Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 24, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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-fV-K? "SnyWi"-
lot in a Battle With Officers of the
Law, but as a Common Thief,
His Family Concealed the Occident Until
leath ipproaclied.
Uniontoivx, July23.-ack Cooley, one
Jf the notorious Cooler gang, was shot
Thursday night while attempting io break
5nto Thomas Collier's tnilkhouse, near Fair
chance, and died from the wounds this
morning. Jack Cooley, in company with
fcii brother Frank and Jack Kamsey, were
trying to eflect an entrance into the milk
Louse when the accident occurred.
When Jack forced the door open, the
gun which Mr. Collier had placed inside" as
a trap for thieves mos discharged, and the
load struck Cooley in the abdomen. The
wounded desperado was picked up by his
comrades and carried to his father's home,
three miles away.
But little is known of the accident or of
the subsequent events at the Cooley resi
dence. Xone but the Cooley gang and
their near relatics knew that Jack had
been shot. They did not think the wound
was fatal, and they hoped to conceal the
lact that he bad been shot to avoid arrest
It was for this reason that it was not until
2 o'clock this morning, two hours before
the outlaw breathed his last, that Dr. Hol
bert was summoned. When he arrived at
the house He found the wounded man past
all medical aid.
IJib Grter of the Outlaw's Ased rather.
Old man Cooley came to Fairchance this
Jnorning and secured a coffin. The old man
was nearly overcome with grief, and he
wept bitterly as he related to a few of his
friends the occurrence that led to his son's
death. He related the story ot the accident
substantially as follows:
"The boys were away from home Thurs
day night, where I did not then know.
.Along about 2 o'clock Friday morning they
returned, bearing the bleeding form ot Jack.
The poor fellow did not seem to realize that
the end was so near. I wanted to go for a
doctor, but he and Frank would not
Jet me. They iaid the wounds were
Jiot fatal, and that to bring a doctor would
be to spread the alarm and cause their ar
rest I finally agreed not to go for a doc
tor, and we spent all day yesterday in do
ing what we coald for the poor boy.
Shortly before inidiiisht Jack became un
conscious, and I then went tor Dr. Uolbert,
but when he arrived it was too late. Jack
died about 4 o'clock this morning."
The old man then gave Frank's version
of the shooting. Tne three bos were try
ing to get into Mr. Collier's 'milkhouse.
Jack opened the door and the gun was dis
charged. He uttered a groan and fell back.
The boys were terrified.
Ill- u;ht OfUc-ra IVrrp LTins In 'Watt.
They thought they had fallen into the
Iiands ot the fehcrili and his posse. "With
out waiting to relun? the fire or see who
bad fired the shot, they picked up the
v our.ded man and bore him to his home.
Thomas Collier was seen this morning.
He said his milkhouse had been robbed
several times and he determined to catch
the thief. He placed the gun, which was
loaded with buckshot, in the milkhouse
v ith the muzzle pointing toward the door.
He tied a string to the trigger so that who
ever opened the door would be shot
About 1 o clock at night his wife awoke
him and said the gun L-jd been discharged.
He did not go down tntil the morninjr,
when he louud the groi'nd in front of the
miikhouse covered wijh blood. He also
found two large load'.d revolvers, which in-
r1-- '- that the Cpoleys had fled precipi
tately. Mr. Collier is fearful of the results. He
is afraid the Cooleys will have re-enge for
Jack's death. He said to-day he would not
be surprised if they would "waylay him or
burn his house any riigliL
Jack Cooley was the younger of the two
desperadoes, and was "the 'most fearless.
Being always in the lead in every under
taking accounts for his death.
A Death Blow to the Gans.
It is the opinion of the leading citizens
ol the Cooley settlement who were in town
to-day that the band will disperse and
leave the country.
A delegation of Fairchance citizens called
upon Sherifl McCormack this morning and'
requestea mm to collect a posse ana go to
Cooley's house. They felt confident that
Frank Cooley and Jack Kamsey were at
home and could be captured. The Sheriff
willingly compile 1 and sent Deputy Sheriff
Allabaugh up with a posse to take the two
remaining outlaws. Xothing his vet been
heardfrom the posse. The Sheriff will go
up this evening with several deputies to
watch the Coolev house.
