Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 17, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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r t r - IX
me or the Supplemental Point Intended
for the Congressional Investigating
Committee Views of a Conservative
Manufacturer Who Favors the Amalga
mated, but Thinks It Falls to Becog
n.ze Improvements.
Che fact lM teen mentioned of the ap
irance of a committee of Pittsburg manu
turers before the Congressional Investi
ing Committee last week with a request
be heard from their standpoint on the
or question. The Congressional commit
was about finishing its labors, and asked
:se manufacturers to send on a paper con
ning their views. That has not yet been
ne. But several manufacturers disas
iated from the Carnegie company have
sn jotting down notes stating the situa
n as they see it. Some of these will
)bably send their views separate
to the committee. Representatives
the Amalgamated Association, also, ex
it to communicate further with the com
ttee, especially upon the exhibit of wages
en by Mr. Frick for the month of May.
ey say that was an exceptionally good
nth, and are preparing a more 'extended
v. leading manufacturer, who says he
ors the Amalgamated Association, and
ild. if it were conservative in
course, prefer to see it in sus
sful and general operation be
tse of the check it would be able to place
on hasty and rash strikes, and ol its giv
t equal terms to all manufacturers of the
ne class, had prepared a paper criticising
at he considers the deficiencies of .the
aociation and pointing out the remedies,
was not one of those who appeared be
e the Investigating Committee to ask a
iring. but as he represents the most mod
te view of manufacturers unconnected
h the Carnegie Company it is interesting
give his presentation. This manufact
r says:
Different Methods or Manufacture,
'hci e is always more or less difficulty In
rting up large concerns. This is a natural
Uencc. At the first startingot the Home
ad worts in IrSLthcte was a serious strike
lilch the men lcsorted to violence. The
iks wre built on the most approved
n. Laving improvements In machinery,
ilianpi-s nntl tools. This reanired an ad-
tment of wajo on a new basis. The
rkmen opposed this, demanding sched
s as paid m existing works on old scales
iac under old methods of manufacture,
"oikmen fix the minimum basis or wages
h, decryinz any attempt of manufaolur
to 1 educe prices below what that basis
Is tor. It is the rale of organized labor
Amalgamated Association of Iron and
c orLers to fix tho minimum of bar
n at two (2) cents per pound. Knowinz
constituents of cost of production, they
land wages. nuted on lion or steel bais
ing at two (2) cents per pound. To re-
this i.-ico. or ell belovi 2 cents per
ml. tho manufacturers must pay the
res base.! on 2-ccnt non. Manufacturers
constantly seeking impro ed methods to
apen cost of production, eo as to assure
ihe consuming public iron and steel at as
ap a rate as possible. When improved
chinery and methods are adopted which
rease outpuc largely, manulactuiers seek
reduce w ages per ton, not earnings per
., for under the adjustment sought to be
icted the average wages per day of the
ikinen are not reduced, but. generally, in
st cases left higher than under the old
Ill- Opposition to Tonnage Reduction,
'liese adjustments are opposed by the
lalgamateil Association of Iron and Steel
rkers, though in most cases, as In the
jeut Homestead trouble, the tonnage
es of but a small number of the total
nber of hands employed are affected,
te the Honieslc id trouble. The firm is
leavming to reduce the minimum from
tos23per ton. 4-inch steel billets actual
ung price $22 53 and under. Only the ton
re rates. In uhich the output has been
gely inci eased, are sought to be ad
ted in case in which daily average
get. earned ai e very large. These earn-
aie not attempted to be made loner
in they were beioro the improved ir.a
nery was introduced. The rate per ton
d xnth the increased output is such as to
mUo increased, not reduced, daily earn--.
-uould be observed that with the lin
ed machinery, the Increased output
s not entail k larger expenditure of
sic.il energy than former output with
jiei machinery.
here adjustments in wages paid have
niTs caused more or less friction. They
.- been, and are, opposed by labor organ i
tons and among others by the Atnalga
ted Association of Iron and Steel
iikers. It matters hot how small the
niher ol hands whoso tonnage rates may
affected by the introduction of improved
chinery, tiiere is always much difficulty
bringing about the dcsiicd adjustments
tonnage rates that would naturally fol
, increased output.
The Object Is to Cheapen Products,
t is said that the employers are not justi
l in making these adjustments. They are
ongfully called l eductions, etc The
nutacturers. It Is asserted, get all the
lcfits. The protective tariff system, etc.,
isailed- The tariff Is assailed because it
ps up prices. In this case, the manu
turcrs are Introducing machinery to
apen their products. A lew years ago
cl billets sold for $27 and $28 per ton, now
y cll for $22 and $23 per ton. When bil
- w ere sold at $27 and $23 per ton, the cost
pre due ion was oxer $25 per ton. With
proved machinery, the cost of production
i been reduced, and the public-get the ad
itage in paying but $22 and $2i per ton for
el billets.
'he average earnings of this class
woikmen is over 100 per cent above
enrmngs of Jhe same class of
rkmen in Enjtand. The difficult
iblem in the Homestead case is,
n cm fair, equitable adjustments be ar
iged ithout serious friction and opposi
n by the workmen?
his is the pith of the difficulty. The com
y sought to adjust wages in conformity
li new conditions. The men opposed the
ustment. The men are packed bv the
i igamated Association of Iron and Steel
nkiT-k They are defiant tiouble ensues.
t- the well ordered and systematic lr.an
m which the workmen are prosecuting
piesent stiugle. signs, alaims and
or airangomcnts are complete. The
lalgimated Association never did any
ig of this kind befoie. The indications,
ielore, ate that at Uorrtcstead there
sc bo an organization perfect In all Its
ts, intended to make the operations of
works by other workmen than them
ves an impossibility.
Low M aces Paid In the East,
another constant source of dispute here
that the Amalgamated Association of
n and Steel Workers has more than one
'is of wages. For Instance: They have a
le of wages ror mills east of Allegheny
untalns placing boiling at $4 per ton,
lie the base rate at Pittsburg Is $5 50 per
i, or $1 SO per ton above the wages asked
1 demanded in the eastern mills. The
ira is made that the iron Is hatder to
rk In the Western than in the Eastern
lis, hut we manufacturers dispute tnat.
other claim made is that the cost of luel
liglier in tho East. This again is incon
tent, as roauuiactuiers are entitled to
joy more privileges from natural advant
!S of location,
t should again be observed that there
bcveral non-union mills in the Western
stion, at which the rate of wages paid Is
ver than in mills under the control or the
nalgamated Association oi Iron and Steel
orkers. The workmen, It will be noticed,
; not permitted by the association to
mpete with workmen working in non
ion mills; yet manufacturers employing
nalgamated Association men are com
lied to compete with those employing
n-union men.
Competition I"rom Non-Union Mills.
dessrs. Park Bros. & Co., of this city, the
ihlehem Iron Company, and other East
i firms who arc diiect competitors of the
rnegie Steel Company are not under the
ltrol of the Amalgamated Association of
,n and Steel Workers. Thispiobably ac
unts for one of the reasons why tho Car
gio Steel Company desire to operate their
miestead woiks non-union. Or, In other
irds, apart Irom the control of the work
n's organization.
t is possible for organized labor to he ot
;at advantage to manufacturers as w ell as
iikmcn, acting asa check upon ignorance
d upon avarice among manufacturers and
couraing expert woikmen and entor
isinmanufactiiiers m modern methods,
o trouble is that the Amalgamated As-
lation's rigid rules are copied fiom those
King in South Wales for maur years, and
nnauged to suit mills in existence the
st 50 j ears, white in this country progress
manufacturing has been a Bene ot as- ,
idinc developments. The association
mid koep pace with the procession, and
t does It will find there are a great many
isiblo manufacturers who will prefer
ion to non-union labor.
)i Witt's little Early Risers. Best pill
biliousness, sick headache, malaria. ,
A Hurricane at Oswego Does Great Damage
t to Lake Ontario Vessels.
Oswego, K. T., July 16. One of the
severest midsummer storms that ever swept
Lake Ontario began last night at 8 o'clock
with a, fierce squall that sent vessels scurry
ing for shelter. A large number of vessels
and barges were on the lake, and all suf
fered. The wind continued to increase in
violence until 2 o'cloek.thls morning, when
it was almost a hurricane. The schooner
Lady Macdonald, of Kingston, was blown
ashore near Fair Haven and will be a total
loss. The tug Chieftain, with four coal
laden barges and tow, bound for the St.
Lawrence river, undertook to make Oswego
for shelter. The tow parted and all the
barges went ashore a short distance east of
the harbor.
An unknown vessel is also reported ashore
five miles down the lake. The tow of" five
barges belonging to the tug Wilson broke
from her 15 miles up the lake. The tug
Proctor lost her tow at 2 o'clock this morn
ing off Charlotte. The barge Lyon was
picked up and towed to Fair Haven, but
the Mills is mising. The tug Booth, with
lour coal-laden barges bound lor Montreal,
lelt here at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Xothinc has been heard from them, and it
is feared the tow and all hands are lost.
