ST ' WB!59WHBiWB95'MMOPpTWWWeWRwfifc!ftBK53s5 liM fT lattjMJRHffi JE-jPffi m?&n TALK OF THE TICKET. WliatSome Well-Known Pittsburgers Think of the Xomisation. NEARLY ALL SEEM SATISFIED. Republicans Consider tt a Weak 1 iclcet and Lxpect to Win. DEMOCRATS CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS The people who went to bid at a late hour on Wednesday night were satisfied that the Democratic Convention at Chicago would not nominate a candidate for Presi dent. But there were other people who had faith that the convention would not adjourn without making a nomination, and it was thev who sat in Iront of the newspaper offices until broad daylight. "Their patience wa rewarded by the announcement that Clevelaud had been nominated. A patient crowd it was, for during all the -lone; hours of the night when the Democraer in the Chicago Wig wam were listening to the nominating speeches, they sat or stood watching the bulletin boards. When the States were being called to make known their prefer ence lor President, the sleepy crowds awakened and frequent cheen stirred the air. The filial announcement of the nom ination ol Cleveland had hardly the effect of stirring up much enthusiasm there were a few cheers, and then the tired and sleepy patriots went home. The session of the convention yesterday attracted but little interest in Pittsburg. The only comment was upon the nomina tion of Adlai Stevenson for the second po sition on the ticket, the idea being that Governor Gray, of Indiana, would receive the honor. Vt liy Gray Lost His Clianc-. Old politicians, however, agreed that the adjournment of the convention settled Goernor Gray's chances. They agreed, though, that had the convention taken up the question of a nominee for the Vice Presidency after the nomination of Cleve land, Gray would have been the lucky man. What some well-known Pittshurgers have to sav upon the Democratic ticket is given below: William Witlierow (ltep.) I consider the Democratic nomination most satisfactory lor the Republican party. Tlie nominee lias the aggressive antagonism of the strongest taction In the Democratic party. ana this alone Is enough to prac tically assure Republican victory. 31 r. Cleveland was tried by Tammany once before, and as for benefiting or assist ing the members of that powerful organiza tion he proved a most lamentable failure, and they will let things co by the board. A campaign is an expensive luxury when the indulgers fail to receive any benefit theie from, and the Tammanyites are not the men to give something for nothing. On the other hand, the Hepublicans, while they lament the failure to put Blaine at the head of the ticket, are too shrew d pblitically to permit their peisonal grievances o interlere with the Miccess ui the party, and will work dili gently and faithfullv to elect their candi date. .1. W. Montgomery, fltep.) The fac tional fight in the Democratic party wilt, in my estimation, at least, counteiact" anidif feiences of opinion among Hepublicans to sncli an extent that Harrison will bo elected ithcae I think Harrison will carrv the State of Xew York with scarce an effort. I am plea.cri, from a Republican standpoint with the Democratic nomination. Cleveland a Strong Man. James B. Scott (Hep.) Cleveland is with out doubt the strongest m in tho party could nominate, but 1 have little hesitancy In pre dicting a great success for Harrison and tho llcpublican party at the coming election. 1!. C Wilson (I'ep.) Cleveland is strong, but Hanison is stronger with the voters of . the country, and I piedict a victory for him from Maine to California. J. D. Scully (Dem.) The nomination is the strongest that could be made, and I believe Cle eland will be elected by a large ma jority. B. P. Jones, of Jones & Laughlin, and ex Chaimian or the Republican .National Com mittee, said that he was glad that Cleveland had been nominated, and that tho Demo crats hid adopted n free tmoo plank in their platfoun. "For the fir-t time," said ho, "the Democratic party had come out openly for free trade. The people know just exactly where it stands, and will be able to govern themselves accoidingly. The Democratic party has declared In tavor ot throwing the gates wide open and giving loieign manu facturers the light to send their products into