Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 24, 1892, Image 1

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    Costing yoa Ten Cents ckc!i lime
will usually bring yon thetcnant
yon desire Tor yonr spare rooms.
One Grand Kick Made by the
Backers of. All the Fav
orite Son Booms.
Kot Enough to Go Around Among
All to Whom It Was Promised.
And Only Illinois Democrats ire Satisfied
With the Eesult
Whitney Comes in for a Sound Scor
ing: The Hoosiers "Were Positive
Their Man Would Get There This
TimeCurious Combination of Circum
stances That Nominated Stevenson
Rumors That Tammany's Aid Was
Given Only to Tie a Millstone Around
Graver's Neck The Tiger None Too
WeU Appeased by the Privilege Ex
tended Him of Naming the West
ern End of the Ticket Increased Re
publican Majorities in New York
Predicted by Democrats.
The Democratic National Convention of
189J lb oer. Grover Cleveland is the
nominee of. the pirty for President and
General Adlai Stevenson for Vice Presi
dent General Stevenson's nomination was far
more of a surprise to the country and to
his party than that of Cleveland. It
doesn't seem to be meeting w ith the ap
probation of the party that was expected.
Indiana Democrats, particularly, are
displeased. They thought Governor Gray
had a sure thin of the nomination, after
his withdrawal as a Presidental candi
date. Tammany assisted materially in the
nomination of the tail of the Cleveland
ticket, and is therefore in a measure ap
pealed, but not placated.
The anti-Cle eland leaders profess loy
altj to the ticket, but many of them ad
mit they have an up-hill fight ahead of
They-Thlnk They Sold Out Their Cnndld ite
for President for rfothiog Promises to
dominate Him for Tlce President That
VTera.Nptgpl; '' .. -C
Chicago, June 23. Ihere is one dele
gation in Chicago to night in a more dis
gusted frame of mind than that of New
York. It is from the State of Indiana.
The Hoosier Democrats are not speaking in
loud tones. Their feelings are too intense
lor adequate expression. Not onlydotbey
believe that they have been trampled upon
and defied, but they have a firmly fixed idea
that they have been duped and deserted in
a manner which they characterire as being
little, if any short, of a confidence deal or
bunko game.
The nomination of General Adlai E.
Stevenson for Vice President, while not un
expected by politicians of the inner circles,
and its probability long since intimated in
Ihe Dispatch, came as a surprise that
amounted to a shock to the great mass of
the Democracy assembled in the convention
It had been taken for granted that the
action of Indiana in withdrawing its candi
date for President at a critical juncture of
the canats had insured the nomination of
Isaac P Gray for second place. But other
influences, some of a very diverse character,
were at work, and the ambition of the
Hoosier ex-Governor was once more doomed
to encounter a crushing disappointment.
CroverV Combat 1 Ith thn Dements.
No one who was in the uncouth "Wigwam
on the lake front lor nearly a dozen hours
lat night will eter forget the experience.
The very elements Jought with the candi
date w horn his almost idolatrous iollowers
delight to call "The Man of Destiny." No
sooner had Goternor Abbett presented the
name oi Groi er Cle eland to the conven
tion than crashing thunder and pouring
rain descended upon and enveloped the vast
barn where the representatives of a great
party were assembled lor deliberation and
decision. The water poured through the
irail roof, adding to the confusion among
both delegates and spectators.
The carefully prepared arguments and
flowery oratorical efforts which had been
depended upon by Tammany and its allies
to stem the tide were lost to nearly all but
the stenographers at the side of the speak
ers, who, with lehement eloquence, told
why the ex-President could not be nom
inated without disaster to the party.
Even when the storm did partially abate
the great crod had become so restless that
it reiused to listen to the speakers for more
than a few morrents at a time. Henry
attcson, though one of the heroes of the
free trade victory of a few hours before,
could not secure undivided attention while
he announced that he had finally decided to
cast his lot with the farmer statesman of
ISnnrke Cockran's Fruitless Appeal.
ot until Bourke Cockran rose to make
the final fruitless appeal was perfect order
secured. The rain had ceased, and those
who were not inclined to listen with sym
pathy did so out of curiosity. All recog
nized that the crisis of the convention was
near at hand, and all wondered whether
Tammany clear water would be able to
change the current.
