Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 09, 1892, Image 11

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4 W4 KA
Keen Competition Anions: Three
Great Sections the Past Week.
Better Business Expecjed When LaW Dis
putes ire Settled.
Office of The Dispatch.
Pittsburg. Friday, July 8. (
Raw Iron and Steel Business since
our last has been very mucli restricted, sales
being confined to limited amounts. Makers,
generally, are handling business contracted
some time ago, hence there is very little
new business going on.
The uncertainty as to what is ahead has
the efiect of stopping activity in most
branches of the iron business. In spite of
the slight encouragement that comes from
decreasing stocks, the pig iron market is
still rnled by a competitive spirit and
pushes the better day still further into the
Eastern producers are reported to be in a
temper to give their Southern competitors a
further sample of Northern cut prices, the
Lehigh district leading in this move as it
did in the early spring, -when Southern ag
gressions became too pronounced. The
effect of cuts already made in tlie East, to
gether -with the low prices at which Virginia
Irons are being offered, has made competi
tion In the West from Southern furnaces
especially keen. A leading Eastern dealer
has this to say:
IT hat an Eastern Man Says.
"Buyers of crude material are not placing
orders for any quantity in excess of immedi
ate wants, awaiting the outcome of the next
few weeks in anticipation that a decreased
consumption during the coming two months
may result in close competition among the
furnaces and a piobauihty of better terms
bem- obtained. Trices are now so low that
it is difficult to see where Eastern producers
can make further concessions In view of
present cost of production, except In the
matter of extending delivenes turtljer into
the future. When buyers insist on their
favorite brands, full figures must bo paid;
but there is no difficulty in obtaining good
grades of iron at terms a little more favor
eb'e than was the case some weeks back."
The labor question continue to depress
tue iron and steel market, until tnit matter
satisfactorily arranged business will be
..-lSnod to actual wants.
Ilrae and again since the first of the year
bnve consumers been led to believe that at
let bottom figures were touched, and,
vlnleat the present time values are lower
t.ian ever beiore, a feeling of distrust is ap
tiaient; consequently offers are at very low
figures, w hile they are lor arge quantities
01 steel slabs and billets.
But little new business is coming to light.
Consumers are verv well supplied for the
present, and the difference of opinion as to
values which exists between buyers and
sellers precludes the possibility of business
lor later deli erics.
Prices of Thomas Company's Iron.
The announcement has been officially
made that July and August delivci ies of the
Thomas Iron Company's pig iron will be
billed at $15 lor No. 1 foundry and $14 for
No. 2 lounary at tidewatei. This is in ac
cordance with prewous intimation", and
may be accepted as unmistakable evidence
that, iu the laco of the curtailment of pro
duction in se oral districts, competition is
unconifoitablj keen and supplies consider
ably in excessof consumptive requnemeuts.
In otliPi w ord", the reduction reflects an un
mistakably weak market.
The latest business, all things considered,
shows up fanly well, prices for most de
scription being maintained. Bessemer,
$H O0lt 25, according to time of delivery:
gray loige, $12 75 Muck bar quiet and un
changed. Steel slabs and billets were in fair
demand, prices without change. Spelter
yts m tam demand. Other ai tides show no
particular change.
4.O0O tons Bessemer, August, Septem
ber. October ?I4 00
uui ions westerner, august, epiemuer
1,000 tons Uesfctuier, August.........
1.000 tons Bessemer. StDteniler
14 15
14 00
, 14 JO
. 14 10
12 "
, 12 7o
. 14 15
14 03
. 12 75
, 15 00
, 14 00
. 12 2a
. 12 to
. 14 25
. 14 00
. 13 00
. 13 00
. 14 U0
. 14 00
. 14 00
, 1.125
7o0toas Bessemer, August, Septem-
600 tons grv?orge, July August.
ftuotons gravrorge
500 tons Bessemer
400 tons B ssemer ,
3t0tonsgra lorge, July
200 tons No. 1 foundry
200 tons Jo. 2foundrv
200 tons white and mottled
200 tons mill iron
200tonB Bessemer, August. beptcm
ber, October .................
50 tons No. 2 foundry .............
60 Ions open mill
60 tons mill iron .......................
25 tons No. 2 foundry
25 tons No. 2 foundry
1 tons No. 2 foundry.
25 tons fi bite and mottled
100 tons No. 1 W. scrap, net f 14 00 cash
100 tons No. 1 country w. scrap, net. 13 50 cash
75 tons solt steel scrap, net 16 50 cash
60 tons car wheels, gros 14 75 cash
0 tons cast scrap, gross 11 8J ca6h
nw steel tails.
S50 tons new steel rails, delivered 31 50 cash
steel slabs ad billets.
1,000 tons steel billets, prompt $23 00 cash
500 tons steel billets and birn .... 23 25 cash
600 tons steel hlilets. prompt... 23 25 cash
500 tons steel billets. Julj. Aug 23 25 cash
500 tons steel billets prompt 2J cash
30J tons steel billets 23O0 cash
250 tons steel billets 3 00 cash
500 tons neutral
&0tons neutral, Jul,
200 tons neutral
..$24 751 cash
... 24 75 cash
.. 24 75 cash
eteel ekelp.
350 tons wide grooied 145
80 tons 80 per cent, at Baltimore $59 00
UjtOO tons beam and rail cnd
"200 tons spelter
To tons speller
150 tons wannblist ,
100 tons cold blast
75 tons No 2 foundry
75 tons cold blast, tuthem....
75 tons cold blast
75 Ions cold blast
50 tons warm blat.
to tons cold blast
..$10 50 cash
.. ft 75 cash
... 4 75 cash
,.$17 50 cash
.. 26 75 cash
. 20 00 cash
.. 21 00 lash
..26 75 cash
.. 20 75 cash
,. 17 50 cash
. 20 75 cash
BOO tons old steel rails $1". 50 cash
4COtonsold Iron rail. 20 00 cash
3u0 tons old iron rails -J) 00 cash
200tonso'd iron rails cash
100 tons old iron rails 19 75 cash
Coal Shipments bv the OhioKlver.
The following are tho monthly coal ship
ments bj- tho Ohio liver for the fiist six
months during tho past five j cars: 1?S3 was
the largest and 1832 the smallest:
a .
' z
T- J' J-
I &
3 J O
-4 t
! .-
"- I
. -.
j3 a, -
I? s s
-- - 2 o
Bessemer and Gray Forge.
rices Bessemer and Gray forge 'were
In tafned. Sales fortne season show up
-ly well. There is a good demand for
1 Millets at full prices. New steel rails
Jv at $30 at mill.
Steel to linn hort in Angnst.
iLADELrniA, July 8. ISptcUA Rogers,
vn i Co. say: The demand for mill
es It light, owing to the unsettled labor
tlon. The demand for foundrv irtns is
oving, and buyeis ale Inclined to
base liberallr, but as a matter of
caution, they hid extremely low figures.
There is going to be a short stock of steel
for August delivery, and prices are firm at
$21 00 to $25 25. For later deliveries buyers
'and sclieis hold widely different views.
Fourth of July mtrt the Homestead
Troubles Knock Ont Business.
CruciMfATi, July S. Special Rogers.
Brown & Co. say: The intervention of the
Fourth of July holiday and the labor
troubles at Pittsburg and elsewhere have
given the iron market a dull tone for the
past week. The largest of these liaebeen
in Bessemer pig, Luke Superior chaicoal
lion and Soutvrn coke iions. It-is a signifi
cant lact that the question of whether now
is a good time to place li on contracts has
been under discussion in the directory of a
good many companies. The fee.in;; is tnat
we must certainly have got about to the
bottom. Against this however, is the fact
that demand is light and the market is with
out spit it. There is nothing in immediate
sight that would point to any increase in
rrice. The arguments and condition are all
right, but it does not move.
Ihe weather since last report has boen
more favorable for crops. Rains In the West
have cjaeed. Corn, oats and wheat are doing
w ell. Where wheat has been harvested the
results are fnllv up to expectations. Induc
tions are that "tho railroads will have an
other gieat ci op to carry- This Is sustaining
the puce ol securities against the depress
ing effect of the withdrawal of American
gold and otbei securities as the natural
consequence of renewed silver agitation.
The leeling of disgust with Congiess over
recent proceedings on this question is gen
eral in the bust'iess community, without
reference to party. It expieslons of all
classes of business men, oven into the Far
West, mean anything, the politicians are
grossly mistaken in supposing that the
people demand free coinage or fui ther sil
ver expansion.
The Holiday Made the Week Even II ore
Than Usually Dull.
Chicago, July8. 6eciaf. Rogers, Brown
& Mervrln say: "The week, which has been
broken up by a holiday, has shown a smaller
volume of business closed that the preced
ing one. A fair run of inquiries still con
tinues, these being divided between large
consumers who have not yet covered their
season's requirements and who are ready to
buy for six to tu elve months ahead when
prices suit their views, and the other class
of buyers who simply purchase from hand
to mouth. Ruling prices remain practically
unchanged, though here and there weik
sellers have been found willing to make
large concessions in order to secure lound
orders lor quick delivery. The consumption
of lion in all departments continues heavy,
and is in excess of that of a year ago, but furn
ace production is so lame that consumption
gives no prospect of an early improvement
In pi ice.