this country free of duty, thus enabling them to compete with manufacturers ot the United States. The question lias been brought squarely to an issue, and no woikman who has his future welfare at heal t will vote to place himself in the posi tion now occupied by the poorly paid em ployes of foreign manufacturers. The in ertion of tho free trade plank in the Dem ocratic plattoi in is a good thing for the Re publican j .arty. Harrison Will Easily Win. State Treasurer Morrison said that if Cleveland couldn't win with all the national officeholders and Tammany at his back, lie would surely have little chance next No vember. John Knnis (Dem.) remarked that Cleve land would be licked out of his boots, thougn he would, as a good Democrat, vote lor him. Thomas J. Keenan (Dem.) believed that Cleveland would be elected by a ma jority, and that berore election day all the taction-, in Xew York would be concil'ated. Kx-Councilnian 1. M. Carr (Dem.) Well, there's not much of a choice for us Demo crats. Cleveland is not much more ot a Democrat than Harrison, only a little more on the free trade line. Xew Tork won't support him and he can't be elected Dr. Johuson, of Etna (Dem.) lam glad to hae another opportunity to vote for the great tariff reforniei. He is to my mind the greatest man in the country, is stronger than be was lour years ago, and will suiely be elected this fall. Mayor Gourlej There is no doubt but that Cleveland is the strongest man In the Democratic party, and they showed their wisdom b naming him. He will give Har lison a hard fight, but I believe reciprocity will elect llRlTiunn tii.virthpliGu George Miller, Secretary Republican Conn- I .. v..u.u.....u ...v. c. MBH UiltO glrjl us an easy maik. We will Imvp no more trouble in defeating Grover thi? year than we had lour jears ago. I predict Harrison's majority in the State this lall will be 100,030. Chief llronn-1 have no more desire to see Mr. Cleveland President than 1 did lour or eight years ago. The poonle o: this conn ti j- want a safe, conservative government-no radical changes no tariff reform nonsense. I can't see upon what grounds tlieDemocrats base their claim that Cleveland will be elected. Kour yeaisaio, with the national patronage at his command, with all the ad vantages that gives, and with th name of being the first Democrat elected inn quar ter of a century, Cleveland was defeated. W hat has he done in years to Rtreiu'thnn him? How can he hope to win with the conditions transposed? Harrison, with the officeholders at his back, and the Democrats ot New Yoik against him, Mr. Cleveland w ill pass into oblivion after next Xovember. One Vy to Look at It. B. C. Christy (Rep ) It is a peculiar fact that the Republicans of the South, who can't elect anybody, nominated Harrison, while the Democrats or the South, who represent solid States.nomlnated Cleveland. )ou can guess tho result. J. J. Miller (Dem.) Cleveland is the best man the party could have selected and is sure to win against such n ticket as Hani son andltcid. Every advantage is with us this time. Clc eland is the logical candi date. He rai-ed the Democratic party to the enthusiastic place it holds to-day by giving it an l'.sue. l lie people Know nut In him they will find a thoroughly honest, capable and patriotic man. They know that under lus administration no business in terest will suffer. Tho policy of the Demo cracy is ri lit because It is honest. Cleve land will carry Xew York. The Indiana man will cairy his own state and we will get nine votes Irom Michigan. There is a strong opportunity for carrying some of the cstern and Xorthwesfern States. John K. Large (Dem.) Never liked Clove land very much, but lie is sure to win this Jail. William nuntcr (l)cm.) In spite of Hill's solid vote, Cleveland will carry Xew York and will bo the next President. If Cleve land can't win this time, there never will be a time when lie can. William Reardon (Dem.) Cleveland can not be beaten, lie is right on the two great questions money and tariff. This is a year tor the Democrats to win. In speaking of the ticket n. W. Hartman said he believed it an alien combination from first to last, and quoted from a late .English letter: "The American branch of the work' will not be built this season. They will nwait tho result of