A aicxlcan Jndge Barns One Unconvicted
Man lo Death and Has Another Shot.
Citt OF Mexico, July 16. It is alleged
that Senor Candellero Heres, Judge of
Llaltenango, in the State of Zacotecas, re
cently burned two suspected criminals to
death while trying to obtain a confession
irom them through torture. The Govern
ment has ordered an investigation of the
It is said of the same Judge that some
time ago he adopted just as summary meas
ures with another criminal. This was the
case of Domingo Correa, accused of highway
robbery, who, instead of being placed under
arrest, was ordered by Judge Heres to be
shot to death while abiding with his family.
Faith, Hope and Bujrine, the greatest of
which is Bugiue, to kill roaches, bedbugs,
etc. 25 cents at all doalers.
FtmxiTunE packed and stored.
II acou & Kkesax. 33 Water street,
Bugixe costs you but 25 cents a bottle. It
costs anv roaches, bedbugs, etc., that come
near it their lives.
Diamonds and watches: rare bargains at
Steinmann's, 105 Federal street. Tlissu
Office Citizens' Insurance Oo., I
July H. 1S92. f
PANY have this dav declared a dividend of
ONE DOLLAR per share on the capital stock,
payable on demaud. J. R. SN 1VELY.
1 MOVED his offices from No. 42 N. Diamond t,
Allegheny, to rooms 42and 43 Westlhghousu build
ing, 1'lttsburg. Ear, nose, throat and chest dis
eases. Hours 1 to 4 P. M.
Kast End Kealnence To Lb:.
rpOLET 210 Dinwiddle St.. stone house 9 rooms;
J all conveniences: front porch and grass plot,
with flapslone walk; rent " per month. Black
Band. 95 4th av.
mo LET Stanton av.. E. E.,
new frame house of
X 9 rooms: all conveniences.
front and rear
porch, nne location; c:3.
Co., 161 Fonrth av.
Baxter, Thompson &
rpo LET Wlnebl.ldle av.. rrame dwelling. 7
JL rooms, reception hall, bathroom, laundry. J.
C. Rcllly, 77 Diamond st.
Allechen7 Beslaencna Xo Let.
TO LET Allegheny houses and flats Federal St.,
9 rooms, bath and attic. St5: Isabella st., 8
rooms and bath . HO: Alpine av.. 6 rooms and bath,
125: ten new bouses, 6 rooms and finUhed attic,
with front porch and flagstone pavement, on
Charles St.. near electric cars, only I6: 2 and 3
ronm flats near federal st.; rent low. Pearson
Klrsrhler, corner Ohio and West Diamond sts.
(second floor), Allegheny.
TO LET By John K. Ewlng Co.. 107 Federa
St., houses, stores and apartments.
TX) LET For Allegneny nouses, see Scott &
JL McMlllen,7l.Federalst!
SnDnrban Residences To Let.
n o LET During the hot season, furnished honse
J in countrv. 7 rooms, extensive grounds, on line
of P. It. R.. 2 hours' ride
from I'gh., 5 minutes1
walk from depot, P O.
Apply to Dispatch office.
terms, f20 per month.
Rooms To Leu
EUCLID AV.. 422, East
private tamlly ; rent S 10.
End Front
FIFTH AV.. B72 Two nicely furnished rooms for
light housekeeping.
FORBES ST., 135-137 Furnished rooms, T min
utes walk from postoffice.
"pouirra AV.. 133-FurnIshed rooms, front or
X back, for gentlemen.
L ACOCK ST. Furnished rooms, alt modern con
veniences. Apply to Uoyle'a, 165 Lacock st..
LIBERTY ST.. 42. Allegheny-Nicely front room
with or without board.
MONTGOMERY AV.. 29, Allegheny-Two con
necting furnished rooms, lront and uack.
single or together. Bath, hot and cold water;
one square Irom postoffice, lacing parks.
MONTGOMERY AV.. 47. Allegheny Occimanls,
nicely rurnished front room facing parks;
lermB reasonable.
MONTGOMERY AV.. 45. Allegheny-Front
room facing parks: all conveniences.
-MENN AV.. S22-Nlcely furnished 3d-story front
1 room ; moaern conveniences; both gases.
ROOMS (3) Use of bath and laundry: pleasant
location: convenient to Wylle av. cable. Ad
dress Cable. Dispatch office.
Y1NE ST.. 19 To let Three unlumished
gant rooms: fine location.
WATSON ST.. 52 Furnished room with bath
for gentlemen.
W1LKINSBURG Furnished room;
fro n P. R. R. and electric road.
727. Pituburg.
5 miuutes
P. O. Box
Z See additional adlcta under Wanted Boarders
and Lodgers.
Business Stands To Let.
r LET Four-story brick building, 139 Peeond
av.. two doors from Smlthfleld at.; will lease
for five years. Apply at first floor office of Kauf
mannr' store.
rpo LET 23 Sixth St.. large plate glass front store-
X room, 22x90, good basement: pc
possession at
once; Hotel bchlosser building.
Black A Baird, 95
ourtn av.
TO LET -A good basement No. 24 Frankstown
av.. near Penn av., E. E. C. II. Lore. 93
Fourth av.
Offices and Dealc noin To Let.
TO LET-Deskroom with nse or desk, etc., on
first floor in rear part of our office, No. 93 Fourth
av.:good light, etc; rent fj-5 per month and up
ward: best location in the cliv. C. H.Love, 93
Fourth av.
TO LET 2 fine offices in the Flalh building. Penn
and Frankstonnavs., E, E. C H. Love, 93
TO LET-Desk room. No. 10S Fourth av.. flr6t
floor front. Black A Baird, No. 95 Fourth av.
Micellaneon In Lets.
TO LET Vacant lot, 30x110, with stable, corner
Penn av.. Third st. and Exchange alley.
Apply N lcola Bros . 20 5th av.
1?OUND-That you can't do a better thing than
call at onre and select a spring suit at J. J,
Aland's. 131 Fifth av. Prices from Coon.
F)UND-On Butler st. near 35th: envelope con
taining monev:flnuer can get tame by calling at
B. Haber's, 3411 llutler St.. and paying for this ad.
The Electrical Constructioa & Maintenanca Co
Electilcal Engineers and Contractors.
General Electrical Supplies ali ays on hand.
Electric Light and Bell Wiring.
de!3-sn Tel. 1774. Pittsburg, Pa.
Especial caie given to the care of organs hy
the ye.ir.
Patentee of the Visible Composition Set.
All orders promptly attended to. Ad
dress 91 and S3 Filth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.,
care ol S. HAMILTON.
Agi-nt lor Boss Water Motor.
ll " BaBaM-. - lawiiii - -., , 1- ILL,!. ' we?3"
J$S Clatttflcd real ettate adverlitmenti onthti
page ten cenfi per line fer taeh iniertum, and
none takenof lest than twenty cents.
Classified under the f ollonlng headings will be ac
cepted at the rale of
FOR EACH INSERTION when paid for in ad
vance either at main or branch offices.
Wanted Advertisement of all Kinds.
Cor. Sinlthlleltl and Diamond Streets.
Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver
tisers already have accounts with TDK DISPATCH.
THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3300 Butler street.
EMIL Q. STUCKEY, Uth street and Penn avenue.
F. H. EGKEKS & SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets.
THOMAS McHF.N RY, Western and Irwin avenues.
Slahi HU.
rapiii and accurate in tlgi res and a good pen
man: give age and experience. Address G. A.,
Dispatch office.
BABBKR A good barber. CaU at D. T. Stum
penhorst's, Wilklnsburg. Pa.
BARBERS-Two nrtt-eiast colored barbers,
blxth av.
TJOILFRMAKERS and tank builder.
I lantlc Reflnlng Co.. Point Breere, l'hllai
BOY A bright boy, aged 12 or 13 years, orpsan
preferred; good home to right party. Address
in own hand writing P. O. 538. BraddoCk, Pa.
References exchanged.
BOY Experienced hoy to run elevator; re
cnees required. Fleishman & Co., 604, 500
ooo Jiarkci su
BOY Experienced feeder, at printing oOfcc.
Emlthtleld st. third floor.
BRASS MOLDERS-Flrst-elass men for fine
ornamental castings. Pittsburg Brass Co.
BRICK SETTER A good brick setter willing to
move to the countrv. Apply to the Hersperger
Company, Vlckroy and Magee sts.
CANVASSERS Tor litest noveltles;freo samples.
102 Fourth av.. room 6. . . . ,
COACHMAN With flrst-class references, for
private place In the city. X. li., Dispatch
COATMAKERS (2)-TJnlon prlcespald and steady
employment: none but first-class men need
apply. M. Olilman A Son. McadvlUe, Ja.
DRAUGHTSMAN with experience In railroad
work. Call or address Room N". 10, A. V.
Ry. office, Ilth and Pike sts., Pittsburg, Pa.
HAND toby makers.
erty st.