Hardly a Mu:us Surface or Organ in
the Entire Boiy but Is Affected
Either Directly or Indi
rectly by It
Eye Trouble, Earache, Deafness, Head
ache, Dyspepsia and Chronic Diar
rhoea, as Well as Bronchitis, Nervous
Prostration and Consumption, Are in
the Wake of This Insidious Enemy of
Mankind A Series of Cases Illustrat
ing' It The Plain Truth.
If those persons familiar with the anatomy
or the upper part of the throat, the baolc
portion of the nose, the middle ear, and the
eye and its appendages, would remember
how the same delicate mucus ltninic mem
brane envelops these organs continuously,
and how inflammation of this membrane
extends from one Dart to another by what Is
known to physicians as continuity and con
tiguity of tissue, they would readily under
stand and nppreciute how a simple catarrhal
congestion or inflammation starting at its
original point at the Junction of the back
portion of the nose and upper part of the
throat, rlRht back or the soft palate, extends
upwards into the eir through the eustachian
tube, causlns roirinjr, buzzing and ringing
noises, partial or complete deafness, c.ir
nche, discharpes, etc Moving on up to the
eyo and its appendages through the laoh
rymal duct, it causes the most intense pain
at times, intolerance to light, granulated
sore lids, conjuctivitis. cornttl". sclerotitis.
iritis, etc., often ending in severe ulceration
and destruction of the parts.
It b.ts been stated above that tho original
starting point of catarrh was immediately
back of the soft palate at the junction of the
back portion of the nose and tipper part of
the throat AH experienced noe and throat
specialists know this to be a fact, and there
is a Tjatholozlcal reason for this. Tho two
mucus surlaces at tho bend He in close con
tact w ith each other and thus collect and
confine tho secretions dropping from the
tinper and back pirt of the head until they
dry up into little nodules and putrefy, caus
ing a foul odor and considerable irritation
or the surrounding mucus membrane. Pa
tients verify this by constantly hawkinzand
gagging to dislodge these secretions. Fiom
this point tho catarrhal inflammation also
olten extends downward to tho respiritory
tract, invading the larynx, windpipe, bron
chial tubes and the lungs, causing on its
way, according to mo parts anectea, laryn
gitis witn hoarseness and partial or com
plete loss of voice, bronchitis or chronic
(.ougb, astbmi, consumption, etc.
The alimentary trace consisting of the
mouth, esophagus, stomach and bowels also
frequently nartlcipates in the catarrhal ex
tension, producing drv and Assured tongue
and mouth, dvspepsia, indigestion, heart
burn, water-brash, palpitation, alternate
diarrhea and constipation, loss of flesh, etc.,
and in consequence of the debilitated condi
tion of the body, a long time or nervous
troubles such as an "all gone" feeling, trem
bling of hands and limbs, aching over whole
body, hot and cold flashes, despondency,
etc, etc
As catarrh then is found to affect at differ
ent tunes anil in mote or less aggravated
complicated cases the whole mucus
caused by the light. The nloeratlon had ex
tended from the conjunctival mncus mem
brane to the eye proper thus making one
mass of ulcerated surface, causing par
tial blindness. What a great change has
been wrought In her condition since then.
To-day she has a pair or as pi etty blue ores
as any lady who visits their office. We leave
Miss Kelly to tell her ltory in her own
"I had been troubled with my eyes for a
long time," says Jliis Kelly, "and doctored
for them almost continually with little or no
benefit until I went to Drs. Copeland. Hall
and Byers. Every doctor I consulted pre-
viuus iu visiting tnem prescrioeu mmo oj
lotion which relieved for awhile, but soon I
was as bad as ever.
"Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers gave me a
careful examination and told ine that
though my case was a very aggravated one,
m compiicaieu witn a general survm
lous condition of the system, they could cure
me but would not touch the ease unless I
would promise to stay under treatment six
months. As I was Impressed with their knowl
edge of my symptoms I readily gave the re
quired promise, when they pnt me on a
thorough course of treatment, both local
and internal.
