Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 25, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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HWJ.JW' - a.
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Life Is Before, Dealh Is After, and Ko
Han Knows When It Comes.
Search the Scriptures and Come to the
Savior Through Prayer.
London, July 24. Dr.Talmage's sermon
selected for publication this week is entitled
"The Soul's Crisis," from Isaiah, lr., a
"Seek ye the Lord while He may be found. "
Isaiah stands head and shoulders above
the other Old Testament authors in vivid
descriptlveness or Christ. Other prophets
pive an outline of our Savior's features.
Borne of them preent, as It -were, the side
lace or Christ; others a bust of Christ, hnt
Isaiah gives us the mil length portrait of
Christ. Other fcenpture writers exrel in
some thinss. EzeMel more weird. David
more pathetic. Solomon more epigrammatic,
Hahakkuk more sublime: but ihen you
ant to see Christ coming out from tho gates
of prophecy in all Ills grandeur and glory,
yon involuntarily turn to Isaiah.
Isaiah was not a man picked up out of in
significance by inspiration. lie -nas known
and honored. Josephus and Philo and SI
rach extolled him in their writings. What
Taul was among the apostles, I.alah was
among the prophets.
My text finds him standing on a mountain
of inspiration, looklnc out into the future,
beholding Christ advancing ana anxious
that all men might know Him; his voice
rlnes down the ages: "Seek ye the Lord
while He may he found."
The Texts Suits All Times.
"Oh," says someone, "that was for olden
times." No. my hearer. If you have trav
eled in other lands you have takm a circu
lar letter of credit from some banking house
in London and St. Petersburg, or Venice or
Rome, or Antwerp, or Brussels, or Paris;
you piesented that letter and got financial
help Immediately. And I want you to un
derstand that the text, instead of beincap
propnate for one age, or for one land, Ik a
circular letter for all ages and for all lands,
and wheioer it is presented for help the
help comes: "Seek ye the Lordwhile He may
bo tound."
I come to-day with no hair-spun theories
of religion, with no nice distinctions, with
no elaborate disquisition, but with a plain
talk on the matters of personal religion. I
feel that the sermon I preach this morning
will be the savor or lire unto Iire.or of death
unto death. In other words, the Gospel of
Christ is a powerful medicine; it either kills
or cures. There are thco who say: "I
would like to become a Christian. I have
been waiting a good while for the light kind
of influence to come:" and still you are wait
ing. You are wiser In worldly things than
you are In religious things. And yet there
are men who say thev are waiting to get to
heaven Halting, waiting, but not witli in
telligent waiting, or thev would get on board
the line of Christian influences that would
bear them into the kingdom of God.
Xok, you know very well that to seek a
thing is to search for it with earnest en
deavor, m e may pay our debts, we may at
tend church, we may relieve the poor, we
may be public benefactors, and et all our
Jife disobev the text, never beek God, never
gain heaven.
God I. Not a Depot But a Father.
I remark, In the first place, you are to seek
the Lord through earnest and believing
prayer. God is not an autocrat or a despot
eated on a throne with His arms testing on
brazen lions and a sentinel pacing up and
down at the foot of the throne. God is a
father seated In a bower waiting for His
children to come and climb on His knee, and
ret His kiss and His hfnfrilnffnn Pravnr la
the cud with which we go the "fountain oM
living water" and dip up refreshment .for
our thirsty soul. Grace does not coj&e to
the heart as we set a cask of water tocatch
the rain In the shower. It is a pulley fast
ened to the throne of God which we pull,
bringing the blessing.
I do not care so much what posture you
take In prayer, nor how large 8h amount of
"olce you use. " ." get down on your
"- 'e'"r- not pray right in-
aruiVneio Mould b no response.
Ton might cry at the top of youn, voice, and
unless yon had a believing spirit within,
your cry would not go farther up than the
phout of a plowboy to nls oxen. Prayer must
be believing, earnest, loving.
Prayer is a warm, ardent, pulsating exer
cise It Is the electric battery which,
touched, thrills to the throne or God! It is
the diving bell in which we go down into the
depths of God's mercy and bring up "pearls
of srreat price."
0 imoenitent soul, have you ever tried the
power or prayer! God says: "He is loving
and faithful and patient." Do you believe
that! Ton are told that Christ came to save
sinners. Do you Delleve that! You are told
that all you have to do to get the pardon of
the 'gospel. Is to ask for it. Do you believe
that! Then come to Him and say: "OLord.
