w WTJSV ? 'Ttsewarw't 189a N-. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, FRIDAY. JUNE 10, 11 M$sngsrn SHOOTING OLD WELLS. Kitro-Glycerine Being Used to crease tho Production. In- DRILLING SEAR THE WALKER. The Output of McDonald Brought IJp Tea terdaj to 24,500 Barrels. TAKES SET OX FIEE BY UGRTKING The production of the McDonald field was up 1,000 barrels Yesterday. It was es timated by the gauges at 24,500 barrels. Glycerine was the cause. Wells were shot in every part of the field, and in nearly every case the output of the wells was in creased. "Wednesday there were only eight wells in the list of those reported to be making 20 birrels an hour or more and they aggregated 323 barrels. Yesterday there ere ten wells and thev only aggre t?d 315 barrels. The Walker No. 3 of Fitzgibbons .t Co. was shot and ran up to 150 barrels an hour. It was reported to be doing 115 barrels an hour vesterday afternoon. Tlietcrritorv In the region of this well Is to bo tlio-oiuhly tested. It lies on the west ern side of the pool, and may turn out to bo as prolific as the Wetmore wells, which are located about a tnilo and a half northeast of the Walker tarm. Drilling Near tho Walker. Greenleo & Forst yesterday secured a leise of the Noble heirs' laim, containing 56 acre-, lying southwest of tho Walker farm, nnd have started to build a rig 1,200 feet from the Walkci "o 3 of Fitzglbbons & Co. Wallace 4 l'atton's well on the school liouse lot.ualf a mile south of Willow Grove, was shot vesterday and its production -was brought up to SO barrels an hour. Gi-eenlee A For-t's "o. 3, on the Wade farm, located south of JIcDonaldwas shot nnd increased to 12 barrels an hour. Their Xo. 3, on the McM array lease, located south of the i-aihoad, between OakdaleandXoulcs towii. is due in the fifth sand to-day. The Koil Oil Companv's Xo. 1, on tho Mrs. KoWi larin, -onth of Willow Grove, Is due to got the Gordon and this evening. ;. . Wilson has old a fivc-cigths Interest in lour well nt Willow Grove for $20,000. The combined output or tho four wells is nlvout 2."i0 barrels a dav. I. M. Guffov & Co.'s Xos. S and 9 on tho ManLrdick larni at Willow Grove aredue in tl.eGordon sand to-dav. An jW-barrel tank belonging to the Koyal ta Company was struck by lightning Wednesday night at McDonald. There were barrel- of oil in the tank. It exploded with terrible effect. No one was injured. Other tanks took Arc, however, and about 2 060 barrels w ere lost. Tho McDonald Gsnges. The following estimates were submitted by thpgaugcrs of the Southwestern Penn sylvania Pipe Line Company: The production of the field was 24,500 or 1,000 more than the day before. The hourly gauges were as follows: Jennings, Guffey & Co.'s Matthew ' Xo. 3, 20; Lynch & Co.s Xo. 1 Meis , 2."; Oakdale Oil Company's Jlor pan No. 2, 35; J. M. Guffev A Co.'s Xo. 7 JIanke tick, 20: Xo. 1 McMicliael, 20: Brown, noui-oi A Co.s No. 3 Mc.Murrav, 20; rirM A Giecnlee's Xo. 3 Marshall, 20; Malar key s Co." No. 1 Freeman. 20: Wallace A JVittir No 1, 20; Fltzgibbons & Co.s Xo. 3 Walk. i. 115 Th stocks at tho wells are reported at S7.VLH barieK. Th' runs from McDonald Wcrtr.day were 28,123 barrels. Outside of 51c! nlo tlio fouthwest Pipe Line rans -rv 1H.3W National Transit runs, 3G.0G7; sliiini,. nts. 23 .151: New York Transit runs, S3,9Ui. -on 'In in Pipe Line runs. 8,947: Eureka run-.. 7 1 -": shipments, 2.BC0; Buckcyo shipment- l.i ra oil. 35,133; Buckeye runs of Lima on. 1011 barrels. IVatnrrs or i psterday's Oil Market. Tne New York and Oil City Exchanges eie open, but did very little business. There were a few sales at the latter place aind also in Pittsburg. Prices were nom inally steady until toward tho close, when tiiey weakrned a trifle on a disposition to lmliz"'. The opening was 54Jc: highest, ."4c; lowest and close, 54a There were 110 -iunses in refined. Nfw York, June 9. The petroleum market opetH-U -toady, declined c, and closed dull. Pennsylvania oil. -pot sales none: Julv od- tion Mile-, 000 barrels; opening: 55c; highest, 5c- lowest, MV: closing. Wc Lima oil, no sales. Total -ales, 8,000 barrels. Cirvrxs.'ND, June 9. Petroleum quiet; S. V 110, CHc: 74 gasoline, 7c;tC3 gasoline, 10c: CS naphtha, 5c. Oil Citv, June 9. National Transit certifi cate opened at Sljjc; hish est, 54J.J: lowest, MV closed. 54g. Sales. 47,000 barrels; clear ances, lfts.oio barrels: shinments, June 3,1, 5,0 ami 7. 3'j,8fi.1 barrels; runs, June 3, 4, 5, (i and 7,31.O07 barrels Shipments, June 8, 71,130; runs, June 8, ss,212. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Receipts and Shipments at East Liberty and All Other Yards. Office of The Dispatch, ) PiTT-ncnn. Tiicbsday, June 9. Otle Ilcceipts, 8i5 bead; shipments, 411 bead: market steady and unchanged; no cattle shipped to New York to-dav. Hoes Ilcceipts, 1,000 head; shipments, 2 COO bend: market firm: all grades, $4 S05 00; 12 caiso' hogs t-hipped to New York toKlas-. sBErr Ilcceipts, 3.S00 head; shipments, 40hcnd; maiketslow and shade off from yesterday prices. 15y Telegrnplu riilcago Cattle Receipts, 13,000 head; Shipments 4 500 Lend: market slow but fitexdj : best steel-, $4 251 75: others, $3 70 4 15: -t.ioke.s and fccdeis, $3 00g3 75: Texan-, 25.M no Micop Ilcceipts, 000 head; thti.im'iii-, U,J0 head: market a shade low er; clipped names and Westerns, $5 255 75; clip 'd Tf xaiis, $4 C3fJ4 .-5; spring lambs, S5 25JB6 2V Hogs Ilcceipts, 25,000 head: shin incuts, s.iflu li.ni: maikct active iftid 5c lower: mixed, H 704 85: prime heavy and butchers' wt-iguts, 4 b75 00: light, $4 55 4SL s. Ijnis Cattle Receipts, 1,690 bead; shipment, 3,100 head; maiket steady: no good native- on sale; common to fail, 2 HS3 S3- 1 exans, lair to good, $3 003 GO; iaiiiK-1-s, 52 0,fe-.J &0. Hogs Itecei.its, 2,400 lx-ad: -liipiiient-, 1.50U head; market 5 to lix- luslier: inn to best heavy. $4 65 4 "9: inix'd. inedimn to cood, $4 254 7u: luhl, i.in to best, H 504 7a theet Ko- ceipTs i .in, neau: smpments, i,oUO liean; niRiket stiong; lair to good muttons, $4 O0 5 i0. Nrw York Uceves Receipts, 025 head, all for cpoitcrs and slaughterers; no tiade: die i U-cI steady, 70: shipments CS0 1m-,-vi-s Calves Receipts. 1,203 heaa; mar k t lu-i: tfcals, $4 50i 50. Slieep Re tt i ,t -. 7,212 head: sheep steady: lambs 1 -m i sheep, H 25C 23 per 100 lbs; lambs. ; i - ii: Uicssed mutton steady at 10gl2c; m , J limbs slow at llgI4c Hogs Re ci it. t- 7 I'd head, consigned direct; market nominally steady at U 933 50. Kansas ( itT Cattle Receipts, 1,300 head: - I mi t -. 'nil i ad: maikct quiet and steady; -. s'.'5.i4 15 eows. f 2 ( 03 50; stockers ii ' , i- !! -, U 003 70. Hogs Receipts, 5,200 i. ' -l.nmieiitfi, 2,500 head; the market was iiiiim imU strong to 5c higher: all grades, -4 - 4 ', ouk, $1 55g4 75. Sheep Receipts, l.-i ...mi shipments, none; maiket stronz l-.i o.ni mutton with feeders steady at $4 75 (". U" lambs. $5 75. in, mniii 1103s stronger; common and li-l.t. -4 154 ,j; p.ickinsaiid butchers', H W) i., jo m-,Mits, i,730 head; shipments, 9S0 1. i-l i.it Ic steady at$2 2545; teceipts, wp h-.i ' -Hipments, igo hcau. Sheep ffrm ni f : 5ii 1 -. -10 -eceipts, 2,400 head; shipments, ,jj in I Lambs Ann; common to choice bin m, SJ 7.W7 50 per 100 pounds. 