Interest continues to center in Lake Su
perior chat coals. The leading furnaces ate
maintaining their position and show no
signs of weaknes. One or two outsid e com
panies are offering to take business at cuts
of 25c to 50c below the basis held bv standaid
companies, but other manufacture! 8 realize
that the bottom has been reached on this
c!as ot metals, and the existing conditions
all warrant maintaining the present basis as
a minimum. Numerous safes in lotsfiom
100 to 500 tons have been made, but the large
consumers are m most cases holding off.
The Metal Markets.
New Tork, July 8. Pig iron quiet; Ameri
can, $14 0016 00. Copper weak: Lake, $11 25
filll 40. Lead strong: domestic. H 22J 30.
Tin steady; Straits, $20 S520 90.
Receipts, Shipments and rrlcsg at
Liberty aid All Other Yards.
Office of The Dispatch, )
Pittsburg, Friday, July 8
Cattle Recelpts.1,162; shipments, 871; mar
ket closing steady and prospects unfavora
ble for n exi week. No cattle shipped to.Ne w
York to-day.
Hogs Receipts, 2,200; shipments, 1,800: mar
ket steady; all grades, $5 90C 20. Five cais
of hogs wore shipped to New York to
day. Sheep Receipts L200; shipments, 800;
market slow and unchanged.
By Telegraph.
New York Beeves Receipts. 1,220 head,
including 29 cars for sale; market active, 15o
to 2"'C per 100 pounds higher: native steers,
$4 45C 00; bulls and cows,$l 754 50: dressed
beef hlcher, fc9e per pound; shipments to
1av, 172 beeves; to-morrow, 6S5 beeves and
7,818 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts, 1,380
head- market c per pound higher; veals,
$6 007 75 per 100 pounds; buttermilk calves,
$4 004 75 Sheep Receipts, 3,688 head; sheep
firm: lambs, io per pound higher; sheep,
$5 006 50 per 100 pounds : lambs, $7 009 00:
dtessed mutton firm, lOffillic per pound:
dressed lambs steady, ll14c Hogs Re
ceipts, 3 174 head, inclndimr two cars for sale;
maikct higher at $5 S00 25 per 100 pounds.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 24,000 head;
shipments, 10,000 head; market w eak and&5
50c lower; choice to extm steei s, $5 405 90;
otheis, $4 005 25; cows, $2 50S 75 H04S
Receipts, 34,000 head; shipments, 12,000 head;
market steady to lower: rough and com
mon, $5 305 65; mixed andpackci-s,$5 70575:
prime hen v and butchers' weights, $5 80
5 90; light, $5 705 S5 Sheep Receipts, 8,000
head: shipments, 2.500 head; market steadv
to a shade higher; native ewes, $3 504 50;
mixed, $4 255 30, wethers and j earlmgs,
$5 505 75. Texans, $3 254 60, grass West
erns, fi 80.
't. Louis Cattle Receipts, 2,520 head,
shipments, 4,895 head; market . gone to
pie-es and 25c to 75c lower on Texas aud 15c
to 50c lower on natives than high point of the
earlv paitof this week: medium to good
natives, $3 204 CO; Texas, oiainarv to good,
$2 401 75 canneis, $2 102 90 Hogs Receipt--,
2 910 head: shipments, 2,100 head;
market 5c lower: fair to choice heavy, $5 60
5 ill; mixed medium to good, $5 305 60;
light, fair to best, $5505"5. Sheep Re
ceipts 655 bead; shipments 2,400 head; mai
kct strong; top natives, $2 59.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 113 loads
through. 13 on -ale; maiket 40fi0c higher:
good 1,300 to L425-11) steers. $5 255 40; light
medium to fail 1,225 lb, $4 404 85: mixed
butchers $3 704 00, cons, $2 T03 85. Hogs
Receipts, 2J loads through, IS on sale; market
opened fairly steady but weakened: heavj,
$6 20C 25. sheep and lambs Receipts, 20
loads through, 8 on sale; market steady for
good sheep: choice lambs stronger; choice to
fancy wethers, $5 255 CO; fair to good
sheep. $4 40(83 10. lam Us. choice to fancv
eariiiic". $5 O05 60. spring lambs, good to
best, $6 007 25.
Kansas CiM Cattle Receipts, 11,300 head;
shipments, 2,200 head; dressed beef and
shipping steers 1550c lower at $3 105 20;
cows 10c lower at $1 67K4 15: Texas steers
2550c lowei at $2 40j 40: stockers and
feeders 1015c lowei at $2 65 Hogs Re
ceipts, 8,400 head: shipments, 1,500 head: mar
ket generally 510c lower, with common
hois 10c lower, closing 'stiomr; all grades,
$5 17M5 7K: bulk. $5 505 62. Sheep-Receipts,
,1,000 head; shipments none; market
generally steady; muttons, $4 85; lambs, $5 40.
Cincinnati Hogs Steady; common and
light,$3 005 tO; packing and butchers, $5 CO
5 85; receipts, 3,200 head: hipments, 2,800
head. Cattle steady at $2 r0g)4 60, receipts,
2,700 head: shipments 1,800 head. Sheep
steady at $3 005 25: receipts, 9,200 head;
sliipments 9.200 head. Lambs in good de
maud and highoi: common to choice spilng,
$4 007 59 per 100 pounds.
The Wool Market.
New Yobk Wool steady and qniet; domes
tic fleece, 2535c; pulled, 2032c; Texas, 17
St. Louis Wool Receipts, 345,000 pounds;
shipments, 125,000 pounds. Market entirely
unchanged as 10 tone and price. Stocks of
heavy inferior grades are accumulating fast
and offerings of really desirable wool are
Philadelphia Wool In fair demand: Ohio,
Pennsylvam 1 and West Virginia XX and
abo e, 2ST0c; X, 2627JJc: medium, 33Q34c:
ooarse, 32o3c: Nei i 01k, Michigan. Indiana
and Western fine or X and XX. 252Ge; me
dium, 323Jc; coarse, 3233c; washed, comb
ing and ielaino fine, washed delaine X and
XX 2S!i3c: medium washed combing and
delaine, dl)36c: coarse do do do,3335c; Can
ada washed combing, 323tc; tub washed,
choice SCgSSc; fair, 3536e- coaise, 33J4c:
medium unnathed combing and delaine, 25
27c: coarse do do do, 2527c; Montana, 1C
22c: Terntorial, 1320c
The Coffee Markets.
New Yomt, July 7. Coffee Options opened
barely steady, unchanged to 10 points down;
closed steadv and unchanged to 5 points
down:JuIy, 11.80c; Aueust, 1180c: Septem
ber, 11 80c: October, lL75c; December, lL80c;
Match, lLSOc. Rio dull and nominal; No. 7,
Baltimore, July 8. Coffee dull; Rio, fair
at 16c.
New Ob-Lea-, Jnlv a Coffee qniet; Rio
ordinary to lair, 14Q17c
The Turpentine Markets.
New Yobk Rosin steady and dull. .Tur
pentine more active at 29jJ0c.
A Good Lot Market and Activity in
Building in the West End.
flectyc Cars Expected to Reach Belleyue bj
the End of the Tear.
Brnshton is enjoying quite a boom in the
building line, due mainly to the prospect of
rapid traitsit inside of a year. James Doran
has about completed arrangements for ten
dwellings in the neighborhood of the school
house. J. B. Steenson will soon start the
finest house iu the place on the corn er of
Kelly and Harriet streets. JIassena Bros,
are figuring on the material. J. C. Dick
will probably put up a business house
nearby. There is considerable vacant
ground along the hillside, which rumor
says will be bought up and improved.
A lTt:re8sive Quarter.
Bidgeview, in the Eleventh ward, Alle
gheny, on California avenue, is improving
faster perhaps than any other quarter on
the Northside. It has been on the market
but a short time. Eight houses have been
finished and about the same number are un
der way. They are all of a high class, cost
ing from $6,000 to 10,000. Among those
now building are Mrs. C. Steffen, B. Dono
van, brick contractor; C. Bose, of Eose &
Fisher; L T. Faulder, furniture dealer; Mr.
McKean, brother of Postmaster McKean,
and Dr. J. H. Wright.
A Northside Artery.
"Work on California avenue, the great
thoroughfare to connect Allegheny City
with the western suburbs, is making sub
stantial progress, much to the gratification
ot people in that locality. It has been
graded as far as the city line and paved to
Woodland avenue. The Pleasant Valley
Railway bridge across Jack's Bun will be
completed bv November 1. Double tracks
have been la'id to that point. The bridge
completed, work on the lower end of the
avenue will be pushed forward as vigor
ously as possible. It is expected that cars
will be running to Believue by the end of
the year. The completion of this avenue
will open up a large amount of as fine resi
dence property as there is in the county.