I know thou canst not He. Thou hast told
me to come for pardon, and I could get It."
Seek the Lord Tliroa;h Bible Study.
Oh, that you might have an altar in the
pailor, In the kitchen. In the store, in the
barn, lor Christ v ill be willing to come again
to the manger to hear prayer. He would
come in your place of business as he con
lronted Matthew, the Tax Commissioner.
1 remark; again, you must seek the Lord
through Bible study. The Bible is the new
est book In the world. "Oh," you say, "it
was made hundreds of years ago, and tho
learned men of King James translated it
hundreds of years ago." I confute that Idea
by telling you it is not five minutes old,
when God, by his blessed Spirit retranslates
it into the heart. If you will, in the seeking
of the wav of lire through Scripture study,
implore God's light to fall upon the page,
you will find that these promises are not one
fcecond old, and that 'they drop straight
from the throne of God into your heart.
There are many people to whom the Bible
does not amount to much. If they merely
look at the outide beauty, why it will no
more lead them to Christ than Washington's
larewell address or the Koran of Mahomet
ortheShaster of the Hindoos. It is the in
ward light of God's Word vou must get or
die. Alas, that so many stop at the outside
door of God's Holy Word, looking at the
rhetorical beauties, instead of colnir In and
looking at the altars of sacrifice and the
dome of God's mercy and salvation that
hovers over every penitent and believing
0 my friends. If you mereiy want to study
the laws of language, do not go to the Bible.
It was not made for that. Take "Howe's
Elements of Criticism." It would be better
than the Bible for that.
The Trne Scope or the Scrlptnrea.
But if you want to know how to have sin
pardoned, and at last to gain the blessed
ness or heaven, search the Scriptures, "for
In them ye have eternal life."
When people are anxious about their
souls and there are some such here to-dav
there are those who recommend good
books. That is all right. But I want to tell
j ou that the Bible is the best book under
such circumstances.
1 remaik, again, we must seek God through
church ordinances. "What," say you,
"can't a man he saved without going to
church!" I reply, there are men, I supuose.
In glory, who nave never seen a church; but
the church Is the ordained means by which
we aro to be brought to God; and if tiuth
affects us when we are alone, it affects us
more mightily when we are in the assembly
the feelings or others emphasizing our
own feelings. The great law ol fcj inpathy
comes into pl.iv and a truth that ould take
hold only with the grasp of a sick man,
beats mightily against the soul with a
thousand heart throbs.
When j ou come into the religions circle,
come only with one notion, and only for one
purpose to find the way to Christ. When I
see people critical about sermons, and criti
cal about tones or voice, and critical abont
sermonic delivery, they make me thlnkof a
man in prison. He is condemned to death,
but an ,6fBcer of the Government brings a
pardonf and puts it through the wicket of the
prison and says: "Hero is your pardon.
Conre and get it." "What! Do j ou expect
mil to take that pardon offeied with such a
lolceasyou have, with such an awkward
manner as you have! I would rather die than
o compromise my rhetorical notions!" Ah.
the man does not say that; he takes it! It is
his lire.
Now Is the Accepted Time.
And if, this morning, that pardon flora tho
throne of God is offered to our souls, should
we not seize it, regardless of all criticism,
feeling that it is a matter of heaven or hell!
lint I come now to the last part of my
text. It tells tis when we are to seek the
Lord. "While he may De found." When is
fiat! Old nge! Ton may not see old age.
To-morrow! Tou may not see to-morrow.
To-night! You may not Bee to-night. Now)
0, if 1 could only -write on every heart In
I 1
- i 4 1 " I 1
-&? n"- ay, 1 ' 1 in iiTOOTBT.wiri 1 TMPW" yiirTii , "ti h ' "iiii Hi ViiiniTi " in i T nii T -TTfti r?TT T TTirmff-wnririi'Tiri ia 3rrritr-mV' .n i 7 1 f ,r 1)
mn ' ' mm mmmmmmmmmm imn9t t ' i riiwiffr ir-mT i iwwHffifV
three capital letters, that word N-O-W
Sin is an awful disease. I hear people say
with the toss of the head and with a trivial
manner: Oh, ves, I'm a sinner." Sin Is an
awlul disease. It Is leprosy. It is dropsy.
