Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 27, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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Distillers and Cotton Oil Brought For
"ward and Advanced.
Fair Activity in Frie, Atchison. St Fanl
and Bock Island.
Kew Xork, July 26. The stock market
to-day displayed a little more animation
during the forenoon, and while this is re
garded as only an incident in the dullness
now prevalent, the strength in a few stocks
points to the formation of pools here and
there in the list whose operations may serve
as the nucleus of a more extended upward
movement in the market when the time is
ripe for it. The industrials now occupy
most of attention, and to-day while Sugar
was by no means neglected it was less prom
inent than during the last few days, and
Distillers and the Cotton Oil stocks were
successively brought forward and advanced.
This prominence of the industrials, those
which are well-known to be subjects of
manipulation, is looked upon with some
disfavor by many who look for a more sub
stantial movement in the market, but in
the past material gains in the railroad list
have been inaugurated by the lifting of the
The railroad list for some time responded
to the buying and considerable activity was
developed in Erie, Atchison, liock Island
and St. Paul, but the movements in the
stocks mentioned were no more than the
final operations in the movements of
the last lew. days, and they soon
died away, the whole "railroad
list sinking back into dullness, with
almost utter stagnation in values. A sharp
and sudden rise in Lake Shore on the exe
cution of n. tew bnviug orders was followed
by the same collapse, ana the low-priced and
inactive shares ceueraUy were uarren of
feature to the close, which was 'very dull
and stagnant at concessions.
Railroad bonds aisplaved the effects of
some new demand and there was not only
more animation but many of tne inactive
issues scored handsome advances over their
last previous s.ilcs, but the speculative is
sues wfere quiet and made few movements
01 intetest. The transactions reache'l $1,206,
000, but tbere was no special animation in
r Government bonds were dull and steady.
Close of the list:
IT. S. 4i. reg 116
U. b. 2s, coup 116
V. S. 4ht. reg 100
Pacific 6s, of "W 106
Loulslanna stamp 4s. SU
Tenn. new set bs....!05
Tenn. new bet 5S....1UJ
Tenn. new set 3s.... 75
Canada bouth. Ms. .103
Con. Pacific lsts VS
Mutual Union 6s... .110
N. J. O. int. cert....H0V
Northern 1'xc lsu...lltH
Northern Tac 2ds..I13"i
Northwestern con ..139
Nbrth extern det 5s 103
St. L. A I. M. gen.5s SoM
St.l-.iS. F. gen. M.loStf
St. Paul consols IS
St. P.Chl.i racists IIS
T. P. L. G. tr. rota. 80
T, r. K. G. tr. rets. 27V
Union Pacific lsts. ..106
West bhore 103H
Rio Grand A West... 80H
Den. A K. G. lsts...HK
Urn. It. U. 4S 83A
Erie ;ds. ...lOjtj
M. K. AT. gen 6s... 79V
II. K. A T. gen. 5s.. 4f.)
Mining shares closed as follows:
Crown Point
Con. CaL A Va
Gould and Curry...
Hale and Norcross.
Mexican.... ........
North Mar
.. 60 Ophlr
.. 70 Plymouth ,
.. 350 Sierra Nevada..,
,. 210 standard ........
.. 90UnlouCon ,
.. lie. Yellow Jacket...
.1350 Iron Silrer .,
. Hi Quicksilver......
. S50 Do preferred...
,.430OBulwer ,
.... 240
.... ICO
.... 100
.... 140
.... 75
.... 60
.... 60
.... 30
The total sales of stocks to-day were 130,
251 shares, including: Atchison, 7,275; Erie,
7,415: Hock-Inn Valley. 2,200; Lake Shore, 3,250;
Beading, 5.000; St. Paul, 10,300.
Watson 4 Gibson to Oakley 4 Co: "It is
surprising that this market should hold as
'well as it nas and does when we are swelter
ing with this heat and humidity. It seems a
very Inappropriate season to inaugurate a
null market, but, as we have so freely
pointed out, the situation and conditions
are lavorabie. There is only one serious
trouble and that is the labor matters at
Pittsburg; but as a well imormed man fiom
that city said to ns to-dav. that will be
settled and Before long. It is difficult to
state just bow and when, or if-wage-payers
or workmen will win, but a, settlement will
come. There seems to be an increasing fol
lowing of the leaders in the "upward move
ment nnd they in turn will become
more aggressive as supporters come in.
Among the Industrial stocks Cotton Oil
common has come ptoniinently to the front
to-day,and with a large trading it has scored
a handsome advance. We have from time
to time called attention to the merits of this
property and its management.and expressed
an opinion that it would sell considerably
higher. It is now verifying our indorse
ment, and why not, when industrial stocks
are now all the fashion, and both Investors
and speculators indulging their fancy! It
lias had but a Comparatively small advance,
"when w e look at Sugarand Cordage and con
sider the possibilities of Cotton Oil product.
There was also good buying of Sugar to-day,
and it, too, scored quite an advance. It has
been well sustained ana 110 is still Ireely
talked for it."
The following table shows the prices or active
stocks on the New Tork Stock Exchange. Cor
rected daily for The Pittsbcbo Dispatch by
WmTXEYASTErHENSON-. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers ot New York Stock Exchauge, 57 Fourth ave
nue. Clos.
Am. Cotton Oil..
76 s
Am. Cotton OH, pfd
Am. sugar iiei. ixt..
Am. Sug Ref.Co pfd
Canadian Pacific.
Canada Southern...
Central of N. Jersey
Central Pacific. !
Chespeake and Ohio
; d:u. ist pia
C. AO. 2udprd
Chicago Gas Trust.
C Ilur. Jt oulncr..
C. Mil. iSt. Paul..
C St. P. Mi O
a st r m a o. pfd
C. A Northwestern..
Ci. Northws'rn.pfd
CoL Coal A Iran. .
Col. Allocking VaL
Del Lack. A est...
Delaware A Hudson
Denver Alt. Grande,
Den. A K. G. pld....
Ills. A C. F. Trnt...
Illinois Central .
Lake Erie A West. ..
Lake Erie AW. nfd.
63 '4
Lake Shore AM. S..
Lou'Ve.A Nashville
lllcnlgau CentraL.
Mobile A Ohio
Missonrl Pacific....
Nnt. Cord. o
Nat. Cord. Co. pfd..
Nat. Lead Co
Nat. Lead Co. pfd..
New York a ntral..
N. Y.. C. A St. i..
91 H
N.Y..C ASt.L.lpfd
N. Y.. L. E.AW ...
. Y.. O. AW
Norfolk A estern
North Am. Co
Northern Pflelflc.
Nor'ern Pacific, prefl
unio & itiississippi.
Oregon lmprovem't.
Pacific Mall
Peo.. Dec. A Evans..
Phlla. A Readlnsr..-.
Pullraan Palace Car
at. I'ani A Duluth
St. P. A Duluth, prcf
st p., Minn. A Man
uexaa l'aeiac
Union Pacific...
Wabash, pref.....
Western Union...
Wheeling A L. E.
B. A O
94 "i
In an Upward Direction, but Gains Are
Slight Provision Higher.
Chicago, July 26. The corn market was
again the leader in activity among the cere
als, and the better business was at higher
prices. It advanced c at the first Jump,
but only Jc.was added to the former prices.
To a considerable extent wheat was gov
erned by the advance.in corn. It opened,
however, c higher than it closed and was
barely 1-lBc over yesterday's resting price
at the end of the session. September opened
at 78c, sold at 78Jc. went up to 78c and
closed at "SJc. Receipts here were 380 cars
and in the Northwest 341 cars. September
corn opened at S0c, reached 50J6C and
closed at 50 c Bryant is said to have taken
advantage or the market to liquidate 500,000
bushels of his line of Long wheat.
Oats were Quiet and firm early on crop ad
vices, but then eased oft September sold
from 31e early to 30V30c, Anally recover
ed toSlJc, nnd closed at Sic.
Provisions were inactive, but very firm.