11 ool Market. li-TMT The demand for wool has beon gti-a'H the siles or the week 2,407,500 pounds. The mi. kit was steady and tlrm. The prin ci' 1 h-ps wereofnen. Spring Texas sold ut i' ifi-0' nnd new Calllornia at 13o pnncl pa i -N'' Teixltorv wools are 111 demand ,. . an se,iing at 1CQ20;, mostly lor line siiotiuu.. -coined bales, 5553o. "OtPffon ,,,, hi l,as '.eeii dull, with small lots ofEast t o seii.nat i5iSc. Western unwashedand t, tin i uant.iiiiis fleeces have been in good d-u.aiid and sold at 1825e as to quality, iilno and lVnn-vlvania fleeces arc dull and 11, sm ' - H-k at 27c for X and at 2Sg29c ;,irX 1 'I andaiKne, with Michigan X at -''fi-r ' ' died wools have been in good tl,. ,i.n-j s 3U'i4oefor mper and 2328o lor cxti"a- ombnig and delaine fleeces have been dii 1 1. but unwashed combing wools linw Oren selling well at 2527c for one qiiniei ii.d thi-eo-elghths. Australian wooH jj.n e ben fair There was a good trade In foreign carpet wools. Ir vour dealer does not keen Klein's Silver Age anu Duquesno ryes go to Max Klein, 82 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa where you ate ure of the cenuino. Complete cata louo mailed upon application. mri SOMEONE UNLOADING. Fmlr Ball News Met by Freo Offering- of Wheat Fluctuations Less Ylolent Corn Weaker and Dull Oats Steady and J-ower Provisions Higher. CHICAGO Wheat fluctuated less vio lently to-day than It did yesterday and closed somewhat lower. Tho oponlng price was about ?c higher than yesterday's final figures 011 rather unfavorable reports from the winter wheat belt, but there were free offerings, and It became evident that someono was unloading. This caused a sharp reaction and a decline of lUe. The weakness was added to by the fact that the demand from shorts was light and that cables were generally weaker. At the de cline, however, a better demand sprung up and a rally or K followed; but weakness asnln set in and the close was about e lower than j-esterday's. Corn was generally weaker, with a dull maiket after the first half of the session, June being relatively weakerthan the other deliveries. The market opened c higher on the cloudy weather here, but declined lc when the sun again shono. Later there was a rally or c, a decline of ic and nar row fluctuations thereafter, witu tho close He lower for July and KJo lower for June. Oats dull and rather steady, closing slightly lower. Pi ovisions opened strong and higher on the light run of hogs at tho yards; weak ened with grains, followed their fluctuations thereafter, and closed with fair gains in value. The leading futures ranged as follows, as cor rected by John M. Oakley Jt Co.. 45 lxth street, member- of the Chicago Board of Trade: IOpen-l High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lng. Wheat, Xo, 2. 1 I 1 June I K I 6S I S4V I 65 July MX S3H 84'iil " August S5S 85s. 85 85M CORX, XO. 2.... June 51 51 0 n Julv MX 50V 494 43i September 49t 49X 48 4S.H Oats, Xo. 2 June SJ 32 KH ZIH Julv K' 32 31 3ZH beptrmber. 31isj 32 31,S 31.4 Mess Poek. July 10 50 10 57K 10 45 10 57J$ September 10 65 10 75 10 62S 10 75 , liARD. Julv 6 40 6 42H 6 35 6 42f September C 55 6 57,1! 6 52 6 57tf SHORT RIBS July 6 3i 6 42 6 32J G X beptember. C 40 6 50 6 40 6 50 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Xo quotations. Xo. 2 spring wheat, 85c; Xo. 3 spring wheat. 79330c: Xo. 2 red, 87Kc Xo. 2 com, 51VC. Xo.2 oats. 32?c; Xo.2 white.36i36Kc: Xo.3 white,34?-4' 35c. Xo.2 rye, 80c Xo. 2 barley, 60c; Xo. 3, 1. o. Ii., 418J5GC: Xo. 4, f.o. b., 4012c. Xo. 1 flaxseed, $1 03 prime timothy seed. $1 29 G'l 34. Mess pork, perbairel, I0 57Ji10 CO. Lard, per 100 pounds, $6 406 42U. Snort rib sides (loose), $6 4K6 45: dry salted shoul ders (boxed), $5 255 37: short clear sides (boxed). $6 656 82J. ' Whisky, distillers' finished goods, per gallon, $1 15. Sugars un changed. On the Produce Exchange, to-day, the but ter market remained unchanged. Eggs, 14K15c NEW YORK Flour less active ana closing weak. Commcnl steady and quiet. Wheat Spot unsettled, closing easy; Xo. 2 red, 9SK 99?c afloat; 97&c$l 02U f. o. b.: Xo. S red, 92JCc: uneraded led, 75c$l 00: No. 1 North ern, 9I92J6c: Xo. 1 hard, &H'?-- No. 2 Northern, 86JJC: Xo. 2 Chicago, 9191c; options Xo. 2 led, June, 9091c, closing at 91Kc: Julv, 9293Kc, closing at, 92c; Aii!iust,y2Ji9jic, closins at 91c; September, 93K94c, closing at 93c: December, 90 96 7-16, closing at 9;c; May. If93, $1 00J 1 00, closincat$l 00. Rveeasieranddull; Western, 9198c. Corn pot unsettled and closing firmer; Xo. 2, 5SS58Ue elevator, 59 COc afloat: ungraded mixed, 5661c; options June, 57JJ5SJc. closing at 58c; Julv. 55 5n)c, ciosini: at 55Jic; August, 5455c. closing at 54Jj;c; September, 5455Jc. clos insat 54Jc. Oats Spots scaico. higherand quiet; options iriezular and quiet; June, 37Kc; Julv 37Ji37Kc, clo-ing at 37Kc: Au gust, 37j37JSe, closing at 37c: Xo. 2whito, spot, 4C47c: mixed Western, 3639c; white do. 4550c Hay quiet and ca-sj. Hops quiet and steady. Tallow steady arid a met; city. (?2 00 for packages), 4c Eggs quiet and barely steadv: Western prime, 1G lCJc; do poor, 1516e. Poik quiet and steady. Cutmcats firm. Middles quiet. Lard stronger and quiet; Western steam closed nt !6 65; options. June, $1 64 asked: July, $C 67, cloiii2at$G 66 bid; August, $6 73, clos ing at ?S 72 bid; SeDtcmbor. $6 SO, closins at $6 8J bid. Butter In fair demand nnd Arm. Chccso laiily active and easier. PHIL DILPIUA Flour Spring wheat null; winter arm but quiet. Wheat weak; Xo. 2 red, June, Jnl3 Auzust and Septem ber, 9230. Rye Xo. 2 Pennsylvania, 8V. Corn weaker; Xo.2, in export elevator. 55 55fc: Xo. 2 mixed, June and Julv. 3555-c; August and September, 5IJ55e. Oats Carlots quiet but steady; lutures, Xo. 2 mixed, 39;0c; Xo. 3 w hlte, 41c; Xo. 2 white, June, 4142c; July, 4041c; August, 3910e; September,3J39c. Pi ovisions Arm. Butter firm: Pennsylvania creamery extra, 17K 18c: Pennsylvania print, extra, 1922c Egss firm; first Pennsylvania,16c Cheese quiet; part skims, 67c. T. LODI8 Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat opened c higher, but soon turned, sold off c and closed c below yesterday; cash, 86c: July, closed 85c; August, 83?gc; December, 86c Corn followed wheat and closed c under yesterday; cash, 45Jc; June, 45c; Julv, 46Jc; September. 45kc. Oats loner; cash, 32c bid; July, 32(iSZc; Sep tember, 30-Xc- K'e. dull at 78c. Butter steady: creamery, 1317c: dairj-, llllc. Eirgs steady at"l2ie. Corn meal firm nt $2 602 65. Provisions Arm. Pork, $11 25. Laru, fO 156 30, according to grade. NEW ORLEANS Sugar firm! open kettle, choice, 3Jc; fully fair to prime, 3c; good common to good fair. 2 3-163c; common, 2Ji2 11-16C; inlcrior. CJc: centrifugal prime vellow clarified, 3X3 1316c: off do. 3 3c: seconds. 2 9-1643!c. Molasses firm; centrifugal, strictly prime, 19e; good prime, 1517c: lair to prime. 1013c: common to good common, C9c UALTl-viORE Wheat easv: Xo. 2 red, spot. 92t92?s'c: June. 92i'J2Kc Corn dull; mixed spot, 5o55Jc; Jui'e, 55c. Oats active and higher; Xo. 2 wnite Western, 4142c; Xo. 2 mixed do, 40)41c. Rye dull; Xo."2, S3e. Hay firmer. Provisions steady. Butter firm; creamery, fancy, 18c:dofairto choice, 1617c. Eggs steady at 15 16c. MILWAUKEE Flour steady. Wheat dull: Xo. 2 spring. 8SJfc Corn lower: Xo. 3 49c Oats steady; Xo. 2 white, 3GK37c; Xo. 3 do, 35J36e. Bai ley nominal: Xo. 2 in store, 57c: sample, 405ic Rve Arm and higher. Provisions flrmer; pork, $10 50; lard, $6 40. TOLEDO Wheat dull and lower; No. 2 cash and June, 92c; Julv, 90c; August, 8sXc Corn active and steadv; Xo. 2 cash, 52c; July, 51fc cash: Xo. 3, 31 Xo. 4. 47c; August, 52c. O.Us quiet; Xo. 2 cash, 35Kc Rye dull; cash, S2c - KANSAS CITY Wheat steady; Xo. 2 hard, 72K74c: Xo. 2 red, 80881c Corn very wean: Xo. 2 mixed, 43c: Xo. 2 white, 47c uats siow; ?o. 2 mixed, ai;32c; Xo. 2 white. 