An r ctivn District.
As showing a good demand for lots on
California avenue, A. Z. Byers & Co. have
sold 12 in the Grande Pointe plan within
the last ten days and have a good prospect
of selling a number of others These lots,
which are 50x140, are to be improved with
substantial dwellings costing not less than
56,000 each. Mr. Bj ers remarked: "Busi
ness is fair with us. There is.of course.noth
ing like a boom, but the inquiry is good.and
the prospect bright tor a good tail traac.
Idle money, of which the country is lull,
must soon seek investment, and real estate
will get a large share of it. "
Special Features of Trade.
The labor troubles at Homestead have
placed real estate in the background. Sev
eral promising deals have been bioken off.
That local corporations occupy a strong
position is shown by the promptness w ith
which dividends aie announced. There
have been no defaults In the regular list of
skivlngton & Pedder have opened hand
some offices at No. 166 Fourth avenue for the
transaction of a general 1 eal estate business,
for which they are well equipped by ac
quaintance and experience.
George B. Stov has purchased fiom Mar
garet LNevin 83x780 feet of ground on Grand
avenue, Leet township, lor $3 000.
Six permits wei o issued yesterday for the
election of ten buildings. The only one of
importance was taken out by John M. Kelly
for four brick dwellings on Lvtle street,
T wenty-thli d ward, at a cost ot $7 0C0
The Dollar Savings Ba building on
Fouith avenue is being changed somewhat
in the rear.
The Board qf Directors of the Hidalgo
Mining Company have declared a dividend
of 1 per cent, paj able on July 20. Transfer
books close from July 10 to 20 inclusive.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Bridgewater Gas Company will be held
at Rochester on Monday, July 18.
Additional Points in Realty.
George Schmidt sold for F. W. Hartnng
Nos. 101 and 1C6 Center avenne, lot 40x100
feet to an alley, with three brick buildings,
to E. Mathers and S. 5. Adler, for $10,500.
Larkln & Kennedy sold lots 57. 58 and 59, In
the Blair Land Company's plan, Blair sta
tion, to J. A. Baldwin for $1,050
Black & Baud sold to John Wlllner a lot
on the northeast corner of Dickson and
Harmar streets. Thirteenth waid, 25x120
leet, being No. 1 in the Denny plan, foi $475.
James V. Drape & Co. sold a residence of
seven rooms with lot on Taggai t street, Al
legheny, toi $3,750; also a piece of ground in
O'llara township ior$850; also a part interest
in properties in Sharpsburg, Uoboken and
the city ror $3,450.
John K. Ewing & Co. sold to Peter V. Rov
ninack a lot fronting 10 feet on Terrysvillo
avenne and extending through 186 feet to
Ellis avenue, in the Mavfield plan, Tenth
ard, Allegheny, for $1 400 cash. '
The Burrell and Kensington Improvement
Companies report the following sale or lots
at Kensington: Joseph Loutz, Pittsburg,
Pa., lot 8, block 12, for $680; John F. Mowat,
Pittsburg, Pa., lot 48, block 13, for $850; John
G. Becker, Kensington, Pa., lot 631, block 24,
for $1,105.
Buyers Willing Enough to Pick Up Cheap
Stuff if They Had tho Opportunity
Railway Rates and Labor Troubles
Hold Business In Check.
Tho stock market yesterday was a tamo
affair. There was 110 abatement of interest
In the unhappv situation at Homestead.
Buyers weie looking lor cheap stuff, but
got little of it
Owing to the lack of sufficient suppoit
prices developed a sagging tendency.
Stocks closing lower for tbe day weie Cen
tral Traction, Pittsburg Traction and Phila
delphia Gas. There were no changes in
other directions.
At the first call $2,000 Pleasant Valley
bonds changed hands at 101. There were no
transactions at the second call. Sales at tho
third wei e, 10 Lustei at 9K. 15 at 9, 100 Phila
delphia Gas at 19, and 4 Electric (new)
at 28.
An authority on stocks sums up the situa
tion thus: "The disturbed condition of
railway rates and labor troubles at tho iron
mills in Pennsylvania tend to hold new
ventures in the leash. Still there is good
demand for stocks, which suggests the be
lief that a considerable shoi t interest is still
outstanding. Railnav bonds in lair request
at generally steady prices.
Quotations on the unlisted tractions at the
last call were: Duqtfesne, 28 bid: offered,
29. Birmingham, 25 bid; offered, 26. Bids
and offersat each call follow:
B. A.
Arsenal Bank ...
Exchange N. Bk.
Odd Jet. Sav.Bk.
Third Nat. Bk...
Citizens' Insur..
"Western In. Co .
BridgewaterG C.
Chartlers V.Oas.
Pcop. N.G.iP.C
Philadelphia Co..
Wheeling Gas Co.
Centrallrac Co.
Citizens' Trac...
Pleasant Valley..
Chartlers Kv.. .
P..Y. A Ash.R.R
Plus. Junction..
Pitts. W.AKy...
Luster MlnlngCo
Enterprise Min .
Alleglienr Co. E.
West'house Elec.
Unions Afr.Co..
W. Airbrake Co
20 If
126 130
' U. b. Glass, com..
Mining Stock Quotations.
New York, July 8 Cholor, 75; Crown
Point, 1C0: Consolidated California and Vlr-
gia, 305; Dendwood, 215; Gould and Curry,
80; Hale and Noicross, 180; Homestake,
B. A. B. A.
68 ....
.... 83 .... 85
120 ...-.
31 32
.... 40 .... 40
"a "12 ;:" "i;
13 14
19.' 19 .... 19
.... 20
2S4".... 23 29
63.... 63....
58.... 58 59K
26 26V 26 2CJ4
" " " "
33 ,
50 51 50 51
50.... 50....
SH 9 9 9
:::: :::: ::::
.... 19 .... 185f ,
1634 17 1C 17
"75 "76 "75 "76
1.350; Mexican, 165; North Star, 650 a: Ontario,
8,900; Ophir, 225: Plymouth, 80; Sierra Nevada,
90; Standard, 155: Union Consolidated, 100;
Yellow Jacket, 90; Iron Silver, 60: Quick
Silver, 4; do preferred, 20X; Bulwer,935.
An Improvement Than Confidently Ex
pectedThe Louisville and Nashville
Dividend, Though Red need. Is an Agree
able Surprise Grangers Lead In Activ
ity Bonds Qaiat,
New York, July 8 The dealings in a few
Stocks savl the trading fiom utter stagna
tion and gave what tone there was seen dur
ing the day. Talks with many prpmlnent
men on the street fall to reveal any deep
seated confidence that there will be any
material change in tne conditions until the
summer is well spent; but there is no lack
of hope that beroie fall a larger and wider,
as well as higher, market will be developed.
The leading feature to-day was Louisville
and Nashville, of which there was apparent
sellln" for some time on the part of the
foreigneis in tearof areduction orpassing
of the dividend. The declaration of 2 per
cent, though a reduction of per cent from
that of the last hair year, was in many
quarteia an agreeable surprise, as predic
tions or nothing were freely put ont for
some time. The pressure was met by ade
quate support, and ' on the dividend frac
tional gains were made, which, however,
were afterward lost.
The Grangers were still leaders In activ
ity. Apart from the dealings in Louisville
there was no feature in the market, except a
decline of 1 per cent in Sugar on light
trading, all of which was recovered. There
was a continuance of the rise In National
Linseed, and lenewed activity and strength
in the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantio
The market finally closed strong at the
best prices, despite a diopor about 1 per
cent in Chicago Gas. All leading shares
show large ftactional gains ovet last night's
prices! and Louisville and Nashville Is up
1. The transactions of the day were only
146.850 listed and 9,423 unlisted.
The total sales of stocks to-day were 156,273
shares, including Atchison, 5,862: Chicago
Gas, 12,750; Louisville and Nashville, 2,235;
Mlssouii Pacific, 2,825; Northern Pacific pre
ferred, 2,405: Rending. 17850: Richmond and
Western, 6,390; St. Paul, 18,740: Union Pacific,
Railroad bonds were still quiet in the
main, but the speculative Issues, especially
those of the Reading and Richmond and West
Point, were again laigely traded in, and out
of a total business of $1,383,000 Reading sec
onds contributed $223,000 ivnd the thirds $167,
000. There was a stiong temper in these
The following table shows the prices of active
stockson the New YorkStock Excuangeresterday.
Corrected dally for The Dispatch by WnrruEY &
Stephen sov. oldest Pittsburg members or xievri
York. Stock Ktcnange. 37 r onnu avenue:
Open High Low ing
lng, est. est. bid.