Apply S. Hnck, 519 Llb-
MAN TYbohas had experience in selling steam
pipe and boiler covering, also experience In
superintending the work: state last place employed
and salary expected. Address the Philip Carey
Mfg. Co., No. 117 to No. 125 Gilbert av.. Cincin
nati, O.
MAN A flrst-cla.s man who understands the
warm air lurnace business: one who Is a prac
tical tinner, understands making estimates from
flans, capable of managing workmen and can sell
urnaces. Address Warm Air, Dispatch office.
MAN A good man who understand j ihe care of
horses aud garden: must be sober and Indus
trious. Address 11. S. A., No. 201Malnst.,Grccns
bnrg. Pa.
MAN A good reliable and sober man who ran
polish marble; send reference. J. B. Williams,
Froslbnrg. Md.
MEN 15 to $15 per day at home, selling Light
ning Plater and plating Jewelry, watches, tatilc
ware, etc.: plates the finest of jewelry good as new.
onallklndsof metal, with gold, stiver or nickel:
no experience; no capital: every house has goods
needing plating. H. K. Delno & Co.. Columbus, O,
PRESS BRICKLAYERS-SIx good men immedi
ately at P.. F. W. A C. R. li. station. Bearer
Falls. Apply at work, J. C, Devine. Contractor.
ROLLER for seven-Inch mill; must be compe
tent to roll guldo iron and small hoops; good
recommendations as to ability and temperate
habits will be required. Address Roller, Dispatch
ROUGHERS. catchers and matchers right away,
scale price paid, steady work, John Sum
merhiu, roller, Jollet Sheet Steel Co., Joliet, Bl.
SALESMAN On salary or commission, to handle
the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil;
the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases
Ink thoroughly In two seconds: no abrasion ot
paper: rcotn 500 percent profit; one agents sales
amounted to 96-0 in six davs. another S2 In two
hours: we want one energetic general agent for
each Mate and Territory. For terms and particu
lars address- the Monroe Eraser Manufacturing
Company, X. 10, La Crosse, Wis.
SALESMAN To represent and sell onr Coupon
Check System to merchants and storekeepers;
agents arejmaklng fl5 to 2Q a dav; write quick for
territory and terms. The Commercial Cash Coupon
Co., Cincinnati, O.
SALESMEN Salary or commission, to handle
greatest novelty patented; exclusive territory;
sells at sight: particulars free; sample 50c Unity
D. C. Co.. Dept. O. Unity BIdg., Chicago.
SALESMAN Salary from start; permanent place
good chance for advancement; experlence.un
nccessary: outfit free Brown Bros. Co., Nursery
men, Rochester, N. Y.
UALESMAN with large-established grocery trade
O to take agency. With particulars and refer
ences address 201 N. Front St., Philadelphia.
SINGERS Two good male singers to trai el with
medicine co.: all expenses paid: state lowest
salary. Address Traveler, Dispatch office.
ALESMEN To sell line or cigars; flOOamonth
and expenses paid. Address, with stamp, bu
rn at ra Cigar Co., Chicago, 111.
SALESMAN First-class shoe salesman; only a
No. 1 man need apply: best wages. Address
Shoes. Dispatch office.
STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers, teachers and
salesmen desiring positions In Texas, ar In
vited to addntss The Texas Business Bureau, J. W.
Hudnati, Manager. Dallas, Texas.
der: to the right man liberal salary and com.
contracts v, in be made: experience nut necessary If
jou answer anv ad In this column answer this one.
U.S. Chemical Works, 840-816 VanBuren. Chicago.
Ohio and West Virginia to sell laundrr soaps
to the trade; must be first-class; no others need
apply. Address Trade, Dispatch office.
TRAVELING SALESMEN Specialties worth
75 per week asa side line; grocery and general
stores. Allison, 177 Monroe st., Chicago.
YOUNG MAN Bright young man accustomed
to figuring discounts, one having experience
In hardware preferred. Address, stating age, ref
erences and salary wanted, P. O. Brawer915.
YOUNG man for office work; one having some
knowledge of shorthand preferred. Address
stating experience and salary expected, O. V.,
Dispatch office.
"70UNG MAN for Bfllce work; adares .In own
handwriting, gl-nng
experience and salary
Address A, 1 . z.
uispef n onice.
TTOUNG MAN with some experience in tea bnsl
1 new: good salary to the right party. Apply
Cenual Pacific lea Co., 1321 Carson st.
AGE-CTS Salesman and canvassers for tho Na
tional Puzzle; sixty millions of people are
Leptgucsfiug who will get in the white house and
w ho ets left: t' e greatest campaign novelty out;
sells for25 cents: now Is Tour chance to make
money. Address, at once. National Puzzle Co..
No. 14 Montauk Block, Chicago.
AGENTS All admit nothing sells like a flrst
class campaign book: work for the best, one
whose sale Is not limited to one party only, but one
of twice Ihe. size and interest ot anv In the field,
but n lth same prices. Get full particulars from
V. H. Shepard Co.. 30 Bakewell building.
AGENTS We offer agents big money, in exclu
sive territory: our new patent safes, sell at
sight in citv or country: new agents first In field
actually getting rich ;one agent In ope day cleared
186; so can you; catalogue tree. Alpine bar Co..
No. 353-371 Clark St., Cincinnati, O.
GENTS Wanted in every town to handle the
Ji. Handy Guide to the Columbian Exposition;
everyone Is Interested in the gnat World's Fain
the book sells at sight: for terms to agents and
sample copy sepd ten cents. to E. IX. Sindop. 133
Washington St.. Chicago. III. ,
AGENTS-Everywhere for our great campaign
books, lives of the Presldeutal candidates
largest and best book published; highest commis
sions and freight paid; terms and circulars free, or
send 15c lorprospectus. Address E. Gatcly & Co..
Allegheny. Pa.
AGENTS In every city: send S-cent stamp for
particulars or Jl for particulars and sample
4.5 per cent profit ou outlay: euerg'tlo men can
make J5 to ?10 per da). Huwcovd danulacturlug
Co.. 60 Longworth at,, Cincinnati, O.
AGENTS Male and female, wanted everywhere
lightning seller; absolutely new; exclusive
territory; no talkinr; profits immense and success
a certainty. Abbott Mfg. Co . Springfield. Ohio.
AGENTS-Lady made 23 last week selling
I ong's Solid Mncllare Pencil. Why not youf
C. A. Long, Mfr.. 334 Dearborn St.. Chicago.
AGENTS-J3 to 7 dally; experience unnecessary.
Putnam & Co.. Perfumers. West Wlnsted, Ct.
C GENERAL AGENT For Pittsburg: one ac
T qualnted with fraternal societies preferred:
good pay to thorough business man: The Bankers'
o-opi-ratlve Indemnity Co., 335 Broadway, New
A cent.
31 travel, appoint and train a genu for the.
largest, itronicest and eheapest Masonic Life Aibo-cl-itlou;
astete over 8200. COO; Mate law complied
wltn; permanent, nrotitable. pleasant worlc. Ad
dress Frtrt. H. Brown, 701 Phoenix Insurance
Building. Chicago. .
Female Help Wanted.
CIOOK A. good female cook. Immediately, Hotel
J Albion. 1107 and 1109 Liberty st.
COOK In private family.
av., Allegheny City.
Inquire No. 263 Ridge
GIRLS-Two laundry gills Immediately, one
bosom troner. one sufciier: steam laundry.
I Address E. A. Townsenu. apoho, ra.
(1IRL At once; one experienced, for general
T housework; references required. 23 Mont
omery av.
1BL For peneral housework In small family at
6037 stanion a?., jisij!.ua.
T ADIES 02)-
To canvass irom house to house
wonderful remedy. The World's
ij ana sen
Fair Pain Relief, ataoper bottle: quick sales and
large profits. Address Medicine Dispatch office.
LADIES to do fancy work at their homes; -ne
send money aud material by mail and pay by
the piece; call and see work or address with stamp.
J. M. Lemar A Co.. 90 Fourth av.. Pittsburg.
I ADY agents for fast selling novelty; l to f 10
j per day. Call on or address Mrs. S. Vance,
Avalon, Pa., Ft. Wayne, R. R.
Fifth av.
Monday morning. 572
Situation Wanted.
OFFICE work of any kind by a oung lady; good
penman. B 2, Dispatch office.
PLACE for )oung girl, aged 14, In respectable
Protestant tamlly; state number members In
family and services required; wages no oMcct: .1
good home desired. Address B.C. !., Dispatch
POSITION A flrst-class bartender or experience
aud best of reference destres a posli ion In first
class bar; would not object to going out of town.
Address Bartender, Dispatch office.
POSITION An intelligent, experienced man of
83 years, speaks and writes German and En
J. D.,
glish, wants a position In a busluess. Address
Dispatch office. (
POSITION on a farm or to manage asnnllplace
by young German, married, speaktug English,
with best references. Address Farmer, Dispatch
POSITION By a reliable young man as a foreman
In a livery stable: will work and can keep ac
counts. Address Accounts, Dispatch office.