3233c. STOCKS AT LAST DECREASED, And as a Itesult a Better Metal Market Is Anticipated. Xew York, June 9. ISpecial The Iron Age will review the metal markets as fol lows to-morrow: Reports thus lar received show a net decrease In active furnaces of one coke stack and four anthracite stacks, while the charcoal furnaces show a gain or tw o throughout the entire country. The re turns or stocks of pig iron on hand are suffi ciently full to confirm the statement that the accumulation of stocks ha3 now been ar rested. The stocks of anthracite pig Iron have been reduced some 12,000 tons during tho past month. The furnaces of the She nango valley, the Mahoning Valley, Illinois and Wiconsin'havc decreased their stocks quito heavily. The foreign markets are reviewed by cable as follows: A large business in Scotch war rants has been effected without much varia tion in prices, English warrants for prompt settlement are scarce, holdeis being unwill ing to part with the same, owing to rapid decrease in stocks. Stocks of Scotch iron in store Have decreased to 440,000 tons and those of Cleveland iion oiearedown toM, 003 tons. Exports last month were 74,000 tons, against" 86,000 tons in May. Is9i. PiS tin prices have advanced XI 10, and moving tin rapidly on reported large purchases for American account and covering of short sales. Copper advanced early in the week owing to completion of arrangements to limit production by reducing output 5 per cent. The Coftee Markets. Xew York, Juno 9. Coffee options opened steady; closed barely steadv: sales, 13,000 has:, including June. 12.1512.20c; July, 12.00 12.10c; August, lL9512.05e: September, 11.95 tel2.05c: October, 12.u0c: December. 12.00 12.05c: January, lL95c; February, 11.95. Spot Rio dull and steady; Xo. 7, 1313Jc. Baltimore, June 9. Coffee qniet; Rio fair at 16Kc Xew Orleans Coffee quiet; Rio, ordinary to air, 14K17c The Metal Market. i New York. June . Pltr iron Ktrtv Copper dull. Lead quiet: doihestle, $4 15 xu. J.JH siotiuy; straits, j,i oJfazi uv, POINTS IN REALTY. Police Judge Leslie Joins the Great . Army of Improvers. END OP THE MYERS-WILSON DEAL. Extensive Bnildinfr Scheme Under TVay in the Wilkinsbnrg District. FEATURES OP MONET AXD SPECULATION Police Judge A. H. Leslie has purchased through the agency of J. 0. Eeilly, from Charles McKenna, Esq., the vacant lot, 125x105, corner of Pacific and Liberty avenues, for 57,000, upon which he will at once begin the erection of several handsome dwellings, to help meet the demand for this class of houses in that quarter. The Myers-WIlsou Deal. Vi. A. Herron & Sons closed the sale, and delivered the papers yesterday in the transaction between Mrs. F. B. Myers and A. H. Wilson for the property corner of Penn and Dallas avenues, Twenty-second ward. The lot is 156iS00 feet, and the con sideration is said to be about 545,000. Mr. "Wilson will lay the property out in nice sized lots, the plan for which is being pre pared by the above-named firm, who will put it on the market next week at very attractive prices. This is one of the best residence quarters in the eastern part ot the city, and is being bnilt up with comfortable homes with amazing rapidity. A Wilklnsbnrg Schema. A few 'Wilkinsburg capitalists, who are awake to the possibilities of that district, are figuring on the purchase of two or three acres of ground near Penn avenue, south of the railroad, with a view to the erection of a number ot nice, moderate-sized dwellings, for sale or rent, as may be subsequently de termined. The project is still in the paper stage, but there is a fair prospect of a iavor able issue. The rapid growth of Wilkins burg and its environs, and the scarcity of houses of the class indicated, would seem to justify such an enterprise as the one in ques tion, if not one of even greater magnitude. Yesterday's Building Permits. Nine permits were, issued yesterday for ten improvements, all estimated to cost $15,725. The largest are: Mrs. JIagdalena Koeghler, frame dwelling on Harkins alley, Twenty-sixth ward, 51,200; Pittsburg Lawn Tennis Club, frame clubhouse on Craig street, Fourteenth ward, 1,000; John Moore, two frame dwellings on Second ave nue, Twenty-third ward, 4,750; Jones New hagen, brick store and dwelling on Carson street, Twcnty-fitth ward, ?S,000. Special Features or Trade. The Messrs. Kaufmann are solving tho Firth avenue hump nroblem for themselves. At the last stock call yesterday It was an nounced that the Fisher Oil Company had contributed $100 to the C'l City and Titusvllle flood fund, making total contributions by members of tho Exchange to date, $1,214. Xo credit should be given to any report of a change or ownership or the Liggett block. The property on the northeast corner of Penn avenue and Wood stieet, .Wilkinsburg, has been re-sold to a Fourth ayenue real es tate broker. He proposes to cut it up into los suitable for business purposes, all except ing the corner to front on Wood street. The mo loss ot tne unuea states anu Canada for tho month of May amounted to $9,4b5.000, against $16,660,395 for the same mouth last year. Installment mortgages are doing a great deal to encourage home-bulldlng In Pitts burg. The system should be extended. Pleasant Valley "bids fair to reach the par mark in a dav or two. There was but little of the stock on tap yesterday at 2424JJc. At tho regular monthly meeting ot the Board of Directors of the United States Glass Company, Senator N. B. Scott, of Wheeling, was elected to All the unexpired term of the late William P. Shinn, and George Beatty, of Tiffin, O., that or T. C. uenicins, resigned. At the last stock call yesterday 109 was bid for Citizens' Traction 5's. Additional Points In Realty. The following transfers appear In the court records: Andrew R. Sloan estate to Guy P. McCandlcss, lot In Seventeenth ward, 186x157, Forty-seventh street for $16,SC0; Joseph T. Colvln et ux to August Munsch, lot In Sixth ward, Allegheny, 48x130, Locust strectwfor $14,500. John K. Ew ing & Co. sold toSamnel H. and David II. Wolff for Charles Marlatt a two story brick house of Ave rooms, with lot 18x 88 on West End avenue. Second ward, Alle gheny Citv. for $2,200. Black & Baird sold to William Armltage for Frederick XoacK a frame dwelling on the corner of Eckert and Bukewell streets, Eleventh ward, Allegheny, on private terms. John F. Sweeney sold lor L. B. Arnold a house and storeroom on Boggs avenue, Mr. Washington, on two lots, having a frontage of 24 ieot each on Boggs avenue, a paved street, and extending buck 107 feet to a street. The purchaser is D. E. Baer, C. T. Bcecknun has sold for the Larimer Land Improvement Company, on the Grand View Place plan, at Larimer station, Penn sylvania Railroad, 25 lots to A. L. Watkins for $5,000. Tho Burrell Improvement Company re Dorts the following sale of lots at Kensing ton: James Dickey, lot 43. block 4. $937 50; Timothy Gorman, lot L154, block 29. $340; Mrs. Rosalia Schaefer, lot 37. block 27. $1,103: James Dickey, lot 264,block 26, $975; Timothy B. Gorman, lot 1,169, block 29, $340. HOME SECURITIES. BUSINESS STILL SLOW, BDT PRICES PICK TJP SOJIEWUAT. Investors Coining Back to the Market Attempts to Evecnte Buying Orders Put Vp Prioes Nearly Everything Scores Gains for the Day. There was a dull stock market yesterday, but It was not altogether featureless. There appeared to be a liberal supply of buying orders, nnd attempts to execute them had a stimulating effect upon prices. Stocks closing higher for tho day woro Plpeage. Wheeling Gas, Fisher Oil, Central Traction, Citizens' Traction, Pleasant Val ley, Junction Railroad. Luster, Airbrake abd Underground Cable. The unlisted trac tions vi ero a shadcfiimcr. Philadelphia Gas was steady. There was no weakness in any part of the list. There were no sales at the first cnll. At tho second 50 Underground Cable changed hands at 74. Sales at the third call were 10 Aiibrake at 12PX, 10 Switch at 17. 60 Pleasant Valley at 24K. and 50 Duquesne Traction at 27. Tho general market Is thus described by an export: "The short interest gets bigger everv day and tho market is In a condition nowwhich would give anything like 'a rally on tho short interest the opportunity to de velop into a boom. Many stocksare selling for less than they are worth, for the reason that all tho hurrahing is on tho bear side, and quotations have been smashed irrespec tive of earnings and prospects." - Bids and offers at each of the three calls are appended: THIRD CALL. B A. EXCHANGE STOCKS. Alle'nv Nat. Bk. Cltireni'Nat.Bk T-.TCh'ire X. Bk.. 65V .... 644 67)1 ma.... 122 "l25 105.... 135 .... .... 131 68 .... .... 75 27,4.... 'is " 12 11H 12 1, 18 18X 1"4.... Kh mji 284.... 62tt 63 24"24X .(. .... 41 .... 