American Cotton Oil 38 3S. 33 3Stf
Am. Cotton Oil pref'd 78 70 75 7
Am. bugar Kenning Co ... 983 S6J, 95, 06)4
Am. suearRergCo.,pfd.. ,. . 98
Atch. Top. Jt h. F 35 36 35 36
Canada south'n 57 57J4 57 5(J
Central of New Jersey. 136
Central Pacinc 30 305 30 30
Chesapeake and Ohio V3h Wi 23Ji 21'
C. &0 Istprefd 6JK
C &0.. 2d prefd S
Chicago Gas Trust 80 80 79 7DX
B. Bur A Quincy 100 100J 991, 100'4
C, Mil. Jtbt. Paul 81H 821 M 82
C. Mil. St. Paul. pfd... 12a 125 Kz 1-5
CKockl &P 7814 79 78"a 79H
CSt. P.M. 0 43J 44 48 49
C. St. P. 41. & O.. pfd 1J8
C. i. Northwestern 114 116 111J 118
C. C, C.I 68 ma 65 65'8
C. C, C. HI. pfd 97
Col. Coaland Iron - 31S4
Col. A Hocking Valley 35 35 Si &lA
Del., Lack. A Western.... lx-'i 155H 155! 15a
Del. & Hudson 136'i I3o 135 13.
Denver & Kio Grande 1. 1"
Deu. AItloGri"de pfd.... 49 49' 49 49
DIs. A Cat Feed. Trust.... ttii 47fc 47Ja '3i
E. Tenn.. Va. A Ga 3Ji
Illinois Central 101! 1015$ 101 lpl
Lake Erie A West 23, 23 23M H
Lake Erie A West. pfd.... 74's 74 74S 74's
Lake bhore A M. S m4 112 132', 1126
Louisville A Nashville 7I 72 71 . 725,
Michigan Central 101 10O, 101 104V
Mobile A Ohio 36
Missouri Paciac 5?H 58 . Siii SIM
National Cordage Co 117 117 117 117'i
National rordage Co.pfa.. Ill's HI-1 IU "1
National Leid Co 31S 81V
National Leid Co. pfd 91" 91 91 91
New York Central 110H HCJ4 109V 110
N. Y., C. A St. L 16 16 15 Wi
N.Y., L. E. AW 26)s 26 26J, 265
N. Y.. L. E. AW. pfd 64
K.T.tS.E 36 36 36 S6J
N.Y.O. AW 18i lSJs 18J 18
Norfolk A Western 11
Norfolk A Western pfd 44!
North American Co 13g
Northern Pacific 20)4 20)4 20 19
Northern Pacific pfd 55)4 55s 55), 554
Ohio A Mississippi 20
Pacific Mail . 33H 33 33S 33"
Peo.. Dec. A Evans 16S 6H 16H 1634
Philadelphia & Reading.... 59 60H 59 60
Pgti.. Clnn..Chl A St. L 21
P.. Cinn.. Chl.&St.L.pfd 59H 69X t9M 60
Pullman Palace Car 182
Richmond AW. P. T.... 7 1 7 7
Richmond AW. P. T. pfd 42
St. Paul A Duluth 41
St. Paul A Duluth old 106
St Paul. Minn. A Man 114
Union Pacific 37 38 37X 38
Wabash 10KJ
Wabash pfd 24 .'4 24 15
Western Union 9.1 D3 91 W4
WlieelingA L. E 30 31' 30 30
Wheeling A L.E. pfd 74S4 74 74 72
Baltimore A Ohio 96', 96 96 96
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closine Quotations of PhlladelDhla stocks fur
nished by W liitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue, members of New York Stock Ex-
As! -5.
30 1-16
. S4
PennsUvanla Railroad 51
Heading Railroad 30
BufTalo, New York A Phila 7K
Lehigh Valley. 00
Lehigh Niijration 53
Philadelphia A Erie 35
Northern Pacific, com 20
N orthern Pacific, pref. 55
Boston Stocks Closing Prices.
Vtch. AToncka..
Calumet A Hecla .
. 12
. 11
. 28H
. 10
Boston A Albiny....205
Histon AMainc 182
Chi.. Bur. A Quincy.HOld
FltclibnrgR. R 87J4
FlintAPercM. pfd. 81,
Little HockA Ft.s 7s 92
Ma9. Central "1734
Mex. Cen., com IVA
N.Y. A N. Eng W4
Old Colony 182M
Rntland.pfd 72
Wis. Central, com .. 17
AllouezM.Co.(ncw). 75
Atlantic 9
Bostoif Ailont 35M
Sinta Fe Copper..
Boston Land Co
San Diego Land Co..
west l.na Land (jo..
Bell Telephone
Lamson Store S
WaterPower 2U
Centennial MIn.Co.. 8
Butte A B. Copper .. 10
Thompson-Hous. El. M
Boston Electric Stocks.
Boston, July 8. Special. The 'latest
electric stock quotations to-aay were:
Thomson-Houston Electric Co
Thoms'm-Houston Electric Co . pfd.
T.-H. E. (k.,'Ir. securities, series D
T. E. E. W. Co
Ft. W. E. Co
F. W. E. Co.1T. securities, scries A,
W. E. Co
W. E. Co.. pfd
. 64
. 29!4;
. 7
. 10
. 12
. 27
EdisoT Electric 111. Co 116
Boston Electric Light Co 114
Bar Sliver Quotations.
New York. July 8. Special. Bar silver
In London, 39 13 16d per ounce. New York
dealers' price for sliver, 87c per ounce.
A Prediction That Gold Kiportod Will Soon
Be Returned.
Local money matteis were quiet yester
day. Bankers appeared to be moie inter
ested In Ilometend affairs than in their
legitimate business. The drirt of opinion
was that the tiouble would soon be settled.
Outside of this theie was nothing of a dls
tuibing character. Connter business was
about up to the average. Kates w ere quoted
at Sigb per cent on call nnd time loans.
Cleai inss were $2,631,620 46 and balances
$182,471 21.
A London authority pi edicts that the
gold which has been nxpoited from this
country since tho beginning of the year will
And its way back again this tall. It says:
"Tho money market remains void of teatut e,
and theie is as little prospect as ever of any
eaiiy change in its condition. Gold con
tinued to be shipped to this side from the
United Spates, and that, of course, tends to
make the ease which prevails at the chief
European centers iore pionounceo. It
should not be forgotten, howovei, that, in
all probability, the autumn will bring a
movement in the opposite direction."
At New York yesterday money on call was
easyatlK2Kper cent; last loan, atllper
cent; closed onet ed nt 1 per cent. Prime
mercantile paper 35 per cent. Sterling
exchange qniet but steadyat$487 f6r60-day
bills, and $4 8K for demand.
Closing Bond Qao-atloni.
U. S. 4s, reg H6WMutual Union 6..
ii, a. 4s coup ,vytL
N. J-IT-lnt-flArt 111
u. o. vss. reg .
Northern Paclsts' .IlSfc
Northern Pac.2nds.113
Norwest. Consols.. ..133
bt.L.&I.M.gen.5s... 85
St.L &SanF.g.m..,100M
St. Paul consols 12
St.P..C.& P.lsts 11F
Tex.l'L..Tr.Kcts.. 78
Tex.P.K G.Tr.Kcts. 25
Pacific u of 95 10s
Louisiana stamped 4s 9;
Tenn. new set 6s 107
Tenn. new set 5s 101
Tenn. newset3s 75
Canada So. 2ds 103
Cen. Pacific lsu....lc5
Denver K. G.lstsMn
Denver K. U.4s. ... 82
Erie2ds 101
.M.,K.&T.gen.6s.... 80
M.,K.&T.gcn,5s.... 45
union Pac. lsts
..106 54
West Shore...
, w
Bank Clearings.
Chicago Bank oleariugs, $18,126,089,
York exchange 50c premium. Money
in greater supply; S per cent on time, 6 per
cent on call.
St. Loots Bank clearings, $5,112,401; bal
ances, $461,064U Money quiet at 46 per cent.
Exchange on New York 90c premium.
New Orleass Clearings, $1,067,430. New
Yoik exchange, commeicial, 60c; bank, $1 50
per $1,000 preminm.
Memphis New York exchange selling at
$150.. CI earimrs, $314,874; balances, $141,169.
Newt York Bank clearings, $178,901,166; bal
ances, $6,293 352.
Boston Bank clearings, $17,762,972; bal
ances, $1,794,443. Monev 56 per cent Ex
change on New York, 17c discount
Philadelphia Bank clearings, $12,309,523;
balances, $1,944,079. Meney, 2 per cent.
Baltimore Bank clearings, $2,678,542; bal
ances $390,077. Rate, 6 per cent ,
Choice Dairy Products Steady Light Re
ceipts of Grain and Hay and Market Is
Still Slow Hog Products Active and
Oipice op The Dispatch, )
Pittsbcro, Friday, July 8.
Country Pboduce Jobbing Prices
The supply of vegetables from the South is
heavy, and tendency of prices is downward.
Tomatoes are a drug on the market, and
there has been a sharp decline in prices the
past day or two. Melons are coming freely
to the front, and canteloupe3 are lower, as
our quotationswill reveal. Home-prown
raspberries are now at their best Black
berries are in good supply aud quality is
showing up better the past few days. Poul
try is in better demand than it has been the
week past, and prices are a shade lower.