The principal tr.tding In futures was in bar
reled pork. Lard and ribs were compara
tively netlected. The feature of the busi
ness done in pork as the buying of it lor
Januarv by the Cudahy Packing Company,
andafurthor widening of the difference be
tween that month and September was the
consequence, and the advance in' pork was
7c and in lard and ribs 2Jc each. Offerings
were light.
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour dull and weak, but sot quotably
loner; No. 2 spring wheat, 78c; No.
3 spring wheat, 73c: No. 2 red, 7S?
679c: No. 2 corn, 51Kc; No. 2 oats 31K31c;
No. 2 white, f. o. D., 3435c: No. S white,
Sliic No. 2 rye. 67c: No. 2 barley. 2c:
NcCS, no pales; No. 4. f. o. b., 36g!40c: No. 1
flax feed. $1 01; prime timothy seed, $1 33
135: mess pork, per bbl, $12 15012 20; lnrd,
per 100 lbs. $7 307 32; shoi t ribs sides
Uoose), $7 75(?7 85; drv salted shoulders
(boxed). $7 007 25; short clear sides (boxed)
$7 857 90; wnisky. distillers' finished
goods por gal, $1 15; sugars, cut loaf, un
changed; granulated, unchanged; Standard
A, unchanged,
Receipts Flonr. 15,000 barrels ; wheat. 184,
COO bushels; corn,229 000 bushels; oats, 260,000
bushe's; rye, 1,000 bushels; barley, 3,000
Shipments Flonr, 5.000 barrels: wneat,
S9O00 bushels; corn, 128,000 bushels: oats,
142,000 bushels; rye, none; barley, 3,000 bushel-.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the but
ter market whs weakur; creameries, 1521c;
daii ie, 13K16)c. Eggs, 15c.
The leading lutures ranged as follows:
September ....
Conn, No. 2.
Oats. No. 2.
July. ,
September ,
January ...
snoBT Ribs.
12 17
13 35
7 30
7 25
7 70
7 00
Lake freight l2c for corn to Buffalo
Estimated receipts lor to-morrow: Wheat,
225 cars, com, 233 cars; oats, 175 cars; hoys,
N-w York Flour Receipts, 25 702 pack
ages: exports, 4,-ui parrels, l'Aiaa sacKs.
A trifle more active, especially on export
accounts, with prices held steadily.
Corn meal Quiet nnd steadv.
Wheat Keceipt-, 221.550 bushels: exports,
326.393 bushels; sales, 2,010,000 bushels futures,
188 000 bushels spot; spot lower, lairly active,
closing flrn; No. 2 red. 85i83c; store and
elevator, 88c; afloat, 868ic t. o. b.; No- 3 red,
82Jc: ungraded red. 726?S9c: No. 1 Northern,
JSc; No. I hard, 92c: No. 2 Northern, 82Jc;
No. 2 Chicago, S;QS8e: jjo. 2 Milwaukee,
82Kc; No. 3 spring, 79Jc; options advanced
early Jc on firmer cables, deciease in
the amounts on passage and in the English
visible bnd crop reports and light imports
into the United Kingdom, declined Je on
easier, private cables, weakness Meat and
local realizing, closing steady; No. 2 red.
July, 85Vi86c closing 85Uc; August, 8U
85c, closing 843c: September. 84Jie85c,
closing : October, S6XS6Jc, closing
86jC: December, 83 ll-16sic, closing 8SJc;
.Mnich, 92K33Vic, closing 92c; May, 93)
93-Kc, closing 93Jc.
ltTE Dull ami weaker; Western, 7)76c.
Cok Receipts, 47.525 bushels: exports,
1,790 bushels; sales, 545,000 bushels futnies,
136,000 bushels spot. Spot lower and moder
ately active: No. 2, fiSc in elevator, 59c afloat;
ungraded mixed, 455Sc. Options advanced
KKc on decrease in amount on nassaze
airl Higher cables, declined lc on July and
JiKc n others on realizins, dosing steady
at JiKc lower: July, 5859Kc, closing at 58c;
August, 5C?J57J4c, closing at 56Jic; Septem
ber, 555tc, closing at 5iJc; October. o55
55c, clubing at 55c; December, 65J55c,
closing at Kc
Oats Receipts, 66S.675 bushels; exports. 185
bushels; sales, 170,000 bushels fututes, 60,000
"bushels spot. Spots dull nnd steady. Op
tions dull and firmer; July, S6t336c, closing
at ioc; aukusi, xtigiMC, ciOBing atuc:
Groceries Coffee ontions oneued imiiwIv
steady, unchanged to 10 points down, closed
steady, 510 down. Sales. 2L500bass. includ
ing August. 12.3512.40c; September. 12.45c;
October, 12.4012.45c: December, 12 45c: Feb
ruary. 12.50c: March. 12.50I2.55c: May. 12 50
12.55c: spot Rio quiet, steady; No. 7, 13-Jic
Sugar Raw, steady: more active; sales, 12,000
bags, centrifugals, 96 test, 3c: and 1,000 bags
molasses sugar, 89 test. 2JJJC: refined, steady,
quiet. Molasses Foreign, nominal; New Or
rleans, steady, quiet. Rice, dull, steady.
Eggs quiet and weak; Western prime, 16
I6Jc; do poor.per case, $3 0D3 50; receipts,
9,G80 pkss. Hides quiet, steady.
Hoa rRontiCTS Pork quiet, firm: cut meats,
light demand, steadv; pickled bellies. 9c;
middles quiet: laid firmer, quiet; Western
steam closed $7 65; sales 1,300 tierces at $7 60
7 67: options, no sales: July, $7 60; August,
$7 60; September, J7 62: October, $7 6i.
Dairy products Butter quiet, steady:
Western dairy, 1317c; do creamery. 17
22c: do tactorv, 1317; Elgin, 22223fec
Cueese Better demand; firm; part skims,
Phlinrtelphla Flour firm. Wheat a shade
firmer: No. 2 red in elevator. 81c; No. 2 red.
July and August. S3Jc; September, S3K
83Jic; Octobor, 8ti5c Corn-Options firm;
local carlots slow and prices ueik; ungraded
low mixed in elevator, 59c; No. 3 mixed
track. 5Sc: No. 2 mixed July, 55g56c; August,
5555J4c; September and October, 6tMJc
Oats Carlots dull; futures inactive: No. 2
mixea. 30; ia 2 wlilte In elevator, 3939i
do track and grain depot, 39c; do choice,
40c: No. 2 white July, 3839i; Ausust, 38
Ssc; September and October, 37K3Sc But
ter fccarce and firm; Pennsylvania creamery,
extra, 2Jc; Pennsylvania print, extra, 2730o.
Egas steady for choice stock; Peunsylvenia
flists, 1617c.
.Da nth Theie was a dull nnri wnlrinr
market to-day up to noon, but prices opened
with a much stronger feeling largely occa
sioned by the general reports early to the
effect that the corn cron in the Southwest
had baen Injured badly by the heat. There
was not as large an amount of cash wheat
deals as usual. Close: No. 1 hard cash and
July. 82c; September, 81c: December, S2c;
No. INoithern cash, 79Jic; July, 79c; Sep
tember, 79c; December, 80c; No. 2 Northern
cash, 71c; No. 3, 63c; rejected, 51c On track.
No. 1 hard, 82c; No. 1 Northern, 80c.
Mlnn.apo U The wheat market was Arm
to-day in sympathy with corn. Tbe tradln"
was confined most entirely to scalpin"
orders. September opened at75e. Until
near the close this was the lowest noinr.
There was an advance to 75c, but75jkc was
a favorite price and there was not much
deviation from it until the break was
reached at the close. The maiket is fulluoc
ut-n,er man ib wn ten uays ago. Clne July
77c: August. 77J4c; September, 73Kc; De
cember, (8c.
.Miiwauk-e Flour quiet. Wheat easier; Sep
tember, 75Jc; No.2spriug. 76c; No. 1 Nortu-
quiet; No. 1 68c. Provisions firm. Sentern-
uur pur&, an 2: oepcemuer lard, S7 3714.
Keceipn Flour 10,f 00 barrels; wheat. 27 500
bushels; barley 16,000 bushels. Shipments
Flour, 1,000 barrels: barley, 1,000 bushels.