8 3IH.... 50,4 314 50 51,4 First N. B.. Pp. Fourth at. Ilk. Liberty Nat. Bt VnnVIa Nat. Ilk. Third iat. Hank Enterprise Sav.. Armenia Iusur.. Omens" insur... People's insur... WVntern Ins. Co. Chartiers V. Gas P. N. U. A P. Co l'lilladclullia Co Wheeling Gas Co isner uuvo.... Central Trac... Citizens' Trac... Pbg. Trac Co... Pleatant Valley. Second Avenue.. Pbg. Y. A Ash.. Pbg. A Castle b.. Pg. Junction Ry. Pbg..Wli. AKv. N.Y.AC.G.C.C. Point Bridge Union Bridge I.aXoriaMinCo. 25 9H 9,4 LusterHluingCo Westing. .iec... Mon. Water Co.. U.S. AS. Co Westing. A. B.C Stand. D. C Co. U. S. G.Co.,com U. S. G. Co., p.'d 17X 17X 121 122 73.. FIRST SECOND CALL. CALL. B. A. B. A. 65H.... !ZrZi7' "844"" '.'.'.'. '.'.'.'. 175 182 1224 124 "" "isi '.'.'.'. 'ihi "27,4":. '.'.'.'. '.'.'.'. 20 22Jf 40 .1 11,4 12 .... 12 11 12 13 18)4 18 16)4 19 20 19 .... i2H 61 52)4" 61 28 29 02,4 63 624 63 S!ii 58i 21,4.... 24H 24f 50 41 .... 41 .... 8 31 .... 31 .... 504 MX 50 51)5 10 .... 10 13 16 .... 16 20 24 9 94 9M H 17M 19 30 .... 30 .... 17X 18 17 17 1204 73 74 63 .... 624 65 ma 1 NOT ALL BUYERS SHORT! WHAT AN ATTACK ON BOCK ISLAND 6TOCK DEVELOPED. New-Orders for the Long Account Brought In Slowly A Qnlet Market Closes With Fractional Gains Usual Kenllzstlons for Profits Bonds-Active. New Yokk, Juno 9.-Tho stock market was still quiet, and, except in the few leading shares, even dull to-day, while the general list exhibited no decided tendency of prioes In cither direction. The activity was con fined to St. Paul. Burlington and Northern, and during the forenoon tho continuation of the upward movement in Northern Paclflo and North American gave what little char acter the market possessed, oven though tho Grangers were still under pressure. From appearances the decline in Rock Island was made to conceal the covering operations in St. Paul and Burlington. The strength then developed, whllo spasmodic, gave evidence that tho buying power In the market had Its origin in other sources than the short interest alone. The demand from the shorts served to maintain a firm temper to the dealings, and new buying orders for the long account were brought in slowly. The Grangers became prominent in the ad vance, but thoir slugclshness in the early dealings prevented any marked rise In them. "There was tho usnal realization or profits on the rise in the last few minutes' trading, but the market closed quiet and firm generally at fractional gains for tho day. The transactions looted up 221,000 listed and 18,435 unlisted. The total sales of stocks to-dav were 239, 635 shares, including: Atchison, 7,785: Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western, 5,100; Erie, 7.723; Louisville and Nashville, 6,025; Mis souri Pacific, 3.500: North American, 8,645; Northern Pacific, 6,110; Northern Paoiflc, preferred, 35,030; Reading, 20,050; St. Paul, 34,345; St. Paul and Omaha, 3,210; Union Pa cific, 3,600. Raliioad bonds, also, felt the stimulus of a now buying movement, and tho market was not only more active and broader, but more than theisualnumberof marked gains were seen in the list. The Atchison incomes were again the most permanent Issues, both as to activity and strength. The following Uble shows the prices of active stocks oa the New York Stock Exchange vester day. Corrected daily for The Dispatch Tiy Whit net A STEPITEXSON. oldest Pittsburg members of the New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: Clos- Opcn Hixh Low lnr ing. est. est. bid. Am. Cotton Oil 39?, 30H XH XH Am. Cotton OH. pfd -. 77H Am. sugar Refining Co.... 100 88 00V Am.SugarRelliiingCo. pM 99J 03 935 Atch..Top. &S. F. 34 34 -35 34)4 Canadian Pacific 88H Canada Southern ... 56H 584f 5SH 58S. Central or New Jersey 137& lSrjs 137M 137JJ Central Pacific H Chesapeake and Ohio 22 22 22 22! C. .to. 1st pfd 01 O. ft O. 2d pfd 42 Chicago QasTrnst 79 79 79 70 C, Bur. Qulncy PS' M 97 S7 C, Jill. A St. Paul 7S 79,'i 78H 78'J C, Jill. & St. Paul, pfd.... 123M 14 113 324H C, Root LAP 70H 7!h 78 77tf C, St. P.. M. A 0 48 49 43 4S C, St. P., M. iO pfd 1K C. A Northwestern llliX, ur.M 111! JIB C, C. C. Al 65J 65 KIH fi C. C. C. A I., pm 98 Col. Coil A Iron 33 34 3J 33H Col. A Hocking Val 37M 37?4 3754 3tf Del., Lack. A Western 155H, 1M1) UAH W4 Del. A Hudson 1361 137 13ns 137lJ Denver A Rio Grande .... 10H, 16H lsi$ ie,'4 Den. A Klo Grande, pfd... 4X 48 H 4S' Distillers' AC. F. Trust... ih 493J 43 49K E. T., Va. A Ga. 4J E.T.. Va. A Ga., 2dprd.. 11 Illinois Central 102S VOX 1C2 102K Late Krie A West. 24 24 24 24M Lake Erie A West, pref... 754 75j 75' 75H Lake Shore A , S 132 132 132 132H Louisville A Nashville.... 72!4 73H 72X T1H Michigan Central 107 Jlobllc AOhio 37 Missouri Pacific. 55X 55M K4 bi National Cordage Co 115 1I5K 113 113 National Cordage Co., prd 111JS 112 m; llljf National Lead Co 3SH 36,4 30i National Lead Co., pfd... S0 Xew York Central, 112 112H 112M 112M N. Y., C. ASt.L IS X. Y., O. ASt.L., 1st prd cs N. Y., L. E. AW 2HM 27 2I5JS I0 N.Y.. L. E. AW.,prd... 64 Co fll M X. Y. AX. E 3S 39 33 33H N.Y.. O. ATI' 13?, IS,' 13i 13 Norfolk A Western 11 North American Co 15)$ 15V H, iti Noithcrn Pacific 20 iOH 20 2uH Northern Pacific, pM.... 54J4 554 MH 65)4 Oregon Improvement 20 lViclttc Mall 34 Peo.. Dec. A Evans 17 Philadelphia A Reading... 59 59,S' 33S SOU Pbg. Cin. Chicago A St. L 23 P.. C. C. A St. 1,. pfd 624 Pullman Palace Car IOS'1 198H 19SH 1974 Richmond AW. P. T. tr.. HX &h SH 8H Rlchm'dA V.P.T.,prd tr. 4S St. Paul A Duhlth 43,4 St. Paul A Dulllth. pfd 106 St. Paul. JIln.A Man 113 Texas Pacific 9 Union Pacific 31 39.4 39 3954 Wabash ........,.., 104 Wabash, nrd 23 24 23K 23 estern Union 93H Wa 93H 94 Wheeling A L. E 3n 31 30H 30 Wheeling & L. E.. prd.... 73- 73H 7.1H 73X ltaltimorc A Ohio 97)4 9754 97X 9714 Baltimore A Ohio Trust 91 Wcstinh'eE.A M. Co.As'd 58 Wcstlnh'e E.AJ1 Co.lstpr 94 Boston Stocks Atch. ATopeka 34H Boston A Albany.. ..203 Boston A JIalne 173 Chi.. Bur. A Qulncy, 7 Eastern R. R. Cs 123 Fltchburg R. R.. .. 91W Flint A Fere M.pfd.. 83 Mass. Central 18 Jiex. Cen., com 163) X. Y. A N. Eng 33U N Y. A X. Eng. 7s. .1134 Old Colonv 1844 Rutland lild 72 Wis. Central com.... Wj Allonez Jlhi. fnewl-lPO Closing Prices. Boston A Mont 42 Calumet A Uecla....2C8 Franklin 144 Kearsarge 124 Osceola 32 Santa Fc Copper.... 124 Tamarack 164 Boston Land Co 5f San Diego Land Co. 18 West End Land Co.. 19,4 Bell Telephone 201 Lamson stores 20! Centennial Mln.Co.. 10 N.E.Tel. A Tel 54 Butte A n. Cod 12K Atlantic 10 'lliomson-IIoutonEl 66 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks fnr. nlshed by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 5 Fourth avenue, members of New York Stock Ex change: Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad 55 554 Reading Railroad 29 29 11-16 Buffalo, X. Y. A Phila 7 8 Lehigh Valley 61 61,4 i.eniKn navigation 53 &3V. Philadelphia A Erie 35 .... Northern Pacific, com X'j 204 Northern Pacific, pref 55J 55)J Boston Electric Stocks. Bosto, Junefl. 6efaZ. The latest elec tric stock quotations were: Bid. Asked. Thomson-Houston Electric Co 654 66 Thomson-Houston LlectricCo.. pref.. 23 29 T.-H. E. Co. Tr. securities, series C. 84 9 T.-H. E. Co. Tr. securities, series D.. VA 7K T. E. E. W. Co 10 .. Ft. W. E. Co 124 12 Ft. W. E. Co. securities, series A VA VH W. E. Co .?. 291 23? W. E. Co., pfd 4fi 47$ Detroit E. Co 7 7jf Edison E. 111. Co 115 .. Boston E. L. Co 114 .... Mining Stock Quotations. 