"Besides the eye trouble I had sovere head
ache, my nostrils were Inflamed and ulcer
ateir and filled with crusts, my throat was
olten filled with tough mnoons. which caused
considerable hawking to dislodge, my appe
tite was poor and stomach deranged. Alto
gether. I was In a bad state of health gen
erally, weak, rlorvous, debilitated and de
spondent "UnderDrs. Copeland, Hall and Byers' sys
tematic treatment I soon experienced im
provement in my general health, and the
ejes made wonderful nrogress toward a
cure. The pain and sensitiveness soon left
them, and long before the six months1 was
up the ulcerated surfaces were healed. Oc
casionally after catching a severe cold they
would become inflamed a little again, but
persistent treatment has worked the desired
result Naturally I feel very grateful to
these doctors for the benefit received at
their hands, as thetr course of treatment
was tedious and painstaking, and oheerfully
make mis statement, proving tne Denenciai
results oi their motnoa
eases similar to mine.'
in strength and flesh, I became alarmed
concerning my condition. I had no relish
for anything and eating caused considerable
distress. Every meal was followed by nau
sea, bloating up and lifting or gas, dizziness',
'palpitation ana fluttering of heart, cold ex
tremities, hot and cold flashes, etc. I lost 36
pounds during the last year.
"As I doctored continually for two years
without receiving any benefit I thougnt
there was no help for me. My health got so
bad I could not do my work and I felt tbero
was no place for me but in the grave At
last I happened to read what Drs. Copeland,
Hall ana Byers were doing for eases similar
L of treatment in dis-
Or a Personal Nature,
To a physician whose heart is in the right
place, the sense of satisfaction of producing
a cure like the above is vastly paramount to
the fee' received. Money alone cannot re
compense a physician for tho attention to
every little detail and constant wntchful
care of a long and tedious battle with dis
ease like this. It is the splendid results
achieved, the heart-felt God-bless-yon of the
grateful patient and the knowlodgeof hav
ing relieved suffering and restorer! to their
normal beauty and functions these beautiful
windows of the soul," which brings that
feeling of genuine satisfaction to the physi
cian that money alone cannot bring.
fib .fr- w
Jfr. John A. Wilson, Percy, JPa.
to mine and I determined to write to them.
I have only been taking their medicine a
little over one month, started my second
month on July 2. and am glad to say that I
havo improved in health and weight wonder
fully. My weight has inci cased from 160
pounds to 173 pounds and I feel better than I
have for two years. My sleep is sound, as I
am not troubled with the dropping of
mucous and the racking cough has disap
peared. "I feel like an entirely different person.
If anyone doubts the truthfulness of this
statement they can call or write and I will
verify the same."
. JBaMUPiBvlSfti
rKZiirs wm
jfcilS-y r t VI .
Z-r'' vi3SJ -
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Railroad wreolcs
Occur principally through unregulated and
broken watohes. I have made such reduc
tions that everyone can have their watch re
paired at these prices:
Watches Cleaned...- SO cents
Main Springs..... 50 cents
New Jewels SO cents
Case Springs SO cents
Musical boxes, instruments and Jewelry
finely repaired. Four competent workmen.
AH work warranted.
Sena for my Jewelry Catalogue, free.
shhmt" TMBn
tract of the body, producing in turn a long
lj-uiu ui symptom, irom tuo simple local
annoyance ot a stopped up condition of tho
nonrils to the complete breaking down of
the system as in consumption, or utter ner
vous prostration fiom general debility, tho
futility of any other method of treatment
than a combined local and internal one is
apparent This is tne method of treatment
Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers have used for
ic.iis, and the laige army or grateful pa
tients they hao raised up testifies to its
curative results.
The Casa of Miss L.!zzU Kelly Illnstrat
ins the Extension ot Catarrh to the
Eye anil lis Appendages, the Ravages
Caused by This Catarrhal Inflimmn
tlon, and Its Ultimate Cure by I)rs.
Coprland, Ilall nnd II v its.
Tho case or Miss Lizzie Kelly, residing at
No. 1 Ferry street, Sharpsburg, clearly illus
trates the extension of catarrhal trouble to
the eye ana its appendages. When Miss
Undo bain Admits Two Merchants and Two
Theological Student".