POSITION By practical accountant, 10 years'
evpirlence as bookkeeper and shipping agent.
Addrea T. Y. Dispatch office.
OSITION Reliable, sober man wants place as
watchmnn or similar position. Address
Watchman, Dispatch office.
POSITION of trust or as traveling salesman ; five
ears' experience "on the load." Address
Hustler, Dispatch office.
POSITION By a flrst-class nurse for children;
best reference lurnlshed. Meehan's Agency.
545 Grant st.
POSITION In wholesale house by voung roan ac
quainted with retail trade. Address J. 11.,
Dispatch office.
POSITION as drug clerk In or near city by young
man oT temperate habits. Addruss Clerk, Dis
patch office.
POSITION-As rellcr clerk.
Dispatch office.
Address Drugs,
SITUATIO.S'r-By a 3 oung married man; have
been engaged as clerk In oil well supply store
past two years; good reference. Address Box 4,
Mars, Pa.
SITUATION Young man with some talent
wishes to learn the architect business. Con
tract, Dispatch office.
SITUATION as housekeeper by a lady or exper
. Icnce. Address A. H. , Dispatch, office.
Hotels, Dining and Lunch Boomi.
HARTMAN HOUSE-Mv friends and the public
invited to stop and see me on thewavtoand
from the races; fine bar and restaurant; also cov
ered stabling; one of the nearest hotels to races.
Hartman, IU7 to 119 Frankslon n av.
HOTEL FEDERAL. No. 171 Federal St.,
gheny. Rates (1 and (2 per day.
VISITKevan'sladles'and gents' dining rooms, F03
Penn ave. ; business men's dinner; ladles' noon
lunch; meals anytime; everything In season.
Business Opportantles Wuntvi.
WANTED An energetic man of strictly busi
ness habits to take one-hair Interest In a man
ufacturing business, where products are nrotccted
by patents: experimental stage over: noTompctl
tlon as to process: profits large: expenses limited:
demand good; small capital needed; plant ready
for operation. Address M. H. A., Dispatch office
TVANTED-Grand opportunity for party with
IT (lOOlneverr counjy In Pennsylvania. The
exclusive county right to sell the Merchants' Cash
Register; best and cheapest on the market: pi ice
(20: no bonus, the money required to carry stock;
good terms to right party. Douglass ft Carpenter,
it 8 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia.
"T7ANTED-(250to(350bnysa safe and reliable
f V"- business needed In every city: will pay from
(100 to (200 per month net profit: exclusive territory
given and complete outfit furnished; send for Illus
trated book. A. T. Thompson ft Co., 13 Tremont
row, Boston, Mass.
WAN rcD Fortunes in a single year for farmers
andotheis. Why dels)? Address Box 524,
Antlgo. Wis.
Boardtns Wanted.
BY a young lady board and lodging in the conn
try, within 50 miles from Pittsburg. Answer
A. C. C., Dispatch office.
WANTED Boarding At all first-class boarding
houses for transient trade, bend rates to J.
C. C, Dispatch office. x
STUDENTS-At Institute of Shorthand and Type
writing. 1045th av Pittsburg. Pa.: students
to learn shorthand: classes day and evening: posi
tions procured lor alt students when competent.
Boarders and Lodgers tTantert.
BOARDERS Ten or 12 summer boarders; loca
tion good, grand mountain scenery, good
fishing, hunting and good water; rates reasonable.
Address L. T. Gardner, Stanton 51111s, bomerset
county. Pa.
BOARDERS Shadyslrte; room with board for
two gentlemen or gentleman and wife. Apply
on Amberson ar.,3d door below church; references
BOARDERS Nicely furnished 2d-story room;
all conveniences. 6108 Broad St., East End.
LODGERS Anchor Hotel, Liberty, corner
Fourth; lodging per night; 25c, 35c. 50c; week,
(1 25. (1 75, (2. H.
OCCUPANTS-For a first-class furnished front
room on second floor, both gases, bathroom
and all conveniences on same floor; fine, quiet
street and neighborhood, convenient to cars, mak
ing a pleasant borne for an one: call and Inspect;
references. 23 Mnwhlnney St., Oakland.
OCCUPANTS for communicating front rooms,
with flrst-class board. 41 4th St., between
Penn and Liberty,
OCCUPANTS Gentlemen, for very large newly
furnished front room. 672 Fifth av., city.
OCCUPANT For niceiv furnished second story
front room. 569 Ohio St.. Allegheny.
""kCCUPANTS for nicely furnished front room. 45
Vashlngton st., Allegheny.
OCCUPANTS For furnished rooms facing park.
23 Montgomery av.
Vt anted Partner.
PARTNER-With (1.390 cash to take half Inter
est in a flrst-class ten-chair barber stand. Best
stand in the city. Apply to F. H. Brett, corner
Euclid avenue and Public Square, Cleveland, O.
Fire Insurance Wanted.
ENSWANQKB ft ZAHN-Flre Insurance,
Fourth av.
HI Iscellaneoaa Waanted.
ALL to know that a pure article of whisky can
be found at Hotel Wilson bar. 10 Smlthfield
1, spring '82i
'Pobsum Hoi-
Gibson's, spring '85; Tom Moore's,
ler," spring 'so, etc
ALL old soldiers whose pension claims are re
jected should see J. H. -tevenson A Co.. 100
Fifth av., and take steps to have another hearing.
CiARPLTS cleaned, altered and laid: special
' prices to churches aud halls. Cameron Bros.,
30 Ohio St.. AUegheny.
CONTRACTORS and builders to knnwthatwe are
' now prepared to furnish red brick in large or
small quantities, having now in stock SUO.OOO; dally
capacity of works, 30,000; brick full size aud uni
form color. Call or address Irwin Red Brick Co..
Irwin, Pa.
PAINTINo and plstegtass glazing,
tat Grant st.. Pituburg.
11. C Miller,
PARTIEa going to the races to stop at Hotel
Norwood (cale and bar;, the popular Last
End resort: spring chicken and refreshments, 261
to 268 Frankstown av near Silver Lake. Frank
Y. Over, Prop. .
PATEN I"S O. D. Levis (20 yeirs). t
Fifth av.. next Leader. Pittsburg:
solicitor, Ul
no rielsr.
SOLDIERS whose pension claims are rejected can
have them reopened by proper effort. See the
Pittsburg Pension Agency of J. H. Stevenson ft
Co., 100 Fifth av.
rpRUNKS hauled to aad from Pittsburg and
1 Allegheny, 50 cts. ; special attention given to
the moving of furniture. J. o'Mell, 31 Mout
gomery av., Allegheny. Tel. 3153. .
rpuUNas hauled to anu irom 1 ast hud for50c
JL Campbell ft Davis, IS Seventh av. 'ielepbone
WANTED Everyone wno wants the finest and
cheapest wall paper in America to send lor
samples: sent free to any address. U. G. O'Brien,
Paint and all Pacer store. 29; Filth av.
WANTED I have (i0u0:lwant to buy a dry
goods, notion, grocery, or any other kind of
business; lull particulars to Bayer, Dispatch office.
WANTED-To hire horse, harness and covered
wagon for delivering purposes. Robinson.
Dispatch office.
A NTED-Offlce desk; slate price. Address o.
D Dispatch office.
WEARERS or spectacles to buy the best (1 steel
and (3 00 gold spectacles. and eye classes yet
offered ofW. l. Tfleber. practical optician.
benaerer's jewelry store, isu miu av,
YOUR mattress or feathers to renovate: send
. postal. Cameron Bros'. Bedding House, 30
Ohio st., Allegheny, "
Real Estate Wanted.
WANTED To rent a furnished house until
tent.; 4 to 6 rooms: on railroad wltliln 12
miles of city: would not object to house In city If
in good community: reference given. Address,
giving price, S., .Dispatch office.
T17 ANTED to rent for the summer months, fur
YV nlshed or partly -furnished house on line ot
rail or driveway convenient to Allegheny City, by
a family of four: will pay a lair price; reference.
J. F. S.. Dispatch, office
vxrANTED-To buy property in Bellevne,
IT .dress Bellcvue, Dispatch office.
Booms X anted.
WANTED-Furniihed room, near Court House,
with conveniences; state location and price.
Address Germ an la. Dispatch office.
WANTED By gentleman, room In private
ramlly; Pittsburg or Allegheny. Address
D,, Dispatch office. ,
Financial Wanton.
FINANCIAL-Loans or50O, I.CO0 to 15,000 and
up to (20,000 on mortgages on Allegheny county
improved property quickly placed at very smalf
estcostto borrower. Beudyour application tome
and I will save you money on mortgages. V. J.
Fleming, 400 Wood St., cor. Fourth av.
MONEY TO LOAN We have money to loan a
lowest current interest on city and suburban
property; also on improved farms in Allegheny.
Beaver. Fayette. 'Washington and Westmoreland
counties; also on marketable stock, and bonds.
Black & Baird, 93, Fourth av.
ONEY to loan, in sums of 1500, 11,000. liOOoT
(5,000 and upward, at lowest rates, on mort
gages. Charles Somers & Co., lit Fourth av.