Everything that one man could do was
done. With a pathos which, if feigned, was
still marvelously realistic, the skillful
speaker pleaded with the delegates at his
feet not to insult and defy the organized
Democracy of the Empire State. With
strong rhetoric and clever juggling of facts
and figures, and no timidity in mentioning
names, the logctian pointed out the vote
getting weakness of Grover Cleveland as
compared with David Bennett HilL With
- W piUMlMMi WWfl,.-
implied threats, carefully veiled under pro
fessions of narty fealtv, the politician
warned his almost breathless hearers ot dis
aster if no heed should be paid to the formal
voice of New York. With desperation the
Tammany representative proclaimed that
the Sachems were willing to abandon their
clever chieftain and unite on any man save
Totes That Spoke Loader Than Words.
With trembling voice the resourceful
wire-puller begged for at least deliberation
and delay, in order that even more vigor
ous assaults could be made on the unbroken
column of the opposition. But the address,
remarkable and impressive as it was, did
not change a single souk No one answered
it in words, but a few minutes later the
large majority of those to whom the appeal
was directed attested their lmpresslveness,
determination and belief in a manner which
admitted of no misinterpretation.
Still a little later when the weary dele
gates and spectators filed out of the Wig
wam doors they were greeted by the first
rays of the morning sun golding the tops of
Chicago's towering structures, and the
Northern sky was gleaming with a magnifi
cent aurora. The superstitious called at
tention to the fact that while nature's
showers had added to the discomfiture of
Grover 'Cleveland's enemies she was now
smiling in the hour of his triumph.
The last day of the struggle was the most
doubtful. Tammany's rally after defeat had
been practically conceded a most remark
able one, and to the eyes of many threatened
to snatch the victory from the grasp of those
who imagined that they had it so well in
Powerful Pressure Brought to Bear.
All day, and during the entire night ses
sion up to the time when the deciding bal
lot was cast, powerful influences were bring
ing all possible pressure and inducements to
bear nnon those delegates reirardin? whose
position there was'the slightest uncertainty
or the faintest hope of change.
The brushing aside of the majority tariff
plank reported and supported by some of
Cleveland's friends was a cause of anxiety
even to those who had previously been as
sured that the struggle was over. Under
all the circumstances it is wonderful that
the ex-President on the first roll call should
only have fallen less than 10 votes short of
the estimate of 626 telegraphed to The Dis
patch a little more than 24 hours before
the State of Alabama cast the initial ballot
for the nomination for the highest office in
the United States.
Where the defection of almost anr State
or the desertion of a single powerful leader
could have turned the scale, it is difficult
for any one, almost for any one element, to
claim all the credit of success. But certain
it is that no influence was more powerful
than that exerted by Pennsylvania. Had
the G4 delegates of the Keystone State come
to Chicago In behalf of a favorite son, or
even divided in allegiance, the result could
hardly have failed to have been far differ
ent ' The Unit Bole Caused the It-snlt.
As J. M. Guffey remarked, just before
leaving for Pittsburg to-night: "If it had
not been for Pennsylvania's unit rule the
convention might have been still balloting
a week from now."
Secretary Harrity, though, failed to land
his followers upon the winning side in the
contest for second place. The Pennsyl
vania leader was faithful to the agreement,
either expressed or implied, with the friends
of Isaac P. Gray, and cast 64 votes for In
diana's ex-Governor.
When the convention was slowly assem
bling for its closing session the air was filled
with rumors as to tne nomination lor vice
"President. On one-hand it was asserted
that the Cleveland men had abandoned
Gray for Mitchell, of Wisconsin; on an
other, that Morse, of Michigan, was the
coming man, while both reports were stren
uously denied.
Asa matter of fact, the defeat of the
Hoosier candidate and the choice of General
Stevenson were due to a peculiar combina
tion of circumstances. The New York dele
gation, beaded by Tammany, which was
very friendlr to Gray, felt bitterly toward
him to-day, because they believed that his
retirement from the Presidental field had
contributed largely to their confusion.
Various Causes of Stevenson's Success.
This sentiment was echoed by the dele
gates from Colorado, Iowa and other States,
who had opposed the ex-President to the
end. Then, from the Cleveland column,
Stevenson secured the solid support of his
own State of Illinois, with a number of
votes from neighboring Commonwealths.
In the South, too, there were a number of
delegates, perhaps, against Gray on account
of his former Republicanism "and radical
army record, who had been in pleasant re
lations with the First Assistant Postmaster
General of four years ago.