Cincinnati Flour easy. Wheat firm: No.
2 red, 7575c; receipts 1,500 bushels. Corn
No. 2 mixed, 53c. Oats steady:
mixed, S334. Rye quiet; No. 2
65c Pork firm. Lard strong at $7 127 15.
Bulk meats In fair demand ut $8 00. Bacon
firm at $9 12. Whisky in lair demand;
sales, 815 barrels on a bais or $1 15. Butter
in moderate demand. Sugar firm. E""s
dull at lie Cheese easy.
T..do.-Wlieat sctive and easier; KaS
cash and Jnly, 80c; August, 8!c; Sep
tember, 80c Corn dull and steady; No. 2
cash; July and August, 51c. Oats qut-t:
cash, 3Sc. Rye dull; August, C6e. Clover
seed dull; prime cash, $7 00; October, $5 55.
Receipts Flour, 340 barrels; wheat, 314,458
bushels: corn, 1.193 bushels. Shipmentt
r,oni!.J?'615 barrels; wheat, 97,500 bushels;
corn, 600 bushels; oats, 3S6 bushels.
Liverpool-Wheat steady and demand
improving; holders offer moderately; re
ceipts past three days 225.000 centals, iuclud
cluding 80,000 American. Corn in
firm demand and improving; mixed West
ern, 3s d per-tentnl. Recefpts of American
com the last three days 26,200 centals. Bacon,
long and short clear.6 5 lb. sSs 6dper cwt;
do long clear, 45 lbs, 40s. prime Western, 37s
6d per owt.
Baltimore Wheat steady: No. 2 red spot
and Jnly.82V825ic: August.S2Kt382Kc Corn
firm: mixed spot, 6656Jic; July. 55Vc bid;
A" na September, i5c bid. Oatsinac
tive; No. 2 white Western, 38Kc; No. 2 mixed
Western, 35c. Eye doll: Nik 2, 72c7 pToVis?
Ions very firm. Lard, refined. SSc. Butter
65K66c; old C26ic; No. 2 red 6770c Corn,
htiriier Hiid in lair demaud: No. 2 'mixed 43
Uc: No 2 white 5152c Oat irregular. No!
2 I5-,xeu J230- N. 2 white 30c. ReceipS
W nL?t;uu0 """'hels; corn, 1,000 bushels;
oats, 2,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat. 22.000
bushels: corn, 6,000 bushels; oats none.
nnffalo-Wheat No. 1 hard. 91c; So. 1
Northern, 8Hc: No. 2 red, 83t387c No. 2
corn. 53c. Receipts-Wneat, 310,000 bnsbols;
fST,,"0, bnheis. Shipments-Wheat,
120,000 bushels; corn, 200,000 bushels.
Open- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. lug.
$ 79 79H5 78$ 78H
78H 7S 78J4 7S"4
783, 76 7SH 78J4
SI 51M SI U'i
50V S Wi SOX
SOI) 50V KUi 5(1)
31H 31 S 31 SIX
3lh 31S S0 J1H
31' il'A 30V 31
12 30 12 .15 12 20 12 32
13 37, 13 45 13 37K 13 42)4
7 S7H 7 40 7 35 7 37
7 25 7 27 7 25 7 27J
7 75 7 75 7 67)i 7 72$
7 00 7 07K 7 00 7 07
Local Securities Continue to Rule
Very Slow and Featureless.
Allegheny Heating Company Fcores tbe
Only Significant Change.
Tuesday, July 2(5.
Another midsummery market Excessive
torridity the chief restricting factor of the
moment, with the industrial troubles still
figuring as the underlying depressing influ
ence. "It is not to be expected," said one
of the brokers, "that there will be much
business while the weather oontinues so
warm as to practically prohibit outdoor
operations, or while such a feeling of illy
suppressed uneasiness prevails in financial
and general business circles in consequence
of the unrest in the labor ranks. So far as
local securities are concerned, however, the
situation is inherently strong. Bargains
seem to be fairly numerous, also, and when
the restrictive factors mentioned lose some of
their influence, it is fair to suppose that a
good degree of activity will set in, accom
panied by an upward tendency in most val
ues. There is a good argument in favor of
the belitf in a higher range in the fact that
while prices are holding up steadily there
are few stocks pressing on the market In
times of dullness stocks are usually freely
offered, especially If they have no founda
tion of merit, but during the present dull
spell there has oaen a marked lack of pres
sure brought to bear against anything on
the list, the declines that have occurred be
ing mainly the result of the sales
to realize accrued profits. I be
lieve the market to be in a position
favorable to a general advance, and I would
not be surprised If the expected activity
would materialize shortly niter the turn of
the month. A vast amount of money is
awaiting investment and it will seek it
befoie long."
oOnly three sales occurred on 'Change one
f P., A. & M. Traction at the first call, one
ot Philadelphia Company at tne second,
subsequently declared void, and one of
Pleasant Valley at the third. Neither of
these items displayed any positive tendency,
though P., A. A M., perhaps, was a
trifle soft. Pleasant Valley, also, was
not quite up to yesterday's quotations. Be
sides tne sales mentioned little noteworthy
occurred. With exception of P. V. and P..
A. Si M. street railway shares about held
their own; Luster was steady at 1111;
Union Switch and Signal closed at 16?i asked:
Airbrake was auoted at 123125, and
Underground Cablo was offered at 75, a de
cline of i in the asking price. In the nat
ural gas group Alloglieny Heating Com
pany presented the featui e, being wanted at
75. against offers to sell at 77. Tbe recent
resumption of dividends by tbe com
pany and Its generally improved con
dition are responsible for the ad
vanced quotations. The last previous
public bid was 65. Tbere has been con
siderable quiet inquliy of late for the
stock,and we were reported one sale recently
made at something better than 75. People's
Natural Gas was 18 bid. People's Flpeage
12 bid, Philadelphia Company 1819and
Wheeling Gas was offered at 18ji. The
figures made on the other items were pro
nounced "chestnuts."
Standard riato Glass.
At the Chamber of Commerce this after
noon 653 shares of Standard Plate Glass
were sold at auction in lots of 250, 200, 125, 50
and 28 shares at (50 per share. The at
tendance upon the sale was light
and there was only one bidder, Mr.
Hugh S. Craig, the attorney, who took each
lot as it was offeied at the price named.
Tbe supposition was that Mr. Craig repre
sented lenders with whom the stock bad
been hypothecated. Prior to the sale Auc
tioneer Bailey read a letter from E. S.
Quimby, assignee of William E. Schmertz
and William E. Schmertz & Co., in which it
was stated that of the stock offered by the
Third National Bank 100 shares should re
vert to the owner, as the loan for which
they were accepted as collateral had been
paid and title conld not be given to anyone
who might purchase them. Nevertheless
everything went as stated. In conversation
about Standard Plate Glass one of
tne brokers present at the sale said that
the stock sold was the last that would be
thrown on the market "The company's
condition is vastly improved," said he;
"tney are making more and better glass
than ever before, and papers have already
been filed in an application for the discharge
of the receiver. The stock sold cheap, as
there were sales on the quiet some weeks
ago as high as 61."
Gas Companies' Operations Afield.
The leading natural gas companies, while
in good shape as to supplies of gas, are prod
ding the earth unite actively in search of
fresh supplies. Down tbe river the Ohio Val
ley Gas Company is putting down a well on
the Shields farm, near the mouth
of Little Sewickley creek. The Brldgewater
Company is putting down one on tho Neely
farm in the same vicinity, and another on
tbe Wilson farm just back of Leetsdale.
xne x'eopie's xtaturni lias company is en
gaged in putting two new holes in its prop
erty in the Pinhook region, and the Manu
facturers' and the Equitable are a1o mak
ing one or two fresh ventures, tbe former on
the Pinhook anticlinal and the latter not
far from the McDonald oil field. The Phila
phia Comimnv is drilling seven wells on its
tract of land in the MUltown district, near
Verona. Tney are on tho anticlinal line ex
tending to the northeast of Verona. Three
wells owned by the same company near
Wildwood are located on the Thomas
Steele and Boyle farms, abont five
miles northonst of Wildwood. Three wells
are being drilled in Moon township, near
Coraopolls, on the Onstoat, Weigle and Sum-'
merville larms. Four are going down near
Ckartiers on the Cole, Leach and Aiken
farms. The well on tbe Cole leaso was ex
pected in to-day. It is in tbe extreme
northeast end or this district A well being
drilled by the company in the Bellevernon
field is being closely watched, as it is re
garded somewhat in the light Of a test well.