9 New Yokk. June 9. Consolidated Cali fornia & Virginia 3S0. Deadivood T. 210, Eureka Consolidated 150, Halo & Xorcross 130. Ilomestake 1250, Horn Silver 340, Mex ican 135, Ophir 230, Savage 190, Sierra Ne vada 100, Standard 135, Union Consolidated 100. Bar Silver Quotations. New York, Juno 9. Spcciat. Bar silver in London, 41d per ounce. New York dealers' price for sliver 1c lower, nt 90c per ounce. THE MONEY 1IAEKET. A Large Increase In Circulation During the Fast Year. There was 110 perceptible change in any of tho features of the local money market ys terday. Rates were 56 on the usual classes of loans. Clearings were $2,223,401 35 and balances $555,898 SI. A New York authority say6: "While Clearing Honse figures ror May leveal no es pecially new featuro the results on the whole must be regarded as quite encourag ing, especially in view ot the complaints of poor trade which have prevailed. Examin ing a little more closely into the clearings outside of New York we find that out of ten leading cities all but two 1 coord larger totals than for the corresponding month of last year. The two exceptions, of course, are San Francisco and Now Orleans, the ono apparently reflecting the condition oi things on the Pacific coast, the other the depres sion in tho South." The money in circulation has increased in a year to Juno 1 $115,731,720, nnd this in a measure is wny money is easy all over tho country. At New York yesterday money on call was easy at 1 to yi per cent; last loan . closed offered at c. Prime mercantile paper, 2jf5. Sterling exchange quiet and weaker an 437 for 60-day bills, and 4S3J4 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U.S. 4s rrg.. do 4s coup.. .11614 -117X .100 Mutual Union 6s. ,.107X N. J. C. lilt pert 113W 110 zs- Pacific 6s of '95.... Louisiana stamp. 4s Tenn. new set a-,..., Tenn. new setos Tenn.newset3s.. ., Canada Sp. 2ds Central I'ac lsts Den. A R. O. lsii, . Den. A R. G. 4s Erie 2ds M.K. AT. genes.... M.K. AT. gcitSs.... Northern Pac lst... 118)2 Northern Pac 2ds... 1124 Northwestern con. .139 Nnrthwest'n dehS.106W ,106 . 92 103 1024 73)4 ,102 108 V 115M 82)5 lOoU 9W 47X St.L. A 1. M.gcn 6s. S4H St.L.AS.F. gen m..llu St. Paul consols" ....ISO St. P. c. A Pac lsts). 119 T.P.L.O.T. Rets. .. 81M T.l'.K.U.T. Rets.... 29W Union Pacific lsts...l08H West Shore 105M R. G.W 81 Bank Clearings. Nrw York Bank clearings, $lll,076,t59; bal ances, $5,824,809. Boston Bank clearings. $18,723,621: bal ances, $2,267,559; money, 2 to 2iper cent. Ex change on Now York, 10 to 12J cents dis count. 1 Philadelphia Bank clearings, $11,180,688; balances; $1,737,658. Money, 3 per cent. Baltimore Bank clearings, $2,875,809; bal ances, $497,005. Monev, 6 per cent. St. Louis Bank clearings, $3,718,330; bal ances. $392,195. Money quiet, 40 per cent. New York exchange, 90e premium. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, $16,201,150. New York exhunge, par: sterling exohango unchanged. Turpentine Markets. New York. Rosin quiet and steady; Tur pentine steady. WiLMiuoToit Spirits of turpentine dull at 26c Resin dull; strained. 90c; good strained, 95c. Tar steady at $1 35. Crude turpentine steady; hard, $1 00; yellow dip, $1 80; virgin, $1 80. Savaitctah Turpentine firm at 27c. Besln firm at $1 05 1 10. Charleston-Turpentine steady at 26JJO. Resin firm; good strained, 90o. The Drygoods Market, New York, June 9. There was but a mod erate business in drygoods to-day. There was no now feature, except the increase in the tone of tho cotton goods market, which wns more widely felt than before. There was a good demand for low grade bleached goods, which are scarce, especially and widths. Print cloths cannot be bought at tne 3cbid, and are likely to go higher. The p,rinc market also is under a strong tone. CRUELTY TO CATTLE. E. E. Uazen, a Beaver County Farmer, Held to Court for Dehorning His Cows He Said He Did It to Keep tho Animals From Fighting. Because E. E. Hazen, residing in the vicinity of Beaver Falls, recently dehorned 21 cattle belonging toiiim, he was arrested at the instigation of the Humane Society, of this city, the officers of which institution, after many reverses, succeeded in having him committed for trial by Alderman Tay lor, of Rochester, on the charge of cruelty to animals. The offense was first brought to the notice of Agent Green, acting for the society in Beaver Falls. He at once swore out a war rant for Hazen before 'Squire Piper, of that place, but when the offender was brought before the justice he said in his own de fense that he had dehorned the cattle simply as a matter of necessity, as on sev eral occasions while at water the animals had serlonsly. injured one another with their horns, and lrcquently in fights on the field they would do much harm, while on the other hand, since they had been de horned, peace -reigned among -the cattle. After listening to this defense 'Squire Piper, notwithstanding the protests and the evidence offered by Agent Green, discharged the prisoner. The society did not allow the matter to rest with Piper's decision, but immediately notified Agent O'Brien to give his attention to the affair. Mr. O'Brien went to Roches ter and swore out another warrant before Alderman Taylor, In which it was set forth that Hazen had cruelly dehorned his cattle for which there was no plausible excuse. Mr. O'Brien further stated that if Hazen was tearful of the cattle doing harm to one another, he should have sawed off the tops of, orattached blunt brass knobs to, the horns, which, in either case would have answered the purpose and no cruelty would have been practiced, but in cutting the horns of the cattle close to their heads a powerful nerve had been in jured, which would naturally cause much suffering. In order to show the alderman that the operation of dehorning was attend ed with great pain, Mr. O'Brien said that usually when a cow's horn was cut off close to the head blood squirted from the wound for several feet in the air, and the beast in all cases roared with pain. Not only this, but the wounds often required many days to heal. The warrant was given to Mr. O'Brien and he )ost no time in bringing Hazen be fore Alderman Taylor who held the accused for trial The society expect to win tho suit against Hazen and one of its officers said yesterday: "If the jury find a true bill against the offender it will be an example to many In this locality who have practiced this cruelty. The minimum fine for the first offence is $10, while the maximum is $20, and if the society wins' the suit, of which there is little doubt, Hazen will receive a severe lesson, as he can be held to pay a separate fine for the entire twenty-one cattle." DEATHS IH PJ.TTSBUEO. Over a Hundred Leave fur tba Greater City TTIlhln a Week. The mortuary report for the week ending June 4, 1892, shoigs 106 deaths, of which 100 were whites. Diphtheria caused 9 deaths, scarlet fever 3, typhoid fever 5, general diseases in all 35, congestion of the brain 1, tetanus 1, convulsions 2, insanity 2, heart diseases 6, pneumonia 7. Digestive troubles caused 15 death. There were 12 violent dealhs. Of the decedents 21 were married, 74 single, 2 were widows, 7 widowers and two not stated. The nativity of 60 was Pittsburg, 3 were lrom England, 4 from Germany, 8 from Ireland, 1 from Italy, 2 from AVales, 3 from Poland. Thirty-ttiree vi ere under 1 year of age, 20 from 1 to 5 years, 25 from 10 to 40 years, 5 from 70 to 80 years. The deaths were diversified as follows: Old City, 22; East End, 45; Soiithside, 20; institutions, 19. Eight were Coroner's cases. The annual death rate per 1,000 is 2L60. f MEMORIAL TO GAMBLE WIB. Police and Newspaper Men's Tribute to the Brad Suporlntondcnt. Assistant Obtain Scott and Superintend ent of Police Silvis, representing the com mittee of officers aud newspaper men, yes terday presented to James T. Weir the memorial adopted by the committee on the death of Superintendent Gamble Weir. The memorial, which is a beautiful piece of workmanship, is in the form of a book bound in Russia leather and engrossed by W. C. McClelland, who took unusual pains in order to turn out something neat. Mr. Weir was much touched by the gift, and responded by presenting each member of the committee with a handsome photograph of the dead Superintendent. