i "JC A STBUGGLE AHEAD. The Contest Between Workmen and Iron Manufacturers to Be FOUGHT IN THE SIXTH DISTRICT. THE PHTSBTJRG DISPATCH, THTJESDAT. JUNE 9, 189a HAVE YOU GOOD TASTE? i Feelinjr of the Amalgamated Association Toward a Seduction. LITE XEffS FEOXI TOE IAB0E ffOBLD The Amalgamated Association convention convened at 9 o'clock yesterday, but the majority of the delegates did not put in an appearance until an hour later. The feature of the morning n-as the read ing of President "Weihe's annual report. The nport was very long and tedious and some of the delegates left while the Presi dent was reading it During the reading the President referred to the death of the late Treasurer John Penny. His voice faltered, and completely overcome by emotion he had to sit down. Vice President "W". A. Carney came to the rescue and to relieve the ten sion of affairs invited all the delegates to the association picnic on Saturday at Rock Point The invitation was accepted and the delegates will assemble at the hall at 8 o'clock and proceed to the depot, led by the Cornet Band. This concluded the mornins: session and a recess was taken until 1 o'clock. During the afternoon the "Wage Commit tee made their report, more routine busi ness was put through and President "Weihe nnished reading his report The conven tion is now ready for business, and it is expected that some action will be taken on the Homestead scale to-day. Employers Will AbIj a Redaction. There is at the present time a gravity in the condition of the affairs of the iron man ufacturers and their employes, which, it is to be hoped, will be promptly eradicated by wise counsels on both sides. It is a matter of fact that it is the intention of the em ployers to ask for a redaction in wages, ranging from 20 to SO per cent, as has al ready been stated exclusively in The Dis patch. It is also time thatthe Pittsburg manufacturers desire to transfer the seat ot war from this city to the Sixth district the ilahoning and Shcnango Valleys. Out of this has grown a serious state of things. It has been intimated that it is de nized that the conference between the com mittees of the employers and employed should be transferred to tne Sixth districr, tay, to Youncstonn or Xew Castle, there to hold all meetings and settle all differences. This is a radical departure from the time honored custom of holding these meetings in Pittsbura Eight at this point conies the startling statement that a number of the members of the Amalcamated Association, and among them Eeveral of the usually conservative leaders, have gone so far as to'declare them selves utterly opposed to asking for the usual conference with the manufacturers. They say that the propositiou of their em ployers is so sweeping,andthe reduction de manded so great, that they have lost all patience, and ill trv to carry things to a tuuciusiuu in meir own war. Views or ome Conservative Employes. Some of the leaders have said that it would be wise to pursue the policy tiied in 1885, when the association agreedto a gen eral reduction of 10 per cent without com plaint, owin? to the condition of trade Later, in 1837, when business revived, this percentage was asked for bv the men and was given to them. Thee who now seek a peaceful solution of the difficultv say that the men are aware that the trade is" much depressed and that prices are very low, but they also say that it is ridiculous to claim that things are so bad as to justify "0 to 50 per cent of a cat For some years past there has been crow ing up anew the old ill will between the puddlers and laborers and the men engaged in the finishing departments. Then, too, there has been more or less feeling between those who worked in the iron and those engaged in the steel mills. To-day all thee disentions have disappeared and there is an amount of harmony and apparent determination to stick together lor all common purposes, such as has not been seen in the Amalgamated Association and the Knights of Labor for many years. Some ot them sav they have looked for an attempt to destroy the association for some years and mat the ht has now come. TSittrr Feeling Among the Workmen. 