It is near Centerville. Five of its wells nie
being put down in Washington county. Two
are near Venice on the Sterling farm, one at
Linden on the Wcller lease and two near
Finleyville on the McGowan and Legger
farms. The comnanv is also drilllnc Tnr
gas on the Lovett larm near Turtle Creek.
Financial Notes.
Westinghouse Electric, (new) closed at 23
Westinghouse Electric scrip was quoted at
8790 per cent
R. B. and A. Miller are no longer members
of the Exchange, having transferred their
Andrew Caster reported the sale of 50
shares Allegheny Heating Company "at tho
market," somewhere between 75 and 77.
Pittsburg and Mexican Tin was offered on
'Change at 34.
Unlisted street railway securities closed as
follows: Duquesne Traction, 2SV2S: do
5.4, lu0t4lC0; P. & B. Ti-actlon, 2525S: do
Os, 101&$101: P.. A. & M. Traction, 44H.
A ennrter warranted to-day to the Excel
sior Flint Glas Company, of Kensington,
Westmoreland county: business office Pitts
burg; capital, $75,000. The directors are John
.uiuery unu juun riinn, I'lttsDurg, and
Jumes McClearv, Allegheny.
Reginald H. Ward, in a financial letter to
the New Tork Jiecorder, writes on electric
Stocks as follows: -Take the Edison General
Electric Company, which has a practical
monopoly or electric lighting, power, eta
The only opposition of moment is the West
inghouso Company, and this, in my Judg
ment, will not be outside for a long time
The manageihent Is the best and the possi
bilities or electricity nro practically bound
less. The earnings for the stock are marvel
ous. Bearing upon this point the earnings
of the company for the past two months
are semi-offlcially stated at about 100 per
cent inciease. It 1 clear that witn such
earnings shareholders are bound to receive
enormous returns."
Henry Villard is reported as telling to his
friends that ho has direct advices from Lon
don and Berlin that operators and capital
ists at those centers will take an active in
teres tin American securities as soon as they
Set any encouragement trom New York
e expresses the opinion that there is
going to be a large advance in railroad
securities in this eonntry within 12 months.
Illinois Central has declared a 2i tier cent
dividend, payable September L
v ""!? nlrd eek ln Jl"5' WTieellng and
H e-rie otoi;8 were $26,378, an increase
Of $3,104.
Sales and Final Priess.
Transactions on 'Change to-day were as
10 shares P., A. AM. Traction..
,15-shares Philadelphia Company
i 44X
80 shares Pleasant Valley railway.
At the third call the sale of 15 shares Pnil-
adelphia Company at the second call was
declared void by the brokers who made it
Total sales, 60 shares, closing bids and
UlcaU. tdcatt. SdcaU.
STOCKS. ' ' . , . . .
Bid Ask Bid Ask Bid Ask
Com. Nat. Bank.... 95 .... 95
Citizens' Nat. Hank .... 67 .... 67
Exchange N. Bk... 84! 84 ..:
Fourth N. Bank 154
Iron City N.Bk 84 85 .... 85 .... 85
Liberty Nat. Bank 106 -.
OddFeLSav.Bk.... 63 72
Tradesmen's N.Bk ....255 ..' 235
Enterprise Savings 70
SeeondN. Bk. Ally. 190
Peoples' Ins. Co.... 21
Western Ins. Co 40'
Allegheny Gas Co.. iVi
Allegheny Heat. Co 74J 78 75 77S
Chartlers V. O. Co Vi)i 11 n'4
Mannfact'rs U. Co 27 25V 27
reoplo'sNauGas 18
Peon's N.G. P. Co. 12'i .... 12) 12V KX
Phlldelphla Gas Co. 18J, 19 18 19 1SX 19
Wheeling Gas Co 19 .... 18V
CentralTractlon.... 29 2)H 3 29 2) 29H
Cltliens' Traction.. 64M 62 .... 62t 61 62
Pittsburg Traction 58 .... (9 .... 59
Pleasant Valley KM 26 25H 28 25 2SX
Cliartlers Railway 66 68
Pltto.. W'g. AKy.. 50 61 60S 51K 50 SIX
N. Y. C. G. C. Co 50$ .... 50X ....
LuiterMlnlngCo... 11 11)$ 11 11 11 lli
Red Cloud Ming. Co 12 12 1 ....
Enterprise Mln'g Co 4 5 4 5
Wrstlnehnuse 17K 18 .... lSX
Unions, A S. Co... 1S.S 17 Wi UH 1SJ
Union S, A S. Co. p 40
West. Air Brake Co. 123Jt 125 m 125 123M 125
West. A.B'o Co.L. .... 91 .... 90
Standard V. C. Co 7?X 7SJ
U.S. Plan Co.com MH 67 64V
Discount rates ln tbe local market remain
steady at 56 per cent, with tbe supply
of money largely ln excess of the demand.
Eastern Exchange and currency are trading
Nbw Tork, July 26. Money on call easy at
12 per cent; closed, offered at 2. Prime
mercantile paper, 3J6 percent. Sterling
exchange quiet but steady at $t 87 for 60 day
bills and $4 88 for demand.
BosToir, July 26. Clearing House balances,
$2,179,316; late, 2f?3: call loans, 31 per cent;
time loans at 35 per cent
Clearing Honse Figures.
Exchanre to-day. $2,279,634 OT
Balances to-day 439,626 12
Same day last week:
$1888,770 82
New York, July 26. Bank clearings, $98,
M4, 858: balances. f6,184.158.
Boston, Jul v 26. Bank clearings, $15,375,917;
balances, $2,179 346.
Baltimore, July 26. Bank clearings. $2,504,
072; balances, $4(5,189. Money, 6 per cent.
St. Louis, Jul v 26. Bank clearings, $3,544,
290: "balances, $458,505. Money quiet at E6
per cent. Exchange on New York, 25c dis
count New OnLEANS, July 26. Clearings, $1,054,482.
Memphis, Tesn., July 26. New York ex
change salltntr at $1 50. Clearings, $259,483;
balances, $143,722.
Cuicaoo, July 26. Money eav at 45per
cent Bank clearings $14,308,659. New York
exchange, 3050c discount Sterling ex
change dull ami unchanged.
ClNCiitNATl, Jnly 26. Money 3.6 per cent
New York exchange, 40c discount. Clear
ings. $1,802,500.
Forelen Financial.
Berlin, July 26. The statement of the Im
perial Bank of Germany shows an increase
in specie of 6,200,000 marks.
Paris, July 26. Three per cant rentes, 93f,
45c tor the account
LortDoy, July 26, 4 p. sr. Close Consols
Money, 96 15-16: do account,96 15-16: New York,
Pennsylvania and Ohio firsts, 33; Canadian
A-aciuc, i4; js.no, xo;8: uo seconus, iws: Illi
nois Central, 105; Mexican ordinary, 2fk; St
Paul common, 84; New York Central, 116;
Pennsylvania, 65JJ: Reading, 30; Mexican
Central, new is, 70: bar silver, 39 l-16d;
money, per cent; rate of discount in the
open market for both short and three
months' bills, 13-16cr cent
A Good Market for Medlnm-Prlcod Slrnc
turel, but Others Slow Good Property
Tied Up by Legal Restrictions East
End Attractions Special News, and
There is no particular scarcity of houses
in Pittsburg at the present time, but it
should not be inferred from this thjt tbe
city is overbuilt Houses are intended to
meet the wants of all elasses of people. Tbe
large majority of buyers are of limited
means. Tbey want cheap and medium
priced houses, costing from $2,000 to $5,000.