PniLADELrniA, July 2a Four of the
"passengers of the British steamer Kaffir
Prince, which arrived "Wednesday night,
did not land with the others, 'lliey were
Chinamen. Custom House officials would
not let them go ashore. Yesterday, how
ever, they were examined and were allowed
to land, largely by reason of their "cer
tificates" hlg book-like aflairs with several
iages ot Chinese letter; ami the stamps and
feals of the flowery kingdom everv here
rnd there. They were indorsed by the
Spanish authorities at Havana, the" port
Irom which they were brought to this city.
Two of the four Chinamen are members of
the firm of Lee "Wall & Co., who keep a
Chinese store at 913 Ilace street, each hav
ing a few thousand, invested. These are
Chew Young, 26 years, and "Wing Chin, 21
rears. The other two members of the
quartette are Chow Young, 18 years, and
AVard Young. 16 years. These are brothers
and are of a noble lainily. They intend to
remain in Philadelphia ior two years study
ing theology.
pi-jsi? n
Partial or Complete Ieafncss Almost Al
ways Dub to Catarrh Neglect That
Brlng on Impairment and Destruction
ot the Hearing.
A very large percentage of tho cases of
total or partial deafness is due directly to
The deafness begins with roaring and
buzzing noises, one ot the first symptoms of
Have you ever noticed how many people I
inciinoone siueoi tnoir neaa to you when
you talk to themt or who change positions
with you v. hen walking, so as to have the
"good car" toward youT
If you ever have, then you would know
how common this affection Is. Nearly one
half of the people you meet are so affected,
and you can observe it if you will look close
ly becauoe it is impossible to disguise when
the critical eve is on the alert for it.
It is a sad thing to lose any of the senses,
or to have any one of them impaired. What
can be said ot a person who permits a dis
ease to so impair his senses as to threaten
the destruction of one or more of themt
Does it not srem like a sheer waste of nat
ural gifts? Yet many persons, by 'neglect
ing to secure the right kind of treatment,
which can be had only bv specialists prop
erly trained for the purpose, bring upon
themselves a derangement and an impair
ment of tho sense of hearing which operates
to destroy every interest in life, and to rob
them of all the freshness of pleasure.
"I am haDPT to say to tou that I feel 100
Ser cent better than I did last fall," states
r. J. P. Growall, of Rockwood, Pa. "The
llnging in my left ear is about gone, by
spells I do not notice it at all. My head is
clear, memory good, and the dizziness all
gone. My whole system is again in good
health. Am breathing once more through
my nostrils, which I could not do last fall,
and realize that of all God's blessings, there
is none like good health. I thank you for
the interest manifested in my case, and have
recommended a gentleman, whose case Is
similar to mine, to try a course ofyour treatment."
A Very Common bat Falnfnl Affection
Easily Cured by Dn. Copeland, Hall
and Byers' Treatment.
Many persons suffer from neuralglo or sick
headache and are constantly taking patent
headache powders for relief of same. These
powders are dangerous, as the principal in
gredient is often antipyrine or antlfebrlne,
drugs which should never be used except
ing under directions of a physician, on ac
count of their sedative action on the heart.
Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers' tieatment is
mild and safe and permanently cures these
distressing head svmptoms which nearly
always are asoolated with catarrh.
"1 had pains over the forehead and
through temples nearly all the time," says
Miss Sarah Irwin, of Mansfield, Fa., "and a
clogging up or the nostrils, with dropping of
mucus into the throat which korit me hawk
ing and spitting to expel, a raw and Irritated
condition of the throat, with all the head
svmptoms we usually read or as accompany
ing this affection. Now I am happy to say that
lam freed of all these annoying and dis
tressing symptoms, and I cheerfully recom
mend Drs. Copeland, Hall and Bvers' treat
ment to all my friends and the public."
i m
Treatment by Mall.
To the ruBLtc: The system of mail treat
ment pursued by Drs. Copeland, Hall nnd
Byers guarantees the same effective results
to thoso who desire to submit their cases
through correspondence as to those who
come in person. Their "question blank," if
properly filled ont, will aiagnoso your case
in a thorough way, and, as medicines are
promptly shipped,those living out of tbeclty
have the same advantages as those who come
to the office.
Write for the t5-a-month treatment by mall,
medicine free, and lid yourself of the motf
painful and annoying disease in the cata
logue of human ills.
i w .