MONEY to loan at lowest rates on improved city
and suburban property, M. F. Hippie A Co.,
96 Fdurthav.
MONEY to loan at lowest market rates and with
out delay. C. R. Fundenberg ft Co., No. 77
Fourth av.
ONEY at 5 per cent. We have (50,000 to loan
(300 up Alles Bros. ft-Co.. 164 Fourth av.
WANTED Bonds, stocks, mortgages aud othei
securities. Ed Wlttlsb. Ill Fifth av., Pitts
burg, Pa.
Q"l A 000 to loan at 5 per cent. John K. Ewlng
tjpJ-U; ft Co.. 107 Federal at.
Hones. Vehicles. Livs stock: For Sale.
BAROUCHE Beautiful barouche; flrst-class con
dition. Inquire 334 Oakland av.
BAY MAKE Suitable for buggy, barouche or
light delivery wagon. Inquire at 75 Federal
st,. Allegheny.
HORSES-(2) Dark bay and iron grey: weight,
about 1.500 each: work single or double: both
sound; no work, and will sell clieao. F. Phillips,
274 Center av.
PACING HORSE-Tom D..' record 2j30,
and all right. Iuqulre of George W.
129 Fourth av.
SHETLAND pony, cart and harness Will sell to
gether or separate: pouy young, sound, small
and handsome; cart and harness nearly new. Ad
dress W. li. Warner. Lock Box 285. Youngstown.O.
WAGONS and carts of all descriptions for sale;
new and second hand. Pittsburg Wagon
Works, No. 336 Second ave. ; telephone 1870.
Mnsical Instruments.
BARGAINS Second-hand pianos and organs:
one 7H octave square piano for (150: one 7f
octave Decker ft Son upright piano, almost new,
left with us on sale, for (Sou. worth $300, Inclusive
fine plush stool and cover: one 5 octave, 8 stopped.
3 sett Kurdette organ for (75: one 5 octave. 6
stopped Estey organ. 2 6etts and sub-bass, for (50;
genuine bargains: easy terms given to purchasers:
the celebrated Decker A Sou pianos, the renowned
Smith American organs and the celebrated Hill
strom organs only to be had at our house: we also
carry a line of small miislcal goodsat lowest prices;
purchasers will find It to their interest to give us a
call. A. A. Zweldlngcr's Piano and Organ Par
lors, second floor of their own building, 538 bmltn
Held st., city.
PIANO Magnificent upright piano, nearly new,
will be sold at public auction Monday, July 18.
at 10:33. and all the elegant furniture; new a short
time ago. 186 Sheffield St., Allegheny.
Rubbr Stamp lTor Saie.
tET your rubber stamps, steel stamps, stencils.
T seal presses, brass checks, etc.. from Sheaffar
ft Co., 49Fllth av.. Dun's College building.
Crayons, Photogr iphs and Materials.
AT this stand only. 120 Ohio st., not 82. yon will
find PfafT, the well-known pnotographcr, who
lias opened the greatest crayon emporium of the
cities; agents wanted.
C1RATONS and photographs E. C. Lies, having
J taken hold of the studio, 82 Ohio street, for
mer y PfatTs gallery, is now prepared to turn out
work of the highest excellence; our facilities are
tho he-it. our artists first-class: prices reasonable;
prompt delivery.
CREDIT bLIP-We will allow you (1 for this as
part payment on one dozen of onr (3 cabinet
photographs if presented during July. Stockton
av. gallery, 90 and 92 Federal at., Allegheny, Pa.
IATEND SPEOIAL-Best equipped gallery In
j the East End: finest finished cabinets: prkrs to
suit work; you are Invited to call and see us. Jar
rett Bros., 6117 Penn av.
EVERYBODY to call and see line finished 'cabln
- els: also free hand cravonswater colors and
pastel work: you are Invited to call at our gallery.
I). Maban, 43 Fifth av.
eral St.. Allegheny High grade cravon work
.our SRCdaltr: work guaranteed; the latest styles of
jrames aepunsioca; prices ice lowest; give us a
SEE Stewart's satin finish cabinet photographs
at hla new galleries. 60 Federal st Allegheny:
crayon portraits a specialty; work guaranteed;
give me a call.
rriin best photographs at lowest rates at A.
J. HausoM's, 175 Federal St.. Allegheny, two doors
above Semple's building; now the leading photog
rapher. WE make the best tintypes you ever saw; photn9
Just as good as tlntvpes: cabinets (I dozen up;
tintypes four for 25c. C. Kneeland, Federal and
South Diamond sts., Allegheny.
Blevcles, Tricycles, Etc., For Sale.
1 TTENTIONI-We have the largest and cheap
J est line of wheels In the city: the Union, Ram
bler, Moffit. Cleveland. Eclipse, ladles' and gents'
Telegram. Crescent. Juno, Kacort and a complete
line of boys' and girls' wheels: the best equipped
repair shop in the city; old wheels taken In ex
change ou new wheels. Tel. 6301. Banker Bros.
Cycle Co., cor. Highland and Center ars.
Machinery and Meta's For dale.
C1ASH RnGISTER-Flllngcablnet, standing desk,
I store counter and refrigerator. S3 Diamond st.
Miscellaneous For Sale.
Carpentert' M-ln. handsaws f 48
Brace and 5 steel auger bits 93
Large bottle black ink 3
Large family hammocks 43
Carpenters' levels
Carpet tacks, per dozen papers 9
Glass cutters fi
Kmery knife sharpeners 9
Rubber-tipped lead pencils 1
Two-foot rules A
Flobcrt rifles from 2 00
Solid steel hatchets 25
And many other items too numerous to mention
at proportionately low price.
HOWARD KOYER, 103 Smlthfield St.
BOOKS Complete set of unbound Art and Art
Isib or Our limes In perfect order; also Har
per's Monthly Magazine. 1374 to 1891. B. 0, Dis
patch office.
PRE sale of gents'
No. 94 Fifth av.
furnishing goods Saturday.
PRINTERS' stands and cases for sale cheap: a
prompt buyer will get a bargain: second-hand
saw table in good condition; sold because space
needed. Apply Dispatch business office.
Business Opportunities.
BOARDING and lodging house in central part of
the city; contains 10 rooms: well established
and always well filled with roomers: will sell cheap
on accAnnt orowner leaving city. M. F. Hippie
Co., 95 Fourth av.
DRUG STORK Located on corner or two prom
inent aenues, in three-story brick building:
5 years' lease; average cash sales 18: growing part
of citv: amount required cash about 13,000. Ad
dress Pharmacy, Dispatch office.
TRDG "-TORE-First-class stand, doing a good
-a-' J
paying business In a good town, at 10 per
B. F
1 less man irnmesaje price: invoice auout IAWU.
Jlullin, Fayette City. Pa.
DRYGOODS. shoe and furnishing business in
rapidly growing portion or tills city, doing a
business of over 110,000 per year, which, with
some push, can easily be greatly increased: will
sell at Invoice less 10 per cent; bntldlng can be
bought or leased; present owner tolng iuto other
business. Address Quick, Dispatch office,
FOR SALE Hotel. 11.0.0: a 33-room hotel busi
ness with license: one or tbe busiest Uttie titles
In Penn'a; 12.010 population; bar trade will run
about 810 dal y ; brisk transient trade and all steady
boarders wanted: rent si.200 per year; this house Is
an old standby of the town; lias excellent reputa
tion and has never betn refused license: at the
above figure we offer 4-year lease, license and fur
nishings of office, bar and house throughout: a
perfectly satisfactory reason for selling a (ood
business. John F. Sweeny. 68 4th ave.
FURNITURE business. Canton. 0 doing the
largest business between Pittsburg and Chi
cago, on the P., Jt. W. 4 . R. R. ; for a live man
with capital here is an opportunity or a lifetime.
If yon mean business call or address H. D. Mc
Ccea, Canton, O.
CI ROCERYAt Invoice: one or the best in the
I city; weekly sales 1500; we have known tbe
store lor years; it id a rare chauce; will exchange
ror real estate or will sell balr interest, Perclval 4
Gaston, 439 Grant st.
GROCEI1Y One of the best grocery stands on
Penn av.. doing a good casl business; will In
voice about 1.5U0. ll. F. Hippie 4 Co., 9S
Fourth av.
ICECREAM cenrectloucryand cigar store: rent
(IS; Main St.. Allegheny; good business: flOO
will buyjt befure July 2u. 8. BV. Dispatch office.
POOLROOM and confectionery; cheap; no oppo
sition. Box 51, Canonsburg, Pa.
TINSHOP-Thebestlocated and equipped in Mc
Ketsport, Pa. Inquire J. W. fachoaf. Market
000 For sale furniture and good will of 12-
roomea uouse Willi wine Tutrlors and well
established transient trade; central location;
splendid opportunity for right party: terms cash.
Address J. Grantham, 172 Erie St., Cleveland, O.
Business Properties For Sale.