Tbe demand for these keeps pace with the
supply. On tbe other hand, the market for
high-priced properties, being more 10
stricted, is easily satisfied. From this it
will be seen that while this one may be
scarce the other may be in oversupply.
This is about the situation in Pittsburg.
While owners or low-priced houses have
little trouble to sell or rent, pretentious
structures, suob as adorn the fashionable
avenues of the East End, are slow or sale.
Bulldeis should bear this m mind in making
plans for fnture operations.
The natural and architectural beauties of
tbe East End must be seen to be appreciated
at their full worth. Such a display of wealth
and taste as represented by splendid resi
dences and grounds cannot be duplicated in
America. Here aro the homes of many of
the leading citizens of Pittsburg. There
are no ruins ln this part of the city.
Everything is new. Along tho handsome
avenues, at frequeiitintervnls, piles of build
ing material denote that tbe march of im
provement has not been stayed. Fine nomes,
many or them of stone, are going up in all
directions. Ten years ago this district was
little Hotter than a "howling wilderness."
Bapld transit has wrought tho change.
Between Pittsburg and East Liberty there
is a large amount of vacant land, varying in
dimensions from ordinary building lots to
large tracts. This is a puzzle to some peo
ple. With such a demand lor residence and
business sites as is known to exist, they can
not account lor these open spaces. The ex
planation is simple. This ground is owned
for the most part by estates, and is so hedged
uround by legal restrictions that it cannot
bo put on the market until somebody dies or
comes of nge. Owners would gladly sell, but
their hands are tied. In some instances
owners are waiting for a rise, and ln others
they want the property for their own use,
and will improve it as soon as their circum
stances will permit Several tracts released
by death within a year or two have been
sold off and bnilt up.
A. J. Pentecost is closing an important
deal in Tenth ward, Allegheny, realty.
Howley & Loefller will break ground next
week for 25 brick dwellings, costing about
$5,000 each, on tbe Uisuline Academy prop
erty recently purchased by them.
J. C. Beilly has lemoved to The Dispatch
building on Diamond street, opposite his
former quarters. He is now better equipped
than ever before for handling real estate
expeditiously and satisfactorily.
A property on Water street, a few doors
above SmitbQeld, is in a lair way to change
ownership. If successful a large warehouse
will be erected iu place of the existing
C. H. Love has a good opinion of the realty
market. He thinks there will be a good fall
George Schmidt is building an office on
Aliquippa street. Eureka place, for the con
venience of lot buyers in that plan.
xnree permits wero issuea yesterday ror
the erection of tho same number of build
ings, all estimated to cost $2,250.
Water and gas mains aro 'being laid on
Greenfield avenue to supply the numerous
houses recently completed and others in
course of construction.
George Adams is contracting for three
neat irame nouses uu .uoggs uvenue, juu
John K. Ewlng & Co., sold for J. and S.
HcNaugherto Nathan Hirsch, .a lot 29x105
on the Bouth side of Linden avenue, Twelfth
ward, Allegheny, being No. 233 in the Mc
Naugher Plan, lor $500, on monthly pay
ments. Baird & Black sold for L. M. Truitt to
D. W. Williams lot No. 215. in Mcllon's Plan.
or the Bank ot Commerce.at Braslitou, front
ing 40 feet on the North side or Grazier
street near Harriett, by 138 in depth, for
$S0O. Mr. Williams will build a residence on
the lot at once. ,
The Burrell and Kensington Improvement
Companies report the following sales of lots
at Kensington: David A. Trachenberg and
Jacob Charles Smith, Pittsburg, lots 18,
block 9, and 630, block 19, for $675: George F.
Tims. Kensington, Pa., lot 17, block M, for
$722; Frank F. Long, Kensington, Pa., lot 59,
blook 8, ror tG'O; Eugene Morin, Jeannette,
Pa., lots 140L 1402, 1403 and 1404, block 29, for
$2,550: Joseph Ynler Hove, Jeannette. Pa.,
lot 1405, block 29, 'for $637; Deslren Vissler,
Jeannette, Fa., lots 1412 and 1413, block 29, for
$1,275; Blcjinnl DeBruyn, Jeannette, Pa., lot
1,400. block 29 for $537 SO; Alexander and Cbas.
E. McCrow, Kensington, Pa., south 10 feet of
lot 28, and north 15 feet of lot 27, bloek 5, for
$1,450: Alexander Krnsie, Pittsburg, south
half of lot 78, block 15, for $340; John Calvin
Smith, Bellevue, Pa., lot 27, block L for
W, H. Herron A-Sons, sold a lot 12x120
feet on -Mifflin street ln the Wilkins estate,
third tilan, Edgewood, to Mr. Flndley, for
'In General Merchandise Is Fasting Than Is
Usual at This Season Trade Active In
Some Lines Grain Looks Like Improv
ingCrop Gossip and Current Prices.
Ttjesdat, July 2&
Notwithstanding this is the time ot the
year when a light volume of business is ex
pected in wholesale mercantile lines, and
despite the labor tronbles and excessively
warm weatUer, the clearing house figures
continue to indicate that the movement is
larger than usual at this season. There is no
special animation observable in any line, but
outside of the grain trade no positive dull
ness is reported, and in some branches of
trade, notably provisions, groceries and
garden stuff, business is reported active.
It is reported on excellent authority that
wi .. the exception of last year, the growing
crop or spring wheat promises to beat all
records, and that harvesting will be general
in Southern Minnesota and South Dakota
this week.
Crop prospects being bright helps to
weaken prices for tho cereals, and wheat
continues to soil at low nrices. Corn, though
"cheaper than a year ago. sells around 60c lor
.no. a. jrrovisions are greatly atrengtuenea
by the reduced stocks and active shipping
demand, as well as by the high prices for
Reports from tho northwestern range
country iro so far favorable concerning con
dition of tbe cattle grazed in that section.
Abundant rains have created a luxuriant
growth of grass, and as this is the necessary
element ln produoing fat cattle there is
every reason to believe that the cattlo mar
keted trom Montana and Wyoming this sea
son will be fully up to the standard in point
of fat and finish as compared with last year.
Texas cattle that were run north early ln
the season have filled out well, and some of
them will be ready lor market next week. A
late spring has put the range backward, and
so shipments will be about 20 to 80 days late
compared with last year. It has been con
servatively estimated that the supply from
the Northwest will he about 30 per cent short
of the nsual crop. This shortage may have
a favoiable effect in bringing about a better
range of prices if it is true that tbe supply of
natives and Texaus will bo curtailed. West
ern ranchmen enjoyed a prosperous season
last year, and it looks now as if their good
fortune may continue, but it is a little pre
mature to prognosticate.
Certain exceptionally fine quality gallon
canned apples, of which sales were made
last week at $2 252 50 per dozen, are now
held at $2 60 at Inctory and $2 65 in New
York. At under $2 25 tew, if any, really
standard goods can be obtained.
Gallon canned tomatoes at $2 25 per dozen
have been about all cleaned up, and $2 50 Is
now named as a popular quotation.
The new crop California prunes are quoted
914c for the four sizes, forward shipment.
and it is stated that sales have been mado
for Chicago upon that basis.
A number of spot parcels or standard
three-pound tomatoes were disponed of ln
the East at 92c last week, and most holders
are now very firm at 95c for ordinary
Sales of dried California lima beans were
reported nt as high as $2 10 per bushel on tbe
spot In New York. There Is nor, however,
the anxiety at present to buy that prevailed
a week ago.
The best Baltimore bargains in canned
peaches at. the moment aie $185 for 3-lb
standard yellow, $1 70 for 3-B, seconds and
$1 15 for 3-lb pie. Most holders ask about
510c on those prices.
Grain, Flonr nnd Feed.