Gouts Lumbago
Mokklumne HlLt, Cal., July 15, 1892.
Messrs. WcKinnto & Chessman Mfg Co.,
Pittsburg, Pa.:
Gentlemen Some time ago I sent for
three bottles or yonr Rheumatio Remedy,
the same which I received in due time I
gave two bottles to two friends of mine and
took one bottle myself, and mnst say it per.
formed a miracle, as I have not felt the
slightest ache nor pain since taking It. which
is saving a great deal, as I had not passed a
day in 20 years without being in misery
more or less and at times being almost con
fined to my bed.
Yours respectfully,
A. E. Crawford.
Price $3 per bottle.
For sale by all druggists.
ClSPenn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Send us vour name and we will mail you
free pamphlet or testimonials. Jy24-TTssu
Of all sorts of Furniture, Carpets, Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, Porch and Lawn Rockers
and all kinds of Summer Housefumishings, JVbtv's the economical time to buy. Noufs the
time -ffc TO BUY AND TO SAVE m-
These, on young and old America
alike. Trying times also on the mer
chant with too many goods on hand.
That's why we are selling our
"Finifti'"nii , fii, "
Is reduced in price,
and if you have
not yet purchased
your money will
go a deal further
than at the begin
ning of the season.
We have quite an
assortment still left
in all degrees of daintiness
and elegance. A room
full from which to select
Mus Lizat Kelly, Ho. 1 F.rry sU, Sharpsbuxa.
Kelly was first brought to the office or Drs.
Copeland, Hall and Byers by her mother,
she was an object of extreme commisera
tion. Her eyes, especially the loft one, were
so inflamed and sensitive that she could not
open them without the most intense pain
But It Quickly Yields to Intelligent Treat
mentMany Doctors Handled Ir, bat
Drs. Copeland, Ball and Byers Were the
Only Ones Who Brought Any Relief to
the Sufferer,
Mr. Wilson iaaged 69 years, a weaver of
carpets by occupation, and icsldes at Percy,
Fayette countv, Pa., although he receives
his mail at Jit. Uraddock. "I have been
troubled over two years with my head and
stomach which resulted from neglected
colds,"' said Mr. Wilson. "I had violent
headaches over forehead and through tem
ples, my nostrils were clogged up with tough
mucous which dropped Into my throat,
causing a continuous effort to raise by hawk
ing and spitting. When I would lie down at
night this mucous would fill my throat so
completely I would almost suffboate for
breath. I also bad buzzing and l oaring
noises in my ears.
"Finally a cough set in which racked me
greatly and I had pains shooting through
my lungs to shoulder-blade. As my stomach
later on became affected, and I began to lose
Drs. Copeland, Hall and Byers treat suc
cessfully all ourtiblo cases at 66 Sixth ave
nue, Pittsburg, Pa. Office hours, 9 to 11 A. if.,
2 to 5 f. it. and 7 to 9 r. M. Sundays, 10 x. it.
to 4 p.m. Specialties Catarrh and all dis
eases of the eye, ear, throat and lungs; dys
pepsia cured; nervous diseases cuicd; skin
diseases curod;
Many cases treated successfully by mail.
Send 2-cent stamp for question blank.
Address all mall to
CO Sixth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
TIENTS. jy24
Cost not considered on any of our
goods. You never had such a chance
to secure a Tailor-Made Suit.
All alterations to improve a fit free.
Which we advertised about two weeks ago in Mahogany
finish, upholstered in Tapestry, upon which we made a
price of $7.75, real value $14, are nearly all gone. If you
want one, come early. They are cheap.
And especially of borders. If
you have a carpet that is not
quite large enough to fit your
room, here's a splendid
chance to select a border
with which to enlarge it We jj
are closing out these rem
nants at prices very much
lower than they sold for in
the piece. Some choice pat
terns among them.
Last season we did not 9
carry over a single Refriger
ator. At the rate they are
going it looks as though we
would close out the entire
line this season also. Prices
are much reduced on everv 2
one in stock, and if you
have not yet bought one
we offer a splendid oppor
tunity to do so.
If you see our line be
fore buying you will buy here.
Boarding and Day Sohool for Touug
Will reopen Septembei 2bth,at 66 Bayard SL,
New Brunswick, Now Jeisey.