your elections, as will several other proposed American factories. If the Democrats elect their President we will keep all these good tliings-at home." "On the whole," concluded the Ellwood magnate "it is going to be a struggle of the greatest importance to American manufact urer and workingmen." Ir. for rtntvocs Exn action Ue Ilo-slbrd's Acid Phosphate. II. C. McCoy. Algona. la., says: "I have used it in ca-es of dyspepsia, nervous ex haustion and wakefulness, with pleasant results. Also think it of great service in depressed condition of the system resulting from biliary derangement." Volksbrao. Genuine unadulterated lager beer Is manu factured from pure hops and malt by the Eberhardt & Ober Brewing Company. This beer being strictly pure is specially pre pared to reach all demands for a summer drink. Bottled and on tap at all first-class restaurants and saloons. wrsu Ladles Belts. Stylish new metal belts, woven wire belts and new Bernhardt and double bodice belts, all colots. Very stylish now. See them heie. Jos. Horse & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. KEW ADVERTWEMKNTB. '. i&Ztfs-JlJ.'XK Who Will be pv Who Will be jre -rojnsn- - jfjfrfgr JfBW ADVERTISEMENTS. " -TT Large as a Dollar Were the scrofula sores on my poor little boy, sickening and disgusting. They were especially sevore on his legs, back of bis cars and on his bead. His hair was so mat ted that combing was sometimes Impossi ble. His legs were- so bad that sometimes tie could not sit down, and when ho tried to walk his legs would crack open and the blood start. Physl clans did not effect a nre. I decided to give him Hood's Sarsapa rilla. In two weeks the sores commenced to heal up, the scales came off, and all over his bodv new and healthy flesh and skin formed. When he had taken two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla he was entirely free from sores." HiRRr K. Rcbt, Box 356, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Joseph Ruby. Our Next President, StaJp Our Next President, HARRISON 0- CLEVELAND? AND WHAT WILL BE THE WINNER'S MAJORITY ? To the closest guesser we will present free of all charge, a complete set of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRlTANNlCAl Including the American Supplements, making 28. Volumes in all, beautifully bound in Half Russia. The retail price is $2 a Volume, or $56 for the whole set. It will cost you not a cent to guess, and you risk absolutely nothing; so. send in your name and address, to gether with your guess. We, will keep a record of all guesses, and will ,after, the election ap point a committee ot three prominent citizens to make the' award. The books are now on exhibition at our stores. Come and examine them, and while here take a look at our SPECIAL 11 1 11 r 11 1 11 11 ni KAUMHANNb BARGAINS IM FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Honrt' Pills are a mild, centle,patnless,safe and efficient cathartic Always reliable. 25c CARPETS, WALL PAPER. Wilton Carpets, Axminster Carpets, Velvet Carpets, Body Brussels Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, And all kinds of Ingrain Car pets. Everything new in style, choice in color. All at SPECIAL LOW PRICES. ' Wall Paper in every quality and style for wall and ceiling. Special styles in choice colora You should see our stock be fore you buy. Daisy and Violet Wreaths, formerly 25 c, only 10c. 75 boxes Imported Wreaths, formerly sold at $1.25 and $1.50, reduced to 50a 12 boxes extra fine Imported Wreaths reduced from $1.50 to 75 cents. 100 boxes Monture Sprays, newest; prettiest and most stylish of the season, only 25a We have purchased a large lot of Straw and La:e Hats, in all the newest shapes, formerly sold at, 75c, $1 and $1.25, all go at the uniform price of 25c nLLiisrEnir. Odd Milan Hats, heretofore sold at $1.35, $i.5o,only 50c. New Sailor Hats, more fashionable' than ever, at 2c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 and $2. 1,000 Trimmed Sailor Hats, worth 50c, reduced to 15a .200 Misses' Trimmed Leghorn Hats, marvelous for beauty and cheapness combined, only $1. . 