BUSINESS PRPPEKTY-Obio st., Allegheny
City, business property: one of the very best
locations on the street In fee simple, C. H. Love,
93 Fourth av.
C1ENTER AV. bnslncss property-Only one-third
J value required In caBh; will net more than 10
percent: must be sold soon; special inducement!
nflVreri ir sold In a few davs. Lomte & chroeder.
German! Bank Building. Room SO.
FOR SALE Three-story brick building on the
Diamond, three storerooms on first floor, two
large halls on third floor, ten large rooms on sec
ond floor suitable for offices or living rooms: also,
the finest saloon In Eastern Ohio: doing a good
business; good reasons for selling. Inquire of II.
C. Whlttenbergcr, No. 2 West Market st.. East
Liverpool, 0.
city: 300 feet railroad siding: ground 300x200
with good, 'substantial buildings: city water and
Ess; suitaoie loranr kiiiu ui uk'" luaiiumviurug.
. F, Hippie & Co.. 06 Fourth av.
350 Good frame dwelling, new storeroom
and fixtures, stock of fresh groceries, two
good, well lying lots. 24XIC5 each to a street, front
ing on one of the finest paved streets In Pittsburg:
strictly flrst-class neighborhood; 20 minutes' walk
from i.0.: all for (2,350: reasonable cash pay
ment, balance (15 per month, or will sell separate.
Call forparrleulard John F. Sweeny. 63 Fonrth ay.
COAL LANDS for sale by J. II. Hllhnan, Pitts
burg. Pa.
500 acres Connellsvllle coal. 0-foot vein.
3,200 acres coking coal, nearUnlontown, Pa.
300 acres, with houses. Improvements, etc, near
Klttannlnr. Pa.. In operation.
157 acres Pituburg gas coal. P., C, C. ft St. L.R.
E. (Panhandle).
3.200 acres West Virginia coal land, near B. ft O.
R. R.
100 acres Pittsburg gas coal laud. P., C, C. ft
Bt. L. B. R. (Panhandle).
330 acres gas coal for lease on P., C, C. ft St. L.
R. Ri (PanhauJle).
6C4 acres axtra gas coal, ten miles from PltUburg,
P.. C..O. ft St. L. R.R.
1.000 acres Pittsburg gas coal. P., C, C. ft St. L.
B. K.. Washington county.
200 acres. nearLatrobe, Pa. (Coking coal.)
1.000 acres near Brownsville, Pa. River and rail.
350 acres near Wheeling. W. Vs.. nn railroad.
8,000 acres gas coal In Washington county, near
Monongahela and railroad.
45,978 acres West Virginia timber and cbal land.
4. ( 00 acres West Virginia timber and coal land in
Webster county. Price, (8 per acre.
2.000 acres West Virginia timber and coal land In
Braxton countv. Price. (7 per acre.
5,000 acres West Virginia timber and coal land In
Webster county. Price. (12 per acre.
5 000 acres West Virginia timber and coal
lsnd in Nicholas county. Price, (13 per
3,500 acres gas coal, 15 miles from Pitu
burg. P., C, C ft St. L R. H., (00 per acre.
1,300 acres Pittsburg seam, opposite Steuben
vlllc O., (35 per acre.
1.200 acres Nicholas county, AV. Va., 12-foot vein.
(7,000 whule.
1,500 acres Fairmont region, W. Va., (:i per
11.000 acres Wayne county, W. Va., (33.CC0
300 acres Kanawha. W. Va.
800 acres anthracite coaL Carbon and Luzerne
1.000 acres Jlarlon-1 county, W. Va., (40 per
COAL LAND 3, 000 acres of coal land In Cambria
anc Indiana cos.. Pa. Inquire Of W. B. An
man. Patton, Cambria co.. Pa.
City Lots.
-(40c (500 Herron Hill Park plan:
choice lots near Wvlle av. cable cars at
xive nrleesr intn. nn ftaved street nnlv Sin down.
balance (9 a month: sure to enhance quickly. Black
ft Baird, 93 Fourth av.
ffljl rj T (25 cash; nice lots, 21x80 ft., foot of
OJj O Castle Shannon. Incline. Alles Bros, ft
Co., 1514th av.
East End Lots For Sale.
OAKLAND-Juliet street, nice level building lot.
size 25x16 feet to an alley. Samuel . Black
ft Co.. 89 Fourth av.
aQC PER FOOT FRONT-Choire building lots,
WOO near Stanton and Negley avs., E. E. :
great developments are making in this portion of
tbe East End. aud purchases at these figures, are
sure to yield liDeral profits; Stanton a v. frontage,
street Improvements. (70 per root: plinsand full
particulars at nur ottic?. (2-50-327.) Charles Som
ers ft Co , 131 Fourth av.
Hazelwood Lota For Sale.
TWENTY-THIRD WARD-Level lots, near Sec
ond avenue electric cars and B. ft O. R. R.
station; (25 down. (10 per month; streets graded
and macadamized: sidewalks laid: city water;
honsesbnllt to suit purchaser on monthly payments.
George C. Burgwln, Attorney at Law. loO Fourth
Allegheny Lou For Sale.
QEf fl A-Easy terms of payment; Allegheny
t3rUU lots; finest bulldin. lots In the market
at the price; less than one square from Perrysvllle
ay. and electric cars; lots 2x2?) feet, fronting a.
rholce to-foot street. In the midst of good improve
ments and In a gruwlng locality; only a few of
these lots to otter; prompt hnjers may secure tire
home sites at little cost. (3 23-144) Charles Somers
ft Co., 131 Fourth av.
Suburban Lots For Sale.
LOTS at Idlewood BeantlftiDlevel lots on Main
St.. on which electric cars will run to Mans
field: price from (200 to (400, on easy payments. A.
Bannlk, 441 Grant st.
Farms For San.
ACREAGE A bargain: 164 acres of level. "very
productive land close to Pittsburg; underlain
with coal and clay. No. 1 stone quarry, house,
barn, orchard, springs; on public roau. station on
premises, connecting with 3 irreatR. R. systems,
Penna., Vanderbllt and B. ft O. R. R. 1 within i to
H mile of 5 different R.R. sta. ; plenty good water;
superior farm for stoci.. grain, gardening, fruit, or
manufacturing: cheap atOOperacretuill sell at
S5 per acre. Ed Wlttlsh. 1345th av., Pittsburg; a
rge number of good farms for sale.
ACREAGE On which money can be doubled:
only twenty minutes' ride from city: twenty
two trains each way dally: locatlou and view un
surpassed: every foot good building ground: lust
the thing for small trndlcate. Logue ft Schroeuer,
Germanla Bank Building, Room Hi.
FARM A good and very pretty farm of 275 acres
in WestYa; half cleared, balance well tim
bered: good buildings, fruit and water; title per
fect, low price and no commissions. Address Box
No. 240, Cumberland, Md.
FOR SALE Farm of 557 acres in Caroline co..
Vs.: 2 miles from denot: 60 mtlw from Wash
ington. D. C; new4-roomed house and ham; 300
acres clcare 1: farm mostly level and well watered;
would make a good faheep or stock farm; $3 per
acre cash. J. R. Johnson 4 Co., 1318 G St., N. W..
Washington, D. C.
City Heslaenoei.
DWELLING-A nice little brick dwelling of
rooms, vestibule, hall and dry cellar, splendid
stone foundation, etc., with s-natl lot. situated in
the Thirteenth ward, near Kirkpatrlrk St.: price
only 12,300. W. C. Berlnger 4 Co.. 15S Fourth a.
ORPHANS'. COURT SALE or real orate, on
premises, 332 Webster av., Pittsburg, on
"Wednesday, July 20, at 3 r. M. At o at same
hour will be offered the adjoin ng premises, part or
same estate, by the devisee, a good two-story brick
of 4 rooms and finished attic, good cellar and both
gases on each lot. These properties are in good
repair and location, and now occupied by good
tenants, and are desirable as a home or investment;
payments moderate: fnrther particulars made
known at sile. or by S. A. Vi ill. Executor, 134
Fifth av.. Pittsburg. Pa.
ORPHANS' CODRT SALE of real estate, on
premises, 3.12 Webster av., Pittsburg, on
Weduesday, July 20, at 3 p. M. Also at same
hour will be offered the adjoining premises, part of
same estate, by the devisee, a good two-story brick
OM rooms and finished attic, good cellar and both
gases on each lot. These properties are in good
repair and location, and now occupied by good
tenants, and are desirable as a home or Investment;
payments moderate; further particulars made
knows at sale, or by S. A. Will, Executor, 134
Fifth av Pittsburg. Pa.
(flOQ 000 Fifth av. Investment, large corner
0piO) lot, 7 houses, 4 storerooms; steady in
come from rentals assured: enhancement in value
certain. (1-32-211.) Charles Somers 4 Co., 131
Fourth av.
East End Residences For Sale.
ELLSWORTH AV.-A nice 6-room brlek res
deuce on the corner of two good streets, in a
?ood neighborhood. In the Shadyslde district, be
ween FiMiav. cable line and electric line, fiir
84,000; a very desirable property lor the price. C.