Demand for eggs is light and markets are
quiet Tropical fruits of choice quality are
good stock at prices quoted. Dairy prod
ucts are steady all along the line, and Ohio
cheese Is firm and active, with an upward
APRICOTS Cillfornias, i 1 75 per boi.
a ppr.-Es New. S3 5aa4 00 Der barrel.
Butter Creamery Elgin, 2i24c: Ohio brands.
19a)c; common countrv butter, 1012c; good to
choice country roll, 1516c.
Beans New lork ana Michigan pea, $1 85
1 95; marrowfat $2 12 25: lima hcans, 3j4314c
per lb: hand-picked medium. $1 851 00.
Beeswax Choice, 3334c per lb: low grades, 22
Berries Raspberries. 810c per boi; red rasp
berries. 1314c pe box; blackberries. 1012c per
box; cherries. $2 50 a bushel. 85 5006 00 a stand;
gooseberries, $4 0(4 50 a stand. $2 00J 50 a bushel;
currants. 10c a box. 85 C05 0 a stand; huckle
berries, tl 25 ocr bucket.
Cheese Sew Ohio cheese, 88c; New York
cheese, 1010c; llmburger, 13liSse: Wisconsin
sweitzer. full cream, 1718ct nen sweltzer cheese.
1ZMWI3C: imported sweitzer, -JKayjatc.
Cider Country cider, S5 50a 00 per barrel: sand
refined, SB 50(37 00; crab elder. S7 50(3)8 00.
EGOS-14(ai5c: candled stock, 1616c.
Egg PLAVTS-J2 2532 50 per box
Feathers Extra live geese, 5758c; No. 1, 48
50c per lb: mixed lots, 233oc.
Dried Fruits Peaches, halves. 5c; evapo
rated apples. 77c: apricots. 9llc: blackberries,
56c: raspberries. 18lsc; huckleberries, 7c; Cali
fornia peaches. 79c.
Hovey New crop white clover, 16l7c; Cali
fornia honey, lSBioc id.
, Melons Canteloupes, 2 50f3 00 a crate; water
melons. $20 00(32) 00 a hundred.
Poultry Alive Chickens. 6575c per pair;
spring chickens. 4va50c per pair; dressed chickens,
springers. 1516c If) lb.
SEED-Bnckwheat. (I 25: millet. II 50.
Tallow Conntrv, 4c: city rendered. 4c.
Tkopical Fruits Lemons, fancy Messina, fi 50
5 00; Jlesslna and Callforni i oranges. $4 004 50
per box; Rodl oranges, S5 506 00: bananas 2 00
2 25 firsts, $1 251 50 seconds; layer figs, 1214c
per pound: pineapples. 810c apiece; California
peaches. $2 1.0(3: 25 a box.
Vegetables Cabbage, $1 O0l 50abarrel crate:
green onions, 25c a dozen: Bermuda onions, $t 40(a
1 oO a bushel; tomatoes, 75c$l 00 aerate: South
ern potatoes. $2 602 75 per barrel: new beets. 30c a
dozen, asparagus, .S3ca dozen; radishes, 1518c
perdozen: new peas. St .5 a basket; green beans.
91 ia 1 oaskei; cucuinuurs, ,d; per uuauci; tuici;,
2535c per doses.
The situation In this lino has undergone
no changes this week. The coffee market
has developed' an unexpected strength of
late. All canned goods continue Arm.
GREEN Coffee Fancy, 2122c; choice Rio,
20321c: prime, 18019c: low grade. lGfi)17c: old Gov
ernment Java, 29031c: Maracaibo. 21Q)22c:JIoclia,
2829c: Santos, 2122,c: Caracas, 2425c; La
Guayra. 21Z2c.
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands, 19.15c;
higher grades, 2226c; old Government Jiva,
bulk, 31";T3c: Maracalbo. 2224c: Santos, 19
Stc: peaberry, 26c; choice Rio. 2tc: prime Rio,
20c: good Rio, 19c; ordinary. 17i8c.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 9(ai0c: allspice, 9c; cas
sia. 8c; pepper. 10c: nutmeg, 7030e.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 11 test. 6c: Ohio.
150. 7c: headlight, 150 test, 0c; water wnlte.
78c: globe, 1414c; elalne, 13c: carnadlnc. lie;
royallne. 14c: red oil, 10llc: purity, 14c: oleine,
Miners Oil No. 1. winter, strained, 3640c
per gallon: summer, 3537c: lard, 5355.
Syrup Corn syrup, J427c; choice sugar syrup,
N. O. MOLASSES-Fancv new crop, 3S39c;
choice. 3037c: old op. 32033c.
Soda lil-carb. In kegs, 3V203c: bl-carb, ins,
554c;bl-carb, assorted packages, 5J,'6c; sal soda,
in tegs. IKe: do granulated. 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, sji'c; stcarine, per
set 8c: parafflne, ll12c.
Rice Heart Carolina. 66'ic; choice, 5!i6c;
Louisiana, 55;c.
Starch Pearl, 3c; corn starch, 5J40Jic; gloss
starch, 5263c.
foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $1 75; London
layers. $2 25; Muscatels, $1 75; California Musca
tels. SI 40(31 60: Valencii, 505c; Ondarj Valen
cia, 67c; rultana, 8U-; currants, 34(a3ic;
Turkey prunes. 45c; French prunes, Sffll2c:
cocoanuts. 100, $4 00(314 50; almonds, Lan., tIb,
20c: dolvlca, I7c: do shelled, 50c; walnuts. Nap .
1314c: Slcllv filberts, lie: Smyrna fies, 12313c:
new figs 505c: Brazil nuts, 6c; pecins. is14c;
citron. lb, 2122c; lemon peel, 11c f lb: orange
peel, 12c.
Sugars Cubes. 5c: powdered. 5c: granulated,
4c; confectioners', 4c; soft white. 4'4ihc;
jcllow. choice. 4(3)4c; jellow, good, ie, )el
low. fair. 33)3tc.
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), 4 00; medium,
half bbls (600). $2 50.
:alt So lperbhl. $1 00: No. 1 extra, per half
bbl, $1 10; dairj. perbbl. $1 20; coarse crystal, per
bbl, tt 20; 'lggans' Eureka. 4-bu sacks, $2 80; Illg
gtus' Eureka, 16141b packets. -! 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. (1 8i02 00:
2ds, $1 4501 50; extr.i peaches, S2 00O2 10: pic
peaches, i&ail 00; finest corn, $1 252)1 W; Hfd Co.
corn, tl 05O1 15; red cherries. $1 10(31 20: lima
beans, ft 35; soaked do. S5c; stringed do. S0O85c;
marrowfat peas, 90cSl 10; soaked peas, GOTSc;
pineapples, fl 2031 30: llahama do, 82 00; damson
Blums, fl 00: green gages. $1 60: egg plums, 11 60;
allfomia apricots. $1 752 00; California pears.
!l 902 10: do greengages '$160; do egg plums;
I 60; extra white chcrries,S2 b52 85; raspberries,
1 15l 23; strawberries. a5$l 10: gooseberries.
II 00O1 05; tomatoes. 90095c; salmon, 1-tb cans,
$1 301 80: blackberries. 65c; succotash, 2 lb cans,
soaked, 90c; do green, 2-tb cans, $1251 50: corn
bef. 3-ib cans, $1 651 70; 1-tb cans, $1 20; bated
beans. SI 401 55; lobsters, 1-tb cans, $2 20: mack
erel, l-!brcans, broiled, $1 50: sardines, domestic,
Ms, $3 9u4 00; s, S6 25; sardines. Imported, Ms.
$15 0016 00: sardines, imported, s. 124 00: sar
dines, mustard, K 30: sardines, spiced. $3 2
Fish Extra No. 1 bloiter mackerel. $C4 00 per
bbl: extra &o. 1 do mess, 30 00; No. 2 shore mack
erel, $17 00; No. 2 large mackerel. S19 00: No. 3
large mackerel, $16 00; No 3 small mackerel. $9 50.
Herring-Slit i 25; lake. 83 25 per 100-lb bbl.
White fish. 87 50 per 100-lb half bbl. Lake trout,
$3 50 per half bbl. Finnan baddies, 10c per lb. Ice
land halibut, 12c per lb. Pickerel, halt bbls. Ci 25:
quarter bbls, SI 15. Holland herring, 75c. alk
off herring, 85c.
Oatheal S4 S05 00.
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
Sales on Friday's call at the Grain Ex
change: One car No. 1 timothy hay, $13 25, 5
days; 2 cais same, $13 25, 10 days, lteceipts,
as bulletined, 6 cais. By Pittsburg, Ft.