2ever since the large strike of 18S2 has there been the deep, bitter feeling among all classes ot workers in iron mills as obtains just now. There are several of me leaders wno nave already sought the opinions of the older, more experienced and influential of the delegatej to the conven tion on the question ot arraneing a scale which would meet the situation say by a general reduction of 10 per cent or some such figure and submit it to the manu facturers as an ultimatum. Those who urge this policy say such a course would take the wind out of the manufacturers' sails, and obtain the sympathy of the public. The iron manufacturers of the Sixth dis trict are admittedly more active and co liesne m a struggle agp.inst their men than those of the Pittsburg district They stand or fall together, and show more spirit than 1'ittsburgers do. At the same time they hive little sympathy with the Pittsburg district, for they say that in the past Pitts burg has several times left them in the lurch. They have a separate organization, and are in no way disposed to pull the Pittsburg orders out of the general fire. On the other hand it is understood that the Pittsburg firms say they must Ime the re ductions indicated, and they believe it wisest to transfer all the preliminary struggle to their friends, the enemy. AKOTHEB EAILEOAD CHAETEEED, Local Corporation ltecrlre Permission ,rrom Harn.burE to llo Business. Several local cornorations wpr -lmrin-rl at Hamburg yesterday. The Slackwater Connecting Railway Company was char tered. The road will be one mile long and run lrom Rankin borough to a point on the Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad. The capital stock is 10,000, and Henry C. Pownes is President The other corporations chartered were: The J. M. ICcllv Printing Company, capital Sl'0,000; the MeKinley Tin Plate Company, ot "VVilkinsburg, capital ?50,000, and the Hccla Coke Company, of Jilt Pleasant capital 55,000. " ' HSo the Following Snecestion May Prove a Valuable One to Too. ' XewToik Journal. "To distinguish a delicate flavor and the finer qualities or an article requires good taste. People of gross instincts can appre ciate a penny cigar quite as well as the high est priced one. Some men who take whisky will be Just as well satisfied with the cheap est quality as with the purest and finest flavor. This has been noticeable in the clubs of New Tork or late. Men whose tastes have been refined by years of good living are demanding the purest and best flavored articles they can find, and it is noticeable that theO. F. C brand of whisky is growing very popular and belnjr generally used. We do not know what the 'special qnalities of this whisky are, except that it is more than ten years old, but it is claimed that the superior flavor in addition to its purity is what is causing it to be so greatly adopted by connoisseurs." The whl-ky named above is made by the George T. Stags Co., of Frankfort, Ky, one of tie largost and best distilling houses in the world,and is sold in Pittsburg by JAMES GETTT & CO., ISO First avenue. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOUSEHOLD GRIT CO., IN OUR NEW QUARTERS, 414 WOOD STREET. 414 Delightful and Refreshing Bottled at the Spring Rhenish Prussia Continuation Of the GREATEST SALE of PARLOR SUITS EVER HELD IN THE CITY. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS "Its long continued and world - wide use attests its merit." . NEW YORK MEDICAL JOURNAL. February 13th, i8;a AMUSEMENTS. ORPHANAGE HOME, Perrysville Avenue, Allegheny. Members and friends are cordially invited to visit the Institution on its first Anniver sary and Donation Day, THDB5D1T HEXT. JDHE !. 1102. FE01I 3 TO 8 O'CLOCK P. M. Refreshments will be served free by the Ladies' Auxiliary Society. Contributions of money.drvgoods and groceries will be grate lully appreciated. lack?es may be left witn JJ. N. JACOBS, Sec y, 503 ilarket st., city. Je5-H2-TTsn CYCL0RAMA AUDITORIUM AXD CYCLOKAMA PAEK, Beech stieet and Im in avenue, Allegheny. 1XAUGUKAL mOMEXADE CONCERT, Friday, J use 10, at 8 r. m., bt the GREAT WESTERN JIILITAUY BAND. Admission, 50 Cents. Tickets for s lie at S. Hamilton's mnsie stole, Fiftlt avenne, and at Alex. Ross' music store. Federal street, Allegheny. Je6-S7 ;o Parlor Suits go at $28. 