2 lots Trimmed Hats first is at $3, only $1.85; the other is $4, only $2.50: $10 SALE OF M '5 AND BUSINESS T WORTH $13, $16, $17, $18r$19 anft $20 Will be continued until 10 o'clock and to-morrow night, IR, BBOITS 200 pieces latest style Polka Dot j trimming Sailor Hats, -only 25c a yard. Ribbon, now used for 400 pieces Ribbon in all colors, widths and styles, far below regular price, at 20c, 25 c, 35c and 50a LARGE LOT OF STRAW BRAID, 10 'CENTS A YARD. GEO. I. SUN, 136 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. api-xwr ATToirr. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Fine Rowing Shirts, regular price each $2.50 at. . . . $1.00 Fine Bowing Shirts, regular price $2.60, at 1.00 Fine Gvmuasium Shirts and pants, regular price eachSiSO, at : .'.... 2.00 Bicycle Pants, regular price $4, at. 2.00 .Fine Madras Oxford Shirts, beautiful patterns, all new styles, .regular price $1.50, at 1.25 Fine Madras Negligee Shirts, choice patterns, regu lar price $1.25 at ". 98o Fine Cheviot Shirts, regular price SI, al. 85c Flannelette Shirts, regular price 50c, at 35o Good Xieht Shirts," regular price 50c, at 38o The celebrated "Star" Shirts, laundered, sizes 15J, 16, 16U, regular prices $1.50 and $2, at 1.00 One lot dollar Shirts slightly soiled, at 68c Medium weight Undershirts, reduced from50o.... 25c One lot Balbriggan Undershirts, short sleeves, sizes 40, 42 and 44, reduced from 50c to 25c English Half Hose, regular made, gusseted, worth 25c, at : 12ic Initial Handkerchiefs, worth 18c, at 12c Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, worth 12c, at.. 8o One lot Scarfs, reduced from 25c to 12c HANDKERCHIEFS. M"S WE ARE NURSING Our trade and we Guarantee our goods by' special warrant. Although our store Is the smallest, our stock and sales nre very large. VOLTAIC DIAMONDS Patented and leiristered March 24, 1891, are the only known "Crystal Bnlliants. l'rices as follows: RINGS, $4 50 to $18. feTUDS. $2 75 to $10. KAKDKOPS. $4 50 to $15. l'l.S.$2 50to$3. On account of the immense number or con testants we cannot decide our writing con test until July 1. B. E. ARONS, Jeweler, 65 -b3L Aire. Our Illustrated Catalogue mailed fiee. Jel9-MWT8U fflrfl T 11 i 1 Children's Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, worth 3c, only. Ladies' Colored Bordered Hemstitched Handker chiefs, worth 7c, only Ladies' Hemstitched Initial Handkerchiefs, worth 20c, only Ladies' Embroidered, Scalloped and Lace Edge Handkerchiefs, worth 15c, only Ladies' Colored Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, worth 35c, only LADIES' GLOVES. lc 4c 12c 10c 19c 50c 119 KOEHLER'S Installment House feoccipytliG entire Milfli 17 Clothing on Credit! (Ready-Made & to Order.) LADIES' CLOAKS & JACKETS, . Watches & Jewelry, ON INSTALLMENTS. Gasb Prices Without Security. TERMS: One-third of the am cront purchased must be paid down: the balance in small veckly or monthly payments. Business transacted strictly confidential. Open dailr, from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Saturdays ul UP.M, 4-button Suede Kid Gloves, worth $1 8-button length Mousquetaire Kid Gloves, worth $1.25 C8c Black Lace Mitts, worth 20c. 10c Black Silk Jersey Mitts, worth 25c 18e Black Silk Jersey Mitts, worth 50c 40c Extra Long SilkMitts, black and evening shades, worth $L 68o Extra quality Silk Gloves, worth 65c... 41o CHILDREN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR. Children's Gauze Vests, all sizes, regular price 12Kc, at 15c Children's Fine Bibbed Vests, high necked and low sleeves, of the celebrated American Hosiery Co., reduced from 75c to 50c Children's Pepperell Jean Drawers, in sizes 24 and 26 only, reduced from 75c to. 15c HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Lawn Mowers, 12 inches, warranted steel knives, at $3.98 "Window Screens, frames 19c Screen Boors, all sizes, at reduced prices. Fly Fans, every one warranted 1.98 Fly Traps,' wire or glass 1 18c Cherry Seeders 48c Ice Chests, medium sizes , 4.95 Garden Sets, complete. .'. 15c Gas Stoves 45c Jelly Tumblers, with tin tops 3c Lemon Squeezers... ......... . 5o Lemonade Straws, per package .-... 10c OH Stoves, best in the market. 