All these causes operated to secure for
Stevenson on the first ballot a vote which,
while not even a majority, was largely in
excess of that for any other candidate. As
soon as this was ascertained the desire not
to be left in the cold caused a stampede of
the delegation to change their votes to the
leader, which soon gave him two-thirds and
carried the nomination.
During the changes which it was soon
very evident would defeat Gray, Pennsyl
vania stood .firmly by its chosen candidate.
Once when Hensel rose to watch the prog
ress of events, Harrity thought he was, as
Chairman of the Keystone delegation, pre
paring to join the stampede. "I wouldn't
do that," quietly remarked Harritv, refer
ring to what he thought was an intended
change of the announced vote. "Not until
it is settled, and then if it goes against us,
we can join in the movement to make it
Pennsylvania Sticks to the Last.
Hensel explained that he had no desire
to change the record, but was merely keep
ing an eye on the situation. A fe minutes
later, the necessary two-thirds having al
ready been secured, Pennsylvania's At
torney General seconded th'e motion to
make the nomination by acclamation. The
Keystone delegation was about the only one
for which the Hoosier Democrats retained a
friendly feeling.
The effect ot the choice of Stevenson on
the assembled Democrats was, of course,
varied by location and sentiment, but in the
main the result was depressing. Some even
professed to believe that the New York
votes had been thrown as thev were pur
posely to weaken the ticket and make the
campaign one of illusive rainbows, others
Spinted out that both New York and In
iana, considered so vital to Democratic
success, had been snubbed and the pleas of
their delegates iciored.
The Illinois members of the party were,
as was to be expected, in a more cheertul
lrame of mind. They believe that the nomi
nation of Stevenson pleases his State, which
recently gave a Democratic majority on
local issues and elected the Legislature
which made Palmer a Senator in the doubt
ful list in the national contest.
No Free Trade Talk tor Illinois.
This idea, though, had but few adherents
among the Democrats from other localities,
and is laughed to scorn by the Republicans
of Hlinois, who freely assert that the contest
will never be uncertain while a free trade
plank like the one adopted last night is the
leature of the platform of the opposition.
In the lair ot the tiger to-night there is
ill-concealed hostility to the ticket. The
ordinary braves scarcely make a pretense of
hiding their sentiments', and are still mak
ing the same arguments against Cleveland
and his availability that they so persist
ently advanced during the canvass. The
intelligence that Hill had telegrasaked
thanks lor the great effort to prevent the
disorganization of the New York Dem-
m mwsiii .im. isiw m tm hm isiv nmiw hhiiiv.iiiv mw mwv sn m ihh hw mw -y m v t - m mw -v- h -hw .
r w r s,
Ml ft '?$ " I 'ftWSr tCtt.
ocracy was not calculated to allay this feel
ing. The schemers, thongh, had evidently de
cided to put the best face possible upon the
situation. Practically all ot them, in one
way or another, pledged their support to
the ticket nominated by the convention.
Bourke Cockran declined to make a formal
statement, but Edward Murphy said: "We
have the hardest campaign of fighting to go
through that ever was undertaken. In a
few short months we have got to overcome
a remarkably strong prejudice."
Tammany's Support Promised.
Richard Croker said: 'Tammany Hall
will do its share toward supporting the
Democracy and making it triumphant."
J. F. Ridgway was not so emphatic in
declaring for harmony. "I want to go
home," he said, in a meek tone of voice.
"I am heartily disgusted, and the sooner I
get away front this howling Cleveland mob
the more pleased will I be"
While Tammany was feeling glum the
California delegates, whose headquarters,
are just across the hall, were holding a royal
reception in honor of Cleveland's nomina
tion, and opening case after case of Cali
fornia's liquid product. The "Braves"
made a parting call on the Callforniaps. and
when they shook hands and ,sald good-bye
there was little wine or punch reft The
Californians seemed pleased at the way the
Tammany men helped themselves, and de
clared their only fault was their opposition
to Cleveland.
Among the Iowani, those sturdy fellows
who crowed for Boies from morn to night,
there is little inclination to rebel at the
choice of the convention. Cleveland was
Faxthful to tte Latt.
the man for them if they could not obtain
the nomination for their Governor. They
made no secret of it, therefore they have no
kick coming, to put It vulgarly, but em
phatically. Some or thn Inwans Contented.