75. $60 Parlor Suits go at $30.0.0. $J5 Parlor Suits go at $35.00. $80 Parlor Suits go at $40.00. $100 Parlor Suits go at $50.00. - $125 Rug Suits go at $60.00. Baby Coaches, Of which we carry the most complete line in the city',' at Your Own Prices and Terms. Don't Fail to Loot Is feet! . If you are shrewd and economical you can put more money in the bank this week by purchasing this week than you can earn in two. NEW A DTEBTI3EMENT8. jTsIMgw Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 412 Market Street corner Diamond, Solicit correspondence and orders from all who wish pure Brandies, Whiskies and Wines for family or home use. They handle none but the best brands known, and each and every one are as good as the best at much less price than elsewhere. Among their best grades of whiskies will be found: Fleming's Old Export, . Quarts, ?1: or six for 15. Finch'! Golden Wedding, Quarts, $1 25; or six for $6. Gibson's Ten-Year-Old, Quarts, $1 CO; or six for $7 60. The above firm has secured the agency for R Storh Brewing Co.'i Bohemian Beer. This beer is an excellent example of good brewing: its appearance is bright, clear and sparkling; its aroma most fragrant, and its taste most agreeable. Comes in cases con taining two dozen pints or two dozen quarts. Price, per case pints, ?2 25; quarts, S3 60. All orders from private families will re ceive prompt attention. Any ot the above goods delivered to all parts of the two cities without charge. In placing your orders for family or home use phase remember the above firm, as these goods are the best the market affords, pua sold only by JOa FLEMING & SON, the Market Street Druggists, Pittsburg, Pa. myxd-rrssa NEW ADV.EKTISE3l.KNTS. INVEST NOWHERE UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN ELLWOOD ITY, PA. SPECIAL TRAIN Via rittsbnrjr and Western Railroad, 10 A.M. Saturday, Jane 11. 50 CTS. FOR ROUND TRIP. X-fc 4tAlikK'& fM ,17 iwmmljw'jr . frmrimmjiImW ml Bf I mUmm SURE (jURErs2? 'Rheumatism Gouts Lumbago HOUSE I GREDII GO., HARRT WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-Niht. Matinees Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. The middle-weight cham pion of the world, HOB TITZSIMMOXS, .And his Athletic and Specialty Company Jc5 2t 414 WOOD ST. 414 Pittsburg's Leading Cash and Credit House. How many thousand of once helpless, js eart-sickened and heart-broken people, who have Buffered fpr years with these most dreaded diseases and have had constant medical attention, changes of climate and costly yislts to supposed healing, baths, that are now singing praises to Bheumacura for haying been cured by it One lady says: "It is the greatest dis covery of the age, for it cured me, and I was the greatest living sufferer." Price $3 per bottle. For sale by all druggists. M'KINNIE & CHESSMAN MTGGO., ClSPenn ave., Pittsburg-, Pa. Je6-TTSn Q MORE FACTORIES LOCATED Q Bringing a Total of 800 MORE Employes, Which Means an Increase of 4,000 Population Before the Year Is Out," And a corresponding increase in values. JSo buy at once. Elwood will have by next September more factories and more employes than some cities of 7,000 population. Thirty-five additional residences are now building, and 200 more are needed for homes of the employes and their families who will be in Ellwood by September 1. Eleven per cent a year in the renting of houses for all who buy and build aside from the rise in values. Every house rented as soon as its plans are made. i h h ft e THE PEERLESS LEAD GLASS WORKS, formerly of Pittsburg, makers of the celebrated Lead Glass Chimneys, must be making glass in Ellwood City by August 15 in their new building, no feet by 290, for which G. W. King, of Pittsburg, has the contract. Will employ nearly 400 people at the start, and will greatly increase their force during the year for new lines of glassware. 0 9 y ELLWOOD CITV has Coal, Natural Gas, Fire Clay, Red Clay, Glass Sand, Molding Sand, Building Stone, Limestone and Water Power, and all these in abundance. h h JllllllS THE NORTHWOOD GLASS WORKS, formerly of Martin's Ferry, O., has let a contract for a building 120 by 280 feet, for which Wallis Carley, of Sharon, Pa., has the contract; they will increase their former force until it is doubled, to meet present demands for their high-grade colored glassware. P ? ? ULLWUUU CliY has three great trunk line systems, giving com petitive freight rates. The B. & O. (Pittsburg and Western), P. R. R. .