It Is consumption. It is all moral disorders
in one. Now you know there is a crisis in a
disease. Tertians you have had some Illus
tration of it in your family. Sometimes the
physician has called, and he lias looked at
the natienfJtnd said: "Thatcase was simple
enough; but the crisis has passed. If you
bad called me yesterday, or this morning, I
could have cured the patient. It is too late
now; the crisis has nassed." Just so It is in
the spiritual treatment or the soul there is
a crisis. Before that, life! Alter that, death!
O, my dear brother.as you love yonr soul do
not let the crisis pass unattended to!
There aie some here who can rememDer
instances in lile when, ir they had bought a
certain property, they would have become
very rich. A few acres that would have
cost them almost nothing were offered them.
They refused them. Afterward a largo vil
lage or city sprang up on those acres of
ground and they see what a mistake they
made in not bnxlnir the nroneity. There
was an opportunity of getting it. It never
came back agatn.
Chances for Pardon That Slip By.
And so it is In regard to a man's spiritual
and eternal fortune. There Is a chance; if
you let that go, perhaps It never comes
back. Certainly, that one never comes back.
There is a time which mercy has set for
leaving port. If you are on board before
that vou will get a passage for heaven. If
you are not on board, you miss your passage
for heaven.
Why defer this matter, O, my dear hearer!
nave you any idea that sin will wear out!
that it will evaporate! that it will relax its
grasp, that you may find religion as a man
accidentally finds a lost pocketbook! Ah,
no! No man ever became a Christian by ac
cident, or by the relaxing of sin. Tho em
barrassments are all the time increasing.
The hosts or darkness are recruiting, and
the longer you postpono this matter the
steeper the path will become. I ask those
men who are berore me this morning wheth
er in the 10 or IS years they have passed in
the postponement of there matters they
have come any nearer God or heaven!
on, it men couiu oniy eaten just one
glimpse of Christ; I know they would love
him. Your heart leaps at the sight or a
glorious sunrise or sunset. Canyon be with
out emotion when tne Sun of Righteousness
rises behind Calvarv, and sets behind Jos
eph's sepulchre! He is a blessed Savior! O,
my blessed Jesus! Light in darkness! The
Rock on which I build! The Captain of my
salvation! My joy! My strength! How
strange it Is that men cannot love Thee!
The Tremendous Interests at Stale.
Why should I stand here and plead, and
you sit there! It is your immortal souL It
Is a soul that shall neer die. It is a soul
that must soon appear before God for re
views!. Why throw away your chance lor
heaven! Why plunge off into darkness
when the gates of glory are open! Why be
come a castawav from God when yon can sit
upon the throne! Whv will ye die miserably
when eternal life ia offered you, and it will
cost you nothing, but Just w llllngneis to ac
cept it! "Come, for all things are now
leady." Come, Christ Is ready, pardon Is
ready! The Church is ready. Heaven Is
ready. You will never find a more conven
ient season, if you should Hvo 50 years more,
than this very one. Reject this, and you
may die in vour sins.
why do lsay this! Is it to f 1 Ighten your
soul! Oh, no. It is to persuade you. I
show you the peril. I show yon the escape.
Would I not be a coward beyona all exense,
if, believing that this great audience must
soon be launohed into the eternal world,
and that all who believe In Christ shall he
saved, and that all who reject Christ w ill be
lost would 1 not be the veriest coward on
earth to hide the truth or to stand before
you with a cold, or even a placid manner!
My dear brethren, now is the day of your re
demption. appear before God in Judgment. We cannot
Ik IS tCl! VD1MU1 MIH VUUBUU 1 uiHb-wn
escape it. The Rlble says: "Every eye shall
see Him, and they also whloh pierced Him,
and all thekijdreds of the earth shall wall
because or Ilim." On that day all onr ad
vantages. -will come up tor our glory or for
our diP,comflture every prayer, every ser
mon, every exhortatory remark, every re
proarr, every call of grace; and while the
heavens are rolling away like a scroll, and
hd the world Is being destroyed, yourdes
'tiny and my destiny will Do announced.
Seek the Lord While He May Be Found.