"We are satisfied," says John F. Duns
combe, who nominated Boies. "We had
vast hopes for our candidate, but though
they proved disappointing, we firmly be
lieve that the convention did the wisest
thing it could in selecting Grover Cleve
land. Another time we may be
more fortunate. As for the future
of Boies,"; continued Mr. Dunsconibe,
"a year from next January we will
put him in the National Senate. His
term ot office as Governor expires then. He
is too useful a man to bury in the shade of
a Presidental nomination. I fancy that if
the country at large was as well acquainted
with his qualities as we of Iowa are, he
would not have been brushed aside so light
ly. Iowa will work for the nominee as
though he had been drawn from within her
own borders, and she is not feeling bitter
toward any one." '
Edward Campbell's views are slightly
different. He says: "It we could not get
Boies for President, I wanted him named
for Vice President, with Cleveland, and
that nomination, I believe, we could have
secured. The majority of our delegation
were opposed to the step, though, and
hence no effort for second place was
made." .
Gorman's Faith In the Democracy.
Senator Arthur P. Gorman, of Maryland,
and the Solid South, said and said with a
smile: "Whatever a Democratic Conven
tion does is right."
Senator Lilly, of South Carolina, who
told The Dispatch so recently that Cleve
land could not possibly carry his own and
several other Southern States, is more con
servative now. He says: "We will do all
we can for him. If his fool friends quit at
tacking the Farmers' Alliance in South
Carolina, there is a fighting chance for
Cleveland in the State."
Hoosier Delegate at Large Jewett said:
"Cleveland and Gray would have certainly
carried Indiana against Harrison aud Reid.
The result now is not so certain."
The New York delegates who do no, be
long to the Tammany organiza
tion were not much more enthusi
astic than the representatives of
the tiger. Governor Flower said:
"lam a Democrat. I shall support Mr.
Cleveland, so far as is in my power," he con
tinued gruadedly. "I think that Tammany
will stand by him to a man." The Gov
ernor was very caretnl to disclaim any re
sponsibility for Tammany, and hastened to
say: 'il am not a member of Tammany
id an.
Judge H. P. Cantwellj of Franklin J
. . J.'Or y,Vfl,v
county, New York, savs: "I consider the
nomination of Mr. Cleveland an unfortu
nate affair for the Democratic party. My
county generally gives a Republican ma
jority of 2,000. I believe this vear that
Mr. Harrison will get 2,500 to 3,000. Of
course I will cast my vote for the Demo
cratic nominee, but I will not. as usual, en
gage in any active work for the party.
James L. Dempsev. of Clinton, N. Y., re
sponded to a query thus: "I am a Democrat
and will vote for Cleveland." .
"Will you work for his election?"
"I feel like saying no to that question just
now. However, I may change my views
later. I can say posrtively, though, that
my county will give a.lafger Republican
vote than it did four years ago."
Whitney, Harrity, Dickinson, Vilas and
those -v ho followed them to victory here,
of course profess the utmost confidence of
success in November.
To-night, with as much enthusiasm as
could be expected, considering the incle
mency of the weather and the condition of
the streets, the nominations are being rati
fied by marching columns and cheering
crowds. Bancroft.
Talk of Whitney and Harrity for Mana
gers or the Campaign The Ticket First
Named in The Blip itch by Al Car
lisle, a TVhoIa Month Ago.
Chicago, June 23. The exodus is in
full progress. In fact, it was inaugurated
early this morning, when numbers of those
who had no particular reason to be enthusi
astic over the situation shook the dust, or'
rather the mud, of Chicago from their feet,
and left to explain matters to their respective
constituencies. To-night delegation after
delegation is marching to the special trains
in waiting, and at midnight a large portion
of the immense crowd of boomers which
came here imagining it would influence the
results one way or another is on the rail
homeward bound.
The new National Committee held a
meeting this evening, but, according to
usage, adjourned to effect a permanent or
ganization at a later time, when the candi
dates shall have beendefinitely ascertained.
The gossip now runs in the direction of
AVhitney as Chairman of the National Com
mittee, and Harrity for Chairman ot the
Executive Committee.
One politician of a practical turn put in
thus: "Whitney will make an excellent
man for advice and counsel,and particularly
to raise the all-necessary funds. Harritv
is just the man to djtbj work ana
spend the money in the manner to secure
the best possible results."
Neither Mr. AVhitney nor Mr. Harritv
will admit that any arrangement of this
nature has been considered vet. The combi
nation, though, is one which finds favor in
the eyes of many of the leaders.
Al Carlisle is in a good frame of mind.