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. The drouth in Cuba continues. Tno International Missionary Union la In session at Clifton Springs, N. Y. Sevon cases of smallpox have been brought into Danbury, la., from Mexico. Seventeen bandits who were captured near Orizaba, Mexico liavo been executed. It is said that Pardridge, the grain plunger, has taken in all his wheat nnd quit. Three negro men and a woman have been killed Dy lightning ona plantation near Canton, Tenn. President Diaz, or Mexico, says it is im material who is President or the United States, as the ueople are friendly to Mexico and tho President is not the Government. J. II. Squires, a San Francisco juror, who was arrested in tho box Wednesday and In dicted for attempted robbery. Is a retired stago and train robber. A Wells-Fargo de tective identified the man and declared that Squires was sent to Carson penitentiary in Nevada for 23 years in 1870 for the robbery of a Central Paoiflc train at Verdi, but was pardoned ten years ago. During a revival moating at Somerset, Ky., Wednesday night, Mrs. William Viok ery met Mrs. Sailie Brown, a dashing young widow, and cowhidt-d her. The parties are connected with the best families in this com munity. Mrs. Brown is charged with alien ating tho affections or Mrs. Vlckery's hus band, and Mrs. Brown does iot deny It. Mrs. Vickery was arrested. Lewis H. Greene, Acting President of tho Whisky Trust, was arrested at Cincinnati yesterday upon tho Boston indictment. When reqnlred to give bond for his appear ance at Boston he refused to do so. The United States Commissioner thereupon put him in custody or a Deputy United States Marshal. His attorney secured a writ of habeas corpus, and the hearing was set for Saturday. THE HOME MARKETS. The Drift -'of All Dairy Products Is Toward Lower Prices. BERRIES'COMING IN POOR SHAPE. Corn Keeps Moving; Upward, With Bay and ' Millfeed Sluggish. IEATBER AND BIDES STILL QUIET Oitiob of The Dispatch, Pittsburg, Thursdat, Juno 9i J Country Pbodtjce Jobbing Prices The quality of strawberries coming to our markets of late has not been high, owing to the prevalence of rains and sultry weather. Fancy berries are in good demand at 16c per box, but common and low grades are slow at 6 to lOo per box. Choice creamery but ter is steady, but all under fancy and coun try butter of all grades are a drug. Re ceipts of cheese are in excess of demand all the week, and, as will be seen, quotations are reduced. Old and new potatoes have weakened in the past few days. There are very few good old potatoes to be had In our market. Lemons and oranges are firm and bananas weak. BCTTEB Creamery Elgin. 1920c: Ohio brands, 1C17c: common country butter, 1012c; choice country roll. llffllSc. BEAKS-NewYork snd Michigan pea. $1 TO$1 85; marrowfat, ;2 152 23: lima beans, 3J43?c per lb; hand-picked medium. M T01 73. Beeswax Choice, 3331c per lb; low grades, 22 25c. Cheese New Ohio cheese, 8c: New York cheese. 10c; Umburger, I313)c: Wisconsin eweltzer.fuU cream. 13KOI4XC: Imported sweltzer. 2S3CBMC. Cider Country elder. 13 oo5 50 per barrel; sand refined. (6 30(37 00; crab elder. f7 508 00. Eggs Strictly fresh. 17c; goose eggs, 202Se per dozen: duck eggs, 1320c fEATiiERS-Extra live geese, 5758c; No. 1. 43 60c per lb: mixed lots. 253Jc. Dbieo Fruits Peaches, halves. 85fc; cvaDO ratcd apples. 77Mc; apricots, 9llc: blackberries. &3c: raspberries. isaisic: huckleberries, 7c; Caliromla peaches. 79c. IIoset New crop, white clover, 1617c; Cali fornia honey. 1215e lb. Maple SYBur 570c H gallon. Mai-lb scgar-5Sc ? lb. Poultry Alive Chickens, 90cll to per pair; spring chickens. 6.ii7Scpcr pair; live turkeys. 12 13c ?lt): ducks. r(375c a pair: live geese, 90ctl 00 a pair: dressed chickens. 15hic V lb: dressed tur keys. lfi18cl lb: dressed oucks, 1518c 1 lb. Potatoes Carload lots, on track, 55)55c: from store, G0TuC a bushel. RAsr berries 20c a box. Seeds Western recleaned medium clover. Job bing at S3 75: mammoth. S7 S3; timothy. II 70 for prime, and l 75 for choice: blue grass, $2 65(32 80s orchard grass. SI SO; millet, f 1 15: German. II 30; Hungarian. II 10; fine lawn. 25c? lb; seed buck wheat, 1 401 50. Stbawbekries S2 502 73 a crate; 8ll5e per box. Tallow Conntry, 4e: city rendered. 4Kc. Tbopical Fbuits Lemons, fancy MesMna. $1 50 4 00: MesslD.iand California oranges. 14 OX3A 50 per oox: bananas. 1 59(2 GO firsts, 11 2S1 50'sec- onus; 1 crsiau uaics, 4;s(gKc nerpouna; layer ugs, 12(3114c per pound; pineapples. 1(xX12c apiece. Vegetables Cabbage, l ooi 25 a barrel crate, $2 252 50 a 2-barrel crate: groen onions, 5c a dozen; yellow Danver. (1 75 2 00 a barrel: new Jlermuda onions. 82 50 a box; new Florida tomatoes, 32 50Q3 00 3 bushel crate; Bermuda potatoes, $6 frJa birrel: Southern potatoes. 3 5034 00 per barrel; spinach, ?'. 00(3)1 25 a barrel; newheets. 40f5W5e a dozen; asparagus 40c a bunch: radishes, 2535c per dozen: new peas, fl 75 a half barrel; green beans, 12 502 75; cucumbers, 7560e per dozen; rhubarb. 20c a dozen. Grocories. Trade in this line is active, with no change in the price list. Sugars and canned corn nro reported firm, with a prospect of an ad vance before many days. Green Coffee Fancy, 51 "22: choice Rio, I02Ic: prime, 18(3llc: low grade. lG17c: old Gov ernment Java, 2.a31c:Maracalbo. 2122"c: Mocha. 2S2)c: Santo. 21!22,ic; Caracas, 2425c; La Guayra, 2l22c. Boasted (in papers) Standard brands, 11.15c; higher grades, H'iCc: old Government Java, bulk, 31H33c:MaracaIbo. 22;4c: Santos. 19M25ct peanerry, i'4c; cnnice mo, -ic; prime jiiu, ui;$c: rood Rio. 19ic: ordinary. 17(3l8c. SriCFS (whole) Cloves, 1012c: allspice, 10c; cassia, ac: pepper, izc: nuimeg. ,muwuc. Petbolf.um (Jobbers' prices) 11 test, 6c; Ohio. 150. ".He; lieadllirht. 150 test, 6Hc; water white, 7,S8c: globe, Hllc: elalne, 13c; carnadlnc, lie; roj aline, lie; rcdoll, lO.'ifailc; purity, 14c; oleine, 21c. Mixers' Oil No. 1 winter, strained, 3910o per gallon: summer. 3337c: lard. 52.Vc, SYRUP Corn syrup, 2427c: choice sugar syrup. 3tfp3Gc; prime sugar syrup, I032c; strictly prime, I. 6. Molassks Fancv new crop. 4042e: choice. 40llc; old crop, 3038e; N. O. syrup, 44 50c. Soda BI-carb. in kegs 3,"i3fc: hl-carb, in Xs, 5c; bl-carb, assorted packages. 53'6c; sal soda. In kegs. l(c: do granulated. 2c. UA2JDLKS star, iuii weigut. vc; siearine, per set, BWc: narafflne. ll(ft:2c, ltlCE Heart Carolina, 66Jfc choice. 56Xc; Louisiana. 55Vc, STARCH reari. 3Jc; corn starch. 5X3Xc; gloss starch. SWasVc. Foreign Fruit Laver raisins, 2 00: London layers, 1225: Muscatels. $1 73: CaliromU Muscatels. 11 4C1 60: Valencia, 55Mc; Ondara Valencia. 6 7e; sultana. Sl3c: currants. 3f3Vc; Turkey .prunes. 4K5Hc: French prunes. Sl2c; cocoa nuts, j 10O. $00: almonds. I.an., fi lb, 20c; do Irlca. 17c: do shelled, 50c: walnuts, ap.. 1814c; Sicily filberts, lie; Smvrua figs. I2rttl3c;new dates, ffflo'c: Brazil nuts, 6c; peans, 1.114c: citron, ? lb, 2122c: lemon pecL 10c lb: orgaue peel, 12e. SUGARS Cubes. 5c: powdered, 5c; granulated, 4Mc; courectloners'. 4J$c; soft white, 444Hc; Tel low, choice. 4"f!(54c; vellow, good. 3,Tt(SMc; yel low, fair. 3V3V. Pickle. Medium, bhls (1,200), 4 00; medium, half btls(G0O). 32 50. SALT No. 1 per hbl. 1 20: o. 1 extra, per hair bbl, 51 10; dairv. perbbl. 31 20: coarse crystal, per bbl, l 20: Hlgglns' r.urcka. 4-lm sacks, Ii SO; Iilg glns' Eureka. 10 14-lb packets, .I 00. Cujued GpoDS-Standard peaches. II 731 00; 2rts, Jl 3.V31 41; extra peaches. 2 00; 10; pie peaches. 85&90c: finest corn. SI 25(31 50: Hrd. Co. corn. 31 O0l 10: rrd cherries, 11 OOrai 10: lima beans, fl 35: soaked do. 85c: stringed do, 80(a:85c; marrowfat peas. rocl 10: soaked peas, 6075c; pineapples. SI 201 30; Iiahama do, 12 (0: damson flums. 1 00; green gages. 31 85; egg plums, II 00; 'allfornia apricots. $1 752 00: California pears, II 9"2 10; do green gages, 185: do egg plums, II 85: extra white che-nes. $2 6j2 83; raspberries, 11 lVoll 25: strawberries. 95cfl 10; goosehei ries, 91 0ftl 05: tomatoes, 00095c: salmon. 1-lb cans, SIKT$lS0: blackberries, 70c; succotash. 