But I want you to take the hint or the text
that I have no .time to dwell on the bint
that there is a time when he cannot bo
found. There is a man in this city, 80 years
of age, who said to a clergyman who came
In, "Do you think that a man 80 years of age
can get pardoneal" "Oh, yes." said the
clergyman. Tho old man said: "I can't;
when I was 20 years of age I am now SO
years the Spirit of God came to my sonl,
and l felt the importance of attending to
these things, but I put it off. I rejected God,
and since then I have had no feeling."
"Well," said the minister, "wouldn't yon
like to have me pray with yon!" "Yes," re
plied the old man, "but It will do no good.
You can pray with me If you like to."
The minuter knelt down and prayed, and
commended the man's sonl to God. It
seemed to have an effect upon him. After a
while, the last hour ot the man's life came,
and through his delirium a spark or Intelli
gence seemed to Hash, and with his last
breath he said: "I shall never be forgiven!"
"O seek the Lord while He may be found."
A Greek's Own Handwriting Likely to Con
vict Him or Murder.
New Haven, Conn., July 24. SpctidL
Conclusive evidence has been obtained by
Detective Fuller, of the Fuller Bureau,
ifew York, that Leonida Vourgares,
the Greek arrested here yesterday
for assault, is really guilty of the murder
with which he is charged with committing in
the Mediterranean, in 1886. In a secret
compartment in Vourgares' chest was
found a sort of dairy in his handwriting, in
which the following appears: "March 25,
1S86, I killed a man. My name is no longer
Leonida, but Nicholas." He had that pa
per with him for six years.
Vourgares was present when the chest was
searched, and was very nervous when the
detective found the papers. He said:
"These nothing; these only old pa
pers; give me them." He recognized
his mistake too late, however, as the diary
will go in as evidence against him. The
Greek's nervousness and agitation when
the papers were found was so great
that detectives had them translated
at once, and found the foregoing
startling confession. He is held at
police headquarters under 5400 bonds. The
Greek Consul in New York is correspond
ing with the Greek Government, with a
view to giving up the murderer in case he is
The Manitoba Ministry Victorious.
"Winnipeg, Man., July 21. The elec
tions to-day resulted in the return of the
Greenway Government to power by a ma
jority of seven over the opposition. The
question of national schools .or separate
schools was a great issue of the campaign,
the victory being for the former.
Nearly every household uses a stimulant
of some kind. -None better known or more
highly recommended than Klein's "Silver
Age" and Duquesne Kye whiskies. Physi
cians of hitch standing have vouched for the
truth of this o er their signatures. These
testimonials are shown in Max Klein's win
dow. Federal street, Allegheny. Send to
him for catalogue and price list of all kinds
of liquors. itw
Excursion Tla tho I'icturesqnn It. & O. K. B.
To Atlantic City, via Washington, Balti
more anu jruuaueipnia, on xnursuay, July
28, 1892. Hate $10 the round trip; tickets good
for 12 days irom day of sale, and good to
ston off at Washington Cltv returning.
Trains with Pullman parlor and sleeping
cars will leave B.iO, depot, Pittsburg, at 8
a. x. and 9.20 p. x.
Are Tou Going Out or Town?
If so, do not leave silverware or other valu
ables in the house, but store them in tbe
safe deposit vaults of tlie Farmers' Deposit
National Bank, 63 Fourth avenue, where, at
a smaU cost, you can have absolute protec
tion. u
Boom Renters and Boarding Bouses Who
Used Tho Dispatch's Cent-a-Word advertis
ing columns under Wanted Boarders and
Rooms To Let find It the best.
Stylish SnJtlngJ,
Testings and trouserings to order on short
notice at Pitcairn's.tM Wood street.
Shall In size, great In results: De WltV
Little EarlyRisera. Best pill for constipation
best for sick headache and sour stomach.
Booms Soon Rented.
Don't fall to send in your adtet to-day for
the Sunday Cent-a-Word Column.
1 ft
The Snstday Dispatch Gives All the News or
an Eventful Saturday The Ontshlo
World Not Forgotten In the Excitement
Over Local Sensation.
Yesterday's Sttsdat Dispatch was as
breezy, as newsy and as versatile as ever.