As proof of his success as a politician he is
exhibiting a clipping from The Dispatch,
of an interview had in Pittsburg a month
ago, in which he named Cleveland and
Stevenson as the nominating ticket in the
Democratic Convention. Mr. Carlisle re
gards the nomination for Vice President as
a strong one, aud is very hopeful that it
will insure the large electoral vote of Illi
nois to the ticket named to-day.
The almost continuous downfall of rain
for days past, broken only for a brief season
at daybreak this morning, has caused some
of the disgusted ones to remark that even
I the heavens were weeping over the action
'of the convention. Tnis was replied to by
an enthusiastic Cleveland Democrat from
Kentucky who has been repeating many
times to-night the familiar Bourbon prov
erb: "Rain makes corn, corn makes whisky,
and whisky makes Democrats. '
Ills Little Daughter and Vr. Cleveland
Flrase Him ith Telegrams.
Chicago, June "23. The first telegram
which Mr. AVhitney received to-day was one
from his little 5-year-old daughter, which
read thus; ,
Newport, R. I, June S3.
Three Cheers for papa. Doiiotht.
Dorothv is the little girl in whom Mrs.
Cleveland showed her interest by suggest
ing the name she bears. Mr. AVhitney was
delighted'with the message, more than even
the following, which he received Irom Mr.
Cleveland himself:
BrzzAHD's Uat, June 23.
W. C. Whitney:
I must say to you, and thronli yu, to
those whq have acted with 3 ou, that I have
a grateful nppieciatlon ot the efforts nnide
in my behalf, and that my admiration Is un
bounded for the pi udence, sagacity and gen
eralship of my friends in Chicago.
Grover Clevklahd.
Speaking of tho result, Mr. AVhitney said
to-night: "I regard Stevenson's nomination
as giving strength to the ticket, because, as
Assistant Postmaster General under Cleve
land, he was very popular with the rank
and file of the party, and he
still retains his popularity. In regard
to Tammany, there is no bad blood between
the New York Democrats. I have received
a call from Croker, who assured me that he
was a sincere friend of the 'ticket, I have
talked with all the New York men since,
and they express a readiness to go back to
He Offers Openly to Put Up SIO.OOO on tho
President's Ke-Election.
Philadelphia, June 23. Senator
Quay, alter breakfast to-day, started down
town. He met Collector Cooper and ex
Sheriff Kern, and stopped for a chat. The
topic of conversation naturally turned to the
action ot the Democratic Convention and
the nomination of Cleveland.
Senator Quay expressed himself as satis
fied and confident that Cleveland would be
easily beaten. As he turned to enter bis cab
the Senator remarked to ex-Sherifl Kern:
"I will bet 910,000 that Harrison is elected.
If yon know anyone that wants to bet, send
him around."
Youngstown Uomocrut 'Ratify.
YOUNOSTOWN, June 23. t&peeia!. A
Democratic jollification was held in this
city to-night over the nomination of Cleve
land and Stevenson. Enthusiastic addresses-
were delivered by prominent Dem
ocrats, which was followed by a display of
fire works amid cheers for the National
Democratic ticket,
The Solid South.
rostlng yon Ten Cents emdttta
will usnally bring you the tenant
yon desire tor yonr spare reows.
three CENTS.
Like Cleyelaad's Ifyniinatioii,
the Business Was Done
in but One Ballot.
Bat the Convention Thinks" Best to
Placate Tammanj Hall.
Michigan Delegates Speak; for Their
Chief Justice Morse A Kentnckian
Favors Stevenson Because Ho la a
Believer in the Spoils System Gen
eral Bragg, of Wisconsin, Trots Oat
Mitchell Boie3 Spurns the Office
Changes of Votes Saves the Neces
sity for a Second Ballot The Story
as Told by the Figures.
tBY associated ntxss.l
Chicago, June 23. The Democracy of
the Nation named the Presidental candi
date, but it remained to Tammany Hall, of
New York, to name the candidate for the
rice Presidency. Illinois, the EJtate whose
48 votes at the critical stage turned
the tide in favor of the nomination ot Gro
ver Cleveland, and New York, the State in
the face of whose protest the great popular
leader was named for the Presidency,
clasped hands to-day through the inteven
tion of Hon. William M. Springer, of Illi
nois, and the bonds of friendship between
the Empire and the Prairie States were ce
mented by the nomination of A. E. Steven
son for Vice President.
AVhen the day opened, all was in doubt as
to the selection of a candidate for A'ica
President. Every delegate that was yester
day identified with the opposition to Gro
ver Cleveland was fonnd to be arrayed in an
even more vehement opposition to the can
didacy of Isaac P. Gray, of Indiana.