The session of the Grain and Flour Fx
change to-day was comparatively spirited,
indicating an improved trade, in the near
futuie. Sales on call were as follows: On
car high mixed shelled corn.vflve days, 54ic;
one car No. 2 white oats, August delivery,
34c; one car No. 2 white oats, September de
livery. 33c. August delivery closed at 330)
j 34c. Bids and offers:
No. 1 white oats $ 37
No. 1 timothy hay 14 75
Choice brown middlings , 15 75
No. 2yellow shelled corn 53V
Extra No. . white oats 35)
No. 2 white oats 38H
Winter wheat bran
$ 33
16 00
17 CO
15 50
No. 2redwheat.f.l.e.,
16 00
15 25
High mixed shelled corn.,
yo. zwnite oats
Extra No. 3 white oats.,
Choice timothy hay ,
No. I timothy bay, 14 50
Packing hay 8 50
'No. 2 red wheat 83 87
No. 2 yellow shelled corn 54K 67
High mixed shclled'corn 53tj EG
No 2 Teltow ear corn. ..'... 5A$ 'CO
No. 2 white oats : 36)4 38
Winter wheat bran, 14 25 15 SO
No. 1 timothy hay 14 25 15 SO
.Receipts bulletined: Via the B. & O., 1 car
bran, 1 car hay; via the P., C, C. A St L., 15
cars oats. 5 cars corn, 1 car wheat, 2 cars hay;
via the P., Ft W. & C, 4 cars bay, 1 car feed,
1 car corn, 3 cars flour. Total, 40 cars.
The following quotations for grain, feed, hay
and straw are for ear lots on track. Dealers
charcc a small advance from store:
Wheat No. 2 red 83
No. 3 red 79
CORK Nu. 2ellow ear. 57 0)
High-mixed eat o5
Mixed ear 54
No. 2 yellow shelled 55Jia
iiign-mixea sneuea m;,i
Mixed shelled S3 i
Oats No.l white 37!,'a
M, 1 wnue aiv
Extra No. 3 white 35'si
M nea a
Bye No. 1 Ohio and Penn.. new . v... 74
No. 2 Western, new 73
Flouk (Jobbers' prices) Fancy brands.
a so; 6ianaara winter patents, ai sutga w
patents. 1 8XC u; straight winter, n
clear winter. SI 251 SO; XXX bakers, $4
rye. n ss-m so. .
iliLLFEEP-No. I white middlings. MS 50(317 SO:
No. 2 white middlings. $15 00(313 50: winter wheat
bran. $15 0015 50: brown middlings. $15 00318 00.
Hay No. I timothy, f 14 7515 00; No. 2 tim
othy. (12 0013 00; mixed clover and timothy.
$13 00(314 00; packing, $9 O09 50; wagon hay.flS 00
19 00.
bTUAW Wheat, $6 50(37 00; oat, $7 50(37 75.
Sugars Patent cut-loaf, 6c; cubes, 5e: pow
dered, 5c; granulated (standard), 4Hc; confec
tioners A. 4Xc; soft A, 4Ji(3Wc; fancy yellow,
J34c: fair yellow, 3J3Sc: common yellow, 3,H
CO ffee Roasted, ln packages Standard brands,
19 3-Mc: second grades. 17K19c; fancy grades. 22(3
27c. Loose Java. 33c; Mocha. 23:Mc; Santos.
l3Z5j$c: Maracaibo. aj"4c; reanerry, zaasc; Car
acas, 28J4C; Klo. 2224'$C.
Coffxe Green O. G. Java, 3031c; Faddanc
Java, 28".3c: Mocha. 3l32c: Peaberry, 24X(8
24Xc: bantos. 2223!4c; Maracaibo. li:Sc:
Caracas, 24:25c; golden Santos, 21j224c; Klo.
1921Kc .
OIL-Carbon. 116. c: headlight SHv: water
white, liic: Elaine. 13c:UhIo legal test, 6J4c; miners
winter white. 3236c: summer, 31(?32c.
Molasses New Orleans, fancy new crop, 33
39c: choice, 3fa.Trc; centrifugals. 29c.
SYBCT Corn svrun, 233!Mc; sugar syrup, 2829c;
fancy flavors, 3233c.
Fi.uits London layer raisins. $2 SO; California
London layers, tl 90(3! 10: California muscatels,
hags. 55jc: boxed. $1 151 15; new Valencia, 5
SHc: new Ondara Valencia, 7I37SC: California sul
tanas, 9llc; currants,'.?Hc: California prunes, 8(3
lie: trench prunes. 7'3l0c: California seedless
raisins, lib cartons, $3 75: citron, 10,H20c: lemon
peel, liamilr..
KICK Fancy head Carolina. CKc: prime to
"choice, 66Xc; Louisiana. 5)6c; Java, 5K(354fc:
Japan. 5V6c.
Cakxed Goons Standard peaches. $1 85(32 00;
extra peaches, S2 25(32 SO; seconds, $1 651 75: pie
peaches, tl 30: finest com. $1 25(31 SO: Harford
county com. $1 201 25; lima beans, tl 20(31 25;
soaked, 8035c; early juno peas. $1 15(31 25:
marrowfat pe.is. $1 05! 15; soaked. 70(375r; French
peas. $11(3.2 9 100 cans or $1 S02 H V doz;
pineapples. tl 1531 35; extra do, fl 41;
Bahama do, $3; damsou plums, eastern, $1 25;
California pears, 12 12.(32 25: do green gages.tt SO;
do egg plums, tl 60: do apricots, $1 85682 00: do
extra white cherries. $2 65(33 85: do white
cherries. 2-Ib cans, tl 0: raspberries, tl 25
(31 SO; strawberries, (1 15(31 25: gooseberries, tl 00
fl 25; tomatoes. $1 0f(31 2i: salmon. 1 lb.. $1 25
95; blackberries, 7590c; succotash, 2 lb. cans,
soaked. 95c: do standard, 21b.. $1 2(31 50; corned
beef. 2 lb. cans. $1 70 1 75: do 14 lb., $13; roast
beef. 2 lb., $1 75: chipped beer. 1 lb. cans, $1 903
2 00: baked nean, tl 25(31 50: lobsters, I lb.. S2 35;
mackerel, fresh. Uu.. 95c: broiled, 1 SO; sardines,
domestic 'As. U 00: Ks, 9 25: as. lnnstard, 13 25;
Imported. Ms. $10 0012 50: Imported. K. 13;
canned apples, i lb., 7075-: gallons. $2 602 75.
Dairy Products.
At the meeting of the Elgin Butter Board,
yesterday, sales were made on the basis of
last week's prices; consequently there will
be no change here this week. The market
for both bntter nu d checso continues active
and flrni at quotations:
Butter Elgin creamery. 23324c: Ohio cream
ery. ID 21: choice to fancy country roll, 1415c;
low grades and cooking. I012c: grease. S6c.
CHEESE-Uhlo new, 99sc; New York. loaiOXe;
fine fall make, fancy new Wisconsin Swiss blocks,
14Hc: do. bricks, 10llc: Wisconsin swettzer,
ln tubs, J313;4c for new. 1516crorold:llmburger,
10tle; Ohio Swiss, 12K13c as to quality.
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs and chickens are firmly held, as
quoted. Beceipts of the latter were large
to-day, but purchasing was conducted on a
liberal scale. Two ooops of fine, large, old
chickens sold at $1 00 per pair.
Eoos-Strlctly fresh Pennsylvania and Ohio, Kii
17c: cold storage stock. i5S18c.
PdUXTBY Spring chickens. 4565e per pair; old
chickens, 75VOc; ducks, 6570c; geese, 7075c
There is ho laok of firmness andactjvlty in
this line. Hams and a few other artloles aro
likely to be advanced again this week.
a 84
(3 57
& 55
a 53
a 55
a 64
13 33
S 36
at 3i
& 75
5 00
: spring
MK54 70 ;
004 25;
Hams. Urge.: .'. M $ It j
Medium Wi
Small 14
Trimmed UH
California... .'. $H
Shoulders, sngar-cured 9
Dry salt 1H
Roulettes Vi
Breakfast bacon HH
Extra do US
Sides, drr salt clear, 3Mb ar 8V
Clear Dellles. smoked (l)j
Clear bellies, dry salt 9
Pork. Heavy 14 00
Light .-. 16 SO
Dried Beef, knuckles lW
Rounds 14)4
Sets 11
Flati... 1CV
Lard, compound, tierces, 350 lb iii
Half barrel
Tubs tli
Backet 69i
Tin cant, 50-lb 6
Tin palla, ID-lb, 6 ln a cue ti
Tin palls, 5-lb, 121nacase 6H
Tin balls. 3-lb, 20 In seat 6
Lard, refined, ln tierces, X40-U 7
Lard, refined, ln one-half barrels "!