It overlooked nothing or real Interest in the
way of news, either at home or abroad. Tbe
following mentions only a few of the events
H. C. Frick was shot and stabbed in his
office; his nssailant was an Anarchist printer
from New York.... The preliminary hearing
of O'Donnell Was held.. . .Deputy Sheriff May
Is looking for accomplices of the Anarchist
Berkman.... Labor organizations from near
by towns sent messages or regret.. ..Jack
Coolev was killed by a trap gun... .Bosses of
the Union mill sought In vain for workmen
....Step were taken toform a businessmen's
association Guards at Homestead fired
upon belated soldiers.. ..A stray bullet at
Homestead wounded the colored servant of
J. B. Myers Democratic primaries were
held: Representative Kearns defeated Mr.
Sullivan . . . .Judge Ewlng sustained tbe direc
tory election of the Manchester Traction
Company.. .. Mrs. Truele sued the Mayor or
McKeesport for the deith ot her husband
resulting from an arrest.... Amhpy won the
last Hnmewood race.. ..Duquesne strikers
are orderly.. ..Braddock workmen will not
strike.. ..Two women committed suicide....
Two boys were killed by street cars. ,
Only one of the Illinois Steel Company's
mills are idle. ...Statesmen at Washington
were horrified by 'the Pittsburg tragedy....
The anti-options bill raised a question about
speclflogold contracts. ...Antiquarian treas
ures were unearthed In a Hoosler mound....
An Ironton merohant committed suicide....
Five Massachusetts diners died of cholera
morbus, and five others cannot survive. ...A
Boston printer got $5,000 for stopping a run
away. ...Tne Brnsh electrlo plant at Cincin
nati was wrecked by the bursting of a pulley
....The largest fresh water vessel is to be
built at Bay City, Mich.... Philadelphia is in
danger of a water famine.. ..A New Haven
girl was courted to Insanity and suicide....
Pittsburg lost another ball game.... A mine
explosion near Pottsville resulted in a loss
of 13 lives. ...No action was taken on the
Shiras nomination.... A terrible famine is im
minent in Mexico.... Wife Murderer plater
wasslvenanew lease or life Murderer
Seed was located.... A Louisiana Judge was
assassinated. ...Hanlan and 'O'Connor won
the Washington regatta....Adlai Stevenson
began a campaigning tour.... New York will
have a captive balloon. ...Two Alleghenians
were drowned at Rook Point. ...Fire caused
a panic at Barnum's circus in Toledo....
Government bacteriologists will experi
ment with tbe Koch cure Alice Mitchell's
insanity was described by a medical expert
....TheDaltons were sighted again.
The Drelbund will support Bulgaria
against Russia.... Patti will make another
farewell tour of America Russian troops
are bivouacked to put downcholerarlots....
Russia has no proper sanitary checks against
cholera... .Canada Is becoming alafmed over
tbe prospect of retaliation Gladstone will
lntrodnce his home rule bill with the least
possible delay.... German troops were said
to have violated the French frontier....
Baku drank water infected with cholera
from a hospital The Welsh are pleased
over the passage or the tin plate bill by Con
gress Dr. Hale, of Boston, is doing a great
work In England. ...Negotiations for the be
trothal of the King ofServiaare In progress.
The Skill and Knowledge
Essential to the production of the most per
fect anu popular laxative remedy known,
haye enabled the California Fig Syrup Co.
to achieve a gieat success in the reputation
of its remedy, Syrun of Figs, as it Is con
ceded to be the universal laxative. For sale
by all druggists.
Have Ton a Vacant Boom
And wish a tenant for it? Then do as
hundreds of others have done advertise it in
the To Let Booms Cent-a-Word advertising
columns of The Dispatch.
Healthful. Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Ste.
Mtmtmm and Prevents SandmlL
6st for General Household Um
I m t J It 1 I
himf II-
1 I
W . MU
Give a three months old baby 10 to 12 parts water to one of ' Eagle" brand condensed milk.
GETER C. SH1DLE, Limited,
403 shithifiIjId st.
Wall Paper Removal Sale.
We guarantee every purchaser bargains. PICTURE MOLDINGS, BORDERS,
PAPER HANGINGS less than remnant prices to close out quickly,
ifOc Paper for
15c Paper for
25c Paper for
Indigestion Cured
Mr. Wm. Wade, the well known boot and
hoe dealer at 17 Merrimack at. near the
Postoffice, Lowell, says: "When I find a good
thing I feel like prais
ing it, and I know from
personal experience
that Hood's Sarsaparilla
A Floe Medicine.