2-lb cans, soilccd, 00c: do jtreen, 2-lb cans. 31 2-val 10; corn beff. 3-lb cms. 1 C5l 70; 1-lb cans. $1 20: baked beans, II 40gsi 55; lobsters, l-lbcans. 2 25: mack erel, 1-lb rans, boiled. $1 50; sardines, domestic. Ms. $3 90(34 00; ;$s, $6 23: sardines. Imported. Js, 15Tf3l CO: sar.lln?. Imported, 'is. 300; sardines, inusUrd. I31: sardines, spiced. S3 1 '. FISH Extra No. 1 bloater nuckerel. 24 00 per bbl: extra No. 1 do mess. 20 00: o. 2 shore mack erel. 519 50: No. 2 large mackerei, ?13 0): No. 3 Hrge mackerel, 1R50; No. 3 small mackerel, flO 00. Herring-spilt, 13 50: lake, 13 2 per 101-tb bbl. White fish. ?r 50 per 100-lb half bbl. Lake trout, 10 50 per halt bbl. Finnan baddies, 10c per lb. Ice land halibut, 12c per lb. Pickerel, half bbis. $4 00: quarter bbU. $1 60. Holland herring, 75c. Walkolf herrln?. 85c. OATMEAL-14 704 75. Grain, Flonr and Feed. Sales on Thursday's call at tho Grain Ex change: Ono car No. 2 yellow shell corn, 54KC, spot; 1 car same, 51c. 10 days; 1 car ex tra 3 whito oats, lie. Eeceipts, as bulletineJ, 23 cars. I5y Pittsburg, Ft. lVayno and Chicago Hallway 2 cars of flour, 3 of oats, 5 of bay. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis 1 ear or reed, 1 of oats, 3 or hay, 2 of whoit. Ilv Baltimore and Ohio 1 car of hay, 4 of flour. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie 2 cars of flour. By Pittsburg and Western 1 car of iiay, 1 of wheat. Corn is the strong factor of cereal markets. ar corn is particularly firm at advancing nrices. Oats are fairry steady. Hay and millfeed are dull, with the situation in lavor of buyers. Following are prices for carload lots on track. Dealers charge an advance from slore: WnEAT No. 1 red. 949ic; No. 2red, 92924c: No. 3 red. 889c. COHN No. 2 yellow ear. 5455c: high mixed ear. 53J$54c: mixed car, 525i,5c; No. 2 yellow sneiicu. j-it((U3ic: nign mixea sueuea. syg)o3bCl mixed shelled. 5252c. OATS-No. 1 oats. 42,fBc: No. 2 white. 42 42Kc: extra No. 3 oats. ii41c; mixed oats, 40 40c. IIYE-No, I Pennsylvania and Ohio, 85S0c; No. 2 Western, 8384c. Flour Joboing pi Ices Fancy spring patents, 84 85ffl5 10: lancy winter patents. 14 855 10; fancy straight winter, $4 5(4 7i; rancv straight sprinjr. SI 504 75; clear winter. 14 234 0; straight XXXX bakers'. 14 254 50: rye Uour, 14 755 00. Millfeed No. 1 white middlings. 315 501C 00 per ton; No. 2 white middlings. 15 0015 50; brown middlings, f 14 50I5 00; winter wheat bran, 14 50 15 (0. HAY-Ilaled timothy, choice. 13 231150; No. 1. $ 275S13 00; No. 2, SU 00I1 50: loose from wagon, l4 00 15 CO, according to quality; prairie hay, 9"'0; packing hav, '7a9 00. Stka 0 Oats, J7 :157 6a; wheat, S506 75; rye, 7 73S 0. Provisions. Sugar enred hams, large Sugar cured hams, medium Sugar cured hams, small Sugar cured California hams Sugar cured b. bacon Sugar cured shoulders Sugar cured boneless shoulders.... Sugar cured skinned shoulders , Sugar cured bacon shoulders rdgar cured dry-salt shoulders Sugar cured beef, rounds , Sugar cured beef, sets Sugar cured beef, flats Bacon, clear sides, 30 lbs Bacon, clear sides, 3) lbs , Dry salt clear sides; 30 lbs average. I 10X 11 HX 4 91 : 3 : ? ; rf 8 S 8 S S 13 50 13 50 H Hi H 5H Mi X X Mess pork, heavy... mess porK, lamuy Lara, refined, in tierces Lard, refined, la Duo-half barrels , Lard, refined, ln(S0-ib tnbs Lard, refined, in 20-tb palls Lard, refined. In 50-lb tin cans , Lard, refined, in 3-lb tin palls Lard, refined, in S-lb tin palls Lard, refined. In re-lb tin palls Bides and Calfskins. At tho reduction agreed upon by Pittsburg and Allegheny tanners, which went into ef fect on June 6, markets are dull. Prices have not been as low for a generation. The 'weakness of markets reaches the entire list. Following7 are prices paid by tanners for stock delivered here: Green steer hides, trimmed, 75 lbs and up.... 8 Green steer hides, trimmed, 60 to 75 lbs 6 Green steer hides, trimmed, under 60 lbs Vi Green cow hides, trimmed, all weights SX Gieenbull hides, trimmed, all weights 4 Green calfskins. No. 1 5 Green calfskins. No. 3 3 Green steer hides, trimmed, sidebranded 4 Green cow hides trimmed, side branded 2 Sheepskins, frtsh slaughtered 1 0C1 25 Tallow, prime 4 Leather Outlook. The reduction In hides, which it was thought would stimulate the leather trade, has thus far failed to accomplish the end desired and looked for. Trace leather is in fair request and stock moves about as fast as produced. All other grades are quiet, with stock accumulating in tho hands of tanners. Following are prices, as established by Al legheny tanners: No. 1 trace, 36o per ft; B trace, 34c per ft; No. 1 harness, 120 to 170 fts, 29o per ft; B har ness.120 to 170 ft, 27c per ft; No. 2, 120 tolTOfis, 25c per ft; No. 1 black line, 23c per ft; B black line, 26c per ft; No. 1 oak collar leather, lOJic; B oak collar leather, 9c per ft. Oak belting butts, prime quality 34c X overweights, 20 lbs and Up 27c A overweights, 20 lbs and up 25c It overweights, 20 lbs and up 23c C overweights, 20 lbs and up 21c Middle welghts,lS to 19Ji bs.lc less than above. FIHDLAY'S DANQEBOTJS FLEE. The Flames Kept From Surrounding Prop erty, and the Loss Only 830,000. Findlay, June 9. ijxrfa'. About 3 o'clock this morning, lightning struck: one of the big iron tanks belonging to the Buckeye Pipe Line Company on the Smaltz tankage farm, about three miles southwest of this city. The tank contained about 35, 000 barrels of oil, and a great fire resulted. Superintendent Gordon, of this division, immediately procured the assistance of all the men he could lay his hands on and started to work saving the other tanks near by. Superintendent O'Day, of Lima, came up on a special train with about 75 men, and other men in the neighborhood were pressed into work, until about 200 men were busy throwing up earthworks to ward oS the burning oil, should the tank become suf ficiently heated to boil and thus overflow. Embankments were soon thrown up around all tanks in the field, and the field cannon, kept on hands for just such an emergency, was brought into play. Several balls were fired through the lower part of the tank, through which the burning oil es caped and burned harmlessly on the ground. Heavy clouds of smoke streamed over this city from the burning oil, and thousands visited the scene to-day. The oil is still burning; but all danger of the fire spreading to the other tanks has been averted. The loss will reach ?50,000. PANTS FOB A PAHE. A Serious Difference Between a Glazier and a Taylor. William Lamb, proprietor of a tailor store at No. 7 Federal street, Allegheny, was arrested yesterday on a warrant sworn out before Alderman gladden by David Acor, charging him with larceny by bailee. Some time ago a nephew of Acor's brdke a window in Lamb's store. Acor, who is a glazier, repaired the damage and Lamb re fused him any compensation. -Acor determ ined to get his pay some way and took some cloth valued at t to Lamb and had a pair ot pants made. He refused to pay lor the work done, saying that that made things even. Lamb did not think so and retained the pants, and Acor brought suit. The hearing was yesterday afternoon and Alder man Madden dismissed the case. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Whan she had Children, she gave them Castoria Beauty often depends on plumpness; so does comfort; so does health. If you get thin, there is something wrong, though you may feel no sign of it. Thinness itself is a sign ; sometimes the first sign; sometimes not. The way to get back plumpness is by careful living, which sometimes in cludes the use of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil. Let us send you free a little book which throws much light on all these subjects. Scott & Bowke. Chemists. 133 South 5th AYcnue. New York. Your druggist keeps Scott's Emubion of cod-liver oil all druggists everywhere do. :. '. . 