Lard, reOned. tubs "H
Lard, refined, In buckets 7H
Lard, refined, ln 50-lb tin cans 1H
Lard, refined. In 10-lb tin palls 7K
Lard, refined, in S-lb tin palls Vi
Lard, refined, In3-Ib tin palls S
Berries, Frails and Vegetables.
Berries were in light supply today, but the
demand was not quite so urgent as Jast week
and stock was less attractive Black rasp
berries sold at 9!0o per quart; blackber
ries, 810c per quart 8590c nrr pail;
huckleberries, 89cper quart, 7590c per
basket. 90c $1 10 per pail.
Apples ranged from $1 25 per barrel for
common conking to $4 50 for (-elected stock.
Peaches were quoted at $1752 50 per crate
for goOd to choice; small baskets, 4050c;
large do. 75c$125 according to qualltv.
California pears brought $3 25350 per
case, and Marylands (wlilte Diana) $100
125 per half bushel basket Bananas were
firmer at $2 253 00 per bunch for good to
choice stock, and lemons sold at $3 504 50
per box.
Choice Marvland tomatoes told readily
at $1 001 25 'per half bushel basket; do
.mississippis, nxwn. DO per case, ana
home-grown, $2 252 60 per bushel. Cucum
bers were higher t6575c per half bushel
basket. Cabbage sold at 75:$I 50 per tarr'i,
according to condition, and onions at $2 75
3 00 per barrel for Southern, and at an
ai erage or $1 00 per box for choice. Celery,
2030c per dozen. Egg plants, 75c$l 50 per
dozen, according to size.
Potatoes wero slow and unchanged at $1 75
2 25 per barrel from store and $1 501 75 ln
carlots on track.
Watermelons ranged from $20 to $32 per
100. Anne Arundel canteloupes were lower
at $5 005 50 per barrel on account or in
creased supplies. Common stock sold all
tbe wav from $1 25 to $2 50 in crates and $2 00
to $3 00 in barrels.
Movements and Prlcss at East Liberty
and Other Points.
East Liberty, Fa., July 26.
Cattle Beceipts, 240 head; shipments, 360
head; market steady at yesterday's decline.
Hoas Receipts, 601 head; shipments, 700
head; market slow; enrnfed, $5 906 20; grass
ers and pigs, $5 505 75; one cur of hogs
shipped to New Tork to-day.
Sheep Receipts, l,800head:shlpments, 1,600
head: market fair at yesterday's prices.
By Associated Press.!
Chicago The Evening Journal reporte:
Cattle Beceipts, 4,500 head; shipments,
3,000 head. Market opened trifle higher,
closed-dull; choice to extra natives $4 A0
6 50: others. $3 9364 80: Texnns. $2 QC3 45;
canners, $2 002 BO; cows, $2 753 4'l Hogs
Beceipts, 10,000 head; shipments, 4,000
head: market, 510c lower; mixed packers,
$3 655 80t nrime heavy and butchers'
weights, $5 95S 00; assorted light, $5 95
6 00; others light, $5 6505 85. Sheep Be
ceipts, 5,000 head; shipments, 3,000 head.
Sheen steady; lambs higher; natives ewes.
$3 7534 50: mixed, $4 25t 75; wethers. $5 00
5 50; fed Texan. $4 404 55; Westerns,
$1 60: lambs, $3 506 75.
Nw Tork Beeves Beceipts 513 head,
all for exporters and slaughterers; no trnde;
feeling firm. Dressed beef steady at 7K
8c Shipments to-day, 728 beeve anil 1.2U0
quarters of beef; to-morrow, 893 beeves anil
8,310 quarters of beef. Calves Beceipts, 220
head. Market slow, but steady; veals. $5 6J
t3 100 fis; grassers and buttermilk calve-.
$2 C02 50. Sheep and lambs Beceipts, 3,558
head. Market firm. Sheep, $3 005 K) $ 100
Ss: lambs, $5 757 00; dressed mutton
steady: dressed iambs weak at 9llc. Hogs
Beceipts, 4,960 head, including three lor
sales. Market firm, $5 506 35 fl 100 Bs.
Kansas City Cattle Beceipts, 5,000; ship
ments, 3,000. Steers were active and strong
to 10c higher at $3 255 CO; cows, 1015c
higher at $1 355 00; feeders quiet; Texas
steers, 10c higher at $2 253 05. Hogs Be
ceipts, 8,200; shipments, none: tho market
was active and 510o higher; all grades, $5 40
5 95; bulk, $5 705 90. Sheep Receipts.
9,000; shipments, 200; the good sheop were
wanted and strong; others neglected and
weak; muttons, $1 50.
St. Loul Cattle Beceipts 7,000 head; ship
ments, 7,000 head; market 10c higher on good
grades, teady on others, some Kansas fed
Texas, $( 40: Indians, $3 80: fair to good
Texas, 2 403 50; canners, $1 252 30. Hogs
Beceipts, 2,300 head; shipments, 200 head:
market 10c highenhcavy fair tocholco.$5 80
6 05: mixed medium to good, $5 50Q6 00; fair
to best, $5 705 90. Sheep lieceipttv 1,600
head: shipments, 2,000 head; market strong;
fair to gocd native muttons, $4 C05 25.
Cincinnati Hogs strong; common and
light. $5 0OQ5 90; packing and butchers',
$5 606 00: receipts, 1.740 head: shipments,
L180 bead. Cattle firm at $2 00Q4 60; re
ceipts, 100 head: shipments, 240 lieau. Sheep
steadyat $3 005 00; receipts, 6,400 head; ship
ments, 2,200 head. Lambs strong: common
to choice spring, $3 506 75 per 100 pounds.
Bnff.ilo Cattle Receipts, 25 Jonds
through; 21 sale: market strong lor Tjood
grades, dull for common. Hogs Receipts,
10 .loads through: 8 sale; market firm for
food; heavy grades corn-fed, $6 25Q6 30.
heeo and Iambs Receipts. 16 loads through.
6 sale: mnrket slow: choice to fancy wethers,
$5 355 50.
Ttoston Stocks doling Prices.
Atch.ftTop 37JFrankUn 12V,
Boston Albany... .K6 Kearsarge ll,S
do Maine 183 Osceola 31
C.B.4Q VH Santo Fe Copper.... lltf
Fltchb-rr. pfd S93
Tamarack 155
Annlston Land Co .. 25
L,. It. Ft. S. 76
vex. cen. com ni
Boston Land Co 5
West End Land Co.. 18!
Bell Telephone 203
Lamson Storey 19
Water Power .-. 2lf
N. T. A N. Eng..
uia (,'oiony
Rutland, pfd
Wis. Central, com .
A. MIn. Co. (new) .
Boston & Mont
Cent. Mining 8K
N. E. Tel 58
B. ID. Conner. 9
Calumet A Hecla ....2:5
Thompson Elec Co.. 65
Electric Stocks.
Bostox, Jnly' 56. Special The latest
electric stock quotations to-day were:
Thomson-Houston Electric Co 65
Thomson-Houston Electric Co., pfd... 'MH
T.-H. K. Co., IT. securities, series u. ..4
T. E. E. W. Co 10!
Ft. W. E. Co Wi ZH
F. W. K. Co. Tr. Securities, series A VA 7H
W. E.CO 27X 28
"W. E. Co . pfd 45 48
General Electric Co 103 loa
(Jeneral Electric Co., pfd 119Ji 13)
Detroit E. Co .' 7 7
Boston Electric Light Co 114 117
Closing Philadelphia Quotations.
.. 54
.. 30;,
.. 8
30 3-15
Buffalo. N. Y. and Philadelphia.
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation
Philadelphia and Erie
... 33
... M
... 55K
Northern Pacific, pref ,
Bar Silver.