(Ft. Wayne), and the Lake Shore (P. & L. E.), and, being within the 40-mile circuit, has Pittsburg freight rates. PNo Switching Charges nor Transfer Charges at ELLWOOD CITY. dfib PROP. LITTLE, 73 Sixth ar., is the only Graduate Optician in thn ritv His system assures perfection both In lenses and frames. myS-rra Je7-C0 tt TTARKIS THEATER-MRS. P. HARRIS, XX R. L Brltton, T. F. Dean, pioprietors and managers. Everv afternoon and even ing. MI&SADAGRAYln EAST L1JT2TE. Week June 13 Jf. 5. Wood. tts CHOICE FLOWERS, AT BEN. L. ELLIOTT'S, Telephone 1831. 33 Fifth are., acJlTTS IleiTieen Wowland Maries. M.MAY, SONS & CO. FINE DYEING AND CLEANING. 66 Sixth ave, Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone S0C3. Greenough Street and Gas Alley. OFFICE, 106 GRANT ST. Youghiogheny Gas IS-Prompt servide i YOUGHIOGHENY COAL CO.. LTD.. T. S. KNAP, MANAGER. Telephone 1070. d Steam Coal. White and River Sand. e to manufacturers and consumers generally. ins nuppiou wiiu iivcrsanu. Je7-74TTS uiitnuic iit ii nicpnimiT low price . liniUNILiJ H H ill mil UIIL.U ill UlUUUUIIIi We will Bell you a 5q cases, witn choice of Elrfh funded. 8 SIMZIT'S. TT3 J rPWT., SOLID. -14-KT. GOLD WATCH, rlchlv enoxavad a, Waltham or Hampden Full Jeweled Movement, at the , iuiu warranted strictly as represented, or money re- Wallace Optical Co., MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN, 624 PNN AVENUE. GS) h ft- Our far seeing and reading glasses com bined are the most satisfactory ever worn; indispensable for home, office, publlo enter tainments and shopping;. ap21-TTsu Cor.SmitMeld and Liberty and 311 Smithfield Street. my22-i-Tsu ih&sHr fil AIX KINDS FIELD GLASSES All Prices. STIEREN 644 Smithfield St mr27-rrs STERRETT & ECCLES FOUNDRY CO., a branch of the Vulcan Foundry, of Pittsburg, is now erecting a building at Elwood i, 2 and 3 stories high, 11,200 square feet on the ground floor. This space will be filled with a first-class equipment and appliances, and a full complement of men. Will make stoves, machinery, castings, etc. THE FULMER BRICK CO., makers of Fire Brick, Paving Brick and Red Brick, have located at Ellwood City a very extensive and complete plant. They contract to manufacture brick by July 1st. An extensive BOX FACTORY has also contracted for their building at Ellwood City. Even as we write Messrs. Taylor & Chain have completed the contract for the immediate erection of their extensive planing mill plant at Ellwood City, formerly located at Toronto, Ohio. THE ELLWOOD SHAFTING AND TUBE CO., now making Seamless drawn steel tubing (the only per fect article produced in this country), is increasing its force as rapidly as employes can ba trained in this new American industry. The building is 51,000 square feet on the ground floor. THE ELLWOOD ENAMELING CO. also is engaging a large number of employes. AND SEVERAL OTHER large industries are now negotiating for locations. ELLWOOD CITY AS BUSINESS PROPEETT-Becanse I pfinn INUCQTMCNT it is NOT so near fittsbuig as to starve out I (jUULJ 111 V LO 1 111 Lit 1 a local merohant. I For Tickets, Etc., Inquire of J. J. Dowling, 136 Fifth Avenue. ELLWOOD IMPROVEMENT CO., AGENTS, - - - ELLWOOD CITY, LAWRENCE COUNTY, PA. Jen-ai AS HESIDEXCE PUOPERTT Becanse its values are not destroyed by unsightly shanties. BUY TOTJK SPECTALCES AT SeUatle C Eyes Examined The Reliable qptiolan. jrree. Gmmmmmmmm, ,-. Oilia 'B'WB Artificial Eyes Inserted. J. QIAM0ND,2S&. de29-Trsu THIS INK IS MANUFACTURED -BY- J. HARPER BONNELL CO:, NEW YORK. my30-l-T Getting Heady for Trouble. Another straw showing the aims of the Carnegie Company in the eTent of trouble in Homestead is the erection of a large platform on a level with the Pittsburg, Mc Kecsport and Youghiogheny Railroad, which runs through the property of the companv at this place. Ihis platform is about 75 feet in length, with a flight of steps descending into the mill yard. It is supposed its use will be to help land more non-union men if their ultimatum is not accepted. Flint Class Slen Still Apart. The conference of the "Wage Committee of the manufacturers and officials of A. F. G. V. V., which has been in session for the last two days in the Stevenson building, yesterday adjourned without doing any thing. The committee will meet again alter the holding of the "Workers' Con vention and a peaceable adjustment is ex pected. Knormons .Lino of Boji' TTalsts. Percales, cheviot, madras, linen, sateen, etc. Special values 50c. 75c. 6Se. $1. $1 23 A. Gf. Campbell &, Sois, 27 Pittli avenue LADIES' s GOWNS. GREAT REDUCTION SALE OF 7 fi XA y& -iT i m m m i tfVSKodfcftj S don ft wjR&axm n frorrf. rA frynoHBil Hnrl m I fi CJIuJKfftHHI a seT mMm d H h MUSLIN m lit W r -Cw3K. Ik Mi ill C rtf !