59c Van's Boot Beer, 3 bottles for 25c LADIES' APRONS AND WAISTS. "White Lawn .Aprons, with lace and embroidery, worth 35c. 21c "White Lawn Aprons, Hemstitched and lace trimmed, worth l'Jc . '12KC luc three plaits in front, worth 50c 25c Percale Waists, extra quality for the price, worth G3c. : 42c "White Lawn Aprons, lace trimmed, wortb15c. Calico Waists, light colors, LACES, AND EMBROIDERIES. Children's Hemstitched Swiss Embroidered Skirt ing, worth 50c, only.... 25c Ladies' Hemstitched Swiss Embroidered Skirting "worth 60c, only'. "25o Demi Flounce, Point de Irlande Lace, worth 50:, only 30c Extra wide Torchon Lace, worth 15c, only 10c CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. Brown Bibbed Hose, full regular, sizes 6 to 8, worth 25c 10c "Block Bibbed Hose, worth 25o 12'c Black Hflse.regnlar made, worth 25c 19c Black "Onyx" Hose, worth 40o 29c Black Lisle Hose, guaranteed stainless, spliced knees and soles, worth 63c 48c CHILDREN'S GLOVES. 4-button Kid Gloves, worth 85c 68c Colored Silk Taffeta Gloves, worth 35c . , 25c Black Pure Silk Gloves, worth 63c 48c Extra quality Black Taffeta Gloves, worth 50c ' 39c Lace Mitts, black and colors, worth 18c 10c Silk Jersey Mitts, worth 25c 19c LADIES' HOSIERY. Balbriggan Hose, seamless, worth 15c 10c Fancy Hose, black boots, worth 18c 12KC Black Bibbed Hose, worth 25o 18c Black "Onyx" Hose, full regular, worth 25c 19o Black Bichelieu Bibbed Hose, Hermsdorf and Onyx dyes, worth 38c 25c Fine Lisle Hose, plain and fancv, worth 50c 42c Black Silk Plated Hose, worth 75c 50o LADIES' SUMMER UNDERWEAR. Bibbed Vests, in pink, blue and cream, worth 18c. . 10c Bibbed Vests, ecru only, worth 25c 18o Extra quality Vests, Egyptian cotton, worth 40c. . . 25c Fancy Lisle Vests, assorted colors,regular price 63c 48c Silk Vests, low neck and sleeveless, in black, cream, pink and blue, regular price $L 75c Silk Vests, extra quality, regular price 5L25 98c LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Muslin Chemise, beautifully embroidered, worth $1.25 A.. 75o Plain Muslin Chemise, corded bands, extra sizes, worth 75c , , 55c Fine Cambric Drawers, trimmed with Toichon lace, worth $1.25 75a Fine Muslin Drawers, wide embroidery, cluster of tUcks, worth$1.50. '. 98o Cambric Nightgowns, beautifully embroidered, worth $2 , fl.25 Muslin Corset Covers, high neck, worth 18c 9c Muslin and Cambric Corset Covers, trimmed with embroidery, worth 50e 25c Fine Cairfbric Corset Covers, beautifully embroid- ered, worth $1.50........ 75c ' INFANTS' GOODS. Infants' Mull Caps, worth 20c 5c Infants' Cambric Slips, trimmed with embroidery, worth 50c 25o Children's Lawn Gamps, sizes 2 to 6, worth $1 50c Children's Cambric Gamps, embroidered yoke, worth $1.38 75c Infants' Short Dress, tucked yoke, worth jl.25. . . . 98o Infants' Bubber Diapers, worth 25c . . . t 15c PANS. Pocket Fans, in black, red and tan, worth'15c, only 8c Children's Feather Fans, in red, blue, pink, white and cream, worth 38c, only 21c Fine Black Satin Fans, worth 75o, only 44c Black Satin Fans, beautifully painted, worth $1, only , 69c Silk Gauze Fans, in black, white, Ted, pink, old gold and slate, worth $1, only 65o CORSETS. Summer Corsets, never sold under $0c 35c Ladies' Hand-Sewed Corsets, in white, drab, cream and gold, worth 50c 25c Ladies' French "Woven Corsets, embroidered busts, sizes 29 and 30, worth"75c 25c Ladies' Genuine 500-Bone Corsets, sizes 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, worth $1 25 58o Misses' Corded Corsets, all sizes, worth 50c 25c BELTS.. Leather Belts, strong and serviceable, worth 15c, only ,., lOo Fine Leather Belts, worth 35c, onl. 19c Extra fine Leather Belts,, regular price 65c, only. . . 43c NOTIONS & SMALL WARES. Good Stockinette Dress Shields, worth 10c 5c Good Stockinette Dress Shields, large size, w'thl2c 8c Black Skirt Braid, worth 5c 2a Covered Dress Stays, worth 15c a dozen 9c Covered Dress Stays, worth 8c a dozen. 4c Good quality Belting, worth 25c apiece. 15c Taffeta Ribbon, worth 18c apiece. 12c .Darning Cotton, worth 10c a dozen 5c 'Good Cotton Elastic, worth 8c a yard 4o Best English Pins, worth 10c 5o Initials for Marking; Linen, 3 dozen on a card, worth 10c a card 3c Cotton Corset Laces, worth 8r & dozen 4c Dexter's Knitting Cotton, 200 yards on ball, worth 8c a ball 5c Shoe Buttons, worth lOcagross 5c Hook and Eye Tape, worth 15c a yard 6c Hooks and Eyes, 2 dozen oi card, "worth 3c a card. . lc Corset Clasps. -?-oc 4c Misses' Side Sucporters. worth 10c ..... 