New Took, July 86. Bar silver in London
7-16d lower at 39 l-16d per oz. New York
dealers' price lor silver z lower at 85c
per oz.
TVool Markets.
Nrw Torz, July 24. Wool qnlet, firm;
domestic fleece, 2533c; pulled, 2032; Texas,
Bosros, July 26. The demand here for
wool is good and large sales continue to be
made. At the same time the receipts keep
up large. Ohio washed fleeces are firm at
27c lor X, and 2829c for XX and XX and
above. Michigan A Is sold at 2526c. No. 1
wools are steady at S334c lor Ohio and 32
83c for Mlcnlgan. No. 1 combing wools are
firm at 3537c: Ohio fine delane 3233c; Mich
igan fine uelane 28SOc Unwashed combing
wool sells at 2427c, lor quarter blood and
western unwashed ami unmerchantable
fleeces at 1821o. Texas, California and
Oregon wools are selling; quite well, partic
ularly the first named at previous prices.
Pulled wools are steady. Austraillan wools
sell mosily.at 333Sc. Foreign carpet wools
Wken Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried t or Caatoria.
When she became Visa, she clung to Castorla.
WhM ah bad CUM, gvt tham Caatsi
New York Metal Market
New York, July 26. Pig iron, dull; Ameri
can, $13 50I5 00. Copper, stron--'; Lake, $11 653
11 75. Lead, easy; domestic. $4 05I 10. Tin
closed firm: straights, $20 4520 50.
Tho Westbound Iron Redaction a Question
for tbs Presidents.
The managers of the railways met yester
day in Mr. McCrea's ofiice to discuss the re
duction in westbound iron rates as proposed
by the "Wheeling and Lake Erie road. One
motion was presented, and that was to ad
journ until the early part of September.
Tbe Wheeling and Lake Erie people bad no
objections, and it was carried. The meet
ing lasted about five minutes.
General .Manager A. G. Blair, General
Freight Agent H. J. Booth and General
Agent J. E. Terry were present for the
Ohio line. Tbe redaction is an important
one and the officials think it is a subject for
the Presidents. General Orland Smith, of
the Baltimore and Ohio line, and President
Roberts, of the Pennsylvania, couldn't be
there and President John Newell, of the
Lake Erie, is in Europe.
SICK HEADACHE-cter,gLute LiTerPins.
SIK HEADACHE-Csrter,, LItfle L,Tef pn,fc
Carter's Little Liver Pttuv
Carter's Little Liver Pllla.
Hay, Grain and Commission,
Consignments of
and orders for grain I
John M. Oakley & Co.,
Direct Drlvate wire to New Tork an'tCu.
cago. Member New Yorr, Chlo&go and Pltei
burg Exchanges.
Local securities bought s,nd sold ror cast
or carried on liberal margins.
Investments made at our disoretloa an!
dividends paid quarterly.
Interest paid on balanoe (itnst 1351).
Honey to loan on call.
Information books on all markets malls!
on application. fe7
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
As old residents know and back files of
Pittsburg papers prove, is tho oldest estab
lished and most prominent physician in the
city, devotlngspecialattention to all chronic
sponsible Mr pi lf IO and moiit.il dis
persons IN Lll V UUO eases, physical de
cay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambi
tion and hope, impairedmemory, disordered
sight, self distrust, baslifnlne'ss. dizziness,
sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, impover
ished blood, tailing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption,
unfitting theperson for business, society ana
marriage, permanently, safely and priv.itely
sr.dn BLOOD AND SKINsdisaTccs:
eruptions, blotches, falling hair,bunes,pains.
glanduhir swellings, ulcerations of the
tongue, mouth, thro it, ulcers, old sore", are
cured tor life, and blood poisons thoroughly
eradicated from I IDIM A DV kidney and
the system. U n MM nil I , bladder de
rangements, weak back, gravrl. catarrhal
discharges, inflammation and other painful
symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cure.
Dr. lVhittler's life-long extensive experi
ence insures scientific and reliable treat
ment on common sense principles. Consulta
tion free. Patients nt a distnncous carefully
treated as if here. Office hours. 9 a. it. to 8
r. M. Sunday. 70 a. m. to 1 r. m. only. DIt.
y'HITiIEl.,814 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa
SPECIALISTS in all cases re-
3 ulnng scientific and confl
eutlal treatment. Dr. 5. K
Lnke, M. R. C. 1. S., is the old
est nnd most experienced spe
cialist in the city. Consulta
tion free and strictlr confi
dential. Office hours, 9 to 4 and 1 to a r. M.;
fluaday's, 2 to 4 r. m. Consult them person
ally, or write- DocrTona Lake, cor. Penn nr.
and Fourth st, Pittsburg, Pa. jel6-a2-DWK
A cure for Plies. External. Internal, liimd. Bleed
Ing anil Itching. Chronic. Recent or Hereditary.
Tills remedy has positively never been Known to
fall. $1 a box. for $5. by mall. A guarantee given
with six boxes, when purchased at one time, Jo re
fund the $5 if not enred. Issued by EM II. O.
STOCKY. Drurslst, Wholesale and Ketxll Agent.
Nos. 5401 and 1701 Penn ave.. corner Vi ylle ave.
and Fulton St.. rntibnrg. Pa. Use Stocky',
Diarrhoea A Cramp Cure. 7 iml 51 cts. JaI-C-eo4
The Great English Keinedy.
Promptly and permanently
cures all forms of Aervnut
n'eakness.Emissum. Apt
mrttorrlftt. lmvotency ttnd
nil effects of Abtue or I2t
cestee.Ueen prescribed over
35 years ln thonsands of
cases: Is the only ReliahU
and Honest Jfedlcine known.
Ailr Amvtrlst Air WrtonN
Before avd Aftrr i-hosphodise: If he offers
some worthless medicine In P'f ee of this, leave his
dl honest store. Inelose price In letter and we will
.end hv return mall, l-rice. one package, t: six.
j V irtll pletin: nx trill cure. Pamphlet la
Sluln seilert enrelone. ? stamps. Ariilreia
plain 'iyijj. -w-OOD CHEMICAJC CO
131 Woodward avenue. Detroit. Mlch.
J9"SoId ln Pittsburg br
deI7-5I-eodwk 412 Market street.
W ftf Gray's Specific
susBTwas. Airautna.
N er-
vons -Debility. Weakness of Bodr and Mind.
Spermatorrhea, and Impotcney. and all diseases
that arise from over-Indulgence and self-abuse, as
Loss of Memory and Power. Dimness of Vision.
Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that
lead to Insanity or Consumption and an early
grave, write for onr pamphlet.
Address GRAY Mr.UIOI.NE CO., Buffalo. N. Y.
The Specific Medicine Is sold by all drnggUts at
1 uupcrpacKage, orsixpacsagesiorso uu, ur sent
ny lliau on reeceint
of monev. and with
every SS 00 order IV E
a cure or mvuvy mmmmmamm
49-On acconnt of counterfeits, we have adopted
the Yellow Wrapper, the only genuine, bof.l la
Pittsburg and guarantees Issued Dy S. S. Holland,
cor. SlnlthOeld and Liberty sts.
Manhood Restored!
the wonderful remedy,
is sold with a written
guaranty to cure mil
uervous diseases, sucn
as WeakMemory.Loss
of Brain Power, Ilea
ache. Wakefulness
Lost Manhood, Night
ly Emissions, Nervous,
ness. Lassitude, all
Bzroax axp Arrza vsnro.
d rains ana loss of sow-
imM $
Xj, B (M. K, A3SL 1
er of the Generative organs ln cither sex caused by
over exertion, youthful errors, or excessive use of
tobacco, opium or stimulants which soon lead to
Infirmity. Consumption and Insanity. Put up con
venient to carry In vest pocket. 81 per package by
mall: forti. with every S order wejrtve a written
tuarontM to curs or rtfwi&tiie money. Circular free.
Address Nerve. Seed Co., Chleasio. III.
Tor sale ln Pittsburg by Jos. Fleming A
Sob, drngguti, UO and iU Market st.