perrysvllle avenue cars, Allegheur
of the late Mr. John A. McKee, deceased; about 1J
minutes' ride from Allegheny poitofflce: an ex
cellent dwelling, spacious hall In center, large
rooms on either side on first and second floors, fin
ished attic rooms, bath and toilet room, china
closets, pantries and clothes presses: laundry, both
gases, marble mantels: wide porch spans the front
lrom which the vista Is beautiful: dry cellar, per
fect sewerage, everything In prime order: over an
acre of ground, shade trees and ornamental shrub
bery, lawn, carriage house and outbuilding!; tbls
fine property will be sold at public sale on Thurs
day. August 4. at 2 o'clock p. M.. on the premises;
terms at sale; Immediate possession. Farther par
ticulars from Jas. . Drape A Co.. Agents and
Auctioneers. 313 Wood St., Pittsburg.
A LLEGHENY Park property: 3-story brick
t dwelling: good lot, good location. See A. D.
Wilson, 55 Federal st.. Allegheny.
(too will bur a cood brick house, situated at
I. So. 10 Marshall at.. Alleehenv: six rooms.
hall, bathroum. w. t . and all modern conven
iences; IDOfeet from Ridge av,; good view or the
park. Call on Algeo Bros., 20i Federal st.,Alle
gheny. Suburban Resiaences For Sale.
6 ACRES of ground near the city with small
old dwelling: price only 8000: Immediate
possession. Jas. W. Drape A Co., 31 Wood St.,
Since it became generally known that a reduction
was made in the price of Lots at
TO INDUCE BUILDING, the sales have in
creased weekly. More property is being bought
by home-seekers and investors than at anytime
since the new city was, founded.
CITY", .
All the works will be in operation soon.
Every dollar invested in Lots at Kensington
will double in a short time. Free Railroad
Tickets given. Salesmen always on the
ground. Other information apply at office of
. Tie Kensington Imp?6Mt Co.,
No, 79 Fourth Ave. (First Floor),
Pittsburg, Pa.
N-WYohk; Klngston-on-Hndsou.
Classical, Selentlflc and Engllh Courses.
JOHN 3L. OKUP3. A. .u.. x-ricil'u
313 Smlthfleld St.. Pittsburg. Pa. Shorthand and
typewriting per month. 84 50; per quarter, f 12;
six months. 20. Writefor catalogue.
Collegiate Institute for Young Ladlei anil Pre
paratory bchool for Little Girls.
EMBLA I. P.. near llaltlmore. Md.
Elllcott City. Maryland.
Schools. Classical, scientific and commercial
courses. Respectable young men 'and boys re
ceived as boarders. Send for prospectus.
BltO. DENNIS. President.
For both sexes. Departments: Classical. Pre
paratory. Music. Art. Accommodations elegant.
Fall term opens September 8. 1832. Address Presi
dent F. A. MunxgNBERO. D.D..LL.D., or PUOI.
Jos. R. T1TZXL, Sect'y of Faculty. Greenville. Pa.
"stHohn'O-JMy school,
Full courses of study. Under the visitation
of the Regents or University of New Tork
and War Department. RT. REV. F.D. HUNT-
INGTON, Prest.; WM. -RBECK, Sifpt.
Boarding and Day School for Young
Will reopen September 26th,nt 66 Bayard St,
New Brunswick. New Jersoy.
TUTE. Beaver. Pa., for young girls and young
ladles, opens 1! llilrty-elghth year September 11.
Literary. Art. Elocution and Music) ourses. No
death In 3i years. An able faculty. Prices moder
ate. Special advantages In Musle. Send ror cata
lognetothe President. REV. R. f. TAYLOR.
School, 122 and 121 W. Franklin St., Bal
timore, Md., lor young ladie.3 will reopen
Tbursdav, September 22,30th year. UBS.
H.P.LEFEBVRE, Principal.
for voune ladle. 26th year. Is Dro-
vlded Tor irivins a suoerlor education in ool-
leglate, eclectic and preparatory depirt
ments; nlsn in music and art. Mrs. II EN III
ETTA KPTZ, 2045 WainntSt,, Plitladn.
Lake's School. A hlgn
oiass school. Exceptionally healthful loca
tion. Delightful surroundings. Special cars
of younger bovs. Illustrated catalogue.
F. E. MOULTOX, Principals.
Corner Penn avenue and Fourth street.
A Collegiate and a Preparatory Depart
ment. Special attention to Modern Lan
guages and Music. The next session opena
Wednesday. September 1L
KEV. R. J. COSTER, A. M.. Rector.
Will be held June 24-2S. Sept. 12-13,
at the University.
For catalogue address
Largest because tbe best. Not a cheap school, but
you can afford to attend It. It curriculum covers
the entire field of modern educational requirement.
Unsurpassed faculty, energetic management,
sound discipline and reputation. 32d annual cata
logue readv. Opens Bent. 6. Day and evening.
H" M. ROtVE. PH. P.. President.
For Sale, at Ingram,
12 Acres
The location one of the finest.
Immense forest and shade trees in
3 'This plot has a frontage of i, 700
feet on the principal street from rail
road station and about ten minutes'
walk from station.
Must be sold at once to settle up
an estate.
79 Fourth Ave,, Pittsburg.
Low price; elegant location. It is
79 Fourth Ave.
Brick homo on North Hlland avenue, near
Station street, containing 13 rooms, larga
halls, bath room, tooth gases, electric llgne
and all modern improvements. House In
perfeot repair. Will he sold furnished or un
furnished. Lot 63x130 loot. One of the most
desirable residences in the East End. Per
mits to view tbe premises can befobtalned
from Itdilitt Title aud Tbust Co.,
12S Fourth Avenue.