I have for a good many
years been seriously
troubled with distress
in my stomaoh and in
Win. .mic.
digestion. I had medical advice, prescrip
tions and various medieines, but my trouble
was not relieved. At last I thought I Would
try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I must say the
rOecVwas surprising; Soon after I began
taking it I found great relief, and now eat
without having that terrible distress. I also
rest well at night and am in good general
health, for all of which I thank
Hood's Sarsaparilla
HOOD'S PILLS cure liver ills, constipa
tion, biliousness, Junndlce, headache.
vPV Ey pb
Pure ZT
Healthful Queen
Agreeable of
Refreshing Table Waters."
is a difficult problem with
many people because but
few articles pffoorJ agree
with therrifThe doctor says
gn'd the result is unpalata
ble food. The reason the
physician objects to grease
is because lard is the article
most used, and every phy
sician knows that hog lard
in any shape is unhealthy
and indigestible.
Every one interested in
pure and healthful food hails
with joy the new product
which is composed of pure
cottonseed oil and pure beef
suet nothing else not
even salt. It is better than
either lard or butter for all
cooking jjoses, and one
pound of Cottolene will do
as much as two pounds of
lard or butter, and it costs
less than either.
Every housekeeper that
tries Cottolene will find in
it just what she wants.
Beware of imitations get
the genuine of your grocer.
Makes a bad temper. If your watch doesn't
co right, or stops, or is "busted," take it to
Arons' "Watch Hospital." Watches cleaned.
new Jewels main spring, ease springs, etc.,
for only SO CENTS.
B. E. ARONS, Jeweler,
Proprietor Voltaic Diamonds,
65 fifth avenue.
Send for Catalogue of Watohes, Jewelry, etc
ii?ffillltK HPKvH
IBIfr tm
Are music in any home if you love
babies. Some people do not love
babies as well as that. Then they
should use the
Milk, a perfect infant food.
A million American babies have been
raised to manhood and womanhood
on the "Eagle" brand. -
Grocer and Druggist sell it.
Just What you Want,
Blazer Suits at About
Half Regular Prices.
Fine All-Wool
Blazer Suits at
$5 this week.
It is owing to an
opportune pur
chase of 150 of
these suits that We
can offer them at
this low price.
Previous lot s
same qualities and
made by the same
manufacturer we
were obliged to sell
at $9. But you
can take your
choice of these for
$$, and have the
satisfaction of
knowing that you
are the possessor of
a sty lis n suit well made! handsome
ly trimmed, faultless in fit. If you
are going away one of these bargain
suits should accompany yo on your
trip. We have all3rzes'.''
At $5 we offer Ladies' All-Wool
Blazer Suits, tans, navy, gray and
slate; plain or braid trimmed; regu
lar price $g.
Another lot of 50 suits, finer
quality, various colors and styles, at
$6. 75 a very great bargain; regular
price 11.75,
25 suits, very handsome and
stylish, various colors, will be closed
out at $9. Worth $15.
Our finest suits have all been
marked down to one-half regular
In navy, black and tan,
$3-95. 4-45 4-75 5-5i
JChildren's " Cardinal
all sizes, just received.
6 up
510, 512, 514, 516, 518 Market St.
After 19 Years of Trial,
Is conceded to be the Best and Saresc oil
Cannot be Exploded.
It Is the very highest grade or refined
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manufacture, every impurity has been Um
Inated. Elaine ts free from benzine and paraffins;
it win never ohUI In the coldest temperature
known on this oontlnent.
In eolor, Elaine Is spring-water white, and
Its "Are test" is so high as to make it as abso
lutely safe as any illumlnant known.
Having no disagreeable odor, Elaine ts a
pleasant oU for family use.
Gin ba Burned in Any Petroleum Lamp.
100 Million Gallons ELAINE Sold In U Years
From 1871 to 1891.
Elaine cannot be Improved upon.
Why Suffer
From Annoying, Itching, Scaly,
bore. Ichorous, Loathsome
when you can obtain immediate relief by using
This famous and Infallible remedy thoroughly
heals all those distressing conditions of the skin,
wltbout the aid of internal medicine. It also removes
Pimples. Freckles and Sunbnrn from the face
and hands, leaving the skin fair and healthy.