Wayne and Chicago Railway 1 car or corn,
3 of oats, 1 of hay. By Baltimore and Ohio
1 car of hay. Receipts by Pittsburg, Cin
cinnati and St. Louis on Thursday and re
ported to-day: Two cars of oats, 3 of corn, 1
of middlings, 1 of hay, 1 of straw, 1 of feed, 1
of barley, 1 of flour. Cereal markets at to
day's call gave few signs of animation. The
entire situation was favorable to bnveis.
Wheat and flour are very qqlet at quota
tions. Milireed Is dull and slow. Hay Is a
shade lower, as our quotations will disclose.
Following are prices for carload lots on track.
Dealers charge an advance from store.
Wheat J o. 1, 8889c: No. 2 red, 873t88e; No. 3
red. 8384c.
Corn No. 2 vellow ear, 58(357c: i mixed
ear, 56)6c: mixed ear, 5455c: No. 2 yellow
shelled, 5656c; high mixed shelled, 5556c;
mixed shelled, 54&c.
OATS No 1 oats, 404H'!c: No. 2 white. 20O
39c; extra No. 3 oats, 3333c; mixed oats, 30
KYI No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 82S3c;No.
2 Western, 80081c.
Flotr Jobbing prices Fancy spring patents,
$4 855 15: fancy winter patents 84 &54 90: fancy
straight winter, S4 404 W: fancy straight spring.
11 504 75: clear winter, ti 2ol 50: straight XXXX
takers'. 1 254 50; ryo flour. 84 254 50.
Millfeed No. 1 white middlings. SIS 00(313 50
per ton; No. 2 whltcmlddlingd. $16 (K016 50. brown
middlings, $13 50I4 00; winter wheat bran, $13 25
13 75. '
HAT-Baled timothy, choice. $13 2"13 50: No. 1.
$13 00313 75; No. 2. S10 59(311 O0: loose from wavon,
$14 00(316 00, according to quality; praric hay,
iu ou(aiu uu: packing nay,su uugrJ ou
$9 00(33 50.
wheat, $8 5C7 00; rye.
All hog products are very active at the
late advance, and another rise at an early
day is probable.
Sugar cured hams, large
Sugar enred hains, medium
bugar cured hams, small
Sugar cured California hams
Trimmed hams
bugar cured b. bacon
Sugr cured shoulders
Sugar cured bonelcs shoulders
Sugar cured skinned shoulders
Sugar cured dry salt shoulders
Sugar cared beef rounds .,,,
Sugar cured beef, sets
Bujar cured beef, flats ,
Bacon, clear sides, 30 lbs 8X
Bacon, clear sides, 20 lbs 8
Dry salt clear sides, 30 lbs average 83(
Mess pork, heavy 13 50
Mess pork, light 15 00
Lard, refined. In tierces 5f
Lard, refined, in one-half barrels 6
Lard, refined, InGO-tb tubs C
Lard, refined, in 20-tb palls.. . 6
Lard, refined. In 50-tb tin cans 6
Lard, refined, in 3-ib tin palls 6
Lard, refined, in 5-tb tin palls 6V
Lard, refined, in 10-lb tin palls 6
All tbe Cereal Markets Depressed by Con
gressional and Labor Bagaboo, Cholera
and 'Glowing Crop Prospects A Bit;
Deal in Short Bibs.
CHICAGO A mountain or uncertainty In
the form ot the forthcoming Government
crop report loomed up before speculators
to-day, and caused weakness all day. In
the end, wheat and corn left off at about
last night's prices, bnt pork and ribs closed
7Jc lower and lard 5c The recovery in
giatu at (the close was due to reports of
heavy rains throughout the winter wheat
belt. Wheat trading was limited. After
opening Jc higher, prices declined ic,
rallying c at the close, which was steady.
Tho Uatch and sliver bills, minors of a
panic at Paris, the labor troubles and
cholera all helped produce the depression.
The nattering Kansas crop report also had
an influence.
Corn opened a shade better than It closed
last night, with a few buying orders on the
market; but the receipts proving larger
than estimated, the grading'unusually good
and the weather splendid, the selling soon
became urgent and there was a decline of
Ki- A good deal of long corn came ont
on the exhaustion of the market and crop
advices were also legarded as better. A
featuiewas the selling of July and buying
or September, the premium of the foimer
being reduced to a at onetime. The de
mand improved at the decline, and Septem
ber closed with a slight gain.
Oats followed corn. The maiket opened
steady, bioke c nnd sustained a partial re
coveiy, closing c lower as compared
with Thursday's close.
There was a good all-round trade in pro
visions. It was the best market on the floor.
There was a drive at prices early, causing a
Bnarp aecnne, wnicn was Dut partly recov
ered on the later trading. The feature was
the sale of 27,000,000 to 28,000,000 of short ribs
by Beazeley and otheis tor the Cudahy in
terests. At the same time, there was some
raiding of lard and polk, and stuff came out
on stop loss ordeis through conmnission
houses. j
The leading futures ranged as follows, as cor
rected by John M. Oakley Sc Co.. 45 Sixth street,
members of the Chicago Board of Trade:
Open- High- Low- CIos-
Articles. lug. est. est. lug.
Wheat. No. 2. ,
July t 77$ 77 f 769 77
August 76 76 76 76
SeptemUer 76 76 76 76
Corn, No. 2..
July 50J 50Jf 49 50
August 49 4914 49 41V
September 49)4 49 43tj 9Ji
Oats, No. 2 i
July 32' 32 7XM 32
August 3114 31 31 31
September 31 31 3D, 31
Mess Pork,
July 1135 1140 1125 1135
September 1150 1155 1140 1150
Juiv 7 00 7 CO 6 92 6 97H
September 7 10 7 10 7 02 7 07
short itins,
July 7 20 7 22 7 12 7 12
September 7 22 7 2j 7 15 7 22
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
easj; piices qnotahly unchanged. No. 2
oprlng wheat, 7K77c; No. 3 soring wheat,
73c; No. 2 led. 78c: No. 2 corn,' 49Jc; No. 2
0 its 32c; No. 2 white, 33K34c; No. 3 white,
33K"4c: No. 2 rj e. 73c: N o. 2 bailey, (SOcfNo.
3, no sales; No. 4, no sales : No. 1
flaxseed, $100; piime tlmothv -seed, $1 28
1 34; mess pork, per bill , $11 35H 37; laid,
per 100 His, $7 007 02: short libs sides
(loose). $7 307 32J4; diy salted shoulders
(boxed), $6 507 00; shott clearsides(boxed),
$7 607 05: w hisky, distilleis' finished goods,
per gal., $1 15. Sugars unchanged.
On the Produce Exchange to day the but
ter maiket was quiet: fancy cieamerv. 19
20c; fine Western, 1718c: ordinary, 1416e;
fine dairy, lG17c. Egs firm at ll14ic.
SEW TOIJK-Flour heavy; free offerings,
moderatelyactlve- Cornmeal dull. Wheat
Spot quiet and lower; No. 2 red, SSc. store
and elevator; S9S9c, afloat; 87S8ic,
f. o. b : No. 3 led. SJJc: ungraded, 73'()c:
No. 1 Northern, SaBc; No. 1 hai d. 9
90c: No. 2 Noithuin. 79c: No. 2 Chicago!
BK85c; No. 2 Milwaukee, 81c; No. 3 spring,
79c. Options No. 2 led, July, 84815c,
closing at 84c; August. 83 5-l(84 7-lbc:
closing at 84c: September. ?4J4gSHc,
closing at S4Jc: December. SPitSSTJic, clos
ing at 87c: May, 1893, 9ljg9-.ic, closing at
9IJc. Ee dull and weak, corn Spot dull
and lower: No. 2, 5757c elevator: 5859e
afloat: unsraded mixed, 5265c Options
July, 55Ji5ic, closing at 55-c; August, 55
55c, closing at 55Kc: September, 54
55Jc, closing at .r4c; October, 841-16
54c. closing at 54jc. Oats Spot dull
and lower; options dull and weaker; Jnly.
36t2G5ic, closine nt 36c: August, 35
3fic, closins nt 35c; September, 3535J4o,
closing at 35Jc; No. 1 white, July. 38t38)c:
No. 2 spot wnite. 3Sc: mixed western, 35U
39c: white do, 3845c; No. 2 Chicago. 37Ji
37Kc Hay steady and quiet. Hops quiet
anil steady. Tallow weak. Eggs quiet, fancy
lots steady: Western poor to prime, 14l6c.
Hides steady and quiet. Pork quiet and
steady. Cut-meats firm and quiet; middles
dull: pickled bellies, $8 00. Lard opened
weak, afterwaids advanced; Western steam
closed at $7 30. options July, $7 30 bid;
August. $7 30 bid; September, $. 2S7 31, clos
ing at $7 32 bid; October, $7 33, closing at
$7 34 hid: November. $7 30 Batter easy and
qniet; Western, 18Kc; do cieamery, 1620c;
do factory, 1316c; Elgin, 20KJ21c. Cheese
easy and quiet; pait skim--, 2)jc.
pniLADELPHI a Flour dull. Wheat
No. 2 led, July. 8383c: August, S2
83c; September, 838ic: Octohei, S33Mc.