II. Love, No, 93 Fourth av.
HOMEWOOD AV Corner propertv. with new
2-story dwelling of 10 rooms; hardwood man
tels, with cabluets: tile hearths, open plumbing,
wired tor electric light, piped for both gases: by
windows, front and rear porches, fruit aud shade
trees: Immediate possession: small cash payment,
balanoe to suit, Baxter. Thompson 4 Co., 101
ourth ar.
HOUSE 8500 down and balance monthly pay
ments buys a handsome new frame house ot 8
large rooms In an excellent neighborhood, haudy
to all traction cars; has two porches, good cellar,
sliding doors, slate mantels, inside shutters, pan
try, range, piped lor both gases and wind lor
electr'c lights and nicely grained and finished
throughout; price only 84,10u. Se Baker4Co
62.7 l'ennav.. East End.
HOUSES-Prime Investment; only t2l,0C0forl0
nice, new brick houses, each containing 8
rooms, bath, laundry, inside w. c. etc. ; rented to
good tenants at a total rental or 12.320; only one
square from cable cars and 7 miuutes from Court
House. C. 11. Love. 93 Fourth ar.
OAKLAND-The most elegant home in Oakland
Square; suitable terms. For particulars ad
, dress instate. Dispatch office.
SHADYSIDE One or the choicest six-room
houses in Shadyslde: this is rare bargain
either for a home or as an Investment. Address
O. C. D., Dispatch office, and receive lull descrip
tion of property by mall.
QQ 000 A nice frame house of 6 rooms, bath
lpD? and two finished attic rooms: has two
porches, electric lights and gas. sliding duors, slate
jnantcla. ttle hearths, estlbule and nicely papered:
nice lot: terms very eaiy; 8000 down, balance to
suit. Baker 4 Co.4,"6J27 Penn av.. East End.
qgQ 100 Only, foOOcash.East End. 1 square rrora
OO) cable cars, new 7-room dwelling, bath,
range. Inside w. c, both gases, nice porch, cemeut
cellar, chandeliers, plate g.ass windows, big lot;
possession at once; complete house in every re
spect. Alles Bros. 4 Co., 104 Fourth av.
!1 730 On Citizens! electric ear line, new frame
JPAj dwelling of 5 rooms, watery gas, etc. : a bar-
gain ; must b sold at ence.
.'f . ji
Hippie 4 Co.,
va 4 in ay.
East End Brsldencea For Sile.
1 O OOO-Gnyasnta, on Citizens Electric Car
ODXZd) Line: modern brick dwelling or 12 room.
bath, lie.it-rs. large grounds, fruit trees, etc: th!
is a beautiful country home, and will be sold on
long time, payments same as rent. M. F. Hippie
iS; Co., 96 Fourth av.
0q 100-1500 cash: two fine new dwellings or
3)Oj rooms and bathroom. Inside w. c, hall,
slate mantels. Inside shntters. good rement eellar,
onlv one block from Penn av., E- E. Alles Bros.
A Co.. 1644th av.
fijjil 800-Only 1800 cash: Queen Anne.new bulld
3)Oj log. East End. 8 rooms and bath, reception
hall, slate mantels. Inside w. c. nice porch, corner
lot; special bargain. Alles Bros, ft Co.. 164 4th av.
Allegheny Residence Tpr Sale.
ALLEGHENY. First ward-10 per cent Invest
ment, (3.150: 7-room brick dwelling; a bar
gain. M. F. Hippie & Co.. 96 4th av.
Ofl 800 Allegheny, Second ward;
UXj ment; 5-room frame dwelling.
ft Co., 96 Fourth av.
Suburban Kennenees afor Sale.
TJRUSHTON-(12. Brushton. 4 rooms andbath;
JJ beautiful
location. Address Wm. Moffltt,
CRAFTON Elegant location, nice house, lot 75x
171; fruit in hearing: two minutes from station.
Logue ft bchroeder, Germanla Bank building, room
MSWOllTH-New honfe, large lot, beautiful
location; price low. A. Bancfc. 441 Grant st.
"POR SALE country residence, one mile from
J? bewlrkley: 42 acres: well watered: aU kinds of
fruit: brick house, 12 rooms: marble mantels; re
ception hall; nat. gas; fine barn. Robert H.
Douglas, Attorney at Law, 408 Grant St.
HOUSE 10 miles from Allegheny, a splendid 8
roomed frame bouse almost new, natural gas.
splendid water, outhouses, etc. ; three-fourths acre
of ground filled with Tnrest trees, fruit and shrub
berry; beautiful location; two minutes' walk from
Herron station. P. 4. W. B. U. : terms to suit pur
chaser. John Cress, Herron. P.
C5Q 800 Will buy a new 2-story frame of 1
IntJ. rnnmt tlnlRlied nttlc. slate mantles, h.
ami c, water, bath. w. c, wired for electric H
light, handsomely papered, lront and rear porch:
this property situate on Penna. R. It. and 3 minutes
from proposed electric line: lot 40x137: Immediate
possession. Baxter, Thompson ft Co., 161 4th aye.
C!CCA burs three-roomed house on Trust Co.
DOOl Hlfl. lot 50 feet; three minutes' walk
from station. P. C. ft St. L. R. R. Address Box 99.
Mansfield Valley, Pa.
ffi.4 300 Asplnwall New 8-room frame dwell
3Dtt) lngwltn gas, water, heaters, etc.: large
grounds: a bargain. U. F. HipDle ft Co., 98
Fourth av.
PERSONAL Unitarian publications free. Ad
dress Miss Alary Lyman. 19 Oakland Square,
PERSONAL Soldiers whose claims for pension
stand rejected should see J. 11. Mevensoa ft
Co.. 103 Fifth av.
PERSONAL Miss Snowden. 442 "enn av.. ean
furnish location of rooms and rates of llrst-class
hotels and cottages at Atlantic City.
PERSONAL Credit, yes. credit on fine flress
goods, silks, satins, wraps, etc.. at J.Dwyer's,
Room, 4. llcCanrc block. 701 Mmlthfleld.
PERSONAL Cash paid for old gold and sliver
watches and jewelry repaired: new work made
to order. Chris llauch. 541 Smlthfleld.
PERSONAL Ladles taught dressmaking ana
cutting: no chart, scales ormachlnes; Bona's
true merchant tailor system. 130 Penn av.
1 PERSONAL Stop while going to race here;
finest shade, attractive lawn, stabling and best
liquors. Hartman House, 107 to 119 traukstown
PERSONAL The latest designs In spring goods
lor suits and trousers at J. J. Aland's, 131
Fifth av. Your Inspection Invited. Prices reason
able. PERSONAL The parties who enticed setter dog
a ay from Perr) svllle av. and Charles st. are
known and wilt save trouble by returning him at
PERSONS A few to do writing at their homes:
light work: govl pay; lucose 2 dimes for sta
tionery and instructions. W. O. Taylor, Arehbuld,
PERSONAL For pure wines and liquors go to
the Hotel Wilson bar. 10 Smithtleld St.: res
taurant supplied with all the delicacies of the sea
son at reasonable rates.
PERSONAL Marriage paper containing hun
dreds of advertisements of ladles and gentle
men worth (1. 000 to CAO00 mailed free. Gunnel's
Monthly, Toledo. Ohio.
1JEKSONAL Wanted all soldiers to know that
General Blakeley's pension office has been re
moved to the Yoder Law Building, corner Wylle
and Fifth avs., Pittsburg.
PERSONAL Soldiers' rejected pension claims
can be reopened. See the Pittsburg Pension
Agency of J. II. Stevenson ft Co., No. 100 fifth
av., and get another hearing.
PERSONAL Hair, moles, etc.. on ladles' faces
permanently destroyed by the electric needle
without pain or sc r; consultation free. Miss
Streng, office 9C3 Penn av.. Dickson building.
PERSONAL-Ladles wishing to take Tnrko Face
Baths or face massage for removing blemishes
and improving the complexion will please visit my
parlors at 903 Penn av., Pittsburg. Miss Sher
wood. PERsONAIj Ho for the races! Stop at Hotel
Norwood (cafe and bar) for spring chicken
and refreshments! nearest house to driving park.
264 to 263, Frankstown av., .near Silver Lake, Frauk
1. uver, rropricior.
PERSONAL Know yourfuture: complete writ
ten prediction of your future life, and photo of
Tnture husband or wife sent ror 3) cnH (stamps):
send description and date or birth. Pror. W. Lc
Beau. Astrologer. Box W. C 313. Chicago.
PERSONAL The sonvei-lr programme Issued by
the Commercial Travelers' Association on the
occasion of their annual picnic is a work of art
and about the neatest thing In that line ever pro
duced In Pittsburg. Ihe active brain of Secretarv
C. H. Kelly is to blame for the idea. It Is In art
colors and is charmingly illustrated. It is s ome
thing every member or the association will want to
keep. The printing was done at the Art Printery
of Charles F. Foster, 523 Liberty av. Pennsywmta
Grocer, July 18.