Sold by all Druggists, o sent by mall.
Price 30 Cents per box.
8cnd for that valuable book,
" Hints for Kitchen and Sick Room," Free.
til Commerce Street, Philadelphia.
f II i
fl w
50c Paper for 25c.
$1 Pkier for 5Qc.
Wall paper.
Wilton Carpets,
Axminster Carpets,
Velvet Carpets,
Body Brussels Carpets,
Tapestry Carpets,
And all kinds of "Ingrain Car
pets. Everything new in style,
choice in color. All at
Wall Paper in every quality
and style for wall and ceiling.
Special styles in choice colors.
You should see our . stock be
fore you buy.
. 136 FEDERAL ST.,
Better and better every day.
None can excel or duplicate
our make. All the resources
of fine workmanship have
been brought to bear on our
fine suits. We have given
people some splendid bargains,
but the line of suits we have
reduced to $8, $io and $12
surpass all our former efforts.
To satisfy yourself of the
truth of this statement, one
glance at our show window
will convince you beyond
doubt that they are bargains
with the big B. Should you
not be. in want of a suit or
only a pair of trousers, ask
for our Favorite $2.25
Trousers. You've never seen
such values before. We're
turning them out to our cus
tomers very fast. So don't
be too late if you want a pair
of our All-wool Favorites at
Installment House
1-7 Sixth Street,
Clothing on Credit
(Retily-MaiJefcte Order.)
Watches & Jewelry,
Cisl Prlcis-Witioit Security.
rEMS: 0-third of tlM8utDurelme4
nit bt paid down; the baUac In null
wwklf r monthly payment. Bnsiaeu
tnaaacted ttrlctly confidential. Opa
daily, from A. M. tut P.M. Saturday
nam u r. M.
Cabinet, to pr doi.it p!t,l
Bwdtua. Taleyikan 1T51. ..pi-ftonma
GEO. W. Sill,
hi P I
Will commence this morning, and all those who have not yet
availed themselves of this golden opportunity to get their pur
chases free of charge had better come in during the next six
days. Many thousands of dollars were distributed during the
week just past and an army of people made happy. Our stock,
we are happy to state, shows the heavy onslaught made upon it;
and, by August i, we confidently expect to have reduced it con
siderably. This was our aim, and, although the means em
ployed will cost us a small fortune, the end justifies it. Let
other dealers pack away their summer stocks after the season
will be over WEV WON'T. We know the first loss, great as
it may be, to be the best, and we accept it cheerfully. For one
week longer this far-famed free distribution of merchandise will .
be in force. The gong will sound every 5 minutes, and every
sounding means that another name has been added to the al
ready gigantic list of happy recipients of free purchases. Buy
whatever you please, 5 cents or fifty dollars' worth, and if your
money happens to be the first received after any lapse of 5 min
utes, back it goes to you, and your goods cost you nothing.
Twelve customers must get their purchases free every hour, or ,
108 from 9 a. M. till 6 p. m. There can be no misconstruction
or ambiguity about this. We mean just what we say. Each
day last week we published the names and residences of the
people who got their purchases free on the preceding day, and
thus gave everybody prima facie evidence of the truth of all our
claims. Now, bear well in mind, this will positively be the last
and final week of this glorious free distribution of merchandise.
Be on hand promptly, and, if you don't get your merchandise
free altogether, you will at least effect a big saving of money.
Its a case where you have all to gain and nothing to lose.
Navy and Black Lawns with white polka dots, to close them quickly,
reduced to8c, were 18 c.
Freres Koechlin Finest Brocha Satines, they must go no matter the
loss 25c, were 37jc and 40c
LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS The entire stock will be placed on
sale Monday Morning at One-Half less than actual value.
LADIES' PERCALE WAISTS, light and dark grounds, were $1, re
duced to 48c to close.
In the Furniture line are here in endless variety.
Lawn- and Porch Rockers.
All the new styles in these, and all sorts of Swing and Easy
Chairs for outdoors. We can furnish you a deal of comfort for
a very small sum.
923, 925 AND 927 PENN AVENUE.
E'D rather take
Made-to-Measure Suits than to carry
them to next year. You'll find $20
and $25 Suits better value
be said of the $5, $6 and
ollars reduced.
$5 to $10 less for our
than ever. Same can
$7 Trousers several