Corn No. 2 high uiivcd track, 53c; do to ar
Hvo next week, 53c; No. 2 mixed July, Au
gust. September and October, 52Q53c. Oats
No. 3 white, 39c: No 2 white, 404c: No. 2
white July, .7K40c: August, 39Ji30ic:
September, 3SK39c; October, 3s38)5c.
Ezgs steady anu quiet ; Pennsylvania firsts,
BALTIMORE Wheat oasy;No.2 red, spot.
82i82Jc: July, 8282c; August, 81
Slijc asked; Corn dull; mtaie.l spot,
55355c; July, 55c bid: August, 54c bid.
Oats Aim: No. 3 white Western. 4242c;
No. 2 mixed do, 3939Jc. Ke dull;
No. 2, 85c asked. H-iy steady. Provisions
stcidy. Lard, lcflned, 8c; cinde, 7c.
Butter Aim: cieamery fancj,2Ic:do fair to
choice, 1920c. Eggs weak at 15Je.
ST. uouis riour dull and unchanged.
Wheat Cash, 7bc: July, 76c; August,
7iiic; Septemhcr, 74c: Decpmhei,78J4c Corn
, Cash firm and higher nt 46c: options July
closed c helow and September tho same as
vesterdny; July closed at 43c; September,
i3Jic- O.its opened better, but declined and
closed a fiaction off; cash, 30c; July, 29c:
September, 29Jf c Kye lowei : offered at 71c
Hi an dull ut $11 61 on east track.
MINNrAPnus-Wheat Julv, opening,
74c; highest. 74c; lowest, 74c; closing, 74c;
vosteidjy, 74c: Auarust closing, 74JJc: yester
day, 75c: Septemberoption, 74c; lujhesr, 74c;
lowest, 73c; closing, 73Kc: yesteiday, 733ic;
December, option, 74jic; highest, 75c:
lowest, 75Kc: closing, 75; yesterday, 75-Kc;
on track N o. 1 hard. 78Wc; N o. 1 Northern, 77c:
No 2 Northern, 7o73c; old August quoted
at 75c.
CINCINNATI Flour heavy. Wheat
firmer; No. 2 red, 7778c; new, 76KC Corn
easiei;No. 2 mixed, 4hJc. Oats steady; No,
3 mixed, 34K35c: Evo firm; No. 2, 75c.
Pork auict a $11 75. Lard steady at $(! 80.
Bulk moats weak at $7 C27 75. Bacon easy
at $8 7os fci. nutter steady, sugar nrm.
Eggs steady at 12c Cheese firm.
K'NSAS CllY Wheat lowei; No. 2 red,
C7C9e; No. 2haid, lG.!c. Corn strong and
lu.'hei: No. 2 white, 5Jc; No. ? mixed, U
43c. Oats weak: No. 2 mixed, 2828K-;
No. 2 white, 9. Kye almost unsalable;
No. 2 nominal ai 65c. Eggs very firm at lie.
Butter firm; cieamery, 1319c; dairy, 1920c.
JIILWADKEC Flour quiet. . Wheat
easy; spot, 73Jc: No. 2 spilng, 74e: No. 1
Noi them, 81c. Corn quiet; No. 3,46c. O.tts
easiei: No. 2 white, 344tKc: No. 3 do, 33Kc.
l'ailev slow; sample, 4131c. Kye quiet;
No. l,'77c. Piovisions lower. Pork, $11 47J.
Lnrd, $7 05.
DDI UTU Wheat No 1 hard, cash, 79c;
July, 80c; Septembei, 79c: No. 1 Northern,
cash, 77&C; Jnlv, 77Jc; September, 77c; No.
3 Northern, cash, 69c; No. 3, 00c; l ejected,
50c: on track. No. 1 hard, 79c; No. 1 North
em, 77'c.
TOLEDO-Wheat active; No. 2, cash81c;
July, S0J.c: August, 79Jc; Septemher, sue
Com dull and steady: No. 2. cash and July,
51c; No 3, 47c: No. 4, 39c Oats quiet; No. 3,
cash 34c; No. 2 white, 3oe. Eye dull; cash,
NEW OBT.EANS Sugar, open kettle, none
in fli st hands- centritugal strong: choice yel
low claimed, 4c; prime, 3 15-16c; seconds, 2
3c. Molasses nominal.
Home Grown Berries at the Best, and
Ponltry a Shade Lower.
At the Diamond maiket frnlt and vegeta
ble stal's trade lor the week is reported
good. Home grown raspberries have
reached their best, and now is the time for
canning, as prices will not likely be any
lower this season. Blackberries and melons
are now better In quality than they were a-
week ago. Vegetables of all kinds are a
shade lower than last Saturday. Tomatoes
are very much reduced In price. With the
decline In prices quality of vegetables offered
shows steady improvement. Tennessee
potatoes are now to tbe front in liberal sup
ply at $2 50 per barrel. Home grown potatoes
are behind their average time this season
owing to tbe backward spring. By another
week they will be to the front. Poultry Is in
better supplv than it was a week ago, and
prices have declined. Butter and eggs are
practically unchanged so far as retail mar
kets are concerned. At the flsli stalls sup
ply has Deen short of demand of late: .lake
salmon has been unusually scarce all tho
week. Snpply of soft shell crabs and frogs Is
also far short of demand. Fiourists report a
quiet week's trade with prices unchanged.
Following are latest retail prices of mar
ket basket materials:
Meats Best cuts of tenderloin steaks, 23c per
lb: sirloin. V
sisc; standing no roast, jooioc;
chnclt roast, 810c: corned beef, 8c per lb: spring
lamb. 1520c: leg chops. 25c; leg of mutton. 12c
for hlndanarter and 8c forforeanarter: loin of mat-
ton, 15c; lamb chops, 2025c; stewing pieces, 6c per
lb; veal roasts, 1215c per lb. and cutlets, 20c;
pork chops, 12c, and steaks, 10c.
Vegetables and Fbuit Cabbage, 5l0c; po
tatoes, 20c per halt peck; green beans, 10c
a quarter peck; peas. 25c a half peck; bananas,
1520c a dozen; lemons. lo20c per dozen;
oranges, 4050c; lettuce, 3 for 10c; new beets,
3 forluc: Bermuda onions, 15c, a quarter peck;
encumbers, 3Cc apltce: canlinower. L5:5c
apiece; apples. 20c a quarter peck; tomatoes, 15c
a pox. 2oc a quarter pecfc; rhubarb, 4 bnnches for
10c: asparagus. 5c a bunch. 6 for Ztt: egg plant.
1525c apiece: green onions, 4 bunches for 10c:
gooseberries. 2 boxes for 10c; raspberries. 2 boxes
tor 25c; red raspberries, home-grown. 15c:
cherries. S boxes for 25c: California cher
ries, 2535c; roasting ears, 40c a dozen: sweet po
tatoes, 25c a quarter pecx: watermelons. 25i0c
apiece: Ann Arundel cantaloupes, 10(al25c each;
Louisiana, 4050c each: apricots, 20I3-5C a box;
peaches. 25c a box: currants,ioi2c a box; huckle
berries. 18c a box; wild plums, 10c.
Butter AND EGOS-bood creamery. 2J23c per
lb; fancy brands. 2G(S;7c; choice country roll. 17
18c: good cooking butter. 12c: fresh eggs. 17lac
per dozen. ,
Poultrt Llvechlckens, 75c$l 00 a pair; spring
chickens. 60070c a pair: live turkeys. l.V15c per lb:
live ducks, 8090c a pair; dressed chickens, 1820c
per lb.
Fish Following are the articles in this line on
the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 10 to 15c; Cali
fornia salmon, 35 to 40c per pound; white fish, 12
to 15c; herring, 4 pounds for 25c: Spanish mackerel,
3aWe per pound: blueflsh, 15c; halibut. 20c; rock
bass. 25c; lake trout. 12c; lobsters. 20c; green sea
turtle. 20 to 25c; oysters. New York counts, $1 75
per gallon; shacl, 73c to $1 00 each; Mackinaw
trout. 12c per pound: frogs. $2 00adozen; clams,
$1 50 a gallon: soft shell crabs. 75c to $1 00 a dozen.
Flowers L.a France, $1 25 per dozen; Slermets.
$1 00 per dozen: Brldes.fl OOpcr dozen: white aud
yellow roses, 75c per dozen: hostes,l 00 per dozen;
Jack roses. II 25 per dozen: carnations. 35c per
dozen: American beauties. 35c each: smllax. 25c a
yard: jwcetpeis. $1 50a hundred: Illy of the val-
it:, fi uu peruuzen; jvuraium lines, joe apiece.
The Drygoods Market.
New York, Julv 8. The demand for dry
goods as a whole was moderate at first
hands; but there were good-sized sales in
various lines of cotton and woolen goods.