Tammany Thirsts for Revenue.
There was a general desire on the part of
these disconsolates to wreak vengeance on
the Indiana delegation for falling in line
for Cleveland at the very time when their
opposition would have given so much com
fort and substantial encouragement to those
who had been making frantic endeavors to
prevent the ex-President from getting the
two-thirds vote necessary for his nomina
tion. So It became early manifest that what
ever agreement might have been entered
into by the Cleveland leaders of New York,
Pennsylvania and other prominent States,
to give them Gray and the Vice Presidency
in return for the support of Indiana for
Cleveland, there was going to be very de
termined opposition by the delegates gen
erally to the consummation of this pro
gramme. Before daylight the AVisconsin delega
tion had the lobbies of all the principal
hotels pasted with placards bearing the in
scription:. "For President, Grover Cleve
laiyi; for. Vice President, John L. Mitch
ell," and it was at once known that the
millionaire Congressman of AVisconsin was
a candidate for second place. Michigan,
too, suddenly came to the front with a can
didate in the person of the one-armed vet
eran, Hon. Allen B. Morse, an eminent
jurist of that State. .
Springer Brings About the Alliancs.
It was at this stage of affairs that Hon.
William M. Springer, of Illinois, the dis
tinguished Chairman of the AVajs and
Means Committee of the National House of
Representatives, determined that the anti
Cleveland men should not be entirely ig
nored. Hon. Bourke Cockran, of New
York, is one ot Mr. Springer's most active
lieutenants n the Wavs and Means Com
mittee, and Hon. John R. Fellows and
Governor Flower, of the New York delega
tion, have been the Illinois Congressmans
colleazues in the House of Representatives,
so that when the tariff reformer declared
that Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois,
should be presented as a Vice Presidental
candidate, he found the New York delega
tion kindly disposed to give him co-operation.
At the conference of the Ne-v York dele-
Lgation, held early in the day, Mr. Springer
was present and announced authoritatively
that Illinois would present General Steven
son and cast its 48 votes for him for the
A'ice Presidency. AVhat took place at this
conference no one knows; but when the dis
tinguished Congressman emerged he an
nounced to his fellow-Democrats of Illinois
that the 72 votes of New York would be
cast for Stevenson, and that victory was as
sured. The- Deal Kept a Profound Srcrot.
To the convention at large, the intentions
of the New York delegation were a secret
until that State was reached on the roll call.
Up to that time Stevenson and Gray .were
leading with about equal strength, and
Morse and Mitchell were following in about
the order named. There was a period of
almost breathless silence when New York w
was called, and the slight hesitancy of the
Chairman ot the delegation in responding,
tended to the intensity of the interest
"New York has 72 votes for Hon, A. E.
Stevenson, of Illinois," said Governor
Flower, and pandemonium broke loose in
the enthusiasm that this remark inspired
from the thousands of Illmoisans that
thronged the galleries and crowded the
corridors and aisles.
The remainder of the roll call was but
formal. Stevenson at once began to make
rapid gains, and at the conclusion of the
roll call one State after another requested
recognition to change their votes to the II
linoisan. In a few minutes he had the two
thirds requisite for a nomination, and the
usual motion to make the nomination unan
imous prevailed amid the plaudits of the
galleries aud the wildest enthusiasm on
the floor.
General Stevenson himself was discreetly
absent from the floor of the convention
during the proceedings which were so vital
to him, and his place as the Chairman of
the Illinois delegation was temporarily
filled by one of his colleagues from the
Prairie State. .
He Represents the Spoils Svstem.
The nomination of Stevenson has done
much to allay the rancor of this National
Convention. Although a confidant and
great admirer of ex-President Cleveland;
he is the antithesis ot the distinguished
New Yorker in his position on the distri
bution of official patronage. Stevenson, as
the First Assistant Postmaster General un
der Cleveland, made a reputation for re
moving Republican postmasters and ap
pointing Democrats, which it required all
the. agility of Hon. James S. Clarkson, of
Iowa, to rival when President Harrison
made that gentleman the First Assistant
Postmaster Genera! t.nder the Republican
administration to undo. For this reason,
General Stevenson is exceedingly popular
with the verv element most active in oppo
sition to Mr. Cleveland, and the ticket
nominated by the National Convention of
1692 is a concession to both ef the great elf
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