3 Growing More Liberal That's what the human race is doing particularly the American part of it. There are a few left who are satisfied with ancient his tory. But most people are ready to apply modern pro gress and common-sense to the treatment of the human stom ach an organ that demands its rights whether or no; that resents-the insults of worn out methods. All this is to emphasize the facts about eonoi There was once a prejudice against Cottonseed oil. But people who are alive, who investigate, who have no bigotry in their composition, have found that pure, refined cottonseed oil combined with selected beef suet is a better article in every conceivable way than hog's lard.- And so they wisely use it for cook ing and are correspondingly healthy and happy. The sales of Cottolene are enormous and constantly increasing a proof that it is appreciated by appreciative persons. Ask your grocer for it. N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., CHICAGO. PITTSBURGH AGENTS: F. SELLERS & CO. A BANKEB'S SUICIDE. Hn Preferred Instant Death Among Stran gers to a Llngorlng One at Home. Cincinnati, June 9. J- TV Wool, dridge, aged between 35 and 40, was found, to-day in his room at the St. Paul Hotel, with his throat cut. He had been dead sevj eral hours. Papers found upon him showed! that he Wl rnnnpeted with the City Ha tional Bank, of Austin, Tex. Eighteen hunsf area aoiiars in money was louna on u y son. The only clew to the cause is a notifies, tion from a life insurance company that his application for a policy had been refused on account of lung trouble. He entered hia room at 4 p. m. yesterday without register. ing and never left it. ' SICKnEADACnE-Carter's Little Liver PlUs. SICK nEADACHE-Cart,9 LUUe Uyer pfflj SICK HEADACnE-Cart.r,s j. , L1r SICK HEADACHE-Carter,sLltUeLlTerpmj del-40-MWTSa ESTABLISHED 1807. CHOICE TIMOTHT HAT A SPECIALITT DANIEL M'CAFFREY. Hay, Grain and Commission, 238 AND 240 FIFTH AVENUE. PITTSBUKO, PA, Consiznment3 of and orders for grata solicited. myl7-48-p. i BROKERS FINANCIAL. ESTABLISHED ISSi. John M. Oakley & Co., BANKERS AND BROKEE3. 4SSIXTH ST. Direct private wire to New York aud Chi. cago. Member New York, Chicago and Pitt, burg Exchanges. Local securities bonghtand sold for casi or carried on liberal margins. Investments made at our discretion and dividends paid qnarterly. Interest naid on balanoo (slnoa 1533). Money to loan on call. Information books on all markets mailed on application. fe7 Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. ap30-33 3IEDICAL. DOCTOR WH S14 PENN AVENGE. 1'ITToHUItO, P. As old residents know and hacc tiles ot Pittsburg capers prove, is the oldest estab lished and most prominent physician in tin eitv.devoting specialatteution toall chronla rVo-NO FEE UNTIL CURED., ponsible MJTDn! IQ aml mental dia pers cms Ii CM V LUO eases, physical de cay, nervous debility, lae'e 01 energy, ambi tion and hopo, impairs 1 memory, disordered sight, self distrust, hashfulness dizziness sleeplessness, pimples, eruption, impover ished hlood, tailing power-), organic weak ness, dyspen'ia. constipation, consumption, unfitting the person foro'isiness,')Ciety and marriage, permanently, safely and privately rtuBLOOO AND SKINS? eruptions, blotche.falllni hair.bonos.nalni, glandular swelling, ulcerations of tha tongue, mouth, throat, ulcer, old sores, nrs cured for lire, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated froral IDIM A DV kldnev and tho -ystem. UnM'lMri I , bladder do ransamonn, woik hae'e. gravel, catarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful svmptoms receive searching treamant, n'romptrelierand real cures. Dr. Whittior's life-long extonslvo experi ence insure scientific and reliable treaS ment on common sense principles. Consulta tion free. I'atlents at a distance as oarefally treated a if hers. Office hour, 9 a. it. to c r.v. Sundav, lax. v. to I r. k. only. DQ WHITTIKK, ill fenn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa, IK'S COTTON BOOT COM POUND, A recent dlscoverr by an old phTblcIan. ynccesifiillr tisetj monthly by thousandaof ladles. Is t lie only iHTfecllr safe aarl reliable medicine discovered, .Uewarful unprincipled draif Klstswlm offer inferior raeul cii.isln rlarc of this. Ask for Ccok's tonux KoOTCOMrorcm take no substl) tute, orlnclote Jl and i cent In po3tage In letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mall. Full sealed particulars In plain envelope, to ladles onlyt 2stamps. Aldres rO.N D I.ILY COMPANY. 2(o. 3 Fisher Ulock. Detroit. Mich, Sold JnFlttsburjcbyJoi. Fleming & Sox. -Uf Market street. del7-5I-eodwk j DR. E. C. WEST'S Tre.itrmMit. n uinntcr'l spe'ltlc for ilrtrll. Dizziness. Convulsion. Fits. Nervons N'curalgU. Headache, Nervous Prostration cvised bv the usa of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De presjion. Softening of the Ilrain resulting In la sanltr, ilecav and Istii. Pre.nat'ireOM xe. tjOU of Power in either sex, lnvoluntarr Losses an! hpermatorrhn;- caused lir orer-cs;ertlou of tl brain, self-abuse or over-Indulgence. Each boC contains one month's treatment. 41.00 abox.C sixforfi.oo, by mail. WH GHAKANTKE SIX HOXE1 To cure any ensr. With rach onler received rsr slv boxes ire will send the purchaser our wrtttaa gnarantee to refund the money If the treatment does not cure. Guarantees Issued only by EUIta G. STUCK V. Druggist. Sole Agent. Nos. 3J01 al 1701 Penn avenue, corner Wylle avenue and If niton street, Pittsburg. Pa. Use Stu ctl's Dlarrho; 1 Cramp Cure, a andaO cts. Ja-lSeoa WEAK MEN JTOUR ATTKNTIOX 13 OIIXEDTOTIIX OR AT KSGLISII RrVKDTV tnoe mais tus Gray's Specific Medicinj s IPYOU SUFFER ," 'You lletTilitT. Wrp h ne of Body ncuTtm urn ronuand Mlld- permatorrliea. ana Impotency, and all disrates that arise from over Indulgence and self-abuse, as Loss of Jlemory and Power. Dimness of Vision. Premature Old Aga, and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or ConsPSiptlon and an early grave, write for oof P5firesa GRAY MEDICINE CO., HuflIo. Jf . T. The Specific Medicine is sold by all rtrufrxlsts atH per package, or six parka- furi. or sent by mall en receipt of money, lazr nilARfllMTFF" and with ercrv ii W E--" s.'.".rvv'.?. .'-C-A order a cure or money rcfumho. S"On account or counterfeits we hae adopted the l'ellow Wrapper, the only genuine. Sold lq Pittsburg by b. S. llOLI-.VND. cor. smUbneld aasl Liberty su. les-yi-uwreos fiflanhood Restored! tha wonderful remedy. is sold with & zentten guarantee to euro all nervoiif rtieae stjcH as Weafc-MeEiorr.Losi of 11 rale Power. Head-1 ache, WaketTalness Lot 3Ianhood, iS'ight lyEraUsions.Nervoas rirnln3 nnd loss of pow er of the Generative orzans in clf her sex caused by overexertion, youthful errors, or excessive use of' tobacco, opium or stimulants whtcn e-jon lead to Infirmity. Consumption end Inanlty. Put up con venient to carry in vest pocket. J51 per package by mail; C for to. With every Si order wo inve a written luarantee to cure or refund Vie money. Circular freo. Address Tierre iiveil Co., Chicago. 111. For sale in Pittsburg by Jos. Fleming Son, Druggists, 410 and AV2 Market st. noG-50-MW DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases rex quiring scientific und conflo itontial treatment. Dr. S. K. Lake, M. II. C. P. S., Is tho old est antl most experiencodap clallst in tho city. Consults tion freo and strictly confl-, dentlal. Ofllce hours, 9 to 4 ami 7 to 8 r. Jfcj, Sunday, 2 to 4 p.m. Consult them person ally, or write. Doctoh'' I.akk, cor. Penn aVi and Fourth St.. ftthnr-. Pa. je3-7a-vk VIGOR OF MEN Easily. Quickly, rrminratlT KKSTOBEH, WEAKNESS, if EKVOUSN'ESS. DEBIUTT. and all tho train of evils, the results of over work, sickness, worry, etc Full streneth. development, and tono guaranteed in all cases. Simple, natural methods. Immeal ate Improvement seen. Failure Impossible. 2,000 references. Rook, explanations and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address KKUE MEDIC AX CO., UDIfFAiO, IT. T. JUV I I 3PiJ EhaS A. 42k -J i