LOST Sword-cane: somewhere in Second ward,
Allegheny; $10 reward. B., Dispatch office,
Pittsburg. Pa.
LOST An excelsior pocket dkry onSoutli High
land, near 1-tftli av.. at noon on June r0. 'ihe
finder will be rewarded by leaving It at Dispatch
X OST-On Friday afternoon, July 13, on Penn or
u r 11111 avs. a private man nag; nnuer win ne
liberally rewarded by returning to Brace Bros ,
Sixth st.
LOST A small black pur-e, on Duquesne ear or
between 6th av. and W ood and 8th and Penn.
Finder will be rewarded bv leaving same at Dis
patch office.
IOST At nighland Park, Friday evening, July
j 1. gold-he ided hairpin. The finder will be
liberally rewarded on returning the same to No.
423 .N. Highland av.
LOST Lady's open-face silver watch, about
noon Saturday, in Home's store or on Penn
nv., between Home's and Fourth st. Reward if
left at Dispatch office.
LOST Pockctbook containing money, between
t Mawhlnneyaud Loeust sts., on Forbes st..' or
on Duqucsue car. Liberal reward It returned to
No. 22Mawhinney st.
LOST Saturday evening, between Rlppey st.,
and Peun av., lady's silver watch, witn chain
and charm: name In full in the back: finder will
please return to 5304 Ripper st.: reward.
Iron mines. Saginaw. American and Dexter
mines, and 5.000 act es of Iron lauds In the Ishpem
lng Iron Range, JULY 25, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. at..
oeginmngwun ine saginaw mine, two ana one
haif miles east of Ishnemlng, Marquette county,
Mich., and continuing until all la sold, cale on
tbe grounds. Terms made known on day of sale or
on application. Address O. T. CONRAD, Detroit.
Mich. .
Fine Furniture, Carpets, Piano, etc,
TUESDAY. July 19, at 10 o'clock.
At the rooms of tbe Honry Auction Co., 24
and 26 Ninth street.
Tbe entire furnisliment of a residence
moved to the store for sale. Fine wulnnt
chamber suite, cost $133. mirror door ward
robe, loldini; bed, lounges, couches, chairs
and rocker, line Turkish parlor suite, cost
$215. pianoforte, pictures, clocks, bookcases,
desks, sideboards.leatlier cbair.ohina closet.
curtains, rugy, elegant carpets, springs and
mattresses, bicycle, toiletware, dishes and
glassware, hale nositlve.
HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers.
To tbe Elite of tbe City,
MONDAY MORNING, July 18,10.30 Sharp.
Katn orSlilne.
At the beautiful resilience, 180 Sheffield St.,
corner Bidwell, magnificent silk brocatelle
parlor suits, also fine Wilton rug suit, np
rhrlit cabinet grand piano, collection of flue
Imported oil paintings, rare bronzes and
bt-ic-u-brac, handsome bisque figures, all the
line carpet-, etc., a lino music box, pier and
mantel mirrors, parlor cabinets, music cabi
net, magnificent piano lamp, cost $93: odd
chairs, mncy tables, easels, peelo-tul.-, real
lacu curtains, tnoquette, brussela, Wilton car
pets, line sec. cvl. bookcases, engravimrs,
eteuingo.flne onyx clock set, raro bronzes,
handsome oak ball stand, royal Worcester,
Doulton, Hungariali and Japanese ware, ele
gant walnut aud antique bedroom sets, chif
louier, etc., hair niattresy, fine oak side
board, oak; china closet.diulng chatrs. exten
sion table, tea set, berry set, ice cream set
and fancy china pieces, all the Mlverware.
Recently lurnlshed at acOst or (18,000.
C DAVIS, Auctioneer.
N. B. Everything eaual to new.
China closqt. pantry, bath and Iaundryt
newly papered, on line of the Fifth avenus
cable, and Xmlnutes from Duqueane Trac-'
tibn. Penn avenue cable or P. B. B.; loe
50x120 leet. As tbe party Is leaving the City
we offer thia property for a limited time for
the sum of (7,000 on eaay terms.
liggett bros;
Both improved and unlmproved.in all part
of the East End for
6112 PENN AVE., E. B
We can eive yon one-for $2,500 cash, and
balance ($7,600) on long time (monthly pay
ments if desired). A lare, handsome rest
tlence on a 50-foot. asntialt-Daved street.
House is 11 nlshed In Hardwood and has every
convenience. See
Close to electric and P. n. TL, complete
home of nine rooms and reception hall, with,
all modern conveniences.
Lot lOxUQ feet. Will he sold at a bar
gain, M. F. HIPPLE & CO.,
Nice Home Cheap. Cornsr Property.
Seven-room frame, with all the modern
conveniences: lot 46vlf5. Small payment
down and long time on the lmlanco.
0 Fonrth avenue.
Close to cable andelectriclinesin the
center ot a flrst-class residence loca
tion In thn Emt End. This i a bar
gain. M. F. HIPPLE A CO., 95 4th av.
Hall, bath, inside w. c, both gases, slata
mantels, tile hearths, cemented cellar, laun
dry, etc. Lot33i90.
DC Fourth av.
Brick house on NortliJIIand avenue, near
Station street, contai:
11st 12 rooms lane
halls, bath room, both
ases. electric light
anu an moaern imp
oerfect reoalr. Will bi
omenta. House in
anirnisett,or nn-
furnished. XotGSxI2Q.fi
- Onsof the
desirable res dences m tho Last Lna. xe:
mit'-i to view the premises can be obtained
from Fro-exiTY Title aid Trust Co..
123 Fonrth Avenue.
Media (Pa ) Acadenfy reopens Sept. 21. swlthla
". Shortildge (Harvard A. B. and A. M.), Prln..
Rev. Henry Dixon Jones, Hector.
315 Smithtleld St., Pittsburg. Pa. Shorthand and
typewriting per month, 34 50; per quarter, 12;
six months. $20. Write for catalogue
Elllcott City. Maryland.
Schools. Classical, scientific and commercial
courses. Respectable young men and boys re
ceived as boarders. Send for prospectus.
BKO. DENNIS, President.
A Hoarding School for Roys, Preparing;
Them for College, or Buslaiss,
Home school. Military, limited number, refined
surroundings, healthful location, spacious aud
beautiful grounds.
From the Rev. It W. Grange, Pittsburg. Pa.i
T take pleasure in saying a word or two in cor
dial recommendation of Trinity Hall. As one of
Its patrons for the past three years. I have been
deeply Interested, of conrse. I have seen the
school lire and have looked Iuto the course of study
and the methods or teaching. All these are verv
satisfactory. I have seen too. that the care Is
kindly, the food excellent, and the discipline ad
ministered with rare good sense and Judgment.
Trinity Hall, to my mind, is the most home-like'
of any school I ever saw."
ApplytoJ. B.WHEELER, A. 3L. Head Master,
or W. W. SMITH. Washington. Pa.
BANK, July L 1832, Pittsburg. Pa.
Bonds, mortgages, time loans
and other valid seenrites .$1,175 920 13,
Mortgage and bond interest dne. 10,112 24)
Bank property, Woodland Dia
mond streets 266,421 C9.
Rents due July 1, 180J 3,503 09'
Furniture and fixtures 2,731 Cl
Real estate 39,307 Oft.
Allegheny County Blot 4 per cent
bonds .' 10,500 09.
Braddoclc Water Works 5 per
centbonds 29,000 00
WilIlamport Bridge Co. 6 per
cent bonds 10,000 00
Point Bridge Co.6per cent bonds 10,800 00
Pittsburg and Castle Shannon
Railroad 6 per cent bonds 10,350 00
Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. ,
Louis Railroad; per cent bonds 6,100 00
Plttsbnrg and Connellsvllle Rail
road 7 per cent bonds 2,(00 00
Penna. Water Co., Wilklnsburg, G
percent bonds 10,230 00
Transverse Passenger Railways
percent bonds 2,040 00
Federal Street and Pleasant Val
ley Passenger Katlway 5 per
cent bonds , 15,425 00,
National Bank stocks and other
investment securities 118,473 BO
Demand loans with collateral... 153,514 97.'
Cash on hand in National Banks. 51,71 10'
2,028,637 631
Capital stock paid in $ 150.000 00
Surplus fund 30,000 00'
Undivided profits 5,378 78
Dividends unpaid S3 09
Due depositors $ 1,811,511 39
Six months interest
credited to accounts
of depositors 31,312 30
1,S,063 89
2,023,657 63'
Present number of depositors 3.721, aver'
aging $495 31 each.
A. E. NIEMANN, Secretary.
Pittsbubo, July 8, 189L
The undersigned Anditins Committee re
spectfully report that they have eiamined,
tho assets of the bank and find them to cor
respond with the above Htatnraenc "
Auditing committee.
Correct Spring Suitings and Overcoat tail
H. 4 C '. AHLEBS,
Merchant Tailors, 120 Smlthfleld