5c English's Best Needles, worth 5c a, paper 3c uood lilacK bUK isuttonnoie Twist Lindsay's Sat etv Pins, worth 5c a dozen Commo'nsense Hair Crimpers, worth 5c a dozen.. Good Shoe Laces, worth 5c a dozen Celluloid Thimbles, worth 4c Tape Measures, worth 5c , , Turkish Wash Bags, worth 3c Turkish "Wash Bags, worth 5c Black Spool Silk . every man taking advantage of this special offer will have the best barrain of his life. There are over 1,200 Suits to choose from, consisting of Cassimeres, Cheviots, Worsteds, Serges, etc, cut in single and double-breasted Sack and Cutaway Frock styles. Not one, mind you, is worth less than $15, and many are worth every cent ot $20, bu if you come before 10 o'clock to-morrow night; $10 will buy your choice from all. ' f , ' V 1,000 Pairs Men's Fine CnstGff ae AT ONLY Dress Pants, f oi $5 ani ft $3 FOR. Choice. These fine Trousers are made of choice Worsteds, Cheviots and Cassimeres, in very latest light and dark stripes, checks, small plaids and mixtures. KAUFMAN NS' FIFTH AVE.ANDSMITHFIELD ST. lc 3c Cc 3c 2c 3c lo 2c 4c MATERIALS FOR FANCY-WORK. Tinsel Embroiders, regular price 3c a ball, only... lo Loraine Cushions, stamped, regular price 10c, only. 5c Stamped Cotton Splashers, 27x17 inches, regular price 12c, only 5c Stamped Linen Tray Covers, 27x18 inches, regular price 20c, only 120 Stamped Drill Table Covers, 27x27 inches, reg ular price 40c1, only ;" 24c Gobelin Squares, regular price 60c, only ... A 35c Stamped Drill Table Covers, 36x36 inches, regular price 38c, onlv 19c Children's Stamped Bibs, regular price 10c, only... 4c Children's extra fine Linen Bibs, regular price 15c, only. .' 10c , Columbia German town Wool, regular price 25c a ' cut, only 19c a cut, or per pound $1.50 Worsted Lambrequin, fringed, regular price 50c, only 25c One lot Silk Cord reduced from 18c a yard to. 5s One lot Silk Cord reduced from 8c a yard to. lc One lot Chenille Cord reduced from 16c a yard to. . 5c Beat Irish Stramore ArkThread, regular price 50c perdozen, only 30c Best quality Crochet Silk, all colors, regular price 35c a ball, only 29c Best quality Boman Floss, regular price 50o dozen skeins, only 35c Best quality English Twisted Embroidery Silk, regular price 50c a dozen skeins, only 35c Best Filo Selle Silk, regular price 50c a dozen skeins, only.-. 35c Best quality Bope Silk, regular price 50c a dozen skeins, only 35c Best Ecclesiastical Silk, tegular price 50c a dozen skeins, onlv 35c Best quality Embroidery on spools, regular price 12c a dozen, oily 8c WASH DRESS GOODS Will play an. IMPORTANT PART in this week's sales. At present we have a WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT, ranging from 3c, 5c, 8c, 10c, up to 370. ' 100 Pieces Best American Woo! Challies, None but the newest patterns, at the "give-away" price of 15c ?er Yard. DOUGLAS &MACKIE, 151. 153 AND 155 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY leMot wy D ON'T be misled by low prices sometimes they're too low. That is to say, really good, meritorious cloths cannot be produced to your profit if the sewing and trimming is inferior and tne cloth improperly treated. Our aim .has been and is to give none but good, and at as low cost as con sistent with good materials and fair prices for work manship. Suits to Measure, $20 to $30 that are en tirely satisfactory. 1AI & 01 NO. ANDERSQy nLOCK. 39 SIXTH STREET. Je2l 'WELL BRED, SOON WED." GIRLS WHO USE 504, FLEISHMAN & CO., 506 AND 508 MARKET STREET. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. .. SAPOLIO ARE QUICKLY MARRIED. TRY IT IN YOUR NEXT HOUSE-CLEANING. " apiMg-MTTT THE MERCANTILE AGENCY R. G. Dun & Co.,- Westlnghonse Bulldlnir, corner Penn Ave. and Ninth St., Pittsburg, Pa This establishment aunnlies all necessary Information as to the standing, responsibil ity, etc., ot business men throughout North America. It is tho oldest and by far the most complete and extensive system ever organized for the accommodation of Bank ing and Mercantile interestsand the General Promotion and Protection of Trade. Debts Collected and l.egal Husiness at tended to throjixhout the North American ontinent. vat CHESSMAN'S SI.M SPECTACLES Are recommended by all who have tried them. IftfotY rf?i iMicia mfiismsm ICANNOTBE DISTINGUISHED' HfeFRflM THE NATURAL UNITARIAN PUBLICATIONS TRKB -Addraas Miss Vary Lyman.. 1 Ofcklasd 6quare, Pittsburg: CHESSMAN OPTICAL COMPANY, 12 Federal street Allegheny, Pa. Je21-TU3U