923, 925, 927 PENN AVENUE.
Will be held June 24-25, Sept. 12-13,
at tho University.
For catalogue address
Full courses ofstudy. Underthe visitation
of the Regents of University of New Tork
and War Department. RT. REV. F.D. HUNT
years solicitor.
O. I). LEVIS (noxe Leader)
131 Fifth av., Pittsburg. Fa.
A lot which we guarantee to learn to
Also youni; mocking birds, $3 each.
Je25-TuT8u 640 Smithfleld street.
Are continually increasing. Com
parison with July last year shows a
gain of 1,525 in the first 17 days of
the month. The figures are:
July 1-17, '92 3,23!
July 1-17, '91 1,706
Increase 1,525
The Dispatch was never more de
servedly popular than now.
01 KL 50PM CO,
91 and 92 Water Street,
Tiio Rollcttlo 0ptlolan.
Jives Examined Free.
rfnirr . &Mm
Are recommended by all who have
tried them.
- --- - . -- i
12 Federal stroet Allegheny, Fa.
Artificial Eyes Inserted.
j. diamond;
Cabinets, S3 to -l per riozon; patitoi, 31
per dozen. Telohone 1751. ap3-ft-xwrsa
.Aiming at the Freedom or the St. Lawrence.
Ottawa, Ont., July 23. A prominent
Government official says the .Ajnerican
policy is a much broader one than the mere
question of canal tolls, comprehending as
tne ultimate object the right of navigation
throueh the entire St. Lawrence system.
perfect equality with Ilritish subjects, and
under an unlimited guarantee.
To the I'nblic
I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy to the public, as I do to my lriends
nnd patrons. I used it myself alter other
well-known remedies had lailed, and it
cured me in a lew minutes. I recommend
it candidly and cheerlullv upon its merits,
not irom a financial standpoint, because I
have others in stock on which I make a
larger profit, but because Chamberlain's is
the best remedy I know of ior bowel com
plaints. There is no doubt about it, it does
the work. JAMUS Fobgv, Druggist,
TUMTThsa 'McVeytotrn, Pa,
Itoom Renters ana Boarding Houses Ti ho
Usod The Dispatch's Cent-a-Word advertis
ing columns under Wanted Boarders and
Rooms To Let find it the best.
-1 Oitice furniture repaired.
HA.raa & KEtA, S3 Water street.
Bconra kills roaches, bedbugs, etc, in
stantly. 23 cents at all dealers.
Angostttka Bitters make health, makes
bright, rosy cheeks and happiness.
The second and last week of this liberal enterprise will commence to-morrow morning, and all those who have not yet availed themselves of this golden op
portunity to get their purchases free of charge had better come in during the next six days. Many thousands of dollars were distributed during the week just
past, and an army of people made happy. Our stock, we are happy to state, shows the heavy onslaught made upon it, and, by August istwe confidently ex
pect to have reduced it considerably. This was our aim, and, although the means employed will cost us a small fortune, the end justifies it. Let other deal
ers pack away their summer stocks after the season will be over WE WONT. We know the first loss, great as it may be, to be the best, and we accept it
cheerfully. For one week longer this far-famed free distribution of merchandise will be in force. The gong will sound every 5 minutes, and every sounding
means that another name has-been added to thealready gigantic list of happy recipients of free purchases. Buy whatever you please, 5 cents or fifty dollars'
worth, and if your money happens to be the first received after any lapse of 5 minutes, back it goes to you, and your goods costyou nothing. Twelve custom
ers must thus get their purchases free1 every hour, or 108 from 9 a. m.- till 6 p. m. There can be no misconstruction or ambiguity about this. We mean just
what we say. Each day last week we published the names and residences of the people who got their purchases free on the preceding day, and thus gave
everybody prima facie evidence of the truth of all' our claims. Now, bear well in mind, this will positively be the last and final week of this glorious free dis
tribution of merchandise. Be on hand promptly, and, if you don't get your merchandise free al together, you will' at least effect a big saving of money. It's
1 111ii.i,;i
a case, wnere you nave an 10 gain ana notnmg to lose.
,.,. .i ,..;..:..,; .,...,j ,,.
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