Articles selling pooily lasc season are lower,
as are goods coming in competition with
foreign makes. Otherwise theie is no
Interesting Exercises of the Seventh TJ. P.
Church in Allegheny,
The corner-stone for the proposed new
Seventh IT. P. Church, Allegheny, was laid
last evening with interesting ceremony.
The site is located on California avenue
near the Superior street bridge. The
grounds were brilliantly lighted, and the
novel service of laying a cornerstone at
night was witnessed. A large number of
persons were present, including almost the
entire congregation. The pastor, Rev. G.
W. McDonald, opened with prayer, and
the exercises were then conducted by
Eev. Dr. J. "W. Witherspoon, assisted by
several other clergymen. Kev. Dr. Robin
son was expected to attend, but he was not
able to do so. In the stone were placed
some coins, papers and the hymn and prayer
books of the TJ. P. Church.
The church when completed will be a fine
one. It is situated on a pretty lot, and will
be constructed from white stone and pressed
brick. The building will be of Gothic ar
chitecture, two stories high and have a
pastor's study and class room. The cost is
estimated at $15,000, nearly all of which has
been guaranteed by pledges.
The congregation was organized about 12
years ago by the present pastor, who was
then a divinity student. He conducted
mission services on Beaver avenue, and in
a few years gathered such a congregation
and aroused snch enthusiasm that they
built a iiame chapel on Strawberry lane.
A Colored l.'aby Fatally Bart and Aban
doned on the Street.
A colored child about 4 days old was
found Wednesday morning at the corner of
Eebecca and Grant avenues, Allegheny, by
a man going to work. The child had been
comfortably dressed by some one, but not
left without injury. The infant was taken
in charge by Mrs. Paine, at No. 9 "Webster
street, Allegheny. Mrs. Paine, believing
the child sick, called Dr. G. A. Mueller to
see it, who pronounced it very ill, and it
died a short time after. Dr. Mueller, upon
examination, found that the child had been
injured by a stroke on the head. Coroner
McDowell held a partial inquest yesterday,
when it was determined that the. child's
death resulted irom concussion of the brain
from a blow. The inquest is continued in
the hope of finding the murderer.
from the system,
the standard
blood-purifier and
tonic. It
Cures Others
will cure you.
Hay, Grain and Commission,
Consignments of
and orders for prain.
John M. Oakley & Co.,
Direct DTlvate wire to New Yale and Chi
cazo. Member New YorK, Chicago and PItti
burs Exchansos.
Local securities bomrhtvid sold' for cut
or carried on liberal margins.
Investments made at our discretion anl
dividends paid quarterly.
Interest paid on balanoe (stnos 1335).
Honey to loan on call.
Information books on alt markets mallei
on application. ' te7
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
SPECIALISTS in all cases re-
a Hiring scientific and confl
entlal treatment. Dr. S. K.
Lake, M. K. C. P. S , is the old
est and moat experienced spe
cialist in tho city. Consulta
tion free and strictly confi
dential. Offlco hours, 9 to I and 7 to 8 p. m.;
Sundays, 2 to 4 p. m. Consult them person
ally, or write- Doctors Lake, cor. Penn ar.
and Fourth it., Pittsburg, Pa. JelO-82-DWic
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta'
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Fig3 is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its "action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs i3 for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist wm
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
At old residents know and hack llle T
Pittsburg papers prove, is the oldest estab
lished and most prominent physician iu ctis
clty.devotlng speoialattention toall chroma
ponsiblaj MtTPUnilQ anJ mental dis
peron H L.H V UUo eases, physioil de
cay, nervous debility, lack ot energy, ambi
tion and hope, impaire t memory, disorderel
sight, self distrust, baslifulness dizziness
Kleenlessness. pi-nnles. eruptions, impovep.
ished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspeDSla. constipation, consumption,
unfitting the person fortmsine,society an1
marriage, permanently, safely and privitely
frfiiBLOon and sKiNsdieI9r
eruptions. blotches,fallinT halr.bones.nala?,
glandular swi-Ilin-j'. ulceration of t!i
tongne, mouth, throat, ulcer, old sores, ar
cued for life, and blood poisons thoroughlj
eradicated froin DM A RV Mlnev ana
the tyitem. Umnfrtn I jbladder de
rangement weVe bac'-c gravel, catarrhil
discharges, inflammation and other painful
symptom receive searching troamsnt
promptrellef and real curei.
Dr. Whittler1 life-Ions extensive experi
ence tnsires cientlfle and reliahlo troit
menton common seas? principles. Consulta
tion free. Patient) ata distance a9 carefully
treitadasif here. Offloa hours, J t. v. tot
p. it Sunday, 10 a. . ta I p. if. only. D3
WHITTIEK.8Ul'enu avenue, .Plttsbar.?, i?-i
. Thi npent TTw""llI Twntt1v
&&9 I'roniDtlr and oermanentlT
cure all forms of Mrcoits
ltftlcness.bmiSioi$t bpr
witorrtim, Impotency and
all effects of Abwte trr Lx
cesses. Been prescribed over
35 years In thousands ot
cases; is the only Reliable
rwi Honest Medicine known.
AftfeLdrtigelsi for Woor-
Before ardAfii
TC avd After. Phosphudixe: if heefa.
come wonniess medicine m pi-"". c ms
iil honest slore. inclose price irlwltrrV-a we will
iend brretnrn mall. iricc, one packijre. 51; six.
to. (me frill vfrnte; tnx w. cure. I'amphlet in
nla.Int,'le1 envelope. 8rmps- Address
Ill A ooJvrard .1 venue. He troll, Mich.
-ff-Sold In mtsburjr br
deir-11-eodwfc 412 3Iaret street.
A cure for riles. Fvternal. Internal. Blind. Bleed.
Inr and Itching. Chronic. Itecent or Hereditary.
TMs remedy has positively never been known to
fall. Jl a box. s lor J. bv mall. A pnnMee given
with six boxes, when purchased at one time, to re
fund the S3 If not cureil. Miied hr K3III, a.
hTUCKY. Druori-it. Wholesale and Setaii Agent.
Nos. 1401 ami 1T0I Tenn are., corner Wrhe are.
and Fulton St.. Hmborir. I'a. Use Mncky
lJIarrhcea Cramp Cnrf "S ind ",1 cts. Jal-!-ecl
-We send tho marrflonq Trench
Kenedy CALTHOS Irev, and a
l'al gnarantee that Caithos will
ATOP D'Mharzes A Eml..Ion,
CURK nermalorrhen.1 aricoeels
and KE-TORE Lot Igor.
Use it and fay 1 satisfied.
Aiiiri.M,VON MOHL CO.,
Sol. Katriaa Agent, Clarinaall, Onto.
A remedy nsed for many years by an old
phsician ivitn great success. It is a per
fectly safe and reliable remedy and is sno
cesstnllv used at a monthly corrective by
thousands of ladies. Uevrare of imitations.
Ask for Dr. Jlott's Pennyioyal Female Pills
and take no other, or enclose 31 and wa -will
mall you a box securelv scaled in plain pa
per. Trice $1 per bo-v, sir for $3.
Cleveland, O.
Sold at wholesale and retail by Jos. Fleming
& Son, Pittsburg, Pa. de31-rrs
The ereat Span
ish Kemedr, 11
sold -VITft .
toenre jail nerr
ons diseases, such
' as Weak. Memory
BrroniE and ATTTH csrvo. Loss ofBraln Poir
-tt akrfiilncs'. Lost "llanhood. NIRhtly ttmlsX
Nerronsness.Lassltnde.au (Inlns and los of pi
of the (Jc-.crative Orftins It cither sex cansi
OTer-exertion. Tonthfnl errors, or excessive 11
tobacco, opium or stlirulnnts. 51 penacka
mall-'; forS.". With every 5 order we (n
MONEY. Spanish MeJIcine Co.. Madrid, s
and Detroit, lich. I or sale by JOS. FI.EJI1"
SON. Pittsburg. ceSJ-JG-M-I
With Electro-Magnetic Suspensory
Latest Patents! Best Improvements'.
Win care without medicine all Weakness resaltln
from over-taxation of brain, nerve rorces. e
cesses or Indiscretion, as exhaustion, nervous d
blllty. sleeplessness. languor, rheumatism, k
ney. liver anil bladder complaints, lame back, li
bago. selatlca. general Ill-health, etc. Thl3 E
trie BVlt contains wonderful Improvements c
all otBers. and gives a current that Is lnstautl
by wearer or we forfeit (5.O0O, and will cure
he alove diseases or no pay. Thousand'
been cured bvthls marvelous invention a'
olheitremedlef failed, and we give hnndi
testimonials in this anil ererr otherStale
TEN JlItY. the greatest boon ever otfere
FREE with ALL I1ELTS. Health anl
ous strength GU A K ANTEED in SO to 90iUv
for lloJtrateU pamphlets, mailed, sealed
No. tia Broadway, New
&H JF f rufpy
r wild jauamiacig
jidy?."'- .K&SJjfCt&Xd
y .