&m. Jib m? m M M II Hill 1 1 if ill R ; ill is??0 6 1 lum. ths flrl'l II'fII SEP MiLlvw krn m J I RT ID 'H rim AT EQL 10 dozcn fine EafoSU 11111)159 Mi DO Wash Wrapped, with WSmJti . M29 Wm 1,1:. 111 sizes 12 Ip.H-yL'lLoJIi'U :Wlf.i J K'.BUJKiiHLar.nHli.jlJ 311 'l.' r.l ' j .11 W ' JJmmm , mmmmmmmmmtmmtmmmmmim Blue In-Zephyr, rVrappers, L ioo dozen fine Wash Wrapperfs, with yoke front, Princess back an(i belt, in light and dark stripes; to 44, regular price, 1.51 IIT QOC ioodozei Hi vu digo, Challyl Gingham and Cambric , with round or square yo ke front. AVatteau or Princess back anj i,eit; light and dark patterns; regular price, 51. 75. A IT1 (1)1 Ofl 10 dozen) fine Scotch ft I th llH Sin?ham J or Batiste il iyi,UU Wrappers, made in the latest old gown fashion; li?ht and dark patterns; regular price, f2 50. A Ml (Pf) 1 fl 10 dozen fine Chally H ih I H Wrappers, witli Silk or jj. yui x 1 cashmere iont, cuffs and collarj novel light or dark designs; regn- itu jj.jic, v. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AT HALF PRICE!' We won't enter into any lengthy explanation as to how we can afford to sell Muslin Underwear at Half Price. WE DO IT. That's enough. So ask any questions, but come right in and lay in a full supply. Over 2t;,ooo garments to choose from, and all fresh and new having iust arrived the factory. Remember, too, that every garment is guaranteed to be made of best grade muslin, cut full size and trimmed finely and fully. The zing, too, is nrst-class. Kead sample bargains below: :::::::::::::::::: LADIES' Regular 75c Muslin Gowns, trimmed with lace and cambric ruffle; Down to 25c. Regular $1.25 fine Muslin Gowns, turn-crer collar and cuffs, trimmed with feather stitching, full length and width; Down to 49 C. Regular $1.35 very fine Muslin and Cambric Gowns; Mother Hub bard front and back; turn-over collar and cuffs; Down to 69 C. IDStl CHEMISES. Regular 59c fine Muslin Che mises, square yoke of solid em broidery, trimmed with -lace, in serting and tucks; Down to 29c. Regular 90c fine Muslin Che mises, square yoke of solid em broidery, insertion and tucks; Down to 49c. Regular 70c fine Muslin Gowns, square yoke, trimmed with lace and embroidery; Down to 39c. LADIES' MUSLIN IAMBS LADIES' Musitot Covers Regular 40c good Muslin Drawers, plain hem and tucks, and trimmed with lace edge; yoke band, etc.; Down to 2lt. Regular 50c fine Muslin Draw ers, trimmed with embroidery, cluster of tucks above; yoke band; Down to 29c. Regular 70c very fine Muslin Drawers, trimmed with embroid ered ruffle, and inserting between tucks; Down to 39 c. Regular $1 finest Muslin Draw ers, trimmed with Vandyke em broidery, cluster of fine French tucks above; yoke band; Down to 59c. LADIES' MUSLIN SKIRTS. : r-1 a Regular 20c fine Muslin Corset Covers, perfect shape and well ,made; Down to 8c. Regular 30c fine Muslin and Cambric Corset Covers, embroid ery edging around neck; Down to I6c. Regular 60c very fine and pretty Corset Covers; square yoke of in serting between tucks; V-shape; Down to 24c. Ijifwjm WONDERFUL ATTRACTIONS Regular 50c good Muslin Skirts, trimmed with cambric ruffle; clus ter of tucks abo.ve; Down to 29 c. Regular 80c very fine Muslin Skirts', trimmed with embroidered ruffle and lace; cluster of tucks above; Down to 49c. Regular $1.25 finest Muslin Skirts, trimmed with ruffle of fine embroidery and lace; three clus ters of tucks above; Down to 69c. IN SILK WAISTS. AT CO QC 5 dozen fine Su- A I 4)4.30 rah or dia Silk Waists, with Jarbeau pleating around collar and cuffs and down the front, OB shirred front and back; all colors; regular prices, $4, $5 and $6. AT CO QC 5 dzen finest In A I 4)0 UU dia, China, Surah and Changeable Silk Waists, all new styles; regular prices, $ 7, $8 and $9. T OC 100 dozen Percale A I IMe Waists; with box pleated front and back; assorted patterns; reg ular price, 60c IT ti fi C 10 dozen fine Sateen, A I rfr French Lawn or French Percale "Waists, fancy style or box pleated front and back; stripes or polka dots; regular price, 51. ORDERS BY MAIL OR TELEPHONE FOR ABOVE GOODS PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY FILLED. KAUFMANNS """"i'"'"" " i-BMSSSSSSSBBISBSB FIFTH AVENUE MD SMITHFIELD STREET. KAUFMANNS